Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8
8 4 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1915; 28, t lEUEttiug g& 5a.?r PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CTTltJS It. It CUHTIB, PitasiMNT. Cberl-s 11. Liidlnitton.Vlee-pMtlilentiJohn C. Martin, fnSIKSZ BrUir?.''' rt""p s- dc"""-,ohn EDITORIAL BOAIID! Ctacs It. K. Cluhs, Chairman. P. II. WHALBT.. Executive Editor JOHN O. MARTIN .General Business Manarer r-ibllthed dally at rcBtic Lrnorit Building-, Independence Square, Etilladelphla. LtMtR Cz.NTa.L,.,,,, Dread nnd Chestnut Street Atlantic Cur Preta- Union Building N.w ToK.....t 170-A, Metropolitan Toner CmcAoo.. 81 Homo Insurance Bulldltift London 8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S. W. NEWS BUIIEAUS: WashiSmton BnasAU The rnl lluiiainr Nuw York ncREit; The Ttmra Building BiiMM IH-ne.tu no Frllrlcrntrn- London Uudcac 2 fall Mall East, S. w. Plata BoaiAn 33 Hue Loun lo amnd SUBSCRIPTION Tnn.MS By carrier, DAtLi O.sti, nix cent. By mall, postpaid eutelde of Philadelphia, except where foreign postage It required, Dailt Onlt. one month, twenty-live cents; Diilt ONtv, on year, three dollars niy.nve cents; All mall sub- cripuons payaoie in anvanre BELL, nOOO WALNUT KEYSTONE. MAIN 3000 IFF Addnts all communication to Evening Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia. ZNTEltZD AT TUB FU1LADEI ftllA rOSTOIFICr IS SECOND' CUSS MAM, MATTKU. rUilADLLI'IIIA, wnit!DA. APRIL 211, 1015. -A deluge o words is like a deluge of u,atcri It runs iu without accomplishing any good purpose. An Attempt to Prevent City Development THH Farley bill might properly be en titled nn act to prevent the physical development of Philadelphia. If thcro can bo no city planning for more than a year la advance there can bo no city planning at all, except of a niggardly sort. States manship looks years ahead. A Parkway project cannot be achieved In a few months. It may bo, of course, that the gradual condemnation of property Is- a hardship to tho owners, but It must be remembered, on tho other hand, that tho hardship to tho city would bo a greater ono were a few property owners able to hold up any and all comprehensive plans for city betterment. Other great countries liavo long ago Im pounded a part of the Increased value of real estate, but here, following liberal prin ciples, Government still permits owners to keep for themselves tho full Increment re sulting from the massing of population. The gathering together of thousands of people gives the property its value, but tho citizens in the aggregate do not receive the profit. It goes to private owners. In view of this fact, it Is Intolerable that property owners should translate this privilege Into a right to veto the physical improvement of a great city. Yet that, In effect, is what the Farley bill proposes. Tthere is nothing for the House to do, of course, but kill the measure. That is what It will do. Great Britain's Attack on King Alcohol WHILE disagreeing on details tho British Cabinet is agreed that there must bo ( rigid restrictions on the sale of Intoxicants, especially directed against spirits. This has become necessary as a war measure. Not only is it proposed to restrict the consump tion of spirits, but the brewing of light beers Is to bo encouraged, so that those who feel the need of a little alcohol may get it in as harmless form as possible. Tho proposition to prohibit tho sale of all Intoxicants was rejected at tho beginning as Impracticable and unnecessary. But closer regulation was imperative in Groat Britain as well as in Franco, Russia and Germany. The plan of the Cabinet will hav to pass the test of discussion In tho House of Com mons' before it can be enforced. Indeed, tho Ministry, awaro of tho impossibility of any successful regulation of tho traffic which did not have popular approval, decided to put the whole matter up to Parliament in tho form of conservative proposals, which could bo defended by reasonable men. The Way to Bo Discreet IF SOME ono offers to you tho red-hot end of a poker, you do not have to grasp it. You may push It asldo with the fire shovel or any other handy Implement. This is what tho Administration seems to be trying to do with the Rtggs Bank suit. Word comes from Washington that tho action of Comptroller Williams Is entirely within his discretion and that the policies of the Administration are not involved. Mr. Williams thinks he has certain powers and the bank thinks ho has exceeded them. It remains for tho court to decide. It also remains for tho country to decide whether the Administration has successfully dodged the poker. Always Backing Up Typt. JOHN P. CONNELLY and other J.VX Councllmen, it appears, see flaws In tho new housing bill. Thcro are some leaders In this part of the country Just now who are the best little flaw-pickers that ever blossomed Into notoriety. There Is nothing constructive that they cannot spy a (law In it. They have nightmares about transit programs, and when they get through nullifying a statute of the State they ehlver In nts of approhenslon lest their obstructionist tactics be not ontlrely successful. But what Is needed now Is not a flock of buzzards to guzzle and stuff themselves on the corpses of projects that have been stab bed In the back. It la. Indeed, a time when constructive genius Is required, when men are wanted not to Bhow how a thing cannot bo done, but how it can be dono; not to de vitalize, but to vitalize; not fumers and fret ters, but doers. It is quite possible. In fact, that the people are tired of leaders who are always" backing up and will Insist on having In their stead men who will Jump out In front and get somewhere. Investment In Health IF A man la spending all his income for food, clothing and shelter for his family bow much ought he to spend for outdoor recreation for them In hot weather? Thousands of heads of families will have to answer this question during the next few months. And it wU not be an easy task. It ' Is Important that the wife and the children get out Into the open when the weather Is pleasant. The more outdoor air they breathe In the warm months the fewer doctor bills will there bo to pay In the cold months. The head pf the family must decide to make an investment In health now, so that it may '.".carn dividends later. He can curtail on ex- . pensive and heavy foods, for In hot weather ,)t is better to eat lightly than to clog the if system. What he saves In this way can be spent on outings and some of his savings on fuel for hat might well be Invested in the mm roannar. A, Iqsg trolley ride in th country, frequent trip to $irwonnt Park, and even tha ex- mittmmt, at a Jitney Jaunt up and down -FfrnM attt, we better toau Staying cooped up at home. These recreation nro within reach of the most modest Incomes. Those with more money to use would do well to And an Inexpensive placo In tho country whore the family can stay for a few weeks while the mother gets some tellef from tho dally burden of looking after tho meals. Roll Uf a iMafenificcnl Majority Nc 0 ARGUMENT Is needed to prove that Philadelphia needs rapid transit. Tho fact Is self-evident, not only to thousands upon thousands who day after day hang on straps nnd lose Valuable time through slow surface transportation, but also to students of city development, all of whom agree that an absolute essential of metropolitan growth and extension Is a system of cheap, quick and adequate transit. Tho plan evolved for the Uso of Philadel phia Is conspicuously excellent. Its basis Is a comprehensive linking of all parts of tho city, tho ono to tho other. It provides for great trunk lines, to bo sorved by surface feeders. It brings absolutely every section of the city nearer to the centre. No part Is unprovided for. It docs more than this. It contemplates tho elimination of the Intolerable exchango ticket evil. It provldea a universal flvo cent fare, putting every part of Philadelphia within a nickel's distance of every other part. It wipes out all discrimination nnd brings to the transit situation a unity nnd orderliness in markod contrast to the chaos that once existed and still to a considerable extent ex I its. The lonn to be voted on tomorrow, It Is true, is not specifically In accordance with the Taylor comprehensive plan, but It Is not opposed to It save In ono detail, tho exten sion to Hhawn street. Otherwise it provides for essential parts of tho Taylor program. To translate It later into the full Taylor plan will bo no Insuperable task for the elec torate. Moro Important even than a favoratilo result tomorrow will bo tho magnitude of the vote cast for tho loan. It Is tho first chance tho people have had to speak tholr mind on tho subject, the first opportunity afforded them to show how vital to their inteiosts they consider this Improvement. It behooves them, therefore, to turn out to tho polls in force to record so overwhelmingly their sentiment nnd roll up so magnificent a ma jority that neither Councils as a whole nor any Individual Councilman will thereafter be in any doubt whatever of tho political de struction awaiting opposition to rapid transit In Philadelphia. It Is a simple thing that tho peoplo now have to do to assure the fulfilment of their wishes. Apathy alone can muddle the situa tion. Let even- citizen mako it the first duty of the day to vote. The peoplo at last have tho solution of tho transit Issuo in tliftlr own hands. On Being Gold-bricked SOME manufacturers at Harrlshurg are re ported to be of the opinion that they were gold-bricked. The Organization took their money last full, yet it permitted the child labor bill to bo reported out and there Is everj' reason to behove that it will pass the Senate. The public last fall was given to under stand that tariff protection was what the manufacturers wanted, not protection against an entirely fair and square child labor law. If some manufacturers had a different under standing, it is unfortunate for them. Dut it is better that they should be grld-brickcd than that tho Commonwealth should bo tho victim of confidence men. Let's Be Glad It Is No Bigger EVEN the bitterest opponent of tbo Admin istration must be glad at tho prospect that tho Government will close tho fiscal year with a smaller deficit than was feared. This is because it is our Government and not the Government of any political party. Tho men In charge of it at tho present time hnppen to be Democrats, but they are doing our business for us nnd we nro glad that they are not doing it any worse. The accumulation of a deficit of $100,000.0"0 would bo most discouraging If there were no way to reduce It before the end of tho year. But the Income and corporation taxes have not yet been paid. Tho rovenue from these two sources is likely to reach the sum of $50,000,000 before tho end of June and less than $13,000,000 of It hot been received So the apparent deficit of $100,000,000 today Is In a fair way to be reduced to $30,000,000 or thereabouts. When one considers all that has happened to cut down the national revenues ono should rejoice that it Is possible to end the financial year with so small a balance on the wrong side of the ledger. Roosevelt was not one of tho bossed, but one of the bosses. When we have June In April we may ex pect to have April In May, It does not seem possible to decide whether It is more important that the convention hall should be ornamental than that it should be useful. "Only 10 per cent, of the habitual drug users acquired the habit from medicines pre scribed" by their physicians." But is not 10 per cent, too many? Argentina could sell the Moreno to Greece without violating any rule of neutrality. And when Greece got the ship she could do with It what she pleased. But Argentina rofuses to Bell. The class In political history may now re view Its course to discover how much It has forgotten of recent events. The Colonel Is tho chief instructor thus far, but Barnes will soon correct the errors in the first professor's version. A German physicist has discovered a new substance, which he calls "brevium." There will not be so great demand for it as there will be for brevity when. In a few months, the heroes begin to tell how they ended the war. Colorado women do not smoke, but since they have hacj the ballot a special brand of campaign candy has been prepared every year to offset the campaign cigars distrib uted by the men. Before the women have voted many years longer they will see to it that tbo candy Is better than tie cigars. ( THE TIME TO BEGIN WITH COMPENSATION If Pennsylvania Waits for a Bill Satisfactory to Everybody in Every Particular It Will Wait Till Doomsday. By RAYMOND G. FULLER IF THE Pennsylvania Senate falls to pass tho workmen's compensation bills It will stigmatize the State ns unprogresslve and re actionary. Thirty American Commonwealths have already left Pennsylvania among tho minority, Pennsylvania cannot afford to stick In tho mud of tho good old anti-eco nomic times of devil toko the hindmost. Tho Legislature should not hesltato to give up Its present distinction of directing tho only largo Industrial Commonwealth In America which has not yet put workmen's compensation on Its statuto books. Disagreement Over Details In somo particulars tho compensation bill (which should bo understood as including tho several supplementary bills) is doubtless Imperfect and disagreement of opinion con cerning details is inevitable, but theso facts nro no argument for procrastination. No other State can bo taken as an exact pattern for Pennsylvania to follow. Tho main principles governing compensation methods nro well established, and they have been observed in tho drafting of tho bill now before tho Senate at Harrlshurg; but tho only way of perfecting It In the matter of detalle Is to make It a law and try It out. Tho thing for tho Legislature to do Is mako a start with workmen's compensation to begin with tho measure at hand, and not to wait for another. The guidance which other States can furnish linn been totally utilized; thero is no further aid for Pennsylvania's lawmakers except Pennsylvania's own ex perience. Other States have dono tho hard work of pioneering. The perfecting of compensation machinery is In process, according to tho conditions and needs of the Individual States. There Is no thought of going back to the old employers' liability system. Tho employers do not want to go back. They accept the prlnelplo of compensation. They have learned from experience thnt their early oblectlona to the new method of nccl dent Insurance arose from groundless fcarn. They have recognized tho advantages of the new method. Tho question of the all-round desirability of workmen's compensation Is no longer at Issuo. In every one of tho com pensation States theso are the facts. A "Satisfactory" Law Only tho Influence of Pennsylvania em ployers can defeat tho bill Identified with ono of the leading platform pledges of Gov ernor Brumbaugh. Not only have tho em ployers nothing to gain by obstruction; they have much to lose. Tho sooner workmen's compensation Is put Into operation tho bet ter for all concerned. General satisfaction with the Massachusetts net is increasing year by year in the Bay State, partly be cause of the eradication of defects by means of amendment. Pennsylvania is bound to have a compensation law somo day, and certainly a satisfactory statuto will not be brought nearer by failure to tako any ac tion at all, especially when tho opportunity is present at Harrlshurg for making a much better start than was possible for the States which went ahead several years ago and Just as good a start as Pennsylvania will over be able to mako. THE CRY OF THE CHILDREN Pennsylvania Has Persistently Refused to Hear It. By FLORENCE L. SANVILLE It seems almost Incredible that thero should still be In Pennsylvania a group of men able or willing to contend for tho right to subordinate the needs of children to tho conveniences of industry. Already 21 States, Including tho most Important In dustrial competitors of Pennsylvania, have taken tho action long overdue the children of our State and have reduced their legal hours of work to 48 In a week and 8 in a day. Matters of Inconvenience "If you pass this radical legislation we cannot compete with less hampered States," argued opposing manufacturers before tho Legislature seven years ago. At the last Legislature they pleaded the same story, although In the meantime practically all tho most powerful competitive States have gone ns far as or further than Pennsylvania was being urged to go. We nro asked to continue tho 10-hour day and 54-hour week for these children In order to avoid tho Incidental Inconvenience to manufacturers In arranging tho longer day of the adult. If the Governor and friends of tho children In the Legislature and through tho State have their way no such Inhuman Inconveniences will longer be tol erated. In 1848 the manufacturers of the Stato protested against the passage of a 10 hour law for children, threatening that "the act would drive Philadelphia factories over to Camden." With New Jersey factories, as 1 MARCONI OF GUGLIELMO MARCONI, who landed In this country the other day, is full of news. He tells us much concerning the temper of his countrymen in re gard to the war; but by no means the least inter esting report which he brings is that about the use of wireless telephony In directing the move ments of warships and armies. SIgnor Marconi himself has made his tory; he has made news, for wireless Is Marconi's invention. It Is almost startling to discover that this man 13 only 41 years old. True, we all talk of the pres ent as "the age of young MARCONI men," and when Marconi broke into fame wo remarked, "Hqw young he Is!" But so much has come out of his harnessing of the ether forces, so many bly eventa and big develop merits, that It seems as If Marconi could be no longer young. And he is yet hardly over 40, In boyhood Marconi showed ability in me chanics somewhat above that of the average lad, but until he was 20 he knew little more of electricity than most youths of bis age. It was then, however, that he became Interested In the work of Professor Heinrich Hertz, a German scientist, who, in attempting to dis cover the nature of electricity, accidentally Produced electromalriaila vnv --j ,.,,... their presence in tha ether by means of a wiro SSL iiastw v A S iff m, I r elm m ". Jcfl. ii$mi ' c f ' ir riall& W 1 vvv wWMm , t iIIaW ? w mini wr t iflip&i 'wwJrf'i'-T''"''v''",'''i',J,''" - : ' well no those of all our bordering States, now enforcing an S-hour day no more orig inal argument seems to be advanced by tho opposing employers In Harrlshurg T5 years later! Tho one all-pervasive argument, not con fined to nny Industry or any group, is tho simple statement: "The wages of theso chil dren arc needed at home." The poverty ex cuso for child labor is coexistent with tho first efforts at child labor reform nnd has run throughout Its history. With Increasing clearness and from official and non-official sources, through the years, has light been cast on this dark side of tho child labor problem. While no complete presentation of the facts thus revealed is possible here, this we know: That, after tho frequently suppo sititious cases of poverty have been counted out, thcro does remain a group wheio, in fact, tho wages of tho children 'seem neces sary to maintain family life. But tho prob lem of this group Is not in any sense mot by tho meagro earnings of the 14-year-old child. It is a problem to bo solved intelli gently by far different constructive methods, whether it bo through workmen's compensa tion, mothers' pensions or other measures yet to bo devised. Placing the burden of family support un der modern Industrial conditions on an un prepared child may partially solve the Im mediate problem; but it usually creates a still graver ono to be settled eooner or later by the community through criminal court, tuberculosis sanatorium, workhouse or asy lum for tho insane. Among tho Last There Is every reason why Pennsylvania should have been among tho first rather than tho last of the States to guard their young workers with adequato care. Tho Fedeial census of 1910 revealed that there were moro children between tho ages of 14 and 16 years omployed in Pennsylvania than in any other State. In the various branches of tho textile industry alone over 11,000 girls and boys were found working, with moro than seven times that number in all the industries of the State. This more than triples the record of textile Massachusetts and nearly doubles that of New York. The same unenviable leadership Is maintained in the actual proportions of working children to adults. Pennsylvnnlans can no longer be persuaded that the future of the mighty industries of tho Keystone State depends upon overtaxing the undeveloped bono and musclo of her children. MY GARDEN A garden Is a lovesome thing, God wot! Rosa plot. Frlng'd pool, Fern'd grot The veriest school Of peace; and yet the fool Contends that God is not Not God! In gardens! when the eve is cool? Nay, but I have a sign; TIs very sure God walks In mine, Thomaa Edward Brown. THE WIRELESS O hoop so broken that the electricity sparked across the gap. Not even Hertz himself realized the tremen dous Importance of his discovery. Men like Professor Lodge, Lord Kelvin and Sir William Preece talked of it, but It remained for the young Italian dreamer to Jump across the gap of years of scientific study and make practical the most Important discovery since Faraday Invented the Induction coll. Tha thought came to Marconi that here waa a principle which should be applied to communication oyer great distances. The Idea, as we look back on It ,now, seems absurdly simple. Hertz detected a spark In a broken hoop, a few feet away from the flash of an induction coll. Why didn't he get a better detector than a broken hoop and a better transmitter than a small Induction coil, and send out flashes in suob a manner that the detector would record a message? ThS only answer Is, he didn't do It. Why didn't Lodge or Kelvin or Preece or any one of boats of famous scientists utilize Hertz's discovery? Kie answer is, they didn't. It remained for a young man, unknown and Inexpert, to grasp the possibilities. He ex pected some one else to do It, he waited for some one else to do it He did not know who It would be, for th'e surprising reason that to him the great scientists were unnamable. He was not acquainted wltlj their work or even their names except Hertz's. He was not an electrician. He1 held no academic or scientiflo degree. But seniun burped within him, and he began ta experiment for himself. That was in pesemPW, 1S94, - '.'. . m A "STRENGTH TEST S BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA DIGEST OP (1) McClure'o "The Man From tho Front." (2) Masses "Submarines." TWO WAR STORIES WITH tho coming of spring, the magazine tvar-story season has opened. It will be a long season, no doubt, laBtlng for months nnd years after the last cartridge hns been fired and the last wound healed. But it was slow In opening, and took nearly nine months to mature First in the war literature of the rnaBa zlnes camo analysis of the causes and ef forts to place tho responsibility. Descrip tions followed of mobilization, of besieged cities, of tho trenches under flro. This month thero are somo real war stories. Arthur Stringer puts some clever psychology In- his "Man From the Front," in McCluro's (1): Summing up tho story briefly: The "man" is Gruellch, a dilettante and adventure-seeker, who had been overtaken and caught in the thick of war as ho motored through Belgium with his chauffeur-valot- handyman. The chauffeur "got a bit of shrapnel under his ribs" and has been taken straight to tho hospital. Gruellch, who has Just returned to America, has agreed to meet half a dozen old friends at the club at midnight, and tho men gather eagerly, Bcontlng a good yarn, for Gruellch la a fa mous raconteur. Tho preparation for his ontranco is well handled tho sumptuous club, tho midnight hour, tho sophisticated New York clubmen, their Impatience as they wait, which Is whetted by Mylott, who had met Gruellch at tho steamer that after noon, and who repeats snatches of the halr ralslng experiences told him by tho chauf feur while Gruellch was away arranging for a stretcher and ambulance for the man. Thero was a concerted movement and murmur of greeting as Gruellch catered tho room. The members were not given to effusiveness. Gruel lch was In evening dress and as Immaculate as ever. But thero was a difference. When he shook hands, silently and solemnly, his hand was Uko a dead fish. He waited In a moment of staring Indecision, and then settled Into hUi chair with an audible sigh, The others stood about waiting. It wrs the Senator who spoke, "You must have had qulto a trip, Gruellch," he prompted in his chesty baritone. The others stood about like penguins, watching the newcomer's face. It was quite without color. "Which trip?" asked Gruellch without so much as turning his head. His voice seemed as listless as his eyeB. "Over there, in the war zone," again prompted the Senator, "qulto a time of It I imagine, eh?" A barricaded look came into GrueUch's face, "Yes," ho finally and slowly acknowledged, "qulto a time of it," An un broken silence reigned for several minutes. It was Marr who spoke next. "You saw a good deal of the fighting over there, Mylott tells me." Grucllch's spare body heaved with a small slsh. "Yes," he said at last, without emotion. "You're tired, old man, a bit tired?" suggested the anxlous-eyed Mylott. "No, I'm not tired, You see I had a nap before I came up here. I I find I sleep a great deal these days " "I Imagine you'd need It, Gruellch, after come of those nights you went through," suggested the Admiral, "Yes," nssented Gruellch, "I seem to need It." "Which was your worst night over incrov inquired spayer. "The worst?" echoed Gruellch. He sighed again. "They all seemed about the same," he said. "I wish your fire wouldn't crackle that m Gruellch finally complained out of the silence "Why?" demanded Crotty. "I don't know why," was the listless answer, "bqt it seema to bother me." "Bemlnd you of the cr-r-rack of a mitrailleuse?" deliberately interrogated Bpayer, whoso patience had been exhausted, Gruellch did not answer. But the next moment they saw him cover his face with his hands, and then draw them slowly downward with a scarcely perceptible quivering movement of the body, "I I can't talk about It," he said In a sort of awed whisper, as he sat staring Into the flames raptly, dumbly, as unconscious of the circle about him as if he were alone on the Sahara. And as he stared vacantly and Inanely Into that fire, tears could be seen dropping slowly from his face and watery eyes. Ho made no effort to hide them, for he was as unconscious of them as ha was of the watchers about htm. Ho did not appear to be actually weeping. He merely appeared to be tired, tired to the extent of an ultimate in difference, which left him oblivious of his attitude and his environment- His mind seemed a long way off. Somo one in the shadowy background sighed audibly, and a soda B'Pnon """d. But Gruellch still sat. perched on the edge of the massive chair, star ing mutely into the Are. An Agitator in the Ranks Ernest Poole, a young New Yorker, au thor of the popular "Harbor." which has run tbrdugh six editions in tho six weeka since it appeared, has been war corro apondtnir, too, and he baa written a. real war -storjr fer tha Haajea jx sbJLch mhAbs THE MAGAZINES -.1 added Interest from belnr- a true ratlitj , """" "' o gives a searchinr picture of tho "between times" of warfarl when, relaxing from the tension of the fl -k uno, as ne is shifted from one battli front to another, the soldier hnv - .1 oll 1 ,. ... ..-- . "" v HV,1 -. . ... ullc ,, ol xao railway cari ...- n.,u atopn to tntnit, perhaps forthl first time in tho hurry and confusion of l! mi, since ne joined the colors: With a rush, eorno nix or eight peaiint soldiers scrambled Into the compartaentTinS were wet and muddy and worn. In Its. thiS five minutes they sat with mouths open, fut " " mi. Jio uin not look Uk i pcasant-ho looked moro like a factory haul There was something so lean and hungry, it intensely eager in his eyes. Ho did not notlci mo watching him, for with an almost HrjM intensity be was studying the faces of toil peasant comrades with whom he had tj thrown. He seemed to study them one by cm, s e stopped at a station and they all amkv Tho group began to talk. There was talk ek trenches, of deep mud and water, and mci ,.i7 .i "' a onoi cnarge In whlcn he. m i killed 10 Frenchmen. Then followed soma 1 ' uuuui a apaue. Home one In the Oeraia trenches. It seemed, held up a spade ivtrii morning, anil presently from tho Frencl 1 trenches nn answering spade appeared, where upon both French and Germans climbed out i of their holes, and there was a truce of II 1 minutes-one of tho toilet arrangements of till war, Flnnlly somebody wondered how lcc tho war was going to last. And then the km. faced man, tho watcher, began to talk S theso comrades whoso faces he had studied bo carefully, ono by one. His talk at first mi careful, too. "We're a hard crowd of fellofi to beat," ho declared, nnd to this the othert promptly agreed. "But so aio the French and the English," ho added, "and I think the wii will last for years. And when It Is over what will we get out of It?" Ha talked about war taxes. He asked eaci peasant what tax ho had paid on his farm before tho war. Then he said the taxes wou'J be doubled for years to come, and the lon( the war lasted, the longer and the header would b the taxes to be paid. "But that i not our Kaiser's fault," said a stout, good: natured peasant. "It is tho fault of EngUd and the French nnd Russians, Don't you knoi they started tho war. the devils?," "TW Governments did," said tho lean-faced mm "But I've talked with some of those fellowi when we took them prisoners. The FrescS are good fellows, like oursolveB." "Yes, tbej are good follows," the good-natured peanut agreed. "And they did not start the war. U Itussla, the Czar, ho started it off. becaust tho workingmen up in Petersburg were maUni mm trouble; they even had barricades in tai streets. So he started tho war to stop the! Btrikes. And In Franco It was the fat CathoU? priests and all tho rich people who want king. In England, I read in the paperi, tb(J have had a hard time to get the worklnjmA to enlist." "They ar eownrrts." said a neasant "It. but they did not start the war. I tell youttJjf war was Btarted by a lot of fat rich jxwS .ana we are the fellows who have to get m And If wo don't get killed, by God. hnv In nnv ivn lti.nl An4 think Of tH widows we'll have to help. All the feilefil who are killed are leaving in every vuw widows and little brats who will have t M fed. And the villages will have to feed ttf And that will mean more taxes. And tM Iflnra. nil .Vila flnl.,ln . .... ttlA Tn-ratlXii .-..out , wtto 4iillll!t, fauca w, iwv ....- i we will have to Day." ; All tho faces were gloomy now. Tha natlir-H nQun -IaI 1rr Viilt rat HO VL sponsp. "Well, we're In for it," so"'110!! growled. "All tho same," said the iean-i.t tnnn T'II Vta rln .,-.. .liA-a'a nflr. Ill Hi glad when we all Jump up out of the trwchj! I ana all the French fellows do the eanw. yj we all run across and shake hands wiw , other." "That will be fine," said the p t1oiii.i1 Knnnn. i.TTTMt J l an rtrtrl U U ! n-dtt 1- riifH irj.. .IU.a In air ftnnt lUt S the sneaker reDlled. "What?" "Some JtW! told me that where ho was our men .JZ ann-a n J ,U . -n.-At. .11.4 ,frA cam- find U- ...V.V., WIU KIB flCm.U UIU --...-. - hf iney ran out ana all shooK nanus. rgj dloillke this at the trenches." He made fgl at which they all laughed. But the lauPjEjll Bioppeq, ana tnere was a tense sunn - can't do that to your officers," growM 1 man uneasily, "It'a a lie and it never m pened," said another peasant. "You 5 making it up." "Perhaps It is a He." s,yj nnenWor "hut Ihgl la tvhnt tha fehW slf Ho threw a vigilant glance along the f!! races. i "And when you come to think of t'.'' a continued ouletlv. "It la not so bad what fellows did. You must obey your t&u"',3 cause this is war, and if we f eliowi flj ooey, everything would an do rni a the French would charge and kill us . 'S if whole regiments everywhere J"mP?;j5: or me trencnes, as ne saia, ana an w- "& men did the same, and we met In the Pjr; of the field, then there would be war bo Pg and no need of officers." . d5fl There waa a long, uneasy silence, "s like this talk," muttered tbs good-natured JH t. 41 in 11U UUU l l, j j.f, are right, brother," another growled. r Will get us a into trpUDie. ne "'. m unorlTv In tha innalnv. "F.OOk OUt' ., there's no trouble," the speaker repU Just told you what the fellow saia, ri t.- . , VA - TlrBt. lie waul wrpn am- pei-uupa v " .--- Wilt auout omettilns else insieau . The lean-faced man had ?"! paper with a relieved expression. ;r ba bad put tbrousb. his 300 iw