Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 24, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
h- I ti i .w. Mfoff ro rnMirc 'rpn-mnnrnt TOMORROW AFTERNOON Olittoi And Glnmoifr Will Murk W Tlrlr-nmn Xr nnllmr Stirmr Alt X1VX.I, VVUKK. fffl? rrt... vw- a Jlii.. .. i i . k kv xnrnuiTi e$ jiaiiry circus irninfl Vr " rertCh Philadelphia tomonow. nftcr f'noort Tho animals and cmilnment will hn Ink An In Mm ftrihiv irnnrtfTa nt lltinf . nt . u.: " ": " . ,:.: .: : : X ins i-arn nvonue ana mm niropi. wiirro ,f.the circus will be cstabllslicd In Its torn '' Mrary home. Performances will bo 6 7 7 Olt'ort nl'BPl' affM-hnnn nfrtil i t'ntil n rr tinvt &iw"'" v"v" """" -- - "- it vwk. . si ftlriny novelties nnd features In plenty t8 "WtlQiinced In preliminary Informa- -iion. Aiurn RtresB is lam upon nenia tlonnl features-, which form an Import ant jiart of tho perfortnanro tho first .appearance In Amerjcu of Italy's comlo eqiieStrlfttl, tho rider who'niaile nil Eu rope latiRh, Slffnor naRonfihl, pasea,nt entitled "fjills Hookh," Mile. Adirle's trained lions II AmotiK the nrenle artists nre the jj DaVenport fnmlfv of equestrian celehrl M ties, tfio 10 Viennese In an old W.nld aerial novelr the Myitis: Nenpiilltnns tho fe.irles( Sllhons, tho nird-Mlllman troupe of hlRh wire experts, tho Weiss troupe In n novel acrobatic specialty, John Fuller s school of beautiful horses and the srent Huropcin equestrians, tho Five Hnnnnfonls Of riders thrro will bo a score or ftiore. They nre said to be tho cham pions of all countries and of all schools of equestrianism Trained animal acts will be a fea ture of -this season's program. Fallen berg's yoncler bonrs, rlfllns bicycles, skatlns on roller skates, walking a tlRht wire nnd man other amuslns feats, Madam nrndnn's doc and pon circus, Marcclla'B exhibition of trained birds and tle famous artillery elephants. The menagerie of the combined shows Is said to be made up of the largest nnd rarest collection of wild bcaMs ever ex hibited under canvas. The two score ele phants embrace the collection said to be the wonder of the stooloulcal world. Three enormous tents are necessary for the accommodation of the TC0"horses with tho Barnum & Bailey circus. Tho stable occupied by the he.nvy l'eicheron and 'Clydesdale daft horses Is a model of equine neatness, while Arabian thor oughbreds and the rim: stock occupy luxurious quarters In separate tents. Beautiful horsei will Tenure the free street riarndo which the management of tho Bnrrtum & Bailey show will glvo dur ing Monday " morning Starting at 9 o'clock the parade will move through Hunting Park avenue, lo Broad street, to Washington nvonue. Turning, the pa rade will countermarch nn llrnad stiect to Germnntown avenue, to Hunting Park avenue, to show groundH ROCKEFELLER, JR., IS BLAMED FOR STRIKE Frank P. Walsh Says Ho Has Evidence to Prove Million aire's Guilt. KANSAS PITY. .Mo. April 21 That John D. Rockefeller. .Tr, Instead of being Ignorant of the strike situation In Colo rado, as he pleaded at a lecent hearing In New York, really personally directed tho fight on the coal miners. Is the belief today of Chulrman Franlc P. Wnlsh. of theIndustial ISqlntlons Commission, fol lowing the. discovery of corfjospondence between Bockefellei and the Qtllciuls of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. The startling correspondence will re open the whole case, according lo WnUh One of the alleged documents Implied that Rockefeller had dictated a Gover nors letter to President Wilson While Rockefeller told the commission at Now York and also the Congressional Investigating Committee that he had kept his hands off the strike situation and had no know ledge of conditions In the strike zone. Wnlsh snld tho letters show that the directing mind throughout the struggle In which women nnd men were killed was at 2b Ilroadwnj. "Tho commission has made a part of Its record," Walsh said, "n muss of cor respondence not only showing that tho Rockefellers were personally in constant touch with every phase at the Colorado coal strike situation, but that they knew tho strike was coming and wero pre pared for It. We have letters of Mr. Rockefeller. "..It- of J F. Welborn. presi dent of the Colorado Fuel and-Iron Com pany, of L. M. Boivess, .chairman of the executive committed; pf Ftan Murphy personal representative or John D. Rocke- I feller. Sr..'and of Ivy I.ee. his mibliUtv I agent, wnicti mane it pluln that every step taken by the Rockefeller agents in Colorado In the great strike, In which menj women nnd children InBt their lives, was taken with the full knowledge) and assent of 28 Broadway, Aeiv York. "It Is amazing to read the confidences exchanged between Rockefeller head quarters In New York and the mine executives on the very eve of the strike, at the very moment when the Department of Labor was striving for the Rocke fellers' co-operation to avert the clash and behind the back of the department's representative," lae," Cries Ex-Governor Amnions DENVER. Col.. April 2l.-"I.lo" was the word former Governor E M. Am mona gave out here today to the state ment of Chairman Frank I' Walsh, of the Federal Industrial Relations Com mission, that Ammons took orders from John D. Rockefeller. Jr., or his press gent. Ivy Lee, WIFE DESERTER ARRESTED, CHASED ACROSS CONTINENT Los Angeles Man Taken on Street After Leaving Sister's House. After eluding the- authorities in a chase across the Continent. AVUIlam Pepper, or Pepperateln, who deserted, his wife and two children In Los Angelew, Cal., was ap. prehended In this city today by William Mosler and John Armstrong, process servers of the Municipal Court. The of. fleers had learned that Pepper was stop ping at the" home of his sister, at 230! North JOth street, and early this morning they watched (he house. Shortly after 7 o'clock, Pppr came out and started rapidly dc-Wn"30th street. Mosler went after htro and when he denied his Identi ty, Armstrong, the other officer, came up "wtth,-.photograph in the Police Bulletin of Lsxs Angeles. Pepper's sister rah after thnmen ami inquired where they were takinr her brother- Pepper'a wife, who had come East whtn she received Information that he bad left Chicago for Philadelphia, was Immediate ly aent for to. identify the man. Offleer lloeler said the Identification of the man was easy because of a" peculiar scar at the side of his nose. The wire deserter waa taken before the Municipal Court. 81 rea" estate security waa demanded for his appearance at a hearing. Saves His Wife From Suicide Mr Rps Behrens er old. of IS t Souilj JW street la In a wrlou? oondl F'Uon nt ti Vuiverlty Hospital after an I attwpt to nd her life with puie. The ife- disci tit diug a.r4 h quietly aum- ww ?" K'm our i. GUESS WHAT'S COMING! HAVE THEY CHANGED A BIT SINCE nnd t a. ' &if Ale' ' v 4'ii Mm AtS' , II m Wem jHHKgs " w' ' ' i Here Is the Clarion Call To Friends of the Cause join Till: NATION-WIDE SUFFRAGE DEMONSTRATION Pledge to March in the Philadelphia Suffrage Parade SATURDAY", MAY 1, 1916. Name .' Address Occupation Section of parade Tho parade will form nt 3 p m In Washington Square, .lnll fo Miss ITclen Moorr fetyu, ('-''"' fViesfiiiif Strcrt, Philadelphia, Va. Clip tills roupoii. hlmi .niiir inline Mini mull as illrecli'il. SUFFRAGE PARADE ON MAY 1 TO BE ELABORATE APPEAL Women Rcprcscntuuj Virtually Every Profession and Occupa tion to March in Ranks of Vote Seekers Friendly Rivalry Amonr Organizations. A rouMng appeal to each and every one of tho 3X1.030 women engaged In earning their own living In Philadelphia to Join In tho suffrage parade on May 1, and Hum give expression In overwhelm ing numbers to their desire for the ballot, Is being made by tho I'aratle Com mittee. Women representing virtually every profession and occupation have already ilgnl ied their Intention of marching nnd workers from tho suffr.igo organiza tions me visiting tho ofllco buildings, department stores, factories and all the :' '.' " . . "-- "..,. . T. .. "tuslrltt' tenons oi mo cuy 10 lunue. arouse the interest, Ono department storo with 2300 em plocs has promised to glvo 10 rer cent, of Its entlro staff leave of nhsence for the demonstration, nnd an effort Is being made to have all the other shops fall In line nnd do likewise Business organi zations, not allied with suffrage, but which have Indorsed tho mocmcnt, will send largo representations. Even the dressmakers will put aside their needles and thread long enough to show how they feel about this question of woman otlng Headed by Miss Dlehl Hastings, they will have a section. Just ns will the stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks mid saleswomen. In older that the parade will bo prop erly adveitised to the foreign women of tho city, Mlaa Bertha SnpovltB, who speaks Yiddish and its allied tongues, to gether with the other linguists, will hold liluht meetings In tho foreign districts to exhort the women to help make this one jf the biggest suffrage parades ever held anywhere, FRIENDLY RIVALRY. Friendly rivalry among the various suffrage organizations Is expected to en hance Its plcturesfpicness The Equal Franchlso Poclety will have nn aggrega tion of its young members march in what Is to be called the Uncle Bam section. The girls will wear whlto skirts, all of regulation length, four Inches from the ground; white middy blouses with blue collars and red ties; white flat-heeled shoes and white hata with red, white and blue bands. Enterprising manufacturers have sub mitted many samples of shoes, blouses, hats, etc., which are on exhibition at the Dili street headquarters, and It Is thought that, judging from the low prices that have been set .on them, many of the merchants have suffrage tendencies. The participants will assemble on the south side of Washington square, and when all the battalions are formed the parade will proceed north on 7th street to Market and Broad and thence to the Metropolitan Opera House, where an en thusiastic mass-meeting will be held. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, president of the National Amerlean Suffrage Association; Mme Aino Malmberg, the Finnish fem inist, and Mrs. Antoinette Funk, of Chi cago, will be the principal speakers. THE PARADE LINE-UP. The line-up of the parade will be as follows: 1. Mourned guirdt. 2. Grand marshal and aldis. 3. rat oi Klax bearer. 4. KouAfttriau. & EiecutlvB board of P4rde. U. I'rillaael&bU Wui Suffrate AuoeUtlon CiOi-tlt. T OutcJocr pakcr. 8. Sat wbtre vobmo vote. rwntd by women with gtt b-lsnr. 8. FhilacUiDbU tfuflrite Ptoars la car- 10 itiiU(llpft Oouau Socutj tad ynM ttiturs. U. LfsHWd i)S41 ibftneta Lusue. EVENING LEDftER-PHlIiADEIPHIA. SATURDAY. APBIU ... r . . i i i i i i i i , , .... S. ) JX Ute Kl A li' w nsfin ,4'Aw v 'n -m, mf 1H JVoiesslonal women In the groups Mirsik, architects. rtlst. following Kinaeruari tuns lo,W uenriVr.. o nwta ' pliers" m. Ill "orkfrj, writers, teachers. acrs. U. llqual Fiaiirhiso Society. 'V.' ?".ntf' L,'!a,lnn. Unch delesatlon to trat'ounu. "ylnB banne? of III. lliwlncss nomon by gioups. 1. liag-bcnrcr l JuiiIdis. -0 college clelnratloriH. "I. School hlldrcii. IXDOKSIXR OIIGAXIKATIOXS. byKliS'1l'c'!Kuftmn ""t"'""5 uffraK headcl IW.lftl.,ir"U'Al.fw"'ctll Slates, orttl Vomn Clubs. Methodist ' I'onie'rcnce Wolnitr'&nl'o'nr- " ItlnSff -I. riag-bcarcr il" WHi?!! ???" on f00t l,ntl 1" auto, -a. Closlnit feature, automobiles. ::,. Xuwi.KirlB. etc. i-.n. mn.ters. mruriin. n...t. ,.... ... TO FIGHT ORDER TO QUIT Jamison Hotel Proprietor Objects to Leaving Parkway Path. Destruction of buildings near City Hall along tho lino of the projected Parkway Is to be started by tho city within tho next few months. Notices have been sent to occupants of the following structures to vacate by May J: Hotel Jamison, H00 II Filbert stteet: 1716-26 Race street; JSOI 2ua,ChVerte;Vree0t,s:,,ea8t Cr,W f ,5lh " John O. araham. proprietor of the Hotel Jamison. Is expected to take steps to re sist tho contemplated action of tho cltv which, though It iu demolish only one! half of the present hotel property will damage his business. Only Ml Filbert street Is to be demolished. Tho adjoin Ing section. 1409, belongs to the Jamison hstato and Is In chargo of the Pennsjl. nnia Compan for Insurances on Lives and Qrantlng Annuities. DEMAND THE BEST WE HAVE IT WILLIAM FOX Prcsenta The New Governor Kreutzer Sonata Glemenceau Case The Plunderer 4-BIG WINNERS 4 WATCH RELEASE DATES Fox Film Corporation WILLIAM rax rHotoruij jumiut lUUAHi THROUCH FoxFTTm COftPOrtATiaN 1333 VINE i'&one, 4503 Of course you guessed it. The circus will rench Philadelphia tn- morrow nftcrnoon nnd will ho established nt Hunting Pnrk avenue nnd 1 0th street in its temporary homo. The parade will ho held Mondny morning nnd tho first performance that afternoon. The San Carlo Opera Tim Snn Cirlo rirnnd Opera Company, which plnel here e.irller In the season at tho Onriick Theatre, will pl.iv n icturn en gagement at the. Foirest, commencing, next Monday night, night dlffeient operas wilt be given, ns follows: Mondny, "Rlgolet to" , Tuosdny, "The Masked Ball" ; Wed nesday mntlnee, "Faust"; Wednesday night. "Trnvlatn" ; Thtirndnv, "Carmen"; Filday. "I.urln": Rnturd.w matinee, "Tio vutoro"; Saturday evening, "The Bather of Seville" The company brings with It most of the tnrn who made Ita per- fotmnnces such a succcsi heie before, nnd I will present several singers tiei; to this cltv Sltr Giuseppe Tilcnilii, dramatic trt,.n. n.lir. .i.a rntn1f1lv M'illl flirt KMSInn 13 rand Opera Company, will npponi In ' "Carmen" and "Travlata." Mine, llcrtha Shalek will slim "Cm men" Thmsd.iy , night: Mine. Linn Castl, n diatnatle so- i urnno. who passed tho trying nideal of , singing lending roles In tho great operas of La Scnln. nnd San Carlo. Italy, will be heard In "The Masked Hall " Tho musi cal ahlllt of the company (nccoiding to Hn press agent) will bo Judged tiom I ho fact that Its icpertolre contains IT. dif ferent operns. and the company curries complete stn,rc settings of nil of these. KrcitillR Monday nlgnt bilngs. beside the opera opening nt the Foirest, n regrettable con flict of concerts. At the Little Thcatie Hunter Welsh, plnnlst, will give his only lorn! leiltnl nnd will Includo on his pro gram the Haeh-Iiusonl "Chornl Preludes. ' and "Chnconne," .Mozntfs ronata In A mnjor, nnd n group of Chopin numbers among others. Tho same evening Albeit .Spnldiiig, violinist, will return to Phila delphia nfter several cais' absence. Ho will bo heard at Wltherspnon Hall In .1 roeltnl Including numbers by Bach. Nlccolo Pnrponi, TsehnlUiiwsk, H.ihms nnd othern. Other concerts of the week nre those of Giuseppe Hoghcttl, lyric tenor, nt Wltherspnon Hall, on Tuesday evening, together with John Thompson, the plnnlst, nnd thnt of Miss Alfreda Iteatty. sopinno, assisted hy Hans Klnd ler.. nt Wltherspnon Hall, Wednesday evening. Folk-Song Recital There have been practically no recitals of folk-songs this season, so more than common Interest nttachen to that of Mile. Almeo Ue Tirabnnl, who will sing, Wed nesday afternoon nt the Plillonuisian Club, 3011 Walnut street, n program of Belgian folk-songs. The circumstances of Mile De Brabant's presence In America are as tragic ns Is the condition of he country. Her selection of pongs Includes KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE MAItKRT Sllti:nT AIIOVK JOTH DA1I.V .T '.'. Be. i: KMNfiS. 7 & 0, 5c, 10c. FORD STERLING in A iitti.i: hand or nor.n liiioNcnn iui.t. in u WI.STI.'KN hl'OltY 51AN1 oiiinits EMPRESS MAIN ST. MANAYUNK Tltn MASTKU crtACKSMAN l'ratiirlnir UAIIIt CAIII'.Y t'HAS. CIIAI'I.IN In "HIS .NIIH' JOB" THE WRONG FLAT A Comedy I FADFR rort-ilrt Street and linn lirtiirrk Amid Itrllned SiirninnillnKS TIIK 1.0 Vi: ItOfTB, by ITilnanl reples hrlei'tcd nnifdy mill krene pictures PARK Hlilge Ae. Dauphin Ht. i mi". .Matlnerit Sil3. Kii. 715 "The llsfctfrlnin linn of the Junsle" CH.MII.Kh t'UAI'I.IN In "A Mulral Career" IRIS Kenstngtim und iijj AllfBbeny ATes. 'SAKH 11V A BltnAJI" Two part. Mutual Muttrrplrture "A MAN AM) JUS MATH" JEFFERSON S9TII AXI1 DAL'I'ill.N HIS. Z U D O R A "o.oon.ono AIIDKII ATTHACTIOS with WM. FARNUM with NANCE O'NEIL. THEDA BAItRA THEDAnAihwM.E.SirAv with WM. FARNUM WILLIAM FOX fHoiBfuriiumiuc MWIW TMUnUCM l-axHlm COrtPOHATION STREET Walnut IWIBr YOU WERE YOUNG? some In French, some In Flemish and some In the little heaid "Walloon. Mili tary and love songs, nnd songs dating hack to the l"th century nre on this In teresting program. Mr. Hans Klndler will nssist Mile, Do Brabant. Temple Mimic Festival The annual music festlvnl under the auspices of the College of Music, Temple University, will be held nt the Acndemy mi Wednesday evening Dr. Thnddeus Rich will conduct tho orchestra nnd nnill F. Ulrlch will direct the chorus. Thcie will be two arias by llcnrl Hcott, tho first sung heie since his Joining tho foicrw of the Mcttnpolltnn Opera Com pany. MILITANT SONS OF VETERANS They "Start 'Things" on Trolley Car, and One Is Arrested. A soldier's uniform often Imbues tho average oiith with n splilt of bravado, nnd four young men nttlicd In the uni form of Sons of Veterans were no c- eeptlon to the rule Ihev made things uncomfortable for pnssengciK nn an Ilth stieet car, tho police my, ami struck several rldcrn with their belts. Tho conductor compelled them to beat a retreat, nnd then tho inllltnry jouths attacked Charles 11. Pell, u passenger, who left the car with them at J?orrls street. Policeman Mllllkcn witnessed the attack nnd puisued the trio. Ho cap tured Clarence Mains, ID years old, of 1'ij" South 10th stieet. Mains was held In JK00 ball today for a further heating by Magistrate Mori Is. Tliu light occurred last night. 'What's DoingTonight?" 1 1 Debate nn "Vnlue of thp 'Jltncj' na Cnni parnl with tint of the New Oliamher of Com merta Movement." Y. M. r. A. Hramli, loll Lehigh acnuc. H oVlock 1'iee I'la. "A Trip ThrmiRh the I.iml of I.pt's I'lftenil," by the llenio allil Si h ml I p.lKUr, Srnttlah Jtlto Hull, Urnml an.l linni 8trcct, 8 o'clni li. f 1'inner. h.irton K lionl of tie t'nlersity of I'cmiai 1 ,ml i. Hotel Adl.hla 7 nMoek Dinner. L.uiibi s-'Isnia Kiatcrnlt, Hotel Ad'liihla. 7 o'cloik llanquct, Itlilli' Phrk lli Association. Iti.l lo Park. 7 o't lm U DraniotiCH, Akiiph Iiwln School. Helleue Iratforil; S o'cloik arris t & Go. 211 North 8th Street Sell Profitable Picture Theatres TRICES $100 to $t00,000. Both phonen. Exhibitors' RookinK Olllces, Inc. CAI'ITAI, STOCK J2.1.000 1339 VINE STREET OIKiAM.ri) AND Ol'KItATIlD SOLELY rtlll 'Ml'TUAI, IIKNEFIT OP ALL KMIIIUTOIIS Not for Anyone's Personal Profit Hooklnes nbtalnrrl (or all clashes of Se lect Feature rhotoplaa at best prices, l'hones Walnut TIM'.. Ilace I11D0. Come In anil Ret trlctH on all nni ii:a'ixici:s READ Charlie Chaplin's Life IN THIS Photo-Play Review OUT NOW 3 Months, 25c 1 Year, $1,00 HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED AND WELL PRINTED "America's Leading Movie Weekly" Photo -Play Review Real Estate Trust Building Philadelphia, Pa. 24, 1915: i . THE PHQTOPLM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Photoplay Editor of the Evenlna Ledger will be pleased to answer ques tions relatlno to his department. Questions relating to family affairs of actors and actresses are barred abso lutely, Queries will not be answered by letter. All tetters must be addressed to Photoplay Editor, Evenlnn Ledger, Although business enterprises nnd the "show business" In general ltne been seri ously affected by the world war, the mo tion picture Industry tins continued Its march of progress unretnnled without, In deed, tho nllghlest peiceptiblo shortening of Its strides. Ruch n condition Is altogether unlnuo In tho history of nmusementB fttul causes the first scilniiR break In the lime-proved relationship of office nnd thenlro of big business nnd professionally provided pleasure. Invariably the prosperity of tho amusement world hns been dependent upon and In well-dpllned propoitlon to the prnspeilty of the business world. A marked depression In tho financial market Is nlwnys teflcetod In tho box office, nnd since the commencement of tho Uuiopcnn strife nnd subsequent de pression of big business, tho dramatic stage, circus, carnival and kindred amuse ments have rccehed a Jolt that has nil but put them out of tho running, and the majority of those which remain nre con ducted more upon the hope that springs eternal In the showman's breast than upon actual lecelpts. Not so with the motion pictures. On the conttnry thnt extraordinary amuse ment with Its appeal so blond as to touch all clnsses and Its rnteR of admission so low ns to bo ever within easy reach of the masses, has shown a grentet advance In prosperity from the exhibition side and n more rapid nnd vital development of the Inventive, constitutive nnd productlvo sldo during the last six months than nt any other given peilod of Its existence. Last September It was estlninti'd that thcie wcte 17,000 theatres In tho United States devoted to pictures. Todnv n cmi servnlivo cMlmnlc places the llgurs at 21,U0. while on tho producing side thcie hns been nn astonishing Increase in th litliiiber of people emplovid mow rjiout a ,uarter of a mllllonl, nnd the . al.n li . paid them aggirgnt" $2 K13.onu wecklv The 1m. ( mo nf the ronihlnxd picture show i I. about $1 3n,.1 ,! per da;, or close to "i . 11m, ,v I.A.N't. A-I nrt AC. I Illy 1 in nni unit Hhubc In Ural Plilla .li;.s.sE I, l.AKV I'icionts W AI.I.ACi: HUIUMll.It In "A GENTLOMAN OF LKISURE" Lialcl iioIuMO's Dramatic Stu0hs , "The Girl of the Golden Wcsr VALIJ VALl.I ' the .MnKiicilc sinr IN "THE HIGH K0AD" ! Tho IMrn mount Co rrrentH j the OreHt nil mud Dimna , "RULE G" I Thurs. Fri. & Sat. i CHESTNUT ST. SSSIb Ilorae of Wnilil'fi. flronlctt Photo-l'lars 4 Times Dili Aft . 1 nml ,1. K.m 7 iinl 0 TTUrs ino, l.v nnd IV TIIMtiHT l,.ST Tllin tiii: vi:f.i(j (ncinrr:." Onp lifl Onl", Hi'ilnnlns Momlnj Afteinoon The llNtlnKiili!iel Mnr MRS. LESLIE CARTER i. tiiii Tiiiin,i,iri wau imvn Coming! Hlon. & Jl'ucs. I Wed. i 1 THE JUNGLE Film Version of UPTON SINCLAIR'S Sensational Novel, With GEORGE NASH CLARENCE HANDYSIDES ROBERT PATON GIBBS METROPOLITAN BOOKING OFFICES HARRY BRYAN, Manager Filbert 2484 Other Feature Films in Preparation The Art Film Co. 2$&$&$P """ LAURA In a Series of Features OU11 FIKST ItKLKASK IN 3IAV THE STUBBORNNESS OF GERALDINE IN FIVK REELS BV CLYDE HTCU PRINCIPALS OP OUR STAR CA6T S1U MrU Emprcu Jll,. Ualir Btlmore Mr. Stanley IlwrN0" 5II.K Mary Moor 31 r. Vtruon Stfel Mr. JulM ifrr" General Director, Mr, Gaston Mervale tstutt Manaurr, Mr. ". n ' i fioni e.-cry man womin n, t ..... in iho United Plate ""man '! ihHJ The maniifaeturcrs' p.v.rress dnt-l t same nerlml i.n ut 1 "." during tn Color photography has been mm?M'u,'B fected. dlrccto.s haxe shown matkL'l vnncrment In their Wot k. th oriA I uvium ,u me legitimate slm,. i,.""' m enlisted with the film foieeV nn), cen of all iwt hns underL ,' S, "PPM tnu me prou.ieiion nf even Ihr, '' manufnctuicts' hR briein"., S'7crt W nnd iiuniltv. .ienea in ( m , ., -.--.. inuiua r l.i,..r Perhaps lie strangest feature i 1 this evolution nnd revolution is.hU that the ,enl responsibility for ? the 'l?1 nuuiuun minnceincni of the ar, " .' with only a small handful of men ou?i, hordes that have ruhe,l into i T.hirlr" ' most active period The new cr?mJ.Ul have evidently been ,lrnu , JJJf ftom tho prospects of quirk monetary t! turns-main- of theni being shmn of a certain miprogrcaslve form of ami., inent whleli hio .rr.,... ... airWe. populnilty of the picture show n'nd'Jl! I actually snent orent nm. ,i' "'.' 1 the early days to "Kill Ml l! Today the pioneers ore still, as n,cy iLj .-.v, ...H, ni" oiiusinnuai mvl rrcaiir. B men of tho InduMrv nnd lime has n.. " accomplished by tho new .omera . 1 In the was of exploitation and stork toE!,"W Dangers of Stock .Iol)l)inK Promoters ore becoming more actlv dDlly in picture speculation During th last few weeks several companies havt been floated nnd the kiopv ",i nuueq j down on tho Street. Several brokers ar9 1 imw iiianing a icguiar Business of putllnj 1 out nleturn tnelf fm- ,,,,. . ,. m - -" ' '"iJnie3 on cubscrlptlnif. Theio is one now concern which had as I f i 'A' li nt ncndl, , m j ,11 . - . , .. ..... uml-r .inn a typj. -A writer that cot out nn niirm.. ... pectus and li.tlde of a few weeks man aged to have $15,000 of thrtr eapitai stock subscribed for. This company is now contemplating a studio and n regular nlniit In tltrti mi -Tan,. - Some nf the llterture sent broadcaH hv v ... ...t., ,, nlu mi,,, or noining rcgnrdlng pictures, Is laughable to those 3d BIG WEEK TWICE DAILY AFTERNOONS, 2:80 10c, 15c, 25c EVENINGS, 8:.'!0 15c, 25c, 50c TlieSeiisatioiioftiicSeaoii! I A I'llnln-rl.n for MI till' 1'cunls sn:t iai. Ml sic thi: jiost ItLMMIK- mii.i: ru it r.vnn i.Minini'.n L'NnOHSKI) m rti.ru riu:si mi l-l 111-10 picm iiiro ll (IIK, s. km it(,i:i ()lt III.MIIA AM) i i:sri:i) t'liiiiit "Conviticinp; ami Impressive" II Kwirip Call Hoy) Thila Inaulrer Sat Three Performances 2:;i0, 7 & 9 P. M. Illllci' Onl). iBiiiir.' All Mrcct IHTltlltlorN. ALL SEATS RESERVED Tho Proiluccr 'of "Hypocrites" Otttti $'jr,0 tor tho Host lliiasi C'ontalnlnr Vour Mew of Hspocrltfn " Tlrst Trlre, J 11)0; b.-ioml, S7.1, Thliil. S0. Fourth, !W JiiiIbph Will He Drnmjtlr Crlllw. Addra All Communli atlona to OIob Theatre, Juniper unit Murliut Sis. GAIL KANE ALICE MARC AND OTHER STARS 1316 Vine Street IB m JtELSON tlui. tiurrurtl. I " flE I i "-"' 1 in r , 1 lit- , III TBMV