Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
fcTOTrw vmitTXTmrjmfpm, mrtr&sr. WW 3, rare; :& , Idtottw vmT2TZTr&jmm?plmn wxysmxr wky s, rare: INCREASE IN DEPOSITSAND SURPLUS OF LOCAL BANKS-NEW LOW RECORD FOR TRANSIT STOCKS FELL SHARPLY ON HEAVY SELLING I Torpedoing of American Shfp and Wnr News Responsible for Goncrnl Liquidation. NEtV" VonK, May 3.-Tho torpedolnsr of j'the American slilp GulfllRht by a German submiujnrj was the alsnat for a general oiling movement at the opening or the Stock Exchange this morning, nml stocks alone; the lino were offered for sale nt concessions from numerous quarters and 3-lho tone was decidedly weak nnd un certain. Those Issues which have become known as the "wnr stock." because tho "frequent; reports of bl(? orders for war Munitions arc nssoclntcd with them, bus talncd the greatest losses, flood support was met at tho low points -of the early session nnd the market ral lied. On the upturn United Stales Stcct common assumed Its old position of lead ership and showed an advance of a full point before It, too, swrtml off, loslitu all Of Its Rain and going below tho final of ShtUrtlny. Tho buying of Steel waB said to be from largo Interests on the up swing. Tho rnlly throughout tho list did not last Very long and tho market drop ped Into a foverl-.li rut. 'Selling' was renewed with vigor litter midday, when news was received In an oITIciaI statement from Berlin thnt tho German forces In Gallcla had completely crushed the entire front of the Russian army operating there, and thnt tho Hub tlnn losses were enormous. Stocks were offered freely nnd prices declined rapidly, there being few ex ceptions to the general sagging tendency. Bethlehem Steel was one of tho weakest shares, losing nearly 9 points; Wrstlng house lost mora than 6; Pressed Steel Car, nearly 5; Mexican Petroleum, moro thnn 3. and American Locomotive more than 3. These declines were alt mada before 2 o'clock. United States Steel dropped 1V4 nnd Heading moro than 2; Canadian Pa cific also lost moro than 4 points, In addition to the wnr news nnd the torpedoing of tho Amcrlcnn ship, bears tried to' belittle the Importance of tho war orders which have been used for some time now to bolster up tho special ties. That there was a large amount of foreign liquidation was Indicated by the Hg-.iuvb iiiui 1110 uucniibB ui wiu siuimtiru ihucd, (jarucumny mo uik ruurouti . stocks, were large. Liquidation was also nultc pronounced t' In tho Copper group. Induced largely by h-st. caoies irom L,onnon toiirnr or lower m pr,ce" ior tho metal there. Amalgamated tapper was ino weaxesi in mm Division, New York Stock Sales , Last eloia, AtlarAj Eipress ....... Off ai-ks(iold Mines .. ?8tf Allls-Cnalm Mfe ...... 18'. Allb-ChalmMf' pf ... M!. Amalgamated Cod. .... TO Am lieet Sugar .. , 4Qi AmllrakeSftF ...... 102H 103 AmllrakeS&F of ...IriO Am Can .,,.,.,.,,..,, 3! Am Can pf 100 Am Car A Foundry ... 67H Am Cotton Oil 61. Am Hldo A Leather ... fij, AmllldeALeathor pf. .'OH AmlceSecurltei ;i4 Am Linseed )U( 2:10 High. Low. p.m. liilfi 10IK 101. 38", Sbli 3. ii 18H 17 ta 73W AM 10 1 153 3U!f tMK o. 61H mt 76H 49J. 163 67!. 62 Am I-ocomotlro .... Am Smelt A Itof ... Am Smelt A Itcf pf.. Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar Refining . Am Sugar Kef pf ... AmTclATcI Am Woolen ........ Am Woolen of ..... Am Willing Ppf .. 0)4 OH 301. 35 34 33. IIX 1114 68M liU 64H .. 7.J '.an 71U . .1071 107M 107 .. rtflt :i7!f 37)f ..111 111 110)f 110)f .114U 1141. H4 114,'f ..122JJ 122) i 121H 12IT. .. 31 32)f 31K 32W .. bW. bO). M)'f bOX 1.3)5 11 HIJ. 11 17 n 73li 48W 102 153 .M( Mi 65'-. fl)( ox rs Ml, 11?. 6Mi 71K 107)1 bH New York Bond Sales I: Anaconda Copper 30)f 3UU 35)( 35M Aicni sbf 102U lU2Vi lUltt lUItt naldwln Loco C8' G8W 65 55 flaltlmoro A Ohio 77)f V7'f Ualllmoro A Ohio pf ... 7)( 71M IlatopllasMlnlnii 1( M licinichcm sioci 141 141 ncthlchcm Steel pf 112) 112 llrooklynltap Transit.. I0!f IKIH Urunswlck Term 7M 7M Call'clrolcum 17H 17U Call'elroloumpr. M)i 46H Canadian l'acluc Cent Leather.... CcntLcathorpf 10,'IU lu.l ChrsAOhlo 40H Wi Chlno copper... 47 ChlcagoOtWest 12H Chlcieo Ut West Df MH CblcMHAStl 05K 76f 76H 71)i 71M I). VI 132 132 1114 111)5 bJii 50)i 7ii 7H 7H nii 45M 45)4 .105)4 10IH 101 101 40)4 41)4 30lf lU'i 10.'J 10.1 45'i 4n,'i lflsh. low. t p. m., 2(XW Ainer Tel cvt 4W...1U0 lnj lW)j looo Armour -4)4 vlW K2J jzji SROOilAlch cv 1035 ,kMVt ,ti 4"t :tW) do 1WJ0 .Ii lo-i',4 I(i2i4 2 WW Allan Co Line, 1st 4s. 0? I VH 2000 llalt A Ohio U HOA IK)J, "J TK do ev 4'is. 8TU S'H i "J0O llth aieel 1st ri.... MOV, l"0i iWV, sum do rfd 6 ni!4 "I .1 looo tirookn n t mis. . .loo, loo loo .loiKi liush Term sn If Mi WJ? J4 lWKK) Oil (las A Klee As... Plfe IU3 4j Hivio Ont loslli 1st fis ... mU mS imj .i:.oo onl faeinc :ni,s 8S fH?f 2.VKVI rto lit 4 'i ' f2J .7000 Ch1 A Ohio 4Un .... M H J 20)t! n tl re I M(s ( 9 2000 t? II A U Dfn Is .... It2 a Wf 2H000 C M A St 1 cv fls.rct.ln4H 1U4J 10H I00 C M A Bt I f-l 4'is. . P2J l'2 Wfl 1IIWI C J! & HI I dlv Is.. M4 Wl, IJ4 .1(100 C M A Bt P rp .-... I02 102'i 1W! 14001) V. M A Bt V CV IU". l . !f Jj . ?? loon Ci.Mll .t. St I' ien 4V,.101U ll'i 1J1h loiiil i: C C A Ht V sen 4. 7:1. 1D.VI0 ttin (Ins cv Os 117'i 1 000 Corn I'rod B 1W)4 KOtn looo len ft Illo Or 4b ... 7J? nwo Detroit United l!4 "9. W-W DIs Becur Corn Rs .... 0.V4 WW) Ihi Pont I'owd 4',4 .. KOfi 4000 Erie conv 4 Sfr A... (H5 10500 Oreen liny U lot 4nooo Hnrnna Klee I :kkk) nous ft Tn R 27.VH) Inn Can nv flu. 20000 in cv mt 3d ivi i; 'ip,i:hi oooi) Intcrb Mot 4W TMi nooo mterb ft T ret Bs ns woo intnr .Mcr jmr I'is.. 4J STEEL SHARES ACTIVE IN PHILADELPHIA Local Half -hourly Sales Break in Baldwin Locomotive. Rapid Transit at a Now Low Record. 130 2114 32)4 G3? C at one time showing n loss ot more than points. ifr NEW YORK CURB Brazen f4Br-Am Tobacco old ... nr-Am todscco new . Gold Cons (.reene Can La note Lehfsh Val Call Rjlffn. Klpitsinr Otis Kiev ' do prf. Tllker-Hasa Sterllnx Rum Tob 1'roduots United ClEOr Stores.... ao prri n Irof new orld Film ukon Gold nid. As'. , K'i St. , 17 17i , IS 1J"4 . 1'.4 IS , SI 3.1 n-18 1G.1 17.1 . o mi . 7t'i 7.1(4 . 02 01 . 7'i N :i 31 -in fill 57 'tl ,102 107 IIS 125 .H4 3U-10 4 44 aw :i BANK CLEARINGS BAnk clftarinfff todav comnared tvtth hmth. I sponding day last two years: t. mm. inn. mm. eFhtladelphla 128,21)8,0.1!) IL'l.noA.noa $2l,au,mt f Beaton ....;ss.oi.1,7RI 20,400.445 18,770,311 saiw xorK,..iu;,oua,iii -'..-'.Jiui.ool) :i4,uiK5t2 RATES FOR MONEY 14J4 7im . 21)t UW 1U 10 28)4 44)4 37)i 215 ,10'J 1G0 145 52X Chi A Northwest CnlKlAl' Colorado Fuel A I . . . Colorado A Midland. Continental Cau Consolidated 0 as .., Corn Products Itof. ., Corn I'rod Itpf pf.... Cruclblo Steel Co. .. . Cuban-Am Sugar.... IlenAltloQpt Distillers Sccurltlos . Eric Erie 1st pf... Erie 2d pf Gen Chemical Gen Chemical pf General Kloc trie GeneralMotors Goodrich DF Co.... Goodrich 1) F Co pf . Great Northern pf... U t N cfs for ore prop. Guggenheim Kxp'n . . Hav F.I Ity LAP... Hav El Ily LAP pf . llomcstake Mining .. Illinois Cent IntllarrNJ InterMet Inter Met pf International Paper .. International Paper pf . . 4 1)4 Int Steam Pump Q)i Inspiration Copper. Julius Kajrser A Co. Kan City southern.. Kan City So pf Krr.goSSCo Laclede Gas. ....... Lack Steel Lake Erie A West.. LakoErloAWestpf Lehigh Valley Maiwcll Motors 52)4 Maiwell Motors 1st pf. 514 Mai Motors 2d pf .... 41)4 MlnnASt Louis 1031 10), 12i 3:tJi U))i 44)4 12'. U4 120!( 12U)( 2151 2) :4 3 (( 18) 18's o:ih Od 12034 liOU 121 78 J5 01 15!f 10 28!i 44)i 37 14f 78 no 41)4 12!J 3'- ill 12l'J4 23J4 :Pi 18)4 03 129)4 11! 78 21 00 15 15 27)f 43!f 30)4 fn 27W 27)4 27U ,,.; S?fc SJ1- 4'?S 2000 Jnpnneee 1st Vi 77W 77J4 ,7'j looo Locledo Oas li7.s....loi'S loijt 10i;. 10000 l.nko Ml Ueb 4s .'.O.... 72H 72U i2Mi 20000 1000 Lake Hh ilct' )s ll:ll 6000 I.Ik A M T fla 2000 IirlllHrd f., I0IHI Mnnhnllnn 4s ri(n .Mo Kan ft T rfd 4i. 2k.N.vx .V v c A II Us w l...lo:iS 400tKI N Y l" ft HUfl I'M... : !2fc t)2H HJ'i 100'i 100 10011 100( 10()(, lOO'.S 1)1 III 111 5.1 M XI .1011(1 .V V CIIV -rl 4'..li. 101 10 N Y I7U.V 4),ss lllffl.. innii v v v I) a. ir iu. .. 7000 N Y Itwy auj .14 h-ij 2(M) N Y Tel sen 4) l'i 7000 Nor IMc prior 4a 01 12000 do pen ::x n.i'f 21)00 Ore Short I. 4s 01 4 coo Paidilo Tel :.s 1 70 0 Penim ci a'js Ion 20( t'enun rt 4'ti- 1IU "mm liihlli Herv N' .1 B Hl inci liny Con Coppr ns... 1 17 lftl-H m 103U N) : 101) loos 1 ii Jim 11 b() 15 15 27)f 43) 30)4 211)4 211)4 211) 10!) 10J 109 !5'l)4 155)4 156)i 143)f 141 141 6 H 50)4 50)4 102' i 102)4 102)4 102)4 ..120.! 121 120 120 .. 37)f mi mi 3G)f .. 02 02)i C0)4 00)4 .. 80 M SO rl ... SO CGI mi OdH .117 117H 117)4 117)f ..110)4 110 110 110 ..100)1 101H 22)4 22!4 72)4 11M 4 IX 7)4 33 87)f 27 mc 128 72)4 II 33)4 88 20J4 50)4 127 104Sf 104 47)1 -m 6!f 8?4 22 21)4 0.') 21)4 71 11)4 41)f 0)4 31 S7U 20(4 otjf 128 104 40 HH :IH U8H 21'4 71!X 11)4 41)f 7 32 87)f :ou 5'J)f 128 101 40 b!4 21)4 l(X n linn 1 v H 2 (X) Itnrk Island Is.. . I20011 !n rfd 4s swum do .".1 WOW) tit LIMA Sn Bs. . IUHXI Pniltll Hell .'i 12000 South I'ac cv 4s .. ioo.m11 1I0 ret f p r 1034 .",0000 South I'ao rfd 4s ... 2000 South nwy Ren 4S 1000 Kouth Itwy eon ria . .'loco Terns Co cv fis ... 1000 Third Ave new R 2000 Third Avo ndj Bs . 101x1 v S nubbor (Is ... 41000 i; a Steel WOO I' S Steel reir Cs . i:Min t'nlon Paclllc 1st 4s .won Union l'ao cv 4s . nooo Wnhnsh 4 2L'K) IVabnnh 2d fls 43000 IVnb Kqu ct eta ts sniiKi W8t 1, A M ev Js.. 1000 West Union 4'4s . 1' . .I'M, . 1X1 . HI . WVj . w "S .mt; . SS'i (l,?l or. I, nil, 07S 100 !" lI'Di Mt. on M l)1'a IIS R-H4 101 mi: MS D7 III 111 tll'i l)7 100 1B1-, SSI, 117 H.IU Mfi OH 5.1 OS !4 00 sJ4 7H '.'.M& lOOU 100 rm4 lu1f Wl' sa .10.1(4 .102'i .102' . Olltb . 01i . .10 . (H4 . 2S '. now lis 101 102'i, 102'i iii;;.j 1)1 (, D4 27lj ni)i 10 00 (i OOtk ?2(, 10.1 urn 102'i 11(1' in 't ID) finH 143)4 143)4 142)f 142)f full EPhlladelphla a4(4 &Xew York ijv.ku llloston .1 scrnicaco .ium t commercial paper, three to six months, rhlta gdalphla, 3)4 and 4 rcr cent. Time :i)MH 24 2)l 4 gf-t'b Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Days- 30 or 30 or 1)0 or Over Philadelphia , ruosion ..,.,,, kls'w York Cleveland .... httlohmond .... Atlanta i;nicto Minneapolis ,, Kanaa City , Dallas ....... I; San i'rancljco leas tiu l)U uo 4 4 4J4 5 4 4 I', 4j ::::::::::: X t 4 4)4 r. 4 4 4V4 5)4 4 4 4), .1 4 414 n 4 4 4'i 514 4 4 4)4 4, 4 4 4(4 U Foreign Discount Rates . 86)4 bOH . BO 8S . 13 14 J0)f 34)4 . 15)4 15)4 . 53 52H LOii :ou 73J4 74,'i 121 120 121 120)4 10)4 10)4 00 CO 00)4 "5 15)1 1554 67 07H 8)i 00 32 32 SBanlc of Entland tiianx or franco .... Hank of Oermany .. Bank of Ilalglum .. FBank ot Austrls ... KBank of Italy tiianx 01 Switzerland a ('Bank of RUMla n KHank or Spain 5 IBank of Portutal B',5 !.l)nk of Swedtn Bt( , Hank of Denmark (Hi . Ilnlf of Norway RU .Bank of Netherlands 3 .1 -Auc. S. lull l Auc. 20, 1011 1 Dec. -I, 111)4 IS Aug. 27, 1(114 8)4 Oct. 31, 11)14 .1 May 0, 11)14 S Scot. 10. mil July 20, 1U14 Hepi. 1, 1014 Jan. 14, 1D1I Jan. S, 1011 Jan. IS. 11)14 Auc. 12, 11)14 Aug. 20, 1014 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 'market opened ateady today, . with demand NEW YOnK. May 3. Tha foreign exchanga iaterllng uuchanced. 1 Cables , Demand steady merlin merllng. 4.704, ...... 4,T8 Francs. Marks. Oullders. S.i4 S2 112 SOVi'i. p,s2w S2,r 3)ji;; GOVERNMENT BONDS 1 of 1930 rar 2a!of 1030 cau ..... I Panama 2a reff Panama new 3a raar Panama new 3a,fou of 1018'eou 4a!of 102.1 reg , lll jva cou . . . . , Bid. .. H4 .. 88 .. ns ,.10Ul ..101), ..101); ..UQ)J Aak. no 101 162 116 LONDON STOCK MARKET Fradlng Quiet, With regular. Prices Ir- WNDOX. May 3.Tradlng un qulat on the noes exenange toaay ana prlcea were Ir-trular. uinaon rv.Y, . ,. cloae, cqulv, nalgamaled Copper 7U 7.1). U Bi?.iIt.I- X..i --------- -i.f S. 7 HU.IUIHUI Vilfu, 4...,p... rw HS nartl.M vapin 1711 1,1,1' usapaaKi nicaao u ui.- .......,,.,,,.... it SJ - Ji ja a ail. rirai ................. n !,& 1: tnol, Central 114U n Vaciflo ..17l 104(1 -1 aka ft Ohio 48 f 4U i! M ft Bt P o iH n A "OK "tli J. if 44 120 sa 104S 33 100 1S041 IS' - il 02JJ Ml xitivllla ft Nashville 125 w ion. taatrai l"fc rfolk ft Westtrn 100(1 Paw-York Oiu ft West :t3tj Pteipaylvtinla' IMP fedlng , 78r5 feilthtm Railway 10 tcithtrn Faeiric OdKi imnn iariru iAa: Cnlte4 SUtcs Steal 61H WH ' iVf av4 y Hjw.m Atlas Powder Stock Allotment WW TOBK. May S.-StockhoUara of tha WSi J5f W3T C'"nPI)y. haying authorized !4S,WO,0u0 a par cent, cumuiatrvs preferred itot'k for the purpose of taking care ot any !m.ji iuw.i.Mia. ,,,v uunwn re oner Miinmozi aharaholdara or Anrll AA ,1,. mlagai pi subscribing to the preferred and LVjjueU stock. rwr eacrt iJ anare, or common held, BO ro or preferred mar be purchased at par II 3d share of common at fio. Pivm.m. sy.be mada Incaatj or In S per cent, out- niog; uicciue ponae 01 toe coaapauy at 103 la goto. The etock may ba paid for la iimm. cegtnouig iu per cent, on June i per t-nt July 1. 24"soer nl. October 1. ef eexit. inurr 1. 4viol ana so per Avrll J, 1910, Bonds to apply to eub- aa bkuh, oepoajtea oy June 1. 1W15. of IncoiBB ror4 are belag offered vs li-e ta excaanxe tnelr bonda fnr nib Mack fit tha cwmpany, giving' one share. w,fc inw iw. tua caea ier earn value px pones luraeo is. v MStl'&S H M 120)4 110 Meilcan Petroleum .. Mexican Fctroloum pf Mo Kan & Texas .... Mo Kan &Texai pf.. Mssourl Paclllc Montana Tower Miami Copper Nat Cloak & Suit .... 41UliUMdl UIKUlb ..... National Ilbcult pf . .. National Enamel &S . Nat Lead New York Air Brako .. Nevada Con Copper .. N YNII& II , New York Central NYO&West Norf&West Nat Ity of M 2d pf ... North America Northern 1'adlis Pacific Mall Pennsylvania II It.... Philadelphia Co I'ltUburehCoal l'lttsburch Coal pf .... Pressed bteel Oar llybteel Spring Kay Con copper ... Hcadlnc itep Iron & Steel ... Hep Iron & Steel pf Hock Island Co .... Hock Island pf ItumelyM Copf ... bears ltoe& Co bILouls&SK 6tL&SFran2dpf Seaboard Air Una pf St Louis Southw'n . Sloss-bhefS&ICo . bouUiern Pacifla .... Southern Ity' Southern Ity pf btandardMUllnc ... btudebakerCo btudebalter Co pf .. 'Permeaseo. Cop TeiasCo Texas 4; TacUlo 1'hlrd Avenue Toledo St L&Wpf . U fl C1K b. 3H S3H 425f 40H al 10 10 10 117J4 11. Si hi 81U 87 87 I3 13! 34', 34!i W,i UH C0)i fiOX 23i 25H 74!i 74.' 120 120 120K 120X Mi Dili 10 00 OOJi UOJf 14U Uii 051( 00 S8K 8?J 31): :wj 105K 105H 105 105 .7777 77 70 70 70 HOW 10i.M 108), 10SX 23 22H 22H 224 lUtHi JUHJi 108 75M 70 70 23 23M 22JJ 03 02 OIJ4' PIIOSI'KUITV IX WHST KETURXIXO, SAYS HAMLIN Governor of Reserve Board Dcclnrea Conndenco and Credit Are Increasing WASHINGTON. May a. Trosrerlty la re turLlnc to tho West, accordlnc to Governor 'Hamlin, of the Kcdrrnl UcJervo Hoard. wh todoy returned tn Wanhlnglon from a tour to the Western States. Th recent d-prenalon In the lumber rmalnrBS is paxKlnir. tlie'rrtnll mercantile bualnCBa has iinnroed and confidence nnd credit aro In creasing In nil line.". Mr. Hamltn Hlnlc. Ilnnhers throiiBhout tho country arc plcnsad with tho I'etlerat reseire sjstem. and nrosri'Mi nt the Fediral reserve cities which (Jocrn')r Hamlin visited points toward Ino ultimate success of the new hanking plan. , Governor llnmlln nddeil he rrcched many Inuulrlm from Statu hankers regarding the tiollcv or tho hoard toward State Panks nnd trust companies, and that the Stnto hankers are Anxious to sen tho regulations KovcmlnR them ioon to ba issued. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO.NOPAII STOCICS. A new low record wrus established In Ilnpld Trnnslt nhares hero today when tho quotation fell to 9 on niodernto offerings. Very little support appeared to bo forth coming. Irregularity mnrked tho tono of the Philadelphia, market during: tho grenter portion of today's session, lake Superior, Cambria Steel, United States Steel and Tonopah Belmont wero tlio active iea turcs, but their movements were confused nnd lncklnsr In definite trend until tho nfternoon, when weakness neveiopca. Tho Initial tondoncy was downward, fol lowed by n rally under tho lead of steel, but renewed offerings checked the rlso nnd n reaction set In around midday which left the general level somewhat below last wrok'a final figures. Hnldwln Locomotive common fell from f.O to R"1 on nn odd lot sole nnd then recovered part of Its loss, only to drop below CG later. Tho Street la expeotlng nn announcement reKnrdlntr wnr orders at almost any moment now. In somo qunr tors It was snld that a statement might bo given out today, but this wna denied by officials of the company. Announcement mni nearly w United Itallwny Investment collateral trust sinking fund 6s of 1928 had been purchased by tho trusteo for tho sinking rnnrl fnilnri tn nilmulato much activity In the bonds on 'chnngo nor In the Philadel phia Company Issues. In fact, United In vestment 5fl reacted a small fraction. The lionil market trnflitiK, 111 a whole, was much less brisk Ihan In recent sessions, but prices worn fairly, well maintained. Lehigh Navigation 4,is' were In demand at n simile below par. Tho stuck remained dormant, despite some optimistic utter ances by usunlly well-informed brokers on tho outlook for tho company. 10 to 10t30 A. M. 100 Uke Sup.Cor 7f4 lOO tJ S Steel.. ... &j . 20 v s Steel.... Mi 33 1-nke Sup Cor ! 1W l.ake Rup Cor 74 " Penna Wj I.Milee Storage. MS 10 do h W10 jjiko Sup Cor 1 a d?,"j"" vJia K) 1'enna Bait,., tn 75 fleadlng .-."3 ill" lh Uke Bup Cor J 1" A"11 CPrl '2' 100 us Bteei.T . . oS 20 lka Sun Cor O, 100 do an BO U S Bteel.... M loo no 60 SUO . do... .' loo Lake Sup Cor J J, jijl ike Sup Cor ..4 40 do 11 b S Steel.... ij In .in 7i. SO do '., ino ft a siui An, Ml Iike Sun tor .( 1 u 01..:::: h,soo uh steei.... t A LihNav 74(,Sii Uke Sup Cor ii 0 tiSmbVla Steel .10 TP"".Jlin- l 1 rx union Trac... a.i,, i"" 5 ."" .,(? li)0 American, ice. 334 10 do.... l!!, 100 U S Steel.... f.swlfj) Klec Storage. J 2) iJtko sup Cor 7J SO ,",0-.i silt :is iio 7; 10 naldwln ;'jJ) loo do.. ...... I J8 r.rm ....... M 35 do ? M I' 8 flctl.... W .... MM lit... 05 4IK) ctn 7?i W .. DO.... . . , . hnli 1" -I cinm ., if rt D...I loo jjika Sup Cor T iu j'ntia m?c... i" 5 .. loo U s Stoel.... .v'i 11 !5ii;,i IR Cambria 8teel 40!l 200 CambrIA I I10NT8. fiooo renna conn 4'4s 1W0 MOO lih Nav enni 4'4s 10 Ilradlng- Ren 4s......... COO Klee PcopTr4 3000 Weit NVA Pa .';;,; 2000 Jamestown Franklin & Cl 4a.. 600 Thlla Elee fis Sales in Philadelphia 300 Amal Copper izu Am can inn Amer Ice . . , . . 410 Bald Loco .... S00 llalt & Ohio.. .J) Drill J O 10.10 Cam Steel .... lo rhino Copper . 601 Kleo Storage . . .'11 Erlo l!Hi Hen Asphalt 2.1 do pref i.11 Interborn .Met . 4 Ins Co N Am. .", Key Tel . . . . 1.11 I-aks Sun Corp 3d I.ehlRh Nav ., 10 irfhlgn vol Sat, dose. High. l.r-a 1& . 77 30 to4 1 29 n 21' IMtS 2li ir.ir 1.1 si JiV 4D-S 47 2HH 21 07 2:10 Low. p.m. 73H 7.1; 30 4!)' 411 R2I 2H Mi 71' 71 "i 10:30 toll A.M. 10O 0 8 Steel.... rm M Cambria Steel tO Financial Briefs Jim Hutler MncNamara Midway Mlzpah Extension Montana Nortliorn Slnr .... Tonopah Ilelmonl . Tonopuh Kxtenclon Tonopah Merger . . Tonopah Mining .. Ite&cue Kula WV'at End Hid. .h.1 .11.1 .11) .31 .3.) .21 4?. Si" .13 .Ul GOLDPIBLD STOCKS. E6H 37 24 10-H 70 22K 91W 52 i.a 23 60 62 38 lid 23K 2S ..lSl,' 1B1U H8S HS'( Mi 4ii 20H 29H t8H U i m bH w b7H OH 1381f 138 138 Hi Hi -Oi 6 39 16M 38 03 181. f8K 62 78H 101 SiH 6U .. 28ii . 18H .. 38 . 02U . IStt . 6Sli .. 62 . 78 ..102 . 34H .140 . 10H .. 4H 6)1 b7H a M 0)4 138 4U OK 37 10H 37)i 01). 18 581f 62 73 101 14 6W 37J. mi 37H OIK 18 68 62 74J 101 34 138H 135K 135J, ion ion iu, S4S( 62M 52)i 0 0 6 Tobacco Irod pf 100 100U 100 100 I) nlon JJ8B& Paper ... Mi OH 04 OH Union Pacific 13 W 132H 120), 120X Union Pacific pi 81 81), 81)( 8l) U&CastlP&P 15 1SH 15), 15), USliUtira If PI .. . 4S 45 45 United Jljj Invest .... JU) United llyslnrpf .... .18 Uti Itubber 03H U 8 Itubber lt pf UDOteei .,....,.,,.,, Ubbteel pf HO)!" lul) US Express 08)f C) Utah. Vopper 68 18 fOH va-uar uaemicau ,,,, fjif a.in -! Ya-CrCbempf ...... 00 100 03 lYabaah H l)j i)( Wabasbpf 3)( 3)( 2H Western Union Tel ... 6M. OS), CM WesUnshousoEIectrto .103U 103)f OS Weatern MarrUnd .... 25)i 26 iO Wllhri Overland 117 llflU nn ,M)liiorUl),HCo...104li W45 joa 1.U3JJ v 4UUICU .fHICUU Atlanta III110 null IJooth Ilulldoc C. O. U Comh. Prac Dlamondneld D. I). ... Daisy Klorenco Goldneld Consolidated lioldlleld LMTrcer Jumbo Intension Kewana Oro San Ken Sliver Pick MISCBL1.A.VEOUS. Klmberlv Nevada Wonder .3S .01 .4S .03 .0.1 .13 .1)2 .0.1 .M '.h .30 1.3.1 .15 ,(!'.) .as .01) .0-1 l.uo Ank. ..Ml .01 .20 .32 .40 .2"! 4lj 3?4 .10 7i .14 .1)3 .3!) .0(1 .50 .0) ,ul .11 .IU .11)1 ..17 t 1.4U .17 .10 .10 .10 .01 . 1.1)5 At tho nnnunl meeting ot the United Gns Improvement Compnny. Samuel T. IJodlne was re-elected president. Deposits of tho Missouri, Kansas and Texns notes nmount lo about DO per cent, of tho 1",000,000 outstanding. This leves approximately Jl.000,000 ot the notes still undeposltcd. dross earnings of 20 railroads for the thrri week of April showed n decrease of $274,142 or 3.37 per cent. Additional shares ot various companies havo been placed on tho regular list of tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange ns fol lows: '131,000 American Telcphono and Telegraph Company, $100 American Mill ing Compnny, The American Light nnd Traction Com pany's annual report shows gross earn ings of 4,'56.1;i, nsalnst $1,122,767 the pre vious year. The surplus after dividends was J10.090.11S. compared with D,577,.V8 In 1911. T!in total amount of national bank cir culation outstanding on April 20, 1013, was SG"."!3,0C7, and thcro were In existence 7012 national banks. 1.1 Klon Ktorairo. . I do 1(10 do 40 U 8 Steel.... If) 00 20 do 100 1 do 20 on 20,1 do I'D do 10 do lo 1I0 to do Ml do 10 do 100 do ,V do 40 do Ill do !tt (lo 13(1 do .V) ,n 20 no 40H do 120 do 1(10 do 20 no S2! 2.1 U 8 Steol. RSI, 21) do ... .. f24 .") Cambria Steel vi(M ,V) do .IPS no do ll uu S8 nil 50 SO l ffli-C 100 If 8 Steel. . . . WJi .11)4. 2i) Cambria Steel 60 (10 10 Iileo Storase. Mil () IPO Mo Paclllc... mi ID IW I'enna.Salt. .. IK; no 3.1 Cambria Steel oO SMu8VcV.::::$, JS W-IA 01 ino Unldwln J3''J hi .V) Kleo Storasn. .-J COU .m Cramp l.c j i',, Mil" 2,1 Cambria Steel MU, rm. Hit I' S .Steel.. .. IKS mi" 2(m Cambria Steel .-.rjH nut, 20 I Steel.... 0 "M W do "J4 ll PHI do....... .. 0)) not; ."() likn sup Cor J 100 Cambria Sleet !!), 2"0 Tonopah Uel. VA 600 Tonopah ei. 4'-j II Penno. ....... 4 10 U S Steel.... JS 2.1 Cambria Steel 0 U 100 do OI'S 60. do,. OOJt 80 do iiO 5 10 1-eh Nav. . . . . t1, O) do noi' 200 rtalt A Ohio.. ,7 10 do M; H) U 8 Bteel.... Mt 300 Cambria Steol W 4 TnsCo N Am 21V, PI. . . . ,iu'. no! W Wh Val Tr pr.. 3014 .1 i.ntie HcmiyiKiu rwi-ii 100 .Mo TVuine 10 Mr. K ft T 14 32.1 renn.ojlvanla ... rM4 1.1,1 Pcnna. Salt Mfu P.I 310 Pl.lln Kie.'trle.. 2ltl 1041 P II T tr ctfn.. nJS 20 Hay Conj 2334 81 Heading 'ti 1.1 do lat pref 2.VXI Tonopah llfl... 44 42 Tonopah Allnlnit 7'i, 4.V) Union Traction, .1.1 12.1 United (las Imp S4U IftVIt tt Steel 6flJ 200 W Cramp & S to 27 DONDS. 1,881 prev. aale, lllah. !)', 'uioo Am uai ft V. r.s. wi'i 10(10 Ilnld Ixw 1st 58.101 600 Klec & 1" TT 4. (U!k 74S 7l'i ISIJ ISii r.i", ns 24J4 25' $ as 27 2WI Inter.t ttys 4s.. nntfi 2(HK) James ! ft O 4s. 00 50O 1. .Vav ens 4H 100 1000 I, Vol c ens 4s. SOU 6000 Market St HI 4s. I)2 13000 l'a cons IVin 'HO.lOl 1000 do cv 3',4s '1,1. .. L1.1 Phlla Co IMS. . HI 600 Phlla Kleo CB...1011; 1000 Head sen 4a.... Ml" inon tt,i tiv inv r.n. . to 1000 W N Y ft Pa 6s. 102 102H SBll 103 Ml 601,i CO m,i IS, 101 100 in 101i III". 404 33fi & 4UH tnt r.2ti '2X. 28 07 16 tW 71 I 304 131 P3 2I 0 24 ."!? 47 85 r.s 27 2:40 p.m. 8514 10.1 KO 6I) IIO t)0'4 .".J4 .1)2(4 ln.1i, lfK n:i I015; lot's 2S 21 U 21 4 15 7'i 74U 7 Mi f'J4 61 i3j; SI" 05. 2l!l n 24 M'u 41',, 4',, 3.V S4W r.s 27 R5li irn m . .1014 Ml oU 8!) 4 D24 103tS 100 IKI 102i 04 J4 wt-4 102i 10 Klee Storage 100 II 8 Steel... 100 Am Can 10 U H Steel..., 30 do 2() do 200 do 1000 Am Q IfiOO ITr, IIwvr Inv fji. . 13.-. Phlla Co scrip 10lb :i 10 u s Bteei o 10 do 00J4 424 100 Cambria Steel ). lailj 311 Tonopah .Mln. (!i l! r den Asphalt.. 28 CO) 10 U S steel.... ooi.t not. HOND3. Idee Sflil C0?4 03 11 to 11:30 A. M 20 den Asp pfd. 07 in Chlno Copper. 404 wi Cambria steel 10 Lake Sup Cor r, non AspKalV..' ill Hay Con, to I'enna ft) (len Asphalt. fiO',4 40 no s 10 Kleo Storage, 423i 2no Tonopah 13ol, 2S 100 U 8 Steel... 4 200 do... 64)4 2S 2S S3 4i 0014 CO 20 Oen Asphalt.. 2S a steel. hlla Kleo.... (ten Aanhalt.. 200 Hhlla Elee 10 U S Steel.... 100 do -14 10 U n't ICO Ph! 414 IK) (lei SHOUT TERM NOTES Hid Asked Amer Loco SB 70 J8! 10 07)' 18J4 30 O.H ,V)1ii V)7X 1U7J, 10 7H ouji ouy 07M 07X 108), 108) ID UU 31X O'J IX oa 00 ao 110 Amer T & T aub Amer Tn)i scrip. . Anacor.da Copper Argentine (Jov... Argentine Oov... Argentine Oov.,. Halt c Ohio Beth Steel ...... Hrooklrn II T.... Canadian Pao. ..., C i O , Chicago Elevated. Erie Erie Krle Cleneral Motor Oov of Switzerland B Oov of Switzerland ,1 Gov of Switzerland .1 Internl Harvester, a Lackawanna Steel. A" Lake Sh & Mich So ft Lake Sh & Mich So R Mo Pacino l Y C t II It... ft NYOill It... ft New York City... H New York City... n Now York City... rt N Y N II ft II... R Pennsylvania conv 34, Pub Serv Corp N J .1 Seaboard A I. ... ft Southern Hy 3 Southern Rv .1 U 8 Smelt HftM Co .1 I'nlon Typewriter. ,1 United Fruit fl United Fruit ft Utah Co " TVest rnn Trac. . 6 d 11 d ft 11 ft ,1 3 3 d" 1001, IIKH4 100 I"0j, !(( Hate Due J my iviA April 1D1II Sept. 11)15 Mar. 11)17 Dec. 11)1.1 Dec. mill Deo. 1017 Juno 1017 June 1015 Jur Mar. 1021 June 10111 July into Apill mill Oct. 1(11.1 April 1017 Oct. 101.1 Mar. HUH Mar. 101 H Mar. 1020 Feb. 101.1 liar. 1017 Sent. 101.1 Dec. 10111 JOOft tiuno 4i,in m sept. Hl.- Oct. 101ft Sept. mi.', Sept, 1010 Sept. WIT May 101.1 Oct. ini.1 Mar. mm Mar. lain Feb. mm May 1017 June 10is Jan. min May 101T Mar iniS 100' i ioiji. iw.v '. muz loot. 1018 100 lUlli ni4 on 1(0 11K) 00 KH'i on'. l)7i', nmi Dll'. 0714 100 ino 4 100'i loot; 102i ini)J noil lontj ion DI14; tKl'4 nK; n 111114 louj nS April inn ns Mar. lftlT 01 KAILROAD EARNINGS ST, U3UIS BOUTUWESTEnN, I 1013. Decrease. March gross ........... IWI.150 I1S3.I74 Nt .,,., 188,242 -12 UK Nina month' grosa 8,253,601 l.Kaa21i Net .,....,,,, 4.630,701 pm CINCINNATI, HAMILTON AND DAYTON. March gross ,, 1701.684 I8V.M7 Der. afur tax ,,.,. 12,8TS 2823 Nina months' groan,.. ... 7,l5,hou S44 mja Net .. 613,310 180,291 NKW HAVEN. March gross... 13.331,512 t22,732 Net Income 2l.80d '610215 Nino monlha' grosa 47,750,374 3,333 005 Net Income ,. 850,003 1.727.322 1IOCKINQ VALLEr. March roaa !4ai,SA9 IlM.Bio Net 110 853 64.127 Deftelt M, 701 '88 172 Nina months' groa ,761,608 LOOO.iao Ndt Mr,234 S27O0O Burplu, 422,700 430 771 IX1UISVIU.E AND NA8irVIJ5, (May July October ,. IDeeember January , .March ... tipol C01TON Saturday' Open- 11 cmse. inn. A.M. 0.0.1 10,1.1 ....,,.10.47 ....... in.n.1 ...,,..10.71 10.01 ..10.40 11.7.1 10.05 10.3T 10.05 I0..1J4 10.28 12 31. 10.07 IO.40 10.30 101' 100 14 Kill, 10UII 100 IIS'4 iooh 1001, 10.11. 1121, lltil, lilt. 100', OO'l 101, 100),; 11'l.j 07'i nnij 1)8 1001; loot, 01 loon 100'i lot 102T4 1011 100 1 not:, lnou lti lonit nn 11714 nij 102 ll.SU inn 00 2.30 P.M. 10.01 in.aa 10.5-4 All City Trust Claims Settled' J, Hampton Moore, receive for the Chv Trust. Safe Deposit and nurety Commny oY Pblladelpliia. Issued, a statement that all claims of creditor have been settled dollar for dollar. The receiver' fifth accounting show additional collections, which, after de ducting ripensea. .leave 1122,371 more fot distribution to creditors. The previous ac countings had shown an aggregate of ll.rw). 167, equal to D3.300 per cent, pf lt) lUtma. Steel Tube Products Advanced .4.l"'TTf,BU'aJlrl M?.y SUnder date of May the National Tube Company ha mada an ad vance of approximately $2 pen ton on all It regular tubular product, except oil country goods, the advance covering itandard ateel 1 black and aalvanlxed. linn nin is. Inch and less, and boiler tube. The advance are effected by reducing the discount by I per cent. . On February 11 standard pipe and line had been adtaneed 1 point, so that th total ad vance on these product on this movement Is about Jl a ton. The ilellclt of tlin Nova Scotia Steel nml Coal Company for the year ended Decem ber 31 was $330,210, against a (317,657 sur plus In 1913. Charles H. Bean & C1 moved Into their new olTlccs today at 116-117 South 5th street The committee 011 stock list of the Slock KxehanKe lias decided that all transac tions In port said subscription receipts for Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way jjenernl rcfundln( mortgage convert ible 5 per cent, bonds, series "B," duo 2014, be second Installment G5 per cent, paid until further notice. The New York banks Rained from tho Subtreasury Saturday '210,000, nnd lost since Friday $112,000. The report of tho Gront Northern Ora properties for the year ended December 31 shows a surplus of $53,917, against $310, 74.1 in PJ13. Tho city comptroller of St. Paul will receive bids until noon, Jtny 19, 1915, for $100,000 4'J per cent. 20-year bonds. Each bid must bo accompanied by a deposit of 2 per cent, of the nmount of the bid. Exports of copper from Atlantic ports during April totaled 16,823 tons, ngalnst JI.im in the snme month last year. Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Sugar company re-elected retiring directors nt the annual meeting today. Officers and retiring directors of tho Bellefonte Central Railroad Company were re-elected nt the annual meetln-r of stockholders here today. The corporate existence of the Hatboro National Bank, Hatboro, Pa., has been extended until April 30, 1933. George it. Earls 3d, wsa nlso elected n director of the Pennsylvania Sugar Compnny In addition to the other di rectors. The following subsidiary compnnles of tho Pennsylvania system held nnnual meetings today: Columbia and Port De posit Railway, Elmlra and Wllllamsport nallroarl Compnny, Falnnount Coal and Coke Company, Lancaster nnd Quarry ville Railroad Company, lwlsburg and T rono Hallway Company, l.ykens Valley Railroad and Coal Company, Pomeroy nnd Newark Railroad Company, Sha mokln Vnlley nnd Pottsvllle Rallrourt, all at Philadelphia, Southern Pennsylvania Railway nnd Mining- Company at Cham bersburg, Pa,; Susquehanan, Bloomsburg nnd Berwick Railroad Comnanv nt Wll llamsport, Pa.; Trenton Delaware Bridge Company nt Camden, N. J.; Ocean Elee trie Railway at Far Rockawny. N. V. The boards ot directors were nil reelected. fleh Ann nfd. I',' in I,.,,. R.i: HI IT S Steei!.'.'.' OO'l ino Tonopah Hel. 4 -11 i) m wei. ... ((i 2.1 I'enna Salt... P.I M Lake Sup Cor 8 BONDS. 1000 Baldwin 5- Win Am Oas A Elso .Is.. 1C00 l,ch Val sen cons -Is 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. in nendlng- 7.1H 30 U S Steel 20 i,r .Nav 745,100 do 100 tr a steel.... f.ni 30 ,to 100 TJec Htornce.. r.2 3 Penna 25 iPenna ."4tJ Sill' U I 40,1 lake Sup Cor K .' ! S Steel ion u S Steel.... MH 10 1 l-oke Sup Cor 100 .10 n S I'enna Ml I-ake Sup Cor R ion t; Kteet... PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipt. 102,444 bushels. The market was tinehanKed hut Arm, with a fair domand Tor export. Quotations: Car lota, In export elevator No, 2 red, spot. $l.B0ftl.A2: No. 2 red Western, snot. $1. 0411:1.07. Round lots, lrt exuort elevator No, 2 red. Boot Rnd Hay. l.C0lyOl,AoM: No. 2 red Western, l.0.i 170jii; -0, 1 Northern Duluth. fl.70irrl.73. COK.V. Receipts, 1000 bushels. Trnde was quiet, but prices ruled firm. Quotations: Car lota. In export elevator No. 2. spot and May, 7Sff70c; steamer, 7Mia77Kc; No. 3. 'Witnmic. Car lots for local trade, aa to location No. 2 yellow, .SPffSHJc.: steamer yel low, MfiSIUc.; No. 3 yellow. 80!4H81',4c.; No. 4 yellow, 7,lWI70Hc. OATS Itecelptx, 10,40.1 bushels. The marhet was aulet, but prices were well main tained. Quotations: No. 2 white. Miift'tljc. ; Milliard white. U2flti2!4c.i No. 3 white, 01 0OH4C. IliK wu Arm but quiet. We quote at Jl.UMf1.1S per bushel, nn to quality. In ox port elevator, and at S1.05S1.14 for small lots of .learhv grain In bans. n.OUIt. Receipt. 740 bbls., 140,10 lbs. In eacka. Mill limits ivero well maintained, hut demand wna llgnt, We quote per 1011 lbs. In wooo: vtinier, cicnr, 5ii.7.w; nn., xirnigni. nnrnnr x. -M 77 do.. $7.2'n7.Co: Kansas, etrnlKht, Jute eacka. $7.2007.45; do., pntent kb, i.uuori.io; Rpnnfr, n 100 U S Steel 10(10 Tonnrnh I 100 U S Steel ni , Ho 2.1 do 100 do 200 Ton Ilel. loo ir c i . Jteel.... 5(i- 1 ah Bel. W, in Steel.... Wit. 10 SS . 00 24H 2S 21 'i .. co5 ..10.1 .. S.1U .. so',5 .-lit, :.'.i .114 fl" r.j)); S'J 8 4'i ,1')I .1!l,i 10 do no do 100 Raldwln h uiko kup t or . ..)H4 i((i ao . r.iiW if,o Tonorah Uel. I 7-10 inn u S steel . si,d rn do BONDS. 20nn Interstate Ilwy 4s "Hi SJ Phlla Co ecrlp 10IS 03 iron I.oh Val gen cona 4s Ml 1000 I'enna cons 3Wa lOlti 100 12 M. to 12:30 I. M. W u s Steel.... tm,i 2 U O I S4li lo do MlJ 10 Phlla II T t c ((' 2(H) Uiko Sup C. 7 1.1-10 .1 U S Steel.... .1I)! 100 do 7'i 10 do rati too do 7'i 1 Leh Nav 74M 100 tl S Steel.,., tnii lit! Iike Sup Cor V, 100 Phlla IlTto ll .", Elee Storage. .13 200 Cambria Steel nn10O IV Cramp t c. 27 10 do 50 BONDS. 200 Leh Nav cons -4H , 4000 Leh Nav cona 4Ks , 1000 Leh Nav gen cons 4r4a..., MOOaiarkot St EIv4s..... 12:30 to IP. M. r Cramps t c... 27 20 Ile 2S!i inn I'hlla II T t o iiu I) Lako Sup Cor s 100 do nW loo U S Steel.... 50 KM Lake, 6un Cor 7'i 100 do so ,AA n-.. . -A.r.n .---...-.... .. i.n. jiniawin id', 0(1 uo ino union Trao.,. a.', ion r inna r t t e a so Jute sac 67.20; do.. ei. l.iWtS: ipi'lii do., favorite brnn' strnlgm. S7.'JiV7. IUS, ret. clear, ftt.no O; fo., patent. .w); city 888 F.0I, MIS loo do ii inn .V) Union Trac... 3.1 100 ion Phlla It T t c ii loo 10 nlec Storage. Kl 10 10 Phlla It T t c D to 10) IJ S Steel fiDli 100 UlO Ijiko Sun Cor Ti 1() ino Phlla It T t o ii 10 III r steel 25 Phlla It T t c 10 do 10 Eleo Storage mo U s Steel... 100 do 100 do 1000 do ,100 do 40 do , 10 do 5 Keystone Tel do., do., do., do., do., do., do., do., do., do.. 50 10 BONDS. 1000 Am Gaa & Elee Cs. . . 51 :S8, : 4 : . ., . r.Ki Mi'4 l.'l Head 1st pfd. It'.' fl't WO II S Steel. . . . sslJ utj 15 Eloo Storage. 52J UU , tl-VS 20 Lake Sup Cor 7' iu u o aieei.... o 10 do m(I 2 Tonopah Mln. ,1 Little Schuyl. .", u c oieei do do r.-ii.. f,ll(I 5n 6!) HI r,o .111 15 T w! .ihl, OS'S i S3 20 Eleo Storage .i" u steel.. 100 do 10 do 20(1 do 100 do 105 do ft., 1 rt ii-,,, "y w uiiii.t., o,j 14 I'enna Salt... 01 1 to 1:30 P. M. $ 18 u S..8.'.:!;:; ASkiun uo .VU 10 TlPRdinir . AKU 1ft lain fii.n rA- liui' -ti irZln"' sv . - t-" 4in J? -.. f .sr . 100 Phlla II T I n 100 do MS NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. May 3.-The coffee market opened steady, Futures, were unchanged to u I'wiisia uwia ? 44iiai paiuruay. iuuiy April May June .,.., July August .. September October . . No) ember December January , Kfrbroary March , .. Did. ...,.,.,,.,, .,..,,...,. ,....,,,,,,, ..,,.,.,,,,, ,...,....., ..., ...,,i optnlns-. 7.SOKT,tK) kiit" 8.2(1 .(f.4086.4, 7.50 AM0 7.&a 7.B2 7,70 " 7.T087-S0 Saturday close. 7.K2S7.8.1 n.l5ftn.m fl.25fltl.2S ii.42Sh.I4 7.4087.47 7.4067,51 7..VSS7..VI 7.5SA7.50 7.01$7.ai 7.II707.HS 7.73$7.74 7.70&7.8O March (row net ... Nina months' P'-'.'.V. " ' m uwafnni f4,31D,T40 ' ' 8I0.S41 30.130jtl 7.UpP' JEJ I73,3e 36;7- Ta0U,lI4 5,47.312 DIVIDENDS PEPLAT lAndiaM, taat t'omttaaf ttjauAf aft -jij7 -wwa wiyatar Mix to w ife 9t L"- nr e; jbj" - fHHf BAR SILVER MV VOJIK. May S. -Tha twice of com ffiaKtjM1 bar ffvr today was 8We., with Max. 1 M -dollar a. WHc NOTES OF THE RAIL TI10 Interstate Commerce) Commission today held carload salt rates. Milwaukee tD'trane-MljaUslppI points, and wooden war. Menaaha, ta Central Freight Asso ciation' and Trunk Line territory, riot un reasonable. The gross) earnings of the Philadelphia ABd Western Railway on Saturday were th largest for any ilnsle- day In the his tory pf then cosBptay, April Municipal Bond Sales . S;lf" ? .Wo!"?1- Sa,e antJ county bonda In tha United States durlns April amountnl to $32.l.500. accordlnir to, theA?omD?la'tlSS of !.- ,0TO!I' .'Vlw.SS.'?.?.".' Th". awe 10m- I.10.WI BOO In March thl. 'year. &th . o 'toeai twlnr the Financial Chronicle's flauna. Vol the nrt four months thU year the Journal of Commerce estimates the ealea at (148 128 400. against 2J.SST.a iFlniliclsl ChronicTl) iS the corresDondinx period of 18U. ""'" ln Th pricta given In the tables on thla page aro the latest available at 2:40 P. M. TJie closing- quota. (Ions will be printed in the nest edition of this newspaper, the Financial Edition. 10 II H Steel !U)U ta rf 100 do B8U 10 U 8 Steei!! ii; Amai copper. i 20 Inter Met,... 21 4 i'enna mi nn tm 1. n. . 10 Mo K & Te. 13"J 50 U 8 Steel.... BSli BONDS. 10000 Teima cona 4Ha 10o iftirj 1:30 to 2 P. M. M Penna ,. 5 do.... 47 do.... .1 do lOO Baldwin 30 do Mtlinoo inn ijike 8up Cor 7, inn ion U S Steel.... ,'8t, iu I'U 00 ."Sty M) 10 Cambria' Rte'i VI Leh V Tr pfd i. no.. JS.l'.,iH..M)! to lis, choice nnd fancy patent, S8.230S.5Oi city muis, regular crnaes winter, clear. H.TDrT. do.. strniKht. ST07.S5; do., patent. t7.2Sai.no. ItYK FLOUR was quiet, but ateady undor email auppllts. IVo ouote nearby nnd Western In wood at i;.25gl."0, as to Quality. PROVISIONS I ho market ruled steady, but there was little trndlngv Quotations: City beef. In ets, smoked nnd alr-drled, 2.1J2ilc. ; Western beef. In seta. arroketl, 25B2(lc; city beer, knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd alr-drled, 27ifJ2Sc; West ern beof. knuckles and tenders, smoked, 27f 2....; best hams, S31ff32j pork, family, 21.60 i22cj hams, S. P. cured, loose, ntfl.li.c; do., skinned, loose, lSUftUPbC.; do., do., smoked. I2)6ftl.lc: other hann, smoked, city cured, na to brand nnd averasc. I.1)llc. ; hams, smoked. Moslem cured, VHiSillc. : do., boiled, bone e.4. 22ST23c; plcnlo ehouldurs. S. I, cured, nose. ldflllPic: do., smoked, I0lrl..'4c.: bel lies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 11' j ni'.r.; breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd average, city cured, 16SI7e, : breakfast bacon, Western cuied. UMJ17C. i lard, Western renned, tlercea, llflllsic; d0 do., tubs, HeilVlc: lard, pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces, lira ll'jc. : lard, puro city, kettlo rendered, In tuba, llwllUc REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet, but Arm. IVo quote standard granulated, C.0r,c. ; nne granulated no.: powdered, (I. inc.; confectioners' A, 5.00c; soft grades, 5.1583.75c. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTKIt. Demand was fairly active nn 1 ruled mm under light offerings. Quotations: western, fresh, solid-racked creamery, Inncy epecials. 33c; extra, 3lc. j extra llrsts. 30c; ,.:..i -eo-c ; sec-anas, .vir.ic. ; laaie-pacKcu, ll)Jlc, us to quality; nearby prints, fancy. Sic; average extras, 33c; firsts, 2031c; seconds, 20ft'28c.; special fancy branda of prints Jobbing at 3S4ic- I'OCS were In good demand and prices were well maintained. Quotations: In free cases, nenrby extras, 22c per doscn; nearby nrau, (J per standard case; nearby current re ceipts. S5..S1 per case: "Western extra Urals, JJU Krr.n'c-: do,( d"", 5.S5 per case: Southern, 5.40j;,r,.,0 per caso: fancy selected candled fresh egga wero Jobbed out at 2l20c. per dozen. CHEESE. There was a fair demand for desirable stock nnd the market ruled firm un der light offerings. Quotations: New York, full cream, fall make, fancy, 17l-SI74C ; do. do., fair to good, Hl'igl7o.: do. do., new make, lOlJc; do., part skims. SglSc POULTRY I.1VE was In fair request and steady under rnoderite offerings. Quotations: Fowls. 17 174c. roojters. 12S12V4C.; young chickens, soil moated, 17018c.; do., do., siRggy, ritj14c: turkeys. 13ai5c; ducks, 13315c; geese. 100 lie; guineas, as to quality, per pair, 50870c pigeons, old, per pair, 253uc; do., young, per pair, J2ti25c IIHESSEU. Offerings were light nnd the market ruled firm, but trade was quiet. Quota tions: Fresh-kllled fowln, 12 to box, dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy, selected, 10c; do., weighing -4HS3 lbs. unlece. 18c; do., 3V4($4 lbs apleoe. 18c; do., 4 lbs. apiece, lt)fll7c Uo.. under 3 lbs. apiece, 14ffl5c. Fowls, bbls. dry-picked and dry-packed. Western, 4B.1 lbs. apiece. 174B18c: do., do., 31 lbs. IfS'.aKc do., do., 3 lbs. and under, 14iltic. Fowls. Ice' parked, choice, 17 (Ac. Old roosters, dry-picked, 13)1,0. Squabs, ivhite, weighing ll to l' lh perdox.7 mss-l-SO;' whltl. weighing 510 id lbs. per dpi .123B3.M: do., do.. 8 lbs. 'f..d.?J" '2.7302.85: do., do.. 7 lbs. per doi. 2a2.33; do., do.. U06U, lbs. per doi., l.autj LbO; dark.il.OUSH.CU; small and No. 8. Ji. Froien poultry Fowls, as to quality, 16818C.J rhlrlfpna tlrv.nll.B onA n,n.... i ' , w-w., GRAINS IRREGULAR IN CHICAGO MARHEf Weather Conditions Ideal for' Early Spring: Crops in Great Wnsrnrn District:. 4 m CHICAGO, Slay 3. The trraln n,.t.rii opened quietly, with few sales being madiMi abovo Saturday's prices. May wheat waaW nn exception. It opened nt $1.62, 19 less than Saturdny, but Bradual'ly Tn2M' to 1."3!4. July, under Lamson's buvlnol rose to $l.3ii5, but Inter fell back to Vl"sS oeiiicraoer wus Bieaay nL.ti.zsvi, and tlif ii'nmc, ryt.o c j ,1 c(,ui(4I , 1 Fnvornble reports of Ideal weather con. dltlons for early Bprlnir crops havo bean received from tho great western grahi district. Knnnns City reports greatly In ! creased receipts as follows: Wheat 211 cars, ngalnst 30 last yoar; 165 of .-. against 60, nnd 2(5 cars of oats, animt' 14, In tho same period of 19H, Tho foreign market Is sensltlvo and fil npparcntly ready to move either ? Th Arm Inn. nf It,. A..l V"'?" "" ,,"",. '"" """'n markets Is supporting It. ?! As yet It Is difficult to predict the ou't.1 In tho great corn and cotton belts ha yet to bo completed ns well ns In thf spring wheat States, while harvesting- of winter wheat will not begin for five hi' six weeks. Evidently It Is too early tl n.....A .. 1nl- - ..It- .. .,. "' to. e,u,u u,i j,,j icauiiB uu ino iarms, Ti' conditions In tho wheat country are ao good that n forecast was ventured br James A. Patten, whoso lnrgo fortuns W hneed on his Hound Judgment in matter.' agricultural, n few weeks ago. Mr. TaUi ten then thotttrht thcrn wna n rnnA u. ' of n billion bushels of this cerenl belnJ' gnthcrcd, The country has never grown so huge n crop. Its production did not cross tho fOO.OOO.OOO mnrk till 1914. n,,i spring wheat last year was a disappoint.-1 ment. This year It will start wlih If1 conditions highly propitious and a large nrn. It. Kb fnvnr And no 41, a ,!.... . . ...... ... .... ........ ...... , ,,,, ,v,iCUfc posi tion in the southwest ts maintained it, outlook nt this stago Is for nt least an other crop of n round last season's hita size with evon fulfilment of tho Chicago nnnl,nlta('H .,.. 1.aa, ,.(( ...,.t-i .. ' rango of possibility. What this would mean w me oiuioa inicrcsiea, especially If wheat prices aro maintained nnywhere' near present levels, Is not hnrd to forei see, Probably 1"0,000,000 to Kansas atoned To tho wheat growers of the whole couik try possibly nlno, hundred or more minions. fl.llA.-J ,i: ; - "-. , &', unw cjosi. 1.37 ; i;.i.i -i m 1.20K l!26"4 1. Lending futures ranged as follows: . , Noon. (vnsai upon. May 1.6214 July 1,3(1, September 1,20'J Corn (new delivery) Mny 771', July Mi,! geritember 811, Oats May .Mi: July B4J? Himember 4S 1 ptembi Il rd Mny 10.1.1 July 10.37 September 10.02 ltlbs 77, ssfe rt'l 5.--S 481, "n foil 81U & 48 TTJil -ssi Ml Jtlffl May July September I'ork May July September nid. tAaked. ....10.27 . ...10.B7 ....10.00 ....17.00 ... .18,15 ....1S.02 10.37 10.C2 10.30 10.B7 10.02 18.1.1 18.02 .... 10.20'! JO.85 tlO.42 10.00 1U.$3 10.27 lO.Slifl 10.02 10.67 10.00 10.93 .... 17.70 i 18.12 tH.JJ 18.00 18.70 SHIPPING NEWS POUT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels ArriviriK Today New York, ballast, l! New York, ballait,i chickens, dry-picked and dry-packed In boxes mllk-fed. 318311 lbs. to doz., 18c. ; do 37B41 2lc. '. corn-fed, U1042 lbs. to doi., inc.; do I'd (1ft (Ul Iria an A Am,w kiLn nk .1 ,: ' . T"I Str. Haakon (Nor.), WcsterRaard & Co. Str. I,. V. Stoddard, maatcr. Str. Sosua (Nor.), Tort Antonio, fruit, Unlttd Sir. New Orleans, Baltimore, ballast. Mer chants nnd Miners' Transportation Comnanv; 1 Str. Persian. Jacksonville, nassencers ian merchandise. Merchants nnd Miners' Transport taMon Conmnny. , a Str. Kntahdtn, Oeorcetown, lumber, Southernl iraiiBpuriniiuii uoiiil'iiiiy. ; Str. I.eiinKton. Iioston, pnsponirers and mer chandlso. Merchants and Miners' Transporti nun i.uiijjhio. Steamships to Arrive PASSENGBa Name. From. Sardinian Glasgow ... FREIGHT. Alf Sandcfjord . Manaurl Calcutta ... City ot Delhi Calcutta ... Maltby Savona wureppe Venice Elloflo Cardlrf Lodervljk Amsterdom California Copenhasen Ocean Amsterdam Mitelot Naples Calderirrovo Algiers .... Itlo Blanco Santos Itullanla Huelva .... Xaura Fayal . ... Manchester Exchange. Manchester Annenlno lttdrf)hnrn Olltra Shields . ,, Karen Havana .. prekland Gothenburg Mlmer , Macorls . , Eastlanda Port Tulbot IlOS Arrlrossan I.uclllne Dartmouth ....Apr.21 Hendew Uuidon Apr.23 iJbertad Matanzas .....Apr.y Tabor jjima jflma ....Acr.21 Sallstl . .Apr. 21: ..Mar. IS1 ..Apr. . .Apr. ..Apr, ID ..Apr:il . .Apr, 11 . .Apr. II .Apr. 10 .Apr.U Apr. PI .Apr, 11 :o ..Apr, 11 T.l Apr. ....Apr.M ...Apr. 21 Aiir. 21 ""AH.ai ....Apr. 24 Apr.st Apr. 51 .. Matanzas .. Nlma Tlm& Steamships to Leavo PASSENGER. For, Glasgow .., TO EIGHT. California Copenhagen Manchester Port Manchester Lodervljk Rotterdam , Nam. Sardinian ,..Mey .. May J . . . May ..May a-'V n do 84", 2i) Tonopah Del. M'J .Ml if S Steel . KH !S" KayatSn. T.T. cteel.... Baldwin "; 100 U H Eleo Storage. 5214 200 do. Penna 54 3-10 .SO do. 1 7C inn mv, iu .'si, 35 iVi ll) 3in" irn ."Al 1H, do,..,,..., do....;.... do " do do do fin . do VfiiZ, 100 do... . '" I.eh Vallnv... 71 If 1IV . .. VXk A,m.al ViPP'r- J3' 1 E o Storage. 200 Union Trac... 3 pus Steel, ion Lake Sup Cor 7i; 'so do..... ' I".-- 174 Ml 110. soildon Trac. 10 V S Steel... aa . 100 " do.,,,.. "811 4 $ 5 PS .18 r.s 38 R8(" US' .18 .18 5S LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CJHCAOO, May 3.-HOGS-necelpts. BO 000; market, JRe. lower; mixed and butchers', 17,15 7U; good heavy, Tft7.M; rough heavy, 7 7!3587.'63.hr' I'-5ST'Mi P'". .T587( bulk. CATTLE-Recelots. 11)00: market steady, lOo lower; beevesT $B3S.7B; cows and heifers, 3 ,.,, , ,o...iii.i! caives,' "8.6038.73 BHEEP-neceipta. 12.000: market ateady: native and Western. J5.B0OS.80j lambs. 17,50 4311.10, Indian Tries to Scalp Chinaman With Ms traditional redskin Instincts awakened by too much whisky, Chame peuk Boss, a full-blooded, Indian, traveling with Barnum and Bailey circus, late last nlaht attacnerj himself to the queue of Lea Gin, a Chinaman, at 8th and Race streets, and attempted to duplicate the warlike feata of Ws ancestors by scalping the terror-stricken Chinaman. Policeman Carrlgan. or the 10th an4 uttonwoid 1 sta? Uon, arrived. Irf time to save the life, of Oln. Todey the Indian told ilagUtrate Belcher that never in his nr. h. ,. 1 tasted flrewatr before, and that be did i not know, what he was doln. with his promise never to touch whisky again h an.. t-Ti 613c.; -broilers.' rrlllV-fed, 7 ,lincy:"fiiB,i 'Ih, ife.gS.Sa . ytp.VLA.'r.lS IS -0-' fair to good, 188206.; old toms. rtirld tomi:1Cs?lil,.,M, I618.! ordinary lcf;OCdo..12NV.6C..i 'w'lic:b0iCt " -' FRESH FRUITS icaoy unaer moderate offerings '..SsVL '."?. Pi senerally ruled uiiniaiinni' hi. 2.the.r,?A. "? vsrletl,"2VHi:M: v ii.S- " ' fonayivania. pr J... lemons, per box. Jl. 3062.25: il"' "i-'234,' srapTfruit s' Sli'li; r'neai;ples.per crate TIUliUU ODDIM U'salrv. l apples. Uila w'rVAA "."'" "'...ir DO'' hamner. lUVIfin,. ll".". "":' Y'"'"'!'"". oianges, Florida, Florida, per box. VEGETADLES ... nuiraei ruled steady under ale offerings and a rir 'i..3r tlons: U'hiin r., ,..... .r .'", "(((((((, ovuozo,; .i,. u to qusjuyi Movements of Vessels Sir. Tuscan, from Philadelphia, arrived at Str. Quantlco, tor Philadelphia, steamed front. a,a,iiB,i jiinr Q, M Str, Bhawmut. for Philadelphia, steamea from Tamoa lav 2. Str. Ouli'stream. Philadelphia for Tort Arthur. vu mnes aoutn or Jupiter at noon Bisy . Str, Suwance, Philadelphia for Jacksonville. was on mues souin ot winter tjuaner i(gi' shlD at noon Mev 2. Hlr. Tnlefln. Inuring bi)ip. nd.w.rM Finn. Port' Arthur for Philadelphia, was 10 miles aotnafl ui uniitii ill u p. ill, Din tl i Str. Satllla. Philadelphia for Tampa, wl 3111 miles south of Diamond Shoal llghiahlp at! noon May 2. i a. n... .... ni.iij.i.Li. n.u,.. ! oil. mi.Ku.ir, , iiiiaiitripiiia lur D.ci"., a al 01 miles weat of Tortugas at 6 n, m. May 2. m FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS A limited amount of buslneaa Is offered fata early loading, Tornaga offers sparingly, keP Ing thn rates strong and ateady, STEAMSHIPS. Absalon (Dan.). 1.1.000 bbls. lubricating olU'l Pblladelpliia to a Scandinavian port, privai terms, prompt, rnoder. uuota i!a-.n.Peribi'.fh'.-1,fnn &. V"". u,,wrn "", per bbl. No l i"" " I''iil'S Jersey, per bak.t lie tit ? r ' v'eet S,.,:;-.rr'..-v,'5"w.."i""!.4.exas. per cum. .mertirkte": lli.'S-jiSJ: SB5S.,fe mtr-crate. Per cummer loa, crate, J Florida, wax. per basket. 5ea i- hA "S" Ida. green, per basket. I'aTi'v' 0" HoT baskel-FlorlSar S1BU2 25"0 liSilh ? .. Hirir-. aMvsa tn.T.'TT7t"-jS?' .poutn Carolina. BsSSi eggrTUnt .' tKa.1-""."-- mail, 11.-4 pers. Florida, . vn.cltllir. tlt&rSz??' .KeP- ms, per iwj bunches. ! "-,- -.-.?". ) per V carrle celery, Vi,,nAtB ..I,., hl1..h.. . K. . ... ceiery. riprida per crate, TScil -ST .ftrwi Vlkg'&tfi.k muih,1iraif'r4?-?-K: SFfflik. .13'..::. .,ba-rle.,on. wrrier-Fancy,- 2:75S3.MTonA..'i.'.Wr da n- a. ' m.ZlZl .i".wj: NEY YORK BUTTER AND EGGS Wlic.'. mbttd color .soi !.? Jh!"-. SB storage; ftrsts. joifiste.' ZZJ'1 zlc:. Sound Investments French Republic OXK Y13AII ti l.OAK Due April 1st. 1010 1. The French Itepubllo agrees to, pay the Interest and principal of these notes. Irrespective of European hostilities. , 2. Great wealth of the French nation insures their stability. 3. Never any repudiation of debt on account of war. Price 0UV. and Interest, yield ins D4, RtAZIERfrCa ir8e. I T.EQAl, ADVERTISEMENTS JW Sir. siinir til 11113! JOHN THOMAS McKKAN, m tveuingion tit., "vest Toronto, ".an.! a Dear Sir You arc hereby notified )sij3 grsntsd against you at tha suit of your ?,jM ljllira 1V M.V..n I. 1.a ABaA a( lar4Bl May McKean vs. John Thomas McKlli.9 P. No. 0. Juns Tsrra. 19U, No. T ,, "21 m same win d neara in me ,v""i-ii Common Pleas No. B. of PhiladalpW Cm ir. on Monday, May S'tb. 1D1, i "' Show causa wb said dl orce bould B grantee very truly ours, ,,,,, S , JOHN 8 8) SCpTJtt j Attoroty feV lOb.""