Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
S 9 S30AL IMPRESSIONS OF RITZ-CARLTON SUPPER CLUB DANCE BY A STAFF ARTIST l-W-D EVESri:r(? xTED&Eft-PHIEADEEPHI, MONDAY, kPItfE 26, 1915; wi imqq rt a A fivr5 ( f y-Vll N3 N v7 V -, fs ill "' J r IMP dU .1 1 i 'i ! 1 1 J l" ; : 1 v i i r t i i i ? il , n- 1 j; T? gsm Ajj ENGAGEMENT of Interest to erona In ' this city nnd New York nnnouncpd Ia that ( Miss Margaret Frances Anil rows, daughter ?. j(r and Mrs. Taul A. Andrews, of New York n(l New pot'. t0 Jtr J'orB"n Belmont, of New Miss Andrews Is a nleco of. Mrs. Cieorso A. ll'uhn, of this city, and I" considered ono of tho mot attractive nnd beautiful American Elrli, both In this country and Europe. Miss Maria T. Graham, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Howard cl. Graham, of Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill, will malto 'er debut at n. tea on October 13. Miss Graham Is nt present visiting friends In Newport and lloaton. Mips Mny Temple entertained at tho darwant In the Hso Gardens of tho Bcllovuc-Strntforl In honor of Miss Mary Endsloy, daughter of Senator nnd Mrs. J. AV. IJndslcy. Tho guestn Included Ml'fl Nancy Sellers anil MIfa Elizabeth Kennedy. Mrs. A. Southern Conway, of tho Avondale, tl'jo entertained a smalt party. jlr, and Mrs Nicholas Blddlo, of Springhead, Old York road, Noble, entertained last week Mr. and Mrs. William Taul O'Noll, of tho Maidstone. Wth and Spnicn streets, as their guests. jrr. Isaac T. Starr, of Church road, 'Wyncote, accompanied by Br. Edward W. Taylor, of Cedron, Indian Queen lano, Gorniantown, havo returned from a nshlng trip of eoveral days nt the Blooming Grovo Club, I'lko County, Ta. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyrus It. K. Curtlfl havo Issued Imitations for tho marrlago of their daughtor, Miss Eloanor Plllsbury, to Mr. Henry Beaumont Pennell, Jr , of Portland, Me., on Saturday aft ernoon, May 15. at 4 o'clock, at their resldcnco, Lyndon, Church road and Greenwood avenue. Wyncote. Mrs. James 11. Hutchinson, flllss Meta. II. Hutchinson and Miss Nancy P. Hutchinson will doss their town house, 133 South 22d street, and ipend tho summer in tho Lambert House, Itydal, Pa. Miss Evelyn Hunk nnd Miss Edith nunk, of 'Haverford, returned on Saturday from a. West em trip, where they attended tho expositions tt San Francisco nnd San Diego, stopping on their way homo nt Chicago, whero they visited for two weeks. Miss Mario Loulso Russell and Miss Doris Russell, daughters of Mrs. E. P. Russell, of Chicago, are now tho guests of tho Misses Itunk at Haverford. Many Informal en tertainments aro being planned In their honor. , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kearalcy Mitchell, 3d, gavo a dlnner-danco on Saturday night at their homo In Eosemont In honor of Miss Hopo Truxtun Beals and Mr. Oliver Eaton Cromwell, whose engagement was recently announced. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloxln Harrison Smith, of UJ2S Lucust street, entertained Informally on Sat urday nt S o'clock. The Cornell Club of Philadelphia, on Sansom street nbovn 1.1th. held its regular monthly smoker on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock In tho elubrooms. Mrs. Thurston, of 120 East 40th street. New Tork, was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeds Barroll, 7207 Charlton street, Mount Airy, for the wedding of Mls Louise Blako Brock and Mr. Francis A. Lewis, 3d, which took placo on Saturday in tho Church of St. Luko and the 8 Epiphany. Miss Anna Lewis Barroll returned Friday j'from visiting Mrs. Thurston In New York. i Mr. II. Morris Adams, of Liftord Grange. County Line, llntboro. Pa., has been made master of hounds of tha Huntingdon Vnlly -.Hunt Club for tho coming year. 