Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Tomorrow's Menu
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77ie Woman Who Possesses "Poise"
rmt,n It Is nn unctrnlnhie fact Unit
some women nr Infinite!) more
Klltfd liy naluif than others, nt Hip pnme
tlm a Verj Breal ilnnl run be ilono to
acquire the lrluen If ou Une Iheln
hot1 Vor frw people are horn Willi nn
overlarKe endow nirnt of Rood Rlttw, nnil
enreful lending Is rsseht'nl If wlirtl (mi
nim la to lip brought out nnd ilovelnpxl
to ltfi fullest extent
Of nil the vnlualilo npt3 wlileli rt
oman ouxlit to mt$t, I nm firmly
convinced flint one nlnmlv out union tf
them all, nnd that pnrlleulm nuullty
goes Under the genernl ol fully ileserlp
tlve name of "polne" Tim terni Implies
a very preat denl nnd presuppose" n thor
oughly Wcll-b.ilHiiccd outlook.
What the model n uoimin renlU Inokfl
more than nn thins cIkp, nnd what bIip
should above nil Ftrle to nctiuhe, Is tlili
plft of polee I'"or II la nlMmpmtnnt that
File dhould be Its po'sescor Without a
well-balanced outlook nnd n calm,
composed nnsurantp of manner she never
will Ret nnywhete at all However, this
calln BBsurnnco of mnnnei should not lie
merely a suiface thin?, assumed for the.
due Impresslnit of one's neighbors. II
ought to ro verj much ilceper nnd prove
the oytwnrd nnd visible-slK" of a very
clear vision and a knowledge of what one
Is roIor to Ret.
The very youiiK woman Is seldom ovor
glfted with poise. Kor she has not lived
long1 enoURh to naiulre It fultv. nnd, al
though apparently she may have plenty
of self-assurance, life nnd the passlnR of
the, years nie really what develop the
quality most successfully.
Of all the pltiahlcjspcctacles one can
encounter, the woman who is totally
without poise Is about the worst. Kor her
dolnBs ami her snylnss arc all nervous,
heedless nnd without an sort of reason
or rhyme to them. She Is only successful
in one. particular line, and that Is in
catting Into dlfllculut situations nnd Im
possible positions from which she may
have, considerable difficulty In extrlcatlriR
herself. Kor without poise one really raii
not achieve, and life becomes iinmciniiiK
and purposeless.
The woman who docn't know her own
mind Is another e.uunplo of the type.
8he drifts aimlessly nlotiK, without pei
scnallty, without object and with remark
ably little ambition bejond the llcetliiR
moment or the passing pleasuie.
i olorless Individuals are quite plenteous
nowndajx. Their comings and roIiirs
leave so little Impies'lnn on our minds
tbnl we have illflleiilly In even recollect
irffi their outward nppearanie. And ns
far as r-hiitnrtrr Rots, thev ate entirely
destitute of Mint personnlltv without
which one leallv can achieve notlilMX.
"Ho n person I ' the ethical text-books
urun upon us as the first nlm ami nmbl
I tlon of every human belliR. Ami this
beliiR Interpreted moiely means that wo
' should Mtilvo tu cultivate will-power, per-
minnllty, fi-elhiKS, alms, ambitions, so that
wo mn.v take our shale In the world's
work nnd the world's happiness.
Tim iu hievemelit of personality Is only
broiiRlit about by faclnt; the situation
boldly ami asking ourselves "What do t
UiIpiiiI to do vviiii my life.' Am I roIik
to develop Into something inteieatliiR,
sointtlilnK useful, something Kind and
MioiiR, noniethliii! which will lount as
worth while in n. world which promises
so much and can give so much If only
one knows the rlultt way to set to woik
nnd tho rlcht nttltuop to take?"
And If the nnavver Is In Hie affliinatlve,
and the mind is resolutely spI towanl ile
velnplUR true peisounlily, tliut ralm ns
siiramp of maimer which, though never
self-asspitlve, jet is tho outward and
visible Hln of Hie w cll-balimreil mind
will suiely rome to tho man or woman
who sets his or hT feet on the right
patliwn.v, and" they will reach Hip 11
Doindo of their hopes-leal mental poise.
"A fat fowl In a frlcnsso and a dish
of asparagus followed by a dish of fruit.''
, Mtevenson.
linked IJananas. ,
' Cereal and Cream.
Ham and Errs.
lllcc I'nncnkes.
tiUN'CHKo.v on HurrEn.
I'oik and itcans.
Cooked Tomuloes and Cheese.
Canned null.
Ottnll Koup.
Krlcusce Chicken.
flaked Total ocs.
Creamed Asparagus.
Cucumber Falad.
Haked bananas-four half a cupful of
grape Juice over six skinned bananas be
fore baking them, to Rlvo a delicious
Cooked tomatoes and cheese Select
large, ripe tomatoes, skin them and slice
them. To three add two ounces of Tar
mrsnn cheese, grated. Season with salt,
paprika nnd n tablespoonful of butter
Cook Rcntlj until the cheese Is melted
and then add a beaten egg Itemove from
Hip fire as soon ns the egg begins to cook
nnd servo nt once. The mixture mny bo
poured ovpr thin slices of hot buttered
toast or over biscuits, toasted and but
tered. ,
Cuoiimlier salad-Chill the cucumbers
ami slice them thin and place them on
crisp, white lettuce leaves'. Sprinkle over
them some chopped pimentos nnd serve
with Krench dressing.
A Thought ,
As the fragi.ince to the flower,
As the sons Is to the bird,
As the pleasure to tho hour,
As the lone Is to the word
So to Heauly Is the kindness
Of n thoughtful, lender deed,
And to Justice Is the blindness
That lets Mercy Intel cede.
I If. e. j ' a tl
fA "V 5 7
1 ! J
Hints on Salad Making
1 Nevei have the lettuce leaves soak
ing In cold water. If the leaves ur
tiling; this process mnkts them flabby
and tasteless
;. Only wash tho leaves whkh uiu
.!. Never cut up the snlud, but tear the
leaves apart.
I 1'se the veiy best oil or the freshest
of niaonnaisc.
Daily Story Will IU- Found on I'aRc B
A "Wishy" Day
VIIV 3 ASK crowded hei fnce up so
close to the window pane thul she
rubbed some dlro on to her nose. "Are
' i'OU sure sure sine that I can't no- out
, and play," she nsked her mother for
about the tenth time In us many minutes.
"Yes, my dear," leplled mother cheer
fully. "1 am sure sure sure that no
little girl of mine goes out in all this rain
and fog' 1 shouldn't think ou would
want to!"
"Well, It must have been tome time
since you were a little girl, mother," Mild
Mary Jane, "or else yuu'vo a very good
forgettcry! Utile girls always want to
go out of doois!" Then for n few minutes
she kept still exiept for a drumming on
the window. "I'll tell ou what I would
like, mothci," sho said pretty soon, "I'd
Uko a new doll-one that 1 wnsn't ac
quainted with One that I could make
gome new clothes for."
Mother laughed. "And if there was
anything else jou wanted, Mary Jane,"
she suggested, "I expect jou would speak
of It. You seem to wnnt everything jou
haven't sot today."
"Yes, mother," replied Mary Jane meek
ly, "you see this Is such a 'wishy' iluy
And on a 'wishy' day I always want
things I haven't got and want to do
things I know I can't Thnt's what
makes a 'wishy' day! Don't you remem
ber that from when you were a little
Mother gathered her little girl up In
her arms and replied, "Indeed I do re
member the 'wishy' days. Mary Jane, and
I'll tell you w hat my mother used to make
me do when 1 wished for things I oculdn't
"Oh. good." rrled Mary Jane, and she
snuggled down tight ready to listen, "that
will be as good as a storj ! And then,
aiter you hav e told me what you used
'to do, may I do It now?"
"To be sure jou may," replied mother,
"and you will find It a lot of fun Just as
I always did. When I was a little girl,"
he went on. "and the rainy days came
siind I couldn't play outdoors, mother had
me remember all the things, 1 wished for
,1 had to remember all I wanted to have;
and all I wanted to do; then she gave
me a pair of her good scissors nnd some
nice white paper and I had to do It'"
"Do what?" asked Mary Jane, breath
lessly. "What did you do?"
"I cut them out' ' answered mother.
"Cut what nut "' asked Mary Jane
"I cut out mv wlslies," explained
mother "1 cut out a picture of eveij
. thing 1 wanted to own nnd to do oh It
wns lotM of fun'"
"All right," said Maiv Jane who was
leady to try something new, "where ure
tho scissors'"'
Mother gave hei wmif nice sharp scls-i-ors.
iindfHome dean white paper, pretty
stiff so It would stand up nicel, and
Mary Jnno went to work Klrst she cut a
I'nr the follow stunontlons snt In by
lenders nt tli Kvrviwi l.rMiEii prizes of l
mi. "iO rents are nwitrrird.
All fUKntloiii should tie nilflrosrd in Kllrni
Vdnlr, piimi ,r Woman s I'flKe. MuMsov.
l.fooKn, Independence ii-ire, Philadelphia.
A prlfe of SI hits been nwnrilrtl tn Nor
mnn Stager, 121 North Sid Mrrrt, West
I'lilludelplilii, fur the follnvtlng siiKgestlnn:
"When desiring to tut a pound of
buttei Into small cubes for table use,
take a sllvei knlTe. wet It with cold
wnter, then place a piece of wax paper
on the knife, nnd submerge the knife
with the paper on In cold water. You
will now tlml that the butter will not
ontv cut nice nnd evenly, but will not
stick to the knife"
A prire of .10 ents hns been nvrnrded tn
Charlotte VI. Vllller, 3(1011 .Spring (inrdrn
Mrrrt, VV Plillndrlpbln, for the following
When libra rv paste becomes haul and
lumpy, most people throw It away It
can be used Indefinitely by adding half
a cupful of water nnd n few drops of
leninn. Holl the mixture slowly for a
as I
mWJ w -
I is"
A Grecian Evening Gown
yf. iieiicatn me nrmnoics, and an
Krom Kplth'n Theatre Fashion Parade
Helpful Hints
ff a little ammonia Is added to the wa
ter In which sllvei or glasswnic is wash
ed, It hrlRhtens It wonderfully Ammonia
Is good for removing grease from dishes,
minutes When tool. It Is ns good ! oughly before being starched. It will
t was when flist bought. found that they will stay clean longer
A prlir of 3fl irnts hns hrrn nwnrrieri tn
.Mr. Cntherlne Cowej, 5IIB Olive strrrt,
Phllnilrlpliiii, for the following sugReMlnni
"A Rood wnv to wash the bottom of
pots and pnns that have been, over the
file Is to rub soap over them before plac
ing them on the lire They will wash
clean without nnv trouble."
prlje of SO irntt. tins hern nwnrdrd to
Mr. H. r. Illjlrr. I.VI'1 .Snutb .V.'d slrrrt,
Pliilndelplitii, fur the following hiurgehtlnn:
A great help to the housekeeper In keep
ing the gas raiiKe In perfect condition
Is by placliiR sheets of oilcloth on the
side shelves of the gns range. Dishes,
spoons and all cooking utensils may be
placed on these without becoming soiled,
nnd the spots on the oilcloth may bo
removed when the dishes nio washed,
leaving the gas range perfectly clean.
First the cut a picture of a little girl ana
a house,
picture of a little gill and n house lot
couise the little girl was outside of the
house) Then she cut u new doll, Just
the vcrv kind she wanted Then there
were clothes to make nnd a (tollhouse
for the new doll, nnd oh so many pretty
things that Mary Jane suddenly found
sho wanted'
Just ns she had p whole wludowsill of
pretty cut-outs finished, mother called,
"Put your paper and scissors away, Slary
Jane, and we'll go for a walk. Don't you
see the sun?"
"That's a funny old Mr. Sun." said
Mnry Jane, as she straightened up her
scraps, "If I whine nnd wish for things
ho stays away: but If I find something
nice to do nnd don't fuss, he comes right
out to see me!"
Copyright Clam Ingram Judson.
By Dob Williams
As Spring grew warmer in the Town
The Birds would build their Neats
While- singing Funny Nature Songs
With Sharps and Flats and Heats.
II the fllrds
;About the first of
?, To warble Funn:
"Was Sparrow Sunny; and his Tunes
.. Would chase your frets and cares,
iTiejr weren't very Classic Lays
Too simple to be grand;
Hat were they quite as wonderful
At Mister Sousa's l)arjd.
EVHRY day some new fad or fancy in
woman's wear comes out, nnd imme
diately tho shops begin to display It In
all Its glory In their windows. Advertis
ing has Its nll-persuadlng charms for tho
woman with the fat pocketbook and rov
ing eve, and ono of our large department
stores is iiiustiatlng Just what you can
buy in women's lingerie for n dollar note.
Kor Instance a lovclv white petticoat,
with deep cmbioidered flounce and
pointed idges. With a full flare at the
bottom and a drawing-string top, sells
for 51.
Another little petticoat at the same
price Is made of dotted swlss, with a
deep band of Valenciennes nt the bottom
nnd a soft edging of the same, finished
off by a bow of satin ribbon.
A sateen petticoat, also selling for It,
Is made, of course, for everyday wear
and comes in all the dark colora.
Machine embroidered nightgowns with
a narrow ctuny lace edge nre selling at
50 cents apiece
A pink crepo de chine envelope chemise,
with a Valenciennes trimming, costs J1.95,
far below the usual price.
Hand-embroidered vestees are always
useful for the light summer frock, they
are so easily changed, and so can bo k&pt
fresh looking at the shortest notice. A
largo store is selling out some lovely
styles, with Irish lace edging, high or
low collar, for (1 15 apiece.
A silk sport sweater for tennis or any
other exercise has a wide sash and comes
In any number of changeable weaves,
blue-and-whlte, green-and-tan, black-and-blue,
etc. They are quite long and have
two patch pockets. The price Is 7.S0,
If curtains are allowed tn dry thor-
When washing windows, always use '
lukewarm water, and add a llltlo starch I
to It Instead of soap. The icsiilt is beau
tifully clear windows, without ns much
work on them.
Itnlslus kept in a covered dish with n
small cup of water in the center will keep
moist and fresh.
Stamping and Embroidery
HemstitchiiiK, 10c per vard
TTT12 had n glorious day yeslctdnv
W ter our theatre partv of the tilRht
before, we slept until nearly noon, which
doesn't sound a bit esthetic, but wns de
cidedly comfortable. Mi. Dallas is ono
of tlioso sensible women who believes
In a Rood time, with plentv of rest In be
tween. It her fitiests want to loaf, they
can: If they want to bo "on tho ro" nil
the time, they nro equally sure of being
pleased, for her motor Is at her rucsIb'
service, nnd she likes overy kind of
amusement. . . ,. ..
After our luncheon, wp took OeorRe
tondster and rode all nlong tho lovely
toad which follows the Hudson c Rot
almost as far as Irvlngton. when we had
lo turn nround nnd come home, for Kllnor
had piomlscil lo call for Oeorgo nfter
ofllce hours In the evening. Oeorge's
mint. Mrs. C'ndvvnlader, gave a large
btldgp for minor. Jlrn. Cadwntnder's
daughter, .lean, looked charming.
Her gown wns made In a modllled
llieclan style, with Just enough glrllsh
pess to It to look nppropilnte for a l'
v car-old debutante. The skltt was made
of lino white net, embroidered with a rose
deln In iildcscent beads. Of couise, It
was veiv full, with a tnffetn foundation,
nnd enilghl up In the flout, pettlcont-1
sly le the veiy latest fashion The bot
tom was outlined by two nccordlon
plnltod turnings of liel.
The blouse was a tvplenl (Jrecian tunic
of tosp-coloied tnffetn. following In ab
solute fidelity the lines of Hip ancient
costume This had no Rlrdle. nnd the
wldo flnilng nrmhnles were finished off
with nn edging of ihlncstonps. Kose-to-white
shaded mallne filled In the spaco
ITICA tt'rlti llan.l in lintrt lli J V2
.--. ..., ,.,.,. . ... w.u urnpMyKT
plncp Joan looked Ilka a tea ross ff
self In this lovclv creation, for her Co?"
iiik la vtij ui-uuauj itim ner hair lF
said she was Jealous! Of course i.r2
bml lo tell her tho old storv about ffl
La 11.- .. s
pale golden shade
1 won n handsome prize
lurkv In love
I'm glad I have the
V V. I I
van uraen?
jV Corset
beauty of
(Custom Madt)
gives chic ttrd
Our coisclierti
ktww by oiV7 tf.
pcricnec how to out
;! Hmwi, women.
$3.50 lo $25
Van Orden Corset Co?
Authorities in I'ndcrdreu f
1204 Chestnut Street if
Npvv York Office, 370 Klfth At
MONDAY, MAY 3, 1915
Muslin Sheets and
Tabic Linens
Ladies' Waists
Laces and Embroideries
Madeira Embroidered Lunch
Ladies' Underwear
Linen and
Summer Curtains
Dress Cottons and Linens
Wash Fabrics
Let These '
Five Famous i
Soap Product
Help You,"- j
MAY 3 to 8
For a Spic-and-Span Philadelphia!
should be used to wash all fabrics that
are to be put away for the Summer
because it will keep them sweet
and the article washed
will not turn yellow.
for Gifts
matters ot
Soaps of" Merit
Pearl B
- i
v -ewfSMv
" w I v 'V'
a J ry s
-tMWW W -
rSoATL "-SfSSfP4
z'U ',!&$! LrJ0
But, oh, the Sweetness of his Notts
As Sweet as Choc'late Creams;
The Very Sweetest Music In
The Town of Funny Dreamt.
The tirgt Two Notes were
You hear on Christmas Eve;
Pfow, If he'd paute you'd know that he
Had something up bis Sleeve!
Mis Common
Then Uttle Hlslng Trills
That ecbod o'er the Mountain Top
Ami thro' the Funny Hills
On night my Father heard
And start a Raxtlme Lilt.
'J Uke My Work. But. Oh. You Sleep I"
Qh, Ma bad yanked the Qvllt!
"fe Jy Millinery i
mr,- , ..& Boms of th prettlut 1
f i ---1. j-Sf "! iliintleit Mtli I
fc ' li'iill &( hown thli aeaion
fiTT?,- - fT ar' Included In ogr K
. . I I r TMSgS Vfe. exhibition of mnrin I
NAv "'! iiwimir hau I
"Q Blsck and white I
xV Lomblnations are per V
JX, haps the moil 5
popular, jj
s $in ud i
like the I (aila n.,it n &.
ltv ur iioui Sfev '8
uou'tl find it very S ft
intivHsli6 at this XrVi I
WAite Fox rugs are
athionabl that worm
! Mawsbn and
1115 Chestnut Street
a w 1 umi ib si 2 r--v isnmsf a . tr ifm. 1 1 . itcumxjm vn
wr wry.mgmVmmj i AiJ?mm. &&
yMvri Jiwhw.c
- ;na v Awmr-m mm w t
vy m$f )ffimik mr mm wpj&&w mmw v
n nl aTu
11 1 II I 'utt 0
IM l III, r
1 HT343
I rauiaVj
tt numfl
fnnind 9
i'"";vy y
-ai' . - i r
"Get Back
Your Shapely
'"PHIS Nemo Week is an event of vast
- Importance to all womankind. For
more than two years the corset business has
been a riot of fadB and freaks. Corsets were
little more than rags. Some women wore no
corsets, others were induced to desert the
corset-friends of a life-time to join the ab
surd, disfiguring and unhealthful "slouch."
But women are now wearing real corcets,
and have risen en masse to demand the Btyle
and healthful comfort that the Nemo alone
can give. As a result, the sale of Nemo
Corsets, especially the old, well-known and
favorite models, is greater than ever.
Nemo Week marks the annual high tide in
the corset trade. At that time, dealers
everywhere have full lines of Nemo Corsets,
You can get the exact model and size you
need. Therefore, NEMO WEEK is the
BEST TIME to buy Nemo Corsets.
"Nemo Week
Not. 344 and 34S
Mido eipeclally for
Nemo Week telllnj,
Hve tho new "InvU
lblo" SelMUducIof
Widebntt-goroe taVo
cro ol aocMtt at at
waUt-lloo oausod by
wetrinf low'buat or
toplees corsets. Loof
flexible eklrt.
Medeef the foe mercerized
buine we uii U (5 to 110
Ota. 3.00
Four Old
"Nemo Friends"
You'll Quickly
Recognize as
"Real Friends,"
Vastly Improved
For All Average Full Figures
No. 322 J10 SELF-REDUCING. Mostpopu
Jm s ,ar corfet ever made-worn by literally
milllona of women. Long skirt with elastic ao nt
Lasticurve-Back. Medrambuat. Sizes20to86 po.U0
(In EXTRA SlZES-38, 40, 42 and 44-$5?00.)
No. 326 Same bb No. 322, but longer skirt $3.00
For Large FigureajFlesh Evenly Distributed
No.403NEai9x,8EL,EPHCING- h3 "
tinl -wi ProvedTNemo,I?e!Ief Bands to support and
redueo abdomen. Long skirt, with elastic a nt
Lastacurve-Back; medium bust' Sizes 22 to36 $4.00
(In EXTRA SIZES-38, 40, 42 and 44-$e!o.)
For Full Figures, Flesh Rather Soft
No. 508 NEMO SBLP.REDUCING. Four elastic
atharir M.irJK?8. fronof Bkirt. and elastic bands
fllw7-ttthl8 -thatmost wonderful and comfortable
aguje-reducing corset in existence. Long di- fn
8Umbuet. sizea22to86 . K $5.00
On EXTRA SIZES-38, 40, 42 anT447Tso.)
.t -or aHeavy' sSBing Abdomen
No. 523 S?.wSELF,TigUCING, with the
sat sa SJ5WipaLatBjaS
BE A WISE WOMAN! HWW! GoodStoTi'Everwh