ypiliwiunnlijMI WH). jMW.WlWgMPlyH 16 EVENING kEPaflft-PHIIJADELPHIA, SATTTItDAY, APRIU 24, 1915: jftiqjiqiv''1'1"1 ' i& WllpS5wt i'miipm n HEARTY SUPPORT TO LOAN BILL Urges Voters to Approve Pro ; ject for Improvement of Transit Fncilitics. ncrtt j-otinK attorney. Mr. llnrrv Gross ma.n tvns formr-rly Miss Tllllo Strumpf, a sister of Samuel and David Strumpfi both active In the mercantile life of Ken sington. The reception will last from 2 until 6 o'clock. Many beautiful clfts will be pre sented to both couples In honor of the event. run m& ifliujyiiiji vhjw All speculation as to the attitude of the Republlcnn Organization toward the 13, OCO.roo transit loan to be Vutea upon at the special election next Thurs day has been ended by the . declaration of Senator Pen rose that lie will stand lie- ' hind the loan even to the ex tent of casting a voto for !t himself. the formal statement Issued by Senator !... ...... id mi at t stood, was prepared at the lequest of Transit Director A. Merrltt Tailor, who was desirous of set- lllntr vague rumors that the Organization was preparing to knife the loan at the polls nnrl at the same time wished to arouse greater public Inteiest In the spe cial electl'Ui Immediately after Senator Penrose came to. in as the public sponsor of the Ion,n Senator McXlchol two renator Varo took a similar stand, tt wru also mado known that both Senator nnd Congress . man Vare are urging a large vote for the loan lb South PbllaJelphla, The statement issued by Senator Pen rcse follows. "The forthiomlng special election Is nn nll-lmportnrit step in establishing much needed and adequate rapid transit faclll lies in Philadelphia. "I shall vote for the proposed JS.OOO.WO Increase !n the city's Indebtedness for tlio beginning of the construction of the Broad Street Subway and of the Frank fort! Elevated. "When the constructlrn of the Initial lines la onre well' under way the city will he committed in a practical manner to the completion of a system which will propel ly serve the necessities of the city In Its entlretj-." Members of the Commltteo of 1000, who have been working to win public support to the loan, expressed themselves as de lighted over tho public stand taken by the Republican leaders. The success of the loan next Thursday now 1b assured, they declare. Among others who followed the Or ganization leaders in stating that they will support the loan wero Sleet Council man Charles Soger and Churlra llu.ll. chief clerk of Select Councils, and Congressman-elect George P. Parrow, of Ger-mantown. GOVERNOR TO NAME A "4TH" COMMITTEE Joint Meeting With Councils Body to Plan National Cele bration Next Week. The appointment of a commltteo by "Governor Brumbaugh to co-operate with Councils' Fourth of July Committee is expected to be made early next week, when a Joint conference will be had tu plan the national celebration of tha Fourth of July in this city. It has been decided that the first step will be nn Invitation to President Wilson to attend the ceremonies, which In addi tion to marklns the nation's birthday, will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. The Invita tion to the President probably will b-j extended by Representative Vare, who is expected to accompany Councils' Four'h of July Committee to Washington. Early action in tho matter of Invita tions Is necessary for the reason that most of the distinguished men of the country' are in great demand for addresses on the national holiday. It has been learned that the Governors of many States would be glad to attend the celebration here, and it Is possible, In view of this, that the executives of alt the IS States will be Invited, though at first It was intended to confino the in vitations to those of tho 13 original States, An elaborate and appropriate musical program Is assured for the observance, ns many of the leading musical organizations of the city have expressed a desire to co Puncrnt of Samuel Hnncrofl, Jr. WILMINGTON, Del., April 24:-The funeral of Samuel Bancroft, Jr., million aire manufacturer and art collector, was held this afternoon. The funeral was simple. The family requested no flowers be 'cut. Services wero conducted by the Rev. P. M. Klrkus. of Trinity Church. The honorary pallbearers were Judge George Gray, General James II. Wilson, Colonel tlenjnmln Nlelds, Henry P. Scott, Samuel (feline, Harlan a. Scott, Thomas V. llayard and Carl M. Gage. The active pallbearers ur-ro the heads of depart ments of the Joseph Bancroft & Sons Co. more Presbyterian Church. His widow, two sons and ono daughter survive, Joseph H. Fnraker, Jr. NEW YORK, April 21. Joseph llenson Fnraker, Jr. 13 years old, son of form-sr Unllfcd Stales Senator Joseph R. Fnraker, died early today at Manhattan Reach of pernicious anemia, lie had been In fall ing heal Hi for six months. OBITUARIES JOHN CUDAHY IMlllionniro Packer and Former Noted Speculator. CHICAGO. April 2l.-John Cudahy. mil. II cum ire packer, protege of tho late P. D. Armour; and enco rated as the greatest speculator on 'Change, died at 11:30 o'clock last night. Mr. Cjdahv returned to Chicago after being stricken while on his ranch In Cali fornia, about thteo works ago. Ho was BUfTerlhtf from complications resulting from nn operation for appendicitis four years ago (n 175 he crimp to Chicago, where he became associated in business with 12. D. Chnpln it Co. He worked for that con-ci-rn for two years and then launched In dependently In business. Within live year ho had umnsscd enough money to prac tically retire from the Industry, and en gaged In speculation on the Board of Trade. Five years Inter his fortune was rated at more than J2,0ifl,0l), and he was regarded as tho leader on' 'Change. In ISM ho had Increased his fortune to more than $l,fti.P0O. Two years later, when ho attempted to corner pork and lard, his fortuno was wiped out nnd he left the board 1.500.000 in debt. 13y 1S he not only had paid his debts, but put by a considerable sum. Itcv. S. It. C. Smith The Rev. S. It. C. Smith, a retired member of tho Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Kplsrnpal Church, died yes terday at Ocean Oiove, where he recently made his home. He was In his ?lh year, nhd was well known to the older genem Hon of tho Methodist clergy of this city. Tho funeral servlres will be held Monday afternoon at tho St. Paul's Methodist Church, Ocean Grove, HEATHS widow of Edwin Johnson. nterment private en Mondnv per daughter, ..Mrn. Joseph ttciiw, noil North t. P.,m., funeral nt .I the residence or f.imic st .MORTON. On April 23, husband or Mary Morton, inir. MounitT, , mnerai remces on Tuesday, nf 2 p. m m hi late residence. - i.at wisjiart, el. Interment private, at ZDcatljs Thnmas IS'. Iloss Thom.is N. Ro.s, proprietor of the Hamilton Storage House nnd a promi nent resident of Swnrthmore, ctlc.il yes terday at his home from a sudden attack i of apoplexy. Mr, Ross was engaged In the storage business ror ninny years and was a leading member of the Swnrth- nilXMOTWOn April 2.1. 1111.1. WILLIAM .1.. hushaiil or the hit Hannah I'etitiftt. Due iwtlre or the ftiiiorol will be fjUen, rrnm the residence of hi. son-in-law, James tlullanil, rear Ml North Percy t. nt Triiiiu. on April 22. loir., Moitnia M'TCIIUn. Funeral nervier" on Piimlay. April 2.1, at 1 p. m., at tils late rr-sitlem-e, 2in York t,. Camden, .V. J. ftiiermetit prlinto. .Mt Mnrlah, Philadelphia. Friends rnnv nil p.iturdnj evening from until 0 COM. I'M. on April 2,1, 101.1, ANNA M beloved wife f .tames W. folium, Hue notice of Mineral will be lrn. ,. IMVIIIS. nn April 22. 101,1. TtlOMAB .tovi'H tiAVIF.S, ned 13 years. itcHil-s oi.l friends are Invited tn attend the lunoml servlrnj. on Monday afternoon, nl 2 .in o'clock, at the apartments or Oliver II. Hair, 12 i'l,etmit t tnterment at HUM I Cemetery, lienialiin mny bi vlenil on Sun rinv nrirnnnn alter 12 nVlnik. IIAt'lltlll. on April 23. Iftlft. MA fill A MOT. ilnilrfhtnr "f tile line ilittllili I Mint'lttlme llnulirr. Iue notlrr- of Hi lui ir.il will lie frlicn. from the nsldetiei, of In r Motlier-ln-i'v. (li-nrge It. Kowler. 1:12 Mechnn "e., Mount Airv. IIOKA.V On April 23. 1!t. fJANHM. HO- HAN. lumhaiiil of llHnnuh lloran Kiincinl on TiiesiMy. .it n m irnm :27 non 't , VVIffPrthlrkon. olfinn llniiilPni Muh at Hi lohn the Hnill-t'f I'liurth, nt 1 n m. In trrmrtii nt Nen I'ntherlrni inrtcr HfNOI.II. On April 2,'t. Inift. REHINA, vvlflon nf llnirc HiitioM Kr. I muni nn V i 1im,ln-. nt it tit front "LM tioitth Mil t. Poletnn Mn-n or lie'inlrni nt ttolv Trinity 'lmr''h nt 'i "ti .t. nt pie,'elv, Inierhtent nt lioh i top rcmptr-r tOIINSON. On April 2.1, 101.1, ANN J.. Itrren Mount rcmeterj-. Mt I, I, I, N. In Conthohnrlcen, Pa., on April l. IlH.i. MAIIY A., ldo- or Patrlek Mullen. Ktuirrtl on Tue'ilny. nt S a. m from llu r-M nili ne HiRli Mns of Itetiulem at St. Mullirw- ilitirrh, nt Ifito a. m. lnieimcnt nt Nt Mathrw'B Now Orrieirrv Ol.lVnit. On April 23, 11)13, JENNH3 (il.IM.lt, wife of Itntph Oliver. Funeral lerjlres on Monday, nt 2 p. m., nt her late renMenr... 1211 Hnttth -tnili rt. Interment at lernnooil I'emetcry. ItAI'l'I;iirV. On April 22, 101.1, WILLIAM A., bplnvi'il ItUHhtiim nf Juinnle M. Itnrtcrty unci nin of lite Ute Arthur nnd Mnrnnrct A. llnlTeity, In Ills Mali your. Itelntlves nnd friend-, also Stephen Olrnrd Henenct.ll Aseo elation nml illrattl College illumed, arc Invited to attend the fulieinl on MonddJ1 morning, nt I'fio o'clork. from ltla lute residence, 2.113 isorin ,wii si, iitii MRfB oi icrquiem nt ti. I'nlmnlia's rituich nt 11 n. tn. Interment prUate. rtntinitm mny be viewed on Sunday olenitis. Hi;VM:it. On April 21, WIS. HANNAH M.. wife of Pyl enter Iveyper anil pls.er o. the lute .Mnnt'omery U'nrd, of Chbago, In her 1st vcar. Ilclatlves and friends nre Invited ti tlt funeral. PerWres on Wedncsilny alt "rnoon, at 2 o'elnpk, nt her Into residence, I'MO tltiMr.ini avenue, flermantown. Inter ment private, HOss.on April 2.1. 1010. THOMAS N hti lnnd of Mary Crnig floss. In the fi.th .vrnr of his age Due notice nf tho ftinetnl will be Ben rrnm ti late restdene, hki nrsnr nST., Hwnrthmore, Delaware County, Pa, nt:ATiia SCIINAirr.n. On April 23. lOlcWtLLIAM KC'HNAt'FKIt, In his fMth year, nclntlvea nnd friends, also Oriental Lodge, NO. fcSS. P. nnd A. M. Columbia Royal Arch Chapter, No. OI, t'nlted mothers Encampment, No. 2(1, Purity Lodge, No. 02.1, I. O. O. F.. nnd Veteran and Neptune Volunteer Flro ysn clntlon, aro Invited In attend tho funeral eon Ices, on Monday morning, nt tl o'clock, at the resilience nf his daughter, Mrs. L. W. rrosssn. rom Irving it. Interment private. Itemalns may he viewed Sunday evening, from 7 to 0 o clnrk. tiuakc-rtnwn (Pa.) papers plenso copy. Anlomohlle funernl. el.MON. On April 22, 10IS, SAltAlt A., be. loved wife of C. fl. Plmon, nnd daughter of the lain Hdward and Margaret Ilrerett, nged 7.1 earn. Itelithm nnd friends lira Invited to attend tho funeral services on Similar evening at tl o'elork. nt htr Into residence, 311.1 IVeat I.ehigh avenue. tn lerment on Monday morning nt to o''locl sharp, to proceed to Lawn View Cemetery. SMITH. At Oeenn Drove, N. ,T , nn April 23, 11)1.1, Itcv. f. it. C. BMITH, of the I'lillade). phia Methodist npistoDnl Conference, In his S7th year. Funeral nt St. Paul's Methodist ctiurr-n. Ocean Orove, N. J., nt 2 30 t. in., Monday. April 20. friend of tho family nnd niembera of the ritliadelphla conference nre respectfully Invited to nttcud. Ititernicrtt private. STODIJAItT On April 23, lOlfi, KATB It., widow of tho Into Ctirnen Stoddarl, .1r.. nt her late resldeni-e. 202.1 Pprure nt. Services nt II n. m., Mnndny, 2th Inst. Interment private. TAVI.OIt. On April 23, IMa, MAltOAnKT n.. daughter of hnrah A, and the into Pnmuel P. Tasl HKATIIS illor. .Funeral services on Monday, a 12 p, m., nt ner mniners fe!"i. -. "i West l.elilgii ae. Interment prUate, at west Laurel mil cemetery. WOttlULOW. On April 23, 1015, ETHEL LumvArtD wnnnil.t-iw, wifo of winiam It. Worrlllow, nged fln years. Puneral serv lies on Monony. nt 1 30 p. m nl the resi dence of her husband. 21t si. an-1 Vroxldence a"e, Chester. Pa. Interment private. YARHKH. On April 23. 1013, SAMtJEt, J 1 msband nf Ella Yijrger. lnfral. to which tho relatlies and friends, also Homer Sfnate, No 22. order Sparta; Charity Lodge. No llirT F. anTl A. M., of Xorrlstown: Com pany H,lRh Pewylv-nla Voiunteern nnd loliinteer Firemen's Association and nil other societies of which he was a memoer ,tr invited, on Monday afternoon. April -0 at 1 30 o'clock, from Hi., late residence, 1 1 It Jefferson st. Interment Frnnood t cmetery. Automobile funeral. BEAIi ESTATE FOR. SALE Suburban JREAL ESTATE FOR SALE I.ngnti HEAL ESTATE FOR, SALE tltj MEARS & BROWN CITY AND Sl'Itt'HHAN HEAL ESTATE Properties Managed Rents Collected Insurance and MnrtcacB Placed Lists on npiille.it Inn 202 South 15th Street The Acme of Perfection milt on the highest nnd choicest spot IN LOGAN 2-storv modern homes. hcml-detnchd. with 0 room", nnd eiv modern convenience. F. & E. AUBEL n"rJ;;.,!nr;rrd Sample House, f.33.1 N. 13lh Pt'reet Ellilns I'nrlc, I'n. WESTVIGW Ltklns Piir H nitlftil Imti-linR tni u lilli 1t".ii-n fNt-iv'i'l uw nt titif liornr. o. i:lKlnf- I'ntk. nr tr trfltn anfl trnllny, pricrs, IUC'O nun upuni.1. ntr ai'tunol Hi bv np lointnitnt PhoMf Mtv-r I T( RHOADS & PAUL "VrnTsVark8'' Huburbnn THE IDEAL HOME FOR A SPRING BRIDE Price $3800 Orr's New Houses Torrcsdnlc & Princeton Avcs. Two-story twin houses, containing 1 rooms and batti. side janls, hot-water heat . basement Inundrv. electric nnd g.r, light Lots s.lxlnn fet PAMI'LE 1IOCHE NOtf OPEN 1. laifure froni eentre of cltv. Trnnpfer from Friinkford ar to Margaret st. .'!J iihImi dniiy to T.icniiy Ktntlon on P 11 It I.I1TU. i:f-ll ItkQVfKED '- ; I.,. ,Sb$jjfalfgttlVfltki&u rii.iii r, s M 111 lir. i II t in h Mill .1 III V id' ii l ' !l mil lit', tn uhl l"t- I' t'l ininutr . ,.i, i I ' nn-t .-iin.lin. 2 21 r I'Md '! with 1'ii'lu' Hiihitrlinii E Ppnii i m. r.nr s s nsi. "Tabs' IMMKNTS "is, . - lose to Kharon ntip mi lated a" that - be had with h"Uae. s'l.-ot free erursion 3 i e m Phlla. Sco cate , 1th Rl. tines 221. ,-crclce neei closed. MERION NARBERTH NEW MODERN HOMES situated, nn lilBhet part of Morion trart. AntlnwMi Eoad. rat of lona Ace : .1 minutes N.irhetth Station, il ilinmbers. 2 baths, fire place, (oncrete rich. etc , hleh-class, beautiful Hiirrnuiirtlnc1.. open nfternoons HOWAKll ,1. 11LTLEII, Ilulliler, Arilmoro REAL ESTA1E SALE OR, RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW FACTORY Two Story Rent or Sale 2503-7 F. THOMPSON ST. High or HI no. -ty cnn liuhi. rrnifnt llnor. lrh,a tn Kick . trr-t. ABBOTT, N. E, Cor. Broad & Rncc - mi i imw-n m in mmmmmmmmmrtmmmmim-mt' I m Wtf i ipwis1-WW--wb i m iiuymmmmmi,mfm&H SB DrWCTCT Pis AND SETTLING lit mm rtJNrlbLJLI thr wnnn fqtatp. taw REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Siititirbnn i-.W?lk&l w53fvjLft rff -'fvjA .. 8ss?.svv. .""rss,. jw- .W.lX'ry-cr?.. .:... '.' -:'':.'. ..,. "....t.- -tnMBMI(MWM-aaHBaMiBWaHiBaB----i---- THIS l'EOPEIITV AT ST. lUUIl's 1'Olt .SVI.E. (lit 11E.ST WAYNE AND ST. DAVID'S Mr-ierat1 uluft4 anrl t.rs fnr the bujer. Moderate rerili for the rentT, Attrnrltve hnuef In a homelUm town for all. I'n Incum here.. motprn lmuicx for investment, which will pay 0 to 5H per rent. over all taxes. Best of prompt paying tenant?. Cloning out an estate. . WENDELL & TREAT, Wayne, Pa. Via Pennsylvania H. II. or riillailelphia and Western Railway. rv ff. Uyl.n I I ill ii'i I' ' ii6.iiI.ii 'ill ) Ii i ' i 1. linl & 'ilfnnHINK of paying 50 PfPT "p ENFIELD is only 3M -I'-vl i nic fnr n trnld dollar. &&2&iL M JL minutes avvav from the SS X cents for a gold dollar. and you can get rica of what buying a lot at Pcnfield at the picscnt prices means. Every lot they're marked $190 to $390 is just half of regu lar prices, and is due o the Vood heirs in 'sling on quick sct ilement. If we could .ccp Pcnfield another -ear, you'd pay twice .:s much as you arc .n.kcd to pay today wice as much as last figures. Today you save half ! yf'.W&z:-' :S-V Mf'-il 'Br. "i vcar s ijv - . -: r r&ZS&iJ- 4J-,r J cyii- minutes away from the 69th St.ElcvatcdTermi nal by the Philadelphia & Western a 5-ccnt carfare. High-class improvements 25 homes built and occu pied. An ideal place for your home a sterling and safe in vestment if you buy merely to save. And remember, you buy at these easy terms $10 down, $1.25 to $2.00 a week. Take Phila delphia and Western at 69th Street Elevated Ter minal. Get off at Pcnfield. A m $a&: & "V m SKiH m ,: ffi sw. M :cj if M& 'i?5 $$i w -vl im .v,',--p crzr: T !r TZ " ' ' ' "" 'f-' - ' -'.'". Clifford B. Harmon & Company, Agents 1437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia .Inn.lA .nil DliAiiriMrll n-ltlf rttlfl tlll( ,,...ri--.s.f'c.' wmm 'fI.-';-''.,-' iOKSssKixuu'uuss.x:..- Drrirl nut, r. v.: mSx... :o..'SxV.-.,a-:;s; Drexil lllll. I'n. G0LDE.N AM) SILVER VEDI)Ii(i ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. M. Grossman and Mr. and Mrs. H. Grossman to Celebrate. Twenty-eight Krandchlldren, are likely to attend a combined Rolden anil sllyer wed ding anniversary which will be celebrated In the hprno of Harry Grossman. 1913 East Dauphin street, tomorrow. The celebra tion will mark the 25th anniversary of the wedding of Sir. and Mrs. Harry Grossman and the 50th anniversary at the weddlnR of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morltz Grossman. Moritz Grossman came to America mere than 30 years ago. He has nine children. Harry Grossman, the eldest son. Is president of the Kensington Merchants' Association, and has been closely con nected with mercantile Interests In Ken sington for 25 years. Five other sons aro married. There are S grandchildren. Morltz Grossman lives at 3517 Diamond street. He Is president of the Kensing ton Furniture nnd Carpet Company, 213- iJ7 Market street. Morltz Grossman's cld- rat, grandson is jsaac urossman, a promt 1 ' ..Vi-T--... ! ENGLISH COTTAGES Attractive Inside and Out, As Substantial As Houses Can Be Built ""-Inch stone wall from foundation ti roof, copper llashiiigH and valle s cement porch Moors; larpe (lues, insuring prrfert ilraught, especially In the open llreplaces; hot-water heat, gas and electric lights; gaa ranges; Spring field water. $5900 Lot 75x100 Ft. Huey and Turner Avcs. $5900 E. KENNEY CROTHERS, Architect & Owner 133 South 52d Street IMPROVED LOTS Kipe for building moderate price homes, now await the attention of the builder or investor at Wayne, Pa. Located on high ground near (he Forma. It. II. Station. "'ir rf rt pf rt rt n 'nTiHMfitwirfrfMfr !:VVooo6 liiali ISyjfellfl T i""'' y.(J-rr. rrrs.rr. wn T AYhMJ N to - : yjv- 5fr P c Jr-r L0UELLA REALTY COMPANY WAYNE, PA. t r LANCASTER AVEWJE If vou arc lookinj- for a Modern Suburban Ilousck ecping Apartment, with till the city conveniences, or want a Location for a Home, this plan spealts for itself and should interest you sufficiently to write us for particulars. EAL ESTATE FOft SALE Hiitiurhnn Suburban For Sale $3000 to $30,000 For Rent from $20 up Furnished for tho Summer from $40 up Come and see us before locating elsewhere CALDWELL & CO. NARBERTH, PA. At the Station m CMv.MENTOX ltniOllTS JUST IMAGINE ov-rlnokliiB !inutlful n.mninn pari! iJS' nml Rolf nrnunilK. Iialhlnc l.nnunj nnil ii!5! onlv too fnro. Irnlr r -tnnrn. "m 5Sl?j 1,-. mliuilr; Int 2.1X1.10, 2. bunWloV. 'JiS lip. r-nsv pnynfiim. Tnk rolly JuSS rictiinntoii. Mnrkct St. K-m. Cannl.n m'tS Bf oml of II.,- Awn, with tadJi'S-JS -r-rv (.nr Si.nrlnv. rnmn nn nlonc. Bui now; bp riailv fnr r-urlnc "' i:. v. ji. imr.NNAN. n.t s. inn, st.. ri,iit Kor any fiirlh-r Infnrmallon nr ktmi.1. ments call "Tabs" Scrilm Ppruro MR i ..' Hace 2S.13 any time. Nevrr clo"rl ' f Olnoj- Bi2 N. 7TH ST.-2 storv. por-h front M yarn, hardu-noil floors, laundrv tur,a c0S; ppoutr., $1100; terms rfanonahl ' copper H. B. Wilson & Co. t,1"1" av.. 2-30 W. Lehl-h. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY I Thin STYU: TYPE (or like thla) Ono Inferilon is nerllni Throo lnsrrtlona in n, ivr-ek.... 12Hcftrlln? t:iven cnnfpcutlvo Inertlo,i3... 10a rerllni Situations wnnteil, three Inter tlonB In a Meek 10c per Una THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) rermltteil In nil ula-slflratlona except Hels anrl Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Ter' con.ils, noardlns and liooms. One insertion :o0 pcrlln nireo insertions in n week lTc rer tin Seven rnnr-e.-uttvp Innertlon .. 15r perllnt AH rato rro ba-cd on agate meaturement, II agato lines to tho Inch. DEATH NOTICES-cltlter paper- li lines onetime Mi ,' Three Insertions J1.00 DAILY ONLY In Effect December 1, 1)H. COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both tho mornlns and evenln-rj-inore cf samo day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) ! EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) j Add four cents per lino net to ratei rlvcn 1 aboic. Iini.P AND SITUATION. WANTED $ ADV'LT.TISINO IN THE 1'IP.blC LGDflGRtui MAY Hi: INSnitTHD IN TIIK EVEN1N0 " l.KIKllMt WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHAIiGE. Slj There is a drtic store near your IS home that will accept Ledger want ails at office rates. i HELP WANTEDFEMALE ClIAMBnicMAII) nnd nnltrenH, nlilte. Proles, t.int. Ulii W. Tulpehocken St., (icrmantcmn. I'hone. (erinnnloun 2i)-:i. CONTIIALTO for nuaile, , holr. good reader. iirny. x.,,1. i.eaKer lenirj,. Ctllllv nnd cenprnl liniiAunrU Kmal, nHiitr fnmjly; eouniryireferenre I: 4r,0, Led, Cent. ' COOklNf, and doivintalrH iork. no washing; . best reference required. Apply .161.1 Fox 6t., ' 'yu"ii i.uiii? jianor. or pnone Mill 4.w. riNJ.SUEItS wanted. cxri-rleni:eit.on ucliol. sliry trlinmlnes. frlncis. loons. Innsels and ' military pquliimen, ; hand ten-era Elven prefj J ijii.jk j.in.H,m.inn at in., .iin ana merry. Cil?Ni:itl. llOI'SEXVOIllv Experlenred white- u . r.n uuniiry reir-rei en- renu ren. j ' IS r-prtngfleld axe. and fi'helm Valley- .1, a .. nt.nnA r-l.nn.H... Iflll 1MT r. v ,..., .,, .'iiuttu i.ticaiiii,. mil , tJ GE.NKHAI. housework, while refined, wllllnz tn help rare for child .'! vcars old. Phone -w uarins inii w. GnNKftAI. liousewoik, whlt(Klrl, :i In fam ,ly; referenee ,-eiiulred. jnm N Broad at. jiiioir.ui LAperif ii' tq tspjiiieiH, aisu iedru, on full-fashioned good; .v.-iues m 5-1 to II per i,iv can bo made. Hroiwi-Aberle com pany, Pale.horp and Huntingdon f,B; HOL'SHW'OrtK-'Kxperlenied Blrl to serve fam ily of four in Merlon; must be Rood cook and nsilbt nltli laundry; wages Jrt.50. referent required Apply unlay, ,i.,(l to au p. ra. rtnom snj. li-.'n Chestnut M. lIOff-EWOnK; must bo cood ,-ook, dry; suliurba; white; rererem-e l.cilcr Ofilce. no laun- 21 iit IIOUKKWORK Kxrerl-med speiiK i.npiisn, Rnoa plain Applv rct'i N. Ulth St. Uerman girl. onk. no wasninj. HOUSEWnitK Experleni-od. neat, white (Irl; lejereneo. Ill 111 Columbia mo fOUSi:wbrtK-i:xperlen,ed while" girl; no laundry; Main Line. B ."n. Ledger Of lite. LADY to te;u-l, s'llmmlng" durlnB """mer months; Indoor rool: auininer bote! near Phi" adelrlila; male experience P wn. Led. Cent. NUrtSIJ for country; take care of one. chu nd housework: experience and good rr enco required. V. M L LerUer lentrau OPEKATOnS. experbneed on "ladlea" lawn wiilslH and dresses. Green. Dan & Co., Ji. corner 12th and Arch. -. STENOiinAPHERS. bookkeepers and clerk '3 SeCKlllK BOOi. iU41lMiIIS .-uiiamv -...,-- m Ledger Central. She villi help vou to local M b. position throuKh tne rommmin L.A"' ment a freo service to Ledger advcrtter.. STENOailAPHEH and typewriter-Wanted , J bright American w.oman m ku" and pteiisinir personamv: spivuwi- aavanceiiietii: uaiary id iar.. Marriijii Kinlln. lllOfi Chestnut e,. pim.eV'IIONK mi riilor Alerl lounar wonu on pilvaio branch exchange. Addreef. J?t1 Inn exn. and qualifications, D 230. Led. P-- I appearance a d chance ft fi 1 1.-. APPir -j NO. 101 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN-.-TO THOSE WHO THINK CON. CAN'T MISS, JUST TAKE A LITTLE SLANT AT THIS!!! ll r fX . a P It i u ,-i,., SiSi SlTj-owNANPResTUP . ( THe TRAVIS 5 $Ms$ s. sS .i Airj : vm) 0 Gw mr- jgm $ x"x"' " H . . j - 1 -. '"' ""- L- 1 , h r9&-A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers