9jP i &44.m''m.i' KmwMiMmmmw!iaFmmmtmimi' ptupni i r tmmm mmvmvmm mmw9 I EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915. ' 18 BOOKWORM, LOOSE IN f FREE LIBRARY, TELLS WHY IT'S A GRAVEYARD h Rfoi one Are uiu utiys ui Sir George Tressady, oi Marie Corelli's Works, but "Elekira," Written B, C, Still Wanted. I pussyfootlnR nrotind tlic Rliclvca of tlin 'Free Wbrary nmoim m iosi kuuis iuukhik r ''something I1IC0 in rctm, u iiiuiimuii. IL .mnn expressed himself today with k ..i-rnsm that wno nit tho more cut- Ring because It was calm. P. 'This Is n Graveyard or reputations, ho Raid. "Look at that shelf. Klevcn copies r . igr Ocorgo 'lrcssnuy, u ,ira. jmin 1. 1 .. ....-,i ivrnlinilv'R tnken onn of ein iKit for six weeks. I know, becnuso 1'vo ifei .i..i '.m. llumphl Onco thcro wna irouiui" - Kuch a sl1 tllPy "nd ,0 BCt " coplcs f..A you had to get licro cany nnu Rrau to E..I xnA lit that. jf, never can cot what I wnnt tho real V-Ain-bocauso they're always out nnu Ptfccrt's only olio copy of 'dm. I've been Strrlnff to G" J"Ty " translation oc JtM 'Elcktra' of Euripides. Alwnys out. Written In tho Gth century heforn Christ, e t .. - n fiiol, tnr II. Iln. Iln. Ami battel ucr " " - ' Ijjr. Hump Ward's 11 Trossadys nro rot- eilni there In a row. ""took at thoso llnrlo Corcllls. Hvery Ifihlng In stock from 'Master Christian' fio 'Murder of Dcllcla.' Tnklnp ip itood R. . - --. r vnmpmlinr when the lit- Y ,-, nAAi1 rn tho frnllt llnnrrttnn .welling- for tho library to open so's they could snntcn tor cm. 1' "A man can stand hero and watch tho - - .,.! ltrt VinnVn ntiil 11 net ntlt wlmt 'folks nro thinking about in tho world. Tjook at this man Ucrnard Shaw. I'm acalnst him. jmiow wnyt wen, 10011; hero's tho shelf for his plays. Every vol ..,. nt 'em nlways out but one. And 'what Is that ono that Is alwnys In? 'Pleasant I'lays.' xsououy ever lanes tunc out. See? 'lliey noiri want nnyiiiinff .- ... rvnm lmw Tlml' ntilv wnnt Ml unpleasant stuff. That Is, they want tvsrvthlnR ho writes except ono book. f "There's only ono ronn Hint's been writing moro man iu vears wno is ami 'being read. You hardly ever can Ret n look of his. Always out. That's Joseph 'Conrad. Seo? On this shelf there's a itralght Jump from Connelly to Cooper. :ve inn In. Oront. blu. nillet remitntlon. !.M ho never writes on sex. Thnt's Ho ling !omo on 'Sir Gcorco Ticssndy.' iHardly a woru on eox, nanny nny ;i(i vsrtlsement. nnd yet tho people keen on 'inatchlnc up his books. Good slfrn. Isn't Kit? R "And-oh, here's a Joke! Look nt Henry Ejames. A whole shelf nnd a hnlf of him. Golng to rot there. Great, Isn't It? "Walt! 1 want to run across and seo If that jt'Eurlphles' has come In by any chanco Kwhlle I've been talking." n,,,..-!. ATni-ba O-.ll, .Unlrn...... - Vlluliu iiiuiiici .ui,, iiitiiDviauij K1 The Mth nnnUersary of the founding K-.a .1.- n.ii..it. 11. ..n1. t Ci -n BVl mc VUII1UWU V.llllli:il lit ni. XUI1- latentura, Oth nnd Cambria, streets, nnd !ino wia uiimvcipiiri ui uiu i:iiuraic in ,th8 Rev. Hubert Ilnmmeke, nttrnrtcd n larefl fllifllnnpp tn tlio rhlll-i'li viqtoivln V fnirtrnlnp. Arnhhlshnn PrendnrcnHt nrn. tilded at tho l'ontlllcul Mass, -which was ' 1.1.-.,-., i... Tit..!..... r..r mi. Th Civuruit;u tiy i,ioiiu, .utiuu, iiu jtev. Henry Stominell preached tho sermon. HELP WANTED-MALE AijTOMonir.i fWU I fAM2H. Ar-ntJ'tf . loouitAM'r mii'uimvt A MONO l'P.t:Si:.NT OWSPIS IV l"l,l, ' T .t ft. Ann. I'tlRSHNT IIU. ALT ) ! A A-AIIIJ AND SALCf , nt, ,,;-. :ii,w 0.1UL..T Mirl!l-'vn,U''r"A "ANCII rioin-i.-m M'Ai'itiNaTo.v Xvb. vicrort cahi.vi:tmaki.hh wasthd Must bo exrcrlonced "1 "no cabinet notk and do hnn.l snndlnir. llrlni- tuols rhyolinl cxninliiolloii ncetiry. Apply TAMU.VO MAUIIt.S'UV COMPANY AtiBllcatlon Office, 2.1 .Market street. Cnmden, Vew Jersey, MAN ANt) AVirn, colored, for country nr.i. ...la.a unly; full thn rf rLnjhgr..SoufTt fa""1' J.n0rS.ok!n "!"' down.talrs work, ref- r -"" jjfi it: i it o reuuircii, -i1Iij?iii9.(' 'Nnrh mth t. Monduy, in. Ai. i.8tatb man wanted. must be youne uiuiouuniy ejmerloni'.iiil in,i nn,.,.i.,,n rhiliSm1 iTm '" f"1"0" ln Oermaiitonn nn.l L.neNlnut Mill; for permnticnt posltl'in In HhnhiK0.rn "eVR"",cr1' brlslit pr!,.e(.tfV for r glit man. in lenl). tn receli-o intention. einio ep, nnu uniqry. I, a in. Lwlger C'enltJl. XVATUIl IlUlHli:itH WANTKO Mutt hao factory cxpcrlenco on fine cabinet work, furnlturo or planoa. I'liyslcnl examination necessary. APPLY VJCTOIt TALKING MACHINE COMPANY Application Office, 'J3 Market street, Camden. Now Jersey. SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE WIU.NnvUlt ou hae a .K'ancy for a Itonk lufper, nunui;ruplicr or elt-rk uf any kln.l. mil up Walnut .110, "Mlja Dean," LoJgcr Centrnl, and tell lier your uenln. Slio nan IliliM tho (lualitkatlons of hlRh-iirailt' oxper lenccil nuiiK ladles In every llnu of hUiMucEfi. nnd will Html you u competent slrl tn ml our poBltlon. Thl3 Is a fico Kervlcu to Ledger uihcrtlicrs. CIIAMlinitMAIL) or waitress; city or sub urbs. 300 Jit. Vernon st. ClIAJlUL'UWOniC In hotel, mountains or era rdioro; refined tulorcd girl; reference!. Phono tlermnntown WI17 V. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THi BTILE TYPE (or like this) one insertion ice peruns Tbree Insertions ln n neek. ... 12Vc per Una Ccven consecutive Insertions.. 10c per line fltuatlons named, three Inser tion) tn a week 10a perllnt .THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted tn all classifications except Help jTud Situations Wanted, Lost and Pound, Per- unt insertion -:oc per lint Tlires Insertions In a week.... ITHcperllns oven consecutive insertions... ioc per line 111 rates am hased on ni?ata measurement. II aitte lines to the inch. DUTU NOTICES either paper h U lines, one time .urn insertions . B0o 11.00 DAILY ONLY Effect Dcccmtar 1, J94. m COMBINATION RATE ir isiirtlon in both tbe mornlne ana avenlnf HMriof tame dayi PUBLIC LEDGER (MOnNINO) EVENING LEDGER tEVENINO) -7 ill 4 .... -. . . .. .. - ift cenii jwr iino ntt 10 raisa . IHELP iwr niTFTiTrnva wASTP.n liPVCHTISINa IN TIID rUDLIC LKDUEH liiIDB INSERTED IN THE EVUNINa gjga" WITHOUT ADDITIONAL Kltlfr-r 1 n Arr -atAVak nnP ltfltr Some that will accept Ledger wa't at office rates. CHA.MI1KHWOH1C or chnmbcrwork nnd sow Iiib; city or suburbs. Sam Ml. Vernon et. DItnsSMAKnil wishes ensmts.: day. week; street nnd evening Ktiwns, irfs. I) 11'-', L. O. CEItMAN Oim. wants housework; icood cook; speaks r.ngllali. u;u Ocrmantown ac. ki:niMAN (Hill., Kencrnl housework or rcsVau innt. 703 N". Uth st. Hear 1. flOfSEKKDPEit'nr cninpmilon Intel. Prot. womai;snlary JO; refs. 1 Hill. Ledger OIT. HOPafAVOltK Protcstunt woman. :IS, city of suburbH; no washing. J (1 I.I, Ledger Central. LADY'S MAID, tlcrman. warns position; ex cellentrcfii. in H. Allegheny ave. Knebel. l.AUNDIti:8S"for Main Line; must ass'lst with other duties. Call Mon.lnj, llooni 'So, Pub-ll- Ledger, 11 a. in., for Interview. loNll jouiir woman nn compatilon or light housework In apartment; good home; high est refeience. M L'01, LcdgerOfflce. NL'IISU Woman with experience, not gradu" ate, would llko position either as nuiso or companion to Invalid, or will take housework; prefers to go homo nt night; lives In neigh borhood of Slh and L'rlo nve. L SSS. Ledger Central. NI'ltSEItY OOVEHNKSS spkg. Frcli.. llcrm., I'.ng,; muiilc. klmlcrgtn plus, care: 1st- ca. ref. Governess, 1111 W. lUlh at..N.Y.clty. NUftSKHY governcssr German, speaking Eng.". des pos. : American ref. J 013. Ledger Cent. si:ciu:tahy on correspondent Young business woman of education and experlencn along literary lines, flrst-clasi stenogrnpher. Is desirous of securing nn editorial position either ns confidential secretary or correspondent: belt cre dentials furnished. J 0I. Ledger Central. HELP WANTED FEMAXE yOOKKEEPEIt, knowledge of typewriting: 50 "l0 lUlt i rhonia nt nat TT JO T n.tnao fan 7. "P'MAID waitress; ono who Is willing 1W. Lctlrtr run.. (?5"-WanteiI until July 1, vhlfe woman ISl?il?tln Iron'ns; t&mlly of three. Address S!0K, younp, competent. Proteatant, for iam frX jour. nflii T "sn wt Tulnn. ilofa.r. . --'- . T" "-- - . TtU ' '- y,gr'nantwn. MtuSl tq do coohlnff and downatalra norkj Kn iV?re. vp umrner; references required. arM Jul. I.Htyi rainA BSS,? ,ln chambermaid and waltresa: aisters SttL nulred. D 103, Ledger Offlie. n(erVn"u S11""" " J"?J? i mim. ---- uu i.iMt'fiiii nriiH. i-oriiir- ui tSi?!dave.JChestnut Hill. imEssMAKnrts loll nLll.lr,.nt"r" rt drapers; tplen lS,V1"1' tnr 'lever women; good ICiV.-10?? seatons, short hours. Apply. Khon . ' m- French Dressmaking Iftnii4 .nar.r. Market at. STI?AW- 7.1, , 1,-i.oTHiEIt, !ut?1!!i!:-SS'.E"llh. Oerman or French7 to tttlrai m -,.. "I"? chl'dren; references re- r.ih" -Wanted, whit, maid for sen- Kk li! i ' WalHngford; must ha good Mt anHS. 4va Personal recommendation. IKeiaa?."' ttt It00m -30- J'Is Oiftte, on IJJ!?iiw '""" ,l na 13 0 clock. ftiriTfI?HRSE fperlencd, to take entire trr'" r infant and nmitr ui,i, ni.t .1,11. i!l!?c .required. D I0. Ledger Oftlce. liiShT?. J'EWER, of pleasanfdlsposltfon. UDari..;.' rV". or infant and two children ; Itammsr n,q,M" ' rl'i 30 rnonthly; S'm J'a'n coast.J0J8, ledger Cen. PtUu im U. sperleneed on 1 adieu' lawn &t?ora,d, vf.l""' 'npan & Co.. north gi?r l.'ih and Anh sta lad iZSS? 1 L" Parts of "shirtwaists, silks BUM Brow, Tb "rnivr Company, Stjonfoirsof h ,rt" "bakfV J ii8.IVS,l-R?.-, booklr and cUtk m&?&EbR&s! 1 "t atrvKe to Ledger advu.lwra. HEas iv.-,-,. ... .. . Kjo """try i'U this rooming i- tv,h i ",,0l voo w. menavin 'Ul and IKjtuut a, v tii-viaia dlLHrs. eJa uoik ...v, , , 11(11.11 j. j Mlt-ilLl VU BTj:N(XlRArjIEU Competent nnd conscien tious worker would consider moderate salary; reference. II 1121, Ledger Office. HI'llS'OditAI'HBR, quick, correct, nomo cxp.j high school education. J ;H9. Led. Cent. STENOORAI'lIER. grad., bright, efficient, good education anu appearance, j in. x.eqger wen. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT will tako chargo small sets books, nudlt. prepare statemems, etc.: high eat credentials: mod. rates, rhone wart 123L ACCOUNTANT would like to get position quickly; 12 yean' cxnerlonce: tet of ref rrence; run go nny prt of country. J -HI. ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT, varl'd experience, will In struct or audit part or full time. C Sl'0. Ledger uince. ACCOUNTANT, bkr.. long commercial busi ness exn.LnottLcrnplojed.J Sit. ledger Cent, AOGttlWSIVB collego man. M. largo physique, aood appearar.'.o. di'slrea position with fu ture; reference. J Ml. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE INTni.MOn.NT man wants work) any kind: evcnlng. i;,. wild, WT N 7th St. JNTfcRtott decorator and furnisher: jouns man with technlrnl experience, -Rlshea t . statt with esiablhhed mmIUt, Led. Off. JAI'ANESB, butler, rook, ceekii position In ram ; has Mper. nnd ref. Kunl, I.M2 Nluth. MAN ANt) Wll'i;. gardener nnd cook; man viiS .carl nutonirtbile, llrat-ilnts reference. "00 I.nncnelcr ave. MAN, WIPIJ. ivvlss-rrench, -with potltlon; tlty or country, man chnufTeiir: wlfo Indies,' mfthl; gool teferemei. ll)l ( hrlstlan St. 1'AlNTr.lS ciprmnii, wlhOT private wnrk. beet material, ihcap, postal, lai w, llcAsou st. BAI.lTH.i7N", nlih strong lersonallty, neat ap pearance, desliea position Willi reputablo manufacturing firm, traveling vr local; t ear exper.: host referencei na tn anility, etc., salaryor commission. J 4IU, Led. Cen. H.Vf.KsMAN, if graduate Wharton School, ambit,, energetic, now holding tespon. offlco 1 01 n, desires connection with estnb. mfg. concern as salesman or travel, representative, ,tWior.for advance t, J 0M, Id. Cen. 8AM MANAOKIt or enicsman. .12, with 10 Jears reror.1 of micccattnl Helling and office, manBRement; can supply satisfactory evi denco of ability to produce. J (IT. l.od. Cent. SiM'I'jNdcLBhK, long experience, knowl- odgo bookkeeping, reference. J WO. ld Cen. StENOOttAI'IILIt Industrious, accurate, de pendable, good education. J 151, Led, Cent. V'Tt'H, private or rathskeller, city, country, handy on yacht no.' S. lUlh. VOUNrt .MAN wishes a clerical poVitton. C POS, t!dgcr Ofllce. YOuNtl MAN, "21 eafs7"whoiirVti "nrcurato accountniil, with four eat' exporlenro In tho Oovrrnment rervko ns clerk, with ref- efences.whhes position I. SM. Ledger Cent. OL'N( MAN, II) sen fa "wfih Hi jear.V er perlenre ns apprentice mechanical drnughti mnn; can rurnlali references. I. 2,"t. ledger Central. YOUNO MAN Would like or Uinlty to lenrn trndo. R.01!!1' 'Ike position as ofllco boy or an oppor In high school, 11 ;i7, ledger orilte. WOKK NEEDED QUICKLY 'Vnny. VJ8'"!1 tt,,nhv cases nro still In tho earn of the lnrrgency Am Commlllen Im mediate employment mutt bo rounJ. A few n..'J,-"!nu.0"c'1 I'flow. It can help, refer to 1 ..- i""i, number and send c.iro cummlltco at Lincoln liulldlng. .MAt.n 1. V if. 'Kcncv ai,i commit lee has nn 1110 inn follmvlng nppllcnnia, whoso references liaio been verified: Hl.ACKaMlTlf Married" man wantiTiosltlnnT iii-.".".0'' reference and Is worthy of ion slderuUon. c. a, sn;.', "i:!';" MATfLil-lfxpeTlonced man" wan ts position, la worthy and has good reference. 1. A. .,., "!SiW"iW:" Experienced man wnntB 'nsJUoiijiaa gooj ri.turence. E. A. 251. J,.,"Jvf:.iI-'1;LI,t . Married man, 1 child, needs Pntlon, good reference. , A. 2iO. CAIU'ENTEH Experienced man, with good fr.ernce. wants posit Ion; Is A i DRIVER Married tnnn wants" position: has rfrerenie, Is sober nnd vvlllltig to do nny Jhlng. L'.A. ass. DRIVER Exmrlenceil man-vTiTntn position; haa good referrnc and worthy of n good pnltlon: A. S3 IIOUMEWORK Colored man needs position badly; haa expirlencu ns 11 butler and will innki! a good man If glviu 11 ihance. E. A. Jul'. LA110UER I)i serving min" Hunts-posltloiT; vvimng to ilo unMlilng. E. A. LV).. LAllOHGlt Man vvlllliigto'do anytfiliia: wants IKittlon: goo 1 reference E. A. 201. MACI1INIHT (lood workman wants posltloii; Is well recommended nnd N very deserving. I A. iTiT. I MAN AND WIFE want positions; have good reference nnd desire pUco wheio both can work logf tl er. E. A. I2. Hlio'EMAKER HoneatT sober nnd Industrious man wints position: la willing nnd has tho lest of refcienio. E. A. 238. ROOMS FOR RENT ISTIf, N., 174S Cheerfully rurnfronlrooms, sjngl or communicating; refined home; ph. 10TH. N, 5,',2.1-Letge. well-furn Sd-ly. roomi reftned private) family! Diamond 2381 W. 17TU. N rms-Very deslmble furn. 2d floor; stnula or tn suite, private family; phone 2IST, 8., 0rt Furnished or tinturn. rooms for gentlemen or couple, moderate rlces; phone. nSTIf. s , Ut-;ien. comfortable, furn. rooms, Private adult family, Hating 7t0S W. IrRTVATE"foinllyri6th and tlrle," slftlhiTrooirr: nlo bedroom; turn, or unturn, Tioga 6373 1. Md nnd flannom Purnl'shed ............ .. .looms; men only; meals, wrsr nilANdt shower baths; near I,: nil the . M. I' A. comforts of home. Phono llel- mont 4GM Key.eat.jl8i . Suburban OliERUROOK Private family can accommo date two gentlemen In nlro rooms, with preamati: near atatlon. 1, 2t0. Ledger Cent. HOARDINCr 1'AtlK AVE. N., 21!S-WelMurnlhed room, nrat-olAss board: all conveniences, terms natjjbti phones. I'OWELTON AVE, 4037-rrlvato fnrtlly has Pfey turn room for refined people; pnone. SPIiycK. IraS-SO-Drelrablo tulle with private - '!? elinlfo tahle board. Walnut 72.Vi V. Pl'ltt-CE. 1224-20 (DfUmondei-Furnlshed rma.. elngle, en suite, prlvatn baths: tnblo boanl HI'llfCE. 12.10 SIITD WiTII PRIVATE VTH. OTHEtt ATTHArTiy K WOOMfl. WALLACE, 1S21-vv7ei.furnlsh"ed slngTFanS uuuuie moms; ex. tattle. I'opiarjKKo a WALNUT, .llids-AVnrin, tilensant rms..beautl- fill neighborhood; board, l'rtslon 0121 A. VAL"NTn I4 Attractive 2d-atory front, cou ple or gentlemen; reOned honie; table unexcei, 1BTH. Jf.. i:V l.nrse eunny"front rooms, cor ner houto: other vacancies. Locust.122S D. 4HTM. N T 700-Prlvaie family will board r-" nnecljieennonvcnlent 10 clly. liar. ''Ii. lOTll, s., .".2T iJirge douMtoom, hrreOned jn b:nlso single vacancf. Wood 1R)J- West Philadelphia WK.ST PlItLA. Very desirable 2d-slor,v front ioom with bonrd; ref. home, llarlnc ,fUn W. Suburban UlillMA.VTiW.V, 2M W. Hltlrnhotisn st . be. twren Vano nnd Orecne Desirable rooms, single or 10m Ihomcllke. Otn. 1,17.1 X OUIl MANTOWN". .11.1 IT. Price nt -Cheerful rorm.wlthbonrd Phone (Iln 2121 Y CMC LANE,7lv'l Comrortnhle rooms, near st.1tl.1n. good Jionie table Phono .1st U 'YN'NEI-Mi:LD2d floor funillicd front loom, other rooms. Phone Ovorbmik r.mn W. APARTMENTS DROAD, N 001 Two rooms nnd bath; tum or unfurn.: modern corner house; largo yard; porch, southern exposure; cleotrlo lights; nttracllv-u sunoundlngs. Photo at Led. Cent. rn.MAi.i! HILL nnd entry clerk; experienced llltug and typew rlilriK. .! ca'ku u'lltL, 111, bright, wants posltluu. E. A. 270. DESERVING woman wants washing to do at home. E. A. 2(1.1. REFINED elderly woman wants position an housekceper or practical nurse. L. A.2Gfl . WOMAN wants plain sewing nt home; 0 small chlldren. E. A. 204 YOUNIJ VOMAN wants day's work of any Itlrd; 4 ehlhlr'n.IA2HL YOUNO'whlto girl wants position as waitress. E. A.2iis. VOI'NO WOMAN wants position ns sales woman: oxicllont lefirenre. E. A. 2W AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale i;.CEI'TION,l OPPORTUNITY" LATE 11113 AflllOTT DETROIT DELIVERY CAR IN 1ST-CI.ASS CONDITION: COfl.ll EASILY III: CONVERTED INTO A JITNEY HI'S. ONE-QL'AHTER Cll' OltltilNAI. PRICE. I. PH. LEIT.KR CENTRAL Willi!, d WANTED llfil I'.uknrd ihnssls. cheap; motor . ... .11 1 ..nn,.... -nnrl I, Ir.t, tUUSI 110 111 f V 'IICIIl IIIU'III Vi. II'. .".. ItRETZ. Carlisle enrage, 1M.1NtthCnrlJsle BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT opportunity for a voung man with mpltal to start n ilenn. legitimate bul; nesa with young man who has Pi Mora experience na manager, but no capltnl. 1. l.i. ledger Central . CIOAR ('ANDY. aTATl'ONERY. PAPERS, magazines store for sale, chenn: account sickness 2M1 Ttldce. HOL'SEFCRNIRIIINO STORE AND mVEM. Ipk for fnle In Wcst"illnlil I)vltlmore. oAnTon '""or pale, tss n. Carlisle. fullqsrlca !igtn 00 per inonth. PINE, rue rirst floor, two-room apartment, with bath: fiiltahlo for dootor or dentltt. SPIlticn. 1420 Two or .1rooms, with private bath; furn. or unfurn.; electric lights, hard- wood floors, nll m(i1crnmrrovements. PPHlNlfOARDnN. miO E-tcellent npts in 8 dlfferent houses; soma fur'd; kitchenettes. GOING TO SEND THE FAMILY TO THE SHORE THIS SUMMER? If so it is liich time for you to Rtvc active thought to ;i location. This year the demand will he unusually larpc and earlier than heretofore. Whether you want a furnished apartment or cottage or hoard and room at any hotel or private house Ledger Central can help you. A special investigator is now at Atlantic City and will find what you want if Ledger Central docs not have it on file. Similar service can he rendered on other New Jcrsev resorts. Tell Ledger Central about, your requirements now. There is no charge. Wett Philadelphia SAiNSOM ST., 4820 Exclusive location, 0 rooms, bath; hardwood Hours, electric lights, hot water, supplied with heat, rent $1.1. hninlt apartment In same row, IS12 Sansum, r, looms, nam, rem ?i-. niiioru v . -iiiiur, r,71(, W fllrnrd live. KTH"ST.. S. 1121 (near Chester ave.)-Flvo rooms nnd bath, new, electric lights, steam heat; - ."0. novel arrangement oc rooms. App. of janitor on piemlses. Ph. Filbert 4I.U. CHILTON APARTMENTS ;i2iN n.iring st Tio flmt-clnss rooms, with private hith; suit able dintist or doctor or apartment. Mis, Hell McClnln, mgr. Hell phono Pieston Ui',7. FURNISHED APARTMENTS '1U SUHI.ET MAY 1 OR AFTER. ATTRAC TIVE FURNISHED APARTMENT, TWO JtOO.MP AND HATH; III MINCTES SOUTH OF CITY HALL PHONE WALNUT 201. 1'INE, 1020 Housekeeping apartment, t rooma ana nau i'noneLMtKinsoii.,NM w, ALXUT. 1222-21 (Kenwood) Desirable arts.. prlvato huth; nlso single rooms, running wnier: neiviy renovaieo.; sum. raics, pnoues. I I ON.""" HPAH Locust. 1213-IS "Furnished CARPET CLEANING wFaTTllLA. MONARC 1 1 STO RAOB CO'. Vc. I'FR YARD. 0S70-72 LAXCASTKlt AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING- OSTHICII 1-EATHEIS AND FANCIF8 CLEAN ED, DY ED MAILIIOT.1B10 Chestnut. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot cash. Itoom 303, lSnniiaj.jlld J.lheatnutit. . DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY I'VRIUONARLE dressmnklng: prices resson able; R?ltuanintced. remodeling filM Chest njt. Apirtment A Delmont 17aSV. autistic dresses, lingerie frocks reasonable prlci a Parisian modela iopled.lM0Wa.lnut. DRFSSMAKINO 'aught, short. Pran course. aiaeDgvell. :I07 DrnikU Ilblg . lftl- Market. TTTlMSTITCllINO done while jou wait. A. Ilelchiro, 111.1 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. FOR SALE MILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand bought, ioid, , rente.!, exch'd. Keafer, 820 tilrard live. INSTRUCTION MOOKKEEPER Thorough offlco man: compe tent to manage: moderato sulary. best ref ences. J 7X1. Lct'ger Central. JJOOKKEEPER. stenographer, oenlor evening "cliool. . of I'. J Ml. LodgerCitral. 1IOY. 10. Jowltl., bright, active, would like to work In country: .private or farm: good ref irence Juvenile Workers' ltureau, 1.VJ7 Arch. TelenhonaJticam7 jrltrrU7i llOV sfrong, 13, Catholic, wishes position In country either on prlvato estate or farm reference: Juvenile Workers' llureau. 150I Anh stTeephoneJtace MIT or Spruce 0147. iTUTLER or valet wants position. English: nrat-clasa references, no jears old. Addrets t. , i.wmir guiio, illlTLER or cook, experienced Japanese, com " rVienrt:clas ref. L 2JI, Ledger Office. HiiTLER OR COOK Competent Jap wants i'osltJlrefe.rence.D 3.1. ledger Ofnce. riliTLFU JAPANESE. cxi.erlenced. educated! rerereVi.eJMllLedger Central. cAitPENTER, elderly, some experience In feia'c'e1: ftu,rfi'iiiS! as"K'fifihB:pou- fiJllton! sin ." 800J ref. J 250. Led.Cent. Mls.UFFJJUn, experienced, can do own re. liilring, nondrlnktr. thoroughly reliable; em- ployed now. Addrets 31.1 N jVanamiiktr . r-ifAL'PFBUn, Brat clas. several jears' ex. twrlencercan -lr(v and repair any car; refer. ence; sober. Iniuttrloui. D 33. Ledger Off. COMPOSITOR, job and book ork. jn rlence. steady, rel ble.J 8M.ia.-em. oacHMAN Young man, ISjreart. at present .moloved w?ould like to make change; .JTtly sober; good references and three irors In pretent place. M2LerOfflce. .-rvi t FOTibNMANAaEn-12 ears" expert- S5Srfraiaia rvv,ic"JAPANB8E, In private family; beat irence. J 8W jUdgerJCentuJ. DRlVEHwVsh7ssleidy wltlgn. Apply F?JT BaJr, 110 W. Thomptonit. rrrTrf5rTSfair" and wife underttands stoak "uiuyl teantM 207. Ledger Office. SinitiNO-BOY. 18. wllllns worker. Jlthee Ah n nwejSMTjor Spru6117 r.rriieT5rariiiofafnlly. undtretandi flowers. cArif-riJ2irNk'mbJtUr ai lWvmv r.AUTIMH In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrltiensen Piano frkhuols, 3VM Ocrmantown ave.. 132Q Tasker tt. MACHINERY AND TOOLS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 2112-3 rms.. bath, kitchen, hoi water hint; rtf.: 2d floor. $2.1: 4 rms.. bath kitchen, nil cor. rooms, (.15. Diamond 1 SI 1 W PINE, O06 Housekeeping' apt , 1 rms., bath, modem; urn, or unfurn ; all oiusldo rooms IRTII. 3.. 13.1 - NINE ROOMS AND TWO 1IATI1S. WILL UE FOR IlENT MAY 1. PHONE LOCUST 077, 23D AND PINE STS. (DE LANCHY APTS.)- New, light: -4 to 11 rooms; 1 and 2 baths; kitchenette: central location: apply Janitor. 5IST. S, 1220-Nlcely furnished apartment; 2d floor- prlvato bath: modern: refined prlvato family, beautiful neighborhood: opposite Park housekeeping arrangement If fleshed. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUllURllAN NEW JERSEY BUNOAI.OWS. lots 25x150; near trolley: over looking Delaware: National Park. Oreater New Jersey Company. 33 S 10th, Cape May. N. 3. COTTAOEH. hotels, npts. for sale and rent; aome bargains In building lots. C. Earle Miller. 2IH Ocean St.. Cape May. N. J. linddonfteld. N. ,7. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. IVU. CAIIEY MARSHALL, 6.11 Federal St.. Camden. Woodbury Heights, X. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bids. lots at reasonable prices. John May hew PENNSYLVANIA FAKMS OCT OUR LIST Cheater, Delavvnro Co. Farms. A. D. 1IEALD. West Cheater, l'a. ri.PCTRIC MOTORS, new and second-hand, KevTkVe-Whalen Co.. lUNllthstI'hon(S. PRINTING '5 CALLINO or commencement cards. 10c.; ' with addrets, SO for 20c.. enrdcase tree; mailed. The Printing Jdan. 220 S JS2d. P Mia. STORAGE ilELIARLE BTORAUE MtlMNlJ, 1'ACKINO, "HlilPl'lNO. 2040-11 N. 3UT.IiBrtDLV 47 h! WEST nuiA. monarch Sloraaa Co Auto and tiaek. log and shipping. 3S70 Lancaster ave. WANTED i BUY ALL KINDS Or TALKiNQ 1X ohlnes, records, sewing machines, cameras, registers, blocks and furniture. S. Surlanl. 1240 8. loth st Phone. LIcMnson 2J17 VV. "r"AiT.OI.-lc fim'IIINO WANTED Let us convince sou that we pay the highest prices for gentlemen's discarded clothes. &AMUEL COOPER. Established 25 ears. 1010 Oltard ave. l'hone Pop. 3710. Park -HOP. BOOMS FOR RENT BARINQ ST., 3218 (The Chilton) Two first floor room; suit dentltt. doctor or apart ments. airs. Hens aicviaiu. umiiniu. IIARINO. 4028 2d-tty. front, nicely furn.; 2 baths; noar L: gent n or bust, women; phone. BROAD. N.. Od Two rooms and bath; furn. ur unfurn.; modern, corner bousoj largo yard; rorchi southern exposure', tlwtrlo llghtsi attractive surroundings. Photo at I jd Cent. LOUtKli 4400 KrpnL Sdstory, bay-wfndow room, adlolnlng hath; nicely furn,; every conv, ref.prlv. fam.;gentle'u, Barirao w, I'lNI?. 1112 Heautlfully'furnlshedBecond-floor rooiJrtvate bath,southern exposure, BACK, 3113 TVo attrsetlve, "well-lighted rooma. BuiMwiv w uuviur wr uiuiui, iu uuioit of trained nurss. other vac. Pretton 330.1 D. a fc.7 I a IU M IK H F.ni-PJIL Jit,Tfiliik. to t"i TpUuien qutekiV. .oodT."f- BpuiNOPlELD AVE., 4720 Quiet, redned lo- Calluu. 111. ..VIMW. kUUl. luunia, IIUIB tlMJIll. BPBUCK 1115 Very Urge room; beautifully furn. 2d floor; other vacancies, phone. WALLACK. S. K. COK. 21ST 1 or -J cheerful rooms 111 ill. pnn lining. (U lisays, yu. WALNl'T. 370-Two nhely furnished coni- muoUatinj front rooms and bath board oj'I. WALNUT. 4WI Attraitly torn , aouth.expo. stnsle or en suite ootu bulb, pboue. WaTSuT, BIOO-BUttne Ha other vsce., ionv to bath near eUvsted. Belmout SiaOD MASIIIM' ' n i'"n Ou 0iu! 111 a. tuin "with Lath -M I 1 . ' 1 iw U.n oyl vv -ujl XJiD. REAL ESTATESALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payments of from 117 to JH0 for houtes worth from tlEOO to 0230. II. 8. REED. 717 Chettnut at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY SPRUCE ST.. 1123-14 rooms. 3 baths; rent 183. DR. HERMAN, 387 Bourse. 11 to I. lliitlnets I'ropertlra anil Stores CHESTNUT, 831 Store and basement, tultabls for household or office specialties, Inquire on premises. F. W. SADDLER. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS, etc. ONE-HALF OF OFFICIi 1202 Commonwealth BuildlngT Apply 1201 Commonwealth llldg. 1'rofettlonat Offices 1JTH ST., 8., 237 Physician's office; large furnished reception room; running wattr. MAIN LINE. VA. B. It. UNFUBNISHEB Two houtes, U50 and 1250 per annum; near station; 10 rooms and bath; 8 rooms and bath: good grounds; Una vlw. J 710 Ledger Central. SEASHOltK Cape Mar. N. J, FURNISHED cottages, ocean view, all loca lions; reasonable, (j. Eat la Miller, SIS Octan St., Cape May. Btone Harbor. N. J. STONE HABBOR cottages., bungalows and apartments for rent, furnished, by .week, inonth or teaton at moderate prlcet; all con venleLcea. Cell, phone or writ tor Illus trated booklet. S. J. n, Co., 913 K, E. Trust Building. Philadelphia. FOR BENT FURNISHED ML Martin's. Chcslnut 11UI FURNISHED HOISE tt bedrooms, 2 bath, roooia. porth 2 bloils from station, garsge nearby will rent from Msy 1 for summer or longer Phone Chestnut Hill 127S A. MORTGAGES jfc OW rUR !8I' AMI 31 MORTUAliKS M fcl H 1 HI STM T 1 JbKa Eito'c Tiu. tiullduig. - - 1 H I SCRAPPLE I 1 THE PADDED CELL -Tii sketch. s y,&BgfmKS, 71 Tim PerKcnnt 'to recruit, who tins 1 fT -.f IMVj9rBsBaB& I iO I fnllcil to hit tho tnrnet at abort raiiBe) I hif I yV) K WsTsBHSv aT3SCv? -Ccaso lire, No. 1. Vix bayonet, llji 1 VIoIbHNBlI j- I cliiirRc! It's tho ontj' hloomln' 'opo ji J J Rjt Jr iS!SVl I & $ ritrson But why nro ministers llko c. . thu hook and ladder brlcndp' lyAyvvQ Pnyoo Aron't tbov mippoied lo - " . rcsctio pcoplo from tho llrc7 -------'2i----mmm lmiiuuii cuiiuun. Jtiimlo Old I cry like thnt when I was a bnby Mother Yes. (Uar. I'm afraid you did. .Minnie Thou I owe you nn apology. London Mall. 'Toon t can marry any man I plense!" "Quito bo, dear, but you don't please any." Unlit for I'ublication THERE'S NOTHING TO IT t&ifj.y t-t-s S London Mall. Teacher Yes, tho rulor of Hussla la called tho Czar. Now, what U the ruler ot Germany railed? Younff I3II1 Please, miss, I know what mo father called hint, but I don't llko to tell you. tcri-f-rxjv. rzj& s&z? - " 'a London Cartoon. "I unilemtni..., 'William, that there are to be no strikes during the war." "Yes. sir. Hut these wars all have their drawbacka an' we've all got to suffer." I I I I 0 (?) a $ HERE'S MOTHiN l ""VTEJ" ssa-B 6STrtt Ca.l !3bV DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU 7 GOSrtt I'M HEM) OVER HtEU in work. 1 ooft'i YVftnT to THmK OP ArtYTHlrtvi BOT WRr; fOR Wt MEM TWO WEEKS, 3M tD.Voil HISSED THtTIHt OP tOOR UF6 BYrtOTBEIHG l WJIft tronH, tlKX o-O , I BOQUY, ftND ' J III HIS HORMKu 1SBHK " f "" lr! BBBBBB-H ' 1 iVMlslP f) V "" tl.P.Wtlvteoinaoirr ToRGOODNlttSfcKt! GET OUT J.' fiFSIS!JJke) 0IHHIl.aT0PCr,RWIH6 f, M BU5Y 2yi.o'Jlft OHSTWi' loo MUCH 3 'il m lirn -