MaijNs1Ti3- ya-,sf - ( -. "--?jf Srpt wiwyyww 'pi n igM'Wi EVENING LEDGER-PHIL'ADELPHlX SATURDAY, APRIL' 24, 1915; 33 f-M tM wjmfgrimmitFfmnmni"" mu 1 I ? b ir t-3 i ij ft'-J --? I ' z t j 9 H 1 r T TM 1.. I t J .1 Jl HELP WANTED FEMALE f1' t.vm An Intelligent young woman 1 f WitJFt? Inv ill" in weal 'phlladc lohla 3 wotnnn to he ".'. an liMilri in west iniiaoeipma o or i .r"l...lh afternoon except Sunday: good "ij-'ft weeklv, state references. M 150. or 4 jSfff rinlffl rrrSpfi at Havcrfonl. first-class cook. A!li lornWh good references. Apply. Batur- T. .mi Mondnv neivvccn ii .iu ana i ju. JfW Walnut t . SiTT'Ttfrv.-.itcllable ''rot chambermaid and WIiiiV iif. re "P. ". Led, Cent., lKrF.D Bookkeeper and atoiinjraphcr. An. f,Indrltln(t. give ret. D21i .Led. UfAc. in nan' HELP WANTED MALE L .jd AN!!. won: nnoKEns with t'rsTADLI GOOD IvAOKS M ail. LEDGER OFFICE, CABINETMAKERS WANTED Must bo experienced en flno cabinet work and do hand sanding. Bring toola. pnseleal examination necessary. Apply VJCT0H TALKING MACHINE C0MPANT. Application, 15 Market streeL Camden, New Jersey. JrtitiFFEt'R "anted, white: must be sober; Cg,A.P:.Vi.Mlrv. rrlvato. E 761, Led Cent. STT.RTF.rt ELECTRICIAN, familiar with tho ' ?A;;iii; mnintenanco and rernlra of A. rirotor tower and lighting for shop pur S,5 ,nd grounds, also automatic telephone. Sinograph, wntrnman clock and lire alarm .femi motor truck batterleB. etc. Apply KlnRord Arsenal In writing, stntlng i.Ke. Mrirlence and salary. nrrwiT CltAfFFBUn for place In countr. i Apply to P O- Vox 10, slilt'K references f MitninnS-VP wanted; must hae experlenco t .P"9I!,5 ?. Jo ond burning In flno cabinet i.rk"rh steal examination necessary. Apply 6 5Jior Talklnn Machine Companv Appllcu I M?ofnc. M"kct street. Camden, -Now 1 Jtrrty. WANTED Aldermen, school teachers, com rSi?i t.l-iiera nnd others, all or spare I time to solicit buslnesa for us. DUIdemla , iSI'to policy holders, liberal comnilelnn to Ston.Pn. Wlllinm II. Margiiarth.'gen: ril acrnt. PlTvTm. ot Hani ford, n. Ilrst-class butler; V .t furnish good references Apply sntur. y and ; MonSnj. I.eLween 11 30 nnd 12.30, fc inn Walnut st. , t WANTED experienced engineer, knowledge of K&mSttng preferred, must bo Intelligent; for - Inltloa In 'vineland. N. J. Address I. D. kj XulUB, Vineland, N. J. WATEP. nUBDEP.S WANTED Must hvo factorj' experience on flno cabinet work, furniture or pianos Phyilcal examination necessary. APPLY VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY1, Application Office, 2J Market street. Camden, New Jersey, WHITE SAND Corti;I.Ki:rtS wanted. Apply james arKer, inc., inn nnii i;,iuga bis. BIXUATIONS WANTED FEMALE JMIEN'EVKIl mil Iiaxo a ncancy for a book J kper. slenegrapher, or clerk of nny kind, r . call up Walnut WO". "Mtss Dean." Ledger 1. TpntrAl. ntiH tell tine intir n.Arle Rho Una llateit the nllatlfli atlnnn of hlirh-erndo hi. ' ptrlenced oung Indies in every lino of husl- rw, nnu ii in eena von a competent girt to fill lour position Thin Is n frrn hprv len In Ledrer advertisers, ' fA. LADY, having experience In mannglng come servants and rnro of children. vvlShea Position In prliato family; accustomed to re sponslblllty best reference. 1. 13.1, Ledger .Ertnch agii and Market. LEOOKKEEPEIt. 21. good penman, accurate, K OTe SearS etnerlence . nf dnnnrlmnn, n,il E'TS1 clerk and bookkeeper, can furnish best iref. flx.rt. Branch Led., iwo Oermantoivn. :ESfiIi?KE;r.Elrt cx;iert vvlshea position tak- .. iwu.piciu uiiiirKo oi oince, correspondence. ..collections, etc D2II LcdRer Office. BOOKKEEPER - Excellent refs.: immcdlata mp. neeaed. rhone Main 2.100, Bookkeeper. UtAVTBEnMATrv ivn iimipiii.s i- .j A hlt girl, refereiieeM K. Ledger Office. t'. . Commonwealth Trust Bldg , L ... Philadelphia, Pa., April 17. 1015. T-rin' '-lager Centra . 1 With Irt Ihnnt. . .. . .. . .. irir- -Z. . "" J."u ery nmen lor me l?Iie?,H-n.d"c,, mn. through sour department 1 i K$ln aerstary for my office. l ifo13: !!? '.Anfl throurlt sour prompt r , lii .7 Ar, " '"'luiry io .oeiiion was tHiuS. 3J0 cn Tu"""vy ndernoon. Such r iSL V.Uanl,0f h,lp .but '""B mccess to Ri,M?a,rVnem aP'' ftnt yu Know tow much I appreciate sour promptness. ,,,.... .Ver? respectfully, ISirned) BUCVhus COM PA 'NY-. K. . Lewis, l?fi??I;7?,oman "n ch'l'i nt place: prl. -""' city or away. refs. 251.1 B Wth it: 'iiSStiYiKt?".?.1 M r? Kert rroteatant woman! rwit light dutle Inhouseh'd. M 235. Led Oft, MemWnv.iM or a"f"'1a'" to elderly persons or t""U-lnvallrt sensh or inoim's. M .lUl.Led.Oft. ftSStr?.t".M:!5t"'1Vhei position, seashore or lHlE?5?. 'or all occoHlons: prices reasonahl.! UrVitnuiVt " : ben '"nce. 1T10 Jriltar-.T .ot, j '. - ItSiiy .WH . ,ma,Ker, engagements by fyhUdreii's. cliy or suTiurbs. D 120, miraUiinV'iV PO'll'on at cl-amberwork and PtlMi? jjfa tLt'v references, call any KM pyntdyxun'.'nf 0f """""orlvi reference. COWnxiCnn .1 Stir.. ..Ar"l.n- '.nch, English, music, de- - " " "- f ni drrn E IB. l.e.i vn, R-jSjef living mT.' pfij good sewer, can- yprei, hoUi one Dlcklnaon BUj.1. "if,"" or attendant to Invalid t lellable, refs. SI 2.'5. Led. Off. HHMnllr,a..P'1"0'1 a usefur'companlon" 'tnat. e,.i. ""'P' or any pos tlon ot kSlfi'BftaHII'n'ja! nr.t-cPlas'i' ,".?: FjTflSlrl AtannJ J . ' ' .' - . ' WitB"KK ""'"j PO'itlon'aVVom: tniar? ST AS. take caro of children: cltv ref. Cros. rr;iI"vJ.u.',u.' Norwegian EH-i-riii meager Off ce. . ft"r or m.rVin J,Vy governess. Invalid' m.0n1'.R,uJ"Vy eoverness. Invalid' If. ttCIlETARy OR CORHESPONDENT If.n'a7o,n.."f,"onand mi.sw'srzssi, class securing an fttlUiy or'!.:""". a' con stiil . '"mlshed. j 813, Ledg Hinaentiai best em. Ledger Cen. niji.. Mvi Competent and consclen .IK-l""-! would coniTirSr.'""? maZ.P3-'-1',t Office."'" te<i r.V!.i wa wining beginner. B Btl. fteprrTr-Pitncn, ?RAPHEH- vCT"--5i-8' Cent: 55MUnt. wf St, -"aWL experienced. iaEtWShsp-1--'JiSiSri!mip. pMT.,8,;i.m.t.n' ooct"a"rno7 IHJONS WANTED-MALE BU8mEsalfAfJ. th;rr, r- :nuu T .V "' ""iiar wi in rrtni!S.,al arid office. bkDr.. rredir-T n7Cffi)raBffasraA& MllTroVifsil'i, I?.1 ?.2"'tt!on: Ini J1Wa 8 yf .li11 a?1ivb2.rtonjSchoot STSr 85ftto . b"j; mar "pVFoV rosRJSf'Sr? .,SS.uin' ! JjVFT to. ,. . . r ; ,k0;--;iF" fej-A . t -- "M 10 TAthollL wuisa puitloo In eMJte oi farm. :r.liJM." .. tiiM ivii .it SISABiiriBSr WILL HJJOiVUN A MAN f TtECOHU AM) ABILITY, la 2.17. ?.BI)iKilXi:'''rl,'u'-- J rnrrTrinvANTEO. BY JUNE 1. P1HST- B.V?sq PltOTLSfANT WHITE .MAN; MLHr CHMiill EVERY DETAIL AND UiWJi..."-.--. ..qTioslAllLfi IlhKKKr.Ni V rF-- vr"',r11 bureau, isor i Telephooti BiiC(i87o.-HMTje . i JMTUATIONS WANTED-MALE BOY, IT, flmklil.a. a . " Lon, ,w,7e,u,V &-,! .IBL5?.?IrSiE.Y age rLpVT,"' .rneehanie (English), married, cx-aerienr. E.or wuritry. 12 practical ixtenaliMi -i"Ln i"r" ,,ft """'''' Europe or one or .?.l:a""rn w,nlM- " charge nd W if IT" """, excellent American 199 V m .i,"W,,1' Edwntd Steadman. j..uN lUd ,,, , Mpimont (CHI I.. Rle' afPi1 r" '" nrst.cla.s pr ntVi"Bwr3 rtrl.r,l tempeiniii position, sin- e, ;i lenrs s employer. hlRhlv work. li i.i. . .lv ' ,x" ." l-'l, Ledacr otilie. . iharacicr and lion i uiihL'T "'""' Irishman wishes posl!i.h.r,r".l,!e 'rnllyi single, sober and ?il,.n:r''"r',,ll ilrlier, do nun repairs; 3 faiirerereiiie J JK llllSS(llh,rlt. ' lrnMLX,'i:""' cxperleni-e.r on I-ee'rliss "iiTr" iniiin?in "Pairing, wants pnsliloii, iltj or Oth St! .." ""i hi icicrencc. i. w.. L':t:t x unAi'KFr.niT ninrcl. Mlalia nnalltnii ft ill ' rp cooil rcf gin tlreenneld nie Ardnvre. ...ii, ,u" wishes positlmi. Hilling tn do gnrilonltig wnrk,hlghl r.D SlnId. Orf. 0 J.?!; H VJVK ' l ,hJ"- 'Ingle, wlshen position, ..beat teference. 222 nitner st. J CyAVF,,Vn" eareful clrlier, slnale, solfer, goorl tef ; wages Ml.I 2111. Led8er Offlce. COACHMAN, gardener, "sfngle. wishes pol- n.JI c,r,,,l " pHce. good In both branches, ....-.-,, I,.. u xrj, Ledger lume. I'Aiuiir aung man, 2.1 years old. S lears' exper nice, Kngllsli. Oermnn, French, In re sponslble position at present. E 145. Led Cent. "'""li .u virn. experienced on fai references. J. Schubnck, R22 North 8th (t. 1AHMI.NH HOV, in, willing worker, wishes situation, country, nllh elthr prlvato family or farmer. Juvenile Workers' nureau. IM7 '"n, leiepnone Hare CT7 or Spruce HI 17 CiAHDKNEH Kmplover recommends man em ployed as coachman nnd utility, now at 82.1.1 Be.nlnolo aie Phone Chestnut HUl 1170 A QAHDENLn, single man. wishes" pos.; highly . le om., lam with auto biles D 218, Led Off. Hint! SCHV)L 'graduate, 10, flno penman, desires clerical position, good reference. I, . Angstadt, 201.1 Jndson st HOTEL fANAr,)5iVoung. wide exn . Vmall estnlijpercentiBe salary. I1 r,9. Led. Cent, JANilort-POnTEH, educated while, Amerl" can. sober nnd rMlahln; house or store, best . references n Ma, l.o.lgcr Central JAPAiNKRE wants position, butler or cook: nas.good reierenco and experience, N lfith st A , 1512 JAPANESE wnnts ponltlon as cook or butler In p-lvate family Mntsuo, .IPS N. l"lli st lAPANESE wants position as waiter or alet Toko, 1(111 Vino st MAN" ANH WIFrj Man experienced In gar dening, cattle, etc., wife as cook; Prot.; com petent nnd reliable, refs M 22.1. ledger Off. Ol'rirn ASSISTANT Age 2S; broad business experience, excellent education, legal nnd newspaper training, experienced In casualty Insurance and compensation claim adjust ments; first-class correspondent, investigator, tsplst, knowledge stenography. 13 453, Ledger Central, SALESMAN" desires traveling position with flr-t-elnss house, specialty man calling on the 'wholesale nnd best retail grocery trade, nil over the United Btates for the past tlvn ycdra, highest credentials nnd proof of largo sales. rcMotflce Cox 111, Philadelphia. SALESMAN. 27, with I .vis." exp mech line: also capable correspondent alert, ambitious and forceful B 4.H. Ledger Central. SALESMAN, SO. RE'HMHES POSITION with noon phila conceun: hood jinrr.riENcEs nox c2. olenolden. pa. SPANISH oung man.wlth good business edu cation, vvlshea jvisiiioii where SpAnlsh Is re quired, B 347. Ledger Central. STENOOitAPHEIl. clerk, 21, 2 jcarn' exp, knowledgo of bkpg at present emp , with no advancement In view. E 110. Ledger Centrnl STHNOUItAPHEIt, nsslatant bookkeeper, 17, co.npetent. exp ; try me n 2(W. Led riff. WANTED A position by a young married man; can nil nny position a hustler nnd who tyin be depended upon, nrst-ciasa references Address h 112, Ledger Central YOL'NO MAN (2). at rresent employed bv a largo Philadelphia firm, wishes to chanuo position, S sears selling and offko experi ence; highest refirences. E S52, Led. Central YOUNG MAN; IS years old, wllh good refer ences, I vears' oxrerlenco in grocery business, would llko position ns clerk. Address II. Harrison, 1221 South 21st. YOUNG married mnn, 27, college education, , vears' specialty sales experience; speak so'cral Innguogos, will start Inside with stnplo line until nhllltv vvnrrnnlB an nutsldn rnlcs position. 11 711. ledger Central YOUNG SIAN, nctiie nnd wide awake, wlthex. perlence In real estate ofike statn ago nnd salary expeiaed Address V. 747, Ledger Cen trnl YOUNG MAN. 1R, with 2 ears' clerical expe rience In railroad and drv goods ofllce; oper ate tsreivrllerEJ.", Ledger Central. YOUNG man. "aged 2.1, extcutlvo" exp., thief clerk, shipper, timekeeper, nssl'lant to mnn ager, buvcr, desires pos. i:(Vu,Id Cent. YOUNG MAN 21, good appenr'o w Ishes clerk, ship seashore hotel; ref. I ?)2, Led. Off EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANT liourework girls nnd cooks, help sup plied. Mm. M. T. McCarthy. 2107 christian. Locust SOI V AUTOMOBILES Wanted WANTED 100S Packard chnssle. cheap: motor must bo In excellent running condition, llretz, Carlisle Garage, IMS N. Carlisle. AUTO LIVEBY AND GABAGES to iimE 0-c.v Under Packard Packard Limousine and touring cars By hour. da. week or month PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1111-13 Locust st. Phones Spruce 3140 Raco 245 CABBIAGES, WAGONS, ETC. yon SALE Eight high standard and threu gooseneck trucks In gool condition Id Brown at. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES A SAFE INVESTMENT A great opportunity to Invest in a corpora tion that will pay very large returns; will bear tho strictest Investigation: Investments largo and small received Address Thn Ensor Manufacturing Co., 37-30 Liberty St., New York. LARGE CLOTHING MANUFACTORY near Schwenkvllle. Pa., for sale, In cluding good will, slock fixtures, Prop erts, IGtfOO. stock, JtO.OOU; $4000 mort gage; J 10(d) note on stock, balance cash. Ilox E 730 Ledger Central 6pPOHTUNlTYlrrisTblo business man with $2300. in act as treasurer In local cor roratlon. Money secured and Inter'at la business. Must have executlvo ability and become actively engaged to secure salary. IUtereneea given and required. M 116, Led ger Central , - GOOD STAND, corner Franklin and Slont Komery avenue: 3-story store and dwelling. Kike oven: low price: llttlo cash. HOWARO II. WILSON & CO 212a Germantown ave. CIGAR. CANDY. STATIONERY. PAPERS. magai Z1I1CB "iwn ," ti. fc..w. --... sickness 28.14 Hldee. iToUSEFURNISHINO STORE AND DWCM,. inr fa? "ale In West Phila. 4MI Baltimore. i-'. . .- -nnm-t ' "tn ft 1 "e 1WiQ W C k tl T.TQT.R "fuVA"f ca:cle'r $150 to t2O07ermnth: CABPET CLEANING- WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE) CO. W8c. PEK YAP.b. M7(78JlNCASJE2tJVt CLEANING AND DYEING nqTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIED t" a "rd nYED MAILT1OT.1510 Chestnut DIAMONDS AND JEWELS niAMONDB bought for apot cash. Room S03. DPenn Mutual Bldg. 025 Chestnut st. tmESSMAKINO AND MILLINEBY FASHIONABLE dressmaking: p ablei hi guaranteed, remode lng 5,.. ' Abartment A Belmont IP prices reason. dioo i-nesi-68 Y. ZrfnRrTcdrtttt. lingerie frocks reasonable ApVueaT Pa?"l"n modericopIed. 1530Valnut.. rii";!MAKINO taught, short, prao. course, ffir-ffweii: SOT Dencklt Bldg ,'lflh & Msrket, ticMSTITCHINO done while you wait. AT Up.iVh.rd. 1113 Chestnut. Plciorlsl Review pat. EiTfifTSJi. combination suits 41c, all kinds ae" la. 877 Perklomen si., phone COB SALE iiii i una pool, comtiinsiion. sacanu oougnt, Bic4d r"-tch'd Keater. 829 Olrard ay e. ;Qti lUUiiSTERS. new and second-hand, $25 CA?iunwarcl: new Improved total adder. $10: S?w toitl "iae? vvlthTsalas printer. $B3; full Pi.?, ni second-hand regUters at reasonabU llni?! nlw and seconu-haod regUt.ra 'fully ..rantuds wi guarantee to furnish a Utter BU1h ?slster for less monsy than any other 2S5.rn in tn. ,wofld. .-AlB. NATIONAL ni&ii HEG1STBK COMfAlll. mi m-Miuui,. IN6TBUCTI0N .nT,un in 20 Uasona. t-au or writ. BrnrTstnsn PUM BchooU, 88 Owm.ntgwo avi 1320 Taaker st . ,., . , "BOOTING AND IRON AWNINGS fir-r I'B 1WT1MATE TO COAT YOUH TIN LRfX)i and iuSintM It water tlfht W yearra. Phoa. Poplar 113T" AmerUaa Itooanj Co,. 1J3J Bla . STOBAQE WEST rniLA Monarch Btorago Co. Auto and paek tng nnd shipping WiO Lancaster nve. nULIADLR STOIIAOR. MOVINO. J'ACKINO, RHIPPINd. 2010.41 N 30TII ST. DIA. 47-17. WANTED , AST-OUU ft.OTHINU WANTED t , Let ii convince sou lhat w paj the highest prices tor gentlemen's discarded clothes. SAMUEL UOOPF.II. Estnbl.shed 23 vears. 1010 Ulrard ave Phono Pop 1710 Park 4110. 1 I1UV ALL KIKIifl OU TALKING MA cnines, records, sewing machines, cameras, rigist 121(1 ,st-rs, btcjeies nnd furniiure. S. Kutlanl, g. iatn st l'nonc, l ickinson gtiT vv. WATCHES AND CLOCKS MiC. IlEPAIItS YOUR WATCH OH CLOCK, no mutter what it needs: 1 sear guarantee. .UjOJ1117Jrtjjn,vJtu AVE. BOOMS rOB BENT HA IU NO ST. floor rooms, ments. Mrs Ult (The Chilton) Tko nrat suit uentut. doctor or apatt" Celle Mcclain manager. HAItlNU. 402S-2i.ts front, nicely turn biths. near L, gentfn or t usl women, ph phone, P.ROAD BT.. N 8000 New lurnlshed rooms, till modern conveniences, for gentlemen! board optional; convenient to cars A tralnsj small private family. Dell phone. Tioga 3400. P:B'.N" fiM.-Tno rooms and bath, turn. K-.l.Jrurn" "inttern corner house, large vard: E?i,?.ll.ti.iou,n'rn "Posure. electric lights; attractive Burrounrtlngtihnin nt Led Cent. DSVN.' mi-N'lc, homelike, cosy ItTivroom J.--..f0J R?,tletnan guest, adjoining tatli, owner a family; no boarders Pholo Led. Cent COLUMBIA AVE.. 1017-Tvvo large unfiirn! rooms. private bath, southern exn.. light. host, hot water; nohousekpng. nbsol. clesn LOCLST AND 17TH STS-Prlvato family deslrea to rent 2 large rooms. slnRle or en unite, furnlsbej or unfurnished. Phono Lo- LOCUST, flM-Front, 2d-story, bay-ivlndow ruom, aciioining oath, nice v .'urn., everv conv., ref. prlv. fam.. gentle n. D W. LOCUST, 1503-2-floor suite, 2 rooma prlv Datn, rum or unfurn . single rooms, ti: MASTER. W.. 1720-Larao front room, run- mug water, mm or unfjr, likp. phone. 1''1?' W'S-Deautlfully furnished second-floor .v,... ,,,at mini, gnuinrrn exposure 1i:V.1.V,',4,'V-.0.ltrni;,l?' "''I lighted rooms, suitable phvslclan. home ot trained nurse, also irg double vacs., bd. opt. Pros. 3.IM D. sliV'ci"r. W,''rr.D.ns,,UAnl't5 PL-RNISHEIJ KM. l'OH Iir.PINEU GENTLEMEN ONLY. ALSUT. 'iooi-Newly turnlvhod rooms: rp- n.'.'L ''"'lemen pref good neighborhood. Hoard near by. llelinont .1021 w. AIiNI T lull Xnrge rieslrnblc frvnPalnl ad- Joining rooms, turn or unfurn , phone. WALNUT, "tftll-Attriictlielv furnT south, ex---Pna.,HBle oren suite, prtv.uu bath, rhono. WALNUT, .1700-Two nlcelv furnished coin miinlc.ulng front rooms and buthboaril op'l. WALNUT, HI PV-Adult family will rent pleas ant room Jniieivly furn home ltd Pol t. WASHINGTON, 012,--1'leaxant Fnoms ln"ie . fined nclahborhooiL jnifurn. VVPOd 1.1.11 I 1.TII. 5.. Ill Private fninfly'hnn'cotnfnrtnhle . front loom for Ior 2gcnilcnien. ehc. Ilghla. 10TII, N., 2.12V-LnrKe, vvell-furn 2d-sv room, i.-tiiifn. privaie rnmny. iiinmond ..iSl vv 17TH, N , ;n.u Very deslrnhle furnished 2d floor, single or en k ,le; prlv. family: phone. .Tiril. H Hi-Clean, comforlable furifrooms; prlvato adult family. Paring 77ns w 4 1ST, S .10.1 (Sprucelvnl-Ueuitlful resldcncor cmljioseajijljwmebjrm- wu am , near L, 41&T ST., N., 2 Pleasantly furn romnsT boiird optional; lonvenlent to J'L ' Presinn alw I1ST, H., 213 Conl, pleasant rooms, home coin forts, ennv'l. ref'd neighborhood. I'rca 2.13H fV-il and Pansom Uurnlshe.l ...... .. rooms; men nnlv, meals' WPST nriANCH shower baths, near I., all Y M. C. A. the comforts of home Phon, Uelmnnt 1C1 . Key. West 3S'i. BOABDINO CHESTER, 41.10 Very pleavnnt rooms gemle n orjiiis'iiess people; bonnl option. Pros '!'77W. CHESTNUT, lt,10-Verv plcns furn. rooms in it f. conv location. 2d-stnrv front, back aNo ilngle room ijiblo boird. Phone. LEItlGlf'W, nn-15-Hcnuilful rooms, with I oird. all tonv . phone new management PA UK AVE.. N . 212,1-Well-fuinlslied front loom: flnt-clnss board oihcr ocenmmod i- tloiis: terms moderate. Both phones Pfin'ELTON AVE 3.11.1-Two bcnullful com. front moms, single or en suite, nun rlnr tn- blo exceptional In everv wnv. Uailng Till 1. POW ELTON AMI, l(V17-Prlvate family bus pleas, furn room for rellned people, phon , PPRliCE, 102-3n nenirnblo suite, wllh prlv. hnth, choice lahle board. Walnut 72.1.1 W. SPRUCE, 1221-20 i ItrlMiiondei linn, rnonis" . single, cn eultc, private haihs. tablo lioard. SPRUCE. 1210 -SUITE WITH PRIVATE HATH- OTHER ATTRACTC. EJtOOMS. WALNUT oiiO.1 Waim, pleaaint mis . be.iull" nil nelghlorhood: board. Preston 0IJ1 A 1'iTII. N . 12.1 Iiirge. sunny front rooms, cor ner hou'e: other vnenndes Locust 322S 1, 4UTH. N.. 700-Prlvnte family will board re. fined gentlemen; convenient to cltv liar sis. .120. N. 121 Largo room suitable married iQiiple or 2 gentlemen, with board. Bel. .1ISI. Suburban GERMANTOWN, 23.1 W. Hlttenhoure st , be- tiveen Wasne nnd Greene Desiinblo rooms, single or coin., homelike, atn. 1.17.1 X. GEICMANIOWN. 313 E Price st Cheerful rorm, with board. I'hone (itu.2l21 Y UVi:itimot)k-l'r!vninramFly cm accommo. date gentlemen In nlco rooms; board optional; near station Oierbronk I'll! v . NURSE having cottage In" BcTrkshiros lll tal.e Invalid for summer: reference cx- ihanred. Preiton ."TO APABTMENTS BROAD. N., POI Two rooms and bath: furn or unfurn.; modem corner house, large vard; porch southern exposure, clediic lights, nttracllvu surtoundlnga. Pholo at Led. Cent, PINE, 1312 PIrst floor. 2-room npnrtment, with bath; sultab'o for Coctor or dentUt f-PRUCf:, 1 I2!i Bni helor art T '.' or 3 rooms. Rrlvnte bath, furn or unfurn., elec. ltghis, nrdw 'ol floors, all modern Improvemenia SPRING GARDWN, 1010-Excellent npts in S different hnui-ea rnrne furjJtlljchenettes MOST UESIIt.MILE APARTMENT, T'r'ooms.'S tiorches, southern exposure. Apply Hudson, ilSl Resent st. IVcst riillndelphlu CHILTON APARTMENTS 321S Baring st. Two flrst-ciosa rooms, with prlvato bath; cult ablo dentist or doctor or apartment. Mrs. Belle McClaln. mgr. Hell phone Preston R.1R7. (erninnlnitii. QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS QUEEN LANE AND WISSAHICKON AVE. 0 rooms ami baih; awnings: screens and shower baths. $53 JAMES W. LAWS. ATTORNEY 018 LAND TITLE BLDG. Koy with Janitor In rear. Lansilovvne. Ta. APARTMENTS, modern In every way, refined location, near station: rent $21 to $13 per month. JOHN NACEY. 33 N. Highland ave. Lansdowne. Pa. Thoto of apta. at ledger Cen) Ocean City, X. J. NEW, handsomely furnished, 7 rooms, bath. 1110 Wesley ave. Longetreet, 5031 Greene.Gtn. EUBNISHED APABTMENTS 121'H. S.. 200-FunNISIIED HOUSEKEEPING APAUTA1ENT 1(1 hl'HLET, 2 OR 3 ROOMS, PR1V BATH AND HALL FILBERT BIIJW. 17TII ST. 128 S. Fully lurnlshed, II rooms and bath; exceptionally low rent ttee Janlior, CAMAC, X. 2107-Well-furn' apt". 2 orT7ms"T 21 or 3d floor; refined home DUin 33S1 A TO SUBLET MAY"l OH AFTER. AT TRACTIVE F-UIINIbllED APARTMENT. 2 ROOMS AND BATH. 10 MINUTES SOLTH CITY HALL. PHONE WALNUT 2U4. THE MAIDSTONE Airy apartment, .1 rooms and bath! to rent for lew months or longer. Phone Locust 2MI8 D. $15,1 per munth LION'S HEAD ic".is3-i5 rumhTSea r... , p.i.fciw ui cn uuiie. aiOUSKKBBPINri, ant floor. 4 rooms: vicinity ISih and Oxford Poplar BJUI D West Philadelphia THE PINEHURST 45T1' -1 riNG sts. aa.wi "iiiiiuiwi APARTMENT H 1. 5 rooms and baih. Well furnished Germantoiin TO SUBLET for auramer, beautifully furnlshe.1 housekeeping apartment, porch, B rooms and bath. 5233 Wiisahlckon ave.. 0rmanlown. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS 8. B. ISTII AND TIOOA Desirably located, modern sin-room house, keening apartments; steam heat, Janitor, con. vcnlent to trains and trolleys. SAMUEL T. POX & CO. S. E- COR. 8TH AND CALIX)VH1LL DIAMOND. 211-T-3 rtn... Lath, kitchen. hoN water heat; ref.; 2d floor $23: i rroav bath. kitchen, all corrooras. $.. Diamond lsi,J Y, J8TH. 8.. 133" NINEnOOM3AND TWO nA'l.w'"H,15,1'OR NT MAY 1. lIIUiJT. --"- V-"J "II 23D AND PINK STS. CDK LANCBV APTa- nc. ii.uh, m .v w awiiia, a ana z Dims! klUhen.tts: central location, apply Janitor. SPRUCE. 1527 Will syblst t graatly reduces! rate. 5 room, and bath. Apply to L E. Tracy on premise. Phon. Sprue 3l7 BALTIMORE A1-E . 4S30Ukpg apt 2d floor, o rooms, jprivate orJi. boat ana hot wt.r PINE. nOU. Itouiek.fplng pt 4 rau. baih, liiodern furn oa uafura , .11 outside rooma. HOU8BKBEP1NG .partui.nt" 0 room. ni bats private porch, two car lines .omolets- jy lBrnlshed, JIOO. u&furnlshej, 3 Wcat jVwJfdtlBS. wrtta BOl BaUey buildln. JIOUSEKEEPINO APABTMENTS llnl J'hllailelphloi s. w. con. mvit and HAVErtronD-Two large 1inonr frnr rooms, private bth. WO! Iiirge poVches and grounds Preston 55oS vv. NlcEt V furnlsiier sicond-floor apartment 8 moms nnd bath nil outside rooms, individual perch good location, hnnrlv tn cars Por par ticulars mil Melt plKiie !vut 3.110 Suburban rotiit LAitGE Ainv nooMs kitchen AMI H.vril: HOUrilEIIN EXP VERY JEStrtAItLt.. UMllIIAI u in S U-lll BEAL ESTATE TOB SALE , CIKIlMANTOWN MOUNT AIIIY AND CHPSTNUT lltt L PltOPEUTIUS Pelham Trust Co. 1.710 Hermnnfown aie OEHMANTOWN PllOI'EItTIKS ALL PHtTS A. PKIiriVAL III NM mi rwo vvnjnc aie I,ncnn IMPROVE our vacant lot Logan builder will build and turnlMi funds for building Get estimate P to. Ledger Office HUlllltllAN Cheney, Pa. SH ACIIEO J I in hi in, mile station, Iteain West rheler. Pa. C'yntvTil, Pa. DETACHED house, 0 rooms bath and attle; hot-ivAter heat, electric nnd gas llsht, lire place, fine lawn and shrubbery. E 318, Ledger Central llliller Park. Pi, '.VVCIS ti N .vpidv si uiojj mm s 'vuoj "ilp' "i 'airpl OiiiiiOT ilius -VltVil ArtTHlt Norwood, Pa. TEN-ROOM TRAMP. HOUSE, all conven iences, clectriclti nnd ons open fltepln-es must be sold at once at great sacrifice: J5000, and JI200 can remain on inorti.nge, . orner lot. t.vnxico fe't AiMress M n-. Central NEW JERSEY Ledgn HUNOAI.OVVP, lots sfixlM, near trolley; over looking Delaware: National Park. Greater New Jercy Compatn. 31 H ItUh lliuldnnflelil. N, .1. have several Vine propertils at bargain prices VM. CAREY MARSHALL, Ml luleral st.. Camden. Uooilhiirr Heights, N. SEN EHAL dCHlrable homea and Imnoved bldg lots atreasonnble prices. .InhnMnvheiv NEASH0IIE SEASHORE COTTAGE, II looms and Imth cement icllar. nlrv porches, SCOO cash, bal- rtil' I" ciiay pn iiipiue, unnti, wuiunr i.cilger i crural Cnpe My.N.J. COTTAGES, hotels, npts. for sale ond rent, some bargains In building lots C Earle Mlller, 21M Ih-enn !.-'nPt'..Mn',N: J PENNSYLVANIA JjaHMS CHESTER COUNTY farm of nlout V) acies. 1 lullo from station, 2-xlorv stone dwelling, stone a n I frame barn, .1 eiieams plemv of fruit for homo use, mortgage J 1010, only 52.100 requlicri. II. O. MctflLI I'M 1111 Walnut st , Phllaitelnhh I'pon't Torget the Number." A PEhlllAULr 12 a. re farni, frame dwrfllng barn, nutbiiildlnss plcnts of trult utv, spade lonvenlent tn Main nnd tioliev . goon spring nnd stream, ptlie .O"0 II. li MiCOl.IUM ".II Wnlnnt si P!il.,e,p'ili. 'D'n't Unrgct the Number." BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT OWN YOUIt HOME This can be done by making monthly pas ments or from $17 to 1SU lor liouiis worth Horn Slsl to $0210 II. S. REED. 717 Chestnut s BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PROPERTY. Main Line P It. It II ncrea. two houses nnd hnin near station. Chelsea Veiitnur or cltv properties lonsldered, clear or subject m mortgage, enullv HMlin. J lis le'dgci Central I BEAT. ESTATE WANTED WANTcHv house, good loiidlllon, nhoill $J0nil. Arldiem K .'111, Ledgrr ( eniral BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT cirv 1111 N 12T1I ST. 12 rooms, nil conv ia',0 N 10ih st , 10 rnmiis, all conv. I'll! N. Ilih st. 0 moms, all ionv nd main oilier smaller ones. NAGPI. HNUiElt 1207 (HIIAIID AVE. SPIII UK, 1121-11 rooms. 2 liaths. rent $1. Ur Herman, .107 Bourse Bldg.. mornings, 11 to 1, RENTAL I.ISIS T. U. NEA1.IS, 010 S 12TH. Office open Sat night until In o'clock, '.'ill S titli si.. 15r.. lonvs, steam hent. l'lli! Cirptniir. s rooms, convs . $.!2 CO sal Luttnnivoorl. II rooms ninvs 20 CO 1121 lathirine st. rooms .. 2O'0 H".' N. Wornock,llr..ioni.illthMnsteri 1.1 no inn Plnrn st.. 7r. (Kith & Glrnrd nve.) I5."t l"i''i7 Trenton ave.,7r.,ion lUrontANorrle) 11 '0 7n'i s. l'lth st . .1 rooms IVJO Roitmim st., Ir M'.'tli ft Lombard) 12 n, 12u7 league, 4r. (12lh - Carpenler) 12 ID .'2.1g N. Ilope,7r , conv. (Pront&Suen, ave I 1201 131,1 H I oiorndo. 5r. kov nt 1317 . .. 73! Raie st rear No. 0. 'I rooms . STORE AND DWELLING 711 Raie at., store and cc!la. S Wcor.lltli A llalntirldee store it 027 1 12th rt.. Btnic ami K looms 70'l 8 llth St . store anil W rooms STABLE OR OV.RAUE !"(l." N. 10th si., nfnie and 0 stalli 311-10 NORTH BROAD, store nnd upper floors 7n7-70'i Arch si., more nnd b.isem'nt 722 Chestnut si., s'nro and basemenr. ICO Chestnut St.. store and basement . 4 12 Walnut tt ground-floor offli ei. 211 N. Deluw.ire nv,. store 210 .Market it , entire building. 12-1110 I,ellrln si . 3-storv iinrohnuse. AiiplvflEonnE 11 1 EA. 700 Sansom st. HiihIiics. I'nuiertlew unil Stores CHESTNUT, 811 Store and basement, suitable for household or office specialties. Inquire on piemlses U W. SADDLER OFFICES. III7SINK.SSIHIOMH. ETC. ONE OFFICE of suite, or desk room, central. 702. Abliott nMt; Broad and Hare, ONE-HALF "of"oflire for rent, with telenhono berv ice. i uu iiiiiiiii,iiriiii Prnfesslonal (inicea 13TII ST.. S.. 237 Phsslclan's oftlce; largo furnished reception room; running water. link Room DESK ROOM. Perry Bldg Key phone free. light and cheerful. M iu-. t-enger uenira MUH'lillAN Csnivjd, Pa, MODERN HOUSE, 12 rooms. 2 baths, large grounds: trees, shnibbers, etc . near station, J. L. Kelr. 427 State road, Csnwyd, Pa Sharon Hill, Pa. CORNER HOUSE. R rooms, light and cheerful, line street, best locution, lawn and garden, quality neighborhood: near trolley and It. H. Mr. Reese. Cherry St. and Pike, Darbs. MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. UNFURNlSHED-Two houses. $150 and $250 per annum, near station, iu rooms and bath. tun, iu iuuiiim una ostn load grounds, line Mew N rooms ang Dam, s J 710. Ledger Central NEW JERSEY Ilorilenlnvvn. X. i AT BORDENTOWN, on the Delaware 13 ronm house for rent, furnished, pomesiton about April 21. two baths, hot-vvater heat, celled basemenis, half acre and stable at tached; three blocks from depot and river; convenient commutation New York and Phila- de"jOHN II HUTCHINSON. Bordentown. bEA JlIf)IU: Cape .May. N. J. FURNISHED collages, ocean view, all loca tions, reasonable. C. Earle Miller. 218 Ocean at , (japs Mar Ntone Harbor. N. J. STONB HAKHOIt cottages, bunjalow. .nd apartmenta for rent, furnished, by weak, mouth or season at moderate prlcea: all con. Call, phone or write for lllua. tr-Med booklet. S. J , H. Co.. 015 R. B. Trust Building Philadelphia. EOB BENT FUBNISHED " bl'lIURlIAN HOUSE tn the subuibs. directly on the water. r. bedrooms. 2 bath, garage. Juno 1 to ili-tnbsr 13 L 308. Ledg.rCfflce. BELIOHTn'LLY ISCATtD furnished real- dence; .hide. lawn, no rawiqultoe.. ... tle. trlelty. apruc 4SO0. E Ii. Ledger Central. t'snivyil. Pa. 1DAL SUMMER HOME, most exclusive sec. lioai of Cynwydi 3 minutes from station nsw houu. 5 IXMltooms. 3 bath, shower, eleclrlo light., etc.: attractive proposition to right littriy. Addrew P. O. Box .Jul Csnwsd, lV SEAbllOUE Ventnor, N. FUBN1SHBO COTTAGE. 12 room.. 2 bath., modern throughout. Urge porch, best netgb. borhiod. 3 mlauts from beach from 'May 1 toOclobar 1. AJJrs. Owner 13 S. Meriou ave Ventnor, N. J. " MOBTGAGES JSO.OOO FOR 1ST AND .'l MuRTOAGta "'ww SAMUEL 11 CHICUTNUT 6ii Rvd Esutu Treat iJulidW-f. W I SCRAPPLE 1 $ 1 I 1 , ' ' 1 .. , l !. TK PADDED CELL Wk m- B )' "sport!" I'M Wy Nv ( Lampoon. I a 1--Jk x yj-rs ilfl Al D- -chin chin" A"y3:A "!za Ik mm On a HlRlicr Sphere l-VTA. V-VTW ffl Chnlrnian of the Committee Is this the PsSul x VJ&ifyi. r5jvi'ui- i 9 place where a on nre happy all the time? OvV -X f'r vriC '-iga ML i St Peter (prouiliy)-ll If, sir. V V Sinl X fSZr V '! M "Welt I represent the union, nnd If we I (,' ( JJtmM ylS999l0Mi I "i 9 Cotno In wo can only (Agree to he hnpriv I vnOBsV ''C&3KE4' I elKht hours a day " -Exchange. ) 1 !v - ''a? . I i v i i YjijiffwBsaji 0 - Jf H Logical Itcnsons ,. ti- -. :TrmTr r-T&i&p' i2y i . fjrag The Cnusc j The Reason f S' Jt.ji. Ethel Used lo piny a good deal In Sun- - jj '-jir.' (ln' school, but one day she had been so JiMLi'Hii. a --.-'r&ri. Rood Hint tho teacher sold In praise: aK ' "J "IHhel, im drnr, you have been a very SbbbiiiiiHI i "Why are ou carrying nn umbrella? good girl today." - 'aT-r-f-f-fB '& It Isn't mining." "Yeth'm," usponded Ethel. "I couldn't N TaW Jf "I run cnn-ylng It becntisc It can't help It 1 dot a stiff neck." Pittsburgh i 7 I SONGvS WITHOUT WORDS f W Ki f And Then His Wife Told Him That the 'Phone Had Been Disconnected iMy ImrK . a T 5 lb willle-Paw. why was Adam created 111 first? '11 viilcilllllf,, llljr evil. JK Ja 7 jz- Ar$t&& Sho Should Worry w uw jmjmL 5 srlilfflr 'iSM &, ' ' Ir.$10f0 ref TFFf -V - ita- A g - t JTTT-TTTTJ Vttfit4-rV S!:J7 - "T e- ..tor f: ":1 :: i: oWPv feT M Ma M ii m fimwm u m m now w , mU-AMB i 1 ' O v rii3' atW KJsi iZL-A ' m C jrWx .- Ill I il (uSil ( II J$ A il LI - :? wK frl ffvlfcl JjpjjJI - 1 r -, t -s. jb1- . BW xu&tim--i '-. 71 r:::v 7TT ,,,,111-m y I i tpi? "n' Nora- Vm B0 up5eu 1 J"31- 'a S rfff-FPRr -: -t 3 S 6"tiCTffl4LLyff S fClS 1 ffi 3 Ft broke a hand mirror and that means t " ; xnjr ; ipziZ. t'llli I if-Ft n ? nl (.even years' bad luck1" M t- iTri-A I v:A A4i r-tl I-Flf4f I 'Aw. don't ye caret I Juat broke 3 IL 1 IP - 1 I L.J IU-J4 1 Lui-ltl-4- I ,1-- S ' V---I-4 I 1--4 h 1 1 1 4- -11 t -X-1 1 ti ' 1 -..,.... sl 1 1 1 M-4-ii v-ij 11 Ji I' i" " -" u-i 11 11 1 11 m 1 linn n rrettin ' M Vorv Minrloil KM j lirAWf'-Vr. (V 11 IT.'ilHrmXmmrVMVVttWfamtaiM! i j -- j !b.v .llpiylgylf I . &w!mWBi mrmtmmMmimmMMmmm 1 Il wuk &3mxwmratt&.l l Vlr a.r-,riknuri il v r7Jflri WzJam' v "i w Mmmmm mmsnmi . i ri vijiiBn Guest Mr. Brown has left his urn- brella again. I believe he'd leave his head If It were loose. Walter i guess oure right, sir. I heard him say only yesterday he was going to the seashore for his heart. TVtmWJCMllSA. 1 fittt TERRORS ItessiEOWvesavCaj-; jfi&0fe&M WTCtraffWlOWI 4) ItW-attTN 1 -ain ii' 'I- ' ' Willi :i'r rTmtfK"-'' I London Cartoon. Girl What happens to you when a thell drops near you? Captain That depends on the kind of shell, madam. There's shrapnel, Lsd dlte, direct Are from field guns, mortars, a Krupp 4.7 Inch, "Long Tom" and many others. Girl (bewildered)-Oh, dear! What a lot you have to remember at the time! AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE .MOVIES BUTTtSMSOpttfS BRrVRWrACl.TK. vtaiwicwrttau.N. ttWEKTS At-itEW WTCRVSVkCE BBOKEU EOTTLES AXE SUSPEKDEDOJO!. TTit REAR TiRf,S--, TWETlIUSSHIID-iOTi atwtl- CNl FcZARWE IMyfAUO Wam jUxw t;iS5HiS 'Ca- t y?r (( walk "Slvv l WfXrSArVxTfa -M - I' v cttw, ' t wy wi' Paw To give him a chance to say Jf a.ujH oa-rvx,fo( nEA-niE. VlUlHKJOiCWBSWi TntCJnW-IRNtTc! TKTOIERUCTt W lSSvK.-UfErkXCft rWASDEKICF TraEtXUHS ASiKTSTAM. lit' iLL:is1wn" BOCKAS.WVJWC. K"ffi j txKTfjgvsoitmiR . ntsstwActaf