mA& .-a-v -r V t .-- , f-J MMSMU&&' jiat4m&&u't" i sft- ,1QTOI .f,4iV;M V . AHOto. -rj & SATURDAY April 17, 1915 orenmn i t"tK4IJ. fiLO m- 2ub toimer PERSONS AND SCENES IN DAY'S GRIST OF NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD AS CAUGHT BY THE CAMER DUKE OP CONNAUGHT INSPECTS SECOND CANADIAN CONTINGENT WHICH LEFT FOR FRONT A FEW DAYS AGO j ilijflflHj IHp- Field Marshal H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught is seen here inspecting 3000 Canadian volunteers at Montreal on the eve of their departure for the European war. The I JLjLjHh 'JSBBHIt-'! XsMB-itt spirit of unity shown among the Canadians and their devotion to the mother country has exceeded the highest English expectations. Most of these volunteers are of ' ,9LL-H( -J?0cSHHHK Wif'$3 A conservative; DISPENSER OP JUSTICE Magistrate William S. Beaton is, among other things, the terror of all gui5 who sell impure food. Such, dealers get short shrift at his hands. BRITISH BATTLESHIP FIRING A BROADSIDE IN MEDITERRANEAN Photo by Upderwood 0idrwoe4, "'""" jiiox- o, Munusuuci ju- CAN Photo by Upderwood A 0idrwoeJ. The picture shows how a ship appears in battle. The smoke of the EW9 hides the ship from the enemy's view, and partially protects it The warahin is of the Irro slstible type. In the oval above are the twin of the navy yard's Marine borp. They are Leslie and Hallie Woodcock. o years g fccm Sou ZtotZ At eSKtiU thaywerajaomlafeithBy wouhjtjwfc b& placed in separata companies, WWT ww8' "J"""" SS55SJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers