.M",lS"-rffv,T.ghaHgwti,qSjyy,1 j MIGHT EXTRA lErtijger NIGHT EXTRA mg PVOJ I-'O. 187 PHI LA DELPHI A, 'ITHSDAY, A PHIL t0, 11)1 ". I'ormmiiT. tilts, nr Tilt t't'iti ir Liunt n rviurivt. PRICE ONE CENT BULEE.TINS FINANCIAL EDITION rg A HX - H lijj U U rlmS flaV. Ml .JMfL BW M iSPRlNC 1YRTVFQ EAST AND west; ;ZAR SPEEDS 600,000 MEN TO CARPATHIANS AS ALLIES PUSH BACK Fresh Troops, Held Back for Spring I Campaign, Rushed to Front to Shat ; ter Teuton Defenses of Hungary '."Big Guns Ready at Lembergfor Re l sumed Offensive. U - . British Hurl Germans Back and Repulse Counter-attacks With Fearful Loss to Kaiser's Troops Advance of French Army Toward Rhine River Through Alsace Continues With Unabated I .Vigor Berlin Reports Success in Vosgcs. f I "With the Iturliiiu nf litm.ntitl Slav icserves Into llir Imtltr for Carpathian fmultri and the pressure nf the. Allies ill Yprr.i ami In Alsace auiimenled hy activity of " Kitchener's million," thr splint) campaign in thr in ml irnr is nn in ;p The Csar's cohorts air speeding In thr Carpathian final In smash Unmith .. ..-,- 1..I.. Ilu.i.n..ii ...f...... I. ..It .. ...Ill: I. .- if Inc gulllLiiii iiiiii ii iinjtiii tii iiiirn will ii milium jiiiil in i limn irimii iiiiim Hhclr onset (limit guns arr ennceiitiatctl at l.cmhcrg i cutty far thr nrw lii- mitton of II annum. ! Jfunlaii forces nn the Hungarian slilr nf thr Carpathian air mnintttln- t. ..-... i.,.i i iFrf.. t .. I. ...-. .....I i,..trl.l ......it. ..r it.. fi..i.f.. ....... vm- tllflw lICI' illlill '" .'If-' Ifiiwri. nun iiijr ;rrfn on llunriartun soil furnishes a ha.ic itilhcr passes. i The Triilon nffrnsirc, launched latrln In thr NlryJ Valley, for drfruir nf the Utterly contested Usznk Pass and as a mrnacr In l.rmbrrn inutilities, it 'U admitted by Vcliograd, hut remit sharp assaults have hrca irimhrd. f, German artlviti) In Xorlh Poland, in the Suiealki sector, indieutri Hlnden- ....... ... , ....... Urg's launchtni) nf a movement In aivcit Muscovite joirrs )inm inr t,m pathlan front Thr I'etrograd War Office expects a drive on Mailnnpnl. K ni l I. I...... (.ii 1., 11,'ltloli lit thr. unllth ill Vmi.'o mill Jill lllf firill'Jl i Oiniltlltllt.oit,i KMit.1 i; int. ii'""" " I i. tt. i........tn ! lUttittt Ifti.nv iaTOUyn ii.im ' iiiiliii ii.i mi. iiiiiiii. "i''i .!.- .. ........ ...... ... ... ciici Wiis of inrat importance for thr Allies, arr helnii pushed with Incirasini) MomCHlKHi W the same timr thr I'rr.nrh air maintaininu artillrru durli al hither paints so as In pi event the withdrawal nf derman Imups fiom the irutir UO TCill)Olcr llll Htini-piVHWii a.mi.i. i A ;i of llnrr miles south nf Yprrs was madr hy the British, iclin repulsed f .. i ni. i 1st.. Tn.... I.. IT... ..I In..!..,, .. r.iMi.ti iti.i..i.uu Wermaii eounier-aiiaeici irim h-imh- !"'" " ' '""" nunt-i iviw R . i- i... it. r....i,.li in 1 loiwi inJin Imrrrl Hie flrrmnii In irtiir frnm rr- ucnx liintu nn i in i- i in ' .'"