wwvwtiy mitutmmimmmHpmmw Wwwitr imvm mmmiupim mimmkteim EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, APRIU 29, 1915. s 11 Id I I JEXTRA llALIZING BROUGHT DIVIDEND BY CONSOLIDATED GAS CO. NEW YORK CENTRAL BONDS AT NEW HIGH ABOUT RECESSION tWcssccl Steel Car Made Sharp Qan to Assess vvaoasn Shares Under Reorganization f MFtvVYOnK, April 2D. Public Interest hi I hi stock market was nfcnln torcn to K. nd n" ft result of this outside par- j1."' ..... utnAH nfrntn mnvim tinivnril on i Mfv laffio dernnml. Once nfinln the 1 .:;. i.nnMi lm fi-nltuc. nn far ns PIHI """ ,.. .,.!.- ...I.I-I, ,1 acivnncra b". " ........... .-.... big advances go, .. . nearii ' less rr-aucntly 'fcrdiisht out. nml unliis tisunlly followed. ri account for tlio BtroltKth In the Market the now olil "wnf order reports E.12 irniinl nut. but then, loo, the he ifer I, becomltiK 'Ititto Kcncrnl tlinl ilo V.ne trade Is allowing Improvement from tiny to tlV- To 'elp this nionw i.ma the optimistic utterances of Jacob 8rhl(f today. He said that people In the iWtstern States were much cncmmiRcd by mi outlook and that there la iv more "JLtrn,tn fpelluc for the future. "1 am $ tho opinion we have turned tho LBl " .. '.. t- d..l,1rr r1n mpnvnlv 'Sllf'not bo (it'iick, but will bo general, In my opinion. In conncniioii wnu mu Mijm ... .. .j.r ihri-r. was one thnt a $P.O,000,000 con- (Mpt for shell had been placed by Hub- BliiL but no particular company was men !in.rt as havliiK received It. The American can uonipany. ii. " ii"i "" l ..i..rf nn order for Sll.nnrt.OOO worth of ibrdssf shells, ("an was stronger on this Krenort. Picsscci sieci inn nisn movcti tip on war order rumors, nt ono tlmo Pbclne up nc.irly 6 points. 1'rmiounrod htrength In Consolidated Gas during tho morning was explained nnor niluilny, when It was announced that an extra Ljlrldcnd had been declared. There wcro also rumors of a pro rata distribution of Blh6 StOCK or me .cw inns muoii im- Prany to Consolidated Oas slockholtlers ftbeforo the end of this year. ?, Steel common was one of the lenders Bin the standard group, moving up almost Htwo points. In tho bond division New PTOrK Central t-onverimio ot, wnrn issued. wro tho feature, malting anoiner new Jilgh record, or nn advance of thrco points In two days. Dealings In theso bonds were tho hcnvlest In this branch of the market. Realizing sales appeared In, the afternoon, and tho market lost inmo- of Its avdnnco. The profit taking continued to tho closo nnd virtually tho Ewhole list showed losses from tho high Ifof tho day. 'Following tho announcement of tho re organization plan of the Wabash, tho jharos becamo quite active In the fano of 4 Mr rlnmntwl. Tim nrnferrod stock BmoveU up 314 points nnd tho common nearly a point. The reorganization pinu MAi-Hna fnr- tlm vnlallll nt XL'..." MHH) rnsll tt.y the assessment of both classes of t1j. nf tin nn nnrh nhnrr. Thpan Hhnrr.q declined from tho high In tho afternoon. Jhe 4 per cent, bonds also sold up 4V4 nolnts. Efc On tho Curb this afternoon tho new (common and preferred, when Issued, Ksharcs were quoted for tho flrBt time. ML the former nt WQW. nnd tho "A" pre mrferred nt W8 and tho "B" preferred. 27630. There was n sale or "ii ferred nt SO. prc- New York Bond Sales K K 40nO Amer Ice deb (!a . 'v. .iiiitr ?mn-lk m'l; .u fto-. uw Amer -ipi cu 49 ... ffMIJmcr Tel rvt I'-a Illali. Low. Close. lot ..lor, .. MM, ..mii .. trJH 00 ?i 1IW0 Amer Tel cvt . linn. mil.UUt u -172.1 .. 1IHJU Atchison am -1H . . Man, AiriiiHon nv i k.v.. ill.. 11 VXUt Alchlson cv In 11IHO... Xim'i piiwi iian 1.VHI init yiww iiait hS 111.1 Ml till lllji son cv i nmu. . .I'Mvp ivm & uilio il'ts .... HI') UI1IJ it Ohio 4h Ii), uoji A Oh cv I'is .. .S7'ji 87'S ss 10.1 liu, irj'.i 11 Hi imij 110(1 M ISM llcth Hteel 1st r.s .!!l(K)4 11")'! 1IKI3 III.VKl II..II1 Kl.rl nil .". H.Hi l)H, 1114. f.'llO.VXl Ilotli Slid n.l .'.a n.n; " 1000 urooun liar Tr .is 'is. mi'4 . i.wn II.. .h rr.i.11. Ati KM.'. 1HKI Cent Leather 1st 3s.. HUH 1UX10 Cent l'no 1st Is K.) I00U Cent II N J i ...11-lK tOUu Chea & Ohio cv 4tis.. "(I W)0 Chcs & Ohio IVts .. S1 KOCO Chi II & Q Joint Is. . tHITi 21X0 Chi II .t a res Is IllIU ':, $2M0 Chi M & St 1 i'.i 10IT, wo Ch Mil & Ht i" cv 47a y;i 1000 Clrv Sli l.lnr JU . . . H'lVj lOtBOO Con (ius cv (1h US iiuuu uei & linn 48 1UH1. . a I'd MOO Del .V Hud rfil 4s nil. S" lira & Itlo (Ir Is .. 7lii; (s . u nun a Jim ur nn at. 4 jt, wuv uetroit I'.uisnn ill 03.ii- 5. wwo ills Becur Corp s 1000 DuPont Powd 4V4s A ' SOUO FIa rnnv Am A If, .1M0O Brie conv la Ser B mVt I fjVI llnH llnH Ivm Ktm V i tuoa iiiwj inivrb Met mi iU'i STiOO mttrb It T ref 5s.... l:6Vj AOOO Inter Mr Mnr 4Ua 4t nooo Jap new u ma 4Hs. . 7rt -wni jdi mi 7n .... 6CXIII Kan I'ltv Hn lat TO-JO' 1 iirk KIpaI da in: ai'io i.k Kh rieh u lul.... (''! iT(l ic gh 4s 'Ml. WH) Ul .V .11 300O lotlllanl ii iorllla ni uniia & xaBh 4 mvj IOn Manhnllnn ln 4a til" 5 SOOO Mex Pel Co tla 10s", ll"l JIO Ivan Ac T IBl 48.,. , 1 1 iii'.i KHS w 0.1 70 niu R.1 a lui MP, lim, 70 IHl'i 111)14 10145 104T, fmH? Oil 117 PUU mi,, THVt 4S lo-JVi, iuiv 04?i 53'i I'O tlu 0.1 113 coy, 0H 111 JMI'b NV unit 11"0 70 S.SCi !IH?i iiuva Oil 1HV4 118 i?4 711 ', 4S icva tirie conv is aer xs iu un;-, w, 1W0 llud Man In B8 :!7i aj 87 200ft Iowa Central ref 4a... MVi Mi M'J 8iW0 Ins Cop cv da 1HS& 1M(5 Wr looo linn cv re 3d p Ha 10.1.18 1HS iss LI 77IJ :ia... B.SW 21.... W! si.... m h 4s 'Ml -' i- .'-! Jt M T 5a 10,S ll"l U ""T" lanl 5a IcOtJ Hi); lot; i lanl 7a isajj 1 J I-.t'J . xaBh 4 inw m'5 ii'ta Tla 7 OS 08 48! 44 T.l( -i 7T15 1Tr 41M - V1. ul B ......... 3"0) do rfd 4a 1W10 Mo I'ac la iH00 do cv 5 40OO do rnna Oa iroo Mont Power Sa.. 4Vi it 01 U ins . 77ii 97, 4'i II lOD'S 1004k J sir iroo Mont Power 5a H4 mv. 4000 Nat Tube. Ba IWy S)5 4IHMI V V ttr llrnUA rvt On. 071f. Ill's Woo . v o & II alls...... Silt. ) til'., lOS Wi 5 40'i ltH .OS'S II7', iwj " J ....inn! litis !) ecu CO LSI' WDS do la BWOO do 4VSS 1J1UII fflll fMO xiinii v lint X' iv lar 41. r.1'... .Won k y nwy ref 4a 73 7.1; 47COO do ad j 5 MW; 0-'l?i i"J iiioii n Y Tel sen 4a '' "JW i. H do 4US KSl'j (. DON Y Cltv 4 10.V) loot 10OU, ljnj, 'flo N Y N' II & II cv 3'5a ns' HS), W1. w'Vea I......::..... jio iio(; iii! ni N Y lint & W lat 4. MM M' .115 i .lilt S'U in 05 flIU III fcwo Norf & Went Poch 4a . t0 Nor i'ac prior 4a. . . 1 1000O Nor Par Ben 3a . lOOOn Ore A II J& N 4a. I. 1000 Ont Power .'.a in, I'ucinc 'iei na iu'i XI0 Penna ct 4V.a 11121. . ..101H KVn Itay Con Copper Ba...JS.1 100O nocK Island 4a Kill .11(101) nock Island rfd 4a... M Wom Hock Island 5a SUi txt nraonani a i. on na ni 90OA c..i. n... k n?!1 i.' ""mii urn ..4. ...... j. ".j S.U OIK fil'I on; in o7; ion, 131 Kill 07 m ill! lu-ii K.1W Kit! SI 17!. dUi 1)1 07 H ini',5 1SR Kt',i OS M',4 07 07 en? i I'ac ev 4s....:. R1H Wi !'! cv ret fp 5a 10.11.101 ti Jgui 101 $ rfd 4a... MK s" s" L nwy eon Bs.... ion lintt OO'J Asn St U ref s irt ia iCoovfia.. ino iro ir) Z'JX Tn'M Ave new 4s.... : js ;j,, 5fflO do adj So ,. 7M 7SVJ 7SW 000Tol PtQ A W 5....". M5 Ml v-' 7nfn ir a nf.kh.. a. '"imai 109ii 10J4 74noo.p a steel ,i.. .'.'. ,', .'. .io2u jnjt; 102(1 'w l'niffli pi lit la!.... OhS onii MS J , ' sT a f, f!1 HI ' 4SW 4SH a as 2.1 SII14 iro iro nit i2t ino't mi rWU- fiS 07(J 07 02 03 TftTTT fi tt .' ; Ol Hjs rn wx s p 4.::;;:: 4 fSffiv Urown nroa.... 00 K Hjona fv-aba.h 4i'v".' . t "". 1 31 4rVafVi - o k. nt :!JJfS Wah "Ko" ' ta'-- 2"W C-x;V "D-r ler isi ci 4i.. n 1JKSW" Flaetrte a 101 W0O0 Wot h ft M CV Ss 07'1 yw. iiei; pnora ref 4S.... J Ei . ' HANK CLEAWNUS 1fllT mil 101.1 BPhlla lot AOt II tVT .IrTlll jt tT1 1A etOn . . 21.407 1.18 W.777.S) Sn.fi0.nS7 jew York bll.S6C.052 302.7S0.Bd7 331,832,180 RATES FOR MONEY adtlnhla IT Yori Oaton Uct(0 Call. Time, :::::::::::!: I ifj 3WsJ Smrner. jal paper, three W six mootlw, 11 :lrtU. Sli and 4 p- cii. FOREIGN EXCHANGE kNEW YOHK, April 20.ForeUn xchatuM lrrkel ontne4 steady, with demand aterllng Sterling. France. Marja. uiara. .... 4.79,; .is2 884 ' aoee, EkM . TOUM BAR SILVER K- NBW YOnK irll . Tlia Pk of .oro i-hi Mr alKer was 50 rest. Willi i dUara at 3S', recta. fither financial Neiw on Page 14, New York Stock Sales Lint cloec. A'fltlP Gold Minos .... ;8j Alllj.rti.ilm Mfu lc Allk-Chilm Mfrj pf ... iiilj AmalcamalolCop..,.. 17!( Am IlcctSueic ........ fi'j Amnr.iKoS&K ...... lio Am nralco B & F pf Am Can ..... ,.., AmCan pf Am Caf ft Foundry Am Rnllnn Oil .... Am Cotton Oil pf ., Anillido.Vaathir Ai lll.u 0. f .I... . . . 7 ii.M.tiuuui.iMViiei pi, .-.ojj Am Ico Eccurltes ;jt Amt.lnjccil , ;i Am Ixromotlvo 6Mj Am Lticomotlvo pf .... ti7j, Amsmclt& Itcf 74Jj Amsmcltftltcfpf ....lOOVi AmSnuff ion Am htiear Itctlnlnrj UOH Am niigar not pr . . Amstrel Koundtloj 111 ch. lxiw. Close. :Di nsi, ,"kj. f2W 77!4 mi 07 174 f!l 7SJ, 50M 117 17W r.2(i 77J, AT 17 148), 150H 110JJ Wtt 41H 2'j 4U( -11 Vi io) ltjOM! o fJISf t5, fld'f 0 IS IV. .7 ,'rth v CO 18!S Am Tel & Tel AmTobarco , AmTobpf new , Am Woolen Am Woolen pf ....,., A nacomla Coppor . . . AtchT&SK , AtchT&SKpf Atlantic Coast Lino .. llalilnlnl.oco ........ llatilnln Loco pf llalllmoro & Ohio . . . . llalllmoro&Ohlopf . llalopllas Mlnlnrj..... llelhlchem Steel llrooklyn Union Oas . . Iliooklyn It.ip Transit llrouiiSluM) prof Cal Petroleum Call'ctrolcumpf. Canadian 1'acllla Cent leather Cent Leather pf , Chrt&Ohlo Chlno Copper Chi oc North west Chicago (It West ChlcacoOtWcstpf... ChlcMll&Stl" ChlMII&Stl'pf.... ChlH&l Colorado Fuel &I .... Col&iki lstpf Continental Can Continental Can pf... Consolidated (Jai .... Corn Products Kef. ... Clucttrci&Copf ... Cuban-Am Su;ar pf . . Del& Hudson Del Lack & West Don A. lUo (Irando... Ucn &. lllo U pf Distillers' Kecurltloj .. Dul'ont Powder prcf. lirle .. Krlo lstpf KrleSdpf FedMln&Sm 1'ed Mln & Sin pf (JcncralLlcctrlc General Motors Gen Motors pf Goodrich 11 K Co Great Northern pf.... Gt Ncfs for oro prop.. Guccenhelni Kxp'a ... liomestakeMlnins . Illinois Cent IntcrMot Inter Met pf International Paper .. International Papor pf IntMca m Pump Inspiration Copper. ... Julius Kayser& Co... Kan City southern.... Kan City So pf Kliius Co K L & P ... KresEObb Co LackStecl Laclede Gas Lehlsh Valley Louis &Nashvll!o Maxwell Mutors Maxwell Minors 1st pf. Max Motors ld pf . May Uept Stores pf ... Mexican I'etroloum ... Mlnn&ht Louis Mbtl'&S S M MoKan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pf... Missouri Pacific Miami Copper Montana Power .... National Biscuit ..., National Illscult pf . Nat Cloak A: Suit pf National tiuaiucl &a Nat Lead Nut Lead pf ... New 'Vork Air Urako Nevada Con Coppor , NYNIU 11 Now YorK Central ... NYO&West Norf West N6rfolk South"eri .., Nortn America NatltyofMlM pf . Northern 1'acUlo ..., l'aclflu MaU , Pennsylvania It It . People's Gas Chi .... Philadelphia Co Pettlbone-Mulllken.. I'llbbureu itau Pressed steel Car .... Preyed Steel Car pf . Pub S Corp N J .... liy Steel bprlns ..... liay Con Coppor .... Heading Hep lion S. Stool .... Itep Iron & Steel pf . Hock Island pf ItumelyM Co Seaboard Air Lino pf bears lloo&Co Sears Itoo & Co pf . . wioto-bhefS & I Co .. bl Louis Si SI' bt L & S Kran 2d pf ., Southern Pacific .... touthernlty boulhernlty pf bludebaker Co btudekaker Co pf ... 'leanossoa Lop .... TexasCo Texas & Paclflo ... 'IhlrdAvcnuo Tobacco Prod pf . . TolcdoStL&W .. Twin City It T ... Uulonllaesi'aper 107? 161 112' lll' ll4.'aMll)s 11IW 30;i .i7 (1H 3MX 0J rO fit WW Wi Jill f3H 12 mi 74 i 107 ir.2 ill U'JJ. tMi nn OH r7)i ,i.i) 12 fS!f PSJi 107,'i ir2 111?. ..I22'1i 122!, 122H 122' ..2:i7'i iao.'i KBM4 2:i'i ..1U7H 107'. 10iJ. 107!. .. 2UJs ;iii :io :ii). .. b'.l), ISU b8 b8U .. a7 IS). 37 )t .17 J i ..lUI'f 101). 103M 10U. .. oujt ioo mm wo ..112 113 113 113 .. 03 flu. mx mu ..10IH 102 ltll'f 102 Mi . llli . Di IH .140U 147 .120 132 . U1J, 10 45'. 33).' r 71 J,' in 115 130 lllif 82 1. 44 M t'lJs b2 ll))f 4.1 .lOSK lbtl . J,!)'. 'I IDs ol) . iu:i io:tu 103 -17). 47?. 47), . 48W 4S!f .130.U 130 . 12!. 13 31 0,.f 7SU 71). Hi 117 132 ill!f S2 lSij 4IH 48 130 13 33 Ob). 127H 127M 127)i l!(Hi 32)f fil 03 Oil m C4 IXIU U7 .120)4 131 . 11)1 14J, .10') ICO im uo 107U 111 H 10 103)f 47)5 IWi 130 l.i 31 UOH 127)i 23)i CI (W. 07 HO 11 100 11.1 ih 32)i 54 03M W. 127 14 100 U(i .152U 151JJ 151), IfilJ, .421 .123 425 425 8 14).' IMi : 44! i 35Ji , 12)i 31 150 114 U 15)i 15', you- -'.Jl 45h 37 12)4 31 158 141 8lS 15H 14 00)i 28i It 3GH 12i 31)5 160)' 167 113! 1 141 II 154 1 H 1)0 U Mi 45 37 12)5 1 101)4 101). 1015, lOUi 4U); 5tJ. ..121)4' 12H!i .. 37! 30'f .. 034 t'3J. 117). 117 111 21), 74 10)4 40 5' i :;Vi 87)4 25M 5S)4 .12 J 121 .,0'i 1021-j 40 121 375 i G3U 117 6OV3 12IU 38)f (S3U 117 1115J 110)4 UOH M 23), 74), 73U I1H 11 llJi 41M 7 0 34? ' 31 8S 88 25! J 254 5S', 68'. 122H 122)4 1224 127)4 125). 12)i 41)4 40 4l) lOW 103)4 lUl'i .ll'l'i 145 14 Hi lilii 125 1254 125 126)4 234 7o!i llli 41)4 0 3I) t8 25)4 fiSJi 60 82)4 3b!i UOH 10) 03 r4 40!i 05 t-ur n cox ::S3i 05 18),' 10;t HS!i 110) 110 3), 14!f :84 01 121 V. . 32 . 14 . 28). . 63)4 .121 .1204 121 .100 10, . lu"' IftH . Ii.1 18 .mow 110 . bO), 02 . 10)5 . as to 33)4 105 . 20 7o)f 04 1104 224 110), 111 no3 1214 u 32 M)j 28). 54 121 121 107 1(1 154 110 80 10)i 074 884 324 1054 1054 105W 20 20 20 78) J 704 78H 7 7 7 111 110U 11014 23)4. 22H 224 110). IlOJi 110U 1214 75)5 764 23 -'.4 63 100 104 GS4 00M IMi 53 b.!)i hO.'i 05 00 li 110 134 314 14)1 284 54 121 121 lU'J K.Ji 1 7). Ill) 014 10)5 07). bbii :w 74 754 ... 22) 23 .. 23U 24 ,.. 61)5 -74 ,.. 0 100 ...110 lluU 100)4 10j)5 .. 324 .3-14 334 14' .. 21'. 254 21)5 i-14 ..1614 1524 1514 1514 !3 2JJ. OliJf 100 104 S54 4 Mi 40 130 32 ..8 ;. 34 40)5 itl4 !U)i bO)i H ,34 30 130 on bS V. 34 104 130 1214 1214 1214 1214 U 44 U 11 184 68 74 ... S, ... 44 ... 0)5 ,.. 134 .. lb)i ,.. as ... 704 ,..101 .. ui)5 ..110 .. Id ,.. 5(14 ..1004 100 2 04 OJi 4)5 6Ji 03 ISIS 68 04 101)i 101 354 :wi 110 104 604 Union llanA Paper pf.. 3(1 Luloul'aciflo , 1324 Llilon Paclflo pf b04 United Dry Goods pf .. 05 Ubtndl Alchol ... 45 U 8 Undl Alcbol pf .... fcS United Itys Invest .... 1 )i 1iiltnl Kys Inv pf .... 374 Ub Itubber (.04 HHHubber 1st of ....1074 Ubbteel t84 00 Hi 27 lc3 hi 02 40 t04 20 ;.04 724 1U8, 110 104 55)5 100 00 0)5 27 30)5 44 6) 034 lblt 68 73)4 1014 35)4 140 10)5 054 100 00 04 u 1324 lo24 suu ai 0: 154 hOU 10) 38)4 00,' IUS 004 684 Ubbtecl pf ...... US UxprckH .......... Utah Copper Va-Car Chemicals .... Va-CarChempf Va lion Coal &0 ..... Uabasti i.... Wabashpf Vi utcrn Union Tel ... Mutlnshouso KhKtrlo . itern Maryland .... Western Maryland pf . VbMH&LKliUpf v .Jla.Fareo Bio Wkvoaaui Central 0: 454, Willi 104 3J5 71 1084 604 .1004 J 1H4 1004 1104 04 704 0S4 25)5 38 3 W7M 374 tiiyn uverlanil 110 117)5 UWj&OUibndpf ....1004 102 Vtwuwui HCo.,...lJ,S lOfi 0&1 704 87K 00 42 1 2)f 70 05 JiH 30 3 US so 07 7IJ4 i84 014 41 Ifi 07 70 28 03 41 1 24 00)5 0J4 26H as 3 07)5 37 07 704 2j) OJ 41 14 3)4 004 18 ;54 3i 3 074 374 llUJi 1174 102 103 101H 104)5 DROP IN ENGLISII RESERVES UOftpoN. AW 'JS.-rha wkly ratura ot tba Hank of SuUnd abowa a deeraaso. qX JEWiO.OW la reserve iron) ine previuua we, while bullion rwuainsa ,r Taot., asauui Wk. 1147 W eaot.. as-abul Mlwr: advanced 1,874.004. rve to llaalllllu, was is. o per tern, uaiain fHrAUSmt ftULOOO &Kg .1 llTE.ClJO 3 ses-SiJ, JST ' driHMlta 1.03".' fiov. aacura.. . Othvr micura. Iff. Heawrvc . ' yrnportonoc ..,. ,.Mnl. ..,.. ,, ' M.JU.blio W.Wl'.WW (K),IB4.0U i.sas.foo a: l.OOO in., '49.000 U.1ZH.UUO 7.SI0.0OO HOW). 00-1 lil.-l22.OUO 42.4W.0iK) Ta,uw 2u.aaa.wu Local Half -hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. OO Ih.Vnl Tr.. 1.1 211 do WW .0 rnmhrla Slrfl MiU .s Ina Co N Am 2IU in Wnrwl 1 8 lif, ICO I' 8 Steel.... fl'h ::n Phllrt Klei.... SI", 7.1 Klee storaso. .12 in 1; no m i mo :ii 11 11m in 4S 8 Steel nn 1I0 , iln , do 1I0... 10 c!n,. 'tiin.t 1 iuu Mil ' MJ 1 33 i Inn l ft Mil.. . r.!l .i a West .1 & 8 8 4UH HI 1110 f 8 Ktltl.... Wl , Ml .1.1 Phlln It T t 0 Oft .HV4 :l.1 tlo .(lit flou "" " 8 itrei. .VJU nn Ton Mln.. 111 iwuanin Ion Am Can. .. 20(1 t) 8 Hleel. .. r.n .7 7-10 .. 42 . . r,n BONDS. t'dio Penn.1 cons 4'liii)0 loon Penn.i cona I Us 1I(0 2"((i l'uina rnna 4',s 1IW1, ...... "(i("' IVnnn cona if,a IWfl Jo lliiu Co rcrlp 11)18 I"; Phlln Co scrlii mis 101 Phlln. Co serin 11114 'JJ LchUli Vril Tr IkI .In 10:!.1... 1(10 l-chlan Vnl Tr 1st 5 10:;i0 to 11 A.M. ln Itityi'nna,.... 