.mJiPWmi tllUIIJIPpi EVENING LEDGER PHIUADELPHIA', FBIDAY, 'APRIU 16, 1915; fln 13 Amateur BASEBALL AFFAIRS SCHOLASTIC NEWS JESS WILLARD'S STORY OF HIS LIFE tjfin ii4injawi'if wfUPJ MAN'S PITCHING STAFF SHOT TO PIECES; 00D AND GREGG 'DONE' Boston Players Admit Bad f rendition Leonard Also I Said to Be in Bad Shape. I Sox Must Depend on I Corps of Youngsters. f.. ..omnkv" Joo AVood, liero of tho : iu world's series between thr Bed Sox MOIUM. and Venn Gregg, tho wonder U .outhpaw of a few years ago, "arc ff' .h" as big league pitclicrs Is tho flptolon of the members of tho Boston I'V'ot only dW one member of the team Lt thl as his belief, but Jnmos Lan tern, owner of tho ned Sox, udmlts that fun'! alio ''I' hcllcf' I'n' says that f K.m It a chance of Wood coming back. tJ. 1. hnii nbandoned nil hope of Vean Irtitt ever being nblo to hold up his f S The latter has been sent back to ,M. "" . anorlnlUt. fSESi .. with the team In this city, but k..y-, .tenclfnstly refuses to regain Its .nth. Wood became 111 while nt tho 'tfilnlnit camp In the spring of 1914, nnd ttm of little uso to tho tenm tlurlnp tho 1 1 tire summer Toward tho close of tho nd the fecllnc was piovalont that ho iould be tho Wood of old this year. oi-Hitf nfter arriving In tho South, (wood's arm started troubling him. Ho itould not regain his speed nnd had little .., tr hrtllnvn.l thnt tlm nnrnneBm 1-m leave the shoulder nfter working eot for a few weeks, but Instead It hns Strewn worso. His arm In now apparently 'In os bad shape ns George Chalmers' rm.ws during the 1013 nnd 1014 seasons. Gregg" was obtained from Cleveland In a. : trade lhat sent Coumbc, Ben Egnn nnd tlUnWn Johnson to Cleveland In the mld- it bf last season. It was thought that this Undo would mnkc the lied Sox n jenti'ant contender, ns Gregg was consld- tred.a wonderful pitcher, but lio failed to Mow good form with Boston, t This soring Gregg's arm has refused Lte respond to treatment nnd nil hopo has ftuen 'given up of his playing again. To make matters worse for tho ned Sox, P'Dutch" Leonard, lending pitcher of the 'American Leaguo last season, has also ran docs not believe that Leonard's arm nlll keep him out of the game for many divj. but Harry Smith, of tho San Frnn- tdco Chronicle, wrote, as far back as the hnlddle of February, that Leonard had fhurt his arm In n game played for the Denent or uuiueiuer vjnanoy ovvain, a Ptclflc Coast star who lost n leg In nn tutonjobllo accident last winter. According to tho story published at the l time, Leonard went Into that game with fro practice, worked too hard nnd strnlned Phis arm. Eddlo Burns, of the Phillies, tni In tho same game, ns wero several tether major leaguo players who winter on mo cousi. With Gregg out for good and Leonard tnd AVood indefinitely, tho path of the Red Sox will be n rough one. Deiiend. fenco must bo placed In Gcorgo Foster, Ernl Shore and nay Collins, certainties. and n Carl Slnys, "Babe" Ruth nnd Ralph Comstock, youngsters. Whether this stan will bo able to hold tho Bed Box up In the race Is problematical. Cnr- Isrljan is fortunato to have picked up two "rood. PESX GOLFERS INVITED TO JOIN YALE CLUB'S TOUR Thirty-day Trip to Pacific Coast Con templated This Summer. . An Invitation has Just been extended to t the University of Pennsylvania by the lnc teachers, students. memtmrR nf tlin tlumnl and their friends to join tho New I Haveners on their 30 days' transcon tinental and Pacific coast golf tour next June, The Invitation Is extended to golfers onlv. nnd n. similar one lins been BKitended to sovernl other Eastern unl- KTersltles and colleges. Tht golfers will leave New Tork on RJuns 26, and the trip to tho const will Btakt Seven davs. sevnr.il Rtnn-nVAm hp. Ring made on tho wny. Ono car of tin .Denial train Will .n rocruc frit. nnll.M girls-duly chapcronod. Jinny automobile tours have also been planned. f Stops will bo made nt Chicago, Denver tnd Colorado Snrlmrs. nnd Ihft nrnirrnm .Includes tours through tho Pike's Peak region and a visit to the Garden of tho Cods. LAmone the LTnIvrsllv of Pnnsvlvnnlfi Jtudents who havo already signified their Mention of accepting are Clement Web ster, captain of tho golf team, nnd Caspar ftjownsend. Wt Matches have been arrnnced at tho fol- lowing clubs: Tho Clalrmont Club of vtkland. tlin nl llnnlo Onlt nnrt Pmm. try ClUb nt Mntil.mv tlio TlraaMIn f.ntt K!Uv ot. San Francisco,' tho Sequeyah Golf v.uu oi uaniand, tho Marin Golf Club of PSn Ilafnnl thA T nm itii,.).. On,,.,... lU0, the Altimnnitnln fr..rw mill. nn,l IS1 Uldwlch and the San Gabriel golf .uu, oi rasaaena. IlEADINfl 3IIDDLE AVEST B RIITFn iv mi alt tlt.avc Teams From Ton States Will Strive Mr Championships nt Des Moines. i Excpnt Vnf.. Tnn.. .... i ii ... i-"1""6 "lay team from Ohio to Wyoming -- .luiwi ot Aritansas win compete -C0tTOW ln thB blK 'adlum at Des It,'- "' u". in me annual urnite rc flvT'n states wl b repreaented. and iff.?,.?"1 timo tl,e University of Mloh i""wH "nd n team. Other newcomers Su V,urdue and Colorado, while other in- tnv I on tne Program to compete are ("fake, Iowa, Amra, Chicago. Illinois. ortawestern, Wisconsin, Missouri, Ne Itp 2?.' Kan5s und Minnesota. E5I j lctlon3 " made that at least one Ktl. Lhat ot tl,e 'our-mile, now held gr ftorthwestern-wtU be broken as a re Ki'J ' 'he meeting of an unusually ps uona or mile rumiere. B OPTION ON FAST TROTTER Nanew rntr n . n .,i t. t. , ,, .,.u.crrun, Sau, will tie itacea : uncer Townsend Colors. ri "" " -"" ". nTT, iT' on ancy McKerron, 3:10; L? fast rt:,l,ht.- i . .... ,., Cham , -O...W. w wid .u.iiicr nuiwa t. immare' Nancy Hanks, :, and a.r bo raced under his colors next 7 S' nccrdlng to advices from Lexinsr 4 V:Y; Although the noted champion. K itT a e nnd hearty at Hambourg Place trT 8.6 of a has tnree other daugh ifi!t ? ancy has always been con iih 7 the fatet of the family and a il'Cn-ClaSa StuIc1 nrn.n... R?1? WU traln and race this mare for K .Jownsend Is not yet known, but $t &,.. .oa lna win be fflvcn every ldkKr.un,,y for a '"t record. Other gUtcra of Nancy Hanks at Madden's IL&CS are NaHnn XTalraln a.A fJani.v KSW. ' "-"- P Mayer Falls Before Cutler JASEW vnnv . , ....... ifiS",; .?K, Apm ja-AIbsrt O Cutler. Bo,ln H.tlUrdlit I U.i li bUiu in hi, i; Joljb'iIvr. th 'iutu.plontibiu or A iiui a twt Lor i 19.Z CSIK-UIW D14I0A wiBntr ot (ua linarl.-a fuller rtA ktr by 000 to 4ST. "c "1 Sstcrestlajt nt.j .T rm . Townsend. the New York trot IsS, "'wthPilMt and president of the ilShen (N. Y.) Driving Club, has taken J" Option from John R HTnririsn nf Ham. Dfillrv ! LJHW w ?c ma ni. v(4uca w " i&M waaroy. J011X McdRAW'B VWW Of "RUBE" TURN AND NOW John McQraw, on February 1"1 don t core whether Marguard Jumped or not. lie fell down badly last year, and 1 doubt if he will ever 1om,. ?.cfc' Thc Vcls arc welcome to him." John McOraw, April 16 "Rube W(iif;imfd.t icorfc opnlnsi Urooklyn yesterday beam out the statement I made last fall that he would be f,,ic ywxKd of old this season. I he Rube is going to have another Wonderful year." What a difference a change of teams docs make. Everybody was glad when Marquard jumped to the Feds last winter. A'oiu they are all pulling that "I told you so" nr-gument. RAIN PREVENTS PHIL GAME; NEW YORK NEXT Alexander May Pitch Opener Tomorrow Against Giants. Moran Pleased With Showing nOSTON, Mnss., April 16. Rain caused postponement of tho third gnmo between Pat Moron's peppery Phillies and George Stalllngs' Oravca here this afternoon. A downpour started before 12 o'clock and shortly after the noon hour It bocamo evident that ovon It the rain stopped the contest would havo to bo called off be causo of wet grounds. Tho Daisies, Jubilant over their two victories against tho world's champions, spent tho afternoon packing up their be longings at their hotel. Then they boarded Pullmans headed for Now York, whero Moron's men will open up n four gamo series tomorrow afternoon on tho Polo Grounds. Mnnngor Moran said he was greatly pleased with thc showing of his plnyors In tho first two games of tho season. Ho also doclnrod that tho Quakers wero playing together not attempting Indi vidual play and for on that score ho hopes to havo tho Phillies up on top fight ing for tho pennant until the bell rings In October, i Although either ltlxcy or llaumgartncr arc duo to appear In the box for tho Phillies next. It Is probablo Alexander will bo sent to tho mound ln tho opener against tho Giants tomorrow. Moran did not say whnt his pitching plans for tomorrow wero. However, Alex likes work nnd plenty of It, nnd nothing suits him belter than romping off tho green sward with the scalp of Muggsy Mc Graw's men. CLABBY-GIDBONS FINISH BOUT Curley May Match Star Middle weights in Havana Ring. NEW YOIIK, April in. A flnlah flint bf lucen Jimmy dabby, tho Ilfunmoml, Tnd., demon, ami Mike aibboni. the Ht. Paul "wrallh," Ii Ihe matchmaking on Jem or to day ot Jick Curley, promoter nf ihe Jolition Will.irt! natlciUTx. Curley would llkn to aUga the flitht at lUvnr.o, bellolng tho Cubans are now tetil ilsht funs. SOCCER CLASSIC ON MAY 1 Brooklyn Celtics to Play Bcthlehcms at Taylor Stadium. nirriU.nilEM. Pa., April in.-The Natlnnnl Challengo Cup ilnal, the nntlonnl soccor cla sU. In to be staged In Taylor Ktadlum, at l.olilijli UnhersUy. This word has been ro celod by the llethlchem management. Tho tlmo pet Is Jloy I, and tho contestants will b the Brooklyn Celtics and llethlrhetn. Tlio ofllclaln ulll be U. C, Utmble. Uoaton. ror ww, anil C. li Crclgliton. .Now York, and James Welders, Philadelphia, linesmen. Leach Cross Defeats Mohr Ilpporto today from Waterbury, Conn., toll of a smothering defeat by Leach Croaa ot Walter 'Mohr, of Brooklyn, In 13 rounda thero loat nteht. Mohr started on the OKsreaalve, but Croaa had him covering up tho remaining 14 rounds. MARTIN VS. CLARKE AT QUAKER CITY A. A. Southwark Welter in Scrap Tonight Houck Boys Seek Lightweight Matches. Terry Martin. Southwark welterweight, vetoran of nbout 15 years, will participate In tho stellar scrap of the Quaker City Athletlo Association's weekly stag to night. In combat with Jacklo Clarke, of Kail Itlver. Mass. Joe Bradley will mnko his debut at tho I6th and Dauphin streets arena In one of tho preliminaries, and a. largo delegation of Tioga fans will bo on hand to sea their favorite