Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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r 9
- t
r Sunday Wins 687 "Trail
Hitters" and With Them
North Jersey City's Ap
probationPlaying Golf
Forty Faint in Stifiling Tnber
nnclc Heat Philadelphia
Girld Help Evangelist With
"Peppery" Special Meet
ing. PATEnsoN. ?. J., April K.-If thero'a
been any doubt about "Ullly'a" wlnnlnc
Paterson, Its gone, dispelled, dissolved
Into a faint mist; dissipated And other
things that happen to Ideas thnt don't
When tho 62-year-old erstwhile .baseball
player, who used to be tho fastest little
bancrunner In all the National league,
jumped Into tho tabcrnarie air last night
landed squarely upon his client, and slid
an old-fashioned alldo Into an Imaginary
home plate, this city rose to him.
"Billy" has won 1'aterson. Tho slldo
did If. When ho Jumped to his feet,
brushing tho dust from his nicely creased
trousers nnd called for trall-hltters, they
scampered down tho aisles to him and
he was happy. He grinned all over, from
his rollcd-up shirt sleeves to his col
larlesa neck.
"You surely ran go some for Uod, old
Patcrson!" ho exclaimed.
Ho was right, for GS7 hit tho trail yes
terday at the tabernacle, as he flung his
devil's boomerangs and dished up his
very hot cakes from tho griddle of his
baseball expcilencos and an 2103 dropped
In the collection plates, leaving loss than
$317 to bo collected beforo tho entire ex
penses of the North Jersey revival nrc
settled. Tho only damper of tho day camo
when Mies Francis Miller, preaching to
tho women of Paterson and 100 clrls from
Philadelphia, announced that, If Mr. and
Mrs. Weather did not cool off a bit, Mr.
Sunday would bo Inclined to pack his
'mink and wheel It wistwnrd ho to tho
; bungalow on Winona Lake, Ind. The
heat, said she, wan too much for "Billy."
i It was. Tho temperature at tho taber-
Jnaclo yesterdav, barring breozos, tnngoed
; about 02, whllo two score prospectlvo
! penitents were prostrated and carried out
' of tho sweltering building upon stretchers.
'Men, hundreds of them, lolled about in
'tho sawdust trying to get a little air be-
tween "Billy's" vehement whirls of tho
devil's boomerangs.
One hundred girls. K from Philadelphia
for tho dov, pumped "Billy's" own
brands of pepperlno, ginger and tabasco
Into tho revival, heretofore none too
hilarious. They got Into tho balcony of
tho 6th Regiment Armory nnd cheered
and shouted nnd parodied tho old
evangelical hymns In enthusiastic fashion.
They oven ran a llttlo experience meet
ing of their own. for the edification of
tho revlvally apathetic silk cltv. They
moved Patcrson lust as "Billy's" well
known boomerangs moved It. When they
left town, hundreds watched their street
cars trundling Into tho north Jersey
mist, and cheered them and their de
parting songs
Somewhere between this city nnd New
York tho song ceased and tho Philadel
phia girls, who hadn't been still for
something like 21 hours, got a little rest.
They needed it beforo going back behind
their Monday morning counters and type
writers and things.
j "Billy" was up bright and early today,
utterly oblivious of anything but his
xoffeo and tho fact that he was going
h-golflng. From tho innermost recess of
his wardrobe Jack Cardiff dug up a golf
ing suit that would have made un honest
Scotchman blush with envy. "Billy"
donned It and motored out to tho North
Jersey Country Club links, where ha
wrestled for several strenuous hours with
Colonel Bogey and other famous golfers.
"I feel," said he. "like making Colonel
-Bogey a very 111 gentleman Speaking of
people who aren't feeling right this morn
ing, the devil Is very 111. we 11 hava him
ln the hospital by tho Fourth of July
if we keep on drhlng at the clip we're
going now. He got his, the devil did,
.-xesterday "
-" Key Left in Door; House Robbed
A bunch of keys obligingly left In tho
front door of Mrs. Bertha Blckford's home,
at 6503 Lansdowne avenue, while the fam
ity was away at a theatre, was Been by
a passing burglar, who, according to a
report received by the police today, took
.a, watch and ring valued at $175.
A false-key man entered tho Lamar
Apartments, 46th and Walnut streets, last
night and stole $253.50 worth of jewelry.
Another thief climbed a Are-escape and
took clothing and Jewelry valued at $362
rom the apartments of Miss S. Davis, 250
flouth 13th street. Saturday afternoon,
while no one was at home. John Moyer,
of $333 D street. Fox Chase, reported that
his pockets were picked of $170 In a sa
loon at 331 North 3d street Saturday night.
Official Forecast
, For eastern Pennsylvania Fair tonight
and Tuesday; warmer tonight In south
east portion; light variable winds.
J For New Jersey Fair and warmer to
night and Tuesday.
. Showers covered northern New Eng
land and the adjacent Canadian era v.
incea, and occurred over scattered areas
la Pennsylvania, southern New York and
northern New Jersey following the ex
cessive heat of yesterday afternoon. The
temperatures fell rapidly along the north
Atlantic coast last night, the cooling ex
tending Inland about 100 miles. Farther
Inland, the temperatures are oppressively
high, the excess throughout the Middle
West averaging about 20 per cent. Show
ers have continued In the Plains States
and In some place3 the rainfall was
U. S. Weather Bureuu Bulletin
Obiervatlon taken at 8 a, m. caitern tlma.
Ut Rain- V!no.
Station. 8 a.m. n't, rail. Wind. Ity.Weathtr
AUUae. Tn..., eq 56
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Drngs Them From Sinking Boat,
Heat and Gale lh Now York.
NEW YOIIK, April 28.-Areher M.
Huntington rescued two girls nnd two
men from n rowbont In Pelham Bay
shortly beforo 7 o'clock last evening, ac
cording to James Clements, of 059 Wash
ington avenue, tho Bronx, who told of
mo aoveniure.
Clements said that ho nnd James Viola,
of 9 West 127th street, took Miss Anna
Landman, of 127 Brook avenue, and Miss
Lucy M. Montforte, of 2527 KlKhth avenue,
to Pelham Bay and went rowing. Tho
boat began filling with water. Mr. Hunt
ington heard their cries, according to
Clements, and, with a friend, saved them.
Yesterday was marked by a heavy galo
and extreme heat in New York The
temperature reached ss. the record for
April 2.'. here
Smiles at His Sobbing Sister.
Voice Breaks When He Tells
Coroner His Age.
Jacob, alias "Doggie," Miller, confessed
slayer of Detcctlvo James Mnncclv aid
Detective Harrv Tucker, stood In tho
dock In tho Coroner's Court today and
heard tho details of tho death of tho
second victim of his automutlc revolver
without omotlon. After ho had been
formally Identified for th second tlmo
within a montli ns tho murdorer ho
glanced about tho crowded hearing room
nnd smiled as ho caught tho eyo of his
sister, Mary Miller, who was sobbing In
her scat. The young gunman will appear
beforo tho Grind Jury next Saturday,
which will bo IiIb 20th birthday annlvcr
ary. Tho only feeling betrayed by tho young
prisoner wob exhibited when ho was
asked his age. Ho had given his namo
in a firm voice. His hands, resting on tho
dock, were ns steady ns tho wood railing
h clasped. When the second question
came ho lost control of his emotions for
an instnnt. A shudder passed through his
slight frame.
I won't be 20 until next Snturdnv," ho
whispered in a volco bnrely audible to
tho two reserve policeman stationed at
his side. His reply had to be repeated
by the bluecoats for tho benefit of tho
court attendants. Tho former sailor then
gave his address at 507 Morris street.
A short tlmo beforo being brought to
the Coroner's court, tho young prisoner
had also carried himself through a pre
vious ordeal without llinching. Thin was
when he was nrralgned beforo Mnglstrnto
Beaton at Central Station. While tho
detectives were Identifying him, Miller
noticed the big reserve policeman on duty
at the entranco to tho City Hall pollco
court leave his station. The bluecoat
had bem eyeing him narrowly. Miller's
gazo failed to Mlnch, although ho. knew
tho policeman was Andrew Maneely,
brother of his first victim.
Young Miller was taken to tho Coro
ner's Court after being arraigned a short
tlmo previously before Magistrate Beaton
In Central Pollco Court. Hero ho was
Identified by Detective Adam Ulrlch, who
testified that ho had nrrested tho con
fessed murderer.
Tho proceedings were short and similar
to tho previous coroner's inquest Into the
death of Detective Maneely. Francis
Trucy lobin, nn attorney who has been
ictalned by tho young gunman' sister,
attempted to show that Tucker's death
wns duo to diphtheria. Jin nlo stated
that the ante-mortem identifications of
Tucker lind been forced from tho wound
ed detective and declared that Tuckor
had pointed out Miller as the slayer after
prompting by dotectlvcs who brought
him to the detectlvo's deathbed.
Dr. Frank E. McEvoy. of tho resident
staff of tho Episcopal Hospital, declared
on the stand that diphtheria had nothing
to do with the death of the detective.
Ho said he had succumbed to a bullet
wound. Tho shot, ho said, had paralyzed
Tucker from the third vertebra down and
lodged In the spinal column. Ono lung
had been punctured, ho said, which pro
vented tho doctors from attempting to
probe for the bullet.
Coroner's Physician William Wadsworth
also testified that the post-mortem ex
amination of the dead detective's body
showed conclusively that his death had
resulted from the bullet young Miller ad
mitting sending Into his captor's body
beforo killing Maneely.
Detectives Belshaw, Oscar Brown and
Olynleczak also testified.
The detectives gave short accounts of
tho crime. Tucker and Maneely, they
said, were shot on the evening of March
23. In nn alley near Trenton avenue and
Cambria street. Belshaw and Brown also
told of their assailant's subsequent cap
turn the next morning, and of his con
fession. After tho Inquest ho was hurried under
a strong guard to detcctlvo headquarters
nnd then returned to Moynmenslng
Prison. He told the police ho was glad
the ordeal was over. According to tho
detectives, the young prisoner appears to
be of the opinion that he will escape the
electric chair on account of his youth.
Music has Its charms In a police court
as well as anywhere else. This was very
evident today during the hearings at the
Trenton avenue and Dauphin street sta
tion. There was the usual sprinkling of
drunks and wife-beaters. They were
tired and gloomy and against the world
In general and regarded the police and
the Magistrate as common enemies. Such
was their condition of mind when the
soothing strains of "Then You'll Remem
ber Me" floated through the room. It
came from a new Vlctrola tn the ser
geants' room
The mumblings of the prisoners ceased,
and It was evident that the air had re
vived memories of other days. At that
moment the case of Jimmy Burns was
called. Ho was arrested while drunk by
Policeman Davis, near his home at Tren
ton avenue and York street,
Jimmy's wife Maggte appeared against
him. She said he was not a bad sort
when sober. His sober days were the
only days of happiness In the Burns
home, and, according to the wife, they
were few and far between. "I wish there
wasn't a drop of rum In the world," said
the woman, "then I'd know what It was
to live."
When Magistrate Mecleary said "three
months In the House of Correction."
Jimmy didn't even hear htm. He was
listening to the music. Even when the
cell door clanged, he gripped the Iron
rails and looked through. His wife
Maggie watched him from a distance.
As if divining her very thoughts, from
the Vlctrola suddenly burst forth the old
song, "When You and I Were Young,
Maggie." Jimmy's eyes grew moist. He
put his arms through the rails of the
cell door. His wife came forward and
clasped both hands. She would have no
doubt kissed him good-by were It not
for the Iron bars between him and happi
ness. "I wh you would put him la Jail for
vr" Mf Elizabeth Wonderlty glared at her
feu-uj4. Avaust. aj made tbe re-
Tolls Friend He Can Have Him
Released if He Is Arrested,
Sergeant Tells Magistrate.
Defiance of police authority nnd the
threat that he would ' get" any police
man who would arrest him, slnco he was
ono of the Jurors who freed Henry Clay,
former Director of Publlo Safety, lost
week, brought Morris Johnson, 29 years
old, of 2505 lillsworth street, a sentence
of flvo days In prison from Magistrate
Hrlggs lit the 20th and Federal streets po
lio Ftnllon this morning.
Johnson wns nrrested late last night
by Sttcat Sergeant Moyer at 25th nnd
Annln streots, after ho had threatened
Policeman Pence, who was about 'o nr
rest Frank Morilson. U years old, 2738
Federal street, on a charge of disorderly
conduct. According to tho police, both
men were standing at 25th and Annln
Btrcets drinking.
When omccr Pcnco ordered them to
move on, Morrison toro the pollcomnn's
bndgo from his coat nnd began using
nbuslvo language. Johnson advised Mor
rison to submit to arrest, declaring "I
nn. one of tho Jurors who freed Cloy nnd
1 can get you out."
Street Sergennt Meyer, attracted by tho
scuffle, arrived at this time and arrested
Johnson on tho charge of Interfering with
nn nfllcer. Later Johnson threatened him,
ho raid. Both men were sentenced to flvo
days In Jail by Magistrate Brlggs
Continued from Fnjtn One
communicated with Phil Ball, owner of
tho St. Louis Federal League Club, and
Kobert Lo Hedges, owner of tho St
Louis Federals, whose attorney he has
been for years. Hedges nnd Ball Imme
diately left for Chicago, with tho latter"s
attorney, nnd held a consultation with
President Ban Johnson, of tho American
League. Immediately after thn meeting
W. E. Bobertson, of Bulfalo, wns called
on tho long dlstnnco telephone, while It.
B. Ward, tho money man of tho new
league, was sumoned to Chicago.
It l understood that the Federal Leagu
Is to glvo up Its clubs In Chicago and SL
Lnntfl. wtih Phil Ftnll huvlnir n Inrcn lilnrk
0f stock In tho St. Louis Cardinals, while
cnarics weegnmnn is to no tne power in
tho National League In Chicago, with lh
Taft Interests In tho background. The lat
ter club will bo moved to the new Federal
League park on tho North Side, despite
statements from Charley Murphy that the
Cubs must play on tho West Side as long
as they are Indebted to him.
Three major leagues will still be main
tained. Two other cities whero but one
major league club is locnted at present
will bo Included in the third league cir
cuit. Several cities nro available, but It
Is likely that Cincinnati nnd Detroit will
bo tho cities to replace St. Louis nnd Chi
cago. In this way every major league
city will bo represented bv two clubs with
the exception of Washington, while con
flicting dntes will also bo avoided In Buf
falo, Newark and Kansas City.
Ban Johnson hao been conducting tho
American Lenguo's end of tho peace par
ley, and Is said nlrcady to havo signed
nn pgreement. Tho National League's rep
resentative Is unknown, but it Is gener
ally believed thnt President Tener nnd
the other member of tho National Com
mission, Chairman Garry Herrmann, nro
both in close touch with tho nffnlrs nnd
have agreed to sign for the commission
nnd National League when Johnson and
Gllmore havo completed arrangements.
Hearts Now Beat ns
Thanks to Spring.
Cupid pauses not at names, especially
In springtime, when his darts fly at
belter skelter nnd connect the hearts of
those with most complicated cognomens.
This was evident today at the Marriage
License Bureau, when Valtiekus Kruc
zas, of 107 Palethorp street, nnnounced
that he desired to wed Mariana Sutkalc
zlnte, of the samo address, and this was
merely the English translation of tho
name. In their nativo tongue, it is said,
ach name would be twice as long, but
Valtiekus and Mariana looked happy
notwithstanding the numerous letters,
and It Is highly probable, that they havo
on emphatic abbreviation when .they ad
dress each other.
After this combination It was a very
slmplo thing for Clerk Smith to handle
tho names of Charles Vandemuel
broucke, of 0127 Stenton avenue, and
Sarah C. Dovlln. of 3116 Kelm street.
Tho bride-to-be had not the slightest
difficulty In pronouncing tho name of her
sweetheart and as both are happy,
what's the difference?
Preacher Away, Wife Fills Pulpit
PITTSFIELD. Mass. April 26. Mrs.
Harry C. Leach, wife of the pastor of the
lormngsine uapusi cnurch, in an
emergency. Ailed her husband's pulpit at
both morning Rnd evening services here.
Mr. Leach was railed to Maine by the
Illness of his mother.
quest of Magistrate Morris. In the Mth
and York streets police station.
And August stroked his chin in a dated
sort of way as he looked at his wife.
Ho attempted to say several things at
once, but couldn't get started right.
"He's not out of tho Correction until
he's In again," said the woman, "so
what's tho use of him being out at all.
It's been but a few days since he finished
hl6 last term in Jail. He won't work,
and he Just lives to drink, so what good
Is he to any one?" August, who was
arrested near his home at 34th and Napa
streets, remained painfully silent. Then
thn Magistrate spoke:
"What do you Intend to do with your
self?" he asked.
"I wuz goln' to go to work at the
du Pont Powder Works next week," said
A u srm t.
"You're hair-shot now," said the Judge,
"so you better keep away from powder."
"He's always going to do something,
but he never does It," declared Mrs. Won
derly. "You'd better send him right back,
for we can get along better without
The prisoner was thinking up another
excuse but before he could utter It the
Magistrate sent him to the Housa nt
Correction for a year.
Hair Falling?
I'uless th root-bulbs ore dad, our
Eitract of Cantharidea will stop
this mail tlmulato renewed crowth.
I'or many yeaxa It has been mak
ing happy beads. Invigorates and
strengthens. Convenient bottles, 60e.
I'oetpaM to any adore on receipt
of price.
rhlUde'phJ'. Standard Drag Store
vtv Luninut oree
Operi ererr day to the yea
,- p.
iiHSBk Ik frl mm'
iMila ' lift iFwMmti
mm HHNm
illf i r MfliHmMmWMMSi
Bit IffWiI
Yonkers, N. Y., man, who yester
day became the husband of Mrs.
James Henry ("Silent") Smith,
a sister of Mrs. Anthony J.
Drexel, of this city.
By Strango Coincidence Son of Wil
liam H. Seward Died Yesterday.
This Is tho EOth annlvorsary of the death
of John Wilkes Booth, assassin of Abra
ham Lincoln. Frederick W. Sewnrd,
twlco Assistant Secretary of State, who
saved tho lifo of his father, tho famous
Secretary William II. Seward, on the
night the President wns shot, died at
Montrose. N. Y., yesterday, by a Btrango
coincidence which links the stirring
events of thnt period with tho prcspnt.
Booth and a companion, David Harold,
eluded capture for days, although tho as
sassin was nearly crazed with pain from
a shattered leg, the result of Jumping
from a box to the stage at Ford's Theatre
In Baltimore. Tho two men were sur
rounded in a barn near Port Royal, Va.,
on tho Rappahannock River, at 2 a. m .
April 16. 1SG5, by Colonel L. C .Baker and
a sqund of soldiers and detectives. Booth
refused to surrender nnd was shot when
tho barn was set nflrc.
On the memorable night Lincoln wns
shot, another of Booth's accomplices,
Lewis Powell, alias Payne, ontered the
Seward homo and attempted to reach
the tedsldo of the Secretary. He was
Intercepted by Frederick W. Seward,
then 31 years old. Drawing a revolver,
Payno snapped the trlger and then frac
tured sewara's skull with tho butt end.
Mr. Seward was unconscious for weeks
beforo he recovered. Tayne escaped after
attacking others in the house, but wae
Inter captured. Mr. Seward was Assist
ant Secretary of State under Presidents
Lincoln, Johnson and Hayes.
Today's Suffrage Program
Xoon Open-air meeting on the
postnfflce plaza, 0th and Chestnut
streets. Speaker. .Miss Uertha Sap
ovtts, member of the society. Suf
frage "literature" distributed and
pledges taken for tho suffrage pa
rade on May 1.
Xoon Address to the employes of
John Blood Co., underwear mills,
Allegheny avenuti and Janney street.
Speaker, Miss Anna McCue, former
Kensington mill worker and at
present In chargo of the Kensington
Branch of the Equal Franchise So
7:39 p. ro. Suffrage canvassers'
rally for the flth Legislative Dis
trict, at S300 Media street. Can
vassers from th 20th Legislative
District will also be present.
8 p. m. Canvassers' rally for the
6th Legislative District, at 10SS
Clinton street.
8 p. m. Meeting at the home of
Mrs. James McXaley, 2342 East
Cumberland street. Speakers, Miss
Lida Stokes Adams and Miss M.
Estelle Russell.
0 p. m. Address before the
Knights of Pythias, at Broad and
Federal streets, by Miss Mary
For 30c Each
A copyrighted system
that absolutely succeeds
Bringing results from 60 per cent
to 95 per cent of debtors.
It collects from all that can be
obtained In other ways and 50 per
cent, of those regarded as uncollect
able, Returns come In from E to 20 daya
entailing no delay,
The effect on the debtor redounds
to your benefit.
Is an absolutely legal and bona
hundreds of leading business and
We furnish a written guarantee that if you do not realize
four times the price of your investment, we will refund your
Our representative will
671 Drexel Building
Baltimore Washington Pittsburgh
Sister of Mrs. A. J. Drexel,
With Young Husband, Re
ported With Friends.
The widow of "Silent Jim" Smith, Just
married to Jean II. E. St, Cyr, of Nerv
York, Is said to be visiting friends In
this city today. Bhe and her husband
left White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., on
the 7 o'clock train last night. Mrs. St.
Cyr Is a sister of Mrs. Anthony J. Drexol,
of this city.
Mrs. St. Cyr Is the mother of tho
Duchess de VIzue, formerly Anita
Stewart. Her daughter Is older than
St Cyr, who Is 21 years old. The pres
ence of tho newly married pair In Phila
delphia becamo known today, although
effort! were made not to divulge It.
Mrs. St. Cyrs maiden namo was Anno
Armstrong. Sho was a daughter of Gen
eral John A. Armstrong, of Baltimore.
She was n belle In that city when she
married her first husband, William Rhlne
landcf Stewart, whom she later divorced.
Her fcocond husband was Smith, who has
since died.
For years Smith had nn unpretentious
office In Wall street. Ho was tho nephew
of George Smith, of London, who had
won a fortune of about $50,000,000 in real
estate speculation. In 1S39 the London
millionaire died, and "Silent Jim" Smith
became suddenly prominent
Various reports that his widow was to
mnrry have been heard since Smith's
death, but nil camo to naught. Tho en
gagement to St. Cyr wns short, and only
the most Intimate friends of tho pair
knew they were to bo married. They went
to Whlto Sulphur Springs a short time
ngo. When about to leave tho resort
Inst night they admitted that they had
been married quietly.
Continued from Pago One
Black appointed Mr. Hill. Ho did not
consult mo at all. I know nothing about
It nnd never heard of tho appointee. I
know nothing nbout tho appointee. I
thought tho appointment should be left
to me. Thero may be a question wheth
er tho appointment Is constitutional. I
would like to seo you nnd consult about
the appointment of Mr. Hill."
"Do you mean, Mr. Roosevelt, that
you wanted to consult Senator Piatt
about the appointment of a State Sen
ator?" demanded Barnum.
"I never appointed a State Senator In
my life," retorted the Colonel.
"My mlfltnke," Bainum said. "It was
n District Attorney in Erie County, not
a Senator or a "Judge."
"I do not remember."
"Rut you did want to consult the Scn-
"I did," said tho Colonel. "I consulted
Senator Piatt on all matters on which ho
wanted to bo consulted where I thought
It right."
"You asked for n consultation with
Piatt on this appointment?" askd Bar
num. "The letter speaks for Itself," snapped
the witness.
Tho next letter was from Roosevelt to
Piatt on January 12, 1809, referring to the
pppolntment of a counsel.
"Lock nnd Mlllward refused to act,"
said the lotter. "I want to get men whose
names would be a guarantee of good
faith. I think I shall appoint McMaken.
but I am Inclined to think it will be an
vnwlse appointment. I havo seen Odell
and Root."
"What did that letter rofer to?" as.ked
"To tho Investigation of the canal de
partment," was the answer. "A commit
tee was appointed to Investigate the
c.mnls nnd I was looking for proper coun
sel." "Did you appoint McMacken?" asked
"I did not."
"Who were named?"
"Austin Fox and Wallace McFarland."
"And you consulted Piatt about that?"
"I did."
"Was It publicly known that you con
sulted the boss?"
"I suppose so." said noosevelt.
"Was that Invisible government?" aaked
Delegates Prevented From Reaching
The Hague to Attend Sessions.
THE HAGUE, April 26.-DuftlcultIes on
all 6ldes have been encountered even be
foro the meeting of tho International
Women's Congress, which la scheduled to
gather at The Hague this week to dis
cuss peace.
The steamship Xoordam, which was due
yesterday with the American delegates,
has not arrived, although it Is expected
momentarily. The German authorities
have refused to grant permits to the
chief German delegates, and the British
delegation, after having been cut by the
British Government to one-sixth the
original number, has been unable to
cross the Channel owing to lack of ship
ping facilities.
The Swiss delegates telegraphed today:
"We have been prevented from coming."
They gave no explanation, but It Is as
sumed that Germany has declined to allow
them to pass. The French women from
the outset have declined to participate.
Dog Bites "Newsies"; Owner Held
Apparent fondness of his dog for biting
persons, especially newsboys, resulted in
Samuel Mlley, 2417 North Reese, street,
being held In fWO ball for court by Mag
istrate Beaton In tho Central Police Sta
tion today. It was testified that the dog,
a fox terrier, had bitten Joseph Kelly,
1U15 North 11th street, and Albert Hettin
ger, 1768 North Uth atreet, while they
were serving papers. Detective Marks
sent a summons to Mlley, asking him to
come and talk tho matter over, and when
Mlley didn't appear he was arrested.
He does not take excentton in em,
method and comerback to you on a
satisfactory basis.
The money Is paid to you directly
no collection or attorney fees.
The accounts are always in your
hands and you can tell Instantly the
status of any account.
It Vlll collect "outlawed' accounts
heretofore regarded as impossible.
Back nf It all-
fide process used and endorsed by
professional men throughout the
call on request.
$14,000,000 A YEAR
Professor Clyde L. King,
Addressing Social Work
ers, Declares Expendi
ture of Millions for
Health Would Be
Philadelphia lossa an annual aggre
gate of 19,000,000 days a year through
Illness. A completo and thoroughgoing
program for health conservation would
save tho city In earning power from
$13,000,000 lo $11,000,000 annually.
Those statements In the address of Prof.
Clyde L. King, of the University of Penn
sylvania, Wharton School of Finance and
Commerce, at tho Monday Conforenco on
Legislation In the Curtis Building, today,
summarized his analysis of the city's
needs for Immediate progress toward bet
ter conditions In regard to the prevention
of disease and tho conservation of health.
The figures were quoted by Mr. King
from tho statistics of Assistant Director
Wilson, of tho city Department of Publlo
Health and Charities, who had estimated
tho Incapacity through Illness of Phlla
delphlanB at 11 days a 'year on a par
capita basis.
"To carry out this program," said Mr.
King, "will Involve nn Initial capital out
lay of 15.600,000, distributed among tuber
culosis hospitals and Institutions for con
tagious diseases, branch sewers and
municipal abattoirs.
"This In turn will nccessltato n gradual
Increase of tho health budget from $370,000
to $1,650,000. In order that wo may dis
tribute such sums as $300,000 to saving
babies; $100,000 to school nursing, $50,000
to medical Inspection of workehops, $600,-
000 to mnlntenanco of hospitals for com
munlcablo diseases; $30,000 to additional
food Inspection nnd $103,000 for housing
and sanitation.
"A second avenue for multiplying our
assets Is through Increasing tho vitality
of tho city earners by adequate recrea
tional facilities. Otto T. Mallery, presi
dent of tho City's Board of Recreation,
says that by 1933 at the present rate of
development Philadelphia may expect to
havo at least 15 large playgrounds so
scntercd over Its broad area that every
child and most adults may enjoy sane, ac
tive nnd accessible recreation, ns a
natural part of tho school or working
life. In addition, we are to expect about
50 smaller playgrounds.
"In arrests. In police protection. In
court procedure. In Juvenile detention
homes nnd In young women nnd young
men bankrupt physically and debauched
morally, tho taxpayers of American cit
ies aro dally rendering up their tribute
for the city's negligence In providing
adequate recreational facilities. This
tribute vastly exceeds tho sums that
would bo needed to provide proper recre
ational facilities.
"A third avenue through which the city
can develop Its assets Is through adequate
protection of Its earners through proper
sanltntlon. housing facilities, and by
adopting the essentials to a constructive
program for assuring minimum housing
"The housing problem is important to
100 per cent, of our population; to SO
per cent. It Is a menacing question, men
acing becauso It Is so closely related to
moral growth, to proximity or non-proximity
to employment and Inadequacy
family income after the rental costs
havo been paid."
Administratrix Held Responsible for
Attorney's Peculations.
In an opinion handed clown today by
Justice Frazer. of the Supreme Court, the
Orphans' Court of Carbon County Is sus
tained In holding Helen V. Skeer, admin
istratrix of tho estate of her deceased
husband, responsible for embezzlements
committed by Garrett B. Ltnderman, son
of n former partner of tho woman's hus
band. The ruling of the lower court was
sustained on the ground that tho failure
of the defendant to demand nn account
ing of tho estate made her liable for the
misappropriation of a large part of the
estate, which was estimated to be worth
Mrs. Skeer Is the widow of Charles O,
Skeer. before his death a member of the
firm of Skeer & Llnderman, coal opera
tors. At the death of her husband, which
followed that of his partner, she gave
Robert P. Llnderman, a son of her hus
band's former partner, a power of at
torney. Ho failed to account for $126,731.43
of Mrs. Skeer's share of her husband's
estate. Mrs. Skeer, according to the
latest ruling of the higher court. Is held
responsible for $53,153.04 of the misappro
priated assets, $7500 having been furnished
by a surety company which bonded Lln
derman. YnTo Senior Vanishes
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 26. Donald
P. Andrews, a senior In the Sheffield
Scientific School of Yale University and
son of Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Andrews,
of Cleveland, Ohio, has disappeared. His
mother Is In New Haven looking for her
son. Andrews Is ID years old. Ho Is the
Yale student who was kept a virtual
prisoner In the Hotel Vanderbllt, In New
York, a week ago, after his parents
learned, It Is said, that he Intended tak
ing passage for Europe.
George Allen, Inc.
1214 CWnut Street 1214
'a. Mi
Placed on Sale
and Tomorrow
'500 each
Very newest approved
styles and shapes for early
Summer wearing. Ex
quisitely trimmed with
fine materials. Charming
colors; all sizes.
Order bit mall mil receive our
Philadelphia!! Blamed for w.i
and Mouth Disease in Pen. 11
nuiu, n uw quarantined.
Hundreds of hogs Infected with f
and mouth disease are being shot !
.BKsiica in mo -week" today t,v n.
Slain nm! -..1 ...... y W M
.Dla. aumoritiM. Th
slaughter of the porkers was to W.
begun Saturday, but ti10 scarcity ,,'
hides prevented a complete r.mJ i
uninfected pigs, and tZ killing h?J ?'
be postponed until this mornlnl hM la
A new outbreak of tho disease a
hogs has been located at Penneid S,u
ware county. Tho Infection there I? ft"
lleved by Dr. C. J. Marshall .V
Stato Llvo Stock and SanltSy ftuM
to be directly traceable VoT pfe
owner In the lower part of the &!
who a so conducts piggeries at P.nSI;,
ana wno in the past has moved drovis
from one nlnp tn u ,i r ?i 1
used Imolemcntn nnrt nAn.ii. . ai
. . . w ". umer ann bt.
. - .. ui.iioiin nirrnii
The health authorities havo coni'tanllr I
been hampered In their work by the Imol 1
u,,,.u u, ouuio piggery owners n rcfusln. '
to tnko proper care of their steel S! 1
one is in a position to stale with accurW
when tho first outbreak occurred in this
city among pigs. Somo of the pgr,
owners said today that they had hogs"?
ferlng from the complaint which the 8tal
authorities havo diagnosed as i foouiJd!
mouth disease for more than a year
They also havo made It clear that th..
regard tho whole business as an attemnt
to stamp out the piggeries. Some of th.
ownors state that they will re-enter th
business after the quarantine Is lifted
That the owners of tho piggeries are nm
suffering hardships through the enforced
salo of their healthy stock was said bv
one of them today. The prices being paid
for the nnlmals are high enough to k1v
them a profit equal to that which they
would havo been able to obtain If the
vb" imu ucen ouerea in open market
Finds Accurate Range "Within Yard
or Two for Gunners.
War has been brought to a fine art
nowadays. Years ago gunners had to
guess the distance of the object they
were firing at. but now the range h
found within a yard or two by an in
genious Instrument called a telemeter or
At each end of the horizontal tube li
a mirror which reflects the object which
is being observed to the centre of the
Of course, tho soldier getting the ranri
sees two pictures of the things hs is
looking at. Ono of the mirrors Is mov
able, however, and by turning a screw
tho two pictures are made to coincide
and look llko one.
The turning of the screw moves a little
pointer along a graduated scale. Whea
the two pictures seen through the tele
meter coincide. Its pointer shows the
exact distance of tho object In yards or
In kilometres.
The Circus Surprise a. Century'
iuxci i iiorrs ttirnrn. stitce im rw.it ittss 8
J sttLATinAL rtmirr
CAUMM-THf Miami nV
OtVNl-lnf nUt PWT,
uLuniuus ntrr aincci rsnsvn
Leaving Show Grounds 0 A. St.. thlt
Morning., Hunting Park Ave. to Broad
St., South on llroart St. to Wathlnatan
Ave, Countermarching on Broad 81. '
(iermantoitn Ave,, to Hunting Pant
Ave., to Show Grounds.
To Performance Dally ! t P, M,
noons ofkn one lioua EAntiEB
children I'mler IS nr Half rrlee
Krvid nranti Rf&nri f!halr ana
Admlialon Ticket on Sale at Glrobeli.
Ranio Prices Cnarcrd at the Clrcm
d Hats
and Children s
prompt and careful altenhon.
iy or, i bout places. The Penfleld section M
has been nlnrn.1 nn,l.. ..... ;VT """Oil -31
is sBgis sswsasjwi