fWBy HWB" EVENING LEDGERPHILADEIiPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915. I GEIU1M8 SHELLED DUNKIRK longrange gun, presumably Aualrfin l firing at Intervals alonp the coan'iik-l clean over Nleuport nnd In the dlrrW !Jl BREAKING IT GENTLY FROM TWO DIRECTORS T.nter on other huga sheila r.it . i Uncxplodcd Missiles Indlcalo Aus trlnns Have Great Guns. PAniS, May 3 A communication Issued by the War Office Indicates the probability that Dun i.i.i. ...a. Vinmtmrilftri from a suburb of Dunkirk from n different direction aii-d gether, but from a distance relatively v,?i same. Two guns were presumably n, J3 these mlssllei anJ they came from ZLJSl nearby Dlxmude, amid the ruins of .,: town the Germans have been Installed .ft Dlxmude, which is situated at the great Two of tho shells failed to xnUj1 Ono was a 12-Inch missile. 5!S?j: bend of the xser, ?i "".. .V"' French port. It is believed that tho great German gun which twice shelled the city has been put out of cllon. It has been ascertained that In the first bombardment of Dunkirk at least one "KniPP, Berlin." and the other a mon, of about 17 Inches, breast high w, tnutlnir nn end nnd tlnnsit ..i., '"'' aluminum shield nnd marked ',Imnff.' Arms Ammunitions, Osterllch, Austria J . J m Tjiwjmmm (5rT fFF lfiT) (frs?s f?i?xr &T gy v ,, - jc y . . i " ,,,. r ( """ ' i news 7 j I .... , i ni H Ee ess GERMANS CRUSH ENTIRE SLAVFRONTINGALICIA; RUSSIANS' LOSS HEAVY Its tributaries, nncj, second, the ravishing of the rich Baltic provinces In retaliation for ths Russian raids Into East Prussia. FRENCH BOMBARD METZ FROM WOEVRE POSITIONS Lines in West of Austrian Territory Pierced at Every Point Foe Men aces Czar's Baltic Pro vinces by Land and Sea. Slav Invaders of Western Gallcla have been completely crushed, Berlin today announced, Tho foo's lines havo been pierced at ovcry point of attack, tho official statement adds, and Mus covite losses havo been enormous, Tho German Invasion of tho Baltic provinces Is of admitted seriousness, according to tho Russian War Offlco. Land forces have swept forward some 60 miles and u Teuton fleet Is rapidly nearlng Llbau. In co-oporatlon with this menacing invasion Is tho develop ment of a heavy offensive along tho North Poland front from Przasnysz to tho upper reaches of tho Nlemen Blver. Metz, tho German stronghold on the Moselle, has been bombarded by the French. Shells struck Fort St. Blaise, while the railway line, over which sup plies are taken to the npex of tho Ger man wedgo at St. Mihlcl, was badly damaged. Tho French guns aro mounted near Pout-a-Mousson, about eight miles from tho outer forts of Metz. Berlin reports that assaults by the British and French, northeast of Tpres, were jepulsed and that they still hold St Jullen. The bombard ment of Dunkirk Is reported to have been mado from two points, Wcstende and Dlxmude. Fort St. Blaise, and Railway Lino Dnmnged. PARIS, May 3 The French have established long range guns In tho vicinity of their lino at Pont-a-Moueson nnd aro bombarding the southern fortifications at Metz, which are about 10 miles away. Tho bombard ment began Saturday nnd was resumed Sunday The gun fire, says tho official communique, caused considerable damage at wirlous points along tho southern front of the entrenched camp at Metz, particularly In the caso of one of tho forts, probably Fort St Blaise, and at tho barracks and tho nearby railway. TWO NEUTRAL VESSELS VICTIMS OF TORPEDOES SLAVS CRUSHED IN GALICIA, BERLIN SAYS OFFICIALLY Invader's Lines in West Pierced Everywhere. UCRMX. May 3 Tho German War Office today an nounced a sweeping victory over the Rus sians In Western Gallcla. In nn&aftldal, statement tho War Offico said: 2 "Yesterday tho Austro-Gcrman forces everywhere pierced and crushed tho en tire Russian front In Western Gallcla with very heavy losses for the enemy." Continued from Vnge One Tex., on April 10 She was built at Cam den, N J , last year. Survivors of tho destroyed Swedish ship i:illrln, who were landed today at Lemvlg, Denmark, declared that the vessel was torpedoed by a German sub marine about 100 mllcsh off Hull. Tho weather was clear, but tho submarine was not seen. The explosion destroyed ono lifeboat and threw another Into the sea. A dispatch from Copenhagen says. Details of tho sinking of the Swedish steamship CUIda by a German subma rlno In tho Xorth Sea Saturday night reached here today. Onu-lnls are Indig nant, as they declare the torpedoing was without warning, and the Ulllda sunk within three minutes after being hit. Sixteen men and threo women barely escaped In open boats. Shippers have demanded that tho Government protest In tho most vigorous terms against tho torpedoing. Tho Berlin Foreign Offlco had promised not to molest tho timber trade of Sweden. The Scottish trawlers Bndosla, Benning ton and Aries arrived today at Aberdem, Scotland, reporting that thev hnd been chased l. German submarines They say that they saw two other trawlers, whose Identity has not yet been established, sunk by a marine, and It Is believed all of tho crews perished. GERMANS STRIKE FOE'S BALTIC PROVINCES BY LAND AND SEA Russian War Oflke Concedes Serious ness of Invasion. PETROGRAD, May 3. For tho first tlmo tho Russian War Office today admitted that the German expedition toward tho rich Russian Baltic provinces Is 'serious. It Is stated that Germans are co-operating by land and sea. Detachments of German cavalry. supported by nn automobile detachment and mounted infimtrj, are overrunning the Szawln region ami advancing on Kovno. Patrols of tho enemy have been reported near Llbau, A squadron of German torpedo craft is operating along the Russian Baltic, coast and have penetrated the Gulf of Riga. Warships in tho Baltlo aro co operating with the, land forces that are pressing toward Llbau. Tho German advanco is belloved hero to havo the twofold object of cutting' off tho lines of communication toward War saw preliminary to another assault on tho Russian positions along the Vistula and U. S. OFFICIALS RETICENT ON GULFLIGIIT ATTACK WASHINGTON. May 3. With the return to the White House to day of President Wilson, tho machinery of tho Government was set In motion to Invcstlgato'tho sinking by a German sub- "j!" vwi,cm;uij on snip uuu- ilfeluj off tho Scllly Islands, with the loss rmjrer captain nnd two of his crew,. -Itwos learned at the White Houso that President Wilson will suspend Judgment on tho case until official reports reach him. Tho gravity of the situation U fully appreciated, but no comment will bo mado until tho exact facts aro placed before the President from ofllclal sources May Grand Jury Sworn Alexander Lawrence, Jr , a manufac turer, of 1824 Erlo avenue, was selected by Judgo Ralston, In Quarter Sessions Court, as foreman of tho May Grand Jury for Quarter Sessions Court. ORIENTAL RUGS vhould b clemed every year 4i u ropajrea, it necesfary. Our cent (or cleaning- li trifling-, our expert native workers will artlatlrallv i-nt. W( V(U JJIWIVB JERREHIAN BROS. 180O pANgOJI 8T. Proprietor Call PbDi,. Sflhice at?0 Oriental Rug Renovating Co. CI Elgin y" nSl m 1 Z all w J Oqm GUARANTEED KARAT SOLED GOLD ELGIN Gentlemen's Watches 8 .98 Sells Every where For $18 The grrntrnt offer ever made In I'hlla ilrlphla. 'Ilic.e tu(rlir are Dot plated, tilled or MtfTeneil, but are guaranteed to lie genuine, lallil 14k. (Jolil through and through, and n'tl stand the United State Mint Aiftay. The movements were mado by the, celebrated Elgin Watch Co. Kvery ono will he sold with the dlitlnct tinderftfandlnr that tho money will ho re funded (every cent of It) If anr one of then wntrliea can be duplicated at any reliable Jewelry (tore for !' than 118. Aik ftomo Jetveler hla price for a gentle man'a aire aolld 11k. gold watch with a genuine Klgln movement. You will then rrallie (That thla offer means to you. Ws have other high arado watches from 115.00 to SISO.0O. Coma In early. HSS0SQ INPORTOtS&CUTTERS OF DIAMONDS Ck8lOTesinutSts nip) ho m w Special Wedding Gifts '" ' .! nil Inexpensive Dinnerware Forty-five distinctive and individual patterns not to be found elsewhere. 108-plece Sett $15.00 to $45.00 or sold in separata pieces at 'desired i Wrignt,Tyno!ale & van Roden, Inc. 1212 CHESTNUT STREET AUSTRIA WILL YIELD FURTHER TO ITALIANS' Concessions Will Not Sat isfy Demands, However, According to Belief in Rome Teutons' Guns Trained on Frontier. HOME, May S. A special courier, brlnslns Austria's answer to Italy's final representations. Is expected to arrive from Vienna tonight, nlthounh the Austrian note will not bn read by the Foreign Office until Tuesday. Thus the possibility exists that tho Ital ian Government may know within the next 43 hours whether It Is to ho peare or war. Indications in ofllclal quarters lead to tho belief that Austria will make further concessions. That affahs In the Austro-German-Ital-lan negotiations are replilly reaching a climax Is Indicated by the number of dip lomats arriving on special missions. Kathlaa Erzeberger, leador of the clerical centre party In tho German nelchstnc, who arrived yestcrdaj', la making ar rangements for a special interview with Popo Benedict XV. Former Austrian Foreign Minister Goulochowskl Is ex pected from Vienna at any hour It Is not believed, however, that new Austrian concessions will satisfy tho Italian claim, which, If as affirmed are really minimum, mean practically an end to the negotiations. All tho Ministers met yesterday with King Victor Emmanuel for the biweekly signing of decrees nnd to discuss tho International situation. After the con ference Ba"-on Sonnlno conferred with Prince von Duelow the German Ambas sador. It is asserted that Trlnco von Buelow Indicated the lines of Austria's expected answer to itaiy. A dispatch from TJdlne, Italy, reports nctlvo military preparations on tho Aus trian side of tho frontier. $85 USED UPRIGHT PIANO for Country or Seashore. 1129 CHESTNUT STREET Will Innlall 88-Note Player In jotir Mlrnt piano for $125 Cnh or terms to nult. Call at our factory and einmlne for yourself, or write for particulars. 65-Note Player Pianos Made into 88'Note for . 25 HOWARD VINCENT 836.838-840 N. 6th Street, Phiia. Never a Better Op portunity to Visit California The great Panama Expositions at Ban FrancHeo and San Diego, California, are open everything Is now In full swing. Hork Island Lines have established remarkably low rates of fare dally to November 30. providing the best oppor tunity ever afforded tho American pub lic to view the wonders of the "Golden West ' You see all on a Pock Island Eeenlo Circle Tour; the Colorado Rockies, Pike's Peak, now Rocky Mountain Na tional Park, Salt Lnko, beautiful Cali fornia, the Pacific Coast, both exposi tions, tho historic nnd enchanting Southwest Choice of "Golden State Limited," "Rocky Mountain Limited," "Callfor nlan," "Colorado-California Express" nnd other fast trains Automatic Dlock Signals Finest Modern All-Stoel Equipment Superb Dining Car Service. We maintain a Trnvcl Bureau at 1010 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Our renre- sentatlves are travel experts, who will rive nu full Information about Cali fornia and tho Expositions, how best to mu mem, pivpaic ilim-nuies, etc. Write, phone or diop In for our litera ture on California and the Expositions. II M Brown, D P. A., Rock Island Lines, Philadelphia. Phono Walnut 123. The Car it Paid to wait for M Sl Chalm Quality Fint ers New Six $1400 WE'have been very impatient for 18 months. All around us dealers were selling hundreds of cars ranging: in price from 1000 to 1500. We knew that the Chalmers people were making; a car in this class. We knew it would be good when we got it. But to our impatient inquiries we got one answer, "We haven't tested it hard enough yet.'1 Now it is here. The Chalmers people say it has simply been abused over m the Alleghany Mountains for 18 months and stood the racket. Hence they know what they are offering. It is the lowest price ($1400) at which a Chalmers car has ever been sold. Yet it has all the Chalmers quality, and owing to new plans of construction, a distinctly differentappearancefromanyothermotorcar. Itgets away quicker than any car we'veever seen except a racer. -- It rides like a Pullman. It is a "thoroughbred." We feel that it paid to wait for it. Come in and see if you don't think so too. Chalmers Motor Company of Philadelphia 252-254 North Broad Street Spruce K482 Itaee SMT Qppenheim. (Shins &5 Chestnut and 12th Sts. Will Hold the Following SPECIAL SALES Tomorrow Tuesday 95c Special Sale of Girls' Tub Dresses Sizes 6 to li years Smart percale and gingham dresses (one style illustrated) in checks, plaidsand solid colors, in empire and long waisted models. Exceptional Value 95c Women's Crepe Kimonos Japanese crepe kimonos in empire models with embroidered collar and cuffs, In rose, Copenhagen and lavender. Regular Value $1.25 85c Crepe de Chine Bodices Bodices of pink and white, daintily combined with lace, ribbon shoulder straps. Regular Value fl.2 69c Women's Silk Petticoats Taffeta -and mcssalinc petticoats with circular flounces; also silk jersey top with mes- saline or taffeta flounce. Regular Value $5.05 2.50 Special Sale of Girls' Smart Coats Sizes 6 to 10 years Attractive coats of navy serge or checks, with broad stitched belt, flare skirt and embroidered collar. Regular value $6.00 3.95 Jmf 581 tLjO Ah. filUii $3.95 Lingerie Corset Covers Corset covers of nainsook, several styles trimmed with lace, embroidery and ribbon. Regular Value 75o 39C Silk Pongee Blouses Attractive blouses of silk pongee, button trimmed, long sleeves a r.d convertible collars. Regular Value $2.95 1.50 Men's Golf Shoes Bench-made shoes speak for themselves on the links as well as in the, ballroom. $7.00 "Wh,r, Only tu. Beat I. Good Eaou,o- 1 r , ? ggfj OTimm' I i i """"" J1 I jl'llll.l I r.'ll