TflTW Ti EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1915; ( -- ' i' RAWS ADVICE VERY VALUABLE, ROOSEVELT EXPLAINS IN DEFENSE Colonel Declares He Went to "Boss" Partly for Knowledge and Partly Because He Wanted to Hold Organization. SIDRAdUSE, X. Y., April 29,-Colonel Roosevelt spent his moat tempestuous day on the witness stand this morning. After his cross-examination was con eluded shortly before 11 o'clock, the former President explained In detail the contributions to the loot Itepubllcan cam paign fund nnd his relations with "Boss" Piatt. When re-dlrcct examination began. John M. Bowers, chief counsel for Hooscvclt. exploded a bomb when ho declared that William M. ivlns had misled the Colonel by reading from tho Clapp Commlttee'B campaign contribution findings Instead of from tho ommclat report. Ivlns hotly denied deception. The matter dually was passed over. Roosevelt said he wns mistaken In testi fying tho contributions to his fund were J3.000.000. Hp asserted Chairman Cortctyou told him they were only about $1.SOO,000. ItOOSEVELT IX FINE KETTLE. Bitter clashes between the Colonel, his counsel and Barnes' attorneys constantly occurred. Roosevelt was full of lire, snap and lm. He smacked his hands In crack ing emphasis of his explanation that he worked with Piatt only as far as his own conscience permitted. "On certain points." said Hooscvclt. "because of his wide knowledge, I found Mr. run's advice very valuable, of real and great value. "I consulted with him on all matters of great Importance during my entire Ad ministration. My purpose was partly to take advantage of his experience; largely to see If I could not come to an agree ment with him as the head of the Organi zation which would let me nvold a break with the Organization and nt the same time do what the Interests of tho State demanded. "My purpose in not breaking with the Organization was to avoid disrupting the Republican party ns long as I could by honorable action prevent It and also get affirmative right done at Albany," raid tho colonel, smacking his flat in his palm. Ivlns protested that Hooscvclt bo pro hibited from such gesticulations. "They affect the minds of the Jury," said Ivlns. "although we can't control his Vocal emphasis." The Judge paid the witness should tes tify In the ordinary manner. "I shall not attempt to regulate the or dinary manner of the witness, even hi gesticulation," said the Judge. WANTED TO GET RESULTS Roosevelt said tho Organization's con trol of the Senate, if he .broke with It, would have bllckcd, If not preevntcd, get ting any affirmative action. "I became convinced the Organization controlled the mnjorlty of the Senate," he continued, "and if I want to get action I should go where the real power was to Mr. Piatt and I must coruiutl with him lr I wished to get affirmative action. I wasn't content to havo a merely 'negative Administration. There were a number of positive results I wished to attain." -g--. .m-a&w w - fcwk.. u.w..-uu. U& y A lie uruaa-eAuiuiimuuii ui ivuiunci nuuw cll uo VUMipiKlcu unci uu hum uwit imi the etand S3 hours nnd 1 minutes. "That's all." said William M. Ivlns. nt 1.0:11, after Roosevelt had ndmltted mak ing certain speeches throughout New York last October attacking Barnes and alleging his combination with Charles F, Murphy. The 45 minutes during which Roosevelt was under cross-examination, were taken up by the Colonel's admissions, In ringing tones, whenever he got a chance to repeat his words, that ho accused Barnes nnd Murohv of taking from the neonle tho Mr right to govern themselves. PM- T nl,l tlinf ' nr "Voq " wr tho fTnl- onel'a answers, with a show of big molars and evident satisfaction. Attorney Ivlns read several of Roose velt's speeches and statements to the Jury. Tho Colonel gave an exhibition of memory. He supplied omissions In the printed reports of his speech and made corrections. Once he took the copy from Ivlns' hands and read the speech himself, putting all hl3 platform energy and em phasis Into it. ' Gome of the anti-Barnes attacks were excluded by Justice Andrews, including Roosevelt's speeches made after Barnoi filed the libel suit last July. " 'SEE-SAW MISGOVERNMENT." Roosevelt admitted that he said In "was not prepared to admit" either Barnes or Murphy had any character and were princlpaU in "see-saw" mla govemment. That Roosevelt aggravated the libel by repeating the charges after Barnes sued was asserted by Ivlns. When lite counsel objected to receipt of certain speeches, Roosevelt In pantonine signalled hia lawyers to let him answer. Sometimes he answered before his counsel could register objections. Immediately after Ivins ended, AttornfC Bowers took up the re-dlrect examinaJj, no iuuk ujj uio iimbvct ui wuiuiJaiH con' trlbutlons. ,.