Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
i I lHWliiMUli HiWWiWWIiP WHPrT?5'i!rS EVEKIa LEBGBB-PHILADBLPHIA FRIDAY, APBIIJ 23. X916; w IS nil 5-Jlft STATE APPROPRIATION KXPECTED mi Wti 4'M $ rv..- tjmi n....i! i'passflge oi uu "i '8 150 000 ior rmuoimi i.eicrjrn tion, Virtually Assured. prospect" of a Aubstnntlal approprla . .- th national Fourth of July cole- 'tr(lon tn Philadelphia by the Legislatures w m..iaav bright. Tho sentiment In f ,ym oUi, and Senato Is strongly In favor u Ins1"" . ,j. twrvw h. !. .,.i ih bill provium .v.w .w. -..., -.... ". . ,nr unci Konnlnrn Vof flhlt and nev -- , .A xjcNIchol have promised to co-opcr- l In very n05Blu,D ""' l "" ft. Common uouncuiimu ........ .,,,, I ,,,krnun of the Fourth of July Commit- t(. lW oaay "H ,c"' '"""",-u' " "" . . (j, unanmlty of opinion In Harris ,? . . tho Dunn bill providing for kiU um w6ntloncd would pass wllh vlr tultly no ODsmciM. Mimoers of the Legislature and Coun ... .e. .tronsly In favor of a special ro- i ' tirious dsy ceremony on Sunday, July A, t ." i. t u ...III Tin Invltnrt n nnrllnl. l"ls,.J.. nf thn fact that this cltv In " iri.ineto obtain the next Republican na ."'" ...nllon nverv effort will l,o "5, to exceed provlous hospitality to 5tor who como hero for tho blgr birth jiv natty on tho Fourth, which Is also " ...Ml inn With nnnlvAMinrv nt f'Sffinf oitheCMI Wan ' The pln to extend tho celebration to a i- J,), j, also belnc seriously considered. uiny of the city's prominent citizens ' Joint out that thousands of New Enj- ffiri and residents of the Middle Jiclflo Expedition would undoubtedly tako 'iV. ai nnnnrhlnltv tn vlalt thn tnospsnaence celebration hero If It were - .n.t Wnirh nf .Tiitv Committee Trill ;BMt on Monday and decide definitely tpon In program -" " mjuhvom. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND 8UNDAT if iltl eiTUB TTPB (or like this) Out ISM'non ,llio per tin 1210 per lino i tEtm intertlona In btm inieinii . .... aaww. r:"u weak.. fni nanttlvM IniArtlnni 1UG Bar lin eftuitloni wtnttd, tnree inter iimi In a wlc lOo per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Tirmlttm In 11 clasiincatlons except Help ul Sltuitlona 'Wanted. Lout and Found, Per fect!, Botrdlnr and Rooms. . One Iniertlon SOs per linn ? Tortt Intertlons In a week ... 17Me per lino ,. Bivin consecutive Insertions .. 18c per line ! , All rate) are tased on agate measurement, 14 Ut :in( to tho Inch. DEATH NOTlCES-elthir paper 10 lines, one time 60 Tone Iniertlons $1.00 DAIIr ONLY In Effect Decmber 1, 1S1). COMBINATION RATE IttT tnairtlon In hoth th mnrnlntr nnrf nvnlnir fomtt or samo aay; PUBLIC LEDGER (MOItNINQ) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) i$ Add four cents per lino net to rates given "HELP AMD SITUATIONS WANTED 1 ADVERTISING I.v Tm; POI1L.IC I.EDOEIl VAT BE INSERTED IN THK EVENING i cfcnjjvfV tUlUUUi U U I L I U iN A U K There is .l rlrilrr ctnri nrar vnnr tome that will accept Ledger want i. ias at omce rates. h- H HELP WANTED FEMAXE 'CARD-CUTTER, oxrtrlenced In cuttlnc lslt i 't cirds Chaa. Beck Co . BO1) Chestnut Bt. "OIAMDERMAID and -waitress, white. Protest 1 ?5t -. "" Tulpehocken st , Qermantown. , iynone. Pern antown 2021 ' iC00?". wtlte: assist with downstairs work n(. rtqulred. Meet emplojer. Room 230, LedCdr Off p tnHnv .1 l.li.l COOK and waitress Experienced white Prot- tnt to to to Donton at once: small family; . Miu reiulred M 220, trt-dger Qftlce jCOOK and general housewcik: small adult ..imlly; country: rtference E 41.0. Led Cent. 'COOKINO and donrttalrs work: no washlnsi tot reference required. Apply 8613 rox si., ' i ""n Lane Manor, or phone Gtn. 4310. ' BJMSJIAKEH wants girl, competent sleeve iljlilier. walet nnliher and girl to take care . et stop 132T N. Drosrt OINXRAL hoisowork. white, refined: willing t? ?lp.5!r9 ,0T chlll 3 j earn old. Phone Strlnt 1887 W. ii-e.M.nnu nouieworK, wmte girl! H in lam f -" reference reoulrtd 1B1E N. Broad st. 'i0'' 'or general housework; sleep out. 2303 . ... i,ni.ny c, f, HOUSEWORK White Protestant woman not L fl" Ml must b nrst-class oooki family of two: tuburbs: wages 7. Meet lady for n-l- tcT iZ' 2S0, Pub" Lcder. Friday, 11 'IP'SOpSEWORK: experienced white girl: no . .-.utjrj iiimn .uine. u. n-i, imager unice. 'HOpsEWORK-aeneral: settled, capable white "man; atay nlaht. 6020 Smedlev at.. Loaan. !',Li,VI'D.nEs.s and house cleaning; private (". in me coui.try; or noiso cleaner wilt Ittir take place as cook May 1. n 74. Ledger UUfh 1frtl Oln. "RISEj eiperlenced. Protestant, between 23 m p. for 2-year-old child; best references lI?i"K.'l'. Telephone Germantown 6430 or Oil Friday at Sit1. Mldvala ilvi... Ghitud. CPERATOnS. eyperl Vli,lannl Mn laHlas' Intun valsta md Hr,,ua CM.Tiin,n . r. xr n eapnai. ..l. . . i- . . . . . LfJ:nATOns on all nans of shirtwaists, silks " J . f'l?11, rt" Hssedorn-Mers Company. tt aad Brnwn. ' Sl,I?fionAI"inf5' bookkeepers and clerks S WJ11"00!1 Positions consult "Miss Dean." .villi, " omo win neip you 10 locsco oeelllon throuah the Commercial peosrt i - frte service to Ledger advertfaera. J.1?1' finishers and table workers, expert- :!. -""'" -. juaurer et eons io . :"""". . usurer & eons Co n" "" f- Bristol near Wayne Junction & S M?5i.i,onuP. '? w" on elderly Udy and K, So'Si. r u""uU Address B 448. Ledger -9rPVubl Prot- chambermaid and T IT,' - - f irni.i UU. Xj UW, UBQ. U( f iV;f.P-S.l"I. Protestant:' wages. J8: w rrr -" "" unit omwr doc. 1 t J hvtri wBipr ana onorraDner. apdiv L, -T--" ' 111. 4J sill, IU ninawT' nnti ( . i- mw -j ssui Office, Ja Uuii. M.IS.4 aD;1" wen worn. niiAvutt. iMst..--1 ' '.. : " "Scotland ff 82 eSL.Ur)y', Pf0'- P- not reaulred. for ffgFe gmpsrlor.n E8. Ledger Centra.. h HELP WANTED MAIiE. c ' g? lrtbrW: 8,J. appearance, good education. JlTUl "1 1 mot -i i n a-f. IT: MAN; MUST K Hi",&WS?V?RV DETAIL' AND loon i5iV!fiij,B.,.ljrl As HHSERENrB! -JgjPWAaES M iit LEDOBR OFFICB. CABINETMAKBBS WANTED Must be experienced on fine cabinet work sol do band sanding. Bring- tools. Physical examination necessary. Apply f08 TALUJNCJ MACHINE CQMPANV, Appllcatloa Office, S3 Market street, Camden, New Jersey, HELP WANTED MALS J,nyN 0Af Nfiy,,FB,? butler and cookfo77a"mt amlharefn''H?'."1.'"! OfllCft - Jijr nuwill OV 1XIU( In i tm,ehiS;U.P w"I'"'l musthaie experience Vork. ASfi.-P and burning In flno cabinet Vpcto'r rTjfJi2L' J.amlnatlon necrs.ery. Apply tlin nirT?Jkr,nlr,,l!l,l,, Company. Applica tion office, 23 Market trti. omta V .icreey. ' WoiMcriEDrv&r'tlt16!'! engineer; knowledge for nnfJniS p,rff',rrti' mut bs ntelllcent: WANTEDTWO riveters. 'Inn rnnlWri Inn ni. leri. no Aern.nii. n.at.Ai.. h. ..i.j. steady y ftork. cruse-kemper Co, Amhler, fn. WATER RUBBERS WANTTJO Must have factory experience on flr.o cabinet work furniture or pianos. Physical examination necessary, APPLY VICTOR TALKINO MACIItNR COMPANY, Applkillon Office, 2.1 Market street, Camden, New Jersey. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMAT.r. ki.;rnV. Jml hvne tt rnncy for a hook cnpnn wTOr.ar,to ?r..Clflrk nf "ny kind. r.nir.? "V'l.'R?1' M,s' Dan," Ledger L'firi "! lualirtcatlois of hlgli-itmde ex rLn2ai ."J!"5 "l,lle" ln 'y "ni of bus. t ,ii-- . V. T :. -..la ii ih iie service lo i.vul UU ertlscrs. AfVff 'J?.'?.0' fa,ncj; n?flS' embroidery; epronn of all stylen j aw, ledger Central. n?n1K-'.nu. exp"'- tt,,he" P"llon tak" ine; complete cbnrgc of otflcn, correspondence, collectlnna, etc h 214 Ledger Ofllco. UnOKKEKPCR and tplsl several je'nre' ex perienco. profoi eeo'l work, rnpablo of taking -"-.n" ... mum iictmiu l. UU. XJUBPT I CIU. UOOKKEEPEH nnd stenographer, I'elrce School grad., 3 yra ' exp. R 4M, lrl Cent. CHAMBERMAID or wnltrrss wnnts position. Call nt present placo. S3 1 8 Kith st. Beat rA-Amnnn a,A, t , a .n.m.im rtinui uinq yreiprrcn CHAMIinitMAID end waitress experienced .tn., i.iuiii.mpiu; rei. uau or write, hum I'lno. CHAfMncitMAID or waiting: exp nnd com pttonti first. class ref 21M Montrose t. CHAMBERWORIC or cham'rk nnd wnlt'g; re'., p"i. moi , ;xp. nnu rer jy io, iea. urc. CLDRICAL nork of any kind, hand mldreeMnr, cashiering, checker In hotel, ealesnork, thor cuahly tellable J W, ledger Central. Commonwealth Trust Bids:., ' Philadelphia, ra , April 17, 1018. Miss Dean, ledger Central I wish to thank jou very much for the rvlce rendered mo through your department ln securing a secretary for my office I mado application to jou at noon on Tues day, the 13th Inst., nnd through our prompt attention to tho Inquiry tho poeltlon wiio filled at 3..10 on Tueslay afternoon Such attention cannot help but brlnj? success to jour department, nnd 1 want you to know how much I appreciate our promptness Verv respectfully. (Slgnod) BUCYR.1'3 COMPANY. E. Q. Lewis COOK wants situation, city or country; rcfer- ni 1407 r.mhrlil.. ". ,WW .vUll.UI ,u Oh COOIC or housekeeper, excel, nin finger, I'rot.' nrltllSnt vih niaihlnn O lt T Tl.s I. i n-uijup iiu t ir liiiif,. wiii . i it ill nw XXIHSSSMAKUK, experifneed, wiahea few mora BnfaffAM.nl. hv rfuv ,.f.,.n,. Olll C fnnl G1RIA oung. Jenlari, Vttintfl enrn of child and other light duties Apply 10 to It. 1.M0 Olrard ne OIKL nanta downstairs Tiork and cooking; reference. .1311 Lena st , OermnntnirK GIRL wjnta cooklnr; or housework, reference. 2224 Brandywlno at GOVDRNDSS (nursery), exp : pood rower. cti piblo of elvlntc inassige 1'h Dickinson rOTO HOUsnwORK Experienced whlto Klrl, Rood cook; city orsuburbs M 232, Ledger Ojllco. HOUSEWORK Small family, good cook, roll able, settled woman; ref M 217, Led Off, LADY'S MAID, North German, excellent seam stress, very experienced, competent, v.111 tnko older child D 206. Ledger Of flee NURSE Experienced graduated Norwegian Red Cross nurse desires pouttlon na com panion or to tako enre of children; city ret erency. D 221. Ledger Office REFINED "Widow, nursery governess, Invalid's nurse or mimglng hoiiBekieper, Herman, piano: some French M 2.14, Ledger Ofllco. SECRETARY On CORRESPONDENT . Young business woman of education and experlanoe along literary lines, rtret-clnss stenographer, Is desirous of socurlng an editorial position either na confldenliil secretary or correspondent: beet cre dentials furnished. J 645, Ledger Cen tral. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. l ears' experience, thoroughly capablo eocretary, ac customed to handling difficult correspondence. j jou, linger central. STENOGRAPHER, competent and conscien tious worker; would consider moderate sul nrv; reference. B 324, Ledger Offlcp. STEiNoaitAPlirR-H ire." exp; familiar with Insurance detail work, also com'l, capable or oerseeing girls r. I'oT, Leager central. SrKNOQRAPHER nnd bookkeeper, 8 leor? mfg exper., accustomed to handling heavy payrolls and detail work. B 312. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER First-class, exp.: executive ability; mod. !ar BS41,Ledger Central. TWO POLISH girls, speak English, want housework. 201S mavis st , Nlcetown. WOMAN or woman and daughter, adults. In stitutional work: 4 ears' experience same line. M 213, ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE 1, ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN Many inergetlc. bright boys and girls who come under our care are now avallablo for office, shop or factory work; no charges. JUVFNILE WORKERS' BUREAU 1807 ARCH. TELEPHONE SPltLcr. U14T BOY, 10, Jewish, bright, active, would like to work tn country, private or farm, good ref erence. Juvenile workers' Bureau, 1107 Arch, Telephone Race 8S37 or Srruce 6147. BOY, atrong. 13, Catholic, wishes position ln country! either on private estato or farm: retertnee. Juvenile Workers' Bureau, 1607 Arch st. Telephone Race 3J37 or Spruce 6147. BOY, IT, ambitious, 2 yrs.' high school oduca tlont enersetto; ref.B 24K, LedgerCentral. BOOKKEEPER and salesman, 23, thoroughly experienced In office details and with selling ability, desires position 10 241. Led. Central. BOOKKEEPER Experienced accountant Is open for perm, position. D 2Ifi. Ledger Oft. BOY, young, colcred, wishes position on farm; T?1 per weeK and board M 214, Ledger Office. BUTLER, 23, wished position, beat references; wages WO-rt.1. D -'-'I. Ledger Office. (BIJTLER-VALKr. with beat recommendation. wiania position j- o, uujtr uuiibi CHAUPFEUR, mechanic, (English), married, age 28: 'Uy or country; 13 j ears' pructlcal experience In workshops anl private, Amer ican and foreign cars: have toured' Europe extensively, also Eastern States, take charge of one or several cars; excellent American and English references. Edward Stsadman, IK! IN. o..q St. ireil, neimoiiL k;i i. CHAUKFEUR.MKCHANIC. 0 years experl ence, 3 j cars European, 4 years Philadelphia, desires position, private only, beat city refer ence and willing- to go anywhere. 3.O. War run, moa Arch st. Phone Locust 3113 D. CHAUFFEUR Young Irishman wishes posl tlon with private family; single, sober and obliging- careful drlvsrj do own repairs; 3 years reference j jh , on n oi. cur. car rpigignat . , .. , iw.... w. CHAUFFEUR, experienced on Peerless car. J .... inalrlfin warttm rvAultlnn lftf ass country, best or reTercnco, i 8., 2338 0th st CIIAUPFCPIt thoroughly experienced, alnele. careful driver. 0 jearr referenco Jrom last nsifiw,! vii ", - -- -. .- -.--.,- , CHAUFFEUR, single, sobsr, white, first-class man; can furnish test city references. D 123, employer. i, nr. ieagcr, yno uu y.owucn, Bmi v, .... CilAUFFEim. colored, wishes position; 8 yrs.' exp"; good ref 210 Greenfield ave , Ardmore. CHAUFFEUR wishes position, private or com., goqdjnach jbes t ref. 703 8 Colorado st. CHAUFF'EUR. colored, a yrs exg. with prlv. family, wining, owni". . "wt ..j.v.. CIIAUFFEIHI. careful rfver. single, soberj good ref I wages 30. n 20L Ledger Offlca. CHAUFFEUR, qol . wants sit; carsful driver, sober rilaWsibestref J? aU.jAagtr Cent! oaCHMAN, gsrdener, single, wU?1? Position gentleman's place, good ln both branches; n?"'ts Ateiences.' P S12. Ledger Office. FARMEm XNP VlFfl-Experlenced on farmi references J Schuback, 523 N. 8th st. IfAJWINO BOY, 18. willing worker, wUhea Tti mir? UJDun..V'K';hureV'VX6T Telephone Race 33?T or Spruce 8HT JANIIXIR-PORTBR, educated, white, Amerl tan, Vober and reflabls bouse or store, best rTfsrsnces. E 868. JLedger Central JxNTfon. elevator operator, band y with tools, hgs, married, aged 40. B 63. tadgtr CtM. JAPANESE wants position, butler or cook: Jv;:. eiS refelence and experience. A., 1813 f: . p.. i . - 10U1 1 St. HWMIMI". iy - -s. -- . -- - -, siuau taowy. v SITUATIONS WANTED MALE OPTICB A8SISTANTAgo 28; broad business experleme, exiellent education; legal and newspaper training; experienced In casualty Insurance nnd compensation claim adjust ments, flrst-clase correspondent. Investigator, typist, knnwleago stenogrtphj. 15 ' LdgerCenlfftl. 6AI,E.g CORRESPONDENT Man, SI. well eilucnletl, o joars' road experience and thor oughly posted as to general lines, Is open for immediate engagement: salarv commensurate ..with ability shown E 2.M, Ledger Central, SALESMAN desires traveling position with mtt-rlsM house, specialty man calling on the vvlioleMtc nnd best retail giocerv trade: all over tho I'nlted atntea for tho past flvo 5 ears; highest credentials nml proof or Urge sales. I'ostoftlco Box 133, Philadelphia SALESMAN, with strong personality, neat ap pearance, desires position with reputable MAnilrillMM.Ini. 1M rt. .Ilni. m l.ivll Q -."t.'M.llfc ,11111, W, Cllll., VI 11" Hi I J 3 ears' exier.; l-st references ns to ability, etc; rolnry or tommlailon. J 44U, ld Cent. SALESMAN. 2T. with A tra1 en. ITHi(h. line! also cnptble corresponrt'rnt: nlert, ambitious andforcefuI. i: 434, ledger Central SPANISH Jouns; rran, with rood business edu cation, wishes toeltlnn whrro SpanlBh Is ro aured.t)3i7. Ledger Central STENOmtAPIHJIl, cl-rk. 21, 2 enrs' exp krowlfdgonf hkpg , nt present emp , with no advancement ln view l! 4l'i ledger Central. erENOOltAt'IIPni-nxperlcnced, rapid, rorro . spondent, .famlLjalth Jvkg. E2l!LI.nl Cont. STENOOnAPHEH, experienced, desires posl- . tlon; reference n 141, ledger Central HTENoailArflliR, nrBlstant bookkeeper, 17? eompotent, exp . try me D 203. lod. Off. TilAlNlm EKotNEKtt. nXPERIENCEl) rVCTOHY MANAGER, AOL'NG MAN wnnls Position ns HUPERINTI3NDENT, MANAGER or ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE. Fully capablo of studvlng Conditions, making Plana end Report, nnd PUTTING INTO EFFECT. rnmlllsr wtth ouestlnnn of MACIUNES TOOLS. METHODS. POWER, REDUCTION or COSTS AND EXPENSE, MANAOHMENT 01" HELP. Has Education, Experience, Personal Ouilltlrn and References of HiourcsT aiiADn. Salary ltrannnhln for Service Offered. JBS.', ledger Central, TFCHNICAL OHAPUATB Dim Sea- engineering live venrs' enlcn expo rlence enn handle rorrc-pmrclrnco, nsre 211, married further information best given by Inlervlo v I) t.y; LrdEer Cwtrnl WANTED A poslilcn by n oum; miirrlcl man; can fill any position- n Ini'tlor nnd onv who can bo ('ependd upon' first-plats referen-eg Addrrpe E i2 ledger Central TOt'NO MAN (21, at present employed by a largo Philadelphia firm, nlliee to change position; S yearii' elllnp nnfl office exrerl en:o; highest rcfercncco. I 332, Led. CcntroL YOUNG MAN, 19 soars old. with good refer ences 4 j ears' experience In grocery business, would llko position n clerk. Address II. Hnrrlon, 1221 South 21st YOUNG MAN, 23. fuTl of nmbltlon, 7 sears' tiffleo experlenrp, tsvroll. nufiltlng. cost work: will oxert eierv effort tn win ndvanrernent In a concern that vvantu n Hvo wire I. - . T edRcrCentrnl , YOl'.VG MAN. IS w'lh 2 enrs' elerlrnl expo-rloni-o In nltrond rnd drv grodn offlro; cper ito tvpowrlter. V 4".r. T.e iter Central . "lOHNO MAN 21. good npnnr co vvlsbon clerk Khlp penibore hotel, rf I' 202. I.C1I Off. YOUNfl German court" "vvlsh" farm work: mnn eaperleneed D 213, LcdgerOfflce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANT homework girls, cooks. Mlei Mory Mc Carthv. 2107 f lirlPtlnn Locust sil JU AUTOMOBILES Wnnlnl WANTED ttios Pnrkard ihasls. cheap, motor mut lo In excellent running condition. Bretz. rurllsln Oanco ll-T- N Carll'lc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY Ilesponslblo business man with $2300 in net us treasurer ln local cor rnrntlnn. Monev Bi'cured nnd lntorfst M bualnes Must have executlvo ability and becorro actively engaged to socurn salary. Rofercnecs given anil rtqulred. M Uu. led ger Central CIGAlt. CANDY. STATIONERY. PAPERS. maa.nzlnoB Riore for silc cheap: account slcknien 231 Ttldge nnrsErrnNisiifva sroni; and pw ri.i - Ire for n" In Westj'illn IWt Unltlmore. CAR Ann I-OIl PAT.r. tins N CATtLfLB: full nf cars- clear Sl'.n tn $2"0 Porinonth. CARPET CLEANING WEST PIHLA MOVAnCII PTOnAOE CO. 3c. PER YAP.P. 3870-72 L,NCABTnR AVB CLEANING AND DYEING OSTHICH I-FATIIERS AND I'ANCIES Cl.rANFD DYED MAILHOI' Ifiin Cheatnilt. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot cash, noom 303, 1'enn Miltml nhlg , 1123 Chesinut er DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY FASHIONAHLE dressmaking, prli oa reason able, hi guaranteed, remodeling f.l3(l Chest nut ApnrtmtntA Bclinont liOS . ARTISTIC dresses lingerie frocks resjonnbl prlceB. Parisian models copied. Jf. Walnut. Dr.ESSMAKINGtaught, short, prac course. MarD ,we2'.107Denckla BldgJlth & Market. Hemstitching done while jou wait aT Relchard. 111.1 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. TOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2,1 hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd Keafer, 320 Glrard ave. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Better nnd cheaper than hot water or steam. Pure freiih nlr with normal moisture. CUTS COAL BILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION KAGT1MU In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrlstcnsen Piano Schools, 3820 Germantown ave.. 1320 Tasker st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELECTRIC MOTORS, new and second-hand. rewKga-vvnaien ... -i- .. ... . i"'.". ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET U3 ESTIMATE TO COAT YOUR TIN iifiOP and guarantee It water, tight 10 O""4 ..-,. . .-. imArnn llwir. K ears, i iiohm i ui'wi ,,. -.......- -..- ng Co 1315 Jlldge ave ., STORAGE fST Monarch Storage Co Auto end pack Ck. ing and shipping 370 Lancaater aye. nELIAULE STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, SHI PP1NG. 2010-44 if. 30 I ST. j01A4T-.' WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTKD Let us convince you that wi pay the. highest STlces for gentlemen's discarded" clothes. AMUEL COOI'BH Established 2i soars, imo Olrard Se Phone Pop. HHPPark 4460. j BUY ALL KINDS OF TALKINO MA ohlnes. rocords, sewing machines, cameras, registers, A bloj clis and Turpi ture. S. Burlanl, 1246 3. 13th st Phons, Ulcklnson 2.117 W. WATCHES AND CLOCKS 6UC. REPAIRS YOUn WATCH OR ClCK, " ARO.VS, HIT W. GtRARD AVE. ROOMS POR RENT BARING BT., WIS (The Cnllton) Two first- a . .rt b. B..I, .Ian. la, Hn..(i nw ant.-. POOF IUU1U-I ! Ul....( VV.W W. 4,b- msnts. Mrs. Belle McClaln manager. ItAIUNU, 4028 2d.sty, ront. nicely furn.; baths; near L; gentfn or bual. women; pito baths: near L; gent'n or tual. women; pjone. BROAD ST., N., 8000 New furnished rooms, all modern conveniences, for gentlemen; board optional; convenient to cars 4 trains; small private family. Bell phone. Tioga 340U. BltOAD, N.. 001 Two rooms and bath, furn. at uniurw j iuwuiii uiuvr uuuk, turgit ttrui porch, kouthern exposure, electrls lights; attractive surroundings. Photo at LodCout. II rtO AD. Nil 812& Nicely furnished room7 third Boor front. Ttoga'glfM. COLUMBIA AVE.. I61T Two largo unfurn. rooms, private bath: southern exp.j light, bt-t. hot wattr; no tousekpag; a.bsol. clsan. LOCUST , AND. 1ITH 6TS.-Prlvati" family desired to rert 2 large rooms, single or en suite furnished or unfurnished. Phono Lo oust 2787 P. LOCUST., 4400-Front. 2d-story, ba-window room, adjoining bath nicely furn . every conv , ef priv fim , gentle n Bar 15A Y, MASTtK. VY.. lTSO-LaraeTfront room. ,rui nlng water, furn or unfiir. light bkfi. nbone. PINE, 1342 Beautifully furnutbed s.ond-flwr room jfiv,o mu, ouiiiarn wpiwurt XA.CT. 84J3J-3 attractive, wall lighted rooms; suitable physician, borne of trained nurse! aJso slag., double vao.bit opt Pres. 83la I. WALNoV 4U Large deslrubl, front and ad"" julnins rooofts furn. or unfurn Paon WALNUT iSS Attractively furu south ex pos. S'agiwr en qh. ,tvu.i lj'.u yuan. ROOMS TOR RENT WALXUT, 370tV-Two nicely . furnished eorn- mnnlcatlng front rooms and bath; board op I. 12TH, C. 114-Prlvate family has comfortable front loom for 1 or 2 gt ntlemen; else, llghte. IftTIt, N, 1743-Cheerfulty furn, front rooms, pmgie or cninmiinnniing; rennru ii'.nig. ,.n. 10TH, N., 5323-Iirge, well-turn. 2d-sty. rooml rennen. private lomny, jjiamonu am . 17TH, N 3333 Very desirable furnished 2d floor, single or en n. !t; prlr. family; phone, 3STH, R, Ill-Clean, comfortable furn. roomsi privato anuit lamus'. naring hvb v 41ST. S 303 (Pprucelyn)-neaiitlful residence, end house, handsomely Mr vacancy; near L. PRIVATE family, lClh nnd Erie, sitting roorni nlfo teilroom. furn, or unfurn Tioga 6S73JJ. R2d nnd Sansom Furnished rooms, men onlyi meals, WEST URANCH shower baths: near L, all Y. M. C. A. the comforts of home. Phone flelment 46SI, Kev.Wet8l. BOARDING LEHIGH, W 1318-13 Beautiful rooms, with noarq; su conv.; pnone, new mivnmieiimiit nan, .,, f nin-: tt-.H-f ...-nlaliA.f vnrrt first-class .bonrd, all conveniences; terms moderate, both phones RPIIPCE, 10.8-30 Desirable suite, with pflv, nntn , rnoice tnoie oonrq vvainuv ,-iji, .y. SPItlJCE, 1224-2(1 (Ilrlsmonde) Pvirn. rooms, "inmp en suite private oaina ,vauio uu, SPIlt'CD, lain smTH WITH PltlVATE ma i ii irinijit A'l'iHALiivjj nuwin WALNUT. 3l3 Warm, pleasant rms ; beautl' fill nalefikAtPiAnAI koasA Ueaetnn til i A. WAT-NUT. 8r05-rlpaeatit rooms ln bMiHlful t neUhhorUood: pore hjjiudj Ir rton 021. A uaiui iuh AltricitVP n-eiory ironi. vow n ff nnnllstneni nfltiAct ItrlrNt' tdhln UPtPM 10TH, V . lav-Largo nunny front room, cor pia I.a.ssim Alt... na.aealss T J-.MI at fl'jOft ri lit) sitjiirxj 11 1 1 It: I Ilt-Uliv. HP "Mvov . 40TH, N, TOO-Prlvato family will board re- iii 'i Briuiniiiiii, t.um riiiiiu i - ,' 40TH, 8, M4 Large double room. In refined nelghb ; nlso slnglo vacancy. Wood 1103 . Meet Philadelphia. WEST PHILA. Very desirable 2d-stery front room with board, ref. home Raring TBI., W. Suburban OE11MANTOWN, 233 W. Rlltenhouse st , be tween Wnyno and Greeno Desirable rooms, slngle orcom .JiomoJlke.(Hn.lM3Xi GEltMANTOWN. 313 E Price st -Cheerful rocrn, with board Phone Otn 2421 1 O'AK LANE. 703 Comfortnblo rooms, near Motion, good home table Phono 388 W OVERP.ROOK Prlvato family can accommo date gentlemen tn nice roomsi board optional; near etatlon Overhrook 4043 Wi WYNNEPIELD 2d floor furnished front room, other roomn. Phone Overhrook 3000 W. APARTMENTS BROAD. N., 001 Two rooms and bath: turn er unfurn.: modem corner house! large yard; porch, southern exposure! eleotrlo lights; nttrictlvt, tiirioundlngs. Photo at Led. Cent. PINE. 1342 ..... Plrst floor, 2-room apartment, with bath: suluh'o for doctor or dentist PPRCrn, 11211 Bachelor apt, 2 or 3 rooms, private bath, furn or unfurn.. else, lights, hardwood iloors, nil modern Improvements SP1UNO GAItDDN, 1010 Excellent opts ln 8 dtfftrcnt homes, romo furn : kitchenettes. Wet 1'lillnilelphlii CHILTON APARTMENTS 121S Baring st. Two first-class rooms, with prlvnto bath; suit- , nblo dentl-t or doctor or apartment. Mrs Hello Mrci a In. mgr. Dell phone Preston 0307. Grrmnntovvn. QUEEN LAND APA11TMENT8 QUEEN LANE AND WISSAHICKON AVE. 0 rooms and bnth; awnings, screens nnd shower baths': $33 JAMES W LAWS. ATTORNEY 018 LAND TITLE BLDG. Key with Janitor ln rear. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CAMAC, N.. 2107 Well-furn apt . 2 or 3 rms , 2d or 3d Moor, refined home. Dlam 3383 A. liTH ST. t20S Fully furnished, 3 rooms and barli exceptionally low rent Seo Janitor. TO SUBLET MAY 1 OR AITP.R. AT TUACriVlS FURNISHED APARTMENT, 2 ROOMS AND BATH. 10 MINUTES SOUTH CITY HALL. PHONE WA LNUT 204, THE MAIDSTONE Alrv apartment. 3 rooms nnd bath, to rent for few months or longer. hone lwuet2i08 D 123 perrnontli LION 'S H EAD ri1,;13-"" npts ; single or en suite HOfTsrunnPINO npt , l7t floor. 4 rooms; vicinity 18th nnd Oxford Poplar B303 D. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT3 DIAMOND. 211L' 3 rms , bath, kitchen, hot- wntcr heat, ref., 2d floor, tii; 4 rms.. bath. klichen. Jill corrooms. .I3. Diamond 1813 W. IS I'll. S, m NINE ROOMS AND TWO BATHS WILL BE TOR RENT MAY 1. PHONE LOCUST 077 2.1D AND PINE STH (DE LANCEY APTS ) New. light. 4 to II rooms 1 nnd 2 baths; kit henettu central Iniqllon apply janitor. SPRI'ClJTl.ISi Will BUblet nt greatly reduced rate, 3 rooms nnd bath Apply to L. E. Tracy, on premises. Phone Spruce 3107. PINT. 000 Housekeeping apt , 4 rms , hath", modern furn or unfurn. all outride rooms HOUSEKEEPING npirtment, rooms and both: prlvnto porch: two car lines: complete ly furnished, SI00 unfurnished. JfiV Wost Philadelphia Write SOI Ilalley Building West Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AVE.. 4330 Hkpg. apt , 2d floor, 0 roomd. private porch, heat and hot water. tSiihurhnn FOUR. LARGE AIRY ROOMS KITCHEN AND I!TH. SOUTHERN EXP.. VEHY DESIRABLE, L MARSHALU 133 S. IS 1'H. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheney, Pa. ttV, ACRES $1000 H4 mllo station. A. D. Heald. West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY BUNOALOWP, lota 25x130; near trolley! over looking Delaware: National Park. Greater New Jersey Compam. XI S 16th. llnililnnfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL TINE PROPERTIES at nargain prices ,i wjv4bi iumamxidu, WI redcral st . Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVERAL deslrablo homes and Improved bldg, lots at reanonable prices. John Mayhew. Cape 31ar. N. 3. COTTAGES, hotels, apta. for sale and rent; some bsrgalns ln building lots. C. Earle Miller. 218 (Xean at , Capo May. M. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payment of from $17 to $130 for houses worth from $1800 to $rU30, II H. REED. 717 Chestnut st, REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY SPRUCE, 112311 rooms. 2 baths, rent $33. Dr. Herman, 867 Bourse Bldg . mornings, 11 to 1. Business Properties and Store CHESTNUT, 831 Store and baaement, suitable for household or office specialties. Inquire on premises. F. W. SADDLER. OITICES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. ONE OFFICE of suite, or desk room, central, T02 Abbott Bldg, Broad and Race. ONE-HALF of office for rent, with telephone service. 1310 Commonwealth. Professional Offices 18TII BT.. 8., 237 Physician's office; Urge furnished reception room; running water. 6EA8HORK Cape May, N. 3. FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca tions; reasonable C Earle Miller, 218 Ocean st . Cape May. Stone Harbor, N. J. STONE HARBOR cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent, furnished, by wtek. month or season at modsrate price: all con veniences. Call, phone or write for lllus. tratod booklet. S. J, P.. Co., 919 R, E. Trust Building. Philadelphia. FOR RENT FURNISHED Ojnwyd, Pa. IDEAL BUMMBR HOMU. most exclusive sec tion ot Cynwyd; S minutes from station; ncev house. 5 Bedrooms. 3 batbs. shower, eleetrla lights, etc.. attractive, propMitlon to, right party Adjress P. O. Box 348. Cynwyd. Pa. Cape May, N. J. JIIGH-clata turn, cottage: best sec; 12 rooms, a batbs, shower A batbisg rooms, front, side is 24 porches, fine ocean vlevv, yard; modern convs.; garage Phone, Baring 7233 W. MORTGAGES 134,000 FOR IBT AND 2U MORTGAOEa SAMUEL H tHESTNUT W5 Real Idtate Trusf Bulialag. Harvard Lampoon, "How did you get that stitch In your sldo?" "Oh, I not hemmed In a crowd " Whispered Words Elslo "When Betty married old Moneybaea eho frnvo her age as Z. She's older than that Flo Oh, I Bupposo sho allowed one third oft for cash. A TOO GREAT "ffiscilr St ,&''''( &$&, Jones (after rtjtan-hour with the, b -why ruin oner fa.oe? A Kc-ni Dotoctlvo Magistrate Everybody says the man drowned himself, hut you Insist It was an accident. What are your reasons? Pat Sure and they found a bottle of whisky In his pocket, and If he'd drowned himself on purpose, he'd drunk that first. Merry Thought -Ttis Passing Show, First Rustic But supposln' they be so hlflh ye can't tell which Is which? Second Ditto Aya, there ya be. Va'd have to watt about and see whether they drops any bombs; it they do, they be Germans. 1 L JOHClllhtWVlTHECftHairtTHE HO HUMsi. Tn 'tfs H00SE, SHE'tt niLLTHE "f ""i- l't ssr. 4 finliWinpissini is, in stes ( i n a., . i 1 1 essj-.si.lMiMssA sesa..,ssj i .m..bh iste.isisss.sssjj,,,,.,,,. ..p,,, Im mm j ,mimiiMitfrum T... m ms m , , ..mTtsi ihVsisJ SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL ("II I jSTiia Cfeysr,'r potato HERty l wW Qgm Contemptuous "N'ow thl3 Is n secret and you mustn't toll anybody," "Ilcat assured that I won't tell that secret to anybody, dear. I havo no deilra to flsuro as a femalo nip Van Winkle That secret Is at least three weeks old." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. SACRIFICE Punch. UBlo band) I must chuck this. After all SLIGHTLY nN VJ' The Titler, "I say old chap, can you play the RuBslanal Natlonum Anthem I mean (blc) the National Rational Anthem?" DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU niiili m I irl li ii w' Had tho Wrong Idea Motorist I'll give ou $10 for that picture If you let mo have it imme diately! Artist I am really very flattered by your offer, but It Is not quite finished. Motorist Oh, that don't matter; I want the canvas to mend my busted tire. Reproof "Who was Shylock, Aunt Ethel?" "My dear! And you bo to Sunday school and don't know that!" Life. MUDDLED i