Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10
rmmmmmm 10 EVENING LEDflEBPHILABELPEtlA, FTITDAY. APBIU 23 1915, PRACTICAL ARTICLES AND FASHIONABLE FANCIES FOR THE WOMAN AND THE HOUSEHOLD w w y h n m 1 JEALOUSY AND LOVE ELLEN Are Me jTtoo THE prevalent Idea appears to be that there can be no love without a pretty Urge admixture of jealousy, and that, conversely, almost every case of Jealousy springs from some misguided love affair. 'Whether this Idea Is the right one or not Is decidedly open to question. Ideal love affairs preclude Jealousy altogether, and where, absolute trust and confidence exist, there Is no room at all for the green eyed monster. It'ls only when tho course of true love ceases to run smoothly, or where the passion Is nn unlawful one, that lealousy creeps In. like a 'anker at the root. A recent nenspaper case Illustrates this point, when a noman of nssured social status and the mother of three children was arraigned on a charge of being Ihe Instigator of a plot to nbduct another woman with whose husband she Ib said to have been infatuated. The Jealous lady had Inserted an advertisement In the paper catling for some one to "under' take a dangerous mission." nnd when an adventurous gentleman, who presumably wished to turn an honest penny, answered the same, she Informed him by letter that he would need a revolver to undertake some "night work," which she planned to have carried out. The lady also Indi cated that she desired to have her In tended victim knocked senseless or shot If she should offer any resistance. However, as Robert Burns assures us, "the best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley" and the plot was very quickly laid bare to the police, nho Immediately placed the Jealous woman under arrest. One curious attribute of the Jealous woman who plans to sweep her rivals out of the way Is that she generally shows a marked lack of brains In her methods. Jealousy is popularly supposed to arouse a diabolically clever Ingenuity In the breast of the Jealous fair one but, as a matter of fact, It seldom docs anything of the sort. In my opinion, Jealousy makes women do the most stupid things In the world! Not only does It blunt all their finer feelings, but at the same time It causes a curious confusion orJ mind, which falls to take the proper grasp of consequences and which Is CHILDREN'S CORNER The Reddy Squirrels Have Unpleasant Guests FOR several days afte rthe Reddy Squirrels moved Into their new home In the house on the pole, they were too busy to more than glance around. Of course they had tidied up the little place tho first day, but there was much to be (done after that. The house must have a covering of soft down laid on the floor; the door, which was a trifle too small, must be gnawed a bit wider oh there was a lot to do. But Keddy and his little mate didn't mind working, not they! They were naturally industrious; and then, who wouldn't work when they had as lovely a new home as the Reddy Squirrels? Think of the fun they had running up and down that smooth pole! , Nobody but a clever squirrel like Reddy could do that trick as well. And then the view of the park. "That alone was worth moving for," Mrs. Reddy said many times. The days soon came, though, when everything was done. Then for the first ttmo Mrs. Reddy found time to speak of the queer little gray "bumps" on the wall In the main room of their house. "I be lleve row that I think of It," she said to Reddy. "that I noticed those things when we first looked In here. I remember thinking that they looked very pretty Now what do you suppose they are?" Reddy always hated to admit that there was anything he didn't know about, so ha looked et the gray "bumps" solemnly and tald. "Maybe they are the trimming to the house. Maybe places as pretty as this house always are made that way." But although he looked very wise when he said It.Mrs. Reddy was not one bit Im pressed by his answer. Before she had time to reply, however, a shadow crossed the doorway. Both squirrels whirled around to see who was there. "Oh, how do you do," said Reddy when he nsw that their visitor was their neighbor Jonathan Blackbird; "so you've come to call on us In our new quarters! Did you ever see such a prety place?" Jonathan Blackbird looked around care--fully beforo replying. "Well enough, well enough!" he said, "but you'll have trou ble trouble enough!" "Trouble?" asked Mrs. Reddy, "why here more than anywhere else?" The blackbird only shook his head dole fully and turned away without another word. Any other creature of the woods TOWN OF FUNNY DREAMS THE WINTER REVIEW Elns an A B C Book In Four Parti. This U Part Two. r By Bob Williams G Is for Oracle, A Ctrl you all know; For She is the Youngster Who kicks the Quilts so. j H Is for Hilltop, The Place they begin The Funnytown Racs To see who will win I Is for Ice-Pond, Where all of the Fun En toyed by the Children Weighs more than a Ton! :oZm m &M& 1 1 V 14 ADAIR Inseparable? utterly Illogical and childishly reckless In Its workings. One has only to glance at the dally papers to see this fact practically Illus trated. The shemes of the Jealous woman are the most childishly Immntme In the world, nnd In almost every case fall to pieces and bring speedy retribution on her own head. Kor not alone does the victim surfer. Tho worst suffering gener ally comes upon the plotter herself. ... Love very often does bring a certain amount of Jealousy In Its train. But at the s.tmo time It Is entirely up to our selves to curb those feelings nnd to keep them from outward and visible sign of expression. Moreover, it i perfectly true that, al though love generally docs ndmlt of Jenl ousy, the latter can exist and flourish pretty successfully without love. A woman may bo desperately Jealous of the attentions which n man pns to another wnmnti tvlHinnl In (ha Iftnat ImMnir Hint ' : particular man For Jealousy may spring from hurt pride, or from balked hoped, or from the fear of what people may say qulto as frequently ns it springs from love Therefore in the last analysis we may most assuredly claim that Jealousy and love are two distinct and quite separable affairs. A Love Song It Is something, sweet, when the world goes 111, To know yuu are faithful and love mo still; To feel, when the sunshine has left the skies, That the light Is shining In your dear eyes Beautiful eyes! More dear to me Than all the wealth of the world could be. It Is something, dearest, to feel you near. When life, with Its sorrows, seemo hard to bear, To feel, when I falter, the clasp divine Of your tender and trusting hand In mine Beautiful hand! More dear to me Than the tenderest things of earth could be. Sometimes, dearest, the world goes wrong. For God gives grief with His clft of song, And poverty, too! But your love is more To me than riches and golden store Beautiful love! Until death shall part It Is mine as you are my own sweet heart. F. U Stanton. would have explained, but not Jonathan Blackbird. He never would help any body If he could avoid it. "Never you mind." comforted Reddy when the blackbird had gone, "he's Just un old croaker. I'll find out what he means If I can. If I can't don't you worry " But days went by and Reddy couldn't find out what the blackbird meant. Hn wouldn't answer Beddy's questions, he would orly shake his head and say, "The othera had tu leave that house and 30 will you." Aside from a bit of worry about the blackbird's croaking the Reddy Squirrels "Well enough, well enough " ha said, "but you II have trouble trouble eitouoTi '" spent a happy springtime In the new house, and they had nearly forgotten the bad prediction, when one day a queer buzzing made them remember ft - "It comes from those gray 'bumps' I have been so proud of!" cried Mrs. Reddy. Before she had time to say another word or to Investigate, out from the gray "bumps" came a brand-new family of hornets! They buzzed and stung ant chased the poor frightened squirrels from their home. "And I'll never go tack there even a minute," cried Mrs. Reddy, as they ran from the new home never to return! Copyright Clara Ingram Juilaon. J I John Frost, The Manvho Juit blows On the Tree-Tops and Houses, And frusta hem with Snows. K Is for -KatherJne, A Funnytown Child; Altho' she is Gentle. She always looks WlluU- Xt Is for daughter; It's what "you ean hear Whenever yew vilt This TownfuJ ojr Cheer. , U is for Magic - The N'jine f the Man Woo keep u all guesting W First Nar U Han (Chapter Three Tomorrow.) r vi n qH' i y Nlvv I wmhrr isPiWEk The Daily Story "Call of the Red Gods" The editor leaned back In his chair and sighed. The roar of the crowded sticet down helow rose eternally, wearily. He got up and closed the Window. Then he read the story again. It brought great breaths of fragrant air Into the stuffy room He could see the open meadows and woodlands the dash ing, overflowing brooks where the trout were rising tho throbbing new life burst ing out Into the sunshine. He felt it all krcnly. for he had spent most of tlint happy boyhood of his up among the hills of Connecticut. Yes, the busiest editor In New York sat there dreaming, while below In the general office people with Important business weie being turned away by the dozen. The story was signed simply M. B. Tur ner, with an address somewhere up In Connecticut. "I never saw any one catch the real spring feeling as that man docs," the editor said to himself. "He must bo a good angler and general sportsman." Instead of sondlng the usunl printed slip accepting the article, he picked up hln pen and wrote the following note. ".Mr. M. B Turner. "Denr Sir I have Just read your manu script, 'Tho Call of the Bed Gods," and I like It bo much that 1 shall try to make I ' ro0m for It In the Stay number, which Is i already made up. 1 want to tell you per sonally how much I have enjoyed reading I It and how it took me back to my boy hood home. I, too, am an angler by choice, though an editor by necessity If you have other stories I should br glad , to read them Very truly yours, "JOHN MONTE1TH " The editor of the Twentieth Century I was still young and genial, nnd his outer f shell had not yet hardened. , Thn he went back to his work and for got the story. But sometimes In the midst of the rush and confusion of the grcst magazine office there came a faint sweet scent of violets and damp spring earth and the roar of tho city streets was confused with the rush and roar of the brooks overflowing with tho spring floods. It was then that the story was uppermost In his mind. One or two other MSS. came from the same writer, hut none was equal to the first. "He ought to stick to nature," mused the editor one day In a leisure moment. "I wish 1 couM see him and have a talk on the subject." He viiiiIb n little note to Mr. M. B. Turner and told him that when he was in town he would be glad to have him call at the office of the Twentieth Cen tury. In reply came a little typewritten note thanking him for the Invitation, but ns M. B. Turner was setting out for a long summer trip through Canada he could not bo In New York until the early fall. It made the oflice seem very hot and stuffy the thought of that Canadian trip. The Inst nf August Monteitli managed to get a two weeks' vacation. When he returned from the Maine woods the city looked dirtier and more dingy than ever It was refreshing to find a note from Mr. Turner, stating that he would call at the ofTIco on Wednesday morning al 10:30 o'clock If that would be convenient to the editor. That was Monteith's busiest day, but without hesitation he sent a cordial Invitation to the young author to come nt the specified time. When he went to tho office on Wednes day, he had a strange feeling of expecta tion which he could not explain until he remembered that this was the day that the disciple of Jzanlc Walton was to call. Even while dictating letters to his type writer his mind was wandering off to the woods and fields he loved so well. His thoughts were called back by Miss Jones and the cessation of the click of the type writer, "I did not catch that last sen tence, Mr Montelth." she said, looking up. "Something about pines and a brook." Montelth sat up and a flush deepened on his face even through his tan. "Oh, no." he said, politely. "You must have misunderstood me. But that will do for this morning, Miss Jones, thank you." He had left word down stairs that al though he was bu3y he would see Mr. Turner If he called. It was 10:45 o'clock when the office boy, with a most perplexed nnd worried expression, threw open the door and an nounced "Miss Turner." Montelth rose to hln feet Thero on the threshold, hesitating, flushed, stood a slight girl In a trim tailor gown. Tho faint perfume of violets floated into the room. "I am Mies Turner," she said. "I I really should have told you before. I only realized It was quite wrong when they almost refused to let me see you, and would not believe that I was the expected person." She looked so much embarrassed that Montelth recovered himself sooner than he could have done otherwise In order to put her at ease. But he, too, flushed. "I am very glad to see you, Miss Turner," he said, shaking hands with her In his cordial way. "So you are the author of "The Call of the ned Gods'? You really must forgive me for being so surprised, but you see I had always pic tured a man a regular sportsman and I cannot quite get adjusted to this change. Really, how could you have done It?" he finished abruptly. "I am rather fond of fishing," she con fessed rather apologetically. "I go out constantly with my brother and so I thought I would try to write up one of my experiences I was more surprised than any one else when you accepted It. I used my Initials-, hoping that you would think I was a man. I was afraid you would not accept anything about fishing If you thought it was written by a girl." Montelth laughed. "It does not mat ter who wrote it," he said, "It was de lightful." The girl's eyes sparkled. "I am so glad," the said. "I have so wanted to write things that would bring all the freshness of outdoors Into other people's lives." "I, did not know that girls ever cared much for that sort of thing, or if they did I fancied (hey were different from you more masculine, I mean." He flushed and hesitated. "Lots of girls care," she said, "only you don't know them. Now, I am never so happy as when fishing or tramping through the woods." "Thit U I rue happiness," said Mon telth thoughtfully, looking down into the crowded street. "There Is nothing so much to be desired in our complex life of today as simplicity. The craving for excitement U killing the best that is in us the childlike love of smple things. That is why I liked your story," he fin ished abruptly, turning back to her, He liked the way the hair curled about her face, and the flush under the tanned cheek. She waa the picture of health and strength and the Joy of life. He had forgotten that this was a busi ness Interview and that he had an Im portant engagement at U. But the girl remembered. "I am afnld I am keeping you," she said anxiously. "I know how busy editors axe." Ob, I qult forgot," he said, smiling, "that I had a business proposition fqr you. is an nuxea up now. However, because you are not a man, I wan go- t y rt mtfa vnit an ntm tk.,,t, A FROCK OF TAFFETA tho fishing grounds of Canada and write them up. I'm sorry." The girl leaned forward eagerly and the color crept Into her face. "Oh,' she breathed softly, "couldn't I?" "I am afraid ou couldn't very well," ho said, doubtfully. "It would be a hard trip and you couldn't go alone." "I shouldn't mind the hardness. Per haps I could persuade by brother to so with mo. That reminds me." she said, smiling back nt him, "you know my brother he was in your class at Yale." "What. Martin Turner?" he cried. "Why, wt used to be great pals at college, but I haven't seen him for five eara. Lost track of him completely. So you are Mart's sister. I am glad " He looked -very boyish as he held out his hand. "We must Ka very good friends -indeed," he cried enthusiastically. "In fact, we are very old friends already, because I remember you very well as a little girl when I visited Mart once years before." "How very, very funny and delightful,'' cried the girl, laughing 11 delicious rip pling laugh. "I must make Martin nsk you to visit us again. We will take you flrhlng and tramping, and jou need not even bring a dreBs coat. AVI11 you ccme?" "Wilt I come?" he said In a tone that sent tho warm blood up Into her checks. "Just try It and see." "Perhaps," he said, as he held her hand a moment longer than necessary as she left him. "Perhaps you will let me Join ou and Martin on your Canadian trip. Will you?" "Perhaps." she said, turning away. Then she looked back with a smile as she entered the elevator. "If the Red Gods call you you must go, ou know." The next summer there was a series of articles on Canadian fishing In the Twen tieth Century Magazine signed "Mabel Turner Montelth." Copyright, 1915. SWEARS CAMPBELL HEIRESS' MOTHER IS WIFE OF DDKE Woman Testifies Mrs. Burkham Is Not Child of Dead Millionaire. NEW YORK, April 23,-Testlmony that Mrs. Lois Campbell Burkham, legatee of half the $16,000,000 estate left by the late James Campbell, millionaire traction magnate, Is the daughter of Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Hicks, and Is not Campbell's child, was given In the Circuit Court here today by Mrs. Edith Blair, of St. Louts, stepmother of Mrs. Hicks. Relatives of the late millionaire are endeavoring to establish among other things that Mrs. Burkham has no right to share In the estate. In her testimony Mrs. Blair said Mrs. Hicks now Is living In England and Is the wife of a duke, but she refused to give her stepdaughter's exact where abouts. She said her stepdaughter married Os car Hicks In 1S92, and that he disappeared that year. She testified when Mrs. Hicks expected to become a mother James Campbell called on her In Galveston, and later Mrs. Hicks went to New York, leaving her address there "Mrs. F. A. Campbell, Grand Union Hotel, New York." "When I came to St. Louis," Mrs. Blair testified, "Mr. Campbell called on me and told me h wanted to keep quiet about Mies Lois. He said she was the daughter of my step-daughter, but she always would remain as Mrs. Campbell's daughter- He said he would assist 'roe fi nancially." When asked whether the former Mrs. Hicks bore the title of the duchess at present Mrs. Blair replied, "I suppose so," She refused to Bo Into details con cerning the marriage of her stepdaughter to an English Duke. 'Trial by Jury" Presented In addition to Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury," members of the Matinee (Musical 'Club surprised a large audience which attended the production In the ball room of the Bellevue-Stratford last night with a 30-mtnute pantomime called "La Pomme," In the latter only eight per sons took part, and caused a sensation by their departure from the, conventional. The evening's entertainment was under the direction of Mrs. Helen Pulaski Innes and was btaged by E. S. Grant. Miss Efflo Leland Golz conducted the club's string orchestra. Dancing followed the entertainment. Reformed Church Collects $105,000 The Reformed Church haa raised I10S.OO0 to pay off the indebtedness on Its foreign mission work. This announce ment was made today, following a two month' campaign, during which the church workers JiQPfd to raise 1132,000. which would liquidate all the debt of the Board of Foreign Missions 0f the church It is expected that additional contributions will be jectlved, which wUJ, 1 .-tf. .-. !. vskMvifOsfcrl tr.r1 ON SIMPLE LINES Hfe PRIZE Suggestions PRIZES OFFERED DAILY Kor the following suggestions Bent In by renders of the Evemno Lkdoeb prizes of Jl tnd ,V cents are awarded. All sucTFstlons should bo addressed to Ellen Adair, editor of Womnn's Page. Evemno LEDacn. Independence Square, I'hlladelrhla. ' prle nf XI Iiiih hern nwnrdeil tn llm J!, .. Trenvr. 3'-0D Simquelinnnn ntcmie, I hllmlrlpliln, for the following suggestion: Hat bows that have been crushed in the rain can be renovated In an easy and practical way without untrlmmlng the hat. Take a tablespoon, warm It over a gas stove or a lamp, with the concave side toward the heat. When the spoon Is sufliclently hot, slip It carefully under the bows that need refreshing and pas3 tho damp parts of tho ribbon over the arched side of the tablespoon. A prlie of BO oentu has been awardeil to Mary E. Gray, 1211 Arch street, I'hlladel pllla, for the following suggestion: When you are engaged in delicate nee dlework, a good plan is to have a little flour In a saucer beside you. Dipping the fingers In It from time to time will not only keep them dry, but your work will never become soiled. A prlte of SO rents has been awarded to Mary It. Ilanlel, 33 East Springfield avenue, Chentnut III11, Fa., for the following sug gestion: When you aro polishing the range, and find that some parts of It are too hot to make tho polish stick, sprinkle a little sugar on the hot part and quickly spread the polish on. You will find that It sticks very well. A prize of 50 cents has been awarded tu Mrs. McIIale, 1331 Wat Suaquehanna air nue, Philadelphia, for tho follow log sug gestion: When you are cutting bread have a box ready for the crumbs which aie usually thrown away. They are better than cracker dust, and at the end of a week you will find you have more than a pound. a B B B B B B B H B 3BHBBBHBBB B '( - B I. vC M t'jU m V rV J.1 $ii M V..jfc - 'I !! wWM m B e mkx Model 995, rich in design and material, is corset luxury indeed for full figures. Price $15. Royal Worcester Corset Co., worcesterIUiass, Makers ASMARTGffi DIARY A Lovely Hand WELL, the very much abused Jimmy has turned up again, as I knew he would. He called me up and said tn a highly dignified tone that If I cared to go with him to the dance his club was giving, he would be glad to take mc. All during the first half he was so ob viously Insulted that I was secretly con vulsed with laughter. I havo decided to reservo the news of my trip to N'cw York until Inter. Then he'll be furious, for I havo three dates with him next week. Some of the girls at the datico lookeJ charming. No, I don't mean to be catty. I think nothing Is sweeter than the wide, flaring sKlrts, and the full, flower trimmed blouses the girls ore wearing nowadays. Mother says they are exactly liko the ones my grandmother wore. I wonder she'd admit It. I noticed a llttlo south ern beauty from Atlanta, and she had a wonderfut gown on The bodice was mado of Chantllly lace, laid In wide folds on the shoulders, and falling down AROUND THE BARGAIN COUNTERS .: Street Suits TU1Z fact that this Is a bluo season haa been demonstrated by the extraordi nary number of navy, midnight and sotdat blues seen In the fashionable cults. This also promises to continue In the fall, with tho spring suitings, such us gabardine, woolen poplin, serges and mixed goods in vogue. Separate skirts of corduroy are fashionable Just now. One largo Market street department store is selling a very good-looking cor duroy skirt In rose color, with pearl buttons nit the way down the front, and side pockets, for JG50. This also comes In soldat or navy blue and fawn color. Another store Is showing a military suit of navy blue gabardine, with a de cided flare at the bottom of the short coat and skirt. Corn-colored faille was uted on the collar and cuffs, and ,t novelty belt outlined the high waist line. The price was $23. A severely tailored suit for the business woman la mado of tan and brown tweed, with double breasted coat and slde- Tomorrow's Menu "Faire was tho dawne, nnd but o'en now the sides, Show'd like to cream, ensplr'd with straw berries." Herrlck. BltEAKFAST. J Steamed Dates Cereal and Cream Codfish Balls. Rice Mufllns. Coffee. LUNCHEON. OR SUPPER. Salmon Loaf Lettuce Sandwiches Hot Chocolate. Sweet Wafers DINNER. Oxtail Soup Halibut Fillets Mashed Potatoes Cucumbers. Macaroni au Gratln. Celery Salad Strawberries Rice muffins Sift two cupfuls of flour, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, a teaspoon ful of salt, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat an egg light and add half a cupful of cooked rice and three-quarters of a cupful of milk. Beat well and then add the dry Ingredients, and at the last four tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Bake In a hot oven. Salmon loaf Pick to pieces with a sil ver fork the contents of a large can of salmon and season It with cayenne pep per and salt. Add a cupful of whipped cream and pour Into a mold. The salmon should bo very fine and well mixed through the cream. Steam until firm and serve with little balls of boiled white potato, garnished with lemon Juice and HEMSTITCHING Done While You Wait 10c Yd. All Materials. Pleating; Buttons Covered Regal Hemstitching Co. Wau9t st IRIalBIIiaBaBBailBR y Perfect Form, Correct Poise, Supreme Comfort From Paris emanates the artistes whose genius is so notably expressed in the latest models. The touch of the master hand is apparent in every conception Beautiful and varied materials, rich trimmings, perfect boning scientifically placed, some forty different models for the stout, the slender an$ the aver age figure. j Don't wait, choose now, anil let your selection be one of the exquisite BON TYYNT - T 1. 1 -( Inn. j.wj.1 uuiaciu, uaciv ouzo uri irum- iwi Price $3 to $25. Ask YOUR Dealer also of ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets vt? si -Painted Gown .over tho arms. The front was nil. fl I with more folds of Boft black n. ?Jl was passed under the lace to give 4 eneci. ine Dack was just Ilk. ,,. ,., The waist lino was outlined ,J wide ruffle of the canary colored Us.fl ie gown was made. 1 i,S of which the tulle rosette took the place of l, ventlonal corsage bouquet at ih, ; Tho waist line was high, 0f ceur." three loose bands of taffeta wet, "f. mi. uver wie nip, Holding the fi '" daintily In place. The bottom o( lh,' i wide skirt was bound with a ropS ct b?i feta, and hand painted birds foll6Wed ,J line of the hem. These were blttkHrtJ I guess-whatever they were, thf 1, ti.nnmiisiy uicaire, vanary jeilj t,s allnnero n m .t n(l.lu i ' Ml ..,,,.0 iu owmu.gs to match WS Jimmy was most agreeable comij home, and kent nn inlUn . ., J tlltln WA WUrn l-nlnrr (n 1..... - UJ ...... .. ... L ,me next ft,; i-oor Jimmy! nnd Gowns plaited skirt. It reminds nn. .mi.. 3 try trump, oa the skirt Is well aborTS? ankles The price Is 36.60. ji A blaok-and-whlta emm .... . ?fl the right thing for Informal Jt&& wear, and one Market street id!- snowing a neat stylo for the elderly (, an. The gown Is made of blaek-aS white striped chiffon In very ninS' stripes. The waist Is simply made S a cream lace vestec, and satln-eowriJ buttons. A black girdle to jnalch tta was softly folded around the waluS The skirt was made of the strlW ru" terlal, with a deep hem of according Plaited black satin extending to l knees. Tho price was $15.75. A Another pretty gown at the same rai was made of the popular Dial (...!- In green and blue tones. A little iitWtkl leaving the plaid sleeves visible. i: which was low. The Bklrt roa -fulL1 with a band of the blue at the boltoal inis aiso came with green taffeta'!? the place of the navy blue. It wu Just the thing for the schoolalrl. "i 13 ,nl,,n,l n,,Bln 11'L.I . y "- i,uioi,:j. iuie sauce can Deuel ...auu ui milieu tream u aesireo. Halibut fillets-Cut halibut Into wit strips and dip them In beaten egg nil flno crumbs. Fry them In deep fatucijl they aro brown. Serve with sliced cifl cumbers dressed with olt and vlntjiM The cucumbers can be snllt and th iM? removed In neat dice and returned to tlf shells with French dressing If woman value her urs she will let us aive her the benett of our expert repair ser vice now. Mawson and De Many 1115 Chestnut Street MILLINERY AND FURS H K a i' r M um i, ' I a B 8 i m m $1 to $3, i 0 Distinctive j sffr Millinery j jMr Not a mere bit of J jt?) straw ribbons and XI iPV flowers, but a S. charming comblna- If XriL Hon of originality .) XjSv that adds grace to 11 nSS. the face. Jj X;X. ilr "vv 'I SBRBBIBKBBllMRBBBBBBRBIIIRlMiit!ilialMBBI -p -w w ivu vun v viM tuaas wy ius shm"b w.