BrtW1?5 ftfrfalW-tW T Tjfgrijrr MP. - -ft-- JJAPWLACKAWANNA AND BALDWIN COMMON fwporta of Participation in War Contracts wiusuu onurp aa vancc in Both Stocks. tar-tV TOnK, April 17. The mnrltol .(tin May " of the "wnr or'1''r" Vft" !. There wni no abatement In demnnd "". n.i this demand enme lnrcelv. .J!) previous recent dnys. from out 'ii. ns Indicated by tho prrpondcrnnco Ir M-share transactions on tho tape A . ninny stocks, howeier. went to P- traders who nro expanding their iitlons, white not a fow of the oldera fSli represented cvenind up of commit ffi over Hio week-end Bl? bo necessary to bo bncU sov- ". rttts to nl1 n9 n,tve n, PttUirHny !..lnn as witnessed on 'chanRo today. 17. floor of tho ExchaiiBe was crowded, It KM brottors' olllreo. aomothlntr that i.. not been the laso for a Snturdny In . r lonB while Tho market wns po iire at times that tho ticker wns tit ifri unable to print tho quotatlonn na Y were made and tho ticker wn fte--o.Tilh' 10 minutes behind transactions. S.u. rturlnc the first hour wero nt tho Mia of more than u million and u half ! . full five-hour session. Added to the reports of blc "war" tAat estimates of which rnn as high ii I1M 000,000. there was the decision of 'A. Pennsylvania rtnllrontl to spend J20. littDM for new equipment This wan bo Hered to be the forerunner of similar ictlon by other hie railroads In tho near future. , , 'Equipment shares wero ncnln tho fea lureof the dav, but there was also some int. nemnnd for Issues of the standard lilit American Locomotive, which was .v. Y.nlnre esterdsv, opened lower, lh" flrt saiS l",nK recorded ns 1S00 shnros 1 . i Ia Rft airnlnbt finll nl Ihn ntnan It IrOlll o u vv' "n -.-.. .Mtprdny nnd on moderato buying It later twilled to C04 but diopped In the Into '. would dlstrlbilto about $30,000,000 of .it,. iffi.MO.O0O contract secured from tho i7,!1!i Government to other companies, jnd In this coillieuuiiii Hi-venu ui nil' equipment companies with uieui.iiiiii.-u, m cludlnff tho Lackawanna Steel Company, the New York Mr Brake nnd Hallway Wei Sprint: Uicknwnnna Stool rose 'curly 8 points, while Now York Air Brake lost and Hallway Steel Spring 'ttined. Desplto the denial bv the company of ny ar orders, Haldwln Locomotlo nd Tsnced nearlv 6 points on reports that tho company will shaio In a $20,000,000 con- ' The market, after maklnp substantial ?llns In the llrst hour, eased off vIlRhtly .in the face of widespread ronllzlnc by Speculators, who weio unwllllnpr to let thtlr hotdliiES so over until Mond.n. Xot- lultlntandliifr this, the mnikct as n wholo 'continued strong, although Irregularity mi shonn In somo units, of the list This 'ave way to stiength In tho llnul deal ings, the market, closing strong. l Just beforo the close there wat n. sputt I In United States Steel common, tho stock showing a giln of 1 points by selling at f. This Is the highest It has sold slnco fthe dividend wns passed. Standard Is- lucs, under the lciulcishlp of Steel, be came erj active In tho last few minutes of trading, and there was a good demand for this class of securities EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915. 13 NEW YORK STOCK SALES Ali,n...U,,t '?: "'!" " CI.. i, ' "'"" ' 7i '8 Atll-ChslmerjpL.!'..'.'. oi a n . . "-oopor. . ;n i "" jh-ci sugar... Am Can , Am Can pf...... Am Cat A im . . Am Cotton Oil.,,. 03 ai 1,1 7l!( ATI 3SJ con f.pj in r,H 10)1 ?o t"f filii m oil a i i., t tnu si Wi 7 H 70 4S W 67 fi.ii mt tut W 0(1 ox n)f .inif .r'f a:i ?,i n ; 3)S ;t.l( to i" ih DM 7j4 72! Alii t'tnriea Am 1 1 me A Leather.... Am Hide . Lea pre!,. .. American Iro Am Linseed Am Llneed pf Am loroinollvo ....... Am locomallvopr AmSmeltlns am .'melting pf ..... Am bucat Am blrel IoundtIi. Am 'lel&'lcl ASwSr:::::::::::a;' - Am writ Paper pf lo 13 j, 1. ..iiouiiuM Alehlton .. ...... AtehTASKpf Atlantic Coast Line. Baldwin loco Pnltlmore A Ohio . CallltnoreAohlu pf llaloullai Mining.... tlcthletinn htwl HetMehem Steel nf. .. nmnn shn. ... .. HrooUjn Lnlon (las -. . I Jllf 1J() HrnoKljn Hip Iran.. . MJ, mjj llutterlckCo yjjj 31 Cal Petroleum 18M l&5i v-ii' leiruicum p. (j .r, lUI'j lii4! 10l 10l' 111) Ui HIHi HI 11H 117 .iiiJi 7 yj2'i 12 121 12 H mi Mt't .Mt .am i02i 02H 102'i 102H 00 ItJ OS 4 IMS 10S 110'i lOiij no,, 40 55) fil hi JO) 7U' Tills 7fi! '1 1 Hi 71 71 Hij 2i i.r.jj lis 111 111 1111! f f NEW YORK CURB ' Hi I. Asked .Bfiilen . SU N' Br-Vm Tola. old ITU 17)( Jir-Am TeMiio ncn J Mi ) Oollfltia Cons l'a 1 Grofne Cananea JU URore SI-10 11-111 I.V CI Sales 17 3SH MrfiMnc 0)i 11 Old Fletat r UHj 71 Oils tleiator prd s iu m lUter-HeBcmaii 7N, 7i surllnjr Qum . 1 .S fib Prodi cts . ... Stilt .V niM Clear St res ... .101 11(1 :i ailed near Mote pt.l 110 1J(I llMM front new 17-10 :i peril film 3iJ .I5t nrukon coja w Canadian I'acluc Cent Leather Co ;t0 C lies & Ohio lu ChlnoCoppor id'j Chic A. tireat West.... 12H inicagoui west pia., 31 umcMiuv st l' .... ChlcMllA-btPpf .. Chlc&.Notthwest ... Chlraco it 1 & Pacific Col Fuel A. Iron .... Consolidated Oat ., Colorodo Midland .. Com I'loducu Cuban-Am husar ... I)en&.HIoUpf niHHktsbccurllloj .. Krlo Utlelst pf KileZdpf JcUM X.Spf ficncial Liettrlc General Molora (icr.eral Motors pf... Goodrich Co , Goodrich Co pf M 13(1 111 20Ji 1.10 1U1 ,11 17!, lo IN H7i 111 .OH 13U U Hi ;it If) t-ist elosc. o2'l Mt 40 42H ic in MlKh U.I ?' 30M 11U inn i low. Close &2 52H mt MM 30H 394 4Ui Alii 16H 10H 41 41 Maiwell Motnrt MtxMotorslttpt ... ManMoton 2d pf ., May Dcpt stores .... Mlnn&stLouH .... Mlnn,Stl.ouU pf . M 6t P & H S M . . . M St P A. b S M pf Mexican Petroleum . Mo Kan ft Iwai ... Mohan & Tinas pf . MIourlPaclfle Miami Copper Montana Potter National Ulvult . . National Ilbcultpf . NttLnameilic. a . NilLead Ne otk Alt Drake Neuda Con hit MI & II 13 j it orK central...,, hl't NTi O AWest 28 J.oi(plk.est 104M 10U 10th 10J North Ainerlccn 71C, 77 74 77 Northern lacul- .mi CWi KO 1093i Ontario Silver Mlnlnurf 3!t I 4 4'JU 12(M V20U 120K I.) I . 8ii .. II .. .if. .. I.'iii .. '.5' .. fO'i ..122 ..121 .. I.VI ..HI .. iKi r.j Ltl in 131 J-3'l e2' f31( n t a urn :a ?n :ut 10 lfi'i in 2 2'i :rU o'i -M 12 121 121 121 121 121 121 !()' 15U 16-i 1 7j 1 (llj 07 OS 1'4 A tH 15 16X KM Wif 04 ii 8 t7K 88 20) 28 2SU LAKE SUPERIOR CENTRE OF INTEREST Heavy Trading Arouses Curi osityNew Top for Baldwin. Banks Buying Bonds. . LO 5 llu .l.'OJi . JS't 1HH iosjx ma uwi mi it iijil 45 12 31 00 oil id'f 4IU 12ij .'II I5'i 114 Ii $ ll'ii 12Ji .11 o;u 127U 127H 1J U I27Jj I--"Ja 130 1.0 IJil 1h JtJj 30? 3i'i ..Vl dUt 120 I 12' H 1 !, lVt l&J, llii filM . UH . OH ..2S'f 11 . 35S . aia .151 .113 llij 03 14M OU M, M!t :0f 3J)a 154;, 141 II CO 14H 9 28) i 4 m 353 i 3: 37 3! 120 1SJ, 11 03 llh 0 58!s ll'l 3UU 32h 151H 15 113H 11 ii Uieatorthcrnpf 120 120!t 120 icuip,ortiicm uro. cts ,ltj 30 i JO liuccmhtlm Kipl'n Illinois Central Intllarv NJ Interboro-Met Intciboro-Mctpf .... International Paper . Intl'aper pf Intfalcam l'ump ..... Int&UJml'ump pf . Ii jjilratlon Copper . . KanCitj bouthern ... Kan Cltv faouthern pf J Kajspr Lack bloc I LacadcUas , Lake Lrle A, West pref. 2 Ltllcli allej ... .....143 Lcosc-Wiles Uiscult ... 2J lOUi 101)j 101'f 101U iiU I 40 50), 10-' 10.' 10J 102 UW j0 (') .11 t& fill 108'f 1C9, 10Jf 10l) .1U0 . 20) 72'i . 10 . mi . .Ui . 15 . oO . 25 . CO ..SJ J5H OJ 10H 7.lh 10,' U 0 15 mi 25? i 50 41 00 W.' 71U ion JO.'t 1 15 20j lo CO JnIH IS.) W) 20)t 7.'! IO'-j 111 It 15 3 3t 25J, 6') i3ii I Hi IOoM 105 lO-l'i 105 l.ciil'-.'v .Naslnllu: 111 21 113 24 1-i.ili 21 ..122 124 1215X 12134 Paill.l. Al.UI I'acluc lot i. 'I el Itnn PcoplesUas ,, Plttjburch Coal .., 1 Itt.'buruh Coil pf Pills C C A St L . 1 HlHllMttl l-Jl 40 Pressed Mecl Car pf . . . , 01 PubSCopN'J lot Pullman Co ju( ltj bleel bprlnz 37J4 Itaj Con 2lf lltadlne HvKllnR 2nd pf 85 hili lion iVoteol ...... ,,1't hii Iron A I'V-'I pf ... .1)', hock Island Co J 1 21 37 30 W 37 HOW 100' I 11051 12014 120)4 12054 24li .3 24 1 -Ui l'.l)4 04 70 70 70 45 -12 4IJ4 01 01 01 10)54 10.V4 10554 1.) 54 L'tlH loU4 0 3 1 Ml 2)4 .', loiJi 15 in 15254 itilii heck Island Co pf ltumcb Co UaLoard Air Lino ... ktuLcaid Alt l.lnj pi , Movs-bhelb A I. Co .. bculhern Pacllic toullmuKy , btuutbaktr Co btutlclakerCopt 1 . 334 . 1554 , 0.1'i 411 . 025 i . lUt . (,0'4 .100 'liniiiMoo Cop ,MI4 it ins a I'auiic 'il.iiu AU'lllM '1 ob Prod Corp prcf . . 'iMlntltj It 1 Lintnllai; Paper . . Lnlon A. Paper pf. tmon Paciilc tnlun Pacllic pf I bUndlAlchoipf.... USC IP A. V UbC IP & l'pf..... btiltcdlt)s Inu-jt ... belted itjrslnustpf . bbJiubber b b Itubber 1st pi h s bleel 85 ..21$ .754 34 154 1 lf.34 40 iiii 1-.33 1S34 Ii73i -0J5J ..., 1(34 .05t 102 05i L tbteelpf . U b Eiptess , Cniltd Cigar Mfrs . . Cui.Coppcr u-Ljr Ciioin a-Car Chfiii pf .... VuliMn Dctlnnlni: ... 1 uliuMI 1iMt111 Union isln lLoiiio Clettrla Khicllns&Li: utilln.' V L i: 2d . . l 'JOUMiial.u K4 1.34 10J . OS . 2H3S 30 .1.0'4 hi'J . Mi M)'4 . SOU tl) a . U3i 155i l.;i 12 3154 7234 10754 10734 107 67 1.0 8.J 3.' tO ii 1 I 15'4 3J34 4134 02'4 1st! M)5i 0035 A)J iut o.) 1 ' 1013j 102 85 315 cO i, 1 1 1534 3014 40 ujK 1SM to 095,' .133 101 I'll n'4 3134 7JI4 L34 20 131 b05 bO Uh 1) 12 .31J4 7H ....10S34 1UO 05 4UJt 053s .05) 9.S4 5 bGt 24 .131 12J3S G8 I0'4 t0)4 .034 05 10 13 83i bi 2li 103t 0b 10'4 0.i3 203 1 'X O I3i IS, t."ii -34" 2!, 120 UJt 30 132 6034" to 1634 1134 12 3134 71'i 107t 6034 100 ll 40'4 bl,!! :U3a Oj 0 15s 0ba bO 234" 25. 120 1113 s Ourlaud H....101H luljj 11)134" 1UU5 lolul mies, 070,700 slnrcs, eomiiireil lth SIS.MM nhirec list S.llmd1. tills wiek, 0.1U7, SCO sliircK, last neck. 1,71 V'OO shares Lnke Superior ias onco nsaln tbo centre of ncttvity on tho Philadelphia nxclmnito durliiR tho two hours It remained, open for bUBlness this mornlnff. Moro thnn 4000 ahnres chnneed hands In tho first hour nnd despite a liberal nupply thero seemed to be a steady demand for tho stock at nnd Just below 6 After the supply had been cleaned dp nrotind R today tho trad ers turned In nnd bid up the price enslly to fi'J. Tho sales for tho two hours reached tho unusual totnl of approxi mately 7000 Bhnrcs. The street Is wntch ItiB this Issuo with InereaBlnfi Interest nnd somo well-informed brokers Insist that Important developments nro pend Iiik, possibly Involving n partial chnnffe In control It Is known that both Now York nnd foreign Interests lmo been heaiy sellers of lato whllo Philadelphia hougefi hao appeared ns buyers Cambria Steel ngaln rose closo to par todnv, nnd Pennsylvania nns In Rood In vestment demand. Tho fnct Hint tho lompnnv Is liujInR lnrffo qunntitleM of equipment Is taken to mean thnt better tlmos uto In sight Upward of !)0O slimes of Cnmhtla were taken and nenrly 11 OHO shares of t'tilted Stntes Steel . Meanwhile Storniro Itatterv Jumped lt points to t2 on tlio ptiiciiaso of EOO sluires. Altoetlior It wns one of tho liveliest Snturdajs on the local cxdinniro In onrs Another spectneular Jump occuired In linlrtwln I.oeomotlvo common, ivltlch inw oer llvo points, crosslnK 55 on unusually heavy trndliiR The prlco ntlMiiiet'd ,i point nt n tlmo until It rench tho hlRiicst level, tli one exception, nt wlileli It ever sold. In 1112 the quotation touched fitVi, when the Inltlnt 2 per cent dividend was declared It slneo has been ns low ns K Despite denials by company of ficials, rumors persisted tliat tho company wns to sh.ue in somo Important oioeis The luniks and tiust compnnles of tills rltv have re-entered tho security mnrkots It wns stated today that flomo extcnsKo purolinses of hish-Knitle bonds had beon made by local Institutions of late, espe cially of municipal issues A distinct Imptnvement wns reported bv bond deal ers In this hniiuh of their btwlncss. It wns said that In the Inst : hours In quiry Imi! appealed for $123,000 wortli of tlie lift t ot t-lass of bonds from bnnklni; soiiiccs. On 'cluiUKe Haldwln Hs roso to 10.', and there wns also nood de mand for liitorntate 4s, Lehigh Valley Coal fis, IVntisylvnuiii 4Hs nnd Philadel phia Kleotrlc Cs United Railway Invest ment is weie nctlve and moved up neatly .1 point to Cb's Sales in Philadelphia i-'H 4IJ, W'l 27i ihi M ." 4 too ,1Vi 11(1 lIJt I'lts i'jlt 27 iS' i!"' .12s. loo r,i 1 ii t 111V, llt ,iti, .ni't row f-J 2S -::, J7 wl IS1114 Ye etfte lllrh. Ilw. Clone. 10 Am Lorn .. ,1i f.7n f7 mi Am icnjs ,..7 Am Itwjs ptd 23M Hallwln lot 10 llAlrl Ij)c pfd to Urook 11 "f DID Cam Steel .. :-o ipii Ii I h V . . Ill Klee Stor ... .100 Hrlc 31") tlen Asi .. . 17 lien Atn ptJ . .10 tH Nerth Ore.. 17 Ins Co N Am. 72(14 Like Hup Cor. HI Cell .Nm .. .. rti nllM- ... ft Lit Rchtiyfklll . 10 North IMcine . 4R1 I'enini Hit a7 Teniui Sill MtB RVj SI Phlln It T tr ct lO1 40 HeailliiB .... 73 .10 Pa Pnclflo ll-M -mnopsh Uel .. IW 7IM Tcnopnh .Mln .. 7 .in t'nlon I'Acinc .. .. ft I LnltoJ Has lin st'l 1201.1 tr a Hteet . . 67 Km Wnr Ir .t 8t.. iitj Ml W Jcr ft Sea . 41l .i lorK imy ... s Totnl sales, Sf.titx) shares, eoinpated null 18,050 last fcntuMay, this week, las.wii shares, last week, i.22s shires. IION'DS Last trc. "in" 4000 tlaH lic 1st .Is 10.' 102 1".1 Cnni ft ncp '111 lis s 1211 its 11117 . imi 07 WfO H Peo Tr 4s . 77 77 .Uxm lnterst 1!) In 1,11 in nciio I, nl oul r.s till till 7tl I'd rlis 4'4 HiMl ItMU 1041.4 IDIIt Itll Moo l'n Co ioih f . M oij K114 nna n, 1 1111 1 ,, si-L, 111 i , N7 tlo tlUS (IJlt ftroti I'hilii I lee r,s loi, limi licit Ken l His; :JHiO t 11 111 I u "s ilVt Usui Yurk flivi ", Tntnl sale 17,r,2.', 1,11 1 !H1 :wt 'Mi ill' ll'i! i 01 sv4 ltit 1t"it tiajs 4: n' in, "i'i 4s' I 10.114 M 10W 7"n fiJS lit '"n tat, Wt 4"ii, lltl 120'i 7m, 71 ft I 10') ft l .vfil, UJI3 7"it n-'s s I' s 111, S(k 6ii IHl 411 . S PHILADELPHIA MARKETS T ow. VII 10J lis l7 1 1 Ik I 101 Close ."" 102 lis I'I 77 Dl 101 last Hnturdn) , , 17.1,0.;.'. mi na on tijii 11.") njii llim I011, (ink HI IM 111 1 11 ii-,', rn nj 112 iu eompireil Willi JiV,,12S this ncek, fins oil) last week, Local Bid and Asked Financial Briefs NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK. ADrll 17 Tlio cnfTen market tvati itcaily, rutures were 1 point lilBln-r to 2 points loner ncurcs f flowed'H f S to 4 pQlnts. TraUIng was falrlj nelUe. rrtcts follow Todavs Toda s Ycs'daj a opening. ilone iIokr. . i t.w t in i.ii-iii, i,ii Mirth . 'April ... Slif ... rJurtf ... I'slr ... Ilnmrf SMmtwp Ocicber vemter Dwember 'Jlncbrv ikrijry bBM. -I tj 01 fill (XI tlDlllll ai t8 (It ft flKWil tl) .. hoim.12 i. iiMi ii in iiosimiu 7 15 7 14fi7.l7 7 lRtt7.20 7 2-J17 2.1 7 II 7 llftfT IJ 7 41 Tlllfi7 .17 . . 7 41Si7.4J 7 '.037M 7 4717 4S . . rtl 7 -2W7 1.1 Bid. tOftered Total sal 7 577 les, 10, T.W 7.23fi7. 7. ll7 11 7.40W7 41 7 41ff7 4H 7.4llfl7 Ml 7.1lfl7 11 7.MU-7 OO 000 bags. NEW YORK HUTTEIt AND EfifiK Ey.TOrtK April 17 -l.UTTl-.rt -Market SsTuJ. - hi h' ,'lpt", 4M Pleases ctra. 31 i. l-TIl,: . ' '-""iiih ,-., -..ji , cuuic uuir, SIP 1 Imltallin r.i.n., .. KOQS Arm ir.arket linn Iteielnta l7lt ill f" V'xm .1'". --ff2'te . firsts. 21W SOWJc.j nearl tlieI, SZitffi! NEW YORK BOND SALES Is. HlBll. li'iOOO Anier Tel rlt lAH llo CUI1V Is . . LVJIIIK) (In IM I.B . . .Vhl) Armour Co Vts . .lU'tl AUIllholl lulj In . 3U0O ilo ev U VMS . 1.V.S.U till .v Is 1IIIAI... WW Atl.ui So Line lit ..too do clt 4ii .Jltti Halt .s. uhlo c Pji .i.vim iii.o v l. i. .t w is.wi Kino Halt . O .Hnn .1's.s . vj 1UHO JJtitti Meet 1st .Is 1W1 tyuou do nil .is Ivi! Is !ii, .I'll', . li's . Hii, .PI I, .nr.' . IM, sv. Mlfc, lw s&'s Wl, 1IIJI, HI 'i fill, ttrj I'M j SV, Mj lot S) luoit BS-tt lmon Hruok It ill Tr 5h 1U1S. O'i, lew, 200U llrook Un llli 1st is. ltt)S lot)''. nearin iihitcH -lir-rrir mtvp.i min? . ?! n'srln browns. 2-Jfi2:li c . siornco 1,c i MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOr.VlI STOCKS. Jim Butler Nmara , pmans. fiirt. Ask. fertlim atsr ..WW." .WW II tet Slm,,t ................. Joncpih Cit Jeiwpih Mrriisr ....!!.! Jotopah Mlnlnr WWW r-vvuq CJIlia .,,,,, , j! i-ua . . . QOIJTiT,TI',T.T"V ClYlfWO Suwu glus Bull ..,...' r1"! ...... : Lulldot gnh Prio : ...'..::;:::::":" gwjpnineid n n :...::.:.::: aw -- v$!r. s'"ser ........;..,;.. I. "I )! " - Ken" ::::::::"'' r pick, . .:.::::' SlIROVI T.ivtfnna KriS Ateo .' ' .. ua Hilt -w ...luvr .................... .Kl ,ai .1ft .21 ,40 .1ft . S3. 40 I1.. .71 .41 .01 .4 J .01 ,01 .11 ,02 ."7 .10 .10 1.70 .18 .11 .11 .1'.' .0.1 .07 .27 1.S5 Sll .01 .17 .111 .4J .17 .14 .73 .42 .07 ,l .01 .07 .11 .01 .O'I .nj .11 171 .10 .IJ .12 .U .04 .OO .21 1.00 I(iih) Oil Uas A. Lleo fts.... U-li. 2(SM) cent Lcatlur 1st 3s.. W .l.luo Cent l'atillu .1(1.3 fcsi, 1UO0 Clitd .V O .la IU lOOi) Clll JL II III bs Ill's WlOi) do .Is ti.'i 1000 Clll Ot V Is 7." moon eld ii .v. Q joint is piii, li OU do t,oil Is liHs susoij C )I J. HI' it 3s ret lOJ'i, l.'OUO ilo cv 4K.3 PSli, .',0011 Col S. So 1st H Wl'rt 12li.',00 Coil tJ.lH c 1,3 lltli, .'OOU t).l it Itml 4s 1U1U.. 'M inoo In t t'niteil 41Js 71 IMits) DIs Slc Com fts .... T- 400(1 liul'ont 1'owd 4!js KHJt) Krlo tonv 4s Scr A 20. 0 do ber It .looo (Iticn lini IN , lot-) llu, I Man lav fts . . 110UO do rrd 4s 270MI Ioimi Is . 2smi Ins Cop c tis . , . MKK) do ( ret .Id nil in 200(1 Interh Met P'h . 4i) lulerli It 1 iif w MH1) Intir Mer Mur I'ss 'iS4l .In i new (Jer Flit lisS tlllil) Kun 'lt Mo iHt fts l.smi Lllko hii iltb Is Hl.-U lli lii deli 4s lllll 20IK1 LIB M T ' 2IKM1 IIO (S SU ImTJ ... l ii ...101 ... 21.1, :-S,J . ui", in un, . 7M, . lis 4 J ll. Wl tsi, lilt I"', HP, 11114 IIP. 102', list, vn. lift' j 00', r.2 SSI. ClHL' S.SS till, 10.1 tl-'t 111', .'p. 102 till w, 101 M looit 8J Ifl?, 100), 11 IU U'l hs)t 1UI II1V i2 Ht.lj lll'a 102', list. Mil, 1111 !!.' ' r.J .SSI, lllRll. I..IW lllOU dii r 3i . Hi siaio N 1 Air liiako tvt Os . i-"l . Ml Wolf, It, .ISs Close 4ii llv 101 Kit . 1 71', llKl'i 12-1 ...lllll' inisi Uirlllard na . Kin lillls ti Nj'Ii 4s.. ...i.u. AIII11n.iloa l!n 4A 1000 Mo Pao 4s ojVh .jiiim. .I,-, 7.Hi M 12P ll't 7S' IIS J2 1 111 7o HI', Kit I'i 12.1 limi, H.11-3 Hii. WI4 21 it. 7S1. lis 12 77 HI "I'i HI4. 1IW, 1UI IHI'l 111'! !ll'S Mb ioti n v : 1 MJi) N C .. II ll.ion N 1 C .t llud lis .'."Ji- do Is mkKNi do p3s ."4IUI dn .Ihs 1000 JC Y C Is 1IIVI . -lll do 41,is WOO . . . 1IHIU do IVis loon do IV-.i llMCI . . IUiW N Y .S 11 & H OS . IWKKSl .V Y Itliy nclj 3s .. 120HO .Norf A. Wist IS ... 1000 .Nor Pac prior 4s . loot) ont Powir fts .... loon PenriJ. t-v J'is .... 120141 Pciiiiii it 4'.s .. 7001) in Con Copper cs lot (HI Iti.idlnic een 4s.... .loon llip Ir A. S 5i . . row Uln t,r t V clt Is 1011 Itotk Ifcluiul Is 1400(1 llnck Island rid Is (Ilium Itokk Islam! 3s lotsi Hoik lslind ts . Inoo Ity Still mirlliKS .13 lllll II M I. I M .V 8 ia . 1-100 St L .v. V rlil Is . 2omi SuiOnanl A 1. bin 4s 1000 South Pao 4s pmssl hotllli Pno ev 4s ."illlSl ,lrt Lt. TLt f n 41AI0O South Pac ltd Is 40i0 Moulli Jtwy Ken Is 1(K) South Ilivy ton ft 1.100 Texas Co ev lis .. luiMl Third Avii 1st fts MiHO Third Axe ndj .Is 7000 Trl-Cliv fts ... Iinui l! S Itealtv fts iOOOO IJ H Hleil fts .. IlllH) I ulnti J'.iu rM Is .0110 I'ntnii l'n tut Is Hull I'ntnii Pill C 4s n Pnlon Pc ei Is IHCO.IOJIh ,'JSO l'n llnjs M 1 is . 11 i,ih)ii wnh lnu ct sta l. . 21 4lm West i: & M c .Is . imi, 2000 'Vest .Shorn reir Is . 02 Total Bales, .' 217 000 lompured ullh I2.KSI, COO last Siturdiy, this week, $.'O,G0S,0i), last week. 417,114,000. nit, .100 . 'U7H 101'. .110 .. 112, .. 01 . .100 101'. Il'Hj . HP, . 'Jl) . 71 . li-'t . 71 ill'. .102 OP, . US', . HO': . Ml . M . S.t ss inn no'. . U . H7(, Hili Itll .107 7SH IHIV, 71 101". K7 . lift 1. IMI'J 1(01, Si'. voi. Ill 101 no iP, n-"t 02', III Hit) 104 IK, IU', IU 71 I'-'1. 71 1,1 1 j 1112 (.11, ns), S2' llij Ri.lJ 1.1S I' u 1IMI 1117 7S in! 71 S7 nil j III I', 111.' II "ip; t2 III lim'i Hl'i !i.."t ion n'i lie, , llo .11 , tU'l U2, 111 IIS) 10P, 11 li'n UP, ins 71 02 h ('ll', 102 III'. lis. ttlVj Nl SI rvl ll'll, M'S 117 S III!', 100 107 7v 1 1.1, 71 IHI't R7 111'. isi'4 !( IJ oh', 02 NEW YORK DANK STATEMENT Reserves Incrqased Nearly Ten Mil lions Loans Lower. NEW YOltK, April 17 There wns in df crSSa of S,tvl.fW in average loans l on nkreed1aV.btf.eyeCrseVraB.K K,lUol 2 .iw'wi oon and total tlmo de pifli. of Illt).s5( ,;rhe excess reserve Is tfi, irt-. 110 ni.-i I m follow: Clearlrnc IIouso memtsTS, uerago- Iians, deereaso Deposits, Inereaso Timu denoslis. Increase Potent, IncreiBe "; . Clearlinr llouee niembcrs, actual. loans, decrease Vcposlts, Increase I lino daposlts, Ini reuse llesenti. InttcasL . J.1,R.l.l,Cl(l n,ni 1,. ,-. 4 2IU,(41 1,7!)I,000 $1,011,10(1 J,SI7,HII tt.HST.IS SI O.M.'.bMJ FOREIGN EXCHANGE Ni:tV YOIIK. April 17 -Tho foreign cichinKO market ruled ateadj. with demand sterling unchanged. rm) Mlirlijnu,ld ...4 7U ft I1U Wi, St)',, lew 1-0. ...4 70k 6JJU 82(1 J0 Cables Demanil BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compare with cone, spondltis day last two 5 ears 11113 inn inn" ridladelptila JJ7.nst)JS3 SS 877.112 ?23 1133,271 IJoston . ... 3J,17.',S2(1 .10,lSI,ti7ll New York 3o7,'.l7.ttvi a in, 170.5.M RATES FOR MONEY Call Philadelphia T.'AH New York 2'4i2U Potion '' n. . ChUuco 'MM Commercial paper, S to 0 months, Philadel phia. aijtH rer tent. Time. 4 ft4"3 RAILROAD EARNINGS C1IICAI50 AM) ALTON. 1115. Decrease First week pill . . .. J.' ID 27! ' lrom Jul 1 11.070,311 202,37 Increase. IIAR SILVER NBW YORK, April 17 -The price nf com mercial bar ellier was up ! lodai. at SO cents. In London It rose 1-1U, to 23 U-ltl pence. Tlie ftunncc of tlio Oliln Iron nnd Steel Conipan nt Lowollsvlllo will rrsumo oper ntlons nbont Mny I, Imvlnc; been Itllo soen monltis. 'I lie Shell C'ompniiv nf California lins certiiletl to II10 Secrenrv of Statu that Iti cnpltnl sjtoik iris ltecn Increnseil fiom JTiOOOJ to J 1,000.000 Tlie KirwH e.trniiigi of 31 rnllroads for tho llrst week of Apill decreased JOSMiO Tlio '"Piisslnp of Pcssiniism" is iiotnl by Hrndstrcet's weekly leport nn tiado vniHlltlons Improvement Is rcllected In brislitcr ikies, better countty mads, cnler cnlleetlonsi, favorable crop news, enlirRed distributive, trade, Inctensetl In ii 11st t In I npeiatlons, continued wlilttllnR down of IdlenesH and Intenslio activity In stock ninrkot npGrntlons. '1 ho nnniinl pamplilet report of the As sets, Iteiillrntlon Company Biles tlio to tal tisets iih J1j,01,207, but states that tlie flpruie Is not Intended to bo an expres sion of opinion ns to actual values, but only to show tlio amounts of the lurlous nssets nn they .iro carried on tho com pnm'R books Tho profit nntl loss deficit included In tho tot fil assets limine is 2, SJ.1.01.'. Of tho llabllltlPH. J10.000.C0O con slpts of tapltal Btock and tho remainder of bonded Indebtedness. ULintintH payable nnd contingent linbllitles DurinK tho xenr a ledm'tion of fJ,"S0,1U was mado In toi lain of tho liabilities. Tho net loss wns JTJD.JII. Walter II. Unhcock nnd 'V'llllam D Shcrrcrd, of tlio flnn of flutelior, Sher reid X. Hansen, left this nfletnoon for tlio Pacific Const. They will be Bono nbout n month (Jeorso Pelt Keltn, vl(e piesldent of Chandler & Co, Inc , has returned from a six-weeks' tour of tlio West ,1 OKdeii Armour In his testimony be foio tlio i'cilcrnl Commission, said: "I feel surn that prosperity is tomlnp. It Is n prosperity thnt will bo shnred by in plojers nnd laborers I find Industrial discontent on tho decrease." Commorclal failures In the United .Slates this week numbered SOI, against 315 In tlio corresponding week Inst year. The amount Involved was JID.027,516, against J7,'0l.90l In 10H. Copper exports from Atlantlo ports for week ended April 15 amounted to S37 tons, slnco April 1, 8315 tons Same period last year, 18,253 tons. No bids ware made for the Wheellnc nnd Lake Erie Ttallroad property when It was offered at public snlo In Cleveland by order of tlio United States District Court. It Is expected In steel circles that tho Republic Iron and Steel Company will resume payment of preferred and cumu l.itho dividends this ear, If Industrial conditions continue to Improve Tho cor relation will spend Jt, 000, 000 for ex tendons at Its Youngstown plant. The money la to be taken from the earnings, doing; away with the necessity of Issuing now paper. 'loday Irfllcnliv . . Hid. Asi. Hid. Ask. llnltlnln ft.1 .11 isi. l'n. dn pref ini 10.1 102 lot Cninbrla Steel inifc 4i'l, 4H',i 410 , Lleo ytoriKD bi r,2tii rn r,oi" (ten Asphalt '.'IP, 27 20'. j 27 do pref ui U7 ul 07 Kev Tel 11 III, 14 IP, dn Ir itfs II II', II IP, do piet (11 111', 01 ill', I.k Hup Ccrp IVB n'l r.v. .'.', Nnv 70 77 711, 7H', Irf-h Vnl 7IW 72 7I". 71", Leh Vnl Tr 1.1 1(1 11 in do pref !() Ill In 111 Peiinsjlvnnli fit",. '' M"i 'lli Plilln L'lo SI', 2P4 21'. 2l'j Phlla Co .11 iki .is "n do ,1 rer ct. pfd ... .11 117 .'I .17 do (, per it. pfd ... Ill 12 10 II Plllltt It T Id'. II" I 10' I HI', dn t ,tr. inn 1014 imj iiu, Iteidlnit 7i!S 7(l'i 7(1 70', Ton llel P, ' P I Ton Mining 1! ll' I,'. 7 Piilnn 'Inie .. . . in 1(1', "(' "c-j 1 l! I VI V4l, vi so, V S Meet .VI', r,'l .17 .'.7', lurk llwv s vij v vi4 do pref ... . Ml'.j 11 I.O'u "'-' DIRECT SALES TO Ni:V YORK Rc- pic- i:- not- London Exch.inp;u Committee moves Hnn on AtbitrnRinp;. LONDON, April 17 A 111 111 tone v.illed In securities on tlio Stock chniiKfl todni. Tr.ulliiR was brisk, withstanding the fact that tin nttetul nnee of brokots wns reduced by tho bril liant weather. Announcement was mado that the Stock KscIiiuikp ( oinnilttco linil conseiitetl to 11 relnxntion of prolilbltlon on mliltnce business po ns lo penult direct salts In Wall street, wblili liltlicito been ofloited through outslileis Sales lij Wnll street to London 11m still biinrd nilt-edped Issues linrdoiied nntl Homo rails wcio fr.ictioiiullv higher South Ainerldin mils wero stioin; iu spnls and tbeio wns a fresli advance In ltussi.ins Americans weie liroKUlar bec.iut.o of the adjustments, but die undertime of tlie inaiket was cood Steel alinres weio nctle Canadians weio linn TlraHlnni Improved. Conditions nf tlm will of I.nul Itotluhih! helped somo tlinis Specinl tles, oils nnd mines weie boim-bt AnmlKimaleil Copt or .. Acthtiioii llulilmuie H Ohiu Cnmidlitn Pncltle r lusniicuke . llltlo . .. Clll ago (ire it W'cutprn 1 IiIciko M i SI 1' Denier & Tlio llrnndti .... Klin do 1st pref lllltin!n Central .. . 1 oulivllle .v Nnslillllo .. Mo K .v T New York (Vntral Norfolk A Western .N timiirl 1 .s Weitleru Pi nnijkuuli Itendlni; Southern IUIlnay ouilterli Paitlli 1 11I011 Pat lit Unileil Klates hleel . 4- Incitase decrease ..'. Pil', Uindon N Cluse Lttulv ' 1 imi . . 71) ...llfil, 171, 1214 US ...Si . . Ill ...111 ...121'4 . .. 1.1'. IPs .. 10s . . 2M ... .1(11 J -H. 711 . Ill', . nil, im . so?., 1 IV. - ', 11', - 4. 11 m 1. 7', I- ', 2vij, ', 41 - 1, 11 si 1201, ll'i 1- 'a S7, IU.P, 1 -'7'. i, 10.S1, -l'S lit. - - IS' 4 I. III'. - ', 13 - ', lit GRAIN AND FLOUR Ultll.VT. tteeelpts 112017 liuIi The tnsikct wns firm onl 1e higher In svmpntliv with the West Kximrt demnnd was lair tjuntntlor.n ( nr lots lu iximrt eleiator Nn S, red, spot, M ( t)l (1.1 No 2 red est frn, 1.0.M1 OS. llound lots, in export ele nior No J red, spot and April M rtPkW 1 Hl'i No 2 red Western, l IHPtf 1 Tl'i No 1 .Nniiliern Dultith. $1 7ltffl 71 tlllt.N. Iterelpls none The market ruled nrm and le higher under ll?ht ofTerlnss fluotitlons l'r lots. In oipott ele'otnr No J, slot nnd April, 7$if7Ha , slesmer 7("4j) 7714c N0 3 711eif,He Car lots ror local tride, ns to location 1.N0 2 elloiv, K2fls.i, , steamer jelion, KOfiMc , No 1 yellow, 7ff No 4 ellon, 7(l77e samplo Jellow, lUIme , new coh, per 70 lbs, 7iljvoo DAIH.iiecelpls, 41,072 bush The mar ket wns quiet, hut llrm and 14 higher cjtin. tailons cso 2 white. iVMiuMie . standard white (.Iffuiije , Nn I white, (i.'H21e , IIH! nrni. We tiiote tit $11(I1. IS per utisli , m lo qutillt), In export elexnlor nn I ft 1 oijfl 11 (or small lots nf tirnr-l grain In Uigs I I lit It. tteeelpts, fill 01,1s nod Till. Kin Us In sacks. Mill limits were well main tained, lutt trade was qtHei. Me quote pir inn lbs In wood- Intel, cleir tl laiflil si, tin, etmluht, HM7.1U do, pnlent. s? Illtr ".till, Kimsis, itrnlght lute sacks. $7 11)117,11, do. intent, Jinn ,m ks $1 llliiiui, sprlni!, nrst, clear, $11 xOUT.lli do, etritlRht. 7 low 7 40 do pnirtit. 7 .10ff7 so dn , ftnorlle Instils smisji ilt mill, iltnlio nnd rniity luiteitt, sviivj.i cltt mills reRtilnr nmdis "Inter. Heir pi.unitl v.i ,m .tralqht, $II.Mlf 10. do, put, nt $7 10517 in llli! I Lilt It. orfirlnns were lltflil nntl lite ruled firm. Iut (rule was qulel n quole nearby and Wesltrn In wood lit 5,0 f0'l(l.7il ns to qualliv. PROVISIONS Tlio market wan quiet und without Important contuse Cltiiitntlens Cltv heef.. In Ffts snmk eil nnd nlr-driid, 2Uf'.t,e . i stern tieef, In sets, unnkcd. 2,1P.'iv vit hnf, ktiiicsles and tenders smoked .in1 nlr-dilel, 2i2e.i eslern lieof, knu kles nnd ten Jus, nmnrfed, r'. !'""" 1 bc' hams, SIIJi.lS pnik, fntnlly, fSiriOUJJ ham. u i .tired loose. I.IK1 I.e., do skinned, loose, 12',ft2'tic . do, no., smoked. tj',0lii,i , other hams, smoked, city euied nn to brand nnd mernite, ll'if1lc limni smokol W'eetern cured, I l,14e,, o , hnlled boneless, J2U2.IC. plcnU shoul ders, s P cured, loose, lOjflO'lc. do., sinoked, 10W10',c , bellies In pickle, m . tnrdlng in tiierasc. loose, PJ'.tfl'-dt. . brck tnst bainn, as to tirnnd mid nrripe. ell eured, HI',fiH7i,c , lireakfist bicon Westtrn cured, KlialiK'.c . Isrd, Western -ediio I, IK-rien, IIKi1i,i. do, dn , tubs. lt(Mi,t . lard, pure clt kettlo rimlrrvd. In tierce, .?"'.'.' ..'"r'l. l'ul" l". kettlo rendered, In tuh., liifii41, RKI'INL'I) SUCAKS The tnnikel niled firm hut Ihoro was llltle 111 iuiiik we qunio Kiamlinl Kratiuiated. fiPnc nno Rrnmilati'd 1 tin, . londered, lie.: t on ret iloners A, .1HU . soft itiades, ,1 OJW 0. 11.1c. DAIRY PRODUCTS HPTI lilt. Trade wns titilnt nntl the mnr ket phoned no Important elmnite CJuntnilons western, ftcjh, rnlldpiokul ireimerj, fnni. Win I il II., iMrn. .: . tvtra llisis, .lie, tlrstn '."Ifl , Hfinndu 2oll27c , I ldle-iatke I, llMiLlc, un m 'iiiiilu, nearin prints tnnc , lu. ttieiiKp ,trn. i. . firsts, .lij.!2i., set -onds, STtiSii nieilal fanej brands or prints Jobbing nt 'i'liri-c. I.l.lis.- W . r. iu gnnd leque.t nlttl lines siere Ilnnlj hell Quotations In free eases, luaiby cxtriiK, .e. per dor , ncitiliy llrsts, Jt, 11 prr slumlord tare, ninrby current ro- elpts, Mill per enso IVeslirn extra llrsts Ml to rer tatie tin , firsts, ?0 1.1 per c.iao, Snuthein ?.1.1Vii(t jer tase, fancy selected ciu tlleil frish cues wero Jobbed out nt IMfr.Vic. 1 cr doz. CIILIisK. 1 ho market wits quiet, but tirin tin In light offerings. Quotations New oik, mil ennui fall make. fanc. I"i.4f ITVic . do, rah lo cool, Itl'jfiKc . do do, luncnl make. 1,111 iu, , do, part skim-, WlJt POULTRY I.M1J. 'I here was llltlo trading and tits nits tinrlmiiMd (.UTerlngs witi inrol trntn but nutple utintaltous Powls 17Cf old looters. 12'olJisi . oung ehlikeus. GRAIN MARKETS RULED STEADY Wheat Prices Rallied at Close. Corn Showed Moderate Ad vances. Mny Cotton at Now High Point NUW YORK, Apill 17 Visoious bu Inc. mipposcdly for Southern speculative accounts, caused cotton prices to touch tho prexloiis high levels at tho opening today, with Mny tliitnuh to 11 i.ow top of 10 OS ('all (luotntlons wero S to 9 points higher, und although a num ber of piollt-takliiK oiilcis inino out 011 the advance, tho market belli well Tho maiket at Liverpool wns nbout three HiikIIbIi points better than hnd been ev- pected. 17i Milt-meiled l.lilsi , dn , do, stnrnri. lllll tttlkcH, llitl,.... On, Un 14111(1 . kiese UK in , guinttiH, us to qtinlin, pir pair. .1uu70c . piteous, i.l I, per polr, 217 ,0t , do, oung, per lull 22$f2.J( llltllssl.l), he mm kit genernllv ruled sleml uinitr mndoiate oilHilneii hut 11 ido wus qulel (Jtiolutlons 1 te-h-kllled rowls, 12 in li.i. ilM-pkko! nml tin pi. ktd, l.tni. tc!eit ed, l'n .'ii uelkhlim lijftl lbs ittileie, ISi , dn .' jf( 1 Pin un ei e, ISi dn I llu ttplito Itlrl7c., do, under .1 lbs apiece Hlfllt Inwls, bids, di)-pliked und ilrj-packe, Western, li.l lbs apUie. 17'jlflSc do, do, "'.j lbs, 1i!',j'uI7c , do, do, .1 lbs nnd under li (ltd 1 ntvlb, ko'ieuked, choice 17VjC Oil roosters, dry-plikid I S'jc Squabs, per doz, while, welshing 11 to 12 lbs, jer doz, $104 10. while weighing II lo 10 lbs per i'i , $.1 40ii I ml. do , du , 8 Ibu Icr doz , (2 7.1fi I. do, do, 7 lbs per doz.. 28l2 TA). do , do , (,'(ti'j lbs per doz , $1 lOif 1 7r,. dark and Nn 2 fitio ii(s,i iro'cn poultry Jowls, ns to qinlll), nmise , eh'ckens dry pUkcd and do-iiacked, in boxes rnllk-tcd. .11 ?1 HI lbs. to dn? . IXc , do J7W12 lbs. to doz.. ISc , do. 4IITI7 lis to doz, IS, , do. 4S lbs to doz , .Oo do i,0 lbs. nnd over Jb , corn fed, .114142 lbs to doz II lo. 4 11(47 lbs to i'oi , tic, do, IS lbs to doz, inc.. do., 00 lbs. and oor, 20c ( hi, kens drj-.lckod and ilri-puckcd. In bblu -W intern, corn-ted, 3 lbs. ",'"' n!erl, Sl;.. 'lo.. do I lbs. 17WI7WC. do. llo. ,1Vj lbs , 13'bc . do . do . 2i,'.tj I lbs,, 11 Lie , broilers, mllk-fcd. ranev 1S12I lbs. In box, 27c , do , fancy, flijun lbs. to tljz 2ic corn-fed ranej, isai.'l lbs to doz., .ic, do. prime. 21tT 0 lbs to doz. JSc lur .,."' ip-plekcd nnd dr-picl.ed Pancy. 2151 ".:., f"Jr '" Bootl. IMi-'Uc old totns. I.nf2uc. tiuckn fancj in boxes, 17ulsc, do. ordinary i?i-f" . '-vV ,Jt Keen-, choice und fancy, 15tf Hie , do. No 2. l.'aile. CllirAOO, Ajirll 17. Thero nni leu ex. cltcment In the grnln market today. Whont opened somewhat lower for tho July ntul September options, whereas liny ruled Hi in Slight advances were recorded In com nt tho outset, while oats remained practically unchanged At tho closo May wheat milled lo Jl C2 The week Just past lias witnessed sharp nthnnrns In wheat, brlliElnR May to within I tents of the topmost level since tlie outbienk of tho foreign war. The mlvanro III .Inly hns been even moro sen sational thnn the Jump in May wheat, the former option rising 9 cents a bushel last Wednesday. Thero weio three factors rniislnu; tlie Hensatlonnl price advances In wheat, niinelv, prospects of a world aliotlnuc in wheat available for Imme diate shipment, second, tho delay of the Allies in forcing their wa through tho Dardanelles, and last, but not least, the re-entnince In tlio market of James Pat. ten us n largo buver 1'llh n (untlnunnce of present, lnrce osporta of .1.000.000 bushels weekly for tlio next 11 weeks to July 1, there wilt bo n euro-over of only 10,000,000 bushels of wheat, while exports of 3,750,000 weekly will tesult In no carry-over, leavlnc an ebnustin of supplies It wbb expected Hint the InnuRtirotlon of shipments of Ar Ki'iitliio wheat, which got Into full swing a month ago, would rollovo the situation somen lint, but It now develops that this crop has been contracted for by for eigners nnd still they arc not satisfied and contlnuo to buy American ivheaL One ship wns reported chnrtered from Dnltlmoro yenterdny for Trench Atlantlo poiti wltli 160,000 bushels of grain. Sales of American wheat at tho sea board cterdny were estimated at 400,009 bushels, .MO.ono bushels of corn, 150,000 bushels of oats nnd 30,000 bushels ot rye. Leading futures runged ns follows. Yest'd'a wheat open High 1iw. Closo. close. J1'!' . 1 ill's 1 i.2Ut 1 III 1.02 L0l July i..tvjJ i3n i.ti, ti tin . ti,3.i;s Si-iitomlwr 117. 1 IOVj 117 fl 1014 T1-17M uiuw uenier) nil 70 1, SOii llnv lul . September ints- 1ta luh hepiemler Linl .Vni . , luh heptember . 10 IA) Itlbs la .liny S'i 4S' inoo beptntuber Pork Iiij . . . .Ink September in 12 10 12 .10 70 17.10 17 112 1S12 Hid tAskcd R1 r,7, 48 10 11 11140 10 02 10 II JO 47 10 71 17 M IS 01 18,10 7R' 7S1," 70 net 77 1?olt 71 7SlJ ss 10 00 410 ir, I0 0T 10.12 tin 11 1012 10 OO 10 02 110.00 10 10 110,12 10.07 10 40 TI0 4R 10 40 10.07 U0.72 tl0 07 17.47 17.02 17.4J 17 112 38(11) 17.02 1S..-.0 18.42 18 23 FKKSII FRUITS Yes i close. Open High. Ijiw Close IHI'l 1ft IK 11)11 1(1(11 in If, ...10 27 10 1(1 10 40 10 J in .II .10(18 10 1(1 :o7ll 11172 10.7il ..1(1 SI 10 01 1(1 !I7 III III Kill I . 10 OS lllll) 10.01 10 1)1 . .1010 10 35 IMay July Octobor December January Spot Local Ilcscrc Hank Statement Tho condition of tho Toleral rtesoivo Pank of Philadelphia at the iloso of business, April IU, was as follows nusouncKS. April IU Ocld mln ami gold cer tiorates . $11,303,100 Legal tender notes, ill- er t crtllicatcs and subsidiary loin . ., 4,rl.0iifl Tledlscouuts and loans 2. Mi.(isn llliestmuils .... 2,007.12.1 ivio from Federal Its servo Ilnnk-net .... S0O.(Jit All other roounes., . 317 W.S Total Capital (aid In Dcpoilt .. . $.'1,123,712 LlAnil.lTllia $I,1Vi.TW 1I).JI)3,17S April 0 $11.3,-.810 .i.irrs rsi 2 23(1 177 1S.W1 (S) 1 001. IM 107.1 IS $23.370riui I.1W2:2I lU.IIS.'S ,,, "iKon'.ral. market was oulet and with out Irnportnnt change. Quotations ,p Lift'i !iv" . mhn J"r hh -ork imperial, " vl't"wT. T..hins- '-T.10-I.S0 Sps. T--S. 1,'aldwln. $2'flt,.i21 . lien Uula, A',f;i.!,"'cj;.',0ea,lni; varieties. $1 .Imi r?'mW !!" ",61 ? apples Western, per Jox. si ,iij npilu, Dolaw no and Peniinyha iln per hHinpcr, lOlilsk , lemons, per box. $2 .'7.1 orangfs, Vlorl la. ner Iki. si f.v,n kiapetrult, Plorldn. pee bos, $1 21fi2 .m pine-i"'.,rii",,',.r,""llV..!-,l!'L:''!!-..r''rWa. 1.1,1 21M71c .luC LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS flUCAOO, April 17 -IIOC1S -ftecelpts 7300: mnrket .1. higher mlxeil nnd butchers, $7,13tP 7 01 good heai j S7IIMI7 00, rough heavy, 7n.itf7.1() light. $7 23S7 05 pin, $3 0087.28; bulk. S7 21C7 .11 CATTI.i: lleiolptt, 100, market strons; heeiei $1 8Mjil Mi iiiwh und heifers $337.03: Tfxnns USIfi'M) mixes, $11 rntffS 7.1 SIIKLP lleielpis 1.000, mnrket strong: na. Hie und Weslern, $1 30&8 40, lambs, $i.73Sp 1(1 01 HANK CLCAUINGS FALL Baltimore Leads Decline, With 13.3 Per Cent. Loss for tho Week. 1 hro wns a deereaso of 0 0 per cent. In the Inial tlenrlngs or the bankx nt Ibis country during the week ended today. Daltlmora shuwtd the henilest loss, 13 1 per cent., with Philadelphia Hecond, the decrease here being; 11 I p-r cunt The tntnl amounts lmolied were $3,600,S8t, .111 sKiilust $.12111 ion ton last week and $.1. (,721 tlio corresismdlng week Inst year. 101.1 toll P.a New York $1.771,1100,007 $1,717,0(12,203 2.0 Hnslon 111,211.1111 14l,n.11),B22 -I- 04, Phllndeli hii 1 IJ 071 7ll 141 MMflSl 11.1 lliltlmore . 2S.11S,K.S I2 0t7,14l n .1 rhlcago . 27J,Otll,( 2RS.I3I..I4I .T SI Ijill's . 70.r.72,747 74,110 US .10 New Orleans 17. Ib0,402 10.10l.2u2 T.2 ' i'eieii cities r, days . $2,117,703,721 $2,442,303,012 0 2 Other illlts .1 dajs . 057.S1.207 C02.017.4Sl 7.3 Tntil nil elites 1 ian . ..2,on,C0d,000 $3,04l,uS3,423 l. All iltici 1 day (iOfi.271.118 070,000,302 i.4 Total all cities " for week $.1 (V) RSI, 111 $1,(121,183,723 . ii i ii iici rir- i mfii nin niitina .,.- j. $1501(1 .10. irnnberrloi. Jori.ey, per cratp, -iii.nma, iuriua, jiei tiuuri, lii$f VERETAHLKS r.rrJftn" f'"1 "bbago sold slowlj at reesntlv revised prlceB Oilier cgctables were In .n?!lfral0 ,r,?!,!"'st n,u' eeneralli steady Quo tnllonn W'hlto poiatom, p, r bush Pentisjl anlJ. r,01(33c .Maine .'0.1.11. , Now Yo?l as to nimllii IlltlSe. uhliepniatOM, Plorlln' er bid, No. 1. $5 30i(il, Nn 2, $1 lOfil. 3i"!'.Tof?!tlt0;s-..D?law,,,e Pcr hamper, latge, f.l.-wl 71 inedliini, r.ocnf!, 8ei-i pntitw-i Laslcrn Shore, per bbl . Nn 1. J2 -jiW1 21 V.0' r- Jti'lI.T-l. sweets, Jetsnv. per bbl.. No. 1. $-!7.WI71 Nu 2. $2iJ50 tjo . do per basket 71c ';ii 23. onlnus iholie. per 1iin. ''?,? !,i f'"'f1''i. do me Hum, per 100 lb tag, SUM lo. cabbage. Punish, er ton, $20fl ..ii, do, I lorida per basket, $1 ,10ul 71 mull tlOHcr, Now York, per uate $1 752 -.1 spina h, Norfolk per bbl , 73i $1 , kale Nor folk. it bid , .Iridic , leituce Texas pir liuslioM) isket, hv,Ho . no. I'lorlda, pir Urn. oW1.71, '.f.nnB. I'lorlUi. l ax, per tasket. gjii.1 SO, do., Klorlda, grci n, per bakket, J .1.10, pens, I lorida, per I nsket i.SN, egt plant Plorlda, per box $2y,l r,o. incumbers, Klorlda. per basket, $,10a1, rinnsli, Plorldn. per bisket, $.V."li'l, peppers, I Inrl In per tar rler, $Jfl(l2.1, beets Plcridn per 100 bum bra 1if1, tomutnes Plorlda, pir cunlr, fa my '- SIli'J 73, do do, chol-'ii $1 HMrS, celeri lorida per i rnte, $1211(2 do.. New Ymk bas! 0.8 MORE WAU ORDERS wHiniii mo idBL iu umi mo aiuueoaicer uor porntlon lias secured about $1,000,000 additional war lontraits Theee nro for harness and ti-lilcliN Iist fall this company etcured In tho iielghborlinod -if $11,000 000 war contracts, nf which approximate $10,000,000 was for harnem Pranen has placed an order with Arninui A Co for 2.000.000 pounds of ft back. i i lorinu ner i rnie, ll jvkj no.. New Yntk per bunch. 3Ml.Hc, nsiuragita Houih Cain lluii, per bunch 'JOHj.l.v , mushrooms, tier 4.1b. basket, COe j$1 20 Total $2l.l2a,71J $2d,570.001 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Trenton Potteries I'ompanj. 1 per cent on prefi-ried, psablu April 23 In stock of record Airll 13 Lehigh Valley Transit 1 per cent on pie feired slock, tunable May 10 Best Results From Investments Standing above all others In combining safety and good re turns to the investor is one class of corporation bonds and stocks. Knowledge of the cir cumstances which have created these unusual investment ad vantages is essential to obtain ing the best results from the purchase of securities. We have prepared an outline of the reasons and will send copy upon application for Circular No. 212. William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. Manatjer 437 CIIKSTNUT RTUEET Philadelphia. New York liinton Detroit London i William I'. P.onbrlfh.1 & Co, I'arlsi nonbrlcht i Co. NO. 95 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN CON TRAFFIC IS NOT SURE IF THIS WAS A FRAME-UP OR A COINCIDENCE!!! IllfSI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers