Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
jjHtP WANTED FEMALE "TTrFEFTABLS WOMAN CAM SECTJnH Sn10?r AS MANAOE71 OF AN PVTAr" ffftlED Bt'SINE83 WITH TlOLSE Or IN- -'-eCriTlONAW KM'UlAllu.1!; WU TH 78$EiiiiosTU to the person who i'&QUAlIFSr. AP. BY LETTER, Q1VINO t.i5n1'ij.-r.rf , TELkPI IQNB NO. ?. UEIWBH CENT. rtSrTiinBnWOnK Whlto Prot girl, one lll g CM-'.... with 2 children. M 350. Ledger Off. " K ".islst with a cmm SiTriNPnaE, rroteflnnl, willing to assist M'Xff .tntics: cur, m linger mure. IBAvTKAlJTO for noartet choirs goc tlT". c wren, rlerman nreferredr good reader "ZZw WANTED, German preferred! mint be .Sirtuihly epnencecii wages ss. Telephone f -Jwrn SL mini hnxe exceptional refer. Mtefc MtT (-,lrnl- . rSw; wanted ( n cook for n imall famllyi ref. lCS2i Trenulred. Apply 121 North 10th at.. I aRWJt SrvoS. whiles good reference. Apply ,4 Wednerday. between 12 and 1 , Tiiradir or anil fcviir-Eirerlercod 1'rot.; willing to go with ttJlrtl wmlly to seashore: ref. required. 1 family o m-Bniiuio. ,,v,t re-iui Wednesday, ISO Hohool lane, (ltn. im- .-,. Vl .-riwirnutrirr competent mlddlcaacd 1 Mman for Main Line famtlv of four. M iU8, WJirii "Uni? willing to R'lt with om other rtu-j-'uMte. I;rt)teinnt M Jin, ledger Office. vKcnAMY ukeful while Prot.. HI, Rood gS uind mi country! L3iBl. 1-od. Off, mnr.vanted for cooking nnd dounalalra work, w'i. 11..1 Alleehenv t p ink, m" -"-- i tincftaiT Eiperlenccil annmera on full fah toned goods, wages of $.1 to $1 per day tnn H made, Brown-Aberlo Company, Talc fT.n, and llundngilon ala BnVSEwOnK Eipu Birj, pruaie fm y; ."gjgfl no Twaahlng M 3 if, Ledger Office. . i.rvnnESS and houBO cleaning, i"u . at.. KAiinlM . nf hnlliA rlnflHai nIII t, fiiir take, place as cook May 1. H 71, Ledger F Brinch. lioilr 4525 Paul at., rrankford April 21, mm. 4rv diar Mlsa uean fain er glad to inform you that I hae tecured a new poaltlon todoy through the ?! Ledger I nv lo ptart on Monday nt ike amo salary I am getting at tho present "Kinklne sou again for tho Intercut lotf tin taken, I am, w ' Vcr cordially youra, J'-. II u. IVIIItSINO Young women wanted to learn mining, applicants must hao at least two ars' nigh achool Ar eqtlUalcntl course threo f wars threo months' prohntlon; amall eum monthly for hooka and other necesaary ex s miim; this hospital offera a splendid oppor " (jslly to thoso desiring to enter tho profes. ,n 01 nrin ..,u.v, ...... "", . i. Ledger Central. ficyiNED, well recommended whlto woman to L ... IIbV. hnuanhnlfl Htillna nHil pom nl I Jinn of nine, alilo to sew. Mrs. A. K. HTTMte, Harrlshurg ae. Atlantic City. elVZS CLEBKS Noting ladles of good per t(imallly and experience for Inaldo work; Ethoi" who can self tho heat claei of people; Riood salary. Feo Miss Dean, Lodger Central. ITINOOBAPHEnS. bookkeepers and clerka 1 Meklnf good positions, consult "Mtss Dean," ? ledger Central. She will help jou to locate V 1 position through tho Commercial Dcpnrt ' tnant a. freo sorlvco to Ledger advertisers. IEACHBB of Pitman shorthand for a business i ictiool; mention age education, oxpoTlenco i tad salary desired. P 217, Ledger Office. ITPIST Wanted cxp'd Underwood operator! -itstt g. salary nnd ref. V 417. Led, Off. .WANTED Four women for permanent travel- ' irt posuiona; applicants must no between 33 nd 3.1 and havo the equivalent of a, hlrt school educntlon; teaching or business ,siprsnce desirable, but not necessary, ref- innces required, transportation expenses, dliry and commlaalon Mrs aillflllan. Sulto . MO, The Colonial. Spruce and 11th, between ' 10 a. m, and 1 p. m. afternoons or evenings . If appointment. No Information over phone. TOTJNO LADY to mark papers In exchange. lor Mjjiiiwfl wincg.1 luuratr; aiaio ago ana saucatlon. P 21D, Ledger Office. ( HELP WANTED MALE 'ACCOUNTANT wanted for week by brewery H rsvlte costs. r41. Ledger Central. lEOY. 18 jeara ono who underatanda horses. fdia jjn.ii'ft vi umib waniru, over n jeara or age, br ng cer j tlllcjte. Becker Smith & PagS, Wotc? and Snyder ave. CABINETMAKETig WANTED a Must b experienced ' on fins cabinet work end do hand sanding. 13rne tools. Physical examination necessary. B Apply VlCTOn TALKING MACHIND CO.MPANT, Application Office, 25 Market street, Camden, New Jersey. m Philadelphia. Pa Commercial Registry Bureau, "' "'" Wla- L PWladelphln, pn Attention nt Mr tim tW&Stf'&iM&y&Ws Jiercial Ilglstry Bureau secured trie m "'i't position is aienographeff I Is Sn eenung my sjneerest thanks. I am. nin,,,. iiespoeiiuiiv vours Vot .fV,dATr!?i',':orT,Kl2ls' "oerlenced and ISnrlthf. "Vg",:!". "?'? .'" ow" hand. 1 "nci cinrai. bI-R.Z1-:?; Fhlf! wife to do good. EmWA .n,,,K aiM r.ouneworKi m-in to wait thh0.U,setm.a?,v rence. Tom last pU?e MLESMAN. iron,! ari.1 ... .11 .a.... .- .' y 'Muir tact." t aVii Vrt,re.Vi.;" ?? Pik!K 'Vu!KS "DOFER wanted. B113 tlermantown jVffi?i.UDwnial mV" h,ve "P'rlence f?orV?r,h?.ffte,UP.5iiur.n'n'L Jn fln cabinet vktor Taiktni. xt.iWi ' H "sary. Ann v fflaiahL.nn: N.PS"ca- AI Iffi'ahr.lS0h?5m!n, to J"rn nursing; an- Sj J . ' . niive 9t 'cnat one year Ir 1 filch SSct" Vnd''.V".',. must b', TBood moral la tl, o n1 habits, no salary given but rJS.A'. per mon,h ""owed for necessity S..Mii f,S2m. nii b Provided: the WATEB, HUBDEna WANTED Mutt have factory experience on fine cabinet work. ' furniture or planoa. Physical examination necessary, APPLY KKTOR, TALKING MACHINE COMPANT Application Office. 13 Markat itreet, Camden. New Jersey, WmS 7niii.li:c'A" aleman. with good lo. acaualitaB;..'. '"i"'".-. "Ji" ? 10. EBiat aii .;r! , "' vviimmy jor auvancot BXvSH "!!"jjiie. -eager orr. mvsi and cinWiZZ v ,.,-uiuru aium, oceu rcg--lEaodfjiV,ijQ1,rmantow.n- liSiPP MAN to elva .,V"vl.. in" I,t..: i220f,.?ne..'taU "" ?ATI0NS WANTED FEMALE SKSeSH-ter ?"! or. a book. Ptril inJ Viii0"' M1 Dean." Ledger rmtSiiiMwinl1a . c?Pt-Dt ki?i to Kvlnsr ----- ' j i ! Mhloti Mr71i!!.,d..lr? ( children. wlahM JWlii it k1t "y. cioma 10 ;JrrrD of takinv ntir Ai.rr- r i-ca- r 'XDerieiiv 3 7 VS. Lcdr Ctutr at l?.r -. 3r.l. an. IftO 3 CrM' aVTII Ct K1 I -y o- WWa?,K torY&lUUiriirl I4SFTin JpJJrl!ne,tl n-nr: knowledge "f wsiurfr. Ifnp,vi'rred'. "IH" .ba tnlelllglnt. .D.fAu..iion,- J'aP'l.. N. J. Address I. r 1 1 ' ! 1 iiiFiunn nt 1 BmTATIONs WANTED-FEMALB C!ii"l!:iAVOnK.or chaml-nvnrk ... . .. . ... ... ,.ulc tme H3 l'l tuumrv nf fti.rt.-A t -,. a.:. ' ..-'- Carpenter. CHILD.VURSE with children or0..,iVth'. '.VLb.?rk- .V!P nn enw goodjjer COLORED 5ojJjneJirpw,"'-rVf.",,i5 ill . Led'oK houaenolk . i.i.V.-S.,,nS5-f?fil"!ni K.cneral ; --". uij,uiii,jain st. M?r Cab1e'Aim- ! ""B tadv, refined, agree. a me, wming-jo jm cL M .ml, .r,igrr UjJrke. em'l-'lrSeW 0--5,STn,"rl lo "y )! or ..semi-irivsild, stash nr mojin;B.t.inf,Len OtT Cpr?sHlon'..,Vr wl1" nmJ?,0t """r wishes Till iieil,r.,i'riSro,' xlRln Un or Chestnut U'lJI?iirred.l'hono spruce .isau. , Ccminie?l.'i ri,,r'' 'nr '"himer, mountains" mpioer1 Mr, fipner, .WO S 2lt et. .uui, while, experience Cnthnllc: let ret- .'Hi3 Wnlr.nt m. ?2ii";?ryi..eU!f,U l'rotetiiit, competent! joo(irererenco. luo H, mth at. Cl2E.'.l?r0UBnJy "I'crlenced In all lirinclieal tgca JSKood rel.M .ill, i-ccljerjjincc. C?2,Ik""';a.li,V.l"h ,0 rpiommcnd excellent cook telephone. TorremiiiiK f,i. hSJ'V?and lwntalr ork or general iMUit"fc""Jc, runted 1.x rcllublo woman l.y JuneJ .jroferenco r 1'W, .gliger fcnlrnL Eii.l:nl,V.NCI..,,nJcr,",rlncr "' cn,n fnr h!!?r,rf,w.0 cl'.l,lu"n ,or "mmcr in country hotre For rnrtlu, iiddrca-LMSI. ld. t'mt. a?JWN COUPLU. nrat-clnss cook, hutW ?.Uri-nuU,"orJ,eC' outler-thauffcur, war.t alt JiallonSj, heat referenco liilu N. mh. !al!leyH5N.Mi-hlllp.nnU' Mn' '" 0r Ul- OF.n.MAN WOMAN wnnla washing and cUan. -luSL-fifcrcnco. 010 Ogden at. 0E5HANi rrcincn. t-ngllsh. lytn, coaching, conytraatlon. reiiaonahle. r gtu, Lwl. Cent. OI1M, white, wljhca position rhimbermatJ and .iiuKM, Kuuuri..ierencc 01. . H jinn OpvurtNESP, Trench, well-cducotod oung ladv of rcllncment. desires poaltlon In goud iarnll!e)tcell.nt referencea. fa '.U.', !ci cnt, GOVKHNESS. French, beat referenda, expe rienced. ;U3S Walnut at. (TOVnuNESS, joting North Herman; klnder .. garten exp., roo.1 ref. M aon. ledger Off. aiOUREKl-.Ul'UH, colored, wanla pualtlon In gentleman a home. llfiT N, town ut. ,l.?rj,.UAyi".l.p-p5,1?h .S'rl (spenka""i:ngTlsh) "antg posl'lon. SOU Liennli at., Nleeiown ItnUBEWOnK-Ilellible. ecltled whllo woman . minta poa, sjiinU foinllj. Toll N. aJd at LADY'S tAll, North (lermnn, cry com" petent, excellent Beiiinatresa. referenco, will do other duties l'hono Lomat 3LDb D. NOItTH OURMAN nursery KOcrncas. best rcf erence, desires position. 1J1II N. Mh. NUllSI-A joung girl with experience wants n situation to tnko caro of ono or two chil dren, would tiaslat tr.ilned nurse, good refer ence r ir,3. Ledger Cctitrnl NI'IISE, oxperlenced, practical, deslrca posi tion as nur'o or compinlon to Invalid or fldcrl ladv, reference exchanged Mlas lluddoll, 1 bomerton ave , homeiton, Ta. NUItSE, experienced, callable, heat refercnLea, desires caro of Invalid or nervous patient, r.ites rcnsonotld 22::, Lodger Hranch, 17th and Montgomery NURSE, first class experienced, trained baby nurdo from New York baby hospital, wishes care of pick or well baby; best reference 4,'U, 1-edger Branch. IfrOO Market, NUIISR, French would caro for child past 2 vcurs old. good reference from last places, It It. lrench. 100 H ISth tt. liractlcnl or houpekeener -r-Ticllnblc nt woman, ref HU34 N. Camic Bt Proteata SEWING nnd mendlnc and naslst with cham hervvnrk; good reference. M 2JII, Ledger Off STENOaRAPIIER. BOOKKI'EPEIl CASHIER nnrgctlo joung buslnrp'j woman, 12 ears experience, nccustnmed to re sponalblllty nnd managing an office, will accept moderate ailary with OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Pox E 03. ledger Ccntnl. STENOOR VPIIER, competent nnd conscien tious worker, would coiibUU nioderite f.iI qr . rofcrence 11 l-'4, ledger ciflUe, STENOORAPHER Spcedv Underwood opera tor, uccuMto rtotea, willing beginner. E 17. Ledger Central STENOnRAPIIER. experienced in real estate nnd Insurance, can tuko enro of books and offlce.E 450, LMger Central. STDNOCiRAPIlElt. beginner refined oung lady, well educated, desires a stivrt with a reputablo firm. 31 fl, Iedger Cciitral. STENOORAPJIKR Cnpiblo bualneas woman of wide oxp. na secretary nnd confidential aB elslant. flrat-claBa mannger. II MS, Led. Cn STENOGRAPIIHR, 3 jenra' oxp in law; thor oughly competent. r lSS. Ledger c'enlrnl STENOORAPHDR. knimledgo of bookkeeping, 2 jeara' exp. 11 niu. cugy ven'rqi. STEN'OGRAPIIER. lst-clnss, asst nbokk. . r, 8 years' exp.. capablo.i; 351, LedgerCcf,l STENOaRAPHETt FlrBt-olnss, exp : cxecutlva ablllts . mod. q!ar. E .141, ledger Central. BTENCMlRAPIinn Beginner, willing to adapt herself, neat, accurate 13 411. Ledger Cent. STENOTYriST Cap . accurate, well-educated nung lady; trial solicited, E 137. Led. Cent STENOnRAPIIER Cxper d very npld, any tjpewrlter, can assist bkper E .1411. Led. Cen. STENOcTltAPHER "bookkeeper, experienced, eoiiipetent Walnut 3S Miss rhMllps A1TKESS wishes placo fop summer Juno 1 or earlier, mountains, country or seashore. Appls prcent emplojer. Mrs. Tcppcr, ,1'JU S 21st ft. WHITE pTotestant woman wishes cooking? small adult family, with Bcrnnd maid, coun tr, good baker, referent e. I'.'.'l P. ilst. WOMANwanta cooking, goo I referenco 2D.lt Iliilnbrldgo Bt WOMAN, Clermin, wanta dav'a work, washing, lron'g, housed g 80S N. llnnrock at , rear 1. YOUNO woman wishes to spend summer out of town: would go ns companion to elderly lady; no salary. U 310, Ledger Office. YOtfrjG lady, gooii pcraonalfty. roflned, exp. n succeBSful collector, asBlstant bookkcepor, clerk, reliable; At ref, E 447, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A BUSINESS MAN, thoroughly familiar with various departments In tha manufacturing business, both sales nnd ofTlce, bkpg , credits, correspondence, etc , desires a connection. In ter vv will prove my noiuiy. u ja.. ceti. cni ATtflllNU repairer. wood or electrical. ref., age 30. I'leiter, leuar urove. cuney. BELGIAN refugee, 31 ears. out slnrn arrival In V S. lost Oct.: of vv ork good ine- chanlr; tdeam, gas oil, motor, mlllvtrlght. first-class iaer out; bccks any hiiiu wor leferences. 1R10 Adams ave, Fraukford BOOKKEEPER Managlug ability thorough, varledjexp , clean char Manager, D tl0.su Oth. BOOKKEEPER, R "sears' experience, compel tent, accurate, desires pos. F 144, Id. Cent. BOY, 16. JewUh, bright, active, would like to work In country: prlvato or farm, good ref erence. Juvenile Workers' llureair, 1307 Arch. Telephone ttaco am or npruco 111-11 BOY, strong, !. Catholic, wishes poaltlon In country; eltner on private estaie or rami: reference Juvenile Workers' Bureau. 150J Arch st. Telephone Race 3.137 or Spruce 8147. BUTLER wants poslllon; present emplojer closing houae. goad references D 422, Ledger Office. r BUTLER Japanese? wishes position, with reN erence. F 40. ledger Central. BUYER Buver with Intelligence and Untiring Industry Yearns to produce Effective fieaults for YOU. F 148. Ledger Central. CARETAKER, Janitor or watchman. Call 20ol Pine st. .vionqsy ana cuewai, ici pinnirMTfill oiinn- man strictly BOber, la wn,.. "-"----. .-,. -.-, ,:;l Sears experience aoie 10 sunvriuivou ' experience' able to superintend, city or out of town. F oi. Leaser central, CHAUFFEUR, colored, mairled, 12 vears' rerleni.ei (1 years with former employer; have toured Europe, At mechanic; sober, honest and willing E M3 Ledger Central. ClLVl'FFSUR, experienced, alngls, 30. undsr standa gardening, prlvato family, reference. D 419. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR vvlahra position! first claas, ean furnish refernco and do own repairing, lad. gr urancn, pen n i" ?" i r ,.f,.,. .y" -" --"- car ao awn re- pairing, city or. country, aoter and willing! best references. F K, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, single, T jears frst-elaiu reN irenca from last mployer. 31 P-ranch Ld- gr. Waypa and crimen avis , itern mown. COACHMAN, gardener. English. slasU. long wi.. reliable: best tet P 414. Led. Office, English Protestant would, take position as n. ulll man on geotlsn ns pi M 312. Led Oft FAitUlKQ BbY. IS. wlllln worker, wlshei iltuaiWn. country, .wltbHtSer.frlvate farollv or farmer Juven le Worksra Burean. 1S0T Arch. Telephone Race 3337 or Spruce (Jl47. FIRST HAND BATfKR.bench hand or oven "! "rllk P M& t-JsTr OItt. OARPENEIt wants position, undirstsnda work gVallnins place. Uwn. flowers, hpries, itfc. G4.RrFNEIt. slnsle, understands borfea, ai Uchl ki tt ref. D 118, 1-eu.ex Olllce. . MB ui,w,,. .. .. . -j. sows. GARrENER single experienced and rompe- Vnl first class refns. 620N Pason t JAPANESE voung man wlalies position as- sUtant tiiiiler or housemao rtfren ,a A 11 Sm rtriib JAPANEttt. Mek PMltlua as ouk fcuiUf hf ex.rlegic aid umeni.'a. A. 1j . "H t. EVE-TING TJEBaEB-PrrtTJADLHT TTJESDAY, 'APRIU 27, 1'95? SITUATIONS WANTED MALE JAl'ANnsi 'experienced butler or houseman, wishes position, amall family, beJt refer- enr V M 10S N.lSth. MAN ASUlllFi; colored," deslrO poalllons af ter May 1ft, good houseman and chauffeur! Uoftn evlrnlrTOk03. Ledger Office. MAN a.nIj w irK- Oentral houesworkors, gaP oenlng, cam automobile; country or seaside! good ttageseiitilrcd fiolfl Merlon nt. ornCft aaTes manager or antant, 14 jeara1 xiierlcnce, aollclla Interview on ealailcd po altlon of similar naturo. particulars at in- teniev K Sv, t-dger Central PA I, i:SMAN Grocery nr food prn.Juct apecfxl tlea, A Rood line desired Willi an A-l houae b man of experlenro. terrltorj anywhere, have traveled Pennayltanla Now Jerae, llelaware. V 5 IB, Led gorCen t ml. , SAI.mMAN-.loung man, 2 teili. e1 , B ra.' piactlial ep , wiahes toaltlon with elec- trWHl equipment supply en I' 4", ld Cent. HW.t"Sl,N itfl) 10 jeira' iiu txp. 1 jenrs oulsld aiteamnn: refs 15 SI', Ledger Cent. lOt'Nil MAN, 2T aa office aaTstnnt or out- aide: experlen, d In orflro details, 4 irnrV teaching school, good correaiondent . capahlo of managing amnll office; excellent refcr- rnera r I4j. ledger Oentral. VorNri MaTT 21, ilelrea poaltlon a aaelstint In ciedlt department of mercantllo concern; high ai hool grnduatc. .1 years' PiitdnCei exp., erllent referenies I) 4 IS, Ledger Office. ltll"fci MArTiR high achool education, de. aires position with 1 turners of advancement. r 4(1, ledger Central IOI "NO MAN, in, high achool education, do aires itcrlcal position real eatnto experlenco) operatjMypewrlter I" 241, Ledger Ccntrnl o('Nrj MAff'wIsha posltlonnB chauffeufi good reference; can lako caro of car. I) 31J, Ltlger Office YOIJNO MAN, "2 jenra old, dcalreB pollon ns aiienuani, nas lour years expericnc,? in hopltaL2!.J! 3(110 Iocuat at. Ycit'Nil MAN, 24 )oaraTol(l, good penmnn de. alrea position In bookbinding catibltahment. I" W.O,Jlst0Ppniin et. YOl'NO tAf wlahea position na coachman or tako caro of nutoa; rofrrenco four enrs. J. firnhnm, 411 Queen lino.Clermnntown VfiUNfl colored man wlaliea poaltlon aa porter; gon-l reference !S1f Wehatcr at EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES l'IHRT-CLAS3 l'lntesiaiit waitress wanted; (lerman. Danish, Swedlnhor Hnlf reference; ouiido of rhrstnut Hill wage. $ Madnmo Tjiilfe John 1noi Christian t . WORK NEEDED QUICKLY MALI. Tho Emergency Aid Committee Ina on fllo the fnUowing applicants, wiioaa roferencea have leen erltl eo: lll.ACKSMtTH-iMarrled imn wants position. I A "oo , BtiOKlcnnPER Mirrled man. good reference, wnnts position, willing to do any kind of of-lic- work 1) A inj CAIUVBTlIAKim nanta position, la well rec ommended good workman. I" A. ."02 CAIlPnNTEIt -Morrlel rood refctence U. A. run u am wants position: ClLUMTXPn Married man. with two chil dren, wants pna ; has good ref E A 30L I'LrVATOIl OPURATOn Man wants poslllon; ri-llnble nnd la very deserving V. A , !HI" EN(llNi:illt-Man, with good rcferencio, vvihls lOHltinn. Hilling to do nnylhlng. u A .".(HI rARMER Man nnd vvlfo,-with "one 1 hlld, wnnt posltinns together on farm, good refer ence I?. A 10". PI1U3.MAN' Married man, with tlvo "children, wants pnslttoti good reference, n A tofi MAN AM) Wim, with one child, vTn'nrpTntea on fnrm are willing nnd linvo good refer- rnceB.KA311 BALl'.'.MAN Man, with experience In gents" funiMilngs, vv-intB position, hno excellent rofrenco i:. A 300, SALCTMAN-Ono tint Is willing to take nny Mm ha experience selling leather goods, i:. . 110. , SvIESMAN, 35. 17 vetrs' experience men's ruruUlilnga, illy anil road will imept nny lire nggrcHslve forceful. 1 l.'.il. Led tent BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VUTOMOIHLE OPPdRTUNITA I havo an agency proposition of n well known standird car open now for nn active man services moro of a con si ler.vtinn thnn Investment, which !i not large. Addrosi M 210, ledger Central, SALESMAN A block of slock for Fnlo of a well established, inoney-m.iklng Industrial company. A salesman who can sell tome , of It can mnko big commission. M lo Ledger Central OI'PORTI NI'l Y- Responsiblo bualneei nun with f2M0 10 act us treasurer In local cor rorntlon. Money hiciiiciI and Inter, ot lu business Must hive exocutlvo ability and becomo actively engaged to secure Hilary. IUIercncts given and required. M 140, I,cd ger Central OIL AND (IAS INVrffrMFNTS now nt bar gnln prlce, S POCKS, iirrsluc tlnn, rnviltlia or lenios In proven terrltorj of nil leading fields KARL rIUVENER. Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE An est ihllslieil paint, oils and window glass businiss or will tako partner. lointed In central pirt of city, good oppor- tuultv I. fl,'l, ledger Central PARTNER wanted, jsribo to S10 000 to Invest In well-paving business. Apply 2770 Kcn- t-lnKton nve . fc ltl'AL ESTATE busfnesa at" a "sacrlllco If'aoid VJA ' -1 Mav n Manufai turlng business 10- qr a- T,v mm- ,i .11, i.iu.rr .eiiuu v. .ntedV "ital ao invi-st repaii lumber vnrVJ" Jndlana Jordan I VMII- lail s Udil 1 1 loTwrjicrg , inuiannpniis, jnil ANTED Interest In pivlrj! bilslncHi, htve rendy cai.h to Invest D 420, Ledger Offirp CARPET CLEANING WEST PUMA. MOVAItCll STORAOE CO. 3c. PER YAPD, 3870-72 IkNCAd'Ilt AVE, CLEANING AND DYEINQ OSTRICH FEATHER1 AND FANCIES CLEAVFD.DYED MAILHOTJUIO Clifatnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY FASHION UI I" dressmaking, prices reason able, lit Riiirnntiid, remndellng. ,",l..(! 1 lust- Illll ,V'UI llllt II, J .VlllllHlfc ,'h, X DRESSMAKIN'O taught, short, tirnc. course" MacDoweil.:i07 Denrkla I1Mb llili.v. Market ARTISTIC dresses lingerie frocKs reasonahU prices. Pirlslan models copied. 1330 Walnut, HEMSTITCHING "done while you w"nlt" A. Relchard. 1113 Chestnut. I'lctorlsl Review p.vt. FOR SALE 700 WINDOW frames and sialics, complete, cheap. 2117 Vine st. 31. McCuliough. BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold rented exch'd Kenfer, 32!) (llraid live. INSTRUCTION ivAU'UMH In 20 lessons. Call or writs Chrlstensen Piano Schools, 3SJU (lerinantown ave.. 1.1-0 Tasker st . ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LEI' US EolIMATE IO COAT YOI'R TIN ROOF and guarantee It water-tight 10 vears. Ptono Poplar 1137 American Rooting Co.. l.vr, Ridge av o STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack- PHI LA. Inc and shipping 3a70 Lancaster ave RELIABLE OTORAUF. MOVING, PACKINfTT SHIPPINQ. 2040-41 N. SUTH SI'. DIA. 47-47 UPHOLSTERING MAI TRESSES remade at sour home; full site. tl.Pg. single. tl.W. gaudtrer, 3327N'.l7th8t. WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTIUN'U WANTED Let us convince you that wj pay the highest E rices Kir Eviiiiciiieii 0 tiiBiuruei riutnes. VMUEL COOPER Ebtubl.ahod 3 jears, 1010 Glrard ave Phone l'p 3710 Park 4100. CAST.OFP CLOTIIINn Ovvlne to gieat demand for up-to-da'e ladles' anil gentlemen's second hand clothing vvu will positively pay highest prlcea N. Lle-I-ner. UOU Ijalnbridge at. Phone Walnut uuo CA8T-6TF CjIOTIIiNO bought shoes, etc.. send potl. BNfclDMAN. 1)22 Poplar st J WATOILES AND CLOCKS 60C. REPAIRS YOUR WTrtH OR CLOCK, no matter what It needs, l sear guarantee. ARON'S. IU7 W .RARD AVE ROOMS TOR RENT UAHINCJ ST., J.'IS (The Lhlltan)-T0 tir.t. floor rooms, suit dentist d tor or auirt menta. Mrs Bella MtClam manager. 13CU8T ANIl" 1TTH 8TS. -Prlv'ate family desired. to rent 3 Urge rooms, single or on ,W t ! MUJViHUfWN, IMVttU J-rf.- ousc irsiiK vjv 1720 Larga front room, "run. .lABicn, i, iv itfcicv .rout ruocu, run. iilng at' W'f or upfiif' "t1" hkpijUoje. RACE. .3412 attractlte," welt Us bled rooms! suitable pbjslciati. home or tiilusd nurss; also ljr.. double vscs.j -1. opt Pr. SMS D, SPRING aAUDEN. lT-Front scitte. hkpg.i private bath- single, ress.. odd. library. 8URITCE. lUJu-Large. attractive suite, private bath and porch single rooma and bath. WALNUT. 4n-Larg aesfraole front and ad lotnlng rooma, turn or unfurn , j,bone WALNUT. 4WF-AttractlveJyrur6 outnTei; pa , single or en auge. ptvi bath, ptone. WALNCtT 8T04V-Two nicely furolalud com. rouolcatticg front rooms and bath bond op I, jSTll. B. . itt-PHwite family haa cau tonsils front loom for 1 or 3 gentlemen elec. Itabti. 1ST II. N. 37.1- VV ell furn." rooms sioaie or ea f wiy n- iwuKniuwy. TTwaa OSia L. WTH 1401 Three, Kama itr fl.wr rur mshci bockee4ng '"tarae ytfid 161 H N v Lalje "wTtttrirrB'H v cito M-nad. jwivk SOr-.. 5laao4 XS1 tat - BOOMS FOR HENX lS?A v...'r1,'1l.iH5rup'lfn). Beautiful realdence end houMandaomtbfur vacancy; near L, 62d and Pansom Furnished niiTiiini,, rooms; men only, meals, V1T nriANOIt ehower baths; near L; all 1 m. v.. A. tha comforts of home. Phona - BelmontJlMI i Key. Weat 3S'J, 1Bhri!;.vi,iJf0sP"'"!'l,1Jr furn- fooma; light hpuel(efjii np. f.ilesred; reasonable, phon(. BOABWNG ClirMTNUT. 4480-Very pleaa furn. rooms In S,,.'m.v' leecyont ad-atory front, back, alto BlngIe room, tablo lioard phono. LInil(?"'i.W' 1313-15-Heaullful rooms, with ioani all conr.; phone, new management '''Av'nm Af,r:'.N" ?12-rWell-furnlslied front n;' .V"1 '',',", 'oord. oiher accommod i .tlona. terms moderate. Both phones. rw.V:'T.'.,,i AVn. 40.17-Prlvate fnmllv has i.. -r imn. mom icr renned people, pnon". B1,.l'''c'LTl3'J4-Iil lUrlBmondei-J-urn rooms. B-....o.. , iuiii-,pniai onina, tania boar SiiWf,ri4,v5.rstJ,TC W,T" fBtVATK . BATHOTHEIt ATTRACTIVE nOOMS SPUIJCE lnjt.o-Deslrabio suits' with private T lnl". ' nnlretnldvjiord Walnut 72 WW, WALLArr, 1121 Well furnished lnel nnd double rni ; reflnel nelgliborhoolJ'op SH2JA Wf'NI'T "l'5vrrirmT fTeanvnt run", beaull- .... iiir.,11 .irtiotKijnonni. 1'reaion Olil A 10T1I, V , l!,v-lirgo, sunny frontTrooms. co"r nerhout other varanrln Locust 32iB D. 4nTFf. N, 700-Prlvato family will board re. .JlnjriLl'Ji1cmeniconvenlnt to city. liar. WS. Hutiurhan aniUIANTOWN, 21S W. Hlttenhouts at., be tween Wajno nr.d Oreene Deslrnhle rooms i!i,&Ln,lrcotnjhomelko Otn 1R71 X. OVtrlRntlitpK Private family can accommo date, gentlemen In nice rooma. board optional, nenr Motion Overbrook 4nn . APARTMENTS SPRUCi:, 142n-Haeho1or apt. 2 or 3 rooma, Private bath, furn or unfurn., eleo. llghta, jWjnvividiioors all mo.lern Jmrroyementa SPIUNO OAirt)nN7"ll'1or.xce"llent apte liT different hou-en romo furn , kitchenettes West I'lillnilelphln CHILTON APARTMENTS flUls Paring at Ttvo flrat-claas rooms, with prlvato bath; suit alio dentist or doctor or apartment. Mrs. llelle McClnln. mgr. RelljihoneJreston 0307 PUJlNKHED APARTMENTS '1S.,'VifU:T " MAY t OR "AFTER ""AT THACrrlVl. KritNlSIIEt) APAI1TMKNT. 2 IIOTIMH AND HATH, 10 MINUTES SOUTH ITY 1111,1, PHONE WALNUT 204. AIRY HorsKKEri'INll APARTMENT. rotiMB and bath, to rent for few months ! mriii i-none 1 ori.Bi nnii-j LION'S HI: AD Locust. 1213-mrumlshed ,.nr , I.MIBIT. ,ir rn eulie lldl HPKTji PINT) apt . 1st door, 4 roonuT. Mclnltv ISth nnd oxford Poplar WI I) SI'HLrr room nn I bnih Tho Newport, 10th "" ri '" f .w , 1 eng rr c r ncrsi nOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS 23D AND PINE STH (DE LANCiTY APTS)- New, light, 4 to (I rooms 1 and 2 baths, kljrhcneUi' cenlral lnenilmi appjy Janitor. Sl'HPCi: f.27- Will sublet at greatly reduced tate, r rooms nnd bith Appb to L. 1:, Trnrv, nn premises Phone fpruce 3107 DTXMQN'P, l l' .1 rim, Inlh. kitchen hot wnlor heat, int., 2d lloor. T'-" 4 rms bath, kllcncn, nil mr rms., J.l.i, Diamond 181.1 15-TH, H, 11- -NINE TIOOMS a'sp TWO HVT1IS, WILL IIP FOR RENT MAY 1. l'linxr, LOCUST 077. PINT. POO Housekeeping apt . I rms, bath, . modern, furn or unfurn all nutsldo rooma HorsrKEFI'IVil nnirtmcnt. 0 rooms and bath prlvnte nnrrb, two enr llnea comnlet. iv furnished OOii unfurn lahnl. tm West j-niind'.iiiiim. vvrue ."11 nniiey ituiioing Lehigh Apartments N 13th, 2d Moor. 4 rooms and bith Appli 271a nermnntown av- Suburban IXlfR LMlOIl AIRY ROOMS KITCHEN AND It Mil. SOUTHERN EXP.. VERY DFS1RAII1.P.. I.. MARSHALL. IT! P. 12111. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE n 1 y Store nml lluellnga LAIirJE IKifsr; and store on christian st , owner lives out of town and must sell very stiinll ciibIi Investment neiossirv For ap pointment telephone Diamond 108 D. or wrltb II. II t'niieit,212t N. 13th st. NF.1V .IEI1HEY HUNC.ALOWS. lots SaxlBO, near trolley, over looking Delaware. Nutlnnal IMrk. Greater New Jersey Compinv. 3 1SHlth Chi tun, N. .1. DFrilRARLE PRIU ERTIES FOR SALE AT very reasonable piuch hi piuuks, pouitrv and fruit fauns, mige mid snnll with and without buildings. I shall bo nlpnsod to show tho atovo tn proreitlve purtiasers LOUIS R I.ElHio.S. Cliytoii. N. J. Illiililnnnrld, N, ,1. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices WM. CAREY MARSHALL, tv.ll Federil at.. Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. J, bl.VERAL ticvlrahlc homes and Improved bids, lots nt reasonable 1 rkei John Mayhew Pape May, J,'J' COTTA"GEs7 holds', "npts for t '. r.ent sorre bargains In building lotur C Ean-f Miller. in Ocean st , Cape May, N. J. Main Line. I'. It. tv. 12 ACRES, .I7-", gonl bulldlnRs, iheap. A. D, Henld West Chesier. Pa. riiNNMUAMA FARMS 211 ACRES, West Cliester sot Hon modern, up o date dalrj innn going tn be sold Vv hat's the offer' J II TIIOMPFON, 111 N High t , Wt st Cliester. Pa. REAL ESTATESALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by unking monthly payments of from 117 to J15U tor houses worth from SI SOD to (0230 II S. REED, 717 Chestnut at. REAL ESTATEJWANTED WANIED-On Main Line. P. R. R. between Rosoinont and overbrook. furnished house. May and Juno only, about 10 rooms and garage. 2212 St. James place. Philadelphia. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENTAL I.LVT8 T F NFALIS. 010 S l.'TH. Office open bat night until In o'clock. 201 S l.lh St.. l.V loliva. auam heat. 1 110 I'lriwiiti r. 0 looms lonvs . f.'jto sil Liu ton wood. U rooms lonvs ... . "0 00 1.121 1 (itti.irine St.. S rooms ... . Oco II.K) N. AVamoi'k.ilr tonv Ulth&Master) 1.1 Ou liiO'i Flora St.. 7r. (10th ft Glrard ave.) 18.(h) 1S07 Trenton ave., 7r , con (Front&.S'orrls) 13 to 70i 8. l-lih st.. 1 rooms 12,00 c-.ti lin'inmii vi, - it. in ec j.uinoarul 100 1207 lJgue. 4r. (ISth &. Carpenter) ... 12 no '.".'IS N. llope.7r .conv.fFrontiSiisq ave ) 12 00 1111 H Colorado, Br., key ut 1317 .. ., 12.rfl 731 Raco Bt , rear No. n, 3 rooms .... 0.00 STORE AND DWELLINO 731 Rare ul , ilore and cellar. SW cor 13th & llalnbrldge. store - 4r.$30 0O 1127 S. l.'th at., store and 8 rooms ... 3u00 70J B 11th st store and 8 moms 28 00 STABLE OR OARAOB. 1.102 N, lOlli si , ofrtce and 0 stalls . ...t30 0a MAIN IJNE.PA. MODFRN HOMtSS. )0 to" HARBERT CLAQHORN. II. It. If? per month. 204 Ifalley Rlda. Illiniums Properties unci Stores CHESTNUT. S3I-Store and basement, sultabl. for household or office speclaltlea. Inquire mi I'lwiii.cg. , ,. p-,fc,..fy. OFFICE!.. II US1NESH HOOMH, ETC. ONE-HALF of othce for rent, with telephone serv Ice 1310 Common vvea 1 1 hj, ONE OFFICE -of suite, or desk room, central.' T(X! Abbott Uldg Broad and Race ''uln'' Dealt Room DESK ROOM. Perry Dldg . Key. phone free: light and cheerful-! M 1.2. Ledger Central, E.siimiK CapeSIajTjjsr. J. FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca lions, reasonable. C, Earls Miller, 218 Ocean st . Cape May Mono Harbor. N. J, bTONE HARBOR cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent, lurnlshed. by week, tuenth or season at moderate prices: all con. veiilecces. Call, fhoiio or writs tor lllus. trate4 Uw 1st. J 11, Co., 013 R. K. Trust ntjItdlM., Phi ade phla. EOR RENT EURNISHED Oyuwyd, -a. ItlKAL SUMMEn HOME, most eicluslve sej tlon of Cynwyd! 3 mlnutea from station, new nouae. p oearooms, a uaui, soower, eiectrlo lUhts, it: attractive Drooositlon to rlvht Percy Address P O Box 318. Cnwyd. Pa. bt. Martin's. Pa. FURNISHED HOI! SB. 0 bedrooms, 3 bath rooms, porch i 3 block from station; garage rby. will rent for summer sr loagsr. a-Hpite swisiic lew i.w WHAT PHILADELPHIA l-,t.c...lB. ".: .- ' . UJVlisjlillSJ BOUSv. lm rovMoa. l 1 tn a ruuoirvs a4 per month M, 145 Ledger Cut MORTOAQES W.OCO tOR"lHT ASP Tl -ORTOAaES" gAMt'BL THESTNt-r MAr'U XtUir Trwt. liullulne. 1 ' 1 M & 1 SCRAPPLE I J The Optlmtst THE PADDED CELL cV s? w(4 I bash. Ball, I h W - O A M -Th. TaUer. ?1-- W Member of Flylngy Corps-1 II taVe -Se--0 ,, n ' L J lJ-ri ' you for a fly roundone nftemoon If 'gSSy?-X ) CfcWf J ., I you'd like to bo 'TsSS- l x A TsTvn mgy I JM 8he-No, tharsk jou very much: --kS mi YM II li ( Vi --a I when I go up I ro up for Rood. ,s:522lga':E!U w3d? f" V.a 1 I ' Easily Acquired J 3S i''7mk I '"M Cook However did you get that I ' I " nwcll flpure. Annie? t 1 l Annie It's the corsets that make It. 8S l ' Cook ct mo n pair next time you ' tm ro shopplntr. I don't mind pa'ln' for l- " "is -" w . ' . VM 'cm. " Jm THE REWARD OF KULTUR JUSl u,e 1,,lnB - M ). f ift (The words spelled mean "God Punish Englnnd" Germany's new war HP 4 M iK'''A Jt' $j5t f'WrV'l ' l-o lnv lied a cubist over to aeo me, " M Gtv )frr SiX. Pf' lBSi -4 IHSi Wlllle-If jou could have a third 1 g5r5-X W rvvrrg. rj fiaSL fe) - fife ep. where would you want It? J 1 V2X&lg 6"j- PS SS atX-ea.- Tommy-On the end of me finger eo J ; v I could stick It through the knot-hole 1 V N. Iiii,rh I In the Tonne nnd nen ih, hnll a ... M . -..-.. . - .... -- ..u uu., n.(DI, TBI 1 An English Explanation Ji ---zsi----- 11 hmmmjmi iiii IIImJ'hii hi- 111 4i if lM J j,,. mmmmmm .1 Punch. German composer seeking Inspira tion for melody to a "Song of Hate." r" , . ,i"':l':J" Jv SPCAIC Tn MltK A rATTHErMrtOUMSN 0RIUlAnTSATHtR-l lyt k v . fl4rJ-T fWtla ' si 85? tsrrki! 8-aggrW v w i l f, fA SW 'MnadHH BVri ax (.Tt. (vr V v a lai i MKHf ! rs r-sf V rC-L . I J- I- HBw9 H ft &T. Wm&fi 1 . ttv'i I mi jLf,1 sy H M jHr IB. satY tak dHva rZfrMsl I I Ss W C5-v,0? r jf,,, ' ' ' ' ' " '-! I I L m iniS-iH wnaissa.i. i iii j M ipi SF - czi( 11 1 l. ..... . . i. course, lit quite nice, hut there la nothing mlllt-rv about the cut Ol its L The Ifusband-On the contrary, it reminds me of a series of tight -corners, very difficult to get out of. -.. ,. . ,, tMs Wflll4UU Tlir. fp T7irrr tr i nnrv nr-a -rw M AX UTU1V IsW.I'I'EjjV in lifiir 1B TSV & .(rLonuuii uvilnlon. -i nnm.Bt in.ininn .a in.