Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8
EVENING EED0EB PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIE 23, 195. bStoetitttg iHthtt tlBLfC LEDGER COMPANY frrtiue it k. fctiivrie. risnixT. f Qierlea II LAidlntion, Vice-President : John C. Martin, ptcreiary na 'jrnurr( rniup s. (jouins, jonn B. Vlijlama. Plfectoti. teDtTontxiiUOAnbi Cries 11. It. Cents. Chairman. MV t tVltAtr ...... Executive Edlter IwilNC MARTIN... ....... General Uualneaa Manager ruMlihed diliy It rt)U0 Lzuacn Bulidlnr, Independence Bqiwre, rhlladelphl. utflR CrTiUL .,,,.... i .Dread and Chestnut Street MUHttd Citr...... , rrttsUnlo milldlne if Wk Yds-. ............... 1T0-A, Metrop6tltan Tewer iCnlciiro. .. i. ......... ..817 Home lnaurance Building ofcnow. 8 Waterloo nice, rail Man, B. w. ifianfMnrnM Ttnantr Tha Mat ltulldinr ifM ToK nbniiu.... The. TlmM ltulldlne 9atf.fN Brao xi. no Frledrlchstrar r.nitvMri nmtiUi. 2 Tall Mall r?aat. R. W. Faau BOltaUti 82 Hue Louts le Urand subscription terms n MrrUf. TIAit.T 0if.T. 4 rent a. Ilr mall. nflilntM AtttBlda ttt Philadelphia. aacant where foreign noatara ll required. Duly d.LT. nne month, twenty-nve cents; L':itttT O.mlt, one year, three dollar. All mall sub- aaeriptiona payaoia in advance. pratr, SOOO WAI-NUT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 PT" Address all communication to Evening Leigtr, Independence 8 quart, Philadelphia. . ., Jirtrtio at tm rmurxLrnu rosiarnci is ercoND- CUD MilL MltTElt. iMDBLrntA. miDAY. ArniL 33, mis. Tht flres of halo cll not oo out so long as the) are fed with hard tvordt. Protection and "Protection" Eft TIM" McNICHOL did not defeat local op . d Hon; neither did "Ed" Vare. It was defeated last November by tens of thousands of "good" citizens who got It Into their heads that they could not be prosperous unless Mr, Penrose was sent back to Washington, E. on which account they voted for him and F his affiliated Interests. It Is pure nonsense to expect politicians ft; to do what they are notoriously under agree- ment not to do. It Is sheer stupidity "to stand for" anything-, provided it Is done up In a protection wrapper. Protection, the H great economic principle, as a matter of fact, has never been defeated In tho United States ? In recent years. But because protection has been used as a shield behind which nefarious w deeds were committed, tho Republican party has been defeated. And It will bo defeated .gain unless Its leadership Is clean. The Idea that tho way to get protection Is to tie its fate to the coattalls of political adventurers who promote slush funds gives evidence of everything except brains In the heads of the gentlemen who bo delude them selves. Protection Is one thing and "pro tection" is another. Every One Loves a Horse A small boy were asked to choose IF b between ownership of a pony and owner ship of an automobile he would unhesitat ingly choose the pony. So long- as the natural unspoiled Instincts' L of the human heart havo any power the horso will retain his placo In our affections. No machine ever invented by tho Ingenuity oi man can compare in cnarm wun an intel ligent, well-trained and affectionate horse. Ho Is not merely a devlco for sotting you over tho ground. He Is a companion and a friend. His soft muzzle in your hand Is more delightful than tho kickback of tho starting crank of an automobile. When the railroad trains displaced tho stage coaches the horse did not disappear. Men traveled more and farther. That was All the effect tho new mode of locomotion Dad. And the motorcar has not displaced tho horse, either. There are moro horses In the country today than there were 10 years ago. Tho new devlco for getting over tho ground has made business for itself while leaving the horse undisturbed In his position 'of supremacy. Tho indoor horse show, which opened yesterday, is an institution or ganized long after the automobiles became popular and the exhibitors nro men and women who own motorcars, but they cannot and will not part with their horses. They loved ponies In their childhood, and now that they havo become men and women they refuse to deny the instinct which first led them to cherish the companionship of the splendid animal. "War of Silver Bullets" N the German Finance Minister says V: VY that if this Is to bo a "war of silver bullets" Germany is prepared, he suggests j by his Interview with the United Press cor- respondent that it is a war of pronounce ments as well as of silver and leaden bullets. - His declaration of the ability of his country " to meet all the charges of tho war and to ; feed Its people, however long tho war may Jast, is a form of campaigning In whloh Ger f, many has been engaged since the beginning. J' Indeed, tho Germans havo used their pub i llclty bureau more Industriously than either ' the British or tho French. They hope thereby to strengthen their position in the eyes of ' the world, to keep up the courage of their V own people and to mislead tho Allies. It Is a ), legitimate use of publicity, and some of the J" British and French observers of tho progress j of tho war are regretting that their own f Governments have not made a more liberal -use of Informal proclamations to the people .regarding tho state of preparedness for all emergencies. Their psychological value is un-("doubted. Curfew Will Yet Ring in Philadelphia InriHB failure of Director Porter to get tho X children off the streets at night because of lack of the necessary ordinance has not e, atscouragea mose wno Deueve aamission to tho school of crime should be made as diffl- t cult as possible for the young. They are determined, either through legls Llatlort in Harrisburg or in City Hall, to era- power the police to arrest children found on Ptha streets without proper guardians after a i. qvrtaln hour In the evening. And they ought Jo succeed. They may not carry their point .fbls summer, but they will carry it some , tlma. In the near future. It took a year to 'ret the Lancaster Councils to adopt an ordi nance pryviuwig iuui iiimura uuuer m ua of 16 should pot be allowed on the streets after 9 o'clock, but no one regrets that the ty has such an ordinance now. It has re- ifcea tho amount of juvenile crime, which eana that it has kept boys and girls out temptation while they have not the Judg- ent seeded to assist them in deciding what rlgM and what is wrong. It has mada.lt Sailer for tho children of the poor to grow p to an honest and upright maturity. Cur- w ordinances in other cities have had slmi- r rcJSutts, In some cases they have reduced venila crime 75 per cent. t no argument u neeaea 10 prove inai a and girls should, be at home In the In? instead of on the streets of a large They can learn nothing good as prt y juplla In the school of vice and idlo- U must be kept off the streets, and tfca hwt of some of them are unpleasant (, 9B(M let t nadft tbo buslnei of soma phllanthroplo persons to provide suitable gathering plaofea for th6 young in different neighborhoods where .they can have Innocent amusements In wholesome surroundings. There Is a splendid opportunity hero for tho churches to co-operate with tho Pollco De partment In Bavins the young from them selves and for tho community as a whole. Who Will Share in This Quarter of n Billion "iMelon"? TV) YOU realize what the war In Europo mcans to every railroad) every coastwise, lako and river steamship Unci every hotel, every summer boarding house and every dealer In automobiles and automobile sup plies In America? In brief, It portends a season of unparal leled prosperity for all thoso who reach out their hands to take what Is coming to them. There will be no tourist travel In Europo for Americans this summer. American tourists, according to the estimate of tho head of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commorco In Washington, spent $286,000,000 In ocean steamship fares, hotel bills and railroad fares and In purchases from foreign merchants in tho Dscal year ending June 30, 1014. This Is moro than a quarter of a billion dollars. If a sum so largo as this, or even one-half so large, Is distributed this summer by tho pleasure seekers who havo to seek their "far country" hero at homo Instead of abroad, it docs not take much Imagination to picture tho harvest which will bo reaped by thoso Who cater to this class of trado. The vacation disposition persists In splto of war. If tho man with $500 or $1000 to spend on himself or his family this summer cannot get to Europo he will spend It In his own country. Thousands of such men will go to tho Pannma Fair bocnuso that has been advertlsod widely for the past year. It Is tho first thing that will occur to many of them. But tho Panama Fair Is not tho only thing on this continent worth looking nt. Philadelphia should Interest every patriotic American moro than it Is possible for Lon don to Interest him, because hero the nation was born. Valley Forgo and Gettysburg are greater places for him than Waterloo, and tho tomb of Washington at Mt. Vernon Is moro lmpresslvo than tho sarcophagus of Napoleon In Paris. Boston and Concord and Lexington are moro Intimately connected with American liberty than Is the Roman Forum. Those Who have roamed the world without first looking at tho historic places In their own country may see America at last. Philadelphia and Pennsylvania will get their proper share of the quarter of a billion dollars annually spent by vacation enthu siasts' abroad, If they seek It, and they will get some of It any way, whether they seek It or not. But tho alert and awakened busi ness senso of tho community must perceive the splendid opportunity which now presents itself to attract the attention of the nation to this great centre of historic interest, when thoro Is a multitude so eager to learn what is most worth seeing in its own land. They talk about railroad corporations "cut ting a melon." There never before woe such a melon awaiting the cutting for the benefit of thoso who purvey to vacationists. Crusnde Cannot Start Too Soon IT IS difficult to conceive of a moro con temptible occupation than that of the man who persuades tho Ignorant that they are suffering from cancer or tuberculosis or some other disease, and then robs them of their monoy through pretending to cure them of their Imaginary Ills. The Federal authorities have begun to prosecute such quacks In New York, and nro sold to bo planning operations In this city. They cannot come here too soon, and they cannot deal with the scoundrels too vigor ously. These quacks are oven worse than the manufacturers of patent medicines, com pounded chiefly of alcohol, which are war ranted to cure all Ills, from Brlght's dlseaso to cholera, for they talk In person to their victims, and by insinuations of manner and tone Impress them with the gravity of their llness and then despoil them at their leisure. Pickpockets are respectable In comparison. No Prohibition for Iowa Democrats THE refusal of the Democratic State Com mittee of Iowa to make belief in prohibi tion a test of fitness to serve as1 a member of the Democratic National Committee from the State Indicates that the politicians of the State nro reasonably well satisfied with tho present situation and are not Inclined to subordinate other issues to agitation for the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors. But the liquor men of Iowa and other States can force the prohibition Issue Into the foreground by a policy of blind obstruc tion to the popular will. They are the worst enemies of their own business. And if they devote their time and money and political ingenuity to frustrating the attempts of the people to regulate the business in a reason able manner, the people will wipe It out en tirely. Or if they cannot wipe it out they will do all that Is In their power to destroy it and make every man who sells Intoxicants an outlaw. The refusal of the Iowa Democrats to ac cept the advice of Mr. Bryan is of less im portance than the determination of the Iowa Democrats' to do what they can to protect the rights of the people of the State to manage their own affairs In their own way, without the Interference of either the Sec retary of State or the liquor associations. Mr. Barnes1 seems to be proving Mr. Roose velt's case, This Is an era when America will be full of Americans The foot and mouth disease may yet do more to clean up the city than all the anti pig campaigns have ever accomplished. The "Invisible" government was not In visible to the Colonel he was behind the Bcenes. There would have been no trouble if only ha had thought that "invisible govern ment" was "out of sight." That report from Harrisburg that unless the Governor ''comes down" the Organization will pass a child labor bill dictated by the employers of child labor Instead of a humane measure la perfectly credible. Any folly can be believed of the men In control of the Housf THE RETURN OF COLONIAL FENCES The Charm of Houses and Streets Before the Era of Victorian Front Lawns Let's Get Back the Old Sense of Privacy. By WALTER PR1CHARD EATON FENCES seem to be coming back. To bt Bure, I learn of tho glad tidings chiefly form the pages of thoso numerous magazines which tell us how to erect a charmingly fllm plo nuburban villa for $3000, and then make Us envious by printing pictures of .Tohn D, Rockefeller's estate. Actual observation of suburban and rural America docs not yet dlscloso any very concorted return to fences. However, I nm hopeful enough to bollev'o that wo nro ipnlly on tho way out of our terrlblo era of Victorian front lawns, that era when every pretty old village In tho land hnd Its Village Improvement Society, and moro harm wns done In a generation than threo generations can undo. Tho waves of taste, good or bad, which sweep over a community, even a nation, nro curious things. In the post-Revolutionary period America developed a very lovely architecture, which reached Its climax, per haps, around 1S20. Just how far this archi tecture wns generally appreciated I am not student enough to Ray. Golden eras of tasto often roduco themselves, upon cloao examina tion, to bo eras when this or that famous nrchltect was tho fashion. Certainly our Colonial architecture was English In origin, and In many cases some of tho best examples In tho rural regions owo their exccllonco to tho fact that tho carpenter-builders of the period worked from set plans In a book However, wo hnd native nrchltccts of genius, llko Mclntlro In Salem nnd Bulfluch In Bos ton. Whole Btreots In Salem are almost per fect. Whole street! In old Baltlmoro or Phil adelphia, are or until recently wcrc elo quent witnesses to the fact that somebody's good taste, at any rate, was not Interfered with. Gingerbread Compilations Then a period of unrest set In, manifesting Itself nt first in tho ovcrelaboratlon of the existing style. It was not so very long, as tlma goes, before nobody dreamed of build ing a new house In the tried nnd truo Colonial style, so befitting our country. One fad succeeded nnother, nnd strewed tho Innd with monstrosities, from tho Now York brown stone city houses to tho Queon Anno suburban residences and the small town compilations of wooden gingerbread scroll work. It Is only within the memory of tho youngest of us that tho American architects of tho new generation, aided by tho really valunblo work of the houso and garden magazines, havo begun to pull .tnsto back to the simpler, snncr styles, chiefly, perhaps, Colonial. Such a "magnificent" avenue as Peach Tree street In Atlanta, or tho better residence streets of Indianapolis, are mourn ful reminders of tho horrors of our only too recent domestic architecture. Wo will say nothing of certain suburbs nearer home. Somowhcro back In our fathers' time, when Iron deer wero gaily prancing over front InwnB and no llttlo homo was com plete without a French roof, tho park idea hit the country. Down with tho fences and hedges! was tho cry. Village Improvement Societies took up tho slogan. Why be ex clusive? Why disfigure the roadside with n fence? Why not open up a green park on both sides of the highway, composed of everybody's front yard? Why not. Indeed? Accordingly, it wns dono. Tho horrid deed was done, and the loss has been Incalculable. Glimpses of Garden Anybody who can remember an old New Englnnd village before tho "Improvement" struck It has a picture stored In his memory which It Is almost Impossible to match to day. In front of almost overy house was a wooden fence. Very frequently theso fences were no less works of architectural beauty than tho dwelling. They wero In style with tno house. Tho Colonial fences had tall, square posts, each often surmounted by an urn, and tho palings of the gato were moro elaborate, to match the front door, which was glimpsed up tho vista of the path. Be hind tho fence was usunlly a hedge of some sort, or shrubbery planting, to screen tho dwelling nnd make a privacy for the occu pants. The front yard was sometimes a lawn, sometimes perhaps even moro fre quentlyIt was a garden. You merely caught a glimpse of It as you passed the gate per haps saw the mistress of the house out snipping at her "posies." Over tho fenoa nnd the shrubs, however, rose the upper win dows of the house, looking down in klndb fashion at the street, but not courting your full stare. The total effect of a street like this was Infinitely more charming than anything we know today. Tho vista of tho street was better, because that last line made by the fences Is necessary to frame In tho perspec tive. The houses all looked more homelike and attractive, because they were screened off In a decent privacy. People In them did not have to live on the sidewalk. There was pleasant color and vnrlety and infinite sur prises In the glimpses of garden you caught through gates and over walls or fences. SEA SHELLS IN AN INLAND WELL A WELL was recently drilled at Charleston, . S. C, to a depth of nearly 2000 feet below sea level and at that depth struck water bear ing sand which yielded a natural flow of more than half a million gallons a day of extremely soft water, suitable for boiler supply. I, N. Knapp, of Philadelphia, who was the engineer In charge of the drilling operations, realizing the opportunity afforded by a deep boring of this kind to add to the sum of human knowl edge, carefully saved a complete set of sam ples of the materials penetrated by the drill and sent them to the office of the United States Geographical Survey at Washington. One of the Interesting results of these studies was the finding of the shells of oysters and other marine organisms even down to the bot tom of the well, all of which, except thoso found within 75 or 80 feet of the surface, belong to a species which lived during past ages and are now extinct. The shell of one species be longing to the oyster family and known to scientists as Exogyra upatolensla Stephenson was floated out from the bottom of the well by the natural flow of water. The story which this shell tells is an interesting one to students of earth history. When the oyster was alive the Atlantic Ocean covered the present site of Charleston and prob ably extended for nearly a hundred miles farther inland, but the bottom of the sea on which it lived was probably not more than W or 100 fathoms deep. The riven from the land carried sand and mud into the sea and grad Hero was a town, you felt, whore each homo was a home, where a man shut his gate bo hind him and entered tho privacy of his dwelling fifty feet from tho door. Now that Is alt gone. In the older com munities tho peoplo themselves havo swept tho fences away. In the newer communities, llko city suburbs, the development companies In many cases havo purposely built without fences to show their ware3 better. In cither case the result Is pitiful. 'House after house, unfenced and unscreened, stares at you with tho vulgar Insistence of a blllboarb as you pass. Being still human and still loving domestic privacy In our hearts, wo have transferred all our gardons out back, which, when you come to think of It, Is a quaint result of tho campaign to make each estate contribute to the general pleasure! Wo are all back yard dwellers, now, for wo still fence off from our neighbors, whilo opening up our front yard to every casual passerby. The best houso looks common place when seen In all Its nakedness over a strip of bare lawn. The average suburban house looks positively Indecent either vulgar or palnfujly homely. And no house has any of the old charm of mystery, tho hint of a pleasant privacy, tho glimpse of a bit of gar den, tho pretty air of retiring away from the traffic nnd watching tho world pass, through tho vista of Its gate. Homes Instead of House Plans It is a very precious thing, this hint of privacy, this charm of domestic retirement. It cannot but react on the dwellers In the house, on the passers along tho road. Per sonally I am convinced that taking down tho fences does moro to destroy that "sanctity of tho home" the antl-suffraglsts are always prating of, than tho ballot could ever do. At any rate, by tearing down all fences and walls and hedges, wo have dono great Injury to tho appearance of our towns and suburbs, we have bartered what should bo their right ful beauty for a row of glorified billboards, either advertising the wealth of the house holders or the varying tastes of tho archi tects. Let us build fences once more, and walls, and let us plant hedges and shrubs. Let us dwell In homes Instead of house plans. If wo aro to return to the fine domestic typo of dwelling which flourished a century ago we must remember that that type was in complete without lt3 fence, unless It chanced to be flush up to a city curb. Even Lord Timothy Dexter, of Newburyport, had a fence around his dwelling, though ho did have wooden statues of himself upon the fence posts. LOVE If you love your friend better than your friend loves you. Do not grieve with the pain of prldel Know yourself fortunate. You are the happier of the two. For It Is good to be loved: It Is better to love. It Is sad to be hated: It is sadder to hate. You are as weak as your hate is strong. Tteflolve it to nothing! Hate is a costly thing and not worth the price. You are as strong as your love Is strong. Let It take in the whole world, Some as your heart's dearest, Many as your brothers and sisters. All as worthy a kind thought, a salute and a comradely touch of the hand. Ethel Marjorle Knapp In the Craftaman. ually filled It, but as the filling progressed the sea bottom slowly sank. Sometimes there was a pause In the sinking, and at other times there were even upward movements which temporarily lifted the sea floor entirely out of water; but In the main the movements ware downward until a relatively recent prehlstorlo time, when an upward movement cau&ed the strand lln to retreat to Its present position. In the pands and clays whloh filled this down ward sinking ocean basin, salty ocean waters were entrapped and burled, and these waters, now more or less mixed with land derived waters, were encountered at various depths in the Charleston well; they are referred to as "fossil waters," because they have been locked in the earth and prevented from circulating, Although practically motionless, these fossil waters are under heavy hydraulic pressure due to the weight of the waters which have percolated from the landward direction down through the seaward dipping sand layers. When the sands containing the fossil waters are tap ped by wells the hydraullo pressure forces the water up through the drill hole to the surface, thus producing flowing artesian wells. The water from the 2000-foot level at Charleston shows only slight indication of having been mixed with sea. water, but the waters from some of the higher levels contain enough of the ancient sea. water to give them a distinct salty tastt.-Bulletln of United States Geological Survey, "THAT WILL DO I" Jm Z-' I'M 1 BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA DIGEST OF THE MAGAZINES (1) Metropolitan "Tho Twilight Sleep In America." (2) Ladles' World "Both Sides of tho Question." (3) McCIuro's-"Twllight Sleep In Amer ica." "TWILIGHT SLEEP" MOTHERS and babies have been a sourco of inspiration to the painter, tho poet and tho sculptor for centuries. A dozen of the greatest masterpieces of all time aro Madonnas. Many of the most famous and beloved lyrics ever written aro lullabies and poems to motherhood. This flattering ro sponse of tho world of art has not been paralleled in other fields among the sci ences, for instance. In tho world of medicine, of research and discovery, there has, Until the last few years, been llttlo progress In tho understanding and caro of that universal and agonizing ordeal of childbirth. This Is especially truo in comparison with the progress mado In tho fields of surgery, anesthetizing, sterilization, etc. In so far as theso Independent dis coveries are applicable, they havo been ap plied, and overy medical library Includes volumes on obstetrics. But aside from tho general advance In tho practice of medicine, theso books show practically no records of Improvement in tho methods of handling theso cases. Through the centuries, while pain has been so enormously relieved and alleviated in other directions, every mother has been called upon to enduro much tho same terrlblo agony that Is suggested In tho solemn curso laid upon Eve In tho garden of Eden, when God said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." This feeling has lain dormant among many women, half realized, to bo brought to full consciousness by tho attitude shown toward the discovery of twilight sleep. Many doc tors nro today Indorsing it publicly, after having denounced and scoffed at It only last fall. They now admit that they had not taken the troublp to investigate thoroughly and carefully. Their reconsideration was due to tho publicity given the matter In the magazines and consequent Insistence of tho women of the country that it have a fair trial. After several months of lull, tho magazines burst out with several articles on the subject. Mary Boyd and Marguerlto Tracy, the two women who wrote the origi nal article In McClure's lost June, have an article in the Metropolitan for March (1): The war and twilight sleep were the two news features of the fall of 1314. The subjects stood out Btrlklngly against each other; on the one "hand, the brutalizing and cheapening of human life by war; on the other, the humaniz ing and safeguarding of llfeglvlng by painless birth; one representing the hopeless past; the other the hopeful future; one repre senting the obedient acceptance of military authority by men; the other representing the repudiation of medical authority by women. For In the violent controversy over painless child birth, which broke out In medical Journals upon the popular presentation of the subject In gen eral mnzazlnes, the laywomen of America took a silent but effective part; had. Indeed, the last word. The force of their demand sent the doc tors to Freiburg. This sending of the doctors is the first big thing that the American women accomplished by their persistent demands on Individual doctors. In the fall these doctors returned to America. The discussions whloh had been so vituperative In the medical press were taken up open mlndedly In the monthly meetings of obstetrical societies by the men who had been to Frleburg. One by one American obstetricians who have been experimenting have come round. Where they failed a number of years ago, they are now succeeding. They are analyzing their re sults, and they ascribe their early failures to variability In the drug which they used, and to lack of any guide In the. regulation of dosage to the Individual patients. Drs. McPherson and Harrar, In a report on a series of 100 cases delivered under twilight sleep In the Lylng-In Hospital, of New York, write: "A phenomenon as Interesting as the twilight sleep Itself Is that detailed descriptions of the technique which has been followed closely in this study have lain idle In the literature for six years, with no one taking advantage of them. Those who did make trial of the pro cedure (the narcotic, that is), wandered far afield, both In method and In the object, to be obtained." There Is probably no local or national medical body In America which has not had a session or many sessions on twilight sleep. The full records of most of these will not be published for many months, but we know that only In one city did the body of medical men officially disapprove the agitation for twllght sleep. This was in the Medical Society of Milwaukee County, which condemned the whole Idea in a sweeping resolution, without discussion. Three days later the Women's Association of the Milwaukee Maternity Hospital put itself on record In an emphatic resolution condemning the action of this society. D4. W, W. Knlpa and J. O. PoUk, both of New York, report two groups of cases. These men are among those who went to Freiburg last summer; both at also among those who had tried and failed with seopolamln. morphine in I tho past nnd discarded It as i)anr.... n-.t. nserlbo their early failuro to ignorance 'of the Freiburg technique Doctor Polak writes: "Wo contend a woman Is entitled to the relief of pain during labor if she can get It without tinduo risk cither to horself or the child. We no longer ask our patients to submit to surgical operations without ether or gns. You say labor Is a normal and physiological process; one wouldn't think so after 10-odd years of con jiiltatlon In obstetrics in Brooklyn and New York. Over E0 per cent, of all our gynecology Is the result of badly conducted physiological labor. Poor diagnosis In labor Is more frequent than in nny department of medicine and Bur gery, except, perhaps, cancer. Tho practitioner has not made tho progress In tho art of ob etetrlcs diagnosis and procedure that ho has In other branches, or he is blinded by the dictum that It Is all a normal process." What Some Men Say This frank and open attitude of Doctor Polak Is In striking contrast to tho point of view of some doctors and ministers quoted In tho Ladles' World (2): Letter from well-known Methodist clergyman to a physician who is using twilight sleep with buoccbs: "For God's Bake, Dr. L , do not urge tho use of this agent In obstetrics. You are op posing God Almighty; for hath he not said to woman, 'In pain shalt thou henceforth bring forth thy young'? If you perslt In Introducing this agent, God will surely punish you." Dr. J. J. Kindred, of Long Island City, writes: "My mother and others of her day managed to do without It. Childbirth Is no Joyrldo under any circumstances. While in Europo I was on my honeymoon, and did not stop to Investigate twilight sleep." Another doctor Is quoted as saying: "I know of no moro pleasing sight than that of a strongly built woman giving birth to a first child with Btrong and painful birth pangs." Constance Lcupp and Burton Hendrick, writing in McCluro's (3), say: The fact Is that It was "not until the latter half of the year 19H that American obstetricians gave the Freiburg treatment a genuine trial. In tho last eight months there have probably been 3000 scopolomln-morphlno babies born In the United States, one-third as many as Frei burg 1ms had In 10 years. In all the largest cities representative obstetricians nre using the method. In the early days the rumor started that scopolamin-morphlno caused Insanity among mothers. Evidently the story was In tended as a hoax, since It rested on the supposed assertions of a New York physician, who after ward disclaimed responsibility for the state, ment. Strangely enough, this ridiculous Idea has gained considerable currency, and actually prevents many women from accepting tho treat ment. It may caus0 temporary aberrations, as ether nnd chloroform do, but these always pass off as the drug Is eliminated from the system. MAKE A GARDEN From the Ohio State Journal, An Incentive to following this advice Is a couplet by Dorothy 'urner. as follows: You are nearer to God in a garden Than anywhere else on earth. And so It is a sort of religion to make a gar den. If then you Ignore church religion or Bible religion, do not neglect garden religion. It Is no whim. The best psychology supports the Idea. The fact Is, If you are mixed In your thoughts and are filled with doubts, make t garden, nnd you will find your whole Intel lectual atmosphere brightened. By whstf "Some call it God." PEACE I pray for peace; yet peace Is but a prayer. How many wars havo been In my brief yearsl All races and all faiths, both hemispheres My eyes have seen embattled everywhere The wide earth through; yet do I not despair Of peace that slowly through far ages nears, Though not to me the golden morn appears; My faith is perfect in time's issue fair. For man doth build on an eternal scale. And his Ideals are framed of hope deferred; The millennium came not; yet Chrlct did not fall, Though ever unaccomplished Is His word; Him Prince of Peace, though unenthroned, we hall, Supreme, when In all bosoms He be heard. Oeorga E, Woodberry, In North American Revliw. THE LOST CHORD Seated one day at the organ, I was weary and 111 at ease, And my fingers wandered Idly Over the noisy keys. I knew not what I was playing, Or what I was dreaming then; But I Btruck ono chord of muslo Like the sound of a great amen. It flooded the crimson twilight Like the close of an angel's psalm. And it lay on my fevered spirit With a touch of infinite calm. ' It quieted pain and sorrow, Like love' overcoming strife; It seemed the harmonious echo From our discordant lite. It linked all perplexed meanings Into one perfect peace, And trembled away into silence As if it were loathe to cease. I have sought, but I seek It vainly, That one lost chord divine. Which came from the soul of the organ. And entered into mine. It taty be that death's bright angel Will epeak in that chord again- It may be that only In heaven I shall bear that grand amen. JL4llds FW5t9 ;i ! il ?3j 4-1 nai il