Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Athletics' Manager Now
f Bars Home Run King in
t Interest of Financial End
nf Game Willing to
Make Sacrifice.
'BOSTON, Mass, April 28.
i.Miih with FranK uaner ns
He will never appear In nn Ath-
ti'lie Butt aa long as I am connected with
the ttaw. And it is my intention ai mo
crcMnt time not to aiiow uancr to uccomo
ttia property of any other team In the
American League. I would not sell him
for 11.000,000 In cash."
' This Is the decided and positive state
ment Connie Mack, manager of the Ath
iillts, mado to tho Evening LEDOEn cor
Jtipondent this morning, Just beforo he
went Into his regular morning strategy
Jjiilon with his ball players at tho Cop
fjtV && Iiotel tno 8nmo t0 bo devoted
Kb discussion of ways and means to splko
The Hed Sox guns in tho flnal gamo or
'til preient series between tno two ciub3
'lhH afternoon at Fenway Park.
VThs laet straw In tho Bakor-Mnck epl-
.. -. the foot thnt Bnknr ntnvnrt Willi
the Upland team In tho Dclnwaro Counly
Leigus of Pennsylvania Saturday after
noon. Baker had to rldo four or Ave
vnif from Trappe, Md., to got to tho
iMne of the gamo. It was with this
knowledge In mind that 3Iack mado the
above statement.
Mack believes that ho lias gone the
limit in mo AJHiter uauir mm mat lis
M time to call quits.
I"I have notning agninsi uaner per
inillv." Qualified Mack, "but aa a mat
ter of principle I havo decided that he
rw nvr Dlav on my team. Wo talked
"h matter over. Ho even came to see
Vi about It. Ho decided not to report,
Ijfoir It's over, and he can't report.
frrWIth Baker In our llnc-up we'd be
'.. lltalv n. winner ns nnv tenm. With
out him we aro not a pennant team un-
lui wo are rortunaio cnougn to get or
develop a first-class, hard-hitting third
k..mnn In very short order, and unless
hat young pitchers llvo up to cxpocta-
fen am convinced that tho present
rli.H Jl nf Balqrlnn Im linonVtnll In t nn
ilh. Some one must make a sacrifice.
Some one must set an example or tho
tnilaess end of tho game will suffer
ttta worse than It has already. I am
jrtpired to make that sacrifice. I am
cot saying that I am tho best equipped
M make tho step, but it must bo mado,
inl ths Baker case furnishes tho oppor
'tnnlty." Iathletics call off game
Poor Condition of PIaycr3 Prevents
Exhibition Contest.
ROCKY POINT, R. I.. April 2S.-Tho
xhlbltlon gamo between tho Phlladel-
thli Athletics and the Providence team
(of the International League, announced
sor ytsicraay. -svus caiiea on Decause or
theroor condition of somo of tho Amer
lean League champions, according to nn
Mnoujcement by tho Providence man-liement.
1 I J ?
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national League
Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win. Lose.
Phillies 8 I .889 .900 .810
Cincinnati 7 3 .700 .727 ,636
Chicago ...... 5 5 .500 .545 .454
Doston & 5 .500 .545 .454
St. Loul 6 7 .417 .462 .308
Plttsburoh 4 6 .400 .454 .364
Brooklyn 4 6 .400 .454 .364
New York 2 7 .222 .300 .200
Club. W. L. Pet. Win. Lokb.
Detroit 9 3 .750 .769 .692
Washington 5 4 .556 .600 .500
New York 5
oaton 4
Cleveland 6
, Chicago 6
, Athletics 3
I St. Loula 3
4 .556 .600 .500
4 .500 .556 .444
6 .500 .538 .462
6 .500 .538 .462
5 .375 .444 .333
9 .250 .308 .231
Clubs. W. L. Pet. Win. Lose.
Newark 9 8 .642 .667 .600
Pittsburgh 8
Chicago 6
Brooklyn 7
Kansn City ... 6
Buffalo 5
Daltlmore 6
St. Louis 3 8 .273 .333 .250
5 .615 .642 571
4 .600 .636 .545
5 .583 .615 .538
6 .500 .638 .462
8 .365 .429 .357
8 .383 .429 .357
National League
St. Louis, 8; PI It." burgh, 1.
Chicago, 4; Cincinnati. 4.
(15 Innings. Called)
American League
Cleveland. 3; Detroit. 1.
Chicago, 1: St. Louis, 0.
Federal League
1'ltUburgh, 3; St. Louis, 0.
Noivark. 2; uurfalo. 1.
Chlcngo, IP; Kansas City, 3.
Kansas City. 9; Chicago, Z Cd game).
Book Includes Twenty Fixtures
of Summer Meeting Over the
Flat Course at Spa.
Centuary A. A., one of tho fast-
Jjllrit class teams In Philadelphia,
jould like to arrange games for the
coming and afternoon of Memorial Day.
Bey alio have June 19 open. First
c-uj home or traveling teams desiring
IM for these dates, address James
Ceptland, &N2 Haverford avenue, or
ttojis Belmont !JS1 Y.
tjia Pannonla Baseball Club, one of the
&Jtet nrt class organizations In the
jjir, would Ilka to arrange games with
lone teams, preferably Laurel Springs,
Otmenton, Blackwood and BusUeton.
JW team, It will be remembered, was
Wed as one of the best first class teams
ftfennsylvanla last year, and this year
HSV.I b'tter Grnde of Players than
Erlv rnrntA4 v. i..w i,
R&rJm,.?,',hln6 t0 book this attrac-
.. f, ' " - 23 nnl 3t- address
"r Herman Berman. 806 North 13th
!2." ?r Phone Poplar 2921.
ffi?..Tltan P C" a "-"-year-old team,
"res nniN with ... ,
wiOMble guarantee. Address Pat. Mc-
lik. Tltan atreet' Philadelphia.
Clover Boys' Club would like to
IsL i 16-17-year-old uniformed
fi"...ki Erounds and willing to pay
&T.. p'6 eara5' for 10 men. The
wiii5i!lrday d1ates pen atter May
m PhnJ"jet..t0 hear from teams 'n
ft UManKPh.,a- Add-e Harry M.
IS 5vl Chestnut street.
teS?7.w..i?'am? presenting Indus
ffimishmlntaV and 0erlng fair
Lavenie. J Ue Uth and Le'
S?mcm' C,U wUhput Bam" ror
B?VS,a.we Inducements can book
j, "ifuciion.
To tho number of 20 the stnkcs for tho
Saratoga Racing Association's summer
meeting at tho Spa will closo today with
the tccretnry, A. McL Harlocker. These
stakes comprise tho fixtures over the flat
course, the four stceplechnso events being
left open until Hay 10. Six of the flat
stakes are devised under selling condi
tions, they being tho Amsterdam. Catsklll.
Mohawk and Seneca for 3-year-olds, and
tho Troy and Kentucky for 2-ycar-olds.
The Inst two aro nt tho flvo and a half
furlong distance.
Tho Amsterdam and the Mohawk aro
at one mile, while the Catsklll lacks one
furlong of this distance, and the Seneca
Is two furlongs short of the mile.
Tho Champion Handicap, for 3-year-olds
and upward, Is one of tho hardest tests
on tho stamina of the thoroughbreds In
the stake book, being at one and an
eighth miles, whllo tho Saratoga Cup la
even longer, requiring the veteran cam
paigners who will bo attracted to this
event to travel tho mile and three-quarters'
routo to the wire. Tho Saratoga
Handicap Is at oho mile and a quarter,
and tho Merchants and Citizens' Handi
cap Is n mllo nnd three-sixteenths.
