STRAt,. wwgw111 " HWliawMWfcfWWWilwMi FRIDAY April 30, iDlS-v y lEuwrauj fflTeiujr ? ..." iw-r,i. I.w BiAT DAT CELEBRATION AT BRYN MAWR AND ATHLETES PROMINENT IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS fMX -fJBBMMBHMMSKJBBWlMBIBBKwHMBBHiBSBM aaSltt -f jffliwPlyTfjl T IV1 JB t!tTSWpT ju?j7?KwS&!&n9BBmra9RnMSSuA fc dKr4PVfiy .f jfeoBBBMIBBIBBBImBMBWBCMftWMfc.X'B. '&jTl'3'yJhWBtfiMBP'9fr'Jaf r yfBBWHBg"wg7r" E9Vu4HRHHD0C'Wrflft jJHVWP B 1 BRYN MAWR STUDENTS HOLD ANNUAL MAY DAY CELEBRATION ONE DAY AHEAD OF TIME After breakfast today the entire student body, wearing white dresses and sashes of their class colors, gathered on the campus and sang "To the May Pole Let Us On" and danced around the four May poles on the college green. The. students then assembled in the chapel, where President Thomas awarded the scholarships and fellowships. Tonight members of the freshman class will have supper in Pembroke Hall, and the graduates will bo given a reception by members ofthCt-senior class r in .the, gym nasium. Tomorrow morning the finals of the track meet will bo held. "' ' '"" y y f' - - Bmu i i i, i i, in ininiii mini iii i i iiiiini limn in i nrBi jfiniin mill ilnllirl nfi'Tii m m -fi'n- i iiiniiilH' mi jn m if inn iiimwwrrrrritTmtimtmtiiirMB&mmmemBamaemi nniimiiniHB r inn l-R Photo by JUity & tt .tnisr, fc 1HS3J ., T. PAUVOO y oircai Wft kys sn4 clear veather haa itarted archery devotees to finger , a tr - ig their bow. AME OLD VETERAN OP THE DIAMOND A portrait of WJlbert Robinson, manager o the Dodgers, by an Evening Ledger photographer that shows the scars and seams earned by jaaoy a battle before yelling thousands. PIjoto by Jttily & Vim T. TRUXTON HARE Another sportsman who loves the thud of an arrow against the target. ' (JooJ yeH. u t "-. SiiikXJL m liSSSS w'MS