Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
( hHl,jih seyjw wMwwwWEWlPW)!P EVENING KEBaEBPHIUABEDPHXA:, FBIDAY, APBIE 23, 1915. 0 S30AL t: dJIU CEO !f,WWiWuWii WBit"l'pw':- mtjl sMTWMENTS . ;rfi55 si'ssflWi LIB V T-F A111U11 n. CIlAnL.ES WEISS, of 159 Mnplewood .',. will entertain nt dinner tonight al fvlock, at the Germanlown Cricket Cluh. The '.i. afterward will attend Mrs. Edward Vfoth'a dancing class. Among thoao who -will il.i the dinner aro Miss Kathrtne Potter, Mies r ihrlne ir. Unvis, Miss Isabel B. Stoughton, injs Frances U Stoughton, Miss Margaret W. woe or Concord, Mass.; Mrs. Edward V. Ii '. Mi.a ElUabeth McCuen Smith, Miss ?,,! g, wears. Mrs. Frederick M. Gardiner, fUlM Marion BIlttriMCSB, n. uuiueo itiuinuc, 5r J. Orne Goodwin. Mr. Gustavlus U. Fletch k! .! tviiiinm W. Kurtz, 3d, tr. Cliarles JL.In- K,' Matthews. Mr. Joseph M, Shoemaker. Mr. dlirlM l" Ha rion, Jr., aw. ritucinn i, umui- M Mr. 'William L. Freeland, of Salem, K. J. IB" Jiff- Alfred Hinds, wife of Commander Hinds, 'II?.. - ' nirtalned at a luncheon on Wcdnes- r afternoon on board the U. S. S. llllnola. fcoftff wero lam lor uh. Ijfr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Fitter entertained nt itti ytiUrday afternoon at Hot Springs, Vn. fu.ii. n. W. Maturln. ot London, formerly Ir j jjjij dty, and now chaplain for tho undcr- Efiduales at oxioro, jng., win uo mo su. "if jioneignor '"" .-..... -.. , -- -, Patrick's Hcctory. m aouiu n i. Hr. Lawrence Johnson, 'Jr., eon of Dr. and L.'mll H. Johnson, of 18 Summit street, &......, ttm. will sail next month for Fortu- ffiL Mr. Johnson's marriage to Miss Gladys M. tHWes, daughter of an English merchant living Portugal, will ian.o piutu m """ " uunu . 'itrt. Augustus 13. Stoughton entertained nt L...Jj. ifniKin vpsterday afternoon, her guests '.t..,ti- Miss Isabel Stoughton, Miss Kathleen k...i.i.n Mr. Donald WethcrM Kemp and flKCulfl'UM', tjtf. Jack Wilson. Mrs. jnaricfl uocninan cmcr- Itoed Btvcral out-of-town guests at me aau- lfitit alio- f A the dansant will be given tomorrow aftcr iMn by the Rev- Charles J. Wadsworth, Jr., 'Una Mrs. waasworin ni ineir uumr, uo, ,. -lUrtpk avenue, from 4:30 until 7 o'clock In honor ft( their daughter. Miss Isabella waasworin, Plod son, Mr. Charles J. Wadsworth, 3d. Tha 'ifotett and her daughter will be assisted by 'iCcttes, who will preside at the tea table. tttSM will he about 75 guests present. Miss IWidsworth, who Is a student at nssar, ana Hr. Wadsworth, who attends Harvard, will re W to college on Sunday. . I it, .-j f..c, rtirino TTrnnrlR "Ronhnian. of M Locust street, will entertain n house party er the week-end. The guests will como from i(iw York and will attend the dance to be given todlght in the Philadelphia Country Club by ijir. aaa airs, uocnmnn. io ij.ii- """ kf. nd Mrs. E. Carson Pennnl, Mr. and Mrs. & 06 rorCOfc Ollliiiiuiia, a., iw.-j ...... w.... . V.k.i-. twB VMnnia a nnhmrin. Mrs. Krank Ijllton Black, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bryant jUhtr and Mr. and Mrs. wiuara 1'isner. llr. Arthur D. Woodruff, of 27 West 11th Ttreet, New York, conductor of tho Orpheus "Cub, will remain In Philadelphia after tho Sub's concert on Saturday night and, with Mm Woodruff, will be the guest of Mr. J. Val Bryan, manager of the Upsal Musical Club, at "i!home, 118 AVest Upsal street, Germantown, fl ncr Bunaay. J friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franklin unnon, or toncora, in. j., win uo h'" itow that they are being congratulated upon tit birth of a son, Joseph Franklin Cannon, bora on