The Delaware Handicap Is over a mile
course, while tho Travers and the Ala
bama, both framed under conditions, will
be at distances of one mllo and a quar
ter nnd one mllo and nn eighth respec
tively. The Saranac Handicap Is a mile
event, and the Huron Handicap provides
for tho longer route of a mllo and three
sixteenths. The Sarntoga Special Is at a
shorter distance, being a three-quarter
dash, and the Adirondack Handicap and
tho Sanford Memorial, the latter a con
dition race, are In the category of sprints,
both being at six furlongs. Tho Albany
Is another slx-furlong dash. Tho Flash,
at flvo and a half furlongs, completes
tho list.
Hopping Plays in Rare Form Against
LAKEWOOD, JC. J.. April 20. Tho
Aiken Tigers carried off their third set
of polo trophies for tho week when they
took tho Randolph Cups yesterday after
noon from Rumson. The game was hard
fought, but one-sided. Rumson received
two goals by handicap, and they were
only ablo to odd ono more during the
played In excellent form,
In tho early periods swept tho Rumson
four off their feet. Ten goals were
earned by the Tigers, but they lost 1?4
In penalties. Hopping played In rare form
for Aiken, scoring six of his team's
goals, whllo tho other four wero made
by Burke. Ono of Burke's shota was
nearly half tho length of tho field. Tho
flnal scoro was Aiken, SU; Rumson, 2?i.
All of tho spectacular work was done
Featherweight Chnmp Eager
Tackle Lightweights.
NEW YORK. April 26 -The most im
portant bout of the week will be that
between Johnny Kilbane, featherweight
champion of the world, and Benny Leon
ard, tho Bronx champion, nt tho Federal
A. C, on Thursday night. Almost cqunl
in Importance will bo tho go between
Leach Cross nnd Pnckey Hommey, which
Is on tlie same card.
It Is neatly two scars since Kllbane
took part In n bout In u Manhattan ring.
and ' 'n tint tune lie has swicssfull defended
his Uuirls In piactiualh eci city In
the United States where bolng bouts aro
permitted. His bout with Kid Williams,
bantamweight champion, proved two
things that Kllbane enn easily mnke the
featherweight limit, 122 pounds, and be
strons and fast, nnd that Williams was
no match for Kllbane In a bout up to 20
rounds. In order to meet Williams Kll
bane made 120'4 pounds, nnd was stronger
In tho early periods. HoDDlne mado a I than Williams at that.
senraiionai run up the boards in the
second chukker and passed to Burke for
a score, and a minute later he scoted
from mldfleld unaided.
McClure's goal for Rumson waB a clever
bit of Individual work. He Intercepted a
drive from Perkins nnd drove the ball
through tho group, following It up for a
goal beforo the Aiken four recovered.
Kllbane Is now eagct to defeat some
of the crackerjacks In the lightweight
division He Is after Frcdd Welsh's title
With that end in view he I meeting
Leonard, who Is the cleverest boxer that
has been turned out In Manhattan In
many a day. Leonard defeated Johnny
Dundee in a 10-round bout In Harlem,
thereby establishing his class.
Neiv York Sports Writer Sees in Phillies' Star Probably Most
Notable Hurler of Day Two Arc Compared "Alex"
More Graceful in His Box Work.
SlliitZ '"uueements can book
HkV.lfc!'on. Phone A. J. mih.p.
Mfmilfl 111. -. i
mV Barren HlVpenns-
Wiwih,; W , aUrel SPr'nus. Over-
- 1 ' --..(, m nun jjjsg.
j&IUitlna Catholic baseball Pm
mS&? &IJS2W- W:.
aeslres to m
city Saturdays and Sun-
Catholic baseball
fli Th7V,K ,nV,"",ale- team
'votifof hl .T; o : meet any team
sJ-0.0' the city SaturdavK nnH nn.
Ir. tSff" Uk ? hear from Cape
"SHitaM. ,.-i owwon. Vlctrlx, Cllf-
WfeaiM. ,u olner teams offering a
BHaW guaranty ij.... "i?u
S Mirwftht.LaJ'renco 'reet, or
E? Warket 8373 Wr between 6 and
fil? Aberdeen Athi.iin -t..i. m
tm .eaaon Mav H "Z!X
avenue0 a May 8 at Md and
?tothl J"JA few open dates re-
Ifwm09 "?heduIe "! would like to
ieUoaT V;r" "am desiring thU
H- " UU1RR4 H1tunarf If
i. Atl?i ,tr4et' Philadelphia,
JUntlo Reflnlne .InnMr
Auareea Edward Swalnaon.
C Kflnln T...I. u
:eSl 2,1;.1.8'yearold home or trav
& wumS T . 'Lu.'?. "r. 'f !:
at,i,Addr8 Thomas McCauley,
inaSlirUnV avenue.
IteiV" Phlllelphi, Professionals
rAj m tw My and .
miT;-,lv"oon- strictly nigh
'0 clubs offering .atlsfactory
," bo0" this attraction
oWnnA?. rfu w
"! rairher Willintr lo tIav tar
b wOuIrl iu . . - - I PTim ruuini nima
S! laaBl AJdr" BllpUytr. bgrf, iflSTifil
i street, wt rhU84elPhia. , aa Sm l m u
Professor O'Bolger Replies
Hotly to Plea in Behalf of
Hours for Athletics.
Prof. Thomas D. O'Bolger, of the Eng
lish department of tha University of
Pennsylvania, this morning gave out a
statement in which he attacked the plea
of tho coaches and students of the Uni
versity who are advocating S o'clock
hours for recitations and lectures. Doc
tor O'Bolger assailed the athtetlo sys
tern aa being made more Important than
the scholastlo work. He also objected
to being made to do etra work to please
the Pennsylvania coaches, to whom he
referred as "eliner not couege men, or,
If they are, are only so by living upon
her good nama and our undergraduate
enslavement to tha commercialism of
This statement In reference to the
coaches Is what most angered tha stu
dents. As a. matter of fact, the students
point out, tho coaches of all four major
sport teams are college graduates. Dr.
George W. Orton, coach of the track
team, has a degree of doctor of philos
ophy from Pennsylvania, while Roy
Thomas, coach of the baseball team, and
George II. Brooke, coach of tho football
team, are both Pennsylvania graduates.
Vivian Nlekalle, coach of the crews. Is
a graduate of Oxford University, Eng
land . . .
Doctor O'Bolger, in the course of his
statement, suggests that tha coaches
themselves get up early In the morning,
and that ft won't hurt the studenta to
take their athletic recreation In the early
morning Instead of the late afternoon.
It la expected that the matter of 8
o'clock hoSrs ill be decided by a vote
of ths student body.
Tennis Player Killed in Battle
Ktnnth Pow.ll. .Ut. capUla or . cam.
f Sfoiymplb i flm la Stockholm In J81S and
Mgi, vc.!0uS4.tvrtt- wsa
ili.'fi lawn teoils wire hl d.ftata of K.
It7 " . - ' '
cup piayefs."1.,
p puon In IP".
Charles Dooln on Sick Llat
B..U. fan. MMnR-X ZT-
1. out of th
Damon Bunyon, In the New York
American, contributes a classic to the
sports comment of the day In his ap
praisal of Grover Cleveland Alexander,
of the Phillies, and Walter Jo'nnson, of
Washington. It Is:
"Whenever wo sea Grover Cleveland
Alexander pitching at top form, we con
clude that he Is the, greatest right
handed pitcher In the land, and we cling
to that conclusion until Walter Perry
Johnson comes along with a line of his
best pelting. Tnen we decide that Walter
Is the greatest, and we hold to that de
cision o the day that 'Alex' reappears.
"in short, our mind probably none too
stable at best does a heap of vacillat
ing between these Western wonders, and
wo are certain of only Just one thing
with respect to their ability whhh Is
that It's either Grover or Walter vho Is
t'ne greatest right-hander. On Mondays
It might bo Alex; on Tuesdays, Walter
but It's one or the other so far as we
are concerned.
"This Is merely a personal opinion to
which you may not subscribe. You may
think that Mathewson, or rtudolph, or
Bill James, or Willie Doak Is greatest.
and we have no doubt that you can pro
duce Just as many arguments In sup
port of your belief as we can offer In
trying to bolster up our view, but It Is
our opinion that Johnson and Alexander
today stand out head and shoulders
above all the rest as Individual pitchers.
"We doubt If either of them will ever
approach Mathewson when he was at his
best, however, because we do not be
lieve that either of them will ever make
tlie study of their craft that Mathewson
did. The Old Master will go down In
baseball history as one of tha greatest
pitchers of all time, but neither John
son nor Alexander has yet made a place
of that sort for himself in the memory
of the game.
"They are both great pitchers, but there
have probably been many Just aa great
and there has been only one Mathewson.
The oldest inhabitants of baseball rate
the big Pennsylvanlan right along with
Hadboume. Time is the big test of a
pitcher, and in time Alexander or John
son or both may prove as great as Ma
thewson, but that time la not yet.
"For one thing, they have not had (he
opportunity. The mighty Mathewson was
generally carrying a whole ball club on
his back, and that ball club out In front,
where it was most conspicuous. Time
and again it fell to him to fight the crucial
battles of the big town outfit to pitch
the games on which hung the most im
portant issues of the campaign, and he
rarely failed.
"Even today you cannot count Mathew
son wholly out when considering the
question of ths greatest pitcher in ths
country In sagacity, in sheer mastery of
his craft, he is probably still ths greatest,
of thsm all. and it would be highly char
acteristic of ths Old Master to bob up
gsin this reason with pea of his best
lecoids, but he no longer possesses the
physical stiensth that Is behind the arm
of the Kansas Cyclone and the Nebraska
Thunderbolt. ,
"It happens that they have both' been
denied the glory that goes with a world's
series. Both gained fame with clubs that
have slnco figured to a greater or less
extent In the battles for tho pennants,
but In the main Johnson and Alexander
had to fight their fights back behind the
cheering. They were the Ituckera of the
right-handers, so to Bpeak, whllo Matty
was nearly always up where the shouting
was loudest.
"Some fans are dreaming this year or
seeing Alexander and Johnflon as oppo
nents In the first game of the 1915 world's
series, but they are mostly Philadelphia
and Washington fans who are having
those dreams, and we doubt If the dreams
will come true. It would be a grand
sight, however, and It might help In
solving the problem of which Is greater
Johnson or Alexander.
"Ball players who have hit against
both men or rather who haven't hit
against them, for there Is never much
hitting against Walter or Grover say
that the Nehraskan is the better of the
two. They say he has as much 'stuff'
and knows how to use it better than
"In the matter of control last season
they were about equal. Alexander passed
78 batsmen In 43 games, while Johnson
walked 74 In 61 pastimes. Alexander hit
11, and Johnson nicked the same number
Walter cut loose 14 wild pitches, and
Alexander one. In rolnt of average runs
earned per nlne-tnnlng game Alexander
shows up with Z.3S, and Johnson with 1.71.
"Johnson had a much better club be
hind him last year than Alexander, and
that undoubtedly helps a pitcher's show
ing in the figures, but then Johnson was
a great pitcher with a bad club, even
as Alexander waB great Jast season with
a bad club. '
"The Nebraskan has none of what you
might call the pitching style that marks
the work of Johnson, or at least the
pitching style that is favored by most
baseball men. He tends to a side-arm
motion in his pitching, and there are
scouts in baseball right now who will
not give a side-arm pitcher a second
glance. They marvel that Alexander can
have any control at all with that motion.
On the other hand, Johnson has all the
prescribed baseball 'stance' to his fling
ing. "As a matter of personal choice, how
ever, v would rather watch Alexander
work than Johnson.- To us it seems that
he has mores natural grace In the box,
despite, that motion, than the big Wash
ington propeller. There are mighty few
pitchers who come under ths head of
things of beauty when they are working,
but 'Alex' is one of them.
"Matthewson is another Rucker is still
another Rube Marquard is a pitching
picture So Is Ray Caldwell Spit bailers,
like Jeff Tesreau for instance, and the
underhanded species do not interest the
audience) as much as ths others, though
tby pult b pltsWng better ball.''
Collins or Foster Sched
uled to Hurl Against
Athletics Today McCon
nell Probably Continues
to Play at Third Base.
BOSTON. Muss . April 21 Encouraged
nt their good showing on Saturdnv. when
Herb Pennock pitched them to n 0-3 c
tory over the Red Sox, the Athletics feel
rejuvenated todny. They expect to cap
ture tho series with the Fenway feltons
by taking tho final game. President I.nn
nln has agreed to have the same this
afternoon begin at 2.M o'clock in order
that the Athletics may catch tho Federal
oxprtss at 5 o clock for Washington,
where they open tomoriow a four-gnmo
Rube Bressler U scheduled to do the
pitching for the Athletics today, with Mc
Avoy behind the bat. Either Collins or
Foster will do the hurling for the Amer
ican Leaguo favorites. Foster worked In
the latter pait of tho game on Saturday
but ho did not pitch enough to prevent
his starting this afternoon. Foster was
put In by Manager Carrlgan to ascertain
In just what condition he was. He proved
that he was In excellent shape, ns he
held the Mackmen down Just as tightly
aa "baby" Ruth did during nls short
term In the box.
While McConnell, the young thlrd-acker
tthom Mack tried out Saturday afternoon,
made one boot out of three (leldlng
chances, he made such a showing nt the
bat that Mack probably will keep him In
the game until another loss Is suffered.
National League
Boston nt Philadelphia, clear.
New York nt Urooklvn, cloudy.
Chicago nt Cincinnati, clear.
Pittsburgh nt St. I.otils, clear.
Americnn League
rtil'ndclphla at Boston, clear.
Washington at New York, cloudy.
St. Louis at Detroit, elenr.
Cleveland nt Chicago, elenr.
Federal League
Bnltimorc nt Brooklyn, cloudy.
Buffalo nt Nennrk, cloudy.
St Louis nt Pittsburgh, threntenlng.
Kansas Cltv nt Chlcngo. clear.
Tyler or Strand Probable
Choice of Stallings, Al
though James May Be
Used Moran's Men Are
Back to Normal.
Philadelphia funs will see the Boston
Braves In action asnlnst the National
League leaders this Afternoon for the
last time until June 30 Tho final game
of the present series will not begin today
until 3:10 o'clock. Moran'a men will en
deavor to mnko three out of four at home
with tho world's chnmplons. if tho local
lanupers are Hble to come through with
another victory over their cultured rivals,
they -will have defeated them flvo out of
six gnmes played this season.
tn order to accomplish hie purpose. Pat
Moran will probably send Al Demaree,
the ex-Glnnt, to tho hurling hill. Dema
ree' s only start, thnt ngnlnst his former
club nt the Polo Grounds last Monday,
wn a huge success, nnd the Phlltlos aro
counting on hltn crushing the enemy to
day should he draw the assignment.
Domareo seems to be In winning shape
nnd he ought V be nblo to down the
George Slnlllngs. tho raving helmsman
of the Braves Is deadly Intent upon tak
ing the contest tndny. He realizes that
the Phillies nre one of tho teams which
It will be necessnry to bent often to pre
vent their topping him In his pennant
sprint. Thereforo Stallings will choose
tho man this afternoon to pitch whom he
considers to bo In the best shape. There
has been some talk thnt Stalling would
pprlm? Bill James on the PhllB beforo
tho series Is over He may do It yet,
but the chances are that he will use a
hurlcr who Is In better condition thanj
Bill li at the present time. Tyler and
Strand nnpear to he In good shape, and
one of them will likely be sent In to
pitch the Ilnal game.
More Shifts in Cornell Crew
ITHACA. N Y. April M.-Further rtilfts
In the Cornell larilty i.rrts hae been made
hj Conch Courtney. Morcan, nho has been
bow mr in tha second lomMnatlon, will have
that position the araity, Tcnlberry Kolng
to .No. 3 In the re-end elirl and Fernow golne
to bow in thnt combination Dlrd will be an
nthcr now nun In the arelty.
Badly Beaten Yesterday in Gnme
With Yonkers F. C.
NEW YORK. April 2fi. The Brooklyn
Celtics aie In the throts of n losing
sttenk. They were defeated Inst week by
the Scottish-Americans In the American
Foothill Association cup tie flnnls and
ycMenlny the bowed bofoie the puiwcss
of the Yonkers F C. In n gnme plajcil at
Marquette Ova', Biooklyn. The score was
a to 0.
The Celtics entered the Held with a
weak team, such sterling players ns Mc
Wllllnnis, Robertson, Flnnnlgan nnd Ne
ville being absent from tho line-up. Mc
Camphlll. the manager, had to play for
ward line men In tho backfleld. nnd this
ptoved a big handicap to effective team
The first blow suffered by the Celtics
was dealt shortly nfter piny hnri stnrted. '
when Broadbent accidentally handled the
ball In the "penalty" ntea. Wnldion, at
outsldo left for the representatives of tho
Cnrpct City, took tho free kick nnd con
verted it Into a point. This was the only
point scored In this half. Baltt, at goal
for Yonkers, did good work and on sev
eral occasions prevented the home con
tingent from tlelng tho count.
Upon resumption of play In the second
period tho Getty Square squad kept up
Its aggressive work, and after 18 min
utes' Carver, at centre, scored a beauti
ful goal as the result of an Individual
The Celtics have one more oppoitunlty
to cnptuie n championship. Thnt will
be in the U. S. of A. Cup tie series, In
which competition they are finalists.
Once Popular Idol Hooted and Kick.
in Harrison, N. J.
HARRISON, N. J . April K.-Hal Chi
of the Buffalo Federal League team, j
terilny uot mixed up with some of 18 lbs.
local fnn-? after the gamo here, nnd as'jifjifjj
lesult wns roughly handled The PoltH'.,1;
came to the assistance of the first bat boiei!
mini nnd captured Billy Qutnn, wl3'4
started the trouble by Jeering at ChasS. ".'
The Newark mob then took a hand In tho JJa
game, gutting Qulnn nwny from a pollct."0-;
man and spirited him away. tvf
Chnso wns wnlklng through South Zar
sticct after tho defeat of his team when
Qulnn started to banter him nbout the
gnme. This was leaented nnd In n min
ute there wns a general llcht on Paddy
Mttlulgnn, it former pugilist, landed a
couple of stinging blows on Chase before
the police broke up the fight. Chase aided
a policeman In trying lo rapture Qulnn.
but the forces of the two were Insufficient
to hold him ngnlnst the mob.
Crimson and Gold Wins Two
Contests and Will Give the
League Leaders Hard Run.
Northeast Hleh School 3 1 .730
West Philadelphia Hlsh School.. 3 1 .750
Central High School 3 3 .300
Catholic High School 1 3 .333
Southern Hlsh School 0 3 .000
Won.Lost P.Ct.
Germantonn Academy 2 1 .867
Penn Charter School 2 1 .607
Friends' Central School 3 1 .667
Episcopal Academy U 3 .000
Northeast Hlfh School at Catholic Rich.
Southern High School at Wett PhlU. High.
Alumni s. Episcopal Academy
La Sails College at Phlla Trade School.
Northeast High School at Episcopal
Penn Charier at Central High School
West Phlla. High at Camden Hlfh School.
The great improvement of Central
High School's pluy on the diamond the
last week promises to make the campaign
for tho 1'rlnceton trophy In tha Interscho
lastlc League a closer race than was first
predicted. After loBlng its first two
games the CrimBon and Gold came back
In surprising form and annexed the next
brace of contests, making an average of
Northeast High School and West
Philadelphia High School are tied for
first place, each with three victories and
one defeat. However, an undisputed
leader of the organization probably will
be decided before the end of the week
Besides today's games, the teams en
tered In the race also will play on Wed
nesday and Friday Central High Is
scheduled for matches with Catholic
High, on the flrst mentioned day, while
West Philadelphia High School will op
pose Coster O'Brien's nine Friday after-,
noon on the Speedboy's diamond.
Captain Barnltz probably will send his
two slab stars, Sheppard and Barels, to
the mound in these games, which are
considered crucial contests by the Broad
and Qreen streets students. Two vic
tories for Central would greatly increase
its percentage and shorten the gap be
tween Northeast and West Phllly.
Fenn Charter has a trio of brilliant box
performers in Lamb. Isenberg and Kent
They have been displaying fine fettle on
the mound for tbe Little. Quakers and
followers of the nine believe the pitcher
will materially help In winning a, ma
jority of Cba,rtM' sauna.
Seaview Qualification Medal Goes to
Risley, 81 to 84.
ATLANTIC CITY. April C6 -Maurice E.
Risley, the star golfer of the seashoro
fleld,-defeated James C. Parrlsh, Jr., of
tho National Golf Links, yesterday for
the gold medal In the play-off of the
qunlltlcation round tie of Thursday at
Seaview, when both turned In cards of 79.
Risley went around In SI, ns against
SI for the Metropolitan player.
The New Yorker suffered from the
breaks In luck, his splendid shots orf the
tecs on the 2d. 9th, 16th and 18th holes
rolling Into bad lies. After gaining the
comfortable margin of Ave strokes on
the 15th he played safe, bringing his card,
which might have read 77, up to 81.
Coach Orton to Shape Men for 'Inter
collegiate Championships.
The L'nlvctBlty of Pennsylvania track
authorities todny began the work of pre
pnrlng their tram for the Intercollegiate
track nnd field chnmplonshlps, to be held
hero on May IS and 23. Conch Orton 'or
deted nearly all tho men who competed
on Friday nnd Saturday to rest up until
Wednesday, when they will do a little
light wotk to put them on edge for the
Princeton handlcnp gnmes, to which
team of 20 men will be sent. The prin
cipal exception to the men who nre to
bo rested was Jim Patterson, the sprint
er. He has been training only two weeks,
nnd since he Is to be the chief reliance
In tho 100 yards, he is anxious to work
to get Into condition.
The freshmnn track tenm will meet
the combined school teams tomorrow
afternoon nt 3 o'clock. This will be the
tlret time that tho Quaker youngsters
h.ive competed as a team this year, and
their work will be w niched with Interest
Week's Sport Begins for Best 'of Up
town Talent.
Starting tonight, a pocket billiard tour
nament will be held at 3111 Kensington
aenuo thnt will bring together some of
the best of the uptown talent
The schedule for the week is as fol
lows: Tonight, Arthur McBeth, of Port
nichmontl, nnd Anthony Graef; Tuesday,
Leo Mack and John Gallagher, Wednes
day. John MacK, of North Penn, and
Sterhen Bennett, of Aramingo, Thursday,
William Plummer. of Cooperville, and
William Hoyle
to the
SO persons are going to the Panama-Pacific and San
Diego Expositions as guests of the Public Ledger
Evening Ledger, Not one of thera ned spend a cent.
They will see everything, travel firsC-class and stop
at the best hotels. If you would like to be included
in the party, send for particulars.
Fill Oat
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Public Ledger Evening Ledger
Independence Square, MUadelphU
Please eater my name as a contestant tor th.
Panama.. Paclflo Exposition Tour. ln
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