Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
gjUMWiM mi m Dp)pniM ,i !i , . 1 1; f . ) inpinntipww a i mmm- imji ypjJIP IHMPHJ. II ,1 lli 'W' A''-'W4l JJj-JPM'4jWJl.f'lPI ' - i"l SU EVOTnTGF ElTOtFIim--PTTXD"AXTin;PHTA MONDAY, WAY 3, iDTo: $ wW&W w- 3 : ' h. r' f! h "t THE PHOTOPLAY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Photoplay Editor of the Evening i.daerwlllbe pleated to answer quec lloni relatlno to his department. Questions relating to family affaire of actor and actresses are barred abso lutely. Queries will not be answered by tetter. All letters must be addressed to Photoplay Editor. Evening Ledger. if Jay IJniniiiiel, who has charge of the Pslilbltora1 nooUIiiR omcca in vine aireci, wnars a broad mnllo of Impplnesi today, Less safely that there's a fllrl In the eas As " miner of absolute fact and vlolAtlnR the strictest rctiucsli for pro found sccrce, It mny 1)0 stated that Mr. 1 " WILLIAM E. SHAY Fox Film star, appearitif in "The Clcmcnccau Case," at the Globe Theatre Kmanucl li no longer heart-whole. Ho has capitulated to Miss Bella Flock, a charming miss, born and raised In this city, to whom Mr, Kmanucl wilt render an account of himself on and after date. Last niRlit Miss Flock announced her engagement to Mr. Kmanucl nt a leccp tlon given for that purpose, In her home, 1539 North 33d street. Everybody was Theatrical Baedeker ADELPHI "Peg o' Jly Hcarlai' with an ex cellent cast. Hartley JlannePV popular and amusing comedy of the Impetuous joung Irish girl and what slip does tn a sedate English family Flrst-rnte nmusement. Last neek 8:lfl BROAD "Slio's In Again," with Helen Low ell. An American erslon, la Kngland, of "Ma Tame llontleur," a. Frenth farce by Paul Gaaut. The usual computations mado more In the last act than In the others. 8:15 FonnCST "Tim Lady In Ued," with Valll Valll A new musical comedy Imported from Berlin nnil lately produced nt Atluntlc Cits, more lu tho Inst act thin In the other,. Last pel S IT. LYRIC "Tonight's the Night," with Emmy Wchlen, Jlnurlcc Fnrknn and nn excellent English cast. The "hook," by Fred Thomp son. H based on tho popular farte, "Pink Dominoes." The music Ih by Paul A. Ru bens Opening tonight 8:15 STOCK i AL,.VUT-"D'Arty of the Guards," with Wil liam ingersoll nnd his new stock company. Louis Knn Shlpmnn's drama of Colonial dajs In Philadelphia will bo tho opening hill of the new future In a resident company. Opening tonight 8:15 VAUDEVILLE KEITH S-'Ihn Spring Fashion Show: Ilulh Itoye, Toby Claude, In "La Petite Itovuette"; Ea Condon, Jack I)ecrezuo nnd company, in "The ynme Old Thing"; Hilly Crlpps, in "The Volunteers"; Harry nnd Eva Puck, the The Statues, Wills and Hassan and Hrflrst.KMIir fCpu . Mnilp,.. NIXON'S GltAND "Tim Sorority Girls"; Cal uean anu .-viano oy, jiaire ana liiuy nan. In "Tho Circus Girl": tho Gallerlnt Four. Marjorle Fairbanks nnd company, In "The Elopement". JIack nnd Williams, Ituth and Kitty Ilenrv nnd lnuchlnr mni'ltfl. WILLIAM PENN "College Girl Frolics," with Artnur west, inny nouncer a circus, FranK I.eltoy Hrookr, Alberta Moore nnd Myrtlo Voung Charles Gordon and Charles White, Gaston Palmer and Charles Chaplin In "A Jitney Klopement " nt'Itl.ESQUB. DUMONT'S Dumonfs Minstrels In "The rtld- aie-uooK wenning. wnn tons or diamonds, and 'The Bov Scouts In Cnmn." CASINO-ProUcs of IMS In "Oh, Slush'" and "The Battle of All Souse." TROm:rtO-"Tlni Follies of Pleasure" In Tho Girl From nroadaay" and "The Hotel Cabaret," there the Exhibitors' League, tho various film exchange men, other friends of Mr Kmnnuel and, of course, the family nnd friends of Miss Flock. Kmially. of course, everybody had n royal time nnd, Inci dentally, everjbody congratulated Mr Emanuel on his good fortune In winning the hand of such n fine girl. Globe's New Policy beginning with today, the Olobe Thea tre will Join the ranks of the high-class photoplay house, the opening attraction for the liist three dn.n of the week be ing "A Celebrated Case," based on the fnntous romantic plnv of Alexander Pu mas. Thedn Hnrn and William 14 Slim Mill ennct the principal roles. A private lew of the film contltmi the geneial repute that It Is one of the mot striking which that master producer, William Fo, has ever turned out. For the last three dass, Valll Valll will bo seen In Mrs. Flsko'a success "The lllgh Hoad, " tv play of great power I ncc Injured Tom Ince, vice president and general manager of tho New lork Motion Pic- ture Corporation, one of tho best known directors In the business, was danger ously Injured In I.os Angeles by the over turning of his nutomobltc, he being pin ned under the car, lie was on the verge of a nervous breakdown ns the result of wotk on a big production, nnd tho ac cident may prove very serious, owing to internal injuries. Mr, luce Is a brother of ltalph Ince, of tho Vllagraph. He will be laid tip for somo time, nccoidlng to the present word from the coast. "A Price for Folly" One of the most remarkable lllm stories eer produced by tliu Vitnginph Com pany, nnd hut iccenllv completed by J George D. linker, Is entitled "A I'rlco for Foil," When Mr. linker llrst le celvcd the manuscript he had Instruc tions to produce It In one part of a thou sand feet, with 33 scenes. No less than thice people lost their lives In the orig inal short story, nnd the action wns so crowded with dramatic situation", so powerful to sway tho human emotions nnd so full of the "meat" that makes for a feature picture. Mr. linker kept adding, first scenes, then reels, until, when tho negative wns turned In, the film story measured 7009 feet, with 2"0 scenes. This, later, was cut to five parts, with 182 scenes, tho length announced for release. Mr. Hakcr had accomplished tho hitherto unheard of feat of complet ing a llvc-patt story fioni a one-part manuscript. The heads of the Vltagr.ipli Company wcie skeptical as to the "holding" power of this elaborated stoi.v, nnd ns a test, nssemblcd the mctnbcis of the negative, printing and Joining departments, num bering 70, workers who are continually handling film and become Immune to the usual film "stunts," nnd had "A Trice for Folly" run, that they might sec how It would bo taken by a disinterested audi ence. The unnnlmous verdict, In the ver nacular, wai "gieat," and nrrnngementa nro now under way for nn early release. In the cast for "A Price for Folly," tho principal members Include Kdlth Storey, Antonio Moreno, Charles Kent, Louisa Henudet, Charles Kent Brown and Harry Morcy. The Film Came Back ENchnngemen know what it means to have a real of pictures come back with a hundred feet or so missing. Sometimes tho lost film Is recovered; more times It In not. Who takes it, nnd what they do with It Js not alwnjs clear, but operators are suspected of making these cut outs. IMF Jki & m n m l .shh m, i :iKM u :mmA . el 1'IIOTOFI.AYS CHESTNUT STREET orfiS'uSE Home o H'orlrt's Greatest rhotoplays 4 T I M K S I A I I. V Afts., 1 3 Eves., 7 0 10c, 18c, S3o "GRAUSTARK" EMPRFSS main st. JUiViriVJCiOO MANAYUNK (, in ' The Weddinpf Rinp Chaplin inThe Gentleman of Leisure LEADER I'OIITY.FIIlhT STHEKT and EI.8IE JAMS IN THE CAPRICES OF KITTY PARK niDOE AVE, DAUPHIN ST. oinuiirri im( iiki u THE CUP OF LIFE JEFFERSON A CHILD OF GOD .M RIS KENSINGTON ANU AIXE ClIIENY AVKNUEH THE I'KAIl Ol' ROM) 8TEEET I1I.ACK IlOV NO. 7 n CHAI'UN In OUHSIB II I VA 1.8 JONAH TM'ENTY-NINTII and HAUPIIIN STH. BI'IIINO nKHOHTS COOPEItSTOWN. N. Y. IO-TE-SA-GA 53 iflP n Otsego Lake, Cooperetown, N, y. L uours by nail from Nw York City. bUi; 0lmB IS to October 1st MUTOltlNO vn Dakoti. I wst 72d BL. Nsw York. ATLANT10 CITY. N. J. CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jersey The Leeds Company IsCXdlfiV lllsrh.fltiia fnArat-Tim 1TaI 1VLBEMARLE yirlnl v.. nr. Bch. cip. un parlors, prlvat baths, etc; xcl. tablt! HO up wnu , 3 Up dally. Bklt. J P. COPH. BngjyN'g.iULL8-lN-THE-riNE3. K. J. THE INN" Open All Year n thousand seres pines; lakes, sprints. 'Aoriia wek-en4 nl tourist resort Famous southsrn cookln Nsw manasjement. I. L. 4. M. S. UUDOERS. OCEAN CITY, N. J. HOTKI. TinTmrrriV rM n,fiu ncinif -ptan catjr's cooltsi most (comfortable hotel, irooi ocean, bay ana lalet. M hour by !Y to Ailanttu City Noted for culsloe June Mib Booklet It R EOOY Prop FEBN HOCic, PA. JJIvWORTH INN 7 mites from Beadlrjt i. how open. Alfred Larzelst, KUMMKaSSk MISS BELLA FLOCK whose cnRaBcment to Jay Eman uel, of the Exhibitors' Exchange, was announced last night .toe Miles, of t.loyds Kllms who Is Imnil HnR n series of comedy pictures, reccntlv hnil nn experience nlotiB these lines thnt wns so unusual ho roultl not resist tell Iur nhottt It. One of the reels he wns ImnillliiK wns ISO feet short when he look It. N'o effort wns mnde to locate the mlsshifr pnrt nnd Ihe reel wns continued In service. The other dny when tho plc luie cnine haclt to the Uovd' I'll in e chnnKe for Inspection, behold the mlssInK ISO feet hud been leitored In nil his Ioiik experience .loo rieclnied thnt this Is the llrst time a piece of film ever en me bnck Stolon Films Copies of the Thnnhouer two-reol photoplny. "The Final llcckonlnir," nnd the Kellnnce single reel photoplay, "Tho Kpress Messenger." hae been lost or stolen from the .Mutual Film nxchnnKo In New York city. Any Information con cerning these two subjects will he jjrcntly appreciate?! by the mamtKcmcnt of the corporntlon Address communications to J N' N'aullv, vice president, Nn. "I West Md street, New York. CONVERSE HOME RANSACKED Thieves Force Entrance to Rosemont Housej Family in Italy. Thieves, who apparently took plenty of time to force nn entrance to the home of Johh V. Converse, nt nosemont, yester day, ransacked every room on tho third floor of the house. The robbery was dis covered today by Archie McOrew, super intendent of the estate. How much was tnken by the thieves will not be known until an Inventory Is obtained nnd checked Up with the con tents of the house. The Converses nre In Italy. They closed the nosemont house some months ago. Tho thieves entcied by forcing n bnth- oom window on the first floor Aptur- i ently nothlnR was disturbed on that or I the second floor. On the third llooi. ( however, the thieves performed a thftr- ough job, prylnc the lids from pncklnrr cases. foiclnR trunks and bureaus and scattering their contents nil over the t Moor Captain Mulhall, of the Wayne police, Is In chnrge of tne investigation Photoplay Baedeker t'llESTNI'T STltEKT OPEIIA llOl'SE At the oprn house brnlnnlnn today a motion picture crslon of George Itnrr McCutcheon'a noel. (Irnustnrk, ' villi tie presented for n en ftnKement of one vnek The photoplay was produced hv the Esssnny Film Company and features the well-known screen elsr, Prancls X IK'shmitn, who Is quite a favor ite nmoii inolnu picture fans. tleerly 1titne, also n nell-knnwn (Urn player, la seen In the role of tho heroine. til OHE This week the (llobe Theslie Joins tho rnnks of slnndnrd plnvhouves, turnlnK in phntoplnys The schedule nr admission prices his been fixed nt 10, 15 nnd 2.r. cents Tho performances will be continuous from 11 n m. to 11 p. m. The Initial piny opening lonluht will ho Alexandre Dumas' "Tho I'lemenccftii Case " Tor Iho last half of th wek. operlng nn Thursday, the attraction will ho ''The lllah Iload " CltOS1? KEYS-Thla week the Cross Keys Theatre will abandon nuclellle temporarily and Inniimirnte n sprlna; and summer policy of preenllnR hlj;h-rlses photoplajs The Initial (ifferlng Is "The Kternal City. ' with Paulino rrnlerlck In n leading; role LEAIUMt-'llie Leader Theatre at list and Ijinrasler nrnua, will present this week a moat pretentious Rnlaxv of tllstlnaiilsh'd stars Klsle Jnnls will appear on Monday nn,l Tuesday In "Caprices of Kitty " On ednedn the Dailleh actress, Dettv Nansen, will he seen In "nna Karenlnn " On Thursday. Beatrice Mlchelena will ho seen In "Tho l.llv o Poverty Flats " On Friday ami 8iturda, Ixils Weber nnd Phillips Snnllev will mako a Joint appearance In Sunshine Molly " EMI'nES Monday, "The Wishing Illns:": ruesdaj, "Tho Path Forbidden", Wednea da. "Mlgnon" Thursday, "At tho Old "roes Honda". Friday, "One of Millions'. Saturday, "The lloosler Schoolmaster Matinees 210 p m., eenlngs, 7 and n p m. Admission matinees and oienlngs, balcony. cents lower noor, n. cenis. jr.KI'EllSON Monday 'A Child of Clod" Tucdn Charlea ChanHn In "Tho Tramp Tho linof of ihe Enrlh" . Wednesdaj Ilesslo llnrrl(ale. "The Devil" Thursday. Heatrlco Mlchelfna. 'The Idly of Poverty tint : Frldas, "The New Vork Sensation,' "The lllacl. Spot ' Saturday "J20.m0,000 Mys ten." added attraction. fThe Linen Shop Annual Spring Sale of Household and Fancy Linens at Reduced Prices MADEIRA CENTERS, LUNCH AND DINNER CLOTHS Hand-embroidered, at Exactly Half Price Madeira Tea Napkins, hantl-embroidercd. Reg. $6.00 , J 25 oz' Lamb's Wool Comforts, silk, all colors. $6.00 grade 4.25 ea' To introduce this new department we will sell our unmatchablo $1.00 Stockings, in OP pr. We WOMEN'S SILK STOCKINGS nil colors, including black & white, at U T PATTEPQAW 1332 Walnut Street AA jL a jL A a JLjJLmLI l 1 Importer of Linens Bell Phone. Walnut 1093 Keystone Phone, Race 317 "ANTIS" SHOW GROWTH AT N. J. CONVENTION Lenders, Both Women and Men, Plan to Fight Suffrage Amendment in October. THKNTO.V, Mny 3,-Ncw Jersey null suffrnRe lenders, both men nnd women, opened nn enthusiastic meeting In Masonic Hnll this, morning for the purpose of planning n vlRorotis cnmpnlgn nimlnst voten for women In thin Stntc. Tlio Kew Jersey Association Opposed tn Womnti Suffrage hns grown tremendously tlio phst J ear, nnd thli growth wns noted with n great ilenl of prldp when the 27 branch or ganizations of the body, Including two thirds of the counties of the State, mado reports this morning. The president of ench hrnnch organiza tion reported ns to the wmlt nnd nctlvlty of the brnnch during the ,cnr to Mrs. 12. Vnrtle llrecse, president of the nssocla tlon, who presided nt today's session. Among the branch presidents in attend ance were Hr. Theodora Krlchbnum. Montclnlr; Mrs. Theodore C. Woodbury. OrniiRp; Mrs. Stockton Colt, Kllrnbcth, Mrs. Sherman II. Joost, Plnhillcldi Mrs John It. Winery, Morrlstown; Mrs. Itoh crt V Smith, Spring Lnke; Mrs. F. V. Thompson. Uclmnr, Miss Kmmn h Urldges, Westlleld: Mrs. A. S. Ulgglns, Mnniisqtiau, Mrs. Henrv M. Dnrcy, .Vew nrk, Mrs. Robert C. Maxwell, Trenton, Mrs. Frank M. Stlllmnn, Itnhwnx; Mrs. Thomas !'. Oiahnm, Pntcrson: Mrs K. .1 Wnilng, I'ertli Amboy. Mm. r Howard McFwdden, Hnckcnsnck. Jllss McKeen Mooreilown, Mis. Allnfi I,. McDeimolt, Jetsey City. Mis J ( Hutchlnon, Sew nren, Mrs. t,. C. Ilend, Cnniden: Mrs Hurton Hnll, Fnmvood. Mrs. T. It Adnms, Summit: Mrs. Thomns J. Craven. Salem; Miss Mniy Hergen, Hntldonfleld, Mrs. Charles V. MncQuold, Iloielle; Mrs Alfred McMtirtrle. Uoonton: Mis Wright Stout, Uloomfletd, nnd Miss Helen A Price, Newton. Ench lender represented several thotis nnds of women. The meeting today l believed to bo tho largest demonstrnllon Against voles for women ever held In this State. 'The women. In speeches, declared they are thoroughly aroused. Their slogan from now until election day will be, ''Stnml by the Women! Vote No on Woman Suffrage, October 19." Among the -flromlnent women taking part in today's meeting nro Mrs. Arthur M Podee. National president of the as sociation! Mifls Alice Hill Chittenden. .. president of the New vork State .Associa tion; Mrs Horace Hrock, president of the Pennsylvania Association, and Mrs A ,T. George. Held secretary of Massachusetts, 'the Men's I-iisne Onnosed to Woman BtilTrnRo sent a delegation from all parts j and Mr, Matthews. of the State, headed by Cfilonel William Llbby, of rrlnceton Former Chsneellof Magle headed a delegation from that titv. The morning was occupied with a bun! ness meeting. Luncheon wna served early In the afternoon. Brief speeches were made by Mrs. Dodge, Miss Anna Mc llvalne, Mrs. 12. Yarde Breesc, Miss Alice, Hilt Chittenden, Miss Mlrnle Bronson, Mrs. O. D. Cdlphnnt and former Assem blyman John A. Matthews, of Newark. One of th chief features of the dav Is a mass-meeting scheduled for 3 o'clock In Masonic Hnll. Tho speakers' Will Include Mrs. Dodge. Miss Bronsoil, Sirs' Ollphant Grease spots and stains can be easily and perfectly removed from carpets, rugs, and curtains, as well as clothes. Sjfe. Use -m PP soap, Wl and save the money you'd pay to a professional cleaner. You need it for Clean-up Week Fols-Soap Powder The sweet, clean, pure wonder-worker. i V'ty-tf-MKM Ep, v-fi a Jc.ajrvili Mmttaiivwfer fct--iyf'Wl,Ti'Vjts,y'?fa-iTff,-s; . r ZJ" iWtlJiTA.t 5bv v.MMrVWK AK IU 'IIUJ' vmii&J v ,cro. f ( A Tke Most Notable Exkitition in America of Martle Garden Decorations Consisting of Fountains, Urns, Benches, Figures, Jardi nieres, Sun-dials, Aquariums, Ferneries, Pedestals and Tables. Every piece has been personally selected in Italy last August and September by a member of the firm who was the ONLY BUYER in the Pietrasanta District, and he was enabled TQ PURCHASE AT MOST ADVANTAGE OUS PRICES ON ACCOUNT OF THE DEPRES SION CAUSED BY THE WAR. Every piece has been, therefore, marked at an attractive price. These are NOT the hackneyed, commonplace marbles found in department stores, but all are of high quality and great artistic value. As this is a most exceptional oppor tunity, we invite every one interested in garden decorationsv to visit the exhibition. The Rosenbacn Galleries 1320 Walnut Street . wj . a emwxs; BJlillBirEiiiii hi Ji'nFSi Hi1 ' HIi hH !i '-MlIHv fmSS jfi IT HHqI -- ii B HI 'iillflw mfili HP 1 1 i liniSivv uAwKBBm&p i The Commonest Mistakes Made in Buying a Player-Piano are: 1 Buying a Player that has not passed the theory stage. 2 Buying a Player upon which you cannot express YOUR OWN feelings as they are swayed by the subtle skill of the composer. LirciTirw : rLirll Jj RPMOS are not in any sense a theory or experiment. They represent years of careful, scientific study, years of the hardest kind of work, years of successful manufacture. In support of this we point to the fact that there are more Lester Player-Pianos in active every-day use in Philadelphia than any other high-grade make. Some players on the market today may sound pretty well to the average ear when heard in the store. They may play fairly easy when you first try them. But when you get them home oh, what a difference! We are manufacturers of the Lester Player-Piano. We are right here to back it up, Just as we have been for 45 years. Our absolute money-back guarantee goes with every Lester. It MUST give satisfaction. That's why it will pay you to buy from the manufacturer. Another reason is that by selling direct from our great factories to you we cut out all "in-between" profits of jobber and agent and you can, therefore, get a standard, high-grade instrument as easily as you can one of the inferior makes. Terms absolutely confidential, too. Let us show you how easy it is to own a Lester. F. A. NORTH GO. Branch Stores Open Evenings 1QA PWFQTNITT ST Open Saturiw. XCrlV XmSsIi ajuw A 1 S A fc- A V .Q- lo Until 6 P. M. ..e rV tf r .e. a1 .,.? v'bIiVy 'J? KENSINGTON 3244 Kensington Ave. TRENTON, N. J. 209 Eait Stats St READING. PA. IS North 5th St. WEST PHILA. 302 S. 52d St. CAMDEN, N. J. 820 Broadway WILKES.BARRE, PA. 170 South Main St. SCRANTON, PA. 626 Spruce St. NORRISTOWN. PA. 228 Weit Main St. bMMMWWM'""M''',,,,',,MM",' g ESS3SSsiS&$ taMiMlMU" "WltUIMtitWMIMIHIHIWWiMIWIIIMtli W " &r.J a -jotj r Py " 1 -A. M1'V -VXT' .' " J&$$r sr .- ill VJ S Si? I -y r .' Sf if !