Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Fight for Humanitarian
Legislation Will Have an
' Issue This Week and Out
come Depends on New
Alignment of Leaders.
Measures Arc in Committee,
Where They Have Been Kept
Pending Fate of Williams
Local Option Bill Speedy
Action Expected.
1 Bi) a Staff Correspondent
HAniUSBtmO, April 28. The final
rounds In Governor BrumbauEh'a fight
' for tho enactment of a child labor and n.
workmen's compensation law will bo
(ought out In tho Legislature this week.
Upon tho result of tho Inst stages of tho
Executive's battlo for this humanitarian
legislation depends a now alignment of
leaders In tho Republican party In Tcnn
ijtvantn. Both tho Cox child labor bill and tho
administration workmen's compensation
measure aro now In commlttco In tho
Berate. They havo been In commutes
thcro for two weeks, pending the fato
' ot tho Williams local option bill, and tho
Htltudo of the Governor toward tho Sen-
'. tie leaders following tho defeat of that
Both measures will be reported out this
Keck, It Im cNpectetl. Tho Judiciary
Special (pickling) Committee of tho Sen
ate, which has tho child labor bill, will
meet tonight to tako action on that meas
ure. Tho Corporations Committee of tho
1 Senate, which haB tho compensation bills,
l,8Cheduled to meet tomorrow to report
that measure.
The manufacturers havo mndo a bitter
fight to havo both measures amended In
Benato committees, and tho Senato lead
ers, with tho exception of Senators Varo
and McNIchol, who havo pledged their
. assistance) to Governor Brumbaugh, aro
Inclined to support tho amendments do
ilrcd by tho manufacturers.
Should cither or both of these measures
eomo out ot commlttco amended, as tho
employers havo asked, It will mean that
the leaders of tho Ponrose-Crow faction
In the Republican party In this Stato
lire carrying tho fight to tho Governor,
and It will mean a "fight to tho finish,"
M tho executive has said, until tho Re
publican party In Pennsylvania has been
rejuvenated under a new leadership, that
of Governor Brumbaugh himself.
The Republican Organization leaders
hae served notice on tho Governor that
i If ho "runs along" with them In patron
age, as well as In leglslatlvo matters, they
will not go out of their way to embarrass
They aro assuming tho attltudo that tho
defeat of local option In tho House last
Wednesday was a personal defeat for tho
Governor and his policies.
Governor Brumbaugh, however, has ac
cepted tho defeat of tha Williams bill as
nelns only a temporary setback In his
fight for local option, and already has
taken steps to continue tho fight. Ho Is
personally directing tho formulation of
jlans for the election of a Legislature
next "year that willow pledged to tho en
actment ot a local optlon'law. Tho mem
bers of tho Houso who voted against tho
local option bill, and especially the 30
Representatives who promised him that
they would voto for tho bill last Wednes
day, but who voted against tho measure,
will be tho principal men against whom
tho Governor will campaign In their own
districts next spring.
Tho Legislature this week will got
down to tho closing business of tho ses
sion. Tho child labor and the compensa
tion measures aro tho only Important
ones still before tho Assombly. They
probably will bo acted on speedily, so
that the Legislature may adjourn about
the middle of May,
The last of the appropriation bills will
be reported from tho committee the first
of this weok, and they will bo rushed
through the branches In which thev orlir-
K lnated, so that they can go to the ap-
vwjiiiauun cumimuces oi mo ouier
Teacher Charges Members With Se
rious Derelictions,
WEST CHESTER, April 26.-Clmrges
tt e. serious nature against Harry Bald
ifln, Samuel Taylor and Mrs. Elizabeth
Patterson, members of the School Board
of Eat Goshen, this county, ore being
mads by citizens and wore unfolded at
J. meeting of the patrons of tho school at
Rocky Hill, it Is alleged that Baldwin
jeeepted a gift of $10 from Miss Mary
Manning, of this place, when she was ap
pointed a teacher. Also It Is asserted
lira, Patterson Is not qualified to servo
on the board, not being a resident In
the school district.
Director Baldwin. It Is said, recently
IMorraed Miss Manning her services
would not be required after the present
term. She had a oontract for a year and
advised the patrons of the school of tho
interview. A petition was signed by every
Mtron of tho school asking that Miss
Manning bo retained and the members of
ne board ousted.
Kit's Red, White and Blue, and Be-
speaks Independence,
l All JltneVR flr. nnt tn ti.t.M1n Cn
geomirfr:.."'" vv y." ".. ""
feiii, " ' una in mis connection me
B pi!e5r ccItaU" is the latest.
!. -. " c"18" in me uouom or a
i:l.,r flo some milk and cover the top
Kr nlin a dash Of hlnnltharw il.A tnllb- unm.
kM lth the Wackberry gives a bluish
fu;'""p " me cmantl is red, you thus
Vm.?. red' wnlto on(1 b,Uf drink. This
BBP VTOrs nf (Vijk tM.i m , .
Kfin,i ."imuvun lias ana mae-
ftiita rtl'h WJ'Ch ls ,n keP'nS wJth he
l n. .. "" ".
yi you must ndd a dash of nutmeg
on ii 2 hy ton and Bt,ck a lemon Pe
'chin.. , J ql lne Blass, which acts as
UlckivU.r f0r the drlnk an euldes It
f'Anl .. .Bn aPP"e:latlve destination.
hev t uP:l-the-mlnute bartender knows
lak-.ni.x B. Jltney' S,P anywhere and
" ini " will cost you 15 cents,
' Milton Dexter
all kinds
Spruce Street
Receivers for Bank Offlclnivwho Was
Thought to Havo Survived Crash,
tfNIONTOWN, Pa April 28.-Judge J.
Q. Van Swcarlngen this morning ap
pointed A. P. Austin, John M. Coro and
W. A. Stone receivers for Francis M
Bemans, Jr., assistant cashier of the de
funct First National Bank, known is
the Joslah V. Thompson bank. Bemans
gavo his assets as $1,600,000 and his lia
bilities as 1516.000.
The appointment of receivers came as
a surprise, as It was believed that Be-
mans was In better financial condition
than other officials of the bank following
mo recent crash,
bemans last Friday deeded a vacant
Plot in Ben Lomond street to cx-Judgo
R. E. Umbel for J1000, Semani had pur
chased tho property 11 years ago.
Camden Woman, Now Wife of Police
man, Named in Suit.
"Charley and Anna aro my 'kiddles '
They belong to me. I havo as much
right to havo them In my company and
to kiss them as1 their father has. Why
doprlvo mo of a mother's greatest
Thoso were tho words of Mrs, Anna
Hcrmla Klker, of Camden, today, when
sho nskod Vice Chancellor Learning for
tho custody of her two children, who
are being cared for by their fathor, Ran
dall Nicholson. Mrs. Kilter's husband
divorced her two months ago. Lost Sat
urday sho was married to Policeman
William C. Klker, of tho Second district
pollco station, Camden, who was named
as corespondent In tho Nicholson divorce
suit. Later Nicholson surd tho police
man for alienating tho affections of his
wife. Ho recovered a verdict of MOO.
Mrs. Klkor's pica was taken under con
sideration nnd decision was reserved.
Chili's Emblem on Ship Baffles River
Front First Timo Flown Here.
Rlvcrmcn were puzzled today when
they tried to Identify tho nationality of
tho steamship Tcrro, which docked at
tho Sprecklas Sugar Refinery after an 18
day trip fiom Cardenas, Cuba, with a
full cargo of sugar.
From tho flagstaff of the steamer a
strange flag was flying. It had two bars,
tho upper one whtto and tho lower one
rod. In tho upper left-hand corner was a
blue field with ono large star standing
out strikingly on It.
After many futilo guesses had been
mado Captain Mathlas, the vossol'a mas
ter, was consulted. Then It was learned
tho cteamcr flew tho colors of Chill. It
was not recognized because It 13 tho first
time a versol hailing from that country
has been in this port.
Tho arrival of tho Tcrro makes 11 na
tions represented here. This Is tho great
est number at any ono tlmo for many
years. The 11 Includes ships of England,
Norway, Italy, Franco, Denmark. Sweden.
IBclglum, Argentine, Chill, Germany and
Austria. The last two are Interned.
Train Delayed by 700-pound Girl
OIL CITY, Pa., April K. Traffic on tho
Now York Central line was delayed 20
minutes when Anna Cheltou, Oil Clty'a
fat girl, weighing more than 700 pounds,
departed to Join a circus. Half a dozen
men transported her In a specially made
wheel chair to tho baggage car.
10 Philadelphians Wed at Elkton
ELKTON, Md., April W. Ten couplos
were granted licenses to marry and ono
was refused a license at Elkton this
Thoso refused the legal permit were
Goorgo H. Insolo and Ada P. Tush,
Townsend. Del. Those married were
Thomas P. Vcrnot and Catharine Ma
honey, Harry W. Bllllg and Mary T.
Sweenlo, Frank II. Brown and Lula
Kaufman, George S. Suppleo and Louise
M. Lewis and Erwln D. Moyors and
Anna R. Slnkler, all of Philadelphia;
Horace C. Halo and Kato S. Egolf, Roy
ersford; Andrew Harris and Hazel Berk
helmer, Milton; Alfred E. Walton and
Ida F. Campbell, West Grovo; Leonard
L. Simpson and Mary C. Ewan, Wil
mington, Del., and Harry R. Schwalm
and Ada E. Woodbrldge, Washington.
Charles E. Swan, Trenton, N. JM ood Ellzi
M. Robinson. 0353 Grecno st.
Charles Vandemeulebroucke. 0127 Stanton av.,
ana Sarah C. Devlin, .1110 Kelm at.
Antonio Verdecchla, Slid Thompson at, and
I'nsquarella. Franco, -iWW-5 airard ave.
Tercy Pollard. I'iKTJ Wilder at., and Deaala
Washington, SbS Wilder nt.
Joseph A. llrcnnan, 1411 H. SOth at., and
Katherlno M. Donman. 1015 S. nttlnc at.
James Voagur. 1713 Kater St.. and Georcla
Fernandez, 404 S. Iaemlnger at.
William Snartr, 002 Dudley at., and Fminla
Hoffman, 758 McKean at.
Pltro QrottlnL iVllmlnston, Del., and Lulda
Crucian, 1013 S. Rosewood at.
John II. Thomas. 0013 Magnolia ave.. and
Marts V. McCormlck. Ml EL Herman at.
John F. Brcnnan. C020 Market at., and Flor
ence. Lemon. 0020 Market at.
Taul J. Stelner. 1871 B. Weatrnoralaod at.,
and Elizabeth Bauer. 2.117 B. Adami t.
Ouatavo DffBartolomele, Wllmmrton, Del., and
and 'Adela Cavalier!. 1633 S. Itoaewood at.
Antony Madrak. 131 Jamison t.. and Leo-
kadyo Araburdo, 131 Jamison at.
Harry Ulumstcln. SOU 6. Sth at., and Frieda
lvit, 641 Pino st. .
Oerardo Romano, S!ll Meredith at., and San.
Una (Marchlonda, 2221 Meridlth at.
Charles Ifarrla, Jsa N. 4th at., and Bessla
Ocn, 231 0lne. at. .,,-,,.,..
William F, lies ey. 404 W. Cumberland at..
and Jennie C. Casey, 2765 Jasper at.
Oorgo W. Bond. B410 Cheater aye , and Ferda.
E Wllllame, UellBvue-Stratford Hotel.
ItJbert It. Idltle. 2T04 W. Thompson at., and
Mnrcaret V. Cooke. 23t0 Oxford at,
John P. Ceonard, 201 u. Wyoming ave., and
Mary O. Jlaitee. 01 E. Vyomln- ave.
Edward baubengeyer. 4012 I'aul at., and Sarah
Ch'aVlsShmMt, J?" 1034 W. 8d at., and Anna
Stringer, 2355 N, 3d at.
Painted &
Chairs and Settees
2i South 18th
tuie.saVino mabketinq
Simply phona or write u your order for
anything In the market. Your wanta will ba
& carefully filled aa If you mad your own
SJrwnSl "lection. Our product, ar. tha
belt radea obtainable. Frompt delivery
K BU1U 608-608-8W
IllbCTt, MJ8-S357 Kce lMS
The Original
K fMitarin
I &cr.
1 1 1 1 . awa
Mrs. Louis Florcnzc, of 4 Frank's
court, nnd her daughter Louiso.
The littlo rjirl wns thrown into
tho nrms of a fireman when tho
family's escape was cut off to
day by flames, and tho 8 -month-old
boy, Arthur, who gavo tho
alarm by crying1, was similarly
Hotel Lamont, in Fashionable Dis
trict, Refused Roncwal.
PITTSBURGH, April 26. Allegheny
County will havo 21 fower liquor licenses
tills year, Juflgo Joslah Cohen nnd Mar
shall Brown having handed down the
annual list today. Tho only now appli
cation to bo granted was that for the
big new William Fenn Hotel, now holng
erected In tho downtown section of thla
Tho court granted 1293 retail licenses
and 2S4 wholesale, distillers' and brewory
licenses, making a total of 1562. An In
novation this year Is that tho Judges
will privo no rohearlngs on refusal oases.
Tho reduction In tho number ot licensed
placca caused no surprise, as ths attl
tudo of the court gave Indication of
such a result.
Tho "dry" forces filed a general pe
tition requesting tho court not to grant
any licenses In tho county, tho petition
having been backed up by long argu
ments by oounsel. Ono of the most Im
portant places refused wns tho Hotel
Lamont, ono ot tho best known hotels
In the. fashlonablo district.
Director Portor Claps tho Lid on "In
vitation" Exhibitions.
There will ba no moro "Invitation"
moving plcturo shows in Philadelphia on
Sunday. Nor will tho Bhows reported to
bo running for profit In South Philadel
phia continue to operate on Sunday. This
was the announcement of Director 'of
Publlo Safety Portor today In explaining
why lie stopped tho Invitation perform
ance of tho "Heart of Maryland" last
night at tho Chostnut Street Theatre.
So many applications to run benefit
performances and Invitation prelimi
naries to prove tho worth of shows had
been filed, ho said, that a decision had
been reached to Issue an order prohibit
ing any kind of motion plcturo exhibi
tion on Sunday.
$00,000 Disposed of in Private Be
quests Owen Estate Appraised.
Wills admitted to prohato today In-
rlllrin those of Cnrollnn Fnrpmnn. nrhn
loft J19.C00 In private bequests; Henry
n Arphftdnfinn. fi5fl. T.vrtln' T Vnhl. I
J6:00; Charles F. Quirk, 6000; Isabella
W ... .,.....,.. ... . V, ..,,... .... .....V,
W, Twining, Joooo; Isaac Nuebaum,
J430O; Mary K. Field, J440O; Patrick Cox,
$3900; Grace Green, $3700.
personal property of Clarence S. Owen
has been appraised at $3700.
Wo havo modern equipment
for any Irind of laundry work
you may send us. From col
lars to curtains, your wash
ables como back 'to you the
way you want them.
Neptune Laundry
1501 Columbia Ave.
We are showing a diversity of distinctive
styies, which are the correctyinterpretations of
the1 prevailing fashions.
Also offering the latest models in the favored
combination of Black and White, "-
1204-06-08 Market St.
Silk Stockings la the New Spring- Shades
Father Awakens to Find Escape
Cut Off Three Children
Thrown From Windows.
The reward of Arthur Florenie, who
was born tight months ago, for saving
tho lives of his father, mother, sister nnd
brother, was to bo sent sailing out tho
window Into Frank's Court todny. A
flroman's outstretched arms were) waiting
nnd when Arthur landed the shock of his
fall Tns neatly broken by the "letting
down" process with which a ball player
takes a nky-scraplng fly.
Two other children ttero thrown from
tho stcond'Story window by their pa
rents, and nit thrco wcro taken Into
nearby houses unhurt.
Arthur saved the family by crying nt
a time when flames had cut off nil routes
to safely except tho windows Frank's
Court Is oft Franklin street, near nutton
wood, nnd Louis Floronzo lives nt No. -1
Tho wall of tho baby, his lungs half
filled with smoke, awoko his mother. Tho
father then Just had time, when aroused,
to dash to tho rear room nnd carry his
two older children, Louise, B. and Law
rence, 3 years old, to tho front. As tho
smoko nnd flames swept through tho
houso tho margin of aafcty of the terri
fied family at the windows was rapidly
lessening. Louis ntihcn, n grocer nt 463
North Franklin street, saw tho flames
from Ills bnck window. This was at
I.4i o'clock this morning.
Ho rushed around to tho Florenzcs' nnd
broko down tho front door, but tho
smoko that rushed out made entrance
Impossible. An alarm wns sent In, nnd
Tooro ami Cnllard, hoscmen of Engine
Company 48, called to Floronze to throw
out tho children, ns thcro did not eecm
to bo time to run up tho ladder for tho
rescues. When this wns dono Inter, how
ever, Florcnzo and his wlfo wcro taken
down by tho firemen.
The rescued Florenzcs said tho flro
probably had been started by a cigar
left smoldering on tho parlor tnblo last
Three Examinations Necessary to
Find Satisfactory Superintendent.
Taul It. Wcndt, a newspaperman, of
1319 Pino street, was appointed auporln
tendont of Inrtopondcnco Hnll, nt a sal
nry of ?SO0 a year, by Director Cooko, of
tho Department of Publlo Works, today.
Ho held first plnco on a list of nlno cll
glbles named btho Civil Sorvlco Com
mission nftcr threo examinations had
boon held and mora than 150 applicants
had contested for tho plnco. Two exam
inations failed to produce an eligible list
of tho required four names.
Independence Hnll linn been without a
superintendent slnco May, 1913, when Ed
waid A. Crnno, an architect, resigned to
bocoma City Architect. Tho requirements
for the position wcro n high personality,
capability of representing the city nt pub
llo occasions at Inrtopondcnco Hall, thor
ough knowledge of all historical loro as
sociated with tho building, competency to
caro for valuable real estate and personal
property, and to superintend tho work of
tho guards and attaches at tho old Stats
Houso. Wcndt ls n graduato of Bucknelt
University, and has been In newspaper
work In Philadelphia for tho last two
$15,000 Blazo in Woodbury Gives Pu
pils Rest During" Repairs.
Investigation today of a fire which
partially destroyed tho high school build
ing nt Woodbury, N J last night,
showed tho blazo started In tho chemical
laboratory, on tho third floor. Tho dam
ago to tho building was bctweon $15,000
and 20,000, -which 13 fully covered by in
surance. About 00 school children will be given
a three-day vacation until tho necessary
repairs aro mado to tho building.
Lawns Begin to
Look Green
Does yours? And does it look green
all over or can you see bare spots hero
and there?
To renovato a shabby lawn or make
a new one, you should sow Dreer's
Celebrated Lawn Crass Seed without
Tho results will bo good, even If left
to nature, but they will bo quicker if
you stimulate growth by enriching tho
soil with Sheep Manure, Wood Ashes,
Bone Meal or Dreer's Peerless Lawn
Fertilizer and roll thoroughly. It will
then bo In shape to withstand tho hot,
dry days of summer. We have a
special Lawn Booklet describing every
thing for the lawn Rollers, Hakes,
Mowers, Edgers, etc. Wrlto or call for
a copy ot Dreer's Garden Book or tho
Lawn Booklet Free.
Ureer 714.IG Chestnut
Benjamin Ficldmnn nnd Miss
Reba Podcl were jnnrricd in tho
presence of tho bride's fnthcr,
who, when lie wns told that ho
had only a few hours to live,
asked that tho ceremony be per
formed at his bedside.
Dying Fathor in Hospital Sees
Daughter Marry His Employe.
Tho hodsldo of a dying man was tho
scone ot a wedding last night, when Miss
Ileba Podcl. of 1101 Gcrmnntown avenuo,
and Benjamin Ficldmnn, of 2038 South 4th
street, weio married In tho Jewish Hos
pital at tho request of the father of tho
bride, Jacob Podcl. vrno Had boon In
formed that ho had but :i few hburs to
live. Podel had boon removed to tho Jew
ish Hospital from nnothcr institution
when ho learned his end was near. The
ceremony was performed In the prcsenco
of tho brldo's threo brothers, two sisters
nnd thrco brothers-in-law and Uie parents
of the bridegroom. Tho young people aro
20 years old. Tho groom Is a cleric In tho
sick man's store.
Seeks to Reconcile Factions in 24th
Congressional District.
riTTSBtTKOH, Pa., April M.-Snator
Boles Penrose conferred with Republican
loaders from (Beaver, Lawrence and
Washington Counties today to harmonlzo
fnctlonn on n candidate for Congress In
tho 'Jtth District to fill tho vn&incy
caused by tho death of W. M. Brown.
Urown died before ho took his seat.
Thero aro nlno cnndldnte3 In tho field,
among them being former Representative
IH. W. Temple, n Progressive. Ho ls be
ing opposed on tho ground that ho voted
for tho Underwood tariff, tho currency
bill nnd other Democratic legislation.
At noon Senator Penrose dined at the
Amcricus Club with Mayor Armstrong
nnd JJL V. Babcock. Ho addresses tho
Grant Day banquet of tho Amerlcus Club
tomorrow night.
Ortbopatdlo Ilrucra for doformltln.
Elaatlc StocklnEf, Abdominal Supportora,tto.
purehaia direct from factory.
FLA VLLL S, si-kino cjaiiden st.
Sale Extraordinary
Trays, flower vases, candlesticks,
inkstands, fern dishes, tea sets, vege
table dishes, mirrors,t etc., including
many small pieces suitable for prizes
and gifts. Beautiful reproductions of
old Dutch pieces are also in this sale.
These Reductions
are from
10 to 50
or former prices
Oh account of the extraordinary
nature of this sale, we advise an imme
diate selection.
The RosenbachGalleri
1 1320 Walnut Street II
31 IB
Asks $100,000 for Alleged
Alienation of Affections
Month After Marriage.
Mrs. Christine Pierce, daughter of
Jacob T. Ilulst, president of the Fall
Rubber Compnny, of Philadelphia, a
brldo of live months, hns sued her hus
band's parents and his sister for $100,000
for alleged alienation of Ills affections,
according to a dispatch just received
from Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Pierce was
married to Dr. Horace V. Pierce at the
homo ot her parents In Moorcstown, N.
J., last November.
According to tho dispatch, Mrs. Pierce
nlteges that after their honeymoon trip
sho nnd her husband went to Los Angeles,
whero the latter had an office; that
Doctor Pierce contracted diphtheria In
December and went to the homo of his
parents In Santa Barbara, and that she
wns refined admittance thcro.
Jacob T. Ilulst, tho father of Mra.
Pierce, said ho had heard nothing con
cerning tho reported suit. Ho declared
Inst night that ho had received a letter
from his daughter several days ago,
which gavo no intimation of domcBtlo
Doctor Conwell Turns Earth for Now
Teachers' College Building.
Ground was broken this morning for n.
handsome new Teachers' Collcgo Building
to be erected adjoining Collego nnd Kan
imtd Halls, "Templo University, Broad
nnd Dorks Afreets. Dr. JtU6scll II. Con
well, president nnd founder of tho uni
versity dug tho first spadeful of earth
from the slto of tho proposed building In
tho presence of nil tho students of Tem
plo Tfnriorslty, membera of tho board of
trustees nnd tho faculty. Dr. Albert E.
itcKlnley, dean of the Collcgo of Liberal
Arts and Sciences, presented Doctor Con
well with the spado with which ho turned
tho first earth.
Tho proposed annex, which It 1b hoped
to havo ready for occupancy by tho open
ing of tho fall term of collego work, will
be dovoted to tho instruction of teachers
from nil parts ot Pennsylvania.
Falls Dead in a Saloon
John Lovlnskl, 60 years old, of 2327 Til
ton street, fell dead In a saloon at Salmon
and Somerset streets at noon today. Ills
body was" taken first to tho Tllton street
address nnd later to nn undertaking es
tablishment at 2403 Norris street.
coffee wottth.
at 29c
When you sit down to
your breakfast cup of
Saludo Coffee when you
slowly sip that steaming,
aromatic cup of goodness,
you know you must know
that it is a coffee of a
quality far above its price.
Selected growths, scrupu
lously cleaned and prepared,
fresh roasted daily and
teel-cut, Saludo comes to
you rich in those coffee oils
that make an unsurpassed
breakfast coffee. And just
as good at dinner time.
If you do' not know Sa
ludo, we want you to try it
now and be one of those
who are getting full coffee
satisfaction at small cost.
29c lb.; 4 lbs., $1.12
Caricol Tea
for all the year
Tho delightful mingling of the
choice blends in Caricol Tea
givos a fragrance and flavor
that suits tho majority of tea
tastes. A wonderftf V good tea
in tho cup and one whoso splen
did icing qualities make it tho
ideal tea for all the year.
34c lb.; 5 lbs., $1.60.
Thos. Martindale & Co.
i Oth & Market
Kutnhtlslied la 1800
Uell l"hotirn Filbert 2ST0, Filbert 2871
Keystone Ilace 600, Race B91
of !n i
If i r-m
ml Wr
wMi m
!,j I
Coat medium width ihoul
ders, lapels slightly peaked: '
form - flttlnjr, but not tight.
Vest single breasted, with or
without collar. Trousers me-
dlum width In legs.
38 Short Stout
Fitted Father
To a Tee
The Young Man 3
Mother was so pleased
with the Suit he bought
here one day last week
that she said to our
salesman at the time:
"I'm going to bring my
husband to see you some
Jay. He's very hard to fit
and never likes his clothes."
He and she came in Sat-
urday. Our salesman ,j
showed him a few styles;"
and put on the coat of the
one he liked best a 38
short stout in size.
"That's the cheese" said
the surprised and der"
lighted man. "77 take
that! I've never had a coat
look so ivcll on me!"
Our range of in-between
sizes is one of the distin
guishing characteristics of
"JsT. B. T." achievement.
We have a Suit to fit
every size and proportion
of man you can imagine
regulars, short-regulars j
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