- i feal positions hepond Metxcral. K" The tin niiin.i alficlallu report the l(n lio 1 osves. BESBKVKS UirsiIKI) TO SMASH If nnVxti 11 tiTi irriir.t'V 'llliTTIi'.VSK rUI'iO V. llllrtlllin" vtti ...v.. ri:Tnor.nAn, April 20. Kir liimilipil tliousnnil new Uussinn Troops, IH) bud bcpn hold bnclt from tbo jroDt until tbo; rniilcl be clvcn ndoqlintP l"..f . .1 4 .... I..l..n n I'n mill' lipilll? rushed to trp C.iip.'ithi.in front. The illf ftcultles of Hip Ciiipntlilan i-anipatKii have Ittndeml rclnfoi cements necessary In Hint WSlon. LSome nf Hip troops now In thp moun. Jlin ranges bine been under fire nlKbt iSummer awakened yesterday, rubbed Ha Jjru, elbowed spilns off tho main boule vard and had thlnBs all Its own way for ot of the da It's been warm, quite .warm, before this, but sprlnc hns been the offendei most of tho effect beliiK de- tirtd from the contrast of hlch tempera- rare in comparison with a tow winiei ( Urate. Hut when the mercury cumua Jp over the S0.degrce mark, it's real, rtnulne summer beyond the peradventure 9l a doubt. The official high mark of jeiierday was S2. April. However, mis IQinv tlmpn entprtnlnpil summer for vary- llns periods. Thus, In 1S06, on April 18 , thermometer reslsteied a record murk for thn mpntVi .r nn ninl thp record for tFtiterday'B date Is tc, seveial years back. It all goes to prove that tho season of iifttwDernes. eunony at tne snore, miwj- POKey and the like Is almost on ns. , .Hlnk of th pin ntul summer will no longer be a novelty. co ll goes. FORECAST Ifor Philadelphia and vicinity sfalr'oHft cooler toninht and Wedncs- tfyjl moderate north winds. i For detuila, see page. S. Observations at Philadelphia K A M Elrnmal... 'HI Til :'i .Vorlhisew. 12 mllen M.'fi1,""011 I"" '-' "ur None HumHitj. as per cent. tlolmum Uinreraiura ST UJmum lennifruture 8J On the Pacific Coast Ija' Francisco, weather, cloudy; temp., i- uitiso ,wratl,er. iloudy: temp., jt Almanac of (he Day E'U It' It n.tit Jrl ItA tntn, rrnu' .1.14 a ill. KMT a.m. vet tomoirow Lamps to lie Lighted id other vehicle .,,.,,.. T;i 00 p. Ill, The Tides I'Onr HK'HMOND. 1 ter fl.tn p. in. a.m. a.m. L'Water tomorrow 1:17 STWittr tomorruur BlSS t'HESVNLT STUKET WHAM'. tktr S.5S fTIi.,l,r tomorrow J.OS Ul water tomorrow 0:20 p.m. a.m. a.m. ItKEUY ISLAND. ."ai'r 'er tomorrow . ater tomorrow , R 23 3-15 10:11 Ip Cenrlinleil nn I'nue Tour. Column Tour j 1 : THE WEATHER I ilFj I R? f p. in. a.m a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. nnEAKWATHIt tet ' 5.11 1 r tomorrow 14.13 water tomorrow (M9 GERMAN WINGS for Three Miles Near Yores ii ui oiiiiim iij till ikihiii i n.i.i. I mi far a rear ilrivr nn the defenders nf " ..M... .' . .. . .. ...... ..4, hnlli tit irlitt'l, lmi'ii vt'ttiiUnl ill iln- - - . rcpitlic nf French attacks at Iwn points AMjIKR attack ckksiank - -OX KlflllT AND liKFT W!X(iS PAP.IS. Apill :n. While Prltisb and Krencb troops nio ns salllnK tho rlBbt and left wings, ic peetlvely, of the dermaii in my, r-'ieiieb artillery Is mnliitnlnliiR n heavy binnliard ment nf the fieimnn front, between the Oisc Itlver and Alsace, tn picvent rein forcements bcinn spiiI finm that illsttlct to tho two Hanks fiom the Kaiser's forces. Today's nfllclnl i-omiiuinliiue from the War Olllee states that pattlcularly llvelv aitlllery nctlons took place .Mondny In tbo leKlon nf Solssnns In the sector of Jthelms and In the Arsonnc. The new British attacks near Ypies, which aie IicIiik piessed with foice nt tbo same time that the French aie mnlcliiR their drive tnwnid the Rhine, at tho other end nf the ureal battle Hue, Indi cate that the Allies have adopted new tnctlcs. Tho German policy nf trans porting troops fiom one end of the line to Hi" other or to a point whole their troops ore the hardest pressed, In, to u certain extent, checkmated by tho Allies innklnB simultaneous assaults on widely separnted places. FOUR IN AUTO CRASH "But I Wasn't One of Them," E. A. Devlin Declares. Kour Phlladelphlaus. ildlnsr in n Ford automobile, were injured today when the car crashed Into a telefiraph pole on the While Horse pike According1 t a 'Ha patch received liere today from IJkk llnr bor. N. J., the Injured men were Charles Fontaine, of 1217 South Hroad street, owner and driver of tho car. whoso light lei; was fractured; former Magistrate K. A. Devlin, stopping at tho Continental Hotel; a physician nnmed Southern, nml a fourth mnn whose name was not ob tainable. Tho car was demolished. Devlin, Organization power in the Stli Ward, emphatically denied over the tele phone that he had been In nn automobile accident. The Injured. men were attended nt tlit oftlce of Dr. Theodore II. Hoysen. at Kgg Harbor. INSANITY CAUSED SUICIDE Baron Reuter's Mind Unsound AVhen Ho Killed Himself. HKIOATR. RUB.. April 20. A vcrdlcl of tiuicide while of unsound mind was io tifrned today nt the Inquest over the body of Haron Herbert Neuter, who shot him self because of giief over the death of his wife. The baron left a letter to the solrlt of his late wife In which he, said: nenlh shall not separate us. We shall J iepose together In the same grave. NORTHWESTERN ORDERS CARS Roatl Will Spend $3,000,000 on New Equipment. NKW YOUK. April 20. The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad announces ' that bids are now being solicited for the l construction of iOOO steel bo cars 50 steel underframe cauoose cars, nnu wt steei passenger cars, Involving an' expenditure of 3,000,OGO. The Mini Locomotive Corporation an nounced that a contract has been closed with the I.lltnols Central Itallroad for four Mikado locomotives. The Illinois Central has already ordered 75 engines during the last fiscal year. Man's Body Found In Delaware Workmen employed In the shipyards of Qulghley & Dorp. Notth Camilen, to day found the body of an unidentified man floating In the Pelaware river. In a pocket was a letter signed John O'Brien, rt Seuth Amerlsan street. The body wa jtmoved. to the Camden morgue. IIOfSB I'ASSI'S IllMi TO TltlM POWBItSOKSBUVICKIIOAIH) j Would Ctirtnil Jurisdiction Over Mu nicipal Public Utilities. MAtltilHIIl'Kn, April W-Thr Itmiso I loilny. by n Vnto nf lVi tn !7. irtsod lln I Vlcki'tmnii bill thai nmiprlnlly rcilucrs tbo imwor nf tlm Public s-'crvlco Conimls slnn Tbr inrnmiii. pnlili' up nn upri-liil I niilrr nn Iblnl rontllnB nl Ihp niirnlUR ' nf tniln.-a prspinn, ninl ttim fouRht mil for ninif tlmti ln hours brfnti n vote llnnlly nn liiUcn. ' Tim nipnxiirp would tnlf nwny riom thr I'nniiiilKMinii nil JurloillPllon over nmtilcl- , put publiv ullllllps ninl vnw It to super Men only rnlliiiinld. tppplion ntul lelo Kiapli compnlilc!. Tbr llimo iiiim) ilijupiI tbo Ktppillp bill, rpiiulrliiK intinl, ii.ilim tbnt mntpnipliilp ' rmn'iiB llU'lr own utllltlps to pnirluisp tli-t plnnls nf Hit. prvntp oninpitiilcs Hint pip- , 11,1 Ik on Mupiiiyint; thp tmmli'l pnllty. TIip vntp nn thlt nipasurn uim IrtTi to II TIip Htprn l'ntlm bill nlo im p,tsi-(l j bv I In- I lotioo Cruiser Dos Mnlnt'i Ordered Kast WASHINGTON. April IM.-TIip rrulnrr Hon Mnlnpn, ipppnth nnlprPil tn Snntn DnmliiKii rlt Mt Hip pipip.t nf MIiiIhIpi Piilllvim. Imlin ii8 nsplRiipil bv thoS"nvv Iirinrtnifiit to ipIIpvp Hip 1 rulrtt'i- Tpiimp- ppf 111 tlic .Miilltptiinnpini. RUSSIAN SHARPSHOOTERS FIRE FROM iz, - . . x?i,Ufew... & m :., -- ?t; '.'-' Js.Av . . . -&&- " V 'V -' ra- t- i;' -' "&.? " V & '- -,i .s '1 t K $'& t .vf AS 4"V5. SQ4WCCK&' vXJiNtbXbSkid! M" rrj&itiiafi mmr - , mz:!0K?'z&t 3iB iscs HSKaiSKii -: -v L&?5j'rdsfiwrt.:j'' . . ss-s!Jws'.K?: o...-" y I'hiilu hv I'iiiu ii ninth, rp The picture shows rifle pits in which marksmen lie prostrate on their backs well down behind the pro tecting earth. They pull the trigger with the thumb. The range and firing angle tire given to them by an officer. Thus thev avoid exposute. CIKCl'S M1KKS YOliMiSTKItS FROM HOOKS TO PARK Who Cares for School When Ele phants Come to Town ? "Onu-oo! Skln-uny! Can'tclin e'ninvor! I.e's vvntch the circus:" This cry Is lesoundiiiK In the nelKhbiir hnnd of Hunting Park avenue and 19th slieet. vvheio thp big tents of Ilainnm & Hnlle.Vs clicus arc billowing in tho gentle hi fezes. Truant ntltccrs in Nlcelown and Tlogn ate mulching double-quick, with eyes and cais alert, for the smell of tho circus nas proved overpowering foi the smnll boys. They aie helpless under Its spell. Hooks and pencils aie forgotten. Tho boys aie there by the score, watch log. watching, watching. Nothing es capes their ecs as tho 200 clicus "razor hacks," under "Happy Jack" Snellen, work their magic with the vncant lot. tinnsfoimiug It fiom a nitlier common place green Held into a fairyland of ciackllng canvas, peanut, coloied Hags, gorgeous wagons and familiar, yet curi ous, bensts. "Wbnt time will the linns n' toggei cniueV" be nsks. "Will theio be any elephants';" 'How much coffee enn n circus man drink V" "How many thousand dollars does tho clown get?" "Will circus hoises cot bay?" "How much does tbo fat man weigh'.'" "Why don't you let us carry water to the horses any more?" "Will there be nny freo tickets?" "What time will the circus commence?" "Is there . hippopotamus .'" "Can't I go along when you leave?" CAKOTIIEKS IlKl'OllTS VILLA WILL HKOIUiAXlZK TROOPS Advices Also Confirm Carranza Vic tory at Celaya. WASHINUTON, April 20.-Speclul Agent Cai others today reported to the State Department from Aguascallentes that General Villa intended to leorgnuUe his fortes nt that point. Fourteen trains of troops have arrived from Irapuato. Thi railroad tracks over which these trains passed have been destroyed. Secretary Hryan said hla advices had confirmed Villa's defeat nt Celaya. but he bad no definite report ns to Its ex tent, and knew nothing about the re ported Huerta revolt. Consul Johnson,at Mntanioros, report ed that the people who tied the town when the Vllllstas opened their attack are returning and noimal conditions aie being lestored. Another Intaglio srclfoii tclll bet lisiicii m i part of Thursday's KVKXINO l.HDOtlH, If rain does not prevent the open Ina of the National League season on that day. In this supplement will be shown photoyraphs of the new manager, Moian, and all the individual Phillies 7'efJ your newsdealer to save your copy of Thursday's Evening Ledger One Cent TROVE YOUR CHARGES BARNES' CHALLENGE TO COL. ROOSEVELT Libel Suit Put Quickly Un- 320,000 Veterans of Tri der Way and Plaintiff's politan Campaign Eager- Case Closed With Brief Testimony Following Ar raignment by Counsel. Indications Point to Disclosure of Political Secrets When Evidence Is Presented in Suit for $50,000 Damages De fendant in Belligerent Mood. SYUAI'rSM. N. V.. Apill In -"Pior .voiii rliiUBOs." HM tlin eiiRp nf bnttlr till own ibuvn tnilii) b Wllllnm Hiiiiii'k tn p-1'ip.olilrlit Itonsi'VpIt niTppllm; limn. vpf ilpfcnsp nf "niitlllrnllnii" In Iliiriu-' $"n)iift llbpl suit vcisiii Hip fni iiipi I'ii-hI- ilpnt llniiirM' pMiIpiii'p hum nil Kiiimiltirl anil thp iilnlnlllT'H rnsp ipstnl lut hpfmc I the luncheon ipipss was taken, tlniii.'- , velt'n side admitted all facta of publlcj- I lion nf the alleged libel. j llul sunt was pouted til to lintb hides as ' thii tiial gnt under actual lieuilwn) with ' opening statements to the jurj Hum both .Ides. Tho attorneys In their alternate ciiticisni nf liarncs and Itoospvcll gavo ii taste nf the ilava of pcoilatlon and i political dlsclnsuics promised with silb- j mission of evidence. Most of the murn- Ing was occupied by the counsels' npen- llilf statements. Ilnnies lawyer told the July that It was up to Hooscvelt tn pmve the charges of liarncs being In "an alliance or ciooU cd business and ciooked politics " "W'e now call upon this man of power, tl.ls ai biter of nations' morals, to pmve Concluded nil race Two, ('idlliilli Seven JEWELER HELD UP BY BANDITS AND ROBBED David Hillerson Compelled to Surrender Gold, Gems and Cash in Store. Two men who hail survejed tin. premises by a ruse four ilnyn ago fol lowed Israel lllllcison, a Jeweler, up a flight of stalls into his lit other's shop, at 700 Sanson! slieet, when he came to work this morning nnd lobbed him of 300 in gold and gems nnd $100 hi casn. Then they tried to get him to open the safe, and. falling, lied down tbu stalls when he leached for a telephone and called for the police. Hlllerscn was stiuck over the eye when be tried to telephone. The men had threatened to shoot luin and he was badly frightened. He spent the morning at hla home, on Snjdei avenue, while police of the tith and Locust streets station muilo an clfort to tlnd the robber. Hillerson, although suffering fiom shock, was able to tell the story of the robbery nt his home today. "I rode up 11th street from my home and got off at Hansom stieet," he said. "When 1 reached Sib stieet I saw two men standing on the north side of San Bom street They vveie. I am sure, the pair who came into the shop last week and asketl my brother David to see mil diamonds. He told them we did not sell at lelall, "I climbed the stairs and sat down nt n bench to begin .some repair work. It was 7:15. Then I heard some one enter the ofilco and open the door Into the workshop. I looked up and saw a man In a Bray suit, about 25 eais oU "'We want our mone.' he said, and putted his pocket. I hail J300 worth of rings und lockets In my pocket anil tlou In cash. He grabbed me while the other man stood at tho door and went through iny pockets," The man then oideied him to opan the safe, which stood In the outer oftlce near a telephone. Hillerson went out, the man In gray behind him, seized tho telephone and yelled for help. He was struck over the eye and the man ran. People vveie pawing In the street below on their way tu work, but no one In the vicinity fcaw the men leave the building. SpecUl Offieer Selby and Lieutenant Plnlocher, oX tbj loth and Louust streets police station, are investigating. - . j. i u'.. 1 .jsmmtm 1 .7 - -Oai.'fc. v.. ; :-sw vrajwasnv! -b s'$mm&x$. , .?--. . mm -... j.-jftju -, vttu&xBiisra.., 'iy.-rziM-hitmiii . i " VnM(pWAiTa .1 "3 .VIsJJ3,Sfc?aia2 & : s-Ler .wmmG&.. " fj&ssmam TlTALY READY TO HURL j GREAT ARMY, MASSED ; ON BORDER, AT AUSTRIA ly A w a i t Signal to L a u n c h War Against Dual Monarchy. General Relief Throughout Both Nations That Hostili ties Can No Longer Be Averted Peace Party in Rome Abandons Hope. ox Tin: Italian i-'nn.NTiuii, via PA IMS. April M- I'VvprlKh iiiilltnrt pippiinitlnim nro pro-i-ppillnif iilmiB Hip piiIIip Aiistio-ltnllan frontlpi HikIiI llnllnn imps nrp mnsspil foiiiIi nf Hip fr.intiPi r.-mh for Hip cull tn uillnn TIipp .l.'fl.nnfl.nlilpi! ntp llrst' lj.llllll 3 SAFE POSITION . ? .C'lfi ZiifVftf. Tt lino tinops and chiefly veterans who have seen service ill the Tripolltiin campaigns. When the concspoiidcnt loft ltiune tbeie wns a gciiPi.il belief tiial war between i Italv and Austila could not be long aveited. Austilan newspapers shnred III Hie S'tiuo uplnlnn. Tho Ti teste News j states that all of the public schools i have been ordeicd closed, and tbnt they will be iifpd its barracks for dpi man . ninl Austilan tinops. I The train boating the cm lespondeiit to I tbo funnier passed thioiigb town after ! town In which Italian soldiers wcie seen. All olllceis wore tbeli service uulfoiini. The unllim Is lendv fni win. Cven the I pin-Austrian pin tv seems to have lost hope. It Is net-opted that the (Jov eminent i is now marking time until the selected i ' hour arrives So cettnin Is oiUcialdom ' that the conllict cannot long be postponed I Cinit luilril tin I'liite lour, Ciiliinin One RECEIVERS APPOINTED FOR THE ROCK ISLAND ! Jacob M. Dickinson and H. U. Mudge Named by Federal Judge Carpenter. CHICAGO, April 20 Jacob .M. Dickinson, formeily Secretary of War. and II. V. Mudge, president of tle Koek Island, to day wno appointed receivers for tho Chicago, Hock Island nnd Pacific Hallway Compait), on petition of the Amciican Steel J-'nunilries Company. Federal Judge Carpenter, who liennl the petition, fixed the bonds of the receivers nt J100.000 each. The petition sets forth that timing April and on the Snth of each month a time lo.m will como due, the principal of which amounts to $.VSOO,oon; that during .May. M13. iiiteieslb payments amounting to J.173.707, equipment notes agregntlug l3nj.UK). principal on certain bonds amounting to ?t,l9l,tKO and guaranteed In terest amounting to HiS.Qoo, also will rcnio due. J Tho petitioning company bets foith that It bits a claim of JIj.S1S.4B against the lain o.ul company. Fielder Vetoes Grade Crossing Hill TUKNTON, N. J.. Apill 20.-Coiitentllus that theie Is now u law on the statute books adequate for the needs of the municipalities on this subject. Governor Fielder toda sent to the Sennte hla veto of the Pierce grade-crossing bill. B.i LOOKS MUST CLOSE ALL DAY APUIL S!i Oiders were tssueil lo the Police Department this afternoon lo notify all saloonkeepers In the city that saloons and wholesale liquor stores mus( be closed the day of the spe cial election, April 30, when the IS, Onofltm transit loan will be submit ted to the voters. The closing hours, as provided by law, are from mklntnht April 33 to midnight April IS. , BARNES CALLS ROOSEVELT AS WITNESS STKACtJSE, N. T., April 20. Colonel Kooscvclt thin afternoon look Iho witness Btnnd as