23. loo U 8 Steel. ....101!. ....I01U ....loi'i .... H2j . . , . '. .... on . . . . I02H ....102 l' V "8 Steel.... ,Vit til 1 :?", v..Tr PW St'k (Ml V , 2 Phlln It T t c M, 100 t"ll Keystone Trl. 1.1; 10 10 Kl(v Sioraga. M loo in 1'nlnn Trm... Il.TA 211 ,", 'I",'- H-IJ-j lO) In Mo K & Tox 12, 11. 1 .'ill Prntin S.17-H1 20 to H Hlrol. . . . .11'4 111 . ..11 Ton 11pI....4 i:.1il Ion 1 ., do I Kl-lll l(K) ij .Miiiciiiii ,,.., fiuif ii .. . .1. ini.rii. ,0i .jii. nrt.i . ... .... . '. ilo. Steel. do do do...... do ilo do do do do do do.. Ml 'I Jill, MS jut, Wlfs illljj OS Bit. ... . '4 (K) Cnmlirlu Ptcel :i :-" i,cii vol Tr.. 1.151 :) do. ....... "O.MI Iff . ln l.vtt im U 8 Steel.... Wit, 20 l'rnnn .13 .10 do Rnlii 100 Ton Uol.,,.1 M.tilloo 1U1 lm do 4h III ilu Mi f 2i t; 8 Strrl.... .11) 1(H) do j-n'i .1 Kpvstnnn Tel. 1.1'4 an Plilln Co HI.. r.-.ir ffllil Ti Ml V 8 Hleel.... 10)4 lMKiwin pra..iij. iiiliiH do. do.. . .i"i "j ..loi'.S . 711 . OT .KM',1 ". . 07 I . (a in rennii . . , . , 200 V 8 Sleet.. iu" no.. 7 Pennn 20 l'cnnn l)ONt)8. Soon i:iec & Penp t c l.i 2 t'nntlirln Steel serlp lilt .nno Phlln inns lv 1W0.... II on Phlln Co eons .1.1 Iiuni rnlled itnya Inv us. ... 2CWO rnlted ttwya lnv l.... 2000 Culled Ilnys lnv 5s.... 11 to 11:30 A. M. 10 f ,s sicel.... M'l 400 1ji1o Hup Cor .011 20 IjIi Vol 'l-r. . 11'i 11") V S Steel.... M'fi mo rrnnn ,v r.-in in oo 2(h) r n steel ran. IOO do .m Comlirla Sto.l .lou. 211 Pennn ... UK) Pi nnn .1.1 .1-1 il 200 If 8 Steel 2rn ike Sup Cor 7 100 dn 20 ro 7 .HI do " f'.tiiin . . . . . .1.111 IO rift. . . . - ion I.okn Slip Cor II', 100 dO W .100 do ntj 100 LaUo Sup Cor n'-S 1 ........ r.-T.i,T .r .1n r.l . . .'Ill 11. . . .! t -J '. I" .u BOND3. .vhi i,cli Xnv ions Hs 121X10 Pernio, eoni 4'Aa I'M) 2:10110 IVnti.1 cons 4'...a II11V) ::mKi Pennn imis I,h irvni l'lUD United ltwya uold t c 4a. .1.1 :.!ii4 Mil. ni! M nil noji ., ...I'M . . ....mi! 1JI 11:30 A. M. to 12 M in v 1711 I.rh Nov I'hi l.ako Sup Cor il'4 UK, iro r s stioi.... r.n'; 20 .Ilendlnu . ...1 l.l-in 2m !(i U ..n III (11 ion ioo 100 III 20.1 2ihI 8 steel.. do do do do do do do do do do lo. Mm 2(KI JTl "" .U11i 1".1 "".'I S? -.1! n.,; ... A' It, 10 WH 73 mi'i 4n r.nU 7 r.!iH urn Vl'i L.TII 8 Stool. In In do do do do do do do do lo do do do do do do do.. fin 110 fid m Ml on fi 10 i;i (VI , on (HI U) (V) III I 21V. CO no Uiko Sup Cor fill nil r.o Neinda Con.i. lmi In 0 N'nrlh Cenl... Rl. 2ll .1 'do SI'., 12 Ina Co N Am 21111 rnmbrln Steel Mu .'Ml C S Steel.... 20 Ten Copper... nil', BONDS. .iron l.eh Nni- ron Ihs W), mnn Phlln Co 1st r.a !' , 1000 Phlln Co cons Ps SIVi 12 M. lo 12:30 P. M. I innui'illl ,11111. - - 1 tuna "'j Ki I.eh Xnv 7.1t inn U S Steel..,. MTO 1.1 f 8 Sleet.... 511 11 2fO do 5lli 10 I-nko Sup Cor (IU 211 do .v.iV, 50 Phlln II T t o !)?i 2.1 do jnn I Tonomli .Mln. i 2 l'cnnn .iu .nn . -1. .. rl' .1,1. .. l CI.. .111'. 1; in I-nkn snrv I'op '. Inn 1: M Sinol Mil. Ill Pennn Sat... II IC11 do .1114 .1 Lake Sup Cor irjj noxna. 2(K) Klec Peop t c In t0!i .nun l.eh Xnv cons I',; tm. 7000 l.ch Xnv cons His Kilt 12:.i0 lo 1 I. M. UK) i: H Steel... KO I.' tl 1 :.(l Phlla It T t IMi U S Steel... S3 Mi .10 111 .m 1i) JIKl 31 Pa fait Mftr. l .1 Oen Asnhnlt.. 2"! 10 Press St Car. .17 70 ICO do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ;i n.ild I.oeo nf.102 111. lll'll n.i'imt,, III U 8 Steel... 2.1 do 50 do rn i.i Vnl Tr. 21 I' 8 Steel... 100 dn 00 do 100 do m u 111 10 Km .1-1 2000 Penna. 20OO iPhllai 8li-el d do d In do do ..1 do Ill dn In Press St Cnr 1(1 Cramps t c. . .vi U 8 Steel... 50 do lio'. 1UI on t.VJ Tin Penna fin't 1.1 do 3; fiO'jH I'll IT S Steel. CO'l .10 On finij DOXD3. His 1M0 IUIU, i;o' -.. onU Km 1,0'.. M Ol'.i 1)11'. i:ilU nil rail? find I'j.i? uit; I'jm, noai .17'.; 21 in onl; S.V. 3-111 "saiar . .T0T1 HU'i S2l5 1 to 1:30 P. M. no 11 s Sleel noj; n do 13 4 Xi r.rlo 1st nfd.. 4Pi SO Am nwy pfd.loo'i 20O U 8 Otcol fio'4 10 iio. ...... ..im, 4 Penna 655-10 10 tl S Steel.... iin 2.1 u 8 Hteel iuw ta ron nei....i win H) do. 1 00H20II do......... 2n do.'. 505 10 U H Steel..., 25 do WHS 30 Inter Mot.... ISO do......... ooti 10 U 8 Etecl.... 5 Keystone. Tel. 15V, . hoxps. 1'i mil lOfiO Klor (.- Peon t c Is 5UCO phlln Klec 3 1:30 lo 2 P. AI. 'I fl ... 711 ...10Hi ''1V1 'rnnnnali Ucl 1(1 V '8 Steel Oo'i 2no Tonopah Kel. 100 do ;;n l'cnnn r. ion U do 8 Steel... I'i 2.1 do 4't. .V) do 3.1'.'. Ill Sliidohaker . 13 Klec Storasc. .1214 100 U 8 SUel... BONDS. 22.1 i:iec l'eop Hcrlp Slum Rice ft Peon t c Is WO Phlla Co scrip 101S 32U 7$ 00 i 7 P3 2 to 2:30 P. M. , 100 do.. l-j 1IHI 1-llKd QUO LOr 2'5 loo Union Trac... S3!5 mi. HI i 100 Tonopah Kcl. IJji 100 U s Steel. - I'nua riiec... . . ii 1 u. 10 Am Can 41Jfc 10 Iika sun 1 or w 1 Klec Stornen. r2! KI Am nwy pM.liii I10XB3. 1000 Tlcartlns nen 4s f'JH 0l) Spanish Amer Us KJI 2:30 lo 3 P. AI. .55 3-10 IOO Ton Its 1 13-111 ... m 2i Krl 2d pfd,. r.ii'4 ... r.HH 10" U 8 Steel.-... .1111, ... SUK loo do 5S . .. 3DV4 ion do '. ! ... 21' lis) Ijiko Pup Cor 7 .3.17-1'! 100 Tnnpan uel. 4!, m', imi ij a clival. 1 Penna . . . 10 U S Steel 100 do IOO do 1i.l do 200 rtny Cons. mi I'cnna . . 100 1' 8 Hleol 200 Westing Klec n. An ICO Cambria Sleel 50V 200 ivnimi I'.iec 31114 Sec. 47V . . . . 3 KiK 'j id iJlka riup Lor 5 inn v 8 Steel.... jnji on., imi no muti 47 AIINING STOCK QUOTATIONS 'lUilUI 'J... w.w.fc., Jim Ilutler MacNamara Midway ,: Mliiuh Bxtcnilon Moutann .. North Star Tonopah Ilelmont Tonoih ISxleB.lon Tonoimli Moraer ...... Tonopah Sllnlns KUBMBiila .i Wett End QOliDFIKLD STOCKS, Hid. A.k. ,1.00 1.02 PHILA. CO. BONDS IN STRONG DEMAND United Railway Investment 5s Advanced Lake Superior Active on Rail Order Rumor. Demnnil developed today for tlio vnr lous bonds of tlio I'lillndclpliln Company nnd United Hallways Investment Com. party. Phllndcljihla Company's llrst Rs rose to par. nnd there was a point ml vnnce In Investment 8s, The whole locnl bond list was untisiinlly active, nnd heavy sales of lYniiBylvnnla Issues were re corded. Humors of new financing hy tho Penn sylvania Hnllrond Rot tho bond dealers iiKftf thin mornlniT nrmind the local llnuiH'Inl district. No ronllrmatlon I'tiuld ho nlilnlncd from tho company, nor did Interests tisunlly In closo lotirli Willi Its nffnlrs nppenr to have heard tlio report. It wni nssertcd that the new Issiin ivniild ho In tho form of n lonu-term lmml for nn ninount npproxlinntlMR $C.",000,000. Tho talk Is douhtlcss bnscd upon the UtiowletlRo that the company will havo to meet $8fl,S27,00O of mattirliip; cotivortl blo bonds In October nnd soino llftecii or twenty inllllona will also bo required for new construction1. If such ilnnncltiK talte plnco It will piolinbly bo under tho now general mortRnRc already nulhorlxcd. StrciiRth in Baldwin Locomotive con tinued to bo attributed to the expectation of heavy war orders. The rest of the local stock list lluctiiatrd nnnowly, except rnr buojuiicy In tJnitcd 8tates Stcul. Cramp Shipbuilding rose 3 points .on an odd-lot enlo. Lnko Superior was more active on tlio rumor that Its subsidiary, the Algoinn, Kteel Corpora Hon. might, secure) n. part oi tho Pennsylvania Ilnllroiul's sleel rail order for l'.ilj, which nmounls to 170,l) tons. Tho compatiy already has Hccutcd il good deal or business from American roads, owing to lower prices and tho high quality of Its product. Financial Briefs The National City Dunk bus loaned Jl.nui.onr) tn the titnte of Tennessee on Holes which miituto .luly 1. Charles II. llenn oc Co. will rcmovu from tho present olllces. 113 South Ith street, In tho JJullItt Uiilldlng, to tho Drcxcl Diilldlng, probably Saturday. Tho downtown olllces of T. A. Hlddlo & Co. will be removed from KG Walnut street to tho Dicxel llulldlns. Tlio Delnwnre, Iicknwnniia and West tor!! Hnllrond Cimipiiiiy announces that It will spend mnro than $,V,00n this year In Improvements nt Its collieries. Henry W. Miller, heretororo nsslstant to tho president of tho Southern Iliillwny. has been elected vice ptcsldent. Tho olflco nf first vleo president has been abolished ns u mark of respect to tho lato Cnlnncl A. . Andrewr, tho only Incum bent slnco the organization of the com pany. The number ot Idlo cars on the Penn oylvnnia system April 2H was fi7.cr.7, a do ci'cnsc of 10.C0S, or 11H4 per cent. Tho Kiist State Hnnlt, of llrcmond, Tex., lias been admitted to Kederal I'.escrvo system. William A. Head e Co. purchased tho on,, .11 ii,.anlif-i lliml linllillrn nf lllo 1100.- OIJO.000 New York Ccntml convcitlblo G per ceiil. uoiirniuies irom ine uriKiiini underwriting syndicnto headed by J. P. Morgan .i Co. At n meeting or Detroit United Hallway Company stockholders, they fniled to ngrco on approval of tho amended offer of the city for lines of tlio company within the one-faio zone and adjourned until Thursday, when tlio orfer will bo further discussed. The stockholders, while unanimous on the original offer of f2l.900.000 for the lines, are divided on the amended offer of approximately $1,500,000 less. Thomas 11. Seainoro has fold his mem bership on tlio Cblrago Hoard of Trade for JisOO. Mr. Sciimoro purchased this scat for J30OO in 1SJ8. At a meeting of tho board of directors of tho First National Hank, held today, J. Tatnall Lea. tho retiring president, was unanimously elected chairman ot the board ot directors. ' Tho proposed Jl.BOO.OOO Issue of Hock Island receivers' certificates will run for one year and bear 5 per cent. Interest. L. Scotl TownhPiid, vice president nnd treasurer of the Security Trust nnd Snfo Deposit Company, nf Wilmington, Del., today teslBiicil as treasurer of tlio com pany, to becomn nctively connected with I.nlrd d Co., brokers, In which linn ho nun nn inieresi. no ui uuimui.u m director and also a3 vice president of tlio trust company. Officials of tho I'nltcd Railroads of San Francisco express great satisfaction over tho adoption by tlio City Council or nan Francisco of an ordinance regulating the jitneys and placing them under tho con trol of tho Police Department. Tho com pany lias been severely bit by tho Jitney competition nnd losses In earnings aver aged between 11500 and JiMO a day. Presi dent l.lllentlial looks for n decided Im provement In earnings from now on. It was learnPd today that 00 per cent, of outstanding two-year 8 per cent. Mis souri, Kansas and Texas 'notes, due may 1, have been deposited under tlio offer of April II. Tlio tlmo limit for depositing tho notes expires May 1 next. A New York Coffee Ilxchnngo member ship sold today for J31J0, up JIM from tho last previous sale. IIIVIDK.ND.S Atlanta , illua Hull iwom Uulldoe C O ! ...,.,. Comb Fraction ... niainominaU iin. Daley Fiona? ... Qotdkald lunaolt&ittd '"MS deldEkl MtrKjW .,v. ,.3g Jumbo Bataiutan '.,,..,...( ? a Kwna t tiro . .nt ....,.-... Sand Kgn ...'. 55W tick iiiesLLANoua Fairy 'A! .(..... KliLacly,, ".. Kavada. Hill ., Vmii Woa4r .10 y.uM 4 ilani &ioV raf3' ii,.c. ep.c. if.: Townships May Issue Bonds HAItRIBUL'Ba, -April M. - Oo'roor Brum bausl) today alinad I ho HaUwln bill giving- to aacoud-cUu tonaVlPa th am rlalua (bat are given to vltlea. boroiiclw ana acheol Ula trlcta to taaua boaos to obtain mooay for pub lic improvaoieota. i , Pottsrille to Sell School Ronds PHTTgl 1LUB. Ta. April 2 -Tha PottavUla School Bouiil aiithortui) ta luuaiu: of bonJa amvuntiiirf i" l5,i". Deaiios 4 par ctsc a i. ri-ni patatl- ailauoual!i ih procteda oi hj,'ii ahali I'u jpvrouruiej to lb orscUMi of ttu audllWu to (l'a illcb Scboul buliJlsg, T1IU SIXTH NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia. April S7th. 101S. The Director" have thla day declared a leml-annual dlviileml of 3 per rent., payable Muy lat. 1019. to itockhoidera at record at cloae ot bualneaa April 27th. 1010. Checks will be mailed. WU.UAM SALTKlt. Caahler. "OFHCEOK COitMKnt'IAL, TlVUST C07" .. . -- .,,.,,, Tr.'a, II,,IIHInr. Philadelphia. April 'JO, litis. At a inectlue of the Jiturl of Dlrov-tora helJ thla day. a uarlerly Illl blend uf 1'our (1) I'.r I'.nl. wn declared upon the ranltul ttnek ot the Company, payable on Jluy I, 1915, to phareholtterW of record on tho 30th "cuequea will ba jnrJIed, 11. W. 8TBIlrKflT. Aaaiatant Treaaury. "TTAUHIfr BTIIHBT NATIONAL HANK"" HOI JlarLet Klrcet Philadelphia. April 27th, 1013. Tho Directors ha thu day- declarod a .ami-annual dividend of oux (1) Per Cent., free ot tax, pabU May lat, 1013. to atoak. holders ot record at the cloae o( bualneaa April SQth. Checka will be mailed. v W. P. SINNBTT. Caaklw. 1'llANKI.lN NATIONAL HANK blladalphla. April 1010. The Olractora havo thla day declared a aemlanrtual dividend of tbrlit s) per rent., tree o( tax, payable lluy 1, mis, to etock. holdera of recurd at the tloae of bualneai April 30th. Chccka will be uutjad. E. P. PA88J10KR, Vice Proaldeot apd Caehjer. " tUU G1KAUU NATIONAI. HANK fldladelpbXa. April SO. ISIS. The Dlrcciore have thla day declared a dividend ot elabt per cent. (8K), free of tax, payable May 1. 1013, (o gtoakheldere of record at the cloae of bualaet April 23, 1815, vnecaa wiu oe maiieu. CUARLBM 11. ABUTON. CuUu, Sales in Philadelphia ttn M in m n fi.Vl l.tll WH) 4M) lltl ISO .in 115 lim.i 40 111 n lo il .in .an kii .-.il 272 1S2 m Dili) 1M llll Si) 11,1 inn 1027J 13-1 111 .1 Yes. clow. Am can -I1H ,m iiwyi prcr.iuw Am SiiKftr Uiildwin I.oe , dn pref Cam Htcl . . . C'ranitw te . . .. Klec Ktornire , Krlo lat piTf. dn 2d prcf . dm ABplDU 1KIT4 . M .1iill . wn, . 21 . r.2 . -tl sii ir.ji .lit M14 12 si '4 lo'i .iri'i nigh. I2'i iSJ .ti 1071 71 1av I'lOlT, lli ."S COiMMKKCIAL trust changes 100 112 .'?' r.o' 21 KS "J Of 2IH B a si .'Il ii 1). tn ijji ,.-'' V!V l.Vj il', h .-111, WW Rl' 111U Mn1 '" as 2111 100 112 r.in ii wh 41-1 :i 27;t 2I1 2iu 124 .1.. Jsj! .111 ,vs 12'l M'i, in'i ,1 r.-iu ni M 2151 .Si sii w mi mi itibii'A-M T.n is-tu. t.tn-iii 1 l.il" 1 i'"iti t.ij 1000 n IB00 2i-t riinn 2211110 UVII n on iron .H'lirn "nnn IOIMI r.ni rf 1 1l 72 nr.i o 1011(1 10111 1(1011 .'000 0' soi; so P4n ll'l'n snij, 1IHl 1112 ll'lV, lop, vn m mm 1111, 101 7i' nn 4 l.l-lll -II M'i a..' V.L-II B'I1JI1 .. i:i lnlKnw. M.I Oit Ins Co N" Am.! sti Kny Tel Co .... I.nlie Sun Corp l.llilRh N'uv .. Lfli Vnl Tr . ..'In pr Mlnchllt M K T .Nnrthern Cent., Net nda Con3 ,, Penn.i IVnua Rnlt Mfir. Ill I'hlla Co US l'l'IU 1-ileo .... '.'fS r 11 T tr etra l'ri-M Pt Car ii.iy i.-ons Itantllni... 11MI 11.I ... J1I Ten Jllu 7! Tenil Cnp . . t'nlon Tmetlon. a.Hi rnlled linn Imp M t' 8 Ktr-f-1, h Weal r.Icctrtr. . . 4IH4 Wnrwlek 1 ft H l4 West JA.. n'J lit priv. , nle. High. Taiw. rilijn. imi.i T.ni- lai .ii.i'ti i'.' i'" .'fi Ciuil St sep trtl7. 11714 mec ft P Tr la. 70 do scrip , Key Tel 1st ... . U-V4 l.li Nv enns 't'iis l l?h V ncn 11111 4s W) I, Vol Tr lot .11. liar. dn m f.a intis. ... t.r.. ii nn mm (.V.1.l'n 1 'M. iiw.ivi 1- - . .....- ...,..- hlln c irt r.. (ii;. inn tip ' '1 ilii rnna 4a.... SI'4 MH SI . SJ'i dn rna lb.a '0. .. do arlp rUl... ("1 , dn lids 02 '. I'hlln i:iw Sa.-.tnijii Head nen ! 0I' Srmn-Ain 1 nw. . 11 I'll Ilyii. t e 4s.. 7iy L'n lly lnv r.. . . Hi COTTON N'lJW VOIIK, April 2l.-tMtlnn nprned sje.idy Hit" mnrnlne. 1 In : imlnia iimlcr. lnm nlant a I,!.,.. nnd "Sinnlned nrniind ''" l;s'Hi-lnR tlm enrly ilcnttncx. Mil street nnd lr bniirs ivrre t "prln.li.nl kfIItk. The fiipinrt v-n" "nltend Tbl srinie fm tor eniis.il n ije illin ni l.herr-onl and lrBenm ho 'jinnnd. '' lllo spot nrtlele In Hint tiisrkel. , In the litn ii-ndln? Prlrrs eased nIT a trine riirtlier. Jnn tinry ilecllnlnB S nnd ntlier innnt ha .points. v v. ,..n I1iit.il. ll:a. 1J:.,U. .'1. N.1 ill's Ifl. r.iij Oi TO so imi nnii Nil. 1112 'i 102H KIIV. imi. si mm nn H2'4 1 01 1., mi. l'U 074 N.l W114 ITS tHi 4II1. or 7'l Sn II 111 nfi'J 102'. i ten 10lti no IKI 101'i. ni'. 101 7H4 (Sl ut in I""" in.2n in.its m.:i7 10. is 111.71 1II.S7 lll.HM 11. on 10..VI io.r.7 ir'.oi'i in.r. in. S7 10.111 lo.ni in.nd m.sri in.'!.-. 10. si ainv .in no ... i'lllV ... AllKUSt . . Oi'inlier Derend'i'r .inuuni-y (Mnri'li . ItlHtl . . Iltit. Kxtr.t Consolitlatctl Ons Dividend Ni:W YOltK. April 2!. - The Consolidated (Inn Cunpiiny today deilared nn eslrn dividend of 4 nf 1 per lent.. In addition tn tho roBiilur lunrlerly dlvlilrnrt of 1'. per cent., liudilnK n Inlal of IU per rent., p.iynble Juno 1.1 tn atnrlt of re. nrd May 12. tMvalilent Curtcloii, ejplalnlns Iho Ineroa.c, rays illvlilcnil.s ut the mln of s per icnt. and 10 per ceni. prr nniiiim were pnld Iwfnre the prlee of pas was reduced In Iron to SO cents a thnusiind rului- feel. Imnir'Hafly tbripuf rr tho dividend rate huh ledured tn I per rent. In DriTinbor. iniu. It wiia Inirriiacd to (1 prr cut per unniiin. "If," fi. Irt Mr. CnrtPlyou. "nn many recent dei'lalons Intllrnte. n rnto of 1 liar nut. pi r annum nn ni.it .1 Invrn cd in piildle utllitlr In dreiiiri' fair nnd ren.rmtii'c. then Ihe HlncXIinldrrs of Conanlldated Company nie elitllliNl In :nmrr Hie llrii-enip betiicii tlinl rule end the rule tirtuatly p.itil Klnre ,1une 1 IP'tll. wld'h illlTerem'o nninurita In the na-K-rKnle to 27 prr rnt.. ncnlnat nbleh noulcl lie credited Hie extra dividend of U of 1 prr trill, nbout to lir I'.'ild." Prrrca-'p. H..YU 170 1211.221 Ht.IW17.71Cl 7,lll.-i.K)H I' WKSTEftN. 51.inis,.-i7l i:i.i;7:i RAII.KOAJ) KAItNINGS CAN.vBlAN PACIFIC. llll.-.. Mnrrh crnas S7.Vi2.imn Net 2....:i.nir, 0 mnntha cross 7( Nrt 2.TIM.S.1S ClUCACiO OltKA March Krras Net ill I.Sil! it..-,n: li mnntlia' Brtias lu.n2:i.li7S 311, 17s Net , 2.710,r,Nl mi DUUUVAHE, LACKAWANNA & WKSTBItN. March mnsa KI.l Id. ISI fn.i.TM.t Act Mll,.li:i U months' grosj .".I.7:t.1.;72 :;ct n.sss.cn SEAUOAIU) Alii LINI3. March grnsa $2,072,212 Net (120 022 Il months' Erosa l.l.llls.217 Net .1,7:1(1.117(1 NASHVll.l.l-:, CHATTANOOC1A & ST. Several Promotions in Institution's StnlT Announced. Revernt elinnfrcs In the olTlclnl stnft ot tlio Commercial Trust Compnny, due to tlio rcslKtinlton of W. A. Ouilyltc ns vleo president nnd treasurer to nssoclntc him self wltli Drexel & Co., ivcro ntmounceil today following n meeting of tlio direc tors of tlio company. C. V. Llnewcftvor, former secrctnry, succeeds Mr. Obdyke. Other climiRcs were ns follows: 11. V. Htchfcst, nsslstnnl treasurer, was elected treasurer to siiccceil Mr. Obdylic. Sntmiel A. Crozcr, nsslstnnt sec retnry, was elected secretary to succeed Mr, Lliicwenver. Mark Vltlcox wts elected nsslstant treasurer lo succeed Mr. Crozcr. Mr. Wlllcox and Mr. Olbson botli havo filled Important clerical iiosltlotis with tho conipany. IRREGULAR CLOSE IN WHEAT MARKET Favorable Weather in France and Outlook in Australia Is Good. Ninv YoitK cuitn Drmtcn Urlllali-Anirrlenn Tobacco do new nnMflpId Cfinaotlilated ... (ireene Cniinnen li lime Lelilall Vrtliey Coal Hales. NIplKslnit , Otis l:pnlor , . ..ilu I'tpf ,,,', Illker-llaeeninn ......... Ktrrllni! (turn Tnltnri'o Prodiirts ,,, I'nlied cienr Mures , rtn pref , t'nlteil Pmnt now , World l'llm , Yukon (tnn old. Hid. Ak.l. . .mi s. 17 1l4 Jl'U INk . an :mv' . (i :& : . nn .lot .110 . " e 4 JA Tift, !H H ." 10; ico V I'itKNCH HANK STATEMENT ..i-Mi'..' ..Aprl1. "'-T,'0 follnvvlns urn the pi-lnrlpni Itema In emtptin-iit nf the Hank uf 1 mini' lur L-CK CIIlllll(- pril i'L' 1 I'm lira) r, .j .April 22 Gold 4.lnl,vKi.oiin (Silver :iii,::ivi, 1111 C'lrrulatlnn ll..i;in.tKiii,(ioii (lencrnl drpoaltn... 2,.'I2H.:!(k.i 11 llltla dlacuunti',1 ... 222.Oiki.ikki Trennurv drpuails.. .I'l.noo.ii 11 Advances ii.ii.,Kio.mni hxtclMeJ bills 2,.VS7.mM.ii(Ki (I'rnnrfll April 1.1 1. 22. Dial, nnn .!77,(Mi.(iim ll..KK)..Klll.mi0 2.:in,von,niii) 22!l,tl1lll,niK1 Kil.ion.niMi i;i;it,.-fln,o(io 2,(i.ii. ww.ono Would Stop Hip; Four Ilond Issue r.irn,i'r!nV.1?' ? Al'r" 2!'.-cii.irKlnp thai Hip lleielnnd. cinrlnnall. Chlraan nnd St. I."iil Itnllttny iIIIb 1'nur) la iitteiiiptlni; tn enpllsllan n nnn nf lla iralphii-ilnriia, nnd Hint 1111 errnrt Is lirlns niiiile t,, prrnilt .1. P. Murium & Cn. to srcni-p Hii.WKi.iKiii mrlh n.' aeiurlllpfl nl (in j;r rent, nr their value, .loarjih Pellll nnd I larrnee II. entier, of Xpw Vork, Morkhnld ers. tnd.iy npplted in Iho ftllltlea Cnminlrslon In reMeiv tla rerriit onlrr niithnrlttnR the com-p-iny to Iwue lno,0"0,0"0 wollli r Imnda nnd II similar nmnnr.t nr atoek. The lasunnre la part of 11 plan nhercby tho lllg Kour acnulre-i Ecveral other lines. NEW YOIJK COFFEE 3IARKET NBH' Yfllli;, April 21). The lorTpo market I'l'l'IlUH BlUltllJ e April Mny June luly Aunt'st .., September (iilnlipr .. November DPiTn-her Innimry . I'i lirimry, , March .... uTd. Todiy's openlni;. .-..iV.ii'l.'li 7.2o".'!,'.' 7..12 . 7.1HTis7 ji.io"; 7-.'(10 ! 7.707 ..K) Yesterday'a eloae. il.oi .... ii.oori!.ai (1. Infill 11 7. 2 in 7. 2.1 7.::ui7.:i2 7.r.sn7.:i:i 7. M1f7. in ".lllfi. I!l 7..12ffT..1 7..'oi7.Ih1 7.n.HV7.llil 7.72ff7.7.l NEW YORK BUTTER AND EOOS NI-TW Ynmc, April 211. IM'TTKH. Market itti'iidv; rrielpts. Mils puca.: pxtr.i, ::iiiiair., IdSlier sinrlnK, ,lti;,iia2r.: stnto dairy, .".Oc: 1m Itatlmi c-rniui'rv, 2t' i22e. IC'.riS. Mnrkrl iiremil.ir; rerelpts, an, MY PBHPa; eittm Urals. 2lm2l'4r.. rpRiilar narkel. iirnrln- whites, tsiiyw:.'!!-. : llrsta, 11ii.'(20'-,r. recular pai-kPil. infxeil cnlnr. 20l2lr., ualh pred; nearby lirnwns. 2tli172;',i-. ; eatra. Orala, 2l"i1722r alnraup; llrata. 2l1(21i.ie., alomse packed. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIICAC.O, April 211 linrirt-nrerlptH. 17.000 'llkp, -Trio-, hlpher. MIxpiI nnd buiehpri.' S7.R.1177 7.1: rnn, heavy, 7. iniT7.(Vi: rourb hrnvv, 7.l0fl7.a.1: ilBht. ,7 1(W(7.7.1; pics, Jil.111) 57.IH: hulk $7VIT,7.70. i-ATI 1.1; uei'PlI'ls. .i"ii MnrkPt ateailv. llppiea, ',riS.7.1: cows and heifers. t:iTtT lo Tfviina. .n.2.1tt7 .10; rnlvra, tunnfft 10. .UI:R'-Itpcelpts. i.nun, MarkptatPiidv. x. lUe nnd Western, ?."i.WM?S.M, lambs, 57.riO.Wl I OltlCAaO. Alirlf 23. After n. sriarn broitk nt tho openlnB, Mny wheat re covered ntul went nbovo tho final ef yesterday, nnd July followed tlio sama course. Tho closlnif was trrcxulnr. May showed n slight gnln, whllo there was a loss in July. Clilc.iRo wheat trailers' wcro mixed In their opinions ns to tho Immediate course of prices, owltift to tho uncertainty of tho disposition of this season's crop and tlio Irrcitular buying of now crop wheat by foreigners. Tho talk of seasonable moisture during April nnd the high temperatures existing cast of tho Mis sissippi Itlvcr nnd their effect on mead ows mill pastures nro believed to bo responsible for tho ndvanco In corn and iwits today. Tho provnllliiK wcnlhcr In Franco 1 re ported fnvornblc for crop development. Their offers nro light and reserves much under normal. . Australia repnts nn excellent agricul tural outlook with further Tnlnfalls. Tlio expoit Irndo received. 1,000,000 bush ids of old wlienl, 200.OI0 Imshcls of onta nnd 150,000 IiusIicIb of ryo for foreign coun tries, ns' a result of yesterday's sales. Argentina's estimated shipments of wheat for this week amounted to -1,800,000 liitshcls, ns cciinpnred with 6,l3S,0O0 bushels of gtnlti Inst week. Last yenr nt this time only VC.Onn tiushcls wcro exported. LeailliiK fiiturea roiiKcd na follows. Wlipnl t,,n. lllnl. In... f-l... .,M. ........ VI" ," ....II, ...... V.IIV. HU.Cl MV t.il'-i l.ld'll I.OIH t,m "LB'-ill .'"Y .., .$! l..ts i.isjZ t,3nw M..17M t-eniemher ..1.2(1 1.201; l.Sflff tl.20!4 M.20ii "rn (new delivery) 7ns 7711 t77V, M, l?ii tl?l s!l nsS tisg -1SS Mny July Scii'rmbcr 0.118 Mny .... tidy . . . , September l,.ird- M-iv July Spptrmber I libs May .... July SPinrmher ..lo.lfl 1'nrk May 17.r.7 July li. 12 Heniemher , .ia,no Illd. -tAsked. s-j-.. 1 i-s i". miV, VU.J M f-l ti nin; r..iv, 4S1J ..10.10 ..111.1(1 ..10.00 . . 10.21 . .10.01 m.17 tl) 12 10.07 10.no 10 its 10.0,1 10.12 M0.12 tlO.1.1 10.40 10.4O 10.411 10.02 10.03 flOJB 10.2.1 10 30 I'M 10..' 0.2.1 .10 30 41 OJ 11.00 tio.n.1 fin.; 0.S7 10.93 flO.i 11 2.1 IS. 70 17.17 '17.07 tir.,15 1'.12 110.2.1 tIMII 1S.07 18.C1 18.82 Standard Investments Send for our Circular No. L-123, which con tains a list and descrip tion of a number of standard investments which are proving pop ular with private in vestors and banks. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street '.'"v York Chlcnpo Buffalo H atnn Londnn, rjng. naltlmoro :;20.:i.vi .'170,51.1 f 1 1.1.2:1s 1 1 I.K. 12 .1.2 1 1.IK17 i..i!ii..'iin I.CIUIS. .March sinss $H2:i,2.17 Jliui.i'.v Net I10..VI7 10U.2H1 Nino mnntlis' Ern i,2si.i;n2 l.lll.-.'Ul Net 1.111.P7I1 IHO. Hi CIIICAHO OltKAT WKSTnilN. Third neek April 52ni.(i.i.i s-:n,4(.i) 10m July 1 ll,.':ui,72s V.-j;:i;,ii i HICACiO. INDIANAl'OLIS A lJ1i:iSVII.l,K. March cross f.l.m,722 S.1.1.17; Net 107,10.1 .1il.7Hi 11 moiuiis cross 1, mi. ...1.1 :is.i.:iii .V"t Increase. 1.345,0.81 8,8.M NEW ISSUE Wc own and offer, subject to prior sale $500,000 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY AV2 SECURED GOLD NOTES Due Juno 1, 1917, and June 1, 1313 PRICE ON APPLICATION Description on request. Delivery about June 1st. CHAS. C. HARRISON, Jr. & CO. BANKERS FIFTH AND CHESTPiUT STS., PHILADELPHIA Members Philadelphia and New Vork Stock Exchanges. J Three-Year 5 Gold Debentures Province of Saskatchewan' Dominion of Canada To Yield 5 Dated February t, 19:5 Due February 1, 1918 The following will be of interest to investors: The Province of Saskatchewan, the principal agricultural centre in the Dominion of Canada, has an area of 250,650 square miles or about five times the size of New York State. The population of the Province as Riven by the last official census taken in 1911 was 492,432, an increase since 1901 of over 4392J. This is the most rapid growth in the same period of any other Province in the Dominion. The present estimate of the population is 691,000. The chief industry of Saskatchewan is agriculture, the four principal grain crops being wheat, oats, barley and flax. The average yield of wheat, the principal crop for the whole Province, is estimated to be 12.42 bushels per acre nnd with this yield the acreage for 1914 gives a total production of 74,610,643 bushels valued at $66,030,419. The wheat production of this Province is more than nil the rest of Canada combined. The net per capita debt of the Province is $21.21. The per capita value of the crops alone in 1914 was in excess of six times the net per capita debt. The steam railway mileage or Saskatchewan for the year 1913 was 4,651, an increase of 129 from 1907. This is the greatest increase, in the same period, of any of the provinces of the Dominion. Notwithstanding the large increase in population, the enormous grain crop and ottfl important features, there is still about 87 of the territory of the Province available for settlement. H Revenue of the Province for 1913-14 (14 months) '.,..,.,, $7,310,383 Annual Dominion Government Subsidy (included in above) 1,710,300 The following statement shows the financial condition of the Province as it will appear upon the completion of the present financing. Financial Statement Gross debt.,,., , , ,, $24,687,367.31 Less sinking funds ...,.,., $439,046.55 Regina loan ,..,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,, 490,275,00 -. - Co-operative Elevator Loans..,,..,,.,.,., 1,848,000.00 ' Telephone...., ,.,.,, , ,,. 7,152,000.00 Drainage District Debentures,,..,,,.,,...,.,,, 100,000,00 10,029,321,55 Net Debt , ...."..."... $iA6584S;76 A descriptive clrtutar tanta'intnt urther Information may be had aCreoyett The Equitable Trust Co. of New York 37 Wall Street, New York A. B. Leach & Co. E. H. Rollins & Sons 115 So, Fourth St., Philadelphia 43 Exchange Place, Nevr Vork New York Boston Chicago Boston Chicago San Prarjeisco Ns , a lii'll r ""i? 7 i