perform. Ho meets Eddlo Cavanaugh. Tho program follows: rirst bout Tommy Dunn, North renn, v, Teddy Vernon, North I'enn. . Second bout Eddlo Cavanaugh, Kensington, v. Joo Ilradley, Tioga. , Third bout Eddlo Uurke, 17th Ward, . Johnny MorKan. North renn. Betnlwlnd-up-Tommy Jtcllly, North renn, b. Joe Walsh, Bouthwark. Wlnd-upJackla Clarke, Fall Itlver. t. Terry alartlu, Southwark. Harry Diamond, of Southwark, is work ing out dally and his manager, Johnny Lockney, Is confident his man will inaki a much better showing the next tlmo he goes to the post. Diamond had a long lay-oft before meeting Franklo McManus, one of the cleverest featherweights In this vicinity nt the present time, and Harry's Judgment of distance was way off. Ha Is anxious for another tilt -with tho former Bostonlan, now of Camden. Tho Houck boys, Willie and Tommy, are each after the scalps of the best light weights local promoters may get for them. The latter fought as a feather weight until recently. Frank Foley Is handling Bill's destinies, and he wants to match Willie with Jack Welling when the Chicago knockout artist arrives here, Bobby McCann, BucS Fleming, Mickey Gallagher and Jimmy Murphy, a quartet of local boxers who are fighting In win ning style of late, will each appear In preliminary bouts to tho Gus ChrUtle Young Ahearn fray at the National A. C. tomorrow night. The last named will meet Johnny Martin, a New Yorker, who has been fighting well In the metropolis. Following his knockout victory over Young Jack O'Brien. Willie Moore has been receiving offers from all over the country, Hi manager, Billy McGonigle, Is dickering with Jimmy Johnston, match maker of the St. Nicholas Rink, for a match with Jock Brltton. McGonigle i U claiming the welterweight championship of the world for his protege. Olympla A. A.s patronage will witness a tough bantamweight In action with Louisiana when Jimmy Taylor, of New York, clashes with the local lad Monday night. Taylor boxed here last year and proved himself a hard hitting and aggres slve youngster, After drawing down about J20O.00O In America since winning the lightweight championship, Fred Welsh Is now willing to defend his title. There is no chance of a championship bout at New ven. Conn. It I probable the Briton will meet Willie Ritchie-, Johnny Dundee or Charley White at New Orleans. Bam nobldeau, ot this city, will make his return appearance In the roped arena, next Tuesday night at the Broadw.y Bportlng Club. Brooklyn, In a ground bout with Frankie Callahan. Robbie Is Uo book! to box Walter Mohr. of Brooklyn, nt Bridgeport, Conn., next Thursday nUht, KELLY RUNNING THEM ALL OFF PENN RELAY TEAMS NAMED FOR EVENTS IN GREAT CARNIVAL Trials in Varsity One, Two and Four-mile and Fresh One-mile Races Held Be fore Big Crowd at Frank lin Field. Four of tho teams which will represent tho University of Pennsylvania In tho Quakers' groat relay carnival next week wero picked today at noon, nfter a series of very Interesting races. Tho ttlnls wero held for the varsity one, two nnd four-mile teams and tho freshman rcl.iv quartette. At tjielr conclusion floixuh George W. Orton nnnotinced tho learns ns follows: One mlle-J. S. Meredith, D. F. l.tppln cott, J. 6. Lockwood and Frank Ivnuff man, with It. 11, Ferguson, substitute Two miles Peeso. Balcom, Hepburn nnd Uorsey, with Hartman nnd Stout ns substitutes. Four miles Humphreys, Colton, Dp Korn and Koelhen, with Houston and Sweeney ns substitutes. Freshman one mllo Hohfeld, Scuddor, Laggren and Zutter, with Miller and Nenrlng, substitutes. In tho trials for tho one-mile tenm thcio wero only live starters, I.lpplncott, Kauff mnn, Lockwood, Dorsey nnd Ferguson. Tod Meredith, tho Intercollegiate qunrtor mlla champion, was picked for this team without a trial. Lockwood won this race In easy style, with Kuuffman second and Llpplncott third. When tho llrst three mon saw that they hud their places won they didn't exert themselves. Ferguson ran n good race. Tho tight was pretty keen for the two mllo tenm. I'eeso won by three ynrdH, with Balcom and Hepburn almost abreast. Hartman finished fourth, but Coarh Orton announced thnt Dorsey, who Just f.illcil to make tho one-mile team, would be the fourth runner with llnrtmnn and Stout substitutes. Harl Humphreys won the trial for the four-mile tenm with Colton. DeKorn, Koethcn and Sweeney Mulshing In this order. In tho freshman lelny Hohflcld was the winner, with Rcudder, I.aggern nnd Gut ter making a blanket finish. Coach Orton didn't announce any times, but said ho was fairly well pleased with tho results. All of theso men nro now on the training table and will work out together until the races next wcok. There remain two medley relay teams, but thoy will be selected next weeic irom tno men who qualified this morning. MISS VAUCLAIN A WINNER Philadelphia Girl Wins First Two Places in Brooklyn Horso Show. NEW TOItK, April 18. Brooklyn paid al. leKlance to ths horsn last night, when tho -Id anrual horso show of tho Hiding and Driving Cluh opened, to continue, for the remainder ln tho harness classes Miss Constance Van claln. of Philadelphia, whose entries made notable wlnnlnns In tr-a Oorden event, took two tlrst places with her chestnut mare, the Whip. Tho owner droo In tho class for harnss horses to ladles' phaetons, ladles to drive The horse did not show well at tho start, but had an edge on ths other two contestants as re gards behavior. Ths ssmo horso repeated tho lctory In another clsss a few minutes later. WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY AMERICAN LEAQUE W,L. Pet. Win. Lose. Chlcano 2 0 1,000 1.000 ,667 Athletic 1 1 .500 .667 .333 Washington 1 1 .600 .667 .333 Cleveland 1 1 .500 .667 .333 Boston 1 1 .600 .667 .333 Dotrolt 1 1 .600 .667 .333 New York 1 1 .500 .667 .333 St. Louis 0 2 .000 .333 .000 NATIONAL LEAQUE Phillies 2 0 1.000 1.000 .667 New York ..,..,, 2 0 1.000 1.000 .667 Chicago 1 1 .500 .667 .333 Pittsburgh , 1 1 .500 .667 .333 Cincinnati , 1 1 ,500 ,667 .333 St. Louis ,,, 1 1 .500 .667 .333 Brooklyn ,,,,.... 0 2 ,000 .333 .000 Boston 0 2 .000 ,333 .000 FEDERAL LEAGUE Brooklyn ......... 4 1 .800 .833 ,667 Chicago 2 1 .667 .750 .500 Kansas City ,.,., 4 2 .667 .714 .671 Newark ,.,,,,,,., 3 2 ,600 ,667 .500 Buffalo ,,,. 2 3 ,400 .500 ,333 Pittsburgh ,,,,..,2 3 ,400 .600 .333 St. Louie ...,..., 1 3 .250 ,400 .200 Baltimore ,..,..,, 1 4 .200 .333 ,167 TODAY'S SCHEDULE AMERICAN LBACJUE. Boston at Philadelphia, clear. Ksw York at Washington, clear. Cleveland t Detroit, cloudy. Chicago at St. Louis, clear, NATIONAL, LBAJUE. Philadelphia, at Boston, rain. Brooklyn St Nsw York, clear. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, rain. 6t. Louis at Chicago, cloudy. FKDKRAL, LEAQLIJS. Baltimore at Newark. cr, Pittsburgh, at jUo. tloudy. ttnly caa scheduled; today. MAMATEUR 7gq WdLdALL 0n The Tashlana A. C. would llko to arrange Rutuen ulth llrst-ilnns teams. In or out of town, having grounds nnd paying a reasonable guainntee AddrcBS U Oflllam, -CCJU Tasker street. The Chapp A. C, the leading traveling team of the Northeast, has a row open dates. In cluding April 17, for llrst-class home teams offering reasonable Inducements. The Chapp A. c. Is nnxlcu. to book gumes with such teuniH ns Frankford. Indians, Jackson A. C. Herbert A. (' , WlUwood nnd the 15ist I'hlln delphli niiuits. Address Harry C. Smith, 4IUU LUiut Thompson street. The Aramlngn A. C" , formerly tho Tioga A. C, has nrganl7ed for the coining season, and has one oi tho strongest ir,-lJ-fiar-old teams of the Boston. AMU travel or pluy at homo and pay half expenses. Tho team will line up as follows: McLoughlln and Walker, catchers, l.jnn, pitcher; luin, first base; Cox. second base; Armltagp, si.; UllllnKton, third base, Koclln, left Held. Drummond, centre Held; .Mnrsdon, right Held, and Lang, first base. Ad dress John JJrummond, 81.'- E street. Tho Good Samaritan A. A. wishes games with any 20-j car-old team pajlng full expenses for ID men Address William Merrltt, K0 liast Westmoreland street Tho McDowell Church team Is desirous of booking games with any amateur church team, noma or awa). Addrcaa Ueorge Miller, 2410 North mil street. Tho Ilrldesburg A. (,' , a first-class traveling team, desires games with clubs In Pennsyl vania and New Jersey offering a fair guar antef. Would be pleased to hear from Hyeis 1J. .'.. Wheat Sheaf K. C, I'ern Hock II. C. or any other clubs of this cIhss. Address Joseph 13. Uepman, 4irl Richmond street. North Side Professionals ar open to meet any semlproiesslonal homo team from Phila delphia. Pennsylvania, Now Jersev or Dcla vvaro having April IT, 21 and May open, .. Uould like to hear from teams pla.vcd Jnst seaton. Address John J. Hoover, 20.13 North American street. Hell, Kensington .'lu'JO. Mnson A. C , the little champions of South Philadelphia, would llko to nrrango games with nnv H.,"i-j car-old learn, homo or away. Ad dress Harry Livingston, Hu3 South Juniper stret.1. The L'plan.l A f , of West Philadelphia, would llko tn arrange games with any 11-111-rar-old tenm for Saturday nrteinoons. Tho L'plind w'll travel or play teams at hnint. Address William mion. U12T Upland btrtct. Tho T. F II. Cluh, of Oermanlonn. has re organised for tho coming senion Wlih Ufa managing and coaching of Harry A. Mengert. a former member of the Itoston Nationals, a winning tram Is evident. Have secured home grounds, and all lS-lU-ear-old traveling teams desiring games should communicate with Harry A. Mcngcrt, 4527 Gratz street. Strictly flrst-clsss homo teams wishing a live-wire attraction should book St. Andrew's. Address John Klrcher, 3145 North 24th street. Cliveden A. A. would like to arrange games 'With 18-20-year-old uniformed traveling tesme for Saturdays In April and .May, Address Stephen Whitby, 127 East Upsal street, Ml. Airy, Coopervllle Professionals, a fait 18-20-1 car old team, would like to hear from teams ot this calibre offering reasonable Induce ments, Havo May 21), ill and June and July open. Address William Snder, 2102 North Falrhlll street. Tulpehocken. Germantown'a premier travel ing nine, whose wonderful achievement of winning 13 games out of 21 played last sea eon against teams of the calibis of Logan. Keasby Matllson of Ambler; Potter, Chestnut Hill, Garrett Hill. Norwood, Mt. Airy. Ger mantowii and Htenton mined for them tho sobriquet of Traveling Champs," will be nut strong to defend Its title this season. Tlu management has moat ot last ear's plavers In line, and has filled a few vacancies with flrst-clssa material. Managers of all semi professional home teams wishing to place this attraction on their calendar for either Satur days or Hundsjs, address Hill Kalbocker. 4414 North Cleveland avenue. The North Philadelphia Grays are on ths dia mond this ear, and will be even stronger than TEMPLE UNIVERSITY TO MEET DELAWARE Track Season Opens May 15, Interscholastic and Intercol legiates on Same Day, Present indications point to May 15 as a gala day for athletics in Delaware. The Interscholastic and Intercollegiate meets scheduled to take place at New ark promise to bring out an array of tal ent seldom tetn In this part of the coun try. Temple University, of Philadelphia, and Delaware College hold their annual meeting on the track. At the same time the Delaware Interscholastic meet will take place on Frazer Field, i Governor Charles R. Miller, a sport en- Hiuaiuai, rttis occn eciecicu a uu Hon orary judge. Whatever the Chief Execu tive says will go ln his decision of win ners. The Horse Bhow Association has yet to decide on a date for the annual animal exhibition. It is thought that May 15 v. Ill also be the day selected for this classic Tomorrow afternoon will mark the opening ot the Church League in this elty, and on the following Saturday the Wilmington Leacua will launch its an uual baseball campaign. BUT HIS OWN Inst jear. when thev won 22 out of 27 ganies, also winning tho ih.imploii'ililp ot North Phil adelphia fiom N'ln liiun II. (.' Would llko to hear from nil homo tennis. HUi'h ns Clifton Heights, Potter. Itlverton, l'nlmra, i-.gg Har bor, Swedcnboro nnd nil llrxt-clutn teams of this tnllbro offering reason iblo Inducements Address Charles Simon. ;1721 PulnsM avenue. Tho Udouanl Professionals havo datrs In April and May open ror nil selulprotcsstonal homo clubs In Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersev, clubs the cnllliro of PhtlllrnhuiK, Lebanon, Pnrksburg. Camden C'ltv. Pitman, hvvrdc.l'oifi, iitrlx. Stetson nnd others paying fair guarantees. M-inngor (irnef hns In his llr.A-up some of tho best mateilal In the city, and hopes to mnkc them nil bustle. Address A. J. Graef. lis West Susquehanna avenue, or phone Hill. Kenilngton 31142 A. Tho Imperial Travelers are now rrad to meet any tlrst-elass tenm 20 venrs 'nnd ounger. Would like to book gumes for Apill 24 and Slav 1. Address Alexander C. Stev enson, Jr., 1110 Callowhlll Hreot. Tho Kxcelslor It. i has organized a fast traveling team for Iho corning season, nnd would like to book games with 14 to 10-j ear old untrormed teams In Philadelphia, lieln ware and Now Jersey ralng half expenses South Carllslo street. to, ,u uirii vtuuiets e ruiicis llOKuel 2,-1 U Tho Jasper All-Stars would like tn nrrango games with nil 17-your-old fast uniformed teams In Pennsylvania, New Jersev nml Dela ware. Address David Weller, 22(!1 Noilh o)0 street. The Folcroft A. C, a fist Independent elub of Delaware Counts, would like In hear from I . n. 1., Southwark. Steimn. Ilrldesburg. Mi. l"liire A. c. and any tlrst-class Ham desiring sn attraction. Address Joe Kvun, bhaion Hill, Pa. Tho Germantown Bosk' Cluh Juniors would like to arrange games with teams of II venis 'Address Ucrinontown llojs- Club, 23 West Penu street, Germantown. The Pennsylvania Illacks would like to ar range games with teams ln Pennsylvania and New Jirsei willing to pnv a re.uonnble cuur aniee. Adilree I. C Derger, KS.11 .Master Btreet, Philadelphia. Northwest lloss' Club lias organized a first class baseball team and 1 desieous of arrang ing a gamo for May I Address J. Selbold. 1227 Market street. Philadelphia. The Trankford Indians wool. I tike n nr rance games with llitt-class teams Lining dates In Juno and July open and offering h rcasonanblo guarantee. Write lo 'ihnmns r. Arthur, 4.113 Tnckawannn street, Frankford, Pa. The C It. vvneeier r. c. is ran 4lv en met llg ltsj achedule for thn hp.,boii iinrf uai pitting lin schedule for the season Iko In hear from Hrsr-cLiai. i.nntH I enm- llko. In hear from tlrst-class teams In Pcnnivl uld van a and New Jersev nlAvlnir K.irorrinv anri Sunday liaseboll. Address C. H. Wheeler K. v-., in rare or t uomaa j, street and IChlgtt avenue. Callaghan, 13th The Glran! Reserves held their first outdoor practice game yesterday with a victory over the Keyeiono F. r. Manager Oetlnger lias n,ade a complete change In the club und tho majority of last year's team has been replaied by better material. The Cllran! Keservea are a first-class, fully uniformed traveling teiitu, desiring games with teams In Pennslvanl.i, New Jers.y or Delaware offering a good guar antee. Wrlto to II. Oetlnger, 1000 North Ilan dolph streot, Philadelphia, The rtosedolo A. A., of Hammonton, N. J , would like to hear from teams offering u fair guarantee. Address D. J. Errera. llammon I en, N. J, 'ihe Cramp A. A. haa completed arrange ments to meet llockdale. of aien Riddle. Pa.; ilelroso and Atlantic City. Tennis of this callbro desiring games and offering a fair Inducement communicate with It. 51. Simons. 232d Kast Indiana avenue. The Marshall F. c, a fast H-13-jear-oM team, Is desirous of arranging games with teams having grounds and offering a fal guarantee. Address M. Urenner, 1)07 1'llbert street. The f.oretla club Is fast filling lis schedule. T.mJ. df JlrA'.'s ean, write to C. R. Wegan, B01S North 81st street. The Helm F. C. wishes lo arrange games with flrsl-claas teams In Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware. Write to George Charl ton, Belrne Field Club. Hit Richmond street. The Rockland baseball team, a 17.18.year-old ?.r?fi!U '?'.. I""8 ?. Write (a Thoniaa R. Hill. 1S33 Master street. Havre de Grace Race Entries and Results Havre de Grace Entries First. race, for 8- tar-old, selling, ji, fUr. io'T ,A,n". 1. . Scorpion, un, sVldet. 108; Jem, 107: Star of Love. 10B: Kazan. i(W; Antiseptic. 1(53; 'Jets. Jr.' 110; ttViliiS: Second race, for 4-year-olds and up, slterlo ehaie. selling, about two miles tWooltei. 135: FrIJolee, 140; Mr. Snlggs, WS;' Ruckl'horn. li Humility. 138: tOarlsr, 139; Dstrav, lio My Fellow. i0; dwanux. i.3j fUyltlS'tlgbt. 150. Third race, for 3-year-olds and up. handicap. 5 furlongs Uclamour, 112; Aldebaran. lit Jn5?l5'.15?'i&'v L-unardtr, 103; Qlno.' feres a, IWOfld. 97: 'Boxer. B7i v,aiiv. .vi, 'I Any jneraid Uem. 103; Sherwood, 107: 'Kewessal Ciinardrr. 112. ci utiur riu. 103; iirave Klfth race, fol furlonas Bob 1 Balden 2-year-olds, eelllnf. 4 r"y ,, 1f?Jfrn& lV. Jiroonunraw, Mau,.i, 4vo; -ueovie- woman, ius Edith Olga. llSjTgVIU liuh, no. Orme Head; 110; Balflsta, 103: IsldleT.. 108. Sixth rect. for 4-year-olds and up, sslllng. a furlongs The Rump, 103. Bolals, 103; Royal Meteor, 103: Ancoa. . 103; BceUlrwar. 103, Tlr Jim, 103; Stonthenge, 100. llogsr Oor don 103, Carlton, O,. 108; WtjgeralU, 103; Clarlbel, IM. Louis Travera. 103 Piogrtta lve. 108; 'Fred Ievy, 101. 'Hulda's llrolbers, 100; the Busybody, 103. Gordon RusttU, US. Bushy H4.d, 103; Hwah. 108. Lord Mar tjiall. 108. Five pounds sppreatlve silowsaee cisimed. Ten pttsBd pprenth sJlowanuj clalmtl. JVes-ttveasaUrt track Ust. BOBBY MORROW TO MANAOK MOllOAN. EXGIjISH CHAMP Featherweight Will Endeavor to Cap ture Kilbnno's Laurels. Hobby Morrow, local tight manager, and IM die Morgan, feathrnelht champion of Ung land, reached definite terms hero this morn ing nnd the latter signed up to right under the l'hllndelphlan's management for the next threa jears Jimmy Johnatoti, of New York, formerly handled Morgan's tltMlnlrs. The clever little llrlton. who gave Champion Johnny Kllbano two or the Imtilest llRlita of Ins rareer at the National A. ', rn enily. nld he would lrao tor Kngland Wednesday ftom Nnv York Ho will rest up nt hU home In Johnny UuII'm domain nnd again visit the Htatea In July. On his return to America Morgan will en denor to get Kllbnno Into thc 24-foot ring In a match with the tltlo at slake liddlo eas that ho Is confident ho in whip tlin ci eland champion In fight of SO rounds duration FRANK BAKER IN GAME HERE TODAY? MAYBE l l Home Run King lins Left Trappe; Left Baltimore. 1 May Be En Route Here. Frank linker may ho seen today In nn Athletic uniform nt Shlho Pnrk. If not I 1Mb afternoon, the chnnccs nro thnt thc 1 "retired" one will ba rently hy tomorrow I to Ret back Into hnrners nnd take his . stand nt third base for the Mnckmcn. . An effort wna mado tills moinlnR by the I.venivo Lunocn to get linker on tho i telephone At Trappe, Frank's home, It I un.M learned that ho had left town. A touvorantluii with one ln close touch Willi baseball nffnlrs in ll.iltlmoro revealed the fact that Bnkcr hnd been there, but linA left tho Mnrylard metropolis nlso. Ther foro, the supposition Is thut J. Franklin Is already In this rlty or Is rapidly ap proaching on a north-bound train. After llakor had conferred with Ira Thomas and Connie Mnck, Wednesday, ho nnd Mis tinker left tho city. It Is a 10 to 1 shot thnt lie slopped oft nt his liumo on tho way to Baltimore to mako tho llnal itirnnBements for the transfer of his movable worldly Ruoris lo l'hlla dclph "i for the senton. Purine; tho playing seasons In former .v fin a Halter hns rented a houso on Cum berland sired, near Shibo Tnrk, so that he might bo In closo touch with his man tiger and teammates. All of the real ctntu agents of the city could not be reached this morning, but It la certain that pomo enterpilslng vender of dwell ings has convinced "Hake" that ho lias just tho thing In houses for him. No matter whether llaker comes In today, tomortow or Slonday, this much can bo stated cettalnly when he does come ho will Jump Into Ills nov baseball tluds tint! assume his former duties Im mediately. Tho icturn or the mauling Mnrylnndcr means that Mack will have lo revise his batting order. That, how over, will not bo a matter ot great dllll cultj. The order In which the Athletics hnvo been hitting In tho lost two gumes with the lied Sox was entirely experi mental. As soon as Maker gets back Into Iho box score he ptobably will be placed nt his old position on the olfunse tho clean-up fourth place. That would neces sitate other changes, which would likely ho the removal of Oldrlng back to second place and l.ajolo pushed up to the third notch Connie Mack will have his constructive worries reduced to his pitchers niona when Baker gets In the line-up. HEAVY SCHOLASTIC SCHEDULE FOR TODAY Interacademic League Also Plans Busy Day Central High Pitchers Going Strong. Today's Scholastic Schcduli Tenlrnl High lit Cntlinllo High S linnl, Northeast High School nt West I'lllln (lelplilik High. i:plMeniul Acilflenvy nt I'etin Clinrter. (.crmAiitnvvn Acadeiuy nt rrlentU' Centrnl. Camden llllth .School nt Cliellenhain High. llrnvvn Prep at Vlllnnnva Prep. Ambler High nt .lenklntown High. Ciermanlovvii High nt De lainrey Hehool. Oeeiin City lllgli nt Winchester Trep, l'nttstoivii High nl .NorrUtoivn High. I'lillailelphlu College ot Osteopathy at St. Joseph's. SCHOLASTIC I.EAOUU STANDINa, Won. lost. T.O. West Philadelphia High 2 O 1.000 Northeast High 1 n l.onn Central High I) (i ,i' Houthtrn High 0 1 .(Oil Cathollo High O 2 .0uo INTERACADilillC I.KAOUK STANDINO. Won. Lost, I'.C. Oermsntown Academy 1 n l.uoo Friends' Central 1 n likhi uplscopal 0 1 ,000 I'enn Charter 0 .000 Two Scholastic Leagues and as many In teracademic League games nro on tnp this nftcrnoon. Central High School will pluy Its initial contest in the llret-rnetitloned organisation with Catholic High School . n the Inttcr'a grounds, while Northeast High School will travel to West Philadelphia High's Held for a match. The Specdboyd are leading the race with two wins. In tho Interacademlo circuit Kptscopnl Academy will Journey to Queen Lane and inoct Penn Charter's nine. Both teams wero beaten in their first league gamu. Germantown Academy and 1'rlenuV Cen tral, tied for first place, will line u, ngulnst each other on tho latter'a dia mond. Although Catholic High School was de feated in both of Its ScholaBtlo League frays to date, the Purple and Gold bats men camo back in great Bliapa against De Lancoy School. They walloped Armstrong and Johnson for u total of 17 hits, which netted 19 runs. McIIugh was touched up for 11 hits. Barels and Sheppard displayed corking form on the hillock for Central High School when the Crinuon and Gold pitch ers held tho Hill School pastimers to live lilts. None of the blngles went for extra bases. Barels walked six men, while Sheppard allowed two free passes Football and basketball managers have been elected at La Salle College. Gilles pie, of the former team, and Toner, of the case squad, expect to start negotiat ing for games in tho near future. Toner Is playing a dandy game ln the outfield for La Salle's nine. Two games between the baseball teams of St, Luke's School and Chestnut Hill Academy have been arranged to decide which Institution haa the best nine for the season. In the event of a tie, a third contest will be played May 28. Sixteen games in all are on St. Luke's schedule, and Coach Olllinder is of the opinion that the Wayne boys will come through with llylna; colors In a majority of the matches. Captain Holden's corkins work with the stick and a general rally by the Southern High School batters enabled the down towners to score three times In the sev enth and last Inning: against the Art and Textile nine, thereby opening its season at home yesterday afternoon by an 8 to 7 score. Thomas and Frank4 twirled for the South Phlladelpblans, while Ooed pitched fur the Textile cojs. BRESSLER VS. FOSTER IN TODAY'S MACK-SOX GAME; BUSH'S OFF DAY Shawkey Probably Saved for Opener With Yankees Tomorrow J o e Bush a n d Wyckoff Pitched Poor Ball Yesterday. When tho Athletics nnd Hcd Sox begin today's clash at Shlbe Pnrk to decide the present series It Is probable Cnrrlgan will havo rosier or ituth on the mound, w'hllo Connie Mnck Is almost certain to start Hubc lltrsslcr, ln view of Iho fact that his southpaws hnve always been cffectlvo against tho Boston club. Mnck's plnn seems to ho to B.avo Dob Shawkey for tho opening game with the New York Yankees tomorrow, wlilch means that he must depend upon Brcsslcr to tnko tho tnlnl and deciding contest of Iho series. Wilbur Davis may have a ciianco to work In tho Yankee series, but not ngalnst tho Itcd Sox. With tho lied Sox doped out ns the Jipimntit winners of tho American LoagUe this seaFou by thc majority of fnnti nnd sports writers, thc nntural thing for Mack to do In to capture every gnmo possible from hi super-cultured opponents. Losing yesterday by tho score of B to 3 evened up tho Itcd Sox series with the) Athletics, nnd, its only three games are to ho ila;. rd on this occasion, today's nltalr will ho tho deciding Issues. Tho second K.'unc, that staged yesterday, was tho direct antithesis of thnt played nn Wednesday. On the occasion of the, first meeting of the Athletics and Ited Sox the pitching of Ponnock nnd his rival, Bhbr.e, wiib superb. Yesterday tho hurllnff .was worse than mediocre. Joo Hush, who began for tho Athletics, did not got warmed up to his task nt nlf. Nearly every man who faced I3ush had threo balls pitched to him, hence tho next would cither result In a pass of a base hit. v This vvlldness on Bush's port caused his removal from tho gnmo nfter he 'had pnssed two men In the flfth. Boforo that period of tho pastlmlng tho Red Sox had scored two runs while thc Athletics had not been nblo to negotiate with the' plate, with Ituy Collins pitching almost perfect baseball. After Flush's dethronement, John Wel don Wyckoff (owner of the WllllamspOrt Taxlcab Company), strolled to tho firing line. Wcldon pot out of thc hole left htm by Bush In the fifth, but the Itcd Sox began to get next to him In the sixth. In the seventh Weldon, whoso nllns r is "Scoop," was lucky to get away' with only ono run scored off him. A pass and threo hltH represented thc offensive move ments In thnt session. Wyckoff nppeared In tho eighth as thoiich ho had found himself, but. he spoiled everything In thc ninth after. "two men were down hy walking Trls SpeakeV, A hit followed which put Speaker oh third. Tho pnlr of runners started a double Htent, nnd McAvoy used poor Judgment in pegBlm: to second when neither Lujolo nor Barry was playing in for the abort throw. The result was Hint Speaker counted nnd the oU gamo was gone. Another run Hollowed on lloblltzd'a lilt, hut tho one by Speaker, was enousli, for the Slacks could do nothlns with Miijs In their half of tho list ft ante. BINGLE AND BUNGLE IN DIAMOND DOPE Itubc Miiriiinrd cm .'eel his name ln the pitchers' "hall of fame" when ho twirled a no-hit game against tho Brooklyn Dodgers In his first start of tho season. Kvcry member of thc Now York staff, ns It Is constituted at present has twirled.1' a no-hlt game at some time in his career, with the o.ceptlou of Fromme. Matty has twirled two and Tesrenu ono In the major Iragues; Chalmers twirled ono in the Now York Stnte League; Bubo Schatier In tho South Michigan League; Perrltt lit tho Kitty League; Schupp n. the I. I. 1. League, and Fred Cook, at Columbus, In tho American Association. Duffy Lewis' skill at tho hlt-nnd-run piny yesterday got tho Boston star Into the headlines of tho morning papers. The lilt and run is such a rare thing nowadays that a successful play la loolted upon ns iinuMinl, and still they will) say that tho old-timers could not play ball.. Ten or 15 yenrs ago a niun who could" not hit with the runner could not stick In fast company. Nuwndaya thero-are few players who can do it. Benny Kauff, tho demon slugger of the, Federal League, made a triple and two singles out of threo trips to the plute and scored threo runs. Benny has a fine start toward tho batting championship of tho outlaws. Dick lloblltzel's hat played an impor tant part in tho defeat of the Mackmen, and yet two of Hobby's three hits were ot the scratchy variety, being fly balls which fell Just beyond thc Infield. Trls Speaker mado his llrst hit of the season In the seventh Inning. Speaker had not hit safely In seven games. In a three-game series with the Beds Trls hit only two fly balls to the outfield, Cincinnati won tlnee htrulght In pre scuson practice from Detroit and two out of three from the Bed Sox, and then fell before the rirates on opening day. A strango "Jinx" follows the Beds oil, opening days. In 18 years but two opening-day ganvs havo been jvon by the Beds, nnd tho Pirates havo not been beaten lu nn opener by Cincinnati since 1007. ; The Detroit-Cleveland game was a re markable affair lu one respect. Cleveland got five lilts off Dauss, but three of them Mere doubles and another a triple, whlle out of seven hits mado by the Tigers threa were triples and one a home Jim. Ty Cobb nnd Sam Crawford are at it agnln. Crawford made two triples and Cobb a home run and single off Bill Steen. Ty also stole a base. It was said that Frank Baker would be subject to a heavy fine for not report ing to the Athletics when ho returns to tho game, but this Is wrong. Baker had a clause In IUh contract which per mitted him to retire any time he wanted to, and he can also come back when he sees fit. In these days of contract Jumping a Frank Baker la too badly needed In or ganized baseball to fine him for not re porting. Baker Is at least not a Jumper, and If Junipers can return without a .fine. Why should Baker be fined? Harry Harper, Griffith's youthful south paw, Is either very good or very bad, as Is usually the case with left hauders. In the training: season he struck out con secuttve batsmen one day and came back three daya after and walked II men In five Innings. Yesterday he struck out the first batsman and walked the next three, and then made a wild pitch. Need less to say he was taken put at once, World's Gunning Records Broken " raiCAaO, April ie.-Two world's recorfe were lowers! ln the National Amateur At I. Utlo Union awlnualnii chanvpioasblos liti nliht. Tho 100-ys.ril event' wes uOy AT C lUltbet. ot the Illinois Athletitblufii h 612 5 fmconds, clipplivz, one -fl fth o( ee.onj from the record estsblUbv-.l L ljuke ty,,)., , uiolau in Sen Frsn.-lxoo July -i. tKti 1 . , -, Molllira of Chl.-sgo s ei ,nj .. j Nl'hoUui Nerrnk s Yorit ' i ltHrl, H OsllUnfB ii J Jl , , llo(UllUni WOO the 400-. ir.1 n , ploi'shlg (or th llllnoU Aihl. n - iu , nilriut 45U-& eceaOji cuuIur tve 4i hi auKund from the record by b .1. in r ia'avy York AUllee CluC ln.ji u ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers