Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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General French Reports Suc-
cess in Holding Hill No. 60
5 and of Air Raids.
LONDON, April 23. Despite violent
..German nttncUs In nn nttompt to re-
, capture hill No. 60. the British troops
have held their ground All the assaults
, have failed. The Hrltlsn hold the entire
. ctest of the hill
. A biweekly report sent ycelrrda from
the headquarters of Field Marshal Sir
John French and Issued by the Govern
ment Press Hureau today UIh Jhat th
1 attacks have ceased for the time being.
' In part the report sisi
- "We hold the entire crest or the hi I
vnnd deny Its uso to the enemy, who at
tach Ptrcnt importune? to it Tlieie was
never any truth In the statements pub-
' llfthed In n German olllclal communlquo
'that the enemy had recaptured the posi
tion. "One of our airmen carried out a very
bold and successful sliiRle-handed altnck
"on the airship shed near Ghent. Ho
had to run the (jnuntlet of n fire, directed
from a captive balloon as well aa from
the Ground, in order to attack his ob-
' Jcctlve. In spite of this he descended
1 within 100 feet, and efferted his object,
causing a large explosion nt the shed."
- Plnn to Assure Service Across Occnn
From Snyville
NEW YORK. April 23 -The btp Tele
funken wireless station at Snyville, 1.. I..
, the plant through which the Qeimnn Gov
, ernment transmits most of Its omclnl
communications to the United Plates,
and through which the German Kmbassy
communicates with Herlln, has been quiet
ly, almost over-nlKht. so to speak. In
creased from a 33-kllowatt plant Into one
of 100 kilowatts. Three CnO-foot towers
are ready to be placed In position, and
r probably before the end of next week the
" new and mure powerful apparatus will be
The trebllnc of the power of the Pay
vllle station was hurried, it Is believed,
for the purpose of making German com
munication with the United States secure
under all kind, of static rondltluns.
Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip
' Plans Consolidation,
rians for romblnliiR all activities of
churchmen's clubs with the Brotherhood
of Andrew and Philip were discussed at
the mornlns session of the 11th Interna
tional convention of the Brotherhood In
tho Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Wlh
and Chestnut streets. Whether the plan
can be carried out will depend upon the
success of a campaign to raise $10,O
for enlarging the scope of the brother
hood, which will be decided upon nt
meetings tonight.
Field secretaries trailing from church
to church and directing the brotherhood
K work will be sent out by the international
' headquarters if the plan is adopted.
Men's Bible classes, clubs and orsan-
' Izatlons of all kinds would come under
the direction of the Brotherhood, accord
ing to Ideas urged by tpeakers nt the
morning session. They were hopeful that
the money needed for the new plan would
be raised anil a budget to piovide for the
Increased work adopted before tho end
of the convention Tho brotherhood Is
' Interdenominational.
Came Here With "Razzlc-Dazzle."
Would Be Sent Home.
Sixteen-year-old I-e Itoy Wallace, 5333
South Winchester avenue, Chicago,
walked into the Detective Bureau at City
Hall today, took off his hat and an
nounced: "No more circus for me."
The lad said he Joined a traveling com
pany with a "razzle dazzle" about a
'" month ago. It is now at 13th and Ilunt-
Ingdon streets, awaiting the circus.
"Razzle dazzles" are operated by men or
boys, who have to keep the ring, laden
with humanity. In motion. About four
days of this was more than enough for
r Le Roy. Ho wants to be sent back to
Chicago. The detectives will communl-
- cate with his relatives.
Collector Kirkendall Will Take Sev
eral From Lancaster to Scrnnton.
.. LANCASTER. Pa.. April 23Fred C.
- Kirkendall. who retires May t as Collec-
tor 3th Revenue District, to become Col
lector of 12th, headquarteis Scranton, nn
nounced today he would take with him
the following attaches of the Lancaster
August Wllser. of Hazleton. John Mulli
gan, Nesquehonlng; Elizabeth McMale.
Scranton: William Qulgley, Wilkes
Barre; H. Wilson Benner, Columbia: Jo
- ieph Dlvel. Danville; Harvey Warner,
.. "Weatherly; Helen Collins, William Mc
Laughlin, Pittston
Official Forecast
For Kastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Partly cloudy tonight and Sat
, urdayi somawhat warmer, moderate
south and southwest winds.
The rain area has spread eastward
from the Ohio basin to the Atlantic coast
.- and northeastward over the entire St.
Lawrence valley during the last 21 hours.
Rains have also, continued In the plains
States and have covered a large portion
or the Rocky Mountain and plateau re
gions. The rainfall Is generally light in
eastern districts but has been moderately
heavy at some places In the plains
States. A slight temperature excess U
''reported from most places east of the
Rocky Mountains, while seasonable con
ditions prevail from thence westward.
U. S, Weather Bureau Bulletin
. Observations taktn at 8 a, m. Eastern time.
lait Rain. Vtloc.
. FUtlon. Sam n't fall Wind. Iiy Waather
wmwm . . - ,vu - Ljguuf
KV 8 rlnu.lv
Bftmarek. K. D, o to
.JO N 8 Cloudy
. , 81V 4 r-loudy
.04 SV 8 Cloudy
..8 10 Clear
. . BK 8 Pt. Cldy
1 54 N 12 rtalnlnx
Boston, Maaa.
M 4H
Chita aft
. ea et
. OS 60
as 38
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tjDejinr. Col .
Duluth, Minn
Galveaton. Tex.
llarrtaburr .
Hatteras, N C
Helena, Mont.
Huron, B D.
Jaekaon villa
Ka naaa Cliy. Mo
. Loul.vilJe, Ky
lltropfclt. Teoo .
a Mw, Orleans
M. Plane Neb
4u a I i louay
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40 AS
10 70
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Continued from l'ne me
who sought at every turn to confine the
Colonel's answers The ntlornev won for
himself n stern rebuke from Justice An
drews when he demanded that "this wit
ness be treated as nny ordinary witness "
It was apparent from today's sharp en
counters that the Colonel had proved a
tartar to lvlns and was not being led Into
any subtle trap by tho chief counsel for
'Hie conflict was precipitated when lvlns
touched on tho removal of Insurance
Commissioner l'uyn in IW.
"Was not Mr. I'nne ii-moved" asked
"t would rather sny he was got out of
ofllcf," &ald the colonel.
"IMd you not appoint his succespnr?"
ltoosevelt said ho did. '
"But h((i'3 luitmo illr-irmdlJIONS then
niy Altitude In lSf5 and'ftM would have
bteli the s.tmo ns It Is,tl0y." mopped the
J Cnmnel.
"I did not ask that," said Ivies. "What
do you mean b 'conditions'?"
"I mean 1 would have made the same
nisht then t am making now had 1 known
of tho union of the two machines." said
tho witness.
"t move that be stricken out," snapped
lvlns, losing his temper for tho first time.
"You must let him finish his answers,"
said Bowers.
"This witncsR muflt bo treated ns nny
ordlnar witness," retorted tVlnjS
"lie must nbt make political speeches to
the Jury.'! f . . . ,
"Mr. lvlns!". sternly said Justice An
drews. Wile wltrjejH will uS4rontcd as
nn ordinary witness."
' t apologize, your honor," said Ivlni
n nd proceeded.
The court ruled that nny Improper part
of iloosevelt'H testimony could he stricken
"I am asking n lot of these questions
Just to test your memory." said lvlns.
The quls: then turned on tho Payne mat
ter, which brought forth the Ilroworks.
noosnvcLT bntektainkd hahnks
Hoosovelt said ho had entertained Wil
liam Barnes at his home, but never met
him ulono
"t extended my hospitality to Mr.
Barnes In Washington," ho said.
"And In Albany?"
"t believe so."
"And tn Mrn Barnes?"
"And Mrs. Barnes," said tho Colonel,
repeating tho question "But t never
held a meeting with him nlone."
Mr. Uoofevelt wns nsked why, If ho
tlioucht Mr. Barnes corrupt, he enter
tained him. advised with him and con
sulted him.
"Because, Mr. lvlns " started the
"1 insist this witness must answer my
questions 'yes' or 'no' when possible,"
shouted lvlns.
"Ho cannot nnswer 'yes' or 'no' to
that," sold Bowers.
"I want to tell the Jury," snid Roose
velt "Ye", you are telltng tho Jury a lot of
things," letorted lvlns.
Tho Court Instructed ltoosevelt to an
swer "yes" or "no" when possible nnd
then amplify his answers.
The question wns repented.
"1 advised with Mr. Bntnc." said thi
Colonel, "becnuse 1 found Mr. Barnes
nbovp the average of ordinary political
leaders. I thought his morality at least
nbove tho ordinary political and business
morality and believed he had It In him
to become a va'uablc leader In the State.
I hoped to eliminate the bad in Mr
Barnes and develop the good "
"Whv did ou want to reform Mr
"I found him a 'Doctor Jf-kyll and Mr
llydo'," replied the Colonel. "I wanted
When a man Is half way down and t
half way up It's as bad as being nowhen
at all. At least that's what Howard I
Holllngsworth Dill thinks about It How
ard, who Is 68 years old, found himself
half way up a telegraph pole nnd wjb
romewhat puzzled as toOiow be reached
tho peculiar position. He was vaguely
aware of the fact that a number of per
sons were on the sidewalk urging him
to come down. Howard was aiso quite
sure that he didn't know how to go
about It. Policeman Graham saw the old
man from a distance and borrowed a
ladder. Howard suid that he would go
down if the cop promised not to arrest
him, but the policeman would make no
promises r d the old man finally clam
bered down to the sidewalk.
He held that ho lived near 17th and
Oxford streets and admitted visiting nu
merous life-saving stations while thirsty.
On facing Magistrate MucFnrland In tho
2d and Christian streets station Dill ad
mitted that he wns "pickled." After a
Isy y jB -1
We knew it
was coming
The growing use of steel office equipment
forecast the demand for a unit record desk
in steel.
So we went ahead and the desk is on the
market. Which shows how Library Bureau ,
keeps pace with business requirements as
we have been doing for nearly 40 years.
This new desk for the housing and quick
handling of accounts or constantly used
records is merely another L. B. innovation.
Go back the card system, vertical filing,
the card ledger, the counter-hight unit, are
all L. B. innovations. We originated and
developed them.
' But, to stick to our text, doesn't this new
steel desk give you a good excuse to inquire
what L, B. really means ?
Library Bureau
Manufacturing dlatrlbutore of
Cord tad filing y tern. Unit cabinet in wood and ateeL
910 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia
to save Doctor Jekyll and kill Mr. Hyde.
Mr Parnfa was only one of hundreds of
political men throughout the rounlry in
whom I was interested trying to bring
out the best there is In them-trylng to
make them useful citizens."
"When did Uoclor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
separate?" asked lvlns "When did it
become necessary to sever the ligament
uniting these Barnes' Slnmeso twins""
"I'd not say It was a severing Of the
llantnent." s.ild the colonel, laughing,
"but rather n case of one absorbing the
other Doctor Jekyll being swallowed up
by Mr. Hyde."
ftnoeovelt admitted he twice appointed
Barnes to olllce. nnd said ho entirely
abandoned his missionary work In 1911.
Early Risers Roused by Oblig
ing Telephone Operator, Who
Even Keeps Schedules.
Kmperor William of Oermnny may have
a "Invisible Spy System," but Darby mil
numerous villages In Delaware County
today enjoy tho honor of having "In
visible Human Alarm Clocks." That
good old alarm clock Idolized by young
ond old Is no longer an Important factor
nmong some natives of Delawaro County
who UcElro to bo aroused from their slum
ber In the small hours of tho morning
The "Invlslblo Human Alarm Clock" hns
taken tho plneo of tho regular alarm
To hear tho telephone bell ringing In
Delnware County homes nt different
hours of the morning is nothing unusual
theEo days When the bell rtoea ring it
doesn't mean that a brother, sister or
domestic In tho house Is anxious to In
form the household that someone liai
missed their last train ond won't bo
home. It moans that one of tho members
of the "Invlslblo Hurnnn Alarm Clock"
brigade is on the Job Sho Is performing
a fat or to some subscriber
Telephone operators within the last six
month, It beenme known today. In Dela
ware Count v have been getting requests
from subscribers to call them at various
hours of tho morning The telephone
operators are not compelled to perform
these favors. But then, Delawaro County
thlephono operators have a reputation for
being accommodating Every night, ns
n rule about midnight, operators stattonul
In various parts of Dnrbv, Collingdale,
Clifton Heights, Lansdowno and other
sections nro railed up on the telephone,
"Number please" asks t'ne operator.
"Won't you please ring nt 5.30 n in ?"
replies the votco at the other end.
"Surely." replies the operator
Once u Dclnwnre County or Darby sub
scriber leaves a message with an opera
tor to be called, It Is a safe wager that
he or sho will he summoned nt the hour
requested by continued ringing of tho
bell when tho hour numed arrives. So
popular have the "Invisible Human
Alarm Clocks" becomo, t'nat almost nil
those who have to get up enily In the
morning and who. ob a rule, can't be
awakened by an old-fashioned or n 1!15
alarm clock, these days wouldn t clnro
to retire until they have left the tlmo
when they wish to be called, with the
telephone opeiators
And the "Invisible Human Alarm
Clock" is not only popular nmong one
certain class of persons Delaware Coun
ty lias many natives who work In tho
central part of the clt. There nre many
young women who live In Clifton Heights,
Drexel Hill ond other places who work In
the city as waitresses or stenographers.
Many of these young women have to
report to work about 7 o'clock In tho
pause ho added: "I made n pig of my
self and got foused But ns I under
stand tho English language I need no
'oiinsel 1, therefoi", question the reb
nnr of nny statement which Is not ron
nected with the specific churgo that I
was drunk, or. to be correct, am drunk.
It Is n simple case of drink, drank, drunk.
All the complicated rhetoric conceived by
human Intelligence cannot alter tho fact
that I am drunk and I move that cx
trnneouB conversation be Immediately
eliminated nnd the case disposed of of
ierlng the same with no Insinuation of
Magistrate MacFarland gasped. "You
have it vocabulary which makes a press
agent look like n bush-leaguer," he said.
"If you promise to come hero Sundays
and defend tho prisoners who have no
counsel, I 11 let you go.
"Then I'm already discharged." de
clared Howard and he walked out majestically
Continued from I'aite One
Held will be given over absolutely to the
competing teatiiB
Visiting nthletes nnd conches are lm
mensels Interested In tho outebme of th6
three grent relay championships tomor
row. 1'robably the ono-mllo event Inter
ests the most men. it will bo strictly nn
Intersectlonal affair, with Harvard nnd
Pennsylvania representing the Kast, and
Missouri, Chicago nnd Illinois tho West
Ench side has Itn rooters, but most of
tho expert opinion leans toward Harvard
or i'ennsjlvanla to show the way over
tho tape.
ffone of the coaches would make any
prediction! this morning, but Doctor
Orton, of Pennsylvania, nnd "Pooch"
Donovnn, the Hnrvaid trainer, both de
clared that with a good day nnd a fant
track tho intercollegiate, and possibly
the world rccoid, would go. Neither I lie
Hartnrd nor Pennsylvania tennis ap
peared on the track yesterday because
both nre entered In the medley relay this
This morning thcro wao somo doubt as
to how many of the entrants for the two
relay races would nctually start. Some
of them entered ns n precaution, and
there nro rumors that on account of the
keenness of tho competition In tho three
championship relays tomorrow soma of
the big teams may scratch tho medley
Eramn Donithorncs' Will Lenvcs $1000
for That Purpose.
nmnu M. Dcnlthorne. lato of 1601 Nor
rls street, mado provision for nn annual
scholarship at Temple College In her will
admitted to probato today. Sho directed
that her J7C00 cstato be placed In trust
for n daughter, Mary D. Schaeffer. At
tho death of the daughter, Tempto Col
lego Is to rccelvo $1000 from the principal
for awarding annually a scholarship to
n worthy student. U Is stipulated that
tho award shall be known ns tho Itlchnrd
Dcnlthorne Scholarship. Bequests are to
bo mado to n number of relatives from
tho estate after the daughter's death
with tho residue going to tho Students'
Loan Fund of tho Baptist Inslltuto for
Christian Vorkors.
Other wills probated today Include
thoso of Alice II. Cresson, who loft Stl,
S00; Max .1. Walter, $10,000; Annie Ben
nett, JTOjO, Hrldget Conway, $6700; Wil
liam Decg, J6S0O; Wllhclmlna News, t""00,
Jonathan Prlchard left J1SS, J00.03 In per
sonal property, according to nn Inventory
filed with tho Bcglster of Wills today by
Wnlter N. Barnes nnd George C. Muhly.
Included In tho Investments nro 3SJ
shares of Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur
ing Company, appraised nt $31,039.65; 212
shares Southwestern Railroad Company,
$21,1567 32. nnd 2.'1 shales Pennsylvania
Hnllrond Company. $n.22S,70. Personal
property of Mary Magee has been ap
praised at $2,071 E2.
These, With Skeleton Keys, Found in
Prisoner's Pockets.
A flashlight, skeleton keys, Jimmy and
revolver were found in the pockets of a
man who aroused tho suspicions of Po
liceman McShane, of tho 3d nnd Dickin
son streets station today, and w.ir sent
to City Hall for a hearing before Magis
trate Benton The prisoner gavo his name
ns Isadore 3oodman, and said he lived
in Chicago
McShane nriested the man after &eelng
him try several doors In the vicinity of
6th and Lombard streets. When the po
liceman asked htm what he was doing in
tho vestlbulo of Abraham Lewis, nn
6th street below Lombard, lie made nn
evasive nnswer. McShane made no ef
fort to search the man when he nsked
him to go along with him, and It wns
not until he reached the. station house
that the full-loaded revolver was found
on tho suspect. The police believe tho
man has a record.
THE active principle of Gold Dust is a valu
able antiseptic cleansing agent.
It actually works. It gets into the corners and
crevices where fingers andwashclotlis can't reach. It
permeates and dissolves dirt, grease and grime every
where and it cleans and brightens everything.
Gold Dust does all this does this actual work
because it is made for that purpose.
use Gold
ing dishes. They use it also for scrubbing floors,
washing windows, etc.
But they do not realize all the uses of Gold
Dust. Gold Dust is the only washing and cleaning
powder needed in any home.
Gold Dust cleans metal work, nickel, enameled
ware, etc., without scratching or marring the surface
leaving it sanitarily clean, bright and new-looking.
: :
THE use of Gold Dust is an economy. There
canbe no waste when you use the exact small
quantity required for each specific purpose. It is at
once taken up by hot or cold water, forming the
perfect cleansing solution.
No soap or other cleansing help is needed. Gold
Dust does it all. and Gold Dust does its work far
better than anything else can.
Use Gold Dust not only for washing dishes, but
for washing bathtubs and bathroom fixtures, cleaning
oil mops, cleaning and freshening linoleum and oil
cloth cleaning and brightening pots, pans and cook
ing utensils, giving luster to glassware for every
cleaning and brightening purpose.
I bSSs j'' ' .
Firemnn nnd musician, who was
killed whilo drivitiR tho chemical
ongino of Bristol Firo Company
No. 1, when a train struck the
Relief Association Doubles $fiO Bene
fit for Widow nnd Seven Children.
The tragic death of Walter L. Mooro,
musician nnd volunteer fireman, at tho
post of duty, has so deeply moved tho cit
izens of Bristol nnd vicinity. Hint appeals
for funds for his widow nnd seven
children evoked Immodlato response In
all sections of tho community.
Moore was driving the chemical motor
of Bristol Firo Company No. 1 when It
was struck and demolished by a Pennsyl
vania freight trnln Wednesday night. Ho
was crushed under tho wheels of tho
train at Brldgewnter, near Bristol.
Tho relict association of tho five Bristol
firo companies met last night and decided
to Increase tho compensation for Mooro'a
fnmlly from $00 to $100, tho announce
ment being made by B. K. Gllkcson, gen
eral secrotary. In addition, tho proceeds
of a. performance of "Papa's Daughters,"
lo ho given not Monday night by tho
Dntorprito Firo Company, will go to tho
Leo McDonald, director of the Play,
said his compnny would accept nothing
but the bare expenses of the perform
ance. .Moore wns a former member of Wink
ler's band, of Trenton The eldest of his
children Is a girl IS years old; the oung
eit Im six months old. The family lives
at 436 Swain street.
Mackian Clan Hns Idle Day in Massa
chusetts Metropolis.
BOSTON, Mass . April 22, Wet grounds
and threatening rain prevented the Ath
letics meeting the Bed Sox here this
afternoon at Fenway Park. No double
heudeis will be played by the Athletics
nn their llrst trip, henee It will 11 on
their second vlMt lato in Juno nnd early
in July that this rontct is played off.
In splto of tho rnln, tho Athletics spent
tho afternoon In tho city. The majority
of the players took In tho "movies" and
vnudcvlllo bIiows.
With new calls for our wag
ons every day and the old
patrons sticking to us, what
better recommendation for
our work? If YOU want a
laundry to stick to, try the
Neptune Laundry
1S01 Columbia Ave.
f 7 Tiottovzthiitat ? "
How Gold.
of women all over the country-
Dust three times a day in
Continued from rnec On
Under Sheriff Frank Bowers, accompa
nied Thaw from his cell In the Tombs tu
the courtroom of .Tustlce Hendrlck. These
guards had been Instructed to use force
cf nrms to prevent any attempt to rescue
Thaw and help him escape from cuitodv.
This order had been Issued by Sheriff
Orlffenhngen, who said he was convinced
that somo sort of a plot had been formed
to rescue Thnw.
"It would he hard to c-irry out such n
plot," said tho Sheriff, "but I nm taking
no rhnliccs." .
Thnw chuckled when he learned of the
Sheriff's precautions. Hli attorney, John
tt ninnrhnelrl. characterized tho report
that an effort would bo mado lo rescue
Thaw ns "silly" and "bunk."
Threo policemen wcro nleo on guard
in the court, on the lookout for any sus
picious character. They remained near
Thaw whllo Justice Hendrlrk wan rend
ing his decision.
Tho decision wns on a writ of habeas
corpus sworn out by Attorney Stanch
(leld a number of weeks ngo. No dato
for tho trial was set In the decision.
"This decision will bo fine news for my
mother," f-nld Thaw. Ho declined tn dis
cuss whether ti'o could satisfy tho Jury
thnt ho was sane, smilingly saying that
was foi the Jury to decide.
Tho Important part of tho decision from
tho court wns couched In tho following
"t bcllcvo tho court had tho authority to
order n. trial by Jury on tho writ of ha
beas corpus. From my reeenreh I believe
that alt tho elements that have entered
Into this caso slnco Stanford Whllo wan
slain on Madison Squaro Gnrden roof,
show thnt tho Intcresta of society would
bo best served by trying this writ before
a Jury. I thoicforp order a trial by
Tho greater part of tho decision, after
tho preliminary statement thnt "this Is
an application on a writ of liabons cor
pus for a trial by n Jurv of the queetlun
Ford economy is not alone in low price, but
in the low cost to operate and maintain.
For an average cost of two cents a mile, they
serve and save; add luxury to pleasure and
bring profit to business. Over 700,000 own
ers have found the Ford dependable, eco
nomical and easy to operate. And in any
contingency, there's a Ford agent close at
hand with a complete stock of parts.
That's "Ford After-Service for Ford Owners."
Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and
August 1915.
Touring Car $490; Runabout $440; Town Car
$690; Coupelct $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b. Detroit
with all equipment.
On display and sale at new Ford Service Build
ing, Broad and Lehigh Ave.
pf fact whether or not HarrTtTT" I
voted to the citation to'the mT2
As ho left tho court room to r. 1
hta cell . tho Tombs, ho ., 'lY;
to shako hands will, more Th'X
SOUS v ho rrn.v,t.l i.... . " BM. '
l.ln. Tho turn given tho r..C?VMt
tory caused his guards ,0 d "V"J.1I
that ho might nttemm i.01".!
" by he
ight attempt to
they permitted tho .nM. .M' '"i'.',
nbout him. KU,S '0
" ,0 oi ,
n was announced by Deput n.
Otnernl Obermayer that Den.m to" I
neneral Frank, k. & A ton,,, !
it Was
ltn Uf,l. ..a . "Vft
woma riBr.. .:;
a. . . . l U1 pnn y trial
if. ""l
Thaw; " r"lef
iKOnu l
couni.i ..' 1 1
- inr
Thaw's lawyers declare,! ..... ?l
clslon of tho court assured i. ' J
' --surea Th. A, l
freedom, ns they had had no
wouiti no ablo
to convince ... . "
aoiihi il.
minded Jury of his
. ..... "" "
When Judge Kcndrlck nske(5 Alln
Stnnchflold how lorn- h. ...... """"J
" "dimy
ow long he
trlnl would take,
ni wotil.l take, the lawyer rM?il. u
Jiiero nro many witnesses ii,
ent from nil parts of the coun !?. "-
i can t sav definite v, t lh, " ';." ,1
will tnko no more than a " Wu I
marked contrast with fonMwrSl?
tnnt prison. Ho wns cheered fcI'il
as cheered by hnnZj.
news that he ,,?
JO for -.,. " "Hi.
had heard thn iim.. .v,.rV,UMfJi
be given n chance for fr.,iJ
the newsboys shouted their conV..??'
lions ns Thaw walked lowart'K'1''
Architect .Jeremiah O'Routke N.4
XnWAIUC, N. J.. April .-J.auk
O'nourke. known throughout thn tn.
for his ability as an architect, dlnd ,i7
today. Ho was supervising architect J5
the United Stales Treasury under .
dent Cleveland, and was noted V,".
church builder of the old school e V
signers that had added materially to ill
bcautv of American ecclesiastical ir
.-ssftv "Lot tho
wlSy do youi work" g;
m Gold Dust is as inexpensive as it
is indispensable.
5c and larger packages
sold everywhere
Pt. CWy.
Clear Halninr
'Let the GOLB OUST TWINS tie your work
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o tail. i-'UH
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