Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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TUB marriage of Miss Nancy Correy
Bmlth, daughter ot Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
Somcr.1 Smith, ot 12.13 Spruce street, and
Joseph Wood, Jr., ot Pittsburgh, will
take place on Juno 1".
Mil Elizabeth Jteeves nntl Miss Helen
ncevts, of 1D16 Spruce street, will Klvo
a small 4 o'clock ten this nftemoon to
meet Miss Dorothy Scott, whose rnpnRe
ment to Mr. Maurlco Webster was re
cently announced.
Miss Eleanor Arnett, datlGhler of Mr.
and Mrs William Woodwnrd Arnett, has
had na her finest Miss Alice Cunningham
Clifford, of WHIics-Hnrre. l'a. Miss Arnett
and Miss tllfford spent the week-end at
Erown's-Mllls-ln-thc-Plncs with a lnrpo
house party which Included many ot the
younger set. Miss Clifford will return to
her home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Y. Stewart, Miss
Susan B. Htewart, Miss Mary II. Stewart
and Miss l,llllo Stewart, Mr. William H.
Stewart. 2d, nnd Mr. Antonio 1. Stownrt,
Jr., of 2000 Spruce street, will leave early
In Juno for Bar Haibnr, Me., where they
will occupy their cottngo for the sum
mer. Mr and Mrs John 13. Militant, 3d, hnve
returned to their home, I'cnrltho Knrm,
Lodl, N, Y., from Ithnca. where Mr. Mul
ford wan operated on for appendicitis.
Although much Improved In health, Mr.
Mulford is not ns yet entirely convales
cent from his recent Illness. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Mulford havo spent some tlmo this
winter ns the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer K. Mulford at their homo on
Church road, Wyncote. Mrs. Mulfoid
Will be remembered as Miss Amy Cramp.
Miss C. Beatrice B. Fox, daughter ot Dr.
and Mrs. L. Webster Pox, of 17th and
Spruce streets. Is spending several weeks
In Now York.
lf I.VIwarrl r!nla nnrl hpr rlntichtrr.
JUsb Mary RobortB Coles, of 2010 Do Lan
ccy place, will occupy their cottage In
Bar Harbor for the summer, leaving town
the end of Juno. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lincoln Godfrey, of 2000
Spruce street, will close their town house
early In Juno and occupy a cottage nt
Ventnor which they have leased for the
Mrs, John Markoe, of 1630 Locust street,
will spend the summer at her cottage in
Bar Harbor.
Miss Mary V. Newbold, daughter of
Mr. Clement B. Newbold, of Crc-swlck's
House, Jenklntown, nnd Miss Kate l-
Robertson are spending several days in
Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyttleton Savage, of 1211
Spruce street, have taken a cottago at
Bar Harbor, Mo., which they will occupy
this summer.
Miss Mary Coles, of 2111 Walnut street,
will close her town house in June nnd go
to Northfleld to attend the conference.
She afterward will occupy her house In
Bar Harbor to spend the summer.
Mr. Charles Duffy nnd his daughter.
Miss Mildred Duffy, of the Itlttcnhouse,
are spending a few days at tho Dennis In
Atlantic City.
A bazaar will be held on tho afternoon
and evening of Tuesday, Juno 1, In
Latham Park, Old York load, Oak Lane,
for the benellt of the Ablnglon Memorial
Hospital. Many new attractions nre
being arranged by tho different chairmen.
Special attractions for tho children. Mrs.
James Butler will bo In charge of the
toy table; the nsh pond, Mrs. C. A. Wal
ter; pony drives will bo ananged by Mrs.
Wharton Slnkler. Tea will be served
during the afternoon. Mrs. George Lorl
mer will have It in charge. Tho cako
table is In charge of Mrs. Andrew Grif
fith. The fancy table. Mrs. George W.
Elklns, Jr., Tho golf came, Mrs, W. H.
Wilson, Hnndkerchlefs and neckwear,
Mrs. M. K. N'elffor. Wonderful fresh
vegetables will bo for sale by Mr3. Mar
maduko Tllden. Jr. Things for the
kitchen. Mrs. George Kelly. Candy by
Mrs. Howard Ervicn Flowers, Mrs. Sum
mer Cross. Supper will be served from
6 o'clock to 8 o'clock. Mrs. Cha'rles
Schwartz, aided by many of the younger
set along tho Beading, witl be in charge.
The regular weekly thes dansants whl9h
have been given throughout the winter
in tho Hose Garden of tho Bcllevue-Strat-ford
will bo continued during May. On
Saturday afternoon Mrs. William Cole
man Freeman entertained a "party.
Mr. Wlgton and his daughter, Miss
Theodora Wlgton, who have been spend
ing the winter at the Lincoln, left today
for Atlantic City for a two months' stay.
Along the Main Line
WAYNE. Mrs. A. Guy Holborn Spiers, of
Oak Lane, and her pupils, will give a
concert on Saturday evening, May J, at
S o'clock, at the Saturday Club ot Wayne,
Mr. William H. Chrlstman. of 118 Wal
nut avenue, .motored to Atlantic City,
where he Is spending several days at
the Seaside Hotel. Mr. Chrlstman will
return to his home the (lrst of next week,
Chestnut Hill
Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman Free
man, of St- Martin's, will leave during
the early part of this month for their
summer home In Lebanon, Pa., and on
June 25 will go to York Harbor, Me.
Mr, and Mrs, Meredith T. Jones, of 281
Gowan avenue, have returned from a
visit to Hot Springs, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs, John Story Jenks, of
Seminole avenue, .have taken a cottago at
Northeast Harbor for the summer.
Mrs. John White Geary, of Sunset ave
nue. Is visiting Hot Springs, Va., after
spending several weeks at French Lick
Mrs. Charles Wolcptt Henry, Miss
Gertrude Henry and Miss Kllzabeth
Henry, of Springfield avenue, have re
turned from Aiken, S. C, where, they
Pent the winter months.
HMr, and Mrs, John Earle Marsden. of
oeagwicK Farms, and their children, Miss
Dorothy Marsden, Mlsa Carol Marsden
n4 Master Justin Marsden, who left on
Sunday, April 11, for the exposition, have
been -visiting Mr, and Mrs, Frederick K,
Wood, of 755 Walnut avenue, Riverside.
- During their trip they will stop off
t Kansas City, the Grand Canyon. Los
Angeles. Riverside, Pasadena, Sun Diego
exposition. Del Monte, San Francisco,
Pnver. Colorado Springe, Chicago, De
troit, Buffalo and New York. They will
JBaVo home about Decoration Pay,
Miss Marlon L. Gray, of 237 West Bey-
mOUr ltlMt. fintArlnlna.1 ..a tMAmhai, nt
H the D. t. I Club last week. Those ores-
nt were Mts Helen S. Miller, Miss Clara
f; "finer. Miss Esther De Frehn. Miss
tla M Killiefter Miss Anna Moore,
s Eka, Snyder, Miss Krna F. Funk
nt Miss Erma Bauer.
Wf. and Mm. Be-bert Hooper, of 133 West
Cat pouter street, will spend July at Buck
Hill Falls.
Miss Frnlices Harry nnd her sister, Miss
Virginia Barry, of Ul Wistcr street, left
Saturday for Cape May. N. .1., where
they will occupy their cottage for several
Among (he Ciermnnlown contingent nt
Lougport, N. J., thlq summer, will be Mr
and Mrs. Hnlgh Dangcrficld, who have
taken n cottage.
Mis. Earnest, of SIS llansherry street,
has lilted cnrdi for Wednesdays at home
In May from 3:30 until 6 o'clock
Mr. nnd Mrs Warren II. Polev, of 33
lJast t'psnl street, will leave on Wednes
day for a three month")' trip to St. Louis.
Kansas nnd California, where they will
visit the fairs.
Along the Reading
Mrs. Victor F. Mulford, of Greenwood
avenue, Wyncote, will entertain the Ex
ecutive Committee of tho Women's Cur
rent Hvenls Club of Wyncote on Wednes
day, May !, at 1 o'clock. Among those
present will be Mrs. Henry Spalding, Mrs
George H. Hodcn, Mrs. Allan Reed, Mrs
Robert L. Russell, Miss Nellie Arthelmer,
Mrs. Frank need Whiteside.
Tho club will hold Its annual meeting
and club luncheon on Wednesday, Mny
12. nt tho Huntingdon Vnlley Country
Club, York road, Noble, at 1 o'clock.
A meeting of tho Lognn Relief Associa
tion will be held this evening,
Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Shaplcn will live
on Wludrlm avenue. Lognn. upon their
return from Washington, where they went
for their wedding trip. Mrs. Shnplcn. be
fore her mnriinge Inst week, was Miss
Sophie Modell, of Llndley avenue and
Cnmac street, Lognn
Mr. If. Holmes, of 1122 Llndlcv avenue;
Mr. William Johnson, of WJ Cnmac
street, and Mr. William Haslnm. of M07
Warnock street, Lognn, will give a Mutt
and Jeff dance nt tho Hatfield Country
Club, Wcdncsdny evening, Mny 19.
Mrs. Wlllard and family, of Cnmac
street, Logan, havo returned to their
homo after spending tho winter at At
lantic City.
West Philadelphia
Tho last of the series of dlnncr-dnnces
which have been given throughout tho
season nt Hnmllton Court took place Sat
urday night. Mrs. Albert Leo Coflln en
tertained 12 guests nt dinner before tho
dnnce. Mrs. Henry S. Mustln had six
guests; Mrs. L. S. Adamson lintl eight
guests: Mrs. Axel Roiscll entertained
seven guests; Mrs. C. E. L. llntch had
five guests, nnd Mrs. Benjamin West en
tertained a party of eight.
Mrs. Henry S. Mustln gave a luncheon
of 35 covers on Saturduy at Hamilton
Mrs. Millard Fillmore Frlshmuth, of 4015
Pine street, has Issued Invitations for a
luncheon at the Mnrlyn, 40th and Wnl
nut streets, on Tuesday, Mny 11.
South Philadelphia
Lieutenant R. F. Blackburn, U. S. N.
and Mrs. Blackburn aro receiving con
gratulations on tho birth of a daughter.
Mrs. Henderson Weir, Mrs. Frank L.
Do Armond and Mr. nnd Mrs. FranK
S. Garrett spent tho week-end at Ile
hoboth. Miss Catherine Nyland, of lf37 Morris
street, and Miss Anna Wnrd. of 2133 Tas
ker street, have Issued cards for a euchre
nnd "500" card party, to be given on May
H nt tho homo of Miss Nyland. The af
fair Is for the Rev. William Drobel, of
Lawrytown, Pa.
Miss Esther L. Fox, of 918 South 5th
street. Is visiting Miss Anne Pleet, of
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Charles Miller Welld. of
2316 South Broad street, and Mrs. Welld's
sister and brother-in-law. Dr. nnd Mrs.
Frederick S. Park, of 4103 Glrnrd avenue,
spent the week-end In Wilmington ns the
guests of Miss Anna R. Young, Mrs.
Welld entertained her bridge club en Fri
day nfternoon, when her guests were
Mrs. Wlllinm Allen, .Mrs. Harry Kborline.
Mrs. Frederick- S. Park. Mrs. John Kevfer,
Mrs Loren Kline, .Miss Amelia Fculer,
Miss Elizabeth Davis and Mrs. Clement
Captain W. W. Low, U. S. M. C. and
Mrs. Low entertained at dinner, Friday
evening, nt their home In the Glrard Es
tate. Covers were laid for nine quests.
Mr. find Mrs. Louis Kndano announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Sophie Kndane, to Mr. Meyers Rubin.
Delaware County
A party of Delaware County's society
folk is leaving shoitly for tho Pan-Amerl-can
Exposition. They plan to make an
extensive tour of the West, and will not
arrivo home for several months. Mem
bers of tho party Include Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Drowes, of Darby; Master Thomas
Drewes; Mrs. Mary Drewes, of Paschall,
and Misa Ellen Drewes, of Media.
The Norwood Fire Company, whose
annual fairs are always so well attended,
has planned to give a band concert this
year Instead of the usual fair. The con
cert will take place tomorrow evening,
under the general supervision of Mr, Tay
lor, Mr. Gordan, Mr. Bonsall and Mr. Mc
Clelland. Wilmington
Miss Frances BrincMe left last week for
San Francisco, whence she will sail by
the United States transpoit Thomas on
May S for Manila. She a III be gone about
eight inonUis.
Mr. and Mrs. Tlussell If. Dunham and
the Misses Dunham motored to Atlantic
City for the week-end,
Mrs. Rodney Cause, of Woodbury, N. J
Is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs,
Horace Gause.
Mr. and Mrs, Fraiilt H. Thomas are
spending the week at the Marlborough
Btenhelm, Atlantic City, N. J.
Mrs. J. Frank Ball has returned from
Stamford, Conn., where she visited Mr.
and Mrs. Hugo Schlatter.
Notice for the Society page Ml
be accepted and printed in the Eve
ning Ledger, tut all such notices
mutt ba written on one aide of the
paper, mutt ba signed in full, itrtth
full addrest, and when possible
telephone number mutt be given.
Bend all such communication to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger,
608 Ohettnut street.
Unless these requirements are
carried out so that verification may
be possible, the notices will not be
, ''Jr:"",": ; " ... .-...-i. ... J rimtr h M.irrc.ui.
Northeast Philadelphia
On May 15 the Columbia Country Club,
prominent In tho northeastern section of
tho city, will gave a supper, followed by
a dnnce, ns tho opening event of Its sum- I
mer house at Ncwpoi tvllle, Pa. Tho (
party will leave from tho homo of Mr. i
Samuel Sachs, ot 3032 Frankfoid avenue.
In automobiles, to Ncwportvlllc, on tho
Neshamlny C'rceU. Pn. Thoso pro cut will
bo Mrs. Joseph Wngner, Mrs. Elliott Coi
nlsh, Mrs. Albert Thorpe, MIsh Anahcl
Ciozler, Miss Sadie Simpler, Miss lioglna
Tincey, Miss Betty MncDonnlil, Mls
Alleo Hanney, Miss Jane Kerrs, Mrs.
Charles Irwin, Mrs. William Donnham,
MIsh Irma Bnctzcl, Miss Kntherlno Eck
hartlt. Miss Mnrlon llnrrls, Miss Bernloo
Krcwson, Miss Blnncho Dnnnhnin, Mlis
Ida Kendall, Miss Rose Gottlieb, Mr. John
Eckhardt, Mr. John K. Crozler, Mr. Fred
Eckhnrdt. Mr. Hnrry Greenwood, Mr.
Chniies Irwin, Mr. Samuel Sachs, Mr.
Benton McCatidloss, Mr. Herbert Cro.ler,
Mr. William Uhlmann, Mr. William niuin
hain. Mr. Harris Hiimer, .Mr. William
Livingstone, Mr. Hnnv Tiacey. Mr. Alev
nnder Watt. Mr. David niack. Mr.
August rielble, Mr. Joseph Uhlni.inn, Mr.
John Nuttcl, Mr. Jnmes Phillips. Mr.
Elliott Cornish, Mr. Aleumrter Thorpe,
Mr. Emll Gramllck. Mr. Joseph Wngner,
Mr. Patrick Casey, Mr. Glciidon Arm
strong nnd Mr. William Wntt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph . euormnn, wnn
have been In Los Angeles for the last
two years, and who have Ju.st visited tho
Panama Exposition, havo returned to the
East and aro now residing at 1S30 North
7th street.
North Philadelphia
Miss Vernona White, of 3126 Clifford
street, entertained at luncheon Today,
when her guests were Mlsd Marian Her
tolet, Miss Bessie Rosenberg, Miss Ann
Smlthemaii. Miss Marian Hclnltsh. Mls
Eleanor Dealy and Mrs. Jonn 'Jugntcn.
An automobile paity going to Egypt
Mills on Mny 11, to remain over the' week
end, will Include Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
R. Wcltzel, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Pniker.
Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Anrons, Mr. nnd
Mrs. H. Clay Dlngce.Mr. and Mrs. Lclgh
ton Kramer and Mr. and Mis. Robert
The Chatham Literary Society will hold
a humorous debate tonight In the Buptlst
Temple. Broad nnd Berks streets. Tno
subjeot will be: "Resolved, That a
Cianky Man I a More Lovnblo Creature
Thnn n Nagging Woman." Tho speakers
will be; Afllrmatlve. tho Rev. Frank M.
Orav. Mr. 11. J. Cattell, Mr. C. Oscar
Beasley; negative. Prof. J. C. Phillips,
Mr. Harold Loeb nnd the Rev. W. E. P.
Mr. Harry Bailey, of 1519 Fillmore
street, who has been abroad for soma
time, will arrive In New York today.
Miss Nina Halvey, of 1739 Diamond
street, has been spending the week-end
as the guest of Miss Lorotta McCann, ot
7010 Tulip street.
Miss Mary Brophy, of 702f Tulip street,
entertained at a theatre box party Satur
day afternoon, followed by a supper at
the Adelphla Hotel. There were six guests
Mr. and Mra. Goorge Thornton and fam
ily are occupying their new home at 1211
Cottman street, Fox Chase.
Mrs. E. Lewis Meadowcroft. of 4702
Large street, sailed today from New York
for a six week's trip abroad.
The Rev. Father John Edward McCann,
rector of St. Bernard's Church, at Easton,
Pa., Is visiting his relatives at 7010 Tulip
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellwood Wick, of 21st
and Venango Btreets, entertained at cards
ou Saturday night, when their guests In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Allen, Jr., Mr. nnd
Mrs, Irwin Balr, Mr. and Mis. Horace
Klelnfelder and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, of 5908
Pulaski avenue, are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a daughter, Alyse
Batteraby Henry, on April 19. Mrs. Henry
will be remembered as Miss Helen Bat
tersby, daughter of Mrs. William JI, Bat
teraby, of 3HS North Broad street.
The Embroidery Club of which Mrs.
Frank F. Baral, of 3113 North 16th street,
Is a member will be entertained at lunch
eon on Wednesday by Mrs. William
Schenele, of 2018 East Venango street.
Others members aro Mrs. Allen Weller,
Mra. Wclrtch Lord, Mrs, Charles Fox,
Mrs, William Slnsr, Mrs. Frank Emery,
Mrs. George. Wollard and Mrs. Jams
Camden and Vicinity
MlsA Madeleine Anderson, of Altoona.
Is visiting Miss Marion Oesterle, of Lin
den avenue, for several weeks.
Mr. Samuel B. Mackintosh has re
turned to her borne in Audubon, aftr
s. mix trek' trjp-la Calif amis.
1 t
I . ,v'' 1
rhiito hv Mnrrpau.
A popular matron of this city.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Von Bouke. of
Tokio, J:ip.in, nro receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a son. Mrs. Von
Bouke will be remembered ns Miss Isa
bella Lniidls, of Lansdowne.
Miss Ella Ogden, of South Lnnfrdowne
aienue, Is nt Atlantic City for several
w eeks.
Mrs. .Tnck Wright, of Stewnrt avenue,
Is spending several months In Porto Rico.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Jackson W. Study havo
returned to their liiuno at 52 North High
land avenue, after n two weeks' trip
down the coast to New Orleans and the
Gulf of Mexico.
Society Belle Said to Be En
gaged to Relative of King Al
fonso. Friends of Miss Ruth Waters, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Jason Wnters, of
this city, aro wondering today whether
she will carry out her threat to marry
Prlnco Ludovlco liguatelly d'Aragon In
New York tomorrow. The rumored an
nouncement of the pair's engagement has
made a stir In this city.
Ho waver, a very close friend of Mlsa
Waters, with whom alio recently spent a
few days, is Inclined to doubt that the
marriage will take place. "I havo watched
her go through many affairs that proved
nothing serious In the end, and t am In
clined to doubt tho Importance of this
rumor. Her parents do not want her to
take the step yet, and it Is not likely that
she will."
Miss Waters, who Is now visiting on
Long Island, met tho prince, who is said
to be a distant relative of King Alfonso
of Spain, while visiting her half-sister.
Baroness Jacques de St. Mare, at Nice,
France. The prince, who is 30 years
old. is known in this country, especially
at Narragnnsett Pier, where he and Miss
Waters were often seen together.
Bills Offered to Repeal Defective Act
and Make Another,
TRENTON, May S. In acordance with
Governor Fielder's call for a special
session of the Legislature to correct a
defect in the act providing for a special
election on woman suffrage and other
constitutional amendments, October 13.
both Houses met shortly after noon to
day. Two bills to correct the error were In
troduced. The first (repeals (the law
enacted at the regular session, regarded
as useless because of Inconsistency re
garding ballots. The principal bill pro
vides a special election shall be held
Tuesday, October 19, subject to all Jaws
regulating elections. It Is especially pro
vided that all laws respecting Illegal
voting and corrupt election practices
shall apply to this election. The bill
specifies the form of ballot to be used.
First on ballot wllle be the woman suf
frage question, this being, "Shall this
abendment, extending the right of vote
to woman cttiiens be adopted?" Opposite
this question are the words "yes" and
"no," with spaces for the marking- of
X. Indicating a vote for or uealnst
"Cranky Man vs, Naggine Woman"
Dr. B. J. Cattell will argue for the af
Urinative on a resolution that "A Cranky
Man Is a More Lovable Creature Than a
Nagging Woman" when the question Is
debuted tonight by the Chatam Literary
Society at the Baptist Temple. Broad and
Berks streets. The Rev. Frank M Gray
will assist Doctor Csttell In tho affirma
tive. Oppos4 will bs Prof. Jess Phillips,
Harold Leb said tb Rov. W. B, F, Haas.
Who will nmke her debut next
Mr. Finnk West, who was stationed nt
Newport News, spent tho Inst few itnyt,
with his parents on Suuiiysldo avenue.
Ho left Saturday on the United Slntes
steamr Chester on a rrulso to Turkey.
Tho Roys' Guild, of St. .lnnicn' opened
Its bnseb.ill season Saturday, when It
met tho Rosewood team, of Allegheny
Saturday marked tho 69th anniversary
of the parish of St. James tho Less, nnd
In commemoration of the event an Intei
estlng service was held. Tho sermon
was delivered by thb Rev. George W.
Lincoln, of St. John's pnrlh. German
town. Tho Fenst of Philip nnd James
was observed Saturday.
Mrs. William J. Beatty, of 4311 Msuia
yunk avenue, nnd Miss Fannie Norbury
will leave nn Wednesday fur Allentown,
Pn., to attend the convention of the King's
Daughters. Mis. llnnnah Taylor, who
him been Urn guest of Mrs. Beatty, has
returned to her home In Sonicr's Point.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hnrry Stephan, of
4f.fi Monnstcry avenue, havo returned from
a visit to frionds in Woodbury, N. J.
Bonwtt Teller &J2o.
Zhe SeaJzltJ cSAoft bOnomationA
Xe ' UranS
EXPOsrnoNi bl ahg
The Annual May Sale of Lingerie and Negligees at Marked
Price Reductions. The Sale That Differs from All Others
Handmade Nightgowns., , .1,50 to 79.00
Handmade Chemises. .... ,1,10 to 12L50
Handmade Drawers.,,,,. ,95 to 9,75
Handmade Combinations ,1,95 to 18,50
Crepe de Chine Gowns,. ,
Crepe de Chine
Combinations .... ,
Crepe de Chine Chemises
Crepe de Chine Drawers.,
Pussy Willow Gowns , , , ,
Pussy Willow Chemises. ,,
Pussy Willow Drawers. , .
THE Church of tho Most Blessed
Sncrnment, 66th street nnd Chester
avenue, was the scene of u pretty wed
ding on Thursday, April '&, When Miss
Kntharlno V. McBrldc Vficamo the bride
of Mr. John J. Hennessey. The ceremony
took pine at 9 o'clock, tho Rev. Father
Elmer Ktapleton, spiritual director of the
Klrlln Club, of which tho bridegroom Is
n member, officiating. The bride, who
was attended by Miss Kntherlno O. Fin
lev ns maid of Jionor, was beautifully
gowned In white satin, trimmed with
duchesso Inre, nnd she carried a shower
bouquet of bride roses nnd lilies of tho
tnllev Mr Hennessey was attended by
Mi 1'nnl Dawson as best mini.
wedding breakfast followed at the
home of the bride, 1818 South fth street,
after which the young couple left for a
trip South, nnd on their return they will
be at home, after June 1, at 6611 Angola
tenure. West Philadelphia.
The wadding of Miss Sadlo A. Tllumeli
ilia!, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A.
Ulumenthal, of 1225 Westmoreland street,
nnd In Frank J. Kutchcr. of 1921 Dick
inson stieet, wits solemnized Inst night at
fi ii clock In the Koneseth Israel Temple,
Hroad street above Columbia avenue. The
Rev Dr Joseph Krnuskupf oflliiated nt
Eighteenth Annual Competition Beinp
Held at U. of P. Today.
The 18th nnnunl competition for the
John Stownrdson Memorlnl Pcholnrshlp In
Architecture is being hold today at the
University of Pennsylvania. The value
of tho scholarship Is $1000, and the win
ner must pursuo the study of architecture
In this or foreign rountrlci nt the discre
tion of the mamiglng committee
Only lesldents of the Stale ot Pennsyl
vania who nro undei SO ears of ago nro
eligible in compete for the scholarship.
Qualifying examinations hnve been held
In fieehand drawing, history of nrchltec
tuie. building construction nnd Inngunge,
In addition to nn rxamlnatlon In design
The final drawings of the last examina
tion were submitted before 10 o'clock this
The ii wnrd of the scholarship will bo
made by a Jury of architecture, none of
which Is n member of the managing com
mittee. Prof. Warren P Laird, of tho
School of Architecture nt the t'nlverilty
of Pennsylvania. Is chairman of tho com
mittee In charge. Other members nio
Professors Charles C. Harrison, Milton B.
Mednry, Jr., John Molltor and John P. B.
Dinner Tonight Will Start Campaign
for $250,000 Building.
The City (iuh will open Its membership
campaign tonight looking toward the pur
chni of n $210,000 home In South Broad
street with a dinner at the Hotel Adel
phla. In keeping with Its policy, the or
ganization will sound the keynote, 'The
City ClubStands for Philadelphia," during
Its cntupalgu, nnd the piccnt members
believe, in Mew of the Interest which has
been aroused, that they will he successful
In htalniiic a membership sulticlcnt to
maintain their proposed now home.
A number of prominent nnn who have
taken a conspicuous pnit In successful
chic movements will address tonight's
rzj . i
"BonteH" Nightgowns 85 to 4,95
"BonteU" Combinations 95 to 3,95
"Bontell" Chemises 75 to 2.95
"BonteH" Petticoats 95 to 3.95
.3.25 to 13.75
.25 to 11,75
1.95 to 4.95
Crepe de Chine Bodices ., . .95 td 3,95
Chiffon Bodices, , 1.45 to 4.95
Pussy Willow Bodices. ,.,,,2.95 to 3.95
Lingerie Bodices. ....,..,.. .95 to 2.95
.7.95 to
.4,95 to
.2.95 to
il mm?m
tho ceremony, which was followed by a?
dinner nt tho home of the brldo's parents.
Mr BlumenthBl gave his daughter In
ninrrlnge. She wore her traveling suit
of mldnlght-hluc gaberdine cloth, with a
brnld lint of tho same color, nnd a corsage ,
bouquet of lilies of the valley and orchids. ,
Miss Marian M. Blumenthal, the mnld of
honor, was her sister's only attendant,
Phe wore a smart street costume of dark
blue tnffetn, with a hrald hat to match.
Hr nnd Mrs. Kutcher left for ft tour of
tho New I'.ngland States, They will re
turn the end of Mny. nnd will make their
home In West Philadelphia,
A New York wedding that will be of
unusual Interest to PhlUdelphlnns wilt
take place today, when Miss Gertrude
Muni on Smith will become the brldn of
Mr. Lawrence dishing Goodhtlo, ot Bos
ton. The ceremony will take place at
4 "0 o'clock in tho home of tho brlde'a
parents, Prof, and Mrs. Mtinroe Smith,
16 Hast 17th street. Miss Smith is the
granddaughter of General 'Shlppcn Hutde
koper, who lives In the Clinton.
"What's DoingTonight?"
Unities' Iinll, lesion' Temple, 1310 Sprint
Garden Mrert, o clock
Nortlmeftl Htmlnrss Men's Anftoclatlon, 2533
Celumliln. avenue. 8 nVlok. free,
Cl'iiter .Menue Improvement AtaocUtlnn.
Flri-t I. V. thurcli, Cheater (Ucnue and C2d
slrr-t, s o'cloi'k Kre.
lMcsyimk Avenue Ilualneas Men's AaaocU
tlnn, l'Hayunk mrntio and Moore street; S
o'rlnrk. Tree
lit (Mull membership campaign dinner,
Hniel Adelnhla. 7 o'clock
I'opulnr I'linccrl. Philadelphia Orchestra,
Acndimv of Mualc, R o'clock.
Lc-tuio l tin' lii Jolm Drlacoll, "Ualiac:
Mrturlnllam." Catholic Olrta' lllcli Pchool.
IMiutuct. Mraalnh Lutheran Church. 10th and
Jintrsun striata
LMinte. Chatham Uternry Society, tha Bap
list Temple. 8 o'clock.
r.qi'AJ. ftianchisb societt.
Noon Opcn-alr meeting on I'oatofTlcs ptaxa.
!Uh nnil Cheatnut atreeta. Speaker, Mlas
Bertha SnpoMta, organizer for Iho aoclety.
niuht o 'clock Mian Anna McCue, former
Kenalncton mill worker nr.il present organiser
inr the aocletv in Kenalnxlon, will apeak at
lh" home of Mrs. H. r. Huriong, 700 South
loth atreet.
Might o'clrck flpen-nlr meeting- at 8th and
South atreeta. Speakcri, Mlas Bertha Sapo
ltn anil Ill's niga M. It. Uroea.
Blitht o'clock Cnnvaaaera' rally for the fith
I.ritlalathei Ilitrtct nt the home of Dr. Kleanor
M. 11 Moore. l(rJ2 Clinton street After tha
I meeting ft canvass for 'Voles for Women" will
, lie m.-ule of the entire Oth District.
I VI.VEt-A.Vn. N. .1
i lislit o'clock Oporge O. Bwarti, of Wenonah,
! V .1 . will ancak before the town Inrfire M-
Sn-artz baa been active In suffrage elrrles for
nmo seats He baa often apoken In Philadel
phia under the auaplce.s or the Fqual Franchise
Maternity Hospital Elects
Tho Jewish Mntcrnlty Hospital ha
elntofl the following oltlcers: President,
Milliud lleln. vlco president, Mrs. A.
llctzberg; secretary, Mrs. Max Behrend;
treasurer. Simon Ahtama: financial secre-tnrj-.
Kdwnid nrylnwukl; medical di
rector. Dr. I.udwlg Loeb.
SALVER." Surrounded by
her entourage the Queen was thus
presented with her chemise. Such
was the pomp and ceremonial of
the "Lever" of the French Court
in the glorious reign of the grand
monarch, Louis XIV.
Worthy of such presentation is the1
exquisite lingerie concerned in the
Bonwit Teller Exposition de Blanc.
"-n .