Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 16, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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I un!ng f&M&b Wttytz
cvnt-H ft. a rt-nrra. rtrT.
ChBflMH. LujIntttm,Vlc-Prnldnti John C. Martin,
11T.S. tS2!I"Lm"' "P coiuna, John B.
rtcs It. K. CctTId, Chairman.
t. U TVltALET. . . ... ..... Eieeutlve Editor
JOI!?tC ItAIlTttJ........ .General Batlneta Manar
-- I.,., n.
I rubtlthed dally at rtattc Lzmm Building-,
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
.matt Cgs-nut. 1 . 1 . , . . . . Dread and Chertnut Streets
AiUxtk? Cm rmt-L'nfon HulMlne
Haw roamt. ....... ...... 1T0-A. Metropolitan Tower
Carcase .,81" Home insurant tltrlldlnir
UOdtojc .....8 Waterloo riace. Pall Mall, 8 V.
YranlSTO"e Bcaato Tn fan Dutxnnis
Nr Yojtj BcaxiC.... .. . The Tlmr liulMInc
IttuM Bcaite no Frle-lrlfhttraM
Lohpo DnutH ...... .. 1 Pall Mall Eat. H w.
PitlsBttuc .. .. 32 rtue Loula le Grand
scuscmrnox TERMS
Jr errlr. DjttTO-ttt, l eenta. tlrmall potraM
eutaid ef Philadelphia, except nhere forlrn potae
t reqolred. Dolt Osr.T, en month tn'r-fl4 tnt;
XMILT OM.T, one year three dollarn All mall tub
crtptloa parable In advarx-e
BELt, 3000 WALMT
KEYSTOM:. M.U.N 3000
W Addntt all communication to Eicnlng
teigtr, Indtptndenee Square, Dilladttphla
sx-rtztD it Tnt rnaicrtrim roTorrtcc as second
ctss Milt. MtTTU.
PniLADtXrillA. IMII)U, Alilli. 1ft. 1M3.
A. niggardly man makes a dollar do the uorfc
of a dime, but the broad-minded rtlfilain
of Industry makes It do the u-orfc
of a double eagle.
Do Not Delay the Hall
DISPUTE over the location of the conven
tion hall ought not to divide the forces
working to secure the next Republican Na
tional Convention for this city. A man can
favor the 24th and Chestnut streets site and
be opposed to the Falrmount Park site and
yot work earnestly for getting the conven
tion hero; and the men who f.ivor the Fair
mount Park site can Join with those who
oppose It In using all their Influence to get
not Only the next Republican conention, but
very other great convention, to assemble
hero next year, and to make this the favorite
convention city of the nation.
"We should all agree to disagree amicably
on the question of site In these preliminary
days while we pull together to get conven
tions here, and when the site Is finally se
lected the wlso men will let bygones be by
gones and help In rushing the hall to comple
tion wherever It Is to bo built. Tho site Is
Important, but an adequate hall is more
Out Goes the Public Service Commission
BANG! Out goes the Public Service Com
mission! The Governor is the biggest surprise pack
age drawn in the game of politics In many
a long day. No innocent lamb this time, a
pawn In tho hands of eNperlcnccd leaders,
but a great big American who thinks for
himself and nets for himself: a better Re
publican because he is an independent also.
"What the Governor intends to do about
the commission Is uncertain. Ills, with
drawal of the nominations of the present
members Indicates, however, that some at
least of them will be permitted to iptiro
permanently. That the new commissioners
will be men of Htrength may bo taken for
granted. It n particularly necessary that
they should be, so far as Philadelphia ' ia
concerned, for they will have the authority
to exercise a veto on the transit plans, and
before them, too, must come the question
"V -electric light rates.
Tho commission erred grievously In tho
rate hearing when it took the railroads Into
Its' confidence and Informed them in advance.
of its decision. Particularly lamentable was
its action in continuing to hold public hear
ings after It had already determined what
to do. This Impaired public confidence In
the body, although criticism of the commis
sion was remarkably lenient, duo to tho
.general feeling that It had erred simply In
Judgment. Nevertheless, the Governor's nc
tlon will appreciably clear tho atmosphere.
Ho Js a man to strlko boldly and without
quibbling. There are about him, in other
words, 'qualities which attract tho multi
tude and Inspire it with confidence.
Just One .More Evidence of Honesty
TWENTY-SIX men had been put out, one
had reached first by virtue of a base on
balls. Another out and the local pitdier
would hang his name in the game's hall
of fame, the pitcher of a no-hit game. Tho
crowd waited breathlessly to begin its dem
onstration in honor of the new hero. Crash!
The- bat met the ball. Pcnnock could not
reach the sphere. Lajole, with but a chanco
in a thousand of making the out, tried des
perately and failed. An Infield lilt! The
charm was broken and tho chanco of a
lifetime lost.
Lajote would have, been glad to take an
error. Hooper would willingly have been de
prived of a hit In the score. An easy con
science would have permitted tho scorer to
classify the play and glvo Pennock credit
for a no-hit game. "That'tr what ho will
do, of course," said hundreds of rooters.
But he didn't. Ho recorded the play ac
curately, as he should have done. It was
h place not for sentiment, but for fair play
and honesty.
Is baseball honest? Nothing Is to soma
The Country Without a Alan
HUERTA has good reason for feeling that
"anarchy" Is not a strong enough word
to describe conditions In Mexico. A veto has
been established on tho acquisition of the
Presidency by any man who Is strongly sus
pected of murder or openly boasts of com
plicity In wholesale lawlessness. Vet theso
ore the things through which men rise to
fame- and fortune In Jlexlco. Apparently,
there is nobody in that country who is quali
fied to be President, or ever can become
qualified under the civil service rules laid
dawn by Washington. No wonder that
Huerla feels a little pessimistic.
Lawless Destruction of the Dresden
THE British Government has apologized to
Chili for having sunk the Dresden when
that vessel was interned and at anchor
within Chilian territorial waters. Germans
claimed, It will be remembered, that the at-
E tack on the Dresden was in wanton defiance
of the laws of nations. The flag of truce
which the German cruiser flaw was disre
garded, wherefore her captuln. It appears,
lilew Hp the magazine, preferring this mode
of destruction to any other.
It makes no difference, of course, whether
the. pread en had accepted internment or not.
chill ha,d not requested British vessels to
Freiifjir$e Chilian decrees. There was but one
propar cfjurse for the English ships to pursue.
tl ljt v9 to waft outside for the Dres
den, it they felt convinced that she would
iu-eak her Internment in defiance of Chilian
..utkorlty Germany explains her violation
i tMtfmra oc the giound of what Berlin
Imagined Belgium might do if sho were, not
Violated. England cannot afford to practice
similar lawlessness and offer the name sort
of excuse In extenuation.
The difference In that London Is quick to
apologue. Nevcrthctcst., the destruction of
the Dresden In tho circumstances will remain
n black stain on England's Hag and a stigma
on tho record of the officer primarily respon
sible for the outrage.
Make the Majority for the Transit Loan
THE achievement of rapid transit In Phil
adelphia depends not only on a favorable
vote April 23, but nlso on the recording then
of a preponderant majority In behalf of the
ROOO.OOO loan.
All popular elements apparently arc united
In support of It. Yet enmity to tho project
has been so invidious and so subtle have
been the plans evolved to defeat It that vigi
lance continue.? to be Imperative. There aro
powerful influences which aro determined
that Philadelphia shall be a surface-car city
I and never anything cIsp. There aro other
interests Intent on defeating tho Taylor
, project and delaying tho beginning of oper
ations until such time as terms Ics3 ad
vantageous to the city can bo got. Precau
tion is wisdom at this time. It behooves
every friend of real rapid transit to take
nothinsj for granted, but go to the polls and
there vote his commendation of the project.
A huge majority Is requisite If Councils is
to ba brought to a realization of the determi
nation of tho people. A bare majority would
convince many Councllmen that It was safe
to trlflo with the proposition. An over
whelming majority will teach even tho most
brazen of them that the people's hearts are
set on this improvement and that they will
not bo denied.
It appears that opposition to the loan
amendment at Harrlsburg has disappeared
or Is dormant. Senator Vare, who lias been
more apt than any of his rivals In diagnos
ing public sentiment, declares that It will
go through. He usually knows what he is
talking about In such matters. Once give
tho electorate a chance to volco Its feeling
on the amendment and there will be little
further trouble.
The situation is very much simplified. It
has rCEolved Itself for the present Into tho
casting of a large voto To get rapid transit
the people have nothing further to do Just
now than vote for It. That they will do so
In overwhelming numbers Is assured.
There are two great things to be accom
plished by the election. The flrst Is tho
authorization of the loan and '' other Is
thn recording of a public mandato to
Who Will Reap the Ripening Harvest?
SUPERSENSITIVE persons who feel
squeamish about the sale of munitions of
war to the belligerents should not make tho
mistake of assuming that all of tho billion
dollars' worth of "war orders" which have
been placed In this country call for guns or
ammunition. We manufacture automobiles
and shops and clothing and underwear and
socks and hats, and we raise grain and cot
ton, and we distill gasoline and mine coal
and forgo structural steel, all of which ma
terials wo have been selling to Europe in
large quantities during the past eight
months. These supplies must be included in
the enormous total of war orders received
here since the beginning of hostilities. The
amount is large enough to raise our total ex
ports for the year to the usual high figure
of two nnd'n half billion dollars' worth.
Besides selling goods to tho belligerents wo
havn been lending money to them to pay for
what they buy. Tho money has Keen de
posited In our hanks and drawn upon for tho
benefit of American producers. All this
means that the United Suites is paying its
debt to Europe In some form or other, and Is
accumulating a surplus of capital with which
to enlarge its Industries to meet the gicat
demand that is bound to come when the war
is over.
Tho disorganization of many industries
abroad Is complete, and It will tako months
If not years for them to recover. But tho
produce of those Industries will bo in de
mand, and we are in a condition to supply
the demand. The business man who can
take a broad view of tho field will be the
man who will reap tho harvest now ripening
for every alert and courageous American
"Cheer Me! I Did It!"
THERE is a mistake somewhere. The New
York American, for instance, informs an
anxious public, In approptlate headlines, that
the "Liberty Bell will be sent to Fair on Mr.
Hearst's plea." Tho public Is told, too, that
"Mr. Hearst had the warm support" of Gen
eral Miles, Mr. Taft and a few other gen
tlemen. It appears, however, that credit Is not
everywhere given to Mr. Hearst, "Tho Lib
erty Bell goes to San Francisco. Tho action
of Councils yesterday assures this, and the
many and repeated pleas of 'The Press' for
such action are finally granted."
There are Phlladclplilaus who thought that
Mayor Blankenburg was of some importance
In the matter, or that tho Impassioned
oratory of Herbert Flelshhacker hnd an In
fluence, or even that tho plea of tho President
of the United States was not without effect.
But the truth will leak out, despite modesty
and retiring dispositions.
What are Braves to Phillies?
Are you a banker? Mr. Williams will get
you if you don't watch out,.
Holding office is Just dreading the Brum
baugh broom one day after another.
There ia a general feeling that the next
Becretary of the Navy will have a Job on
his hands.
Reports of war' between Japan and China
seem absurd. Why should Japan go to war
when It is getting everything it wants by
simply demanding It?
The Germans did no more to Mr. Pinchot
than Pennsylvania did, and perhaps ho was
as much at home In Belgium as he ever
was In Pennsylvania.
Doubtless there are Phlladelphlans who
never saw the Liberty Bell at home who
will insist on seeing it in Ban Francisco.
There are people who live in this city and
hav been all over the world, except that
port of it within our corporate line
Employes of the Dennison Manufac
turing1 Company to Run tne
Business -The Promise of Suc
cess in a Big, Bold Experiment.
IT MAY sound absurd to say so, but every
time a poor but intelligent man marries a
rich woman he repeats on an Individual
scale tho broad relations of labor nnd cap
ital. If that young husband has any spina
to him at nil, even his wife, in any moment
of trifling differences of opinion, cannot con-
vlnco hint that ho has not contributed to
their union as Important a portion as tho
wife herself. For a long tlmo tho laboring
man has vaguely felt nnd has sometimes
violently protested that his life and labor
aro Just as much an Investment In Industry
as tho money of the man of capital. Until
lately tho working man nnd a few ef his
friends have been alone In that opinion
Lately there have come signs that his view
Is b"lng shared even by the man of means.
The rich wife of Industry begins to'ackhowl
fdge thr position of tho poor but respectable
Tho Dcnnlsnn Manufacturing Company, of
Boston, makers of tags and other Indis
pensable?, have Just given tho latest and
most sensational token of the rise and spread
of this idea. Henry FoVd at one stroke
knocked In the head the- old economic sys
tem of bUMng his labor In the lowest pos
sible markt He rented a more liberal
system of his own. But he chose to retain
control of his business. The Dennison Com
pany have not given their employes extra i
wages in weekly instalments. They h.avo
given them the company outright, If not to i
have and to hold in its entirety, at least to ,
own It In part and to run It altogether.
They nsk every man In their employ to be
his own Henry Ford.
A Revolutionary Step i
The details of this new and revolutionary
stop In tho history of Industry have been I
made familiar enough by now. The rich ,
wlfo has deeded over not the whole of her I
property not mnre than a fourth of it but '
the husband is to run the house. To speak
in cash figures rather than In figures of
speech, the old stockholders In a J8,000,000
concern are to keep f 1.50000 worth of pre
ferred nonvoting stock, and the emplojc?
aro to divide among themselves $1,000,000 of
common and voting stock, nnd run the busi
ness. For various reasons this Is not an
abject surrender on the part of the former
owners of thf Dennison concern. It Is not
oven an outright act of charity, not a free
gift Something more than common hand
labor Is required to run the manufacture of
paper novelties. Most of the Dennison em
ployes are highly trained long trained In
the business and have served for long
periods of time. Even so, this stock it to
be owned only by those employes whose
brains have been worth at least ICOO a year
to themselves anil to the concern. But nil
the others are to share in the profits of the
business And to nil nf them Is held out
tho prospect of working up to a position
woith $1200 or more nnd to a volco In the
management of the concern.
In other words, for the first tlmo labor Is
recognized as actual cash In the purchase
of company stock. The energy of the human
hand has been made legal tender.
It Is a question of secondary Importance
whether this Is a practical economic scheme.
The matter of prime Importance about It Is
lis moral aspect. The question will It
woik? will be answered not by economics,
but by morals. Will those Dennison em
ployes work as-well when bossed by them
pelves as when bossed by men they never
see? If the Ford experiment Is, as the old
lady said, "any centurion to go by," the
Dennison scheme will work.
Work Worth More Than Wnp;cs
It Is a bold experiment, but tho man who
will follow Its fortunes without hope for Us
success Is not a man to bo envied. Even
the laboring man has come to sco that every
strike costs more than It ever gains. That
Mopping work in order to improve work Is
a poor method of Impinvemcnt is becoming
as clear n maxim as the Inflexible rule thtit
bilngs four out of the addition of two niid
two. We should long ago have f.cen the
Inst stilke If we had earlier seen tho real
reason why stilkcs occur. It is only on tho
Mirfaco that a strike occurs for higher
wages, or for moro liberties, or for shorter
hours. Tho real and deep reason why a
man strikes Is because ho wants moro
power. And ho hns been expressing that
desiro In terms of dollars and cents because
thoso are tho only terms he has been taught
thus far to understand. To resort again to
metaphor, tho poor husband has had spells
of getting his back up In defiance of his
rich and nrbltrary wife. Tho worker,
though without money, has had a persistent
sense of tho Investment value of his tlmo
and his labor. And tho strlko has been thn
only means a crude nnd repellent means
ArtKCONSTMJCTl'IJ nelglum, absolutely fieo
. of German domination, and a Delglan-Brlt-ish
alliance that will practically control the com
merce and Industry of Europe Is the tesult of the
present war, as seen by Charles Sarolea, one of
Belgium's foremost statesmen. Out of the tulns
of Liege, Louvaln, Mallnes, Aerschot, and the
scoreH of other destroyed cities will rise a
nation absolutely different In character from
the Belgium of tho late ICtritf Leopold.
For half a century, Doctor Sarolea sajs, Ger
many has deliberately planned to make Belgium
an economic dependency. In all this the now
stricken country acquiesced until It was as
necessary to Germany as any of the Confed
erated States'. It wbb, In effect, a German
province In every respect but Government and
the spirit of the people. German shipping and
trade were supreme In Antwerp. The trade was
nominally Belgian, but the capital was German.'
Ostend and Nleuport and the other coast towns
were the "ofllcial" watering places of the Ger
man middle classes. German tastes, patterns
and fashions were rapidly being Imposed upon
the Belgian people.
But now, everything Is changed. Henceforth
Belgian and Briton, Doctor Sarolea prophesies,
will walk arm and arm to commercial suprem
acy. Europe wlllwalt upon the trading vessel
of Belgium, and not of Germany. The vessels
sailing from Antwerp and Bremen will fly the
black, yellow and red of Belgium from their
stern Instead of the Prussian eagle, as at pres
ent The country already feels this complete
fhlft in sympathy from the Scheldt to the
English Channel, and even now the people are
looking forward to the rehabilitation of the
land. One paragraph quoted from the book
of pressing his claim to lecognitlon of the
value of his toll.
So the merit of the Dennison scheme. It
Is a frank and voluntary recognition of tho
Investment value of work. It Is a recogni
tion of tho fact that work, backed by fidel
ity, Intelligence and character, la worth a
little moro than wages. Something new has
been discovered. Somebody once discovered
thnt a useless black rock was coal. Well,
hasn't labor boon lying about us nil tho
while as a simple black lock, nnd may not
this Dennison experiment with it end in tho
discovery that th3 black rock of labor Is,
after all. coal?
And there Is still something .further to say
of the Dennison discovery. Any man who
has kept his eyes open to the llfo about
him must often have wondered why It is
that some men, who pay only the average
market price for their labor, contrive to run
their businesses for a lifetime without a
strike, while often other men In tiro same
business, perhaps paying even higher wages,
have had to fight one strike after another.
What's the answer?
Strikclcss Employers
The answer is that the laboring man wants
.nmething more than power. He has a deep
seated dislike of being thought a species of
being separate and icmoved from the being
who employs him nnd pays him wages. Tho
dislike Is so fierce that ho will even consent
to work for smaller wages for a man who
treats him as a man like himself. Every
strikclcss employer has this simple yet mys
terious power of getting along with his men.
Tliey like It well enough to tako It ns part
payment of wages. That's how much they
want It. New England Is full of businesses
that are owned and operated by men never
neon by thei' employers. And New England
has seen serious strikes fomented by that
as much as by a desire for higher wages.
There is another merit of tho Dennison
scheme. It acknowledges that an employo
has something moro than two willing hands.
Ho also has pride and self-respect. Glvo a
man bomethtng to own nnd his ambition will
work faster than his muscles. Thnt is tho
best reason of all why the Donnlqon Idea
ought to work. It docs not stop vith .setting
a new value to work. It sets a new value
to tho worker.
Though tliou .hoiildpt be going to lle three
thousand venrs ami us many times leu thou
sand cars still remember that no in.in loses
any other life than tills which he now lic, nor
lives any other than this which he now loses.
The longest and the shortest arc thus brought
to tho same. For the Present Is the same to
all, thou-h that which Is Past ia not tho samo;
and so that which Is lost appears to bo a mere
moment. For a man cannot lose cither the
Past or the Future; for what a man has not,
how can any one take this from him?
The Present Is Uie only thing of whfch a man
can be deprived if It ba truo that this Is the
only thing which ho has. and that a man can
not lose a thing If he has It not. Marcus Au
A bluebird springs upon tho ledge,
A lark sits singing in the hedge.
Sweet perfumes scent tho balmy air.
And life la brimming everywhere.
What lark and breeze and bluebird sins
Is Spring, Spring, Kpiing!
Paul Laurence Dunbar.
will give a fine Impression of the spirit which
animates the Belgians now.
"But more dlfileult," Doctor Sarolea writes,
"than the rebuilding of burning villages and
cities will be the rebuilding of the complex
fabric of trade and industry. And that'fabrlc
will have to be built mainly with British ma
terial, whereas In the past it was built mainly
with German material. It Is mainly with the
assistance of British capital that Belgian In
dustries will have to be reconstructed. Bel
glum will afford a splendid field for British
enterprise. The economic motive will combine
with the patriotic motive to send British capi
tal to Flanders. The conscience of common
political Ideals, the same Indomitable love of
freedom, will weld the two nations together,
and the British-Belgian Alliance will become a
powerful factor In the future destiny of
This Idea of the reconstruction of the com
mercial map of Europe seems logical In the
light of the developments of the war to date.
Almost as great a surprise ns the stoicism of
the Belgians themselves Is the wonderful ac
cord and oneness In the hearts of the stricken
people and their British guardians. The re,
latlonshlp thus formed was spontaneous and
undoubtedly will prove lasting. For Belgium
can hope for little sympathy from Germany
regardless of the result of th wo- -. ..
Britain has long yearned for a foothold on r
conwnonuu isurope. As a result of this
"alliance" Belgium will become at least a
strong a British dtpendency as it was a Ger
man. And Germany win find that the Scheldt
passage to the eta will hve to be paid for to
Belgium, and tht it will ever remain a source
of worry to tha commercial aspirations of the
German Empire, VICTOR H, IAWN, .
"Nowr m
(1) Century "Tho Fall or Rlso of Social
ism." (2) Current Opinion "Effects of the War
on tho Progress of Social Reform."
(3) Atlantic Monthly "National Effi
ciency Under Freo Governments."
(4) Forum "Collectivism."
EVERY cloud has Its silver lining, and
now that wo have fully grasped tho
shame and degradation of barbaric warfare,
our writers ato reminding us of some of tho
posslblo compensations which may result out
of tho present European conflict.
Tho magazines this month present nearly
30 articles on economic and governmental
conditions, and easily three-fourths of this
number consider situations as shaped and
affected by tho war. For though wc aro
officially and to tho best of our ability
neutral, the extent of the "woild war" Is
ho fiif reaching that wo aro compelled to
sliiu-o somo of tho hardships of tho belliger
ents In matters of trade, etc.
It would undoubtedly be considered crude
and callous to complain of tho hardships of
war as affecting all our Hock of summer
tourists, who will this spring bo compelled
to foicgo the accustomed European diver
sions. And yet tho most respectable and
conservative of magazines do not hesitate,
after an apologetic Introductory cough, to
point out the disadvantages and advantages
of tho present war to American trade nnd
Ono of the most noteworthy articles which
Uie war has produced Is a study of tho com
parative activity and efficiency of modern
governments in times of war nnd peace, by
Edwin Davles Schoonmaker, in the Cen
tury (1):
The present war Is probably tho most per
fect dcmonstiatlon of tho efficiency of Social
ism that the world has ever witnessed. Tho
tocsin sounds and the clothing appears: the
rifle, Instinct with life, it would seeni, leaps
to his hand; for the cavalry, the hoise with
bridle nnd saddle Is rcrfilv. Long tinlns are
In waiting, and with whut unimaginable con
eniewes! Kitchens, with cooks capped and
aproned: hospitals with doctors and nurses,
cots nnd bandnges, medicine for the least blis
ter of tho foot. A whole society Is In motion.
Comforts such as men dream of In their homes
are heie In abundance, ns though some magician
were abroad assembling out of tho air these
wonders. The ago of childhood has returned.
One has only to run to tho great father nnd
be fed with the most wholesome food and
clothed with the most scientific clothing, and
have poured out at his feet such toys as tho
heart of a child never dreamed of, swords and
guns nnd cannon of every description, trains
and motors, submarines nnd flying ships, search
lights for tho night and wonderful telescopes
for the day. And In what quantities! Usually,
when a plaything has been broken, there aro
days of deprivation. Not so here.
Man who was yesterday an oiphan Is today
a cherished offspring. Money or no money, he
Is cared for. For once his real worth as a
man is uppi eclated. This is the most astonish
ing thing about tho present war. It has made
of the miner, tho mason, the factory hand,
thn btreet car conductor an asset of such value
that, for the first time, it has become, with
no opposition even from tho capitalist press,
the tacrcd duty of society to see not only that
he Is well fed and well clothed, but also that,
at the public expense, he is supplied with doc
tors and nurses. And as he lingers between
life and death never a thought of who is to
meet the expenses of the burial, never the dread
that perhaps wife and children will starve. The
great father and the great mother will provide
for them.
Sooner or later. If the world Is to stand and
mankind ls to continue to advance, Peace will
hae to go" to school to War to learn the art
of caring for men. That divine altruism which
we see fusing In one great glow the armies of
Europe today will somehow have to be blown
abroad through the Infinite tomorrows. The
millions who In the trenches today see on every
hand the manifold advantages of co-operation
will not forever tolerate tho lack of this flno
thing In times of peace.
Knocking Down and Building Up
Analyzing tho effects of tho wur on social
reform in all the countries Involved, and in
H1I3 country as well, Current Opinion (2)
A great war, as we all know, sucks Into Its
maelstrom all other Issues, and the form In
which they emerge afterward Is a matter of
keen solicitude. What the e.ffect of the Euro
pean war Is to be on democracy, socialism, pro
hibition of the liquor traffic, etc., becomes a
more lively topic of discussion as the hopes of
an early peace begin for some mysterious rea
son to find expression. The first result of the
outbreak of hostilities was the submergence of
the Socialist propaganda In Europe, the militant
suffragist movement in Great Britain, the Im
pending labor upheaval In Russia and many
less conspicuous movements in all countries,
neutral aa well as belligerent.
It Is quite possible that the setback received
by the Progressive party la tne November elec
tions was due, In large part, to the same cause.
Militarism for the time being simply blotted
these things out of sight, all except the cause
of prohibition Now the Boclal reformers are
beginning to find their breath again. In Feb
ruary, the socialists from Russia, France, Bel
gium and Great Britain held a conference la
Londpn aa c.u4 their voices against "eYery
attempt to transform this war of defenu ints
a War Of cnnnUfBt wlilrli M-miM ..i.. - '.
now conflicts and create new abuses." P?mi i
uL?n1" wny t0 noId a Breat international 1
labor ronirrMo nt i m mm i.. .. "uu-a
the peaco congress that Is expected to be mi
py tho plenipotentiaries of the warring coua.'4
tries when the time comes for the cessation f I
the struggle. At the end of this month tnfcf
tcrnatlonnl congress of women Is to behelll.4
Holland, to voice tho demands of women IntU
countries fnr .. .i .. .. .-.. v '.. "3
Addams that "women of the belligerent coun-1
tries Will nlsn hn fliera .' ir .... ...
lllimf rlnfi. tl,.!.. -U....I a- i -.... .. I5
.... -.j ...w.i ..uauMuua mm laiirers. tbi
SDlrit Of llltpl-tmllmi-.il.;,,, I. I.. .. ...
,n, iii umer worov
once more raising its head In opposition to Hi
Sort nf lilltlniinllc.r, ...1.1. .,.. i...v"
,, " .1 ,r "". iiii u. ueicnninauon t4
limit tho war It could not prevent, and to taffo."
w.hju inu limn icrms oi settlement.
Autocratic vs. Free Efficiency
Dr. Charles V. Eliot, president cmerltm
of Harvard, compares tho contrasting type!
of governments opposed to each other In this
war in tho Atlantic Monthly (3). He con.
w.uui.-.-. mm. ireo governments are more
favorable to the development of efficiency,
in spue oi (..ermany's reputation to the con
Jloro and more, as "tlmo goes on, this wir
oeveiops into a conlllct between free institutions
anil autocratic Institutions. Of course, the I1
, . .. w. ...u,,,. .in nu iiuj- oi Trance ana
England somewhat shrouds or complicates this
fact. Ambltlpn and some stirrings to-'
ward liberty may have put Russia in Its excep
tional position by the side of two free countrlei
If now we tako It for granted that the qum-
tlon between fieo and autociatlc Institutions ia i
Europe, tho question of more public liberty, of 1
civilization developing under the forms of free H
government rather than under tho forms oi 1
autocratic government. Is the real Issue this wu i
Id tr rlfnl.1n I. liA,n..... ........ ......-. ....J-
.- .w ....... u,., ,. uovumi-o ix v.ljf lIllClwSUUK BlUOf .
ior nu me rrcer peoples how German efficiency
Is going to turn out In competition with sues J
eincicncy as the freer nations dovclop. Ger
man efficiency has been an object of ptiii
numiranon - but it is of a peculiar typi.
It Is an efficiency of administration. It Is tn
efficiency which takes hold of every child la
Germany at Its birth, and follows every youtn
and man and woman through life until data.
It is that very efficiency which has prevent
tho last two generations of Germans from
knowing anything about liberty It Is ia the:
Highest degree an autocratic efficiency.
The ficcr nations say, "U'o believe a mis
or a nation will develop greater mental capacity
and moral force with ficcdoin than without It
Our philosophy of life tenches that doctrlnf,
our history Illustrates It. our practice and ex
perience prove It." A brief review of till
sources of the Important discoveries and in
ventions which have made the industries othi
civilized world vastly more effective since MM 9
win convince any impartlnl person that tni
means of Improvement have come from the Mi
countries and not from the countries that are
despotically governed.
A brief paragraph In the Forum (I)
gesttf a similar thought to that developed WW
Mr. Schoonmaker in his Century artlclu: 'm
Not without amusement, it may be- note
that the war has produced some remarkable
examples of the possibilities of collectlylwt
Apart from the armies and navies of tn
tlons. and the practical nationalization of thej
railroads, tho different governments In mattw)
of food, finance, commerce and even labor, h"
shown that the possibilities of collectivism are
striking. From much evil a little good may'M
collected. If the people will learn their leHca.
titey may ue able to teach lessons In the luwri-.
From the Kamas City Star.
"Soven commandments" for the guidance efS
people who live In tho city have been lisuedWi
the Brooklyn Tenement House Committee.
They are reprinted here because an op(f-j
van ce of them will keep away disease. !
death and malco people happier, more coira
foi table and contented.
Thou shalt honor thy neighborhood and kJ
u cican. i
Remember thy cleaning day and keep W
wholly. l
Thou chnlt take care of thy rubbish 1
eise tliy neighbor will bear witness awy
Thou shalt keep In order thy alley, thy t0
yarn, my nail and thy stairway,
Thnu Rlinlt tint Ia tfin .. lt A ttv hraed.
Thou shalt not kill thy neighbor by itTwHwfJ
nre menaces or by poisoning the air who i-,g
l.lsll ntlil pnrhnixA .1
Thou shalt not keep thy windows closed. (Wj
and night.
We shall meet but we shall miss him.
There will be one vacant chair;
We shall linger to caress him,
While we breathe our evening pray'
When, a year ago, we gathered)
Joy was In his mild blue eye,
But a golden chord is severed.
And our hopes in ruins lie.
At our fireside, sad and lonely,
Often will the bosom swell
At remembrance of the story
How our noble Willie fell;
How he strove to bear our banner
Through the thickest of the flsht,
And uphold our country's honori
In the strength of manhood's mljot-
True, they tell us wreaths of glory
Ever more will deck his brow,
But this soothes the anguish only
Sweeping o'er our heartstrings nor-
Sleep today, O early fallen.
In thy green and narrow bed,
Dirges from the pine and cypress
Mlnrl with tli l.in nra idiad.
Hearr & Wfl