A., i !F T99TT" D. v N OSTKAjv TUESDAY April 27, 1916 lEelmer ctttttm vK-yp t's 4 " ' -!-r,. &. y v -o nian- TIMELY PICTURES OF PERSONS, SCENES AND EVENTS IN THE DAY'S NEWS OF, A WORLD'S DOWg' B . M t - photo w underwood underwood. far PROM THE NATIONS' IGNOBLE STRIFE WTi&VIraKSrlI 4 I V '" PART OF THE BATTLEFIELD AT NEUVE CHAPPELLE A pleasinp contrast to thoscenea of war from I . 9f :$?& AAfSimWlmWBSMmS, A , M The picture Bhows a line of blasted tre,cheg which were hastily thrown up by the British after Europe. The Rev. W. H. Kavanagh watching , , -, '$. J-VjVBmSfXlSi Jh K their charge, taken by the Germansand then retaken by the British. Every living plant and his flags grow at St. James' Episcopal Church, i .; ' Myf "' t-!4A ?S ViaiBaSiBSagft MaSJEMmM&A Ml WmW 1 W- l"inB has b5 swept off the earth by the devastating fire. 52d and Master streets. r'M 'fWM 'SS&'A ' 'm BABV LLAMA IS SPRING ARRIVAL AT THE ZOO Tme ewuma is constantly hejne boosted these days at the menagerie In Faurroounfc Park. Keepers u kwtSy swearing cradles and heating the milk for the fresh descendants of famous old f rsi 1mQw, This youngster cornea fje en of the first fwalUss of Peru, EXERCISE IS GOOD FOR THE BABY The newest bear baby at the Zop, in FaJr mount Park, trie his plimbing muscles on &a bars of Ws mother's cagsad peen out. Miss Bessie tu&KertQwa, WHAT THE NEWLYWED3 FOUND AWAITING THEM as, it! i t I P, Stapklns, of Brfdgeton, N. J recently became the bride of Arthur .Trefflngw. t Mnm MJ frvJt " theIr FW home thy tmai frienda had.bsen the a" SL f """f wu numerous ana, apf ropnata ei. ,,