Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10
mmmm ETENTNa EBDGTBJTX PHIEDMJPHra, MONDAY, ftPBTTJ 26, IQlS; 10 r PRACTICAL ARTICLES AND FASHIONABLE FANCIES FOR THE WOMAN AND THE HOUSEHOLD PERPETUAL GRUMBLERS By ELLEN On Having a THE Jjerpetuat grumbler, tike the poor, la nlwnys with us. He Is never sn happy as when he Is tailing at the hand of fate, of bemoaning his unn bad luck, or envying other people their wonderful good fortune, and. In tact, making him- Belt a general nuisance to every one with whom ho comes In contact. For perpetual grumblers contribute very, v6ry little to the world's happiness. They nre pessimists, and the pessimistic feolnt of view never did achieve anything and ncVor will. And et these people with che chronic grouch take n vnauo sort of pleasure in their own gloominess which, morbid though It undoubtedly or, Keems to bring them an odd sort of sat isfaction. Life to them without n grumble would be stale, flat and unprof itable! Oh, don't the daj tetm Innk and lone. When all gorn right nnd nothing kos wrong? And Isn't jour life extremely lint, Vltl nothing nhatier to grumble at? Where the perpctunl grumbler is con cerned, there Is a good deal of truth In the above. The Immortal Mrs. Gum midge, for Instance, of David Copper field fame, who proudly styled herself "a lone, lorn woman," and who would burst into tears upon the very slightest provo cation, was never really satisfied unless she was utterly miserable. Her situation In llfo was a perfectly pleasant one. But she simply had to have a grievance. And so she fixed upon the demise of her late lamented spouse as the tragedy which had .blighted her life. The much-lamented Mr. Gumtnldge, by the way, had never been anything else than a severe trial to her In the days of matrimonial blessedness when he was alive. An nll vlso Providence doubtless had sent him for the purifying and chastening of his unfortunate wife's spirit. Hut the ex traordinary point in the whole affair was that the lady did not thank that same all wise Providence when it judiciously saw lit to remove the subject and source of her trlalsr No Indeed! Instead of brlsk enlng up and viewing llfo from the op timistic point of view, the relict of the af ore-mentioned Gummldge chose the fact of hjs demise as a reason J ml nll-sut-flclng cause for one long and perpetual grouch I The curious thing about the immortal Sirs. Gummldge, however, was that she, In common with many, many other pessi 1 IWBL CHILDREN'S CORNER The Fairy "N OW," said the fairy queen ns she looked over the forest, "I think I have at last got all raj work done, and I can take a little vacation! I've colored the flowers every one that I can find I've opened nil tho tree buds and strengthened their branches I've en couraged the birds and the Insects and given cheer to all the growing things that ought to be enough for one fairy queen! Now I think "11 take a long sleep!" So, without another word, she curled up snugly In her big Jack-ln-thc-puTpit home and went to sleep. For a while after slit? slept every thing went on as usual. The flowers bloomed, the birds sang nnd the grass hopper and crickets hummed their gay song. But before an hour had passed things began to go wrong. First It was old Mr. Grasshopper "Has anybody seen that long stift grass I liked to swing on7" he asked of no one tn particular, but nobody nnswered. Tou ee, usually he Just asked out his wishes that way, and the fairy queen or one of her good helpers answered him and helped him get what he wanted. But not so thiB time nobody said a word! "I say!" repeated Mr. Ginsshopper, Im patiently, "has anybody seen that long stiff grass 1 like to swing on? I can't remember Just where it is." "That's too bad," said a nearby Katy did, "for I haven't an Idea about It. What I'm looking for is that spider web the fairy queen told me about. Do you know where It Is?" "I know where a spider web Is?" asked the) grasshopper Bcornfully. "Don't abk me about our affairs! 1 have troubles of rqy own!" And he hopped off In dis gust. "Won't you please come and help me now?" said a soft little voice Just then. "My biggest bud Is all ready to color and I am so anxious to see it, 1 can hardly wait till you have finished It!" But no body answered. Up high In the tree overhead, a voice called out, "Please bring me a nice tittle breeiel I'm so warm and I've been working very hard! Please bring me a breeze right away!" But nobody an swered. Now all this time that the grasshopper was fretfully poking around through the grasses for his favorite long stiff spray. TOWN OF FUNNY DREAMS THE WINTER REVIEW Beinu an A B C Book In Four Parts. ' This Is Part Four. V is for Ulsters That no one could loan; Ton tee, all the Children Had Two of their own! V Is for Valley Where Funny Tots dwelt, And played at the Pastime Of "Pelting the Pelt." Wi tor Wonders, A Word that Is flat Compared to the Happ'nlners When Quilts hit the Mat! ADAIR Grievance mists, could ready rise to tho occasion nnd be a sort of ministering angel when she so cho?! When life ran along In easy nnd pleasant chnnnels, she carried with her one continuous grouch. Hut when rcnl sorrow came to visit the home, and one would Imagine that her melan choly disposition would he utterly crushed by the same, the lads' revived In the most remarkable manner and proved tho life nnd houl of the whole household. Many women today have the Mime odl point of view, the same sliange mental nttltude. When things go right and nothing goes wrong, they invent Imagin ary troubles nnd Imaginary grievances. They persuade themselves Into the be lief that life really is dealing ratlur hardly with them. But when real sorrow comes knocking at their door, they rise to the occasion In u remarkable manner. For all their finer finalities, the reservoirs of couiage and of Indomitable energy nnd grit havo only been lying dormant for want of use. An Instance of this very cas,o comes to my memoiy nt the moment. A family 1 know had "once upon a tlnio" even thing In the world to make thoni happy. Hut It was only "once upon a time" and that time now lies In the dim nnd dlstnnt past. For it li now n long while since they loU nit their money, their beautiful town house nnd country house, their jacht an J automobiles and all tho paraphernalia which wenlth brings. Yet they are luppier today than thev ever were before. For deprivation anl tho loss of money have shown them very I clearly their need of each other. More over, they now know tho value of smnll pleasures, of self-sacrifice, of giving up to others, of Justifying their existence by honest work. And happiness after all lies altogether in one's mental nttltude toward life. Worldly circumstances do not have very much to do with It. And optimism l something which is within the reach of all. A Breath A breath can fan love'!" Ilame to burning, Make tlrm iciolve of ticinbllng doubt. But, strange' at fickle fancy's turning. The selfsame bieath cm blow It out .Maty Algne Do Vere Queen's Nap nnd tho katydid was hunting ciossly and more crossly for the spider web, and the plant was calling for tho fairy painter, and the tree was asking for a bieeze, the little fairy queen slept peaceful! In her snug little home and heard not n word of the mcket around her. Tint finnllv tht rnrkel trlew rii lnnil Mini not even a tired fairy could sleep through I , rt. ..-I i... . .u .... ,..,- I IV. sire tvuneiieu up Jil-i rtur hu muu and listened to the talk and confusion I "I ''sail '" reptaleil Mr. Oiaashopper tm- paticntly, ''has anybodv seen that long stiff grass t" "What's the matter?" the grasshopper was saying, "Where's everybody gone? ' "Nobody cares a bit for us any more," whined tho katydid, mournfully "My flowers will never be pretty again," the plant was saying. "I know I shall die without a breeze!" sighed tho tree overhead "Dearie me!" exclaimed the fairy queen all to herself, "I didn't realize that I was so needed! Why In the world did I go to sleep?" And, without another wink, she slipped out of her flower and went to work! And though she often Bets very tired, and many times the wood plants and creatures don't half ap predate what she does for them, she works straight nhead without sleeping, for. she says, "work's more fun than sleeping! Being needed is better than a nap!" And Isn't she right? Copyright Clara Ingram Judion. X is for Xavier, A Funny Old Man Who lived on the Hllltqp Inside of a Pant T Is Tourielf: I hope we shall meet Some Nleht In the Hamlet Where Footprints are Feet! Z is for" Zenith, The Name that we'll give The Mud where the Funny Old Aii-i-mals live & go thro' the Ctmsrfut And Nlpht.by-NI.ght Pranks Trxat It sap v from txlns Au grouchy old euMks' S5J of A C JJooJfc) The Daily Story A Mile a Minute There was not better railroad tele graph operator on the line of the W. and W. toad than Tim Mulligan, but for nil that he was out of n lob half the time. Tim had ueiun his career In Chicago as a messenger boy nnd had worked up from one place to another until he reached tho top, but there had been many Intervals. The double with him was that he was no hero woishlpcr. He refused to believe that master mechanics, superintendents, general mnnacers and railroad presidents were better than oilier men, nnd the em plove who holds to that belief cannot hold his Job nt the snmc time. In the course of 10 years Tim was dis charged seven times, nnd seven limes he was taken back after he had loafed around for n couplo of months The term for It In tallroad parlance Is sus pension without pay. tn no Instance was there causo enough to warrant put ting his nnmo on tho blnckllst. nnd Tim had nn affection for the W and W. road nnd did not look for a position on any other. The seventh time he was taken back ho was sent down tho line to a wretched little station on half salary. He had to be freight nnd pasccnger agent nnd telegraph operator nt the same time. He had been holding the position nl most two months when n crisis happened. There was an nculdent four miles Up tho rond from his station, and nn employe wnB sent bark to do telegraphing. He found the ofTlce closed The hour for closing was 9 o'clock, and It was now midnight Perhaps this pirt of It would have been excused, but that night Tim happened to be orf to n dance with a crowd of young people. Two days Inter the superintendent arrived on a special train He was showing a committee of thn Legislature over tin road. On the same train was a tflrrnp1i operator who had come down to take Tim's place ". ..e special hail 20 minutes to wait that the run east might bo clear, nnd the superintendent per sonally saw to the transfer of the station Then he tnld Tim that he should never click nn Instrument on Hint line ncrnln. As It happened, Tim had received his pav the day before nnd was free to go where he wou'd. Wlinl lie did wn to cross the tracks and tuke n seat on a pile of ties and wonder wnciner nc snouia i turn navv.v or fnrmei. The supeilntPiid- ent's train was to make a run of la miles, sidetrack for seven or eight minutes, nnd then have n ideor run of (A miles. Tim could hear the new man clkklng away after the tinin had pulled out, and ho heard the word come back that It had leached n nnd taken the sidetrack. Three minutes later he was on his feet nnd all attention. "Out of this. ou spalpeen!" shouted Tim as the frenzied operator nt Collins kept railing "Out of lids !' I"i me see vv lint's the nintter on the rails!" Thirty seconds later he knew. It was n wild locomotive which had passed him one of the fastest engines on tho load and in charge of a crazy engineer. "Wild locomotive, keep Supe's train on switch," weie the words sent along to Grafton, nnd though steam raced with them electricity won the lace. The (jinftnn opeiator had only n min ute to prepare, but that minute was enough. He baited the switchman Just as he wns about to open tho main line, and 13 seconds Intel the runawuv came along. It was going a mile a minute nnd better The grent engine rocked like a ship In a senlvav She seemed to gather hM self and take might v lenps. It was like a blazing meteor ll!ng along tho mils, nnd men wero pale for half un hour after she had disappeared Had she struck the special train of three cms she would have plowed her way through to the tender. "Wild engine throw her off." wns tele graphed down to Stnnton. nnd nt Stan ton the (l.ver leTt thf imin track and went plowing lilong nnd burst her boiler with a sound that was liearrl lor nines niounn Back at Collins, while she was standing nn flin trncb lpHftv tn Vie. lOUnled to O. "" "" - - - - ----- coming oNpiess train, her engineer had POL Oil a. PICK UM1 ail UU'"Il puerriuii. He hail made a inn of 3.) miles, but It wns his last ride They found scraps of the engine, but not pvpii sciaps of the man The day nfter the accident Tim 1 wns summoned to headquarters. ' "Mr. Mulligan," said tho superintendent. i "I believe you were the agent down at Dnviburg'"' "Up to jesterday .ves,." was the reply. i "And then j ou lost your place for not i attending to business " I "For not being at the station nt mid- I night," when I wns not supposed to be there, sir." "I'm! I believe we had a few words ' when the transfer was made yesterday." "We may have spoken about tho weather," smiled Tim. "I'm1 Well, let the weather alone after this, Mr. Mulligan. It's a bad habit to discuss the weather with your superiors. I don't think the oung man I took down will do for the place." I "Am I to go back, sir?" "No. They want you In Chicago, I he- i lleve, nt your old salary, and I'll send some one down to Davlsburg who knows a telegraph key from a crowbar. That's all, Mr. Mulllsnn good morning." (Cops right. Wis.) Tomorrow's Menu "Hark, the quick whistling pelt of the olives." Robert Browning. BREAKFAST. Grapefruit. Cereal and Cream. Jelly Omelet. Buttered Toaet. Coffee. LUNCHEON OR SUPPER. Nut and Potato Croquettes.-' Baking Powder Biscuits. Ginger Bread. Baked Apples. Tea. DINNER. Bouillon. Broiled Lamb Chops. Escalloped Potatoes. Stuffed Peppers. Olives. Lettuce Salad. Apple Fie. Nut and potato croquettes Add the yolk of a beaten egg to two cupfuls of hot. creamy mashed potatoes and season well, -Mix with chopped pecan, walnut or peanut meats and add line bread crumbs or cream to make the whole of the right consistency. Form Into cro quettes, dip In crumbs, beaten egg and crumbs again, and brown In hot, deep fat. Drain a moment before serving. 1222 Walnut St. "Style Without Extravagance" Cyze All Our X $35 to $49.50 Spring Suits J I ii&aa I A COAT OF HEAVY PONGEE SILK llffe? PPi7Fl lfft-W- ' '"-- - FSOCCESTIQNS PRIZES OFFERED DAILY For th fullowInK suEcestlons nt In b rdm ot tho Uveumi I.eixiib prizes of l nnd 80 ctnth are awinlrd. rn.r, , All suBscstlona should b addressed lp Wiyn Artalr, lMltor nf Womin's T'nRc. 1,vemno i.epiiib, Independence ."square. rr.iiaieii" A prize of SI lin been nwnrdril In A. ('. !.. lis: I'lne street, Vt est Philadelphia, for the following hiicgr-tinn: "A dnlnlv and eroiioinlr.il boudoir pil low ram be ninde bv mnkinc a satin pil- low In the shape of n heait, or ovnl. Now I take an old embroidered shirtwaist wmen .... .... ,,.,,, ,,lcn open, on the back nnd sew t ngethe i, al in u rnin- ciiHjt. i iivu "mu . Ladder with ribbons an inch from the edce. Tile pillow mny be "lipped In and nut of the opening at tho back A prim of SO cenli linn been awarded In Annie Hnmn, .121 llnlo llilllclliic, I'hlliidel phln, for the follonliu; NUCKPiitlnn: If voti use old ihina cups that have lost their handles for our Jelly and Jam, you will not have to buy so inaiu lolly glasses and thev villi answer the purpose Just ns well, for uu don't bring the Jelly glasses to the dining loom at any rate, so nobody sees them but yourself. A prize of an truU liu been uwnrded to II U Cuthcrlnn MiiKillro. 31.11 Ylhurton Afreet, rhllndelphln. for thn foIlowliiR oug Bettiont I find when washing dishes that bits nf bread, potatoes, etc , get caught In the drain of the sink. If you take a piece of au old screen and use it as n sieve, placing It over the drain, this trouble will be removed. A prize of An renin tins been awarded to Ktliel Itldce, Narlicrth, I'a., for the follow ing MiEKr'tlon: ' When you nre making Iced tea, If the sugar Is added immediatel' nfter the tea is poured off and scalded, the hot tea will dissolve the sugar, and when It Is served there will be no gritty taste of undis solved sugar. Mahogany Novelties A few suggestions from our complete stock of articles suitable for Smart Wedding Gifts: Phone Tables .. .$11.00 to $18.00 Tea Wagons .. ..$19.00 to $24.00 Tilt Top Tables . $6.75 to $8.25 Scrap Baskets .. $3.75 to $5.25 Smoking Stands. $2.50 to $7.50 Serving Trays .. $3.00 to $15.50 Wright, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc. 1212 Chestnut Street ?The Linen Shop A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Towels Webb'S Irish Dew Bleached Worth 75c, .,.,..., , 5(Jc ea Comforts Lamb's Wool, Both Sides Silk Worth $6.60.,. 4,25 e Madeira Tea Napkins, hand-embroidered Worth $6.50 4.25 doz WOMEN'S SILK HOSIERY H. T. PATTERSON 1332 wlnnt st"et , ,. Bell Phone. Walnut 1093 Importer of Linens Keystone Vkzm, Race 317 iltiii HiirrTwnirmrrnjf'' r" niiiriWrtiiiiiiriiinwnirOTiiiiMBPBBftl r-ri-m3" mXKCBmitmKEmBrTWnffmnWmMwlMlmmm y, w fMM M Mn-'" JfisB Africa in Need of Missions Pleas for greater mlsslonaiy activity In Central Afrlet weio made nt tho Presby terian Ministers' Association meeting In the Wlthei spoon Building this afternoon b the Bev. Dr. Carl Kumm. a missionary ! dom that conl'nent Doctor Kumm stated that If there is not more work done by' ' Chtlstians the whole of central Africa i will become Mohammedan. The Itev. I Georgo W. nichards, dean of tho Ro i formed Seminary, Lancaster, Pa., also spoke. Hospital Cornerstone Laid Tho cornerstone of tho new St. Mary's Roman L'athol.c Hospital, Palmer street and Frankford avenue, was laid yester day by Archbishop Piendergast In the niesenpi. nf nbout 1000 nersons. The struc. turo when completed will be one of the neat equipped nospitnis in tnc city. it will be five stories high and havo a. roof garden. A laundry and a power plant are included In the plans. Fit Your Spring Suit over THE NEW Van Orden Corset (Custom Made) Our corsetieres know by lonR ex perience how to out fit smart women. $3.S0 to $25 Van Orden Corset Co. Authorities in Underdreaa 1204 Chestnut Street New York Oilier, 370 Fifth Ave. Tea Tables $12.00 to $20.00 Tabourettes $5.00 to $5.75 Candle Sticks ... $1.00 to $6.50 Book Ends $2.00 to $4.50 Serving Stands .. $3.50 to $13.50 Curates $6,75 to $15.00 TSil To Introduce this new department wo offer our unmatchable $1.00 Silk Stock- QEJ-, per Ings at.,.,.,,,.,,.,., OOC pair ASMARTGlRtSffl VrJf hTVT DIARY Heavy Silk Topcoat I SPENT the week-end with Doris and Joe "Darby and Joan," their friends call them, they're so hopelessly In lovo. We had n lovely quiet time. With the ex ception of a long canter In the country on Sunday morning, the only thing wo did was to sit around tho lawn nnd gossip until Jimmy nrrlvod In the afternoon. Wo took Joe'B big car and ran over to tho Country Club for tea nbout 5 n'r lock. There wero plenty of people nrom I and vvu tormed a small party nil our oh m Jimmy was awfully attentive to a llttlo blond from some Mulshing school nearby. She spends tho week-ends with her aunt and uncte, and she Is a clever little miss, too. She flirted outrageously with Jimmy, who did all his parlor tricks with which he entertains tho genus fcmlna. I don't blame him, though, for sho was pretty enough, and the coat she woro was stunning. It was made of heavy pongee silk, and fairly long about tlireo-quartcr length. It had a small yolto at the neck and a AROUND THE BARGAIN COUNTERS LINGERIE AND ACCESSORIES ML'CH is being Bald about dainty O in lingerie that the summer girl is be ginning to collect her store already In preparation for tho warmer days to come, when transparent waists will flour ish. A notable change Is seen In tho fact that crepe do chine articles aro get ting cheaper. A lovely ciepe de chine combination, with camisole tor), in whlto with Nile green ribbon", or flesh pink with white, t and Valenciennes lace, sells In one shop for $3.75. Boudoir caps still hold their popularity, and a great many of them aio being sold Just now for bridal showcr3. One llttlo tdiop on Wnlnul vstrcet has some of the piettlest nnd daintiest models seen tor some time. They sell for $1 apiece. This Includes pink, blue, canary jellow, lav ender, rose or pale gicen trimmings Some of them have softly plaited frills of chiffon around the face, others have Castle polntf. long frills nt the neck In back and other equally charming nov elties. Silk sweaters arc making their appeal -ance, nnd In mnn cases they have en tliely icplaced the heavy topcoat. One Chestnut sticet shop is showing a most attractive line of sweaters. Thene are made on loose lines, with a wide belt of the silk, which ties In the front. Plain colors, such ns rose, emerald green, sol dat blue, orange, etc., sell for $7.50. Tho more striking styles, such is stripes, combinations, etc., sell for $9 5ft. Hanrtbags are always rasclnatlng to the feminine fancy, and some of the very newest models nre shown In a large Market street department store. Striped OSTEOPATHY Registered Osteopathic Physicians. HOT Ctatitnut St. Bell l'hona. Walnut 600. MRS. A. REICHARD Stamping and Embroidery Hemstitching, 10c per yard PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS 1113 CHESTNUT STREET 1 I sfl? Chic I d Millinery j I '0 r"e latest Indlca- 1 SV tlons of style ten- ftS s NKN dency find their f i NJfiL- first expression In j S KS our smart new i , S NKv modes. XX J v $10 HP jou afsh to tS-v w revel tn the lux- VJ ury o tour furs 3S t next Ltnter Nfn Let us fix them TS. for proper summer t)v w preservation oit vL yl Mawson and Jl De Many 1115 Chestnut Street MILLINERY AND FURS 1 V Dr. Georfje D. Noeling. II ur, Xkiiinarinc iv. iNocung. gftJMMMMMJfflMlII'a Buy Your CORSETS During Beginning MONDAY, MAY 3 In Good Stores Everywhere During Nemo Week you can select from FULL LINES of Nemo Corset Specialties and secure the best INDIVIDUAL SERVICE- Tte Nm Hriltalt-FitHoa LutUuU, New York K 1 ' SY fill tllirll rnltnr n.hUI. 1...,. ., . -.. .. ..., .,.., uunuuea in &t (I), throat With lun InrfVA nAA..1 ..... film tvl.Altn,. Mfr..... M.. . s , ""' v",;u, ,VHB Ben By rerf .,.. u.u, muu ui mo iront, trimmed hj, more of tho buttons and largo braids buttonholes In a dull blue. The iMv.. wero set-In. with nn almost ImpercepUblj-J flare nt the cuffs. The bock of the mt'. n jc.itv.uj iniiin, wunout a belt a nny other ornament It really would hit, been overdone, for tho folds of the m. tcrlal were too nrtlstlo to spoil, falling - " " o...,,iiV Hum mo Bnouider to tho bottom of tho coat. A light silk lining in soldat bleu coull bo seen Bhowlng beneath the tdit, Marlon that was her name told m ik.i It was a Promot model; and with It jhjl wore an oaa nuio arees, entirely trimmed J with tucks nnd plaiting. Jimmy ul positively silly tho way ho raved about J her going home In tho machine evidnt. 1 ly ho has no objection to robbing tkia cradle. I'm gtad I haven't a Jealous dli.3 jealous 01. '3 position! silk is extremely fashionable, and cm of tho nretttcst bncs is madn nf , ... black Inch-wide striped silk. This hu 1 nu euros or sirap, out is carried cruiheJ I In ,nn l.nn.1 a............ U,u.,t . ? .,, t..t, luuiu. .x iiauun uuiuing or an ' tlque-and, Incidentally, Imltatlon-eoH 1 outlined the closing Tho price was J7.M. Of course, this held the regulation coin , purEc, also silk, and fittings Inside. J Mullne ruffs mo worn bv manv murt i women, who cannot bring their pride up i to the point of martyrdom by vvearlni wiiito lox turs tlieso warm days. Ths are very softening to the face and cbmj In nil vailetlcs. Black and white com binations are, perhaps, tho most popular. Others nre navy blue, tuns and all-whll. They sell from ?1!.50 up. cSH m WhileTheyLaf 100 hand - made real Lace Collar- Regu lar price $1 25 "J C apiece JLOC 200 pair light blue bilk Stockings. Regular price 75c. Every pair guaranteed )tn perfect. Pair " 50 pair black, white, embroidered Silk Stockings. Regular price $1. Every pair guaranteed AR c perfect. Pair. "'' 500 new collars in ba tiste and Swiss in white, cream and white and black and white. Regular pHce50c 25c One lot fine St Gall collars, a n d collar and cuff sets. White, cream and colored silk crepe de Chine Regular price $1.50 to $2.50 4gc AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN 50,pair black Onyx Silk Stockings. Size SVz. Regular price $1.00. Every pair guaran teed perfect. KQn Pair 40 pair black Silk Stockings. Regular price $1.25. Every pair guaranteed perfect. Pair KQr ill 1 - . . P 7TT raeTim smm yi)jwra V I i ui la m j -Y:yr, ...A, .. , .,....: -, -f nil i-..fiailrfltffrH