'Mr. Adams takes the place of Mr. Joseph Wharton Llp- B plncott. f Mrs. Johns Hopkins, of 1713 Walnut street, returned on Satutdny from a visit In Baltimore j l! the guest of Miss Elizabeth Hopkins. I CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs Itussell Thayer and fnmlly, of Overlea, will spend part of the summer at their tump at Upper Saranac, In the Adlrondacks. i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Compton, of St. Martin's .lane, will call for England on May 1 and will remain In that country throughout the summer months, f I Mr. and Mrs Charles C. Walbrldge, of Sem Mnola avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. .Wlllam P Buffum, of Newport, as thelr.guests. It : r. Charles Newhold Welsh Is a visitor at tho iPanama Exposition. Mr, and Mrs. Austin Purves, of Seminole ave- . have taken n house In Saunderstown, It. Rl, Which the will occupy after June 1. Uj Mr. and Mrs Hobert Teas, of Wyndmoor, are f,"iin(j congratulation!! upon the hlrth of a k" jf Mr Charles A Potter, of Evergreen and Pros pect avenues, is epending a fortnight In Virginia !Hot BprlngB. and Mrs T. Charlton Henry, of S3d street o4 Moreland avenue, have gone to the Panama "Pojition. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs Sylvester ICevser. of Rubicam ifenue, have returned to their home after pndlne the winter In Florida. II J. Lee Patton, 226 Harvey street, gave a gWIdran'a party Saturday In honor of her ton, f a Patton, Jr. "' nd Mm. Wllllntn T Vlrhnlunn .Tr.. Of Pawner jtreet and Wlssahlokon avenue, have Kurned fron, a jBIt to Egypt Mills, Pa. IT Kr. Edward Webb, of 5438 Greene street, ?4 left for a three weeks! stay In San Fran- S"9 Cal, irII Clara. Tnnla r-,niAr A a -n.hni-nAi4 gwt, has returned from a trip through 'the t England States. William Latta Nassau, nc.enmnanisd by 4water, Miss HUzabeth Nassau, has re- 8 to her home, West Chelten avenue. I Wlthinmn. .... .. 1 ... - ftwi, wiivru sue wa iiieiiiuc- u A R ..indention 4ii nK nt interest took place on Wed- War tnomuiy. prii 21, in the Immaculate BtMajU, CthoUo punsb, when MJa Uuf lESOH Heglnla MeCrelght became tho brtdo of Mr. John J. Burns, of Newton n, Bucks County. The Rev. Father M. J. HIrrIiis performed tho ceremony. Miss Julia MeCrelght, a sister of tho bride, was maid of honor. Tho brides maids Included Miss Mnzlo Burns and Miss Mario MeCrelght. Mr, Burns had as best mnn his brother, Mr. Edward Burns, and tho ushers woro Mr. Walter MeCrelght and Mr. William McQInley. Announcement! have been received lit Cler tnantown of tho marrlago of Miss Maudo M. Plmmons nnd Mr. Albert 15. Beaslcy nt tho bride's homo In llnrtford City, Ind., on Friday, April IB. Mr. Hensley Is tho son pf Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ucasley, of Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. Beastey will bo nt homo In Trenton after Juno 1. ALONG THE READING A "Malfcst" for tho benefit of tho German nnd Austilan Bed Crow? and tho German Local Bo llef will bo held In tho Jay Cooko Memorial Hall, Old York and Ashbourno roads, Elkln Park, on Frldny, May 7, from 2 until 8 o'clock. Thcro will bo a lonccrt from 3 to 5 o'clock, Insisted by the quartet from tho Phlladolphli Orchestra and other talent. During tho nfter noon tea. coltco and Ices will bo served. A number of prominent mntroni along tho Bend ing will act as patroness of tho affair. Mrs. James Conlcy and Mrs. Thomas Bcu benger, of Oak Lane, will spend tho coming week at Atlantic City as tho guests of Mrs. J. Hughes, of 132 St. 'James placo. Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll Johnflon will bo at homo In Columbus, O., after June 1. Mrs. Johnson will bo rcmembeicd as Miss Helen Loulso Stlltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hartley Stlltz, formerly of Boslyn. Fa. Mr. nnd Mis. F. Smith, of 4W Nortli 1.1th street, Logan, havo returned to their home from New York, whero they spent tho week-end. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jercl Oldroyd entertained at cards Saturday evening at their homo, 5320 North Cainac street, Logan. Their guests In cluded Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn, Jr., nnd 'Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stortz. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. William G. Simpson, 'of 110 South 52d street, entertained at a reception and birthday party nt their homo Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Simpson's anniversary. Among thoso invited wcro Miss Catherine Daugherty, Mr. R. W. Dunn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest M. Dunn, M1S3 Helen Dunn, Miss Elsie Dunn, Mr. Robert Dunn, of Wlllowdale, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Georgu D. Frame, Mr. nnd Mrs. George D. Frame, Jr., of Mantua, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyrc, Miss Theresa Mclntyro nnd Miss Edna Mcln tyre, of Wilmington, Del. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry K. Thompson. Jr., of 4630 Spruce street, will open their house nt Woodbury early in June. Miss Doiothy Reach Christ, of tho Satler leo Apartments, is cntertnlnlng Miss Olive Eduards, of New York, for a fortnight. Miss Elizabeth McKeown, of 4534 Chestnut street, entertained at cards Saturday night. Her guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Glndlng, Mr. and Mis. Johnson, Mr. Palmer, Miss Bradbury, Mr. It. Kershaw. Miss M. Rutter, Dr. Edward Thomas, Miss Sara Davcy, Mr. and Mrs. B. McKeown, Mr. E. La Crosse and Mrs. W. S. Thomas Phio ry Jon" tardumun Htulli MRS. FRANK F WJEDER Who before her marriage, two wseks aao, W83 Miss Edith Wpper Liberman, 6S ttU citj-. 'V .1 HE SOUTH PHILADELPHIA A social meeting of the Dornen Society will bo held nt tho Jewish Consumptive Insti tute 4(W Wharton Btrect, this evening. At this meeting gifts will bo given to tho II vo members who ncrompllshod tho best icsulta for tho play nnd danco given by tho Dornen Society In tho fall. Tho following will bo tho recipients! of thoso gifts: Mlsi Bcsslo 11. Feldmnn, Miss Kato M. Davis, Miss Eva I. Moshbltz. Miss Yctt.a -M. Sass and Mr. Samuel M. Klrson. Tho following members of tho Board of Direc tors of tho Jewish Consumptive Instltuto will deliver addresses at this Doracn meeting: Dr. Max Stallcr, Dr. A. J. Langbord and Mr. M. Gelger. After tho addresses thero will bo an entertain ment nnd refreshments served. Tho commltteo In charge Includes Mls3 Kato M. Davis, Mr. Charles Greon, Mr. Samuel M. Schwartz nnd Mr. A. J. Morrison. Miss Jean Baron and Miss lino Baron enter tained tho Unique Club at their home, GOO South 6th street, Inst week. Miss Sarah Baron and Miss Gertrude Silvers rendered vocal selections. Supper was served nnd was followed by dan cing. Among those present wcro: Miss Lillian Schwarz, Miss Gertrudo Silvers, Miss Anna Schaffcr, Miss Helen Margolls. Miss Pearl Hurn steln. Miss Fannlo Cohen, Miss Clara Cohen, Miss Jean Cohen, Miss Esslo Deutsch, Miss Sarah Gcrson, Miss Roso Krakcovltz, Miss Helen Leblang nnd Mlsa Cecilia SupowlU. Friends of Mrs. Walter G. McCaho, of 11th nnd Tnskcr streets, will bo pleased to learn that sho has recovered from a recent Illness and Is spending a few days In Atlantic City as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kane, of the Carlton Apartments. Mrs. George W. Hlnckcn will entertain to morrow afternoon at luncheon, followed by cards, at her home on South Broad street. Tho guests, who will be members) of her card club, will Include Miss Mao Merzlg, Miss Sarah Hlncken, Mrs. Horace Hazzard, Mrs. Mcrey V. Kerns, Mrs. James McG. Hlncken, Mrs. Edgar Plerson, Mrs. Walter Flerson, Mrs. William I. Tomllnson, Mrs. Charles Shlssler, Mrs. Robert Haywood, Mrs. Russell Smith, Mrs. Harry Black, Mrs. William Mohr, Miss Lois Black, Mrs George Mueller, Mrs, It. C. Moore and Mrs, Harry Tjson. Cards have been Issued announcing tho mnr rlage of Miss Giaco Morris, of 2S24 South Chad wick street, to Mr. Alexander D. Porter, of 1423 Wharton street. Tho ceromony was performed on Easter Sunday, at tho home of tho bride, by tho Itev J. Bowman, of Brethren Church, 17th and MoKcnn streets Mr. and Mrs. Poller are still on their wedding trip, nnd nre expected to return early this week. northeasYphTladelphia Mr and Mrs. Lambert, of 2170 East Cumber land atreet, will leave about tho middle of May for Pitman, N. 'J., where they will epend tho summer. A Tom Thumb wedding will bo given by ' Class No. 28 of Beacon Presbyterian Sunday ' school, at Cumberland and Cedar streets, for the benefit of tho church, on Thursday eve ning, May 6. The Buster Brown Girl Minstrels will give a musical entertainment and dance on May 6 at Allemanla Hall, 2323 North 6th atreet, for the benefit of the Washington Club of the General D. B. Birney Post, No. 63. G. A. R. Mr- Alfred Tuchsen, of Boston, Mass , has been visiting Mr and Mra. Frederick Rotwltt, 3161 Kensington avenue, before sailing for Europe. The Ladles Auxiliary of St. John's Church, at Elkhart and Emerald streets, will hold a sewing circle meeting at the pariah houie to morrow evening. Those present will be Mrs. Jausen, Jr., Mrs. Creelman, Mrs. Elizabeth Berryman. Mrs. Piatt, Mrs. Dynes, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs, Bell, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Mllllgan, Mrs. Tete, Mrs. Fusner and Mrs. Black. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Entre Nous Literary Club enjoyed Its ftret spring outing last week. The party left in automobiles In the morning and luncheon was served In picnic fashion on tho roadside. . On their return dinner was served at tha home of Mrs. Laura B. Mlley. The party was chaperoned by Mr. W. L. Palmer and Mrs. L Crlat Mr and Mrs. Harrison B Schell, of U10 Gir- ' ard avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter. Mlaa Edith Vogel Schell, to Mr George H Rofer. Jr, son, of Mr. and Mrs. George IL Botrf, of SOI North Sith atreet, West Philadelphia. n-$. -- 4 I RITZ-CARLTON SUPPER CLUB Last Meeting of the Season Held Saturday Night, Great Success. Tho veiy Hiicrcftsfiil Rllz-Carltou Supper Club, which was organized early in tho winter by .Mrs. J. llutihlnson Scott and Mrs. II. W. llawki'sunrth, closed its (list season on Satur day night. This club, tho membership of which has been limited to Philadelphia's smartest set. filled a long-felt want among thosn who would whllo away the hours after tho thcatro or opera and at tho same tlmo avoid rubbing clbow with tho unknown masses who congregate nt many of tho cafes. -Mrs. Hnwkcsnorth nnd Mis. Scott modeled tho club after their other cnturo In New York, tho Club do Vlngt, which, whilo delightfully in formal nnd nulto unpretentious, had many ot tho best names In New Yoik on Its member ship list, nnd so miccessful havo both of these entciprl8cs hecn that they havo ngrccd to run a series ot thes dansants and soupers dautiints during tho summer on tho roof of tho new Hotel Traymoro at Atlnntlc City, which will open In "June, to which n number of prominent persons have already subset ibed. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexcl Blddlo enter tained on Saturday night In honor of Miss Mary L. Duke, of Now Yoik, whoso brother, Mr. Angler B. Duke, will marry Miss Blddlo on Wedncsdny. Tho guests Included Miss Char lotte Harding Brown, Miss Gertrudo Ehiot, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm II. Donner and Mr. Harty M. Hart. Mrs. Blddle wore a becoming Httlo dancing frock of palo gray chiffon over silk. The skirt, which was quits short, was finished off with wide scallops of tho chiffon, nnd tho bodice was of heavy metnltlo trimming. MIfs Brown looked well In tuiquolse-bluo taffeta, brocaded in silver, Tho skirt had a quilling ot tntfeta around the bottom, and below this a narrow edging of lace, while tho upper part of tho bodlco was of silver thread lace. Another table was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Qulntard Horwltz, with whom was Mrs. A. It. MacLeod. Mrs. Horwltz woro a particu larly handsome gown of while taffeta with sll ver paillettes. Mrs. MacLeod woro a stunning gown of Dresden silk nnd pink chiffon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wldener occupied a table, and nnother party Included Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Williams. Mrs. James Totter nlso entertained, as did Mr. and Mrs. Henry DIsston, Mr. nnd Mrs. lHaao H. Schllchter, Jr., nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. L, Spencer Miller, 3d. Miss Edwlnn Elklns Bruner, accompanied hy Miss Katherlne Herman Kremor, dropped In later In tho evening. Olhert) preflent Included Mrs. Mitchell Hast ings, Miss Paulino Hart, Mrs. ft. Walter Steel, Mr. F. AVIlson Prlchett, Mr. Charringtnn. Mr. Charles Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse William son, 2d, Dr. nnd Mrs. William Drayton, Mrs. B, C. Madeira, Mr. and Mrs. Francois do St. rhalla, Mr. Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman Freeman, Miss Mary Evelyn Chew and W, Yorke Stevenson. WILMINGTON On Friday evening, April 30, the Pousse Cafe will be given at the Playhouse for the benent of the Home of Merciful Reel. The feature will be a two-act skit, entitled "Arden," fol lowed by "The Girl from Utah," a song and dance act, by Miss Madeleine Reed, Mr. Robert King, Mra. Horace Llndeay and Mr. George Bankhardt. In the dance of tho Three Graces Miss Bessie du Pont will exhibit the old-fashioned ballet; Miss Janet Jackson, esthetic danc ing; Interpretation, Miss Margaret Whlttaker; Miss Isabel Wales and Mr. Fred Watt will sing a collection of grand opera arias. The entire production will be under the direction of Mr. Robert Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. William Whitehead havo Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elsie Whitehead, to Mr, James Willard Robertson on Monday night at the home ot the brldo, 120S Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perot Keen and Mr. Joseph S. Keen, Jr., of Kynlyn, Bellevue, have returned from Atlantic City, N. J., whero they were for several weeks. Notloearfor the) BooMy pinavvtllboc cepted and. prlnUd In, the Evening Ledg oo- r, DUC ! flWUII IWIIVVV IllWVk M0 WFI-tVil VII one side of the paper( mutt be elgned In full, with full addreaa, and whan poialbl telephone number must be given. Send all tuch communications to 8oclety Editor," Evening Ledger, 608 Chestnut street. Unlet thete requirement! aro carried out fo that verification may be pesalble, tho notice will not ba publlthed. on TIOGA MifM IMn.i Illuiuenlh.it, who has been visiting In New York, has leturned to her home, 1S30 West Eilo avenue. The Ilcv. Dr. Charles E. Dunn and Mra. DUnn, of Tioga nnd 16th streets, havo gone to Wernerolllc, to lemaln four weeks. From thU resoit I hoy will go to Long Island for a month, and later to tho Mnlno Woods, to remain until September. Mrs. Henry C.ilvln Trumbower, of 1S23 West Venango stieot, has been visiting In Quaker town, I'.i. Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Mendelsohn, of 333! Noith MUh slieet. aro entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Boratelp and their son, of New York, who mo on their way homo fiom a win ter's sojourn in the South. Mr. nnd Mis. Joseph Wallersteln. of Rich mond, Vn.. announce tho hctiothal of their daughter. Miss Catharine Wallcisteln, to Mr. M. Lawrence Blumcnthal, son of Mr. Samuel Blumcnthal, of 1S30 West Erie avenue. Miss Wallersteln is a social favorite In this city, as well ns In Itlchmond. Mr. Blumenthal is a well-known illustrator. Mlsa Edna Blumcnthal, who has been visit ing friends In New York, has returned to her home In Tioga. FRANKFORD Miss Constance Gallagher, of 2606 Rhaun street, will bo tho guest of .Miss Bessie Murray, ot Chester, for two weeks. Mr. and Mis. Gllpen De Tub, of Frankford avenue, will entertain at cards Wednesday evening in honor of their niece, Miss Paulino Watson, of Butte, .Mont, Their guests will In clude Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Optenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kline, Miss Helen McKlnley, Miss Frances Allburg, Miss Florence Wright, Mr. Walter Konan, Mr. Ralph Megill, Mr. Harry Gllpen, Mr. Frank Conlcy, Mr. Walter Martin and Mr. Alfred Wright. Miss Edith Clark will entertain with cards nml dancing Thursday evening. There will be 12 guests including Miss Rea Hughes, of 132 St. James Plare, Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Fell, Miss Alice Wood ward, Miss Elizabeth Megill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frank, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Dunn. Miss Loretta Ducnn, Mr. John Of' and Mr. Fiank Martin spent the week en', in Atlantic City. AMUSEMENTS B. F, KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH 8TKEET8 Mutlne. S r. M .Nljhl, 8 I. M. BIG BLUE RIBBON BILL! NORA BAYES America's Best Singing Comedienne BEATrtU'B HERFOnD. JAMES 4 BONNIE THOP.N. TON. HEP.T ERltOL, 1IAI1HY KKIIN i CO.; K 1J1VAMA, NONETTK. AND OTHERS FORREST Tonight 8:15 V'n: f.'o GRAND OPERA Tonight, RiKoletto Tomor., Masked Ball Wednesday Slatlnee. FAU8T, Wed Evg . TRAVIATA; ThursJaj, CARMEN, Friday. LUCIA, Saturday Mai. THOVATORB; Sat KlST. BARBER Of SEVILLE. Wednesday Matinee, FAUST Beat Sean tl SO Witherspoon Hall This Evg-.T-IB" VIOLIN RECITAL Hy ALBERT SPALDING FAMOUS AMERICAN VIOLINIST PRICES S1.50. SI. 75c & 50c Tickets at Heppa's. 1118 Chestnut St ni.U(. C!--OPERA Home of World's VjllUSUUIL OU. HOUSE I Greatest Photcnl.v. UMBO MA1MI Afls. 1 4. 3 Efs.. T 4 0 10c, 13c. 30o MRS. LESLIE CARTER in "THE HEART OF MARYLAND" Next Week "GRAUSTARK" TUB MARKBT ST. ABOVE 1BTH WCTURBS 11.00 A M to 11. IS I'. M. ANNIVERSARY WKHK Stanley HAZEL DAWN In "NIOBH" Coming Thurs. Frl.. Sat- "HUH' WANTED1' WITHBRSI'OON HALL Wed. Evg, April 28. lBlsT ALFKKDA U BEATTY aUKEUA u- imi.iiij tiAisa iUNDLER Holland Cellist Tlcksts, 78o. 60c. 'WltDarspoon Hox OMcs, ARCADIA ChMtnut St. Betonr Iftth PHOTOPLAY8 Cnnlinuous 10 A M to 11 .18 P M Today and Tomorrow TUB JlUJi.ERNAlT MXONS (BOBBY HEATH LKU.N A orti'll GRAND m. fine c Xf . UBiUUdtS PKUWN. POfirBR J Willi K o LEON a MODELS MILLEH Ik Today 3 W T & O I LLK. LAUQHINQ PICTURES Trocadero "gLK& LACUTA Ar-f Important tteddltvr which took placo to . day at noon wan that of Mlsa iaitn Jaqtielt Bfllera, daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Edtrln Jaqttati Boilers, to nichard C. McCall. Tho ceremony, which took place In Old St. Peter's Church, was performed by tho Rev. Dr. Edward M. Jeffcrya, reclor of tho church. Tho bride, who was ulven In majrlago by her father, woro an exquisite) sown of cloudy.whlt tulle over a foundation of white satin. A Ions court train of salln, lined with cloth of silver and flnlflhed oft at tho hem with oranse blossoms, fell from tho shoulders, and over this tho lonsr tullo veil, held to the-hr-ad by orange, blossoms, was craeefully nr ranffcil. Tho brldo carried a shower bouquet of lilies of tho valley nnd white orchids. Her only attendant was her email cousin, Miss Evelyno Yerkcs, of Vt'llminnlon, Del , who wore a charm. Ins- little frock of whlto embroidered Swiss over palo pink silk. Her picturesque lingerie hat was adorned with pink streamers, and she car ried an old-fnshloned gilt basket, filled with rosebuds nnd apple blossoms. The bridegroom's brother, Mr. Shirley C. Mc Call, ncted as best man, and tho ushors wero Mr Gardner Cass.tlt, Mr. Edward S. Buckley, Sd. Mr. Sydney llradford, Mr. Edward P. Hoff man. Jr., Mr. James Newman Carter and Mr. Chnrles Carter Itcnshaw. An Informal brenkfast at tho homo of th bride's paicntu, ISM I'lno strcot, followed tho ceremony. Mr. and Mis. McCall, after a wed ding trip, will llo nt tho Marlborough Hotel In Washington. AL.TSCHUL DATtMSTADTErt. The marriage nt Miss Hazel Darmstadter, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonas Darmstadter, of 333 South C2d Rtreet, was solemnized yester day to Mr. Samuel Allschul. Tho ceremony was porformed by Dr. Joseph Krauskopf In tho Lorraine Hotel, Atlantic City. After an extensive trip through tho South Mr. nnd Mrs Allschul Mill occupy their new home In Atlantic City McGINTY FISHER. The marrlago ot Miss Dorothy Fieher, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edward FlBher, of 135 East llortter street. Germantown, formerly of Tioga, and Mr. Charles J. McGlnty, of Tioga, was solemnized on Wednesday, April 14, In SL Veronica's Catholic Church, 6th nnd Tioga streets. Mrs. Frederick W. Baker, "Jr., a recent brldo, was matron of honor, and Mr. William Glltman wan beat man. Tho ceremony was folloncd by a reception at tho new homo of the bridegroom nnd bride, 302S North Judson street, whne they will be ot homo after Juno 1 on their return fiom their wedding journey. OLIVER-TEMPLE. Announcement Is made of tho marrlago of Mrs. Emily Temple to Mr. Harry Oliver, ot Itoxboiough, on Monday, April ID. Tho cere mony waa performed by the bride's father, tho Rev. Dr. Zacharias Walker, of tho First Metho dict Episcopal Church, Scullevllio, N. J., at hla homo In that city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver upon their return from Atlnntlc City will be at homo after May 15 at 6121 rtidge avenue, Roxborough. LANSDOWNE Mr. Robert Steel, of Mai shall load and. W combe nenue, entertained a number of friends at dancing in his homo Saturday. Among the guests were Miss Margaret Lyster, Miss Ruth Palmer, Miss Margaret Hannum, Mia? Alma Christine, Mis Mildred Taylor, , Miss Cora McCully. Mr. Wilson Peck, Mr. Myrle Peck, Mr. Lincoln Gilbert. Mr. Leslie Tnlor, Mr. Fabian Ryan and Mr Weyman Hollowell. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. Clifford Ware, of Colllngsnood, N. J entertained Miss Alice Davis, Miss Hazel Court lier, Mlsa Alice Davis, Miss Hazel Courtlier, Miss Ruth Decker and Miss Helen TaIor over the week-end. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC Every Evening for Two Weeks Beginning Monday, May 3 "POP" CONCERTS AT POPULAR PRICES BY THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA (Li:oroi,i) stokowski Conductors! thaddeus rich wuuuuu I 6TANLKY MACKnY K(retunen!s serei and cmnklnr permitted at tables on Parquet Floor. rillCCS 15 cents, 25 cents and .SO cents, heats at Tables and In I)oes. T5 rents Tickets for entire series nm on sale at Jltppe's, lilt fheslnut Street THE GIRL IN THE TUB IS STILL WITH SHE'S IN AGAIN AT THE BROAD ST. THEATRE FUNNIEST l'LAY IN 20 YEARS NIGHTS AM) SATURDAY MATINEE. BOo TO t.B0 WEDNESDAY MAT, J8&JI i Join the" WOMAN SUFFRAGE Parade SATURDAY. MAY 1ST Korni In Washington Square, 2.30 P. M. GRAND MASS-MEETINU llSO P. SI At the METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Tickets now on sale at the SuKrais Head quarters. 173 Chestnut at., 33 a 0th U, 372T Ger mantown ae. WOMAN SUFFHAGB PARTY urses all mem bers and sympathisers to join their section of the parade. Form In Division 12. GLOBE THEATRE Market and Juniper Streets DAILY . 3VEN1NGS 2,30 lOc. 16c. S5o 8.30 15c, J5c, Sua MOST REMARKABLE KILM EVER EXHIBITED HYPOCRITES SATURDAY AT 1:30. T AND 0PM T VT?Ti Beginning- Tonight at eTtitti r Li X llJ Mats. Wed. i Fri. at S:?5. Maeterlinck's Wonderful Fairy Flay "THE BLUE BIRD" PRICES Mo to II 60 SEATS ON SALS ATWT PHT TONIGHT AT 8 13 AUVjUmi pop oo MAT THURi, 3sl Oliver Morosru Irents J Hartley Manners' PEG O' MY HEART 400 KOOD BALCONY SKATS AT 1.00 40U aOOD FAMILY CIRCLE SEATS. BOo CROSS KEYS THEATRE GARDEN OF MIRTH OTHERS AND PUOTOPLAYS New Program Mon. 4 Tbiirs. Daily -l ()n Enln, T . at 2 15 J-"t ioc. KSo. Ste. GARRICK Last 6 Evgs. "jsT THE LITTLE CAFE ,lVT YUl i. Popular Pru.e Mai men WedneaU Best BaL 1 JO DUMONT'S JT5 ?, UaTINEB TODAY 10c & Xtn PASTWn Weuni and St. Tmts I-.y lXiSDltXW THS S.VTO 6mt 1 1 II 1