a wltneBS for Bunics. lie wua unexpectedly called by Barnes' lawyers lo prove that lie had lnullco ngnliiBt llamco in motlut; tho libel cliargcB. VOTE FOR NEW YORK CENTRAL BOND ISSUE ALBANY, N. V., April 20. By the vote of 1,707,384 to 100 shaics the stockholders of tho New Yoik Central IUllroad nt their meeting today uuuiuvcd of the resolution authorizing the Jusuance of !f 100,000,000 of 20-ycur 0 per cent, convoillblo Ucbeuturo bondo, which will iucrcatu Iho cupaclty fioin 00,000,000 lo 9100,000,000. RECEIVER' NAMED FOR LUMBER COMPANY Judgo Thompson, in United States District Court, this nftornoon appointed John O. Shcalz, former State Tieiibtuci, iccelvcr for tho International Lumber and Development Company. Bond was fixotl at $'10,000. Tho company is tho reorganized International Lumber Company, four officials of which began pribon sentences April 10 for bwiudling the public of neaily $0,000,000. BRITISH LIFT CONTRABAND EDICT ON COTTON. LONDON, April 20. Foieign Minister Sir Edward Grey offi cially announced in Parliament today that law cotton has been Mcludtd fioni tlio list of contiabaud of war. AGREE ON BOSTON AND MAINE REORGANIZATION BOSTON, April CO. The Committee on Uailio.uls lias agreed on a Eceton and Maine .Railroad reorganisation bill. MERCHANT FIRST HEAT VICTIM OF YEAR ' The flist hpat piostintlon of the season occurred at noon today, when Charles V KliK, .'is .wins old, nf K'ifi2 .MrCiilluiii utiect, iran oveiconip-iit the corner of fitli mill I'lipstniit Hlieets. The tempcintuie recntded ill the Kedernl Itiilldlns nt 2 ii'i'loek ibis iiftpinniiu wns S4 deRiees. the highest temperntuie for April 20 on record .it the I'hllntlelphlii Weather Duienii I'orecnstpr Hllss expectH that the tempeintiire mny rlne this nfterunnn to SU deRrees. SWISS PROTEST AGAINST COTTON HLOCKAUE WASHINGTON, April 'jn. Swllzerlnnil Imliiy piotcsted tn the United States nciilnst Hip iii'IIiiii of the Allies In stnpphiK at 5lbrnltnr ciii'kops of cotton bound for Snltzei land Dr. Paul Hitter, Mlnliter from Kwitzciliiiid, laid before Secretary of State lli.van elduiicp Hint neutral sbliiiiHiits nf I'littnu, Biiins finm the United Stales ti Italian ports fur deliver) tn purchaveis In Switzerland, ae beinR seized b tbu Allied licet at Hie Bale 'f the .Medlteuanean. ASK' i&CE!VBUFOK ROCK ISLAND , w..- CUICAliO. Apill L'rt. The Aineilcan Steel Foundries Company today filed 4 petition In tb I'edeial Cnuit fur the iippolntniciil nf a receiver for the Chlcnpo, Hnck lilimil anil I'aclllc lliillua.v ('nnipan.v. PRESIDENT WILSON PASSES THROUCH CITY President Wilson passed tbinugb this city linlii.v on his wny tn attend the dinner nf the As-t-nclnted Press in New York city. The Piesldent staved In his berth and, according tn scvenil inemlieis of the party nc omMiiylug hlni, was asleep. Secre tary nf the Navy .Insephus Daniels stepped nut on the platform of the private car as It stopped fnr a shnrt time In the West Philadelphia Slntinn of the Pennsylvania Itnllin.nl. The train to which the car was attached turived at 11:01 this mo nlng and pulled out fo" New Yoik a few moments Inter. PRESIDENT AND DAMELS IN NEW YORK New Voik. April i'n. Piesldent Wilson, nccmnpnnled by Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Sccielary Tiiinullv, snivel! In Now Yoik at 1:10 o'clock this after noon. Ho nt mice went to the Hotel Walilurf-Astorin, where he will deliver nn nihil ess at the baiiiiuet of the Associated 1'ie-m. WIDOW SUES FOR ijr.OO.OOII; rets ?r,o,ooo WASHINGTON, Apill 20. .Mrs. Id.i MeNnbb. ,17. of Kscannba, Mich., won a J.10,000 blench of promise venliet today against John S. Kinney, "S, of the same State. Mis. AIcNabb. .1 widow, sued for $r0,(M) AUSTRIA .MAKES AMENDS FOR FRONTIER CLASH HKItLlN, April 20. Ausliln hits made amends to Italy for a lecent frontier Incident Involving Italian gonitis and Austrian customs officials Several custpmjl officials stepped in Italian tcriltiuy as they walked along the fi outlet'. Though tha Incident wns legiiidcd as unimportant, the Austilan Government apologized when the matter wuh called to Its attention and disciplined the offending officials. VILLA'S SUN SETTING, WASHINGTON BELIEVES WASHINGTON. Apill 20. The end of the telgn In Mexico of General Fran. Cisco Villa Is in sight, ncconllng tn the geneinl belief In official circles today. Consulnr dispatches to tho State Depaitment have confirmed the Carranza reports of a great victory by Geneinl Obregon nt Celaya. They also have told of a Villa tetreat uorthwnid. Military expcits nio of the opinion that Villa, with the remnant of his foices, is making for the Ameiicau bonier. RHEUMATISM KILLS FOUR-YEAR SUFFERER Helief fiom the pnin of ilieumatlsni, from which ho suffered for four years, has come lo Jacob Sox, 2.1 years old, 306 Kali mount avenue. He was found dead In a chair beside his window today. Unable to sleep last night, he got up from Ills bed nnd Mil betdtle. the open window to try to forget Ills pain. He was found this morning by llernnnl Itosenblntt. of the same address. The body was taken to the Hooscvelt Hnspitnl In the 3d stieet nnd Knlrmouiit avenue patrol and later lo the .Moigue. The physicians said that rheumatism caused death. ILLINOIS CITIES VOTING ON LIQUOR QUESTION CHICAGO. Apt II '-" Twenty-two Illinois cities, towns and villages today ar voting on Hie question of abolishing talopns. The women voteis were admitted to be. the big factors In the elections. A jeur ago, when the women of Illinois tlrst exeiclt-ed their right to vole on the wet and dry laaue, 1000 saloons were' put out of existence. DETECTIVE TUCKER SUFFERS RELAPSE Detective Han) K. Tucker, whu was shot by "Doggie" Miller when that youni desperado murdered Petectlve Maueel), is In a critical condition at the Epis copal Hospital. He had a bad night, and the members of his family were called to his bedside thla morning. Confesses to Stealing Auto ATLANTIC CITY, April 20.-Pleatllng guilty to the theft of air automobile owned by Juoob Frank, a Boatdwalk mer chant. Norman. Kckert, a clerk, whose home is In Wllmlnston. Del., was cpm milled to Jail in default of HM bail. Ek.ert said he had no actual InWnUun of stealing the machine when he Jump4 Into the front seat He was caught in Canuleu. " The Kensingtonian Says; Tom )erlni, tha awect-tonsd tenor of the La Salle Olub, mas eH out at Kighth aud York atieefj faat Kmt;av iiiomirt. -V-v- fmjweet f lecurtnu a cane ana a large pouguel peas. LOST AND FOUND LOST Dtanv Bd bar pla. oUtlmtui mtlns, jj (JUuxudn. .irobaUy at Broad Slnut nation about 11 13 R. m AprU W; wlUlW. r d Advfae WHO Rail EUt Trupt rSftdma. Otfttr ctauUtid oiiifrtisttatat n Pi -l ii 4 L l Vf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers