m 8 t tmimg jggis iC0cr 1 s PUHLtG LEDGER COMPANY CTnUS II. K. CURTIS, PaiaioasT. Oiatlfa II. UMInton.Vlce-Prl)fnt j John C. Martin, mgcrrtntT and Trusureri Philip B. Colllna, John D. Wllliaeia, Director. i r, KDITOUIAI.nOAnDI Cue 11. k. crutu, cn&irmin. P. It. WIIALET . .......... ... . .Executive Editor JOHN CJ. MAIITIN. 1 .General nualneaa Manager rubllhed daily at Ttsuo Lttxmi Bultdlnr, Independknce Square, Philadelphia. tmn Casmut, .Broad nnd Cheatnul Streets Altaxtio Citi rrtti-Vnlon Bulldlm Ns ToK 170-A. Metropolitan Tower CntciRO 81T Homo Insurance Bulldln bOKMtf ... .. 8 Waterloo riac. Tall Mall, S. W. NEWB BUUEAUS ! ,. , Wjihunotok noauo The rot MiiJMjn Nw Tome BoatAtt.... The jrimM Hulldln DnllN McaiAU -no FrlelrlehstreaM Unnn Btiaitu... s.r" M?" '',?,J? WJ PAita JBCBsau 32 lluo Louis lo Orartd .imr.niPTinN TEnMS Br enrrfcr. Dailt 0t.r, fix cent". By mall, postpaid eutald -of Thlladelphla. except where fnrrlRn poetara fa required, Dailt OM.t, one month, twentv-nvo cental DAitT OufcT. one year, three dollar. All mall ub acriptkma parable In advance BEU, 3000 WALNUT KEVSIOME. MAIN .1000 XT Addnt) oil communication! to Kvtnlna ttdgtr, Jndeptndence Square, rhltadtlpMa- XMTatfcDAT iDrmt.ADri.ritiA roaTorrict as recqkd ' CLASS MAIL XATTtn. FIIILADELPHIA, MONDAY, Al'IIIL 26. 191S. The man afraid to lorrow to loom M. oM.il- ncss lacks the courage nccasarv i J5i to iWh success. Shifting Back to Prosperity THE clouds of bUBlncsa depression havo begun to lift. Tho causa obviously is heavy European buying. Tho stool trade, which Is a basic American Industry, has been vitalized by order. So, too, prac tically all crops, except cotton, havo brought a good price. Moreover, thorn Is a feeling of confidence that following n. declaration ot peace thero will bo even larger demands on this country from Europe, enough to Keep our factories on full timo for many months. Depression has noti vanished entirely. But it has receded far, and optimism is tho key note. It always paysjto bo a bull on Amer ica, for tho nation's business Is funda mentally sound. , It is a period of adjust ment, as tho whole fabric ot business has been influenced by tho war, but it is an adjustment that carries prosperity with It. Tho effects of a low tariff havo been minimized for many' months, and tho coun try has responded. Even tho calamity howlers havo to glvo up tho shouting and get to work. That In itself in a very auspicious sign. The League of Good Citizens THE brilliant success of the campaign for a, greater Chamber oflCommerco is to bo followed by a campaign, which Is bound to be equally successful, for a greater City Club. Tho club Is understood to be, not an or ganization primarily for tho social enjoy ment of Its members, though nmplo pro ' visions are to bo mado for that, but It Is to do for the uplift of tho community what the Union League Club did for tho preserva tion of tho Union when It was founded. That famous organization was created as a league of men devoted to tho preserva tion of tho united nation at a timo when its existence was threatened. Tho City Club does and will stand for high ideals In all tho activities of a great city, commercial and charltablo as well as political. It is a league of good citizens formed for tho pres ervation ot tho city. It is Intended to securo a membership of 1500 at this time: but thero aro moro than 1B0O voters hero who aro in sympathy with its purposes. If tho management goes about its work in a spirit of broad tolerance, ready to wolcomo all woll-meaiilng voters, it will find that the limit of membership will havo to be raised from tlmo to time. This has been tho experience of tho Boston City Club, one of tho largest and most suc cessful in tho country, which has had a waiting list from tho beginning, and at times as many as 500 names havo been on it. Its total membership now is about 6000. The Cigar Clerk and the Jitney ' I hope they won't do anything to break I tip the Jitney business. It is a flno thing fnr nennlA lo arflt out !n tlift frqh nip nn Sunday afternoon. Remark of a cxay- halred-clerk in a Broad street cigar store but night. BY "THEY" this man meant those powers which aro in the habit of Interfering with all activities vhich In any way affect tho profit from their business. You cannot put your hand on this man or that man and suy that ha is one of "them," hut that does not remove the impression that thero is an In visible power somowhere, usually described Indefinitely, as "they" as the Greeks, to escape the resentment of their demons, called the Furies, tho "Well Wishers." And tho cigar Btoro clerk was putting In words tho thought that was In tho back of tho head nf many a man who took his family Jitneying yesterday afternoon. The people went out while they could, for they did not know how long the prlvilego ot a cheap ride would continue. It is too flno a thing to bo strangled by any Insidious power. And it will not bo driven out of, business If the responsible men en- gagedifln it use their Influence to protect it. 'HiltiS'd.ozen vicious Jitney drivers can do more harm to the new enterprise than can be counteracted by the efforts of all tho decent men, Sunday afternoon Jitneying is a re spectable amusement It has been welcomed in this city where there are few ways In which to get pleasure on the first day of the wek, and It must be allowed to develop as the demand for it grows. National Security Requires a Great Navy THIS is the richest nation in the -world. There Is none that approaches It In nat ural resources and none probably in the value of Its humm assets. It has been acarred by but few wars. It has been able to grow 'with, little impediment. It baa as- lt1itA ttA AiitnAiiHnim nt nil tifatlnnn ntlil it$i...1jfjt t.m fntn n nAiv nnttnnnlltv tlBttnrrt ,v uwW" . ...w .... ......w. ..,,, .....,. (rr itself. Out of dissimilar elements It has created a new race of men, who In their turn have multiplied wealth, and built ma terial evidences of prosperity such as no other nation ever witnessed. It (a folly to assume that envy has not bn aroused. Our increasing trade engen 4srx new animosities. The International Yi-wjint Is 'a novel thing in the United SWatf. For mora than a hundred years we fca been a comer of the world unto our m)tm, Today our international relations tHV U9 the moat important neutral factor i7 tK wv(H. ur Interests are Insolxad in wrla involution and wu. HmU ( seri tfiAK fBpmpHmH'TrtT appear daily in the news. TIM WaFMI ft ob a ter.sion The vDjflkaUon mt w tlgjhi.it (a a. continuous tajsk tor tbe E'XTEnmOT and-death struggle rendera the fcelllgerenta more and more presumptuous in their treat ment of neutrals. It will be a miracle It tho United States Is xnot required before this war Is over to putf Its foot down firmly and declare! Bo far and no farther. When that tlmo comes, this Government must control so great a force that no nation will tamper with our rights. Already tho war has demonstrated that a great navy Is a guaranteo of security at homo and weight of argument abroad. It is madness, therefore, not to provide a navy commensurato with tho enormous Interests of tho nation, a navy of bucIi preponderant power that our voice for peace will bo do termlnativo In council. Tho political party that stands squarely for a big navy, without subterfuge or de ception, is tho party that will win in tho next national elections. The nation needs two kinds of protection. Put the "Ot-llicre" In Philadelphia TttEttE IS but tmo way in which to get rapid transit, nnd that is to vote for It. It means much to tho averago citizen to be put many minutes closer to hla business nnd many minutes closer to hla dinner. It means much to htm, too, to bo relieved of bmdon sotno c.xchango tickets' and of dotiblo charges. From any part of tho city to any other part of tho city for G cents In what rapid transit means, for tho kind ot transit it Is proposed to havo is not only rapid, but Is economical also. Rapid transit, however, means moro to tho city ns a wholo than it doo.f to any individual. Quick linen of communication mado great cities possible. Tho growth of cltlos has paralleled their railway facilities. Tho greatest era of urban dovolopmont followed tho introduction of electrlo cars. They made tho intricate city llfo of today possible. It may ho stated as a general proposition that superior transit facllltlcn aro a prerequisite to metropolitan achievement. Moro important than any other Improve ment planned or contemplated in Philadel phia In rapid transit. It promisofl now arteries, a now system of circulation. It means a closo union botwern centre and cir cumference a vast Increase of "homo" ter ritory, a now impulse to tho city's growth and development, an asset on whloh posterity can rely In expanding the city and intensify ing its prosperity. Don't bo a pullback. Don't bo a non-voting mollycoddle, too bUBy to give a few minutes of your tlmo to Philadelphia. Not to voto for tho loan is to bo against It. Bo a booster who supplements his Up serv ico with notlvo work. Voto for the rapid transit loan. "nehabilitatinR" Ships From tho Sea AFTER long and serious consideration tho Xi. Interstate Commerce Commission has decided that tho Southern Pacific Railroad Company may operato tho vessels of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company so long as it does not send them through tho Panama Canal. But of what benefit Is tho decision? Tho Paclllo Mall Company hos announced that It will go out of tho shipping business In No vember becauso of tho burdens and restric tions of tho new shipping net passed nom inally to securo greater safety for passen gers and greater comfort for American sea men. Its effect, however, will bo to abolish American ships and American seamen un less all signa fall. Robert Dollar, one of our largest shipowners, says that ho will havo to seek Chinese registry for his vessels en gaged in the Pacific trado becauso ho cannot continue to do business under American reg istry. And tho Pacific Mall plans to go out of business entirely. This is the way the merchant marine is being rehabilitated by tho party which has for more than a generation been blam ing tho Republicans for destroying It by tariff laws! Kickinjr a Man When He is Down ELECTION frauds were not tho only crimes of tho rulers of Terre Haute, now serving sentenco in tho Federal prison at Leavenworth. Tho City Council has for mally dismissed ftom offlro Mayor Roberts, who went to prison a few days ago, and tho offonses chnrged against him woro drawing warrants on tho City Treasury to pay attor neys engaged in pi lvato litigation, attempting to bribe Councllmen to voto for ordinances which ho wanted to havo passed, caus ing tho arrest of citizens on trivial charges and refusing to nllow them to bo released on ball. And, finally, becauso of conviction in tho election case. Tho last reason was enough to Justify the removal of the Mayor from oflh-e; but It is a Bign of a wholesomo public sentiment In tho community when It demands that additional and obvious reasons be given which had not been considered by the courts. Kicking a man when he Is down Is seldom Justifiable. But no ono will hold It up against the Terre Hauto Council. Rome hears that the war will soon be over, but It appears that for Rome It has not yet begun Speaking of the Clay case, as a gentleman remarked on the subway, lucky aro they who get a second trial. Instead of being mistress of the seas, the English fleet seems to be the mystery of the eeas. Where la It? The new guns for the defense of Manila will shoot 13 miles, and the cost will be MOO a shot. Practice makes taxes. The Rlggs Bank contest Indicates that there is too much personality and too little law in somo departments of the Government. Doctor Dernburg is still paying tribute to the mastery of tho British navy by demand ing an International guarantee of tho free, dom of the seas. An American naval avlatpr has attained a height ot 10,000 feet In a hydroplane, breaking all records. His craft, however, waa unencumbered with bombs. Those scientists at odds about the nature of the earth's core should call in the In ventor of the hollow globe theory to prove to them that "there ain't no core." Aldermen In St Louis are not like Coun cil mtn in Philadelphia fine of the Mis souri gentlemen, for instance, has pleaded guilty to forgery In the first degree. No Philadelphia Councilman baa over done any- OTHlimia3Da3PTI15 BHWBTPSer" tffKBCT 26. ffOtEfr: FOLKLORE AND DREAM TRAVELS A Psychic Mannikin With a Dainty Little- Sword Who Keeps tho Buga boos Away The Antiquity of Nightmare. By WAKREN BARTON BLAKE THIS evening I read for nn hour In n vol ume of Dr. J. G. Frazcr'n wonderful gar nlson of folklore, which ho calls "Tho Golden Bough." Thcro I find nccountB of many nav ago concepts of what sleep meant?, and death; and of how ono may pass over from ono slato Into tho other only too simply. It It a delightful occupation, rending "Tho Golden Bough," nntl I much prefer It to Doc tor lladwcn'H accounts of ghoBt dreams nnd their eclcntlllo explanation, and what tho Greeks thought of them, and tho Romans, too. I wonder It mon ot old didn't, for that mnttcr, dream moro than wc or oven tho Greeks? Today, In our locked houses, wo aro still comforted or tortured by drcnmtravols; refreshed or wearied according to our luck. But how much moro powerful Is Naturo In nights spent out of doors: nfiold, on sleep ing porch, under tho trees! Father of Iho Ohiils nnd .Tins Tho nightmare, too, Is respeetnblo In Its antiquity, nnd treatises on it, written in tho dead languages, havo t'omo down to us from ntithorg born 2C00 years bcfnro tho authors of tho latest dieain books. Colitis Aurelniius, who laid down tho medical law to tho first century, tells us on tho authority of Slll machus, follower of Hippocrates, who lived COO years beforo Christ, that tho nightmans was onco epidemic lit Rome, nntl that great numbers of persons In tho city died thereof. Nowadays wo complain, waking, ot "a weight on tho chest"; then it was succinctly called tho "incubus." And it Is nil tho same ns tho bogoy man of our own childhood, I suppose: and learnrd doctors say that tho bogey man gavo birth to tho ghuls and JIns of nil tho African peoples. Nightmare, says Doctor Iladwen, Is a horso of another color from plain dreaming. It is a stato between waking and dreaming a semi-consciousness. Tlio grown men who suffer from it aro, In general, Indoor woikcrs often men of letters. And wo nil havo blamed somo ot theso bad dreams on tin wholesomo or lndigestiblo or unwisely con sumed dinners nnd suppers. Nover wcro nightmares so rife at in tho hcydcy of tho chafing dish Welsh rabbit. If a persistent hostess obliges you to eat Welsh rabbit when you know you shouldn't do It, insist upon washing It down with a tenspoonful of soda bicarbonate in a cup of hot water pepper mint water, say somo. But all dreams nro not bad dreams. What Is any dream at all? Bcrgson sums it up very briefly in the two essavs which fiomn ono has mado over Into nn English book: A dream Is this. I petcelve objects nnd thcro is nothing there. I see men: I seem to speak to them, and I hear what they answer: thcro Is no ono thero and I havo not spoken. It is nil as it real things nnd real persons wero thoie, thon on waking all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this happen? Hero wo havo tho question reduced to Its simplest terms, nnd by a master of puro prose. Narrow-minded Alarm Clocks Nothing of Just theso matters Is discussed by Doctor Frnzcr, to bo sure and his Is tho book that I'vo born rending. And os a traveler I hopo some day to fare to tltoso far off, prlmltlvo places ho writes of In his "Gol don Bough," where tho indigenous population most thoughtfully refrained from wakening tho sltepcr "becauso his soul is away and might not havo tlmo to get back; so it tho man wakened without his soul, ho would fall sick." Tho thought of nover boing wakened there, cither by an uncharitable household or tho unmusical alarums of an Insistent, narrow-minded alarm clock mado of nickel and tin, fills my heart with Joy in mero anticipation. Yet even that Joy has Its totrors for on another page I read that tho sick man's noso and other natural apertuiea aro secured with fishhooks "so that if his soul should seok to escapo it may bo hooked and held fast," And nothing can ever lnduco mo to sot foot on tho Malay Peninsula, whero tho nrt of abduct ing souls and abusing them generally has been carried to a pitch of diabolical clever ness that favorably compares with anything civilization enn show. In tho United Stales, I find, my soul is fairly snfo except in waking hours. I touch wood, of course, now that I havo risked to rash a statement; but you seo my soul has always roturncd to mo in fairly sound condition from nil Ita Joy rldcs up to tonight. The Souls of Savages Up to tonight! I havo said it. For I don't feel like trusting myself to sleep tonight. Probably I havo read too long in Doctor Frazer's book about tho fouIb of savages. Bo fore I can dream anything but nightmares, I shall havo to reopen M. Bergson'n book, to (t NATIONAL DEFENSE" IN 1812 THE present lack of adequatn preparations for national defense Is real enough, but it Is no new thing. This country seoms to havo a habit ot being In such a condition. We all know how grossly unprepared It was In 1812, for tho war of its own declaring, toward which it had been expectantly looking for years; eo that It was unable to protect Its own national capital against a handful of invaders. We can remem ber, too, tho fine blue funk in which so many, of the dwellers on the Atlantic coast were for a time in tho late Spanish war. But those circum stances were characteristic. Back in 1793, only 10 years after the conclusion of the Revolution ary War, wo had let some of our most Import ant defenses fall Into almost hopeless disrepair. There has recently been made publlo the text of an old letter written to Govornor Clinton, of New York, 1793, by Sebastian Baumann, a colo nel of Now York artillery, upon this subject. Apparently It was not the first time ho had written, either, for he began It with a reminder that he had written before to the Governor about the same matter, "The carriages of the brass Held artillery," he said, "are much out ot order, and unfit for service unless they have a thorough repair. These carriages have been in use throughout the late war and exposed to the weather, which has caused the wood to be spongy and rotten. The horses' harness want overhauling, such as oiling and stitching." The lack of ammunition, whloh is so serious a feature of the present situation, existed at that time, aluo "We have." wrote Baumann, "no cannon powder In the majaime, and as the State U frequently called upon to return that point of honor wbUh foreign nation par IN ,THE SPRING j .vlWftt lii,.&t i. ii. ' JWH ill Vi imll in II In lmwWJ&sZ?5s6C&itsJf l --s m Mrmi.i,hrrui.ii..:iji'i ' yjzn -j . ., MS)?jxutiU" i'iutaaasrfsg3?ggifflsg3-gggfent i s jWWihr socle reassurance In Its polished periods. True, M. Bcrgson 13 as fond a bellcvor In tho "oc cult" as any of your savages; In accepting tho ptestdency of tho Society for Psychical Research "I am led to bellevo In telepathy" (ho said) "Just as I believe In tho defeat of tho Invlnclblo Armada." But I nm calmed when I find M. Bergson's droamlng ego em ploying words ns neatly Joined, as magically persuasive a3 tho awakened Bergson's lec tures beforo tho students nnd Idlers and fair women who crowded tho benches In his Col lego do France, in days beforo tho war. Tho savngo thinks that If nn animal lives nnd moves (writes Doctor Frazer, ot Liver pool nnd Cambrldgo who wns knighted Just beforo tho war) it can only bo becauso thero is a llttlo animal lnstdo which moves it. If a mnn lives and moves, it can only bo be causo ho has a little man lnsldo who movea and steers him through life. That mnnnlkin stecrsmnn with an instdo seat is tho soul. And tho Nootkas, of British Columbia, go further than this; they are sure that tho soul Is mado In tho imago of the man whom it animates; that its seat Is tho crown of tho head; that so long ns it stands upright Its owner is hnlo and hearty; that tho moment it loses its balance its owner loses his wits. Now, there is no moro danger of M. Berg son's psychic llttlo man ever losing his bal ance than thero is of M. Bergson's physical llttlo fingers tracing across tho pago sen tences that mako bad style. It in a flno mannikin, M. Bergson's, nnd when It walks out of an evening to enjoy Itself dreaming It walks erect and decorous, quite resolved not to assoclato with tho shocking mnnnlklns of Dr. Slgnntnd Freud and his unhappy patients. M. Bergson's mnnnikln is slight ami rather dapper; it swings a light cano with tho most debonair manner imaginable In tho case of a philosopher's dreaming ego. I am no scholar myself; I pretend to no deep knowledge of Bcrgson and psychology; thoreforo it la pos slblo that my last statement Is inexact. On reflection, I withdraw the remark about the swagger little cane. M. Bergson's dreaming ego wears tho green uniform and palms ot tho Academic Francaise du Revo Droit: at its sido thero hangs a dainty llttlo sword, tren chant for Us size, and wiped dry of Ink except when actually in uso. M. Bergson's dreaming ego Is French from tho penk of its cocked "hat to tho tips of its pointed llttlo toes; Its walk is springy, and Its eyes nm bright, and its profile birdlike a highly civilized onRlpt. Yet courteous ah, in tho e.trome! Thanks to M. Bergson, I can sleep now without dreaming of tho Bagabos of tho Phil ippine Islands, and Arlstens of Proconnesus whoso bouI somo bno saw Issuing from his mouth In tho form of a raven. Didn't you over read about him In Pliny's "Natural History"? 0 THE SOUL'S PATH There Is no short cut, no patent tram road to wisdom. After all tho centuries of invention, tho soul's path lies through tho thorny wilder ness which must still bo trodden in solltudo, ulth bleeding feet, with tobs for help, ns it was trodden by them of old time. George Kllot be amiss to have some powder in store for that purpose, as well as for any other occasion. What such "other occasion" might bo was directly sug. gested. "It would not be improper," he wrote, "to remind your Excellency here that our port is tho first In the Union, moat conspicuous abroad and most frequented by foreign nations on ac count of its safe and easy access, particularly In the winter season. Yet the port of New York, with all these advantages, is the most defense lees, and cannot afford any shelter to a vessel which misfortune of war may cause to fly fclther for protection. Nay, a ship of war may capture another In the very port. These Ideas I sug gested some time ago to the Surveyor General ot the State, and from the present complexion of things In Europe they may noon be' verified. Thus situated, would it not be advisable to ap ply to Congress for a few Iron lS-pounders, ot which there are a number at West Point of no use, and have them advantageously placed here to prevent any undue encroachment?" It will not escape observation that the state of unreadiness for defense which then prevailed did not, as some In these days affect to think it infallibly must, prove a preventive against war, On the contrary, in spite of our unpreparedness) we speedily drifted into war with France. Colonel Sebastian Baumann, who probably was denounced by some ultra-pacifists of those days aa a jingo, a militarist and what not, was a close comrade ot Washington all through the Revolution. He was a preceptor of Alexander Hamilton In artillery practice and' he was Post master ai New York and Postmaster Ganjyjali Itis iciiur au oeen maae puoiiu ur t grawteon. George A. JBrenaaa, p4wdtt 'tfca- i I.. ... i ip ! i i ii i I. i n hi ii.ii ..a -. i !! ! na iT.flrfl ini II litiluw in i III SJt 1 a Sm BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA DIGEST OF THE MAGAZINES (1) Collier's "Bryan Democracy's Goat." (2) Delineator "Mother Jones." (3) Metropolitan "In tho Great Cause tho Story of a Pioneer." (4) Musical America "Mephlsto'a Mu sings." CURRENT PERSONALITIES EV'KIf! is v VKItYBODY llko everybody else! This irtually tho slogan of civilization away from individualism nnd toward a stand ardized "sameness." It pours our young population through a mold of schooling nnd training, which turns them out pruned and pared, as nearly allko as It is possible to mako them. In splto of our acceptance of this modo of life, wo persist In setting up ns 'heroes tltoso stalwart individuals who dog gedly stick to their own notions and refuse to allow their individuality to bo expurgated. Tho qualification for a coast-to-coast fame often lies in merely being "different." Wit ness the steadily growing fame ot Bernard Shaw and "Billy" Sunday, whoso only ro semblanco la in their initials. Sometimes, however, with characteristic Inconsistency, tho being "different" becomes a transgression rather than an attraction, ns, for Instance, in tho caso of tho Demo cratic Administration officials In Washing ton After lfi i cars ot uninterrupted Re publicanism, Washington society had become qulto acclimated. Criticism of Democratic variability Is concentrated upon tho head of "Bryan, Democracy's Goat," according to Gcorgo Fitch, who writes amusingly in Col- Arcat'many Washingtoninns have Prj disproving : or Bryan until any llttlo thing ha may do causes them tho most exquisite pan The Chautauqua incident was discussed all over the countiy. in Washington it became a brood ing honor. A lot ot Washington people had never hcanl of Chautnuquaa until iW '" Secretary Bryan wns frequenting them. Then they tried to read up on the thing in Gaborlau s I brary of crimes. It wasn't tho awfulness of tho deed which shocked Washington. It was the. ack of dignity. No Secretary of State had over "chautaulkcd" before. It hadn't been dona nt all. It was Impossible to conceive. Tho small ncss ot tho salary was no excuse. Knox and Bacon and Hay couldn't llvo on their salaries either, but nobody saw them running around tho country cNhlhltlng In n tent. And besides, any tmo who spends that much money Is ex trnvacant. Nothing contributed more to the populnilty of economy In Washington In Mil than tho fact that Bryan couldn't llvo on J12.0W a year. It was almost Impossible for somo to find a Republican Congressman who would com plain about his little old $7M0 and mileage to ' Still! Secretary Bryan could llvo on J:000 n year and b'cro his state dlnnors III a beer tunnel without coming any nearer to suiting his Wash ington critics. It Is a hopeless caso with him. Ha Just naturally doesn't suit. Ho wears his hair wrong. No Secretary, of State has ever worn so much hair in tho same placo. Hla clothes nro out of focus. His ehapo Is obooleto and annoying Ho Is said to perspire In hot weather. Kmlnent visitors from other coun tries have caught him using a palm leaf fan. Ha wears slippers at home, John Hay never did thls-or if he did, ho net a guard around the house, nnd kept his shame to himself. Mother Jones "Mother Jones," for 25 years a conspicuous figure oa a labor; leader, stepped Into even wider fama this spring, when she met young Rockefeller during the hearings of tho Fed eral Industrial Commission In New York, and afterward was Invited to call on Rocke feller at his office, a call which lasted for two hours. She is described by a man who knows her personally, Peter Mlchelson, in the Delineator (2): Mother Jones la now S3 years old. According to one's point of view, sho Is a reckless labor agitator who has stimulated violence In mine llelds all over the United States or she is the far-seeing organizer of miners' unions, their un daunted champion in time of trouble, the friend nnd teacher of mine children nnd really "Mother" Jones, with the emphasis on the "Mother." "I waa born In revolution," "Mother" Jones says In her publlo speeches, and this is literally true. Klghty-two years ago. Just when the Irish oppressions were at their worst, Mary Harris began llfo in a rough peasant's cottage In Cork, Ireland. When she was 5 years old the family emigrated to Canada, Mary was sent to echool In Toronto, and later became a teacher In the public schoolB, We next And her in Chicago, a forewoman In a dressmaking establishment. Here, in 1SG0, It was her lot to oversee the mak. lug of tho dress which Mrs. Abraham Lincoln wore at the inaugural. Then ahe married. Her husband, Georgo Jones, itinerant blacksmith and ironmolder, was identified with the Knights ot Labor, first ot the industrial unions. They were labor's early missionaries, wanderers from choice, and aa they wandered, four children wero born to them. Yellow fever in New Or leans took her husband and children in one week. Mary Jonea had lost her family, but "Mother Jones adopted n their stead the workers of America, tin ono occasion Mother ' Jones went to Washington to asa president sji-Kimey to par don a striker who was serving a life sememe 4 don a striker who was serving a life sememe in the California penitentiary tor blowing ud tho railroad bridge at Bacranieato. With President UoKtuley at the time were Chief JUitloa Mo. '" ' ' ' .a For two hours President McKlnley listened. whllo his special train (ho was about in I... on his summer vacation) wnlted. He pardoned tho striker. As "Mother" Jones was leavinr Secretary Alger asked, "Mother, will you pleii for mo llko that when I got into trouble?" "Oh when you get into trouble you won't need me! Thero will bo 60 parasites to plead for you." Tho President nnd tho Chlof Justice Joined la tho laugh on tho Secretary of War. Another woman pioneer, tho Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, tho suffrago leader, w ho has been writing her memoirs for tho Metro politan (3), gives somo thrilling stories ot pioneer experiences in tho Middle West: To drive E0 or CO miles in a day to meet a lecture engagement wns a frequent experience. Onco during a BO-mllo drive, when the ther mometer was 20 degrees below zero, I sud denly realized that my face was freezing. I opened my satchel, I took out tho tlssuo paper that protected my best gown, and put the paper over my face as n veil, tucking it lnsldo of my bonnet. When I reached my destination, th paper was n perfect mask, frozen stiff, and I had to bo lifted from tho sleigh. I was due on tho lecture platform in half an hour, so I drank a huge bowl of ginger tea nnd appeared on time. That night I went to bed expecting an attack of pneumonia ns a result of tho exposure, but i awoko next morning in superb condition. I pos sessed what Is called an "Iron constitution," and In those days I certainly needed it , ,.. That samo winter In Kansas I was chased if" wolves, and though I had been more or leu Intimately associated with wolves In my pioneer llfo in Michigan, I found tho occasion extremely unpleasant. During tho long winters of my girlhood, wolves hnd frequently slunk around our log cabin, nnd In the lumber camps we had even heard them prowling on the roofs, But those were very different creatures from th two huge, starving, tireless animals that hour after hour trailed behind the cutter In which I sat with another woman, who through the wholo experience never lost her head or her control of our frantic horses. They were mad with terror; for. try ns they would, they could not outrun the grim things that trailed us, seemingly not trying to gain on us, but keeping always nt the same distance with a patience that was horrible. From time to time I turned to look nt them. They wero so new that I could see their cjes and slavering Jaw and they wero as noiseless as things in a dream. At lost, llttlo by little, they began to gain on us, and they were almost within striking dis tance of the whip which was her only weapon,, when we reached tha welcome outskirts of a town nnd they fell back. Art of Attracting Attention Press agents' ruses for attracting attention aro numerous and devious. Musical America (4) tells an amusing story Illustrating the resourcefulness of Henry Russell, for some years manager of tho Boston Opera Com pany: Duting tho lasf season in Boston, he displayed tho genius of a Barnum. Business was not head when ho was about to produco Monna van j nn 01 getting iuaoierunuK iu tumo ".- - --. -a pear in connection with its premiere. Be an a nounced that Maeterlinck had mada a oet in" Sj ho would come over to tho United States, w mv M out being discovered, thus putting the enure m Boston press on the qui vlve Reporters from m every paper wero detailed to watcn me "" 3 era. All Kinds or good nntl annnuio i'v" -. looked llko Maeterlinck, or who wero aupposea to. wero trailed for days, much to tnelr as tonlshment and disgust. Finally it was arranged ,i.n. .nn,Bhn,1i. wlm wnn mnrin Un tO 100K ua """"- ""- ;..nm.r from j! juacienwcK niiuum tew "' .-- - . . Kurope and go to a email and seeded MW. ,a about which the uosion reporter --""- -, ,-j produced moro columns and Bt,n n0'rB,c?iU., k, 1 men .MaeieruncK in juhjij " ,". , m was here. His denial waB denied. J308""" ; I sure It had him. The agnation "".. for days. The result was tnai w""' ",Mnot J tain went up for Monna Vanna, you could not M have squeezed an umDreua inio mo -The house was packed! TWO NAMES OMITTED To lh Editor ot tht Eitnlna Lidgin . t0. Sir-Will yqu permit me to call attention v what seems to be an instance of ,"lnInS; accuracy or uj peculiar jjim - . un clopedla Brltannlca makes no mention Pj -Maltlnnd. the English churchman, vrhq m ? much by his essays to explode some of tiw f" rent false statements about the c"3'0' J5 writings or so-cauea "ii "B". i, ffortfl gradually Becoming iignter nu .. johnl of scholars. Also, It Ignores Commodore ju Barry, the doughty Jrlsn-Amen" . "'"".J.Jkj Ine a column and a half to Captain Faur Joa J J, FRANK ""' Florence, N. J April 23. ,, mrirom nr.n TtfiYS It once was the rule, In your youthtlme ao J n.u.JW. .v far cone la N That he wore bushy whiskers and stooped hmhi m ,, . . hft taiUW! A ....n . Ann quavered a on in ""; '- mawa But. oh. what a change has come over fj kind I ,. bllnd rn, ntv-x-nr' vnnnrntnr of now isn I " , Or halt or decrepit or whiskered-nay; P M The elxty-year "kid" la the rule of omji j There may be omo snow - -- trutb' , -, ry Hut folks eay, 'Bome people grow aw their youth." , -tIttM M He'a carefully groomed, and has sira. j He laului like a child, and he smllea W fl He aatt and nobby and bus. " To meet him. to be. in hii present. t ' taatead of December-, ha"? APfjJ "; Xievalxty-year youngster U with ua W w 4 Stat. tb jKUfftfs w- tna- Slajr-4i-atftnSHW PH- U waidA aa4 1 Van YlUitogm i39V,J1, KankanA.atJalAla.biji(aarstaffi3tB,