Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Cancels Acceptance to Gari
baldi Celebration, Where
Great Pro-war Demon
stration Ib Planned.
Pope Causes Concern.
Italian Diplomats Await
Vienna's Reply to Demands
Made by Rome as Price of
Neutrality Press Ridicules
England's Friendship.
ROME, April 28.
King Victor Emmanuel today canceled
nil engagements to devote his time sole
ly to the International situation. He has
withdrawn his acceptance of nn Invitation
to attend tho Garibaldi celebration at
Quarto on May 6 and will remain In
"Owing to the uncertain polltlcnl eltu
atlon,' said a note Issued today, "the Klni
has appointed tho Duke of Genoa to rep
resent him at the Quarto celebration."
This la retarded as significant here, as
tho Italian Interventionists have planned
to make the celebration an occasion for
a CTeat patriotic demonstration, urRlng
Italy's participation in tha war on tho
Bide of tho Allies.
Officialdom Ib anxiously awaltlnc the
reply by Vienna to the completed Italian
demands, copies of which were sent for
ward yesterday by the Italian and Ger
man Ambassadors. It Is admitted that
unless a positive roply Is received It will
be impossible for Italy to remain longer
out of the war.
With the possibility that Italy la to be
come involved apparently becoming more
certain, tho Vatican authorities are very
much concerned over tho position of the
Pope in that event. So far no ptan has
been devised whorobl the Pope wilt be
able to Becure free communication with
tho countries with which Italy may bo at
war. This would prove very embarrassing
should His Holiness feel constrained to
Initiate a peaco movement. It Is con
sidered certain that so soon as Itnly be
comes a party to the conflict the Qulrlnnl
will demand that the papal diplomats
from countries that are Italy's enemies
be handed their passports and sent out of
Italy. This would Immediately limit the
Pope's communication to the envoy of a
neutral country In touch with all, prob
ably Switzerland.
Sarcastic comment In the newspapers of
France and England on Italy's failure to
enter tho war is having an Irritating effect
on Italian public opinion, notwithstanding
the activities of the Interventionists. The
camp of the non-lntcrventlonlsts Is gain
ing In recruits daily as a result.
Continued from Pago One
closed to the ground, each man with his
nostrils stuffed with cotton and waited.
IVIicn the Germans, believing tho enemy
unconscious, charged in massed forma
tion their lines were literally cut to
pieces by mnchine-gun fire and finally
broke and fell back in utmost disorder.
Tho German losses were enormous.
Continued frnm Tatt One
day that the Car had arrived at Odest.it
and It Is believed that the expedition will j
sail within a few days. HussIaii trans .
ports and Black Sen steamships havu j
been assembled at Odessa to convey the
troops to Turkey.
Tho recent bombardment of tho Bos-
phorus forts was explained today ns n
move to prevent the egress of the Turn
ish fleet Into the Muck Sen. The Otto
man warships were driven back toward
Constantinople under the lire directed
against the Bosphorus, and ItUssinn tor
pedoboats are lying off the stinlls to at
tack nnv warshlns that emerge. It Is
declared nt the Admiralty that the Turk
ish fleet has been completely bottled up.
In the meantime three flotillas of Itus-
slan destroyers are scouting the Illnok
Hen in npnirli nf Turkish merchant ves
sels. A dispatch from Odessa states I
that the operations of the last week off .
the Anatolian const 28 Turkish ships !
were sunk by the destroyers, lour of
theso were steamers.
To weaken Turkey further and prevent
troops bring sent from tho Caucasus
front to aid tho Ottoman forces in
Kuropo the Itusslans have opened a.
sharp offensive In the Caucasus.
battleships of the Anglo-French llect aro
reported to have been badly damaged by
tho Dardanelles forts, the Turkish war
ofilco announced today. An olllclnl com
munique reported further that Galllpoll
peninsula had been cleared of tho Brit
ish troops landed there, except nt one
point, where the English soldlera had
maintained their position under protec
tion of their fleet's fire.
The number of prisoners taken by the
Turks has been Increased to 1000, It Is
stated, and Ottoman troops aro advanc
ing on Saba Tepch. tho point where the
British troops have Intrenched them
selves. Tho official statement follows:
"Our aviators report that two battle
ships of the enemy's fleet have been bad
ly damaged by the fire of the Dardanelles
forts. The operations conducted by the
allied fleet and army have thus far result
ed favorably to us.
"Tho coast of Galllpoll Peninsula ha
been cleared of the enemy, except at
Gaba-Tepeh, where British troops have
maintained their positions under the pro
tection of their ships' fire. West of Sed-El-Bahr
wc easily drovo the enemy out.
Turkish troops are now upproachlng
Gaba-Tepeh, where the British have In
trenched themselves.
"The number of prisoners taken by us
has Increased by 1000. Wo have captured
several machine guns."
Drive Against German Wedge at St.
Mihiel Renewed.
PATHS, April 18.
French troops operating on the eastern
slopes of the Meuse Heights have gained
more than half a mile from the Germans
In their continued offensive In tho Woevre
district, according to an olllclnl statement
Issued by the French War Office today.
The main attacks of the French were
launched against the front of the J-eg
Eparges-Catonne trench, and It was there
that the gain was made, the Germans
being compelled to retire beneath the se
vere artillery fire and the assaults of the
French nfantry. A network of Important
'roadways lies In the zone In which the
French achieved this success and the
operations there show that the French
General Staff has once again renewed Its
efforts to cut tho German lines of com
munications In the Woevre and force a
retirement of the German forces at St.
Allies Take Offensive Between Dix
mude and Ypres.
LONDON. April !8.
Several German trenches with six
quick firing guns and 500 prisoners were
captured oy the Franco-Belglan forces
ct Het Sas, In Belgium, on Tuesday, It
was officially announced today by the
Belgian legation.
The offensive movement of the Belgian
and French forces between Ypres and
Etxmude, along the canal, Is growing In
violence and tho attacks against the new
German front are Incessant.
PARIS, April 23.
It Is officially announced that heavy
forces of allied troops have been landed
on both banks of the Dardanelles. French
troops have occupied Kum-Knle, on tho
Asiatic side of the entrance to the Dar
danelles. The French troops landed near
Kum-Knle on Sunday. The Ministry of
Marine's announcement said: "Supported
by the guns of the French fleet and under
the Are of the enemy, our troops suc
ceeded in occupying the village nnd main
taining themselves there; this in spite of
seven night counter attacks, supported by
heavy artillery. We took 500 prisoners
and the enemy's losses appear to be very
Slavs Gain Mile, While Austrians
Lose 8000 Men.
PETROGRAD, April 28.
That the Austro-German forces have
again been defeated with a lot of fcOOO
In killed und wounded nnd several thuu
sand prisoners In the territory between
StryJ and Marmorus Un the Gallclun
Bukowina region) Is unofficially asserted
here. Severe fighting has been in progress
ut a number of points on the Carpathian
front since Monday night, when the Aus
trians tried a surprise attack against a
position held by two Russian regiments.
The attack was successful unil the rai
ments lost heavily before reinforcements
arrived and a counter-attack was begun.
This was in the vicinity of Uszok Pass,
and the Russians later pushed their entire
front forward about a mile.
Phlladelphiana Wed In Elkton
ELKTON, Md., April 28 Tho Pennsyl
vanla couples married in this city today
wero Alfred M. Butterworth and
Josephine P. Hudson, John S. Peoples
and Dorothy Teesdale, Arleigh J. Tonner
and Bertha E. Cook and John A. Thomp
son, Jr., and Lucy Henderson, all of
.Philadelphia; Thomas F. Nally and
Winerva Burnett, Norristown; William B.
Hatfield and Bertha SI. Shaub, Lancaster;
Francis G. Blcksler and Beulah E.
(Brlghtblll, Fredericksburg, Pa.
Last German Ship in Pacific Seized
MELBOURNE, April . It is officially
announced that a British warship has
captured the German trading steamer
Elfrlede. She Is believed to have been
the last German ship free in the Pacific.
Rock Island Scenic
CircleTours Offer
Most on Your
To get the most for your money, make
your trip on the Panama Expositions at
San Francisco and San Diego on a Rock
Island Scenic Circle Tour Ticket very
low fares from Philadelphia for round
trip. You see Colorado, the Pike's Peak
region, the Rocky Mountains, Salt Lake,
California. BOTH Expositions, the old I
Spanish Mission and the enchanting
Southwest. Stop-overs allowed at any
point en route ample time to see, every
thing of Interest.
As for train service there is nothing
that quite equals those famous trains '
"Golden State Limited" and "Rocky ,
Mountatn Limited." Also the "Califor- i
man aim uuiuiuuu-v-aninrnia iixpres3 '
dally from Chicago and St. Louis. Auto
matlo Block Signals Finest Modern A1I
Bteel Equipment Superb Dining Car
Both expositions included In one ticket
at no extra cost.
We maintain a Travel Bureau at 1019
Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Our repre
sentatives aro travel experts, who will
help you plan a wonderful and an eco
nomical outing, give you full Information
and look after every detail of your trip.
Write, phone or drop In for our litera
ture on California and the Expositions.
H. M, Brown, D. P. A., Rock Island Lines.
Philadelphia. Phone Walnut 123.
U , . . . J -
For 30c Each
A copyrighted system
that absolutely succeeds
Bringing results from CO per cent
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It collects from all that can be
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Returns come tn from 5 to 9 days
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The money is paid to you directly
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The accounts are always In your
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We furnish a written guarantee that if you do not realize
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Our reprtMentativt will call on requttt
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VTOAM,ftA-re -EtBKvodscftfR'iqy2 inZC..
fi 9tPEAl- i.;A,,..rMprit6HE.oyTENQ ..,-"
$)Ii $ tff? ft S"'7
- , -V nitUKUfil "X. X NL X
1 ssS n v V 'C jti&Ktto.yS
;BOULrOGNE vr-Sc y Wfr) y
V I ff f f X. TOURNAt
5cai.e or milc. N. oc!ft!Z t S '
I o 5 'Q o""""'-r - AKRAV V. J I
The Gorman lines in Flanders ate to be assailed in tho rear by
forces lnndcd under cover of tho fleet on the Belgian coast north of
Ostend, according to report. It is said thnt Zeebruggc, the Gorman
submnrinc base in Belgium, is to be subjected to heavy bombardment.
Porto Asked to Prevent Recurrence
of Religious Outbreaks.
V.SltlNfiTO.V, April 28. An npponl for
relict of Armenian Christians In Turhcy,
following reported massacres and threat
ened further oiitraccs, has been made to
tho Turkish Government by the United
States. Acting upon tho request of tho
Russian fiovornment, submitted through
Ambassador Unkhtneteff, Secretary Drynn
cabled Atubiistador Morgcntliau. at Con
stantinople, to malto representations to
the Turkish authorities nsklnu that stops
bo taken for tho protection of Imperiled
Armenians nnd prevent the recurrence of
religious outbreaks.
Ambassador Hakhmetcff called at the
State Department with a dispatch from
his Government, which inclosed an ap
peal to the President of tho United States
for aid. forwarded through the Russian
Government from the Catholics of the
Russians Gain Two Miles in UsEok
I Pass, Geneva Hears.
OBNRVA. April S8.
Austro-Oerman losses at Uszok Pass
and on the Carpathian front south of
StryJ. Galicla, In the recent lighting there
total 41,000 men. according to the Tribune,
which also stales Hint the Ttusslnns have
marti' ii gain of two miles nt Uszok I'aps.
"IJIght Austrian teglni"iits attacked
the now Russian positions held by two
regiments in t'HZolt Pass on Monday,"
sayn the Tribune. "After four hours' bat
tle the Russians retreated, but received
reinforcements when they reached Hill
N'o. SCO nnd made n strong counter-attack.
They routed the Austrian?, advanc
ing two miles. Austrian Iosph In the re
cent lighting nt Uszok Pass were 12,000
killed nnd 20.000 taken prisoners, Includ
ing 210 oltlcprs.
"A hnttlo between StryJ and the helKht.v
dominntlng Marninmos resulted Satin -
Armenian church nt Ktchmladzin. In the "W night in a Russian success, tho
Caucasus: Russia being at war with Tur- I Austro-German forces losing S000 killed
key could not conduct
rectiy In tho matter.
negotiations dl-
Only Artillery Fighting Along Entire
Front, Vienna Reports.
VIKNXA. April 2S.
Russian clnlmB of success in their at
tacks on Uzsok Pass nnd the Austrian
positions to the eastward are em
phatically denied by the General Staff.
The Austrian olllclal report Issued today,
covering events up to last night, declares
that on the whole front no important de
velopments have taken place. In omo
sections there have been heavy artillery
exchanges, but no troop movements. In
the Carpathians tho Russians have made
no attacks against the Austro-Uungarian
positions on Uzsok Pass and eastward.
Creek Dragged for Lost Boy
The police of the Tncony station
dragged Tacony Creek today In hope of
locating the body of 8-year-old Kdwin
Bower, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Rower,
Benner street. Lawndale, who disap
peared from his home on Monday. No
trace of the child waB found anil tho
police now believe that he ran away,
as he had strayed from home on other
and wounded and 1000 prisoners."
Olllclal reports published In Petrogrnd
make no claim of Russian gains at Uszok
Pass. In fact, the statement is made
that lighting on the Carpathian nnd Po
land fronts is virtually at a standstill.
Vienna also reports a lull In the opera
tions nong the Carpathian lines.
Ilarr J. llutzel. ir.ir, N. Park avc.. and
rcioli- Metaughlin. mi:: N. nr.th n.
John I., Sutlitnn. i'.V, N". rtnmlnlph nt.. nnt
Mnrcurct i;. .Mc.Mllslpr. lTl.'i Ituttonunml t.t
John A. Frcnpy, '!."i:i Mnrkot St.. nn'l Klc.inor
"". Mei'arthv, irss 8 Juniper st.
t'iJBtPH R. (i. hrrtnlpt, I'lji! .Irromo St., ami
.Caroline 1.. Fox, LIU.'! Flora t.
Herman l-ideni-oii. tinn s. r.ih St., and IT3thor
Ki wlmnn, .'ffilS llntrrfnnl nvc.
Anriroy J. Weinlcln. 12.1! Dav St., anil Caro-
lliii' Lhcrle, Gloucester. .'. .1.
A- J. SmUt il.1 S. 2d si., and Marv O.
Molt. .1(12 iSlnco np.
Vlllliim Kuan. (12.1 S. Ilrond Bt.. and Elizabeth
.lolin.Mun. ;':t s. lliond st.
Lilirrt II. Ilrlina. nilis North nth st.. nnd
Marv n. Koowt. r.l." Havrrford nve,
Hush Mamilre, ST K. Devolve St., nnd .Vellie
Hagan. 2(Hs Sansom st.
Juhn Mt'Dermoit. :i"ix Sjirlnc Inrdni s'.. and
Mnrj' E. irlrtin. ."tOlii Snrlnir Gordon St.
(ipoi-pe A. Iliirernss. nns . ;nd ft., and Anna
C. Dickie. 1170 N Md st.
John J. IH'iln. Jr.. 12.VI N. Hancock St.. and
llnrv T. Wilson. 1II2 N. 2d st.
Albert Wlslinmv. It2 Bmiilev st.. and Re
lic (.ra Nuxntr. ."10 Kntcr st.
JnuKiiln Cahrojas. l'ss, w. Logan st., .md
Kllon H. Hrndlev. il W. 1-xiean st.
JprcmlHh S. Irwin. !H27 N. 17th St., and Ella-
borli 1.. Ki.um. .1.-2! X. l.-.th t.
William H. r.iul, i;o:.l I.otust st.. and Mildred
rin. nli. ti:i!i Wnlnut Kt.
William It Stevens, low W. l.olilch avc. nnd
("vnthla Miller, l'oronioko fl'y. Md.
sjgi iiiiiliiii II I III I I I I I I I I I III
a .wv
'. v.. . .- ... vti:; t.wl
it-. iiS;3
yy.1. -... 1'
T:flffl5aaKri dsr
SS HVt S.. .
sJfetewiH5 - -; t 1 ::::::::::::::: :
i " 1 1
INCE I've got the habit of keeping
in constant touch with the men
on the road, by Bell Telephone,
our sales have jumped up twenty per
"A word to some nearly landed
customer here, a quick price on some
special lot to a waiting salesman there,
and general encouragement all along
the line.
"The salesmen like it too gives
'em confidence and it certainly gets re
sults as the old method of jumping
around in the old fashioned way never
"The cost is a mere nothing when
measured against the results!"
IIIMfill Mill
French Hospital, Housing 1000
Soldiers, Will Be Manned by
Much speculation was aroused at the
Jefferson Hospital today by the an
nouncement that William Potter, presi
dent of JctTcrFon Medical College, and
promised Walter H. Page, the American
! Ambassador In London, a stuff of sur
; goons and physicians of sulilclent slue
lo take charge of a hospital In France
that would be capable uf caring for 1000
wounded soldiers.
Although Mr. Potter had In mind only
a unit of .10 medical graduates, most of
the :M doctors at Jrfterson Hospital nre
nnxlotis to go abroad In response to the
npprnl. and It Is now believed that the
complement, when completed, will In
clude a much larger corps than was nt
first Intended. Nurses und attendants
will nlso be sent with the Philadelphia
Judging from tho sentiment nt the hos
pital this morning, tho iiiirrtlon to be de
cided by the college authorities will be
how many of the young doctors nre will
ing to remain hclo so thnt the Philadel
phia staff uf .Tcfferton doctors will not
be entirely drained. More than 30 giad
uatcs of the college nre now connected
with tho hospital. An appeal will be
miido to outllt from them a stalT of dress
ers. atiesthotl.ts. operators, laboratory
uorlters, bacteriologists nnd other special
ists. According to advice from London, It Ii
the intention of the American Ambassa
dor to lit o.it n hospital on the const of
Kran-o large enough to house 10O0 war
victims. While the head of Jefferson Col
lego went abroad to promise a unit of 30
doctors nnd suigcons, It Is pointed out
here that a detnll of this size would not
lie Inrgc enough to enro for so many
It was announced today that Mr. Pot
ter, who Is the head of tho Thomas Pot
ter Sons & Co. linoleum factory In this
city, and tho college trustees expect no
financial aid for the project. The unit
to bo sent from here will be outfitted
and maintained nt the expense of the
collrgo trustees, Including Simon Grntz,
Jofoph de F. Junltln, Daniel Baugh,
Mayor Sulzberger, Daniel Mnronu Bar
ringer, Alba B. Johnson. O. Colesberry
Purves, William T. Elliott, David N.
Fell, J. Percy Keating. John H. McFotl
den and Thomas N'cwhall.
Advises Wavering Nations to Keep
Out of War.
LONDON, April 2S.-A dispatch from
Sofia snys that tho German Emperor re
cently sent to his sister, tho Queen of
Greece, a telegrnm In plain language de
scribing the German successes both on
tho Western nnd Eastern fronts and af
firming his conviction of eventual victory
for Germany nnd Austria.
Ho added that "this will serve ns a
warning to any countries venturing to
join Germany's enemies."
It saves a full business day
en route. $10 extra fare.
Flnest.faBtest and only exclu
sively first class train Chi
cago to
San Fsanoisco
tv. Chicago ... 7'00pra
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Three other fast trains
dally via the
Chicago, Union Pacific
& Northwestern Lino
&fore miles of double traok thn
any other transcontinental line.
Automatlo electric nolety signals
ail the way.
Only S62.50 Round Trip
From Cliufo, Daily to Nor.30
California Expositions
Choice of scenic routefl favor
able stopover privileges, liberal
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lt us belp you plan atrip now
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t'ot iartlculars call on or address
Chicago &
MMSSH' nurai iiuaiuui
D.U.Dsvk, C.A.I02O ChuIr.utSt
(cL Walnut 356-357. Philadelphia. Pa.
Generals Joffre nnd French Prepare
for Great Offensive.
TAIUS, April 28,
Two hundred thousand French troops
are being rushed Into Flanders and
horthern France to reinforce the Allies'
lines. Some of these rclnfor'eemcntB nre
being placed between Ypres and Dlx
tnude, where the full force of tho latest
German drive was felt, while tho others
nre strengthening the British lines on
the Armentleres front. All train service
north of 1'nrls has been given over to
the movement of troops.
Although It Is oftlcially claimed by tho
French War Ofilco that the German rush
toward Calais has halted, It is evident
thnt Field Marshal Sir John French nntl
General Joffro aro planning' another offensive.
Would Create Excluai Jm
of Tokio Advisers W-H
vilOLO Xl loL
Japail'B nmr.n,I,l .1. ... .' "p"'.l
-" "'-"iniias on Chur
my of which has reached th. rn.i?
Though Defeated, Stopped Invnsion
of Russians.
HOME. April 28.
An official report by the General Staff
of Austria received here says that with
the ending of the first phase of tho Euro
pen war by theWustrlan nrmy, tho In
evitable defeats suffered have been Jus
tified, since tho Austrians nlthough out
numbered, engaged the. Russians and
prevented their Invasion of Germany.
The frontiers of Germnny wcro un
guarded becnuso n majority of the Kais
er's forces were in tho western theatro
of tho war.
Gnins in East nnd West Announced.
French Repulsed in Champagne.
BEKLIN, April 2S.
Importnnt German gains In both the
eastern nnd western theatres of war nre
nnnounred In today's official report from
the Oermon general staff. It states that
in Champagne tho Germans took by
storm extended French entrenchments.
The Germnns assert they repulsed
Hrltlsh nttacks In tho Ypres region nnd
that thoy Btlll hold Hartmannswcllcr
In the region north and northeast of
Suwallti, Russian Poland, Russian posi
tions along n front of more thnn 12
miles were captured.
copy or winch has reached the nBBl
Foreign Office , 41, . n. chbJl
reear.1 nMv ' e,"""" '
South Manchuria.
::: ::..:. ""r"",nB omrany, ,-?
Of a inlnf ..
include thn i ii -vnpany
now asks that China shall prompUy tg
nel thn frl-!,:nll . .... '" C0B3
pel tho formation
Group rive has been enllr.w ..A
e.Mtn.l A-la. OT01.(
Dl.Uuu. relates to tho employment C
tho Chinese Government of Jftr3S
advisers In political, financial andrS
affairs; supervision of the ChlneetoS
the right nf Japanese ownorsnln . . i
for the building of hospitals ?&' "
schools; the purchase of mun,.,sj
war from Jnpnn; various $$
mining rights as well os the rUht k;
Ch.nr.?P"nCM r,roI,aBatp BuddSS,
" Jnpntt now requires that when n l3
portnnt crlsla comes China shall 1$
Japan to nppolnt "many Japans,. '.?,
v sers." Japan also demand, ,hV.
either to rent or lease lands The ChftJ1
say this would havo the effect of opS
thp entire country to tho Japan,.: ,
dlvldualty, as Well as under Jeiiti
societies. cr "Jwoui
Another demand is for the nppolntmsH
of iiollcc advisers nnd also Joint!?!
Jnponcso tribunals for land dlsaut.. fl
Mnnchurln besides extraterrltotlality '!
which the Japanese. llo nlhr iwiiv. l13
are everywhere privileged. 'Csnrv
Other requirements aio that China thali
send a delegation of military Z,
men jji
Japan to adopt a procedure for th.-i.v1
chase of arms and tlio conduct of Chw'J
nij-cnnls: that China must grant to J.!i
mv ,,wi,i. w uuiiu lu.iwnvn y.n....
Wuchans: with Kluklnnir and SSI
between Wuchnnu nntl Hanwhow aiS kZ
twenn KnnphnmT nml rM i nt
that China nmst give Japan a plcdg, tw
no foreign Tower shall receive iS
cession nntl mat no foreign capital hii'
bo employed In the province of ruvSi
ttl-inilt llft-i nnatfa. uUBa
.a ituot, u,i(iiio t.UliniJl.
- 3
s ft3yliLnTK7ll lilllill
the lead
Orders are coming in briskly for
the new Library Bureau unit record desk
in steel. Indicating that this latest
feature will be decidedly popular.
Here is just another instance of Library Bureau
maintaining its leadership in the manufacture of
office equipment.
We originated the card system and vertical filing
and have had nearly forty years' experience in de
veloping them. This has given us a "know How"
which, when put into filing desks and cabinets, works
for quickness, accuracy, efficiency and economyl
This new steel desk, for example, holds 25,000
cards, all within arm's reach and under the eye.
Doesn't it suggest to you that the work of your
office might be lessened lost motion reduced to the
minimum? We'll be glad to explain further.
Library Bureau
Manufacturing distributors of
Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets In wood and steel.
910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
; ji.ijKiSjijay
-ssjsjssgHjaassss JMd smjm VHBmraa4 OassssMSB VapjssijM
You cant get
greater oafety.
You can't buy
long'i' mileage.
Mc:iey won't secure
you greater dependability.
So why not save money by
equipping all four wheels
with the Fisk Non-Skid
Fisk Tires For Sale By All Dialers
Fisk Rubber Company
of N.Y.
Fnctory and Home Office, Chicopee Falls, Maw,
Philadelphia Branch 258 North Ittoad Strdet
3 -J
Compare With . fmM S
Plain Tread Prices u I (fff 9,
. ji lviunv Kjiner x. vvmsti .
CJ.J J14TJL X TisioSO Maik jH
31x30 - 12.20 J lEsr 1 9
4ix34 - 27.30 1
41x36 - 28.70 X , I
ttvo7 noon x 2K
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E3HB5c"--iSsSiiS"- .i 3.15? "-rStff sa'1- lliiKiaiaHHSilHiaBBH
mki .. tL .. .7.38-:. -iE. -a.w -. "a, 3;..,-te5. a
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