v,fcfjlS(w(("liW tv.," .rm w"' --''' ""ij.y- --(- yn. -irT-w tf11" i"lVv.i . mgm EVENING EEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL' 24, 1915; 11 EDDIO lr . ; y tj$KL I) aild JlrfA -j jj&L 'I THAT rupiil ttll reign durltti? thp coming ttk among soHetv folk nf tills city Is a ono rnmlulon. na seldom have it short 0 day been f"i full "f fu'hlonable weddlnga. On Mnnda wl" ,10 t,uU ot s,ls9 I'llfin Jn'iuoll etlle'rs. ilimtlit" "r Mr' nnd'Mrfl. Edwin JniUelt Kellers, and Mr Rlehard C McCall, nnd Tuesday Miss 'Artrh''ln Wllhcrfnrcp Collin. daughter f Mr nnd J,r' '"'arpnee W. Collin, nf Client 'tit Hill nil become '" brldo nf Mr. Alfred Miller Watt 'oth" Tued" happening will include (i tea lo be gi"1" ,n Mrs- "olllalrr SlufEca, of St. Martin's, Chestnut Itlll, In honor of Mrs. Paul Cramp'"". v,,n W,M ,6avp shorllJ' for ttnninnd. TuM,lnv o-ninir Mr and Mr. Edward Brown Inr, of !K Hnutli Kith ntrcet, will glvo n dlnner iin'ce In th" Philadelphia Country Club I'll llnnnr j jtS, ippz luiiylnn, daughter nf Mr. J. H. Kvann Rnhrrts, nnd Mr. William Warden Ho tM. who1 marriage to Miss Angola doC. R. Forney win ,,llin 1'lnro on Thursday, will en tertaln Ms brut mn nml ushers at dinner at the Radnor Hunt Cluli The most important affair on Wptlnesday will it the wedding of Mlsa Cordelia Riddle, dobu-' Jinte daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Anthony .J. Drcxel Diddle, to Mr Angler Buchanan Duko, ion of Mr 'in'1 J,rB Ucnjamln fuho, of Now Tork After tho reception a dinner tinner for the bridal p.utv will bo Given by Mr. rind Mra. Henry Brlnlon Coo at their country placo at Penllyn- Tho marrlago of Mlsa Frances D. Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Daniel E. Fisher, of '""' East Hortter street, to Mr. Jo teph C Hewlcrron, .Tr.. son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Henderson, of Wlssihlckon, will take place on Wednesday, ulso, In tho homo of tho bride, nml Miss Trances L. Springer, daughter of Dr. and Mr Francis L. Springer, of Now- port, It ! will become tho brldo of Mr. John Brynberg Morrow. That evening Mr. anil Mis. ', Henry S Gror will give a small dinner In their home, !3S Tiilpehorkrn streot. p On Thursday nt noon tho wedding of Mlsri Angela il'C. H Corncy, daughter of Urlgadler General James Forney, U. S. A., anil Mrs. For nv. to Mr William W. IJodlno. v.'.l bo snlonm- f Ijed In the riuirch of the Holy Trinity. Miss Maiy Ullzabeih Wilbur, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs Willi. im Nelson Wilbur, will bo mnr- f rled to Mr. Arthur Mowhrny rtnndolph Clinr- rlnston, of Wnrrenton, Va., in old St. Dnvlil'n r-Church, Iladnor, and tho inarrlago of Mlsa '.'Manor Ccdlla Thoniponn, daughter of Mr, and Ailtrs. Charles Trotter Thompson, of 211fi Spruco it(trect, to Mr T. Williams Itoherts, ot Ilala, Kill DP MI,'llllll,'ll 111 ill. Uillllf'A I I"lC5l(lllt Episcopal Chiirrli In St. Murk's Protestant Hplscopal Church, at noon, the wnhllng ot Miss Kathailno llockloy Waleh. elaiichtcr nf Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson K Hookley Walsh, to Ueutennnt Cdwnrd Ostor- man, V S A C. will bo snlPmnUcd, nnd In St Andrew's Churrh, South Orange, tho nior rlate of Mis.s Mary Newbold Jnnvlor, daughter i.'Of Mrs Frederick Herbert Janvier, and .Mr. J. v-P. I!eniilds Scott, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John kjScptt, Jr., of the Gladstone, will tnko place. ? -Mr. nnd Mrs Ceorgn W. R, Droxel will cn- & lertaln ot dinner In their home, "Woottcn," fcBryn Mawr. Mrs. William n Churchman, of 33.T South 21st street, -v ill entertnln nt luncheon on Friday In honor of Mrs W. Haynrd Van Rensselaer, of Albany N Y. who will bo tho guest of Mr. snd Mrs Alexander Van Itenssolner for tho Thero will he a Silver Dav meetmir In tho ..Acorn Club on that day. Addresses will ho nauo in,. iicv. juriur ' jeuerys aim tno liev. Johnson now, .In tho evening Mrs. Chmles Stewart AVurts' dincing rlass will hold Its flnnl meellnir of thn ft ieason In Asher's. and Miss Mary K. Gibson, of rllabrook, Wynnnwontl, will glvo a lereptlon to meet Mndnine Alnt Malmberg, who ivlll speak on "Woman Suffrage In Finland." b Saturday, tho first doy of May, will herald the first of tho spring musicals and tens to bo jt!vcn In the Merlon Cricket Club. '.';In the evening a danco will bo given by Mr. ,nd Mrs c. Wendell Woodward In the Clinton rln honor of their niece. Miss Mary Xorils Cer ' tonl, one of tho debutantes ot tho coming The Indoor Horso Show, which has been so aiccffsful this week, will continue thl3 nfter- oon ana evehlng. The engagement Is announced of Miss A. Beatrice Geyelln. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellenry Laussat Geyelln nnd Mr. William R. J-mirchman. MrS. John Frlt.vllrt nninrtnl,iA,1 fit lllntthanri Sf the RllZ-Cnrltnn I'lefnclni nftA.nnnii ! lowed by a matinee theatre, party. E? . s- ui till! t-MiMi rliifthi? tlin rnmlMrf D MISS ANNE ASHTON Center of Dr. and Mra. Thomas G. Ashton, who is an ardent little horsewoman. ...,.,.. . n ALONO THE MAIN LINE MCmos Mr. nnd Mis Itonry Chapman Thompson and their debutnnte daughter, Mlsi Alleo Chapman Thnr,isnn, who rpent the win ter at tho Rolgrnvln, will mum to thHr homo mi South lllghlaml nvenue next veek Mr. and Mrs James S Cliamberlln and fam ily, of Herkley rotd, will leavo today for New Itampililre, hero they will inn no their future homo. KVNttYit-Mr. and Mr Henry Storey F.ber hach, nf Colwyn mad, will glvo a delightful dnnco tonight for their tliushter, Mls Anna Getz Ulierlwtcli. The dining room table will be attrartively decorated with dnlntv whlto feathery plum blossoms nnd yellow dnffoillts. while the tandlctleks v, be shaded In yellow silk. Tho guests, wlm will be from tho school sot, will Include Miss Minnie Hoxamer, MIbs Mar tha Antlorsoii, Miss Mary Faust, Mlsa MIHlicd Hnor. Ml m Dorothy Utirn. Miss Josephine Doerr, Mlsa Etlltli Ayrca, Miss lillth Woodrow. Mr. Harold L,nmor, Mr. rlcorgo Htibur, Mr. Alex ander Stevens nnd Mr. lliittcrtvorlu. Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ward will leave Tuesday for a week's visit to New York. oVLitnnooK Arrangements aro being made for a vaudeville show to bo given at tho Over brook Golf Club on Wcdnenday, May 28. Mr. Philip Castncr In chairman of tho Hntcrtnln ment Committee. Tho Rov, Clinrles J. Wndmvorth nml Mrs. Wndswoith, of 5S54 Ovcrbrook nonue, will closo their houso early In Juno nnd go to their sum mer homo nt Magnolia, Mns3., whcio they will bo Joined by their daughter, Mlsa Irabolhi Watlsworth, and son, Chorleu J. Wnd.iwoith, "d, nt thn rloso of u'liool. llAt.A Mr. nnd Mis. Arthur Cllllla nro spend luc several weeks with Mr. Glllls' parents, Mr. nnd MrB. William Glllls, of Union nvenuo. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mis Clinilos T. Taylor, of West Mermaid lane, will have as their guest over tho week-end Mr Hugh Moran, who is Inter national Secietnry of tho Young Men's Chris tian Association stationed In China. Mr. Moran, who 13 a graduate nf oxford University, X3ng lnnd, will speak today nt 11 o'clock at tho Girls' Conference, which Is being held nil day In tho now beautiful Young Women's Chris tian Association building, on Germantown avn nuo near Vernon 1'arl: Mrs. William W. Adams, Jr., of Xnvohoo nvenuo nml Mermaid lane, will entertnln nt .brldgo on Thursday and Friday afternoons of next week In honor of her sister, Mrs. II. Allen, of Jtoston. Mr. nnd Mrs. U. RIttcnhouso Miller were en tertained nt dinner Inst night at tho Hunting don Valley Country Club by Dr. and Mrs. James Wood. They afterward nltcnded tho . lub dance. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. and Mrs. Josuph II. Bryan, of -1200 Chest nut street, announce tho engagement nt their daughter, Miss Isnhello Ancora llryan, to Mr. I In licit do la Rocho Wlegand, of thin city. Mr. and Mrs. ltobeit T. Hlcknell, of Cliostnut Hill, will entertain at dinner this evening In honor of Miss Rrynn and Mr. Wlegand. Mrs. Edward S. Stackliouse, Mrs. Harry Mat thew Titus, Mra. Howard A. Minor nnd Mrs. 1). Clinton Guthrlo will entertain nt luncheon at tho Marlyu on Monday afternoon, nfterward taking their guests to tho card party nt tho I'hllomuslan Club, ni ranged by Mis. Halbert Pnweis Glllotto for tho bcnoilt of tho reserve fund of tho Mntlneo .Musical Club, nf which they nro members. Tho tablo decorations will con sist of spring flowers In yellow, pink, lavender nnd blue. Tho guests will Includo Mrs. Stephen O. Urle, Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mrs. Charles Shoemaker, Mrs. J. Klmea Davis. Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Rowen, Mrs. T. Paulson Ralley, Mrs. Albert P. Clime, .Mrs. George C. J. Fleck, Mrs. Mere dith, Mrs. Lavprty, Mrs. Thomas .1. Kcnnon. Mrs. Word, of Newark; Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Rich ard Nclms, Mia. Leonard V. Goebbels, Mrs. John Frltsoho, Mrs Addison A. Christian, Mrs. W. F. Ruff, Mrs Tello J. D' Apery, Mrs. James U aiass, Mrs. J. S. W. Holton. Mrs. Howard Parke. Mrs. Frank Rlchnrds, Mrs. G. Walter Whltciunn, Mrs, C. H. I.ongworth, Mrs. Ed ward Krtigcr. Mrs. J. Iiertram Hervey, Mrs. Howard McCnulloy nnd Mrs. Clarence Rartlett. Mr. r.nd Xrs. Harold V. McAneny, of 4SM Raltlmoro nvenue, aro receiving congratulations upon tho blith of a son on April M. The littlo boy will bo iinmril Harold V. McAneny, Jr. AIRS. WALTER W. HOPKINSON fhoto by Marreau whose mnrrinRc took place torlny. Mrs. Ilopkinson is the ilmiphtcr of Jlr. nntl Mrs. Clinton HoRors Woodruff, of this city. Uuf f I I IB r J IN SPITE nf the uuim uenthcr, tho Inst opera of the season brought ono of the most brilliant houses of the whole year. And as usual the grand tlor was a kaleidoscopic bit of color. Ono ot the most striking gowns vorn was that ot Mrs. Georgo Willing. It was fashioned of bright greon dumnsseo chiffon velvet nml was relieved at tho neck with white lace and tulle, whllo tho tiny sleeves ucro made of tullo also. The skirt was nulto full nnd was llnlsliPil with a sonil-trnln. Mrs. Georgo Qulutard Horwlts selected n ptunnlng gown of black sequins and tulle. Tho skirt ns rnther short and inndo very full nnd tho sleeves nnd upper pnit of tho bodlco woro formed of bands of tho Jet. A dainty frock of palest bluo taffeta was worn by Miss Hopo Truxtun Ueale. It was short walstcd and the full skirt was edged with doublo pinked i utiles. Tiny roses wero used on the corsage. Mrs. Thomas Ridgway, who was In the Rtotes bury box, also was gowned In white. Tho lines woro rather plain, which stylo so welt suits Mrs, Rldgway'n greot beauty. At tho Army and Navy Relief dance nt Man holm on Tuesday evening Fomo particularly GERMANTOWN Miss Helen D. Mnslnnd, of 1G Enst Clapler street, will leave shortly for Now York, whero she will bo tho guest of her sister. Mlsa Eliza beth Masland, for nbout two months. Miss Miriam Ennls, of Lambertvllle, N. J.. Is tho guest of Mrs. Albert H. Doorlng, ot C027 Grecno street. Mlts Helen V. Kcefe, of 6531 Mot ton street. Is spending tho week In Atlantic City. Mrs. Henry William Monde, ot 419 West Hortter street, will glvo n children' party this afternoon In honor of tho birthday of her daughter, Miss Hetty Monde. Among thoso present will bo Miss Ruth Meycis, Miss Eleanor Mende, Miss Eleanor RItter. Miss Flor ence Hlackburn, -Miss Evelyn Iilackhurn. .Miss Celesta Hlackbuin, Mlsa Uotty I.nttn, Miss Peggy Latta, Miss Mildred Wngnor. Miss Kath leen Goodman, Miss Ethel Martin, Miss Rltii Welnrleh, MUs Mildred Welnrlch, Miss Eleanor Kctohnm, Miss Mabel Issuer, Master Robert Rlackburn Hall, Master John l-oughrnti. Master Richard Martin, Master Arthur Salti3, Master Teddy Rottner. Mnster Harlan Goldberg, Mas ter Alfred Brncher, Jr. The decorations will bo pink and white. Gilbert nnd Sullivan's famous opera, "The. Mikado," will bo produced by tho Wakefield Young Men's Club nt Association Hall this evening. Tho cast will bo as follows: The Mikado Benjamin Gesslcmnu NanUI-Poo Herbert P. Roylo Ko-Ko G, H, Moloney roo.Rah Dr. A. F. Steele Plsli-Tush John ".. Hinds Yum -Yum Miss Ethel Methammcr Plttl'SInc Miss Edna Cloeckner Peep-Bo , Miss Magdalena Robinson Katlsha ,,,.MIss Josephina Blake Rock An attractive danco will bo given tonight In the Germantown Boys' Club auditorium by a dancing class made up of young married peo ple which has been meeting thero on alternate Saturday evenings during tho winter. Tho proceeds will be used to secure n trained teacher, who will be In full charge of the sum mer playground which adjoins tho clubhouse. Little girls, as well as littlo boys, have spent many happy hours here, and thero are rumors to tho effect that ono good woman in German town Is planning to raise money to erect a clubhouse for little girls, to bo run on the same plans as that for the boys. Among those who will attend the dance to night are Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gormley, Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft Mellor, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tllllnghast, Miss Elsie, Tllllnghast, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eberbach, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bremer, Mr. and Mrs. Sttef, Mr. Wallace "Webster. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. John Will lams, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R. Winston, Mr and Mrs. Frederick Wolstenholm, Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace M. SIner, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rumsey, Bayard Butler, William Thompson. George Haas, Mlsa Charlotte Brooke, Mr. George Brooke, Miss Alice Spencer. There will be a palm garden, where light refreshments will b served by Miss Freda GlllMpie, MUs Gwendolyn Gray and Mils Margaret Mellor. also Mr Thomas Wolstenholm. Mr Pavld Beard, Mr. Branson (Edmund and Mr. John il Taw, beautiful spilng dnnce frocks wero worn, among thorn n white satin gown worn by Mrs. Harry K. Cortrlght. nf Chestnut Hill. Tho skirt won mado full and the hotfho, almost entlioly nf '.vhl to chirfon. who slieveless nnd hnd u glrdlo of black velvet Ulntk slippers completed this effective costume and n illnmond necklace nnd hair combs added a toiKh of elognnco. Mrs. Chin rlilll William woie n charming cic ntlon of two-toned taffeta In gold nnd green. Tho skirt was mndo very full and scnllopod nrnund tho edge. Chiffon tho satno shade was used on thp bodico nnd formed thn flowing sleeves Another dainty frock worn by Mrs. J. Nelson I'uiviunce. It consisted nf palo peach pink taffeta mndo wltir'tho conventional full skirt, which stvlo la particularly becoming to tho wenror. Tho bodice, which was mado of soft lace, was sleeveless. Mrs. Alexander W. Wlster, Jr., also woro pink taffeta, which was inndo In a girlish fashion. Perhaps the hundsomcM gown wnB worn by Miss Julia Laview, which was entirely nf sil ver clol'i stamped with a dull bluo figure. Dull bluo net was used over tho shouldors and wldo silver laco formed a glrdlo. Exquisite pink rose buds caught up the skirt at ono side. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. Anthony P. Morris is visiting Captain Alexander S. Williams. U. S. M. C , nnd Mrs. Williams nnd his mother, Mrs. Emma T. Mor ris, nt their homo In tho C.Irntd Estnto, 2322 South 21st street. Mr. Morris will spend nbout a month visiting relatives In this city and New York and then ho will sail for Barcelona, Spain, whero ho has spent tho last threo yoar3. Dr. nnd Mrs. James McO. Hlncken will en tertain tho members of their plnochlo club thin evening at their homo In tho Girnrd Estate, Colorado and Porter streets This will bo the last meeting of tho club for tills frenson, nnd an nttrnctlvo supper will follow tho gnmo. Tho guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mohr, Mr. nnd Mis. George MuellPr, .Mr. nnd .Mrs. Edgar Plerton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo A. Hlncken, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo W. Hlncken, Miss Janet Pile, Mr. Charles Mohr, Mr. John Nleknlg nnd Mr. jnmes nilllgnn. Miss Mnrguerlto Hubloy, of 3C31 South Broad street, entertained nt "S00" on Thursday after noon. Among thoso present wero Miss Elsio Michael, .Miss Ethel Suetzline, Miss Ethel Qulmi, Miss Frances Kllnges, Mis Ethel Clarke, Miss ncsslo Mathews, Miss l.llllo Mor rison, Mls3 Vera Brlnkworth, Miss Sara Hlncken, Miss llcatilco .Meyers, Miss Grnco Meyers, Miss Florence Gntshell, Miss Loulso Foulas. NORTH PHILADELPHIA "Philippine Night" was celebrated Thursday flvoning nt 1753 North Broad street by Major William McKlnley Camp, No. 10, United Span isli War Veterans. Ono of tho interesting feat uics of the occasion was tho exhibition of tho Chaplain Henry McCook collection of Spanish nnd Philippine relics, loaned for tho evening. An enunlly Interesting part of the program was tho work of tho team of tho Military Order of the Serpent, which demonstrated some nt tho Insldo work of tho Philllplno rebels' secret society of tho Kntlpunan. The orders present wero tho Veterans of tho Sth Army Corps. local Veterans of tho Foreign Service, and tho Army nnd Navy Union. The chairman of the evening wns Mr. John Halfpenny. Tho main speakers wero Deputy Adjutant of Pennsylvania Mr. William Rhi and Deputy Instructor of Pennsylvania rurcell. A humorous lecture was given last night, en titled "Getting There." by the Rev. Forrest E. Dnger In tho Messiah Lutheran Church, under the auspices of the Schuylkill branch, Phila delphia Christian Endeavor Union, for the bene, lit of the building fund. Miss Mary Campbell Parsons, of 307 North 6th street, Is visiting friends in New York. ROXBOROUGH Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Htndle, of HS6 Mana yunk avenue, will give a dinner tonight for Misa Rebecca Cassatt nnd Mr. John Howe. Spring flowers and maiden hair ferns will be used In the decorations. Mrs. Charles Gerhardt, of Lyceum avenue, was hostess at the April meeting ot the Pas tor's Aid Society of the Roxborough Baptist Church. Mrs. Nathan L. Jones, the president, and Miss Emma Cooper made Interesting; ad dresses, and there was an infer rail program J musical selection t The most important wedding ot tna weefc took place nt th liplseapal Cliureh ef St. I.uko and tho Epiphany, ISlh street near 1'inc, at noon today, when .Mlsa Loulso ltlnko Bfock, dn lighter of Mr. and Mr. John W. Hroek, be 'imp thn bride of Mr. Francis A. Lewis, Jr. Miss Gertrude P Hpcksclier was maid of Imnm and the bildesmnld wpro Miss Ella Hwik Mlsa.JJllen Mnry Cassatt, Mies PihtclUa M HnhiPii. Mlsa Marian Taylor, Mls nimabelh W. Iteniy, Miss Mnry M. Mitchell, Miss Mnry C Moirls, Miss Helen Leigh Hunt, New York. Mr. Richard T. Nalln was best man. Tho tiBheis included Mr. Walter S. Logan, Now Yoilt, Mr. lioiiRlau Campbell, Detroit; Mr, George L. Harrison, Washington, Mr. Rad cllffp Cheston, Jr. Mr. N'nrmiin H. Hiock, Mr. V. Scott Landreth, Jr., Mr. Benjamin C. Tllgli man, Mr. Edgar R Howard, Mr. William W I'hlllpr, Mr. W. D. ftnhier, Jr., Boston. Tho ceremony, which was performed by tho Rsv. David Steele, was followed by n recep tion at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mr. Urock, HIT Spruco street. HOPKINPON-WOODRl'FF. An important wedding whlrh took place to day nt naon was that of Miss Anna Florence Woodruff, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Clinton Roger Woodruff, to Mr. Walter Waring Hop Vinson. The icromony was performed In St, Clement's Church by the rector. Tho entlro vested choir of tho church, con sisting of 40 malo voices, sang tho proces sional and recessional hymns nnd tho nnthoma. Tho lnlde, who was given In marrlngo by her father, looked radiant In a gown of soft wiilta nntln veiled In lace. From tho tdiouUlera felt a long court train ot satin covered with Brussels Point. It was caught with orangn lilossomn and held to tho head by a nnirow bnnil nf pearl. A shower bouquet of gardenias and lllnrs w.is carried. .Miss Florence G. White, the nvtld of honor, wn gowned In silver cloth veiled In soft pink net nnd wore a plcturosquo hat of pink silk and net. Mies White carried a small round bouquet of old-fnshlonpd pink posies. Tho brtdpsmalds wero Miss Gabrlolla Hlddlo Unpklnson. Ml Etlznbpth Grler Hlbben, Mlsa Francos U. Rowland and Mr. John .Conaway Megargee They wore quaint frocks of pink taffeta draped with pink net and hats of pink silk and net, the crowns of which were of blnck velvet. Tiny old-fashioned posies woio carried. Mr. Oliver Ilopkinson Hnlid acted ns best man and tho usher were Mr. Henry Boiler Poncoast, Mr. M. Vernon Cnates, Mr. Edward Oshorne Co.ites, Mr William Bradford, Mr. John J. Sulllvnn and Dr. Dnuglan MacFnrlan. Immediately following tho ceremony n re ception was hold at tho homo of tho brldo's parents, 221D Spruco street. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ilop kinson nfter a wedding trip will bo at homo at Tho Wnynewood, Wayno, nfter Juno. SMITH PHRUN. A marrlngo of nnuli Inteiest to the social world of this city Is that of Miss Grace Mnr colla Plirpn. daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Goorgo Mason Phren, of 11G East 03d street. New York, and Mr. Eugeno Dutilh Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edpiund Dutilh Smith, of this city nml Now Ynrk, which will bo solemnized In tho Church nf the Heavenly Re3t. Miss Phren will bo attended by her olstors. Miss Lillian Phren nnd Miss Constnnco Phren. as maids of honor. She will bo given In mar riage by her father Mr. Smith will have as best man. Mr. Baclio McE. Whltlock, and tho ushers will bo Mr. Robeit S. Potter, of this city; Mr. Herbert Wheeler and Mr. J. Roderick Bu chanan, brothei s-ln-law of tho bridegroom, nnd Mr William M. Almy, Mr. Herman Lo Roy Emmet, Mr. Bayard Tuckeim.in, Mr Dweea W. Dllwoith uml Mr Gulllenim ri. Whltehouse. all of Now York. A small leception at tho Hotel Gotham for the families nnd a few Inti mate frlonds will follow the ceromon'y. GRAY-TAYLOR. Announcement Is mado of tho marrlngo of Miss .Minnlo ll. Taylor nnd Mr. II. Earl Gray on Wednesday owning, April 21. Tho ceremony was performed In tho homo of the brldo, 301 Pusey nvenuo, Collingdalo, by tho Rov. A. Atwood Thompson. Only tho Immediate fami lies Tvero present On their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Gray will occupy their new home, 231 Pusey nvenue, Collingdalo. OALBRAITH-LANDY. Tho marrlago of Miss Susan Londy nnd Mr. Andrew Onlbraith took place on Wednesday afternoon. April 2t. In St. Monica's Churcch. 17th and Rltnor strcots. the Rev. Father Martin nlllclating. Tho bride wns attended by Miss Nclllo C Landy ns maid of honor, and tho best man was Mr. Jnmes Mullln. A reception followed nt tho liomo of tho bride, 2031 South "i'Oi T JvSk . V 1 SflM&3Mffi!rHHRaksH J i Tm x x i s Tim iSar v MISS ISABEL WANAMAKIR DaughtVC Ql Mr. and Mrs. William ZI Wanamalfer. flltt alrcel, after which the young rouplo left for ;l Iflp o,N!rSgnra Fall, nnd on their return Will oeeeupy UiMp home, 2613 South Chadwlck street. EASTHUHN-MARSH. Tho marriage of Mlm Edna Marsh, daughter of Mrs. Edward E. Marsh, of 1023 North ISth Bireot, to Mr. George R Eastburn was solemn ized at floon today at the home of the brlde'n mother. Thn ceremony was performed by tho Rov. Dr. tlonry Martin Medary, pastor of tho I'rotestant Episcopal Church of tho Advocate, ISlh and Diamond street. Owing to tho re cent (loath of tho Itrlile's father, the wedding was a very qulot one. Mi. and Mr nastburn upon their return from their wedding journey will live at fi2l!) North 13th street, v,hcre they will bp at hnmo on Friday, Juno 11, fiom 4 to 7 o'clock. VANDER BUECKEN STEVENSON A pretty homo wedding wilt tako place at 7 o'clock tonight nt tho residence of Mrs Ed mund S. Yard, S131 North 18th utreet, when her granddaughter, MlB Helen Yard Steven son, will be given In marriage to Mr Francis N. Vander Bupckcn. The roremnnv will ho performed by the Rev Dr. John u Wilson, pnstor of the Union Methodist Eplsrop.il Church, 20th nnd Diamond stierts. Tho bride will wear an Empiro gown nf whllo satin mad.o with a court train nnd trimmed with lare. and not hnnd-cmbroldcred, with iitdceeent beads. She will carry a shower bouquot of UIIps of tho valley. Tho brldo'a sistpr. Miss Ethol Bancroft Stovenson, will bo maid of honor. MlB3 Frances Berger, of Boston, Mns , tho niece of tho bridegroom, will bo (lower girl. Tho service, will bo followed by a reception. Mr. and Mrs. Vnndor Buccken will leavo on nn extended Journey. They will receive' on Wednesdays In Juno nt 221 East Meade street. Chestnut Hill.", NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Tho regular monthly social night of tho North Kensington Business Men's Association was held TJiuisday evening nt Gcrmania Hall. 3141 Kensington avenue. Mr. Joseph iredale, the president of the organization, was in tho chair. An Informal reception will bo Given lornor row night by Mr, Elian Brode3ser at his cot tage In Anglesen, N. J. Thoso to be picsont nro Mr. William Helns, Mr. Georgo Kohler, Mr Dominlck Eemis, Mr. August Greonhaus, Mr. Goorgo Mocleary nnd Mr. William Demott. Tho occasion will mnrk tho launching of Bro desser's new motorboat, Gertrude. Mr. Jack Mauley, widely known In Kensing ton, hns returned from a two weeks' sojourn at Atlantic City. TIOGA Tho card club of which Mrs. John G. Holmes, or 1523 West Erie nvenue, and Mrs. A E. Ot ponheimer. of 2012 North Uroad sticet, aro members, will be entertained at lum heon and auction brldgo on Monday by Mis Harry Baughman at her homo in Wcstville. N J. Other guests will bo Mrs. W. Griffin. Mrs. Louts '11 Beitler"."lra. McClatrhey. .Mrs Mar shall Taylor, Mrs.rJ. A. Mofrott, Mib Horace Hnll, Mrs. Francis McCutcheon, Mis Clara Fnunco, Mrs, Henry N. ThiBsell, Mis .1 E, English, Mrs. Percy Garwood. Mrs. W Nelson Stem, Mrs. J. M. R. Jermon, Mis Frederick Vincent. Mrs. Richard Minshall, Mrs Harry Barton and Mrs. William Lewall. Mrs. Jano Foster, of Germantown, Is occupy ing hor now home, 3531 North 2Uh stieet FRANKFORD Tho Rov. Father John Edward McCann. rec tor of St. Bernard's Church nt Enston. Pa., has been on a visit for a few days at his homo 7010 Tulip street. Ho Is chaplain of Brownson Council, No. 033. Knights of Columbus, and made n speech nt tho banquet given at Mose-b-ich's by tho Knlghtu of Columbus recently. Mrs. William Carroll, of SSU Rhawn street, will entertain Mlsa Eleanor Long, of Doylea town, and Mlsa Gcrtrudo MrPoyie, of West Chester, over tho week-end. This evening Mr3. Carroll will bo hostess at "500, to bo given in honor of her guests. Those to be present nro Mr. and Mrs Charles .Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Campbell.-Mrs. Gallagher, Miss Eleanor Gallagher. Mr. Arthur Gallagher. Mr. Philip Martlfi. 'Mr. Harry Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Jnmea Gossncr, Miss Katherino Parkinson, MIbs Ethel Gossner. Siiss Sarah Biadey. Miss Florence Bradey, Mr James Bradey, Miss Slargaret Case, Miss Mary Dow hall, Miss Anna Altonler, Miss Lillian Galla gher, Miss O'Donncll. Mrs. Albert Powell, Mr. Thomas Dowbnll, Mr. James Dowball, Mr Dan iel O'Donnell. Mr. William Sh'ay, Mr. Andrew Lafforty, Mrs. Leonard Ott, Mr. Alfred Gray, Mr. Thomas Clark and Mr. Stanley Brown. siiJSni.itMja.-, :.
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