Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 16, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11
It rEAILROAD SUPPLY STOCKS SPURT SHARPLY UPWARD EXCHANGE SEATS IN DEMAND EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 1G, 1915. EQUIPMENT SHARES MARKET LEADERS rnhrtorts of Expected Heavy v guying by Railroads Helped This Group. ...if voWf April 18 Today's market . ...(.. Wacpat of them nil Between tho r r-rinsb shorts put out In yeBtcrdnj's S' !J..iori and the licnvy demand from out- .Ma sources, tho market advanced to . 2 hlsh territory for the ear mid. In rfi since the reopening of the exchange Pi in December Trading m some mocKs an ln .-..-....I.. nYdteil. nnil tho ndianees & ESome liuea wore" o extensive as to a? i,... comment Offerings, of securities f from abroad and prollt-taklng sales at i ,. hlsh levels hnd very llttlo effect on .. J! nernl market, although some parts tc inu B i.pnThlav nrAimrl mid. J , operation8 during tho morning sea on were at the rate of moro than a Million and a half for tho day. in int. rest today switched to tho rall- Kroid equipment shares nnd advances at Ltlmeswcro violent The Street In general rinsed Its belief for tho change of In- p ..fjjt to llieso ISBUUa UU lliu i,r,uii cnac Mhs railroads of tho country were nbout to inter upon n ii ".", ..." u. ill clawes of cniilpmcnt would bo do-v..4it. 5. Ti,e widest movement In this group of S leeurltlcs was In American Locomotive, uhlcll followed US advance ui iicnriy tun enlntsvcstcrtlav with a gain of 18H points :. h nnrtiliiK. tho first sale being re- 1 corded was T.W shares nt prices ranging frOm W IO 0 inuiltllliih rirn ti,,,,,. ,uiu,n Dirt at thf same Instant on ilirfcrent Ides of tho crowd on tho floor. 'I his ivlatlon was follow etl oy n nreait or n points In a few minutes to B6i, the stock liter regaining some of Us loss In con nection with the rise In this stock It was rumored that tho company had received nrHi.ru for shtapncl at from $30,000,000 B" to 1(0,000,000. It was admitted by officials It- . ik. nmnanv thnt negotiations for war W orders nro under way. Later In tho day there was a report mat a contract lor US 000 000 had boon closed bj tho company with the Russian Government Other reports had It that the contrnct amounts to neatly S70.000.000 nnd that on their amount thcro wll lprobably he .i profit of about IB per cent for tho com pany. Tlio delivery oi mo supplies win li over a period of threo ars Tho termination of the war would havo no effect on the order. Other equipment Issues which were prominently in the limelight were Railway Steel Spring, with a gnln of nearly 6 points boforo noon, 5 points ln Pressed Steel Car. S points In Westlnghouse Klec- litrlc, 3 polnt3 in American Car and Foun- rnrvi HIlll CH1I.V o PUillin ,,, ut,iu,,,i, ajj.v , motive, aTu nil ui tuc-au K"ii3 wtiu iiiuuc i In tho llrst two hours of trading iThe market sold on in tho atternoon Jisslon, but good buying was not on tho 'declines. Activity wns not ns large ns In tho cnrlj session Particular pressure was eiertcd ngalnst tho big inllroad Is sues, such ns Baltimore and Ohio, Head ing, Union Pnclllc nnd Lehigh valley, of ferings being large it wns mougni mat a large amount of the stock placed on the market was for foreign nccount, al though It could not be denied that thcro was a considerable amount of homo llqul 'datlon for quick profits. The railroad equipment shares held pretty much all of the advance made In the carlv session New York Air Brake gained IB points, but lost some of this, and Republic Iron and Steel wnfi pushed to the foreground, tho common at One time being up nearly 9 points and the preferred moro than 5 points. '.Declaration of nn extra dividend of $j by the Interborough Rapid Transit Com- .'pany, which Is conti oiled by the Inter borough Metropolitan Companv, was tho Elcnal fnr nrtlvllc In thft common and r preferred stocks, which became strong after having sold below the final of yes terday befoic the announcement of tho extra distribution The market rallied at the close, losses being regained" throughout tho majority of tho list. It was niino.um.ed that $400,000 In gold had been received from Rotterdam by thu Ouarantj Trust Company. This mnkes a total of J7 400,000 of tho metal brought In yln two days, $7,000,000 having been en- , gagea in uttawa yesterday for shipment to New iork Presumably tho $100,000 which arrived to day was fm German account, and thero was a steadier tono to Relchsmaik ex change It 1.4 tlln lullof tlmt fllp.qn Iwn ,J(ihlpmcnts are but the forerunners of turiner imports in the nenr future. New York Stock Sales Low ,,., Last clow. High nMika i.nin M .. ."..- ..... .. All.ri "" ' ,0 "H All!.Cha1mers 14 104 I4l Am.-Ch,lmcrspr ,,, ", 2 Am Artfk.mu.i 1. ... :r II." i :- Y''"""-".' lS ki Client pi nm lieiu H?ar. 02 Abl W IU Am Brakes. Fpf....i,v,u 131 A ;an--; OH .&'i Am Can pf t sij uu .S ,9ar ri' SIM 69U Am toal Products ..... uu ou Am Cotton Oil ti) o'l'i Am HldoiLiather..,. (jH 0U Aralllde A.Leaptef.... 24H ;," American Ice a4 $l( a!U n'" ', n'i '3J Am Unseed pf 3315 u! Am LocomollTs 40i '8 Am locomotive pi i6 10 Hi Am Malt 1 4 Am Smelting 72H "..if Am bmcltlng pf 10.5 l(ji5 Ambugar lost Ui" Amtieei houndrles.... 32 H .S 3 J Am icia 1CI mii 12 H 122 01 in ' 08)5 :.5 99 0 (H M :2 11H am Ml It) 4 close. mi '0 !2i 7rvi f0 tH iV( 130 8H ton LO ,1U D). 35! aw 13)i ;u!t fly 4 72M 10 iM 104) 10wl( 110 lOOtl Am Tobacco 230 2J.1 23J 2.UH nuijoupinew 1U015 107 107 107 Am Woolen SOU 21 20H 21 Am Woolcnpf 821i bj t:t 81 Anaconda Copper Mi Mi u :;,1 Attlilson lOJh 102 1 UJ 102)1 AlchT&bl'pf yq uj 01 0' Atlantic Coait Lino.. ..110 10U 108 10S Baldwin Loco 47 6UJS -,8'j 40 I)oltlmoro& Ohio 70!i 7l5i 7(1 70) lloltln ore &. Ohio pf .. 70! 71J VO1! 71 Datobtlaj Mining '.. 1 l)i 1 m Ucthlchem htecl la.! 140 133 1'6W nethlelicm htecl pf Ill 111 HI HI llrooklyn Union Gas ...12US 1J1U UIJj 13DJ lliookljn ltap lun. . . ul'a lij'l V'l til '5 UuttcrlckCo 32 32 o2 3.Ji CaU'etroleum 18 L0 lb't 18'j CaU'etroleumpf 45 i 40 40 Canadian 1'aclUc 108' 100)1 1L8U lC8)i Cent Leather Co 38Js ,l' ,)t5 Ml Cent Leather Co pf ...10J lOJla 10! 10ol Ches&Ohlo 40W 47 -0 40 ChlnoCoppcr UH 45 4.1H 43t Chic ft Great West.... 12H 12) 12M 12M CblcogoUtWcst pta.. 3IW 31 31 31 Chic Mil & St 1' 0J)i ViU OJ 015S Chic ft Northwest 130 130V 129) 12JH Chics go It I & Pacific . 3UU MH 100 100 33' Ml Cluett Feabody prof Col Fuel A. Iioa Consolidated On 125)1 127 Continental Can 0J Continental Can pf ... 04) CornProducts 14 Corn Products Itcf pf .. 77 Cuban-Am bugar 5s Dcn&IlloOpf 11', nistllluabccurltlcs .... OJi tile 28X Eilclst pf 41$ Eric 2d pf KcdM&Spf General Electric ... General Motors .... General Motors pf. Goodrich Co G teat Northern pf.. .. .15h .. 3D ..151 ..lit) ..102 fllU 02 14)5 78 0J in O'f 28'i 45 JbM 3D loJH H5)i 10J 62) 30)1 100 3dJ 120 01 Wi 11 77 59)! 14M OU 28)a 44 355 1 30 lol 143 Hill 100 35 120 02 04 'i 14 CAMBRIA STEEL REACTS AFTER EARLY ADVANCE Another Wide Advance Estab lished in Baldwin Locomo tive Lake Superior Active. Vor a time todnv Cambria Stee) was tho leader of the louil market In point of strength nnd artlvil) Tills was espe cially t-110 in thr early dealing, but In the afternoon piolH-tnklng sales appear ed nnd the price reacted to nbout parity with Inst night's Uoe Tho rlso In nil tho inetnl shores wns the stimulat ing fnctor, there being no particular new 3 to account Tor the special movement In Cnmbrln Nevertheless, tho old story of n merger with the Rcthlehcm nnd l'onn svlvniilii Htecl Companies was revived with nn ndded touch In the way of In cluding the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company for good mensure Tho name of II C. Prick wns ns usual connected with the deal Hnldwln Locomotlvo continued to climb Into new high territory following tho rise In the Locomotive shares In Wall street The quotation reached M. the highest prke for 1915, nnd within two points of tlm 1011 top Tho stock seems to bi cnrce, despltn poor buslne's and slack 01 dors, so that traders thus far havo ex pcrlcnud llttlo dlfllcultv In ndvnticlng It Lnko Bupcrlnr was nnothrr attKn spot on the Philadelphia exchange. During the llrst hour iilone ovpi 4000 shnirs changed hands betwwn 0 nnd & It Is undeistood that tho liquidation of tho holdings of this stock liv nn estate me still under wii.v, but tln demand around 6 secnn good The recent lapld riP In the price of Now York fitnek i:chnngo scats has led to some Inquiry in to tho status of Phll.i iMphln Stock i:chnngo memberships bo far ns ran bo learned, tho asking quota tion has been advanced from $1000 to $1500, with tho best bid remaining un changed at $.i:oo Tho volume of trading In this cltj has Increased In sjmp ithy with tho nctlvlty In New York A fort night ngo total snlcs averaged nrotind SfiOO shares Slnco thon they hnv1 ex panded steadily until esterday thoy got nbovo tho 12,000 mark. ' i TRADERS RUSH TO BUY JULY WHEAT OPTION PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Price Closed Two Points Above the Opening America May Control 1915 Market. 01) MM 0t lb)! 44 35) 3 lb 151 143 .120K 121K GieatNotthern Oro. cts Mii 40) tMi 40 120 .8)1 8)j COTTON AT NEW HIGH NfW -ortK, April 10 -Cotton opened tody this morning 2 to r, iiolntu lilgher, ln nympathj null tho markt ut Liverpool, vrlilih opened higher on trado buying. Ocr min 1ioum local Interests and Wall street Musbt here but there wai a good deal of I013C llnuldatfnn Unnt limiHAa nml .nulhnrn. ert also mid, and the list quickly declined to around last night's closing prices On tlio till May rose to lu cents, n new high price, and October 10 IT, also the best for the season. Yes Open- II 11 30 2 10 close, inir. a m. a.m. p m. lid'. 0 117 turn . 10 07 10 24 lO'JO 10 2 . 10 31 10(1(1 1CM1II 10.7.! 10 T 10 711 10 81 10 RS 10 SO 10 84 10 03 low iinn 10 U2 J0 8T .... HOT ll.OT , . 60 .121 05 75 10 0)i 4 15 30) 25s 60 123) ;u JL 12D G3! 65 iu 41 4.') l'J Di ri U'i 3'J 2)i 10 20)i 2o 50 601 120 Mii 60 100 20 72V 10 3Uh 1 15 30 123h 12.11 .14 . 5) I42)X UJ 221 2J 121 08) 61'i t2 3U5 42h Wii 4D 8. to 14!i 35 10)i 2l.h Mil 8U l.iM 35 )5'- 034 112 121 I) 2 105) 105 111 18 00 15!, 05)j kSh 2Wa lOlh May . , July ! October . December January . March .. NEW YORK CURB Brtden l!,d; gr-Am Tobacco old 17 fttfJ?,.,1." w J?.. --w-wiii , ona ! "?, .' una prefne-Cananca Asked Hfci UVj 18W 111-1 31 1I-1U 17 J Ul 8 JH 5Sll 110 P , ,.Jioe M fc.V ri Rales .no1 Flevaior I 1J !J,lk-Hainan ,. . 7J Tob Products ".'.'!.' 1 1 ,'".'' 1 1 H7 iJInlted Clgur Stores 100 tin!r'l War Stores P'd 110 yorld Film .......! 3)1 uVon Gold . ...............: 2fi ', MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAII STOCKS Sf Butler jirah Ext Montana. .. . "!! ";"'"V." Joaopah lie! ... ..:....,..; .lonopan nt Tonopah Merger VUW4I4U aim cue Euli Vt End ' ..; Atlanta glue Bun '.." Sh a n i? . . B Combination Xra'c 'lorence Kl'intM Cons sw'"V"eid aie Et i aOUJIFBLD STOCKS.' 