! -f " fot-pftfn IBVENIITO UEDGER PHrDADMPHIft, FBIBAY, 'APRIL1 23, 1OT&: ii ISTRENGTH FOLLOWED EARLY WEAKNESS j , - - is Made Throughout List on better Demand American r x.ocomotive ana uniuwin up. 6msW TOKK. April M.-V'hl1o the Ben- d J r inn HLUV.n nmnivw ! uvis.i- P? . .1 u nnenlnrt today, with ft lfrr?e fMiimt of selling orders., copper Bharcs "! the ouUlftntlme fenlmo of slretiRth f r j aViTvIIV. From London came n list if t.iYher prices for copper rhclrtl, and Iff 1 ?naf th"r ww ft better domestlo de WA reported tor the tirodUM. Added to TO .. th? talk of still higher prices. LlhSJllo capper Is now selling ; for 18 l '' i j tat olu., U?ty. V.l ii,. rm.rifir. Ihern tvns vorv Fmtu of interest In the general market, E).iJ nrlcea were generally reactionary. ffl the buying detrtftTld. TherHctm. (-(?..:. n.fni ilishos tlon nmonrr out- !iidiri and door traders to take prbrtts and SlvS were of the opinion that the mar Sitod come to the end of It, Upward 'Elite and that a reaction way now In ft Mr London caoies torn m uio nmg fci?.Ail(lon among traders there, there Iffi a Urge amount of proIlMakinK In lSSrm.rket also, with a decided lessen- t in In activity. Sf Although trading hernme very small af. '.' ur mld-dav, business being on tho -.!.. -. -.. I. fni. Mm Inst two Wppkfl. iuieBi -,",--:;,; ,,-: J.rd that tho selling of tho morning tii i of rather poor quality, and thb - .ilLi.a war mill hliu hvi hhhuwi .. ...... ""S.?" V.j ih nfttirlneic of securities .yft-,,i .nmculty. Tho standard shares i.M ht6re camo Into promlncnco and ..iVilonat gains wcro shown throughout Met onai gain .,rfllfile. such aa ''s ifnerlcin Locomotive, with a gain of 3 fliL't illmeted somo attention. Tho ..fA,,?ilt-. ni.artorlv state. i'VaV of the Vnltcd States Steel Corpora W? .?. ..- .rin.i emllnr- Mnreh 31. nnd iiil ilf Issued after tho close of business Ba4 next ruesany. wuum ouunr ..i.., um BRm ot About $15,000,000. and probably aa folfttfid I" Iho ntternoon. 'VA k .. r Vilf rnlllnmetlF nrrters. p-fclilcH are believed to bo pending, was re- Ifidnilble for strength In Pressed Steel t-rir which moved up moro than 2 points. ittum In WestlnghoUBO Electric. 'Id the bond division the convertible 6 i' . , :l .... rtf (hb Inqnlrntlnn f!nnnflr ICtoBsny advanced 10 polnta, while tho jdnwnio e ",""'"" '"".: :.:: 'dimsna ior uom . """ hu1 Thero was no news to account for ui Advance, $5,000,000 IN GOLD COMING 'tonddn Said to Be Sending Hint, V t ll.Mn.,fVi.b LONDON. Arrll 23. It 1 tated In Iximlicd m7.Vf that 1.XK).TO0 in sold. (,twu,iw( Ut'lOf ""t l0 K0W lorK Ihtnce. for the nccoun: 3f .OKE OF OUR OFFERINGS Michigan Limestone & Chemical Co. This Company is carninj: over five times the amount of its fixed charges, which in clude the 7 per cent, dividend on its Preferred Stock. Every dollar of the Pre ferred Stock is represented by actual, intrinsic value. We offer the unsold por tion of this issue at par and accrued dividends. Call or send for the Annual Report. The White Investing Co. Walter IVhetntnnr. Phlla. Blsrr. Morris Building A Selection For Investors The inability of many invest ors to decide now, upon safe and profitable uses for their :'lhoney, has prompted us to prepare a special lettor which explains briefly the advan tages of purchasing tho par ticular securities it suggests. Send for letter No. 216 William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS W. SYROUD, Jr. Manager M3T CHESTNUT STUEKT IhllM,l.lnl.ln M'w 'York Iloilon Iletrnl! " jWllUm I Bonbrlfht & Co. I rui 4JonDnni & co. The Guaranteed Mortgage is nbn-speculative and of Unchanging value. Every avehue of possible rouble or loss safe guarded. Send for Booklet Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages t land Title BuUdln t I'llUadelntilt WWlm n. NlchoUon, Prcildut R Sound Investments j,5 Write for Descriptive w details ofaaecurity wftoee reproduction value is Mtiraated to be more than twice bonded debt, Yield 5.35 filAZIERG-Ga BANKERS 32 South 15th Street 't-fftf I.MIIlrifc.lri New York Stock Sales ... . - .. . . kwteloM. lh. tow. Cloi, a ,.SJ!J?W JUnM '-' 30J I iOtf 38!f 39f I HI i . . . . ' "If nu-vnaim Mlg pi Aml(trtijl Cop. Am Agr Chem Am Meet fucir Am Beet sugar pf . . Am Can AmCan pf Am Car ft Foundry AmCatAKdypt .. Am uiues pi W( ... 7811 ... 6AJI ... 47t( ... 60 ... Ho' J ... 18 ... A4W ...lift 47 H 10?( r2 V8l (OH m 85 antf U7?l f,))i 16)1 f.2 7HJ 47 83 m?l H7! f.3 10)1 f2 77H MH 47H 8 07 J iH IMi iUH 1M!( MH m .'8 32 2H 32 62)1 CO Ml 20 7IU 100 35 . 30 .14 37 .103'! lot ..110H 110 .. 48)i r,u 102 77)f .. 72 .. 1H ..142 W.L .12!) . 7 . 18 . 15 10DH 40! Am Coal Products pf . , 1071$ m uonon uh Aml!ld.iatliet ... Am Hide A Uathet pf. Am tea Secutltci Aml.lnswd Am Llnwdpf Am Ix-omollro Am Locomotlrepf .... AmMalt AmMalt pf AmFmeltft lief AmFmelUltefpf .... AmStwl Koundilcj . . Am fiucar Hcflnlnj . .., Am Sugar lief nf .... Am Tel ATel Am Tobacco AmWoolon Am Woolen pf Am Wilting P Pf .... Anaconda Copper ... AtchT&SF Atlantic Cout Lino .. HsIdwtnLoco HaldlnLocopf llnltlmorc&Ohlo.... llaltlmoro A Ohio pf . Batrtpllas Mining licthlehem Steel Ilcthlehem Steel pf . . . Brooklyn Hap Transit Urooklyn Union Gas . . Brunswick Term ..... Cal Petroleum Call'etioleum pf Canadian Tactile Cent Leather Cent Leather pf Ches&Oblo ChlnoCobper Chicago OtWost CM ft Northwest ChloMll&StP 05U uucs stLpr... CMIU&P Colorado Fuel & I . Consolidated Oai . Continental Can pf torn Products Hoi Corn Prod lief pf Cuban-Am Sugar Del fc Hudson DcnAIIIoapr Distillers' Securities ... ISrIe Krlolstpf General Klecttlo General Motors .Goodrich 1J F Co Great Northern pf Gt N cfsforoio prop... uuggenhclm Exp n Inter Met Inter Met pf Int Steam Pump lnt Steam Pump pf. ... Inspiration Copper Julius Kayser & Co. .. . Kan City Southern Kan City So pf Lack Steel Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley Louis ANashvlllo .... Manhattan Iterated . Manhattan Shirt Maxwell Motors ..... Maxwell Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pf ... MStP&S S M m 48 107t b'2H 7H :i75 3IM 12l nt ecu POIj 0H 2UM 74 H 100 ;i4 43 48 107 I 107 H fitH fl' l( 3bH .12 m ai 61H 00 VI 20( 7;tH 100 :h 7H 30' mu 12)1 31 541 1 00, 20 1 1 74 100 31 lll'f lli( 1114 11.1H U4' 114H lim 11-JJi .122 122 121M 121'k 247 .11H II 38H JI.'.W Ml fcO 14 .17!f 242 3d 8!) Ii 37)f io:i',i 10.1) i 109U 110 47?( 51 10IH 101H 101H 78 77H 78 71! 7DJ 71Jf IX 1M 1H 145 14 1H 143H 110H 110M 110.H 1104 ItlJl 120 111 120 MM 120 18 17 17l( ItH 4IH 44H 170)f 109)S ICO'J 41K 4054 40! 103H 103X 103X 103'i 47' 48 47 AiH 40X 47) 40 -17 13 13 13 13 13011 130K 130X 130H II0U 64H 01 H .. 22J '22H .. 32 32H ..128!f 128 .. 05H 05M .. 1IU .. 78 .. mi ..162 .. 15 .. UK .. 283 15 lti( 77 01 05 05W 01H 01)5 20,' J 228 32 32H 127 127 05 Vt 05)5 13K 14H 77 77 00 01 151)4 1515i 151) 15)4 H " 10) 10K 10! 2(1 28H 28!f 45K 4414 44)4 153)4 153)4 153)5 153)4 III 144)4 113 141' i 17(4 40)4 47)4 12l) 12054 120)i 38)5 37 37If 02 01 0154 20)f 20)4 I7H 121 . 37U 01)4 . 20), . 73!,' . 8)4 . 17)5 .12)4 . 8U,'f . 20)4 . 50). . II 10l)f 7IJS 10)i 23 314 87 20)i 5!) 40'-4 lour 0U 17H 32 87 2IX 67)4 1(1 72U 10!i no 34 ! 4 87 25 J i 69 40J4 113)i 144 .12J .127) i . 07)4 . 40 . 83 ISJf Mexican Petroleum Mexican Petroleum pf Mo Kan & Texas ... Mo Kan & Texas pf. Missouri Pacific Miami Copper MontanaPoHer Montana power pf National BUcult .... Nat Cloak & Suit pf. National Enamel As Nat Lead Nat Lead pf New York Air Braka Nevada Con Copper NYNH& 11 New York Central ... N Y O & West 1)1 . 87 .. 1W .. SO .. ll.'i .. 20 .. tai ..102 ..12.1' 4 . . 10G .. l.i .. (il) ..no . 00 .. 15 .. 07)4 00 30 124)4 120 0UW 48U 82)4 38 122 02)4 00 f 15'i 2054 fiSJi 101 101H 10-1)4 143)1" 143)4 12l)i 12IK 128 07)4 40 81 37)4 122 S'JU ssv. 10)f 20 13)4 2524 5.1 101 12.T4 12.1)4 li3! i IOo'i 105U lOo'i 15)4 14!f 15 1-6 MX (AH 11U 110 111) bT.l lt? 07M S0M 20H 120 08 48 82 If 37)5 122 .01 00 11)4 271a 13)5 20)i 55 101 SS'i 15)4 08)4 00 3IU 87H 15 07)4 8:!i 31K Norf&West 105 101)4 101W 104U Northern Pacific llOlf 110)5 109) 1105V Pennsylvania II It ....110)4 110)4 110)4. 110). People's Gas Chi 120)5 120 Pittsburgh Coal 23 Pittsburgh Coal pf .... (12 PLorlllard Co 181 45'f uo; Pressed Steel Car .., Pressed Steel Car pf PubSCorpNJ ..., By Steel Spring nay Con Copper I'DJ ISO tlllf 08 ...110)5 110)4 1101-5.11034 3l 32J4 32)5 32K 243i 24)4 2t 2I 120 22)4 02 J f 175 l.".3t 05)4 120 23)V 0454 175 4S54 08 Heading 153)4 151)4 153)4 153)4 Hep Iron & steel 2S Rep Iron & Steel pf ... 80)4 Hock Island Co )5 Hock Island pf H RumelyM Co 4 HumelyM Co pf 10 Seaboard Air Line pf .. 41 Scars Hoe& Co 130 StLouls&SF 6)4 St Louis Southw'n .... 18)5 tloss-ShefS&ICo .... 3S Southern Pacific 03 Southern Ky 18 Southern Hy pf 5S MudebakerCo 00)4 StudebakerCo pf 100)4 100 '1 ennesseo Cop 33) .11 TcxasCo 130 Texas & Pacific 10)4 ThlrdAvenua 65 TwlnCllyR T 00)5 Union Bag & Paper ... 0)4 Union Pacific 132 Union Pacific pf 80)4 USUndl Alchol mi J 80 J4 34 t 0)4 4034 130 5 10 37,'f 03)4 18W 68)4 00)5 U 6 Undl Alchol p( .... 81 United Rys Invest .... Hi United Itys Inv pf .... 35 USIled&Ilct pf 3 US Rubber 08)4 US Rubber 1st pf ....108 USSteel 57 27)4 80 54 H 4 0)4 103 130 43V 18)4 30!4 92)4 18 58)5 05 100 33)4 140)4 140)4 140)5 10)4 10)4 10)4 65)4 55)4 65 OiU 08'f 9SH 0)4 0)4 0)4 13234 13134 13m 81 8024 81 37)4 37 S05 10)4 35)5 t 0834 107K 107)4 107)4 67Jf 50)1 57 85 SO it H I 054 40)4 139 5 184 3754 03 18 68)5 00 100 3354 82)4 17)5 35)4 5 00)4 37)4 S2M 17)4 35)5 5 08)5 USSleel pf 108)4 109)4 108)4 10S34 US Express 08 Utah Copper 09)4 Wabash Hi Wabashpf 3)4 Western Union Tel ... 083f Westlflghousa Kloctrla . 82)4 Western Maryland .... 24H Willys Overland pf ... .100)4 101)4 101J5 101K WoolHOlibVUCo ....107 108)4 108)i 10854 Quoted Ex Dividend 07'f 70)4 1 3)4 08) i S5) 24) i 0714 00)4 3)5 03 82)5 24)4 07)4 70)4 1 3)4 08 8455 21!. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS Jim Duller Mac tlldway cNamnr& Miioah Extension 'Montana Bid. , .M . .It I . .Id . ,i'H . .3T .1U l.n.ha.n Hi.. ft.nnn. ll.lmnnt 4 Tonopuh Extemlon J4 Tonopah Mfrier U Tonopah Mining '. Keacue Bula is West End '" OOLDFIBLD STOCKS AtUnta IHue Uull Booth 5? $T6 ..v.vv.v.v.::::v-:::: :K comomaiion. rrouon is .02 ,0 ??. 1.13 1 0 .11 .08 :?I Asked . .w .11 .'U .an At 4 1-1 30:J3 .'ii :o3 ,5J .01 .iri .07 1 O-iU .ill .12 :IJ .04 ,uu '.a I.ST I New York Bond Sales 2000 AllukA Gold cv 0a. noon Amer Smelt See 0a jfiKUt Amer Tel clt 4a. . . S000 do CTt 4)4a .iww Ann Arbor 4a Isutai Armour Co t'4.... l.Vtl Atchison ndl 4n '.-iOt do ev 4a I.V. fliooo ii'ni do iv Aa lntr.. W Atlnn Co I.lnc 1st two Unit & Ohio 4a Iwioo do cv i Hn do Swr. d' a0 Beth Steel tat .".a... aiimi do rfd Sa .. :v) Union linn Tr 4lPO llrnoV I'n nil- iini Lnnnim Hoiilil t 1(K(I fr-nt l.arln .'IIL. liHm (.Hi te ull i" I'j9... 2"tn .hea - Ohio I'ia lOTti (hi ft Knat Ilf .la... loin Chi A- Nwn :i'8 la'flti Chi II & q Joint la. 1 on t'hl II A u crn 4... .Mrnj (hi 11 & o rep 4a... HlSh. ...147. ...1014 ...10l(, ... Ul . .. usH . .. , u7i Low. Clo. Bit tWu Wit do i-v 4a luw'. lo;Ut IVlU lol'J m 02)4 SJ 01 lo.l loifa 101 llKt--i 100-U IOOH 4 !' .. S7 tin .. RiJ IS. IHIH WM IMl, lat 5a..loou 100 4 loqin irJ 87 IH) 1WH r'iii tA'H VI oo 10tlJ Wit . . . HHji "IH l'lf vu;i 32IK10 C .M A a I' evil rpL.tOI .mm chl XI & St P l)lv 4o. .ssi lt"l C M Ht V CH 38..10.I 1P.-00 ( M pt I' cv -fiia.. 011 Hone ,M hi P (ten I'ja.lOIVi l.vxu S XI & St P 4a.. .... SOU 4S mit; .02.4 Si 130 HOII ClfV Hh I. Inn llta 4O0IO Con tlna 4a ... 2(00 Corn Prod Sa 1o.1l .. .Woo Den & llln II 44s,. . 141KKI pen Sr llln a rf.i St. 2100 nis Secur rorp da .. 'HOD Krle conv 4a Kcr II. H00O 1rren liny o 4.1IM Hud -Man rfd X. . . . aooo Iown rentrnl ref 4a. 2000 III Cent 4a 1PM lncniVI In. I'nn n.. fta iifln.i in pv ret ;w rr iw io.i;tr 100O Interb .Met i'ia : 11(100 Interb 11 T ft Ba I" 1000 Inter rarer cvt fis 7Si '."' ina .irnnoi .18 in. . JO.l'4 711 1 11 oaQ Sift Hil 0SU 101', 80 0.1S ll.Vft "i 4S .-.2 llO(i 102 70 IM'i S4 120 1.10 71 n-'i 7nt POOO Jbo new 11lr tn 41 7IVV ?mvl Innan... ! II.. ?T ?? 11000 K C Ft fl ft XI 4a.... 71'4 71 .IOO'I Knn City Fo 1nt 3a 07S 07'4 lono iioka. steel f.a 1021... 02U 02! 2(00 Lncledo Oaa lat Xa...lOl'i 10ll M)0O I, It Sll deb 4a 102N.... Id 02'4 3000 l,k fth deb 4b 11K11... 112' 02 AlfHI UK A XI T Ba KmlJ 100'i iron lxirlllard f.a looif 10(U. 10OO iKirlllan' 7a 122iJ 1221, 2000 Louis Nnah 4a 01 01 20(100 Xlnnhnttnn Sto. 4s .. nl 01 100O Mllwmihoii Oaa 4n .. Pt'l 01'4 40HO Mn Kan T lat la.. 71 "7 WOO Po K & T (ten 4lja . . 074 07W 0(X) XIo I'ao 48 !.... no' 481 lnai Mr Pa cv 3a .... 4HJ 4i-J 1000 N V Air Ilrakn cvt 0a PS l'8 SKKin N Y Cnnal 4a 'IS.... IOIU 101 1000 N Y Piinil Imn JH. tO'HL loou 40) N Y C I. S 3)5 7.1 721, 721i ..iiOfjiN y c .t ii 4a mn son sr.ji -aii'Oo n y c t Hud lis ...lol4 inM lol'i 3000 do 4a Htll SSV4 SSI; nufi HI'li 7IN 80' UU' .O'l't 101 Mi 101 w. H'l',4 SO 0.1 Hot, M4 48 02) k J OB 4 70 01 M lOli 11.1 7S 0 v 7ni; 71 II7U 02'i 10l III'., 02U 100 ; 100), 04 01 ni't 77 07'4 4ft 414 OS loiH 10tn. 141 0 N Y C'lll 4a 10X0 .. 1)(U4 uooo n v cm 4ijs inno..tonu 4000 N Y N It ti It C.8 ..110 7100 N Y llwy rrf la .. 72U C000O N Y Ilivy nit) 3a .... B21i snpo N Y Tel qrn 4'4a . . 074; rtWl -N: y W C & H H4a. 724 S3000 Xor Toe prior 1s 0.1 WOO gen 3a am 27000 Ore Short t. 4a Ill 1000 Oro ny & N con 4s... OH! iwu wre nwy at tav oa... WW) On & Oil B 31000 Pacific Tet Bs 3000 renna cv HJa 1000 do 4a 1018 12'Vlon dn cv 14a looo Public Serv N J Ba... 30000 liny Cm Copper !'. . 20(00 Ilendlnc cen Is 3000 llopur Cuba Sa, lflOI. 3.10IM Hock Ia'nnd 4s 110O00 do rid Is 320CO do Ba 20PO Pt I, I M & fo rpf 4a. oono nt I. I xi & 8 r. 2i;oi)(i seobo.ir.l ,v I. adj Bs 20(11 Knuth noil Bs tnoo South rae 4o linmin An rv .In .viixi do cv ret r p sa uui.i" 3l3(io do rfd 4a S1U 30(io South Hwy Bon 4b.... " Jj y..niMi no con ns 100O Third Avo new 4s... 1000 do ndj Ba dim t: S Kuhbor Ca 1.1000 V S Steol Ba r.ooo I'nlon l'ne 1st In.... .1.1000 do cv 4a 4Briii m Itwya R Pis.... 10no Va Cur Chm 1t Ba. . lono ivnbnah 1st Ba (Wo iVnb Bqna ct tn 4b. (WOO Wist n & XI cv Bs. . 03000 West Union 44s. .irotf .lOOji . n7t .ti . s4 12.1H . 04' . now . S2 . iMi IT 04 07 'J 07), S." kh; .. ooJ .. 7114 . . 102 if ..102( . . on' 4 .. oi'S .. 4S .. 0.. ..1004 .. 21 .. 014 (ink ICOtf, 110 724 B24 ""!) 024 I.B HI M 1004 oo' 1110 074 loii; ss 121 014 01 H $ n4 117 n-H st4 Kt 07 WJ? onSi S2 784 102. 1014 004 tin'j, ti 01 1004 234 01 11.1 n'4 1004 Jio 724 r.2; 07', 724 0.1 014 M 01 lW'i 100T4 074 100 074 s 12.1J5 IMS 101, Sl ''') M4 0M3 1171k flTfji 00H 7J4 1014 11(14 111 17 or. loot lii ' MY, Sales in Philadelphia Yes. close. HlRh. Low. Clone. Erie 28'4 OiiSKcn i:nIo .. 02 rjeu Aep pfd. .. . 074 10 Am Tet Sucflr too Amal Copper... 70 100 Amer Ice 10 Amer Oas 1034 2.1 Am rtallwaya . . 321J I2B0 Ilaldwln lyico.. 48 24 do prof 102 HIT. Cambria Steel. . SO 100 Chlnn Copper .... 70 Electric Stornqe 101) E 100 ( 0.1 rjpn Aen n ItfHl Insr. CODPcr 3(10 Inlcrbcro Xtet . . .Vi Ins Co .N Am.. B07 Ki-y Tel 10 oo prof 22.1 Inko Sun Corp. MR Iehlph Nav ... 2ft l.eh Vnllev is I,eh Vnl Trans.. 20 XIn Pacific 100 Neavda Cons.... 100 N V Ont West T.t Pnnn llnltroad. 40 renna nan sub. vi. 130 iPhlla niectrlo... 2lt; 30 vnua nap iron i" r. lihll. Traction.. 7.8' 600 Ray Cons 214 320 lliadinK 77'i. BO So Paclflc 40.12 Tonopah Cel... I , IfiB Tononah XHnlne 74 1B lln T of Pitts.. .. 