fioCRESS DAY PLANNED bit NATIONAL FOURTH lustncSs Men and Manufactur- ." V .. .--.4l.- -e Tl I rm era pec upporiumttf iw dis play of City's Greatness, '-. trAVIVfll Jm "-- " .ir and tho prospect of stilt better WTO ...- - ...... .1,..) limn h WMlUolW Wltmn a .. - - -." &ele he si'BSCstion from a number ' Vti.dlnc business men Hint rhllndel- 01 leB , . . HI)..r,-on nx." In r..,iH with Its national Fourth of . innllWlloi" A number of lending j. i ebrauon ''ufactiirers nnd pioneers of successful $k movement": point nut that thousands ft persons from all parts of tho country Ell nock hero for tho three-day celobra Rf n'artil contend that tho occasion would fa k golden opportunity for this city to (Show Us K01"13 IWhlle n" lnt,orso tl10 BvnNtNO 'rtDOtn'e plan for a nntionat Fourth or fuly celebration, they assort that n. won s.,., ipmoiutratlon In tho way of an lm- M parade to show tho city's progress 'frim an educational, Industrial nnd man-fact-ring standpoint woutd bo timely. .Practical business men uccinrc mat sucn rarcsnl would act as a show window, Maying to tho country tho goods mndo i. Philadelphia. It would also afford tho Individual manufacturing concerns and " ,h.r business establishments an oppor tunity W display tho very latest Ideas in ihelr various lines. tint the expenso of their own exhibits, it (., oolntcd out that tho demonstration L.aa hn oractlcally no expenso to tho Ii,., TMrihnrmore. It would Increase tho Siber of visitors by many thousands nd lervo as a stimulus to business gen- MIn order to obtain clty-wldo co-opera-flloa the matter wilt bo discussed by a 'number of progressive business men be ' for their respective organizations during 1 U next week, and requests will bo mado ftbat the leading manufacturers ot tho 'city ro-opcratc. 4. That the plan may havo ofTlclal np tnivat, Councils' Fourth of July Com Itnlttee will bo asked to indorse Progress Py as the final event In tho national tviuirih celebration. iCAn the Liberty Bell Is scheduled to fleve on Its trip to mo .fanamn-i-aciuc Exposition at tno conclusion oi mo inne itendence Day celebration it has been 'tujgeMtd that tho prlcoless relic ot Inde Iptmlence head tho pagennt. s Thrmich a nrcllmlnary canvass of tho city it has been learned that fully two jicore of manufacturers will heartily co icperate to make the demonstration a BUCCC9t P. B. T.'S BIG TROLLEYS CAN'T RUN OVER "JITNEYS" fsheaves Brought in by "Flivvers." i t Taxis Take Tares. fir.v. IJWhlle the P. It. T. Impotently watched the steady flow of nickels away from Its Culiero, WIIIIO Mil! v.Jiiiiniiit:t ,IIL, bled, figuratively, nt their finger nails In Jtatoolntment. nnd whllo tho city fathers 'might have cudgeled their brains (but didn't because most of them wero at tho Mashorc for the day) over tho phenomenal popularity of tho "Jitney," tho Irrepres- Iiuig 1UWO Luia i(.u't.ti ,v ,i:i,miiiiu iinitrok (coins In catering to tho Sunday crowds 'and overran Broad street nnd nil tho wore popular highways, loaded clown with thMr nappy human freight. Even City Statistician K. J. Oattoll. who, by the way, knows a few stats, could not fell how many cars wero In operntlon, and It would require an expert and light ning calculator to determine the Incomen Jot the drivers. The casual observer came hery soon to tho conclusion that during tb course of tho day every citizen of the, scitywhohad the "Jit" to spare ultimately 'fiptH;iien. ii wun a "juncy ariver. Any- jjv ETcryoouy soomrci rcmarkaiiiy pleased with tho Idea of scootlnir about town comfortably ensconced In a leather km, ureaming, lor variety, a little pure fcwhat," said an Inquisitive rider to tho driver of one nf tho llttin rar, "tohnt n 7u generally mako a day out of your car?" fcThe driver smiled on Inscrutnblo smile. CTjhen we flrBt went Into this busl SMi." he answered, "wo told overybody Jjo asked that question tho exact truth, iTno conaeoueneo vn, thnf ovnnriini, n,n Jfcd i a car rushed Into the game nnd tho vnuw Decame lower." rMWell." reqnonHe1 tnA I .. ( t. btulnejs pay what It is 'scnerally pro- QBud to pay?" The driver looked tho questioner In tho ?erii B10W'y aropped tho lid of one fe"DQ you think I'm rldlnir vnn orniir.,1 wTjfor my health?" ho asked meaningly. Pv,ow much does tho Rapid Transit .q-mpany lose by these automobile trip .vn, do you think?" asked a fellow pas. tnr of tho I. r. f2i,Y feplled tho ' r- "that' " th3' WMtaue to lose for a year the revenuo iSri. ir ? IoslnB ttt Present, they will te.n hands of a receiver before tho iiw .1" e.a50n "Pens." out Hie Jitneys" come and irr, with the, SnpleMed r'nCB and th9 publl B m,ent" gCOF" NEARLY LOSES SALARY m J Pie Causes Policeman to throw Money Into Fire. sxemeia en t.,. , . Mt jTii7. 4. j' . wl'OB Pies nearly 'SrVsf . ",.TrodehI' O North Jcsaup Wrt av.,, ot tno ra"c and Ie-"-ft avenues stnttnn -..!., .. . ilKw i "'" when h0 accidentally m T.r. r9." ol greenbacks amounting in lr to i.t k,tche.n ranse wllh waBte JsVkiv ! uaKe,a aulck flre 'or hla -wife's KUI of hni. "'b' iToaeni threw tho 2r AiV1 a tab,a antl ll fe" t0 thQ L" ". 6',ad thrust an armful of mi i KJ l"t0. ,tna flro he turned to the MA k V.j ea ,nat the money for -WW lie had worked eleht hmirH a ri.v Wke, Thn.f8 VtvbMy golnsr up In lT4rithpled out a bunch- ' blazing tu4 w??. th.8 money badly scorched but INhJt.inim.iiland.s. were hay burned, iWtovVS?'". WIU not Prevent him from jther payday. OBITUARIES Malnt- IC Tl ii.. BSmS!?' tX. s--MJr Ife. i... n a Uree Property owner, SfeinM evening foUqwIng an attack; Wthd tZ,. ,, "umer ot organiza IX? a Uvely Intereat In Grand Mu ir .:"" ?"" Biriiiii v' 'n or. a soi SS'S1 .n tno urthoU8o lawn, BtpUUm,"Sl0nerB ni the monu' eatftf f iT"?". the Fifth Month 2d. lam. B5p SSffi'iyiin'B' Waplewooa y., w?a, 1ni?lJ1'ii?.0" yi" ' Charles w uii ot lucsrai win co ' Afe.Wf ''ier. ReUllvw and "!, w.,- I" na tn ivuerai F6tA wz """, ,wx uu,KrvK fc Iriiaj TWO o'elock. latriBet DEATHS CALU5N.- .fin rw 1 intf .. i l to apartment of " Oliver It. Balr" 1820 at in vi,5f V".d5r ot '-oufde. Overhrook, rmeie?'!H.n r.lefm'nt ,nt "M rathedra day owning! may ""W "m''"ns Mon- It t .- . . .. t" iioTTfttli X?ul!' ".'!" ... nr way z, in: ( olonrl T. ral WATS,:, Vunh-r n""'" nf ilin funeral tvlll bo irivon and A,.iH. .'i1.'0 0 Feisenden Ih' f.nVin',nIrlnP,J,,."rB ,n,lt"1 '"! J'.i. i . ' n Ttiesdav nirtrnliiB at s-lo rnM k. fl"onl,"r 'il- residence wt Mer MaJi ntnn', '-'"'"t? 1Iln- lrnn Hen..! em Mln7lnn n ln',".r,;h ,nr V"r Mnllcr ntivii. ftt.r.;.r.. 0rl0rk '"""wnt private. Due oii.f ,,I',',,C """nab frlrtcnborg fill?.. V? . . of "", funeral will he. clven. n , v, .l,,,., IM "'"n'-. N. FrankUn "I John ti,;;1, M'?n,BNCrj, below.1 nlfn nf 'T ,,",. ni nn'' ''f'Rhler nf tho tale Jo. AiYi. ifi1'' R',fl'0'i Oenernl t7. s. N., and he? uK,l0.ii uno JL """'" l h h;l' la lllll ? ,lMnr,:2 s""'Ht t.. Chestnut J'"' J.l,?".,,v, J'f- . m It an a. m in terment at Woodlnml, prlvnte. KKovV?irPnMy ' "IB.AMOa KHRW .Si V.i n ,fllh 5Par nf hl" age. rte1il,e nt hi i.I" T'"''"- afternoon, nt 2 oVIork, Sale cam.rS"vn?,,,!!,:! s"ah 32'1 " n": m&i?":.N- ' 'moment pruatc. Auu- family iVn.nlf.r,inJrJ.-,.h ??.n:,...f 'iFn" .'"?.. I'-M) ..; ! iiiii Hiti, imni in I'liiiniini n,ri,cC.' 'ArtlBana. nnl Herman Lodue. No! in- ,.,;.. ""' mull i.nnRr. o, fn'n.J.I "n,lni- X,r nro lnlte't to nttpnil tho funeral, pn Thurodfty. nt 2 an p. m , (tnm h la ;o Ifjn; Vnyno a!.. InterrnVSt at Ml. Vernon Cemetery "'.rj. At I,anen(er, "lter. Mr M. ntlenheltnn. r.l I-. v ., -. vlSJ,...P!!1,A'",n.n,ai 'ntermrnl' p'rlatn ni rsorthwooi Cemetery, s,JJ.Ty,'5iu'1i!only. n" xr"v ' lO"'. C nnfts SMITH, In the l.lrl yenr of hie nee runernl nerMees nt his Into renldenre. 221(1 St. Jnme Jt . on Tuesday, the llh Irint , nt 11 a. m. Interment prlinte. Kindly omit flowers. J.MITH, jlntighler or the ate (leorco and Mary lWrls Smith. In the ni.t r of her ace. Mineral eervlroi nt Holy Trinity Chur-ri. l!th and Walnut n, on 1i"sdiv morning, May 4. at 10 n'rloek. Interment private, plcafe omit (lowers "minn WAnNnU. On May 2, loir,, nt her Into reM ilenre. 1S20 Diamond m. AMANDA, widow rf Ilenrv P. arner. Duo notleo n( tho funeral will ho Riven. WHAN. At Atlnnllo Cltv, N. ,T . on May 2, tnirt, MARY A., lto nf tho late John A whan, nmnd 7(1 years. Relatives nnd frlcndi nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesdny morning, at 11 o'clock, at the apart ments of OHer ir. llalr. 1R20 Chestnut st. Interment private. WIHTt:. Suddenly, on April no, loir., JOHN iv "el-vcil huslmnd. of Mary A. White, In W1 4 ,.h..5cnri Helnll'es and friends and the Koeletlcs of whleli he was a nicmher, nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday mornlnc. at Sid o'clock, from his late resi dence. 2.110 Fltzwnter st. Solemn Mnsi nf Iteqiilm at St Anthony's Church. Interment Holy Cros Cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY mis ETTLE TYPn (or like this) One Insertion l.v perllns Threo Insertions In n week..., 12Ucncrlln Beven consecutive. Insertions... loo per Una Bltuattons wanted, thrCo Inser tions In a week lOo perllns THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Termltted In all classifications except Help and Sltuatlona Wanted, Lost and Found. Per sonals, Hoarding and Ilnoms. Ono Insertion 20o perllns Three Insertions 1n n week.... 17V5c per lino Seven consecutive Insertions... lflc por line All rato' aro based on agate measurement, M agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES-clther piper- lOllnea ono tlmo BOi Threo Insertions $1,00 DAILY ONLY In Effect December J, JOH. , , CORfBINATION RATE ror Intcrtlon In both tho mornlns and evening napera of tamo aay: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOHNING) EVENING LEDGER (ES'ENINO) Add four centi per line net to rates given above, HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVEIITISING IN 'IHD I'UHLIC LKDOIIH MAY HE INSnitTCD IN Till; UVENINU LEDGI1II WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHAItQE. There is a druc store near vour home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP "WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and general dork, experienced In Insuranco preferred: apeeil, accuracy and hlgheat references required; tulary $1". An ply Houston Dunn. 00 Chestnut st. 1 BOOKKEEPERS, clerks, atcnographcrs seek ing positions or those desiring better posi tions can aecuro valuable Information bv writing or calling to aeo "Mlfs Dean," Iedcer Central. Kho Is (onstantly hclplnf; girls, who havo advertised, to socure (tool positions, and will he Kind to help J oil. No extra charge. CH1LDNURSE. experienced, to take earn of baby 1 years old; Protesiant preferred, Tclo phone -1027 Overhrook. Monday. COOK Quiet colored woman for cooklna nnd downstairs work; no laundry; another maid. 7noo Lincoln drive. Phono Chestnut lllll 637. COOK; also waltrrfci; also chambermaid: for country; city refeiences. 0 1M7, Led. Cent HOIJSEWOKK-StronR German or Polish jrlrl. Call 2H1 Hyrtney at,, Mt. Airy, GermAntovvn. NURBE Protcalant: reference required, Ileply to u 2.V). ledger Central. OPERATORS, on all parts of shirtwaists: silks and cotton; steady work, highest nay. Haga. dorn-Mers Company, 3d and Brown. OPERATORS Experienced on tewlnc macha. .Seltzer Bros Slnser button JI21 Jlarket. nEKINI-'D Prnt, woman. Btronc physically, for Institution; fond of chlmrcn and able to sew, references required. Apply 321 S. lltlijit. 6CIIOOI, TEACHER wanted to travel rturlnff summer vacation; railroad raid, salary and commission, write tor u personal Interview. V (ITU. Ledger Central. WANTED A kind, sensible woman aa bov ernea for girl of 8. IC 11, Lcduer Branch, Ilroa.l and Allegheny. WEAVERS wanted on broad Knowlea looms, Apply at ortlco of the Bradford Mills, titen ton and Godfrey avea,, (lermantown. WOHKWCl HOUSEKEEPER Not over 30 ieara; eooJ family cook and laundress' Oer mtn nref. Call after S p. m.. lia a. aoth t. A IAROB FIRM can offor an unusually at tractive proo. to a responsible woman of en eny and Initiative; no canv. H Bl, Ltd. Cent. HELP WANTED MALE CABINKTMAKEita wanted, must be expert, treed on fine cabinet work and do hand tend ing; bring; tools: physical examination necea. aary. Apply Victor Talking Machine Com pany, Api.ikatlon, Office, 25 Market t., Cam. den. N. J. DRUGS q. A. permanent position; reference. Crumble Brothers. Broad and Allegheny ave. LINEMEN Flrst-clais, for high tension light ing and railway work; about 35 years of age; tingle men preferred, accustomed to work In crewa; must have own kit of tools and be a can) man In good standing; total abstainer; no trlllers wanted; good wages paid. Ad. dress in own handwriting, giving in full, to. rled or single, past experience In full, to gether with references for Immediate em. ployment. B 9, Ledger Office. MAN AND WIFB Coachman or houseman and took for country, with city references. G 217. Ledger Central. MAN for cblckena arid gardening; wants 120 a month and board; reference required. Ad. dresa Box 357. Media, Pa. OFFICB BOY TWO Lincoln drive, corner of Springfield ave. Opportunity for bright, well. iraiXICQ POy,TW,, yM.w4.. v .ua,ci, PRINTING INK FOREMAN wanted by pld establUhed Ohio concern. State experience, salary, references, etc. Address M 030, Leder Offle STOCK SALESMAN WANTED - MftlU record, u proprietor Attractive. quIck-MUlae; prop osition l( ou can qualify ud able to finance, vourself on liberal co-unUalon fcaala. ThU Is worth looklne nt8. l-vU furnUlied, V til, iis:r OLlct. S jf lrwhr-.,.-B?,ss?A ft fiLl"n,lro1 ,M'I "' ho ronxenleneo of tho n,,-.MA,.'tY !'-f'I tltll'P iformer U of fjiV hr-iS.n ,'' Vcatjinilln.lelphla), riaiiRhter of r7Je1Vfl. '-"r,1 n,ni1 Mnr,v "'I'"" Utipp ng". ,1 HXJJ'i .JcIatlve an'1 arri nvlte, Il.ntlcn? the riinern.1 acrvlce, Tuesday nfter. noon, at 2 oVinet,. n, ih. ...i.i.. i.i. l'n.. on An,1 n EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA", MONDAY, MAT 3, HELP WANTED MAXB WANTnD, by flrat-cla fraternal beneficial In aurance aoeletj-, lod ajstem district mana nera, orpanliera and solicitors: salary and commission v for live, encmtlo producers! Bona proposition, ii 403, Ledger umce. WATBK MUnnBUS, wanted: must have fac tory experience on fine cabinet work, furni ture or pianos i physical examination necea aarv. Apply Victor Talking Machine Com pany. Application 25 Market at.. Cam- ..den. N ,f WBAVItts wanted on broad Know lea looms Apply at office of tho Uradfnrd 11111a, Sten- ton and Godfrey nves., Clcrmantown. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE I'HAMUBmvoRK or hnusenotki experienced .vounit woman. 2MB IV tuition at. . CHAMtinitWoitlv nnd vvnltlnR or chlldnurse, younit, strong colored Rlrl.J63Jt.Chndwlek C'HIMlNtritSi:, tlermnii. wlhes position! be8t .reference. 1' aati, l,e.lner Ofnce. COOK wishes place private family; pul.urbs, rcaahorr; I'roteatant woman. SI13 Houlh Woodstock at, city. Call COOK, p.p., wants position private family) no washing: mountains or seashore: good ret. t.a 11 Mon1jiiiilTueiiday, 1810 Spring Garden. COOK, first - class German American; good worker; Rirl, H years; summer resort or charge small adult ramllvU22.Ledger Off. COOK vvnnti situation, city or country; refer cnce. ma South 10th St. . KXPIJUIENCKD Infant's nurse deslrea posi tion; good reiereLnMll,IdrJOtnccL. rrtRN'CIt teacher of a private school wishes engagement for summer, governess or com panion; A 132, Ledger Office; Gtnl, wants general housework, cooking; no nasiiing. rati N. 48tll si Olltts 12) Fogelher; pood cook, nurno or chamherwork, good relerences. 1610 8, Kith. Glltl., tlermnn, w Talus position for housework and cnoKlng. 1410 North Hancock. IlOITiTKKEni'hll In apaftinsnts, experienced" settled woman; let-class refs. 1' 820, Led. Oft ilorsnwoltlC or working housekeeper for adult family; rcferonce. I' A3t.l,edger Off LADY desires "position for Tier" experienced, conscientious Infant nurse. Apply Monday morning after 10, lf.22 N. 17th, or lelephono I"nplarJIBP. LADY closing hnusn June 1 vrould like to And place for her waitress, whom she can highly rerommend. Apply present employer, 320 s. 21st, NI'ltHBnv noirrRNnflS Young woman, en pahle, refined, des. pos.; ref. exrh'rt: ailnrv niod fnrjho rake of tho exp. P 3.15, I,ed. Off. NI'RSliny OOVBRNKSfl. exp. nnd can.: gool city, suhi'rhs, rhnne rilcklnson ryfT, Nl'tsanny governess Can teach music; hlit'h school grati.; seashore. I a21,I.dger Office, ItBPtNr.D Iench nursery governes. speaks Bnulleh fluently: musle; best references. A .'l2.Ii'dRer Qfllce. STBNOOtlAfMir.n and fvpnwrlter, young lady, fluent German nnd Trench correspondent and conversntlonnlls,des.pos.n IP, J edger Off. WAIT ilBSS wishes place for summer, June I or earlier, mountains, countrv or seashore. Apply present employer. .T.'O S, 21st. Mrs Pepper. THROIJOFl tho "Commercial Department"" at Ledger Central employers ore put In lou-h with competent, cxporlenced stenographer, bookkeepers and clerks of all kinds. Vv'rlto or coll up Walnut "000, "Miss Dean." and tell ner your wants Pho will give jou prompt nnd efficient service. This service is free to ledger advertisers. A LADY closing her house, for tho summer de sires to eccuro places for three servsn's. cook. thmhrmd. nndwaltr's. Ap. 317 s, 22d. TWO SIsTBHS. Cerman-Ainerlcnns. enmpetein cook chamhermhld. wnltresi,, with Prst-clHss famllc. mts. preferred. H 21, ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, 8 jcars' exp., thorough know I- etlRii of hlKhcr nccountlnu, atatlstlcs nnd chnrt work, university training understands losts. ! 1W, IxNlgerCentral. BOOKKEEPER, clerk, jounV man, Sn.'wlth f. yrs.' hankliiR experience. ! Mil, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, Sil. sears' exp. In oftho w ork , nolo correspondent. F O.J. Led. 'ent. BI'TLER or cook, competent, Japanese, wishes position, city; reference. A 1.11, Ledger Office. BUTLER or cook, Japanese, wants position In prlvatofamllj Matfuo .W N. 1"th. CHACf'EEUIl-MECHANIC, slnRlo. sober, "safe driver; 0 years' experience; understands all repilrs; npeaks German. Prench, EnRllsh; flrst-clasn refp. V ,Vi, Ledger Central. CHAt'VFr.l'n, first-class meih.inlc, prlvnto of Jltnev. rs ' exp. furnish flrst-tlass ref erences. L -101. Lcdffer Office CHAl'FPEl'R, soutiK. white, temperate hahltsT wants atcadv position where faithfulness will he appreMntcd n Cll, Ledger Central. COACHMAN 'or ch-iuffeurnr cenenl utility. experienced, capable man. P .1.12, LcdRerOff. OOCPLE, German, experienced cook and houso worker: chnuffeur and butler. 12J0 N. Bth. VKT. public utllltv office man. 14, whhes steady clerical position refs. R tl Led. Off EXPORT-KORriONRn. WITH WIDE EXPE RIENCE IN THE EXPORT TRADE KNOW IN'G EXGLIRH AND SPANISH. SEEKS !T1- siTinv as p.vpnnT manvger or as sistant WITH RELIABLE FIRM. I OIS. LEDGER CENTRAL, GARDENER fmarrled). aged 40; exp. nround gardens and farms, with ref. P 127. Off. GARDENER, single, exp. nnd capable, flret clnss refs P 12. ledger Offlce. JAPAVEE, joung1 mnn7 wlshespostInn an nsslsant butler nr houseman; leferenre. . II.. r.M X. isth. 'MAN and w!fef colored) vvlnh nosltlons ns cook" houseman nnd clnufTeur: will go awnv: excel lent reference. A 121. Ledger Office MAN-AND WIPE, "white: man clnuffeur. gardener: wife ns cook; good references. Box RTi Merlon. Pn MAN nnd wife, man as hnuomnn nnil wife ns rook: reference; colored A 121, ledger Office. MAN nmf wife, Eng.: coachman gardener cirn poultry ; jv'lfc cook hkpr. P .121. Led. Office. MAN and wife (cot ). housework together: ref. Eilw. Dlekenon. 1027 W. 1702 Catharine. rvfAN mnrrieS. 2 children, "needs work: niccpt anvthlng; handy. O. N. 1.117 N. 4th si. MAN and wife white; butler, houseman: wlfo cook: excellent refs O 211, ledger Central STEN'OGRAPHI-Tt. clerk: knowledge of book"- keep'g: soma exp.; mod. sal. P 45.1, Ied. Cen. SI'PERINTENDI-NT nf building construction Graduate engineer. V. of P.; 20 years' ex perlenca: good business getter and estimator, competent, reliable and thorough, best archi tect and business refs, F MS. Led. Central, A HIGH-GRADE CONFIDENTIAL CLERK AND SECRETARY Is open for an engage ment with corporation, nrm nr private Indi vidual; valuable man whero ability, dls. cretlon and devotion to employer's InierestB ore, especially needful; testimonials aa to character, habits and rapacltv for work: no ohjeetloa tn leaving city. V 410, Ledger Central. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOU $100 OR MORE? A mrn opportunity to Invest. Estnbllshed company, backed by representative men; large profits. This Is a strictly cash business; no onposlllnn, and will stnnd .strictest Inves tigation. Particulars at Interview; either sex. Great Investment for men and women nf moderate circumstances. M 023. Ledger O'flee No postals answered. AUTOMOBILE OPPORTUNITY. I have nn agency proposition of a well-known standard advertised car open now for an .ictlve man. An Investment of onlv stn.Onn Is required ot tho right party. Address M 241. ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING WEST T'HIH MONARCH STORAGE CO. ,1e rER YARD. 3S70-72 I-VNCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEINQ OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.1510 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ARTISTIC dresses, lingerie frocks, reas. prices! Parisian models copied 15.10 Walnut at. DRESSMAKING taught; short, prac. course. MacDovvell. 307 Denckla Bldg-,. 11th - Market. HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A, Relchard.1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. EOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd, Keefer, 320 Ojrard ave. 1WO VIOLINS, good condltlonTfor aalerea enable, Apply 3C24Frankfordave.(rear)1 INSTRUCTION RAGTIME )n SO lessons. Call or writs Chrtstensen I'lano Schools. SS2U Qermantown ave.. 1320 Tasker st LACE-MAKINO instruction; native Belgians; clrc. sent. Polet Boeurs. 621T Westminster av, STORAGE J. M. FENTON STORAGE COl Low est ratea. Free estimate, Belmont 1380. B7BI.IABLESTORAaE, MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING. 2040-14 N. 30TH ST. DIA. 47-47. WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack. FH1LA. lng and shipping. 8870 Lancaster ave. TJPHOLSTERINQ MATTRESSES remade at your home; full alte, 11.03; single. 11.60. Zauderer. 3527 N. 17th at! WANTED TST-OFF CLOTHING, WANTED Ijt urn convince you that wo pay the big-beat SrU-es for gentleniena discarded clothe. AMI EL coriPEH Established 23 years HUOjilrard aye. Phone poo. 3710. Fark44M. OAST-OFF ClOTHINO bought"; shoes. tc, Wi pota. 8NE1D&IAN, 823 Poplar at. WATCHES AND CLOCKS fiOC. HEPAlna YOUR WATCH OR CLoSi?! no matter whstjt needa: 1 year guarantee. ARON'S. HIT W. OlnARD AVE. ROOMS FOB. KENT BARINO ST., 3.18 (Tho Chllton)-Two first Poor rooms; emit dentist, doctor or apart merits. Mra. Helle McClaln, manager BARING, 4p2'-2d-sty. from, nicely turn ; 2 bathe; near L; gent'n or mia, women, phone. LOGAN SQUARE, S., 18S0.1S12 (Race). The Virginia Everything new; elegantly furn.i hot and cold running water, fi up, table board, tl BO. Try us RACE. 341.12 altractlvo rooms, home of train, nurse, single, rtoub. acs., bd opt. Pres .1398D BPRIS'G ClAnDRN', 170.1 (opp llbrarvl-Kron suite prlvhath com pi. f urn. , hkpg , rens. arnt'CK, l12ft eum, or unturn. suite. Imtli, pnnli,alngM and double rooms, rmsnnable WAI.M'T, 4nil-Atlrnctlvely film ..south, ex os.; alnglo or en suite; private hath phone IIOOA 1(117 Westmoreland at., nttroetlvelv furn. coninutn. moms. 2d-strry front private family meals nearby; mod. Tlngn .llfil) W. 12TH, 8, lid (below Chestnutl-Deslrflble rm.. furn.; gentlemen only; 3 nnd l weekly 121H, H, 114 rrlvnte family baa comfortable front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, eler lighia 17TII AND 8PRUCE Suite of 2 large airy rooms, homo comforts. In private fnmll , aummer rst Phone Locust 27" D. ft2d and Sansnm - l'urnlhed rooms; iron nnlv . meals WFST BRANCH shower biths. nenr I., all (he 1', M. C. A. comforts ot home Phono Ill- mont 46M ; Key . West .ISO BOARDING ARCH. 202O Second Monr front running wa ter; neat and clean; with good tanl. Phono. All conveniences. CHESTNUT. -ItSO-rieasantlv furnished room In refined fapilly: convenient location. M story front. 2dnoor baek,tnMe board; phono. PARK AVeT. N.."212S-:Sntlemen can have nle room In good home, reas Roth phones BPniJCB, 102S0-Iiesltante suite with private lth; tholee tabls hnard Walnut 72.V, . SPRt'CE, 1224-:n illrlsmondel Fiirn. rooms, single, en aulte: prlvnto baths; tablet,oard SPRCCr, 12.10 - gftTH WITH PRIVATE RATH, OTHER, ATTRACTIVE ROOMB. WALLACE, l.21-Well furnished single and doublo rnis.; reflneil nelghbnhood. lV)p.WSA S3TII 8.. 101-Prlvnto fnmllv baa handsomely furn. room; corner, excellent table; phone. IjARGD ROOM with sleeping porch, over gar den; also small room, central, desirable for summer: references Phone locust .110, Vv . Suburban GERMANTOWN. 21S W. Rlttenhouse at . be tween Wnvno and Greeno Deslrahln rooms, In.l- n. .nm )inn,.llt.M fl t tt I S . .1 X GERMANTOWN. 130 W. School lann (Charfcel lm TlolreKi' nisi, sAnmi nhnnn tltn. .' i 1 J . OAK LANE. 701 Comlortnblo room, near . station, good home table l'hone jW . COUNTRY HOARDERS WANTED ST. DAVID'S Private family would like a few boarders for the summer, private bath If desired. Ad lress 111, St. David's APARTMENTS SPRUCE, H20-tlarh. npt.. 2 or .1 rooma: p'tv bath; turn or unfurn., eloctrle lights, hard wood floors, all modern Improvements CAM AC, N.. 2107-2 or a room apartments. furn, or unfurn.; refined home. Dlani HW11I. SPRING GARDEN. 1M0 Excellent npts. In S different houses, some furn . kitchenettes. ISTH N., 2017 Four rooms, bnlh. unfurnished, hent. light, hot water. 5....VI a month. West rhllndelpbla CHILTON APARTMENTS 121S Baring ft Two first-class rooms, with private bath, sup able dentist or doctor or apartment. Mrj. Bell McCs.n. mgr. Dell phone Preston 0.-.6,. EUBNISHED APARTMENTS WALNUT. 1222-24 IKenwood) Deslrnhlc apis . private bath; alim sl-igl- rooms, run water, nevvly renov.iled. summer rates, phones PINE, JH)0 Sublet furnished housekeeping spmt , 4 rooms, bath; all outside rooms, phiuv . LOCUST. 1.118 - cll-furnll cd npartment, largo airy looms. reTs. Phonn Walnut 7wiR . SUIILET Wcll-furn. hski g. npi .', rnmns. bath, nil outside rooms: neighborhood 1 Ith and Pine. Phone before noon. I'llheri 1.11 1 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DfAMONIir -'1 12 ,1rina-batlir kitchen, hot water heat; ref , 2d lloor, '.M I rnw. hath, kin hen. all cor. nus., 1.1.1, Diamond isi.i COLUMUIA. W.. 1II2S Newlv renovated apart ment. .Marge, airy rms. bath Pnplir tnn 2.1D AND PINE STS. -HE l.AM'EV AP'fS New, light. 4 to il rooms 1 and 2 baths kitchenette, central location Apply janitor KENT APARTMENTS.. , BT Housekeeping apartments, 4 rooms and bath. $32 fin month. Janitor service Lehigh Apartments y;"' a2 batru A pply 273S Oernnvntown a v , West rhllnilelplila BALTIMORE, AVE.. apt , 2d floor Brooms, private porch, heat and hot water, $:-IMns7.VSTH (Near" Chester'ave ) 'fi rooms and bath; new prop.; novel arrangement of rooms. Apply Janitor or phone ! lloert 14-M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2120-22-211 N. 11TH ST.-.1 STORY, MODERN (V1NVS ; LOT 111 FT 2 IN. BY 0 FT TO WIDE ALLEY. ASSESSED J1.100. MAKE OFFER. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. WALDMAN. 1110 OIRAltD AVE (ilenolilen, Ta. SALE OR REST Fine S-room. dwelling, all conveniences 27 Park ave. Nnrberth NARBERTH'S HIGHEST TRACT 13 lota, large frontage, Montgomery ave, tn Essex via "Stepney Place" road Beautiful location, old shade. A fine Investment. In creasing values. 10 minutes' walk from "".'"m. JUSTICE. C12 Chestnut St. rhlla. Fraier T ACRES. J3200; frame buildings. A. D. Heald, AVesl Chester. Pa. NT.1V J E KS BY BUNGALOWS, lots 2.1xlM); near trolley; over looking Delaware: National Park. Greater New Jersey Company, 3.1 S, loth lladilonflrld, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bsrgaln prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, Ml Federal at,. Camden Woodbury Heights, N. J. SE'ERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices John Mahew. Cape Mar. N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apta. for sale and rent; soma bargains In building lots. C. Earls Miller, 218 Ocean st . Cape May. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARUfl BO ACRES. Main Line, P. R. 11., suitable for fruit farm; 1.1500; make offer. J. H. THOMPSON, West Chester. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This isn bo Hone hv making- monthly raiments of from 117 to 1150 lor houses worth fin IISOO tn 2W ' r ' H. a REED, 717 Chestnut st REAL ESTATEWANTED WANTEDOn Main Line. P. n. R . between Roaemont snd Overbrook, furnished bouss. May and June only, about 1A rooms and garage. 2213 St. James nlace. Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE EOR RENT Huslnesa Properties anil Stores CHESTNUT, Nil Store and basement, suitable for household or office specialties, Inquire on premises. F W. SADDLER. QgFlCES. imSlNE33 nOOMS. ETC. ONE OFFICB nf suite, or desk room, central, 70S Abbott Bldg., Broad and Race. ONE-HALF or office for rent, with telephone service. 1110 Commonwealth. 6EABHOIU- For Rent, Furniihcd Cottage 23 N. Brighton, 0 bedrooms. 2 baths, long season. I.VX). Ocean front, 13 bedrooms, 4 baths. $1.vjU. Other cottages) In Chelsea and ventnor, eou up. Aumuwung service, r. yy W Y LD. 2623 Atlantic ave. Atlanllo CHy. H. J. COTTAGES and aparlmentf, $150 up. Atlantlo Beany o.. jiui,J' .- .w., ..v.,uim ave. Capo Mar. N. J. FUHNiaHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tlonsl reasonable. C. Earle Miller, J18 Ocean at.. Cape May. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR MORTGAGES W, It. HOOD, 613 NORRIS ST. ' ' 8AM UEL H. CHESTNUT M W8 Real Uta Trui Balldln-. . . i , . i 1 1 , ,. ,, i i. i i i ,i i". it " "" ""' "' I SCRAPPLE J Dcttcr None "How rllrl e go on at the funeral, Mrs. HobbB'" "Mv rlenr, t never enlnyed ono less. Horn snndwlrhes nn' lemonado was (.verviiiincr there win. Wot 1 eez Is. better lmve no funernl nt nil If o rnn't lmve a belter one thnn that'" -The Passing Show. Tion'l ho shocked' It Is only an optical Illusion, lion Frlsoner-Plense, Shudg', 1 tlnk I 1"iirIIM, nnd I onn't mnke noddtngs out Country MnKlstrnto-Thnt's no defense, Tho Knockabout Brothers The Passing Show, .Vustria I do-don't 1-llko the look of tho audience, Bethmann, and it's our t-ttirn n-next! Germany Tour turn, Joey you so on and say I'm 111! Good Guess I sai, Bill, what's a pedigree?" "same as hyrtrophony, I tlilnK "Hytirophoby That ain't It " "Well, It's got somethln' to do with dos, nn way." 4wmt. -x wQm IIA-IC ftOtlTMORntlfYI'SHiTiill $lfa -fur jp, Jl W iiM ni n , H'lij'ni ,rmrwffnwirAU,,wR7,ir,rjervwN w,. -- -- - A'WWT'r1 nn HI !v9k1 HeV HHsH Hrv mMLm. cHPI'h.j tHB ruH1ss i. f l9r4cvv'S ei7fl'jWli:. i,. u-tvlafJr.'LJmWtlEm RWCrWri WiV, i3E-B lii m iM 1916; THE PADDED CELL T COT Ai THE ) Back aaid brought ( UP THIS VAY TO "TViH WAtSTUAlE. - J LAb Ti.J.PHOAHAGr HER bRtSSMA'KSR jA -Indon Opinion. like to bo 'omo, I don't speak no good of vat do lawyers Is sayln'. neither can anybody else. Sit down! A Hcsomblancc "Willis eternity has neither beslnnlng nor end, neither form nor shape. Is ao vast and complex Hint wc can't under stand, and yet at tho same time Is n void. , There s nothlns like It. Is there? 1 Gillls Tho only other thliiK I know of that answers the description Is n moving plcturo serial In a newspaper. Puck. -AND THE WORST DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? J!ir3!!7 j (-Ltrw-lllns-i-ov- 5!!!-sBHWBBte I '17 l'ainful Contortions Patient Doctor, wrjen I bend ray body forward, stretch out my arma horizontally and lmpar to them a cir cular motion, I nlwaj feel such a pain In my shoulder. '( Doctor But what need NIs there for you to perform such ridiculous an tics? Patient Do you know any other way, doctor, of putting on yohr over coat? T IS YET TO COME - W 'h I f?3! 8 f 'L?: ( A..".- S3fSffi6sa-(s ' - - - :&M?tr -" -jfc-gi-iaBiyt-gr -g-Jntesfc-g jggfetej&fijKi- flMJ-ffrf tmfiSB5-- rflfaflfrfffr- Pai---Klg-i iiillirf' e&&&5Ss$&