Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
wm .pm. wwr wwwnwwMMnf "?-rpig'(w pn ' a1? tprwiJevml't,mP'iW!'mf "fl5w 14 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRTE T7, TffTg; llPlWfJjUWWiWMliye " .-- A TALE OF RED ROSES A SMASHING STORY OF LOVE AND POLITICS By GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author of "Get Rich Quick WnlllngforU." CopnU'it, lai4, the. Robbs-Mtrrll Company. BTNOt'SIP. Ben bUdfte, the "Huss ' of Ulna City. V. 8. A., (till In love with Molly Marie), daughter or the ptesldent "f the lift..--lull wmMii), Mt. JlsrUy refusta t B.J Bledgt's suit iinJ favors Utit Under, nnuiii AlO.ly accepts. As soon as the tngugeriiuit Iff announced Sledge note ik4ui.uii.ii a group uf hnanutrs tu tun h ihh.iuii i.it" fiHiiti t lh oiib unuer .Via, ie. -' uiius ut small Imrsiuis win, 11.1. i buiii siUvk in tnt oid linv, umlti pruii.uc " J'' t-:,itiis,uti, am luntu lu the vhi A.i.uii ins ij Htnr) 1'iu rs, wiuikv i.aiiamti ,a a 1 1 Iriend ot lum Mnricj. Sl.gB IOiHuts Jiun.. In lii Unll n. Mr h n. ilia, s.lu ni.u.. iki msts tnu litti nil tune ur hi t ! uun. A.iHimu..' . viith th hvip of 1 .1.1 itiijix. In hein.li muif, hiiij boiZHin. ht.nl m inc rinaticK"!. !. nuicuy puns to 111111 Made ""' iw' lolli. tioizaiii uuut) e-cios-es Midie iu ahulva Marley how u win .,iiuol 01 u.,11 tllf 11. rt unn nnw llnt.. t a llifctlll,C u. tlwj stockhoideis iiauey anu 'Illuer ml' DU out the new cumpan- r.ir sum. Sleda. seems down anj out. CHAI'TIMl XXlX-U-'ontlnucd). "No. I've been tulklna to UlcilKe,' tiled Uerl. "1 hail Just us lief imve inlilro.mlio ilfvci... Its lite til till' iiltlbh tlon ot slriKlhK 11 mug Into Hit- "If ' irol of Irnportnnt investments takes triglil," ho ncknmvlotlKetl, as lie niosc to Ko. "v t'.tn lie put on the mil with 1 penny's worth of Mrei.rui.ktl5. Not limit a.o, 0111 frlcnil Scil.e i.ele mid iiie Kinniocdcil, hut I checkmated the old Hlaln. As a matter of fnrt, the only le suit of hi uiitipalcn nitnlnsl me was to put rue In control of inj own compnnv, mill now. I'tanry. I have the thing so 1 well lied tin iii.-n 1 nin-t ,. imrt. 1 heat j on at j.0,M. 0,VM KHMle p, so,Re?" I iieail uiti! n eluh and letting her wake and he clturkleil down at his defeated up In her new home." oppressor with forslvlnR Irlumpli. ' Not .lede. lie does his lovr-mnkltiR hi " '""k0'1 'i at I1I111 anil smllcc; wllh red rmrj," laUKhed Mollj . "ton , '"1 ,l,l-; Hi" patted illsplnylrrK his ' ni.d leini of them. This Is a different ti-etn. The under side or his upper lip proposition. He hns reduced everything I ?.Vmve". n 8lmi" '"" f v'vl M-arlet. ntid 1 In life tti dollais and cents, and he thinks .CZ. I. .a".'.v. p" comhliicd to filve 1 iinl if , , 0I1V )reak i)ert and mi mi-mi iii'ioriioii nil cxpiesslon ol Ullre possession, nnd I shall doubtless hear from them hy 10 o'clock." 1 "I wish I could sleep until 10, and I when 1 wake up find that It's all right," Molly wortlcd. "If ou and Mert are nut entliely out of all hustness deals In this town h our wedding day. Sledgo will see to it. If he hns to move heaven 1 and earth to accomplish It. that we none of us have a dollar: and hy that I mean absolute pauperl'in. In the hest and most 1 thoroughly melodramatic sense." I "He. has the moat ahsiird way of mak- ! lug loxe," commented Kern. "It's like the old cave-dweller plan of killing off the lamlly, hattlnt: the fair maid on the siliall dc inallsnlty startling even to Allertou, who .Y'e .. ",e lna" lKe" ''tttel than Tom I Dendlx. I Malley was ronsclous of that stlnnge. 1 Sensation Wlllrh llinan lilm l.n.l nx ntmil I of Hledge had descrlhed as 1111 actual Phjslcal chill, like the sudden opening or a window to the cold rain; nnd the Millie upon lus cm ti face ftoze. lie was oiucious that Ids lips were still In the my leg as to have Siudge fussing In wltn , .ontour which his brngemg rhuckle hnd me. If 1 can find n huci- lor It. lm Jlven them, and he felt Hie embarrassed going to unload my stock in that amuse- awkwardness In tcsloilng his features ment park whl.e the public still thinks ' to tlielr normal expression, which n man It will be built " Marlcy frowned lis Tudgnient alone. The l?0 iy,e1" his crushing nteaRllt e. 'Tou are expressing very unnll toll fldonce In me.' he rcpioved. "I don't aec why jour nenouaness ubuut Sledge should extend tu an operation wiwun ut liends fill mv Kldgewood acnue extension Is to be built as fast as It can he pushed through. I have already ordered the rails, the ftan chlse cannot be disputed, and ien if Sledge were to patallel the Itldgewood avenue line It wou'd only bring moic pa tronage to youi park " "Not mine." corrected Hert liastlb. "I'll gel my mone out ol It as unlet, as I can, and I'll put that money wheio Sledge can't reach It." "You're scared blue," charged Marlcy contemptuocaly "How did oil come to get tangled up with Sledge?" "I met him down at the City Hall. He was wearing one of his fool red roses. and I think he saw me looklns itt It. Pet haps t did grin. At any rale, he stopped and asked me when 1 was to be married to Molly." "What did you tell him?" "Christmas. Moll v. osterda after noon, warned me not to tell any one, and particularly Pledge, that It Is to be Thanksgiving." "What did he sav that scared you so?' "Nothing." confessed Hcrl. "He only smiled. I felt as if I had been In a cold rain." "Same smile Molly described." Marley laughed, though he was quite out of pa tience. "I can understand Molly's taking- a whimsical fright based on nothing, hut I didn't expect It of u, Hert. I have myself found Sledge to he rather decent In the last few da3. and J am only annoyed because h does nut seem to see the necessity of using his Influence with Allertou to slop this street iailwn. b)ll. I think 1 shall see Allertou my- self tomorrow He ionics home every' Saturday night " Pursuant to that hnppv Idea, the presi dent droc out to Allcrton's house the next morning and found the Senator In the luxury of pajamas, easy "Uppers and lounging robe, amid an extravagant con- , fusion of Sunday papers. At his light ' hand was a taborct. 011 which bubbled an clectiic coffee percolator, and at his left hand was a featherweight serving table, on which was a comfortable sup ply of cigarettes. In front ot him sat Ben Sledge. "Hello, Marley," greeted the Senator. "Vou're Just In time for coffee." "Had mine hours ago," returned 3Iar- ley. nodding his return to Sledge's grunt. "Then It's time again." Insisted the Senator pleabantly. ringing for another cup. "Or would you prefer a cocktail?" "A little of jour exclusive rye, I think, If you Insist on anything," ac cepted Marley drawing a chair Into the cosy little circle. "Vou're trying to save that rye, or jou would have offered It In the first place." "No, only trying to promote sobriety," bantered Allerton "I suppose, however, that a memory of that good Kentucky stock Is what brought you out here on this peaceful Sabbath morning." "Hardly." denied Marley. 'Trankly. I suppose I came on the same errand as my rival and competitor here." "What's that?" asked Allerton, with a glance at Sledge. "To find out what the dickens you mean by that infamous street-railway bill, of which you are the disreputable parent." Allerton gazed at him blankly ror a moment, and again glanced nukzfcallv at Sledge. There was a low rumble down In Sledge's throat, but neither his face nor his eyes betraj-ed any sentiment or emotion whatsoever. "I -mean to protect the honest working man, to save our houses and firesides, and add honor and glory to the Ameri can flag." responded Allerton solemnly. Marley accepted that merry cpilp with the courteous chuckle which It deserved. "Outside of that, and drying the tears of the widows and orphans, what do -ou propose to accomplish by It?" he per sisted In like vein "If t dld-'t know inn were above spltework, 1 should think I that you had It in for the street-car 1 Interests." Again the Senator looked at him with a nunzled air. then he tuprned to Sledge. ''Doesn't he know anything?" he queried. "Xawl" rumbled Sledge. "I see." answered Allerton coolly. "I supposed you all knew that before the bill was passed it would be amended lo conserve the important financial Inter ests." Jtarley pondered that statement awhile, nnd then he laughed. "Of course." he said. "It's only polltt cat claptrap. Intended to make the voter think you are eternally on the Job in his Interests." "I wouldn't put it in exactly that waj" aoberly reproved Allerton, Justly offended hy this coarse method of Impugning his motives. "I apologize." laughed Marley. "I should have said 'the bill displays that you. constantly have the Interests ot your constituents at heart.' We were rather exercised about It. but we should not have been; for In your long service for the public r do not think you have ever promoted or fostered any legisla tion which would be destructive of cap ital." "Certainly not." agreed Allerton, who pever let down hl pose in the presence of a man who had pot proved his right to alt within the suned circle. "Without Ehe proper and legitimate fosterliv of fnterprlaea requiring extenslva financial sypnort, there can be no national pros perity," "That's sound enough doctrine." com mended Marley. "What are the amend ments which are to soften the blow"'" IV'llh klndlv pa tin me the Senator ex Plained to htm the amendments, one bv one being careles enough, however, not to mention the 60-var franchise clause t the end of an hour Marlev. much relieved In his mind took his departure regretting that Sledge was not reudy to Hccompanv him "It's strange how easily a man In con- , noes who Ins committed sonic ntioclous . social blunder. I The hnrrnr and inallgnlM of that the menace and the smile increased upon t uf n nnd.l . , iiini( riuiiit.ii anil hurrjliig In sepl thia message In his him ns he drove Into the city. In fron of the telegraph office he abruptly stoppei "Wire best offer controlling lnlei-st.' CHAPTER XXX. TWO OUVK MA UK WAY KOIl A I.AMY. Hert Ollder. a necessary adjunct lo the Sunday dinner, came Just In time to .sit down at the table with the fiimlh. and he was so preoccupied Hint Molly was half vexed with him. "Now. who has won part of 011r mar bles?" she chlded him. attempting to conceal her annoyance wllh him under the guise of gny raillery. "Hert already looks like a married mini," laughed Fern. "I'd I,, frightened half to death. .Molly. Think what he'll loolt like at lueakfast on llrst of each month!" j "He'll neer see the meat hill," ile dined Molly. "I Intend to begin with allmonj." 1 "I hope 1 can pay It," responded Hert, catching the all too Jovial spirit of the ' RssemblagM. and pretending 10 gaietv himself. "I think my 111 ot step toward making a living, howexer. will be to move out of this State, where I can buv and "ell a piece of propertj without asking jiei mission of some alderman or ward thug." "t think we'll nil go" suggested Mar ley, who had been looking studiously Into his Miup. "What hns happened to worry you. Hert?" ".''Ince Sledg.) .smiled"" queried thnt neatly muMnchfd joung man. In order i to head him off from that leproach. "I think 1 have good cause tills time I took a drive out Lincoln llond this morn ing, and they're going ahead with their amusement park project. ' "Impossible" usseited Mat ley. stialsht ening in oulraged dignity. "Willie the fling City Street Hallway Company has . a Lincoln Road franchise, which would prevent our competitors rrom obtaining one. It has not announced nny intention ' of building in that direction, nnd will not do so." Hert laughed quite without mirth. , "You remind me of that good old stand- ard storj" of the man who was nrrested , for some trifling ofTense. He sent for his friend, and explained the circumstances. 1 'Why, it's confounded nonsense:' ex- , claimed the friend, holding the bais and looking through the grating of the cell door. 'No policeman on eaith can throw you into Jail Tor that.' " "Why, ho was In Jail at that verv minute'" protested Kern "I think that's supposed to be the point of the storl'," guessed Molly. "Of what is it apropos, Rert?" "Of the Impossibility of building an amusement park on Lincoln Road." he answered. "They're digging a lake out there. They're erecting the scaffold ot a toller-coaster. They'll built a big work shed, which is later to lie turned into a Tannenbauin Hall, which, just now. Is stacked with gaudy parts of a three-story merrj'-go-round. It may he utterly Impossible for them to build an amusement park out there, hut they're doing It." Molly glanced quickly at her father. H motioned that his untouched soup might be taken away, and toyed, in nerv ous embarrassment, with an almond. "Pvh already done it," he half shame facedly explained. "Sold your stock?" she eagerly n fiulred. "Not quite," he hesitated. " did, how ever, stop at the telegraph office on my wav back from Allerton's this morning, and I wired the people who have been after my stock to name their best offer." "Good!" she responded. "Will you take It, whatever It Is:" "I can't bind mj'self to that," he re plied. "I must confess, however, that, whatever the offer Is, 1 shall be tempted." "Allerton must have given you very little, satisfaction about that bill," sur mised Hert. "Quite the contrary." stated Marley. "Tho bill Is absolutely harmless. It Is only a hit of political flapdoodle, Intend ed to convince the votcm of the State that Allerton Is constantly on the Job." "Something must have happened to make you change j-our mind so quick ly." pondered Molly. "Whatever It was, I'm glad of It. You must have met Sledge." and she giggled. "Sledge must have smiled at him," laughed Bert, keeping up the joke. "I have excellent reasons," Marley concluded, with becoming business grav ity. "The future of Htreet railway In vestment in this city Is too uncertain." "Father," said Molly suddenly. In the midst of the silence that followed, "If Mr. Sledge linds you have Bent that tel egram, he will do whatever he Is going to do before you can turn around." "He'll have to move quickly," answer ed her father, with i superior smile, his self-approbation returning on the slight est provocation. "I sent my people that telegram today, so they would have tt the first thing Monday morning. They were very eager, while they were here, to ac- rnlher, there'll be no wedding bells lor us. Holt and I will each be compelled lo seek n more lucrative match." She litnii'Td srnlllnglj at Hert. nnd sur prised on his fnce 11 curious expression, which plu'iged her into deep and not ovcrlv pleasant thought. "He'd have bluffed me long ago," con fesrcil Kern. "I'd hnc been so scared to iIphUi that In this time I'd he sending out afternoon-ten Invitations on his busi ness stationery." "You .spiritless wretch!" chlded Molly "It might trot be so bail, after nil." re lurrreJ Kern, icrslsllng, now thnt she lud Mnrtcd. In lexcnllng the entile depth of her dopravltj. -r suppose 1 ought to he nnhnmed to acknowledge It. but I like Sledge." "You mnv pack up jour things and go home," laughed Molly, not really blaming her for Ihc sentiment, nnwfver. "You're posltivelj hopeless, Kern " "All right." Insisted Kern. "I don't think theri'd he anv moie fun thnn tani- 1 lug and mnnagln a big brute like him." I "Throw her out." begged Hert. "She's I dangerous.!' . Mollys anxletv was hj no menus I feigned, f.r the next morning, at 10 n'clorU. she called up her fnther at his . office and nsker him If he had received ' an answer to his telegram. In rather a worried tone he replied thnt he had not. hut thru lie would let her know as soon I us he had done so. She wandered about the house, quite ill I at ease then, unable lo content heiself, ! sujgesteil to Kern thnt thev make ready for a drive. When thej were readj she , hesitated ,1 moment or two in fiont of tho ' telephone, but conquered thnt temptation. Instead, she innde their llrst stop at ncr fnthr's ofllce. and with 11 curious degree of consideration, waited In the little red reception room to be announced. She was told to come light lu, and found Bert wllh her father. Marlej silently handed her a telegram. It read: "Our Mr. Colrimari will see you in two weeks Ciorii today." "Two weeks." she worried. "Can't vou rosslbly hurr them up?" "Impossible to arrange earlier date." "Hunt'" rcslgrmllon was In mv mall this morning." staled Marlcy. with forced quietness. "He has taken a position as secretary Willi Sledge's company, and I suppose half mj ofllco force will follow him." "Two nek," spccuhited Hert; then he added Impatiently: "Confound it. Mai ley! I'm In a pretty- pickle If we cifn't clenr our skirts of this thing' borrowed the money lo buy up Moodson's stock fioni some friends or mine, and on mv un supported note, 'lo lose would mean the abto'iitc end rr my social Mantling, here or anywhere." "We'll see that x 011 get yours III St." offered Mailey. whose respect lor his son-in-law-to-be was only supeiflclnl. "I didn't mean lo urge my personal claims above jours." Hert hedsed. his ' impatience, however, only slightly modi fied. "The fundamental fact Is Chat we 1 must gain time." I "I don't seP ,ow. unless Molly marries I Sledge," suggested her father, with a laugh. Molly started lo laugh, also, but found I Bert looking at her speculativel.v. I "hiie doesn't need go that fat," he ' mused. Molly looked at him in sharp Incredulity for a moment: then, without n word, she turned to lcae the room. "Where are jou going?" asked her father. "To see Sledge," .she responded. "I think ou told me thnt he Is always at the hank between 11 nnd 12 In the morn ing." "Molly!" commanded Bert, shnrplj, re called to his senses by her hearing, "vou mustn't see him. 1 forbid It!" "I am taking your advice, but I refuse to tnke jour orders," she calmly Informed him. sur prised lo find in herself an incli nation to giggle over her fc of that splendidly ringing remark. "Molly will shield jou from nil harm," she added, and she was snickering when she rejoined Fern. "What's the Joke?" asked that joung lady. "I've been dying nil morning to hear somebody giggle." "You're to chaperon me while I go over and make love to Sledge," Molly gaily ln roi met! her. "You're not reallv!" protested Fern, de lighted, nevertheless. "I am really," retorted Molly, her eyes flashing a trifle mora than n. mere Jest would seem to warrant. "X must, Fern, I plunged both father and Bert Into this trouble, and Bert seems to think It's up tu joins truly Molly to foot Sledge along until they have time to get out of It. Besides that, It's a sort of a game be tween Sledge and myself, and I'm not going to have that big duffer win It." "This Is too delightful for anything," applauded Kern. "I'm perfectly mad about It, Molly. I hope Sledge Is In." SledRe was In. He was closeted with Senator Aller ton and Governor Waver on a most Important conference, one Involv ing the welfare nnd prosperity of half the voters In the Stale: hut, nevertheless, he promptly stifled his conscience, and nl- ; lowed the Interests of the sovereign pen- 1 ui ...- ...I.- rt.i.. ui-h .1 1.. I.U !' 10 fun, 'I wiicii uium y 111711, "i tu in un ear that Molly Marley wanted to see htm. "Hrlng her right In," said Sledge. "Men, you'll havo to go. It'a a Indy," nnd he opened the rear door for them. "lust one moment, parleyed Governor Waver, his hand on the door-knob. "I'm returning to the capital this afternoon, nnd " "I'll see jou up there," Interrupted Sledge, pushing the door, and the Gov ernor with It. "By the way. my coal," called the Sen ator rrom the' rear corridor. The knob of the other door rattled. "All right." grunted Sledge, dosing them out In the drift Just as Mollv nnd Fern ctme lu "Hello, girls!" said Sledge. "Pit pokf down. Kxcuse me a minute a guy's Benny out to him." fill I ACAIJKMY PARK jHM festT11 ft MjEflflfiy fflBf .uaMs)lkrflLrflrlrrHBVi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE city i&mvK swws r - "Y Grr-Built Homes 2 Offer the Best Investment 4 & and Home Combined ? I Torresdale & Princeton Aves. A These homes pre i-story twin houses, ? rnnuilning 8 rooms and barli, side jards. hot-water heal, basement laundry, elec- j 4 trie and gas light Lots 23x100 feet. '-. I Price $3800 Small Amount of Cash f Required t ff SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN I1A1LV. (- f Evenings by appointment. 5g lie carfare from centre uf city. Trans- a jg fer from Frankford car lo Margaret st Ti I 32 Trains Daily to Tacony J Station on Penna. R. R. -A CHAPTER XXXT. sLKnrsi-: goks shopping. Sledze walked Into Mnrlej"'s olllce with his parlor smile, the recently outlived one which belonged of right to the red rose he wore, nnd he sat down before he be gan to speak. His usual method was to deliver his messages standing. "We ought to figure a consolidation," he suggested. Mailej considered thai stntemenl care fully. He wns beginning to leatn that he really needed caution In dealing with Sledge. "One of K might he gobbled Up." he sngelv concluded. "As I understand It, you own T3 per cent, of the new company, while I onlv hold a hare majority of Hie old one. tt would scarcelv be possible thnt In n consolidation t would still havo control " "We'd have lo pool our slock for either mm to Hour ii. ncreeo ,-hpuh- Mailey looked at him wonderlugl.v. "I doii t quite understand the advantage to vou In this." he pulled. "Frankly, Mr." Sledge. I'd have to see thnt advantage hfoie I could consider the mntter." "There nln't nnv." Sledge conressed. "I want to piotect ou. If everything's all right. Molly wns just over." "Yes, she said she was going to s" you." replied Marley, clutching eagerly at the straw. "I thought she'd get enough," stat'd Sledge, and he chuckled. "She's n smatt lrl." "Vpk. she in," assented Marlej. wonder ing Just how much she had said to make such a remarkable change In Sledge. " consolidation would probably be a very sensible thing, ft would enable us to plan extensions, lines and loops which would Increase our ieonucfl tremendously, with no possibility of dividing the patronage. Moreover, a mere announcement of such a move would add Immedlatelj to the market vaiue of Hie slock in both com panies." "We consolidate after the marriage," amended Sledge. "We get all ready now ' "Any time jou saj," rcadllj- consented Marlej. "I'll meet with you nnd arrange the details tonight." 'Nnw!" lefuseri Sledge. "Tlieatie to night." "Wllh Molly?" inquired Marlej-, wanting to smile. "Molly nnd Fern. Fern's a nice kid." "All right, tomorrow night, then." sug gested Marlej. bin mind firmly fixed on the commercial oppoi tunltj. "Daytime," corrected Sledge. "I'm busy nights. Say, Marlej-, Is that game be tween Molly and Bert called clear off?" "Did Molly say so?" evaded Marley. "No," Sledge hesitated. "Is It?" ' That's entirely Molly's affair." "1 believe you," coincided Sledge, and again he chuckled, as he. arose to go. is there any objection to giving out a hint of this consolidation?" nuked Marley, with an instant thought that, ut the very least, this new turn would -nhance his price with the syndicate which had pro posed to buy him out. "Hunh-uh!" assented Sledge. "You bet ter see Davis about j-our mortgage. He won't extend, but he'll hold off." "I'll go over light away." answered Marlej-. anxious to take advantngo of that offer nlso, as quickly as possible. "Wait till tomorrow," ordered Sledge, nnd stalked out, having but very little time to waste. His way lay directly past the Grand Opera-llouse, nnd he stopped at the ticket window. "Give me a box for tonight," he grunted. "Sorry. .Mr. Sledge," replied the ticket seller, sincerely apologetic. "The only ones we have left nre on the gallery floor, nnd those nre so undesirable that wo never make any attempts to sell them.." "I got to have a, down-stairs box," In sisted Sledge. "Fix It." j "t don't see how I can," protested the ticket seller. The treasurer of the theatre, talking In the rear end of the lobby with the man ager of the Avon Shakespearean Hepct tolre Company, came forward with calm authority. "Anj tiling we can do for jou?" he of fered to the man who had settled his difficulties with the fire commissioner. "Mr. Sledge wnnts a down-stalrn box for tonight, nnd we have none left," ex plained the ticket seller. "Who has them?" the treaturer wanted to know. "Governor Weaver's family hns Box A; G. W, Morion has B; n party from tho Hold Abbot " "Did they tnke up their tickets Jet?" Interrupted the treasurer. "So." returned the bov-ofTlce man, dls plnjlng the envelope whte hhcld them. "The Ahbot telephoned fnr them, ns usual, nnd " "llnnd 'em a galb , " Measurer, and pn s I he sledge s hand. "Thanks!" grunted Sic'dge the tickets In his pocket. "Don't mention It," returned the treas urer ns nonchalantly, nnd walked back to tho manager of the company. "Wljnt kind of a show Is this?" nskld Sledge "Rotten"' the ticket man informed him, lucking the ImpnrRihle nailery-box: seals Into an envelope for the Hotel Abhit partj. "It's highbrow stuff, 'Hamlet. '" "llutili!" grunted Sledge. "Any music?" Orchestra. Ophelia sings, but jou'l think she wns having her teeth fixed." "Hnnh!" observed Sledge again, and wnlked out. Two blocks up the sheet, on his way In the Occident, he stopped nt an automobile sales mom. "This working?" he Inquirer!, pointing to the shining big limousine which oc cupied the center of the floor. "All It needs 1 gnsollne," replied the salesman. "Put some reil roses In that flower thing, nnd send It up," Sledge directed. "About dinner-time?" surmised the .salesman "Possibly I'd better send It up before, Mr. Sledge. It hns some Ini proiemenls jour man might want lo look Into." (CONT1NCKD MONDAY.) FUNERAL OF N. W. ALDIUCII Former Senator Will Be Buried nt Providence, R. I. NBW TOBK, April K.-The body of former Senator Nelson W. Aliincn, or. Ithode Island, who died yesterday from npoplcxy, today lay In his 6th nventio home. Tomorrow morning the body will be taken to Providence, where funeral services will be held nt 3 p. m. at tho Grace Kplscojinl cr.ureii by Bishop James Do W. Perry, Jr. Interment will be nt Swanpolnl Cemetery Because of Aldrich's death, John V. Rockefeller, ,tr , his son-in-law, has post poned n lslt planned Monday to the Rockefeller conl mines In Colorado as he hnd promised "Mother" Jones. OBITUARIES HEATHS A0nEDtw1fc0A-07 psrenta residence ni? 1 R iTi-M West .Philadelphia? li?."'- cVefS Northwood Cemeterj. rm'B HHniM IIRCIIT. directed the tlckelfl Into and stuffed Kcv. Charles T. McMullln The Rev. Charles Tabelc McMullln. a former treasurer of the Presbyterian Church Board of Publication and con nected with the board for 30 years, died xeslcrdav nt his home, 4SV Chester ave iiuc. In ids 76th year. Born In Philadel phia, lie was graduated from Ihc Univer sity of Pennsylvania. Mr. McMullln later entered the Princeton Theological Soinl nnrv. At various times he held pastor ales In New York State nnd New Jersey. He Is survived by n son, John p. Mc Mullln. and a daughter. Miss Mary B. McMullln. Funeral services wilt be held Monday morning, at 11 o'clock, nt his late residence. Interment will be In Absecon, N. J. s .'ass ih?'KffA,i.i??ia "in rriends are in, iiJj "'"a. R.si funeral servlr.. . ,n.'J'.l to i,i6 L'-.m.. at her t.te 'iV.'l'i-'i'...Brl 'iS" A ir 60th anrfM'.V. '"J .Ntnit1.! of 1 arry u llewls nBrt8 i,B.'?.LSlE n3 cy una. Anna ""- '"HUIfF ftf t-"-: ill 2 n m 7L"i:K" lnl W ft., .SSS ninil s umriPr) "lyil MAKTIaV, -On MAHV1N, . precisely neipiiem All of fiorrone, iiit htffirh ii r " ' inr.)..:?' Mcl'Am,AND.-pn. April In. ,, A nnd Mary Ralston, flmeral 5n'Whu m.Vaw",tmS.,vh"2-5,'lS rrw. Anpll In ...- .t-ni'-ct1e.uaR,;lrcuM fty. TpririVnV'rr fS 4th st. Interment aP f,(Pl3 husband on Monday urui l Cemeterj "' "Lv! ?.rvn " i". wis wrni1 ''ntliarlne Shields Funeral en r,,.'.!!' M S.'lO a. in., from Rllu r',.. .;!";; Iam !..- .,"'."- ".': II vat Kf. Irt-n ii5 William S. licatty William H. Realty, superintendent of the Rlttenhouse Square for more than 30 j ears, and known to hundreds of resi dent's nnd Ihelr children in that vlclnltj. Is dendnt his home, 118 Satisom street, lie succumbed Thursday, following a brief lllnes.s. Mr. Realty was fi years old. He was a member of the Klghth Ward Republican Kxecutlir- Committee. f leaves n widow nnd' one daughter, Miss Helen Really. The funeral will bo held Monday from his late residence. MAItMKI) (II IN SIIAIIKKY. Announcement has been rnnn1 or llie n arrlage ot Miss ISABEM. M. SIIAIIKKY. of West Philadelphia, to .Mr WILLIAM i. IJPI.V.V, or t hestnut Mill. The iouip -lll reside st llnltlmore. Beatfjs Al.TI'Mt S. rcsldf tup. On Anrll III. intn. nl his late an West l.ehlah ave.. WILLIAM Hoy Loses Foot Ste-iling Ride Three bojs stole a ride on a freight train on the Baltimore and Ohio Rnllroad todnj, and. while Rkylaiklng on the top of the cars, one of them fell beneath the iraln and had his light foot cut on. Mounted Policeman Shaiiahan, or the subst.illorr at 2Sth and Illtner streets, gal loped up lo the engineer and hnd the train stopped. The Injured lad, Joseph Bollnltz. 9 jenrs old, 2S2.1 Wlnton street, wns t.iken to the Methodist Hospital, where he Is in a serious conditio-. The other Iwnbovs. George Zalodlk, '-" years ' old. 2ll Cnntrell street, and Joseph I TA-iMillvltch, II -.ears old, 2.11 Wlnton street, were nrrested to nwalt the out come of joung Bnlinltz's Injuries. W. Al.TKMra. In Ihc "-nth jear of his ago. hue iiotlie of the rnnenl will be ghen Ill'TCIIKIt On April in, 1D1D. SAIIA1I II.. wiitie, i: Will mil I . Iliuclier Funeral scr Ices un Tiics.a. nt .'1 p in., nt her late rel i.eine. t."-; t'ueen lane, Ocrmantonn. Inter ment nrhntc. novr.i: on April in, intn., francis XI'AL. son or Luke II and Mnrv A. IXiyie I'lineial on Mnnt'aj, at s 30 a in., from ad nnd Chestnut sts.. Cnlnjn, Delaware Count"., I'n. High Mass at St. Clement's Church, at in a m Interment nl Holv Cross Cemetery I'llWAIIIlS. On April 10, 1910. BMII.Y M., wldiw oi UlillHtu A KdwanK Funeral seniles mi "Unndi . April Hi, at 2 p. in. ireclse'i.. at hr late residence, T,V.t North Micks sr. Interment prlale. ftenulem Mm. m iV. V.f.7'".' V. Ii -,-. ... .. . , , , iiirrn ar ll. ; nhurntlon, at 1U a m InteVm:-.'" Pw... "" "l Utlti- nt lit n orni c-emen-ry. STF.M.WAOI'.V inst Suddnlv, n ,. . 1 "" mi N .. ,-......,, .., , n anw f,w ... ... .. Htellwagen. hue notice ml tV. , till 1l funeral, whirl, will he l,eH "n A1"" -x nf her nephew. William II a tun w-n""? N'orlh 18th st. PhllflVlni?.M'lln'll'. 'hlladelnhls mi,,, ,iiii. on April in lnr imuBiuiT oi ,ne in t D , .'! YlnoijnJ Steward. Funeral on Tuesday at !5J . "5. from 3M Itnth st . clermantown. fiuJiM ai m. Vincent do ran 's Church i 15.""' Interment private "' "a THORN. On Anrll in. mis .. ... .S residence 1814 Wlllln-rlon str'cti lrii.V '"i"-" " k" lunrini -Hui rje, alien WK,ll,.-On April 10. 1015, WILLIAM it husband or Ilertha s Wead FunerJl J? Ices on Monday, at S n m. nrecl.ii. .rH.' Into residence, kill North i B(h it 'int. at hillside, cemeterj-. on Tiiesd., in'SS WHIXn, At l'lalnlleld. N. .1., on tT, Win. .LOUISE R .wife of riinx p.'SLS ami nnusmer ui me late LanrencV iwr foot, SI. I). Interment at PmiadelSllivS: on Monday, April IP ii, VAN HF.II. At Allnnllc City, V j .. nr II in. mis. HExnv vahi-i,'. -i: ,'J S.ld j to a ear. ltclathes and friends it! Mm afternoon, at 2 n'clock, nt the rnUraa J his daughter. Sirs William P BenVent ill Spruco st., Philadelphia. Interment uiiiiii KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE I.iiKnn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suhiirlinn The Acme of Perfection Hunt cm ib highest anil iholocst spot - IN LOGAN U-stor modern homes seml-detaLlinl with it rimm, nI pph nindern cnn?nlnce. F. & E. AUBEL """ "J Owners Sample House. 333." N. 13th Street Suburban REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Clementnn Heights, N. J, t'l.l-VIK.MOS IlltKillTH, N. .1. ltA JUST IMAGINE pretty little bungalow among; the pints; hlfheit point South Jersey; Ideal Health Spot, overlooking beautiful Oementon Park, lakei and coif grounds: bathlnr, boitlnc and flahlng only 10c faro, trolley or steam, cars every 15 minutes, lot 2SH50, l: bungalows use up, say payments Taka trolley rtarked Clemen ton, Market Street Ferry, Camden, get off at nd of line Agent with badge meets every car Sundav Corns on along nuy now; be ready for spring n. V. M. IIRKNNAN. 13 S Kith at , I'hlla. For any further Information or appointments call Spruce 488J, Itaca 2823. ' labs Service" any time. Never closed. NaJlonalJ-arkN. J NATIONAL PAIIK, N. J. A TO EFFECT IMSIKDIATK BAI.K. owner of Ave new alt-room brick dwellings has au rhorized our firm to sell same at J1S50 each I'ropertlea rent $14 each; mortgage, U0O I I50O cash required to purchase the Ave. all of which ara rented to good tenants. WILLIASI l: HALMNQEn, Uth and Market, Camden. Frank ford. Pa. Penfield The heirs of Charles E. Wood have cut prices for Penfield lots in half. They want speedy settlement values are not taken into consideration. Quick action and the benefit to you is tremendous, for whether you want a home site, or not, the buying of a Penfield lot at the prices they are now mark ed, means an investment, safer, sounder and more sure of big returns than anything yet offered in Philadelphia real estate. For Penfield is almost Dart of Philadelphia is onlv a 3-minute ride in the Philadelphia & Western from the 69th street Terminal. Penfield Station on property. The Wood Estate Must Be Settled ! Lots ordinarily priced double are now $190 to $390 by order of the Wood heirs, and yet, although the price cut is a full 50 per cent, you can buy any lot for $10 down and the balance $1.25 to $2.00 weekly. Never was such an oppor tunity to own real estate given to the man of moderate means to buy at half price, and to nav in installmi-nt. :ome out to Penfield, judge for yourself if, at the present rices, you can afford to let this opportunity slip by you I Clifford B. Harmon & Co., Agents 1437 Chestnut Street Agents on property daily and Sunday. Hi'llltl'HtHiniiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiHjiiiiiTTTTrjj 9 p m wr l : --- ; u7" ii' jt SfcrErT-Jv L & Jr. tffL I r j8WWBssrTerlWaryiar iltlft flKtail rsHrsKalMlfcLUi? ITI tiWIIFl"' HI fg-t "" I '""IfsJrsff'n' CLASSIFIED RATES, i DAILY AND SUNDAY 1 This STTI.K TYPE (or like this) & One Insertion ise M,ni," Threo Insertions In a week . . WicrWEI Ren consecutive insertions.. . 10c SrlS ouuuiiuun v.nnieu, inreo inser- - .(.in ,1, u n, ,uc trcii THIS SIZE TYPE (or like flat) rcrmltted In all clafslflratlons c;t Hef nnd Situations Wanted. Lust and Foul Pist sonals. Hoarding nn, Itooms. One Insertion . . . Mo ptflmi Three Insertions In a wrrli DVwtlii Scitn cons;utlie Insertion! 15o iwltt All rales nre based nn ngate mea-urtrarst II agate lines to the Inch ,,j DEATH XOTlCKS-eltlier paper- 1 10 lines, one time h Thrco Insertions Lt( DAILY ONLY i Effect December , 154. I COMBINATION RATE ( for Insertion In loth the morning anj trenUf tdfis?r ni Miine nay (i I ' PUBLIC LEDGER I (MOrtNI.NO) 'l EVENING LEDGER j I EVE NINO) J) Add four cenls per ne nei to rttei ttm above V( HELP AM. SITFATKNS WNI!3 AtVF.lrriSINC. IN THE PUBLIC LEDllll 5IAY HE INSEIlTEIl IN' IMF rVFMM LEDGEIt WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHAROl There is ;t drug store near youf, Home that will accept Ledger wui ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE U'AN'VA.'-'SEnS for fast-selling bometiolJ I sits do; for crew work, salary and comniiulen, Itootn 4T1, lull ciieslnut st. COOK Competent colored woman, Mill Um. must ha pood reference. Meet einpiojtr Mondav, 11 o. m , Room 2.10. ledger m. COOK, white, experienced, for lunch cil ty table boarders, ono willing to make MntJ cenerally useful. MOO N. Bread st 3 COOK, thnmbermald and waitress, two aj enct-d white Rlrls for small family; xttmtai required. I' ISiS, Ledger Office. COOK, voung. lompetcnt, ProlMum. w. familv of four; wages $7. hockenst , tiermantown. rrV. ,. .-, .". ..,n,,r I 'HOI.. In months old: references. 221 N. Put j (I T'm T)t -" "" 4 chUJ. (jrTvKRNKSS, Ensllsti, Oernian or Frent", taVe care of three children, refertrkM !. nulred. M 201, ledger office. i UVl'Y'S MAID, competent, hair drMi. '' hmlilMv: French or Swiss pref. irarj , NL'ItSE or nursery governess. iWeiUjWJJ ',, X!:laMiArI in i,hnrli: Teferences TW .1 2.1". Ledg.r Central OIMlUATOna on nil pjrts of sh "' JJJ, and crttnn. The llosedorn-ilert Ioofs (l HII'J , ,.,,, .. secklni; good positions c onsult M " lJ,? ledger Ccntml. Sli v,tij trip JOJ ""J, b position through the Commercial I & ment-a free servli.o to Ledser adiertiKfJI S fib I m Vflllnf !K JJBJBTt-SM- K lkrmfijBIIk OKT THEM WHILE TIIKY LAST IllNUALOWS 11UILT Lots 23x180. highest point, overlooking the Delaware Itlver (just opposlta League Island, practically 13 Broad St.), J00 up, bungalows, fibO up, easy pay. ment. best bathlnr, boating. Ashing, adlnin. Ing camp grove,, 10c. carfare. Free excur. , ion Sundav. '2 n. m . nhefltnnt , -.... I Philadelphia side, lie agent with badge! Come en along. UKEATEK NEW JEHSEY HEALTY CO. 33 Mouth Hixteenlh Nt, bpruce 1081. For further Informallon call Spruco -11)81 or Rac 2SJS. "Tabs" aerv lea never closed. " ' Vrankford. Pa. $1250 Easy Payments WEARS & BROWN iT AM Sl'BI IIII-tN' KK.l. KljT.TB fiMtI aianags.1 Beats Collected l-je am' Vurlat., lUi.a4 Uls u iiUalloo 3Q& will buy this tt room bousi- rloie to. Sharon lfllt and Aiaderay siallons. These bouaea are sq situated that parties purchasing1 may have from 1 to 8 lota. Ten minutes from Broad tit t ret en urslon Bundsy 3. itt Uroad Si , 2 SO i West I'hila Be agents nun badge at galea. B V U JBKEU.NA4 US B lUlh S I For say farhr informatmn oi appolmmsnts I all Sprue Wi KM JJL3. TisU jku-yica" ! a i loou. kmt Uwad. Better Built Homes AT Beautiful Northwood FRANKFORD'S BEST RESIDENTIAL SECTION WM. M.FRANCE, Builder FoulkrodSlrcet, 3 Square Weil of Frankord At. :?, This Is One of the Distinctive Lenox Road Homes erected on one of the most attractive ultes !n the historic Old York roart f f c,V.onV..,Hall?.n W ,ot architecture. Corner Lenox road and Meeting Jf?,Vlr?ad- H??.' " oe road runs to the right at the ton of Omntf SiUl. tet.wen BlUlne Park and Jenklntown. It ia roomy comforfafale exquisitely planned throughout, every room having; a southern "xposurS iwyanooKi uoif Links of the Old York Road Country Club) . ,n556lL1la',!f8y t0. KJk'na Park and Jenklntown or York road ,u i... uu uiLiiy ana aunaay Bend for folder 1t17 COLOMBIA AVE. : road trolleys WM. fi. P.I.ENM 59?.-r,9..TLT bloq. WANTISD-ClerU to write Are ir'Urtaap clea on trpawrltsr and IP d 0i5'nc,i ,WI connection with pre Insurance eo cyi . emerlence. If any. reference, salary ;?' and address In own handwrltiri u ,- -i now rfftrtt i . i. VANTEI3-Glrl 'chocolate dipper: it"jjj. must he experienced. Write J J. """fa Wllkea-iiarre, t-a. ,. , - YOUNG GIRL for general housewotl li:is H. .11 hi. - HELP WANTED MAM J . 3 solicitor for ";'"" ,s,t ajlllj "--.-. a iMWnVIOtVf! Kn,f, . mono rnilatlon; on.r w- " nre w inns a won "'", ibtM") need apply, a good oPPortuiSlin) jWj man: In letter asklns r for partlciiw j mention aye, ;"1"'K" iv.;',0I7. Ne Ix! I . W. ' ,ii ,i ! V. D.. . .,mnir.n SAUJ3, . Aq?gi &nK:mv""tt&8 i'iusyDoppoRit:K ORATION TO MAKBBW,..!! A.wFn.'KfYoor.BM msFkmi 1VONBT STATE. A9S.m5; BAfl S,CfA?YON?ibEST.AU J S!ffi?BASvD MW. coniiMui."ijtf.ii BOOKKEEPER In J.sg,,TefCf2S man: state aalary.JJl",." "1 CAHINETMA1CBR3 WATK"' -WM Must be xpertncd on tine cabinet wfrt und do hand sanding. Brim; tools. l'h steal examination nscas' Apply VICT'OR TAUUNQ MACHINE Cl-? Application Ottlc. i 25 Market street, Camden. Now Jersey. JylXUFKBUR and f?",f"um urba of Philadelphia, .P? WlrSdM 2 be sober, willing ana u -" Chan c la daalroua of o6.11"1?!. I pwltlon; afogU. good, ref J.J- ., ..n,. -.. ,!; '...,- VV1KM ' l.MIKbll , .. IX ..IX.' ,.- . LH.. pi Me fljst-clisa only, full Uiarge i xogar vunce.