Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 01, 1915, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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I -T Wi
. By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE, Author of 'The Lone Wolf," "The Brass Bowl," Etc.
Copxtlght, 1011. by Louis, Joseph Vance.
Bailr Manrsrs, 2T years old. out ef worh
51 ntrte, la locked out on lh tonf
ef fr houss, In New York. Driven to sesk
enelter hy a storm ihe tries the trsp-door
of other houses and finally enters the housj
Jf ?leh family. No one In st home end
Pelly. fasclmttd by baullful clothe,
fnenree her own fof them As ehe Is lf
in h re men trylnit to open a, safe.
A he works end n he natchee, the man
I; suddenly attacked by another buralar.
Ths i two men irraprle end the first It likely
to be OTerwhelmed when Bally break In,
feltea a revolver which has been dropped
In the scuffle, and coer the men. The
one la blue ere. the first .buralar, as
sumes that the 1 helping him. and they
drive out the other. Then Bally flees from
the house.
Wandr:n aimlessly. Sally meets the bur
flsr she has befriended at Grand Central
Etstlon, and Insist" that he net her an ac
commodation to Uoston. They.ro down to
the restaurant, and here .tho buralar "re
tends that Bally la one of his P.rof'aslon.
T1ie 'burtar' revenls himself ns falter
Savage, brother of the owner of the home
Into which Billy blundered, lie """. PP"1!"
the safe, of which he had fnrarotten the
combination, when the true burglsr altacke.1
him. As Bslly hears this confession, Adele
Btandlsh, a dhorcee, the sister of Savse,
comes In. Tho matter Is esplalned to her,
and the brother and sister atk Billy, to come
as secretary to thtlr aunt. They "foko a
letter of .recommendation and nil take tno
owl train to lloston, . ... ., ,.
A telegram announces that tho Btandlsh
home has been robbed after all, apparently
by tho.buralir who was first driven on.
Sirs. Btandlsh asks Sally tn say nothing 4
cf Savage's presence In the house so tnac
he may collect her buralar Insurance
There are two men staying at the house,
t.yttleton and Trego . The former nttracts
Bally very much. The latter Is a .West
erner, who seems out of place nmiwno
feels that Sally, too, Is "an outsider. Ho
tries to be friends nltli her.
Oho sat beside the wide window of her
bedchamber, on that third midnight nt
Oosnold House, In a state of lawless
exaltation not less physical than spiritual
and mental, a temper that proscribed
sleep hopelessly.
The window was open, tho night atr
till and auave and warm, her sole pro
tection a filmy negligee over a night
dress of sheerest Bilk and lnce. And 1 1
that hour Sarah Manvcrs was as nearly
a beautiful woman as cvor she was to
bo her face faintly flushed In the stark
moonlight faintly shadowed from wlthm
by the rich darkness of her blood, her
dreaming' eyes twin poolB of limpid
shadow, her dark lips shadowed by a
llttlo elusive Btnllc.
She was relishing tho sensatlorNof llfo
intensely, almost painfully: she was In
tensely allvo for tho first tlmo In till
her life, it seemed; In throat and wrists
and temples pulsea sang, now soft, new
loud; and all her body glowed, from
crown of head to tips of toes nestling In
silken mules, with the warmth nnd tho
languor of life.
She was deeply and desperately in love.
The genius of her curious destiny, not
content with making her free of all the
good material things of life, had granted
her as well this last and dcarettt boon.
And though her years were twenty-seven,
sho had not loved before. She had
dreamed of love, had been In love with
love and with being loved, had believed
she loved; but nothing In her experience
compared with such rapturo as tonlgut
obsessed her being, wholly and "Without
Life, indeed, grants no compensation
for the ignominious necessity of love than
this, that no other lovo was ever real
but today's alone.
And so the beauty of that moonlight
midnight seemed supernal. Becalmed, tho
island lay steeped In floods of tthereal
stiver, its sky nn Irldlsccnt dome, I's
sea a shimmering shield of opalescence,
its lawns and terraces argentine shad
owed with deepest violet. Thcro was
never a definite tound, only tho slbllance
of a stillness made of many Interwoven
sounds, soft Hep of wavelets on the sands
a. nundrea reet below, hum of nocturnal
, Insect llfo In thickets and plantations,
sobbing of a tiny, vagrant breeze lcet
and homeless in that vast serenity, wull
inff of a far violin, rumor of a distant
motorcar. A night of potent witchery,
a woman willingly bewitched.
In fancy she still could feel the pluslng
of her heart against her bosom, tho
caressing- touch of his hands, tho warm
flutter of his breath tn her hair and upon
her cheek, as in that last dance; and
with an Inexpressible hunger at once ol
Besh and soul she yearned to feel them
uu again, to De once more within tho
maglo circle of his arms, to live once
more in the light of his countenance.
.. It mattered nothing that she loved
hopelessly a graceless runagate and
knew it well. She had not heeded the
Indirect warning of Adele Standlsh and
Mercedes Pride that the man was noth
ing1 better than an encaclnir seamn. wim
vras she to demand worthlor object fur
her love? She was precisely nobody, nnd
might waste her passion as she would,
and none but, herself the worse for It.
Nor did it matter that her love was
desperate of return. She know that no
recognized and was a little amused and a
little flattered by her unspoken admira
tion, but more deeply than that nffectfl
not at all. But that was his Imperial
prerogative; she did not mind; temporar
ily she believed herself quite content,
and that she would continue so as ions
as permitted to hug to her secret heatt
the unutterable sweetness of being In
love with him.- Again, she was nobody,
and didn't count, while ho was precisely
all that she had longed for ever since
she was of an ace to irnm e i....
, Ha was not only of an ndmlrlng person!
o nuio v,,o naDit or distinction like n
garment made for him nlnno in ui,-.
j,the man was Irresistible, and the woman
tsVT want to r'8ls, but on'y de-
---" - -fi-"uiuijr aver iu capitulate.
She was as love-slck as a schoolgirl of
is: a, hundred times, If once, her barely
Properties Managed Hants Collected
Insurance and llortgaces Placed
IJjts on application
202 South 15th Street
rF.FMPVmw l'viniiTa
r.155. payable monthly, will buy a lot 23x150.
ILron tn n1hst w,tn In cn...i. .- . ..
3ii. r..-.V, , L r""" rx. in ine
hSiX'.Z! iT,nK ..?. "auntui Ciementon
"SSfJ-inv.4 J-kei bathing, boatlo and a.hlnff.
KSl.10q" '2.r ,rUM' w steam cars every IS
Jttrket Bt, Ferry. Camden; get oft at end of
Biioel agent with badge meets evurv mi- a,m.
Sf5H?.JM "Sar. B. V. M BRENNGN. 33
5W.'.? " .ran- Spruce -1981 j Race 2SI3.
.m service never rln.-.l
8FBEE BXCimsiON snioniv ..
T.Brpad St-J 2 29, West Fhlla. 'BeV aren't 7t
Kii - :..?,Ja'- 01U? 10 mlnutee from City
Hall; stailon on (rounds. Lo from tlSO udi
.S.F(mn hMi... t. iiitnn. Z?. " 'v "HI
- ' usi.r I'luaiii.
1 3SK? fin.0"!?" H.i LP" l..
,flo.or. driveway to tuck street
IABBOTT, tf. E. V. Broad & Rc
.ttlantl! City, N. J.
Jttages, Hotels, Boarding Houses,
villas, Apartments
in iumii
11 kKtlcu, AtUstlc CJtr.
UW. avvxaebllu service.
a-vRTLisrr BiriLourq
parted lips breathed his name to the
sympathetic night that nover would
betray her: "Donald-Donald-Donald
Littleton "
Now all the while oho wasted sighing
for him by the window Mr. I.yttloton
spent Idly speculating nbout her-lnuttglng
In a corner of the smoking room, (in the
edRe of a circle of other masculine guests
muitina common excuse or alcohol to de
fer the tiresome formalities of going to
bed and getting up again In the morn
ing. If this gentleman was Sally's Junior In
the matter of n year or tuo, lie was over
whelmingly her senior In knowledge of
his world-a world Into which ho hail
been brought nelthor to toll nor yet to
SPln, but Slmtltv tn lid tlln Utn nn,l .mil
of the party. And nt 58 lm una lienml
permuting sentiment to run awn with
Judgment, ho could resist temptation with
as much fortltudn ns any man, nlwnys
providing he could sco any Round lenson
for resisting ll-nny reason, that Is. prom
ising a prollt from the deed of nlmtlnr-nce
Air. I.ytllclon lind ten tlinllonli.t u vnnr
of lila own, Incoinn from n principal for
tunately beyond his power to hypothe
cate; he spent twenty thoiisnml with an
easy conscience; he earnestly desired to
bo nblo tn spend fifty without fear of
consequences. Talents such ns his mer
ited maintenance falling Independent
means, such malntcnunco ns comes from
marrying money and a wife nbove sus
picion of parsimony. If only he had been
able, or even hnd cared to behave him
self, .Mr liyttleton's fortunes might long
""- iuivm uepji PHUlDJlBflCd on SOtne HUfll
satisfactory basis. Hut ho whs sorely
handlappccl by the weakness of a fcentl
mental nutiiro; women unulrl persist In
fulling In love with hlm-nlwnys. unhap
pily, women of moderate means. He
couldn't help bolnc sorry for them and
seeking to assuage their sufferings; ho
cuuiun i iorevnr uo running away from
eomo Infatuate female, and so he was
forever being found out nnd forgiven
by women Most men. meanly envious,
disliked Mini: nit men held liim in nnr.inn.
able distrust. Devilish hard luck.
Take this Mamvnrlng girl pretty, In
telligent, artless llttlo woman, perhops n
ilt mature, but faeclnntlng nil tho same,
nffcctlngly naive nbout her trouble, which
was simply spontaneous combustion, one
more of thoso first-sight affairs. Ho hnd
noticed the symptoms immediately, that
night of her Introduction to Oosnold
House. He hadn't paid much attention
to her during luncheon, and only sought
her out when they got up. on tho spur of
uie moment, ror that Informal after-dinner
dfinee by moonlight on tho vernnda
partly nccau&o he happened to notice her
bitting to ono side, so obviously longing
for him to ask her. partly because II was
his business to dance, nnd partly hecauso
well, becauso it was less dangerous,
everything considered, than dancing with
Mrs. Standlsh.
And then tho eloquent treachery of
Sally's eyes und that little gesture of
surrender with which she yielded herself
to his guidance. It was really too bad.
he thought, especially since she had
made occasion to tell him frankly sho
hudn't a dollar to bless herself with.
Still, ho must give himself credit for
behaving admirably; he hndn't encour
aged the girl. Not much, at all events.
Of course. It wasn't In human nature to
Ignore her entirely after that; moreover,
to slight her would have been conspicu
ous, not to say uncivil. But ono must
urnw the line somewhere.
Tonight, for example, he had danced
with her perhaps too often for her own
good, to say nothing of hla own. And
they had sat out a dance or two aw
fully old-fashioned custom; went out
years ngo still, ono did it", regardless,
now and then.
Curious girl, the Manwarlng; ono
moment almost melting into his arm3.
the next practically warning him against
herself. And curiously rctlcent-sald she
was "nobody" let it go at that. Very
probably told the truth; sho seemed to
know nobody who was anybody, and
though sho was apparently very much at
her case most of tho time, and not
readily impressed, he noticed now nnd
then a llttlo tensity In her manner, a
covert watchfulness of other women, as
though sho wero waiting for her cue.
At tills Juncturo in his reverio Mr.
Lyttleton peremptorily dismissed luckless
Miss Manwnrlng from his mind, com
pounded his nightcap nt the buffet, and
Joined In the general conversation.
Coincidental! v the rnverle of Mioa Mnn.
waring at her bedchamber window til-gresced-to
review fragmentarily the trnltlc
nnd discoveries of threo wonderful days.
i-mje in wnosc glamourous radiance tho
romance of Cinderella paled to tho com
plexion of a sordidly realistic nnrrntlvo
of commonplaces; contemplating them,
Sally, for the sake of her self-conceit,
felt constrained to adopt nn nloof, super
ior, skeptical "pose. Conceding freely
the Incredible reality of this phase of
her history, she none the less contended
that no more true permanence Inhered
In It than In a dream.
She recapitulated many Indisputable
signs of the Instability of her affairs.
And of all those the foremost, the most
glaring, was her personal success, at
once actual and Impossible. She baw her
self (from thnt remote and weather
benten coign of skepticism) moving freely
to and fro in the great world of tho
socially elect, unhindered, unquestioned,
tacitly accepted, meeting, chatting, treat
Lot 60,200. 0.raVr'0nir,'ca.kTc;u,ryi,Vrlca"76()SVer)r ra0d"n ""Venl.nce.
Complete lists of suburban homes, farms and building ground.
Writ or phone for appointment.
Finn lllhllrrtfin frtilmA t 4. .! an
(-No photo nould do l( Justice)
S? tt"aftlve ana complete country place situate on
Fe station "p 5nhT?f S?11"" 8tat'n. " 7 mlft uto
n -in 2Si. .R' R: ."nVwto Campo." is situate on J
and 3 batirhit !5,.V.V,i a.cr.es' with colonial man
?"?.J ?a,ns not-water heat, acetylene eras tilanr. .nHr.
a view of 30 miles.
laapdlllIc7ifldCeCOfL'C0n??0 tQ " this froplrty today"1 For'USk
H. J. PAGER, Inc., Ambler, Pa.
ing nnd parting with Its denizens with ft
gesture of confidence) that was never
the gesture of S. Manvcrs of the hard
ware notions; u Nobody on terms of
equality with Indisputable Somebodies
vastly Important Sombodlos. Indeed, for
the most part; so much so that by com
mon consent mankind hnd created for
them a special world within the world
and set It npnit for their exclusive shelter
nnd delectation, for them to live In nnd
have their being untroubled and tin
contaminated by contact with tho com
monalty Tor nil that, Sally couldn't bcc why
they must be so cared for and catered
to. Tho only thing that apparently dis
tinguished them fiom thoso who lacked
their ndvnnlages, who looked up rever
ently to them nnd read enviously of their
doings In the pnpers, was their nrstir
nnre, u quality oitenslblv Inimitable, yet
she Imitated It with seemingly flawless
art. A contradiction thnt defied her wits
to reconcile.
Sho wasted time In the endeavor; her
own personality was prepossessing; Bhe
hnd sufficient tact never to seek to In
gratliite herself; her solecisms wero few
and Insignificant, and the Introduction of
Abigail Oosnold was nn unimpeachable
As for her antecedents, the lie which
credited her to the city of Mnsslltou
tinnnPl! Ilnnlin1l(.l,nrt ...lilln n n..nnlnn..
of sllcnco kept private to the few nc -
quninted Willi it thnt h dootis secret of
her department store servitude! -Mrs,
Oosnold would hnve said nothing out of
sheer kindness of heart even If It hnd
not been her settled hnhlt to pinctlco the
dlfllcult arts of minding her own business
nnd keeping her own counsel Savage
was still In New York, but bad he been
nt Oosnold House would have Imitated
tho example set by his amiable sister
and held his tongue even when most
exasperated with Snllv. Mr. Trego, of
course, knew no more than what he had
been freo to surmise from the girl's Im
pulsive confession that she had been out
of both work nnd money when bc-
rrlcnded by Mrs Standlsh, hut. whatever
his Inferences, he kept them to himself.
A simple, sincere, stubborn soul, this
Mr. Trego; so, nt least, he made himself
appear to Sally, persistently seeking her
nnd dumbly offering a friendship which
she, In tho preoccupation of her grand
pnBslon, had neither time uor wish to
cultivate, and which he himself Ingenu
ously npologlzed for on the plea of self
defense. He frnnklv professed a mortal
dread of "these women," one of whom,
ho nverred mysteriously, was bent on
mnrrjlng him by main Btrength nnd
good-will first tlmo she rnught him with
lowered guard.
His misgivings wore measurably cor
roborated by the attltudo toward Sally
adopted by Mrs. Standlsh In her cnpaoltv
ns closo friend, foil, nnd confidant of
Mrs. Artcmns. In the couise of thoso
threo days tho girl had not been Insensi
ble to Intimations of n strong, If ur yet
restrained, nnlinus In the mind of tho
older woman. In nlnrm nnd rcgiet she
did her futile best to dlscourngo this gen-
iii. n. in wuuuiii oeing oveitlv discour
teous She could hardly do more; Impos
sible to cxplnln to her henetnetress that
he was not tho man of her heart's choice
Unfortunately, Trego was Indifferent
to tempered rebuffs
"If you don't mind," he Interrupted ono
of bTlly's protracted snubs, "I'll Just
stick around and keen on enlnvinir tin.
society of a human being. Of course. I
know theso others are nil human In their
way, but it Isn't your wny or mine. I'cr
hnps It onlv seems so to me because I
don't understand 'em. It's quite- possi
ble. Ono thing's sure, they don't under
stand me. At least, tho women don't;
I can get along with the men-most of
em. They're not a bad lot, if Imma
ture. You can stand a lot of foolishness
from children onco you rcnllzo their
grown upplshness Is only make-bellevo.
"Thoy don't know how to enjoy them
selves," he expatiated; "thoy'vo got too
much of everything. Including spare time
Ylhuts a holiday to nnvlmdv mim i.
never done n stroke of work? You nnd I
know the difference; we can appreciato
tho fun of loallng between spells of work;
but these peoplo have got no Mandnrda
to measure their fun by. so it's nil tho
bamo to thcm-flat. vapid, monotonous,
unless they season It up with cocktails
and carrying on; nnd oven thnt gets to
have all tho same flavor of tastclcssncss
after a while. That's why so many of
theso women are going n for tho suf
fragetto business; It Isn't thnt they care
n whoop for tho vote, it's because they
w'lint tho excitement of wanting some
thing they haven't got and can't get by
signing a check for It."
..vYo,u'ro prejudiced." the Blrl objected.
ouro at loose-ends yourself, idle nnd
restless, nnd It distorts your mental
vision For my part. I've never met more
charming people "
.. " 8 '01"" stlgmatlsm." he contended.
Motive been wanting this society thing
Atlantic City, N. ,1.
Chelsea Corner Cottage and
Ventnor Ocean-Front Villa
Unusual bargain. Several nttractlve
?40fCuiat ,empl,ng PTteet, ranging
Guarantee Trust Dulldlng
the Beth
run from
on a hill with
jPsgas. .' - ,
all your life, and how you've got It you're
as pleased ns a child with a new toy.
Walt tilt the paint wears oft and It won't
shut Its eyes when you put It down on Its
back and sawdust begins to leak out at
tho Joints."
"Wouldn't 11 be more kind of you to
leave tno to discover the sawdust for
"It unquestionably would, and I ought
to be kicked," Trego agreed heartily. "I
only started this In fun, anyway, to make
you see why It Is you look so good to mo
different so sound and sane and whole
some that I Just naturally can't help
pestering you."
She did not know what to say to that.
She suffered him.
Her duties as secretary to MrJ. Oos
nold proved, when Inaugurated the second
morning after her arrival, to be at once
light and Interesting. Her employer was
conservative enough In an unmannerly
age to Insist on answering nil personal
correspondence with her own hand; what
passed between her and her few Intimates
was known to herself alone But she car
ried on, In addition, nn animated cor
lespondenre with numberless frauds an
tique dealers, charities, professional poor
relations, social workers, and others of
that Ilk which proved tremendously di
verting to licr nmaniionsls, especially
wnen it transpired that Mrs. Oosnold had
n mind nnd temper of her own. togethef
with n vocabulary amply ndequato to her
powers of ironic observation. This last
gift came out strongly In her diary, a
dally record of her various Interests and
nctlvltles which she dictated, Interspers
ing drv details with many an ncld nn
notation. When nil wns flnlBhed Sally found she
hnd been busied for llttlo moro than two
1 hours, and wno given to understand that
" r """es wuuia ne mnue more burden
some only by the addition of a little light
bookkeeping when she settled down to the
routine of regular employment.
Of tho alleged high piny, at cards or
otherwise, she had yet, at this third mid
night,' to see any real evidence. Mrs Oos.
nold most undoubtedly played a stiff gnmo
of bridge, but she played It with a master
ly faeility, the outcomo of long practice
and profound study; her losses, when she
lost, were minimized. Nor wns thero ever
n sign of cheating that enmo under Sally's
observation. Everybody played who didn't
dance, and vlco versa, but nobody seemed
to piny for the mere salto of winning
mnnev. And while the Influx of week-end
gutsts by tho Friday evening boat
brought the number at Oosnold House up
to twenty-two. they were all apparently
amiable, self-centered folk of long and
Intlmnto acquaintance with ono another
ns well ns with their hostess nnd all her
neighbors on tho Island. Of thnt dubious
crew of adventurers she had been led to
expect there wnB never a hint.
Such provision ns their hostesB made
for her guests' cntertnlnment nnd amuse
ment they patronized or Ignored with
equnl nonchalance, nccordlng to Individual
whim: they commanded breakfasts for
all hours of the morning, and they
lunched nt home and dined abroad, or
reversed the order, or sought all their
meals In the homes of neighboring
friends, quite without nntlco or apology.
Such was tho modish mannor with them
that summer of 13H-a sedulous avoidance
of anything resembling acknowledgment
of obligation to those who entertained.
Indeed. If one interpreted their attitude
at Its face value, tho shoo was on the
other foot
And they brimmed the nllegcd hollow-
iie oi moir nays with an extraordinary
amount of running about. Thero was
Incessant shifting of Interest from ono
foral point to another of the colony, a
perpetually restless swarming hither nnd
5 on to some new centre of distraction, a
continual kaleidoscopic parade of tho
most wonderful nnd extravagant clothing
the world has ever seen.
To the outsider, of course, all this wns
not merely entertaining and novel, if
much ns sho had Imagined It would be,
It was moie-lt wns fascination, it was
enchantment, it wns the Joy of living
made manifest. It was life!
If only this bubble might not burst!
Of course, It must, even if not too good
to be true. It wns too wonderful to be en
during; tho clock strikes twelve for overs
Cinderella, and few nre blessed enougn
to bo able to leave behind them n match
less slipper.
But whatever happened, nothing now
National l'nrk, N. .1.
inVnn.re ''""""ffYungalow, upon' a lot "5x
50 nnd selling both for J32.1 un Vasv VV
le"L" " -.t nulcklj- ,--ou "fcava&.P:
.SAT.!".!? ,''!,. .i
of the first,
you off at riert Hank aT ; ask Wl?'
Itoeencrans. GrtEATEIt vV !2.r itr
IlEALTY CO.. 33 a 1.1.1, .-..JE".?EY
Sel 2S23. "Tabs" Servln. "S. -. 1.Hi
never closed.
i CnflClu 3.L price
The most beautiful, the best developed and nearer than any of the Wood,
if 0 1JrPe"ies ls .enneia. And yet, with every
S8enSL fiS!?.S ilCC,esS-lblhty'. !ts wo"derful
tli-n cV Z I w !" CdlTr,lue- l nis condition
?2V. . thr Wd ?Ste- 7alu.es are sacrificed.
for PpZh B t ?u iu.m"es.trm Philadelphia, are the prices you pay
tor jyenheld a nronertv that ir a minntc rm cnu c.-i. TM.-.ij m.. i ,
Sli fSthe Ci "ne Never in the
was a developed, built-up suburb sold at such little
they priced
were ir.
as they
could prevent her carrying lo her grave
tho memory of this one glorious flight:
"better to have loved and lost"
Tho wraith of nn old refrain troubled
Sally's reverie. How did It go? "Now
die tho dream "
Saturate with exquisite melancholy, she
leaned out over the wlndow-slll Into the
warm, still moonlight, drinking deep of
the wine-scent of roses, dwelling upon
the Image of him whom she loved so
What wore the words again?
" The past Is not In vain,
For wholly as It was your me,
Can never be again, my dear,
Can never be again."
She shook a mournful head, sadly en
visaging tho loveliness of the world
through a mist of facile tears; that was
too exquisitely, too poignantly true of her
own plight; for, wholly as It was, her
life could never be again.
And not for worlds would she have had
it otherwise.
Uelow, In the deserted drawing-room, a
time-mellowed clock chimed sonorously
the hour of two.
Two o'clock of a Sunday morning, and
all well; long since Gosnold House hnd
lapsed Into decent silence; an hour ago
sho had heard the last laggard footsteps,
tho last murmured good nights In the cor
ridor outsldo her door ns tho men folk
took themselves reluctantly off to their
She leaned Btlll farther out over tho
sill, perrlng along the gleaming white fa
cade: no window showed a light that
she could see. She listened acutely; not a
sound but the muttering of fretful little
wnves and tho drowsy complaint of lomo
bird troubled in its sleep.
Of nil that heedless human company, It
seemed, eho ulono remained nwnkc.
Something in that circumstance proved,
nlmost rcslstlcssly provocative to her In
nate lust for adventure. For upward of
two hours she had been passive there In
her chair, a prey to uneasy thoughts;
now she was wearv with much thinking,
but ns far as ever from the wish to slfaep;
nover, Indeed, more wide awake pos
sessed by a demon of rostlessncsB, con
sumed with dcslro to rlso up und go out
Into tho Bccnted moonstruck night and
lose herself In Its loneliness and seo what
she should sec.
Why not? No ono need cier know. A
staircase at her end of the corridor little
used except by servants led to a small
door opening directly upon the terrace.
Providing It were not locked and tho key
removed, there was no earthly reason
why. If so minded, sho should not go
quietly forth that wny and drink her All
of the night's loveliness.
To n humor supple to such temptation
the tang of lawlessness In a project Inno
cent enough was Irresistible. Besides,
what wns the harm? What could Jie tho
objection, even were the escapade to bo
discovered by misadventure?
Among other Items In her collection of
borrowed plumage she possessed nn eve
ning wrap, somewhat out of fashion, but
eminently ndnpted to her purpose long
enough to cloak her figure to the ground,
thus eliminating nil necessity for dressing
against chance encounter with some other
uneasy soul. Woin with black stockings
nnd slippers, It would render her almost
invisible in shadow.
In another minute, without turning on
n light, sho hnd found and donned those
several articles, and from her door was
narrowly Inspecting the hallway before
venturing a step ncoss the threshold.
It was quite empty and silent, Its dark
ness moderated only by the single nlght
llght burning at the head of the main
Satisfied, she closed the door and crept
noiselessly down tho steps, to find tho
side door not oven locked.
Price $3800
Orr's New Houses
Torrcsdalc & Princeton Aves.
Two-story twin houses, containing 8
pflnm. nml litith .Ma to...... ..... .. .
.......... ... jai'lB, IIUl-HttlCr
heat, basement laundry, electric nnd cas
llBht Lots ;.-ixlO0 feet
Ttr rnrfnrn frnm rsnlra rf T .
from Frankford car to Margaret m.
.V.! trains dally to Tacony Station on
The Acme of Perfection
Dullt on the hlBhest nnd choicest soot
2-story modern homes, semi-detached, with
0 rooms, nnd eery modern convenience.
F. & E. AUBEL DuUdersand"'
Sample House, 3333 N. 13th Street
The Wood Estate Must Be Settled
um wic aianupo nc mereiv ot mvestmcnf ,
For over 25 years the firm of Wood Haimon
circles. The have opened Jiid &S3S?.
satisfied customers. Now thv m n,. a
w -" -- ALLjuiiriiiiiiivr ii riafitin aai .. si .
so high-class and.desirable a proprnvTseXH
nor. ior tne settl ne of the Wonrf
are marked at pre! ent. RepreLnta
taKe carat 69th Street Elevated Terminal tret off SC.,7 y
minute ride, a 5 cent fare. tC .7 "JriL i ' .B- ff at penneld-a three
ing is best. Come today or tomorrow if mreTv ?"!. " r,005'
note the little prices! Several beautiful L yi, .8ee PenfieId. d
mothers in cours? of citrffiSffifc5 a"d
Clifford B. Harmon & Co., ASe,3
1. 19TS;
Grave Digger and Wire Arrested
William Connell, 80 years old, a grave
digger, and hla wife Lillian, 28 years old,
277" Emerald street, were afrested by the
Society to Protect Children from Cruelty,
accused of keeping a disorderly house.
Miss Peachey, agent of the society,
had been investigating the case for
some time, nnd described various de
bauches nt the Emerald street house at
tho hearing before Magistrate Campbell
at the Belgrade and Clearfield streets po
lice station today. Their three children,
Lillian, 6 years old; Emma, 3 years old,
and William, 2 years old, were given Into
the Lttstody of the society. Connell was
discharged on probation, but his wife wns
committed to the House of the Good Shep
herd. ,
William McClcan
OETTYSBfHG. Pa.. May 1. William
McClean, ox-.tudgo of Adams County, died
early this morning after an Illness of only
nine days. Ho was the senior member of
tho law firm of McClcan & McClean. tn
1S74 he- was elected to tho bench on tho
Democratic ticket, and presided over the
courts of tho county for 20 years. He.
was ono of the citizens of Gettvsburg who
was present on the occasion when Presi
dent Lincoln made his nddress at tho
dedication of tho National Cemetery. Ho
was ono of the four men who made nil
dresses at tho EOth anniversary of that
memorial event Judge McClcan was S3
years old.
r.MEItY. In remembrance of the passing of
C. V. E.
VANEE, widow ol Charles D. Vanluvanee,
dauuhttr of Dr William Wetherlll and grand
daughter of Jacob w. Scllslnger, of Heading,
died April 10, 1U07. r
IinoOKE On April SO. 1013, at Media, Pa.,
HVNTER DUOOKE, Jr.. aged 43 years. Fu
neral sen-Res on Monday morning, at 11 '43
o clock, at the residence of his mint. Mrs.
CJcorgo M. Lewis. West Stato St., Media. Pa.
Interment private.
LEKTHEIt. On April 30, 1015, ALFRED,
son or tho Into George Henry and Eltiabeth
Wntsoi Iether. Duo notice of tho funeral
will he given.
ri.l'MMKK. On May 1. 1013. EVEItETT
It. PLUMMKR, 3d. aged S weeks, son of
Exerctt II. Plummr. Jr., and Emnin 11
l'luinmcr. of Sin is. 4Uh st. Interment at
V est Laurel Hill Cemetery at convenience of
the family.
l'llOL'IiriT, Fell asleep very peacefully, nt
her old homo In New Castle. l)p , April So,
of laic Itov. Alexander prnudflt. D. D., nnd
laughter or lain Mary Couper nnd James
Lngnn Smith. Funeral at Now Castle. Mon
day, May 'I. nt .1 o'clock. Interment prhnte.
Ill'PP. At Lancaster. Pa.. April 20. MARY
HELEN rtCI'P. fnrmerl) of ..-.'J Pieeton st.,
We6t Philadelphia, daughter of tho lato
Louis nnd Marj Helen Rur.p, aged 37 vcar.
The relatives nnd friends are Invited to at
tend tho fune-al services on Tuesday after
noon, at 2 o'clock, et th rreldcnre or her
sister, Mrs. M. Ottrnhelmer. .MIS N. 2d st..
Olnov. Phlla Interment private at North
wood Cemetery
W1I:tII. On April .10, 1015, HENRIETTA
BRAXTON WVPTH. Due notlte of tho
funeral will be given.
Drcicl Hill. Ta. Drcxcl Hill. I'n '
In addition to beauty of lines, these houses were built for substantiality Pierv
convenience that a woman could want In a house Is found In these houses W
Open l-ircplaces Hot-Water Heat Gas Ranfcs
Electric Lights
These houses are as solid as the Pock of Gibraltar,
foundation to roof. An Inspection will convince iem.
LOTS 75 by
advantage in its f ayor,
location, prices for its
is brought about through
Prices that you would will
'hisVcry ot r,Z ZtoW&SW
Ki - ..."i... '.--: ::":'..
r i. -7 u" ne,umtccl
ZZ'. .7." .""' " nave soio to tnousands of
- ZtZZZ u T. ,bh,b d,lu mat
iv "tLl.1" " WB
..... nicy tust to DUlial
Street, Philadelph
r iitvrjA .NiiflikV ;
This BTTt,E TYPD (or like this)
One insertion .........,. ...,,159 tsesfiSl
Threo insertions Ins week..., 13Hoperl2!l
Beven. consecutive Insertions.., 10o SI? S'l
Situations wanted, threo Inter- wriiajl
tlons In a week. .,.,.,, loa ,,.,31
THIS SIZt: I Yr't (or like this
permitted in an ciaeeincations excent ti.l
snd Hltustlons Wanted. Lost and round pU?1
eonals, Boarding and nooms, nu pwa
One Insertion ,. 20e tw-if.?
Three insertions In a week..., 17Uai,,t .'"
Seven consecutive Insertions.., 15o SJi. "
.All rate, are bajed on agato rnearuremi.V.
14 agate Maes to tho nch. armeaM
DEATH NOTICES-elther paper-
Three insertions t,", ,,
DAIJjY only
In Effect December 1, ii.
for iniertlon In both the morning and .;!?
eirers of same day! Tenia
Add four cents tier lino not to rate pi...
above. J.
:HArt(iE. " A "M
i ncrc is a urug siorc near yotirS
home that will accept Ledger warltfl
.ids at omcc rates.
CllA.MliEKM.WD and waitress, exrrln..
Klrl: hrlvate fainllv. Chestnut tllll i..!"c"
ployer Itnomsjo. Public Ledger, BaturtJv
morning, 11 'o'rli
iock. u
Light colored clrt. ,M. ..
fse pnoni
ie phono nessages In dortor'o office. Mm
r Yl "o'clock1 1,Ub" Lcdt" SlnSi
CIlAMIiEIt.MAIO and woltress, white, Pt
eRtnnt girl, assist nlth Ironing no Vy. Tiii
lth,M1.rii at. Phnnn ll,n "Hit ' lu'
CUAMHERMAID and laumlresi, Prot..
lamuy qij. ;reiepnnnonrvn Mawr 2rt
OK, chambermaid and waitress: two eri4
need white girls, -assist W1ih washing: StJM
rr-nce. tw-n in f.-imllv I'lmnn ii.nliIzTH
r.fil Arirfresa nY n.1 Rnt.mnnl !.' -"lavr
COOK nnd chambermaid, who have worked fiOH
gether, for suburban residence, bst rotren?B
rpninrnn: rnn namm n m n-ii ihi. M .-".m
Q ." rilsler, S40 N. nth st. '""""";
HEAD WAITRESS-Hourr, la m. to (1 n m.f
no Sunday work, Prntcstnnt preferred; flrit'i
narp r-ificin.i-. '-t,,j. linger jnce.
HOSIERY Experienced sennera on full.....
loned goods; wages of J.1 to ft per day unl
he made. Drown-Aberlo Company. TiuX
thorp and Huntingdon sts. "a
HOUSEKEEPER, capable, ixr. nM hlTTi
work: good ref. required. 1" 710, Led. CcntM
HOUSEWORK A woman of trust, w-hlto rrti
ferred. no washing, refcrente. Call at one
IDS HjI.i ne.. Ha In. 2
HOUSEWORK Cntable girl, famlls of 2:st:
snore, goon wages p w. Ledgir Ofllc. g
iii'uui;wiii wniio. I'rotemant girl: smtil1
........ , o.,m na . i,.i. ,,-.,1-, Hint.-,.,
MAN AND Wim. ni-e nnt m-,r .10 .,.
lie good cook, the other for general houaaj
work, for suburban residence best reftreiMl
fi.111 hnd. sell Ikli. m.aI I . .-.--.
n 'T ill 1 ni i Utriom IX O City
" fliHIC -1" " ''" fil
MIDPI.H-AOED woman for penonl housework.1!
famllv '. mnrlfifltfl .inrrnn r 1Afs I- .i rtJi
" ' ''"" pif- i. nw, liCtl. UJX
Oti:itATOn& on nil narts of shirtwaists, tllU
"it, nr.'ui, l in; JIM
gedein-Meis Company,
ki nnu urnun.
1 to travel durini
mid salarv atv
rurnmcr acatlon, railroad mid salary tal
enmmlsslon: write for
personal Intervhm,
! m-i, linger central
Cement Porch Floors
The walla are 20-Inch from
100 FEET
. v;jSs..ir """ ";;: -"ww
"""' j-b-
rd Hi
vWpv tWfrf8Biferat Wsesgi7
isWnffiipPt?y MnBUjHn-lvBM
l torJpwTf
m m vtni-iirCjrv-TK v vxv
fB"wr SE
M 2
a mi ii i
SJ n I
I I.
f ffCT:J f ' !! TV-lift
iiSMiwBKaMsatiasigrsfaritM in AvL.LLjLsl-sLLU-Jiryfy
' ' ?rtSvf