1)1,1 . ,6U . HI . HI . . . .4(1 . n -( : a;0 : Hi 7-' idtielJ &lirir-i I1ni.it. ' .Z"'" Klnania Bt Jnd Ken Jl'lVer Pick I": Irv A( Ktmhpiu ' gsfada mil"" ppaaa Wonder MISCELLANEOUS. ,. .41 .. .03 ,. .41 .'. .03 . . 03 .. .13 .. .02 .. .Oil . . .HI 11-16 .. .28 ..1 JO :: : ? .. .it .u i .02 . !m i luo Asked .b'J u JH Jt .41 u J4'I 7. .13 .la .U .ut 44 Ut .ui .13 Ul OS UO ' 1 7a 12 .04 .OU a 2 00 f NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NV?W vmL.- -ii i .. i -.. iSt7.n,r,"r'iTiuiiiu" 1"."1 'rlsi fUne ,hotU advanced ot 2 to 4 points. Today's Yes'day Marrh opening. ... ;:'.: ;: .:::. :. mta ..16.13 . 7.20 sK? m, IB1... iiepHmber SUr , . . , m: ' 'Bli. tOtlered ..T33 , I40 7.30 close 7 6IB7 t U07QO.0U 7 hfir.iit ?Hp 7 3T6T 3H Sajea. 4000 bags 57 4J J7 4 S7 31 SToa 15 (5 85 15 b.l 87) 26 104) 1 55 73 KJ'JJj lOb'.i 1 13 -2Vi t. d'Jij 0 110 10U)f 13' 1 it : i 11' .n ) lo 2.) 121) 08 . 6L"i fcj 40 2l 10) 41i IIjU 8Jh 10 !i 35), -54 .lij. 112 122 121 12H 10oh 15h 00 10 Gtincenhelni KiDl'n ... 68U Intllarv NJ 101 101W 100 Interboro-Met 21 22 10i Interboro-Metpf 7JJ International l'aper ... 10 Intl'aptr pf JO IntSteamrump 2) Int Steam Pump pf ... 0 IniplrationLoppor .... 30 Kan City boutliem .... 21 Kan City Southern pf Kresego Lack- fcteel Lako Erie . West cref. I tUlch Valley 142b 141 Ucsett & Mrs Tob Co. .2254 Loose-Wiles Biscuit ... 22 l.cuisNaslnUlo 121 MacUyCo pf 08 Mazvell Motors 54) Max Motors 1st pf t4)S MaxMotora 2d pf .... 40Ji May UcptStores 4.) Mlnn&btLouls 10! Minn 4 St Louis pf ... 41! Mbtl'&bbM 1203i 1L0U 11UU Mcilcan Petroleum ... 82X Mci Petroleum pf 8J Mo Kan & 'lexas llj Mo Kan & Texas pf ... 38 MlisouriracUlo 15) Miami Copper I0i Montana Power 51 Monle'y Ward & Co pf. 112)5 112 rational llbcul; i l.'J National Ukcult pf ....121 121 ialLloali&: suit 2 NatCloadS-fcultpf ...104 NatEnamellnsi. d ... 16)i K at Lead ti&) cw'ioIk.AlrBralca .. 78 Nevada Con 15H N YN1I& H 1)25 1 New York Central b7) hYO icWest...! 28 Norfolk &. West 10 Hi North American 7Ui Northern Pacific 10S) PacUlcMall 2.i!i PacUlcTtl &. Tel 38) lrnn 10'J)t PcopiesOas 120 J20)J 120 1'LllaCo 77 0.) 03 Plltsbureh Coal 22)s 22). .2 1 Unburst! Coal pf .... 1MJ t) I'.t p Lorillard Co pf ... .117 117 117 1 ICtltU Utl i- o 1 41 Pressed fateel Car pf.... 00H 01 UJ PullmanCo 165)i loO lob Itybteel bprlng 2U JiH 30)i hiy con -'2)i 2i 2Ji lteadlos 1B1 162) 151 Heading 2nd pf 85 85 85 hep lion A. oteel -0 IH - Jtei Iron & steal pf ... bj c8l4 bj) Heck lslandCo pf .... 1 1 1 IluinelyCopf o' h teatoard Air Lino 15M It) 15) ..nVnarrl Air Lino Df . . 40 40 40 k,u,w,&Co 140 13'JH lob) 130 ttLi a Fran JH Mi J' W blobS-bhefS&LCo ... .10 42 IISU bouthern PacUlo 02 0.') 015 bouthrenlty IgH 1 bouthern Hy pf 58 U .h' 6bj btandardMUlUii: C4)f 6-1 o4 btudebaier Co b7 08 115 bludetikerCopf 100 100 100 'lennessoe Cop 33 3o!f 32) 'I.. Pacific 16! 10J 10 'lhlidAenua f5 67i tSii Too Prod Corp pref. . 101 LnlonBae Paper .... o Union Iiae A. Paper pf.. 28H United Dry uooas pi ou luton Padllo l.nlnn ParlflCDf . .. . ww.w. -7--.-- : .-., c..- .n ,.. U B Undi Aicnoi pi ou; cui ou ou U S Bed A Kef rref . ... IH 1 M lji 1M uSoiP&K.. 12 U'i UU UH United Rys Invest .... U)i Mii 1 U I'Jii United Itys IoTest pf .. 32U 3J ai, 3H Lbltubber 3X "1 1 71Jj Ub lubber 1st pf 107 107) 107 107), Lbbteel... W loii 6W 67 Lbbterfpl WMi "-8H 10 W8K New York Bond Sales lllKh 1 . un l'J- 112 04 Va HI J 101 V1l'j 14 Ml 10UI3 VI Ul-I3 , Ml . 70S . 1131 j . 4.ta oil I'Mi 117' . RSI. . HI 1111 lH)i !!, I'S . 7'l 'I'M . us: Will ji 75 r,i uj !-' SO lill't 77 117 1 j S2l3 . IJ WIN .1004 1J3S . HI . IWI . IK) .101 . 73t . nu . 41.3 if. 1. l-4 1S 1.1 UJ Ml no lor, Mil j llll1! 101-H Mi hi !M'a Ml, 1U2 in. 111! lilt H)' SiN tHiij Mi a Ml '11 1IKJI, IKM3 M Ml llfjl, 111.'!, 1 H US SN ?.ij 70 ili s '.IIMl !m l litj li'J !J IU l'a n 21 2J 11IJ Hi), ut', im 10.S III., Wis SiU'j t'i1. Hiiti !ISU (.Mj (-4 W lU'j IKIW UU'b l",s 7444 "5'j 7i 7u nist r,l"4 IIVj 1,-V; ID)U UM4 1UP4 lOP l"it(l Aeitni. I'tnr... lo jWJU Allldla Hold iv Us liiwi Amir Asr os 1LMU Amcr binelt boo bs .luutl Aiiier lei clt Ah .'lULOLi vmer 'lei ut 4s .uixi Armour 4'3i .'ji-u Atchison ti 4s 1H30 114 II .1,. . , I. In.n 101J 10U H'tOli Uu c Oh 1017 to Aiidn lo unc tit 4s KlWil Hull & Ohio 4s 1010W iiu ev lVs JUDO II ti U I' 1, IMiW V .11 uw ueui icei 1st on 2miw) do rid On -UHl Cmm lu South 8 ojowi unt Lrnihor In Si 4m Cent J'ac 1st 4s HIM) Che A. oh c 4Hs lwio Chi L Alton c M . louil i hi ,il Alton .1158 . HH.0 .hi ,v hust 111 1.3 -UUU chl A. Last 111 os mil ( 111 ,c last 111 is two Chl Ac .Nun t.en 03 2O0O LIU i i Jo nt 4s UMl t hi 11 a. u mn 4s :-'5j) c il &. ht 4 c.v is ret H1J.4 ..HUO C M A. 8t V ti 4V5S . W)ij ,U"A1 C Ml 6c bt I UV -i'uS 4UOII C 11 A. St 1 4s 1WO Col & South 41-jS . OiOlll) Con (JHH cv (1.1 loud Corn froil fm 11U4 ilKHjo Uel A Jlml 1 1UU JlWHi Ten &. Itlo Or 4s. .WW Ucn X. Illo Ur ri. I.'IriO Dls Sedir Corp 5s .OdO lm 1'ont l'ond 4V.s luo l"rlu coni In Ser A IO1K1 Frlo ccm 4s ber II. l(Hl crucial .Motor Ua . '.'OOO Hud Man In 3s .iulki Hud .Mun rM ts .. Kiuo lottn. Central rer 4s Iflll'iOO Inn Con cv On J70OO Ina c rc.ldiid (Ij'lli l-'llj UhOlXi iniorb Mot 4Vi. Tc mio interu 11 t rer rm. 21U00 Inter Mer JIar 4i3s . 10110 Internl Paper ct ."s KWO Ind Alcohol Om IO11O .lap iica Uer nla 4i3a -U(U Kun City So 1st .'Is 1,1100 I-nke ahori- lit" 1000 I.k hli deb 4s r.CS , 7000 LU bll llctl 11 nu lixioi) l.lir &. M T ."s . lOOOU Ms A.M T 7s 1.1IIMI I n lis .1 Nl-sh 4s .. 20000 Munhnttan Is . . 11-c.o Uo bta 4s .. . loon Mi' I'd Co 0s tl(Hl Mo Kan S. T 4h . 101x1 Mo Kiin T rrd la lllUOO Mo lac 1 v ."m i-000 Mo I'ailtlc cons 03 2mio Mont l'oncr f,s ti"i!IH'ic'om ini01.t'c.i)ou?ii miuilo Ilartnian llnialied tourtli, but roach Orton announced tlmt Uorsey. who Just fulled to ninke tho one-mile tpom, would be tho fourth 1 tinner with Hartnimi nnd Stout substitutes Hnrl IIiimi)hres won the trial for the four-mile teiun with Collon. DeKorn, Koethcn nnd Sneene IliilalilnB In this order In tho freshman lelay Ilolitlcld was tho winner, with ficudder, Laesern nnd Zut ter mnltinp a blanket finish. Coach Orton didn't announce nny times, but aald ho won fairly well pleased with tho results. AH of these men nro now on tho training table and will work out together until tha races next week. Thero remain two medley relay teams, but thoy will bo selected next week from tho men who qualified this morning. r,i i-i 1JJ5-J , ,h 07, I J 7U, II3 l'l7'j ij Ill's K0' j 12.1 I'Hd III UO 11(1 7111, Ml 41) 101 UJ 71.. M Ul l.'l 77', us i.' ;'4 1 77 l,7i, 1.11, Ml 1,11, 1004 111) Mil, IP 1 UU 11(1 70-1, nn 411 101' UJ 71 WILLIAM A. LAW Who has boon elected president of the First National Hank, succeed ing J. Tntnall Lea. Mr. Lea tlo siied to lie leliovcd oT active duties, lint continue as a di icctoi. Mr. Law, who is also tlio pieiident of the Amctican fiank ers' Association and was foinierly ico president of the Fitst Na tional, asHiimcs his new duties on May 1. Sales in Philadelphia 741, cb close ii Am i.eet HUKar iiu .iinRi 1 nprer 100 Am Oment t 111 Am ook . 1 (oo Amcr (.nn 020 Hjld lico 1J Cam Iron 2121 Cnm Meet in Cil Petrol Id l .M A. HI I'ml IV. 1 cnt I cnthcr IS 1:1.x Hinr 10 ITrla 21 pr UO nen Aphalt 70(1 Ir,irrl'rn Met . 2 Ins Co N m -, Ke Trl IS1, tin pri r lOII", tll,i 'lip Cnrp 17 l.ch Nn R1 I.eh illlel .... 'W Ml mil i ,ii r . nrth Cinllnl xl'x 240 I'cnna 11 It SI'i, J 1 Vlllll Sill .MfR M in Pn. --Icil pf (i lnfl I'ltlsl'C CI pf s 'I'll I In Co Hit I'hll-i riccirli r.TH P n T lr clfH .1111 ltic Cons .. II11 Itcp I A.. H in llriilliiK . .. ltilii 'Ion Helmoiit . 1110 ron Minim; .. 7", l'nlnn nnc 2ci r a 1 I I'll CM . ,1. . 0.10-, 1! S blcel til Wnrk I St . 10 York n llO.NDS. 1 .11st pro sale Kin in (!o S. PI fis "-ft Iikki HullUiio lt " HU UU Cam St kcp 1(1 liT'i tsti ,lo 11117 Pit 2(111 CI .: Pen lr li M .-(00 lliNnxconi Uj3 POU 1IKHI .lit inns I'ja ', , mm 1I0 Int " "i", 120JKI Pit cnn 4'ss '00 tOl 1100 Pllllli I.lic N 7'i .-JKKI do r,x . 101 1 2 llKHI sinnd (Ins (a SS IdOO Spin Am I Ch 101 lonO I II Hwjs t c 4h 74 llli;li I in. 4Si, 1(1 HI lOJ'O 1irj, UU', JM, .17'j r, n 411 41 41 41 in -11 1 1 1M, Hi', nn, on, my, l'i', ln Mil. -in, Ml :.-.' us .iv", 27'. Ji'4 "JUi 21 2I, 21', Jllj JH. Jl', 111. 111. 1 41; 11 lll, l,1l -, II , 7IIV 7H', 7ii, 71 72 71 Ji Close. 111 "!? 44,.'S 41) UH, inj III, J7h :'.;. Ill, 111, isji .1X1, 24 i 21' j II II fj'a 2J' 7(,'l 7(1 I', ' 7' . 7 H ti.i; 'it', M', SI', "ri.i, 7.7',. si', s SH'j Ei s-,, ro 01 nw .'4', nn. 2J'i "7U 7Vi I .1-10 ' 1, si 2JI .-mi. 1114 s(i4 '.l"l V 11 01 IS4 24), inij 2Jii (I 7RS 4t, sp, 22 1 07 IHij Closo M, HU HlKh sit inj W M7 01 00' 091, IIVM 10l, ll'll'i si 101", 104', lOI'i 111"! ll'll'i s'U, s'i, 1011, 1011, i, 741, 74', 100) 100 lii bj 20 2b)j 65JX OMi .l.il)i 1J1U 10) IdOJg bOh rOU bUlf bO) U S a tv. 1 b 16) 40 30 1H lo 5! 64 uo 100 1(1 10J 20 05'i MISS VAUCLAIN A WINNER uviii c..ii,ia 1 A 14 rfd &- 70 1000 South Hell fa .. 07ra 41,000 boll 111 l'uc cv 4s . M 400l'0 1I0 1 V ret fp Ss 1014 l 's Local Bid and Asked riiihiuii do ief Cam h eel i:iec MoniRe . .. lencr.il Asphalt . lo prcf KeHlono Tol . . do t c . . . . do pref . ... tiko Sup Corp l.elilirh N',iv . . . J -', Kf ,fJnfl:mn in nney l.cli Vnllej Tr .. ln pref I 'nn IMilIa nice . t'hllt Co . ilo per ceil ni do 11 per cent rr I'hlla It T do t .. Todac Hid Asked cfltcrdi Hid Askcl tsii, 4'Hj .102 IIU K', 4!Uj ri) .'JPa . '.IIVj 27 , I II 1,7 . 14 11', II 1l, , l- !!.'', 7.'1 70ia 1 u .1 n , 71-S, 71V r, in , in 11 r,4" r,r, Ml, ! IS ".I 10 41 Id'" 111', li, in: isi, Ml 17 II II lll.c. , 7S1, 711.1 71', 1(1 Hi, -IIS r.s'i 40 111 1, 47 HU 4 'I Ml '-a 14: if, i.-.i. 707, 7'., im, nn, -?; VJ 41 Clll(ao, Aurll hi -The wheat market openrd todnt with a otroiijr tone and n general runh lo lui .lulx was In ela livil tlio liest deinnnd, iidvsiit'nK neaily n point before prollt-tntclnR oppeuird ln the afternoon that ontlon extended Its (tain to two points, clofllntT nt 1 33's Slav leinalned relatively rpilet AVIth tho worlds wheat surtilits alieiiih taken care of, futuro supplies are ex pected to receive more attention Thero Is no countn, with tho exception of the t nlted States, that will ho In a position to ship new c-ap (train until late In September, and the Rencral opinion Is that Aiiierh.i will lontrol the Internitlonal whc.it trade durlni? 131fi Threo of the wnrlds leading surplus countries aro now exp'irllni? wliont, but almost tho ctitlro moi ni'tit to tlio deficit countries Is from Aim rlc in sources ArRcntlna, the t'nltcd stiiios and Canada aro srntlliiR out fioni IIOnOPOO to 17 000000 busri'ls n week In dia 11 nupvl Is tied up hy (lo eminent contiol of rtportltiK rorelRti mltlces stoto that Held work In Pranco Is hclng rupldlj pushed Wheat in Paris Is scllliiK at 1 ":3s. or 11 rise from ipstpnla of li cents. Intel mlttpiit freeritifr and thawlni? has r.niHiil conslilcralilo damnifo In wheat In Itumniiln nnd the ncrenKP planted Is smaller til in hiRt ear. IliiKSlaii inhlps lelliMtte that tlnre will bo iv reduction In llm area of w hett of at least 10 pci cent I2poit liuvlni: continues In Italy do splto the cnuntij's cccllcnt pasture nnd v iclil of crop Minneapolis stocks of wheat decreased 750.000 bushels fur tho week, nRalnst 70J. OtM lni'liels last jear ArRcntlno ship ments of wliot for the week amounted to f, 752 fiOO bushels, aKalnst 4,S,(K of last week Last year's shipment nt this tlmo registered S1S000 bushels. Export sales of American prnln es tcrdny axeriiKcd 800,000 bushels of wheat nnd 2.50,000 bushels of oats In ndilltlon to 75 0)0 baircls of Hour bouRht b tho Hel Rlan llcllcf Commission In the lift two llllH HrailRtrcpt s ovpnits of wheat this week wero 7.115.000 bushels last week 7.JII 000 buxhels. Inst 0.11 2s0i, 000 Imshi K shite .lull I.1B.27I.0OO bilsliclH vein 11R11 2t". M7.O00 bushels Coin slilpintuls I'lls week, l.lUl.OOi) bushels, list week, .1 OS 1 00(1, last irnr, WOO Corn shipments since Jutv 1 amountrd to .tO,sol,000 liiih?ls, compared with :,457,OW) bushels ilurinR the same peilod a year ,ik". I enllni! futures minted ns tollotti. Wheat 9'"M! Mn 1 ' ! July 1 ! l Untitnilipr 1 lilt. iSir 1 (now dePverX n ty iui lllcli 1 ul', 1 i-.v 1 10 rs 1 cm . Clo,o 1 Ins'1 I HI ! I.I tt 1,1 1 I 'II', tl . II "!, 10', hi iilenilier Oats Mm . Jul) fr'ejilrmler I.nrd--Maj . Jul) September ltlbs iMav .Itilv . bVplf nilter l'ork -Mav lull September TT-I 1 li, tl I 71 . r 1 I7'i .10 12 10 Ul 10KI ISS .V,1, 17 7Si, 7S1, r,7'j ri.'j IS', t7l', t'l' tw, "'-.' 10 1 HI 00 110 07 111 IJ 10 1,7 17 Id 17 S7 IS .11 Hid tAKked 10 10 10 IJ 10 70 17 4 IT 117 IS JJ 10 0 1000 10 07 ID 411 IO07 tl" 1- 10 IJ '10 17 fid CO t U' K 10 07 10 40 10 0 10.17 II) 117 tl(M17 fill (12 17 1 17 so is Jl) 17 42 17 27 17 112 17 77 IS 2 tlS I. LONDON STOCK MARKET 7H0OO do rfd 4s lMM) boutli llwy gen 4 . oom do con As KOO Texas Co cv Ca ens) Third Ave uJJ . Bono Trli liy .' . . 4H1 II .S Ituubcr Us 41(0 11 S fcteel 3s 2000 Union I'ac 1st 4s liOW do cv 4s IU0O do rfd 4a UKK) l.'iilon Hwii H V 4s 2000 Va Ity S IjoOo Wabasr, 4s 27000 ab l:ciil ct sla 4n 11000 Wati-P ler 1st ct 4s 100(1 Vest i:iaclrlL Rs :i0(V) Vet Md 1st 4s 51UH) V est B & M cv 3s 7'4 hJ's UU4 Ml 117', tm, loo 7S, UHa 101 4, l'H !', l1f 87 II0S J 00 785 ion; ii'.f. , ui , no 211 2(1 8 101f, IJIV u7); un 1'J 8 101 1 1 001 03 11111 ,l7!l? HI1! im "Ms 111,1, 111.", 1015; 111 l")i 4t, UU fit, lonj 07)1 United Clear Mfw Luti Copper Va-CarCUem V4;arCaem pi abasa. Wabashpf VusurnMarylind .... tateiQ Union ullngtouse Electrlo . CCoAllntf A. L, K ,..... lieeUng4'liE2d )ujktyHlianu Wisconsin Central 0 04 H 01 m 4 2J)f . 118 . 81! i . 3) .133 30 4U)f Ctlli .01' VIM l)i 4 24 to S'JJJ 40)f 04U i&M 02)f Hi 4 23J L8) 84 23 2H U0)i 120 :-ol 35) Llll lUUlLLv a tioUottapf U0 Ciottd JJx Dividend .10,) 10, It 107 40 05 29 0.4" W 4 24 08M J 2JJ 130)X Jfi)i 7 us; us; iibjj LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ,,111-ACiO. April 18.-0&3-IiecelpU. 10,- 000 llatKeta. alow, Be. butchers, T.13ST63. rough bavy. plga, Iff7, CATTJJi-- VDDK : a. ItH nuA " 1JAR SILVER amU li-'-nar siier aa an tH Tbt Loadoa quotation lugner MUed and tool ctavy, 17 Oitir 50; Jfl83ST03, Hint. J7S08T63, bulk. 17 2307 43. Rece)Dta. 1000 Marietta rfroaj- nh.vaV .208 53, stpckt. and laiaera U J)0 ii fekjM, 3lOcl.sa. cbib. ii.BliiJ "kIb-Vp ifeielBtaT oO Markfts steady. nSJi'v. ."" 