9 J3EIAL IDDINGS dIU LISON EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1915; nfVfcCS"7Sx5 I B jt rP i yv. If t AI I ij( I ill fllnlllllll I iillllli i i II i I: F t I 53 AtOEBUTANTIJ of this coming: acaeon who , will he much entertained will be Miss Eliza"'" w. uowiib, anugnter or ur. nnd airs. Korton Downs, of Fonlhooke Farm, Three, Tuns, jtlss Downs Ifl tho Rrantlilaughter of tho late jlr. and Mrs. Thomas McKean and n nleco ot Mr. Thomas McKenn, Mr. Henry Pratt McKean and Mrs. Benjamin Allen. Her mother was Mle Phoebe McKean. Miss Downs will be Introduced at n, tea to be given by her parents at Fordhooke Farm on October 7. j Camp Inwood, at Whttcface Inn, Lake Placid, ,s n the Adlrondacks, N. V., which has been ra ta built, has been leased-by Chief Justice White. 5' of the Supreme Court of tho United States, nnd Mrs. White. The Philadelphia Brlarcllff Girls will go on to Brlarcllff, New York, to hold their nnnuat meeting with tho New York Brlarcllff Society, tX Mrs. Dow'b School, on Saturday, May 8. A meeting will be hold after 1 o'clock lunch eon, at which reports will be made on tho " work of tho various Brlarcllff societies. Later In tho afternoon the girls of tho school will give an entertainment, and nil those who can remain over Sunday are invitee to do eo as the guests of Mrs. Dow. Mrs. Herbert CasBnrd, formerly of tho Bel gravta, Is visiting Mrs. O. E. Webb, of Sud brook Park, Baltimore, Md., where she has been extensively entertained. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy Hill and fam ily, of 333 South ISth etroet, will close their town house this week and movo to their coun try home, Applcford, Vlllanovo. The marriage of Mlso Eleanor Moyn. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Moyn, of East Graver's lane, to Mr. Albert D. Barton, Jr., will tako place on Tuesday, June 15, in the Church of St. Martin's In the Fields. Miss Mario Loulso Wanamaker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker, of Mlll roso, Wyncote, attended a dinner nnd 'danco given by Mro. Clarence Mooro and Mrs. Fran ces Moore In the- Country Club In Washington, en Saturday nigh Miss Marguerlto Stnrr, daughter of Judgo and Mrs. Lewis Starr, of Woodbury. Is visiting Mrs. Le Roy Hepburn, of Kutztown, Pa., for. several days. Mrs. Hepburn will bo remembered as Miss Lillian Adler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browning, of 245 South Hth street, will give a dinner-dance tonight at I o'clock in the Philadelphia Country Club In honor of Miss Inez Drayton, debutante daugh ter of Mrs. J. B. Evans Roberts. Mrs. Holllster Sturgcs, of St. Martin's, Chcst- l ; nut Hill, will give a tea this afternoon In honor ft tt Mrs. Paul Crompton, who will shortly re s' , move to England. There will be no receiving .party. a j, " : - -. .. . .. ,-!., u.k. Mr. E. T. StoieSDUry was rc-iecieu preamcui. of the Racquet Club nt a meeting a few days ago. Mr. Francis E. Brewster was made treas urer and Mr. Randal Morgan chosen aa gov ernor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wharton Llpplncott, of 1W Spruce Btreet, will spend the summer aa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Llppln cott at their farm, Pino road and Township !ne, Bethayres, Pa. "X Mr. and Mrs. Marmaduke TUden, Sr., of 822 y Pine street, have closed their town home and are occupying Elslnoro, the homo of Mr. and i't lira. George Meade Largs, on Susquehanna & road, Rydal, for an Indefinite time. Mlrs Helen Boyd, of Haverford, will entertain ever tho week-end Miss Rachel Chantler, of B Pittsburgh. MIS3 Chantler Is now the guest of Mrs. Morris Dallett at her country place at westtown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Langhorne Bullitt Dick will oc cupy a cottage at Cape May after June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Walnwrlght are now tLll their country place, Hlghflelds, Ardmore, for the lumpier. Mlas Stella Allison, who has been spending the winter In Hazleton, Pa., Is at St. Martin's, J.i'Chestnut Hill, for a couple of months. ALONG THE MAIN LINE MtniON Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell have Si recently moved to Merlon where they have taken a house on South Latches lane. Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Odell, who rented the Thompson house on Highland avenue, this . lnter, will leave shortly for Troy, N. Y. JfAVinFonn Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C, Felton, M Haverford, are entertaining for several days. ?Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Morse Felton, 3d, of Bos- Jon, Mass. Mrs. Felton will be remembered fU Miss Ann Nelson, of Boston, Mass. wr. ana Mrs. Charles Comlev Norrls. Jr.. who .have been ctiendlne tho winter with Mrs. Alexander M, Fox, Jr., of 2020 Spruce street, have returned to their home, In Haverford. crt- Norrls will ba remembered sb Miss Ethel mkn. The annual meetlmr of the Plant. Flower and ElTiUt qulld of Haverford, will be held at the jtfaenee of Mrs. Walter B. Stephenson, or EVewbury, Haverford, tomorrow, at 3 o'clock, to 'et officers for tho comlnsr year and arrange s ' tht summer work. GERMANTOWN Wra, John II. Tnland. nf McCallum street, y Winding several weeks with friends la Baltl- yP'te, Md. Jlr. CUranr f. n.intnn. nt Pnulter street. returned from a visit to Boston. Ur, H. PnniU. TJIrhnW of Plhm rOld. hBS ihn re-tleetad president of the New Century M-iuo, Mrs. T.nnln a XToH.im vies ti resident 1 Wr. Thomas White a director, Elf. Hid "tm Tir-l.. r i. -. eK nlhm rnirl I! Ha lhlf miast a- ua1 HVM Mill . P4afc vr B1i "oth Oler, of Larohmont. N, Y, ,Mra. Morrison D. Wood, of 3028 Mldvale ave- ?' laa returned from n week's visit to her &'. Mr, Frederick Tench, of White Plains, t iUkt Margaret Law, of Pelham road, h bl ' m utat for several weeks. Mla Elliabeth Pa of Montclalr. N. 3. Oermantown Cricket Club. Thero will bo a cricket match between the members of the club, starting at 2 o'clock. Tho ladles' clubhouse will be open and thero will be afternoon tea. Also an orchestra has been secured for the enter tainment of tho club members. Dinner will bo served In the main building, after which tho members of the club aro Invited to attend tho ball given by tho governors. A largo committee dinner will bo hold before tho danco given by the Board of Governors of tho Germantown Cricket Club on the evening of May 1, at 7;15 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick M. Gardiner, of Wlssahtckon avenue, Gormnntown, left yester day for Annapolis, Md., whero they will be tho guests of Mrs. La'rz Anderson, of Washington, D. C, on her houseboat for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Massoy, of 4601 Wayne avenuo, aro giving their annual shad dinner nt tho Germantown Cricket Club on Friday evening, Mny 30, nt 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco M. Clark, of Cedron, Indian Queen lane, leave this week for an In definite stay In tho South. During their trip they ulll visit their son, Mr. Franklin Taylor Clark, In Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs, Lincoln K. Passmore, of Indian Queen lane, havo left for an extended trip J tnrougn tho west, where they will visit tho expositions and be extensively entertained by friends In San Francisco. Miss Judith Marr, of West Tulpehockcn street, has as her guest, Miss Winifred Repp, of Kan sas City, Mo. Miss Repp Is spending several weeks, nnd has been extensively entertained during her visit. She will return home tho first week of May. VA.LONG THE READING Tho third annual lnterscholastlc track and field meet will bo held on tho Cheltenham High School grounds at Elklns Park at 2 o'clock on Saturday, May 1. Twenty-six schools will bo represented nnd 200 boys will enter tho contest. At the Old York Road Country Club tomor row afternoon there wilt be a knffec klntsch nt 2:30 o'clock. Tho committee In charge Includes Mrs. E. F. Bacon, Jcnklntown, and Mrtf. Sam uel Larzclero, also of Jcnklntown. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, of Red Top, Rydal, have taken a cottage at Eaglosmere, whero they will spend tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Watt, of 21st and Berks streets, hnvo moved to their country resldcnco on Ao comac road, Wyncote, whero they will spend tho summer. Miss Elsie P. Smith, of Jcnklntown, will leavo lato In the spring for tho San Francisco Exposition. Miss Smith Is very popular among tho younger set and well known In the Phila delphia musical circles. Mr. W. H. Donaldson, of Bocklus avenue, Ablngton, has left for tho Panama Exposition. Mrs. Donaldson and the children will spend the summer at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Levlck. of White wood, Ogontz, will leave tho early part of May for their villa at Ventnor, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stapler, of Ablngton, have Issued Invitations for tho marriage of their daughter. Miss Emmn Florenco Stapler, and Mr. Ellis Rldgeway Llpplncott by tho Friends' ceremony at their homo May 1. TIOGA Mrs. Harry Heist, of 1824 West Tlora street, was hostess to the members of her "500" club yeFtcrdav afternoon. Her guests Included Mrs. Carrie Lentz. Mre. William Helb, Mrs. Henry Bauer, Mrs. John Snyder, Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, Mrs. Walter K. Hoyer, Mrs. Franklin Appel, Mrs. Elmer E. Johnson, Mrs. Harry G. Querns. Mrs. George Ulrlch and Mrs. Gustavo Scheatzl. Miss Rcba Wick, of 2lst and Venango streets, entertained tho following at cards this nfter noon: Miss Margaret Whiteside, MJss Mary Miller, Miss Ada Meyers. Miss Blanche White side, Miss Marjorle White, Miss Mellta Zehen dcr, Miss Elizabeth Flte. Miss Mildred Seeler, Mies Helen Evans, Mrs. John E. Flte, Jr., Miss Helen Shannon, Miss Miriam Hill, Miss Lillian Williams, Miss Jessie Dleterlch and Miss Ethel Mae Munn. The game was followed by a buf fet luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Goldberg, of 3748 North Bouvler Btreet, are receiving congratulations on tho birth of a daughter. Miss Adele Goldberg". eaVattaBBMiMi Photo by Marceau. MISS EDITH BROOKS who is president; ol the Delta Delta Sorority, which gave a danca at tho Rittenhouso last week. MRS. GEORGE C. J. FLECK Photo by Marceau. Mrs. Fleck, who lives in Ovorbrook, is a charming hostess nnd entertains quito often during tho season. ROXBOROUGH Miss Marian Wlckcrsham, who has been visit ing In Washington, D. C, for six weeks, has returned to her homo on Hermit's lane. Mr. and Mrs. Percy J. Myers havo returned from the South, whero they spent their honey moon, nnd nro occupying their new home, Greystone, Township Lino road. Mrs. Myeis will bo remembered ns Miss Selene L. James, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James C. James, of Rex avenue. Tho first meeting of tho Woman Suftrago party of the Falls of Schuylkill was held at tho home of Mrs. John Kelly, 3G6G Mldvale avenue. Addresses were mado by Mrs. Georgo H. Woben nmlth, chairman of the 23d Leglslatlvo District, and Mrs. George A. Plcrsol. Thero wero SO guer.ts. Mrs. Fromeyer was appointed chair man of a committee to arrange for future meetings. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. James Booth, of Central ave nue, Fox Chaso. aro receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson, of MM North Water street, spent the week-end at Atlantic City. In appreciation of District Superintendent Mr. John L. Shroy's long nnd efficient services In tho schools of tho 23d Ward an informal din ner will bo tcndeicd him at tho John Marshall School Thursday. The committee In charge in cludes Mr. John Haslam, Mr. G. Alvln Snook, Mr. Robert L. Burns and Mr. Walter I.efferts. Mr. and Mrs. William Walnman. of Frank ford avenue, will return this week after spend ing Bomo time at East Stroudsburg. MAY DAY will bo observed on Saturday at the Stevens School. Tho exercises will com mence at 3 o'clock and will consist of a play, en titled "The Twig of Thorn." Thosa taking part will be: Nessa Telg, the woman of the house, Margaret Zimmerman Maurya, her neighbor Allco Dlllenbeclc (Jonah. Ness&'s granddaughter, t Dorothy B. McBrlde Aeugus Arann, a young peasant, Clarice F. Moyer Alleel, a wandering poet. ...Grace A. Balllnser Father Brian, tho priest. ..Caroline Y. Crouter A Fairy Child Jean Knox Kathleen ) ( Dorothy StefTan Sheila ' f . . ,,. ) Mary Jonea Sheamua f Neighbors J Carolina Osborne Martin ) ( Elizabeth Houston Fairy Chorus, Tho Gleo Club of the Stevens School The scene Is laid In the cottage ot Nessa Telg, near Kylebeg, In County Gnlway, Ireland, In the year of the great famine, The first net takes place at twilight, on the last day of March. Tho second act, on the first day of winter the same year. During the second act, the curtain Is lowered for an Instant to Indicate the lapao of half an hour. May-pole dancing and crowning of the May Queen after the performance. The Jenklntown Choral will hold Its spring concert on the evening of May 6, at 8 o'clock, In the Jenklntown Auditorium, York road and Greenwood avenue. The concert will be under tho direction of Mlsa Bessie Kllle Slough with Miss Mary Nock Malpaas, the accompanist of the Choral Club, The soloist for the evening will be Hans Klndler with Ellis Clark Ham mann, accompanist. Han a Klndler! proiram for the evening- will be; (a) Aria Pergoleat (b) Minuet Handel (cl Gavotte Menu! Variations Symphonlque ...............Boellmann (a) Melodle Dvorak (b) Lieberlald Krieslar c) Rhapsodle .- ..Poppet SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael August, ot 1111 South 6th Btreat, aro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son, Allen August, on April 22. MIS3 Lena Herman, of 413 Reed sticet, will bo one of this section's attractlvo Juno brides. Sho will be married to Mr. Morris Orion ltz at Grand Hall, 4th nnd Wharton streets. Miss M. Rubcnstono, Bister of Dr. Abrnm S. Rubcnstone, of 1701 East Moyamcnslng avenue, and Miss N. Rubinowltz, of 307 South 7th street, will go to Southern California shortly on a lonj visit. They will tnko In the Pannma-Paclllc and tho San Dleso Expositions whllo thero. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Kauffman, of 1311 South 5th street, will open their cottago In Choi sea shortly. They cxpoct to entcrtnln exten sively during the summer months. Miss Beatrice Thomas, Miss Helen Alter, Miss Agnes Qutnn and Miss Madeline Keenah gave an Informal danco last evening, at the Corloy Club, 11th and Wolf streets, In aid of tho cuchro fund. Mrs. Lewis Thomas, of 2403 South Broad street, chaperoned tho affair. LANSDOWNE Mr. nnd Mrs. Jackson W. Study, of E2 North Highland avenue, left New York last Satuiday for an extended threo weoks' crulso nnd trip to New Orleans nnd Gulf of Mexico. They will return nbout tho middles of May. Tho Beta Theta Club will give a Us clubrooms on April 30. "BOO" at Miss Sara Cooke, daughter of Mrs. Harry Cooke, of 113 Maplewood avenue, has returned from a visit with friends In Covington, Vo, The Choral program will be: Longing y Wtlhelm Berger Waken, Lords and Ladles Gay, H. Alexander Matthews Indian Crndlo Song H. Alexnnder Matthews Night Song William Clifford Heelman The Bee , Godard Dawn Awakening Edward Grieg Snowdrops , Dorn-Plntte Pretty Polly Oliver Arthur Somervell Before the Daybreak , , Nevin The Gipsies .,,, , Johannes Brahms This pageant is given by the Vacation Com mittee and the majority of those who take part are members of tho Vacation Savings Fund. The Stevens' School Glee Club concert will take place at the Y, M. C. A., Main street, on Friday evenlngr, May 14, at 8:15 o'clock. The program Is as follows: 1. Chorus Stefanle Gavotte Zlbulka 2. a. "Vousdaneez Marquis" ...Lemalra b. "The Swan Bonds Eow" ., a "A Maid Sings Light" MacDowell Miss Elizabeth McCloskey, 3. a. Chorus "A Serenade" Gounod b. "My Brown Rose" ..,...,,,. .Galloway i, a. Violin Souvenir ,, Drdla b. "Cauzouetta" D'Ambroslo Miss Gladys Mlnton. 5. Chorus "Carmena" ....Wilson The Glee Club. 6. a. Solo "The Yellow Hammer",,,, Lehman b. "The Thrush at Eve". ....,...,..,... Cadman Mlas Elizabeth McCloskey, 7. a. "Come, Sweet Morning" ,,,.Arr, by A. L. b. "Three Chestnuts" ,,,,...,.... ...Page Miss Jean Knox, Miss Caroline Crouter, Miss Caroline Osborne and the Glee Club. 8. Violin "Danses Tzlgams" ,,, Naches Mlas Gladys Mlnton. 9. Chorus "Springtime" .....Roeckel The Glee Club, Conductor Miss Mary M. N, Stewart. Accompanists Mlsa Mildred Bachman and Mr. W, Lane Hofner. Mr. and Mri. William 8. Vare, of 2233 South Broad street, entertained a, house party over .the week-end at their cottage at Atlantic City. Their guests Included Mr- and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, Mlis May MorrU, Mr- and Mrs, Albert Ladner, Mra. Edwin H. Vare, Mlsa Charlotte Vare, Mlaa Ida Vare, Mlas Beatrice Vare and Mlas Mildred Vara, AN ATTRACTIVE wedding was solemnized . today, when Miss Adelaldo Wllberforce Collins, daughter of Mr. nnd Mre. Clarence W. Collins, of 143 Highland avenue, Chestnut Hill, became tho brldo of Mr. Alfred Miller Watts, son of Mr. Charles Alfred Watts, of 4065 Spruco street. Tho ceremony was performed In St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chestnut Hill, nt high noon, tho Rov. C. George Currle, grandfather of tho bridegroom, officiating. Mr. Currle, It will bo remembered, was roctor nt ono tlmo of tho Church of St, Luke's and tho Epiphany. Tho brldo, who nas unattended, was gowned In nn attractlvo frock of white not, tho skirt havlns sovcrnl tiers embroidered In pink flow ers nnd odgod with pipings of blue tnffotn. Her hat was of lace, tho crown of which was mado of fancy bluo straw. A wreath of pink flowers nnd bluo BtreamcrH of satin ribbon formed tho trimming. Instead of a bouquet sho carried nn Ivory white prayer book. Tho bridegroom was nttonded by his father, Mr. Chnrlcti Alfred Watts, ns best man, nnd tho ushers were Mr. II. Montgomery Haines and Mr. John Rnmo Battle. There was no reception, nnd on their re turn from their wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Watts will bo nt home during tho summer months, nt 12 Summit street. Chestnut Hill. QUEER EVANS. An attractive wedding will take place to night when Miss Helen Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanley Evans, of tho Wyncva apartments, will becomo tho brldo of Mr. Francis Knowles Greer. Tho ceremony will tako placo In tho Methodist Episcopal Church of tho Advocate Wayno avonuo nnd Queen lane, nt 7:30 o'clock, tho Rev. Gladstono Holm officiating, assisted by tho Rev. Charlos L. Seasholes. Tho brldo, who will be given In marrlngo by her father, will wear a gown of whlto satin and chiffon. Tho skirt will bo made of nccordlon-plcated chiffon with a pointed tunic of whlto satin. Chantllly laco will form tho trimming for tho bodlco nnd the sleeves will bo entirely of chiffon. Tho tklrt will be short, but a court trnln will fall from tho shoulders. A tullo veil will havo tho conven tional orango blossoms nnd she will carry a ahowcr bouquet of whlto orchlrds and lilies of WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. J. Augustus Boers, of 0124 Webster street, gavo a brldnl linen showor, followed by luncheon and cards, at tho Marlyn. 40th and Walnut streets, on Saturday, In honor of Miss Beatrice B. Zellner, whoso marrlago to Mr. Harry B. Miller will tako place in the fall. Mrs. Boers and Miss Zellner wero nsslsted In re ceiving by Miss Bertyo Wlnslow, MIbs Marlon Murray, Miss Stephanlo Miller nnd Miss Ger trude Kelly. Tho decorations wero baskets of tea-roses and yellow daisies. The guests In cluded Mm. Georgo Derbyshire, Mrs. J. Ber tram Hervoy, Mrs. Horace McFeltrldge. Mrs. Walter Custor, Mrs. Percy Neel, Mis. Alborda Rosenbergcr, Mrs. Mary Bcggs, Mrs. Frank Wnrner, Mrs. James King, Mrs. Fred Fling, MrB. Thomas Kcssler, Mrs. Nicholas Lloyd. Miss Ella Mallon, Miss Mae Bawn, Mlsa Edna Hottle, Miss Carrlo Wlllard. Miss Beryl Reed, Miss Dorothea Miller and Mlsn Vera Bailey. Cards have been bent out by Mrs. Georgo Derbyshire, of the Buckingham, 4402 Walnut street, for a luncheon and bridge on Wednes day, May 5. Miss Edith Godfrey, of Hamilton Court, cor ner of 33th and Chestnut streets, will leave the ond of this week for a visit with friends In Wnshlngton, D. C. The annual luncheon of the Anable Alumnae Association, of Philadelphia, will be held at the Hamilton Court on Saturday, May 1, nt 1 o'clock. Mra. Eugene K. Plumly, of 1163 South Broad street, la chairman. Mrs. Jullano entertained on Sunday after noon nt her home. 630D Baltimore avenue, to an nounce the engagement of her daughter. Miss Marie Jullano, to Mr. Angelo A. Germano, of 1317 Dickinson street. About 40 guests nttended. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rogers, of 1400 South E4th street, entertained the Jolly Eight Pinochle Club on Saturday night. Spring flowers were uied In the decorations. Among those present wore Mr. and Mrs. Theodoro Brecht, Mr. and Mrs. John Derringer, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Newdeck, Mr. John Lee, Miss K. Reeves, Mr. James Tipping and Miss II. Farley. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A sewing circle meeting of the ladles of the Fifth Reformed Church, at Cedar and Susque hanna avenue, will be held tomorrow evening. Those present will bo Mrs. Luckow, Mrs. C. Selpe, Mrs. Lelnlnger, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Bur hanna, Mrs. Vogt. Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Rlntz, Mrs. Lento, Miss Spltzop,, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Trlndle, Mrs. Barth, Miss Mary Deltrlch, Miss Emma Deltrlch, Mrs. Wilson, Mra Fordney, Mra. Sailer, Mrs. Godfrey, Mrs. Stoertz, Mrs. Grundler and Mrs. Frledchen. A minstrel show and dance will be held on Mny 14 by the Seklna Social, at the I. O. O. F. Hall, at Kensington avenue and Cumberland street. It will be under the direction of Mr. Georgo Wochs. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley, of 2149 East Cum berland street, will leave, about the middle of May, to spend the summer at Island Heights, N.J. Dr. and Mrs. Newton, of 2630 Frankford ave nue, have returned from Atlantic City. The John Mecleary Club will give its an nual shad dinner at Esslngton on Saturday, May 15, WILMINGTON Major and Mrs. William G. Ramsay- and their family have moved out to their farm, Dalhouste, to stay until fall, Mr. and Mra William H. Morris returned this week from St. Petersburg. Fla., where they had been since early In March. Notices for tho Society page will be ao etpted and printed In tho Evening Lodger, but all such notices must bo written on ono side of the paper, mutt bo signed in full) with full address, and when possible telephone number must ba aiyon. Send all such communication to "Soolety Editor," Evening Ledgsr, 603 Chestnut street. Unless these requirements are carried out eo that verification may be possible, the notices wilt not ba published. tho valley. Miss Evans will havo as matron of honor Miss Franklin L. Wood, who will bo gowned In blue faille taffetta trimmed with silver laco and cream net. Her hat will be of cream net and silver lace, and she will carry pink sweet peas. Tho bridesmaids will bo Miss Marian Ifltl nnd Miss Elizabeth D. Flte, whose gowns will be of different shades. Mlsa Ifllt will wear pink tafetta with a leghorn hat, trimmed with black velvet streamers nnd iMnk rpses, and will carry yollow daisies nnd pink sweet peas, whllo Miss FIte's gown will be of yellow taffeta. Sho will wear a leghorn hat, trimmed with yellow roses nnd black velvet streamers. Sho will also carry yellow daisies and pink sweet pens. Thero will bo two flower girls, Miss Josephine Oroer and Miss Elizabeth Greer, who will wear dainty white gowns and pink ribbons, nnd will carry gilt baskets, filled with sweet peas. Mr. Greer will havo as best man his brother, Mr. Ben jamin W. Greer, and the ushers will lneludo Mr. Fred Hlgham, Mr. Francis Rlern, Mr. Franklin L. Wood nnd Mr. Hnrry Greer. A reception for tho two families and nbout 250 additional guests will tako place at tho Ger mantown Cricket Club. Palms and spring flowers will bo used In profusion as decorations about tho roceptlon rooms. After an extended tour Mr. and Mrs. Greer will reside at tho Wynovn Apartments, where they will be at home after June 1. HILYARD BELCHER. A very quiet and pretty wedding took placet on Saturday afternoon. April 24, at 4 o'clock, when Miss E. Genevieve Belcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman S. Belcher, became the brldo of Mr. La Roy Hllyard, of Bryn Mawr. Tho ceremony wbb performed In the home of the bride's parents, 204 Cricket avenue, Ard moro. Pa., by the Rev. L. Y. Graham, Jr., of tho First Tresbyterlan Church, Rahway, N. 3. The bride, who was unattended, was gownod in a frock of white marquisette embroidered In pearls. Her veil was of tulle and was held In , placo by orange blossoms. Sho carried a bou quet ot white sweet peas. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Freeman S. Belcher, Jr., brother of tho bride, as best man. After a reception for the Immediate families the young couple left for their wedding trip. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The several chapters of the Theta Alpha Thcta Sorority have Issued Invitation: to tho annual sorority dinner on Saturday. May 22, at tho Rlttcnhousp. The committee In charge In eludes Miss Mabel Kay, Miss Elsie Wilson, Miss Helen Harris and Miss Beatrice Carman. AMUSEMENTS BIRTH NOTICE DOnN: LAST NIGHT 20 MORE HEALTHY LAUGHS Making a Total of 373 SCREAMS IN SHE'S IN AGAIN AT THE BROAD ST. THEATRE The Productr, MR. WAYBimN, and the Author. MK. QHAY, Both Doing- Well Come In and help nume these Young Laughs any etenlng- or Wednesday or Saturday afternoons. NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MAT, 30c TO S1.50 WUDNESDAY MATINEC. BEST SEATS 1.00 i ACADEMY Seats at Heppe'i, 1110 Chestnut EVERY EVENING FOR TWO WEEKS BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 3 "POP" CONCERTS AT POPULAR PRICES. BY THK Philadelphia Orchestra REFRESHMENTS SERVED, SMOKINO PERMITTED Seats, IS, 23, 00c. Table and Box Seats, 75c B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS Matlntd, 2 P. M. Night, gp.u BIG BLUE RIBBON BILL! NORA BAYES America'! Beat Singing Comedltnm Jim and Bonnie Thorntons Beatrice Herford; Bert Errol; Kajlyama; Harry Fern & Co. others. Next Week SPRING FASHION SHOW GLOBE THEATRE Market and Junlmr Streets DAILY 280 10c, 16c. 28o EVENINGS 8:30 15c, 28c, SOd T.AST r "HAVR Mo" RemarkaW Film Un.O x u -'-'" x Ever Exhibited. HYPOCRITES SATURDAY AT 2 :30. 7 AND Br.lt, r'Ur.r.l-Mll- 04- OPERA Horns of World's ' HOUSE I Greatest PhotODlara 4 TIMES DAILY Arts.. 1 & 3 Egs.. T & 0 10c. 18c, 25a MRS. LESLIE CARTER in "THE HEART OP MARYLAND" Next Week "GRAUSTARK" T VPTP T,l,s WEEK ONLY, EVOS. 8 115 ' UX JXXKJ reo. MAT. SATURDAY, 2:20 Maeterlinck's Wonderful Fairy Play "THE BLUE BIRD" School Children's Mat Wednesday and Friday. 8:18. PRICES BOo TO il.it NEXT WEEK 8EATS THURSDAY LONDON OAIETY CO.. "TONIQHT'3 THE NIOHT" ATWT.PTTT Times. Evenings BUB AD lillxr Xli POP. (1.00 MAT. THURS.. 3 .IS Oliver Morosco Presents J, Hartley Manners PEG O' MY HEART 400 GOOD BALCONY SEATS AT II 00 40O GOOD rAMlLY CIRCLE SEATS, 50a TUB MARKET ST. ABOVE 18TH Stanley ..... "CTURES llsOO A. M. to 11jI5 P. M. ANNIVERSARY WRHIf HAZEL DAWN in "NIOBE" Coming Thurs. Frl.. Bat.. "HELP WANTETV CROSS KEYS THEATRE GARDEN OF MIRTH OTHERS AND PHQTOPLAYB New Program Mon. ft Thurs. Wf.K 10c Ein-. i ": at 2; 15 J.VU 10c. Me. gftn. NIXON'S GRAND Today 2 ;1C. TAP BOBBY HEATH ;LEONASTEPH. ENS ft CO.; OEORQE BROWN s PORTER J. WHITS ft CO ! LEON'S MODELS " MILLER 2 LYLB; LAUOHINQ PICTIRe" W1THERSPOON HALL Wed. Ev, April 28. mB. J ALFREDA U RECITAL HANS BEATTY KINDLER Lyrlo boprano Holland Cellist Tickets. SI 50. II. T5e. 60c Wlthsrspooa Box oScfc GARRICK-Last 5 Evgs.S THE LITTLE CAFE w VflSt? Popular Pries Matins Wsdnsujsy. Bsx Seata It 8$ DUMONT'S wHSrfl'mf? Burlesqu COOP SBBVANTS B?Pp"V" ,Ta Troeadero tIa J LA CUTA CASINO W4,wMg ixo jar - ; m v -m- m 1 w4y. May 1, will be openlnjc day t th