300 I'nlon Traction. .IS'i SO I'nltud tins Imp 814 307ft II S Stsel B7U S l.'nlted Itwys . 14 2.1 Warwick I ft S 04 III W I 4 Peash . 4I14 100 Westmoro Coal. 03 Ex-dlvidend. BONDS. Last prcv. vale. HlRh. 2000 Am OasAElee Bs 8HH 8(14 1000 llcth fit, 5, ....110 2000 Eloc & t'eo T 4s 77 1000 Har Klfeo (Is... O'l 1000 Laks Sup Inc Sa 30 loooo i, n cons 44s. no; TO(l L V B cons 4 Us 001 8000 Pa con 44s no.irm; 400(1 do cons 4s '13 074 3800 Phlla Eleo 4s.. w 784 71 7Rt, 324 324 32U lut 103 ll 32 324 32V, 01 4R r.y4 102 100-4 102 BO HIM BO 4IVU 4rt! 4C.'i B24 .121. B24 2S?J 2SiJ 2S1i 02 02 02 (IT 07 07 I. ..., .i..-. .... Jl 214 204 204 214 214 21 21 6.1 mi's 614 b4 74 7 111.10 7'. 7' 704 704 T.IJi 7.1J, 72)J T2 714 714 m 1S4 l.i- 1-v, 114 I4ji i4j; in; 134 134 ib's 1X4 .. 314 314 314 BBIi MIS M BDs 01 004 111 2IU 2I 214 lot; 104 104 78 7S 78 21 4 21 24 Jl 784 7K',, 70'j 0.1 t3 03 IS I 44 7 J.1'" 1'" 3.14 3S4 3Bl-i 84 8l Sit! n7&; 8H4 B7lJ lot; int! in4 04 04 04 44 404 404 6.1 03 0,1 10(H) do Bo .1014 10ii Henomc gen -is. i'ii r cent is n., Oaa Cs.. 004 1000 Ilead-Jr Cent 4s 0: 3000 Stand 104 7. 074 31 on ti 071; 10IZ 074 80 1011 nn; 0.1 01 Low. 8.V1 ii4 omi 0T4 1044 074 7ni; jnnl oi? 01 01 Close. 81V, 1104 77 074 31 004 nT4 1044 074 704 1011 oi; 03 01 Local Bid and Asked Today Hid. Asked. Baldwin 14 do ruef 101 Cambria Steel 404 Bileo Storage , B2 General Asphalt 27 do pref Ii4 Koatone Tel 1 do t c 14,4 do pref CO., Lake Sup Corp T, IrfhlKh Nav 754 Lehigh Vat Tljl Lehigh Val Tr 13(1 do pref 31 Pennsylvania 634 Phlla Eleo 2l'l Phlla Co 374 do S per cent, pr 31 do Ojier cent, pr 304 Phlla R T 10 do t o 10 B2 102 SB 28 144 TO 72 1.14 .12 SS4 214 3S .1.1 40 1011 10'i Yesterday Hid. Asked 4S BO 100 102 404 604 B24 M4 27J 2si, 07 08 14 mi 14 ti), 0.14 11.1 74 K 7X4 711 71i 72 154 111 anj 32 854 S54 244 214 .174 .18 31 3d 40 41 10 104 10 104 gilamondrield B 11 Daisy Florence . . . . .... Ooldlltld Consolidated oldfleld Merxer , Jumbo Extension Ktwanas Oro Sand Ken Silver Pick MISCELLANEOUS Fairy Aiteo IKimberly , .Nerid 1II1I .; -N'evada Wonder . J.w BANK CLEARINGS Bink c!Mrln today compared with corre. .pdSdlo day laat 10 ya"' ,, IMS. 10U- 4918. . PhlUdelohU I2S.UI.W3 I24.2U.W2 .?.; KVw York; .830.012 Ztmi.m 281.153. RATES FOR MONEY CalL Tin Fhllidslpbla fiffu. Nw York 1)B4 B."" ?uj POAVDER COMPANY QUITS ... Stockholders of du Pont International Vote to Dissolve. WILMINGTON. Lei,. April 23.-vU a special meeting of the. du Pont tntertatlonal Fowder Company today a resolution passed by tlia d. rectors sometime ato declarlne It to a to lha beat Interests of tha company that It should dissolve, was unanimously adopted. All tha common stock and (X) per cent, of tha preferred stock vaa represented, There was not oppoal. tlon to lha dissolution. The company was one of tho numerous concerns chartered end practically held by the du Pont InUiests. Tho International Smokeless Powder and Chemlq.,1 Company, which was also owned by the du ronts, votod to dissolve soma time avo nil iha rtu Pont International followed todsv. Tho du l'ont International vas originally In. tended ta carry on a foreign trace. HEAVY SALES OP COPPER BOSTON. April 23. It was an 18-cent elec-i trolytto copper market again today and fur. thr big sales tor flomestlc account wtra booked. The foreigners were trying to secure concessions but were unsuccessful. BAR SILVER NXTW YORK. April 23. Commercial bar silver was qOoUd at 604 cents per ouncs. up 4. In London tha price was 234 penes per ounce, up ,-io pence .062 itu AK. i FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, A,prll 23. The foreign eschanga market ruled attady, with demand sterling un. changed from Thursday's dost. Sterling. Franca, Marks. Guilders. Cables Demand J.TS',',, 6.32 S.824 62'.. B24 3K DIVIDENDS DECLARED Bsrgsar ngtl Brewing Company, regular semiannual per cant, cm May I to stock record ofJ preferred, payable ileUows Fila Power COrataSK SMt-abbual LrTA VU"- WMl M" l unLuiDAl fifrvte Comuuv. auArtsrlv 1U. ni- BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE BID UP SHARPLY Stock Advanced Over Three Points in Otherwise Uninter esting Local Market. A sudden buying movement In llnldvt-lrt Locomotive shores vn tho oulfltfintllng fenturo of tho trading: In nn otherwise uninteresting locnl market session todny. OpenliiB .it 4. nnchniiRotl from Inst nlRlit's clone, the common stock on the next sale touched CO nnd then tnnvetl lip ncros.i 61. considerable; blocks ehnnirln hands. Meantime) the preferred sold off a point or tnorr oil odd-tot ofTorlnRS. The remainder of tho list iluctnnted narrowly except for a decline of 5 points In Lako Superior Income bonds. Ill tho ntternoon Tonnpah Helmnnt be enmo nctlvn nnd stronn. ndvnnclnff n nubstnntlnl fraction. silhstantl.il fraction. Kcystono Telephono preferred sold at 60'i ex illvldentl nrjfllnst 6S, the ln.it previous quotation with the dividend on. ThrouRliout most of the day prlco move ments were nnrrow nnd for the most part devoid of definite tendencies. Tho nrbltrngo sroup for a time was Inclined to snp, and this put a damper on the trading In purely locnl Issues. Investors, however, wero plcklni; up tho hlRh-prndo Issues, such ns Westmoreland foul, fnlted Oas Improvement nnd Pennsyl vania. Tho nnnunl report of the Penn sylvania Company snownl n decrease of 24.20 per cent. In tonniiKo on the lilies directly operated nnd 11.5.1 per rent, on tho Pan Handle division. Passenger trnfllc, too. fell off. Tho report rocs on to Ptnto that In 1914 tho Industrial nnd financial conditions throughout the territory traversed by these lines wcro probably more disturbed than in nny other part nf the country. Operating revenues fell 17.12 per cent., but operating expenses wcro cut 1S.2.1 per cent, in order to meet these conditions. Nevertheless, tho net Income for the year decreased $5,065,019. Local bankers today were discussing the possibility of a new Argcnllno loan. Those who participated In tho Inst Issue expected to havo a shnro In tho next one. which, In some quarters. It is said will run as high as $50,000,000. Nothing definite Is yet known, however. The former Issue only amounted to $15,000,000, which was quickly absorbed. LARGER WHEAT ACREAGE Heavier Sowings Mostly in Winter Product, However. WASHINGTON, April 23,-The great de mnnd for wheat because of the war re sulted In nn inerense in tim world wheat acreage for 1915, tho Department of Agriculture today announced In Its "farmers' bulletin." This applies to win ter wheut sowing, ns little chango In tho total spring wheat acreage has been in dicated because of a probable reduction of nliout 13 per cent. In Itussla. "Sowings nf winter wheat In the north ern hemisphere, have been pretty generally on nn extensive scale, excepting In some European countries involved in tho war," tho bulletin says. "In tho United States, Ilrltlsh India nnd Canada tho nrea sown last autumn wns Increased by about 8,500 000 ncres over Hint of tho year be fore: thero also wus somo expansion in neutral countries of southwestern Ku ropr.." The April 1 conditions of winter wheat In tho United States Indicated a total pro duction of 619,000,000 bushelo against CSI, 990.COO Inst year. Financial Briefs The reported movements of currency this week Indicate a gain In cash by banks of over $17,000,000. A call for tho payment of the third In stalment of subscription to tho capital stock of tho Kcderal Reserve Hank of Philadelphia has been Issued to member hanks. Payments must bo made on of before May 3. The amount due Is about $6,237,500. This will bring tho amount paid in up to $0,237,500. Eningham H. Morris. C. S. W. Packard. Charles E. Ingersoll, Thomas S. Gates and Edward n. Smith have been appointed a3 the protcctlvo commltteo to look after tho Interests of holders of Choctaw, Okla homa and Gulf bonds. The Welsbacli Company was the only bidder for tho city gasollnej lighting con tract for 1916, nt $29 per lamp, tho samo as last year. Tho Houston Oil Company has sold the remainder of its 6 per cent, timber certifi cates, amounting to $1,700,000. to Alex ander Brown & Sons, Ladcuburg, Thai man & Co. and Whltcnker & Co. The United States Reduction and lle Mnlng Company reported a deilclt of $213 for tho year ended December 31, against a surplus of $31,177 In 1313. Exports of copper from New York for the week ending April 22 wcro 5396 tona, a decrease of 1603 tons. This month to date, 11,311 tons; decrease, 11,127 tons. The Missouri Public Service Commis sion authorized tho United Railways of St. Louis to Issue $500,000 4 per cent, bonds under Its ilrst general mortgage to redeem a Blmllar amount of 6 per cent, bonds of the Southern Railway Company. According to Hradstroet'a. exports of wheat this weok were 9.723.CO) bushels; last week 7,115,000 bushels: last year 2, 765,000 bushels; sinco July 1, 334,994,000 bushels; year ago, 212,612,000 bushels. Corn shipments this week 1,723,000 bush els, last week 1,931,000. last year 39, 000. Corn shipments since July 1 amounted to 32.570,000 bushels, compared with 2,195,000 bushels during the same pertdd u year ago. NEW YORK CURB Bid. Asked. nraden SH 84 Uritlih-Anurlcan Tobacco old 18)j 1S Hrltlih. American Tobacco new.... Ill lot! Uoldftell Consolidated Hi IS Qreene Cananea , 34 36 La Hose ,f, si Leh Val Coal Sales 170 173 Nlplsslng il CU Otis Elevator 71 73 (Vis Elevator pfd Of 0-1 Rlker-Hegeman 7U 714 Sterling flum .1 .11, Tubacco l'rnducta SO 5S Un.ted Cigar .Stores ,,... 104 10S United Cigar Stores ptd 110 ISti United Prone Sharing new 4 nt World Film 4 4U Yukon Qotd V 3 I.EO.U. AliVKItTISKMENTS KS5 NOTICE 18 IlfSKKUY GIVEN TIIAT a-5 an application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. May 4, 10IB, by Ferdinand IV, Krbe, Thomas Holland Palst and John ; lteiley, under the act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act to orovlde for the Incorporation ami regulation of certain corporations." ap proved April 20, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter ot an Intended cor poration, to be called TUB CHESTER AND NUGENT REAL ESTATE COMPANY, the character and object ot which la for the purpose of purchasing, holdlnr. sellint. mort--rarlns; and leaslnr real eatate, and the con. structlnr, erecting and matntalnln-r build. Ings and Improvements thereon, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rlihts, benellts and privileges of the said act of Assembly and Its supplements. ALFRED J. WILKINSON. Solicitor. PIVIDENDS TilK GIRAltU NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia. April 20. 1913. The Dlrsolors have this day declared a dividend of eight per cent. (), free of tax, payable May 1, 1915, to Stockholdere of record at tbe close ot business April 23. 1915. Cluck -fill he mailed. CXIABLE3 IL A6HTON. Cajhlir, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN ANI) FLOUR IVHnAT Receipts. BS.Oad bush. There waa.ft. good export demand, and. with stronger outside Hdvlcte prli-ea advrip.ced 2c. quota tions car lots. In export elevator No 8 rrd, erot. Si (itffi in. No. 2 red weslern. iww l.il'.i liound lots. In export eletator No. 2 red, -I'M end April, l.02H-i 1.074; No, - red West ern. 1. H7i-1. 7214; Ko. 1 Northern r-iluth, fl.iZttl.i.1. CORN. Receipts, 13,728 bush. The mar ket ruled (lrm, under moderate offerings and n fair locnl demand, but there was little in quiry fnr export. Quotations: Car lots, in ex rotl -delator- No. 2, epot and April. 78UW (li'Sc. : slwtmer, 77fl7e.; No. a, 7(77c Car lots for lorn! trade, to Inrnilnn No 2 J cl low, SI ffi..-. , steamer sello-v, MJIWic; No :t jellon, MMfSlijo. : No. 4 yellow, 7m i'ltv. , cob, b- r 70 lbs , SOflSlc. OATH Receipt. PO R72 bush. The mar- Vet ruled firm, but tr.irte wns i"let. Quotation: No. 2 white, MtMiOle L slnndard white. (!2'4 0.1c. i No. .1 white, OI4i?02r , I1V13 steady. Wo quote at tl.ln-rl.18 per bush., ns to quant!-, In export elevnior, nnd at ft.a.tyl.11 for imsll Iota of nearby grain in bags. , I'Mlt'll. Receipts. D75 bble r.flfl.OlB lbs. In narks. Trade was quiet nnd the market wn without ImpMianl change. We quote per 1IK1 lbs. In wood- Winter, cle.tr, tn.tKrfftl.sri; do. slrnlght, frt.8.1s7.10: do., patent, tr.ioij T fill; Kansas, slrnlglit. Jute sacks. t7 10U7..1.1; do., pntent, lute sacks, .17..1.1'B7.:'1; spring, first, clear, JfHSmtU: do, straight. 7 KHf 7.4". do., pntent, ti..107.S0: do, favorite brands. JsgA.r.ii: city mills, iholce and fancy patent. tvj9.r,0: city mills, regular grades winter, deer, joroa'flii; do., slrnight, tti.MHJ 7.1"; do.. ttent, t7.1Pil7.BO. UYK I'l.Ot'lt wns quiet but steady. Wn Suete nearhv nnd Western In wood at IH2,".ss .Ml, ns to qualltv. , PROVISIONS The market wns quiet hut steady. Quota tions: Cltv beef. In sets, smoked and nlr drled. 21g2fle. ; Western beef, III sets, smoked, SS-OSAe,; elty beet, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked an I air-dried. 2702.Sc , IVestern benf, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, 27'B2Sc.; beef hams, t1ttitl2; pork, fnmlly, t2l..vv3'22: hams, S. I'. cured, loose, Miflftlic., do. skinned, loose. UHJtl2Hc; do., do., smoked, 12V.W li.c. ; other hnms, smoked, city cured, na to btnnd and overage, l.l'.ilUr., hams, smoked, ' stern rured. l.ll.r! It- . do . bulled, bone- (f s. 22tT2.1e.; plcnb- shoulders. S P. cured, 'nso. UiiMO'ie : do, smoked. 10'rflOV.: bel Vrn In pickle, iirrordlng to nvomge. loose, 12U Ciil2c. , bieakfaet bacon, an to brand nnd nerugo, city cured. lntni7M0. ; breakfast ba con. Western rurrd, liiUHlTVic : lard, West ern refined, tierces, linlHic; do., do., tubs, lltlllVic.: inrd, pure city, Kettle rendcrod, 1n tlerree, HRll'Jc.: Inrd, pure city, kcttlo ren dered. In tubs, ll'iTl 1 tjc. RCFINED SUGARS Trade wnn quret, but values were etendlly held. We quote Slnndard grnnulatcd, n.nsc. , Ann granulated. 8.10c.: powdered, IV".; confec tioners' A, S.sOc. : sift grades, 0 OMpS.flSc. DAIRY PRODUCTS nfTTKII. Demand -was fairly active and prices ruled firm under light, receipts. Quotations- IVeslcrn, fresh, solid-racked creamerv, fnilcy, specials. 32c; extra, ROC; extra firsts, Site: Orate, 27g2Sc. ; seconds. 2l2o-. ; ladle rncked, 1S320-., ns to quality: neorhy prints, fancy, 31c ; average extra, 32o. : flrste. 2SJi .10c; seconds, 2327c. . special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 37340c. LOtlS continued In good demand and firm. Quntntlonv In free cases, nearby extras, Clo. per doz., nearby firsts, 0,4r, per stnndnrd enso: nearby current receipts, tO.OO per case; IVrslcin extra flists. $(1.15 per enss: do., flryts, $11 nn per ense; aouthern, .1.70flH.1.1 per case, fancy welectod candted fresh eggs were Jobbed out nt 2.1''fi2lk.. per dos. rili:i:Ni: OITerlngs were light nnd the market ruled firm, with trade fnlr. Quotations: New Yurk, full cream, fait make, fancy, 17H M"'5r ; d.i . fnlr to good, lttt-ftlic.: do., do., current make, 13'ain 10i ; do., part skims, Sfllllc. POULTRY 1.IVK. riinlcn stock wns In fair request nnd altici wero well maintained. Quotations: Kon-la, 17ii7nNr. . old roosters. 121T12Wc. : young cldckens, soft-mentrd. 17iS18c. : do., do. Btnggy. l.Wllc.: turkeys. llSTlSc. ducks. 13 4fl5c. ; geeee. lOSllr.; guineas, ns to duality, per pair, r(W7(ie. ; pigeons, old, per pair, 2Sli HOo. do . vnung. per pair. 22fT2.1e. lltl:S.Si:i). Demnnd wan sufficient tn ah sorb tnn llmlti-d reccltita nf devlrnblo slock and vnluea wero well sustained. Quotations: Fresh killed fowls. 12 in box, dry-picked nnd ry pnuked, fancy, selected, llic; do, weighing IVj tnn lbs apiece. Ihc. do., .Hi'rfl lbs. nplcce, ISc.; do.. .1 lbs. nplece, Kllic ; do., under 3 lbs. nplcce, UiflBe. fowls bbls.. dry-ulcked and dry-packed. Western, IBS lbs nplcce, 1714 frlhc: (In., do.. 3!4 lbs. I(iU(il7c, do., do. U lbn. and under. 141110c. Kowls. Ice-packed, (twice 174c. Old roosters, dry-picked, t'l'lu. Pquabs. per doz.. white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs.. Per dot . fl.fi.V4..M. white, weighing D to 10 lbs. per do.. t.l.2.17l3.Sy- do., do.. 8 lbs. per doz., 2.7.HT2.S.1: do., do., 7 lbs. per doz., S2-12.3.1; do. do.. (VjJHi, lbs. per doz, J1.30H 1.B0: dark, J1.0lf$l.(iU, smnll nnd No. 2. 11. Fruren poultry Fowls, ns to quality, I83IS0. ; chickens, dry-picked and dry-pneked In boxes, milk-fed. 8lR.1il lbs. to doz.. ISc. : 'do., 37642 lbs to doz., ISc, ; do., 43'347 lbs. to doz., ISc; do.. 4K lbs. to doz.. 20c; do.. DO ius. and over. 21c: corn-fed. :iltf42 lbs. tn doz., lBe. : do 4.1 47 lbs tn doz.. 17c: do., -IS lbs. to doz., inc.: do., CO lbs. and over, 20c Thickens, dry-picked and dry-packed. In bbls. Western, corn-fed, 8 lbs. and over, ISc: do., do,, 4 IbV.. 17S1W I do., do., 3H lbs., 18Uc do., do,. 24BS.lb.. 14 Bloc; broilers. mllV.ferl, fn!y,lBlt24 lbs. to box, 27c: do., fsney, 23H20 lbs,, te doz., 2lc; corn-fed. fsney, lRitil lbs io Apt., 23e.i do., rtlme, 21330 lbs. to dot,. 22e. Tor. &? dry-picked and dry-packed, fane, Jiff 22c i fair to geod, 18fl20c: old toms, lit)20e.i ducks, fsney. In boxes, 17W1S5.; do,, ordinary Jo good, 12-ftlOci gees, choice and tency, ltd lOc, do., go 2. J2eic. FRESH FRUITS There wns a fair Inquiry for choice slock nnd values generally ruled steady. Quota 'ln1, M'Ples. New .York, per bbl,-York Inv ferlil. t.l flrfMilng. t2ft1; King. t2.7Mf 1l?2: i?.p.v,- "jWitlg- IWIrVwIn. t3.60flO.2fii .."! .fMVI'-. .l.i.va5.B0; other good eating vsrlet ;. i..Vi2.oO; medium. tlffl.BO; ap ples Western, per box. tl.2BB2: apples. Dela ware and PeiinsyH-nntn. per hamper. odffPOc. : lemons, per box, t2'32.7.l1 oranges. Klorlds. Pr box. fl.7.1il.1; grapefruit. Florida, per .wx" iWvl'!J:!Mv Plneaonles, per crate Portn Itlco. t2.7,lM., Florida. t2.2Mr2.7.l: cranberries. Mnev late, varieties, per bbl.. .1.omt4.fiOi eran berries. Jersey, per crate, 2.1577''C: giraw berriet. Florlds. per quirt, ioflsse. VEGETABLES The general market was quiet with falflr liberal ortrrlngs at the following quotations: White potatoes, per hush. Pennsylvania, Bn Wc.i .Malm. IWlSlc: New Tnrk. as to quality. 40SV4.V. ; white potatoes. Vlorlda. per bbl. -No. 1, t,".itr..riO: No. 2. t4N.f.O: sweet pot !5!',..'if'l,'Ja,eAJl'r hsmper-large, tl.2.1B1.7n. medium, foe.011; awect pntalnee. Ilaetern Shore, per bbl -No. . 1, t2.25iTt1.2ri: No. 2, tt.Wiai.jri; sweets, Jersey, per bbl. No. I, $1.754.7.1: No. 2, 2H2.B0i sweats, Jersey, nr ..basket. 7,V.tl.2.l; onlona choice, per lOO-lb. bag. tl.2.'.l.W); do. medium, per 100 lb. bag. YSc.nm: cabbage. D.inlih, per ton. t2093O; do . Florida, per basket, 7ne.Stl.lrl: do., Charleston, per rrale, t2a2.2R: cauli flower. New York, .per crate . tl.7Wrt2.2fl: spinach, Norfolk, per bbl., 7fte.Otll Kale, Nor folk. nr bbl., Roffarie.; lottuce. Texas, per hush.-basket. MifiOAe.: do.. Florida. per basket. 71e.tttl.23; do.. North Carolina, per basket. '.Ic.fltl: beans. Florida, wox. per basket. 2q3.nO; do , Florida, green, per bnsket, tiISM.60: pens, Florldn, per bafket, J21If4: eggplant. Florida, per box, t2ff.1.M; cucumbers. Florida, per basket. M.MfM; squnsh. Florida, per basket, tl.rKV2.riO; nop. Purs. Florldn, per carrier, t2ftt: hreta. Florida, per 1C, bunches, t2ftf: do.. Chnrleston, per Ion bunches. J.13I: tomatoes. Florida, per i-nrrUr fnnov, J2.2flS2.78, rholce. M.Kl'nB; celery. Tlorldn, per crnte, $.2ni2; do.. New York, per bunch. nnOTOc, asparagus, per hunch., 2ON0c : mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, OOc.0tl.2O. UIG FOREIGN TRADE BALANCE Amount Now Stands nt $710,803,737. March Exports Large. WASHINGTON', April a.-Tho foreljm trade balance of tho United States now stands nt $719,803,737. according to tho Department of Commerce. This balance U for tho first nlno months of the tlscnl year. For the same period last year tho total was $181,869,337. The halanco for Tvlarch was $110,069,347, no against $4,913,930 In the eamo month In 11)11. In Starch tho Imports' totaled $155,010,316, ncatnst $1S2,5V.,30I In Mnrch, 19H, and S15i".4t.'i,l!S In Mnrch, 1913. Mnroli exports mnrlo a new hitch record for that month, bcinu $239,009,563, nsalnst $lSV,409,:3t In March lust vear nnd $187,126,711 In March two years apo. For ilie nlno monlhit ondliiK with March Imports havo decreased from $1,401,S41.1S3 In 1912-13 to $1,395,352,578 In 1913-14 nnd $1, 2lu,67l,tl3 In tho current year; whilo ox portn. which receded from $1,908,058,37:! In the Ilrst nine months nf the fiscal year 1912-13 to $1,SS3,221,915 111 1913-14. hnvo now reached the unparalleled total of $1,933, 473.350. Indicating that tho complete fiscal year mnv show a. total exportation of ap proximately $2,750,000,000. Cramps Anticipate Note Payment The William Cramp Ship nnd Knclne Hulld ing Company tndny paid off tl,20",000 fl per cent, three-yenr notes nut of earnings of tho company, and tho notea have been canceled. The notes were not due until April 1, 11)10, having been Issued April I. ifll.1, hut (he finan cial po.ltlon of the company was such that It wns. able to anticipate payment at maturity by nearly & year. HEAR PLEAS TO OPERATE SHIPS WABHINQTON, April 2.1.-The Interstate Commerce Commission today began hearing the Seaboard Air ldno's. Atlantic Coast Line's, Southern Railway's. Chesapeake nnd Ohio', naltlmnro and Ohio's nnd Norfolk nnd West ern's plea to ,bo permitted to continue, under the Panama Canal act, after July I, operation of constwlflo steamships they own. rOREIMllI'MNDr'OR WHEAT IS LAttGE Europe Has Not Yet Purchased Normal Quota Prices Up at Chicago. CltlfJAOO, April M.-Ofalti prices moved up today on reports that the Euro pean demand Is larger, largely caused by the fact that tha surplus alotk of wheat In Argentine has been reduced And that Europe Is facing n decrease and steady consumption of wheat stocks. It Is said that Importing countries are mik ing every effort to obtain adequate aup plica of both wheat and fl6lir, ahd It Ii said that Europe, hag not thus fat purchased Its normal quota, At the start May ndvanced 2 cents; to I1.62V5. later losing some of the gain, while July rose 114 cents to $1.37, tallowed by a reaction to $l.3. The Market hiadft further advances during the day. A large export business of American wheat was reported at the Seaboard yes terday, sales being estimated as high as 2,000.000 btmhets. it la bellevsd that Italy. France, Greece, Sweden and England constitute the large buyers. Leading futures ranged as folknva; Tea Wheat- Open, lllrh. Low. Cless. elooa. $'u",y .:. -j? A ?ffl;iffl;ia orTlnW dVlt-sf a!l J,"ai Slay v.-..-. m m m ? :m September ,. 8J BIS W 'stH 80 Slay ri7tA July M Bcptember . . -1754 l.nrr!-- May 10.12 10.20 10.12 10.20 10.12 July 10 40 10.47 10.40 10.1T 10.40 September ..10.0.1 10.75 10.65 10.75 10.65 Itlbs fay 10.22 10.25 10.20 'lO tlO.20 Jtllv 10.52 10.57 10.62 10.57 '10.52 Heplemher ..10.80 10.87 10.50 110.87 10.60 Pork May 17.5.1 17.0.1 17.51 17.0,1 n.M July 18.13 1S.22 lR.IOfl.22 1S.10 Bentember ..ln.55 18.02 18.55 18.0O 18.50 Bid. fAsked. 'Bid. tAsked. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. April 2X-HOOS-necelrt, 14,000 nwrket steady; mixed, and butchers, $7.80 7.7.1: good heavy. i7.4fycr7.COi raurh neiw. $7.1637,40: nm. $7.4037.70; pigs, $037.23: Ibulk, $7.403".i0. . UATTXif iiacaipu, lrxw: market ateady; beeves. JfvffRROj cows and heifers, $3a7,60; Texsns. $6.257.00; calves, Ifl.601f8.50. , 8IIEHP Hecelpts, 5000: market steady: na tive and Western, $5.6008.65; lambs, lt.75 10.85. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOfUC. April 2.1. The coffee market openeu irregular, i-ricea louow: Today's npening. 7.rl.1 0.BO96.13 fl.15f0.2l 7117.32 7.40ft7.43 7.40)77.40 7.5B27.50 7.07 Velterday'a close. 7,Sft7.8T O.nJftd.H 6.22B.2:i 7.32rt7.$1 7.4007.42 7.4lllfi'7.fi() 7.r,s& T.eiie 7.570 7.73 7,800 .50 7.02 ?: 7.51 March .... May June . .... July August . . . Beptember October . . . November . December . January . . February . "UIU. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, April 23. ButUr-Markat , . .-n K(,GS Irregular; receipt. 32.370 packsgro: extra firsts. 22$22Hc.i regular packed nearby whites. 2IQ22c: regular packed, mixed color. 24tT21i4c: extra tints, 22tif22ie,; nearby brownsi 2.1023i.ic. COTTON NEW YUHK. April 23 Cotton traders Ig nored disappointing cables from Liverpool this morning and the marekt opened nrm. .1 points lower tn .1 points higher, and advanced In .the early dealings to a net gain from last nlght'a UIDBO ut a k, iiin n viia hi.ii,f inonilll, Way Julv octnbi Dccenl)er . jununxy iMftrch . spot . . U tj iniiinn ii vim n.i.iT- iiiuu liib t Yea. close. Open. High, Low. Close, 10.22 10.23 I0.M 10.23 10.211 10.53 10.51 10.(3 10.40 10.51 er 10.R.1 10.8.1 10.02 10.70 10,80 .li.no u.oi ii.os in.on io.ot .11.110 ii.ni 11.00 lO.Ort 10.97 1l.lt 11.10 11.20 11.10 11.20 .10.50 10.60 iSKSSS&XXXSi :mssmmwm sxs5ssss5ssssr5&ns I I A Girl Born to Poverty Craves a Life of Luxury You can number such girls by the thousands. Possibly you may know some! What are they to do? Here is a situation for a master mind in romance and it is a master-mind who has worked out one such girl's problem to its solution in AN OUTSIDER By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE Author of "The Brass Bowl," "The Lone Wolf," Etc. Here is a story with a really human idea a tale so cleverly woven that you find a thrill in every chapter. Poverty, mystery, love and some interesting: sidelights on social maneuvering1! Be sure you read every instal ment! Begin with the first ' l Tomorrow, April 24th in the Uueittng fei&jer One Gent I flUaraiaiiiisMiW S I Sll 1 1 arilWTPMilMWlilf jfejjgl cSwmex'ciki'piot'r tar 1 month. PM!- fmnt on nrefcrrfcd. Ba.vsh1 1av 1 r. tnr1r nf Icox4 JLrcU 3 a-rtt.mn.w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers