Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 19, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    jVByiyq ledger-Philadelphia. Monday, 'April 10. 101&;
f i7 I ivtfLiX rj I . I K I I
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MBS. WiU"""1 -"
urtalnetl at tlio Hltz-Cnrllon Supper Club
a SituraM' n's'11 for llcr ,lnuRllor. M'a Cd
i . rlklm Bruner Mr. nntl Mrs. J. It. livani
it ttrti i hl,d sevcrnl Buca,',' " did Mr. niul
fri Smuel Dtlli Jr., Mrs. Marian Dougherty,
if, 'and Jr8' Hcnry H- Pcaae' Mrs' a "'
iilrullough, i'r. and Mrs. John C. Norrlg and
IKf. JIMTV - AdamB'
Cj. jinry C. Mellvalno has IjflUcd Invlla
ft ', ihr- marrlaKo of her daughter. Miss
KilhMliw W'rl Mcllvnlne, to Mr. Thomas
t toM IWdderow on Saturday nftornoon, May
,( 4 o'clock, In St. Androw'a Church, 86th
Baring itrccts.
IMri. Charles fronds nochmati entertained at
;;. Juuant In tho Iloso Garden of the Hello-
ji.slratford Saturday afternoon In honor of
Uk K'atharlna Hush, of Uoston, who waa tho
"...i tX Mrs. David Lowls Inst week. Her
Mtnti Included Mrs. Lewis, Mlns Esther Joan
'faflocbmin. Ml Mary Victoria Oicon, Joseph M.
MfitUnon, M, and Archibald C. V. WcIIb.
Ilpr. and Mm. J. Lcsllo Davis, who havo been
.enlist soma weeks In -California, havo re-
jfamtd ta their apartment, 135 South ISth utroet.
StfrlenlJ of Mrs Edward liarnnrd-Hankay, of
Endand, who was Miss Kathcrlno Dohan, of
ttU city, 'Will ho Bind to hear that Major Ed
ird Barnard-Hnnlcey haa entirely recovered
Jrtn his Injuries received In tho war two
montha as0, Major Barnnrd-IIankey rejoined
Fl Moment on April 2, having been promoted
M tha rank of colonel.
Mr. and Mrs. Wondell Woodman have sent
jit Invitations for a small danco to bo given
it th Clinton on tho evening of Saturday, Mny
Lrtn honor of Miss Mary Morris Ccrlonnl.
iitfne Wednesday Music Club will meet on
Wednesday ulicrnuon oi una ween. una win
ba the last meeting of tho season. Tha IUch
Quartet. Mrs. James M. Anders and' Mrs. "W'll-
jiim H. Greene will be tho soloists or tho after.
'n II
- " "i"illlllll
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Boyd, of Havorford nve-
mie, have sent out Invltntlons for nn Informal
nppr on "10 evening of Saturday, April 24,
It J o'clock, tho anniversary of their woddlng.
The guests will be composed of the bridal party
Vnd will later attend tho danco nt tho Merlon
Cricket Club. Mrs. Boyd will bo remembered
ulllss Sarah Josephine Wood, of Gcrmantown.
EMr. and Mrs. William Ellis Scull will enter-
tiln at dinner tonigni in nonor or .miss nopo
'Iniitun Beale, debutanto daughter of Mr. and
(rs. Edward P. Beale, whoso engagement was
recently announced to Mr. Oliver Eaton Crom-
ll. eon of Mrs. Eduard T. Slotcabury. Tho
inner 111 bo given at Lclghton Place, Over-
brock, the homo of Mr. and Mr. Scull, and
mere win do it guests present.
Mr'.Cli' ,.A" lnformnllf' may bo obtained from
Mrs. Arthur llalnes. McK-mn avenue.
Miss ItoBa Co.ry, of 1G1 Median avenue, has
returned from Atlantic City, where she wa,
hn Rllcit nt Mrs. William Shrlver. of Con
Bress avenue.
Mr. ami Mrs. WllIrwTarnnt I'elrco enter-
lalned a number of friends at their homo. 231
w-r ,n,"lpC,,oclcn strcct- Among tho guests
V., f' m"1 MlR' John ,,',,, ,l!lnl'". Mrs.
E.uard Davis and Mr. and Mrs. O. Percy
Mrs. Susan I,. Itrucc. nf 7 nihnm ,..j ,
tended the wedding of her cousin. Miss Kath- I
crlne llruce, dauuhtor of Strs. Edward Hlal !
n.co, or iinltlmore, Md., t Mr. Harry Nor
man Ilaetjcr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sainuol Russell, Jr., of 112 West
Johnson street, have sailed for Bermuda, whero
they will rcmnln for a period of two mnnlhn.
The Kntipa ICappa Kratcrnlty of tho Chelten
ham High School, of Elklna Park. m h,.
dunce on the evening uf Friday, May 11, at s
o'clock, at Old Vorlc Uond Country flub.
Friends of Mrs. Tuis, of Noitli 15th street,
Logan, will b0 glad to learn that she Is re
covering after her recent operation.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Nlcholnn, of Warnock street,
Lognn, are receiving congratulations on the
birth of a son.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edmond Uilckley will enter
tain nt "500" nt their home, 4311 North 12tli
street, Logan, this evening. Among their guests
will bo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Williamson, -Mr.
nnd Mrs. Mnurlco A, Nugent, Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Whelnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Uoorgc A. Wlll
maniifi, Mr. and Mrs. John MeNally, Mr. and
Mis. Edtvanl Cardinal, Mr. nnd Mrs. LouH
Pratt, Mr, and Mrs. James McCruddcn, .Mrs.
E. M. Horn and Dr. William J. McKlnlcy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Strlcklcr. who havo
been spending the winter In town and recently
In Atlantic City for several weeks, will shortly
movo out to their homo In Wyncole for tho
spring and summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Blddla will
liijtertaln at dinner tonight nt their home, 2101
jJValnut street. In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben
Jainla Duke, Miss Mary Duko and Mr. Angler
I Buchanan Duke, of New York.
Jibe Woman Suffrage Party Shop Commltteo
I arranged an attractive the dansant which toolc
Ipjaca Saturday at tho Aldlne from 3 until G
ll! Mary Evelyn Chew, Miss Margot Ellis
Jcull and Miss Gertrudo S. Hecksher were tho
rwiidelphla delegate of tho Junior Branch of
Colonial Dames which mot in New York last
(Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Itoberts, Jr., of 2110
Ucust street, moved to Merlon this week,
we they havo taken a house on Balrd road.
Sir. and Mrs. Nicholas Blddlo are occupying
tttjr new residence, Springhead, on Old York
row near Noble Station. Mrs. Blddlo will bo
remembered as Miss Sarah Llpplncott.
Mlis Estelle Sanders nnd Miss Anita Sanders,
SJ? live with their aunt. Miss Henrietta San
to?, at 1225 Locust street, are planning to
Bend the summer at tho Bun ranch, Jaclt
jotfs Hole. Wyoming.
lJends of Mrs. Ilussell II. Johnson, of 10 East
Sjjmmltt avenue, will bo glad to know that
m".'' "P'dly recovering from serious Illness.
Sr. Edgar W. Balrd, of Navahoo avenuo,
"idaushter were visitors nt Lakewood, N. J.,
JLjeveral days.
J& and Mrs. Austin M. Purves. of Seminola
"JHe, have taken a house In Saundewtown,
at'i which they will occupy after Juno 1,
&; O. Wharton Churchman, of Itural Lane,
ffljthla week for Chestnut Hill, Mass., Just
Wde of Boston, to bo the guest of her slstei
'i Mrs, James Lowell.
pis and Mrs. J. Willis Mnrtln and Miss E.
IJia Martin, of 1721 Loucust street, will occupy
a&aome, "Edgecombe," during tho latter
S2 this month.
Miss Emma Supplce, of Webster nvcnuo,
AV'yncoto, h.iM retumed to her home, nfter
spending borne tlmo with her sister, Mrs.
Nathan Quinn, of Doylcstown.
Tho Wyncole Branch of tho riant, Flower
nnd Fruit Guild will hold Its first meeting on
May i In All Hallow's Parish Ilotme, corner or
Bent rond nnd Gtecnnood avenue, nt 10 o'clock,
to in range for tho summer work and elect
oillccrs for the ensuing year.
Tho Jcnkintown Dramatic Club will glvo a
benefit for tho fire apparatus fund of tho In
dependent Flro Company Mny ID In the Jcnkin
town Auditorium.
Mrs. Ttay T. Spencer nnd her daughter, Mlsi
Pylvla E. Spencer, of Melroso Park, havo gono
to BLftalo and Cannudalgua, N. Y whoro they
will remain until tho latter part of April.
Dr. and Mrs. T. Howard Knight and family
and Mrs. Knight's sister, Miss Besson, havo
returned from tho South, whero they spent the
winter, and nro now at their home, northeast
corner Wnlnut and 2d street.
Tho members of St. Leonnid's Alumnae, tho
association of which will bo definitely funned
lit a meeting to bo held Mny 1, aro Invited to
attend a lecture on "Parliamentary Law," to bo
delivered by Mrs. H. II. Finck, tomorrow after
noon nt 2:30 in tho Convent of tho Holy Child
Jesus, 3S.T3 Chestnut street. As this lecturi
piomlses to bo very Instructive: and Is intended
to aid tho Alumnae in drawing up Its by-laws
and in conducting Its business meetings a largo
attendance is expected.
The object of tho association Is to crento n
closer relation between former St. Leonard
girls, to glvo them an opportunity to attend
Alumnae Day onco a year at tho Convent nnd
to establish a closer bond between tho old
pupils. Tho nucleus of an Alumnao was formed
last October by representatives of former
Mr. and Mrs. Levi L. Ituo, of 22G Spruce
street, announco tha engagement of their
daughter, Miss Florenco Ituo to Mr. W. Newton
Jackson, son of Senator William P. Jackson,
of Salisbury, Md.
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MISS MARY L. DUKe''" "" "V ' """ l'"',mU
Miss Duku is n tliiuRhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Honjamin V. Duke, of Now York,
and n sister of Anjricr B. Duke. Tlio Duke fnmily will he honor rucsIs at u
dinner to lie Riven by Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Droxel Hiddlo tonight. Miss Duke
win no maul of honor at the weddinjr of Miss Iliddle nnd Mr. Duke
April 28.
A most delightful paity was given by Mr.
nnd Mrs. .sviimcilrr In honor of tho graduation
of their daughter. Miss Martha Schroeder. at
their lesldeneo, 2I2S East Adams utrect. Tho
orchestia from tho Ht. Michael Gorman Luth
eran Chinch, under tho direction of Mr. Paul
Stabler, icnilered nppruprlntn musical mMpp
tlniui throughout the oxenlug. Among thnso
prrscnt were MImh l.itira Stiobel. Miss Dorothy
ltrcnurr. Miss Amellii Wotzol, .Mlrs SI. Pltt-
I-'ourth Annual Event to Open on Thursday
nt Third Regiment Armory
Tho Indoor lloiso Show, the fouiih of tlicso
oxh!l)illiin.. will open on Thursday nfturnonn
nt thn Tlilul Itegliiieut Aininiy. Hrnad and
I'Vdi-iai sticets.
Tim benollclarlrs this jerir will bo tlio Ameri
can Hospital. Italdrrt' Hnspltnl, (i.-u ipUfoii Hns-
pitnl. Oncologic Hospital, Pcilyclliiie Hospital
i-on. Miss Klnislcr. Sllss SVhroc.ler. SIlsv Oun- I ,, Samaritan HoHpltnl. Tho 'pi"-eeil of tho
zell. Sir. Schwaitz. Sir. J. Htrobol, Sir. Sillier,
Sir. Paul Stndlor. Mr. nml Sirs. Schroodor. Sirs.
Schwarlor, Sirs. Boclk, Sir. and Sirs,. Stadler.
Sorgennt Slpo nnd -Mr. Heiman Klnzlor. ''
Sir. Percy Chainliers sailed for tho West
Indies nn Satuiday.
SUsa Anna Slurphy, Sllss SI. Y. SIooio and
Dr. C. C. SIooio nro now at tho Panama Canal
on u plcnsuro ttlp. They havo been touring
for tho past four weeks and will bo home about
April 22.
Sirs. Benjamin fJegenhelmrr has returned to
her home, -117 East Clmril avenue, from n four
months' stay In Albany, N. Y.
Sir. Thomas Dovlin has icturncd to his homo
after spending thieo months In Jersey.
Tho first circus nnd gymnastic pageant at tho
North Branch of tho Y. St. C. A. will take plaeo
on Thursday. Apill 22.
Sir. William Splko llobluson hns returned to
his homo from n stay In South Bethlehem, Pa.
M XTa.inl Tt n
;i..c i; layior nas issued cards lor
lglustraid 'ecture on "Art and Manunl
SP In Education" by Trof. J. Liberty
Lon Wednesday evening, April 21, In tho
ah House of Christ Church, Tulpehocken
iMcCalluni streets.
L Charles Weiss, 169 Maplewood avenue,
P'nt out invitations, for a dinner to bo
H at the Germautown Cricket Club on
a evening, April 23, at 7 o'clock. After
Si, Euests will attend Mrs. Troth'a danc-
Sand Mrs. Jacob Baer, of W West Chelten
S?i are spending the spring and summer
on States avenue, Atlantlo City.
Si Edith II. Gllllnsham, of 432 West Prica
1 Mrs, Charles Rich, returned last week
week's visit to Old Point Comfort, Va,
K. H, Hance. Jr.. of White Gate, has
ed from Washington, D. C., where sho
euest of Mrs. H. C. Barbovr,
anrl Mr. r.,i..i r.-j.. . ,.,. . -..,-,...
Y .... vavixi 4'Bruco, Jl 1VCOI trinuv
fare spendlmr several wwlu In rieorirla.
imagers of the Wiahckon School
V9 Usmd ioviutleiw pr Hiualwfc at
m of iir. ana Mr John T- Kwlw. 39
3tua lne. on Frt4ay. Way 7. at S
Lieutenant Commander Itaymond Rtcdmau
Keycs, U. S. N., and Mrs. Keycs have Issued
Invitations for a dance, to bo held at their
home In tha Glrnrd Estate, 2330 South 21st
street, on April 21, to mark tho tenth anniver
sary of their wedding. Among the guests in
vited are: Lieutenant Commander Frederick
Itunavllle Payne, U. S. N and Mrs. Payne.
Lieutenant Commander Guy A. Blssett, U. S. N ,
and Mrs. Blssett, Lieutenant Commander A. T.
Graham, U. S. N., nnd Mm. Gialiam, Com
mander B. B. Blerer, U. S. N., and Mrs. Blerer.
Lieutenant T. II. Winters, U. S. N., and Sirs.
Winters, Ensign Porter, TJ S. N., nnd Mrs. Por
ter, Paymaster Slannlng II. Phllbrlck, U. S. N.,
and Mrs. Phllbrlck. Captain W. W. Lowe, U. H.
M. C ami Mrs. Lowe, Captain W. N. Hill.
U. S. SI. C, and Sirs. Hill. Captain Alexander
A. Williams. U. S. SI. C, nnd Mrs. Williams,
Mrs, Slorrls. Captain F. P. Bobards, U. S. 51. C,
and Sirs. Ilobards, Major II. Lee, U. S. JI. C,
and Sirs. Lee, Mrs. Saltmarsh. Lieutenant
ltalr-h L. Bhcpard, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Shep
ard, Sirs. Allen Caperton, of Richmond, Vs.,
Lieutenant Charles A, Lutz, U. S. M, C nnd
Strs. Lutz, Sirs. Hiram II. Seelye, of Atlantlo
Beach, Fla,; Captain Nelson P. Vulte, U. S.
M, C, and Strs. Vulte, Dr. and Mrs. Dunn, Dr,
and Mrs. Norman W. Payne, Dr. and Mrs. Will
iam Keff, Sir and Mrs. James B. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Busline!!, Mr. and Mrs. Charley
H. Davis, Mr, and Mrs, Edwin T. Gillespie, Mr.
nnd Sirs, W. W, Brlttlan, Mr. and Mrs. Wade
Jolley, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Moyer, of River
ton, N. J., Mlsa Jessie Stiles, Sllss Blanche
Lane, Colonel Ramos, Mr. Reed and Mr.
Mi. William J. Gllmore. of 1605 South 20th
street, announces the engagement of his daugh
ter, Miss Sibyl Gllmore. to Dr. W. Hoy Stoner,
of Norrlatown. The marrlaei will take pJac
ta Jujne at tho umr Tesldcnc pf Mr. Gil
wor.Jtt Overbroak
Stiss Chiystubcl Campbell, who tins been vis
iting her uncle, Dr. Duncan Campbell, for sev
eral -weeks, has returned to her homo In Gen
cseo, X. V.
Sirs. Gcrrett Schcnck will bo hostess today
nt tho Monday afternoon sewing club.
Sirs. Wendell II, Lovnlt will spend tho week
end In Chester, visiting her mother, Sirs. Gar
net Pendleton.
'Mrs. Isaac Canfleld Is visiting for several
weeks In ltuhmoiu! and 'Washington.
m.mi- -z&tm wmmm .
nflalr nro to be divided among theso six
Tho largest number nf entiles have been made
this season, nnd u gicnt Interest has been
fchown In tho childrfii'H classes. A number nf
men havo uonsentvil to be Judges of tho aflnlr
nnd will act for thp follow in- classes:
Small ponies Di. Chailcs S. Tuiiihiill, of thh
city. Polo ponies Sir. Lnnglioruo Tab Ander
son, of SIa villi-. Ky. Rnadsters Mr. Frank
Caveu and Sir. George Willing, nt this city, nnd
Sir. Itobert Fall burn, of Plnliillcld. N. J. Snil
dlo Iioisch nnd snddlo ponies Sir. I.anghorno
Tab Anderson. Pollco oinceis" liorses Sir.
Henry S. Collins, of Hryn Slawr. Ponies In
harness and breeding ponies Sir. Joseph E.
Wldcner. of this city. Horses In hainct-H and
brcr-dlng horses Mr. E. S. J. SIcVlcknr and Sir.
Ileglnald C. Vnndcrbllt, ot New York. Hunters
nnd Jumpers Dr. Chnilcs Dohan, Darling, Pa.;
Sir. John It. Valentine, of Hryn Slawr, Pa., aim
Sir. Lewis E. Waring, of New York, nnd tlio
veterinary Inspectors will bo Dr. Georgo S.
Fuller and Dr. Charles S. Williams, both of
this city.
Sir. n. renn Smith Is manager of tho Judges.
Cups have been offered by L'Aiglon Cafo
(Indies' saddle hoise), Sir. J. H. Cummlngs, Sir.
W. IIIncKlo Smith (hunters), Sllss Amy du Pont,
J. E. Caldwell & Co., Sir. S. Harry Conovcr,
Sllss Starjorlo Thomas, Sirs. Chailcs A. Slunn
(mlddlowclght hunters), Sir. William du Pont,
tho Philadelphia Record, Sir. Reginald C. Vnn
dcrbllt, Sirs. George W. C. Die.Nol (runabout
claws), StncDonald & Campbell, Mrs. I. W. Hol
tliigshcnd (pony Jumping class), .Mrs. Robort K.
Cassatt, Bailey, Banks & Blddle, SlrH. Herbert
Lincoln Clark, Sllss Florenco and .Master John
Codman (pony class), Sllss Sl.ulon E. Slooro
(pony cla.s), Sir. John It. Valentine. Mrs. E. H.
WhltaUer. Sir. Harry D. Hollow-ay (hurnesslng
pony class), Wllllwien Farm (snddlo horses),
tho Rlttcnhouse Cup, Sir. A. B. Coxe, Mr.
Joseph E. Wldenur. Sir. A. W. Atkinson, tha
Warren Cup, Sllss Gladys Bclinoiit (small har
ness ponies), Sir. P. SI. Chandler, Sir. W. W.
Furtun, Sir. Charles R. Hamilton and Sir. P. T.
PrlzeB havo been offered by Strawbrldgo &
I'lothler, Donation, Sir. Richard Coognn, sirs.
John C. Hancock, Sir. James E. Klinkcl, Sir.
Charles H. Dungan and Otto T. Stoock & Co.
Sir. and Sirs. Eugene J. Nathan, their daugh
ter, Sllss Jean Purth Nathan, and Mrs. Francis
Furth re occupying thfdr new home, 1925 West
Erie avenue.
SlUs Blanche Rarton, of S0i North 2lst street,
will glvo n dinner tonight nt her home for Sllss
Anna Gertrudo Wick, Sir. Eaile Ashcroft
Havens and their bridal attendants. Spring
flowers and ferns will bo attractlvelv com.
blned In the decorations.
The ushers of the Frankford Avenuo Sletho
dist Episcopal Church will give their annual
banquet Wednesday evening.
Sllss Lorctta McCann and Sir. George Sic
Cann, of Tulip street, have returned from a
weeks stay at Easton, whero they were tho
guests of their brother.
" 'I
HE wedding of Sllss Rosnllo llatnor, datall
er of Sirs. Josephine Halter, will inko iilaco
tonight to Mr. Robert 11. Mayer In the Hotel
Ailrlphla. Tho ceremony will be pcrrurmod nt
fi 10 tiy tho Rev. Dr. Henry UcrkouiHz. MIfm
Bauer will bo nttended by her faster, Slim
Gertrude Bauer, as maid of honor), nnd Silts
Ma 1-'. Ulock ns Mower girl. Sir. Slnycr will
be nttended by hit brother, Mr. jpilnton O.
Slnvrr, ns best num.
Tho bride will wear nn nltractlvo gown of
while riepe do ehlne, elaborately ttfimmed with
f'hnnilllv lace nnd finished with a couit train
i falling from her shoulders. Her veil will ho
, lullo, hold In place by llllc of the valley. She
will carry n shower bouquet of lilies of the
i.illr , vthito sweet pens nnd snapdragon. Tho
maid of honor will wear a smart fiock of pencil
r..iod pussy willow tnffetn, thn skirt ot
whVh bring quite wide nml short. She wltl
rnrry a shower bouquet of pink sweet pens.
Tlio flower girl will wear a simple frock of
white orgnndlo with a blue- sash und will carry
a bapkot of sweetheart roses.
A laruo reception, dinner and dancing will
follow tho ceremony, after which Ihe young
coupln will Icnve for a ttlp South, und on their
"turn will be nt home utter Slay 1 at 1V7 West
Venango 8 eel.
The mat Huge of Sllss Rachael Roblnnon,
daughter of Mrs. John II Roblnton. will takO
plrn-o tonluht to Sir. Joseph Franklin Jones, of
this oily. The ceremony will be performed by
the Rev. Frederick Hinckley, of tho Flret Unl
tnrlnn Church, In tho home of the bride'
mother, IflO West ISth street, Wilmington.
On their return from their wedding trip Mr,
nnd -Mrs. Jonct will be nt home at 2S08 Van
Huron street nfter Juno 1.
The wedding of Stlss Frances D. Fisher,
daughter of Sir. and Strs Danlol E. Fisher, of
13T, East llortter sticet, to Str, Joseph C. Hen
derMin, Jr., son of Sir. nnd Sirs. Joseph Hender
son, of Wlssahlckon, will take place on Wednes
day night, April 8, nt the home of tho bride's
rnicnts. nnd will be followed by a reception for
the rninlllci nml near friends of tho couple.
The nt home cnuN are for after Slny 10, nt 3W
llochelle avenue
Invltntlons havo hern received from Mr. and
Sirs. Henry Stanley Evann for tlio marriage
of their daughter. Sllss Helen L, Evans, to
Sir. Francis K. Greer on Tuesday, April 71, nt
7:30 o'clock, In tlio Stethodlst Episcopal Church
of tho Advocate, Wayne avenue nnd Queen
street. A icccpllon will follow nt the Ger
mautown Cricket Club, SInnhelm.
.Mis. Adolo Cinrman, of 2223 North 15th Ktreet,
will leave on Slny 1 for an extended trip to-Call-
-Mis George It. Stephens, ot 1DIS North Park
avenue, linn leturncd fiom East Orange, N. J.,
wlicio sho was the guest of Sirs. Cllll'oid Perry.
Sirs. S. SI. Ilany, IClh street and .Montgomery
nveiiue, has gono to Lux Angeles, Cnl., to re
main thiough the spring, summer audi fall.
The Woman Suffrage putty of tho Hth Leg
islative District will hold a meeting In the
Pom th Reformed Chiiich,Stannunk avenue nnd
Martin street, on Thursday afternoon nt 3:30
o'clock. Sirs. Emilia K. Cooper, of 113 Sumac
street, Wlssahlckon. chnlrmnn of tho dlstilct.
will preside. Sllss Ro--e Livingstone, known as
the "Angel of Chinatown," will give an Instiuc
llvo tnlk on her work of rescue of girls under
12 .venrs of ago from the haunts of Chinatown.
There will be also a short address on "Woman's
riaco" by Strs. Voorst. Arrangements nro
being mndo for u tea to ho given In Slny.
A wedding of Interest In Roxborough was
that of Slim Dorothy Anno Albaugh, daughter
of Sir. PiiiiicIh J. Albnugli, ot Westminster,
Md , to Illrkley -Morton, of this city, which
look place on Tuesday night, April G, In tho
Protestant Episcopal Church of tho Ascension
In Westminster. Str. nnd Sirs. Slorton, on
their return from nn extended wedding Journey,
will llvo nt Beaufort, Go.
Sllss Rnv Sumner, Sllss Slarian Stout, Slhs
Anna Du Gan, Sir. and Sirs. James Hindle, Sir.
and Sirs. Joseph Thomas, Dr. G. Fred Slycrs,
Sir. Calvin Italu, Sir. Norman Althouso nnd Sir.
Paul Grlfllth, of Roxborough, were entertained
nt dinner nnd enrds on Saturday night by Sllss
Emma Chantry, of fSJO Walnut street.
SUmi Slary L. Kenny, of tho Villa Apartments,
is spending tho week In Now York.
Dr. J. Llnwood Elsenberg, superintendent of
tho Chester public schools, will address tho
meeting of tho Delaware County Children's Aid
Society nt tho Chester Sleeting House tomor
row. Miss It. Thelma Horn, of Cedar lane, High
land Park, will glvo a Grecian solo dance at
tho carnival and danco to be given by Stlss
Pntlcnco Rltchcr on April 21.
Stlss Helen Stlngman, of Oberlln, who has
been visiting Sllss Laura Willis, of Owen ave
nue, returned Inst week to her home,
Mtss Dorothy Longcope, of North Lansdowne
avenue, will snll the end of the month for
Market and
Juniper Streets
DAILY 2:30 10c, ISc, 25a
UVUNI.NCJS 8 ;30 15c, i'oc, BOo
CllOlIt ortCUKSTHA ohoan
ACADEMV OP MUSIC Tuesday, April 27. 8 P. St.
Tales of Hoffmann
Conductor. DH. CESAnn STURANI
filused by C. KLI.WOOO CAlU'ENTEn
MlseH Darrett. Da Ulniher. noaenberr, Itlchards
Str. Johnson: .Mem. Make. Llpnhuu, Scarduilo'
bpruance, Cheney, flecker. Outlier. Schahlnuer. '
Iteerve4 tfeatu at Heppe'a, 11 Id Cheilnut St.. Anrll
21 and after. 2. It 60. II. Uo Heal. J.50. Amphl.
theatre (at Academy) SOc. T Ampin.
Sirs.. Slary A. GraiTcn, of 6th and Cooper
streets, In visiting her son nnd his family In
New Yoik.
Str. nnd Strs. H. O. Rojal and family, of G1J
Cooper Htrcet, will again occupy a cottage at
Ocean City this season. The mnrrlngo of their
daughter, Stlss Ruth lto.vol, to Sir. Don It.
Frnry, will tako place at their Camden home
tomorrow nt S o'clock.
Sirs. Charles C. ltocvcs. nf tho Robeson, 2d
and Pcnn streets, will outcit.ilii at luncheon to
day. The Hnddoii HcIgbtH Country Club gavo a
card party last evening.
Sir. and Strs. A. SI. Clark nro nt Old Point
Comfort, Va., for a short stay.
.Miss Slny Fitzgerald, of Slerchantvllle, will
glvo a largo card party on April 22.
Dr. nnd Mrs. It. P. Palm have sent out in
vltntlons for tho mairlage of their daughter,
Sllss Anna Palm, to Sir. Charles P. Stiles on
April 21.
Mr. W. Rlack Caisun, of Philadelphia, s the
guest of Sir. Ucthel Uuckalew, of East 10th
Sllss Slabel Cro.s, of West 4th street,, has re
turned from a week's visit to friends ut West
Sir. nnd Sirs. Benjamin Thompson, of East
10th street, nre entertaining Sir. rind Mrs,
Charles St. Thompson, of Pnssnlc. N. J.
Sllss Ida Yost and Sliss Jennie Yost have re
turned to their homo on Slcllvolnc street after
enjoying a week's sojourn at Atlantic City.
Sllss Elizabeth Llllle and Ml Ruth Arm
strong, of Gcrmantown, are the guests ot Sirs.
Alfred Yarnall, of West ISth street.
u Me comedy "She's in
Again," to be presented at the
TONIGHT, I honestly believe
wc have a play full of clean,
honest laughs, aim I want your
opinion of it while it remains
here, and before it goes to New
York. It was written by Paul
Gavault; for England bu Std
ncy Blow and Douglas Hoare;
and for this country by Thomas
J, Gray. The east I bank on,
with Ada Lewis, Mrs. Stuart
Robson, Arthur Aylesworth,
Edwin Nicandcr, George Schil
ter, Sydncyi Grcenstrect, Mae
Hopkins, Eileen Van Biene,
Ann Warrington, Hon. Helen
Montagu, Clifford Robertson.
The prices will be 50 cents to
$1,50 for nights and Saturday
mats; and Wednesday mats
beat seats ONE DOLLAR.
Producer and Director,
"She's in Again."
Photo by Itorn Studio.
Mrs. Barbante was Miss Josephine de
. Checco, of South Philadelphia. Mr.
apd Mrs. Barbante returned from their
wedding trjp last week and will be at
home at 12th and Beet streets.
Tlio friends of Mr, Frederick Ferro, of Tor
resdaie avenue, will be glad to learn that he Is
rapidly recovering from bis recent Illness.
Notice for tho Society pago will be ac
cepted and printed in the Evening Ledger,
but all such notices must be written on
one aide of tho paper, must be signed In
full, with full address, and when possible
telephone number must be given.
Sand all such communication! ta
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 603
Chestnut street.
Unless the requirement aro carried
out P that verification may be possible,
the nolicss will not be published.
n.Viocrnnr St" OfCItA I Homa of Worlds
UneStnilt & MOUSSE .. rho.oPIay.
Aft.. 1 4 3 Evgs., T & 0 lOo, 13c. "So
The Avenging- Conscience
AT 10 A. M
Chestnut Street. Below 181b
1U A. St. to 11:15 P. M.
11 A. M to 11:13 P. St.
'fiAPT. eniiiiTPHvt
Coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Blanche Sweet and Hou I'etera In THE CAPTIVE
New Program lion, and Thura.
Dally in,. Ewnln.k. T n
at S IS J.UC lOe. iae ?n
1 niAlXVl I t S 15 4.VU joe, izi, soi
Last Performance. Metropolitan Opera. Co. N Yi
Tomorrow Eulo at t). itmee. Farrar, AW, Wit.
CARMEN r&,', CQUlwtl"-
BEATS qioa CHESTNUT BT. Malt Qrdera Haci i
P A RTMO W"" " B- Twice tuuv"
OACmj'H -"-WINBJ j0 SHOW y
TVnpsiripvn thh uum uy hibu
Matinee S.00 P M Evenings S P. M,
Extraordinary Engagement
Greatest Grand Opera Prima Donna
GARRIOK Tonight at 8?;,"
With JOHN E. YOUNG. Cast and Chorus 100.
Popular Price Wednesday Matinees. Beet Seats 11.60.
JXUlZJUmi. pop 11.00 MAT. THURSDAY. I;18
Oilier Monuco Presents J. Hartley Manner'
T VDTP LAST 8 TIMES. Etenlnfs at 8:1B
i1.,hN0Y"tsScr':. "THE HAWK "
FORREST Last 6 EvgssVt.
"Hello Broadway" NftfiSStfc
Popular Price Wednesday Matinee Beet 8eata Jl.30
Rodeheaver-Ackley Recital Tonieht
Bttjtt Hn and School Ltugtt.
Tltketa ob Sat MM la IUd aBagllM JTerajile
nr)i-vm 8QMB LAS8IBS-. BMYU
Tgdajr 3U6. T 4 0 1 A1.LPQ1NT . Iwui vltZ?
W$gW TODAY JO, &teRC bA3