X4C EVENING LEDGEK-IPHILADELPHIX TUESDAY, APRIL1 27, 1915; tni? It msMmw?ii -m.- -, BALANCE OF TRADE IN FAVOR OF U. S. LAST WEEK, $20,611,584 SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT i K t. h a FOREIGN SELLING CAUSED DECLINE Ifferings From Abroad Were I Heavy MarKct ivucuvcreu in I tate Trading. wrW TOtlK. April 2.-Thero w n .finiiftlion of sellltm at tho opening ot .n,S Kxchnnge tlila mornliiK and the u.rkJt In the fnce of thls..vn- Irrr-fitilnr ?.rinti were well taken, however, nml ft. list In tno cmiy ftooiuu iikiu luiiij kiidy W ",0 B11,n" pre-smc Increased in i point where orronnRH nerp nisuncuy the demand, reaultltiff in a ,r frv-rlsh market For tlir most part lsrttf nan f i.iiintr attltufle was adopted on the airterly earnings statement of the Steel iPfihouKh. an unfavorable) show Ins was LhkU Kssln hfld "l thnt ,he. sJ.al, feint W"ll be better than reports have Ct It. A larsc nmount of Interest wns ii.Vrti In the statement by President tluf. (WHM, of the Illinois Steel Company, W of the large rnbsldlarlea of the ateel 'SUm of Improvement In business Ho ;;. carefiil to point out mat, mis wni 50( D llflBO "l '"" I"11' "" ,v to "'turn frrtwth. S'ccl becamo Bllghtly stronger lirdund midday t For a brief period around noon the mirket braced up a little under a better 'Sand, led b fnlted States Steel, !irhlch moved up on heavy bnjlng ile- twand. When It became apparent that ilondon tins dlspoilng of a consldetablc jmOUnt OL Hiucica nun nan fiswiu . icku fmount In the morning session, prices '...rf off as a result of this liquidation. ta'o one cared to estimate the nmount ot lock cqmlng from that cjltarter, but It 'irai thought that It was quite large. t Copper shares continued as the strong IpOlS II ci'u ,. --.-..w-... ... ,'......., filitss Issues declined In tho early trad- 'inS In smpathy with the lest of the 'llili ney stiengthened Immediately on lth announcement that the prlco of cop W metal hAd again been boosted, this time to IS1, cents a pound. A further fidvance was also made In London. The ISt-cent price, wnicn is lor domestic cie Iivtry. Is 'be highest point leached since jjCft predictions are being made In many BuaHers that the price will go to 20 fcenli. ' The higher price of copper metal failed (0 suttaln tho copper shales, however, 'and they declined In sympathy with the ttt of the list, nnd this occurred desplto Uie fact that some of tho largo pioduc 'iri hae withdrawn from the market at US cents and are quoting 19 cents. Largo "ciders have also been received ftom for tlirn -octrees Domestic demand, too. Is ..ttrfrl In m. nn i nnalflarnliln snlft JHn the last few minutes tho decline ivtg checked nnd prices recovered some jOf the losses sustained on tho downward turn. The sustaining factor was tho cop per division and thejo shares led on tho recovery, a Mature ot tne Bond marKct jqjl before the close was the urgent de mand for New York Central ts, when Issued. Several large blocks changed sands, some of the transactions being IW.00O, while others were for $100,000 and WW. - A ttrnnr snnt In the tnntnp prmm warn fstudebakoi-, which ndvnnced nearly I joints on the announcement that the com pany has anticipated about $2,500,000 notes cut ofi Its heavy ensh balance. This leans the amount of notes outstanding at 13,000,000. New York Stock Sales a) id '.8 ASM 8 ,. , l't clott Illali. t.on n-n vioin Alines .,.. ,wt Alllf-Chalm Mfg inu Allls-Chalm Mfs pf ... fo Amalgamatcil Cop ;sif Am Act Chem $i Am tteel Sugar ........ jf Am Uect Sugar pf 8i " uraKe.-t a k Am Hrake S A K pf Am Can AmCan p( Am Car A Fo'intlrj- . . Am Car A Kdy pf .... AmCltlcspf Am Cotton Oil Am Hldo A Leather .. Am Hide 4 Leather pf Am IcoSecuiltei Am l.ln&eed Am I-ocomotlro .. Am Loromothopf Am .Mait IT. 07 143 US ,8 b), l 10' . m ta UVi 115 -IS ASh 2H NEW YORK CURB Bid BrAm Tohacro old . Er-Aia Tobacco new GoUlllld Conn Rierne-Cananca La Roi l.V coal Sales IVpfiilitir .utn EllMlor Otfl Clfltor nrpf ... Klkerttletrman f lirllnf Gum lloltcd Claar Stores InlUd Claar1 falorea pref. ,1'cl'eJ ProDi new . ... menu Fi'm . . . tYukoa Cold si, .. is .. is, :: nSSa . . "j ..10' ,7 .. -vl :: V' . . r.n . .in . .ill' . :n .. IU Ajkcd J.1U m, T.Pj 01 8 ? ins U'O aa ... 6." ... 7 r.u AmMalt pf 2ijj AmhmcltA Itef 7 'imcuieil ft, iipj p t Ambnuff Am Sugar Hellnlne Am Sugar Hef pf .. Am Stool Foundries AtnTelATel Am Tel A Cablo ... Am Tobacco , AmTobpfnew .... Am Woolen Am Woolen pf ,. Anaconda Copper .... AtchT ASF AtchTAbFpf Atlantic Coast Line ... HaldMnLou) Ilaltlmoro A Ohio Halllmore A Ohio pf .. Hatopllas Mining Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Hap Transit . .'8 !. fl 48'i 80 KM H,- H7Ji O'l MM lift 48K 6'J 0( 30 m 11H 63'f H7 o.l Clne ,WH 15H BI 77'f 8 mu 83 til 141 OX 0)( ruj 115 4SK f.2 Ml ro 3.1 111$ 07 7.IM 107 100 '4I 48a 13 3J)i 00 Brookljn Union Gas Cal Petroleum Canadian Pacific Cent Leather ., ChrsAOhlo Chlno Copper Chicago (UWe3t Chicago Oi West pf..., ChlcMll AbtP Chi Mil A St Ppf Chi A Northwest ChllUAP Colorado Fuel AI .... Continental Can Continental Can pf... Consolidated Qas 128 Corn Products Hot. . Com Prod Kef pf. . . Cuban-Am Sugar pf Del Lack A West.... Distillers' becurltlcs Erie Erie 1st pf IS Erle2dpf 37 7 ar.'g ,3Ii 1U f-Oij 07 0 ai i!"t i4J 72'i lUOi 11)7 107 101 100 HO 110X 111'.' IIOK 110U inu inn nu iuh -. :QH WH J0H 30)( 12 122 121 121 00 00M IXi fll)( ail 210H i3 ( 2,0 ..107 107H U)iH 10i)i 1035 20'i 18' 2M .. oWH M) SOK oS'i LSJi HiH AMli 101 10.1 ...100 O0W 0'J'i ...112 112 112 -. '2 &2H am ... i7'f 78 77VS .. i2)j ',2 71H .. Hi in m I14)i 14'i 142 01 Wl Uu'i .129 120 18Jg 18)i 1G7U 10i . IU( 4U 120 17)j SOIf 3i 10l 00't 112 'AH 77' t 714 m 140 inn 120 lb!i 47H I0H 12! 33U 0,1 lOoj io. a am 3om 40! 404 12U 32)i 0. 47)1 48U 12 3IU OJij 127W 1271S 127)5 127)i 131 130 130 130 21)5 31)4 03 00 .121' 121H . .'ma j;i . 04 04! i .10 Hi 103)i . 20f 2Hi . 70 . 10) . 10U . s . 3-D. . ." . ftO ,12l)i 12'J COPPER PRODUCTION FALLS (Output Last Year Was 1,150,137,192 rounds. tfTfASIIIVOTOV April 2T -Aciordlnir lo tit- kj compiled Dy the United States Opolo-1-cusjney, th" melt"r rroductlnn of primary PWr In th Vnlleil Slates In 10U was 1 ISO, Ui.lM I pounds as compared wlih l.SJMSl.ms a 1913. The total ilur of tho ltn output 5'.!" ra" rrl.'e nf n a cent a .inund la tMVti.UO, aa compared ilth lS.Tli.' OCA Kit It likely that I lie 1!)!'. output will hhmv .4ii increari. in aiup because or tne war flemindii NJiauiry 1 there were 17J.0O0.onn pounds of "Pftr in mo l. nltetl tatea. aa compare.! with '"ttle orr dp.oiju.OOO on tho samo lato in fw COTTON 'w vr.ni.- n t ,.-,..u -j D.. S". fnjrnlne, to ti points loner, In aympathy Jltlj the market It held around the Initial Wr, with gain- In fume rronths utter tho fjrt, but itradually forked lower aa tho day freireiied until declines ot 10 to It points had -(. tllJl(ICtJ Gen Chemical pf io$)i 10)" uenerai Kioctrlc 15JJ 153 General Motors 110 II )' lien .Motors pf GoodrlchBKCo Great Northern pf (It N cfs for ore prop. .. Guggenheim Uxp'n .... IntllarvNJ InterMet Inter Met pf International Paper ... International Paper pf Intbteam Pump Inspiration Copper Kan City southern Kan City So pf KlngsCoELAP hics-geb tj Co KrcsgoSSCopf Lake Erie A West pf .. Lack steel LacIedoUas Lehigh Valley Liggett A Myers pf Loose-Wiles Ubcult ... Mackay Co pf Manhattan K Una ted . Manhattan Shirt (It I Manhattan Shirt pf....Hm 101 llameil Mutors Maxwell Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d p.' . .. Hay Dept Stores May Dept Stores pf .. Mexican Petroleum .., Mexican Petroleum pi Mo Kan & Texas .... Mo Kan A Texas pf... Missouri Pacific Miami Copper Montana l'oucr Montana power pf National Ulscult ... National fllscult pf . Nat Cloak A suit .. National Enamel A S Nat Lead Nat Lead pf New York Air Brake Nevada Con Copper N i Nil A 11 New York Central . . NYOAWest Norf A West North America .... Northern Pacific ... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania It K . l'coplo'sdas Chi ... Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pf . Pressed btccl Car ... 21)( 21!( 313. 32 03 0J Dltf 06)5 120 12J l.V-i 14 77 77 05 0,1)5 421 421 12 12i 2bM 2S,'J 41), 44)t 33!, 3.1J, 10SJ 100 152 152 142X 142'f 101'f 101)i 101)5 101)i 4b1 5U)i -IS 4U !2t 32!i 0) 0JH 120 14 ll!i . 7S 77 01)i 05H 425 421 . 12lf 12)5 28Jg 26! ll!( 30)i K(H 121 .0'i 37 0.)f 12' 10 m 101)) 20?f 2lh il' 70U 71, 10 10H V)H 41 40 41 b 7)i b 3l)i 3J' 33!f 25). 25J, 25 50 8'3 5!) 12J 122 12J 121 124 121 10J 10J 10J To; iti'. ! 101 102W 102M 102H 1131, M.'U, 143 14.1 117),- 118 118 UK . 22 21 21 21 b7!i Oh 08 OS 12SJ. Wi 12S)a 12SJ P2 (2 101 101 50)a SJ)i , 30 . 40 . 05 . 00H . 03)5 . ll)i . 2b J i . 13 2S)i . M .101 .122 .122 . 72)4 . 16 . (VI 10M b2 ;su 11)5 0i!S i7h 00 11 27) 12)j 27 53)5 101)5 101H 101)3 121 121 121 120)5 120)j 12JH i3 72!j 73 15)5 15 15!, mj t j iw 52 3 3 1! 44)5 01)5 01 TO 121f "32 13)5 2KU 54 40)5 Kl 3S)j 14tj 01J5 80)5 1)0 12)f 3i 13)5 18 IM lOOJi 100,'i 10UW 100! SKii .i "timber nn" iair-, io.tn Ulrrh. ii i "it. 10.14) Yes close. Open High, Low, C'lnae. 10.1L' in IT 10.71 10 no 10.111 11 00 10 11! 10 10.T7 mm io.ni 11.10 10 1(1 10 20 10 Hi 10.711 10 M 11.0.1 10 10 l.-lll in.no 10 8-. 10.M 11.01 10..10 Trade Halancc S20.till.58t feA81i.IiaT0.N'. April 27 -Secretary of C"m uS", nedftetrt told ihe Cabinet today that -" ' weens ruvorsme trone naianea II lift All Q1 .t.. .... k.Ia.a n.nii no? ,o weeks ago. lll.B7U.O00, The week's cqtton UatVeMu ' " "" "'"" '"- I COPPER AT 184 CENTS RXEVV YOHK. Anrll ITFollowlng tha Tiff; !" lanco In copper ubroad, which ln HiSli'11!. CoPi!r Company In London, pro ETl:. here hae advanced Hit elecirnlytie 'SSHf n-iS1' ."oniestle business to I'lic 5.. "t ",B " ,n" nignest price reacneo nn iKm iwrnt mo"ment and also the hlgheit ,Kt b,t "ta,es of Ijke copper havs been f winced to 21 Vi cents per pound and the mar. gli-itronn at thl, fl-urs THE American Gas Com pany was established in 1892. It operates gas and . electric plants in fifty cities ".a towns in the East and Miridle West, serving a popu- I won ot 628,000, The business anas shown nroeressive in- f "reases yearly and the prop- , ; are Kept in nrst-ciass j r'.aivai tullUHIOll, SNet earnings for 1914 are r "T uy omciai reports ai a f rat? of pver 10.32 on the i "veraee outstanding caoital i t jock after depreciation rBes. I Dividends have been paid Wnterruntedlv for twenty-two r yars: the rate has been 7C'D Ipince 1909. I h ii cu""nt prices, the stock rrelas about 7; we. recom f mend the investment, H.We will be glad to mail f "" on request. Fpfiam P. Bonbright S Co., Inc. k UORFII8 W. STROUD, Jr. Manaoor 7 CHKSTNl T STREET rhUaidlphl Vrk lla.ton Detroit 9"i Vllam p Bonbrltbt Co .. 85 .. 10!f .. OS .. S8 .. 31! ..105 .. 70 ..110 21 Pullman Co Itybleel Sprlnz Hay Con Copper .... Heading Hep Iron & Stool .... Hop Iron iStcol pf Hock Island Co HumelyM Co KumelyM Copf ... beaboard Air Line . . , bcaboard Mr Llna pf bears Itoo&Co t-losshef S & I Co i. gouUiern Paclflo .... bouthern Ity SoulbernRy pf btudebakcrCo ...... Tenne5ioo Cop Trias Co '1 mm & Pacific 'l'nlrd Avenuo Tobacco Prod pf .... Union Hag S. Paper .. Union Dag & Paper pf. Union Paclflo Union Pacific pf USUndl Alchol U S Undl Alchol pf ... USCastlPJB V .... OSnealty. Imp ... United Hys Invert ... United Hys inv pt .110)1 no: .120)i 120 . 73 74 2W . 01 . 40 .150 . 32!i 8 mi mi 8S). 33)1 105 H 75 W HOlf 100 23)i 4)1 01 60)1 101 32H 25ii bi 1UU bS'i l'2)i 105 75H 10'J)j 22)a 110)1 110)1 110H HUH 71 74 !.)). 23,'i i4 111) I0' 88)i 3111 105 7fiH 04 48 160 32 23)i 01 IS)1 ltl 32 5 ..152 152X 150)i 151 .. 2S)i 2J)i 28)$ 28J .. tHH .. h .. 34 .. 10 .. 10 .. 40 ..130 .. 37)5 .. 03)i .. 18)j .. 68 .. (17 .. 35 ..138 .. 10 .. 5 ..100 0)f bU S6H b0 M H H 3,' 3!i 3 10 10 10 1511 IS). 15)( 30)1 30)1 3JJ loO 1JJ 130 37!i 37 37 03)i 02! 02)i 18M lti)i 18)1 584 58 58 10)1 U7H 09 35 ;ms -mm 130 130 130 10 10 10 55 51 5 )i lOOij 100)i 100)i b'i 0 O 30 30 30 30 132M 132)j 130)1 131 81)1 M))i bUlj 6UI4 C0)1 40)5 r5U b7 13)1 II 44 40)1 20 20)i 30 40 II H Kubbar (,')! I 00)1 llfiltnhber 1st pf ... .107)1 107)5 107 Ubbteel 57)1 58JJ 57 IIHhtcel of 108)1 1C0 US Express OS 68)1 Utah Copper 7U1 7H1 Va-Car ChemlcaU .... 28)5 Wabaaa 1 , Wabaihpf 3 ' Wellj-Faruo Eip 08 Western Union Tel ... 10 Westlngbouse Electric . (0 Wheel & li E 2d Pf .... 4 MuiliortliVUCo ..-.107 Woolwoithp' ll'J 0 87 14 40)1 20 38)5 107 57J1 108'i 100 0tfl 08)1 30 87 13)1 40)1 10K 38)5 GO 61)5 27J1 )i 2J( 08 68 85J5 3)1 1C0) 107$ 101)5 12U l.'U 1-U 27)1 M 2)5 08 tSK 87)5 3)i 70)5 27)1 Ji 2)1 08 18W 85)5 3li New York Bond Sale8 WOO Amer Hide & 1, lis . imi Amer lei clt 4 . ltn Amr 'lei cm 4is- ii" o Armour Co is U'M) Ahhtaon c 4i 10V. 1IMI Atctlson r is lino IViiim AKiilwn e Ta I .11 ..imp Allan in i.lno 1st 4s. M Allan Co I.lno tit 4. 4IKKJ 11.111 A uluo 4S aiMd Hilt a lih v I'is . loi II 11.. It u Bnn ,ls . iiiii Ii. th meet 1st As . SiUM l.e h htrel rid 5s .it (hi Hiiickn Ii 'ir .is II" HtoiiKii It Tr to IS M0 HroK Cn U 1st tis hotki lent Leather 1st Ss. "WHO Cent l'ac 1st 4s . . lino Ches & Oh cv lUi 7tVU I lies At Ohio 4'm .. IKM) Lhl II (c Q Joint 4s St V rv Oa. Ult llM ii, ult, m ! IHij lou. IOH t'4 loir's ll'l K'l 7(1 8 IHI-Vi lOli I'l 7loll Chi M Ac IOUU (.111 Mil A Ml l 4. TilMI hi Mil A Rt l rn r..1irl 2wai lol South 1st 4s Dili Col A. South rei 414s Utt 7(K) Con lias n r, ... lint, JIXI0 Corn 1'iiwi r, IM4 ... US' l :." Del A; Hud I. Hi I (I lni 3OH0 Oen Hlo (ir 4 .. 7U Mnhi Uetrolt Kdlson 1st os.lir.il 4((iiJ Uls Becur I arp R-. . MS 1W.1 1 u 1 oni I'owa 4's 111 .iwi i;rie .en it , , Kxmii Urlo ionv 4s er A... IMiro urccn Ua Us '" i Hill Man rM fts -Urn III Cent 4s 10.VJ . HIoni ins Cop c s. . .. JSonn Ins c ret .Id pd (la w intern Met 4'a . I1OO11 Inlerb It T let ;m 270OI1 Inter Mer Mar 4'.js 2(100 Ind Alcohol Js OOVi linn) Jap ni' Ucr s a 41,4s. "flt. KKiil Knn Cltj bo 1st .Is (17I Utmi I.atlerio Oas rrd .", .trio ..u"i i.k n deb 4s in;s. 51" 0 l.eli Vnl of N Y 4Ss join lir a m r .-.a : lramn l.orlllanl 5s loon Ixirlllird 7s 4nn Mllnaukeo Ons 2pmi .Mo Kan ft Tex 4s .von Mo Par rol "is 11)17 2100 Nat Tube 5s Slisn NY C A II I'.s 2!itVKi N y C A. Hud its w I inK 2(nfl N V City 4s lt57 tun, tin ON Y City 4l,a iwin KKii, 20110 N Y lit i,s tnill..lTOi JOiii) .v Y (ias II k V 4s Wii K'lin N Y Oo II A. V 5s 102 10OO N Y N HA II .-lis Ml m 2W"l N Y N It At II i.s 11f 1K2 it ". 0n' w l 4 M ..nun N y ny ref 4s 71 ltim . Y Ilivy ad 5a MS '.Oi 0 N Y Stale 41U KrrW lK-o .V Y Tel sen 4t5s 117 lOOII N Y V t" A a IUs 7SI, HiKSI Norf A.- Writ rt I'ks JOM;. ( 010 Nor l'a- prior 4s M 7i(i Ore tl A N ron 4s . ni law 11 Ore A. Cal 5i lnl 17(mo I'arlll.. Tel Is .... 071.. 17(iii I'enna i H.s . InO sinon Penna e 4', . 1011, l(i Public Set N J is ssi, ,om ttav enr Cnpptr (ts 12I, H no IlemllnK -en 4, in 20m Hep Ir A ".1 . nti, 1 i" Itfcli lidnnd 4s s.'i, 2;nro riock llnnd rfd l (17V flscirn no"k Island 5s .. .VI'I 20in St I. M A. So ref Is ( it .-.noo Pt I. I M A; n In P)1, SikiO Kenbnard A I, adl .- Oil', 4000 Senboard A I. Pta 4s nt, 4(VO Soulli Hell 5 T7S 2;ori So Pnc ci 4s ... s-t, 5(K)i do i- ret f p 5s 4 1011, 7(K.l do Ifd 4 ... . (lsi 1010 South nv sen 4s C7lj nnno tin ron 5s . 1on 1!ino- Tovas cv (Is inn 2H-00 Third Ale new 4 2 20il do ndj 5s ... 7R, "(inn c s itiibber ris.. . IP'.'J, 17(in r q steel 5s 1fl2t f'nnn fnton Pnc 1st 4s nm, tn'ii Cnton Itirj-s S P 4s . 50 r.iOfift Va fi tironn Uros... (Ill, ".no1 Va Rnj 5s.. . . PM, loon Wnbnsh 4s . ... 2", tnno .in 2,1 5, . . nnij isvin Wert tHeetrle 5s . . 1001, Iimo West Md 1st 4s . mv, .-non AVest K A. M CV 5s . . PM 5000 Witconsln Dent Ken 4s SO', High l.o Close, iwu luji, 1W(I lultj luo). ! I''H l .':l. iu.i mi. vm .!" Hon 111 lirji lwwji 7(1 101 tn KM'. um pti, ltd MJi Pfi, 75 PO Kt (13 1(IH 7l, sd VV !") 77'. PS 41 Hfll, 701, 7, 100 72 mi ti;, Iihiu 1221, nil, 711 114 2 (a 10i . .. 70'4 . PH ...137 tl. l.HI pst I, 72 lot Kioi, ton 1221, ni 711 on. PS'j SSI- MI ll'Olt IM 10.1 101 nl Si 8(in lU2i, .wis HHt NI ti 8S l0)4 101 t'l mi n t'l uiu no wM pin 70 1021, M4 IK) ,65 IWI Trt'i Sd 131 114 77', HSI 41 im, 7IP, (17 100 101 IPO'. II (l. HI'! 7H 14 IIHI.J 1 mm 101s hi.'. itii innt; 11', 8Hv im r- 1101, "I 7.1 VI Knit, sn ira ii(ii si 71 ."!', ,hf ,v.. 7SI, 7SH lo-i! H2, lit 101 071, ion ll'4, si; 121 ll'i im, s', 7l, SO r,n PK MT, sni, nsi, si 101 si, il7', tin', "lit, si', 7S', 102 , id', nnw, 4nl, cc; n'i, 211, nni, in"i 1U n.nj -i.S 1 05'. ll'J . HI lflt 071, a." l.il-S I2lll n nn, -' nij '. in; P7U RT, 101 SSI, 1,7', 10.1 100 NEW HIGH RECORD FOR KEYSTONE SHARES Philadelphia Company Under lying Concerns Report Good Net Gains for the Yenr. , A new high record for tha last two years wns entabllshed by K atone Tele phono common this morning, when It touched IS. Expectation of nit Inltlnl pntnent on the accumulated preferred back dividends nn- the stimulating fHCtor, although It will be some ye.irs before anything Is likely to bo paid on tho common stock In the afternoon odd lota nf the preferred were taken at HO. also n new top price nnd n rise of ZM points over night Cambria Steel was another strong spot, nnd the Tonopah group was also In good demand, large blocks of ttelmont being taken. l,nke Supeilor, Philadelphia niec trlc nnd Pcntmlvnnla Steel preferred scored fractional advances, and Investors were picking up bonds, both over the counter and on 'Ohnime. fnlted Hallways Investment 6s extended yesterdays rise a point further to 6S. tlonnl advances, nnd Investors were pick ing up bonds both oer Ihe eotmter and on 'Change L'nltcd Itallums Inxestmctit 5s extended esti'idn' rle a point fur ther to 6S. Although Philadelphia Company Issues remained quiescent, brokers here were ery faornbly Impressed by the showing of the urderlMng companies for the 1" months ended Mnrch 31. During this period Pittsburgh pnssed thioitgh one of tho uorst dcpios.slons it hud experienced In over n decade, ot tiikltig llm net earnings of nil the vnrlous light and trac tion cuinpiiiiles alllll.itcd with the Phil adelphia Company, theie mis a net In crease sluran or appioxlmnlely JlOO.fxm. This of course, was due to drastic paring down of oporntlng expenses The Pitts burgh Itnilwaj s, for Instance, had 11 gross decrease of Idl.SOS. but ncvci theless was able tn show a net gain of 17S.'I8 The reports nf the nrlous companies for the month of Matih also shoned a net gain of over St "If despite Inrsp gross de-cre-ises Somo capital was made today of the ordinance paused by the y.ui rianclsi-o Citj Council requiring n JlO.nno bond for each Jitney opernted In thnt city, a polke penult and power lo tho pollen to divert trnlllc to prevent congestion The 1 event -ticiiifth In Lnltd Ilallronds of Hall Pranclsco 4s and the Investment S3 uus attributed to this. Financial Briefs Local Half -hourly Sales 1- 2 Phita Hie 5 Itt'itdilig . Ion I- S K(ecl 10 do .. . 1(1 do . . . Kxtl Tonopah Ilel 4U V S tee1 . lwi do too do loo do . 10 Phlla Trie. 17 t.eh Vall-j . ro Tonopah Ilel 4.1 I'inna .. 21 I- S Steel I("i) do 10 tn 10:30 A. M. 21', 100 rwia. n T t c I.-.'. 40 do. i7h ir, do.. "J-lli .XT'h UA I'lmhil, Kleel frflL 57S l(i do ,. 5o'i .1 1(0 C H Steel. 57S -.75, 2". do. . . ."ii .17', 20 Ton Alln 7 li-lit 57', 21 do 711-11 17U !' Am Ht Sugar 410, " I'll Nenita I'oni. !- .hi no i'.; 5.T, I 1ns Cn N. Am 21 (, s steei. .jiM leo I 1(1) do . .'TH III do . ."I I ai camuru steel .v l-o 1 s steei n, 1110 Inter Mat t e 21 ' 20 Kevatnne Tel. I5' imsi rinopnli Ilel. a in v s steel ion Inter Met t c 211, 11) do. .., K'l do 2IS 5i do .. . do 21S 1IK1 Tnnnp-n l)k ih, 'i Ins Co N Am 1 l.eh Xav. 7.v Ms, I0O Tonopah 1 el. 5 U) 71 I uko Sup Cor 7 V, nO.VDS. tl'OO I'enna conv il'.s l-'tl 4(Ki Penmi cons In II'IS ino itarwowl tiler 11 toon Heading pen Is 200.1 Phlla lllee Is.. . 17 t'lilln Co si rip I il.. 17 I'hllii Co crlp mm.. t".U Cn itu tin 51 I onopah no do.. Ilel. Mln. in' 57 'J .17', PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Kin . ns . us ni . 7H', n2j !M1 , OS 10:,10 to 11 A. M. MI11. 71i fl Cambria Steel i.Vi 111 10 TonoDnh TO do 7.. "11 ,to. 0 Ke atone 1l. I1j 1("1 do KO do . . I -- v, 4 I'cniti . 5011 Tonoinh ilel 1 1" l.eh Vnl Tr . 10 lllc Ktorsiio. 5J m Tonopah Ilel 100 ToimiMh Mm. 7'i 211 'Inni'lltll Mill 50 itemlliiE 75'i luo Kc stone Tel list innopah Ilel .1 Km do .. .. 5n Tnonnnh Mln. 73. 'JTlfl 'Intmnah Hnl. lo Cnmluta Hieel ",i ' Kejsiono 'lei. t.Ji inn U S Steel . . 17", 2i comlirli fleet .Hi ton NeR.I Cons UP, () .Seind.' Cors. HIS 21 Ins Cn X m 21 Inn Amnl Coprer. ."('j in t S Kteel 17S linNtis. aino lh Na cons l's 20ii 1-httn Clei Is ... Mo Phita Kie" Is. Iikii I'enna .nni l',s linn 12 Cambria steel scrip ini7 25.I Condirla Steel scrtp tnt7 lix Leh Nsv ions IV CiKAIN' AND PLOUK MMKAT.-Iletelpls. 128.ini huihels The market declliieil :tr under benrlfh sr-sculatlon In all homo grain centres, quotations (Mr lots, tn esport elevator No. 2 red, snot. $1.50 1(12 Vo 2 red Western. 1 ninl.'iT linn l tots Pi cvwit (lexntnr- No 2 red, spot and Mirll, l.noiyl mv,. Nn. 1 red etern. l.f4lll.Tu), ,No I Northern Uuluth. t 7 rri 71 COItN,- Itecelpte. R2(2 buh Import ,le lUerlcs nomlnnl. Local car lots 'jc. lowsr and unlet Quotations Car lots. In rsport eleiomr No 2. nLot and April. Rieis'ic . steamer. ..'l i7"i.c . No I, Til'. i7i'e. Car tot, lor loial trade', as to location No 2 ellow, 4ilso Kteamer elln, viis.i'-c No I ellow. MI'tW Sl'jc, Nn I ,ellon. iJj1iT.i'4e , cob. per TO lbs. SHi-i. OATS. Hecelpls. 7H,n"l Imsliels There i 1 it t la tradlna and tho market ruled w ak and 1e loer. Oderlngs nere moderate, nut nmnle. UiiiilAllnt., Vn 9 while lltflHI'm . i siaiKiai-,1 unite, (J-'UiiJ'c no. a nnnc. m l',.. I ItVB dull e nuote nt It trt81 IS per bush , as to qualll, In export elcator. and nl isliilill.ll f.'r small lots of nearln qraln In I baas i J'l.Ot II. Itetelpls. V) Mils, S2I.1U7 Ihs In sacks There was little trading and (he i m.irket Mas larr.elv nnmlnil We inline per -trd l,e, I..IHIHIII, UI" MINI. ?.&,u. W. "V . ." ent, Jule sicks. ' VI07.7V srrlni, rtrs(, dear, sit nni i.-ti, ,i. , .traiiinr, ?r .'i 1...1 nn , pi SHARP DROP IN WHEAT; FOREIGN STOCKS LARGE Heavy Increase Shown in Week. French nnd Russian Acreage Decreased. Ih, In ttomi winter, clear, -rii.itfi. i. Iglit. I71T7 21, di , patent, 7 21ii7mi Kan- stralghi, lute ,acks. 7 .201(7 4, Uo , pat- Ju(e sicks. ' VI07.7V srrlni, rtrs(, dear, IMJ7.'-0. An . .IMl.hl 4? .JfT..V iln . bat- -jii! 1 ent. $7.inu7 nil. 00.. laxorlte brands, f'd M. r.J clt, mills, choice and fnnev patent. H-dJ.'H.'j iV.Vk city mills, regular nrnde, liner, clear. A1).'.' J.' H ' 117 do, atrileht "7K7 21 do, patent, ?7 25 .. !S . . vn Id! ..lni'j t'7 . 117'., .. Mi's 2.1 Am Cnn inn Tnnnpan 11 to 11:150 A tin, M. II Phlla Co. " Ilel 5 n Tonopah Ilel. .1 Ki Phlla It T I c titj U11 I S. bteel .1.7, .'i 11 rni a 11 t i c i-.j 11 n i-hiin r.i to West J & S S 4li a 511 Cambria Steel 5ii'a 5(1 Neindn Cons IB., Inn Am lit Sugar 411I5 o nn, in1, 11 camcria nicei .'"', Crm I- . teel 57S 2H do . 21 Mn Cnn. . .IM. ,w do... 17 I'enna VI 7-trt m iln 2(in Tonopah Mln 7i ,'ji do . . 110 dn .. . "I, Ion Am Can.. . lit) do ... . 71,1ml ninl Copper U Nevadi Cons ini, 20 t'cnn.i Sill... 21H Tonopah Mln "V l-JNDS .innn (Mmhlla Sleei scrip 111" . tm 0 Phlln i:te , 2inn l.eh Nn cons li,,s .1M1 I'enna cons 44, t-'io inn I'ennn con, I'-s 1'iin .., tonn Am (la .1 Wee 1, .Mi(in Leh Na con, I's . ....... 11:30 A. M. to 12 M, 3one-ured. ,-o. Pi'lj rfli, ,115 Ti "'a 1)1 . t'7'i . H'ltj lei'j tin1. .101 vnl, . 9J'j .in Cambria Htecl M'j 1il P S Stecl .'" Am Ml sucar .n-, 1 i-enni ill Pa Steel pfd HI', in C S &leel 17', iro N'eiaila Con,. li.N, Tho tTnltcd States Steel Corporation declaied the teculnr nuaiteilv ulMiie.-i 1 11V?!, ! of Is per cent, on Its prefuncd stuih in-: Theie a only JJ,IC",S5J of emcigeno currenej outstanding In the United States, mi", " nn, 2.1', membership on the Chicago Stock Kxchnngo was sold for 102o net on the Sales in Philadelphia 1 nni; i.t , 0.1 seller. Iln mlv.im.n nf III, ulnrn Inst wkkL ms ::;,.r:' :. ; ".";. :"..,." .: ..: uiiu 4ti.M since uie ucAiniuiiK ui inn mci The transfer fee bus been ndvariced from "."0 to J150, all memberships having been taken ulthin the Inst 10 dns. Yes. clone, lllcli 2MI ni Hcct 'ucar. ,,oi) Ainal Copper . 150 Am Can . S'J 5 ilald Ixico pref . 121.1 Cam Sleel .. 4(11, HI Chlno Conner. 17 Cent Leather . HI Kler Storaso . 52 "in Interstate Hn) 85 Ins Cn N Am.. 211, 52.1 Kc Tet .. . t.V, m k.i Tel nf.l 4IH Like Sun Corp i,ii i.t-niKn up Cc Nav II Leh al e ai i ranu ivi 11 l.eh 20 I, V 10 N V N II ft 4 North Cent . 1(1' Nat Lead . 1120 Nevada cons 1S.1 Penna It It 21) I 'a .Salt Mfs 54 Pa Steel pref 20 1't Ha Co .. 447 l'hlli Elec. . J7o Phlln It T tr cf. in.1 1 72 Transit pfd ,11 ii. . .. sis !! im, . . . M .. in 51 .11 24S n.1 .. 71, . . S.I ..2214 .. 57iJ . 10!) '! 'n-4 1T5 .MM u 7SU .I'll, 1111 501, 4'1 inij 62 -Hi 21 Ih III '', fi7 II4-I 10'" 51, t'l 5lj ;tn 24', 7'j 75', .1 - 5.H, SI'j 221 1, .IRi; inrn; 1!)1, 111, 4tn" Low . CIo,a, tll'j .'", I'll mis .in in', in', 52 si'- :i'i KU", ran, ltn. imj 52 -!' .1', 15 in !4 ID l'hlli Trac . .. 77U 1(15 Reading "B 52H0 Tonouall Bel . , 5 1(17(1 Tonopah Mln 50 L'nlon Trac 15 U G I 7 Cn Cos N J 4S15 L' S Slecl ... Ill do pref . 21 Pn ItH) .... in War I & S . 10 w Jcr & Shr. 2.1 York wy s BONDS I.IHt irev. sale High (iron Am l!aa K 5s R1 Sii', IfH'O Hald 1.0 ti 5s. lie 102S .".Ono nth SII 1st rf ,1s R PO 5111K) Ileth Stel (Is ltd', I HP; ,11 fl do 11117 . OH 07(5 .111 Cam r'tl scp 'HI 07', 111 5(011 l'.lec .4 P Tr 4". 711 7Hl.j 5'in Krank T A II Is 71 72 IliOil llarnod Hlec lis PS PS HOP)) Inlerst Ilnys 4s (VO 00 15H00 Leh N cons 4lta Uil-S W 211X1 I'a cona IUs 'IVMOIH, loili .t.-iOJI do cv 4Wl 'H.inn 100 4000 do cv 4s 104S. tl7'-j PK 201 l'h Co serin 'HI. 0(1 nil 112 do 1118 . nsv, 0214 12011 Thlla El 4s . . 7MI Ml l-oo do 5s ini', 101'4 2000 Iteadlns gen 4s m n.1 ldOO Hoh-Atn Ir Cs .lOtli 101 l(mo I'n Hj- Inv 5s. 7 tw 1000 Welibaeli Co 5a. POli Pit, l.l Ut (17 M', '.I', HI), 51',. Ill .T.', US 211, si', 2.-1' j 5C' leu, in1, 4'H, s 1.1 .11 (17 Ml', I'll. 11,1, :i 24', 'Hie Pies.sed Steel Cn Companv Is erect ing an addition to Its plant to take cue of a $1,3j",iXO shrapnel order from tho Allies. The. Citizens' Traction Company teports a surplus for the 12 months ,ndl March lit of $5,774 against W.SW the preceding scai. Announcement ns made that :i settle ment had been reached between the Ton cpah Kvlenslon and the Tonopah Mining Cnnipnr'ai 011 the b-isls of a side line agreement nnd tho Tonopah Mining Coin nanv has wttbdniivn Its suit The suit I.IH I nu hl.rnrl nhn,, lIv ..inn.lia ,,r .nnlnu. v.m.. I thn Tonopah Kxtenhlon Company for damages caused by that company mining oro within the boundaries of the Tonopah Mining Company's ground 3 r.'v si', 11", 0'4 I.OH S.V, ll'2 HO inn, 117 IIS IIS 5!l', 11m, inn, 100 ns (HI 1121, 7IH, mi'i ni,' 101 hS Ol'i Close Sill, 1U2H, Ml inn, 117', lis I!:1' lis 5 n, tn, 101', ino ns nn !i2', 7tl'i 101' HI", 101 US 111 '-I ICll V S Steel inn 110 . 1 Tenna .. .1 10 do. . . . 1(00 Leh Nav 12 M. tno Ton 15el 2oo rto. . I1 17 . 10 1 7-I'l in IV, HOXD3 :m, 4'js .is ii. in I- S Steol . f.s 0 Tonopah l-l. . In Cambria Sleel .KU, S Meet. ilo . do. to 12:30 P. SI. .4 15-lH I l.-.-ll'i 1.1 V S Sleel 10 Chlno Copper. IS', .1st. ,1V' , ODH SSI, II", ItVIl CIO! It Mas quiet but stead under light onermes We nuole neirhi and eslern tn woo.1 at e(i.2gl V). as to nuallt IMIOVISIONS There nn, little trading, hul intiies uere meadlh lield quotations cits 1 eef In ret", smoke 1 and alr-drled, 25320c . Western beet, In sets smoke 1 21fi2Hc . cltv heel, knuckles and tenders. Binoked and alr-drled. 272- , I Western beef knuckles and tenders, smoked. 21 i(2vc , bee- hum 1litf.l2 pork, family. S2i.ro 22 nam, S. I- curod loose. llflH,i'.. do. skinned, loo, I2',fll24e , do, do, smoked. I 121.1(1 l'ic othr hams, unokrd, city cureil a. 1 10 erano an'i aerace. m'.iiiic name, smoKeu. western .uren. li', 1(111 U" . pnuci, pom ! we let i.lenl tthnnl (era. K. I Im,.'. in.TI1nlL. Ho. ,mnlt.,l lOlOl-C. bel' lie, in pickte Kcrordlng 10 aiernRe loose, 12. dflSV., breakfast hacon. as to brand nnd neratte, clt, turcd. loCjtrUlac , hreakfait ba con. Western cured, lRVff!T,c . Urd. West ern reftne.1 tierces, linll'ic , do., do , tubs, Ilrl1',c. Innl pure city, Kettle tendered In tierces, llfi ll,o , lard, pure city, kcltlo ten. dercd, tn luLs, liSlH;c. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled Arm, but trade was quiet, W'e quote Standard granulated, li.v. flue Ktunulated 1 1Klc pondered, Oc lonfcctlon ern' A, .1 "Or . sod grades. 1 (1!5.(!5c DAIRY PRODUCTS lll'rrtlt uu. scarce and lc higher De. matiil exceeded tin ofTerlnBs. Quotations West ern, fresh solid parked ci'nmcry. laiui epe , lals .lie . cxlra, lie extra flrsls, ,nc . tlrste, "iil'ic erennd, 2'l'n27c. . ladle-packed. UHi 1 -it . iih in qualm uenrin trims, ram,, lie . . aieiaue extra, .'-tc rtrsts. 2'Wl Hi . seconds. 2I11I2V epe, ul fines hrands of pilnts Jotiblng nt ".Mi4li I IKKls uere In tllier.il stipplv. but demand I was good and prices ruled steadv yun ations In tree cares, ncjrbs extras. 211c. per Ucz , nearli. Arsis. 1.1 per siandard case, neirt" ouncnt i.velpts. $(' pr case Western extra I nrls. ffi 11 per case, do. (lists, U pe,r catc, Southern J.MOflis.1 per use. tanij selected I landled frerh ergs were Jobbed out nt 2Ml2'n I per do , CIIUKM1. There was a fair demand and nlues were nrml held under llKht offerlnus 1 Quotations New York full cieam, fall make. inncs, lupin1;! no, un lair io Riimi, unjn 17c, do . do , new makts lBo , do., part skims, sik. CHICAGO, April 27.-May and Jufcf whe.it went In opposite, directions In the grain pit today. The former showed a slight loss Ht the opening and. later ad. vaticed a fraction nbove the final ot yes tenia v, while the latter gained on the flpH few sales and then receded. As tho day advanced the quotation began to fall Mas. which had opened nt Jl.MMi. closed nt $1 M', while July dropped from JIM to 1 3514. The i:iiropenn vi-iblo supply of wheat this week Is estimated at Dl.6fiO.O00 bush els, against 0I,03",000 bushels last week. This shows an Inciense of 4.728,000 bushels. Last xenr's dectease at this tlmo amounted lo 4,300,1X10 bushels, when tha total amounted to 76,e0.nO0 bushels. The wenthcr In Argentine continues dls tliictl unfavorable for corn, and th exportable surplus Is estimated by authorities at 1W,PUO.OOO bushels. It will b dllllcult to ship the crop under exist ing conditions, as molsturo test Bhows nlrcnd 10 per cent. The American export tinde of ester dav was estimated at 600,000 to 1,000,000 bushels wheat. Leading futures ranged na follows Wheat Open. Illih Msv ... 1 '4i, 1 Mi, July .. 1 is 1 as Sepiemher . 1 27 1 27 corn ine, ncnifrj) Lnn 1.111 Close. "t.'il'. l.'ll'l -lih', . 1 ai4j tl.-- 1 IT'", Vcs close BIS VX Mav Julv September Otis Ma, .lul, September. Lard Mj Jul, September Itihs- Jul, . . Sei'temher Pork Mav Jul, bepiemrer 71. soi, SOI, 50', ISlJ in 07 ,ini5 .1(1(12 .in 17 .10.10 . 10 so 17.52 1S.I-J ISO) Tld tAaked 771. so', W3 10.12 in to 10.1.1 I0211 10 12 10 S2 17.55 1S 12 IR W) 7S"S. 70 IIS 47? tl. t.s 7S'. 7tH 54 Mli 171, ,111, fOH 10 07 MO 12 10 01 10 11 10 4O 10,11 low tio..i io.ro KVtS I0 17 10.1(1 10 50 !() 12 '10.47 10.77 10 83 t!0.T5 17 47 17.12 717 47 IS (12 IS.07 1S.07 IS 47 IS 52 t!3 50 LIVE STUCK QUOTATIONS :.sv Till Cn, N J 22 l'a "ll do... 17 Cent lumber. Ul'a 2" do... 20 I- l Steel .VS VI' in "S', 1 in L'Hinbrli Slecl .nV-j t"i do .. . . jVi 1 10 tn Co N Am 21 2" hi -ton Hcl I 11-til 1 111 P It I . "', I Leh Vallej. 72 ICO U S Steel.. . 5S Km I" S Steel .. .IMj 111 do.. . 5 HON US. POULTRY rjKin Ileth tteel lit rei 5s I", toen Iteadiiig gen Is OH, 12:,10 to 1 P. SI. lull r S S.eel 5SI, 11 Leh alle, 72 10 do .. .. 5.y 1 lUldttln pfd.ldl1, I'J C a I . . M', 1s bey Tel pfd if Hi L S Steel isi, 17 I'hlta i:iec... ill, IW do 5ui ll Keislnne ThI l.V, Iihi Phlla Ulec. 21 S, 10 Ton Mln .. 7 ll-lll HON DS. WK) Am Ons & l'.lec 5s si! lion I'enna cona 4'-s low loili 1 to 1 tfO P. SI. I Nollh Cent. Mj HI I'enna . 551, VI C S Steel.. ."--V 10 t.eh Val Tr . Ml ltai do .. . ,""i, U' C S Steel . 5.S', 5 Ulec SmiiiBn ",2 20 Lake Sup Cor 7, lli I'hllii L'lec. 2lt, 1 :30 to 2 P. SI. .ion Ijike Sup Cor 7S lo W'arwlc 1 A S Iihi NcMida Cons HP, I Phlla hlec 10 C S Meel . i"' wanioria Bieei lii Nu,nd.i Cons 1I.V-, 20 Ne,ala C.,n. n-s l,l 11, The market was quiet with nvd erato but ample offerings at tecentl, reilsed flurew OllotHltnns howls l7ffniC . old lio,tel,. I21M2', . soung thickens rott meiterl, I71ilt dn, do , shirks Italic. tUrkeH. I11ll.1t ducks I.I1I.V geese IIHC lit . Kuincia, as tn tiunllti, per pair, "(Ka7l'c . placnns old ji. r pilr. 25'lilUc.. no , soung, pci pair, 222-ic ltl5K.-s.SKI). There as a fair tlem.ind for t'cslrab.o a'ock anil values ceneialls wete llrm- I l h. l.l under llaht offerings Quotations Fresh- ' kilted funis 12 tn box, dn-plckid and dr- 1 packed, fanes, selected, lllc. clo , weighing 4', 1 i lbs apiece. lsc . do.. .lUffl lbs apiece, I IV... tin. I Iba apiece, 1lll7c tto., umlei t 1 lbs. apiece, 14915c. rnwl,. bbls.. tlry-ptck.l ami dis -packed Western. 4515 ll.a. apiece, 17i, I rl . do, do. 3' , lba, IH'iHITi. , 110., do. 1 I lbs and unuer, uulil. towls Ice-packed, choke 17Vjc Old loosters, drj-plckcd llVjc. Squabs, hlle. -selzhtng II to l'- Ihs , per doi , eJ -.5'a4.50. n lilts, neighing 0 to to ' lb,. I er dm 4U 3fi, . ,) , do . o lbs. 1 per iloz.. $1 75H2.S3, do do , 7 lbs, per do, , ibf'."".-!, do. do., rtflil'i lbs per dor. tl.WU 1 U), dark, tl 5iuif!l mi. small and No. J. Jl. Kioien poultrj Fowls as to quality. lUtllSc; ! chicken,, dry-picked and dry-packed In boxes, milk-led, .TlflJil lbs to 1I07, 18c . do , J7SMJ lbs to iloz.. lsc , do. I1B47 lbs to do?;.. 18c; ' do,, 4S Ibi tn iloz , 2dc , do. (id a and over. l.. mrn.lail !ll, ln Ih. tn nn 1 l.rt .In 1 )U n0.)2 1 4J lb, to cloz.. 17c, do. 4S lbs. to doi . ttlc.: r''i do.. l0 lbs. and over. 20c. Chickens. drs-Dlcksd "ii aim uri -packed, In bbls W eslern. corn-fed. 3 clIICAOf), prll 27 1IOOS -Receipts, 14. Oiin market stetdc mixed and butt hers, i.2U P7.1S. Bon.1 hencj, T "liuli V). rouRh.heaiy, ?77-.v1 llRht, $7 10fl7 14). pits, $1.n.iti7 bulk, 7 "11(7 15 CAT! Ltl Hecelpls 1500. market strong', h-ees, fi,S.75 tons and hetffrs, ".ItlT.lo; sin kers ard feeders. .(! .-Mti.iiU, Texans, 10.50 MS .Hi Slir.t:i'.-Receipt, U'.ron, market stro-st. n lle an I Western, 50tts.lH, limbs, T.7JBI 11 I J. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS Jim Butler . . MacNamara Midway Mlzpali extension . Montana Northern Star Tonopah Belmont . Innopah Kxtcnsion Tonopah Mcraer .. Tonopah Mlntnz . rteecuc nul.i . . Wes- llnd . . . . OOLDPinLtl STOCKS. Atlanta Blue Hull Booth Ilulldoc; con Comb Fraction Dlamomincld II 11 P-ilsy Klorellt o Unldlltld Cnnuilldatetl Onlilflehl Merser . . Jumbo Kxtenslon Kevcanns Orn . - .... hand Ken Silver Pick MlSCnl.LANKOl'S J Talrc V-ti'c" . . . Klmberlv I Neiada lllll I NevaiU Wonder i 1 Bid. Asked .110 1.03 . .04 .(tt ,1S .20 . .-1 .11 . 37 .311 . 17 .IS . .1 5 1-1(1 . S'S 4 4ii 41 n il . .S2 M :s. . .41 42 . .01 (SI. . .47 ,4-j' . 0.1 04 . .05 nt . .11 ,14 . .02 Ot . .nj ,CT . ..".I .10 . 11. . .20 ," .1.41 1 V) . .17 IS. . .in - tl . us 'n . .11 .13 nt .01 oq ,( . .21 2H . l no l,n- lbs. and over. ISc . do.. ua. 4 lbs. ngnvic Local Bid and Asked llaldnln do pref Cambria Sleel lllecirlii Blurage .... lleneral ABphall . .. do pref KeiMona Telephone.. do t c do pref IjiKc Hup Corp Lehtith NaMtatlon... Lehlxh Valley Lehlsh Valley Tr. ... do pref Pennsylvania fi'hlla Klcctrlc . . . il'hlU Co do 5 pr cent pref, do o jtrKent pref. j-iiiia ri i do t c , lleadinr T5S Tonopah Hl Tonopah Mln union irsc v ii l . 50 52 100 102 411), 501. 2ll (lit 154, & 7j 15 31 511, till! n 40 B. :7 (17 III 1 W T'l ,'1S :i 41 U4. .".'. 5.1 101 Mil, ii'; l.V, 75 71'5 15 .11 St HI 411 till ,VH, ,ii 1112 50 52 27 117 151. J?1 & 7.1 IVi 31', 2 ,1'J :iu 11 in, 7ol-. T5 15-UI -III lit,. 4S 4". 4 11-IU .1 .,, -,T T: It S Steel Tork -Vs KI 57. 4, .iT SI (J sit. Jl ', 31 571, 3U TS Hit SJ IW Ma Jl FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOHK. April 27 -The ferelgn exchange market epsued rirm. with Jemsnd sterling up 3'19' Steillns. lrncs. Marks rjullders. grifcfei. tBUujS Greek Loan of $7,000,000 i ONDON. Anrll ST -A n agency dls. rJfcn frero Athens M that the nipapr fbif? itstsd the areelc Os-erBmant has n ioTute" "l7h Atntrlcan capitalist, for a loan of JT.'XW.OOO. BANK CLEARINGS Hink clearings today comparad with corra ,pondin day " u. ,9U. PPl.adelpJiU N.s Yprls Beaton RATES FOR MONEY Call. SfSsi Ilvvv ao ii ,,,.... t qp I1SIIU, More Gold Coming From Europe NEW YOHK, April 2T. The, Guaranty Trust iConipany has recently Imported 2OOO.fN)0 IcVfrom Holland, of which luoi pno has a -ready been iiinounce.1. making 11. MO. (XX) addi tional This gold was sent by the lu(ch (iov Irnnient and was for the purpose of financing purchases of military suppliM. etc . In the, United Mates. I DIVIDENDS DECLARED George II N-.lon Coal Compans;, regular semiannual 3Vi per cent on preferred, piblo May 1 to stock of record April 2d. f.osion Klevated. 1 per cent, for tha last quarter, making 2li per cent, for the .Hconcj half of the ear and bi per cent for the lull leir The dividend, is payable May 13 to stock of record May. 1 Vourth Street National Bank, regular oeml aiuiual T per cent., payable May 4 to nock "'idtiSt Street National Dink, regular eml annual per cent , payable May 1 to stock of record Afrll GOVERNMENT BONDS Harvey 1 Ulkins lias reslKned as the prcsjldent of the Colonial Trust Company to become a member of the llrm of i:d Twird V. Kane Ai Co He will remain ns a dltoctor on the board of the ttuat company. A scat on tho New York Cotton Ex change sold for I3,C00. nn advance of K100 over tho last sale. The only snle made today at tho auc tion of stocks and bonds by Samuel T. Freeman Al Co. nan 23 shares of Do Lonu Hook anil Eye Company nt 7i, off 25 points from the last previous sale. Tho Sixth National U.uik, resulnr semi annual 5 per cent , payable .May 1 to stock of record April 27. While dcclarliiK the regular 5 per cent, semiannual dividend, the Sixth National Bank omitted Its customary 1 per cent, extra disbursement today. The Central Leather March quarterly repot t showed a surplus of J3SI.41S, com pared with JS95.6M In 1DH at this time. At the mutual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Inspiration Copper Company the rrtlrins directors were re-elected. There was npiesented 75 per cent, of the stock. A statement by Cunency Comptt oiler Williams today showed national banks' overdrafts had decreased 5S,u per cent, between Heccmber 31, 1914, and March 4, 1315. Stockholders of the Consolidated Ice Manufacturing Company will be asked on June T to vote on a proposition to in crease the debt of the company from nothing to J30.0QO for the purpose of mak ing necessary Improvements. It Is planned to do this by means of a mortgage. IH) do . . Ht j Kill (MllllirU Steel 30 v do., do, JM, lbs., 15V4C , do . do 2,ti t lbs." li 5n IteadlnK . i.l'a I I'enni .... 5i oi3c. broilers, milk-fed, fancy. 1S8SI lbs. 21 'lonopHh Bel. I'a 50 ilt iii, t0 bo,, 'j7C-, do, fanc, 2511211 lbs. ta 10 u h Sleel . 5. i inn do i . . . . i dot., i'4c. : corn-fed. fancj ISi'.'i lbs to dox.. IMi I S Steel.. 57'j 2" Ton Mln 7 ll-lil I ssc.j do., prime. 2&3.10 los lo dot. 22c. Tur- ui tto. 20 ilo 20 do. 57', ;i l.eh Tr pfd 5TV, nsi c s Meet.. . .171, IK) Lake Sup Cor BONDS 121 Camhiia Steet scrip 1017 17.1 Phlla Co scrip I win 87 l'hlli Co scrip ll'is 2 to 2:,10 P. M. 1)7' i lid l'2'i .-71, 1 I'enna . . 53 l-lil 57', lc" V H tateel. .. 57 .Ai, inn ilo .Vi', 77 III N V N 11 II Ii7 .131, 20 'Inn Bel .1 13-111 17 2iH) llmopah Ilel. I'e 17 ,'J) f 1 I M'j 37 1 I'enna . ...Vi I. ltl (iJ kess. dry-picked and drj-patked, 22c . fair to aood. ISSl'Oc . old to ducks fancy, In boxes. 17a Ire., da to good, 12416c. lis) 1' S Steel .. 100 do Hill I'emm . Km Amnl Copper It I'ennn . . . Inn L" S Steel . lm tin. .. . .41 tin 1.1 Penna .. 51 l-lil 1(0 f S Sleel .1 I r Kieei.. ... i'" cm i.'i i :t Vnlon Trac . . aij 20 1'enn.v ..... J-iu in l.eh Nav... 73!' 21 Miinhri i Steel Mi, 2 Ins Co N Am 21V, 2,Ki do . . .. 'Oi, ion Ton Bel . . I 1.1-K1 lisi Ton Bel . .113-1(1 I in boxes, l.aiM. . da. orcltasrr ceese. cnolcs and ranev. is,) 10c. do.. No. 2, 12014c. FRESH FRUITS Choke, slock was In lair renuest and values geneiallv ruled stentls Quctatlnna Apples, New Yoik. per bbl York lnu.erl.il. t2ii l. I (Ireenlnc; t'-'il I Kiln: J T.MI , 30 Spv, 2 5ui , 1 21 lUltlvvln 2 1'Mi 1 J3 Ben lccl, l 71ii J2.5D other (jood cailni; v Uriel Irs. fl .niiL-.lii 1 medii'm, sidim uppltH, Western, per box, I l.25fi2. applis, Delaware .lint Pennsylvania. pet hamper, itivuncv lemons per box $2fiU 15 rinrl era strn nces, Klurlda. ir box. Jl i.Mi.i tsiapafriill, irldn per box, I 211,2.21 pineapples, ir te- Pnrln Illco. 2.71ll. Florida, V.L'ltJS 7.1, iwbeirlcs, rioridd, per qt , 201,11c VEGETABLES U of 1W0, registered ot lu&l coupon Panama, !a registered .. Panama nevx "s registered 191 registered JOIW iois coupon . 10IJ4 i2 registered 100V4 1023 coupon HOW Bid. Asked. 0vi 00 ...... OS ..I ,;,. loiw ioi Js.W-.--y . iio 1 34s Tltue 3UC1 .'-IS. HP.H Panama new 3a coupon -s or im reaisienq 9m ni mifi eounon 4a of i23 registered 4a oi id: coupon German Dank Statement DEBUN, April 3T.-The RtlchjUnk state mtbt shows an increase of gold of 'I.324.00Q marks (Jl.Wil.OOO) decreasea In metal stock. trtasury certlficatea and notes of other banks of lll.JW.OOO mark- tia.S,TJ0) loaas.fi.. 325.000 mirks il SSl.SW). dbiequntA 11(1.760. iWrarWe: cf20ljk). UeaaiuV bUbi, 3,01. 000 mra U,Mir,.Ste4i In clroulatlM. LONDON STOCK MARKET Business Quieter Amorican Shares Weak. LONDON, April "-.-Securities on the Stock Exchange were Irregular today Hml business was rjuleter. A watch was kept for news on the great battle, of Flanders. The glltedgeil section was steady. It was believed that trre budget statement to be made to Parliament next Tuesday by Chancellor of tha Exchequer David Lloyd-Oeorge would not be sen aatlonal. The home railway croup was mixed, but prlco chances were fractional, Amer icans were weaker on advices from your side, but local selling was not Important. Canadian Pacific was affected, sympathet ically, Blfnefc were flabby. News from Paris halt a depressing effect on Diamond Issues. Copper and rubbers were good tn spots. Americans are negotiating for the purchase of British treasury bills. London, N. V. i clsae. eaulv. ' Aroal Copper ".. .' 10 bis Co N Am 2H, 10) llONI'S. Mini lmersiato llwjs id. ldOO Welsbach Co 3 IIuhi lulerstate Itvvs' la... tnfii) Baldwin 1st 5s ikhi Snuntsli-Ain l""i "a ,Mrtl Ulec ft I'eop Tr Is. .mil l'rnnk T A: II 5s..., 'P(hi Ldi Nnv cona BvS... 50IKI Beth Meel Ha I'Hj li'2S, .till :t?1' iillfc M. Atchison bait 4 Oblc ..... .... Canadian Paclflo . ,. , Chesap & Ohio , Cbl Jill & St Paul,..,,., l.rlo 3ta Kan f. Texas.. .,,. New York Central .... Norfolk & West N V Out West .. . VennsWvanl . .. , Readlns' South Paclflo I'uion Paclflo V a tittei ..10T ..ITItJ .. is2 .. oo .. sin. I, 11 16TI y ? - noi? cJZ -,Tl c-o-n -ss- mri -if-utz 32 301 . - 7 "IK V il S4U 4- K : .an 2:30 to 3 1, 10 L S Steel... 5TW 10ft Phlla Kiev 50 Ton bel ...I l.l-lll 23 York Itws 10 L' rl Sleel bid inn'a 123 I'enna . 3 KejHlone Tel. 131, 1ml L' S Sleel. (I I'enna ... n.ivt .-oo tin 10 Tonopah Bel. 3 IWI do. ,. . 100 tin . . 4 lt do . IN Pa Steel pfd. -JS'S Km V s Steel ., i Leh Nnv T3 .Ml lA)b Nnv 10 Leh Val Tr. . 13 ion Tonopah Bel 2nd N'svuda Cona. It's Ml Klec Storage 11)0 Inter Met .. 21' i 100 Nat Lead ltX) U S Steel .. .II1' ID ' S bt'el . 31 Tonopah Mln. T' ino Inter .Met . 1 V a 1. ' '-''' L'n Uwy. .. . BONDS InO Am Cue e. Hlec- ,'a Sonn Leh Nav cons II; I'.' 1'nPn Cn crii BUS 12 Thlla Co scrip ltll'1 21 Canurla Steel sc-ilp 101(1 loin Am das A. Ulec .' J3 Cambria Meet acrlp 1H1T liu Am Cat & Ulec 5s lOrtl Am 7a ti i:iec 3s 10(1(1 Am (las ti lllcc ,' lixiil I'hIU Hire Is .. 211 l'hlli Co serin BUS , II Cambria Steel scrip 1'HH ... . 31 Cambria Steel scrip I01T Iiei nnd was fair and thn niAri.t n,i..i do I 15-pl i stcud) (Juotatloim White potatoes, per nun rennsynania. ni'sra-i, . Maine. 30W3.1c New Vnrk. as to uualltj. todl.ic . whits i.nta. toes. Klorlda. wr bbl. No. 1 I7.U3 21. Nn S, lf(4.21, sw-t po(atoe. Delaware, per ham per. large. L21fil73 medium. 30, fi dn.. Knsieru Shots, per bid.. No 1, J. L'lw.l.il, jcn 2. 1. 501(1 73. do, Jersev per bid.. No. I. M.7VM.73. No s J2M2 30 ilo Jerae ner basket 75c fl 25, onions, choice, per ino-lb Inc 121f(I5() do, metlliim. per llkl lb, ! 5071c do.. Texas per cummcr-c'iale No 1 fl.ulfilTI No. 2 1125 cnl.Uicc. Danish per inn, t(W23 do. Florida per liasket 'ltilS.1, dn , Charleston per crale, sj'02 23. cuulltlnvver, Now nrk, per t rate. II73T1221. spinach Ni.rfnlk. per bbl . 71t l kale, Norfolk per bbl. viffii.v . leiluce Texas, per bush -basket, .'ivfiil5i' , tto. riorlda per basket, 75c ftfl i'l dn. Norm Carolina, per basket 7V ilt. beans l'lorldn wax per basket t-U 1.50. tin , Florltln. ureen per linaket $2ii 1 M) peaa. p'torbtn per unsket. f'-'ft I egEplant. Klorlda per box I2fi" r,i. tucumbers, Klorlda per bas ket .t.50t3. sn.uash, Plnrtda. per basket, 1.M M2.10. peppers, Klorlda, per carrier, S2U.1, beets Klorlda. ier 100 bunches 1tj do. Charleston, per 100 bunches, JLIfN (omalnea, Florida per carrier, fancv 12 7101, choice. "1 73H2. celerj. Florida per crale II 2tj2, do, New York per bunch, "S!Y.""i.. aiaragui. ler bunch .JOtflOv' , n)uahrooms, per 1-lb bas i,ct. (Oc 1 20 ::S5; : 'tV ii 52 l.l'. I .11 ' 4 -'1. 10H S3v.rf unv P2IJ 1,1. IIS Mil. M.T , i:iv YOHK Anrll 27 - Tho American Lin r,!r (eel Cnmpan hsa advanced the price of nil l.iiiseetl Oil Prices Advanced MIS Sill. 71) t, U2lJ us U7U fnl lines Western brands 2c a gallon to (liritic , cltv bisnds ovaiklc . Calcutta 5c la 75c. Philadelphia Company Earnings From April I. It'll, t" 3'arch '!. l'H3. the undcilvliiR , nncep's of the I'll ladelphla Com panv retort ai. follow NATl'HAl. CAS AND OIL DISTIUVTS Decrease llriss II.SWtM f.lrtS.ft'O N.t . . ... :t i.sj -ns :tM ss CDNSOLIDATKD C, S OF PITTSfll nOH ilro.s Jl-ui.-J.".-. .1S-1T Net deftclt 113H 1S.S30 nCQl'llSNT. dross Net rKNNSYI.VANIA LIGHT AND POWKH, LIOHT. Increase. . i nil 4M snt.-u . 2.201. 2S2 -ii nn (rnss Net . Cross Net 11 rose Net .. Decr-sxv. sia.llT 3.(1.11 $202 115 (IT 101 PlTTStU'ltai! rtAllAVAYd. , fii.stasjt non.nos In' ieake. . ... . . a.ilisi. I2n 17WII8 1U3AVKU VALI.KY Increase -1111,141 IVW Decrease. 03.12(1 1(1,012 BAR SILVER NKW YOIIK. April 27 -The price of com. meri'lal bar sliver was 50V, cents today, with Mexican dollars at .'ts!a cents TUVIUKNIHI VIIANKI.IN NATIONAL HANK I'lilladelpbla. April SO, lOlfl. The Dlrectora have this day declared n semiannual tllv blend nf eight per cent,, free of tax, paable Slnj' I, 1015, to stock holder of retort! at the close of business Anrll 30th. ChoiKs will he mailed 1 li P PASSMOBE, Vlie President and Cashier, TIIK fllltARII NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia, April 20, 1015. The Directors have this day declared a, dIUdend of rlcht per rent, (8i. free of tax. payable May 1. 1013. to stockholders ot record at the close of business April 23, 1013. Checks will be mailed. CJIAIW.K3 M. ASJITON. Cashier, SI'KCIAI. MKKTINO ts. M'KCIAI. MKKTINU OV THP iSy stochbnldera of the Consolidated lea Mfg. Co. lll be held at the nttica of the Coi(iPn, 2331 nodlne st Phlla., Pa., on Monday. "e T. 1911. at S P.m.. vol. for or against the Increase of the Indebted ness of tho company from nothing to Thirty Thousand i3nnoni dollars AnTllVll DV50N, Secretary. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, April 27. The coffee maiket onened steady, with Utile change In price, Trading was quiet, rumm, ipiiii" -HidSV Opening 5.D04JUOO .. .-T2t t ;m r TtiSflT ti T 42f T 4 I r T fflfl 7 n T .viejT.nn T.BWI 71) 7 ?07.T3 islerdiv's Closs. 7 IU?l 7 0 3 lllfi 1 tut II lKl 11.(17 7 21i?T Sit 7 llJil 41 T4tfiT 45 7 Xiil 5 7 50,1 T m 7 (W17 117 TTIflT Tl March Mi) .. June . Julv .. Ausust Beptrmbei Oc lobar November uecemoer January Ketruary inu. Lehigh Navigation Co. Indicted TRENTON. N. J.. April 2T.-The Federal Orand Jury for the Dlslrlel of New Jerse has handed down an Indictment against the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Coinpan) for lo, ltttton of the I'.lklnj act, cbatglng the com Ptuy with receiving rebates from the Jersey Central far the shipment of coal from differ ent points to New Jersey and Pennsylvania and New York points. Seeks Receiver for "Orient" TOPEKA. April ST -Petitions for receiver ship proceedings and an accounting for tne Kansas City. Msxlco and Orient Railway have been tiled by William VoUer. pf Kansas City, a stockholder, against the United. State and Mexican Trust jjooipiny of Alabama. trustee for 2I,53S.0X i per cent. 60.yetr DOlUS. Mr , Clair ca,rsc, nQnBCBioriniiy. .with the terms under which tha road was freorganiiad a jear ago. AMERICAN GAS CO. EXPANDS The American Oaa Compjpv bu purchM4 the nrt-nmrtv of the Cedar ValUv PoA-ir Cora -T- --"., , ) ." Ai..i..m. Vi"i'"i"i'uirl nacv oDraii.inr in tiamDlou fiTTi .T- .T..,. - eHi.- .. 4.-r (. -TH,Ia--Vir-s iig-.4g.uM-- uvl t-iJ4-( nr, -3'0r nun a, ujiug-K.-fcuw tQWfr Mb"? vh TO THE HOLDERS OF Two-Year 5 Secured Gold Notes DUE MAY 1, 1915 OF Missouri, Kansas fiTexas Railway Co. The Hoard of Directors announce that the holders of more than T3 per cent th i outstanding Notes ha already agreed to entend their Notes under the offer pf extension , of April 14, mis mis response nas oeen mvui " ... y,- ... -mined t estend the time within which deposits may be made to and Including May 1. lulo. Vor further eeuirlty of the amended Nets, tha Cmpay Jw PledjS-d d. (UPWltd with Central Trust Company of New York. Trustee, under the term at an agreement dated April 28. 101". an additional ll.3Otf.00O face amount of tha Wv Per Cent Con solidated Mortgage Bonds of the Company The Company hai made no arrangements for the paHeot of non-assenting Notes. The Pirectors' Committee la proceeding actively with tho formulaUon p a plan for the cayment of the extended Notes at or before maturity, and believes that sucb. a plan can I successfully carried out provided the Noteholder will now eo-aperste by exiendliu; their Notes. Palling such co-operation, the Koteholderi must fac a default upon the Notes and the certainty of long delay and the probability of oerloua loss. As the Notes mature Mar 1, It U lmpesUlt that the eVotstxJdoso deposit their Note? at obco with Central Tfmt Cojajwrny of Kow rorlt. ft WaJJ SueH. Kew Yortt City, the Peposltary rimd Ii "ifae BneastJnTAgren)nt. Dy order ot the poof, of Dlreoiors. RANK Tfti-'NllUM., Chairman c p sctiAr, Preaidaot. Haw Tors; April 58. 11S. I m Chtvgo 5S5' . qpbrl-bt Co, 5uaircil RDer. tttr io Ul moaoJ. ttinuat. -Vuiutt, adcictaa, t par ceat. I W-sgeOiSX y.lUM