l?wlMwftcfew, TW'V-w " vt- -nt -?v v '.f $ iIW-JFW Pij(Wj-aMjiiJL -a EVENING LUDGER-PHIEADELPHIX SATURDAY, rAPBIll IT, 1915: tl 115 ' - "- ' . - 2 'IK i if 1 fe1 ,"5 riat. v 4 $ US 12 J Si $ 'J KIT. Us At ,'tt 111 UN is!) 'I'A U ,a M fc HELP WANTED MALE rirntENCnt young man or woman wanted I E-rF.k full charge of .,lB'k roo.m ?"mr 1 ' i llnric" state experience nnd references. J g'i ledger OiOce. ' rrnlENCnO m'Tf.Rfl and houseman EiiiiM for permanent plncn In tho rountry t Jlr rW''ii-00d "'"' rcn' 'Lf'l. ' Cent. I- ?,ncT.Ct,ASS KSTtMATOIl, for (dumbing L H?m reference necessary f must ho ruper! K fnced ?"h MWiblf. J '-'M, Ledger Central. TinnnNEtl Married; greenhouse and vegetn. 1 fe2? APPlV inw -a1mit lit. ttwftTYrn orKtIATOft tinntrM nt onro In v H-f.klr newspaper nnd Job office; must lio f.rt and set clean, proofs; good country town1 ' ft mllrs from ue,nn.?r;1 "?! J."8' h Job f the mn who would lllio to raise chickens, 1 it?, on the sldo, hoorrrs iier-d not npply. gusset I'rlntlng find Publishing Company. rtrorietovv be) nPAIi KSTATI! man wanted; must lip young and "thoroughly experienced and acquainted SALESMAN-Young man. must Imvo establish ed I'rtjlorjr dry goods inn H.filh at. HIBM-ACKfJIlS n anted; must have factory eVpcrlence on tine cabinet work; physical ex ,minllon,nereOTry Apply Victor Talking jjarVctetrrel Camden, New Jersey. STOCK BAtflMMAN wanted, experienced, to follow tny lends on nttrnrtlvi-. qiitrK-.rlllng Phliadelrlila enterprise: liberal commission; only cspablo tnmi able to Jlnnnee himself inn msjcejilg money IP2T. I.edgrrremrnl. SaOTBD Aldermen, school teachers, com", merclal travolris nnd others, nil or sinro time, to soli, it business for us. Dividends Mid to pollilioldoi; liberal commission to scents. Bovver 'lty Mjr ltisuriin.o com tsnr, Hazleton, I'a, William II. Jlargnnrth. r rwrSiBcril- ' WANTlS- l'alnt grinder whcTufiderstatids tho hminrss caro of m lis. etc.: n-mrxa .ti.t a.i. dress, giving ngc. reforenco mm experience! total aCstmner. O .tld, ledger Ofilce. ' WATEJl nUBUEItS TVANTED Must ha factory experience on fine cnblnot work, furnlluro or pianos, t Physical examination necessary. A1TL.Y VICTOIt TAI.KINO MACHINn COMI'ANT, Application Offlco, S Market etreot, Cn-mden, New Jersey. TOUWJ MAN Capabla of selling- disinfectant to houses nnd Institutions; good opportunity for bright young man to build up good bust ntis for himself; give rcfcten(.o. Address r MS, Lodger Office. 5oU.NO MAN, to drlvo nnd help In hardware ttors. 31UJ JCensIngtonnvo. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE WlIEKEVEn you havo a. vacancy for n book xeeper, stenographer, or clerk of any kind, call up Walnut 3000. "Miss Dean," Ledger Central, and tell her jour needs. She has lilted tho quallllcatlons of hlgh-grndo ex perienced young ladlos In overy lino of busi ness, ana win scnu sou a competent girl to flil vour position. Ledger advertisers. XJ11S Is a Ireo service to CUAMUKHMAIU nnd wnltross; city or nub urts. 3SKI2 Jit Vernon st. chl I.; oung Trot, c-o L. Itedrow.Pltman.N.J, ne. CHA5IUBHWOHK or chamberwork nnd sv Inr; city or suburbs. :wr.' ,Mt. Vernon si. CHII.D.Nl'nSK, exp.. neat nnd willing; Mrst tlm references. IMlia Harlan st. COMPANION Hcflncri woman would mako her self useful In household, act as cocrotnry or Uke caro of conxnlcaccnt; would travel. L 23, Lodger Office COMPANION or mother's helper, refined toman, exp , desires position. J HO.Lod.Cent, COMPANION or practical" nurso: l'rot, woman"; Jsedor Imalld L U.XI, Ledger Ofilce. COOK or working housekeeper IScp. up-Stato girl, rellahle ref 1 .li'. Ledger Office. COOIC or cooking nnd downstairs work: young German l'r -testiint 1. 2.10. Lodger Offlco. DKESSMAKUIt from Now York doslrcs cn- tasements. ndvinced styles. I'll. 'Wal.-imKW. llOL'SCKlrlU'h'H or iaro of linen room, hotel; mountains or seashore. T -"'U. Iedgor Oft. llOUSEKIJI.rER and good cook wanta sltufi Hon, city or i-ountri. 8 a. Molo st. LADY'S MAID, Gorman, wanta position; est" cellent ref. 414 i:. Allegheny nve. Kncbel. LO.NB joung woman ns companion or light housework In apirtmcnt; good home, hlgh est referenre. M S04, ledger Office. UANAOINO HOUS&Kirai 1JR or matron, prl wte sihool or Ih.tltmlon; nt present em- tmjeu iii waino capacity. 14 I-'J, lu. IJIIICri. SlAriAriINO housekeeper, companion or nsat. matron, exp.; best ref. L 1.10, Ledger Office. riURSD Woman with experience, not gradu ate, would like position either as nurso or companion to Invalid, or will tako house work, prefers to go home at night; lives In neighborhood of Sth and Brio ave, L "Vi. Ledger Central. SPANISH WOMAN, mlddle-ngcd, wishes fight duties In household; sleep homo. 0129 Vino st. BTENOaifAPHcn, competent nnd conscien tious worker, would consider moderate eal- ary, reference. 11 nil. Ledger Otitic. STf'00ItAPIIf:n. quick, rorrcct. some exp.; hlhsrhool edurntlon. .T HIO. Led. Cent. 8TENOaitAPIli:n. experienced: moderate aal Q". lilt Chestnut. PhnjSiiruoJ!S52. WIDOW, I'rotcs'ant, managing housekeeper, seeks emplovment where iersonnllty and re- . flnementwlll he appreciated I. 211. Led Cent. WOMAN, cdui'iiti-d. would rend by hour tn ln valid or aged person. Thone HSU D. Ilelmont. p SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE ,, . , ACCOUNTANT rmp'oyed as ticasurer of latgo machinery Vi huuu riubou lor seeking a cimngei married; 28, wlih 11 sears' aciountlnc x perlence; would leaso city. J 417, Led. Cent. SifiK','TA''T' oxfierlemed In corporatiorTac counting, at preucnt employed svltli tlrm of While, accountants, desires change, excellent -iSSDH8 dR8. Ledger Central. 'A!?ffiN'1'w:NT would" Ilka to" get position 2r.kly' v- ycar"' experience; best of ref. ?2P.C.' Za" K? a"y Part of country. J 411, i2gerCentral " ACCOUNTANT, sarlcd experience, will In iiKl !lUl'11 P" of full time. O 820, vwacr m.nn. pOUNTANT. bkpr., long commercial busl -"" eP-- nuw employed. J 211. Ledger Cent. ATTENDANT, svhlte. hospital training svishes ' !?.?'. use" no ll'iuor: iiermancnt. Phone, Walnut mini. Address J 512. Ledger Central! I'" ."Kr:Pi:it or asalstant Voune man (21), . ojcars' experience; reliable, accurate, quick : giU's'U'Cs, relerence.J 111, Ledger Central. 2UiKKDt'1:R' 2i'a yrs.' exp.: familiar wltS x, detain rtierence. H Mid. Led. Cent. I BOOKKeUpkii, experienced, accurate, goo3 t yrlter: refs.. trial nlU i jit i.r,ir orr. If "2kK11J.1'?''i;U' olcno"grapher. senior evcnlne i r'ct"i " of l J 351. Ledger Central. "SJS-.KEKPlJII. 23. 0 srs exp.; familiar with jersait,an correspondence. J BO. Led. Cent. QY. 111. JftwTtlh hrloh,' on.luA uinnU Ml In Hi J'k in count r'y. private or farm; good ref "s !f.e,ne?' Jmenlle workers' llureau. ltoT Artli. .iiiqne itaco ii3.IT or aprucu HUT. OY. strong, IB, Catholic, wishes position lii jwairy. either on private estate or farm. reference Juvenile Workers' llureau. 150T yJmnjt.JTelephone Race MIT or Spruce 6117. t'JA etrong.-honest. Industrloun, desires work Lnylnd J 410. Ledger Central. BUSINESS man, wide oxp corrcBpondence, sales, desires connection with reliable roll- eerncap,, of handling office. 11 8IBjlrfdK;n. Sf'IJ'E,'t or "valet wants posllloii, "UngTUh; nrst.clsss references, 30 sears old. Addrem r.'!'l-edgerCcntral HCTLUIl T-'tlDllah aaa 'VI 1?,il,llall and llV 'tferences; thorough experience. A. W., 2181 m Uiust.t Muteaes: BVWSUTLlIt n 1 inlr ..nsrl.n,.rf InMHta POm. I cPlent;fltst-cla'a ref. L 22. ledger Office. "JTLClt Voung Jap., city ref., deslrea pos. In Private family. TakatiasliL JOS N. 18th. 'AUrFBOll, Kngllsh. with 7 cars' experl. " on Aiuerloan and foreign cars: used to prime garage and taking entire charge; 2 '" with last employer: pest of reforenccij eit nd couxenua 4T N 17th t. ' c'JAyFi'Kl'It-.lapanese. thoroughly competent i j mec(1anU', lu soars' exp. : any foreign """ car; peat city references ruoa ente wages.Nippon, 30S N. 18th st. CIIALPPrifin nn .n1.n.a inva avn , atrlctly teniDerute. n 41K lser nrrice. BSV CHIItom z ... "- i..l' sssu n"""'!, wining ana oouging. waive. BPi ro'stknt. 632J Norwood St.. (lermantpwn. i IfMAN Young man, 20 years, at present P employed, would like to make change: trictiy Mber good references and three j"ars In present place. M 208. Ledger Office. .?-.""" gardener, single, wishes poslilon eats place good In both branch; first- juiss references. LM13. Ledger Office. COmtlSPONnENT office details Voung miS . man. a witn a years' experience; one rear ssiiinv .t mi TA.in.. An,rai rLf5! "PcWed on aHniclal silk, want kitlon Mil v Columbia, ave. ,ffri' wishea position best references, va toe's ij ,B(S) "c "it. Ledger OOl.e ili N" B"s J- 'lOB worker wlsho usai, counirv -wuh either ptlvate leuillv rtVestnut Bill, for permanent position In rlKrie of department; bright prospects fnr rlithf man. )n reply, tn .receive nllentlon. 15ijp. and salary. I. aid, Ledger Central. . A A Teispliofla ltao 3331 m Spruce. Ui7. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE F55s!iTronHflf.'ltT'iR'.l"r'd' "'" ! Ioiilsn-nncL.?r..,!uburbs: b"t tcferencca. Or.t'H testing expert. !4 vrs.' nfrie nM ii,. ,. .P!epce, Rluo factory. Cooper grndmg and mixing. J 3JI,Ledger Central. M.,e.0JO".?'tPO,lt,0n 1u'k'l KOOJ ff" lfi'e.6?0 31i Clln ' any part of tha United Slates, j 317, Ledger Central. IIOUsriMAN and chauffeur, white, ngo 23, so fter, references. C 420, ledger Office, . ovcnlngsLMMVIld.JWT N.7lh st. M, ".'.'i'!.."1"'' wn,t,' 1rnl"' houtework. gen--!I?L,iillL,yJJ3nfj i22. Ledger Office MA!inn,',.wl,(?' while."lrotestn"nls, Wtler niui conk; references. I, 235, ledger Office. OI.T1Sn. ABSISTANT-Younu man, 23, cxpcrP enccd In or co detail,, claims, cashier, stock, i fit.IMb."!. Mcc"ent leteremcs. J 1BA Ledger Central, IKSS "KXBctrrlTK-fflTVrs "?x"pT"7efTmT. 5U.rr!as'J?B ncpounllnsr. etc.; full command of. fletnlli desires ehanRo, ns present connection oftetn Intutncjent oppor't. II 1ST, l,d. Cent. t7-!-PSfA?'' ". bookkeeper, at present cm"- .'..-'.f.1'' '!?tlrcfl. chango with greater oppor- JilJ'H' fl'ber Insido or outsldo poslilon, C 40SLdRer Offlce. OPPirrj MAN, 20, nceuato "correspondent": urw derstantls hiring, directing tnalo, Jemalo help; selling exp., mod. salar.: ,101, ledger oif. PAINTini, (lermati, wliiies prlvnto work: best . material, cheap, postal, tat w. llewson st. SAt.HS laJOTNUBli. offlco manager. 10 sra.' cxper., rollrgo graduate. J 251, Led. Cent. STr.NWlTAPllfcrtria yeareeipTrlcnco-Ren". ernlofTlco clerk, knowlcdco bookkeeping, architectural work: compotont, rollable. ca llable of inking chnrge of office, deslrts pol- tlon offering advancement. .1 442, 1yd. fent. HTnNTSflilAl'llUH, 2d, marriodTTenrsnixpr; some selling experience. O 102, ledger (Iff. BTHNOOItAl'llDil (2S)fr, yrs.' exp.; neeurale, quick, willing: ref. J 42, ledger Central BTr.NOOllAPIIfcn necrelary. II years' expT; Arofsnd testimonials. J 113, Lod.t cut. WANTHfv Aposlllon"wlth n real cslalo llrm doing n. suburban huslnesi by n sotinc man of education and business ability; well ac quainted tn Chester and Delaware Counties. .011U. Ledger OfflcoL WAITntt, private or rath"skellcrrrltj'"of couri? try; handy on sacht. uoi S. lnth. Y'OUNO MAN (32), with executive ability, knowledge of sales promotion, able to secure. the maximum scrvlco from office nr rales forco, at present employment specialist for iv national philanthropic organization which affords Untiled opportunities for thesn com mercial qualifications; highest Indorsement) solicits correspondence. Jl MO, Ledger Cent. TOCNO MAN, 2L ycara, who la an nreiirato accountant with four yenra' cxperlenro In tho Oovernment service ns clerk, with ref orenco. wishes position. L 253. Ledger Cent. YOliNO MAN, 20, married, technical college graauate. can speak Spanish, flcsirea gencrni commercial work or draughting; small salary to start, J M, Ledger Central. TOUNO MANTlO years, with 1H years' ex perience as apprentice moahanlcal draughts man; can furnish reference. L 251, Lodger Contrnl. TOUNO M'AN, 1R years old, good roferences, wishes any light work. Address IM. Mc- Keown, 110 rernon st. YOl'N'fl MAN WANTS WOltK Wl'I'It CAIl- pnNTPit on woonwonKKii pmai.i, 8ALAJIY. PllONH OAK INI32 JW. YOUNC1 MAN, 23. desires position as shipping or receiving clerk or In grocery stnro. lion- est, Industrious, J all. Ledger Central. TOUNO MAN (colored) wishes position, soda dtsnenspr or waiting. 11. Urancli Ledger, linn ana vennngo. YOUNO MAN, nged 20. wl"hcs position with sto"lt broker: Insldo or street work. J 313, icagor Lcntrni YOUNO MAN, "22, high school grnduate; Bail ing and clerical experience. J 312, Led. Cent. YO"UNO MAN wishes a clerical position. C D05, Ledger Offlco. AUTOMOBILES Wnntcd WANTED-Slghtscelng car. seating 20 to 30 people; must no rrusonanio. ureiz. vnru-ia Oarago. IM N. Cnrllslo st. Th. 1'oplnr .'1030 ll'iVTrn A,t,r Intlf hnsl nlnft nlchtsee. Ing body; sentlng 00. Ilretz Carllslo Oarage, IMS N. Carlisle; AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES to iinti: O-cyllnder l'acknrd Tackard Llmouslno nnd touring cars hv hour, day, week or month PACKAiin uliuvicrj comhany llll-n Locust rt. Thoncs Spruce 3110. rince 213. BUSINESS NOTICES nnin Mi:sscNoi:n co. i.bt us nuLivnit vot'it pahcrls 2111 N. 12TH. PHONU ril.lllSItT 21-09. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. A MAN WITH $3000 TO $5000 to underwrlto a proposition whore monoy Is absolutely sccuro and profltn aro very largo. Don't reply unless j-ou mean business. 'L 812. Ledger Central. SALES MANAOlitl Crackcrjack. $.".5 weekly salary, also expanses; Stnto manager whole talo business, cither Now York. 1'enna. or Now Jersey; commission on all over ?uiO bus. monthly: must havo $3U cash noccssary to carry mock. L, 218. ix;dger Central. EXCtiLLTKNT opportunity for a soung innni with capital to start a clean, legitimate busi ness with young man who has lit years experlcnco as manager, but no capital. L JIJ, I.odgqr Central. tlO.OOO WANT11D, a party to tako a largo lij terest In old-established wood-working busi ness; profitable; investment secured by mort gage. J Ml. Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING WEST P1IILA. MONATtCII BTOrtACK CO. 2j;CItAP.D..S70--2.UNCASTKItAyB. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTIIICH l-HATimnS AND FANCIES CLi:ANKn.DYi:i. .MAILIIOT.ir.10 Chestnut. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot cash, noom 303. l'enn Mutual llldg ,023 Chestnut at. DRESSMAKltTG AND MILLINERY PASIIIONAI1LK dressmaking: prices reason- fAn.lu-.''. ...-;., .An.n,iaiinr- Rin rhi. nut. Aparjncnt2'ilnlSIltJJ!2i: ATtTlSTIC dresses, lingerie frocks, reasonable prlcesVparlslan models copledlSSOJValnut. nitr,5f4SIAKINO taught: short, prac. course. McDowell, 807 " Denckla llldg,, Uth & Market, ilLlMSTlTCHINO done while you wait. A. ' n.i "hard. Ul3 Cheetnut. Pictorial nevlewpaj. EOR SALE r-AHU IlliOlSTIinS. new and second-hand, $2S and upward, new Improved total adder. JiO; new total adder with sales printer. IU3; full Inea of second-hand registers nt reasonable mlces. new and scconu-hand registers fully Luaranteed; we guarantee to furnish a better ?ash register for less money than any other rnneern In tho world. Tllh. NATIONAL "AHlTrn'oiaTCIt COMPANY. 730 Chestnut. FOIt " BALE 700 frames and sashes, cheap. 2113 vine si., .HuiwuiH TTlI,I.lAllI- pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rent'ed, ex jteafer. 320 Olrard aye. INSTRUCTION r.AOTlMH In 20 lessone. Call or wr Chrlsteiisen Piano Schools, 3S2d Oermanto or write iwa avo.. 1320 Tasker st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS rr ECTKIO MOTORS New and second-hand. l-u-V.'whalen Co.. 110 N. 11 Ih st. Phones. STORAGE ril.M 1AIILK BTORAOB MOV1NO. PACKINO, "MtPI-INh.WoVll nTsuTH ST.. DIA. 4T17! WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack. PI11I.A. Ing and shipping, 3870 Lancaster qv WANTED Antique Furniture, Feather Beds, Old Gold, Silverware Ancient pictures, firearms; highest prices. Write Pioneer. 1103LqeuLPhoiie Wal. 3538. I UUYALL KINDS OP TALKING MA chliies. records, sewing machines, cameras, ?"", r, blcyc Us and Zurnllure. S. Surlanl, 1MB S. IBth at Phone. Clcklnion 2317 W. ROOMS TOR RENT tiAHINO "ST.. 3218 (The Chilton) Two first Jloor rooniV: suit dentist, doctor or apart. nffnlT ""'"!; McOlaln. manager. BAn"fNarT02S-2d-story front, nicely lata.; 2 baths; nearL; j;enfny bus, women; phone. BROa'dTn.. 620-Cheerlul rooms, comf. furn.j llsnt housekeeping; continuous hot water. illtOAD ' n'" 001 Two rooms and bath; furn. ir unfurn..' modern corner bouse, larea yard( torch "EuthTra MPosure; electrfo llAui at tractive surroundlngj. Photo atLed. Cent. utti'tr's family; no boarders: photo ld.Cent. rrrs" '--Jin 'r-s i- Jnnkl e-Amat tulfh C without bath, electricity, auam heatj gentle, map. PAifliAaUT. 8. 2S Private family bay pleaa antl" luri 5l-atory front rwm. wod.. near 'IV'l ref.. gntlenjen pref.Uarlni 7181 W, GinllANTOWN. W Sbarpoack st . furulne4 oruTif 8187 Ledger Branct B3IB Ormanioo G1R1HU SIRlifcT lHS(The Buf'rN,htt iiioJiled, eleaantly fur . ely-trlo llgUtx. twl JiS eld run3cit wa-terj ralia rtMonafce. ROOMS TOR RENT 1-ocyST, lf,o,i2d-floor aulte; 2 room private bath, furn, or unfurn,: alnglo foomil ' LOCUST, 1 Infr-Lnrgo second-story rooAi with bay window- adjoining bath; also pleasant lhlnl-itory room. Phone. LOCUST, l!)l7-Nowly furn. room: private famlygentletncn or buslneee womeniphone. PINU. 1312-Sccond-floor room; prlvata bath; ai'Utncrn exposure; every comfort. HAIR. 3113 Two ntitncllve. well-llghleKl rooma aultnhlo for doctor or dcnllst. In homo ofirahieiltiiirsc, other vac. Preston 3303 p. SI'ltINO (lAUUIJN, 1713-ltooms, single, en suite, running wntcr; furn. or junf ur. .phone. Bl'HUCH, 1113 Very desirable vacancies; beailfully furnished 2d lloor. WAl.ti.Vi 11, b."i:. i Oil. 2IHT-1 or l! cfiecrful rooms in jrl.iirlvato home, llghthskpg;l'ii, WALNUT, Mio.1 NewTy "tur"nTshe"3 rooms; re fined gcntleincn prof.; good neighborhood. Helmont 3621 W. Photo ntLcdger Central, WAI,NUT, 57o6-Two" nicely furnished com munlcatlng frontrooms and batlii board op'l. WALNUT, 4U31 -Altrait iy turn , "south expos.1 slnsjooren sulie; com.lulh,phone. WALNUT, SJOO-SlllIng room, other vacs.; conv, to bith; near elevated, Ilelmont B12UD. WASIIINtlTON. 0125 Ucautltul rms,. com. with nam, covun 10 mr. inr imcn. npi vviwii.mii. if,Tlf,"N ."TfiS-Cheerfully furn. front rooms, slnglo or communlcaMiigiretinedlramci;di. litrit, N., 232.1 Laige, vvelt-furn. 2d-ety,"roorn; relliied rrlvato family; Diamond 2511 W. . 17T1I, N., .1.115 Very deelrablofurn. 2d lloor; slne or en suite, prlvntn family, phono. SIST, H., lUO-l'Mrnlshed or unturn. rooms fo'f Rentleuien er couple; moderntejirlers; pjione 221)," N., 1S01 furnished apartment, 2d II06S 2 rooms nnd liltchctictto. Dlamoml II50SI. fiSU,-J . 227 PrlVBto family has pleasant 2d sly. room, gentlemen orinar. couple, phone OOTH, N., 1211 Tiui 2d-stnry, hnndsomely fur' nlshed front rooms nnd Imtli for housekeep ing; nil conveniences. Ilelmont 4711. rillVATlJ family, 15th and llrle, sitting room: nlso bedroom; turn, or unfurn. Tioga 6873 II. 53d and Sansom l'urnlshed rooms; men only; meals, wnST UltANCII shower baths: near L: nil the Y, M. C. A. comforts of homo. Phono Pel- mont -10,11; Key. West S0. Suburban UVUllimoOK Private family can accommo date two gentlemen In nlco rooms, with breakfast; nesr elation. L210, 1-ilgcr Cent. BOARDING 11IIOAD, S, 1000 Two communicating Sd-uuot looms, gentlcman or coupletrlviitcJnnuly, DitoAD, n ." iteij uT:xiitArri.ii V'ACANCiXtr. TAIil.K HOARD. DK'ICINSON 2132 CHUSn-.R, r,m (f-l'rlv. fam Ima 2Tl-Btory,rooin: gcnl'nidn, good homotook'g: ooK ,Ui21I rillllSTNl T, H.ro-Vcry'pTeasrTurn. rooms In rof., eonv. lociUlon; 2d-story front, back: also single room; tablo toarj. I'hone. 3IA7.i:L AVC, 3122 Vacancies In a rellned nome; nomo comtorts; gooa vauio; pmuii-. NoIlRIS, W oro Nicely turn, single room; lady or gentleman. Phone Ken. 37U2 W. PAJlIC AVC. N., 2120 Vell-fumlshed room. Ilrst-class board; nil conveniences; term modornto; both phones. l'OWULTON AVIi, 3S0S Front sit, room; nlso slnglo rms. ; fiirnunCurninlcoionie. POWKI.ION "avi;., loTrj 1'rlvato fnmlly" has pleas turn room forreflned pioplephone. SPnuci:. In2s-.'(i- Iirninblo mite with private banieholcj.Jnl)lelionrd. Viilnut 7233 W . SI'IU'CU. 1221-20 (lirfsmondo rurnlshed rms., pIiirIo, enFUltc: jjrlrnte l,atlm: tiiblo boanl. SPllltl'i:. 12.UI SU1TI3 "WITH PRIVATE RATH: OTIinil ATTIIACTIVU IHXBIS. WAl.l.Ai'i:. 1S21 Well-furnished slnglo double moms: ex. table. Poplar .1023 A. and WALNUT. linns Warm, pleasant rms.: be.iutl ul neighborhood: lo-vrd.Preston 0121 A. WALNUT, mil Attractive 2,1-ntory front. -ou- plo or gentlemen; relliiedjiome; tulilo juncxiel. WALNUT, 4".U' I'lenH. furn single or ilotlbTn rooms; K'ntlemen, gooil table l'res, 1S2U II. 10T11, N., 125 Largo Hiinny front rooms: ror ner house; other vncancles. Locust 322S D. 40TII. N'T Ton Privalo fnmlly will bonrd ro ll nedgert I e men; ronvcnlentoclty liar SIS, 40TII. S., f-21 iJirgo double room, In refined nelghb. ; nlso Bln'lnvncancy. WoodllOi vv. 52D, N., 121 Largo room: eultablo marrleil couplo or 2 gentlemen; with board. Ilcl. 3IS1. Kill. H, ."0O Private family " lias cool nnd pleasant 2d-stnry fur. room; cor, poreli with nlco Hurroiind'a; good table Wood. 4000 W. wi:.vr piiii.Ani'.i.i'iiiA WrsT 1'IiILA. Viry drslraldn 2d-storv fronl room with board; rof. home, Ilarlng ,.113 W. uburbnn GKRMANTOWN, 233 W. lltttenhouso Bt , bo twien Wayno and Orccno Dcslratdo -ooms, alnglo or com : homelike. Otn 13,3 N. OAIC LANI3, 70,'t Cnmfortnblo rooms, near station, gnnd home table. Phono .",SM W. WYNNllKinLD 2d floor furnished frontruom, other rooms. Phono Overbionk f.OOfl W. APARTMENTS GOING TO SEND THE FAMILY TO THE SHORE THIS SUMMER? If so it is Iiifili time for you to civc active tlioiiRlit to n location. This year the demand will be unusually Iarsc and earlier than heretofore. Whether you want a furnished apartment or cottage or board and room at any hotel or private house Ledger Central can help you. A special investigator is now at Atlantic City and will find what you want if Ledger Central docs not have it on file. Similar service can be rendered on other New Jcrscv resorts. Tell Ledger Central about your requirements now. There is no charge. SllOAD. N., 001 Two rooms and bath, furn. or unturn . modern corner house, large surd, porch, southern exposuro. eloctrlo lights at tractive surroundings. Photo at Led, cent. ' N.W. COIL 17TII Ac SANSOM iiTS. Two lurgo rooms, private lavatory; fust class condition JAS DVv INCIIULL. On Promises. 1312 PINB ' rirst floor, two-room apartment with bath; Bultablefnr doctor or dentist. SPKUCK. 1120 Two or 3 rooms, with private, both; furn or unfurn.; electric lights, hard wood floors, oil modern Improvements. BPIHNa OAItDUN. 1010 Kxccllent apis. In 8 different liouae3jcomo fur'd; kitchenettes. West Philadelphia SANSOM ST., 1S20 Kxcluslvo location, 0 rooms, bath; hardwood floors, electrlo lights, hot water, supplied with heat: rent 13. Hmalt apartment in same row, 4S12 Sansom, il looms, bath: rent M.'. Clifford W. Miller, B71uvairardavo: WALNUT 8T., ubovo 41lh Doalro o leave Philadelphia permanently, and will sublet at Jaerlflce. unfurnished Uusekeepln apart ment, JTrooma and bath. C 431, LedgerOfflce, D1ST7S.. 1220 Nicely furnished apartment; 2d floor- private bath: modern, rellned prlvata family; beautiful neUhborhood, m opposite Park: housejteoplngarrangement If desired. 33TI1 ST.. S.. 1521 (near Chester ave.)-PIve rooms and bath, now; electric lights, steam heat; $28.80; novel arrangement of rooms, App. of janitor on premises. Ph. Filbert 415.1. "CHILTON APARTMENTS 82is uanng i. Two first-class rooms, with private bath; suit able dentist or doctor or apartment. Mrs. Hell MoClain, mgr. liell phone Preston (1107. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TCnuiULCTMATTTTm AKTKR. ATTRAC TIVIJ rURNISHED APA11TMBNT. TWCJ ItOOMR AND DATII; 10 MINUTKH SOUTH p P CITY HALL. PIIONB WALNUT 261. PINK, 1H20 Housekeeping apartment, 4 rooms ana pain. r-iione uicainson p-m vv. WAIIUT, 1222-21 (Kenwood)-Deslrable apts.. rrlvate bath, also single rooms, running water; newly renovated: sum, rates; phones. I IDN"? HFAn.l'oeu'L 12H-1'- Furnished West Philadelphia THE P1NEHURST 45T" r,NB BTS' i nc rincnuuoi apartment b i. f rooms and bath. Well furnished. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 2112-3 rms.. bath, kitchen, hot water heat; ref.: 2d floor, $iS; 4 rms.. bath. Klicnen. an cor, rooms. do. uiamoiiq aoaj vv. UM&t-'c Pl,i 4UAI v.iesa. sunny, iiivrnviivs, central, fi rms., uafur., bskpg, flat, elegant Eaini ii raiin., very iiioq. rciiv. www,. PINE, 000 Housekeeping apt., 4 rms., batTT, modern; furn. or unturn.; all outside rooms. 23D AND PINE STS. (DB LANCBY APTS.) New, light; 4 to 0 rooms; 1 and 2 baths; kitchenette: central location; apply Janitor. " "s; U 18TH AND TIOOA Desirably located, modern 0-room house, keeping apartments, steam heat; Janitor; convenient to trains and troltejs. BAMUDI. T. KXX & CO. B. B. COIL UTH AND CALLOWiniLU NOIUTSk APAm"MENT3 Desirable 4 and S room apartments, near Park: Janitor service: reasonable rentals. BSCUTKL. 3383 nidge ave. 2urnlabed rilBTTY furnished housekeeping apartment. 4 rooms and bath, with owner, In a new corner Colonial house, opposite a city park; 2 car lines to the centra uf the city, reasonable to rellned party, no children, references ex cUnged. Telephone Woodland tsVi To 81 Ul.ET for (luamer BtauUfully fur- roooxa and UUi. ttii " ntsnaa nouseA-epiug apaxltneov. VOTa, o yuniroa T, .ttb. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS West Philadelphia 22-1 FAnRAOUT TnHTlACD-Deslrable apart ment, 3 rooms and bath; rental $33! two blocks from 4Cth st, elevated station. iJAIfiMORE AVE., 4530-lTskg. apt., 2d floor, 0 rooms, private porch, heat and hot water. REAIi ESTATE EOR SAIiE CITV KLKOANTLOCATION for service elation, garage, manufacturing and other purposes; northeast corner 2Mb and Spime sts.i WxlOO l'l UUlMlllinS I, UlU UWCUIIIH", nura fronla; few mm. bus nnd residential soetlona nnuraiiroaus. ii a. iinrtmaniavJprucsu N. E. "con. Ifllh "and Oxford sis , 12 rooiiia, conv a., established phislctana oftirii reason able price Win. M. Vardley, 1334 Olrard ave. H03 (X)t. ITMtltA AV'R-Vewlv renovated. 11 rms.. alt convs.; Till sell below value to close osinic. v m. . varatey, u.u uirsra stb, COd CTfaMBIAJCVn., 3 storlee. Br. I paying Investment. Wm B Vardley, 1334 Olrard ave. llulldlnr Tots. Faclnry SHea, Kte. I)t.'II,DKIlS-Lots for 8S houses, 32d and .Hunt- irgoom jtirck,iio Land Titio nuiioing. WK8T riniiAnRi.riHA WILL SBt.L HANDSOMD APATVTMBNT on Walnut st., paying 10 per cent. Settling an eslato reason for selling cheap. Also il mod ern collages at Vcntnor, N. J. 1 250, Led ger central. (IKltMANTOWN MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HtLt. PROPERTIES Telhitn Trust Co.. 0710 Oermantown ave, BUllUlinAN 3-STOIIV stone dwelling, modern conveniences. steam neat, rrutt ana enaae; o ncresi cou vcnlent to trolley; ISSW. II. II. ilcCOLU'Jt 1.11 1 Walnut St., Philadelphia. "Don't Korgct the Number " DUTVClIt;!) 12-room Colonial house; corner Kropcrty: all modern conveniences; hot-water ett, gas nnd elcctrliltv; fireplace; 2 bathe; burglar nlarm; garaco. 20 minutes from Proad Ft. Stlllon. JMOO. W. MI. T HHI fnuth 4lii st rnone Jompnra iioiu. Cheyney. 1'sv. 6". ACIIKP. $4000, 18 miles city. A. D. Heatd, West Chester, I'a. Klklns Park, r. tUtjKINH PARK lleaullful building Uacts. ,,nl. Hflifii tnlnutpN, wAl'l tn Klklns 1 ark Station of the Reading or Ilanld Transit trollev. Iyiw faro Into city by either route 72 Rending Terminal trains dally. An ideal locnuiv in vvnirii 10 iivo; ciuiiiuticiu ,v,u,. I'rico ni inis. i.i.u Paul, 135 8 3th st. Prico nr lots, i:iru anu nigner. llboades & NEW JEHSET BUNOAI)WS, lota 23xlB0i near trolleyt over looking Delaware; National Park, ureater new jersoy wompanr. oo a. iwu. Hnddonfleld, N. .1. HAVE SEVERAL FIND PROPEItTIBa M bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, R31 Federal st.. Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. .1. SI1VI"RAL derfrablo homes nnd Improved bldg. lots nt reasonable prices. .Inlin Mayhnw. Cape 3lay. N. J. COTTAGr.H. hotels, apts. for sale and rant; some bargains In building lots. C. Earle Miller, 218 Ocean St., Cape May, N. J. SUAHHORi: SI-lAHIlotm cottnee. 0 rooms and bath: cement cellar, nlry porches, $UK) cash, balance eiaay pasments, owner eacrlllco. L 737, Ledger vc:.trai. PENNSYIA'ANlAJ'AnjlS llUACIti: VALLEY FOROE FARM Stono nnd framo bouse. 0 rooms, stono and frame barn, outbuildings; fruit nnd shade; build in ra In good shape; near train and trolley; iu,uw. II II. McCOLLU.M, 1311 Walnut at., Philadelphia. 'Don't Forget tho Number." 20 AOIU'.tl Fruit fnrm on 1' , B. and W. R. It.: choice proposition; $!00u. J. B. Thomp aon. Wret Chester. Pa. DELAWAltE rAIt.MH 22(1 ACltr.S, 0-room framo house, stable, out buildings, orchard In bearing, nsparagua; near lram: Pr!CC'lL'JirMcCOLLUM 1311 Walnut at.. I'hllndelphla. "Don't l-orget tho Number." REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT mw YOtirt HOME This can be dono bv making monthly payments of from $17 to $130 tor nouses worm irom eioisi io ei-:u. 11. 3. RUED. 717 Chestnut st. Seashore' LOW COST, hlgh-Rrado bungalows, apart ments and cottages, furnished or unfur nished. Illustrated booklet on request. South Jersey Realty Co., 013 Heal Bstute Trust rtulldlng, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGH EQUITIES Well-rented houses for clear subur ban properties or farm. P 013. Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE EOR RENT CITY 2310 MONTROSE ST. Range, bath. gas. $11 etc., six rooms: good condition; key at U2H S.2 Id. st. ONLY $33 MONTH Threo-story 10-room store and dwelling. 812 North 10th st. HENTAI, LISTS 311-11) NORTH nROAD, store, and upper floors. 707-700 Arch St., store and basement 722 Chestnut t., etoro and haaement. 02tl Chestnut st., store nnd fcasement. 412 Wnlnut Bt , ground floor offices. 211 N. Delaware avo., ettre 210 Market st., entire building. 12-14-lfl Itltla Bt , B-story warehouse. Apply onoiUlU II. LEA. 700 Hansom st. Business Properties anil Stores CHESTNUT, 831-Store and basement, eultable for household or nfticn specialties. Inquire on premises. F. W. SADDLER. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Ploori 22.000 RQ. FT. IN MODERN TACTORT N. U COIL 23D AND ARCH STREETS Steam heat and electrlo power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatlo sprinklers, watch man. It. II. sidings, extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Appty O. P. TILLING A RON CO. on premises. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS. ETC, ONE OFFICE of suits or desk room, central 702 Abbott llldg.. Broad and Itace. ONE-HALF OF OFFICE, 1202 Commonwealth Building. Apply 1201 Commonwealth Bldg. Professional Offices 13TH ST.. 8.. 237 Phsslclan'a office; large furnished reception room; running water. Logan 2S NEW and up-to-date 0-room porch house; 2312 Hunting Park ave. HCBUItnAN Camp Hill. I'a. CAMP HILL. Montgomery Co.. Pa. Stone dwelling, stable, garage; acre ground; porches; shade; It rooms and bath: modern plurablnr, electrlo lights, Springfield water; rent $300 and water rent. Provident I and T. Co.. 400 Chestnut. Sharon Hill, I'a. BEST $21 CORNER HOUSE, fine street, qual ity neighborhood; 3 bay windows. 8 rooms, laundry, etc.! garden and lawn. Mr, Beeae, Cherry st. snd Pike. Darby. I'a. NEW JKHSBY Bordentown. N. J. AT BORDENTOWN. on tha Delaware 13 room house for rent, furnished; possession about April 23; two baths, hot-water heat, celled basements; half acre and stable at tached: three blocks from depot and river; convenient commutation New York and Phlla delphla. JOHN IL HUTCHINSON. Bordentown. Ocean City. N. J. HOTEL CHALFONT. 32- rooms, fully furnUh ed; unobstructed ocean view; reasonable to gooa venanv. :mo nmm r., ... rain, SEASIIORK Capa May, N. J. FURNISHED collages, ocean view, all loca. tlons: reasonable. C. Earle Miller, 218 Ocean St.. Cape May. Stone Harbor, N. J. STONE HARBOR cottages, bungalow and apartments for rent, furnished, by week, month or season at moderate prices: all con veuler-ces. , Call, phone pr write for lllua. trated booklet. 3. J. It. Co., 815 It, E. Trust Building. Philadelphia. POR RENT PURNISHED Wayne COUNTRY place. 1 rooms. S baths, ample ga. rage. 4 acres of lawn and garden. Addresa C 107. ledger Office. MORTGAGES $30,000 FOB 8T ANDJsJJJpaAUES M8 1UA1 EiUU 'Ast$ fasfass. & 1 SCRAPPLE 1 I - - -- .- Looking on hc Bright Side THE PADDED CELL ,-yYA 't . t . --. JSiFThatK. I jmflYnmimui I se i "' WmifflMW'm mrtf. ,-, jAiyaisaKiir?;.i:v vstw i i..Mumn y "rt-v - -s i -mmmtwm -mhb imiv aiilx fAmwmmmzm' v, ss -m-- t 'zmnSREfts "r aas,i tnden Opinion. I jtOmfSXf ' 'i N ylp7- jPssllilallr Who waa tlint hit In tho firm?" I HiXllMZiaf I .I'll "Only tho clmplnln and ho won't b aesWMlleKeV Ij RafeT-ri- U II wnntetl till Sunday." r J I -""BV -- n'cYtW0x- M m?mm z mwim- gj;ja- JT a". i3BLft ' ,..-r- Y M P . "..i A ' ! i '"v i 'g ' i . f but -u ...w3 y0 &&gbssg3&gSB& ? . M- N r mm&mme?7M'iu mzs - r., . , sryy smcz ri Iondon Cartoon, 'sr' &3Emi ' i I - TUo Sailor Bllmeyl Submarined 1 A-- ' ' -w -'"" ,C":s "0 IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THIS Talcing the iMcnsuro of tho French f GREAT CONS 1" lf'TU HAVC TO QGT SOME If 'AN HOUR 0PTW4 (5a 1 Afj fe3a S3i GFTHSTOFr." WILL HELP." J Si J&TBS&J&y ro j-v ii zjr. AapjL? sssssalRtfBBSsfl sssssstBBBssssHaW' asssssssssssssssssssssW lK JP"SKSU A .' tasssssb' ssssssell bVibbbbbbbbbbbV1 DssssssssssssssssssssssUI rTl mr 2WbbsssssssbT A IsBBVlasssssssssssssssssssBBBSV fasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBBBSBl. Mi BsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbbT -T I' SMlJ'Jf I W'iVT t9 mS&m r c - -- ' Y .sHf psrssf leggcndorfer Blatter. JBB &f MM An lncli-tnpo belup used for record- 3I j KL o assP,'s inn; tho progress of our Allies. v - 'v ji y f"IFEELLHrERALREA5rjf 7 If " 573,57580 l.CTCj Tllc Battlc-Cry of Freedom v J J Durinri tho Inst G. A. n, encampment Iv? 7 " ( - ""tl fh- 1 I thero was ono woman amid tho crowd Kr y S I (Jf Y I 5 j ot spectators on tho day of tho parado I n I I I f . r J( I I o f I who mado herself conspicuous by her ' V Q'-n I'A. 7" I yfTjlL ( a noisy hurrahs nnd excited wavlnfc- of a I -t- y ".y I I l rf "asr as tt10 0l veterans marched past. ldaHasssssawA l ' ll -lL" n0 ot tll b'stnnders told her sharply ttaHwi Uv Yi to B,uit i,p- flRn I j ) 7-f I "Shut up yourself!" sho retorted. "If HH BBBsifs U J'" liaii u,,r'C(' two husbands who had BeV 'issssssssssssssssssW i served In tho you would be hurrah- WHy' psssssssbssssssbW L J s too, Harper s. MH AH nBHHIBisssssBr German Frightfulncsst A French Lampoon on the German Woman's Taste "I hope, Wllhelmlna, that you hava renounced for over those horrible) French fashions which dlsflrura th,o beautiful German form," i.anumuj- vopeniviiij; oi uuw (uugcrj VU -lndonMalU A more asreeablo man to talk. Sirs. Thft s Boj.Do you mni atopplnc a mlnut sir, and Inspecting my Harris, I never met; so silent and troops7 nlce- The Lady Tes, do, Hetrgle: It will " such splendid practice for you. DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? jlERtCOHfcSTHnTBORRiP j J l OH!, ItT CRBWG j l I A K0rt SHE'S TAIKIMG JO .1 . (I JlsisBI A J-' aisH sLVrit (I 8 1 MB il 'l m I sHiilililiB M I iaiaiaiaH. 1- Q ' Hf W I essAMMMMsMsNMMsJMH.lMMnaMpjB JZ ILJtSsgLgT . T. . I jLif tsHRter, x- 'lV0-aat f sr -Mfc-.r ift
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers