Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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    wn in mum i'mmGmiBwrmmto4pmmmi"T'iimMM mmmm wwmmmjjm
iiwiji . ji iiiijiiMHppnppn
Xnlglfts of the Golden KhrIc
Th commlttte recently rpolntnl bv lha
trnd chief to Arrange for n reception to bo
tendered lo Supreme Chief John V. Fori bv
the flmnd rami" during us
session In Lerwnon 1a PiUlveiv
engaged In m.iklnd rurpnra
lions for that event II ex
Jiil8 lo hold the. reception nn.l
Ninqnrt flt the Hotel Weimar
In Lebanon, on We.lnes'lvv
evening Mav 12 The .rti e
hits been fixed at $1 n vlatc
nd the cn-mml'tce Ins ev.rv
exnertntfnn of hsvlnir the en
tire humber of representatives ist srxn.i
chiefs nd officers vvho attend the ornnd i a
tle session present
Past Supreme rtilef John C McKlnnev ix
chairman of the Comml'tee on Ar-ingemente
nnd Past Orand Chief Howard L Hoik Is
retary. Brother Boas Melted Lebanon met
Thursday and made arrangements wltn in"
hotel to nccommodatp this large number
The Directors of the Knlchts "f the OnMen
Eaglo Building and Loan Association nn.l a
few friends held their annual ehad supper
last Tuesdty at llsslngton fast Puprm
Chief John C McKlnnev ax tnaxtmieter jiv!
addresses were made liv the following out of
town members of the order !Mt flupicnie
Chief Walter A Harrows of Vtlverxi.le. N t
Tan Orand Thlefe Howard I. Boas and l.ltiv r
A. Ileeser. of Beading. ... ,,
West Cheater CaMIe n 111 comhltie nlth f"
other ordera of that tnn to. visit the tnber
nacle In Wrat Chester on Vrafrnal Mint
Thursday next The will 1" rei Ttnl bv t oi i
net Charles Roberts t'ntvitnan.lerv
Chester Castle nnd rpltivl I'nxtle tnBethr
will attend In a 1m.lv the tnhernaile In I. lies
ttr on Weilne ila- next It Is experts 1 that
they will have several hundred members in
Hoynl Arrnnum
Th Asoclated Couhclts of Sehuvlklll Val
ley met April 1.1 In Rajah Temple, lidding.
ra , and the uccos of the gathering can best
be determined l the number
of Arcanlan" "no nno nn
eled long dlstancen to attend
This sctl'n of the iuits.Hi
Hon his beiome quite aitle
lnlng proruied a Caen or 11
cnndldates. who were initiated
at this meeting It Is not often
that nm otKnnlinilon ian
m. latn. ',r.i mi-nihers brimmed
with intetest and enthusiasm
as was the ve-dlct of th meeting a ""
Interesting feature of this affair wtis 'ho pre
sentation of a huge loving cup to th- re'lring
grand regent Arthur B Haton The presen
tation tpech was made In Orand riry
W C Weiss In n verv arproprtate manner
for the Associated Councils of Sehuvlklll al
ley The grand regent responded as bet no
could under the circumstances
Other high lights that contributed to tho oc
casion were Supreme Ilegent Frank B Mletef
aham, of Hnrrfhurg: Supreme Trustee HK.
Lathy, of Philadelphia: Supremo Bepresenta
tlvo W. I! Druckenmlller and Ice "if
Regent L. B. Oelsnberger. of V?n"""'r;T,li?
meetlnsr was txhlj conducted by Brother James
Norton, of Beading, a candidate for the office
of grand orator at the coming nrand Council
session In Wllllimsport. Va . on May 12 The
old reliable council. Conestoga. the 'red rose
of Lancaster. Is doing some work thexe davx
Since Februarv 1 It has mado the proud record
of securing 1M1 applications, m"re than lun ot
which have been Inltl3ted-a xery fitting tribute
the Conestoga brethren nr? paving th'lr popu
lar brother. Vice Hegent L. It Gelenberger.
the next administrator of Boval Arcanum af
falra In the State of Ponnsvlvanln.
A apcelal bowling tournament for th
Philadelphia district of th Boxal Vreanum
will be held from Mav 10 to 21. Haxerford.
Germantown, PennsvlvanlT and rhl.adelphU
Councils will be represented by their strongest
teams High scores arc looked for. a team and
Individual prl2ea are both ofTcred. Ele'tlen of
officers for th" bowling lenpie will be held nt
banquet a'ter th tournament when plans
will bo made for nn elght-t-am league next
April SO. intn. will close the administration
aa grand rgent of Pennlvanli of Arthur
B. Eaton, menber of Havrford Council. Phil
adelphia. Since Bro-her Eaton wax Installed
In the office of grand regent In Pittsburgh,
1013. the Philadelphia Arcanlnns le been
planning and working for a record second to
none In honor of Philadelphia's faxorlte grand
resent During his administration the social
features received considerable atten'lon, th"
fraternal pMt efmr'lned mere than cxer
before the aetivitv among the councils pro
nounced and th membership Increased more
than tinv admlnltratin eln-o lrn"
The x-arlou eonnoltx expeet to ha e Feve'il
hundred more app'ica'tene to Inl'late In ths
remaining 'ew dnvs The largest number will
be Inducted at Pennvb anla Couneii a cham
ber In Baker Pot Hall 11!" Columbia ave
nue, on Frldiv next. Arrll The past re
gent degree team of Pennsylvania Council
will confer tho degree Fver council In the
district Is oxpecter to be represented There
will he great reloiring at the close of this
most-successful term of office bv more than
W)0 Areantans.
Cards are out for 'he Carnation Club'a ladle
nleht on Mav 1. when the white carnations
will be worn In honor of Mothers' nav To
morrow night w m ho . red-ttter nigh- for
Philadelphia council at tho Parkwav Building
big at'endan'e. hip class of new candidate,
big entertainment and a big birthday of the
regent. CUde p Smith.
Knights of Pythias
The members of the Past Chancellors' long
form have teen notified to be present at Aml-
cttla. Lodge, No. an flth and Diamond streets,
tomorrow evening to prove
x e v e r a i esquires n tne
knight s rank A gala occa
sion Is rromlied, and the
usual hospitality will be ex
tended Fourth of July Lodge proved
an esquire tn the knight's
rank April 11 The long
form team -xas somewhat re
constructed but acquitted
. tnemseives ereflttaniv
Brother John Koib. of No 4S. deserves high
commendation for his reading of the sixth
Philadelphia Lodge held an old-'ashloned ex
perience convention at laat meeting, older
members relating fraternal conditions In the
early hlitory of the lodge Thero will be "hie
dolnrs" tomorrow e"enlrg, as well ns degree
work and enow melters
Holmeaburg Lodge hid a successful open
meeting April in There was ft large audience,
who were grentlx enlivened end Interested bv
the eloquent address of Heprerentntlve Edward
O'Nell. of Evening Star Lodge of Frankforl
Thomas K Ponnallev. G c rt of th- I n
B. 31 . a memhfr of True Knights Lvge. No
S2fl, gave a spirited talk
Southwark f.odje adxTinced two rages April
18 and exemplified the rank of knight on three
esquires April Ci The entertainment commit
tee rewarded the deree team and members for
the good work of the evening.
Integrity Lodge proved four esnulres In long
form April ln. In a manner for which this
team Is renowned The work was hlchlv
commendable In everv renect Brother Muck
elston did the sWth senltor am" Brother John
Kolb the king This lodge Is the possessor of
the finest set of degree paraphernalia In the
Jurisdiction, hax-tng recently spent lonn en
this work alone The lodge Is enlovlng a
period of deserved prosperltx- and la doing a
Kreat work 'or the order at large There
was draw-n last week for the relief of th sick
J10S. while the axerage has been oer $0 per
week Tonight Is entertainment night, and In
s4dtt!on to the regular professional vaudextlie
show there will he an address on woman suff
rage by a woman working ln thar movement.
This will be followed bv a debate hv the mem
bers of the lodge The meeting w-tll be open
to nonmembers as well and all who can get to
the Castle Hall. Broad and Federal e'reets.
will be well repaid
At Quaker Citv Lodge, Frldsv evening next
will be polo chamrlonshin nleht. with a large
hilt awarded to the winner Conehoho"kcn
Lodge. Union Lodge and Quaker Cltv Lodge
will pla for the flag Captain Beld. of
Quaker City has his team In fine shape the
line-up being as 'miows Ooal keeper A Shln-
flo: fullback Bromall right ouar'erhx. k
Ismbrave; left quarterbark. Welsh- forwarl
Captain Beld. Conshohocken Lodge llne-un-Ooal
keeper, Camlns, fullback Brown le't
quarterback, J McFarland right quarterback.
Hiraaa Hoops-'! vou
VAe"tt,, Cxuse
, &$& i
HE? . i
Lecturer Modnrn Woodmen of
t M I'lrHT-i for i-d I'aptiln Allen Bef.
crrr w ii i-M Siffert. of Quaker t'!t um
i nlre ., II irrtinn nf i om-hohochen and
j'l. .'acKon, n' I rlon I.ndge timekeepers II.
H. hod." and 11. T. Stver All K. !'. lodcea
I are Invited to attend this event with their
j frien Is
i The follow lug announcement was given outl
This Is an event you should not miss. Tue
strenuous, stuceruloua and mlghtv clash of tho
two great rolo teams. A titanic s'rugglo for
the mastery, To tho victor a largo American
flag. Conshohocken team has shown great
form, and our team, Quaker City, being;
trained to the. minute a battle royal can bo
autlclpatod. Moro fun than a barrel of mad
monkeys The Interest shown by the members
a the polo team and the amount of fun to
players and spectators has lncroased the at
tendjnio 1U0 nor cent."
Victory Lodge fitarted Its spring campaign
by eendlni; lo the members a letter, part of
which rollowa: "A resolution was pased to
Inaugurate a special campaign for the purpose
of building up the membership of tho lorlco
To enlist the co-ipcrntlon of nil the members,
tho lodge waa dlvllrd Into two teams, the
Damon team and the lHtlilae team, each head
ed by a chairman It 1.x our duty as a mem
ber of this great fraternity and lodge to ghe
xnur aid In upreadtng the principle of friend
ship, I'liarlty nnd benenfncc Do not content
wtMi simply being a passive member and pav
ing vour dues, depending on tho officers of
the lode" to do the work Anv organization
no matter how strong It be. will fall if Its
members become Indifferent.
Tho Knights of l'uhlas. while now num
bering close to bffi rmo members, must progress
and your lodge cannot stand still or go back
ward without danger of disintegration. Vour
Iclge has not made anv progress, nor has It
gone backward, but where there Is no prog
ress, retrogression must tome Is it not the
dutv of everv mender to work for the prin
ciples of brothertv love, bring ln new members
nnd tench them the lessonB of friendship
which bound Damon and I'vthias Especially
In these times of war and strife should we aa
members of tho ordfr do our utmost to obtain
new memberp and thereby spread tho teach
ings of brotherhood of mankind and so hasten
the dav when war and strife will be banished
and peace and prosperity reign among all
people ' Thl3 campaign win run for six months
nnd on tho result the losing team will banquet
the w inning team. Luther J Lut2 Is the
K of 11. S
Modern Woodmen of America
Whl.o Edward F. Burns holds the position of
national lecturer of thi.x order, with his office
In Brook!' n he is the nearest onVtal head tn
thl3 State He has been con
nected with ihe organization,
m various rapacities, for 15
vears. but his mest success
ful, and. probably, most elfl
lint service haB been ln the
line of boosting the work In
'his .astern section, uomtng
frequently to Philadelphia,
where ho has long held Arm
feoivhlp tn all of the local
,-amr.a tits laat acpearanco
here was at the open meeting this month of
Progress Camp, No 14002. the ha'1 being
flllel to caprt!ty His subject was 'Wood
craft and Fralernalism." and he held his
audience spellbound from start to finish. He
ix reputed to be one of the most effective,
finished, as well as entertaining speakers be
toro tho public toiay,
Mr. Burns hobhs ts his Interext in the
Modern Wnodimn sanatorium for tuberculosis
sufferer3, lo. ated 12 mllc northwest of Colo
rado Springs Col. This resort was estahlih-d
six years ogo by the Modern Woodmen of
America one of the leading fraternal and
beneficent organizations tn tho countrv with
a membership over 1 12.1 OIX) Everj effort, to
far as available funds would allow has been
directed toward making this Institution the
sueress thi' Is now so marked In the rapid
and permanent recoverv of members w-ho hai
given up all hope of escaping from the grasp
of tho great white plague I'pward of STS.I.'X'K)
has thux far been 6rent on this Institution It
la located s-nno feet above eea level The
rrenlc surroundings are magnificent, with
Pike's Peak looming up 11 miles in the back
ground, craggy and snow'-carped. and the
fimous Garden of the Gods Is only four miles
aw av
Besides the favorable natural physical con
ditions nf scene quiet, rarlfled air, pure water,
everv thine possible In human science has been
applied to the plans nf the buildings and cot
tages, and the phvstrlans In charge are num
bered among the eminent specialists In the
West Truly Mr Burns has a grand story to
tell about thts noble work, taking other fine
spun theories of brotherhood and high-sounding
sentiments of fraternity and converting them
Into concrete things. And all this ts a gift
to every eligible member of the order
At last meeting of Progress Camp only one
application and three transfer cards were de
posited, although one of the neighbors eald he
had at least 20 new men coming In within a
ehort time Several others gave assurances
that they could be counted on for their quota
of new members.
The chair of Past Consul Waltz was de
clared vacant and the officers were moved up,
making the roster read Consul. Fertlg; ad
viser, L'nglauh; past consul, Tully, escort. W
C. McCov, watchman, J. McCoy, sentry,
Jones. The camp regrets to lose Past Consul
Waltz, but as his business compels him to be
absent on camp nights he tendered his resigna
tion The Bobe Committee reported that they had
sold enough benefit tickets to enable them to
place an order for the new robes.' They expect
to have them for the next meeting The com
mlttee has not finished Its labor yet and has
a surprise In store for the ' boys "
An open stag meeting nf the camp will he
held In Dietrich Hall, iWth and Glrard avenue.
May tl. and ever) member ts requested to
bring his gentlemen friends Neighbor Ander
son was appointed chairman pro tern of the
entertainment committee, and he has some
thing of Importance to spring A musical
program. Including some monologues, etc , will
be rendered
Inactive members will find aicrreat business
A S I I l-t r r-,
AIH'T- ' ' ' 0
and sodal Improvement In the meetings of the
amp. nnd are urged to attend.
Arlisnni' Order Mittniil Protection
A sperial meeting of the Most Excellent
Assembly will re held on Mav .1 to take action
upon tho rei'Ott of a commission appointed
In March, lull, to tonildcr
the question or rntea.
At there Ix some misappre
hension bv the cener.ll mpm
berthlpon the stihle, t. Iltother
Joseph T Tavior soli itor or
the order and prtsMen! "i the
rate rommissloti ek to
allav nn fe.tts us ti the nl
,lom n' n.lnptlng the re-oni
MnnrfHrtn o' that bodv
He Ve The report of the -.nminlxelnn in 11
nte-. that the order was never In I rfter on
dltlon tho death benefit fund hnlinp being
$-xs Mi 41 a gain of .'! W ".l for tne var
11H4 2xx ,nndldites Initialed and a l"nl
membership of IT."n
In view of the paxxase of the -Mobile hill
or vew York conference bill ' hv more thin
ri) Plates although not vet passed bv 1 enn
sv'vanl.i or New Jersev, In which It It pro
v I le.l or a innvruilsnrv valuation of outstand
ing mrilflcatej and a submission of the result
of the laluatlon to each member the commix
slon felt that now wax a InvoraMe time to re
ad lut the rates of the members.
The rates of this order are based upon n.
flve-vear grouping an1 na all insurance nt tne
rrexent dnv Is rated on a vwtrlv bnslx. It was
thought best to place our rales on o vearlv
I asl The order wax organised In 11, and
the rates ax to new rneniberx were chxnsed in
1". sw nnd 1im2 The irt? rate, upon whlh
nearlv two. thirds of the members are entered,
1s founded upon a scientific bntlx, nnd hut
for tne grouping aa to nffe. would bo found
nlmott adequate to meet the requirements of
the most drastic laws.
"The tnwei rates pnld bv members who
loined In the earlier irnn need ndltistmeit.
nnd bv brinclng all members tin to an ade
quate rate the nMer Ix not onlv placing Itself
unoti nn nbsoluteiv sure Inslx for all time but
will bo In a poxltlon to . omnlv fullv with nil
laws that hive been pissed or nte llkelv to
bo pasnod th the netr future Our nrdr stands
In the ton renk of nil fraternal Insurance or
ders, and It Is expected that when the reason
or the rhanee in rites x fullv tinderetool
that I' w meet nith the hexrtv approval nf
nil the me"'i"r ' ...
Glrard Assmbtv is arrnnrlnc to crlebrato
lis list xnnlversarv hv an entertainment Tor
tho ladles There win be n mock trial. ' Jowl-
..V ttr n t ...it I., ,. In- lilt ABh "
I". ,1" M."l! .Ill I'II(.ILI.II I'M l'l' l,T
The brilliant lawyers i-rnhhed Judge, truth
toiling witnesses learned lurors and the rourt
o'fVlnls win be furnished bv the talent of tho
nssembli As a further tribute to wives nn I
daughters there will be refreshments
Ktvstones medical examiner. Pr John S
Kitchen, gavo a hlghlv instructive talk to that
esscmbh lart week on ' Tho Influence of 1
Man s Mind nn His Uodv In Sl-knss and In
Health "
Progressive Dining club las' week had the
largest attendance vet, due u n new eplrlt
Injcited. Warden McKonty provided trio
luscious nosf-nrardlal dessert, but the lato
hour cut It off too short nnd his hearers could
easily bo Induced to "serve time" for him
Brotherhood of America
Brother II B Walter, supreme scroll keepor
Supreme Circle, has received from counsel
representing the order the f blowing notification
under date of April 14 Un
der date of March 24 last, vou
were ndvlxed that the master.
George W Harkln.x Esq , had
filed two reports rei ommendlug
that the applh-atlnn of tho
Supreme circle for a tinner
be granted and that .f the
so r culted 'Brothct hood of
America' bo refused. On
March .u counsel ior in. cne
lo.vnl element filed eight exceptions to each
leport and thev were all nrguvd last Frldav
nfternoon before Judgex Martin nnd Staake in
Common Picas court No .". This morning we
were advised bv Mr Mace, clerk of the court,
that all the exceptions had been dismissed,
both reports confirmed tho charter of the
Brotherhood of America' refused, nnd that
or the Supremo circle. Brother of America.'
Tho charter vvas Immediately secured from
tho clerk and deposited for record In the office
of the Ilecorder of Deeds, which the law re
quires The moment this vvas done the Su
preme Circle became and now is, o full-Hedged
coloration under tho laws of l'ennsvlvnnla,
wltn all the rights, powers and privileges
thereto belonging. The charter litigation Is
now over and It has resulted In a comple'o
vletor for the Supreme Circle All that we
praved for has been granted and evervthlng
asked for bv the dlsloval memberx has I ecu
refuse! "
Tho order has been In litigation 3lm e Mnr h
1D10. and clalmt complete vlctorv and that
while suffering los3 rf members due tu uncer
tainty, tho finances have Increased per opltn.
more than 100 per cent, and field work Is be
ginning to Increase mcmberehlp
Star of Bethlenem Circle nt Allegheny a e
nuo and Amber street, celebrated their 2Stli
annlversan April 10. with a big meeting Jti I
banquet Tables were sAt In the i Irclo room
Among those present were Grand hlcf Wash
ington Charles A Kern. Grand Scroll It epr
i" A Long Supremo 'trustee Henri I Yohn
and Clerk to the Supreme Scroll Keeper John
Buhl All of these brothers mado comDllmcn
tar remarks on the good worl avcompllslird
during these 2S jears. The circle Is worth more
than .HO.'iuu, very nearly cH per apita. un tx
celient showing Grand Watcher of the Night
William C Tongue vvas toastmaster.
Tho Deputy Grand Chief Washingtons of
Philadelphia Counts held their regular month'.v
meeting at the offlco of the Grand Circle April
21 Koports were received from everv deput".
showing renewed nctlvltv among iho various
clrrles throughout the countv. Tho Granu
Chief Washington was present and addressed
the derutles complimenting them upon their
hard work and outlining his plans for n larz"
increase In memhershln for tho balance of
hU term, which ends at the Mth nnnual ses
slon to be neld at Quakertown, Pa . August
11 1! and 11
The offlcrs of the Supreme Circle are prepar
ing their various reports for the annual session
of the Supreme Circle to be held at Atlantic
City Mav ii. 12 and 11
Th Grand Chief Washington and Grand
Scrull Keeper Just returned from n tour
through Lancaster Countv. where union meet
ings were held and much good accomplished.
Order of Sparta
A committee representing about 250 mem
bers of the Order of Sparta has petitioned
Common Pleas Court No 5 that a receiver
b- appointed for tho fraternlti upon tho
ground that It Is 'both dicadtnt and In
solvent" and that ' the only income the order
must depend upon Is the assessments, con
stantly swelling In amount, from a dwlnd'lng
membership "
Tho complalrants, all of whom have belonged
to the order for more than 2.1 years, are J It.
Taylor, Henry A Newbold. David B. Hallln
ger and David Baird. ex-Sherlff ot Camden
County, N J In tho bill tiled by Emanuel
Furth, as counsel, It la pointed out that the
assets of the order In January. 1015, amounted
to tlOI.Sf 20. but this Includes $107,721 20
which represents nothing except the privilege.
of deducting this amount from death benefit
certificates when they become due and pav
ablo niter death of the members, leaving actual
net assets of 7V17J.
Against this sum, It xvos further explained,
there has accrued up to January 1 last, a lla
blllt for prior deaths amounting to tt'.'.'e'l.
and a total Insurance llabllltv outstanding of
more than Jl.'OO.OOrt. The only Income the
order must depend upon for the pament for
this liability 1b the assessments complained of.
In January last. It Is said, the great senate
of the order directed that membets of 2,' or
more years' standing should, after April 2i
of this year, pay an assessment In caBh of
$13. .IS per month and upon the failure to pay,
earns should he suspended and If they failed
to pay the assessment after a period of ftO das,
would be expelled from the organization.
This rultng. It was contended, vvas In viola
tion of an agreement made In 11x17. which
rrovlded that the pament of assessments for
death benefits by members for a period of 21
years consecutlvelv thereafter should exempt
them from the payment of anv further assess
ments for death benefits It then was agree I
the assessments chargeable tn these members
should be paid out of a "permanent fund."
I' is sail In the hill that the order no
consists of about 2000 members, some 1.VO of
whom range ln age from oO to SI vears. and
notwithstanding that the order paB to the
HAT ON .' SURE! that's aut,
Vll.l."v5C iacenco
reenmmender of a new member JS more than
the order receives for admission Into member'
ship, there vvero lfss than to new members
admitted during the entlro ear of loll. The
complainants said thev have mado repealed
requests in the executive officers of the order
to obtain Information of its present flntnclal
condition, assert that It Ix even worse than
the chnraes now being made, and that the
unlv Information lhat they tan obtain Is the
admission bv the officers that the order Is
' busted." and that there Is no hope for the
In addition to asking for Iho receiver, the
rourt alro is requested to en'.'in tne expelling
of anv member who declines to pav the assent
ment due on April 2.1. No date has been fixed
for a hearing.
Sons of Tempcrnnce
O W P Charles W. Hampson made his
covin vltltitlon to Silver Chimes Division In
the hull at ith and Huntingdon streets, acrnm-
pamed hv representatives from
tllvlsionx 7, 12. 10 211. nt, .'1.1
31, .11, lot. 122. IfiO, 171 and
111 Bematks on the good of
the o-ler were made P O W
P William MtConch. citv
Treasurer. P O W P Ma
cauley Daniels Mcckert,
Smith nnd Casper Miller. P H W A. Stokes.
1' G Con Phlppx and Heps Pemple and Chas
V Bow en music and songs being Inter
spersed Handsome azaleas were presented by
the division to o W I Charles W. Bowen,
i-"i"iri of the division, followed by refrsch
tnents unonv Division, meeting In Boardman's
Hall Longshore street, was the next In line
of visitations hv the Grand Worthy Patriarch,
members of Divisions No.t. 12. 15, 20, .14. .1.1.
.19, 122 and 171 being present. Short talks
net" given bv ri W. P. IHmptoti. P O W P
Maenulev. Itercmann. Daniels. Smith nnd Mil
ler, P o W. A Stokes nnd Nat Btp Jnhn
Swain. Entertainment and lefreshments were
A Dutch luneheon w-nx served bv tho mem
bers of Quaker Cltv Division In their hill.
IPth street and Knlrinount avenue music being
furnished bv the Qunker citv orchestra He
marks were made by P ri IV P Thomas T
Jones, p. t) w P Herbert Blessing, of New
Jertev P M W. p r.nvensnn nnd P O. W.
I Turner A good eoelal time una spent.
The Grand Division of Pennsylvania held Its
regular quarterly session with Progressive Di
vision In Pnull's Hall, sua Glrard avenue,
April 21. for Initiation nf representatives
Crystal Purpose Division meeting, nt Web
ster. Westmoreland countv, reports a gain of
22 nw members for the past quarter, seven
so far this month and several on tho walling
Order Good Templars
Golden Link Lodgo had an enloyable social
public meeting list Wertnosdv evening In
the hall, 2I7J Frankfnrd avenue. S veral
friends expect to become memberx In conse
quence of the good krogtnm
Proiei'lon Lodge which mrets In St. Paula
Be'ormid Eplsuipal church. Is mourning the
death or a valued member l"rcdrrlck Nase,
whose trklng off was sudden nnd unexpected
John Nicholson, nf Hood Will Lodge. Beth
lehem, has returned to his homo after a suc
cessful operation In the German Hospital.
Tho 1-edernted Committee of Temperance So
cieties Is perfecting list plans to hold numer
ous rallies throughout Phllddelnhlt nnd also
to give the "flying sqiindrnn ' of America a
warm welromH when It arrives hern for a,
three-dav campaign, June 2
Cards are now In circulation ntinounclnjr the
lecture hv Mrs Mnrv Hnrrls Armor In the
i.jst Cumberland M. E. Church Coral nnd
East Cumberland streets, on Mav 21.
The i'lil anniversary of the founding of
Quikrr citv Lodgu whs celebrated Anrll 17 nt
Odd Fellows' Hall. Broad nnd IVderal street!,
bv an open meeting nnd entertilnment. wlili
the ohtMi t of getting In iloacr louch with
the ruhlh nnd explaining the work done by
the organization
Wirdcn MeKcntv, of the Evstcrn Prnltentl
arv. addressed the meeting and told of tho
groat numbers nf voting men who r ach tho
prison through tho effects of liquor. Two
sketches were given, the first being a comto
act entitled. 'Mvsterloux G u, ' nnd the
second, which was written by C Bergmnn. n,
member of the lodge, waa a prohibition panto
mime, showing the lateep of a man from hl3
temptation and first drink until he reached tho
gutter, and hta (subsequent UDllft bv the Good
Tc inula rs
Mrs Ani.a J. Yvelrhman who la 71 vcars of
aae and the oldest Templar In the Evxt.
spoke on tho hlstorv of the orcanlza'lon from
Us loundlng In 1MH until the present time.
Knights of Malta
The Grand Commandery will hold the annual
session In I'ottsvHl. May 11 The statistical
report of Grand Ilecorder John H Holfman
win inJkate th following con-
ii ion rir the year tnaing
Februarv 101.1 Number jf
c omnia ndrrlcs. 200 number of
vompmlons last report, 2'i,,Vu
initiated during tho voar, ,1R7H
adridtte I bv card and rcin
tat'd 211 total, 1".,4:n. num
ber suspended, withdrawn, ile
casr.l ,u . 10.14. nt member
"'hlp. I. Mi members at last
reiort 20.fifH net Increase in
membership, 4211 number of past supreme
commanders, 12. number of past grand com
manders. 72 number nf past commanders. 4.1.11,
number of companions relieved during the vear.
i ,'ntal assets or subordinate rommanderlej,
(nxoH42.il total cash received. f'.07.n."i Ifi,
total amount nf cash on hand. 5UJ.2C2 01,
amount paid for relief. $
Ladies of the Maccabees
The quadrennial State review of the Ladles
of tho Maccabees of the World waa held last
week at the Hotel Walton. What might have
been a session tilled with officers' and com
mittee reiorts went Into the consileratlon of
suffrage, when Mrs. nudolpa Blankenburs, In
delivering an address of welcome to the 200
women who had gathtred In the city as dele
gates to the review, urged them to adopt a
resolution on woman suffrage.
The Order of the Ladles of tho Maccabees
had nlwavs been non-sectarian and non-polttl-
x?.1"!?," !" "O'elngs. and the suggestion of
31rj. Wankenburg coused a mild .ensation.
The refcoluuonx w hkh the read were i.rtiared
bv Miss Jane Addams. said Mrs. Blankenb irg,
and urted the members of the order to exert
theniMlvia as mibMonarUs for equal suffrag'
In the state and nation The applaufe wlnh
greeted Mrs Olankenburg's addresj Indlciitcd
that thero were members of tho order strongly
In Invor of the votes for wonun. and the sub
"vn,slcarrled" pr'nf'1 " ns ""' indorsement
Mavor and Mrs. Blankenburg welcomed the
..r,r auir. xnq ii.e aaaress nt repi was by
Miss Bina ii Wes of Port Huron. Mich.
supreme commander of the order In tho Lnited
States and Canada.
Miss Nellie L' Lounsburv. of Warren. 1'a .
was chosen grand commander of the Great
Hive of Pennsylvania. Tho other officers elected
were Great record keeper, Miss Minnie E
llurgin, of Philadelphia, great past supreme
commander, Mlsa Elizabeth Brown, of Brad
ford, Pn.. great trustee, Mrs. Elizabeth Ells
worth of Pittsburgh, and great lieutenant
commander. Miss Elizabeth Bellly, of WIN
Uamsport, ra
The report of Miss Lounsburv as great com
mander of the State showed the rapid strides
which hove been made recently by the order.
There are at the prfsent time 17,.1i1S members
In Pennsylvania, and the organizers in Penn
sylvania were so active during the year Just
closed that the State won the banner for the
largest number of membera enrolled, surpass
ing all other Suites In the Union. The total
enrolment In the I'nlted States and Canada
Is now ISO.000. Since the Institution of the
order In this State thero have been 139 claims
In connection with the beneficial and protec
tive work of the order. Since tho last review
four years ago there have been 440 claims
paid, aggregating benefits amounting to 3M,
705.42. Pennies Sought in "Snwdust Trail"
A large number of youngsters spent the
best p.irt of yesterday "prospecting;" In
tho sawdust of what waa once tho "Hilly"
Sunday tnhernacle. In the hope of recov
ering odd pennies and other lost nrtlcles
The police stationed nearby stated that
nothing of value was found, although
nearly a hundred seekers had turned up
the "sawdust trail."
t'm (SONNA'tseT eveN ON
As House Ulnzcs Carries Ilty Along
Narrow Led so to Safety.
A thrilling rexrtie of nn tinronscloiia
woman on a third stor.v window ledao
woe made when lire, which caused J22'
damage, swept two floors nf thf thren
story stone building at 43.26 Cresron street
last night. I'our other persons, ttnpped
bv tho llamcs, escaped by leaping from
second story windows.
Mrs. Annlo ltolovvnlo, 37 years old, w-.ia
overcome by smoke when she endeavored
to crawl from tho window ln tho re.ir
and Jump to a shed below. Hanging head
down from the window, sho was rescued
by John Tlrpln, 4321 Cresson street, who
crawled nlong tho narrow ledge and de
posited her on the shed roof. Iter feet
and ankles were Injured In tho Jump from
tho loot to tho ground. Her husband,
Paul, and V, Czartoryskl, his wlfo nnd
his nine-year-old child, Stella, leaped t.i
safely Stella was caught bv Udward
Dlashalitl, 15 ye.irs old, 4131 Cresson stieot,
who dlrnvnrei1 the lite, and Mlihnrl Vaco,
lr Oay street. Tho Hie started in
rzartoiyskl's cigar store on the (list floor.'
HANI ON. Willi the deepest sorrow I rher-
Ish tho tnemnrv of mv beloved mother,
MAtlV A tUNTON, who departed this
life April 2d. 1013.
Padlv missed. DAtrtlHTUtt
KAMMEItEtl. ln fond remembrance of our
loving and devoted mother, MAKV It.
KAMMEHEn, who fell asleep In Jesui
April 20. 1IU4
The golden gates vvre opened.
And a gentle voice said, Come;
And with farewell words unspoken
She calmly entered home.
ASH On the 2,1th Inst, JAMES HENBY
ASH, son of Morgan and Anne Bethetlne. In
his 72d year. Funeral services at St. Ma
nilas' Churi-h. at In o'clck Tueedaj morn
ing Interment private.
llOM.E.On April an, 1011. THOMAS K
huoband of Susan Bole Euncral on Thurs
day, at S n. tn., from 1M0 Moore st. Solemn
lteu'ile n Masq at the Church of Ft Thomas
Aiiilnns. precisely at ti SO a. in. Interment
Holv Cross Cemeterv.
CAIiltni.I On April 2.1. 1015, MAItr A.,
widow nf Tatrlck J Carroll Funeral on
Tln.rsday, nt S 30 a. in, from 121.1 t'nuth
2.11 st Solemn High Mass of Heo.ulem at
RI. Charles' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment
Holv Ctosx Cemetery.
CHAM".. Siiddenlj, on April 21. llll.i,
l.AUB . n , wife of llobert Cnane. Ileliilvca
and friends nre Invited to attend the tuneral
services, Wcdncxdav. at .1 p. tn . nt her lato
residence. 2110 Chestnut strret. Interment
slriotlv prlvnte Please omit Mowers
COil.r,. fin April 2.1, 101.1, JAMES .1. nn
of llenrv nnd ihe l.iti- Catharine t'oilt
Kuiietnl on l'rldav. at " a. m. from '-'211
South.'! I st Solemn High Mass nf lleouli'm
at the Church of rur Lody of Mt Cnrinel.
nt Ii '10 a in. precisely Interment Cathedral
CltANSTON. On April 2.1. 101.1. EHWABD
IIRL'I'K. son of Hiruh K and the late Al
fred Cranston Funeral services on edncs
dav nt 2 p tn at his niotl er's lesldenee,
I20 West Pauphln st Interment nt Mt.
Peace Ceniefrv.
EltllMANS On April 2r. 101.1. BIMDOET
N I.HPMAN inee Whvnn). wife of Theo
dore Erdman Funeral on Wcdnesdsv. at
R '10 a. m. from 2"1I1 Fdgemoiit t. Solemn
Beiiulem Mars at St Vim's i hurch. nt 10 a
in lnterni'tit Now I'athnlral Cemeterv.
rAI.KENHAOEN On April 2.1. 101.1. nt
her late residence, rt.tol North 13th st .JOSE
PHINE FALICENIIAC.EN. Duo notice of the
funeral will be given
l'CMMDIIE.-On April 21. 101S. at her resi
dence, Ocean Grove. N J. ELIZA J., wife
of Captain George W Fenlmote Relatives
and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3
o' lock preclselv. at the residence of her
nephew, John H Mactagtie, IIJ'J Locust st .
Philadelphia Interment prlvnte
ri.l.NN. On April 21 101.1, N'N ELIA
wifo of the late Joseph M ITvnn aged sx
jearx Relatives and friends nre Invlieri to i
attend the funeral servhes, Tuesdav m. m
Ing nt 10 30 o'clock, at the Indigent Wido" .
and Single Women's Asvtum. 3flli i'ri,-tnut
st Intermenta t Mt Morlah Cemete
rnilll, Suddenh, on April 23. 1011 rATIl '
AHINE beloved wile or tne late nank
Ford, aged 12 vears Retntlves nnd frtend
of the family are respertfullv inviteil to n
tend the funeral, on Wednesdav morning at
fe.30 o'clock, from the residence of Mr.
p.JiS"--i2.vi stn?saS s4B'-,Ha, bit saP'tSlaSfrv dmw I Mffl?$SILfn
I $10,750 overlooking Lincoln Drive f
S THpnl in ftverv resnrrt T.arr?, lot .rnrnrr nrii'j1rre nUntu if iA cU-Am. --. lmrt vnnnire fi
hardwood floors on first and
I McCIntchv. Rllildor rnrJ dlllnov Uncotn
s J -- vwnvi Land J itle Building S
riitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiitiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiifjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiif rvr iiiitifititiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifi i iiiiMMnjl
I'm Gonna Tea. you
ALL A19O0T THlS'Hef?e
I I A ..i.x sxiAirxc .lr- A- IxJU V.C II - -.ce-T-C r
Of OTnA """"-vpU1nv? Dw:',ryS!v5v,
I J . . . . - j i I II AliUAl ! W7if4ffT'
J HOUOC ...u-s- N' ' "yt.'.'fT
Ellen A. Keenan. York roa.l below .1st ave..
Oak Lane. Pa. Solemn High Bequlem Mass
nt the Church of the Ho ' Annels, Oak Lane,
nt 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme
tery Automobile funeral.
HICKMAN. At Chester llelghts.on the 2Mh
Inst. LOUIS H. HICKMAN. In his 80th
ear. Due notice of the funeral will be
HI'MIM). On April 2.1. 1013. MEOtNA,
widow of Henry Ilunold. Sr., aged jl yffrs.
Relatives nnd friends, also Holy Trinity Altar
Society, are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Wednesday morning, nt 8 1 o clock, from
her late residence, 333 South nth st, Solemn
Requiem .Mass nt Holy Trinity J-hurcli M
0 si i n tn. precisely. Interment at Holy cross
Ji;NKS?-6n April 23. 1018. ANNA W..
daughter of the Isle Thomas and Elizabeth
fanny Jenks Fi ncral services pn Fourth
div, 2xth Inst, at Horn, it her lato
rtsllence. Oiou Greene st , Germantown. in
terment private, at Friends' Ground. New-
KENNEDY. On April 2.1, 1018 ELIZA
BETH, twin daughter of the lato Bobert and
billle KcnneCv. Fureral services on ed-nr-uav,
at 2 p m , at the residence of her
l.io'lur-ln-law, Henry Mofflt, 2310 Emerald
t Interment private. North Cedar Hill
KEiHEH. On April 24, 1018, .HANNAH M.
wife of Slv ester Kcser and elsier p. the
lute Montgomery Wnrd. of Chicago, In her
fist vear Relatives and trlends are. Invited
to the funeral. Services on Wednesday aft
ernoon, nt 2 o'clock, at her late residence,
run Itul Icim avenue, Oermantown. Inter'
ment prlvnte.
Mil ElllSd. In Nnrrlstown. Pa, on April
21 Til.-,. itEfinnn W I.EVERINT! Funeral
sirvlcoK at the undertaking chapel of II. J
Kogelxrhats. 71s Swede st . Norrlstown. Pa.,
on Wednesdav, April 2'. nt 2 p in. Inter
ment private. Montgomery Cemeterv.
LEVY. On April 21. lOl.l. HARRIETT,
els'er of l.eon and Charles Levy. Relatives
nnd friends are Invited to nttend the funeral,
on Tuesdav, nt 10 a. m , from her lato resl
dem e, Haiti North 221 ft. Interment nt
Adath JeehuriMi
l.EM IS. On April 2.1, 101.1, JAMES LEWIS,
funeral services on Wednesday, April S", nt
2 In p. ni , nt his late icsldence, Oerman
town pike, Rnlvn. Montgomery County, Pa.
Interment private, nt North Ccdir Hill
Cemeterv. Auiomoblle funeial
MrllltlllE.. on April 2.1. !01fi, NEIL, hus
band of the late Annlo MeBrlde. Funeral on
Thursduv, at . In a in. from 20IH Ed
tnont si Solemn Requiem Maes nt tho
Church of the Nutlvliv, at 10 a m. Inter
ment St Ann's I'emeterv
MiCO.NNEI.I,.- rin April 2.1. I0IS. MAM
OAttET, widow of loim MrConnell l"tineral
s.rvl-eq on 'lhursri.iv. nt 2 p m . at Iho
rchtdeneo of her son-in-law. John II Div,
.114 Tncony st . Wlsslnomlng. Interment
MrKA.NE On April 2.1, 1013. ANDREW,
husband of Frances MrKano Funeral pen -l-es
fin Wednesdav, at 2 p m., at his late
repldeni-e. 2.110 South Fontaln st Interment
private, at Fernwood Cemeterv
MrKEIlNA.N On April 21. 1018, JOHN .1 .
husband of the late Rose McKeman. Funeral
on Wednesday, nt i So n m from I7i'x
North Himbrey st Solemn Requiem Mass nt
St Elizabeth's Church, at lo a m Inter
ment New cathedral cemeterv
MeMILL.VN. in Norrlstown. Pn , on April
2.1, 101,1, HAiRRIET. wiilniv of William Mc
Millan lunril from l'o Green st Nor
rlstown, Pa . on Wednesday, Arrll 28. nt
7 10 p. tn Interment on Thursdiv murnlng.
nt Ccdir 1IIII Ceneter, Frankford, Phila
delphia, Pn
.Mi'MI'liriUK. On April 2.1. 101.1, BOSETTA
A., widow of John lx.Murtrle Funeral per -Iicr
on Wednesday, nt 1 p, m , at the rctd
den i- of her daughter, Mrs. Uiura E Sniiih,
Baltimore ave, Clifton l'elghts Peliware
countv. Pa. Interment private, at Nonh
woii.l Cemetery
I'K'KEN At her residence, 707 North Srtth
st. on April 2.1. 1011. MVUGARET,
laughter of tho late John Plcken nnd Ellen
tll'IAV-On April 23, 101,1. THOMAS HOL
liWIU'Ml fjt'IVN, son of John and Alice
."ilnn llpxi.lence. 121 North Ruhv s Due
nctioe of the funeral will be given
HIEl.ER. On April 2.1. 1013. CONRAD C.
R1EGER, huxhnnri of Wllhelmlna Rleger fnee
DlikeD, aged K0 vears Resilience, 7S1 North
23d st Duo notice later.
(Overlooks Golf Links of the Old York rtoad Country Club)
Readme Hailvvav to Elkins Park and Jenkintown or York road trolley.
Lenox rend. Open ilally and Sumlav. Send for folder
second floors marble shower baths
her lite residence. 1H2 Leldy a' fflajgj.jl
1016. SARAH A. widow" of the ,,t; , K , -M
Simmons. Una notice of Iho fun.eJi ""-S
given, from her late residence" l.w'Sil Sj
ton t ' x,ii WTus"
STABILOn April 2.1. loifl totiv - '
of Sarah B.nnd th late Joh'Srr8 '
Funeral on Wednesdav m 'i "' J BUr.
30o ralrmount ave. Solemn Seni7 'na 3
at the Church or Our Mother ofTe, ,T -'"i ?
0 a. m Interment nt "Id ruVdrffr' '
STOCKETT On April 21 toix .
P." uSr..' bt?lneJ, ImsbflM' of BllU?RQ 3 1
Pto'kett. Funera rent e on W.i"b5" L '
2n m st hu late r.M.I....V.t.l,neidtr.
W. husband of Julia A Swe.nev0?0?0'
Relative, and friend." "fiS VcllS,
T A.
B Society
funeral, on Tuesday morning, m n'H "
"i. V..VV..?.f ."",rmnfi "I ' MtfelaT
Solemn Benulem Mass at r.'v.,..X.,1'!"'?' Hits. '
Blessed Sacrament at 10 o'rioeu t.V? Mo,, 1
private, at Holy Cross Cemeterv "'""KM i
XIIIIl T. On April 21, 1011.JANCW-P.v-TBOLT.
Relatives nnd friends are 1ER '!
auend the funeral servire, on TiJ5lUr M
27. nt 2 p in. preclselv at her fa,. J,'"1
J212 ,Bl?, i Ibterment pr vau '.',"
Laurel Hill Cemeterv l "
WEIII1 On April 23, 1013 Mji,n,,.
ila.igliler of Daniel l i, 5 ,",?,?"
vv .hh nn.j V....V... .... ""'uirgatu n'
1st. Pan el "? "ebb aoo"'plnf Ellen .nj ,ft
O'Brien, In Iho 7th vear of li.r as. Tx,r,t
on .Ucdnesdnv. nt 2 p in from ninx5"l
47th st interment t-atliidrai Cen,iN
.M.yN.-nn. April 2.1. inf.-,. tftV??. ..
" .'. '21". "-'''"m and , ;;,'
Funeral servreB" " Th ur.S.V11?
a the residence 0( i'M
t Landrlgan. 4022 Brotvn ' i.!"-
t Morlah Cemeterv " Inl"
..i.rv.i . uii.-.iii ,.n rp, nn ti.,.i.t-"
ment Mt
MAIN LINE, PA. t(. ,, ' )
Arilmore J ji
siooo cash
Bal.inie ra ... i,m, ihtn
1'ierted on one of
the most attractive
-lte In the historic
OH lork road sec.
tinn Italian 8tle of
arciinecitirp cor
ner Lenox road and
M c f t I n 5 Houso
road Meeting
Hou e road runs to
the ripht at the top
of iiconlr Hill, be
tween rikln3 Park
a n d Jenkintown
rxqulxilelv planned
tlitntiRhnut every
t noni Having ,1
-nut hern exnosurs.
Greatest Corner
Value in
i i
stone fireplaces hot water heat. -
Drive and Carpenter Strut
c o'cg- Tgiiii1irilx-