11$ 'aij Tttr to. '4 J! tt 3 5 r, CRACKSMEN ROB STORE, l neiMfi fl RVRR RI1SI? f !L" ip ycggmcn Substitute "Dummy" Safe lor ivuhi unu uhu lei surely Obtain Loot. - - i r-ntlmirn "ho Imve Hie profession of fl ..ffcmcklnf? o'onn to "'ie "t I'liicd a , .mnle under an electric llelit In L"aun"J - - rti,. ttoolworth S niul 10 cent More, 409-11 flln n riiniC, llliii niniu llltjr ProHed the burnlnr-proof to n darker part , . fll)llslimrnt nnd blew It open h charge of nltro-Rlvcerln The rob .Try was not discovered until today when , More ttnn opened Tho Intruders left ' .... Indication that tliey had roiio about 'IJ: o-nrk leisurely esterda. As the 1 ,ar of the place. Alfred V. Hoover, limits the store's receipts ever nlpht, KIburRlt obtained less than JIM trover and the clerks naspcd with as- ..iimenl hcn they arrived nt tho 1 !?.m for buslnes, this morning Under K shaded electric llfiht which Hashes . irons Blar0 over ,ne spot wl'rB tho " .r store safe stands In full view If rimden's main business thoroughfare, -.Van odtMookhiR sitbitltute From the Itrttt It l00"1'1 llko th0 rcal "tlcle - !iv... inanectlon showed It to be mode .rMiteboard and the paint, when It was MimlMd. had not yat dried, rinures, M""" klnndnn trnnVl Willi t.Mml.Ma nd everything to tho smallest detail was Included In the mako-up of the dummy Further back In tho store near the rear rii the Iron safe Tho ..door had been .nty blown from Its hinges Two small heles lightly discolored, showed where ' lh yeggmen had Inserted tho explosives tfafoterlal frm vnrlom counters had been '.t,Mim over It to deaden the sound. Kvon tftt policemen on tho beat, Including tho one wno tries mo anno uuuio mnuy, filled to hear the explosion. AUTO THIEVES ORGANIZED "One Gang Robs Homo nnd Steals 1 Thrco Cars, Say Police. The police, are lnvcstlgatlnR tho thefts TvOf two automobiles In West Philadelphia, .nd believe an orgnnlrcd gang of auto thtees Is operating In that section A car belonging to r V. Uneweaver, of Wth and Chestnut strecls, was stolen lite last night, and before riding nvvny the thief, it I believed, entered the apart ment of C M Tull and stole jewelry ,Ylued at JT5 An automobllo belonging to Dr. A. r. McKerny, of 1800 North 23d street, was "itolen from In front of St. James' Chinch. (Sth and Chestnut streets, while tho physi cian was attending tho service. Tho car belonging to t.Inevveaver wni found at 61st and Carpenter streets. TAX PAYMENTS GROW - -ilcrcantile Business in City Shows t No Depression. Mercantile business In Philadelphia Is on the Increase There Is no depression v evident In the meicantlle lncs of $174- 771 II, paid foi rdi at the Clt Treasury. During the corresponding pcilod Inst Li jear J170,1!2!S In meicantlle taxes wus hpald All mercantile taxes must be palfl cn or before Ma 1. although comparn- . lively ien oi wia lurHr uu, fiuriiiums mm 4,lndllduals of large Interests subject to .ir.e lax nae mnao pajmeni inus mr 'After May lali per cent, penalty will bo imposed. Lawmakers Visit Quarantine Station Members of tlie House Conunlttco on Appropriations mnde a pcrboun! visit to the Qimmntlno Station at Marcus Hook jeserdav for tho purpose of learning how ijthe 150,000 asked for Is to be spent Th,ey Rwere taken down tho river In the quar K ntlne boarding boat Oovcrnor Pcnny " packer. At the station tho urgent needs of the place wero explained by Dr. Henry Heller, Stale Quarantine, physician, and i his assistants. Dis Leon Gottsclinlk nnd jf" John tMiltehouse ftf e, "WUX.T PRESIDENT SUFFRAGE m After Long Southern Trip, Filled With Speeches, Leader De clares Cause Is Everywhere Gaining Ground "No man will ever be elected President Rot the United States again who has not eipressed himself as being In favor of ponian suffrage" uamatlng as much a Igor and energy ns though Bhe bail lust returned from n long vacation Instead of a Southern campaign ing trip la which one-night stands wcie the rule, tho Itev Dr. Anna Howard Shaw Joiced this tilumphant statement today, tIiig her deductions on the result of observations mnde on her tour. It IS Onlv nlinf H.nnlA. T?ninh lhA nn. Itentlal Itepubllcnn candidate for the presidency said last vear at Atlantic I'ltV." Said Blm 'nriH T tnn ti, t,nw poll. rlnced of it The South has always been .retarded as being unanimously opposed to sOman's Pnrrannl.laan.Artt nn, I.a anlrlf kthat exists down thero now is wonderfully encouraging ' "Not. nnlu fn 4 lie tSOnAa I kt. !- av U'blted, but many of tho States are nl- Teady VlOnrinrfltll., nvnnnt-ri1 li'l'armvh.rN J that I went I spoko to overflow meetings. HD fact, there, vvern nnlv 4lirA nltlpo n vilj1.1 coum nnd na"s DK enough to noid the crowds In New Orleans I had .VI SnaL- in 41, -...!., IA nl. nAn..eA I",was no hall large enough to accom- u4ib me people Heretofore when t ftV0 SDOken In llin llniilh.rn Stntes T felt that tfffe. fiiirpAqn nr lhA irnther . vvas due In lame measure to cu- y--suffrage Is not even yet the old ' In the SnllHi ll.ar U In nn bprA- lU' this time I kneiv thArA uah r-al In. "ft. I could tetl bv thn miestlons the jetiana women In the audiences asked After a brief resnlte at her linma In wan, the redoubtable suffragel leader ' again take up the cudgels for votes -unien starting at Pittsburgh on y 3 she will eo on the stump until "II elections, giving 30 days ot her MO tO each nt thn Rlnlaa In t.lilnl. nlif. HffO Is an IflflllA Ililn i.np P-nnRVl, aia. New Vft-i xran. ta-.. nn.t ii... chuMt; " "" "" "" """ .fn aplte of the fact that no State in 1 women are now voting put woman N-- -viuaa me nrsi vime ine iiuca Came hefnra IK. ,nAe riMlm. Rltaw "prtisea her belief that ' Pennsylvania VIOLINS $2.50 to $175.00 r lllrv,L,'.. IfiWca." W'ssMxam. VJ. '-mplete AMitment ! victrolas andt t& Records v&mtmmmfijvmm, 1'OUR HELD FOR ASSAULT Magistrate Regretfully Commits Men Who Subdued Girl's Tormentor. Magistrate MacFarland snl.l he was sorrv tho law compelled him to hold font om,K men who were arraigned before h m today at , M ,, chr,1n Mroets station for beating r'ranclsco Vcs- .m. -m Muwnler street. The laller Is In Ml Slnal Hospital with mncusslon of the brain and a piobahlc rraelure of the skull Ills alleged assallnnls were held to await the result of Vesirln s Injuries They nre .Incob .laiTr, ni ntzwntcr -drccf 1 en am In llom.ni. 221 fltrunter s fee J'hlllp Oorman, T,-,; South ad street mid Herman jtubensteln. m ntzwater street The prisoners testified that Verlla, Ing several little girls at 3,1 n, Kit? water stree s lni nioi.i mm. .J..: CONTRACTS JUGGLED, CLAY TRIAL CHARGE Witness Aids State in Conten tion Former Oflicial nnd Others Practiced Fraud. Plumbing work for the seen rooms nt the luvcnlle department o,i the third floor of thr pjllre station at Trl mid Hare streets which was inllerl for In the first contract wns omitted In the second, ac cording to the testlmom toilas of I'red erlck rjodshall, estimator ror Oeorge r Hoover fc Co , plumbers. In the trial of Heniv Clav. John It Wiggins and Wll larU It. Walls, who nie alleged tn have defrauded the cits mi municipal cnntincts. The Commonwealth contends that while the equipment of the.se rooms wns desig nated in the lirst contract, under which John It. Wiggins . Co were paid, It was omitted from the second contiact, under which tho work was perfoimed, nnd called for again in a thhtl tnntrmt awarded aftei tho scorn! loutinrt had be, n nwnided 17dwnrd K. Fonder a gcneinl cntiti.ii.tnr, said that he hart not been glxen n op of the bulletin that lowered the cost of tile work on the public bath house at Mon trose and Darien street, which, the Com monwealth charges was Issued In former City Aichltcct Carl It. Zllenzlger, who failed to give copies to nn contractois other than John Tt. Wiggins & Co Asphalt with a market aluo of ."ll 35. called for In the P.rt contract, was omit ted from the second, nccordlng to the testlnuiiiv of Albeit II Pinionst, estl ma I oi for tho iiUnulte Paing Compam of tills clt. speaking tr tin- Wolk fur the swimming pool of the bath house nt Monttoae and Darien stieets. PORTER'S CHIEF CLERK WEDS .1. M. Pickerinpr Marries Mi.si Lcllic Pontz in Lancaster. Jnsepli Mahlon Pickering, of 2i South 21d stieet, nn attornev and chief ilerk In the otllco of Pliectoi Poitei, of tho Uepaitment of Public Safetv, was mai iled to Miss Lellle I'ontz, daughter of Jacob I'ontz. of Lancaster, in that citv, on Satiiulay night. The couple will re turn to this clt j after a wedding Jouinev of a week. Director nnd Mrs Porter attended the wedding ccrcmon Mr PonU Is a brick mnnufnctiiicr and one of the most promi nent Democrats In his section of tho State. He lias a cottage nt .Mount Gretui and It was during an encampment of tho National Guard of Pennsylvania thero that Mr. Pickering, a major in the 2d Iteglment, met Mlsa Pont?. Mrs Picker ing, who was prominent In Lancaster social!), attracted attention when sho became a probation ofllccr there Mr. Pickering is a giaduate of the University ot Pennsylvania. MUST FAY UK TO WIN" DR. SHAW has in excellent chance to become neer tn this respect plo- "The wisest move the men if this State could make." said she emphatically "would be to give tho women what they want this time and let them begin to utilize their splendid eneigles Immediate ly Kor If we don't get It tills time, we'll start the morning after election work ing f(Sr It the next time, and we'll keep on until we win." Doctor Shaw wns extremely interested In hearing about thn remark mode by Senator Penrose at the Lnloii League ie cently, In which ho expressed himself as being in favor of woman suffiage. "Tlie Senntor." said she by wny of comment, "when he speaks olllclally In public, speaks for his party, but what he sav a In the presence of his fi lends Is probably what he really believes," Tlie real cue of the suffragists at tills crucial stage of the game, according to Doctor Shaw, is not to bother with try ing to get u national amendment at Washington, but to go after the States individually "Miss Paul nnd her confreres at Wash ington," she said, analyzing the situation, "are soung and they do not realize that the only reason they got a congreslomil hearing on their bill was because of the number ot States that now have suffrage. It Is the voter who counts every time, and until we have eight more suffrage States In the United States "we cannot expect tu get a national amendment. However, I consider the Influence of Pennsylvania and New York so great they are equal to four othertates, an I If these two Bvving for suffrage this fall we shall only have to gain four mora States to have jur women universally enfranchised " Doctor Shaw has canceled a New York encacement In order tn take part In the. suffrage parade In Philadelphia on May 1 Despite the committee's Invitation for her to ride In an automobile, she Insists upon -walking, "like the rest of the young people." HAND WROUGHT WILLOW CHAIRS SSSfl! e-A O up Antique Painted & Decorated Chairs and Settees VM. C. PATTON, JR. 24 South 18th 65-Note Player Piano Made to play 88-note music, $25 Guaranteed satisfactory. HOWARD VINCENT S36-838-840 North 6th Street flMw'ituAHnF? fl &Cf EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915; WOMEN SEEK $200,000 FOR HOME FOR AGED Forty-two Teams Begin 12-dny Campaign for Bala Presby terian Institution. An ren SO) women, volunteers In th camiMlgn to raleo I200.POO for the Itresliv terlan. Home for Aged Couples and Aged Men. nt llal.i, set out ns mcinbers of 2 t'nms to gather subscriptions after n li.n'lieon this nfte'noon In tho campaign besdipiarteis, 217 South llroad street Alt ages were tepresentrd In the team mem bership Pome joung girls have olun teeied to work for tho home. ItrMilts of Hie first dn .i work wilt be reported at the luncheon lomortott. The innipalgn will Inst 13 days Mrs J T Jackson, Mrs. Lewis S Lee, Mrs II t, Oroome, Mrs. A If. Ilulzlzci, Mrs Thomas Graham, Mrs Howard Keteham, Miss II. T lloltz. Mrs W. T Mofflv. Miss lMiih Hnrtwcll Mrs Clay ton V. Shoemaker, Mrs. C. M Weight man, Mlsa ft n Hurllck. Mrs Joseph Homer. Mrs Wllllim S Slack, Mrs F M. Knoille, Mrs M. Henry Kcir, Mrs William M Murpln. Mrtf Meadow croft. Mis Charles McKarnher, Mis I knell, Mrs !eorgo I)als. Mrs Scltr. Mrs C. 1! filler. Mrs Ham Freeman. Mrs ThomaK Craven. Mrs John Fowler. Mrs. Frnnk 1' Croft. Mrs. J C Young. Mrs. loslih Mntnn, Mrs J. It Uroadlleld, Mrs II Clav Ferguson, Mrs William It .Nicholson. Mr h. p i:nn, Mrs W. A Nichols, Mrs Alexander i;tder. Mrs A. CI. Hparks. Mru Joseph tllllllllun, Mrs A S Ferguson Mrs John A Mc Cown. Mrs Chartes N Heildall Mis Craig .V Liggett. Mrs V. r Oraes, Mrs. John Peacock, Mrs J W MocNlltl. Mrs James Kllnson. Miss Mnrv He.itt, Mrs. Charles Hllcp. Mrs H It Fnckler. Mrs Thomas It. Kill. Mrs J Harper smith, Miss F Smith, Mrs Martha Lemon. Mis Chmlnttc Schoulng, Mrs James S rnn. Sin' John Clinmbei". MIm Sara Cooke. Mrs. Alexander I'ogcl. Mis' Robert Steele, Mis F C Chani berllti. Miss Mnrv McCool. Mrs. S It. Stewart. Mrs John Cliff and Mrs llarrj Krewsnn. Among the dlredois who will assist John Wnnnmnker. William It Nicholson, A 11 lionev, A W I.Mnim, Hubert H. Hlinklcv. (loilfrev I! Ilelimaun, William lleun ttronks, the l!e. I) j, Y. Ora bnm. Clnrl.snn Clnthlei, frnnk P. Ciofl. lohn C Hlncklev, William S Fuist. Cinlg N Liggett Unwind Ketch, mi. Will iam T Moffh and I! M Stlnson DA1USIITBKS OF J1KRI('A.V itBvnijimox open coxkrkss Piesident Wilson Delivers Address of Welcome to Delennlcs. WASHINGTON, pill 10 -The Iltn iriiu.il longiess of the I'aiigliier" of iIk Vnici .Liu Hcvolulldii was npe'iod help today in Meiiiiirl.il Cnntlnenfiil Hall with one or the largest iihsembl.ig,", of deln gate evei gathered for n "-e'slon Mis illliini Cummliig Storj the president genenil. presided. 'Ihe HveK (imtivl ovel the olllens will le.ifli a ellm.ix in the elcllon nlm i'.u 'Ihr supporters or lr lieoigc T Gliernsev of Inrlepeiidenii-. Kan n lliev lime innucii votes to cli-rl her pri-sl-dnit geneiil V,s tllrv j, followers c. elaie she will be ie-elected Plc.sldent Wilson delivered lh. ,iddrej.s of nilinme, following Mrs Storv s an nual address. Anih issnrlor Ju-'sernnd. of Fiame John I lavs li.unmoiid, mining engineer. Director H.nrelt, of the r'nu Amerlcan Futon, nnd oth.i illstlngulshed men were on today's piogrnm. Manv ie. eptlous and otliei entn tnlnmunts vvoie given during tli ,1 iv EXPECTS VICTORY FOR OPTION Rev. Henry W. Tope Tells of Prob able Outcome of I'ifht. the prospects or n local option vlctoij this enr wns painted In bright colois todnj b the I!ev. Homy V Tope, super intendent of the Anti-Saloon league. In nn address before the .Methodist Ministers Association, nt 101S Arch stic-t o spoke in plnco of Pei ley A Kaker. national superintendent, who was unable to come here from New York More than 'lOO.OOO voters In the state have petitioned their representatives In tlie Legislature to vote for the hill. Mr Tope said, and now for the lirst time the ministers face a probable victory in their long light. Incendiary Sentenced MAItYSVH.r.n. Ph.. April 11 -Reynold Smith, of Klstler. set his ham nnd house on fire. In order to obtain the Are insurnnco which he cnrrled on them to pa otT a debt of $.-,1)0 on his farm Judge William N Seine! t. In Perrv Count Court, sentenced Smith to 6i ,lnv"s In the county Jail at Xew Tllooinlleld nnd to pay n tine ot 23 nnd the cost of his trial. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES tiuun j iooief .iiuj a, jsemiriKer nt and 1 T,ni!.i. JMSft. 5S3"r- Md-nnJ ti'n",e "SIS MrsK-l'Sia 3,i.fh J,"11"" " Hf2r'! Vil,e,:,!'l,ri1' v J and liMiile llul,. bard, ,1J3T Clientnut h". 'WV. Ki RarrUoii. APnona, Pa, and tola t;. I'ullUop Alloona. Pa J-rederlik S VV hit laker. 1 hettnul Hill, nnd Mildred Therpc. Devon I'a. Charles V. Jolumnn Colnvn I'n . nnd Kxtelle ,,11 Undsey. tan Fnnkford ave. '"'"e VV llllaii. It. Antladel, Jr , Camden. N J . and Jlarlo D II haMf. -ii N -,l. Krank Jainca. St 8. Mat at., and Amelia J llablger, BIOS Haiel ave " J. K'iR1Id A- 1arri' Lheaier, Ta and Margaret C Oraham, BID; SprliiKlfeld avc. " 1t.SJJ -'spbj. p2 Poplar a., and Anna Clcha. a.u I'opiar r. Frjnk V0""., ',,rJ "Irhlll at . and Helena Witt Ixing Iload. Pa W'a.yl Moatowyk. 4(17 New Market at., an I fharalvna Neater. 3.15 X Darien l Harry llrlktn 710 I'anlrell at , unci Fa rah r.ublh. 410 Hofttnan at FILL YOUR COAL BINS LETTER'S BEST COAL Satisfied Customers for 30 Years. 2240 lbs. to every ton for 30 years. The finest and most complete coal yard In Philadelphia, Egg, SG.25 Stove, $6.50 Chestnut, 56.75 Largest Round Pea, $4,75 ,.Vr auJ trucl deliver north of Market St, and east of 30th St. Owen Letter's Sons Trenton & Westmoreland ffi Cleanliness is a law in our laundry. We have am nie working and ventilating fa cilities, good water supply and sanitary equipment. Your laundry work is more than spotless if it's done by me Neptune Laundry 1SQ1 Columbia Ave. wL iIM mm WHAT THE LIBERTY BELL SAID TO THE MAN FROM THE WEST Stranger in Quaint Attire Finds a Relic That Doesn't Want to lie a Itclic; That Wants to lie Heard, but Not Seen. He circled, the gtunt man from the Far West, around the glass tomb where the old Liberty Hell reMs, copying the Inscrlpt'on on a filitnv old pad of paper and muttering to "himself ns he Jotted down the great words " 'Proclaim tlbeitv,' well, well, 'through out all the land,' h'm, that's fine' "umo nil the Inhabitants thereof,' nmazltij' 'Lev 'that s for Leviticus the "Mil chap tcr. the Kill Verse. Most nma7lng' "Ah, tliey must "hale put that on aftei the bell rang out liberty for us, brother what sav joll?" "No," vawned the policeman on guard, coirectlng for the 13th time that tlnv tho usual mlslnke. "That was put on when they cast the bell, 23 .veals tiefoie It tolled llbert.v You see, tho Inscilptlon wan a prophecv that was fulflttcd," nnd he sud denlv noticed the iiunliit attire of tho visitor, the shirt collar Itnps falling wido apart. Walt Whitman stjlo, the leather mat, tho strange tall boots, tho carpet bag Hut before lie could iv nnv thing til" old bell tolled out n tremendous peal of welcome and the ciaik had closed, w tilth nobodv henid oi saw. foi time stood still for a minute or so nobodv ixcept the little man In the strange clothes, who was nothing less than the Spirit of the West, ioiiip to visit old Father Liberty "Vmi got tlieie, dldn I on. Pioneer whispered the old bell liuriledlv for thev hid oulv a minute in so. I ln-mber 1 knew von would, for I piedhted ou the ear I wns boin. 175I, niul I hnd n vision of voni swnvlng CnncHtogn wagon stn t glllig ncrois tlie wlldeincss even ttien Did vnti tlnd the gold? ' 'Mi lick tt In ISI3 heaps nt It llm liv ers ran with vellow gold. Hut It wasn t the gnm. oil. bellevo me" the mail s tight linml went lip In solemn nillurntlini It wns the vmith In mc, tho hunt, the ndveli turi ' "I know 1 know. Pioneer That s what thej said lieie when thf found Stcnm it wasn't the gain. Il was thn knowledge thev wero tn gel and the pingtess, but ' "Von taught us all we know," bluiutl out the mill "Teat h It to us iig.ilu nut theie ncross the ttot kles. Tell uh again about the tt.ivs befoin the tine for the gold .1 lid the men with the steam; I tell oii, sil, we need It more than jolt iiijj think. ' The h, II shone white-hot with passion, .i nil I lie rrack showed n ml Hrc.ik aciosj Its f.uc. "Have the Imiiii,iI inv les-tiii lieie" ' he shouted. "No! Not If 1 were hi tiled and tolled till I tint'ktil again, sii. Thev tloii t know me in" and m.v luokui licit t It'o tlie Ml align old tnetiil of nie ami the iteer old dust of me, and the mile that I .un tile i 'ii ' Thev hail hHIr i-aj tov nnd lie done vvith It, or h'lbv's rattle, to bo DOZEN KI.KTON WEI)I)IX(5S Two Couples Fiom Philntlclpiiin ln cicnsc Day's Business. ni.KTON, Mil, Aplll !' Twelve loup les weic man led In Klklon todnv Tliey vv err . Joseph 1 Moss and I!n.c T Cold, Chnilcs R nnthmiin and Ibalrlie (iiim vllch, nil of Philadelphia. Clatenie Johnson and Mm V Rvnn. vVit Ches ter, Hariv .1 C.cnailc nnd Hhiuch Ii filled, Wallet C. Men and Ida VI Ma Iioiip, nil of Cnmdeii, N. .1 . llanv r I.evnns, Jtridgcpoit, Pa, and Flounce 12 Hn'nes, Conshohockcn: Henry II Middle ton. New York, nnd Ciiv McCluie, Wil mington. Del.; Arthur H. Johnson and Com M. Durham. Chcstei , llowird GottvvallH Washington, nnd Ruhv M O.u thrlghl. Richmond, Yn John A. liilmcs and 2ditli M. Ilakci, Wilmington, Del., I low. u il S. llotts, Heverlv. and An nettn O Rartbolomew, Hiirllngton. N I I.eiov C Darmon nnd Hii7cl Walker. Ox ford, Pa. :ir'riT r X2E Beauty First fler iff print: your rnmplpilon ullh our SKIn I noil (ittim 3V Jars SI if yitii drnirc 11 nerfrrt fate poiviprf tr? inir i-iqtiUlip rnuilre ite I inc. rhrre tliilt hllr ( rram ur Hei.li, In nttrnttlvo Iioxm, S0r. LLEWELLYN'S C.I I'liilailrlphla'a Standard Drug Stnre 1518 Chestnut Street (urdrnla Toilet VVntrr, (He. w 32 X sz "TV Men's $5 With style, quality, distinc tion, built in not ironed in after the shoe is made. Stefderitfat J 1 420 Chestnut St. "Where Only tha Beat Is Good Enough" ff The Linen Shop - Table Cloths A Splendid Opportunity 2 yards square. Beautiful round designs, $2.50 ea. 2x2J4 yds., 3.25 ea. Towels, Webb's Irish Dew Bleache'd, 75c grade...., 50c ea. Comforts, Silk, Lamb's Wool, all colors ,4.25 ea. WOMEN'S SILK HOSIERY per pair. All Handkerchiefs for Men and Women A full assortment, both plain and initial. See our Special at , ,.25c H. T. PATTERSON 1332 Wal" s"' Bell Phone. Walnut 1093 importer or Linens mmmmmmmtrrt-TirnrmTTrnrnrm i . v- - '4 I I THE CRACK JN THE HELL taken and shil.'ii iliing on tlnii b iliy trills What ilo vou want to look nt mo fm 1 m uol to b, lmil. ml at I'm to be In .11,1 Nohndv. looked ut rue whin 1 lung tliey listtncd .mil c.une Cast ,i new hell, sound a new pe.il, lenvo mc in pence " The man stinkcd his chin thoughtfullv. "Its lather a pllv. after nil, tli.it .viiu'io coming out." he said '(If coll so, It's too late now, vou me coming Hut, Jlmili.v, it's a guilt show-that I'liii.ima fall and Hide's the mint -Hint tilings us nil lienier tiuelhei. doesii t It? l!(.v. old man" Answei " As tin Imihid lie saw tlie silent bell Jiiur, ri ml n tlnv black Hit cad rcdnoil to tun (rum lip tu cinwii. Tlien that liladt tin (nil widened mid tin1 hewilihcd police man loukid nn just In time tn " tho Lonttulls nf the tall Httaiigci dlsnppcnr out the b.uk ilnni. and wondeii'd AntsrrJiisfs Sent to Sins: SiiiK Ni:V VriRIC. April l- I''iank A. Ikiinn land Cm mint' Carbonne, convicted of ut- tfinptlng to tlow Ui St. Patilck's Cnthe diul with n bomb on M.uch ", wete seii ten ed in Sing Mug todav tn u tcini of not less than si and not mini thnii twelve vears lv Judge Nolt awns oeffin to k Green Does v inn h' iid docs It look gicen .ill over or can lira see baro spots lic'in .iml there-' To renovate u sli.ihliy lawn or maid n new one, vou .should mih Dreet s Cclebiatcd I.awtt Glass Seed w iilioul delay The result will ho good, even If left to nature, hut they will ho quicker if ou stimulate growth hj enrhliing thn soil vvith .Sheep Manure, Wood Ashes., Hone Meal or nreers Peei less Lawn I'crtillzer nnd roll thoroUKlil.v It will then bo In Hli-ipe t withstand tho hot, dry dnvs of summer Wo have a Hpecinl Lawn Booklet describing evorv tiling for thn lawn Rollers, Rakes. Mowers, Rdgors. etc. Wilto oi call for a copy of Ulcers Harden Hook or tho Lawn Booklet I'xee. Seeds, Plants, Tools reer 7U-16 Chestnut llElSi To introduce this new department we offer our uninafchable Si Silk Stockings at 85c colors, including Black and white. Keystone Phone. Race 317 CHICAGO STEEL RAIL MILLS ARE RESUMING onto Plants Start Today, While Others Extend Opera tions. i Htr uio April lD-f)ne nftei another lie steel mil mills In Chicago nod South blrago hit tesumlng operations, while nine which linvo been operating on n. decreased scale nrc extending their opera tions The South Chicago Hall Mill has resumed operations after being shut down for several weeks because of nn accident There Is not much i nil business ahead, bin It Is stated that It can run fairly well on other products. Heteafter the Onij Mill, of the United Stntes Steel Corpotatlon, will run fix o dnvs a wed, Instead of four, as has been the case recently. The American Ilrldge plant at Gary resumed this morning with fOO men. after being shut down for tevernl weeks. Men hunt mills In Otuy today Increased npciatlons to nearly full cnpndty Plato nulls which have been tunning four d.ijs a week will soon Increase operations. It Is understood (Inrv beginning todnv. Is operating S5 per cent anil South Chicngo 70 per cent , or combined, 7." nnd So per cent. No nil ilitlounl furtiiii es have been blown In the last rot might, but It Is likely that more will start in tlie nrai future $3.-1,000,000 IN WAR ORDERS Steel Companies in Pittsburgh (Jet Rip Contracts. pnT.snrrtc.il, April vl-i-'uIIv ivi,ono,- Win in war tuateilnt has ocen contrneted i ir In Piltsliuigh Tlie Cruellile Steel ( onipaiiv has hnnked one oidet aggro Lie Hue J.'OOnonoo The lemaludei nmong othel cone ems T M Latimer, a local Mlii his r, celved n wireless message fruit London that contracts hnd dually I ecu apptoved. "Gaciots! coffee" ti7s jVlany a lime? liear this at the or dinner table dclphia homes. pyou will breakfast in Phila- Ancl it is a deserved compliment to ji thoroughly good coffee. For you will look far to find a coffee that has the same delightful aroma the satisfying quality that hits the spot every time. More and more discrim inating housewives are finding every day that they can obtain greater satisfac tion more real worth from Saludo Coffee than from many another selling for much more. And that's because Saludo is an honest value. Steel-cut, fresh roast ed daily, blended to satisfy the most critical taste. And remember, S a 1 u d o ' s fine strength means more good cups to the pound. 20c a pound 1 lbs., $1.12 Caricol Tea a delightful brew Solved steaming hot, it is hard to imagine a more gratify ing; tea than Caricol. Iced, it is unique, delicious. Blended of se lected teas, it has a flavor that .satisfies almost every tea taste. And its price in spito of the dangerous shipping conditions is still :iic ii)., r lbs., $i.no Viv Cocoa delicious, healthful Just as fine, smooth and deli cious as cocoa can be. Mnde from selected cocoa beans, the oil of which is removed by hy draulic pressure, it is n cocoa of unusual wholesomeness. 12c and 22c a tin Thos. Martindale & Co. 0th Sc Market Eitaullahcd In 1800 nell Phonra Fllliert 2870, Filbert 2971 Kcyatone llace D0O, Race S01 Rock Island Scenic Circle Tours to California Get a copy of our Panama Impositions Folder niul glance at tho map See tha Circle Tours available to California Out throuRh Colorado, with Its incomparable mountain sceneiy, back throush Kl t'.iso and the historic SouthvvtEfe. over the (Jolden State Itoute, the direct lino ot lowest altitudes, or vice versu, or In one direction by way of Yellowstone Na tional Park, Glacier National Park or Canadian National Park, throush the Canadian Rockies. Pre-eminent in the through transconti nental service are the "Golden state Lim ited" and "Callfornlan," vlu El Paso and Tucson, and the "Rocky Mountain Lim ited" and "Colorado-California t!inu" via Colorado. No liner trains, no better service are provided anywhere than on Rock Island Lines Automatic lllock Signals Finest Modern All-Steel L'quip ment Superb Dining Car Service. Low-fare tickets on sale daily. Stop over at all points en route. Both exposi tions included in one ticket at no extra cost We maintain a Travel Bureau at 101 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Our repre sentatives are travel experts, who will help ou plan a wonderful" and an eco nomical outiug-. give you full Information about California and tier wonder Bxposl tlouB. how bast to see thm, and look after vry detail or yoBr trip. Write, ghene or drop tn for our UtMs ture oo California, , the BipoaUUmi, H M Brown. P F A Kock Wand Lints, Ffciiadetolua. Vben W&laut 133. s fine "Yes "N. B.T." Perry's "l,IMv HUT'IOV vioiini, font. liich-vv.U.sti'il niul K 1 1 1 n : tutnusiv tn fiont. Noft-rolllnsr lnpi'ls, cut veil pocke'ts. Xrnt, llvi' huttmiH nnd Kiift-ioll lolliu. 'IrmiNrrn ixtt.i imi row In thighs nnd Ioks The Secret of Our Success as revealed in our Spring Suits at $15, $18, $20 It is the secret of Josh Billings' postage stamp it sticks to a thing till it gets there! We are doing just that in making our $15, $18, $20 Suits the biggest and best value for the money in this or in any other city. There is no ground for comparison between them and any other $15, $18, $20 Suits whatsoever there is plenty of room for contrast. These fabrics and cloth designs at $15 alone are the handsomest we have ever seen for Spring wonderful soft stripes, Tartan and Glen Urquhart plaids, silk mixed wor steds, blue serges, and others galore. The self same "N. B. T," style and atmosphere of good taste that you find in our highest-priced clothes! Perry &Co. "N. B. T." 16th &,Chestnut Sta. mm U mil ik , W mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers