iIIIIIUJUUUJI.IMP'-''i! - zr--n". EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. ITJBDAY, APRIL 17, 1915. 5 REEL NUMBER TWO-SHOWING TRIUMPH OF OWR POPULAR HEROES AND HEROINES il IHBQk wr lit 'ife BpdBNnKlill w M& Wr i MmtuMBF f hik t&rrczm "7? IVNGMG C0N5CZNCF 4$ff? ' d CHCsrwr sr opera nottjc SmtF'- Mv3l . Br.. ' Vi 'tBm tlLLCN Df?4f OTTff-DIOGZ7PH : Foreign Film Studio in Germantown Opens ! ''flut Philadelphia Is t' logical plnco i , th manufacturer o films Is evidenced by the opening of a studio In Germantown b the Foreign l'llm Corporation, Incor porated under tho laws of Delaware, and festered In tills State, i In coins through tho "plant" ono la Im- , j,rccd with tho slzo of tho place and the attention mo oniLcra uim jiiuiiukcih Mid to detail In Installing every modern tppllcance known to tho motion plctiuc The Indoor studio contains live stages, Dbllng five directors to work nt ono ilmo. Tho property rooms are jammed with "props" and n storugo hoiiso. away from tho studio l used for the extra f'nmnfl " Much thought was given to the dressing roomi, building them roomy and well Ventilated, tho management bcllovlng In the phjslcal comfort of tho actors. 'Tho outdoor studio adjoins tho main building, and for bucIi pictures that need country scenes, quarry, lalto and moun tain, tho studio farm is used. Th classes of pictures manufactured are comedies, educational and industrial, rrof. J- Thomas Arntz, Jr., Is the innn Igcr In charge of the educational nnd In dustrial pictures, nml G. Gunttnri, tho president of the corporation, supervises tbo Importation of Dims and pictures of entertainment. Chevalier Gunttnri, n member of tho firm, has his headquarters in Rome, Italy, where all foreign Minis are reviewed be fore being shipped to this country. Tho Foreign Film Corporation represents tho Vera Film of Homo nnd tho La Film tlraflcn of Naples. The officers, manngois and directors ire men known In tho "trade" and ex perienced In the manufacture of "mov ies." Carl Von Hoffman, tbo youngest moving picture director, better known In the newspaper world ns the "Count," nnd known to tho public as the camera man who went with Roosevelt to the wilds of South America, nnd who took tho pic ture of General Vllkv, Is nssoclatod with the corporation In tho cupaclty of di rector. The officers arc G. Guattarl, president, ind II. II. Swartz, secretary and treas urer, with offices at 2j1 North 13th Btreet. llr. Guattarl promises many Innova tions In the films and is much pleased I with the prospects. 70THUB Ml MJTFHEWS. IN LUBIN rSXWttJ Arcadia Theatre Ready One of the handsomest and most mod ern of theatres devoted exclusively to the production of high standard photoplas. ornuto In architecture and decorations nnd complete In equipment to the smallest detail Is the Arcadia, located on the north side of Chestnut street, enst of 16th, which Is to be formally opened on Satur day next. Tho opening attraction will be the Vltngrnph picture, "The Juggernaut," to bo followed by the Fox ntm "Kreutzer Sonnta," and tbo same company's "Tho New Governor," a film version of Ed ward Sheldon's play, "Tho Nigger." It Is said by tho Arcadia manage ment that the new playhouso Is tho Una! step In tho long series of strides, or, intlier, leaps, which within the Inst two years has lifted the picture play from tho ranks of tho commonplace and given It and the theatre housing it a stand lng and prestige which are not to be gainsaid by even the most captious critic or doubting Thomas. It wan never contemplated to make tho Arcadia a huge convention hall or auditorium, or even a big theatre. Tho slzo of the valuablo site of location on Philadelphia's most excluslvo business MALVJNB LOOE-L, OF TfC tVVW FILMS street precluded the possibility of this In the llrst place. What was Intended nnd what has bcon accomplished Is tho presentation to tho public of a bijou palace of modern cntcr tnlnmeut; one Incklng in not a single com fort, clement of attractiveness or safety, nnd cnpnblo of comfortably accommodat ing BOO patrons nt each performance. Tho location and tho beauty of the thcatrq Insure that this patronage will be drawn from the very classes thnt tho playhouse was established to cater to. In the matter of Interior decorations and modem tinnltntlon nnd vcntilatl'in projects, many thousands of dollars have been spent ulone, with tho result that restful nnd healthful ease may be enjoyed nt all seasons among the most beautiful surroumllnsH. The music lo a feature to which unspnr Ing time and attention have been given. There has been Installed a Kimball or chestral organ, the most complete in strument of Its kind In this country. board, declares emphatically that tho po llco department will do no moro censor ing, nnd dcclnres that no pictures will bo banned unless citizens make complaint, when the department will send n man to Investigate tho particular picture com plained of, otherwise, nil policemen who have been censoring films will bo with drawn from that duty. Detroit Now Censorless Detroit Is one city In the country which will not suffer from censorship for somo time, nt least. At least, if Detroit citi zens want motlon-plcturo censorship, they will have to do the censoring them selves, as tho money which pievlously was used for defraying the expenses of censorship In Detroit has been nil ex pended. Commissioner Gillespie, of tho police m i m New Era In io!lS Film Manufacture O. K. COMEDY CO. MINERVA FILM CO. CLARION FILM CO. f Made in America Wholesome Laugh Makers. The "Feel Happier" Kind. Educational, Instructive, Spell-binding. Satisfies a Long Felt Want: Pictures of the Shop, the Factory, the Mill. The Tie Between, Producer and Consumer. Films From Abroad INTER-OCEANIC FILM CO. Exclusive Features Highest Standard. Offices FOREIGN FILM CORPORATION -251 N. 13th Street 20 E. Herman Street 13th Street Philadelphia, Pa. Studio Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. iN REPRESENTATIVES IN THE LEADING CITIES ON THEN AMERICAN CONTINENT AND EUROPE Ijjilijjiiiiiiiiii! ;; Thanhouser Starts Anew Tho Thanhouser Film Corporation, which was Incorporated In May, 1912, with n capital of $100,000, has filed with the New York Secretary of State n ccitlflcalc of voluntary dissolution, nt the same tlmo Incorporating the Thanhouser Kllm Com pany, with principal olllee In Itlchmond, Va., capitalized at $1,000,000. The direc tors of the concern nro Crawford Living ston, of New York city; William W. Ciump, William Shallenbergcr, Richmond, Va. Griffith on Poe "Thcro Is no wonder," said D. W. Grimth, whoso masterly photo-drama, "Tho Avenging Conscience," Is now at tho Chestnut Street Opera House, "that Hdgnr Allan Too wns able to sound al most every human emotion. Of course, his genius would liavo asserted Itself under any circumstances, but tho fact that ho experienced tho pangs of hun ger nnd that ho also had lived for a long pnrt of his early llfo In luxury made him universal In his understanding nnd In his analytic quality. This struck mo espcelelly when I read 'The Tell-Tnle Heart,' from which 1 hnd suggestion for the theme of 'The Avenging Conscience. His own snd life made him the keener nnalylst and In everything ho wrote there was tho mark of genius. In reading Poc's llfestory I was deeply Impressed, nnd I una especially touched by tho appeal that was made by his brother poet, Nathaniel I'arkcr Willis, for Poe, when ho was liv ing In u little cottage at Fordham, JUBt outsldo New York, with his dying wife and her faithful mother. Truly Poe wns more deserving than his countrymen of his day found him. Just think of that magnificent creation, 'Tho Haven.' sell ing for $10 yet that was all ho received for tho poem. Ho gave us much nnd he obtnlned llttlo In return. Hut had he lived thcro would liavo been oven grcator achievements. He himself felt that he had not given of his best, for ho wrote. No man has recorded, no man has dared to record, tho wonders of his Inner life. "Sty efTort In making tho picture wns to do Justice, In my own poor wny, to an Imnglnatlvo genius. I have sought to give the picture the glamour of romance nnd to depict beautiful scenes and entrancing happenings with as rare art as the cam era permits. Yet 1 did not mint to sac rifice any elements of the story to por tiuy the moie unlovely emotions or hap penings of gruesome or thrilling nature. The public's acccptunco of the picture Is quite as much n gratification to me be cause of appreciation of a slnccro effort ns aro tho financial returns." WORLD FILM CORPORATION LEWIS J. SELZNICK, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mar. I'RKSUNTS JULIUS STEGER IN HIS FAMOUS PLAY The Fifth Commandment IN FIVE ACTS WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 Vine Street Coming! THE JUNGLE Film Version of UPTON SINCLAIR'S Sensational Novel, With GEORGE NASH GAIL KANE CLARENCE HANDYSIDES ALICE MARC ROBERT PATON GIBBS AND OTHER STARS METROPOLITAN BOOKING OFFICES HARRY BRYAN, Manager Filbert 2484 Other Feature Film in Preparation 1316 Vine Street The Art Film Co. 25th phdIS6, I WILL PRESENT LAURA ' . NELSON 1 In a Series of Features H jOk II If N J JLXjLI rfll j i I OUR FIRST RELEASE IN MAY I The Stubbornness of Geraldine J IN FIVE REELS BY CLYDE FITCH I PRINCIPALS OF OUR STAR CAST I Mias Marie Empreas 1 Mr. Vernon Steel I Miss Mary Moore Mr. Stanley Harrison I Miss' Daisy Belmore Mr. Jules Ferrer 1 General Director, Mr. Gaston Mervale I J SUite JUnncer, 51. Chn. Gcirard j SasEaasg jjjMga8aaeBSjggsgss58s5s3aaaasss:!:: " - ggawagggsigss ----- .. Ill 1 A VITAGRAPH PROMINENT PERSONAGES LITTLE MARY ANDERSON AUDREY BERRY CHILI) ACTKUS3 BILLY BILLINGS JACK BRAWN VAN DYKE BROOKE JACK BULGER NAOMI CHILDERS BOBBIE and HELEN CONNELLY RICHARD LESLIE FRANK LE STRANGE HUGHIE MACK ESTELLE MARDO MARY MAURICE THOMAS MILLS GARRY McGARRY KARIN NORMAN GEORGE COOPER ARTHUR COZINE FRANK CURRIER NICHOLAS DUNAEW WILLIAM DUNN MURIEL OSTRICHE EVART OVERTON KATE PRICE EDWINA ROBBINS ALBERT ROCCARDJ EDWARD ELKAS TEMPLER SAXE FLORA FINCH PAUL SCARDON HELEN GARDNER WILLIAM SHEA BETTY GRAY ANITA STEWART JULIA SWAYNE GORDON EDITH STOREY JOE HALPIN CONSTANCE TALMADGE MAE HALPIN NORMA TALMADGE GLADDEN JAMES ROSE TAPLEY ZENA KEEFE 1 WALLY VAN DOROTHY KELLY LILLIAN WALKER JOHN T. KELLY CHARLES WELLESLEY NANNA LAUGHLIN EARLE WILLIAMS HARRY T. MOREY Answers to Correspondents CONSTANT ItnADKU.-Charlcs Chaplin naa born In England. Hate no correct Idea of hl salary HUKSIA.V ACTOIt.-lIe Is about SO; born In England: playing for movies nbout rlvo sears. He plajed In vaurleVllto In an Imported sketch 'J'te' "A N!htln . Music Hall." No Idea ."'" "' M lory, If ou heard him jn uiinsn wnen nngrj-, jou would not bellve tn.n.t he nag dcif and dumb, as you wire told, JOSEI If o-i.- our letier no Mould Judco that la not acfnarlo writing-. There Is book required: lust ntaln ,. Piom the general tenor ot your rorio via HtMtnlnl ,wi, .... ui: ..; 7'-. "-'" "."" "'"." "vn Kuuiiru: in hi nnm mnAP on ,ne. ldc of the paper only. Jhenlil hae about so to 2S scenes. .i.e. n, imivia OI mo plot iirst. hiH'i!iIJ?'V?--V.'T,re Weeks" nas rrle.tsed oy the Itellnble realuro Kllm t'oiupans . lead- Write n. Itadlrfs man, well-known tjtnA , Your Inc nr.man. Madeleine Troves. Mahlnn ILlmlltom nnnA nf tho MonrcH In cs.st. Photoplay actln Is hard nork and stars have no tlmo for "aiaainess." Of course there Is jealousy even as II Ml its In 81.01" store or o barbershop. Acior you mention Is no lonter with Lubfns. Have. n Information ronccrnlnK Teirl Whlte'a nt re' lease: sue is not inrousn wun i.mine i-ost of film to which you refer Is about, n nlzht for nrat shonlnor In vicinity. 1 rc,n,i In .Uu (!. nlflvera Is Unellf1 foe The crcntcst nelors In the world hare been and are Jens, vlr . Bernhardt. Beerbohm Tree, l.o-vla Waller, Mary Mannerlng-, David War field, ele. VAt.Tnil.-Th tallest aclor that ever P peared In Hie films was one of the giraffes (name unknown) used In a Sells picture. Th shortest Is probably Will Archie, seen In "Tha Fairy and the Wolf.' a .World Film release. Addrces Ihc VlUgrapli player you name, ear; of the Vltngrnph Company, of America, East l.-.lh at. nbd Locust ave., Drookljn, N, T I LIBIN'S PROMINENT PERSONAGES JOSEPH KAUFMAN Director Leads MARGARET MOORE 1IKAVIK.S .'osnrii K,u:rM,N co. GEORGE S. TRIMBLE' Characters ETHEL CLAYTON Leads MARIE WTSTERLING Characters DAISY EVANS JOSEPH W. SMILEY , Director Leads WILLIAM W. COHILL .Tinriiller-,lns. W. Hinder Co TlioHlilte MnU Ituleil nt Ten .Millions JAMES J. CASSADY Characters .IPS. V, JJMILIJY COMPANY jack Mcdonald ..-. Clmrncler Sinn 'TATHY IlOI.IVAIl" HHItlKS CHARLES F. LEONARD Chnrnrtrrn "tiif: BvNnn.r LILIE LESLIE Leads - WILLIAM H. RAUSCHER .luirntle JACK I'lllNCi: In 1'nlsy llnlUar Berlea " JOHN SMILEY IIEAVV CHATtACTIHtS In. W. Smiley Company. EDWARD ABBOTT CHAUACTKItS ,IOS. W. HMJI.UY CO. GEO. S. BLISS Oli! Trapper In tup. tii m'pkh" HBvr.vnn MR. BARRY O'NEIL Feature Productions GEORGE SOULE SPENCER Feature Productions Leads RUTH BRYAN iNOKM'n i.K.ns Mr. Harry J'Nell'a Compnny FRANKIE MANN Ingenue Dlrrrllon Harry O'Nell ROBERT E. GRAHAM, JR. Willi Mr. Harry O'Nell'a Co. ALAN QUINN "SPOItTINO IHTIIKS.S" ullh Hn. Cogh. , Ian nnilJ'lllSTIHCT ATTHItNEV" DOUGLAS SIBOLE Willi Mr. 0'Xfll'aJLVnurelroiliiellon MILDRED GREGORY" Leads WALTER HITCHCOCK "The Climbers" FERDINAND TIDMARSH With J1AHIIY O'NKIIS AI.ISTA!CO EDITH RITCHIE Feature Productions ulth Jlr. O'Nell. ELEANOR BARRY Wltli Mr. O'KcH'a Company GEORGE CLARKE III MK. nAIIIIY O'NKIIS I'HATl'lli: PltOIICCTlONS FLORENCE HACKETT Leading Heavies ARTHUR WM. MATTHEWS Drnrnn Mirrgnltl In llii Kvnngellst IRII HICKS In The College ' Widow EDGAR JONES Director Leads JUSTINA HUFF I.HAHS Direction of Ktlg-nr Jones EDWIN B. TILTON CIIAIIACTKIIS nnciAK ,ioni;s company GEORGE J. GOWEN Edgar Jones Company " NANA BARNES CHAUACTKItS Direction HDUAtt JONKS LOUISE HUFF Leads "EDWARD" LUCK" ASSISTANT HIIlKCTOIt HilRar Jones Co. LOUIS MORTELLE IIKAVIE8 Kilgar .loncHjCompany. HARRY E. LOOMES Feature In Itlilluir t Itnplne All Char acters Knnwnln Western Atmosphere. GILBERT ELY WILBERT MELVILLE Director Western Company. I.oAnnreleri. Cat. L. C. SHUMWAY Lend I.uhln'K Western Compnny I.n. AnccIeM, Cal. VELMA WHITMAN Ix'ariti I.nliln'n Wefltrrn Compnny 1m AnxreleM, Cat. ROBERT GRAY Iealrf Lnhtn'ri UVtrrn Company Iso Armrlri. Cal. ARTHUR HOTALING Mann Rln it Director Houthern Studio, fnckHnnvllIe, Florida. MAY HOTELY LEADS .Ini'ksnnvllli-. I'lorldn, Studio ARTHUR JOHNSON Director Leads ELEANOR BLANCHARD ( hnrnrler l.i'iuN Aimillt .IIIIINMINS COMI'XNV RICHARD DIMMICK PHOTfltiltAPHEU Arthur tfolinson Co. MITCHELL J. H. De WOLFF .MM' ATIIOSI'IIEHE Willi HKST I lltM IN ril.MIIIIM PATSY DE FOREST Ingenue Leads GEORGE W. TERWILLIGER Dl rector An llior EARL METCALFE lnilr Trrnllllffrr Company KEMPTON E: GREENE" l'TZrt Terwilliger C0; HERBERT FORTIER I'HAItACTEK LEADS IrruilllL-er Cii. I.i-c . P. THAD. VOLKMAN ArNUtniit Drrertor m eo. TrriUWcrr Co; ORMI HAWLEY Lends Trrulllicer Company WILLIAM S. COOPER PhotnirmpliPr (Sen. W. TivullllErr Co. ELEANOR DUNN Chilli l.iiuls: i:uineelKt, Hugged Karl, Pride of llaltrry II JOHN E. INCE JOE BOYLE Director Assistant Director PIIIIIII'CINfl "ROAD O' STRIFE,, l'HOTO(lliAPHEI) HY WILLIAM BLACK and A. LLOYD LEWIS CRANE WILBUR MARY CHARLESON "Road o Strife" "Road o' Strife" PERCY WINTER Director Actor "BERNARDSIEGEI7 Characters "JAMES Li DALY" Characters JACK STANDING Leading Man FRANK SMILEY CLARA LAMBERT' Characters JOSEPHINE LONGWORTH WILLIAM H. TURNER Characters Comedy FRANCIS JOYNER DOROTHY"DEWOLFFr Queen of Juveniles ROMAINE FIELDING Actor Author Director FRANK DANIELS L U B I Presents ANOTHER GREAT SERIAL By Emmett Campbell Hall ENTITLED ROAD O' STRIFE A MYSTERY DRAMA IN 15 PARTS ONE PART RELEASED EVERY MONDAY BEGINNING APRIL Sth AN ALL - STAR CAST INCLVDINU Crane Wilbur Jack Standing Mary Charleson Charles Brandt John Ince George Soule Spertter Rosetta Brice Peter Lang' William II, Turner , , AKU SI.IKY OTHEIt.i. PRODUCED BY JGHN INCE Every One a Picture Favorite WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Ferdinand Tidmarsh Francis Joyner Clarence Jay Elmer Howard M. Mitchell .vA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers