(nt8S n EVENING LEDE-rHILABE'LPHlA, THURSDAY, APRIIi 29, 1915. YOU CAN'T BE TOO CAREFUL IN SELECTING A ROOM MATE tvHI IA hAhi1tlnlM,l ri .. . i.b FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 19th afld Arch lreelB WJ B8I Independent Order Odd Fellows IJiil Lodfte cohrerre d tha se ond deares In full form nn three iandMate April 22 Amoha tns visitor pffffnt en I n Thorns A .luiirn, orjurientni ivnigr, nr Nfwarfc Del Bel ear nn Odd renew, who made on In teresting aodfesa on Old Fel lowship In the Sin If. of Dela ware P o Cow-derl. of Cln itnnatua lodge rttertalncd lth some up to-tlnte retiinrss ?n tho order In .Rrtteril troilirr (hnrles Wilkinson nn old member of M lip was prrient alter an tswe of ' It Fred Krotise Jr and TO tide pevtral vmm fftir FMnk Fnronl. of Quaker III) uinrij nrmnrKi r fi w Uclirn. n 8 Hie 0-"'n t-odei'. made a short addreis Tnnl ht ell of rvnnsjlianla la pcltllnir up Its affairs fir tlio last crnt sun and etieets to anon a ravi-rabie reirt to th member at the an nual contention, to 1m held in Dubois on June 8 The Uakotnh Association's degree If am, hy Ptetinua at poin mem, was present al th ii warn ft Khawncre Tribe nn lart rTlrtn sleep, nrtrl innfarn,l tin nhlaf Mt mm mn t nd in viu' iiiii nn; mri r uii w u jujii nn i itiio , Jnme tl, Wclxiuihlln. Thomas ,1 Itrn-Ii an I ' Joseph llasrnk lno work Uiu decide llj tha I cat renleied jet. and brought forth unstinted wiiii' of praise Irom the larg. no lit i c Acllici workers of the fratrrnltv rrr.ned lorv murh Imprts-r-d b the ram st an t cffl lent autoes this nuill arj Is nclilrvln and ex pressed Iho determination to give them plenty of material to work on I Alrcadi three rlhri are asking for iu service, and In r spnnre Iho chief a desire ,..,' " ,,; " "."".- .....v mnii nb ni'Miiri ainj m r ni i r. r,.:f-fVl',T ". ii""1 '. !rrF' m lull cn i was rendered I irt rvciiing at vvniclns wig mIIII h fllll nier altfT nn 1 1, a Hi.a I .. .. ..i . .. . . . . V ,i,V iFIr , , , . ., I ""' nun. iino wiuriiMS nrnrre will nn ion Crnt.nni.fifmJ1!?' x"'a'ft ."' ".", ttnnl at Menno'a lRnam. Hrond and 'nthi Lentennlnl I ommltteo, Invliea the bro hera to .mo !reeiK. nn n xi Mnriii- .in, ,n ;ti,. I'iiVI iiJii'V Vne.r,"1,l.,if.parlm,?,nt. i 1llfl"l can.lldatea are lnltel In le trrwti j,n;,Kr.7J'or-?oTn? kT'.'U'.:,? TXTAJXV inU' iRh. ""1" ,' Canolrh enti rtn rtcl IIia tiYiiitiM i,.a pmi cemv lat week. Ihe lodge la prepnriru lor a "lug Initiation in Mar imiln lojr iipllia tlona at (.rcaent. and la prepinnn lor tli" Tilth minlersan In June In the lorm oi a banuel for the fnemhrra nml frtmltl i-niinnuiiopii I oiiue wlil hold Ha annual I--.. :l. v..:.- ." "-.""" " in- ia i-i-tn punr mo aniril ur I irt.niii h rlpm'ahlp and Lharllj naa with ihem lion, oer iinu the allowed their appi laltlon n' the lntcra dlaplajeil h Hip Dakotah Ako. elation In their welfare by a rl'ing ole uf thahka llin Dinnll,, nt Ihn nnnlHa . ii.... .. .v5i.. i.v. ;.."".. ..;:, "? .r.."': "?i i i .; -.?...-" : ,vv '".".."'. '"m ...-: t'"vj mt triltr, lltllllllPHL 111 UR Mil K ' J ni7 iitrciiii! 11, ,, o n rmillllll J aiNir uvtii in me i-arnrtai nuiiuinff on iirxt iut.K- i " "' tinc nc naai intiK u i niera one of nh i !av cvenlnK Th a la tho Ihird of thee a - iltaracterlstp talkB. nn 1 nfirr a llttlni ri. I tairn this lmtre haa held nlthln tho In lo , l nue bj llrniher FeldPl, he hna Mini nii jeara anil thej ha e Kilned (tunny In .npu- n n'tend nn Iher imetliiK t'ollnnlnK tho iln. larll lonir pn strain of redncil nili" con- I mri- work, under somi and nclfar ihn (dating of Inglnic ahnri sketchea anJ lna.ru- folnnlnit mMltlonal brolhera reapom'eil to lie rnenml mult will be jtvcti during the in- ''all of ihe anoliem Mctitnnla I'lilluV n,'I" terinlSfl on Of the IHltlH Uv Mm numlnr, nf llirtl. lltlFliM ntlil tlnllilH. ' .'"'P'.' the Indffa Itmlha, tuni.k l a, ... . I. I Urlf tnllm- CII1. (1-1, . O -.. ..-,. li,llt UI'OVll ,i, o IIIIV1J" 11,11, plaved the .part df auetltneer In the pietloua alTalrs will hold down Iho pine box nnd will be ami Ued b active membera of inv lodge in keeping the ball tolling 1 Mlanthroidc Lodge will lo hn earn noting In August, anil preparation nte now un ,er ' to nillngly celebrate the annlieranrj of one ot the oldest, ettongest and incut lopunr lodgea In tho rountrj, where the hind of goo J iciionpiiip ih niwuja o itireicneii ' Oeorge W, fhllda Ijjdge exemplified the llrit I wri,n.- ipry creiiuiiui) nun Feverni new lacea In the degree team Degree Mtintcr llncUer waa greatlv pleared with the wmk. Noble Grand i:. II. .McCItskey tried InetTectualh to hut ofT flenp Punning1 prcaentntlon ipi. h Past Oraid Ilosa Maclver nmilc a p cnuld speech when presented with a Inn . tonic trav eling bag, Past (Irand Staster "Hob" tlraham looms up prominently lor the Grand Tieasur) Mi cancy lioml fcnnnrltur I-olge, mder Noble Grand Frank , Heine, had Iho largest tneit ng ct of Its own members and Manors riom other lodges r.lcxen can lldntea were Initiated bv the degree ttam of MetroHlltnn Lnilre. Those rartlclpatlng were P. G Artninn, p. G. Clouser, P. G olsen. V G. Gcntle, lliotlur TntnelU. nsslstcd b) P (1 Knshan. of Quaker Clt, P, ti A G Hamilton, Jr , P. G, llaiullton r., of Gtorg" V rhllds Lodge. A soclbl tlmo nnd tefrpshments were enjoed llrotlter Williams of Mass.trhusjtts sj oke on the different methods of rromntliu tho order. There were good talks bj P G uorshtw, of Qiu.ktr Clt, P. G Hamilton, of George v ( hllfls, who extended an InMtntlon to t,o to Mllle Lodge Innlghl ,to sec the third negrep conferred t the Mllle totm lonslderel en. o' t Ivy Lodge will send, a delegation Bunliy evening tD svrIces at hcicnth Street MelhodUt Trpis,oTni i nuren, nn and rsorrts uiipms, StninlllT of No S7 Urolher Thompson of n", .:i liegree Jlnslir leen inadr i a,,, tn th- taseha 1 fans In the orginlrntion t get together look out fn, this new Idea' NorthearJ. I o H M Hiselnll 1 .ague has ad. pled a .. iPdiile of ai koines to beg", Ms? 8. .?nlm"1. ,C1""; .?n,1 lh" I'flnelpnl spoiker lit the meitlng of the league hell ni long ie . '.""v. .!' n7S n Kt'l'ei'ng of mnrp than us) baseball enthus nsts, nrii. als nnd mnnagpis of all tl teams trlng prespnt p, , lem llrplitirn and the following renrrsentm tea ," epor.ilPd James nheitlpv llnrri sibrn.irr 1 nrol.l Vaxlnw llnrri 'nl. ' rL. " " liiigli .McClaln, Kdnlti II Mo' re. fossnli imr lleld. J I mint John Woods 11 Tr7i n, bum and llenr fnntnr ' The Ited .Men's Jubilee Association will hoi l Its iwent-thnd nnnual Jubilee at Point trie?e Pirk on Satiiidiis. .luu a-i it nn organizu lion lompi sod of till, s rnundls nnd Uegre, of rocnliontnr ltstotpiers nre Alexnnlir It I'lnrk of .So I", pip.l.lent, Ujula T "i" gar, of No. IS!. lio president James It. Piuk piton nf .No Til, seirptnr ami treasurer H t". llson Jr. of No U7I, ,elnlrmin of Hrirts Comm.tte. The proinm nf sports will consist of racrs between tribes and c 'un ci's of the order, blcjtle rares nn 1 profefslnnal motorc Up rai.p A (.ouncil of i-onow was held In the ulg wnm of Wlnnepurkett Tribe. In mem rlnm to p S W. 11 Mirctr who had been tin tilbi s pflleient keeper of wampum for 1 great suuh Afler titling remarks on life nnd death, p. ii H Walter It Itodgers, M IJ . dedlcnUc u large photograph of P. S. Men.er to the tribe nnd mode a presentation of one nlso to the members of the famil. OOP Walter rixter fpoke In behalf of tho Fifth District of renn- lltunln Mlnonk Tribe had their ndoptlon on last 1 rldn sleen nn . hprfnrn prl I he ilesrppR nn tpn nn u. i. ioniser. oHsior in torn- tuiee pjieinter, int worn Deing none b th odLAhtGpT ,A k j 0M-T Vou MASSED. LEFT WORD FOP. BILL lb TATA TAH" .T- BY NOT , Comb im QUibtLY AUD L J 5TICKIMG- WITH WAIT TILL MORIVlIM To v " '. Til' TAMf LtSTErA OUO KlO- YOU "" I 0UfiHTv STUCK- WMO' I TELL TA VbU S - " DO "rbu TriirJK I RgM 1 MiflSED A WOT OF ' IMTO TOrJlCJHT ?- CLIFF I FUW - CUFF li HERE J f -; IHGLMOD AND CHRIS FROf. "PFriRlA AMU "$V SIMSA"BA0(3H- BE-UJLVJE VcaJ Kn1cJvJ THAT " J I ME! OMt P4IGHT '. J 3 BOrJCH OF IrJDIAMSi Elliott 13. Lane UlKott E. Lane, n r,pj..t , , . """"iiepnew hi Jflrncs tJuchatian, the 15th Prs.ini.. the United Btntcs, nnd for n. quar,.f afS century In the ecrvlco ot the ?S nnlrj nallroad nl the Camden M.S division, Is dead al his homo In lfsTri fleld, N. J. He was B1 earmold. IS? cum oen yesterday after a HngerlnVli) nes9. tllr. Lane nana cousin nf iilV?i Vllllam II. Jenkins, ,ho was Proseeiip! of the Pleaa of Camden County? lJ Dr Martnndukc A. Wood Dr. Marmaduke Allen Wood, a nraeiiH IM phjslclan In this city for VM died jesterday at his home, 163 West RiJN fiuehnnna aVenuc. Born In BtnMwl townan n. iiueui conn . nn-i .;."", entcied Andalusia College when v ' young. He taught In the public schools' for thrco jenrs and later entered iv,! Untvcislty of Pennsylvania, where hi ill graduated from the medical school wkh' tho class of 1871. wlln: Doctor Wood Is survived by a wldnl and thrco children. Tho funeral serXll win ! t.et.1 nt 1,1. i, n '..;".' eerii .. ... ...u . ia iiuiuu oaiuraay, MAnmr.n JOHNSON HAM i:s. Nntle. i. L....1 Elen and published that on ih- HU 'J"'"l June, 11115. IfBivrcnco Johnon, Jr , 0f ifJ elty of Philadelphia, State ol Pennlir.i. 'arithJH tn.,.i?fl tnepioratlon of tho IHitli anniversary of the order Doctor Johnson has prepared a P' 11 crmou, and nn elaLorntu musical program bas teen arranged. All memucts or the order Mte Invited to Join with Ivy In their services The degree team of ley Lodge conferred tho econd degree on a class of randldatcs last liomlni night. I'mcn ilsltors were present, nnd all spuke In prilsu of K('b work. Next Monday nenlng eeiernl randld.itcs will Ie in ,jitu. ru.t Grahd J lloraec Dcrr died at Trevose. I'a , after an Illness of more tthan a year, llrother Dcrr was a cr actHc and well beloeed member of Ivy t.odge Minerva k oe,F.e lij.et u 1U uiicndaiue Inst week, nnd N G Ten nnd the aetiie membrs are. encouraced to expect grentir suppoit nnd Interest Tho Hei. Dr. Daild Tullj. known and bo loied os the grand old nmn' of Illghlaul Park, where ho Is pastor of Cnliury Prtsb) terlan Church, was Iho recipient of a trlbu e from tho members of William Penn Lodge, No 273. Tho occasion was Doctor TulU's lyltn birthday, coincident with the I nth annliersnr or the order The enerable pastor reeclied a boiquet of tut roses, the preset! ntlon nddres being made by J. Milton Lutz former membi r of the Legislature Friendship Loie and Truth" wjs tho subject of Doctor Tulli s onni ersary sermon Ho drow lnsplrntlon from tho story ot Jonathan's loie for Pnild 'Friend ship Implies Hjmpathy." he said, "and this Is one of the standards of the Odd Folows" Lore he pictured as underllng nil creation, and truth as the preaching of Jesus Christ. James Goodman, of Sprlngmont. Berks Count), celebrated his 2'ith nnniicrBary im treasurer of Progresslie Lodge, No 470 In the, quarter century ho missed onlj file weekly meetings. Merchants' Lodge will halo a ladles' night tomorrow eienlng, to which all members and their famlllm aro Invited. An elaborate pro gram has been prepared, and the committee ,11 LUl'lRV 13 itmnuiK m finOiniT TP(l-IPllCr eient being placed In the annals of the lodge. These social evenings tend to arouse the en thusiasm and desire to Increase tho member ship and to make Merchants nno of the best examples of tho fraternity of Friendship, Low and Truth, tho result being that a class of candidates will bo prepared to rerelie tho Initiatory degree In full form on Trlday eve ning. May T. The Kleienth District Progressive Commit tee will rme a big time tonight at Textile Hall, Kensington avenue and Cumberland street. The degree teams of Clnclnnntus and Fame will exemplify the first nnd second de grees. They have been well tralnd and aro In fine condition to render the work with credit to themselies and to the order. The prominent officers of the grand and subor cUnats lodges haie been Invited, and other visitors will be welcome. The seventh rnnio catton of the committee will be held at Parker Norrls Lodge on Tuesday eienlng May 21 at Kensington avenue nnd Cumberland street The ninety-sixth anniversary services will be commemorated at Kensington Congrega tional Church, C nnd Indiana itienue, next Sunday evening p. O. Walter M Handles of Hillside Lodge, will speak on tho third link. " Truth." All members nf the rtls'rlct and vicinity are requested to nssemhle nt Kensington avenuo nnd Cumberland street at T p, tn to proceed to the church, escorted by tho 1. O. O. r. band. Fame Lodge will hold the annual sen Ice at the Odd Fellows' Home next Sunday. Tho sermon will be by the Rev J Pnoth of St Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church, Kensing ton avenue and Huntingdon street, and the singing by the choir ot the same church Ruth Montgomery Rebekah I -oil go will at tend the ninety-sixth annliersary senlces at Beienth Street Methodist Hnlscopal Church, southwest corner of 7th and Nnrrls streets. Members and their friends will meet at the church at T in. A class of candidates will be Initiated May 8, and on May 13 American Htar Lodge will Join Huth Montgomery In nn open meeting. Odd Fellows and their friends aro Invited. . The Ruth Montgomery lady minstrels gain an entertainment and dance to a large attend ance April 10, the proceeds to be used for additional robes for the aegree staff which vlll be Increased to 72 members A full dress rehearsal will ba held on next Saturday ei ening. Oxford Lodge held 11b annual service at tho Odd Fellows' Home last Sunday, The sermon was preached by Rev Thomas M, Jackson, rust grand chaplain of the Grand l.O'Ue of Pennsylvania. The music was tn charge of bt John' male quartet, Mlsa LMna Reynolds, ac companist. An address was made by President Thomas Sipps. ii me iteoeiean nome tne sen ices were tn mwt orgnnlreil drgtco tcim, with llrother If f t'prlght as cupnln and lirotbcr Plurles Kcese as raihem The te.ini nns lomposed of new members w ho deserve great prjls for the noik done without rehearsal Tim trustees held their ntiminl ireetlng last week and nndo lepoit. This tille Ins u full ret of i ostumes tn dlspotp of in d nn tribe desiring n s"t Boulil eommunUnu with llrother U A. Mur tln nt tho wlgw 'in, IM'i l.ut uigter nienue, am Irldn' si cp llrothiir lohn Thompson nnd Ms team of .Ultimo e-onni ll. tr.illed tn Norrlstown to lis Mioptlnu Great lo nhontas b s'cr Hill bernue on this spot for a j'llod of rernrd mrro than "tu ears the foremost men of our term luumn naic worMiipcu anil mifrel me int'iir of freedom Tin pirndp started atlrnnJ anil .Spring Garden streets ami iniirihed to the (huii n At Indei endeme Hall lomninndir llrtininl ('hirlcs H I nils (tared ll wielilh on tho Washington stntuc Philadelphia District Nn 1 held n rousing meeting nt H17 Columbia unnue District Pnsldent William C Drmtne told the luoth rrs how the district inectlnga Ind pimnntcd a stionger bond of brotherly affection linn hid oi er been shonn before The hill was tnstefulli decorated with tinners and 11 IBs and the committee nui prnlsed hi the iiirlous tpeakers The flowirs tit the prcseident s sta tion formed nn arch with the wotd Welcome at the to) The I hllnrli lphU Countl I'rof.tes-'llo Ahmi clatlou which the district uitirinlnid wns well lepresenle'l An orchestra entertnlneil the memberi between nieeihfs Mnnj prominent men of the order w.re present and made In teresting nnd lntructle spieches, nmong whom were State Prcrldent Herman A Miller Mate lee Presidi nt C I. Noncmaker, Mute' Treasurer Irwin H Smith, stnte Sec re tan William Wennd Pnst Stnte President sunuel Weller, Nntlnnil Vice President f 1..1I1I11 ?x-l'rpiliieiil llnninn. I'reslcieni ii u- thP Progrpfrilie Ass ilatlon stnte In membership gain for tho present do I ci....! dontlnu Great Po nhontas S s'er Do I L. r aid hrl In ilistrl t meeting at Mingo Cnuij- I r.imp nulldlng Trustcu Simiiel M lleltl ell. and all the urptlt eblpfs were orpient ,. ;.. ...t i.. ,.i.i. . ....t o ,.. i. t ,,",,: ,,.ii. ,. " " " , , i ,i t iiiinii iiiiii ', -inviiifi ' nuiii- ii ,,,io, ., ,.,hi- y.uiii,-. ...-in iijntn mwi uiu uu-y fces, Jr i Ice commandcr-iii-ciiicc or ". . HI- I- lUIIIIIIUIV ILI'U'ID .IIU VII1CIP v, picnted with gifts from the earlous coun cils. Foresters of America Court Hiddlngton had n discussion nn tho subject of holding a field day. It Is desired tint the iourts of West Philadelphia take up the subjeet un 1 conimunU.ito with Court lIuddlnMnn .no ohieet 1 to haic a Held rial P tho Comtmndery Genernl. Ilnrrj I stone, of Piimp IAS and Milton M linns district presi dent or District No 11 llrother llnrrv J. stone descries commendation for his work In making the eienlng u success, Maccabees of tin World The quadrennial serslon of the Great Camp wns held al the Parkini llulldlng on Tucsd.u. Oier "lOU delegates, representing "Odd) mcin- cnnslftlng of regulir held I bers In this Stnte, wen on roll L. J, Catten. jp its and a binball g imc. I ciy statistician In the nbsenic o' Mayor to be held on the .Scivmin .,....... .. . , .,.. .,,,. i r. Jlillinviiituirit IV unit n lilt tniii.unoi - pone mis mide bv S V. llowstr nf Hutler bant 1 till Kroumla, "Uth direct nciow mrKei hip iei-io-gpther -Loinn Ittco' hap this Hubjctt In tli.rgo, aiui will be pica st il lo ht ir from any (otirt In rai I'hll.iilplrthiii. This Lommtttco has al-n uttrod prUts to mernters Jor kcUItik tho Krtatcst nurnbor ot mrmbera anrliiK this quarter rhbnus Cul bertn now IcatN the list wltn new nppliia tlons, clotety toll owed by llrother Thomas .Moore This committee waa ilppolntetl tor tnu uplift of Court HuddlnKton, and 1ms been suc cessful In all Its undertakings to date One or the most fruitful things uiiompllithed Tn (Ids com tn Hue uaa the appointment or James .Mcl hir ns diltndueni colletior, who hnc t?e ured $72 td from members fallen buk In their dues (Seorgu T At Tilor, financial sei retarj ot Court Ilnridfnfiton, and also 1 C It of tho fcnino court, and secretary of tho tJult J Tower campaign comnmtce, has annoutucd ihlmself as a tanaidate for representative to tho supremo ccurt ouventloii, vvnlth Is to be held In San rrnncUco, Cal. At Court Hamilton. Am-il L't. the memhcrM were agitated b a rumor doing an Injustke to and Injurlntf the piospects u the lnUuittd Fraternal Patriotic Americans thri Inlthtlnti will I hell li Minem rounrll No UR nt tho hall .'.ml and Kiiiii streetB, I nnkforJ, this evetdnB ainnv of ihn nltkers of the ptnoinl clin Inlttut nn will armiino their r.. (ctlt (osltlnns IheKUarls of I rouklord CounelU No. 170 tint pi totnninnd o t'. (. t hnilcs v niton, will nn Hint In the work So .idd H hnlnR i boom, which Is bound to cnt nuc nnd Incrtan. Tho I'd tlistrl t. tomrmed of Itcsnlntlon No d. lnd- I until.. No H Lnioii, No ll John It. ..itn Ili, No 10 Quaker CU5 No M CohoLkslnk u "j.'ii in ihirho of li H L Tharles r I au nni, will hold Itb reRiilar monthlv n eetlnp at tie hall of Lnlon Cnunrll No It, I'ttii Clcrmnu town uvemic. .Mondnj Mu ,1. htite Council otlkciK wlil bt pieont ami a trosi intticiiM meetlnK Is prnmUed to n'l who nttend .ll members of the dlstrkt will ba Interested In ht tu Imr nboul tho tlTH Inflation tn ht- held on 'I ucail ij, Jftno 1, at John U Murphy. No Id An nitlu.il Msliatlon will bo made b Wat M'o Countllor Mienemnn Htnto Council i-e h ten Tord and the nrlouq deputies to clnijl kill ( ouncil No, 11' southwest corner i'oth trtct aiitl Columbia iivinue 1 urndaj ecnlnn Miv I No m will lco cnndblatts for Initia tion which will bo performed by tho ext client pi iff of lJlHffent Council No I Kverj one w ho an i ny-dhly do m should nttend this meeting 1 ho State v Ire councilor nnd the Qtntn Count II petretarv will pn a fraternal nnd ofllrlal lylt to true I rlendu t ouncil .No IKmi IrumbiucrHVille" KucUs Count Hednesilaj evonlni; Aluv Ihe btnrd of offhets of the Ktnte Council his Just pmed t mni attimtlve leitlct kIMmk the mlnclplet nnd oIiJmi of the orxatilzitlon n Intereilnj? projosltlon to urcnnlztrs of coun cl'h has nlfo been Issued Itoth of theto nuo lo secured from H t". S. Oeorge H lord, loJ Stephen tllnrd Ilulldlnif. i no .Annual unnouet commit tee met ini PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Q 1 I 1 1 1 il -1 1 i.leiilniT inr1 mllsl, nrsllHsallnn lines - .1a ' iiuniu s.,ittf n,ji iiiuiii fieawil4isiJii un Pu. crcit counsellor of the camp. One of tne ; expreird in on the ion Koort nrosnects that ... .. .. . i ..... . , " r . bill features Of the comentlon was me pro- i ix un-ni iiiiiuit.'r "in uc in uuenuunce - proro pol that an cnloivincnt fund of l noi 00U b citaiillslied with whlih to m ilie tho new homo I. ..i.b.l nml Inillirrnt Miiniilees nr Chatham. t heeler lounli, the national Insiltu Ion of the order This proposition will be nmdc durlm! Incut sienkir will dillier a short nnd oppio prlatc adtlicsi Order Independent Americanb GKAIN AND FLOUU MIII;ATi llecelpts. lir,,il)1 bush There was a fair export ilemnnd and tho market inlei stceilj. .Millers showed little Interest cjuotntlms Car lot". In export clcintor Nn '2 red spot, $1 iilKnl Ik!. No 2 red Western, t Uifil.iiS Itoiind lots. In export delator No 2 red, spot and April, Jl Ul'ul Wi'ji Jo. 2 red Vestern, Jl t.0'if)1.71'j No. 1 Northern tiuluth, St.THil 1 1. t()HN. llecelpts, 12,173 bush Trndoivas inlet, with n ilmuRc In prlns yubtatlons Car lots In export delator No 2, spot and Apill, TDSMc , slcinicr, iiVlTMfcc , No .1. Tti' ti "7" c Cnr lots for local trade, as tn loeitlon-No 2 cllon. SITSPjc, steamer sel low s:J!' c No 1 jellon. MPjtiSl'tc . No I iclioii 7iiijfl7liHic GATS. llecelpts. 1TJ.S34 bush Tho miir leet rul.il sltad, with n moderate nemand. (iiiitnttons No. J while Hil'H.ijc., stamlanl Millie, ICIl2l.jl No I white, HI .11' c Ml', dull We quote nt fl 109110 per luh ns lo iUJllt, in export cleiator, and lit si initjl 11 for small lots of ncarbj Brain In ba is ri.orii. Uce'Ipts. fi'il hbls and 022.2W lbs In sacks There was llttlo trndlnc and tho maiket was lnrBch nominal. We quota per 1041 lbs In wood Winter, elenr il , il? i, un utrnlkht. iN .'S. do patent, ft 2"1Ti !'0, Knnsis strniKirPiJute sacks. $7.201 43 . do , patent. J.tte s.icks. )i.SI6" ii snrlnir nrst, dear ; I On TJ0 do. straiBht. 7 23HHi...U, do pitcnt 7 .'0117 DO. do, taiorlie bran is IsfiS'ti olt mills choice and fanc pat ent, "!) ,'tl, elti mills regular uradcs win ter clear JU71I7 do. straisht, tfa-- i patent. !!"? T Ml. Kill rini'll was etulct but stcad. Wo rjuoto nenrby nn 1 Western In wool nt ? -Sir 0 .Mi as to quality. Ida, per 100 bunches, ISffl, do, Charleston, i. I bunt hei, 4ui tomatoes Florida ier earrlei Panei, $2 "Bfl 1 21, choice fLTSQS "iO: rlrri 1 lorida, per irate, J1T1 7" ilo , New Jork. per hunch. .1.1JT"i0c , asparagus per ntineh ngiOc, mushrooms, per 4-lb basket. PROVISIONS Ihe market was quiet but steadj Quo tations Cl beer. In sets, smoked and nlr-drled, i"wi2tie , Western beef, In sets. Thn m.nrilo nf .11 n,.HnM V- mn M HIllHHIU ..I'd -: Ll. l:i, ..'""".",:" "" . '".r , '! ... n- fs"uiii" ui "iiunuii viminii, 4xiu. im-, uiu rininrn unmlfml nnfl mr-r.riPH. -l'JI.oi,. tun i-rbMons ot ,ine huurr mo j m ot wie .-- , rtoIn all In their rower, with the aid or Major Mtirn beef knuckles and tenders smoked 7 cubet-H In San 1 ranc sco In Juno . . . , Oill.ert. to procure new uniforms for tht entire v8rtUrncLr"u.n7f, ?Va,";L rnViiv. S'l.M HninrlS fit tllO IlltO OlllCtrS MIOHCU UIU I llnnnla Acvnnlnttnn Vnfnrn , n ,.r Km. I l,a ' "' Z "l r '.'.'"l" " .''. "'" - YVoV " ,1 --- --- -.- - ...i-, r,. .. i, .. .. . i.umh. i isi-rw iitiiuii ktii'iv emtiiiiiih (inn i inr ij"s .iitiia ii nri il nriNP. I 'ti l 'j i. . uu durlny the Inst four years I1W on. has been j VVkept ii. stnu.e l.rVhe sua. , TloVi'of p. on- , t-nneda"TooS.- li ,l"c to, o .miffl paid in luneial claims sm WIO In sl k claims ,,tlons lnrrt. a wk pnsslnB iilthout one or ,S ","? a,. 00hcr"hams" i-moked city cured ns anS "'., "'"ecldiut Halms ,,,, Mf cnr.'s iielns handed tn the sec.ctary J" Vr'd 'and aieTaio 1 !Ul?14c. haina. arnoked. cVnTrli Yrcffidarclein-BS10 "" h'3 C0Un"" n A SD?& il PIAIV RFAIITIFIII. RATI. 8A.,MW4 m( nr-nrmB. . i rt nrnnrrr. luirri1- - u4, smm aaaij4 fin n-iint-ii nTn,cf. u- ." -- :--. iissiii.r lfifii nnrn pii. kpiiih il'i uvicu. sis b'.rK. imirter-ai-arms W lllluin M. Slltihcll, l.nu i'l lire, Hutler tounti rtrat cuard J A Lamareuux I'll mouth seiond Kuanl P I, candidate for rand treMsurcr. Walter J liuli. Mviuer W llliamspoit. smtlnel .nr) lleJKS JI U. of Court Schujlklll I ut niter the I t ration, pin tt. and SI, il. Ilaun. uradforu, charge of Hope liebekah Lodge, of HrldesburK. Hev Parrls V. Slawter. tiastor of llrldesburs 13aptlat Church, preached the sermon The music waa In rkarsn of file fbnlr nf the (Ier map tieformed Church, of (Jermantoiin, Miss Joanna Fr, organist Mrs J, Blawter, mother ot the preacher, isng a solo, with Mlea draco Shrewsbury as accomtianlat. An addrrsa was made by President Mary A. Engelman. At thn Odd Fellows' Orphanage the sen Ices were under tho Joint charge of these lodges I'hlladelphla, Arcturus, Coienant, ProTctlon, Klngsesslng, West Philadelphia, Hamilton, constituting the ninth district, and two J.U toekah lodges, Mary Johnson and Uathsheba. Adlreries were made by Uiatrlet Oeputy Urand Master Jcseph M Pitman, who presided, Itei. Ueo-ge eitlei. President Churles II U HkV arelson and chairman Itobert Uivc. The music Included, selections by the children a choruses and orchestra, Improved Order Red Men Faconta Tribe had one of the largest turn outs en Ian Friday ileep that has attended for a long- time. The present sachem. Jowpb. Paradise. la recelvins zuoj support from the officers ami members tn klndltns the coun cil rtre Dromotiv ar the Mh run, thus assuring the numi beri iiltnti uf lime for rhslr irlbal aftulis and also for the social eirms I'sse esacnem ueorge IV. Nictiolson iiooka of his vlalts in laiitiis on iniiuv. nieru XtTu of Ihe tribe and. with the oitiuianea of Patr Baehem J Uougharty and Blather J. 1'u.rudlie th present Ptllucjuwit caaMnJtta, Is niaVUig such a success of the mork tail the olJsr members of the tribe ar couiwanias tee fclc up and lake notice Uhl.e In offlee but a few weeks, tfeia "w twauniusa has uuoa mora than SO peomsaal callii tu wembara' ausaa and 1st I highly tuicouruasd. Pacortta Tribe waa blgbly liuaoitj by lia- g (ha membars of Warsinw Trite sod tbslr TTtijcd arena4e tHot outstde ISKlr atgwam oa last FrMay sleep. UrMa In their aJxvlgl sal ctwtumrs they attracttHl atwMl hunarca Mlifaces, who nsra. amUi laprfatad TLo I i;nteilSLnmni c:uuiniuie praviuaa an sm-o rat, supply supply of corn sod vealms. 14ml aa usual, the locopboue bamt riWJ ultc tlous uodtr lh IaJfWp of PiM. Jaatea Wbus. J'utonta Tribe stw. a favosable rtcert tor Uar Wrm Just eniloa aaa mixh oaw nmntue tvli-H .iloplod tteafiy vi-ry inestfaK uihi i tfrMnsx lo ttukc tiie ipeaisst lurv-.0 .n tcral trmt has itr t.i at aouiu't Vh Fub. l Uatmmt slug Aaasttatwa r W'U a saui uf Ka: n iuniirblp Aurbls ifia Vil ws sail especu a Uraor Irti.rxae from eww s ill tfib oi tu great rkaeriation 4f ts C aitsil latvs ;? urg4 to loui tnlsi ft b&i tlSi'fcl 1,1 4Hli SA'iUllKl Aa kumkm cacinttee vi ib ert cums couri s rcprese'ntullie Altcliael p liolo con tradicted certain statements und pledged him self to urae tho lassaiio of the renolutinns I resented b the court und also tn work uud lote for Doctor Pnl). tho members felt satis fied Profilers James It Lultrell and Jnmea J. Noon spoke tn the hlgnest terms of Doctor Daly. nlPhluK him all success Court Patrick Henry's meetings ure Ecttlne n oro Interesting eiery week Good subjects aro debeated In a Ilielj manner The attendanro la Increasing and applications for membership coming In with a good regularity. The court has good times after the inciting Piano Dlminir. dart boards, nuolts. pinochle trames and drilling b) the degree team ure some of the sports Indulged In to Increase Rood fel lowship, llrother Sjkos will pitch for the married men's team and Brother Schroeder !' Honest Peto") will umpire The married men hnic not been beaten et The single chaps don't know who to blame. Brother fajkes or P-rother Schroeder Court Phil Sheridan celebrated Its second social night of the season April -''! by ailing 11 smoker und entertsinment furnished by tho minstrel troupe Lecturer William C Hell w an Interlocutor Solos wero rendered by Brothers V. It P. J Iceyscr. V S Uooritn 3 llelnhort J W J Krnemer and P. W'ueat The other brothers taking part were Irustee J Herre. 8 C It J C Merkel. It. S C J Pilsfer nnd S U George Duetsch. The court was honored by the presence of Past (4 c it C! P. Bradley, who made a stlrrlne nditress on l'orestry V H fleorge J. Ilclnhart mado an Impresslio address on the good and wel fare of the court, showing how heneiolence attaches a greater aaluo to tho glier of the gift rather than to the gift of the slier. Ho stated that the work or tho r of A. did not result from the paiment of dues alone, hut from the outcome of service rendered by the officers and actlio members Ho etnted that out of the It fist courts, with a member ship of 22J.18-' members, an average of 'ins members and 1.V.I wives dlo annually, ai eras ing seven membera a day, with a dally ex penditure of ;5bti7 During the last 21 irars l2,0fl,l)00 has been paid lor sick and death n-neflts He urged the brothers to attend the meetings more frequently and to take an active Interest 111 the court, serving on com mittees, so-urlng new members and glvlns hearty co-operation. Patriotic Order Sons of America The 2.1th annual comentlon of tho Com- mar.dery General waa held In the Parkway Building and six members of local comman- derles wero selected for offl. cers As commander-in-chief m tne organization a. J Ale Gonagle was elected by accla mation, to succeed Commander Charles 11. Dulls, also a Phlla. delphLan under whose guidance the order has Just closet) a sear of uotoworthy progress. Other officers elected were Senior Ice commander, I-ouls P, Btees Junior lie commander. Horace F. MacFaden. rccorder-ln-chief, J. II Cumberland, chaplain Walter S, hniack, guard, I. if. T Cooper, troasurer-lnxhief, Daniel K Koch. Heading Pa ; onierll-tn- chier. Harry E tmrto, iienains-, i-a . puket, V M Anderson. Hnanclers-ln-chief, Henry S, Heath, Adam Darnhardt and Charles 1 Psi ker One hundred and seienty delegate, repre senting -' biatcs Including all seulon of Pennsylvania, were In attendance On behalf of the 1 Mayor City fatalUttcUn B J cattell diltieroJ an address of wslccmie Tbe Hev S J Ridcllffe .tiered Iniocatlan. Each delegate, upon receiving hit ciexicntUito at the conventloa hall, rceriee a silver loving cup us a souveulr St the annlrsar. Iteaulutiors were adoptjd In which, Presl dsct Wilson a veto of the Immigration bill was ciltliued Clarence Huth a number of a weal ccuuu.sndsry was reported to be dying, and resolutions expressing the rapathy of the .omeatfoo wen adopted Huth has the dlsttocOofi ot Win am at tlw framsrs 0(1 tha l" oTi X Burial seolca One of the uaur waa tha prcsantattoo. to the grand ooni.oundi at a set of gavels made froiu a tree transsktBtad from the Washington home stead at lit ernoo to Valley Forge Park The gatela were tha handiwork of lili-bard vv.iiK at Mollv Pttcaer Camn. lloj retiring cooimaixtar. t,aeral Davis, In Ula annual iWro reported, that two new ioaunutUrta had been granted lUartum thraa , OHunaudv-rlea had bsen granted warraata and be same number of sew conusaBderuia we instituted with an aggregate inaibrlu'D of oipre taat .11) Next year's esavamlon will be b14 in Teia. ! Uore ib in iQQ uoambera atteadeet a special sr.k in Hid 1 brut Church on Sunday after iu 01 n ooiini lnorattoa of the llth anniver ar uf ttc iiiaucTuratton of President Wash ngtoa Th "tn Its alau marked the 2Slll conudl iilgrlnage mdde to (be hlstvrii. cfcur.h 01 the uniform lank of the urdsr irtjturtng the cKr..liK waa the presentation a Uue s Ik nat oust Hag to the ihunb o I . Ie Johi M Puttsiai J -ilia PattirsOO i n eue L scurji of in edlfUe 4 m ;vj;.J . tbs must sacred is Arsertc ' fc -Martin. 'lhotrpson 1.1 11 1 iiimi irUHteo Iho di legates who will represent tho creat eamp ut tl c sceslons or tho lircat 4'cnt In Min Prunclco arc I. Callahan Iliuddoii., J. C lilmca New Bethlehem 1 P. McVar ne, Emporium II. P. Iciintz, Philadelphia s W KergUHon t ranklln und W. I.. De Wolf, Butler 'Ihe ultirnatis aro I.. M bhaffer Plertuood J. P Illecher Mlddletoivn. It T Nutting, Uri", W. S Foust. lirecnillle I ratik Motion. Du Bols. and M, U. Prycc. Connells i lllc. Jr. Order United American .Mechanics John 14 Mnrlin Council's 12th annliersary was a gri-at success Ihe banquet at tho Con tinental Hotel on Friday night had Brother Thomus H Walters as toaBt mufter. Hoi. Charles U Mc Clellan. D. D , as chaplain, and Judgo Charles Brown, who spoke on the operation of the Municipal Court, The Iniltcd guests were Htate Vice Councilor bamuel G bcott, btato Treasurer Char les Kaurrinnu, btulo becre tari Charlea II Hall, stato 1 lnance Committee, vnl u Charles a Wallac and Dai Id H. a. National Secretary Miiriln M. "Woods, Dcputi atate Councilor John T. dem ons, Past riatlor.al Hepresentatlics It A Mu glll. IL I., leatherman and l llllam l'elrci Ulic clasa Initiation on .Saturday eienlng waa a huge success blxt-llie landldates went through the degrees, with ll propositions oier, The members ot tho Marlln digreo team, which did he work In tine form, were as folloni. I egrei- mister and councilor. Henry Welleri niuun. lice coutnllor, Joseph 11 Fergutnn, chaplain, Monroe E Volatsberger, Junior past councilor, John W. I) Gray, cunduitor, i:imer M. Cross, warden. William A. Iwts, insl la Semitic), John P Itue, Jr., outside sentinel, lied W. Holgate, tribunal. William J, Gray, llviry P bwlgcar, Herbert U Stott ami Perdfnand I.entz, captalnjOf guards, Walter W loung During the 12 ears the council haa secured a treasury of 5B7.i and a memlershlp of iH2 Credit for tho success of ihe council and ido bratlon Is due to these officer anil committees. Coumltor, Joseph 11 Ferguson, Jr , past coun cilor, John P. Itue, Jr vice councilor. Klmer M Cross, recording secretari, Henry wellen mann assistant recording secretary, W llllam A. Lewis, financial secretary, luvld H Ihuuip on treasurer, 'Ihomas II Wallers, warden, Wllllem I. Maier eonductor, l.Msar llanes. Inside sentinel. Clifford T bhlin. ouiwide Henti. nel. Fred S Holgate, chailaln, Monroe t; olgtsherger, trustees, Leorard Rice, llsq , Henry P Snlgear and Louis C Waiters, annl ersarv committee. Thomas H Walters, tlenrv Wcleiimunu, David II 'ihoinpson, Walter W, Young. Henry P. Swigear. Walter Beaumont, John F Hue, Jr. Finest .. Mead, Wllllum A, Lewis, John W ii. Gray, Arthur P, (I Neiltt. William J Keeler, George a Howen, Jinn O Wilson, Flmer M, Cross anl Joseph II, Fer guson . , Marlln's debating society will hold Its monthly debute on the subject of women ouf. frage Walter Beaumont will be the leader on the negative side and Monroo E. Voigts. berger on the affirmative side. B V. C. eamuel O bcott presented to John F Hue, Jr., of John It Marlln Council, a diamond stickpin as a prise from the btato Council for proposing and initiating the most ICO) oandidatea In the btato for the term ended December III last. Ions Counoll, No JWI, of Manoa, presented an American flag to the Chestnut Grovo High behool April 21 and the following Interesting program was cnlojed b a large audience hong roerlia.'' prayer by the itav .Shirk; recitation. "The meriean Flag," by Robert Cunningham, recitation, "The Flag," by Itnilin ln. w...-.,w,. uu,rM Uf iuiza FOR 25,4)00 KNIGHTS Variety of Entertainment Will Be Offered Members of Con-i clave of Grand Commandery. fceth Lawser, song. "Columbia, the Gem of Ihn n.Mian." recitation. "Tun Pla? ' hv PIa-- enco Vandersllce recitation "Old Glory i' bv Flor. ify ny boys of he fifth and sixth grades address by Thomas 1 waiters yrwseuinnon pi nag ay ItOuerC 11 MUSI presentation of fla llanlAn: acoeolanee bv Dr William TS iA flag-ralsuig address by Charles H Hall, song! Btar apansTiea nennsr." K uaevuie council io 40. neia one or a series of class Initiations April 10. The privi lege of class lalttatlons was granted bv the 3 ate Council to all councils tn Pennsylvania in A bnll which Is expected to be the most brilliant social event ever at ranged for a similar ijatlierlng lias been arranged far the cntertnlnment of the 25,000 Knights who Mill gather here on Hay 21 25 and 26 to attend the G2d annual conclave of tho Grand Commandery, Knights Templar. Ul.iborato musical events hnvo been pre pared for by Charles II. Palmer, chair man of the Committee on Music, iho has Introduced a number of features In the program The West I'hlladelphla Hand will escoit tho vailous comm.mderles. as they nr rlve, to their respective headquarters. Tha band has been engaged for tho entire open ing day for this purpose At night tho bands of the visiting comnmuderles will give, concerts on tho City Hall plaza Con certs will bo given also nt the hotel quar ters of the commanderlPH. Tho arte. noon ot tho second day of tho conclave, Slnj 25, Mill be featured by a visit of Knights to the AVanamaUei store, during which an excellent musical pro gram will ho rendered in tho auditorium, Egyptian Hall That night, before the grand ball at Convention Hall, a band of 70 pieces will render a concert. Preceding tho drill of tho knights on the evening of the grnnd ball, the littla girls of the nikins Masonic Orphanage will give an exhibition of callsthenlc exer cises, Tho full piogram of events h.ia not jet been completed, but tha 'chief activities have already been arranged by Harry S. Hvans, chairman of the Committee on Auxiliaries nnd Entertainment. IIOIIU.1. lnr.l nnrn rltV tierces, USlUVfc . lard, pure city, kettle ren acred, in tubs, uuuuc. REFINED SUGARS Trade was unlet, but the market ruled firm. IVo quote Mindard granulated, BUic. nno granulated. 0.t0c rowilered, ilc confection ers A, S Mlc . BOft grades, 3 Ouo.BJc DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTl'lll ins firm, with a fair demand that nbsnrbeo all offerings Quotations West ern Irish solld-puelicd cieamuri. fancy spe cials. A'lt. cxtrAi, .,lc , extra Ilrats. .,0c. nrsts, 2iMc seconds, 2df)27c, ladle-packed, lut lc as to iiuallij , marbv prints fancj. Tic , necrose extras, .lie. firsts 2,m lie . seconds .uJ' speelnl fancy brands of prints Jobbing at Willi llbfiS were in good demand and stendj at the late decline Quotations In free cases nearbj extras, 22c per dozen, nearby firsts. Jti per standard ease nearbj current receipts, il S3 per ease W estcrn extra llrsts, $11 per case do llrsts fi K3 per case Southern, 10 S3 10 per case fancy selected candled fresh ct'Bs were Jobbed out nt 24lS2Uo. per dozen CIIUESK. -The market ruled firm under light offerings and a fair demand Quotations. New ork. full cream, fall make, fancy, ni. SilT'tc . do., do . fair to good. Jti.Wiliic . no.. WABASH SHARKS ASSESSED WO IX REORGANIZATION Both Common and Prcforicd to Be Called on Capital Cut 4C. NEW YORK. April 2(1 Tho Reorganization Commlttco nf Ihp Wabash Railroad Company has Hnilly adopted and signed tho plan to re habilitate the road. Tho Reorganization Com mlttco Is compered of W Insloiv S Pierce, Alvin Krech Robctt Goelet. J JC Wallace A. It W'lgsln, H K. Pomcroj and J Horace Hard ing -.If !.!!. '".ocu &, ," . ha agreed to form a Hjhdlcnte to underwrite the plun which pro ?nii.siIOn raltdnir Ji,J-0 (sX reorganlzntlon tSK" Vi nsment ot J..ti per share on both eah !ciiiti'Ln?!0J?i ?ml Preferred stock. This cash will be used to pas oft recelicrB' ccrtlfl J v ,L..n!,!Vel' lIaln!' .equipment obllsnt ons, eienes of n organization nnd to mako pro .!,,m. f(irI ?"? of fl.POn.iW new working !',.l,t-!',i "rBt r'"n"ll,B nnrl extension niort- orUr,111", i"1 be retired nnd n new Issue of preferred stock exchanged therefor. rer.'Ui0'k ,m J' '," ,hree e-lnsses-spcclal Lr..t,rlrc?., i'r'r'rdk and common Tho first nnd umi i1. f?J5?rtB',B:. ,h0'l', and iinderbliiR Hens Si1 !ul?.n .ul."ll,slcu.rue;l.ia ",0 reorganization nnd tho rur.dcd debt of the new company will ei"Mnonnonab0U.ti.?,1',,l;J(l.WV' rp uc.m flcin flJJ.tiOOOno on tho old basis of mini or anproxlmatelj 43 per cent. Fixed charges on tho rcorKanlzcil tuns w, ,,, ,, " " "'J'V -lK,'1', n" nBtlnn -i.TikJ.141 on lln. old IiqbI.i. All new securities Issued will be rr,c.n,tI by "oc,k jviththo exception ot .1 isi.tHiu not.s to be lsucd to tho old note noiiicrs committee in settlement ot a deficiency claim. Approximately a'l.ono.OOO preferred stock w II be Issued in reorganization, about enuallv uiiiuen netween tho two classes Common SiMSiiimii isaucii win amount to irnlled States ot America baehelor ISlf Owladjs M Ilawcs of t1- "A nnglaad. spinster, will be nnii- 1. "m mony nt tho Church of the Church of &,,! land. Lisbon, Portugal, nccordlnkr t ifil laws of England and of the Ilepublla of P-i-I tugal, bolh parties being nf age. TDtM 4 ins nouco is nuinorizeu n the conlrJfiln. parties under the hand and seal 0."nlracr (U S.) WILLIAM B MOIinia, Attorot, -1 Seatljg ''J.'J.WVtA1 hcr residence, 2033 Tine 11S Phllxdclphla, on the eienlng of April 27 ImVl ,11 hit i-iin itsr aAiXIJ I1II1ULE, dauihti. ii tno into .Mcnoias nnd Jnno M, nidji.J Piincral services and Interment at St PeiJi-i Church, on IT day. at 12 o'clock noon. 1 ? loj co Funeral on Saturday at 1 a- I from 1711 South Orlanna st Interment 1 oly Cross Cemetery I nbout I.IV1J, ehinged how make, IflUc , do . part skims. ssi.ic. POULTRY -The market xvas quiet and un with fairly liberal otterings Quota- tlon-4 PnnlH. Kii-(17c, roorters, jiaiiijc- , ill mesicn. iiiiiw 1 ui ii". nucks, 1 in eonuHemorstloa of the 03d anniversary of tha order The three degress were exemplified to 10 Lndllats. after uhlrb refreebretits were served by aa Kntertalnment CcmmlPee com posed of Roy W Oats William A. Wert man and Orvla Oswald There was a fair sized 0lealii from llnu-.lale Council. No 607 Tim celebration of the (3d anniversary of tha order will tsK plac- In Berwick on Saturday, May 15- The demonstration, attended gen erally by the Stale Council officers, takes la all the councils and the uniformed rank of the northern middle district Arrangements are being made to bave the entire Daavllle Coca il In line of parade The nutter was formallv taken up st the meeting of the coun II nd the folloin Transportation ( ommlttee was appo'nted G o Aril-y c F Herman si A R W Oass Star of tre Bast -inn! No 61 fa recelvioff candidates for a Mav An Ini ut on Uturty Cojnul, No v3. la maklas a sosd PORT OF PIIILADEMMKA Vessels Arriving Today . , . Sir. buvvanee, Jacksonville, passengers and merchandise, Merchants and Miners' 'transpor tation Company Sir. Indian, Hoston. passengers and merchan. riUe, Merchants and Miners' Transportation Coinpan Wr Uingecar IUr.), Gloucester, Mass , bal- Steamships to Arrive PASSKNoirn, Name ?" Sailed. Sardinian ..,,.. Glasgow Apr .'1 TOEiai.T, laura ,,,,..,..,.. ftolterdatn . Feb, IS Kandahar Algiers Mar,, i Prlkea lluelva ..,, liar.' .1 Alt bandefjord .Mar 13 Wlnelalund ,.,,.,,.,.Methel ..... .Mar It I'alna , , Huea Mar 13 llenrlk Ibsen Valparaiso Mar. li Absalon Copenhagen .Apr S Mansurla . , 9tJW' Apr ti Rakotan Illjy , ,. ... Apr 6 Maltby SuSfla, , ... .Apr 10 Calelergrove ....... ..Alrfwa ... .Ai. IS lleckenliam Ilalboa Apr. 18 Itallanla lllwva Atfr 20 Manchester Exchange. MatKhealtr Apr 21 a:'I44d 7ffMHU .aw -c ellllra TOlkU ... Apr. 21 Sandefjen Senile ...Apr la GrekUnd ftoenliagsn .Apr.'SS Mlmer ...Matwrla .. .Apr. 24 Eastlanda Port la I tat . Apr. ii Ho ..AndKUKAa Apr. 21 JVUklUBd P,WN . .ART 21 I-ueiUiw , Ie7lrneiitb ... Aw-SS Itendevi- qp4w ... . Aw. M Michigan Qvwpael ....AS. ?T I Steamships to Leave PASSjfjBR N'anu Vtt Data, Dominion IJverpool . May Aueiona Kpla .. . May 3 FRBlOilT AUeriaan ....London May j West Point ...ton Jon May 1 Scottish ilonirch Glasgow My 1 e i.ifutoii . .Cspesbasja May $ lAimn nHli-CtiH 1.0I f mesteil. li.... 1 IrfMJ,. tlirltPCN. l.tffl.lC. '"6W1. - u -.-.! - -.--i. . ..-.. IV . geese, imillo , guineas, as m nueiiiy, per pair, M)'U70c pigeons, old per ralr, 239 iuc . do. 401111K. per pair, 2Jfl23c. UIir.hSKI). Trade vias fair and tha mar ket ruled linn, with supplies well under contiol Quotations 1-resh kll en luvvls, 12 to box, dri Plcked and urs packed, fancy, selected, inc. do., neighing 4V.l3 lbs. ailec-c, Xc., do., 3ija4 loa. apiece, 1st . do. a lbsaplece, lO'iilic , ilo.. under J lbs apleic. liniac, roms ddib., dn-plcked and dr-packed, Western, 4U3 lbs nileie. 17lit(lbc do, do , 31, lbs lUVtSlTc, do. do. 3 lbs. and under, 14tl0c 1'onls, ice parked, choice, 17ii,c Old roomers, dry-piiked, lDUe fiquabs. while, weighing 11 to 12 lbs, per do7 IJS3S4.60, white, weighing 0 to 10 iba. per doz.. 1VI 2533,Seii do., do.. 8 lbs. per doz X.' 7332.63, do, no., 1 IPs. pi L'SfSJS: do. do., WIIV4 lbs. per iloi, 7,0 Hnrlr f 1 Mllfi SI 1.0 . Small Sml NO Prozen poultry-Powls. as to Quality, I88l8ct chickens, dry -picked and dry-packed In boxes, mllk.fed JIBJU lbs. to dot,, lie, do. J7W4J lbs to etoz., joc.i ao, a'u-ji iu. 10 ", o.i do.. 48 lbs. to doz., 20c. j do. 60 ,ot and over. 2lc.i torn-fed ai42 lbs. to doz., me ; do 4Jsi 41 lbs to doz., 17c, do.. 48 lbs to doz,, 10o.j do . W lbs. and over, 2Uc Chickens, dry-plcked ana dri'-packed. in bbls Western, corn-fed. S lbs and over. 18c., do, uo , 4 lbs., UHiihO.i do., do . JV4 lbs., laVsO., do , do., 2Viif J lbs.. 14 Olie.. biotlers,' rnlui.fsd. 'fancy. li24 ibs. to box, 27c. da. fancy, 2320 lbs. m doz., 21c, corn.fcd, fancy. ISS.T lbs to d., K3ci do. prime, 23330 lbs. to doz, 22o. lur keys, dryrplcked and dry-packed, fancyjKVlO 2c. fair to good, 1U32UC ; old toms, l0320o.i ducks, fancy, In boxes, 17616c; do. ordinary to good. 12316c.: geese, choice, and fancy, Hi C. do.. No 2. !2til4c FRESU FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and valuea gen erally ruled steady under moderate offerings. Quotations Apples, New lork, per bbl York Imperial. 283, Greening, 1203; King, f J T30J 30, bpy, .' 303d 23, lialdwln. fi tUip 3.23. .Ben Davis. -11.7502 3D. other good eat. log varieties. xl.5aS2.DD. medium. ll.Wi apples, Western, per cox, 1 2332, apples, Delaware and Pennsylvania, per hamper, L0 buUc . lemons, per .box. Jl 50tf 2 23, oranges, l li4fu, gr4p4ruii, riuriue. per CI414B 2 2332.73: sirawpernes, jrionos., per 0,1 , waiiic VEGETABLES Trade was fair and prices generally ruled steady Quotations White potatoes, per bush, Pennsylvania, SOQUc Maine, S0$53c, New York, as to quality. 43830c , white potatoes, Florida, per bW -No. I, 4.7Sa6S3, No. S. 1484 20, sweet potatoes, Delaware, ier hamper large, Jl 2&jl 73. medium. &0cbl, sweet Detinues. Ka stl'rn Shore, per bbl. No 1 (2 23 735. No. -', XI SOS I 70 sweets, Jersey per lib!. No. 1, M7331 f3, o. S, fl4i.W, sweets, Jersey, per basket, 73C.SL23. onions, ehoice. per tOO-lb. bag. 1 SivJil M do. medium, per 100-IU bag. &O073c , onions, Texas, per cum-nwr-crate, No. 1. 11 tngi.73 onions. Texas, net outttinar-firate. No 2. 1 25, eabbage, Flor ida. psr basket, tlSl 36 do.. Charleston, per crate, J2aS.S8, caulltto.wer. New York, per crate. It 7332.25 spinach Norfolk, per bbl , 3uT3c. kale. Norfolk per bbl, 408 60c., let tuce Texaa, per beub -basket, oOStlSc. do.. Florida per baskei 73. J$1 20 do , North Carolina Pr bkei 15c Sl beans. Florida, wax per oaskat. $2(13 30 do Vloi Ida. green, per basket 23 SO ueas Florida per basket, 33 CO tjgi.Isnt Florida per box ftm 30, cucumoer Hufl.li per basket M 3043. ,.q ujuli FI jride 1 ci casket 11 &0M3ti5 1 : p pc W jrtdii. tr -ai't r Ju 1 .'.. bceU For. NOTES OF TIIE RAIL Itnilroads today were directed b tho valuation division of the Interstate Com moico CommisRlon to file stittcnients of nil srants, donations nnd BlftH of land or other property made by Individuals, cities, counties and States of the United States. The Rock Island Is reported to be Iti aulrlnK for 30.0T0 tons of steel rails Illi nois Central has ordered four locomotives. Sherwood Funeral Tomorrow "William R Sherwood, for 30 years .1 public weigher with offlces nt 16 Nortn Front street, will be burled tomorrow afternoon from his home. 3521 North 23d stieet. Interment will be at Cedar Hid Cemetery. Mr. Sherwood succumbed Monday in his 61st j car. He was at one time associated In the wool Industry, nnd lor 15 j cars was financial secretary if tno 'lloga Methodist Episcopal Church Ho Is survived by his widow, who, be fore her marrlnBe, was Miss Kato Locan. daughter of Thomas Jogan, a contractor utm uuiiaer lor many ears, and a eoii Harold L. Sherwood OBITUARIES wveic . lemons, per -fox. ti oum .Florida, per box. II 73S3. grapefi .er box S) 2fi2. pineapples, 'orlo Uleo, 17333 Florida William Zindel William Zlndel, one of the oldest estab lished merchant tailors In this city, and for moro than 30 years a deacon at the Grace Baptist Temple, Broad and Berks Btreets, died yesterday at his home, 143 Kast Walnut lane, Germantown. He was BS jcars old, Mr. Klndcl was engaged In the merchant tullorlng business with his brother, George Zindel, at J07 South ljth street, and recently retired from tho firm. He was a member of Welcome Lodge, No, 453, F. and A, M Harmony Chapter and Mary Commandery. Tho funeral services CAltlt. On April 28, 1013, JOHN .7. son of in'H ?ml '.hpo la, ti.im Carr. rune " Niturdny at 8 a. tn from 2107 Catharine ooicmti .viars or iicmtlem at St. Anlhonr'i V.11.11C11. n iu n m interment at Hilt t Toss Ccmotoo "". CllltISTi:.ri:N. On April 28, 1015 (JEnJ iii'1! V1'.,,',,,IE,llcr of rrnncea and ihe Ut, Iternard Llirlstensen Tuners nn Faturdir' at 2 p. m . from ins.1 So.uh Yewdell it KJ terment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, COM) V. On April 29, 101.1, WII.I.IAM. hui. band of Hllzabeth Cordy (nee Mcilenrjl. psi licral on Sumlnv at 2 n m ftom 2810 WhiN ton Bt Interment at Mount Morlah Ccmeierr CUSACK. On April 28. 1015, FRANCES id widow of James Cutaek Funeral on Saturda, nt a rr from 420 Slgel st. jlssi of Ilciiulem nt the Church of the Sacred 1 ."rt'ii nJ I "TS H . m P"cls"U Interratni ot Cathedral Cemcttrv. I)OU(IHi:in. On April 28. 101.-., ANNAi caiighlrr of James nnd Ilrldget Ooughertri nnd Brnnddaughter of Mlclnel and Mai UoUChertl anil Ihn ltn MlhnAl aA r-n,c'. ..,,...- Ilijir r uiicriil m . in nl II J fi-v , V.5S-?" u,Api 2T' 10,a' JOSEPH . . , wt " "Is ' ,u eiir iieiaiiies and friends, also Rt. Alhno T.n.l&r. Nrt ' r.oo r. and A. M , arc Inv Ited to uttend his tuners! on Frl.lnv nt 2 p in rroni his late rut. dence, 1211 South 11th st. Interment at Mt, Morlah Ccmeterj KKNNIIY. On April 27, 1015, LIDIE IL KLN.N1 , daughter of tho late John and Margnrot llnnlej, In hcr 80th ear. Itelatlrti and friends nro Invited to attend the funeril iiiiitra, in aiiutneinnn I'resujtenan whurclt, ,,...j,,, . , ui, j iiuuy. ui .i 1 o cioca. c;sri rlages will meet ttalii at Klwvn, learlni, llrr.11 CrnA, Cn,l.. ' On "J ICIfSSILI. On Anrll "7 inn :;.innt wife of William II Kenslll a d daughter 6! the late James and fcarah A McCort. artl ui jears. HeMtlies and friends, slso raatsla John Taylor Icmple 2111. of N A, anl members of Rllnnm MrthnillKt T?nl-nn.l Church are inv Ited to nttend the funeral ser-J Ices, on SatliriHv. nt "J n'ploek. from hur tal.X residence, ST! Past Thompson st Internum! North Cedar Hill Ccmeterj .?, Ii.VW.SON. On April 28. 1013, MAIU E,' nil nil nf Tl , IH 11 If. ...nn , ..n.wn I a.. In... .. .. .. ... U.. .... ,. . ui, .ui. . unci a i c-- .im, t on l-rld-ii. at J p. in at her lite residence,? 2(111 North Sth t Interment private. 4J I.IISTiyt. On April 28. 1015, KM LESTER,"? 1 uuerai on .Morula at s .11) a 111 , trom 21, --niiin .noie st men .Mass at Bt rntrlrki I hurch, nt W a m Interment at Cathedrll' cemcierj .MAHKGltAI'. On April 28, 1015, GU3 TAVi; husband of Uclle Marscraf Funeral on .sunda, at 1pm Irom noithnest coroerj -.1,, umi .nn-ii-i Bi-i iiiieiiiieiie ui ionn' ivood Ccmeterj JIcCAIJi:. On April 28. 1015. JOSEril Mel CAUL Funeral on ntuidav at 2 p m.i from rJJS nidge uie., Wlssahlckon Inter men nt Lciennaion lemetei) Me-IlKIt.tlOTT On April 2h,-d015. SA1UIA-! i.cii.i.i)c,4 ji uausuier or a. v inceni ana tho lata tt'lzabcih llancy McDermott. and beloved nleco of Sir. and Mrs J C, Zimmer man, in her Ctli 3 ear Itelatlica and friend, are Inv ited to calL at her laic residence.- 4'il'i Monument road North Wjnnefield, on' 1 nursoa cvcnine, irom s to V 0 ciocx. ntneral private MKNKi:. On Anrll 28. 1015. A.VOELIKA J widow nf Auaust II Menkc runeralterricri.il on aundai. nt 2 p m, at her late residence, , -in Aorm 1 ront st interment at jvonn- wooii ccmeicrj, private .Mll(lti;ili;.ll. On April 28, 1015, EL.IZA--I llellll MUOltEUUAD I unernl on Saturday,. nt 2 p ri.t from 21 Laboratory Bt . Tslls of t Schu!k!ll Interment nt West Laurel llllttf. Cemetery , It.VV. On April 28. 1015, MAKY J, wife of J John W Itiij and dnuchtci 01 the late John and Jane I3oIc I unerall on ITaturday. ati 8 10 a in., fiom tisil Woodland aie Solemn t Ilciiulem JIass at St .Clement's Church, at 10 ' a m interment nt tioiy cross (,-enicierr. feAOEIL On April 28. 1015, MAHY T.. widow of George fcager Lneral services oni Sunday at 2 p m.. at her late residence, 21IJ North WarnocK st Interment at Nortnwooa cemetery. I3KVEIINS. On April 28-, 1013. at New TorW MINNIU II SDVWl.VS. oauxhter of the Ills, Joseph and the late Harriet M Sevetni. funeral services at 211 West 23d st . Sltur- day afternoon. Interment at W oodlands Cenww tery,at tno. convenience oe me lamuy 1 MHITKLr. On April 28, 1015, CHAHLES PHOMAS, son of Thomas V and Teieu 11 hll.ltf nnri trrnniliriii of Churles and.JulS Qlllman. Funeral on bunday, nt 2 p m-s from .luu .iianison square, inieimciii Northwood Cemetery. Wiai'ALL. On April 2T. 1015, C, SOPJIIB WIOFALL, nued 00 years, berilces to M L.,., u.-in.. Ak.II on inn 1 1 n m at li-l late residence, Doylestown, Pa Also 1JP P-l m at iniermeni in vuiuiiiou 4 4cu"'' Church. 1 nilOII.-On April 28, 1013, Dr, MARJU;' mum ai.li:Ki. husband of Nancy Wood, (nee Hindman). IM W est .Susquehanna ai'-i Due notice rf tne tunerai win oe given j 4CIC4I4-.I.. Al 111a Irtici icimiiiitr, ,,- "-1 Walnut lane, (Jermantown, on Arrll 28, 18l5ii WILLIAM, husband or Edna II. Zindel. Sftdj Ba eara. neiaiivca ani irienus 04 1111; wi'j also Welcome Lodge. No. -)13, F. and A. U.S Harmony u. A. Chapter. No 02: aiary cowj mandery, No. 31 K. T.. are Invited to tissJ, tha funeral senlces. on Eaturday afternoon i"!:-,-.l., n '1 n'-lnnk at thn rhlttli.t nf AndTB V Dalr & Bon, Arch'and inth stf IntertMitl -private at west r-aurei 41111 iei"i Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter is a very difficult thing to 4o unless you have personally visited and investigated a large number. In order to help . you and save you a great amount of correspondence and tiresome investigation, LEDGER CENTRAL sent out a college graduate to visit schools and colleges. He has spent several months visiting alkthe best schools in the ; East, securing all sorts of information at first hand and is qualified to help you find the school best suited to the peculiar needs of your boy or girl, at whatever price you can afford to pay. The service is free, and we suggest that 'you get in touch with the Bureau at once, as many t schools are registering pupils now, and will be filled to capacity before June, Call, write or phone. r EDUCATIONAL BUREAU LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA 1