Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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"Billy" Thinks Commercial
( "Ads" Occupy Too Much
I Space on Broadway and
I Advocates Modern Meth
ods in Religion.
By a Staff Corretrondent
PATEKSO.V. N. ' J., April 23. "Billy"
Sunday has two new Ideas this morning,
one sartorial and the other pictorial. One
hasn't a thin to do with evangelism; the
other has, one Is somebody else's Idea.
The other Is "Billy's" own conception.
The sartorial Idea, which originated In
the Chamber of Commerce of UiIh city
and whl-h "I'llly" has adopted, Is that
men nil over the United States should
ear shlmmery silk suits In the summer
time "Billy Is KolnB to do It and set
tho fashion, thus "oilt-BrjnnlnK" William
Jennings B. and his well-known nlpRca.
Since "Billy" Is going In for silk suits,
Paterron has dccldbd to supply Ills ward
robe for tho remaining summers of his
life. It Is suggested that the wnrdiohe
shall Include a black silk cutaway, a
black silk evening coat, n black silk
Prince Albert, a half-dozen black and
blue and brown and mauve silk sack
suits, nnd blue silk pajamas. He will
appear In one of the silk suits at a "silk
suit luncheon," to bo given here In May
by the Chamber of Commerce. That Is, If
"Ma" will let him. "Ma" says that
"Blllj" haB two fnults temper nnd
clothes. ' Billy" always Is togged up to
the minute.
"Why, Mr. Sunday," says trainer, ex
puglllst and assistant evangelist Jack
Cardiff, "Mr. Sunday, he won't put on
trousers that aren't creased sharp enough
to cut you, he won't."
"Billy's" pictorial Idea opens up new
fields In evangelism. He wants to see
salvation flared forth by electric lights
on Broadway or Chestnut street.
"I'd like," said he, between mouthfuls
of sliced oranges, "to see salvation put
on as successful a bnsls as modern busi
ness and politics. There is no reason
why the man riding from New York to
Philadelphia shouldn't sec a big sign "Be
euro your sins will find you out,' nnd a
lltle further on another sign "If we con
fess our sins, Christ will forgive our
transgressions.' " Although despite pov
erty In the convert line. "Billy" was
pleased last night when he learned that
only $3,763 was needed In the tin pan col
lection beTore the J22.O00 expenses of the
campaign will be met His temper got
the better of him when the meeting was
Interrupted by a fainting woman.
He stopped short In the very middle of
a vehement sentence, grabbed his Bible,
and flung himself Into his chair.
"Good heavens," he exclaimed, "If
jou'd get as excited about people going
to the devil as you do nbout a sick wo
man you might be of some use In bring
ing souls to the Kjngdom of God." A
number of ministers appeared to be
shocked. When It came to the call for
converts "Billy" got after them with a
"What's the mater with you preachers?
Get down off tho platform and help some
body to Christ. If you don't, I'll have to
declare your seats vacant." He looked
as though he meant It.
Everything Is In readiness for Mothers'
Day, tomorrow. Tho 100 young women
coming to Paterson from Philadelphia
will play a big part in it.
The Philadelphia girls will attend ser
vices conducted by Mlsa Miller tomor
iow at the Church of the Redeemer.
They will so to the tabernacle on Sunday
afternoon. They will hear Miss Miller
again at the 5th Regiment Armory. On
Sunday night they will be In Miss Gam
lln'3 audience at the Regent Theatre.
"Billy" will preach on "Devil's Boom
erangs, or Hot Cakes Oft the Griddle,"
to men on Sunday. He has been Invited
to address the prisoners at the county
jail and he Is thinking about addressing
the convicts at Sing Sing.
In all probability "Billy" will not visit
Philadelphia during his Paterson revival.
He is too tired, he said, to do It. "We're
through with Philadelphia." said "Ma,"
"and I don't think It would be right for
Mr. Sunday to preach In one church
there when so many churches were In
terested In the campaign."
The church In which "Billy" was asked
to speak In Philadelphia was one In which
John Wanamaker Is Interested.
"Billy" Is a Rotarlan, and will address
the Rotary Club, of this city, today.
Opponents of the campaign are laugh
ing today over the arrest of one of the
young women who was "sentenced" by
Recorder Carroll to "one tabernacle serv
Ive." The woman la under arrest again.
When she was taken In by an officer, she
had, according to local papers, "a frank
furter In one hand and a hymn book In
the other, and In the hymn book was
written, 'Sadie Cunningham, saved April
Mayor Roberts, of Terre Haute, Un
hampered by Jail Walla,
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April 23.
From his cell In Federal Prison here,
Donn Roberts, Mayor of Terre Haute, Is
conducting the affairs of the Indiana
city Roberts refuses to give up his
mayoralty position, and by telegrams to
his lieutenants keeps In touch with what
Is going on,
Roberts' Impeachment trial opens In
Terre Haute today. His attorneys have
obtained a summons for him to be pres
ent and testify In his own behalf. The
warden stated today the only way Rob
erts could leave the prison would be to
furnish the big;' bond set by the Indian
apolis court. Roberts believed today that
this would be provided soon.
Cocaine Found in Savings Bank
Eight packages of cocaine found In a
dime savings bank In rooms occupied by
mrry Kelly, at 1132 Vine street, caused
Magistrate Beaton to hold the man In
JIOO bail for further hearing at the Cen
tral Police station today. Two other
packages, thought to contain drugs, were
also found In the bank and City Chemist
William Robinson Is now analysing them.
Kelly was arrested by Policemen Mac
Farland and Winter, who had been
watching him for some time. He will be
turned over to the Federal authorities
following the hearing next Friday.
Mayor to Discuss Successor
"What next November's election wU
mean for Philadelphia," will be told by
Mayor 'Blankenburg' to the members of
the Women's League for Good Govern
ment, at the New Century Club drawing
rooms, this afternoon. He wlll'polnt out
the political significance of the approach
ing contest, when a new Mayor Is to be
chosen, all members of Common Cpjuncll
elected and one-third of the members of
Select Council named. Frank M. Rlter,
president of tha Civil Service Commla
lon, and Robert S, Bright will also speak
on the coming November election. Mrs.
Imogen Oakley will preside at the session,
which will convene at J:30 o'clock.
Kills Himself With Revolver
James Straub. 80 years old, 3 portico
tret, Germautown. committed suicide
eday by shooting He died on the way
to the Germautown Hospital In the patrol
wagon of the Germantown pollc itattba.
Vh police say be was deapqiujent
Proposes to Renew Present Contrnct,
$29 a Lamp n Year.
Whtn the sheet-Iron strong box, used
ns a receptacle for bids from contractors
nt the Department of Public Works, Oily
....., ra enrnea oy iwo RUnrrtfl Into tne
office of the Superintendent of Police at
noon today for public leading of bids sub
mltted for gasoline street lighting In 1916, i
It W03 discovered that the key of the box I
was missing.
Assistant Director Northlmc struggled i
with tho lock for a while nnd then tils- '
patched an attache for a locksmith Five ;
minutes later n locksmith arrived and I
made n 10-mlnute unsuccessful nssault on ,
the lock. I
At ii:i tho box wns pried open with a .
"Jimmy" borrowed from the Police Bu
rcau. Ono bid was found. It wan from the '
Wt-lsbach Strict Lighting Company of
America, which offered to maintain Hip
1D.2M gasoline lamps, located mainly in
outlying wards, for J2D a lamp during liirj.
ulth $7.n0 for each new Inmp erected
The prlres nrc the same as In this scars
contrnct, which Is held by the Wclsbach
company. Specifications for the contract
arc the snmo ns those this ear, a mini- I
mum of 50-caiidlcponer a lamp being io i
After the foiclblc opening of the strong
box, Assistant Director Noithlmo an
nounced tht single bid would be sched- :
ulcd. '
Mystery of Note Sent to U.
S. Marine Recruiting Of
fice Explained by Visit of
Its Militant Six-year-old
A picture IlIuMratlnjc
en the hnck mr.
tilts fttnry will lie
George Washlng
mo know postal
want to Join the
ton army; please let
card (1 cent).
"J-.00 Merlon ave., West Phlla."
This note Is no longer a mystery, but
less than a week ago It rather puzzled
Sergeant Thomas G. Sterrett, who found
It one morning slipped under the door of
the United Stntcs marine recruiting office,
at 1103 Arch street. The missive was In
closed in a much-besmudged envelope and
In tho envelope was 1 cent.
"Another crank letter," the sergeant de
cided, and threw the note Into a waste
Sergeant Sterrett has changed his opin
ion, however, for "Baby" Earl .Morris it
not a rrank but a robust G-ycar-old boy,
who Is now a frequent visitor at the re
cruiting office and gives promise of b
Ing ono of the most efficient and enthu
siastic recruits who ever sought enlist
ment in the Marine Corps.
"Baby" made his first appearance at
the recruiting office the other day with
his mother, Mrs. Ernest B. Morris, who
explained that she "couldn't do a thing
with the child" because of his determina
tion to enlist.
"I am really qulto worried about him,"
she said, "for he won't cat anything and
he hasn't slept for the last week. Ho talks
guns, soldiers and war from morning
until night, nnd wants to see every waf
'movie' In the city."
At this point "Baby" Interrupted.
"I guess my letter must have got lost,"
he said. " 'cause you never answered It
an' I know George Washington would
answer It If he got It 'cause lie is n big
sojer an' an' I guess he didn't get It.
'cauie It must have got lost, so I thought
I'd better conic down an' see you 'bout
it so I can Join tho George Washington
army right away."
"Baby" then explained that his "really
truty" name Is Shepherd Rodney Earl
Morris, 6 years old and "goln' on 7." He
proudly exhibited an air rifle and a
'Nltcd States flag which he had brought
"Course I though I might need' em," he
said, "cause a sojer always needs a gun
an' a flag and George Washington might
want me to fight 'most any minute, so If
It's nil tho samo to you I'll get right into
my sojer suit so I'll be all ready. Where
is it?"
"Baby" was almost heartbroken when
told that he would have to wait until he
was 15 years old before he could even en
list as an apprentice to real soldiership.
He was only pacified when Sergeant Ster
rett took hlm In hand and showed . him
how to operate the big "machine sun"H
and assured him that he should devote
his time to target practice with the air
rifle If he wanted to be a good "sojer."
Mrs. Morris explains the child's Inclina
tions toward the military service by the
fact that three of his great-uncles servod
under the colors In the Civil War.
"I don't believe In. this song about not
raising your son to be a soldier," she
said. "If 'Baby' wante to be one I shsll
not stand In his way, for I certainly
would be proud to have ft boy of mine pa
triotic enough to devote his life to serving
his country."
Since "Baby's" Initial visit to the re
cruiting station he has returned every
day and has become a favorite with the
recruiting officers. When the time comes
when he must go he always tells his new
comrades, "Don't worry. I'll be back
again tomorrow," and then, with a salute,
he marches from the office, his alrgun
over one shoulder, the flag over the other.
Atlantic City Sportdom Rejoices and
Cafe Crowd Makes Merry.
ATLANTIC CITY, April :3.-Agile
Dotty Twinkles, light, dark and In be
tween, came from all the cafes of the
Boardwalk last night to dance their dar
Ingest before the rulers of the resort at
a "commissioners' night," under the aus
pices of tho 1st Ward Republican organi
zation. Even Mayor Riddle and his po-
lltlcal Nemesis, forrner Assemblyman Em
erson Richards, were there, but nothing
was said of the recall, ,...
Word went forth In sportdom today that
the recall Is dead and burled so far as the
political organizations are concerned, and
that all the talk about reforming the town
is dead.
' Men Who Annoyed Autoists Held
Three young men. accused of annoying
automoblllsts at the Philadelphia Ball
Park yesterday by Jumping on the run
ning boards of machines from which they
hoped to watch during the game, were
held under 300 ball to keep the peace to
day by Magistrate Morris In the !6th and
York streets police station. They are
John Logan, of 27M Hope street; Arthur
O'Neill of !H3 Lawrence street, and Wil
liam Bright, of K39 North 5th atrcet Tho
arrests are the first of tha kind made
since Director Porter's order of last year
that the nuisance must be stopped.
Praises Jersey Legislature
TRENTON. April aThe Republicans
in the Legislature of 1915, Just closed, are
lauded for their splendid work In a state,
ment issued today by Newton A. K. Bug
bee, of this city. State Republican chair
man. The enactment Into laws of many
vital measures that were promised In the
party platform Is a source of gratification
to the chairman, who also refer to the
excellent resulU of financial retrenchment
which marked the procedure of the mem
bers of bla organization during the session.
' ,-
Golden Anniversary of Manu
facture of First Stove Will Be
Observed Universally Next
Philadelphia Is the home of the modern
gas range. The flrit stove sold with
nil appliances for cooking, baking and
roasting by gas was made In this clt
nearly 40 years ago, and today six of the
largest factories In the world producp
enough gns ranges to make tho annual
local output greater than that from any
other city In the world.
Tho gas r.mgo Is not the only stove that
wbb evolved In Pnllailclphla. Way back
before I7t,0 Benjamin I'ranklln suggested
a stovo standing in a room awny from
the chimney. Tills wns the llrst time any
such thing had ever been thought of anil
Franklin, In his characteristic way. do
scribed tho details of his newest dream's
construction. It Is In view of these facts
that "Gas Range Week." which beginning
noxt Monday will be celebrnted all over
this country, has nn added significance
to this city
The llrst recorded suggestion of tho use
of artificial gas for cooking and heating
was in tho patent taken out In England
in 1S05 by R A. Windsor, for a process of
"extracting inflammable air from ooal."
Little was dono to utilize this gas for
other than lighting purposes until 11.
when a small oven with a circle of gas
flames about a reflecting cone was built.
Between 1SJ0 and 1810 Inventions for cook
ing and heating by gas became increas
ingly numerous, but all wero crude.
About 1E61 Charles Burnham & Co.,
10th and Sansom streets, built the "Old
Dominion Gas Cooking Stove." This
was the first distinctive gas stove ever
sold and resembled closely tho portable
stoves sold today. The "Old Dominion"
was a three-burner hot plate with a poit
able oven and a sadiron heater for usi
on the top burners. This stove and Us
numerous variations were exhibited at tht
Centenninl Exhibition In 137G.
The first stove to approach the modern
gas range was built by W'llllanVW. Good
win & Co., 1012 Filbert street. This firm
In 1878 built the "Sun Dial" rango. a
picture of which accompanies this article.
Every gas range since then has been
merely a variation or Improvement of this
"Sun Dial." Tho stove had a burner
in the top of the lower oven, which was
used for broiling. '
This burner also heated the upper oaK
Ing oven. Under the top burners was a
removable drip pan. The top of the range
was a solid casting with a number of
small projections on which the cooking
utensils rested Holes were cut for the
tops of the burners. All these details,
only In more Improved forms, are familiar
to the COth century housewife.
The present-day cabinet ranges, which
are the latest step In tho gas stove. In
dustry, are composed of a number of
broiling and baking ovens, with addi
tional top burners and a variety of com
binations of these parts. Thus It Is pos
slble to obtain a range suited for every
conceivable culinary purpose. The new
creations range In size from those built
for the small flat to enormous stoves
used In hotels and restaurants.
Some of the conveniences which are
found on the modern range Include top
shelves, warming closets, canopies to
carry off the heat, smoke and odors;
hoods, glass-door panels, temperature In
dicators, enamel equipment, porcelain
cook handles and other details for com
fort and cleanliness. The latest develop
ment has been building elevated ovens,
broilers and other heaters, thus obviating
the necessity of stooping. The Incon
venience of bending over to look at what
Is being cooked Is appreciated by house
keepers. An Idea of the proportions of a cabinet
range may be had when It Is realized
that the stovo shown in contrast with the
"Sun Dial" consists of SO distinct parts.
A later evolution of gas appliance is In
the extension of the use of gas to the
so-called "all gaa kitchen." In these
rooms a gas water heater, a gas Iron, a
gas water bterlllzer, a gas garbage in
cinerator and gaslight are found accom
panying the range.
Satisfied Customers for 30 Years.
2240 lbs. to every ton for 30 years.
The finest and most complete
coal yard in Philadelphia.
Egg, 16.25 Stove, $6.50
Chestnut, $6.75
, Largest Round Pea, $4.75
Our auto trucks deliver north of
Market St. and east of 30th St.
Owen Letter's Sons
Trenton, 3? Westmoreland
Prisoner Accused of Assnult Dis
charged by Magistrate.
A dlfllcult problem confronted Magis
trate Beaton, In the Central police court,
today, when William Gelger, known as
"Blind Bill" was brought before 'hlm,
nccused of assaulting Joseph Dalton, of
21C South 10th street. Bill said ho wasn't
huio that he struck Dalton, although ho
wns quite positive that Dalton wns the
man who lind been insulting him whllu
he was making his round selling shoe
Bill said he had known Dalton for
years, and was qulto sure of his voice
when Dalton called hlm a vile name and
accused him of being an Impostor. The
blow ralcd a lump on Dalton's face,
and he wns sent to the Hahnemann Hos
pital. Bill and Dalton were taken to
City Hall. "As no one Is here to corrobo
rate cither of you," said the Maglstrnte,
"I will discharge both and warn you to
end all hostilities."
Daughter of Elkton Judge Sends Bul
let Into Her Head.
ELKTOX. Md., April 23,-Mrs. Sarah G.
Mahoney, 36 years old, daughter of Judge
Thomas S. Sillier, of Elkton, and wife of
Joseph B. Mahoney, committed suicide at
her home at Union. Mrs. Mahoney had
been In 111 health for a number of weeks.
Early this morning she took a revolver,
walked out Into the back yard and fired
a bullet Into her head. A widower and
four small onildren survive her.
Highbrows of American Philosophical Society Stir Mental Subsoil
of Man Who Had Wandered In
By Mistake.
If nu're untloun for to ahlne
In the philosophic line
A a mn of culture rare.
Tou mut lk up all the xermt
Of the scientific Urmii
And plant them varrwhere.
ion mutt talk In novel phraaa
Of the complicated phases
Of jour Intellectual mind;
The meaning doesn't matlcr.
If It's only Idle ehatitr
Of a scientific kind.
y of the Man who had Wandered In by
ke. with anotoales to William S. dilbert.
Tho Toung Man who had Wandered
In by Mistake let himself down Incon
spicuously Into a sent In the last row.
It waa the rooms of the American Phi
losophical Society, Independence Square
He had seen little groups of men going
In ever and anon nnd ho thought per
haps there was an interesting exhibition
Inside which he ought not to miss
There was. The scientific brains of the
world seemed to have gathered together
there for the cxpross tyirpose of demon
strating the fact that 11 meeting could be
conducted In the English language which
wns perfectly unintelligible to a man
with a proud A.B. degree from his alma
Savants with beetling brows and sa
vnnts with bulging domes that seemed
nigh ready to burst from the erudition
which had been crammed Into them sat
round and drank In thirstily the pearls
of wisdom which dropped from the lips
of their learned confreres.
A shy lltle lndlvlduat of the bookkeeper
type, who looked as though a 10-mlle
sprint In God's free country might have
dono wonders for him, expounded a bit
doprecntlngly, as though he himself were
a little ashamed of knowing so much.
His subject was linear Integral equations
In general analysts. The theory, he said,
embraced by specialization the regular
cases of various classical instances.
Fearing that he had not made himself
quite clear to those assembled he hopped,
with bird-like motions, over to a black
board nnd before one could say Jack
Robinson made a aeries of hieroglyphics
resembling the curly excrescences thrown
oft by a planing machine.
"And now, gentlemen," ho concluded
modestly. "I'm sure It's perfectly obvious
to you all.'
He retired amid a burst of applause, as
the newspapers would say.
The Man who had Wandered In by MIs
tako did a mental somersault. He took
his gray matter way up Into the top of
the tent and made It slide down a greased
wire. He held Ids head and thought of
all the equations he had ever heard of,
but beforo he could figure It out a hush
had descended upon the room.
A bearded gentleman with a Teutonic
ace, whose blue eyes twinkled ns though
he might have been real human, had
taken the platform. It was his Intention,
he explained, to give a direct solution of
an equation with "analytic kornel."
An old wiseacre with a face like pareh
mtnt smacked his lips In anticipation. Ho
hitched his chair forward tor the rare
treat and cupped his right ear with his
hand so aa not to miss anything.
The gentleman with the Van Dyke was
brief and to the point. What he said,
however, could never bo set up even by
the most expert llnotyper. But tho phi
losophers smiled at tho direct and simple
way In which he presented his problem.
It was plain to see they did not consider
him the technlclst of the party.
He was not going to run the risk of be
ing misunderstood, however, and so, not
withstanding the tolerant smiles of his
brother scientists, he unfurled a cabalistic
dlngram, so that the gentlemen of the
press might also understand.
These Ignorant persons, realizing the
Jolie was on them, masked their chortles
uni'cr a knowing look and wrote surrep
titious comments to each other. In which
they hurled Invectives on the heads of
unfeeling editors who assigned them to
such "stories."
Now u fiery looking professor with a
grim line of determination around his
mouth took the platform. In his hand he
carried a sheaf cf papers which he began
to read Immediately.
The Man Who Had Wandered In by
Mistake gleaned that the speaker's spe
cialty wns playing with molecules, atoms
and other such minutiae. But every time
he was careless enough to drop one. It
seems, a rival In Germany named Khrn
dorff (which may or may not be the way
to spell It) wai Jarred.
Finally, In sheer desperation this copy
cat Ehrndorff began dropping molecules
and atoms himself, which was really more
than the gentleman on the platform could
put up with, all things considered. The
result was he Just had to write this
"And so, gentlemen," ho concluded ag
gressively, "I see that It Is perfectly plain
to you all by this time that there can be
no such thing as, a subelectron."
Outside a gentle dove cooed throatlly to
lis mate In the eaves of the Hall. The
voices of little children plajlng In the
square rose shrilly In tho clear spring alf.
The Man who had Wandered In by Mis
take slunk out like ft cur who had found
himself In a kennel with blue-ribbon prize
winners. He had tho feeling of having
rend Getrtrude Stein's "Tender Buttons"
on the morning after a night with the
boys. As he descended the stairs these
words came wafting down after him!
"These conditions suggest the possibil
ity that hybrids may at times continue
Indefinitely as heterozyous species through
a failure to produce homozygous zygotes
or through the mortality of zygotes hav
ing homozygous constitutions."
A passing citizen caught htm as he fell.
At the Pennsylvania the doctors declare
that In time he may recover, but mean
time they have ordered a trip out of
town and complete cessation from all
brain work.
Archbishop Trnnsfcrs Pastor
Archbishop Prendergast has announced
the trnnsfer of tho Itcv. M. F. Kopy
tktewtcz from the paatornto of Holy
Trinity Catholic Church, Phoenlxvllie, to
that of St. Stanislaus Kostka's, Coates-vlllo.
Great Loss Reported iVom
Many Cities of Inundated
AUSTIN, Tex., April 23. Score of per-
sons are dead and enormous property
damage has been done by floods that art
raging In this section of Texas today.
Reports from surrounding terrll&ry say
trnt between 40 nnd GO persons are dead.
This could not be conflrmed because of
the Interruption of communication be
tween Austin and outlying points.
The Colorado river is at flood stage, and
the worst flood In the history of this
strcAm Is expected today.
Wire communication with many Texas
nnd Oklahoma cities Is Interrupted to
day while rains which have been pouring
heavily for five days In some sections
still continue.
Baby Doy, in Dag, Found on Street
a baby boy, about two months old, was
found In a traveling bag along the west
wall of Independence Hall late last
night The child, which was discovered
by John De Role, of 730 Manning street,
was dressed neatly In white garments
with blue ribbons The bag was slightly
open at ono end through which protruded
a. pillow on which the youngster slept.
Ho was sent to tho Philadelphia Hospital.
Reduce expenses,
Now and always
Wash clothes;
Clean house;
Do all your soap-and-
water work
fi$ii&&w with wf
$$ soap Sk
r in nnnl nt lmVpuflrm Aatpr.
i-i "-ii rv liib-otirnvrvi xifQQi"
in sjj -i lurvovvaiiu vvaut-tj
without hard rubbing or
For best results use the
new, pure, clean, sweet
FelsSoap Powder
Of course you will take
advantage of the opportunity offered
by "Gas Range Week" to examine
(IS J&OJtm
They are made in "Philadel
phia, The World's Greatest
Work Shop," in sizes and styles
to suit any need.
Sold by Gas Companies, De
partment Stores and Dealers
Roberts & Mander Stove Co.
X-!. II . . v...
Gas Range Week
Begins Monday
A country wide movement in honor of this greatest of labor'saving,
economical household devices.
All Cabinet Gas Ranges reduced
in price Tor this one "week.
Take a look at your kitchen. Note that place where a mo'dern Cab
inet Gas Range will fit the no-stoop kind, built high like a table for looks -n
and convenience. If there is none there now, or if it is an old, worn-out
one, this is your great opportunity to get a new range at the biggest sav
f ing ever offered you.
Be our guest at our 11th and Market
Streets Store. See the special demonstrations
of baking and cooking. Come ask questions.
Take tea- and a light repast with, us in our
specially arranged Japanese Tea Garden.
Orchestral music every day from 11 to 4.
Meet your friends in the Tea Garden
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