Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
I- i PHILADELPHIA jgOOL JACK COOMBS SLATED W) HURL FOR BROOKLYN , AGAINST PHILS TODAY Former Athletics' Iron Man Will be Seen on Mound in Second of-Series Erskine Mayer Due to Pitch. Fans who were wont to Infest Shlbe park to see John Coombs, the mighty Iron Man, hurl, may have a chance to see the Kenncbunklan again In action. Tealerday Coomba was warming up with Nap Ruckor, but tho latter waB finally chosen by Manager Robinson to do tho pitching. But this afternoon It Is almost certain that Coombs, In tho togs of the Brooklyn Dodgers, will be seen In tho firing pit against the Phillies. Erskine Mayor will do the pitching for the Phillies, unless Pat Moran decides at the last moment to depart from his regu lar order of choosing his twlrlors. Mnyer was due to pitch before Chalmers, but as the "Comibaek" was In good condition yesterday ho was sent In and won his gamo from Brooklyn, E to 2. Thus far the Phillies have won 10 out of 11 starts. Their play yesterday was far from tho peppery stuff they havo been putting up In tho games gone by, but at that they managed to win, which, as far as tho fans are concerned. Is the main Issue. This afternoon there should be a good crowd out to cheer tho fleet Phils on to their 11th victory. The game today Is scheduled to begin at 3:30 o'clock. GMMANTOWN BOYS IN TRACK CONTEST Scratch Meet for Three Classes Scheduled This Afternoon for Club Lads Under 18 Years. The tiack commlttco of tho German town Boys' Club has arranged a scratch meet for this afternoon on the Boys' Club playground. The events will only be open to bos who have not reached their ISth birthday and will he conducted for the purposo of bringing out new ma terial. AH told there are 21 events di vided Into three classes. Gold enameled track team pln3 will be awarded the win ner In each event and no boy will bo permitted to enter more than thr:e events. The work of re-surfacing the running track has been finished, and the new field equipment Is ready for the meet. A great deal of Interest Is being taken par ticularly among the members of the club who attend school. About 55 boys aio ready for the various events . For boja under 5 fret In hMght the follow - - Inff oents are listed 50-yard dash, one lap race. 8-pound shotput, running high lump, runnlnc broad Jump and reliy race. Tor nojs under ." feet 2 inches In helcht lira the following events 50-yard daeh, 220-jard '!.?. relaJ" racff' -Pund shotput, runnlne . ." Jump and running broad Jump. For hoi a mcr r. feet 2 Inches In height nnd Jho ire under 18 enrs of age 50-yard dash. 520-yard dash. 140-yard run, 12-pound shot- j-iinit, running high Jump, running 'broad Jump ana relay race. WEST BRANCH BANQUET Philadelphia Organization Will Honor Its Indoor Athletic Victors Friday. "West Branch Y. M. C. A. will hold Its athletic banquet Friday night, at 8 o'clock, at the West Philadelphia station. Mike Dorlzas, Penn's strong man, Is to give a wrestling exhibition. Local athletes are training for the Me morial Day track meet to be held at Point Breeze by tho Ancient Order of Hibernians. Entry blanks are out. Tom O'Toolo, captain of the Wilming ton High School track team, has been making a name for himself. His good work at the recent relays is tho talk of his friends. WHA T MA Y HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL LEAGUE -Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win. Phillies ........10 1 .909 .917 Cincinnati 8 4 .667 .692 Chicago 6 6 .500 .538 St. Loul 7 7 .500 .533 Boston 6 6 .500 .538 Plttsburfjh 4 8 .333 .385 Brooklyn 4 8 .333 ,385 New York 3 8 .273 .333 Lose. .833 .615 .462 .467 .462 .308 .308 .250 AMERICAN LEAGUE Clubs W. L. Pet. Win. Lose, .667 .583 .533 .500 .454 .400 .273 .267 Detroit 10 New York 7 Chicago 8 Washington ... 6 Boston 5 Cleveland 6 Athletics 3 OL Louis 4 4 .714 .733 4 .636 .667 .572 .600 5 .545 .583 5 .500 .545 8 .429 .467 7 .300 .364 10 .286 .333 FEDERAL LEAGUE Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win, Lose. Newark ,,.10 Chicago ,,,,..., 7 Pittsburgh 8 Brooklyn 8 Kansas city ... 5 Buffalo 6 Baltimore ,...., 8 6L Loult 4 6 5 B 6 5 9 0 8 .625 .583 .571 .571 .500 .400 ,400 .333 .647 .588 .538 .615 .600 .600 .545 .433 .433 .385 .533 .633 .454 .375 .375 .308 SCHEDULE f OB TODAY National League Brooklyn at Philadelphia, cloudy. oaton at New York, threatening-, Chicago at Cincinnati, partly cloudy. Pittsburgh at St, Louis, clear, American League Philadelphia at Washington, clear, New York at Boston, cloudy, ' ? Hul at Detroit. clear Cleveland at Chicago, clear. Federal League Biltlroore at Brook!) n. threatening, Buffalo at Newark, cloudy. Bt. Loul at Plttibui-Kh, cloudy. "uuas City at Chicago, clear. International League Buffalo at Providence, cloudy, ' Aoreato t HJchmoad, cir. Only saints today, YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National League Philadelphia, 5; Brooklyn, 8. Boston, U; New YorK, p. Chicago, 6; Cincinnati. 0. SL Louis, 3; Fittaburgh, 0. American League :VraEfatnjrton, S; AtnleUcs. J. Hew York, 2; Boston, o. .1L n-t...i ft. a T.rtnla 9 j - w. "" i Baltimore, 7; Brooklyn. 6. 2 TOuffsln il Vt7t n rlr. H Rf T.trt K THttKbursrh. I. I J ' Kan aty, V. Chicago. & . International Leagua I Sjpon4 U, Toronto, 8. j. PHILS' AND ATHLETICS' BATTING AVERAGES Helow aro the balling record of the Ath letics and fhllllM. Including Tuesday's garneti ATHLETICS. Ws If AH. It. H. TB.SB. rC. I .143 ian ............... i 1 iS 17 7 1 2.1 II 3 0 1 2 .06T .m ,2TB .400 .500 .2.11 ..TO .400 .140 .2.V) .2.V) .20 .107 MtHHlJ "' ' J-arp ...! McAoy , Schang ,, Strunk ,. Harry ..., Thompton DaN If s . . 40 10 2? 40 41 8 4 nopr McConnell .,, 0 r PHILLIES. llyrne ? llancroft 0 Becker .... Jo Cmatii SS Whltted . 37 Nlphnrf an I.uderua ... ..... ' 5n Klllofor . -it Hurna i I'aakert l" H. TD.SD. PC. .171 .223 .119 .12 .403 Ifll 1 1 1 .270 I .000 I .081 ATHLETICS' PITCHING GOOD; HITTING WEAK Bressler or Wyckoff May Op pose Ayres or Johnson To day Shawkey's Good Work. "WASHINGTON. April 23. It was gen orally believed that the great weakness of the Athletics this season lay In the pitching staff, but yesterday's perform ance showed them to bo strong In that department nnd weak on the ' offense. Shnwkey hurled a beautiful gnme, allow ing but three hits, yet the Mnckmen were unaoic to win. MacK cannot hope to have any bettor pitching today than ho had yesterday, but he doubtless figure that his team will be better with the stick later on in tho season. Bressler or Wyckoff will be In the box for the Athletics against Doc Aycrs or u alter Jonnson today. Should Avers bo called on to pitch. Mack will bo sure to uso Bressler, but If Johnson goea In. Wyc koff wilt bo used by the tall Phllndel phlan. The ony possible chango Mack may make today Is In tho third base station. McConnell has been making good at Baker's, old place, but at that Mack may decide to try King Kopf again. CENTRAL HIGH LOSES THREE OF ITS STAR OARSMEN Ineligibility of Captain Thomas and Two of Crew Hard Blow. Three of the Central High School star oarsmen have been declared Ineligible and tho resignation of both Captain Carl Thomas and Manager Baldl has been asked for by Prof. Philip Maas, chairman of tho Committee on Rowing at the Broad and Green streets Institution. The three oarsmen who were declared ineligible are Homing, bow; Uhoads, No. 2, and Stafford, No. 5, all of whom have fallen back In their scholastic standing and will be unable to compete for one month. Boming and Rhoads rowed In last j ear's American lntcrscholastic cham pionship eight, while Stafford wns con sidered to be one of the mnlnstays of this year's boat. Manager Baldl Is also back In his studies. The athletic commission nt Central High contributes $100 a year to tho main tenance of the crew, and this money has already been spent for repairs to the shell and tho trip to Annapolis lust Sat urday, when tho Plobes defeated tho Crimson and Gold eight. Slnco all the funds have been expended it is not likely that tho Central Hicrh School crew will go to New Haven on May S to row tho Yale freshmen. ATHLETIC POLICEMAN IS HARRY FRYCKBURG 220-yard Low Hurdle Cham pion Is Likewise Splendid Jumper Now Recovering" From Operation. Harry K. Pryckburs, the Middle At lantic Association 220-yard low hurdle champion. Is not only a great athlete, but one of tho nattiest of tho city police force. Harry "has been able to train at off times and .is a result has come to tho forco as the best policeman-athlete In Philadelphia. Not only enn he hurdle wonderfully well, but he Is able, when In condition, to leap more than 3 feet lu the running- broad jump. For a while Harry was detailed on a motorcycle and lately he has been doing duty at the busy 33d and Market street coiners. Harry developed a 'nernia the past winter and Is now recuperating from an ooera.tlon for that ailment. He hopes to be in tip-top condition by the middle of the summer, when he will again take up his specialties of hurdline and broad Jumping. At tho police carnival each year Harry is the scratch man In the events, and In the open competition ha Is likewise awardxd the 'nonor position. Ho won top honors at the last police tournament, and following this no headed the police bas ketball team. It was while playing the .cage game that he strained an abdom- 'J .u. .! FPL... In....... t .I.1..1 l.lnln.An the law on his beat might as well sub mit to arrest tamely, for Harry could concede the violator many yards In a prlnt. JOHN MALONEY BOXES IN SAN FRANCISCO Clever Philadelphia 125-pound Champion to Compete in Ex position Championships. Philadelphia will be represented in tho Panama Exposition boxing champion' shlpB, to be held at Han rrancisco n month. Johnny Maloney, who will wear the silks of the St Rita's Cathollo Club, will be the clever aspirant for national honors. He has made a great showing In the tournaments hold in this city, lie has won the 105, 115. 118, 3 and 1J5 pound classes since he started his work In the amateur ring. Maloney is at present the Middle Atlan tic Association 125-pound champion. He recently fought his way to tho finals In the national championships at Mechanics' Pavilion, Boston, Mass., but claims he was not treated fairly. Bo firm is the belief of President George P, Pawling, of the Middle Atlantic Association, of, the Amateur Athletlo Union, that Johnny is among the best in America that hi has arranged to send him to the coast. The local youth left this city today for his long Western trip- Maloney ha been in constant training sine ha fought in Boston, soma weeka ago, anil will land on the coast in tip-top conolUoo tor M fray A arwH party was given at hi ho last nbbt, wt&a his friends wished his) la EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL1 BOYS' gPORyS NICKALLS f 1 " 1 1 1 OH CHVRV.IE! cilEtfOED UP M THE l CERTAIULV MA MY ,u6 j-t qk) a KELLVSAME- LUCK Wmi ME- aft SO pir OP &cft AT 4H -tv im the TK6ri gamg tmuV' & 'Sorry Jfte To Taks UJHnDDVa uViotu bouT J 5w.oJDy tsl ffT rxcThmjl Voon monjev- i Atwrtya 7hat'? nrrv bucks f hamc.ug a i i TrllS wceKj win; w;mg t bet jACk SWiJ(j6r paid SEforV V ZT . - OM f BfvtL OAMG OP WMAT HE V. JZlf $fc MTARLAND'S SCALP IS MOORE'S AMBITION Local Hard Hitter Is Anxious for Battle Here With Chi cago's Clever Fisticuffian. Before the lid Is clamped down on box ing in this city for the season during the summer months, 'Willie Moore, ho of knockout fame, is anxious to prove his mettle as a serious contender for tho vacant welterweight tin one. The South wark southpaw Is confident of adding Joe Heffcrnnn's scalp to his long string ot knockouts. He announced this morning that he Is prepared to clash with nny of the klng-pln 'S2"-pounders In the country. Billy McGoniglc, Moore's manager, said that he Is negotiating with local pro moters for the purpose of bringing n star welter, probably Pnckey McFnrland, heio for a bout with Willie. Moore says nothing would suit him better than to got a crack at the clever Chicagoan Although theie is little doubt of tho Stock Yard flsUcufllnn's superiority over tho Philadelphia, Willie hollcvcs he can reach Packey's Jaw with his much feared left in an IS-mlnuto set-to. Ho further doclares he Is confident that he can knock tho everlasting daylights out of any one. whoso Jaw coroes in contact with his famous uallop. Henry Hauber, the Fighting Dutchman from Falrmount, has announced that he Is in the finest of fettle for his melee with Itltz Walters, of Atlantic City, at thn Broadway A. C. tomorrow night. Hauber possesses a terrific right-hand wallop. One of the gamest and best lightweights who ever pulled on a glove, nnd who Is well known In Philadelphia as a corking good battler, has announced his retire ment from tho ring after many years of fighting. He is Tommy Murphy, of Now York. Harlem Tommy was a serious con tender for the "33" pound laurels at ono time, but he was noer given an oppor tunity to fight for tho championship. North Penn fight fans nre boosting Johnny Morgan, a 110-pound youngster, as ono who promises to develop Into a star bantamweight. Morgan has had but five professional fights, winning each handily. He Is a vcrltnblo whirlwind In action. Gunboat Smith and Jack Dillon, who fought a hard 10-round bout nt Milwaukee several weeks ngo, have been tematched for a set-to In New York May 14, It will be tho opening show of tho American Sporting Club. PHILADELPHIA'S CHAMPION POLICE ATHLETE Wk t4t?y Bit Jtef FRYCK0URG, Si igSSg TA- 7rtl7 WW r "' " ,"111 ; !"'Trau ' """ Harry A. Fryckburff is the Middle Atlantic Association's 2 20-yard low hurdle cnarnpion. When not on duty at the West Philadelphia railroad station crossing (3 2d and Market streets) he is doing a bit of athletic work over the timbers, The lawbreaker need not hope to escape anca Harjy gees him. SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS JOHNNY MALONEY Middle Atlantic Association's 12 5-pound boxing champion, who will compete in the San Francisco titular nfTair next month. Johnny left town today for tho Coast trip. Pocket Billiard Star Dead CHICAGO. Arrll a-lnlng (Kid) I-ong, ha a feu ears ago uas rated as on of the JifBt rocket bllllird plaera In tho country, died at a hospital here Monday of ptomaine poltonlnir. He competed In a number of championship tournaments. I.on was horn In Hopjanlil Kj , i'i years ago riurlal mill bo at Nashville, Tenn , his mother's home. PROVES TO TAKING THE JOY OUT OP LIFE DEADLOCK IN SCHOOL BASEBALL RACE DUE TO BE BROKEN TODAY Northeast and West Philly, Tied for Leadership, Clash This Afternoon. Tennis Practice Begins at Northeast INTERSCHOtjASTIC LEAGUB STANDING. Won. Lost. T C Northoat lllch School 4 Wett Philadelphia H. S 4 Central Illsh School 2 Catholic HlKh School 1 Southern High School O .R00 .600 .vm .2V1 .000 Today's Schedule HAsnnA.1.1. West Philadelphia HlRh nt Northern High. Catholic HlKh frhonl nt Central Hleh. Cheltenham lllch nt St l.nke- School. Vlllanova Prep at Wcnonah Military Collcce. P M. nnd K School nt Cicorue Fchool. Templo Vnhrrsltv at Pa Mllltarv Academy. Te Lanrcy School at Oermnnlown Acndemv. School of redncoiry nt Phlla Trnde School. Peddle Institute nt Ocnrco School. rr.NNis. Friends' Central nt Episcopal Academy. Camden High School nt Northpast High, dwarthmoro Trep at Tenn Charter. CHICKET. Frankford High School nt Penn Charter. Central High School nt West Phlla. High. TRACK. Catholic High School at Do I.ancey School. Tho deadlock In the Interscholastlc Lphkuo race probably will bo broken this afternoon, when Northeast High School and West Philadelphia High School, tied for first place In tho organisation, clash on tho former's Meld, 23th and Cambria streets. The student bodies of both schools are manifesting much Interest in the contest. Captains float and Webb have their base baUlans primed for a stiff battle, and one of tho best diamond duels of the scholas tic season should result. Abrams and McCarthy probably will appear In tho box for the Speedboy na tional pnstimcrs. Both pitchers have been exhibiting corhinfc form on the mound. The pitching duties for the Ited and Black will bo split between Barker nnd Keller. Tho former has not been de feated as jet, nnd Coach Brachold may uso him throuRhout tho fray. Tennis practice nt Northeast HlKh School Is in full bloom nt the present time. Amonc the candidates for the racquet team who are sliowlnB up In fine form aro Frctz, Carey, Won, Somers, Taylor, Shelton nnd Simpson. John Locker, former captain of the Red and Black tennis team, is coachlns the asplrantB. Klser, of La Rallo College, has been dlsplaslnj; such wonderful form in Held nnd track events that many of the Unl erslty's followers believe he is the lead ing all-round athlete of the college. His running on the La Salle relay team has greatly bolstered the quartet. Although the School of Pedagogy base ball team Is somewhat weak this year, tho catcher, Smith, promises to develop Into a star backstop. His work behind the bat Is sensational, while his ability with tho stick has boosted him as tho hardest hitter on the team. He clouted out a homer in a recent game with two men on. Today's Racing Cards at Two Big Tracks At Havre de Grace First race, for :i- ear-olds. Belling, Su fur longs Egmont. 112. Hiker, loi. 'VldeC 115; Minstrel. 108. Marvelous, JOS, M. n, Harrell. 07; Dixie, ion. ooodwood. 10S; Meelicka. 10J; Saturnus. 103. Pierrot, 104. Second ruce, hantiUap, lor U-year-oldt and up, selling, t mile and 70 jards lrfchlel, 105. Em erald Gem, ton. Little Nearer, 103. Wooilen bhoer, 102, Itlchard Langdon, 1US, Cliff Field. ICO. Third rare, 4-ycr-olil anil up, Bellini, iv, furlongs "Henna V 100: Laura, 103; York l.ad, 110. Lost Fortune, 103, titonehenge, lu.'; Louise Traers, US, Ivihenrrln. ltr.'. soldier. lu. 'Sir Dyke. 103, Col. Cook. 110; Breakera, 107, Yorkvtlle, lu,., "Colora, 100; Blue Moue, 100; tiarter KtilBht. 103. Fourth race, handicap, for 3-year-olda anl up, Mi furlongs Horron, 117, Surprising. 110; llontresor, lOd, Andrew, 103, Brave Cunarder, 103. Fifth race, iear-olds and up. elllnc. 1 mil and 70 yards Gerrard, 107, Henry HutchUon. 107; Orperth. 107, Little Nearer. 102: 6ton henge, 103; Dr. Duenncr. 103, 'Orotund. M; Delegate. 107; Orlln Krlpp. 103. Mike Cohen, 107. El Wan. 110, Ray o- Light. 110. ChrU. tophlne. 103, 'Heartbeat. 100, Hermuda, 107, Margaret Melse, 100; Louisa TTaAera, US; Voik Lad, 103. Slith rate, for maiden 2-rear-olda. i, fur longa Blutf Rock. 1U3; Feminist. 10S. ilary Blackwood, 103; Welga. 103: Nolll, 10S. Apprentice allow anca claimed. Weather clear; track faat. At Lexington First race, selling. 3-ear-olds and up, allies and mares, ova luriongs . lauaaa. lusmiia. Lady Capricoua, Chitra. 99; Aroason, OS; busy Kditn. lu:: -AisrKarct umrr. -airs. uc iw: Tlrl. Gilt Edge. 101; Blrka. Ids. Tatolua, 113. Second race, purse. 3-year-old maiden colta and aeldlnaa. tt ruriongs innaei ii. ioj; Prince- Harry, lliij-ler Immune, John Cella, John Bunny, Mt eGe. Old charter. uunny. nz. Thlrrt race. DUrae. 3-vear-olda. mils and 7f yarda-Grevllle. 100. Undent hit. 101; Llttto String. 101; Manager Walte. Booker Bill. 10T. Fourth race, selling-. -) ear-olds and up. 0 furlongs - Loan Shark. 107, Miss Kruter, Rojal Tea. Harebell. Palm Loaf. Orean. HO: Lackroae, Charley JlcKerran. Cash oa De livery. IIS. Mac Bustaca, Quartermaster, 114. Fifth race., selling. 4-year-olda and MS. 6 furlongs Droll. 110, Texas Tommle. Garoeau, Broomssdja. Will Bear Acta, Dr. Kendall, Gibrto, Oakland. TranamWer, Ralph Lloyd, Salon, 112. . Sixth race selling 3-year-olds ana up, suits na marea. mils 'Gold i-rst Girt S3. Llda jart, 9. iouie unn j,ucui. jaotou, ie&a- taci. Jessie LrfHMe, iuaay, Iltawaj. 109.JU DtRPer. Soala, Ulta Thorp. 15 aca cialcscd, T.'taUiir jseutaa & visa atar ooa Apprentice auosaacs clear, track last. 28, 1915. BE REAL HERO ON RIVER GUY NICKALLS SAVES HIS CREW IN STORM Yale Oarsmen, Threatened in Heavy Gale Yesterday, Res cued by Their Coach. NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 2S.-A wind storm, which freshened to a galo Imme diately, threatened to capsize two Yale crews and an oarsman In a single scull In New Haven harbor shortly after G o'clock last night. It was only tho activity of tho head coach, Guy NIckalls, and his presence of mind in using the coaching launch which averted a tragedy, It Is be lieved. The varsity crow was two and a half miles out In the harbor, rowing at a good speed, with the coaching launch close by, when the squall struck. They had failed to notice the threatening clouds. At the first gust the waves wero lashed high and tho varsity shell shipped considerable wator. Nlckalls stood to windward with tho launch, while tho varsity shell was headexl crosswise of the waves toward the shore, a mile away The varsity reached Morris covo only after a hard fight with the waves. Their shell was running in water over their ankles when they reached shore. The sophomore class eight-onred crew was five miles out in tho hnrbor. Nlckalls made for tho boat Nearby the sopho more crow was George V. Caesar, of Ta coma. Wash., In a single scull. Nlckalls reached him before ho was upset nnd took him uboar3. The sophomore eight. In tho lee of th3 launch, worked toward shoro slowly, shipping considerable water. When near the shore their boat swamped, but they carried it to safety and balled It out. leaving It on the shore. Clothes were sent to them while they waited at a clubhouse. DUAL TRACK CONTEST AT SWARTHMORE TODAY Little Quakers Will Entertain Team of New York Univer sity at 3 P. M. Tho Now York University track team will open its season this afternoon in a meet with Swnrthmore at Swarthmore. Tho prospects for the visiting team are exceptionally brlsht this year. Tha re lay four won second placo in its event at tho l'onn carnival last week, finishing enly one foot behind tho winner. The university will bo represented by the following men: Houghten in tho two mile ran; Phillips and Racoosin in the one mile; Lant and Ilacoosin In the half mile run; Cro'wtner and McDowell In the 440 yard run; Abbey in the 220 yard dash, Crowther in the 100 jard dash; S Many and W. Many In tho hurdles; S. Many, H. E. Smith and Mc Gowan in the Jumps; Yanoslk and Reese in the pole vault; O'Donnell. Farber and Bleckween In tho weight events. Secretary Herman Meyer, of tho Mid dle Atlantio Association, and A. L. Wan amaker, of the Officials' Club of Phila delphia, will help conduct tho meet. Joe Mayer Wins Another Match NEW YORK, Arrll S3 Joseph Mayer, who recently turned professional after winning the national amateur balk-line billiard champion, ship, was in Ane stroke at Maurice Daly's billiard room last night Slayer won an ex hibition match from Hal Coleman by 300 to 07 and averaged 23 1-13 He had runs of S3 and 01 as his best efforts. Now Is the Time to think about choosing a school for your boy or girl. Don't wait until the last minute to decide a question that means so much to the future of your son or daughter. Get in touch with LEDGER CENTRAL at once and make use of the complete information on file at our Educational Bureau, We can tell you about any preparatory school in the East, There are many things we know outside of what the school catalogue tells you. Get the benefit of our personal investigation. This information is yours for the asking. Just call and talk it over, EDUCATIONAL BUREAU ' " ' LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA 18 ATLANTIC CITY GOLF TOURNEY SCHEDULED APRIL 29, 30 AND MAY 1 Country Club at the Sea shore Has Offered a Pine List of Prizes for Golfers of This Section of the Country. The spring golf toumamtnt of the At lantic City Country Club will take place April 23, 30 and May 1. It Is oxpectod that tho classic this year will be the greatest meeting of Its kind In this part of the country. Prizes representing many thousands at dollars will bo awarded to tho winners. Tho Atlantic City courso is known as one ot the best in tho- East. All prizes becomo the absolute property of tho winners without further competi tion. The Governor's prlso will bo n warded the winner of tlio tournament. The President's prize will be awarded tho winner of tho second (sixteen, The Atlantic City prlzo will be awarded the winner or tho third sixteen. The North field prize will be awarded the winner of tho fourth sixteen The Absccoil prize will bo awarded the winner of the fifth sixteen. Prlxes will also be awarded tho runner-up for the main prize In each six teen. The Individual player making the beBt qualification score, eighteen .holes, medal play, on Thursday, will receive the gold medal. Prizes aro offered for the first nnd second best net score In the handicap. Special prizes will bo offered to the winners of the defeated eights event. Contestants will not be privileged to play In the defeated eights on Friday afternoon, April SO, unless they have ac tually competed In tho morning round, I. e., players defaulting their morning match. Excepting the best gross score prize for tho IS holes qualifying contestants may win but ono prize during tho tournament. Tho tournnment Is open to members ot the clubs belonging to the United States Golf Association and to such other flay ers as may be invited to participate. En tries will close Wednesday evening. April IS. for the main event, nnd for the handi cap. Saturday, May 1, at 11 a. m. The committee will, however, deem It a favor If contestants will enter as early as pos sible. Entries will be received by" Frederick C. Robblns, honorable secrotary, Atlantic City, N. J. Tournament Committee: Fred erick S. Sherman. Dr. Theodora Sense man, Maurice Rlsley. Qualification will take place on Thurs day, April 29, and will consist of 3 holes, medal play. Tho time of starting and pairing of ench player will be announced on Wednesday evening. Contestant!) not reporting to clerk of course by 11 a. m. tlll bo disqualified. Flvo slxtecns will qualify: Tho first 16 will qualify for the Gov ernor's prize, the second 18 for the Presi dent's prize, tho third 16 for the Atlantic City prize, the fourth 16 for the Northfield pilzo and the fifth 16 will qualify for the Abjecon prize. Tho Tournament Committee reserves tho privilege of making any changes In this program they deem advisabla or necessary. In case of ties In qualifying round, the committee will d,raw lots to decide which 16 the contestants will play In. Tho first and second rounds bf match Tiny will take placo on Friday, April SO, ond tho third and final rounds on Satur day, May I. AH matches will consist of 15 holes. On Saturday, Mny 1, an IS-hole medal play handicap will be played, for which entry must be made not later than 11 a. m. of that date. The score turned In must bo tho first IS holes played by the con testant on that date. Players In the seml-tlaal and final round of tournament are not eligible for the handicap. A special consolation event will be ar ranged on Friday, April 30, for the, de feated eight of each 16, so that the 'con testants attending the tournament will be given an opportunity for competition during the entire three days. Contestants scheduled for match .play rounds Friday and Saturday, April SO, nnd May 1, will forfeit their matches If they fall to report for play 30 minutes from time posted. Time of starting each morning will be posted the evening before .at Haddon Hall, at 9 p. m.; tlmo for starting In tho afternoon will be posted at the clubhouse. The privilege of the course, -without charge, will be extended to all contest ants from Wednesday, April 2S, to Sun day, May 2, inclusive. BINGLE AND BUNGLE IN DIAMOND DOPE Pat Moran is In a happy mood today, George Chalmers convinced him that he has come back for good. . . Manager Stalllngs has finally' benched Joe Connolly, one of the Braves' hardest hitters last season. Larry Gilbert, will be used with right-handed pitchers on the mound against the Braves while as usual, Ted Gather will face the south paws. Fuller walked, Cobb tripled, Crawford singled. Just the usual detail of a, De troit victory. Eddie Collins Is out of his batting slump and the "White Sox have started on a winning streak. Six straight games have been won and Rowland's pitching start, considered the best In the land last spring, has shown a return to form. The veteran Eddie Plank scored his first Federal League "victory yesterday, Eddie is always slow to get in the proper condition. il 1 tl m