March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon are till known to Philadelphlans. as they spend their summers In Cape May and are extensively faterUIned there. f Mm Thomas Potter, of Montgomery avenue, Qutnut Hill, is spending the week In wasn- tjton. Mm Bamuel Howell Jones and her daughter, Bji Mary Blshon Jones, will cloje their home Chestnut Hill on June 1 and will go to their bui at Kennebunkport, Me. The wedding of Bh Jones to Mr. John Grant Ayling, of Syra we, N. Y., will take place In August. ALONG THE MAIN LINE IClirnro Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett btft, of Llandrlllo road, will entertain at cards tallht, followed by a buffet aupper. The A r-M will be Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Flick, Mr. tat Mrs. George Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Sny brMr, and Mrs. Joseph V. E. Titus, Mr. and Jf Mrtln P. Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles hny, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Plckford, Mr. and . Joseph V. Little, Mr. and Mrs. George Juitrt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seebrucer, Mr. W Mrs. Frederick Fleck. Mr. and Mrs. John JiEberbach, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur F. Ham- W. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Y. Child, Mr. ! Mrs. nobert Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. S. &U Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Stephen- 5$ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Long, Mr. and S". Kudolph Fleishman, Mr. and Mrs. H. JJ'triljh, Mr. and Mrtf. William Rewalt, Mr. SJ Mrs. William Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tllr, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Newbourg, 2f"JIr, and Mrs. W. S. Sutherland and Mr. Ml Kraft. $ Woman's Club of Cynwyd will give Ub gm entertainment In the Bala-Cynwyd A'udl Sim the night of May 30. (WUBHOOK Mrs. S. It. Close, who has besn iUfomla since midwinter, has returned to Hpme, 63 Drexel road. l?. Edwin G, Close expects to have" Miss i Hunter, of Memphis, Tenn., as her ffuest li4Dr. tnrl Mr nmrava A "Van T.Annn. KieUU road, have returned from Pine. Kg? " C, where they attended the golf 'jgpuatnt recently held there. Doctor and Hi ftt BlV TT!. .. I..t A lln., & tad Mrs. r. TAwnnil W11n nrmrlv VaNS'saUnd avenue. r nn In their new Wrner Birch and Union avenues. GERMANTOWN ealor class ot the Walnut Lane School, J with some of the members of the w Association, has arranged a play, "The 3M," to be civen on IVIHsv vfnlnr. Anrll m the Boys' Club, on West Penn street, rtswtWi are to be divided for the work ' w Southern mountaineers and tho ex ' t Comclltns the senior clasa book. JHtroM,s wj ncludo MUa Edjtj, Qttlf. J F. Houston, Mrs. H. W- Scattergood, rVwit P Scott, jJra. Harry B. BmaUey, Mrs. If. n. Deacon, Mrs. E. J. Kcrrlck, Mrs. H. V. Fischer, Mrs. Philip Jenkins, Mrs. Wilt llam Wlllltt, Mrs. D. P. Slllcy, Mrs. W. T. Hcadley and Mrs. Stuart P. Keeling. Mrs. E. Drultl Crawford, of 401 West Stafford street, has returned to her home from Oswego, where she was the truest of Mrs. Norman Bates. Mr. Thoniaa Mott Osborne, warden ot Sing Sing Prison, will glvo an Interesting talk to a group of men nnd wompn nt the Friends' School, on Coulter street, on Monday evening, April Hi. Tho admission Is by Invitation only, and among those who have been naked are tho members of the Science and Art Club. ALONG THE READING The North Hills Country Club at Edgo Hill will have Its opening tea on Saturday, May 1. At tho Old York Rood Country Club tomorrow evening, there will bo n. dlnncr-dancc. Dinner will be served nt 6.30 o'clock, followed by danc ing. Tho committee Includes Mrs. Louis B. Fortner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wall nnd Mr. and Mrs, H, Clay Dlngcn. Dr. nnd Mrs. Edward Rufiifl Sibley, of Elklni avenue, Elklns Park, havo ns their guest Miss Deborah Jones MorrlR, who has recently re turned from Browns'-Mllls-ln-the-Plnes, N. J., where she has been staying for a few weeks. Miss Morris will remnln with Dr. and Mrs Sibley during tho Bprlng, nnd later accompany them to tholr farm at Green Lane for the sum , mcr. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Tyson Perry will bo at homo after "June 1 at Tnlatah Cave Springs. Ga. Mrs. Perry will be remembered as Mls3 Laura Jayno Thomas, daughter ot Mts. Hubert Parson Yerger, of Hoslyn. Pn. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Hozleton Mlrkil, Miss Mary Mlrkll. Mr. William Mlrkil and Mr. L. Hnzle ton Mlrkil, ot 315 South 22d street, will close their town house on Thursday and move to their country residence on Bent road, Wjncote WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco D. May, of 1120 Pino street, have taken a house at Lake Sunapec. N. H., for the summer months, and will close their town houso the first week In June. Miss Margaret May will go to Atlantic City oarly in June for a short visit, and will Join her par ents later. The series of dinner-dances which have been given throughout the winter at Hamilton Court wllcomo to a close next Saturday, May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Addison A. Christian, of 4512 Walnut street, will close their house tho sec ond week In May and go to Maryland for a short time. Their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Christian, returned this week to St. Mary's School, at Burlington. N. J. The Hathaway Shakespeare Club will hold a dance on Friday night, April SO. "at the Nor mandie. Tho election of officers for tho ensuing year will also take place on Friday. The Initial dance of tho Tryollenne Club will be held this evening at Phllomuslnn Club, 3311 Walnut street. The patronesses Include Mm. M. Peterman, Mrs. H. Klllerman, Jr., Mrs. F. G. Urler, Mrs. H. Weber, Mrs. I. T. Catherine and Mrs. P. E. Sherlock. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. Carl A. Baer, ot 411 South Broad streut, will motor with friends to the Delaware Water Gap via South Bethlehem for tho week-end. Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Llpschutz, of 43.1 Mooro street, are being congratulated on the birth cf a son this week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lavin, of 2317 South Warnock street, entertained at a dance last night In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Wolf, Among the guests were Miss rtaa Toung, Miss Ester Bletzstcln, Miss May Snyder, Miss Kittle Weln stein, Miss Jennie Welnstein, Miss Celia Hoi smith, Mlsa Dora Kolb, Mr. Philip Cohen, Mr. Edward Kadane, 'Mr. Meyer Rosenswelg, Mr, Jacob Welnstein and Mr. William Calstlne. Miss Frances Fogle, of 705 South 3d street, will go to Atlantic City shortly, where she will spend several weeks with relatives. Miss Ida Katz, of 5th and Moore streets, and Mr. Louis Orlowltz, 3d and Pine streets, have announced their engagement. They will be married In the early fall. Mrs. Frank Lockwood, of 513 South 16th street, entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday at her home. Yellow Bprlng flowers carried out the color scheme. The guests Included Mrs, Charles Mills, Mrs, Mortimer Eastburn, Mrs. Edgar Webb, Mrs. nobert Bucher, Mrs. Leo Gorman, Miss Estelle Mlddendorf, Miss Janet Mlddendorf, Miss Emma Hacker and Mrs. Al bert Donahue. Miss Mary Welnstein, 2233 South Darlen street, left yesterday for New York, where ahe will spend two weeks with relatives. She will be the guest of honor at a large dansant this after, noon. Mr. Philip Cohen, of 619 TaBker street, has gone to Atlantic City to be the guest of Mr Harry Blumberg. The latter is entertaining a house party at his cottage for a week, NORTH PHILADELPHIA ''The Peacemaker," a twoiact comedy, will be given tonight at Our Lady of the Blessed Sac rament Auditorium, Broad, street and Fairmount avenue, for the benefit of the Rex Country Club, The cast Includes Miss Peggy Taylor, Mlsa Alice Curley, Miss Johanna McFaun, Mr. John Brown, Mr. John Thompson and Mr. John Flynn. A minstrel show will follow, and those who will take part are Miss May Hosklns, Miss Catharine McHugb, Mlas Anastasla Mcliugh, Miss Anna Weldon, Miss Gertrude Donovan, Miss Kathryn Cannon, Mr. Walter Kenney, Mr, Ignatius Donovan, Mr. Edward Joyce and Mr. James Tonly, The Villa Maria Alumnae will give a concert on Thursday, April 29, In the Cathollo High School for Girls for the benefit of the House of Detention, 18th and Spring Garden streets. On Friday evening, April SO, the CahlU Club will hold its. annual dansant at the Roosevelt The CahlU Club U an organization composed of fomnr puptU of th Jtouwn Catholic High School. MISS NANCY A. DILLMORE Miss Dillmore is an attractive member of the Regal Club, which will hold its final dance of the season tomorrow night in the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne. REGAL CLUB Final Dance of the Season Will Be Held in Lansdowne Tomorrow. The Regal Club of South Philadelphia will glvo n dance tomorrow evening at tho Twen tieth Century Club, Lansdowne, ns n cllrnax to the most successful year In Its history and to commemorate Its ninth year of existence. Judging from present Indications and tho In flux of applications for tickets, the affair prom ises to be a gala one. During the season tho club has given many dances, all of which havo been patronized in a manner that has been gratifying to Its members. A big surprise Is In store for the patrons at tomorrow night's affair. The dance hall will bs decorated artistically by the members, and sev eral Innovations will bo Introduced. Among those who will attend are Miss Helen 'Dudley, Miss Alma Fltzpatrick, Mtes Mean Fltz patrlck, Miss Helen Cassldy, Miss Dixie Breen, Miss Madeline Davis, Miss Marlon Costello, Mita Blanche Kant, Miss Frances Crowley. Mrs. E. A. Dougherty, Mlsa Reglna Brown, Miss Gert rude Brown, Mies Ella Conady, Miss Murle Lnguo. Miss Margaret Gallagher, Miss Eliza beth Gallagher, Miss Adelaide Glllinghani, Miss Helen Mcorley, Miss Margaret McSorley, Miss Besslo Fox, Mien Helen Conway, Miss Mario Conway, Miss May Ellis, Miss May Moore and Miss Nnncy A. Dillmore. TIOGA Mrs. George Stockman, of 1824 West Tioga street, will remain through the spring and summer In Denver, Col., where she Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Rauden btisli. Miss Emma Stockman has returned from a visit to friends In New York. Mr. James Johnson, a well-known evan gelist and Civil War veteran, delivered a lecture on "Experiences In Ltbby Prison Dur ing the War" in St, Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, Broad and Venango streets, last night. The entertainment was given by the Ushers' Association. MRS. CHARLES H. WEBER who before her marriage Wednesday" was Miss Eleanora Knieriem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Knieriem, of Afeo, N. J. a v , i'huio by EastUna Studio. BAZAAR AND PONY SHOW The Fourth Annual Affair to Be Held at Home of Mr. W. J. Clothier on May 1 2. Tlie bazaar nnd pony show to be held at Wynnewood on Wednesday, May 12, has an add ed Interest this year, as a real dog fchow has been added to the list of the many attractions. Mrs. E. F. Klvlnus will have this In charge. There will bu six main classes and many spo clal classes. Entries are now being received, and It Is expected the affair will be a great success. Cup are to be awarded in each class. The pony show, as usual, has already created widespread Interest. Eleven classes are to be held, commencing at 2 o'clock. Class 1. Pony, not exceeding 12.2 hands, that has not won a ribbon In the last two years. To be shown under saddle. Class 2. Pony, not exceeding 13 hands. To bo shown before appropriate vehicle. Class 3. Pony, not exceeding 14,2 hands. To be shown under raddle. Class 4. Pony, not exceeding 12 hands. To be shown under saddle. Class 5. Pony, not exceeding 13 hands. To be shown over four Jumps not over 3 foet. Class 6. Pony, not exceeding 13 hands. To be shown under saddle. Class 7. Pony, not exceeO.ng 11.2 hands. To be shown before appropriate vehicle. Class 8. Children's obstacle driving clats; for. best driving by a. child under IS years of age. The pony and carriage will be provided by the management. Class 9. Pony, not exceeding 12 hands. To be shown before appropriate vehicle. Class 10. Pony, not exceeding 12.2 hands, that has not won a ribbon In the last two yeara. To be shown before appropriate vehicle. Class 1L Pony, not exceeding 11.3 hands. To be shown ovor four Jumps not over 3 feet 2 or 3. Handsome silver cups have been donated In each class, and the second and third prizes will be ribbons. Entries will close Tuesday. May 4, 1915, and should be sent to Mrs. Victor C Mather, Hav erford, Pa,, who Is managing the pony show, This Is to be entirely a children's day, as both the dogs and ponies must be exhibited by chil dren not more than 15 years ot age. The ladles In charge of the affair are Mrs, Gardner Caaaatt, Miss Christine F. Chambers, Miss Lois Cassatt, Mra, Lawrence D. Begga, Mrs. George Dallas Dixon, Jr., Miss Eleanor 8. Gamble, Miss Elizabeth Myers, Mrs. Victor C. Mather, Mlsa Jean Thompson, Miss Eleanor Townsend, Miss Marjory Townsend, Mrs. George S. Munson, Mrs. Charles A. Munn, Mrs. Norris W Vaur, Mrs. E. F. Rlvinus, Miss Evelina C. Walbaum, with Mrs. William J. Clothier as chairman. The baby show is to be In the able hands of Mrs. George 3. Munson and Mrs. Pierce Archer. Jr. There will be two classes as usual, from 1 to S years, and from 3 to 6 years. There Is a popularity contest, where the mothers and grandmothers vie with each other In collecting the many votes at 10 cents a vote for the lovely children. It Is a v-y pretty sight to see all the little children, with little blue ribbon marked with the child's number and baby show, show ing that they have entered the exciting contest. Some of the many other amusements are chil dren's play, fortune telling, Punch and Judy, moving pictures, not forgetting the brass band. Notloes for the Society page will be ae mted and printed in the Evsnlno Ledger. but all such notices must be written on one side of the paper, mutt be signed In full, with full address, and when possible telephone number must be given. Send all suoh communications to "Society Editor." Evening Ledger, 603 Chestnut street. Units thus requirements aro cirrUd cut so that verification ma be possible, the notic will not be published THE "buds" of tho coming season will be very murh in their clement tonight at the various nffalrs arranged. Miss Esther Jean Bochman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Uochmati. of 204S ticust street, will be guest of honor nt a dancu to be given by her parents nt the Philadelphia Country Club, nt Bain. There will be 200 guests present, nnd supper will bo served at midnight. Befoir the dance Mr. nnd Mrs Joseph Priestly Button, of 246 West Upsal street, Oer manlown. will entertain at dinner In honor of their daughter, Miss Marion Hutchinson But ton. The RiieftR will Include Miss Agnes Allen, Miss A. Marjory Taylor, Mis? Mary Norris Cer bonl, Miss Louise L. H eland, Miss Corlnne B. Freeman. Miss Louise 9. Orey. Miss Margaret M. Pctot. Mr. James Carter, Mr John M. Car ter, Mr Henry William Skcrrett, Mr. Douglas 8. Bright, Mr. Sewell Turner, Mr. William Wright. Mr. Ghrlskcy Wntaon, Mr. Ralph Souder and Mr. Edward P. Carrier. The dancing rlaB.- which meets In the Ger mantown Cricket Club, Manhelm, nnd Is chap eroned by Mrs Edwnrd Troth will be held to night The members Include a number of this Reason's debutantes nnd younger men. Before the dnnro Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel S. Logan, of Morelnnd and Tnwnndn avenues, Chestnut Hill, will entertain nt dinner In honor of Miss Mnr Jorio Tnvlor. debutante daughter nf Mr. and Mrs Nathan A. Taor The guests will In clude Miss Helena S. Robinson, Miss Elennore Blspham. Miss Elinor Judd Bean, Miss Dorothea Obertcurfer. Miss Christine Itehn, Miss Mary Hall Laird. Miss Klennor Bournonvllle Watt, Miss Kallne Taylor. Mr. Joseph H. Dulles, 4th, Mr, Robert Boiling, Mr. Clarence P. Freeman, Mr. John lleyl, Mr. Robert C. Heyl, Jr., Mr. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The Rcubln Mltosky Benellclal Society held its semiannual election ot olllcers last week, when the following olllcers were elected: President, Mr. David Mltosky; vice president, Mr. Nathan Weasel, trensurer, Mr. 'Jacob Waldman; (Inun clal secretary, Mr. Samuel Klclnbcrg; recording secretary, Mr. Myer Frledenberg; first trustee, Mr. Joseph Friedman, second trustee, Mr. Louis Gllckman; third trustee. Mr. Simon Mllu. The contest for vice president, between Mr. Nathan Wessel nnd Mr. Joseph Friedman, ended in a tie. By request ot both contestants. President David Mltosky drew lots, which resulted in Mr. Nathan Wessel being the lucky candidate. A play and dancp will be given this evening by the English Branch of Auxiliary No. 4 of the Kensington Dispensary for the Treatment of Tuberculosis nt Mercantile Hall. Broad street above Master street. There will be two short sketches. The affair is In charge of Mrs. A Neely. It Is announced that Miss Anna Connors, ot 2S64 Gaul street, and Mrs. William Schloesser, of 2S32 Belgrade street, will be married during the early part of June. After their honeymoon trip the couple will reside at 2666 East Auburn street. Port Richmond. At the Students' Chapter Assembly Rooms this evening an old-time concert will be Riven by the senior class of the Northeast High School for Girls. The program will Include an old fashioned dance by 10 couples, members of the class, which has been directed by Miss Cress man. There will also be the "Toy Symphony," to be given by the Music Club, which has been coached by Miss Strodlds. Dr. and Mrs. Newton, of 2630 Frankford ave nue, will spend Sunday at Atlantic City. FRANKFORD Miss Eleanor Gallagher, of 2603 Rhawn street, will be gue3t of honor at a theatre party and supper given by Mrs. Katherlne Powers, of Overbrook, tomorrow evening. There will be nine guests. Including Miss Frances Williams, Miss Jane Kirk, Miss Josephine Graham, Mr. John Martin, Mr. Thomas Newbold, Mr. William Dil len, Mr. Ralph Martin and Mr. Kenneth Howell. The pupils of the John Marshall School will hold a musical at the Central Methodist Episco pal Chapel tomorrow evening. The proceeds will go towards buying pictures for the walls of the school. Mr. and Mrs. George Ovlngton, Jr., of Fox Chase, are receiving congratulations on the birth ot a son. AMUSEMENTS ARCADIA OheMnut Street. Below 16tb PHOTOPLAYS CONTINUOUS 10 A. M. to 11:1 P. M OPENS TOMORROW AT 10 A. M. OPENING ATTOACTJON METRO PICTURES COHPOKATION B. A. ROLFS Presents VALLI VALLI THE DAINTY. MAGNETIC STAR IN "THE HIGH ROAD" ADMISSION MATS. 16o EVENINOS 23a SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Evenlne Prices Prevail After 1 P M. T VDTP Lat s Times. Evenlne! at 8:15 Li 1JK1U LAST MAT. TOMORROW, 2:15 MR. WILLIAM FA VERSH AM iAG?.B3S!:. "THE HAWK" Next Week Mali. Wednesday and Friday at 3:15 M"urlFn.c. puynder'ul "The Blue Bird" PRICES 60o to It 50 SEATS ON SALE "X m?T PUT TONIOHT AT 8:15 J.UiliUirn.L MATINEE SATURDAY, 2 :J5 Oliver Morosco Presents J. Hartley Manner' PEG O' MY HEART 400 GOOD BALCONY SEATS AT 11.00 400 GOOD FAMILY CIRCLE SEATS, 50o RECITAL and DANCE WEST PHILA. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL MISS ANNABELLE L. MACGILL UUHOROUS IMPERSONATIONS RITZ-CARLTON BALLROOM, APRIL 2, 19J5 Cards ot Admission 11.00. On Salt a t. Jly a n's fiROSS Buster Brown Minstrels tYrri OTHERS and PHOTOPLAYS KEYS li,w Prcirain Mon. and Tnurs m,rn A rnTJT Dll,ir 1 0f Evenings. 19, THEATRE at a. is -lUC lOc. iac.;oc. W1THERSPOON HALL Monday BvT.. April 28. 8 HI VIOLIN ALBERT RECITAL BY , SPALDING Tickets 11.60. tl. TSfl and 60c at Heppe's. NIXON'S GRAND Today I 1. T A 13. X. ROUTE'S "THE LON8 SOME LASSIES"; llOXY LA ROCCAi MO SOON I BROS.: WESTON A YOUNd; HAYE3 i ALLFOINT; Laughing Pictures, ft A QTVTn Walnut k 8th Bt, True liauy. Wripii w nasnffu a .v'U. tJMr Tvnnaorn THB HUJU IJFB OWLS IrOCaiierU BDeil Mils Ulcbslana P.aosta Charles Y. Fox, Jr., Mr. Coleman Sellers, 3d, Mr. Luclen II, Cooke nnd Mr. Frederic Leldy. Miss Hope Truxlun Benle, daughter ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward F. Beale, nnd Mr. Oliver Eaton Cromwell, son of Mrs. Edwnrd T. Stotes bttry, will be guests of honor nt a dinner to be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. J Kearsley Mitchell at Red Rose Manor, their country place at Rose mont. Dancing will follow. The Inst dance of the series that was ar ranged by Mrs. Kane S. Green and Mrs. W"1" lain Roberts Howell and which have been held nt different Intervals In the Merldn Cricket Club will lake place tonight. Many dinners will precede the dance, and among the hosta and hostesses nre Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson Crothers In their home, Roslyn Heights, Chest nut Hill. Their guests will be Mrs. Henry Leo Relrf. Mrs Marlon W. Dougherty, Mr. Edmund Hnrdlng Nash, Mr. S. Hewes Mnttson and Mr. Henry Lee Reld. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Edson, of Haverford, will entertain nt dinner In their homo. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton French Banks, of Rotfs monl, wilt entertain In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ersklno Smith, of New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred C. Stout, of Ardmore, will give a dinner In their home. Mr and Mrs Knne S Green In their home dn MontRomery avenue. Hryn Mnwr. ' Miss 11. Ethel Mnule, of Briar Crest, Villa nova, will entertain at dinner In the Radnor Hunt Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick H. Mehl, 125 Valley road. Ardmore, will entertain nt dinner. Among the guests will be Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Bullock, Mr. nnd Mrs. Abel P. Wetherlll, Mr. nnd Mrs. TliomnM Evans Dunn and Paymaster James A. Bull, U. S. N. ROXBOROUGH The Violet Euchre Club will meet this eve ning at the home of Miss Ella Cunningham, du Pont street, Manayunk, for the regular play and entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Those expected to be present are Miss Mary Glaub, Mrs. Alfred Scott, Mrs. Charles Schlot terer. Miss Jean De Haven, Miss Emma Schwartz, Mrs Seth Garllgh. Mrs. Peter Glaub, Miss Klla Booth, Mrs. John Sharf and Miss Margaret McGulgan. LANSDOWNE Tonight will be Old Song Night at the pub lie school, and will he followed by a cake and candy sale for the benefit of the Athletic Asso elation. More than MO ot the pupils from the high school will take part In the songs. Mrs. H. E. Gllroy, who has been staying sev eral months with her son and daughter. Major If. C. Price and Mrs. Price, of Porto Rico, has returned to spend the summer with her daugh ter, Mrs. A. F. Damon, Jr., of Bally road. Mrs. Gllroy Is accompanied by her grandson, H. Campbell Price, of Porto Rico. AMUSEMENTS SPRING TONIQ NED WAYBUR.V (M. D.) Broad St. Theatro Hours: Wed A Sat. Afternoon! 2:30. Weekday, Evenings 8:30. R Take one Jitney to BROAD STREET THEATRE Tak one seat, two ears, two cye and 3B3 laurhs. One boltle of liniment to rub on sides In the morn Incs. DOSE : 8:30 P M., after dinner each weekday. 2:30 P. M. after luncheon. Wedn-sday and Saturdays Vnu'll shako well before leaving. NED WAYBURN, M. D. SHE'S IN AGAltf FORREST Mat. Today at ALL-STAR BENEFIT IN AID OP THE BABIES' HOSPITAL BIGGEST BILL OF THE YEAR I'nder the Auspices ot THE UNITED THEATRE MANAGERS OP PHILA Oeo M Cohsn, William Collier. Louisa Dr..... Belle Blanch. (Hello Ilroadway). Clark & Verdi- c. tor & Lee (B. F Keith's). John E Youna- Bl'anJhl Morrison. Edna Muncey (The Little Ca" L id Ac. of "She's In Again." Roxy La Rocca (Nlxon'i 10V.L1 Marguerite Sawtello Duffy ft Co. In 'Th. R,iU.,?...! (The Nixon). Edwin George IWm. Penn? Tot. Troupe, Bison City Four (Keystone)? '' Toy Prices pOo to ti. Seats Selling at Box Offlce. GT r T 171 THEATRE "" ' Juniper Srreets t-l!NI.NQS !30 flc. oc, 80 MOST REMARKABLE FILM EVER EXHIBITED HYPOCRITES LAVISHLY STACJED CHOIR ORCHESTRA ORGAN Owing to Unprecedented Crowds 3 SHOWS TOMORROW, 2:30, 7 & 9 B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE EMMA CALVE World's Qrtaiett "Carmin" REG1NA CONNELLl 4 CO. : DAINTY MXniB CLARK VERDI; CANTOR ft Le AND OTHEM Next Week Non0t nhPStnill- Sf ,95Si,A I Home of WorM-i"" onesmuc VTXssBpi,L1Yr"lt", ' Aft... 1 ftL3-EvgV T,, JSC, 9 The Avenging- Conscience Next I MRS. LESLIE CAKTER in Week! "THE HEART OF MARYLAND" FORREST-L,ast 2 Evgs. "Hello Broadway" ftfS-Mco1!0, NEXT WEEK-SEATfl I 0eLMNaCU'UW ci-m.0 Grand Opera Co. IN REfERTOIHE: 100 PEOPLE: 20 -plq TUB MARKET ST. ABOVE 1STH ,. . PICTURES t0 11 A M. to 11:13 p if BLANCHE SWEBT iSuSH Stanley NEXT WEBKrANNlVEISARr WEHK Mon.. Tue., Wed.. HizEL DAWN In "Nflo iuci vrrlVis" "NiOBE" This and Jitxt Week. r -r k i : m z - - ttvu, nt v-w- -- t aMsiiiivv uta ana bt At j THE LITTLE CAFE WV,? PepuUr Prise Wednesday Marine bj sai lia DU MO NT'S WFi-ti&ZttS? Brl(iu-- lurp,, ,. , " ' T8