Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 16, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7
WfmgSSSSSSSSSSmSSf - -nsrr'---Tr-,"',r w v- - -" , r-wmri- - - ygpgr-TjPpqji y ''" ' JI'MW"' ltfe "a j ' w i IS f . WTT EVENING IEBaBll PHIUADEL'PHIX VeIDAT, 'APEIE 1G, 1915; BUYING BUSINESS INSURANCE Some firms employ advertising with one motive, and some with another. Many wish immediate sales results; others are looking more to the future than to the present. But, whatever the purpose, the firm which en ters upon advertising with a clear understanding of just what that purpose is, and which works toward it earnestly and skilfully, will succeed. And sometimes you will find that advertising brings not only the result you aimed for, but other results as well. The Hamilton Watch Company of Lancaster, Pa., had for many years made high-grade watches of extreme accuracy which were sold chiefly to rail road men. In 1911 the company had a production of 300 watches a day. It had just completed an addition to the factory, and began to make and sell smaller watches for the general consumer, in what is known as the "12 size." These were sold at from $28 to $150.00. The company decided that this was an appro priate time to become a national advertiser. Accord ingly, after careful preparation, a campaign was started in various national publications, and backed by thorough follow-up work on jobbers and retail jewelers. One of the officials of the company says: - "We went into national advertising not with the thought or aim of increasing our sales in the im mediate future, but more for the purpose of bringing our name before the public in a way which it had scarcely known, and to lay a foundation of business insurance for the future." Nevertheless, direct results came. Within two months the sales showed a marked increase on the "12 size" watch, which was the one featured in the advertising. Within a little more than two years, during which the advertising was steadily continued, the company was oversold on this size of watch. The demand was so heavy that letters were sent to all jobbers and dealers, asking for the return of any unsold goods so that orders elsewhere might be filled. They were able, however, to get back only eight watches! By April, 1913, not only was the demand for the "12 size" watch greater than ever, but a very considerably increased sale had developed for the railroad watches, which had not been featured in the advertising, but which benefited from the pub licity given to the Hamilton name. By August, 1913 in spite of another factory addition the company was again oversold. In 1914, in spite of general conditions particu larly affecting railroad men, the sales kept up, not only on the advertised line, but on the railroad watches as well. It is significant that in 1915 this company is using more and larger space in The Saturday Eve ning Post than ever before. But direct returns are not, in the eyes of the Hamilton Watch Company, the most important indications of the value of advertising. This is the broader view which the company takes: "We have received very favorable returns, not in quantity or volume of sales directly traceable to it, but rather in the interest which our advertising stimulates. "Speaking generally, it has been our policy to endeavor to create a greater efficiency within our manufacturing organization; naturally, to acquire a larger field in our sales organization; and with the combination of the two to offset the increased higher cost of labor and material. "We have sold our product on a strict price maintenance basis; and have given greater value right along in improved construction, etc. "We thoroughly believe in advertising, and be lieve in it as a very vital factor in reducing selling cost, which ultimately means a gain to the con sumer. And to repeat, "We went into advertising to lay a foundation of business insurance for the future." THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY r INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA HI i iv . MA 1 The Ladies? Home Journal The Saturday Evening Post The Country Gentleman "ntnriii.iiiii! r-air unim.Mm, I iniim.1 " ' '' '' nWi ff"Y" i iTi ,,i Huir.iM' ; .mini i , i j