Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    Mrr- wp-?apjwr -
Lphladelphia nnd Spotless
Town Win u oyiiunyiiiuus
I Terms in Near Future.
f Father Penn's hat Is In tho rlns. Fur
fthermore his sleeves aro rolled up, and
lhero grim nerannuicu expression on
rt.li face. He out wiin n. oie suck, ioo,
A itg got brlatleo on the end being a
broom. By his side there's a mop and a
'pall, nd, though some people scorn man
'.,! labor as beneath them, It's plain to
"... that he's Just aching to get busy on
Ithe gigantic Job that soon will confront
From all of the Btreet cars and from the
pavilion In City Hall courtyard this pic
ture of Papa- 'enn stares at the citizens
of Philadelphia, and It Is but one of the
wayB being used to advertise tho nearness
of the third annual municipal houscclean-
fu, nt Monday tho crusado beglnB. It
will 181 six days. And such a metamor
phosis IS cxpeticu 'Ui'-;1"' j
man leaving town on tho 2d of May and
SLimf hnclc on tho Oth will think himself
i. iMim of a strange dream.
l Rootless town nnd Philadelphia will then
!'... .wnnnvmaus. In the meantime no
.infla Is being left unturned to Inculcate
n every mm'. "". ;" ..... uu....b
this preliminary week a desire for a splo
and span city that will be the envy of
'...., nHr municipality In tho country,
I 'C:..--.lD rn vlnltlncr dnllv thn exhibit
it,. r.ltv Hall navlllon. which tho
Iciean-up Weok Committee hnB put on
IvloW. Tnere compurimvo lauiva buuwiuk
H.. ..i.h ft ttin twn nrnvlnim rrnnndna
are domonslratcd so that ho who runs
EinayreaU llim yvm uiu tnuutjuuuu nun
fcbeen so widely spread It Is expected more
f rubbish than ever before will be gathered
f up and carted away.
Hundreds of extra teams nro to be
aupplled by tho Department of Public
'Works to dispose of the accumulations
i.wlth which rooms, closets, hallways, ccl
flars, garrets, roofs and flre-escapes are
fnow Uttered, and the mere teams tho de
partment Is called upon to send out, tho
better It will like It.
' But houscclcanlmg- Isn't tho only thing
the commltteo Is Interested In. Tho word
has gone forth that lawns, gnrdens, back
fences, alleys nnd vacant lots must also
t spruced up.
. "Mako two gardens grow whero but
one dump bloomed before," Is ono of tho
"Get out the pnlnt can," Is another, nnd
Ijleps, shutters, sheds, porches nnd sills
are expected to become immaculate ns a
Realizing tho all-round vnluo of a clean
city from tho btandpolnt of a good busl
Lness proposition, ns well ns from an
I aesthetic and sanitary outlook, big cor
1 poratlons nro doing yeoman servlco In
1 co-operating In tho clean-up plans. In
addition to the Father Penn placards put
up by tho Philadelphia Rnpld Transit
Company, tho Metropolitan Life Insur
ance Company has made plana to dis
tribute through Its agents 20,000 pamph
lets to its industrial policy holders ex
plaining the Importnnco of a compre
hensive clean-up campaign. Moreover a
number of moving-picture houses have
been Induced to Insert Bomo "clean-up"
pictures In t'nelr regular films.
Better health, fewer fires nnd cleaner
' streets, to say nothing of a vastly Im
proved city, are expected to be tho direct
and lmmediato results of the strenuous
week. It has been estimated that al
imost half tho Ilres that occurred In Phil
adelphia last year might not havo taken
'"place had careless housekeepers paid
more attention to the Inflammable rub
bish poked here, thero and everywhere in
their houses. And tho advice of tho Flro
.Marshal Is that If you would protect
'youpllfe and your property don't culti
vate the habit of accumulating useless
' Flies, mosquitoes and rats will also
.flee beforo the clean-up enthusiasts. Book
lets have been Issued pointing out the
Ibest methods of preventing nnd swatting
all threo of tho pests, and Herman Hor
nlg. city entomologist. Is supplementing
the printed matter with dally lectures at
noon at the pavilion.
Finally the many complaints regarding
the uncovered ash-wagons of tho street
cleaning department will at last bo an
swered. According to Assistant John
Keeson, of tho Burenu of HlghwaySf a
wagon cover has been designed, to be
exhibited nt tho street cleaners' parade
on Thursday morning, that tho contract
ors will bo required to use hereafter, and
,In the future any person who sees a
cart trailing a cloud of null dust after it
aa long as a comet's tall is requested to
make a report to tho bureau Immediately.
p Philadelphia Is just in the right spirit
to be clenp and to stay clean. But every
body Is asked to do his share.
Admiration for Philadelphia Causes
Him to Quit Argentine Navy.
When the Argentine battleship Moreno
left for home waters with a thousand
sailors and marines eager to return to
their native shores, It left ono man be
hind who was not homesick and who
preferred to llvo In Philadelphia rather
than any of the eunny southern cities of
the Southern hemisphere. That man, who
came up from the southern country to be
paymaster on the biggest battleship
Moat, a position that many naval men
would take pride In holding, resigned his
commission and decided to remain after
spending a few daya here In finding out
the comforts and pleasures in which this
city abounds,
A. Caldercn Chaves, 914 Spruce Btreet,
u toe man who was so taken with this
f'ty. In his estimation the municipal
improvements here are better than any
of the far-famed cities of tho more South
jm climate. Tha parka, the railways,
jjs broad streets, the lighting system,
"theatres, stately buildings, everything
is better than his native cities or any
ether, says Chaves, and they all go to
this an Ideal city.
Philadelphia Is a better city In every
rPct than Buenos Aires,. Chaves says.
Although the subwvys of Buenos Ales
are white, the cars white and the crews
garbed In white linen, the efficiency that
marks this subway is lacking. The
Jlreefs are wide down there, but they
not as straleht as Broad street and
ine thousand others here. The schools
"n are better, and that Is one of
tnavea' reasons for staying hsre. He
wends to master the English language
t the, University and already has made
Mmarkable steps In It.
Aft for til niiifu 4hA n-vtA nffljiA nt
L . Mrem thinks that we can't be
bten; ,that Is, he added, if we etay out
apr we haven't enough ships to
tSmbat Wth any of the European, forces
'9 the sa On the army he made no
3iment. But when dancing was men
uoned he grew enthusiastic. The one
SP. hesitation and all the newer ones
oj danced and liked the way they were
-ten up nere. with one exceuption
na up here, wit
ki ASenUne tango.
W the Argentine tacl
m tell, but he did k
go. Where that dance
tacked onto it he could
.1 Vnmi, that It WflSn't
JSfthlng like the tango danced In his
yve country They danced It more
jawly And smoothly, he eald.
IV Oxford Colleges Bar Liquor
KFQRD, England, April 2.-Jesu
Su.8 had decided to bar alcoholic bev
'igftl while the war continues. Similar
Sn tog been taken by Oriel. It l
wpct4 that others colleges w! do
J"!, and that the entire university
W soon i ,-,hJiie drinks.
By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE, Author of "The Lone Wolf," "The Brass Bowl," Etc.
-vwwam, mn, Dy Louis Joseph Vane.
Eally Manvers, 27 yeara old, out of work
nd desperate, Is locked out on the roof
f her house, In New York. Driven to seek
shelter by a storm she tries the trap-door
of other houses and finally enters the house
ef a rich family. No one Is at home and
?n- A" her own f.or 'hem. As she Is leav
Xlf hi1-"ef tt ""V "y'nB ,0 "P"" a safe.
i. ..?.. ?"' nd as ehe watches, the man
frV.'. """' aiiacKea by another burglar.
P. men grapple and the flrnt la likely
to be overwhelmed whn Sally breaki In,
X .J. revolver which hae been dropped
n!. lc,u'ne' anJ cove" the men. The
nm .. ,u,u.e ?"Kf' ,hc "rat burglar, as
urnes that h Is helping him, and they
the fieusi " Then SttUy """ ,rom
llVl',.r:!! aimlessly, Bally rneeU tho bur
8!iitAne n2. h'frlended at Grand Central
?ii.'Ji?"i 9.na Insist that he get her an ac
commodation to Boston. They go down to
.-SJr'!.ellnilr"n., and hero tho burglar "re
tends that sally la one of hla profession.
CHAPTER 7v-ConllnUed.
His eyes affixed tho point of Interroga
tion to tho simple declarative.