- THE WEATHER OfiiciaUWeca8t S3HINGT0N. April !S. For east Punnnvlvnnffl PrnhaMv .. .....,,..... .. .., ?-ocr f -jiiowers tonigni ana i nurnaay; warmer in southeast portion tonight; light . variable winds. The barometric pressure has increased off the New England coast during the last 24 hours, causing easterly and north easterly winds over coast districts as fat south ns Maryland, with a decided fall In temperature, the drop In Philadelphia being U degrees. Reodlnga remain un seasonably high in all parts of Pennsyl- iy vanla. except the extreme southeast, and mniugiiuui mo uohb icsiuii aim centra yalleys. Scattered showers occurred yes terday In New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Michigan, but the amounts were generally light. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a, ra. Eastern tine. Low 8 UstRalo- Veloc Stltlon. a.m.n'UaU. Wind, Itv. Weather Aoliene, T... na o .. bw uiouay Atlantic City..-, i 4 .01 NB 10 Cloudy msnuurc. j. jj, . o -m KW SO P.Cloudy H 12 Cloudy 1 ftutAn Miu .... 44 -Kl &7.anlA xj -v Art XI n 1 u V) f.uioudy P.Cloudy 8 Clear Oar 6 Rain IS Clear JO Clar 4 Cltir S1.1iilndH0.... AS W .01 B1V maeunr vol-- o llorrlahur.- Pa . . 1 Kt id F P.CIsudy V C. TO M .. VT 4 P. Cloudy Hlo. Merit ... .. ftV ja Clttr Uiimn r r . J4 S' .. Rw n Clear Uekieavllli. Pli 7U 61 .. BU' 13 CUar CnM City. 11q W M . . SV 10 Clear fiXuvilu. Kv... 6 i .. sw a Clear mnil Teen. . M M .. SW S Cloudy Klwrprleat, USI u JfW PCloudy l. Ktir Trail " - .UJ rt " wwuajr .Kirth Ptatt. MM . vr CTear p- !?feth tHatt k.HKiTi.wA.. VU?I. M U fl in Cloudy IS Cloudy r, KBaJKStaTFa. 50 59 Ariz. ci st .. sw i3uajr t Clr W Clsudy J? 8 jfourfh. P&. IW IH . SW -I 4U .. SE SO su . s aA Me. can n m nk HI .03 SW 1 ;.!.. " i.i'kb.taViu' m :; 8 i;tfj t 2J srsr.-if s ,'ISfeT . SWIM CioSy ; THOUSANDS ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES OF SLAIN DETECTIVE Men of All Walks of Life Honor Harry E Tucker Reverence for Man Killed While Fulfilling Duty Rivals Pomp of Famous Scenes. No hero of Ancient or modern battle field was over lowered Into the grave with more feeling of devotion, perhaps, than Detectlvo Harry 13. Tucker, who was killed by a "Doggie" Miller, and burled this afternoon. There havo been few higher tributes to n ninn who died 1 ntho performance of his duty. Mayor Blnnkenburg, the city's chief executive, Director Porter, of the De partment of Safety, every police lieuten ant on the force, reprosentatlvcn from At lantic City and Camden, from the Penn sylvania nnd Baltimore, nml Ohio ltnll roadft; men representing nearly every walk of life gathered reverently nt tho hero's home and grave In silent nnd mournful tribute. N'o casket probably was ever draped with wreaths and flowers, given In n more hcnrt-felt spirit of devotion for the man who died In the performance of his duty. Store than 100 police were detailed nt the Tucker home to keep back the huge 'rowd. Piomptly at 2 o'clock scveial hun dred members of the department marched form the With street and Woodland nve nue station, where Tucker was detailed, to tho house. Tho procession was headed by the police band, playing a funeral march, and Director Porter, Superintend ent of Police Robinson nnd other olllclnls. Captn'n Cnnieron. Lleutennnts Tate, Wood and Eninnuel, with nil members of tho city detective force, were nlso present. Mayor Ulniikciiburg and Director Porter both expressed condolences to Mrs. Tuck er. All officials present spoko In slowing words of Tucker's past life, tints all along the street were doffed In tribute to tho claln man. Few funerals have been more dramatic. While hundreds of members of the pollco force gathered to escort their comrade to the grave. "Doggie" Miller crouched, weeping. In hla prison cell. The Tucker home was literally packed with flowers. Floral tributes were sent WIFE'S DYING MESSAGE CAUSES WILL CONTEST Deathbed Wish Shown in Effort to Oust Widower as Adminis trator of $52,000 Estate. Action hns been instituted before the Register of Wills by Mrs. Ella M. C. Mc Manus, of 017 North lfith street, to re vckd letters of administration granted to the husband of her daughter, Helen J. Moycr, who died at the mother's resi dence April 1. The estate amounts to $52,000 of personal property. A hearing In tho case will b held before the Register on Friday. Mrs. McManus offered for probato a paper necl'ired to be a will made verbally by Mrs. Moycr on her deathbed, which contains the rcqucfit that the husband should1 not "hnndle one cent of my money, for all the suffering nnd torture he caused me since t married him." The husband, Wnllnce N. Moyer, who lives nt JCK North 12th street, obtained tho letters of administration on applica tion made one week after his wife's death, declaring that she died without leaving a will. A few days later, Mr. McManus, the mother of Mrs. Moycr. the decedent, fllc-J a. petition with the Register asking for issuance of a citation against her son-in-law, Wallace N. Moycr. to show cause why the letters granted him should not bo revoked. She nverred, In tho petition that a caveat protesting against tho granting of the letters had been flleJ within three days after the death of Mrs. Moycr and that the Register of Wills under the act of June t" lfD7, had no right or power to grant letteru to any one, so thnt the granting of letters of administration, nt the expiration of only four days nftcr the filing of a caveat hy your petitioner wns entirely Illegal and not In accordance with the laws of tlui Stato of Pennsylvania." The petition Bets forth that the law aIlow 10 days within which to file a bond nnd that tho designated period had not elapsed. The nuncupative will offered for pro bate and said to Indicate tho wishes of the dying woman made In the presence of three witnesses. Is as follows: "On Wednesday. March 31, 1013. at 917 North 16th street. In the front bedroom of tho second-story front. In bed, Helen J. Moycr said she wanted us to pay atten tion to how she wanted her affairs fixed. She paid this to all three, her mother, my self and Kate: " -A portion of the mono J if J orX. gago I want left In trust f;r jesSei my niece; brother Albert anj n, other. Tho remainder of the money j wullt eft for masses for father,,otner and myself to the Gesu ChurcJ, j nIf0 want money left to the Rev.ther McCndle for some thing for hJS'tjiurch. I nlso want money lekt for fog )e0p 0f tho cemetery lot. I . wa"' Gertrude to havo money lett, for , ,,.s always been kind. " also want Kate to have money, for Sfe has been kind to me. I also want the rest of my money to be divided be taween Albert and mother. I also want him (referring to her husband) not to handle one cent of my money, for all the suffering nnd torture he caused me since I married him.' "Philadelphia, April 5, 1015. "GERTRUDE M. McMANUS. "ELLA M. E. McMANUS, "KATE DOHERTY." "I'm on the Job for 24 hours; that's why my name Is Day." Thus spoke John Day. 62 years old and proud of It, aa he cracked a whip about the legs of two cops who sought to criti cise hU methods. Day lives at 2125 Mut ter street when he's home, which la not much, and he spends considerable of hla time as a walking advertisement for a Kensington butter and ees dealer. Occa sionally, too. he delivers orders, and aa eves are rather ticklish things to carry In surging crowds, John brings a whip along, which tolls people plainer than words that they must get out of the wayi It aggravates Day when he seea any one within three yards of him either way. and to get a wider radius of exclusive thoroughfare he turns on one heel and w'elds the whip aa he revolves. He was thus engaged today and the crack of the whip brought yells from facetious young sters. It was their tdiouts which brought the cops, who "happened to be Policemen Bowera and Qreentree. They braved the withering warpa ot John Day's lash and took him to the 4th and Yort; itreeu sta tion. Day pointed to the fact that he "looked like Uncle Sam." and told the police they ought -to be nhamed of themselves for taking him in. "You may look lik Uncle Sam," aald Magfstrat Glenn, "but you don't act like aim. Uncle Bam doean't go around looking for troybfe In fact, he remalru neutral. Unless you promise to do the timi you JjpfUl go up, the vr." by the Pennsylvania and Baltimore nnd Ohio Railroads, from every police sta tion In the city nnd from many nearby cities nnd towns. There were many tributes from acting detectives. One of the most pathetic scenes wns the meeting of Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Daisy Hecker, n sister of the slain man, who arrived from Baltlmoro In time for the funeral. The funeral services were held first nt Detective Tucker's home, f"39 Woodland novnue, nnd then nt the Olivet Methodist Episcopal Church. Interment wns In Mt. Zlon Cemetery, Dnrby. The honorary pnllbcarels were Detect ive Hnrry Owelty, Detective Thomns Hnibrldgo, Detective George Tlinler, De tective Edward Lynch, Special Officer Thomas .McDowell nnd Special Olllccr Thomas Kennedy. 1'hc pnllbcarprfl were npoplntcd by Captain Cameron this morn ing. More than SSfl members of the police force In uniform cnlhcrcd shortly after 1 o'clock nt Market nnd Juniper streets and marched to the Tucker home. Among those who escorted the body were: It, W. Mace, Leonnrd J. Slicrinan, George Loughlln, of tho 10th Wnrd Re publican Club; Wlltlnm J. Vlnckenhurg, lieutenant of pollco of the Pennsylvania Railroad; Harold Mitchell; mnny mem bers of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, of which Tucker wns a mem ber, and members of several other or ganizations to which he belonged; Cap tain Robert D. Cameron, of the detcctH'i bureau; Lieutonniits of Detectives Tnte and Wood, nnd County Prosecutor Krnfl, of Camden. Atlantic City sent six representatives. Mnny came from Cnmdcn. All the police captains nnd lieutenants were present. Three police representatives were eciu from each district. The Ilev. Dr. ttnocli Hoffman, pastor of the Olivet Methodist Episcopal Cluuvh, K!d rticct and Grays avenue, ofllclated. 82 CONTRACTING FIRMS INDICTED BY U. S. JURY Chicago Concerns and 18 Union Business Agents Are Accused of Conspiracy. CHICAGO, April 2$. Wholesale charges of conspiracy In restraint of Interstate commerce, fixing of prices nnd forming of combinations to throttle nutRlde competi tion and monopolize building construction in Chicago nro contained In Indictments returned by tho Federal Grand Jury ngnlnst 82 Chicago contracting firms and IS business agents of labor unions, which were made public today. Tho Indictments are raid to be the llrst of the kind ever returned under the Fed eral antitrust law. They charge big local contractors and labor leaders, many of whose names nro known from one end of tho nation to the other, with conspiring to exclude completely from Chicago all contractors and construction companies of other cities, thus monopolizing tho Chi cago business. Bond3 for the Indicted men were llxcd at ?JO0O each today by Judge Landls, who will allow a reasonable time for tho In dicted men to surrender themselves to tho court. In the event of their failure to avail themselves of this privilege the court will Issue capiases for their arrests." Representatives of machinery and build ing material manufacturers from York, Pn., Racine, Wis., St. Louis, Hartford, Conn., and Jersey City, N, J., it was snid today, will be Government witnesses when the indicted men go to trial. j ELEPHANT CAUSES ARREgx Disturbs Ten Slumberers V Tent's Shelter nnd Cops Gathe,v Tnem jn. A bad elephant, which 'was ,aWn(r a short walk outside one tne tent8 nt tno circus, frightened , r?irc cops ond ten bums today and yr3 ,he CUU50 o the lat. ters' arrest. Policeman :cintee saw the animal wnnd; irf nround and learned, Incl '' .ally, that It killed u man some time aso. When the elephant assumed a fight ing attitude, Maclntee shouted and ran. Two other cop3 nearby followed suit. Their shouts awakened the bums, who were colled up comfortably near the tents, Tho cops gathered In the bums as they ran and took them to the Falls of Schuyl nill station. Magistrate Grelis sent them to Jail for live days. $6000 for Darlington "Gym" One hundred members of the Alumnae Association of Darlington Seminary, West Chester, In session nt the Adelphla Hotel, this morning voted to raise 16000 to convert an old stone barn on the college campus Into a gymnasium. The new building will be known ah "Alumnae Hall." The president of the associa tion. Mrs. Ethel Tarkln Williams, of New York, presided. "I think you're right, Judge," replied Day. "I'll be neutral henceforth." He was discharged. When a Germantown "cop" told James Hillock, ot 5419 Lena street, he was un der arrest, the latter looked at him and smiled. Hillock was acting unsteady In the neighborhood and did not seem to be quite sure of his destination. In fact it's a matter of doubt If he had any at alt. He walked across the street and back again and up the street and down again. That's why the policeman told him he was "pinched," The man's apparent indifference aroused the wrath of the bluecoat and to convince him that he was really arrested, he turned him over to Sergeant Smith. On hearing of the prisoner's independent at tltudo the sergeant demanded an ex plantlon but Hllock looked at him and smiled. He was taken to the Germantown po lice station and Magistrate Pennock was told confldentlaly that the man was "mysterious." "Why don't you explain your peculiar conduct?" the Judge asked. The prisoner motioned that he wanted a pencil and paper. On getting it he wrote. "I was drunk, but as I cannot talk, I could not answer any questions. I Judge from the attitude of these around that all concerned are angry." "This man Is a mute," said the. Magis trate, "but I will discharge him for promptly admitting that he was drunk." The prisoner's name was obtained from papers in his pocket. When the Judge mo tioned that he was discharged, h under stood H without an interpreter. PLOT DISCOVERED TO BEAT TRANSIT Cogtlnufd from I'liRft One declaration for tho Taylor plans made by United States Senator Boles Penroeo last week. Tho first appearance of tho cards to day wns in City Hall, where Edward J. Blum, a Lane ndhercnt in the 20th Wnrd nnd a deputy coroner, began passing them out nmong his acquaintances. Ap parently fearful of arousing the Ire of his "boss," Ilium denied that tho cards originated with Lntie. The city chair man himself neccptcd full responsibility for tho scheme, however, only declaring that thcrwo wns no politics" back of his action nnd thnt he was prompted only hy "flnanclnl nnd economic" motives. ALWAYS AGAINST TRANSIT. As one of the heaviest Union Traction stockholders Lnno haB been openly ngnlnst the Taylor high-speed system since the plans were first made public. On February 11. at tho time of tho hear Ing before the Sehatc Committee on Mu nicipal Affairs, he denounced the transit movement as nn "organized emotional ism." Todny he rcafnitimrmed his decla ration thnt the whole, thing wni pre posterous, vlslonnry nnd Impossible, of execution. Mr. Lnno, questioned ns to the cards, made the following statement: "I AM RESPONSIBLE." "1 assume full responsibility for these cards. Tho whole Idea of the transit loan Is nn outrage. It Is depreciating tho value of tho residential sections of tho city for the honoflt of the suburban dis tricts. It Is nothing more thnn stcnllng. "Why should bo people In the resi dential sections of the flty vote for something that will mean a loss of money to us In tho depreciation of nur property, land nnd stores, nnd which will CARD WRITTEN HTHE ELECTION on Thursday, April 29th, is to enable the City to borrow $6,000,000.00 to start a subway, and it-is only the be ginning of an expenditure of over $100,000,000.00, which means an increase in the Land, and Property Values to adjoining counttes at the expense of the Tax Pnycrimnd Property Owner of Philadelphia. A vote in favor of this loan is a vole to reduce the already low value of propcrlics in this neighborhood, and ultimately increases the tax rale, therefore go to the polls and VOTE AGAINST THE LOAN! not benefit us in any way, but will Rlvc the .suburban diKtrlcts nn unfair ndvnn tasc over us. Our propeity now has hardly Its assessed valuation. Another ninn in the ward and I are sending out these cards. I will not Klvo his name, because It Is none of your business and because I do not wish to appear to bo hldlnft behind him. I accept tho full responsibility." I.ylns within reach of Lane's band was a proof sheet Hko the cards being spread throughout tho city. Thu !aBe of tho Republican party was sarcastic and resentful from tho time nn Hvi:nino Lrihjkii reported entered the olllce mice. At llrst Mr. I.nnc answered guardedly and without point, but soon i. ...... . . . nun laum.hcd upon n vigorous or llio cutlro transit plan rm"-- "I can't seo how any one can approve of the plan. Why cn .;i have proven to the fntlur ic:bm a' t1(, courts that they cannot run on r y .,' 2i,(. cents a mile, and here Is.-ylor promising a li-imlc ude lor a i.'6ii. preposterous." , ' Mr. Lune wns reminded f', ,.. Ntnv York a ride of 21rCTercan bo had in the Subway for 5 .clltH nnd thnt one mn 1 b0,r,d,il "rcylar at tho northernmost point In ManoUnn raiand rde about 13 mues nnuue glvon a frce tran8fer ic,r another- mlle rMc ovcr the Miinlclpnl i'err;,t0 staten Island across the Hay. "' Lane had no answer to this. Ho Witched for a time into a denunciation "of tho newspapers. DENOUNCES NEWSPAPERS. "What are you Interviewing me for, any way? Your paper won't uso a lino of this," he said. "It hasn't In the past. I don't know what has got Into the papers thnt they are completely hypnotized by Merrltt Taylor. Yc.ir3 ago, when I favored transit, and transit not paid for by the city, either, they nttneked me. Now they havo switched around and are attacking mo again. I don't know why they do It." Several times during the interview tho reporter tried to learn tho name of the other 20th Ward man who is interested In defeating the transit loan. Each time Mr. Lano grew moro excited nnd flnnlly said It was none of the reporter's busi ness. "It's none of your business It's none of your business!" he burst out. "How much are you getting n week? What's your mother's nnme? .What's your re ligion? Aro you mnrlreh? There you are. That's as much my business as tho other thlntr Is yours." "Things concerning politics and transit aro public business and the public hits a right to know about them," tho re porter answered. "There's nothing not polltlcal-cconom.c political in this. It's economic and fi nancial." "Which Is equally Important and of In terest to the public." "Well, I won't tell you, nnd that's the end .of It. lt nw of your bv-3." Redoubled efforts to secure a large loan vote were started Immediately nf ter they learned of the cards by tho Committee of One Thousand and other friends of real rapid transit. Until the cards came to light they had been get ting more confident every moment that victory was In sight. It was thought all organized opposition to transit had been located definitely. PLAN KEPT SECRET. Steps had been taken effectually to combat this opposition. The backers of real rapid transit were almost re?dy to relax In their efforts and leave the question to the people to decide, cer tain that their campaign of education would bring abi-'t an overwhelming vote In favor of the loan. Then some one learned that a l.ane man was sending the cards broadcast. Lane's opposition had been apparent months ago, but when United States Senator Doles Penrose came out openly for Transit last week, It ivas supposed Lane would fall in line. Therefore, the cards came as a distinct surprise. The motive for the Lane opposition is an open book, according to the backers of Transit. They say It may be traced directly to his holdings In the Union Traction Company. He is one of t'.ie heaviest stockholders of that company, which has never agreed to the Taylor plans of rapid tr&nsit. On November 16, 1911, David H. Lane, In declaiming the Union Tractlori Com pany's opposition to the transit plan, said that the Union Traction stockholders had more than paid the $32.50 due on each share of stock. He argued that the- re duced income which resulted from cut ting the fare to West Philadelphia from ten to five cents years ago had more than compensated for the balance due on the stock. It was pointed out, that toss growing out of reduced dividends could not bo nr0prly classed as An assessment, but Mr. Lacs re-asserted his conviction that the balance had been paid. Ho attempt Is being made by those; behind the transit loan to minimize the Importance of this eleventh-hour stroke. They admit that It Is the most danger ous blow no far Btruck by the antag onists of transit, and the cards may havo been circulating quietly among tho solid Organization following for weeks. It was declared unremitting effort will be necessary to offset the effect of the cards. It Is believed that the foes of transit realized it would be unwise to subject themselves to the fire of the Committee of 10C0 nnd the other backers of rapid transit by too open antagonism for the plans that mean renl transportation for Philadelphia, Instead of Jammed trolleys, long rides nnd interminable strap hang Inp. Accordingly they decided on ft stealthy system. NOT DISCOURAGED The Committee of One Thousand Is not discouraged. It realizes that It will mean hard work. One point that Is significant was brought to light on the cards, Ordi narily It would have been easy to trace their origin by the union label, which Is generally on political printing. The union label always bears a shop number. This method of tracing the cards Is Im possible, because those who had the cards printed took care to see there was no label on them. So far It has not been learned where the printing was done. A personal appeal to voters has been Issued by Transit Director A. Mcrrltt Taylor. Mnyor lllankenburg has sent out a clty-wldo cnll for every loynl citizen to support tho loan, nnd the Commltteo of 1000 is mnlllnR more than 200,000 postal cards as llnal reminders of the Importance of tho election. The men that have been working for months In the trntiBlt campaign believe that virtually nil opposition to the loan has been swept away, nndtthnt the voters of Philadelphia, Irrespective of party, will align themselves in favor of Increas ing the city's Indcbtness In tho amount BY DAVID H. LANE of Jfi.ono.00n to begin work on the high speed system planned by Director Taylor. Tho Interest In the special election Is particularly keen in the 23th, 27th and ,1Sth Wnrds, where councllmnnlc vacan cies aro to bo filled. Realizing that transit Is to continue n political Issue, independ ent nominees in tho 27th and 38th Wnrds have made their campaign on a Taylor transit platform. In tho L'7tli Ward James S. Stovall, In dependent candidate to succeed Senator elect Edward W. Patton, In Select Coun cil, has pledged his support to Director Taylor. In the 3Sth Wnrd. Charles R Wnnd. inrlo'Vnrlpnf rnnrtlrlnt- ,n nonncnH the latry oPi T!"E "7,- "wrt ln Prcfp"' , Scl,ect Councilman, AfGcKe . ''I.iftlldft hnc mnrla n lllo n nilnn T. Cw .....Ul. .V. ,,.uhu 'i yganlzatlon nominees to fill these vacan cies nro respectively John Dugnn and Inmcs E. Waleh. Mark Fleming, He publican, la tho unopposed candidate to fill the vacancy In the 25th Ward caused by the resignation of Common Council man William II. Hackett. Tho polls will bo open tho usual elec tion hours, from 7 o'clock In tho morn ing to 7 o'clock In the evening. All sa loons In tho city will bo closed from mid night tonight until midnight tomorrow night. All who were entitled to voto in tho last general election may vote tomorrow, provided they have not moved from their voting precincts. Mayor Blankenburs made the following nppenl for support of tho loan: "While tho election is to decide tho question of whether or not the city shall borrow $6,000,000 for transit improvement, it Is nn election of great Importance, both from the standpoint of the peoplo and the future" of the city. "It affords them tho opportunity, really tho first, of saying whether they favor improved transit facilities such as aro contemplated by the loan and the plans of Director Taylor. They should go to tho polls and vote, no matter whether they vote for or against tho loan. They should give expression to their opinion." Director Taylor Issued the following open letter to all voters to support tho loan: "TO THE INDIVIDUAL VOTER IN PHILADELPHIA: "I make this my personal appeal to YOU to turn out and vote for tho Tran sit Loan nt tho Special Election to morrow. "High-speed lines, connecting up all Important sections of the City for one i cent fare, will bring added comfort, con venience nnd time-saving, also n broader field of opportunity for profitable em ployment nnd recreation to every citizen, "This Is the first opportunity YOU have had to do YOUR part In furthering the establishment ot adequato rapid transit facilities In Philadelphia. "I most earnestly pppeal to YOU IN YOUn OWN INTEREST to do YOUR part as a citizen in order that tho vote tomorrow may bo an Impressive demon stration of the public demand for the establishment of these much needed facilities. "Yours very truly, (Signed) "A. M. TAYLOR. "Director of the Department of city Transit." The Committee of One Thousand Is flooding the malls wtvn a final postal card reminder to the voters. More than 200,000 cards calling attention to the im portance of the loan will havo been mailed before tonight by the subcom mittees nnd ward committees of tho or ganization. A copy of the postal appeal follows: Tomorrow, April 29, a special election for the transit loan will be held. The citizens in voting for an incretue in the city's Indebtedness for transit develop ment will assure a prompt start being made In the development of adequate rapid-transit facilities for Philadelphia with free transfers. A vote for the loan is a vote for a sav ing in time apd money with added com fort and convenience to you and to every 19I?&HuntingParkAve. WmJr TWICE DAILY 2& 8 P.M. iW II THIS WEPK ONLY tou j no me tioir KtaaKinTtf ttTwia ii nra LALLA ROOKH OncATtarALL NATION CIRCUS THEWORLO HAS EVER SEEN Th5 Circus 5urpriS2 of tha Cealary 110-CagflZflo 40WarE!iplianl3 Ohi sa-g8B, Tkkii Admits Is All Reserved tiraod stand h)r at Ciiiibela citizen, and for a greater and better Phil adelphia. All who wero registered nt tho last general election aro entitled to voto at this special election. Do sure to voto for the loan. Polls open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Tho $5,000,000 loan Is to bo based upon the additional borrowing capacity of the city afforded by the personal property tax law of 1913. Under this law there Is ari added borrowing capacity of $30,000,000, but only $6,000,000 Is to be borrowed for the first work on tho transit system. Tho lines to be begun, In accordance with tho ordinance of Councils, nrt, tha North and South Droad street stibwny nnd the Frankford elevated. This will be the first step townrd the completion of the comprehensive system of high speed lines linking nil outlying sections of Philadelphia for one B-cent fnre. nnd elim inating the present discriminatory 8-cent exchange tickets. Jacob Reed's Sons Official Headquarters for the College Mans Straw Hat Opening o the Season Straw fiat Day Saturday, May 1st All the new ana correct braid s ana shapes f or tne season. Qcnmts, inaws from $2 to $3.50. Panamas m new and fetching shapings, $5, $6, $8, $10 and $12. We are the authorized and only official distributors of Fraternity and Cluh Hat Bands Price 60c each. Proof of membership exacted from every purchaser. The long list follows: Acacia Fraternity Fraternity Gamma Aero Club Gamma fc Alpha Pi Alpha Alpha Phi lTv5Tp"rraBct5a'- a Alpha Chi Rho '',: Alpha Delta Phi 'I Alpha Kappa Kappa ; Alpha Lambda Mu Alpha Mu Pi Omega Alpha Mu Tau f. Alpha Omega 'A Alpha Penta ' Alpha Phi ,'j Alpha Sigma Delta ''i Alpha Sigma Phi , Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Zeta "f. Argonauts f; Amicus Club V, B. K. ': Bachelors' Club 4 Bala Athletic Club '4 Baring Club M Belmont Club f. Beta Delta 0 Beta Gamma Beta Omega A Beta Pi P Beta Psi ; Beta Theta Beta Theta Pi v. Bowl and Spoon Campus Club, (Princeton) Cap and Gown Club, ; (Princeton) r Cavaliers J Charter Club, ? (Princeton) ''.- ChestnutHillAcademy J? Chi Phi ;. Chi Psi A Cloister Inn Club, Jj (Princeton) 'i Clover Club ;.; Colonial Club Community Club ; Delphi ',; Delta Beta Sigma Delta Chi : Delta Delta Delta ; Delta Gamma Sigma V; Delta Kappa Epsilon B Delta Phi Delta Phi Delta a Delta Phi Psi ' Delta Phi Sigma Delta Sigma Delta Sigma Delta H Delta Sigma Phi . H Delta Tau Beta V. Delta Tau Delta Delta Phi Omega H Delta Theta Phi Delta Upsilon g Dial Lodge , (Princeton) U Dobbs' Athletic Asso- k elation n Dutch Company y Elm Club 1 (Princeton) H Epsilon Iota Pi n Epsilon Kappa Phi H Epsilon Kappa Pi Gamma Theta Sigina Green Bowl U TTH. Club Hexagon Society Hoi Polloi Iota Tau Iroquois Club Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Beta Sigma Kappa Gamma Phi Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Phi Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Sigma Klique Klub Lambda Beta Phi Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Sigma Les Beaux Esprits Lcs Epicureans Mummy Club Mystyx Club Nassau Country Club Nu Beta Tau Nu Sigma Nu Octagons Omega Delta Phi Omega Tau Sigma Omega Upsilon Phi Ortal Club Owls Pharmocothea Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Sigma Phi Beta Phi Beta Pi Phi Chi Phi Delta Phi Delta Chi Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta Pi Phi Delta Sigma Phi Delta Theta Phi Epsilon Phi Epsilon Kappa Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Epsilon Phi. Delta Alpha Phi Kappa Psi Club Phi Kappa Sigma Phila. Cricket Club Philomathean Society Phi Phi Phi Phi Tau Phi Psi Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Sigma Chi Phi Sigma Delta Phi Sigma Lambda Phi Sigma Gamma Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Zeta Delta Pi Beta Phi Pi Delta Epsilon Pi Gamma Pi Phi , Pilgrims PI Psi Pi Sigma Plumb-Bob Society Psi Omega Psi Upsilon Quadrangle Club Rho Delta Kappa Ring Fraternity Satellites Farmington School First City Troop F. X. I. Gateway Club, (Prinaston) Gamma Delta Psi Jacob Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET SsAVs5.a&i3 MARINES HELD FOR TIIEF Thrc Men at Navy Yard Accused of Robbing Tailor Shop. Three, trips from League Iind ,; "fence" on Balnbrldge street nearV carrying the stoleh goods In au)t "ft'j were mndo by marines who looted tJ tailor shop of Joseph Simon, In the ?S yard, the night ot April 22, of MolhS valued nt $230, according to DetecthWV Lowry nnd Knox, who arrested Comui'sS Nowmnn. (Jeorge U Mead and w?, !UJS Crandell In connection with the robkiVl Tho men are being held by n 2SI authorities for court-martial. w" Newman confessed the robberv t'J pllcatlns Mead, the detectives say ftiffiS of the stolen goods wero found In iw' possession of Crandell, tho police .?. though they hnvo been unable to con.Jv,i him directly with tho robbery. conM opnt otraws ana JxiacK- Phi Sigma Second City Troop Sigma Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Phi Sigma Beta Phi Sigma Chi Sigma Delta Sigma Delta Psi Sigma Gamma Sigma Gamma Delta Sigma Iota Xi Sigma Kappa Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Lambda Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Upsilon Sigma Pi Sigma Tau Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Alpha Tau Sigma Chi Sigma Sigma Sigma Kappa St. George School St. Luke's School St. Paul's School Styx and Tud Tau Alpha Omicron Tau Beta Phi Tau Beta Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Tau Delta Tau Tau Gamma Delta Tau Lambda Tau Omega Delta Tau Rho Delta Tau Theta Sigma Target Fraternity Terrace Club Thespian Club Theta Alpha Theta Theta Beta Sigma Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi Theta Gamma Theta Kappa Psi Theta Nu Epsilon Theta Omega Kappa Theta Phi Theta Psi Theta Tau Theta Xi Thirteen Bachelors Club Terrace Club, (Princeton) Thirteen Club Tome School Triangle Troop G., N. G. P. Twelve Club Trident Senior Society Tuxedo Club Upsilon Gamma Sigma Upsilon Omega UpsilonSigmaLambda Wheeling Club Weno Club West Overbrook Tennis Club Xi Lambda Xi Psi Phi Ye Barons Ye Idlers Ye Nomads Ye Owls Ye Ramblers Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Delta Chi Zeta Psi Phi Upsilon ,wssaM8W&!!5wp!i dissssssssssuOliisssssssssssssssssssH
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