She stnrtcd nervously In response,
divided between Impulses which ahe hnd
no longer sufficient wit to weigh. Should
she confess, or try to lie out of It? Must
she believe this glibly simple and ade
quate account or reject It on grounds of
pardonablo skepticism?
If this man wore what .he professed to
be, surely ha must rccognlzo her bor
rowed plumago ns his sister's property.
True, that did not of necessity follow;
men have so little understanding of
women's clothing. It pleases them or It
displeases. If thrust upon their attention,
but once withdrawn it is forgotten utter
ly. Such might well bo tho case In this
prdsent Instanco; tho man gavo Sally, In
deed, every reason to bellevo him ns
much bewlldorcd and mystified by her
as she was by him.
On tho other hand, nnd even so
The Infatuate Impulso prevailed, to con
fess nnd tako tho consequences.
"I'm nfrald " sho began in a quaver.
"No need to be nono I know of, at
least," ho volunteered promptly, If with
out moderating his exacting stare.
"Vou don't understand "
She hesitated, sighed, plunged In des
peration. "It's no use; there's nothing
for me to do but own up. What you wero
not tonight Mr. Savage, I was."
"Sounds llko a riddle to mo. What Is
tho nm,wcrv"
"You wero Just make-believe. I was
the real thing a real thief. No, let mo
go an; It's easier if you don't Interrupt.
Ycs,; I'll tell you my name, hut It won't
mean anything. I'm nobody. I'm Sarah
Manvcrs. I'm a shop-girl out of work."
"Still I don't see "
"I'm coming to that. I live on your
block tho Lexington nvcnuo end, of
course with two other girls. And this
afternoon tho studio was so hot nnd
stuffy and lonesome, with both my
friends away-1 went up on tho roof for
better nlr, and fell asleep thero and got
caught by tho storm. Somebody had
closed the scuttle, and I ran ncross roofs
looking for nnother that wasn't fastened
down, and when I found one It was your
house I was so frightened by the light
ning I hardly knew what I was doing. I
Just tumbled In "
"And welcome, I'm sure," Bluo Sergo
Sho blundered on, unheeding: "I went
all through the house, but there wasn't
anybody, and I was so wet and miser
able that I mado myself nt home de
cided to tnko a bath and and borrow
some things to wear until my own were
dry. And then I thought "
Sho halted, confused, realizing how Im
possible it would bo to convlnco anybody
with the tnlo of Iror intention merely to
borrow the clothing for a single night of
nrabesque adventure, finding it dlfllcult
now to believe In on her own part, and
hurried breathlessly on to cover the
"And then I heard a nolso on tho roof.
I hnd closed tho scuttle, but I was fright
ened. And I crept downstairs nnd saw
tho light In tho library and That's all."
And whon he didn't reply promptly, she
added with n traco of challenge: "Sri
now you know I"
Ho Ltarted as from deep reverie.
"But why call yourself a thief for
"Because because " Her overstrung
nerves betrayed her in gusty confession.
"Because It's no good blinking facts;
that's what I was In my heart of hearts.
Oh, It's all very well to be generous, and
for mo to pretend I meant only to borrow,
and and all thatl But tho truth Is, I did
steal and I never honestly meant to send
the things back. At first yes; then I
meant to return them, but never oneo
thoy were on my back. I told myself 1
did, I believed I did; but deep down, all
along, I didn't, I didn't. I didn't! I'm a
liar as well as a thief!"
"Oh, come now!" Bluo Sergo Interjected
In a tone of mild remonstrance, lounging
back and eying the girl Intently. "Don't
be so down on yourself."
"Well, everything I've said, was true ox
cept that one word 'borrow;' but that In
Itself was a lie big enough to eclipse
overy word of truth. You see. but you'll
never understand never! Men enn't.
They simply can't know what It Is to bo
clothes-hungry starving for something
fit to wear as I have been for years and
years and years, as most of us In the
shops are all our lives long."
"Perhaps I understand, though," he
argued with an odd look. "I know what
you mean, at any rate, even If I'm not
ready to admit that shop-girls are the
only people who ever know what It Is to
desire the unattainable. Other people
want things, at times. Just as hard as
you do clothes."
"Well, but" She stammered, unable
to refute this reasonable contention, but,
womanlike, persistent to try. "It's dif
ferentwhen you've never had anything.
Try to think what It must be to work
from 8 till 6 sometimes later 6 days a
week, for Just enough to keep alive on, If
you call such an existence being allvel
Why, In 10 yeara I haven't seen the coun
try or the sea unless you count trips to
Coney on crowded trolley-cars, and
mlBhty few of them. I never could af.
ford i vacation, though I've been idle
often enough never earned more than
10 dollars a week, and that not for many
weeks together. I've lived on as little as
AtUntlo City, N. J.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Leeds Company
Leadlnsr Hlch-Claiss Uoderats-Rata Hotel.
Al BEMARLE Virginia av nr. Bch. Cap.
un parlors, private baths, etc.; excel, table.
1 10 up wfcW, l 2 up dally. Bklt. J. P. COPB.
On Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, N. V,
8h Hours by Rail from New York City,
COLV -Joao 18 to October 1st MOIOUINO.
TENNIS Booking- Ortlcsa UO.VTJNO
Tba Dakota. 1 Wst 72d St.. Nw York.
nS. 7
miles from Rsadtoi
Alfred Larxslar.
Terminal; now opso
Royal Mall Steajnahlua
For rates and full particulars apply to
J. J. McUUATU. 10t Walnut St.
HOOT. TAYtQtt A CO.. 803 Walaui St.
Of Mr I-ocal 4x4t.
&-on as little as charity, on nothing but
the goodness of my friends at times.
Thai's why, when I saw myself prettily
dressed for oneo, and thought nothing
could stop my getting away, I couldn't
resist the temptation. I didn't know
whero 1 was going, dressed llko this, nnd
not n cent; but I was going some place,
and I wasn't ever coming back!"
"Good Lord I" the man said gently.
"Who'd blame you?"
"Don't sympathize with me," sho pro
tested, humnnl) quite unconscious of her
Inconsistency, "I don't deserve It. I'm
caught with the goods on, literally, fig
uratively, and I've got to pay the pen
alty. Oh, I don't mean what you mean.
I'm no such idiot ns to think you'll have
mo sent to Jail; you've been too kind al
ready, and and, after all, I did do you
a considerable service; I did help you
out of a pretty dangerous fix. But tho
penalty I'll pay Is worse than Jail: It's
giving up these pretty things and all my
silly, sinful dreams, and going back to
that scrubby studio nnd no Job
Sho pulled up short, mystified by a
sudden change In tho man's expression,
perceiving that sho was no longer hold
ing his attention as completely as sho
had. Sho remarked his look of embar
rassment, that his eyes winced from
something he saw beyond and unknown
to her. But he was as ready as over to
recover nnd demonstrate that. If his at
tention had wandered, he hadn't missed
tho substanco of her harangue, for when
sho paused ho replied:
"Oh, pcrhapB not Don't let's Jump at
conclusions. I've a premonition you
won't hnvo to go back. Hero comes some
"fa- DRESS!
ono who'll have a word to say about
that or I don't know!"
And he was up before Sally had grasped
his meaning on his feet nnd bowing
civilly. If with a twinkling countenance,
to a woman who swooped down upon him
In n sudden, wild flutter of words and
"Walter! Thank God I've found you!
I'vo been so upset hardly knew what to
do when you didn't show up."
What more she might have said dried
Instantly on the newcomer's lips as her
gaze embraced Sally. She stiffened
slightly and drew back, clovatlng her
eyebrows to tho frost-line.
"Who Is this woman? What does this
Without awaiting nn answer to cither
question, sho observed In accents that
hnd all the chilling force and cutting
edgo of a winter wind:
"My dressl My hat!"
"My dear sister!" Interposed Mr. Sav
age with an Imitation so exact of the
woman's tone that ho nearly wrung a
smllo even from Sally. "Do calm your
selfdon't make a scene. Tho matter Is
quite easy to explain "
"But what "
"Oh, give us a chance. But, permit
me!" Ho bowed with his easy laugh.
"Adelo, this Is Miss Mnnvcrs Miss Mun
vers, my sister, Mrs. Standlsh. And now"
aa Sally half started from her chair and
Mis. Standlsh acknowledged her exist
ence by an embittered nod "do sit down,
With the manner of one whose amaze
ment has paralyzed her parts of speech,
tho woman sank mechanically Into the
chair which Savage (having thoughtfully
waved away tho hovering waiter) placed
beside the table, between himself and his
guest. But once seated, precisely as
though that position were a charm to
break the spell that sealed them, promptly
her lips reformed tho opening syllables of
"What does this mean?"
Mr Savage, however, diplomatically
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gavo her no chance to utter more than
the first word.
"Do hold your tongue," he pleaded,
with a rudeness convincingly fraternal,
"nnd listen to me. I am deeply Indebted
to Miss Mnnvers-for my very life, In
fact. Oh, don't look so blamed Incredu
lous; I'm perfectly Sober. Now will you
please give me a show?"
And, tho lady executing a gesture that
matched well her look of blank resigna
tion, her brother addressed himself to a
torso summing up of the affair which,
while It stressed the gravity of the adven
ture with the fat burglar, did not seem to
extcnuato Snlly's offenso In the least, and
so had the agreeable upshot of leaving
tho sister In a much-placated humor and
regarding the girl with a far more Indul
gent countenance than Sally had found
any reason at first to hope for,
As for that young woman, tho circum
stance that she was Inwardly all nsluid
der didn't In the lenst hinder her exer
cise of that femlnlno trick of mentally
photographing, classifying, and catalog
uing the other woman's outward aspects
In detnll and, at tho same time, distilling
her moro subtle phnses of personality In
tho retort of Instinct nnd minutely
nnnlyzing the precipitate.
The result laid tho Inst lingering ghost
of suspicion that all was not as It should
bo between these two that Bluo Sergo
had not been altogether frank with her.
Sho hnd from the first appreciated the
positive likeness between Mrs. Standlsh
and tho portrait lu tho library, oven
though her observation of tho latter had
been limited to tho most casual Inspec
tion through the crack of tho folding
doors; thero wasn't nny excuso for
questioning Identification. Tho woman
beforo her, llko tho woman of tho picture,
was of tho slender, blondo clnss Intelli
gent, ncutotlc, quick-tempered, Inclined
to suffer spasmodically from exaltation
of tho ego. And If she hnd not always
been pampered with every luxury that
money has Induced modern civilization
to Invent, tho fact was not apparent; she
dressed with such exquisite taste as only
money can purchase. If It bo not Innate!
sho carried herself with the ease of af
fluence founded upon a rock, while her
nervousness was manifestly due rather
to impatience than to tho vico of worry
ing. "And now," Mr Savage wound up ulth
a graceless grin, "if you'll be good enough
to explain what the dickens you're doing
hero Instead of being on tho way to
Boston by tho 11.10. I'll bo grateful. Miss
Manvers will quit doubting my veracity
bccretly. If not openly and wo can pro
ceed to consider something 1 have to sug
gest with respect to the obligations of a
woman who has been saved the loss of a
world of gegaws as well as those of a
man who Is alive and whole exclusively,
thanks to well, I think you know what
I mean."
"Oh, ns for that," said Mrs. Standlsh
absently, "when you turned up mlsslWg on
tho train I stopped it nt the 125th street
station and camo hack to find out what
was the matter. I've been all through
this blessed place looking for you "
"Pardon!" Mr. Savage interrupted.
"Did I understand you to say you had
stopped the train?"
"Certainly. Why not? You don't Im
agine I was going to lot myself be car
ried all tho way to Boston In igno
rance "
"Then, ono infers, the 11:10 doesn't nor
mally stop at 125th street7"
"No, I had to speak to the conductor.
Do be quiet. It doesn't matter. What
were you going to say?"
"Nothing much, except that the clothes
Miss Manners stands in are hardly to be
considered an adequate reward,"
"True. But you mentioned s,ome sug
gestion or other "
"Without being downright about It,
thereby sparing Mies Manvers nny em
barrassment she might feel should you
disapprove, as I'm confident you wont "
This was the woman's turn; she silenced
him with a gesture of infinite nnul.
"Why Is It," she complained, "that you
never get anywhere without talking all
around Itobln Hood's barn?"
"Objection," Mr. Savage offered prompt
ly, "on the ground of mixed metaphor."
"Objection sustained," his sister con
ceded. "Hut do come to the point "
"I wish only to remind you of the news
Imparted by our respected aunt In her let
ter of recent date,"
The woman frowned slightly, as with
mental effort; then a flash of comprehen
sion lightened her blue oyes. Immediately
her brows mutely clrcumflexed a question.
A look of profound but Illegible signifi
cance passed between the two Mr. Sav
age nodded. Mr. Standlsh pursed specu
latively her thin, wcll-madcup lips nnd
visibly took thought, according to the
habit of her sex, by means of a series of
Intuitive explosions Then sho nodded
Vigorously and turned upon Miss Manvers
a bewildering smile, for tho first time ad
dressing her directly.
"My dear," she said pleasantly enough
though, of course, the term had no ac
cent whatever of affection "this half
witted brother of mine once In a while
stumbles upon the most brilliant Inspira
tion Imaginable I'm sure ho has seen
enough of you In this last hour to ho
making no mistake In orferlng you as one
answer to a very (lp.tlc.ite question which
has been distressing us both for a long
time. If ou'ro not overscrupulous "
Sho paused with a receptive nlr.
"I'm sure I don't know what ou're
driving at," Sally said, bluntly: "but I'm
hardly In a position to be nlre-mlnded
about trifles."
"It's this way," Savage Interposed:
"we're offering you chance to got nwas',
to enjoy a summer by the eeashoro, to
mix with a lot of mighty Interesting peo
ple, and nil that sort of thing everything
you tell nip you've been pining for It
you'll consent to sail under fnlso colors "
"Please!" Sally bogged with a confused
nnd excited little laugh.
"Ho simply can't help It: Indirection is
Walter's long suit," Mrs. Standlsh took
up tho tale. "First of nil, vou must know
this mint of ours Is rnthpr an eccentric
frightfully well oft, spoiled, self-willed
nnd quite hllnd to her best Interests. She'-)
been a widow so long she doesn't know
the moaning of wholesome restraint. She's
got nil th hlgh-kncc action of a thor
oughbred nover properly broken to har
ness. Slip rets her own pace and heaven
help tho hindermost! All In all, I think
Aunt Abby's the most devll-may-caro per
son I've ocr met."
"You're too modest." Mr. Savago com
mented abstractedly.
"He quiet, Walter. Aunt Ahby's pas
sionately fond of two things caids nnd
wh.U she calls 'Interesting people.'
Neither would matter much hut for the
other. She gambles for sheer love of it,
nnd doesn't caro a rap whother she wins
or loses. And her notion of nn Interesting
person la anybody fortunate or mlsfortu
nnte enough to bo noticed by the news
papers. A hit of a scandal Is a sure bait
for her regnrd "
Piinslng, Mrs. Standlsh sml'ed coolly.
"Tal.p m for examole. Until I found It
necessary to get unmarried my mint
never tould find time to waste on mo
nui nuiv, m spue or mo rnct tnat tlio decree-
was in my favcr. I'm the object of
her mad attachment And If Walter
badn't come Into the limelight through a
Senatorial Inquiry Into high finance, and
made such a sick witness, and got so do
tervedly roasted by the newspapers well,
now nothing Is too good for him. So, you
seo, the people Aunt Abby insists on en
tertaining nro apt to be a rather dubious
lot. I don't mean she'd pick up with nny
body openly Immoral, you know; but sho
certainly manages to fill her houses she's
got several with a wild crew of adven
turers and cssc3 to call 'em by their
first names.
"They're smart enough, God knows,
and they do make things hum, but they
charge her some of them fat fees for
tho prlvllego of entertaining them. Funny
things have happened at her card tables
So Walter and I havo been scheming to
tlnd some way to protect her without
lousing her resentment by seeming to
Interfere. If wo could only get evidence
enough to talk privately to some of her
friends about time tables, for Instance
it would be all right. And only recently
she herself showed us the way wrote me
that she had quarreled with her corre
sponding secretary, a spinster of acid ma
turity, nnd discharged her; and would we
please look round for somebody to re
place Miss Matrlng. Do you seo?"
"You mean," Sally suggested, dum
founded, "you mean you'll recommend
me for the position?"
"I'll do more. I'll seo that you get It;
I'll take you with me tonight, and by to
morrow noon you'll bo engaged. But you
must understand we're giving you tho
chanco solely that you may servo us as
well as Aunt Abby, by keeping your eyes
and ears wide open and reporting to us in
strictest confidence and secrecy anything
that doesn't look right to you."
"But but I but how why do ou think
you can trust me'" tho girl faltered.
"Knowing whnt you do "
TNTEMPERATE to a degree are the assertions made by the
platform exhorter. when Prohibition is the theme. Fortified
by the knowledge that seldom are public speakers interrupted,
they give, to support their arguments, figures foolishly untrue
and impossible of proof.
POR INSTANCE. One platform speaker said that "90,000 f
babies were born blind last year as products of saloons." 1
Insensibly we feel a thrill of horror when we hear that The V
mind grasps the enormity
baby its helplessness its
3 g
'T'HE FALLACY of Prohibition has been amply proven many
times. But when men, supposedly intelligent, mount a
lecture platform, and, secure from interruption or refutation,
deal in figures which they know arc untrue and which exploit
a FALLACY, it is very fortunate, indeed, that the United States
has a Census Bureau I For the United States Census deals only
in FACTS 1
"That's Just tho point. Don't you see?
We can trust you because you won't dare
betray us."
"But-but nfler I've stolen "
"Don't say It'" Savago cut In. "You
stole nothing, If you please; you merely
anticipated a reward for a service not
yet rendered."
"But Oh, It's kind of you, but don't
you see It ft impossible? '
"Nothing Is Impossible except your re
fusal," isn Id Mrs. Standlsh "Do be sen
sible, my dear, and renllrp that wc that
I Intend j ou shall have this chance. What
can you possibly find to object to? The
deceit? Surely nn Innocent deception,
practised upon a deAr old lady for her
own gocd'"
"Deceit," Mr. Savage propounded very
sagely. "Is llko nny other sin, It's only
sinful when It Is That's elementary soph
istry, hut I Invented It, nnd I'm strong
for It. Besides, we've got Just 29 minutes
now to get aboard the Onl and I've got
to beg, borrow, or buy transportation on
It, because thero wasn't a room left but
tho tuo I bought for you and me nnd
nou A dele will have to have one of the
rooms "
"But I've nothing to wear but theBO
"Dnn't worrk about that." Mrs. Stan
dlsh reassured her. "I'vo got nine trunks
on the way and you unquestionably fill
my things out llko a woman with a per
fect figure'"
"But how will you explain? Who am
I to be? You can't Introduce me ns a.
shopgirl out of work whom you caught
stealing your clothes!"
"La milt poito consell," Mr. Savage an
nounced sngely, and with what was no
doubt nn excellent accent. "Let Adelo
sleep on It, and If sho doesn't como
come through In the morning with a good,
old-fashioned, all-wool, yard-wide lie thnt
will blanket every posslblo contingency,
I don't know my little sister "
"An older brother, let me tell you, Miss
Mnnvers, Is tho best possible preceptor In
"Cider!" exclaimed tho outraged young
nmn. "Well, of all" Ho turned appeal
lngly to Sally. "What did I tell you?"
Fickle-minded fortune favored Mr. Sav
age's belated application for additional
sleeping-car accommodation; somebody
turned back a reservation only 10 minutes
or so beforo train time. In consequence of
which Mrs Standlsh nnd Miss Manvers
enjoved adjoining compartments of lux
ury, while Mr. Savage contended himself
with les pretentious qunrtcra farther aft
Thu it was that at ono minute pist 1
o'clock, when n pictcrnnturally self-ie-spectlng
porter dlspasslonntely ascer
tained that nothlnir more would he re
quired of him till morning nnd shut hlm
selt out of her presence, the girl subsided
upon the edge of n bed of such (.ylinrltlc
character ns amply to warrant the desig
nation de lue. and, flushed and trembllnii
with excitement (now that she dared once
again to be her natural self) and with all
inciedullty npprnpiinto to the clrcum-
stnners. utared at tho young woman who
stared blnnkly back from a long mirror
frnmed In tho door.
It was truly a bit difficult to Identify
that modishly dressed nnd brilliantly ani
mated young person with S. Mnnvers. of
the hardware notions In Huckster's Bar
gain Basement, while reason tottered and
common sense tittered when Invited to
credit tho chain of accidents resposlhlo
for tho transformation.
Strange world of magic romance, this,
into which she had stumbled over the
threshold of a venal misdemeanor! Who
p rich ginger,
a Vnn
5 A', Vfflfe&m'tZ'- 70
...,wm :!r,Nj.sy &
'Mfifcirfi -Sa?Tfe thy
VVX-yYM, AV-lvTliw X Elf
Wfiilm fir
mmmm. ,f
r. i ' i ,' i i'wrw .
iiN II lyLo
18 , I I iWrae3a& Btim.M.P.plr2!0S.
lssgji&gdgrss J3
fk C t S Versus
FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar
ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument.
of the figure thinks of the hapless
lifelong misery (if it manages to live)
orouent on. too. tnrouern no lault of its
ll ut THE FACTS rob this picture of its horror. According
XJ to the last census of the United States that of 1010 the
total number of blind persons in the entire United States is given
as 57,273. Immediately the untruthfulness that "90,000 babies
were born blind last year as products of saloons," becomes mani
"VET IF the above remark, flagrantly
untrue, were to remain unchallenged,
it would pass for truth !
Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers' Association
ITh next article will appear Saturday, May lit)
now would dare contend that llfo was
ever sordid, grim and cruel, Indigestible
from soup to svory? Who would havi
the hardihood, to uphold such contention
when made acquainted with the case of
Sarah Manvers, yesterday's drudge, un
lovely And unloved, today's child of for'
tune, chosen of a golden destiny?
Sally's Jubilation was shadowed by's
pensive moment; dare she assume that
tho winters of her discontent had been
forever banished by the wave of chance's
Sho shook a confounded head, smiled
an uncertain smile, sighed a little, broken
sign, and with determination bade adieu
to misgivings, turning a deaf ear to tho
dull growls of mother-wit arguing that
the board of health ought to be advised
about the stato of Denmark, Sufficient
unto tho night Its room de luxe; she
found her couch no lets comfortable for
the sword that conceivably swayed above
It, suspended by a thread of casual favor.
For a time she rested serenely In the
dark only half undressed In view of the
ever-possible accident cheek to pillow,
faco turned to the window that endlessly
screened the sweeping mysteries of that
dark, glimmering countryside, qulto re
signed so to while away the ntght, per
suaded It was inevitable that one with so
much to ponder should he unable to sleep
a wink.
Deliberately, to prove this point, sho
closed her eyes.
And Immediately opened them to broad
daylight, revealing, through that maglo.
casement, the outskirts of a considerable
eltyi street after suburban street wheel
ing away like spokes from a restless
A simultaneous pounding on the door
warned her she had but ten minutes In
which to dress; no time to grasp the BUb
stnnce of a drenm como true, no time
even to prepare a confident attitude with
which to salute the fairy godparents of
her social debut time only to struggle
Into her outer garments nnd muster a
half timid, deprecatory smile far those
whom sho was to find awaiting her In
tho corridor, Impatient to be off, none
too amiably conscious of foregone beauty
sleep, accepting their protegee with a
mnttcr-of-coureo manner most disillu
Suit Against Vaudeville Trust May
Have No Local Effect.
The vaudeville situation In Philadelphia
and other largo cities may not bo affect
ed by suits brought In New York against
the so-cnllcd "vaudeville trust." Failure
to obtain booking for any of their Euro
pean nets caused Charles (F. Bornhaupt
and Cllftord C. Fischer, who maintain
thentrlcnl agencies nt 1493 Broadway,
New York, to enter suit for SGOO.OOO
damages against the United Booking
Ofllccs of America, the Central Vaude
ville Promotion Company, II. B. Marl
nelli. Limited, A. Paul Keith, Frederick
F Proctor, Edward F Albee, John J.
Murdoch, Morris Mcycrlleld. Jr., nnd
Martin Beck.
The plaintiffs charge these defendants
with conspiracy because of their refusal
to book any European acts except
through the II. B. Marinclll Agency.
Some time ngo the Marinelll concern en
tered suit against the United Booking
Offices for $300,000 damages and since the
withdrawal of the suit, the petltloneis
allege, the privilege and license to book
European acts has been vested In the
Marinclll concern exclusively.
new crape beverace has wonderful
bouquet, flavor and visor. An exqui-
A site blend of sun-ripened, unfermented
white Niagara grape juice, grape fruit and
preferred by many connoisseurs
M to nnest champagne, in reality, thampanale
is a bubbling, sparkling champagne minus
the alcohol healthful and convivial.
Favored by the city's best hotels and clubs.
Sold by leading grocers. Try a bottle ! Serve
in champagne glasses. We will send sample
bottle for 10c and your grocer's name.
1224-1226 Parrish Street
KejiUof , Park S3.
90, 000
'A lfS'gi fi