7S8. Iambs. $S 10.63 Receiver for Insurance Company 1, atSlotrt rec"r for the AncborUls lo LAKE COPPER NINETEEN CENTS HOBTON, April 18 -One million pound of Calumet and llecla copi-er liavo beeu sold at lu cents, or about 2 cents above the price of electroiyiio copper ,, ., Only In war times does Ine lake brand of copper, which is auperlor for cartrldae pur noses sell at any considerable value oer castluif and other brands ol copper It la understoot 2,000 KU pounds of flectro lytlo sold at 17's ccma wllhln the last 2 houra. 'Uxporta of copper for the week ended Arrll 13 amounted to b37 ions and .since tha rtrst of April BBI tons. In this aama week last year 213T tons. NEW YORK I1UTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. April tO.-UUTTEn-Harket unsettled: receipts, 6181 packages, extra, 3U4C.: hlg-her scoring. 324i02iic : State dairy, air.;, imitation creamery. SS2Wc. UOi-aiarket lrreruwr. rei-elpts. 33,081 rackajeaj extra firsts. J21JJtc , rerular pack ed, llrsts, 21021KC, nearby whites, 23 )sc. , reg. ular packed mixed color. 20822c., nearby browns 2Jti'J3Uc: storage packed. 221lft22Sic.j extra firsts, storage packed, J)2JVc DIVIDENDS DECLARED reople's Gas Company, regular quarterly ' per cent , payable (day 23 la stock ot record West End Tryst Company, regular aemlan nual 4 per cent, patable May 1 to stock of ravord April 23. Scars-Hoebuck Company, regular quarterly Hi per cent., payabla May IS to stuck of record April 30. Uliamplon Cooper, Company, SI, Automatla KRctrlo Company, regular quar terly 1 per cm , payabla play 1 to stock of reoord April 20. .... Burns Urotbers, regular quarterly If per cent on preferred, payable May 1 to stock ot record April Id, and. 1' per cent, on common, payable May 13 to stock sf record May 1. MldHeat Refining company, regular quar terly I per cent., payable. May 1 to stock of record April SO. , ... 1'aciflc Coast Company, regular i'.i per cent, on first preferred, t per cent on tecond pre ferred and 1 per cent on common, payable May 1 'o stock of record April 20. General Chemical Company regular quarterly Vn P" ca payable June t to stock ot record May 20, Elictrlc Bond and Share company regular quicrtcrly j per cent oo common, payable April 10 to steck of rixord April 14. and reeutar auartsrlF IU oer cent on crerrJ i pAJAtla ily 1 ta atocJt ol xeoef4wU 80. Sentiment Continues Cheerful; Largo Credits Helpful. LONDON, Apill 10 Thcro was no abatement In tho cheerful fecllnB on the Stuck i:clinngc today, although some Ir regularity wns noted Tho Indebtedness of the market to the banks on old com mitments Is now estimated at less than 20,000,000 C'ontldenco In tho outeomo of the war and the laiKe lloutlnp; credits nre now helpliiK lnestmcnt buylnfi. Tho tono In the trllt-edced section was harder Then' was less actlvlu in tho war loin because of feara of competition from tho new treasury hills. In which tho public ta now participating Homo railway Issues were bought on a llslit scale. The American Bectlon was htrons, fol low Int; New York. I'nlted States Steel was tho leader. Vesterdn's harmonious annual meetliiB of the Clrnnd Trunk was responsible for tho ilrmness ln the shares. Hussluns showed strength. Chinese nud Japan Issues wero Irregular Diamonds and coppers had a good tons Itlo Tlntos woie 'a above the level prevailing at the end of July, being quoted at fil3 Senti ment In rubber and oils was cheeiful. Amal Copper Atchison . n a o . . . fnn rncltlc dies A "lila Chl fit West .. Chl M S. fat 1 Krlo do 1st pref 111 Central loula i. Nash .. Mo K A Texas N V Central Norf & West . . N Y (Jnt A West l'ennsyivani iieaain South South Union I' a bteel i'n anta Incrtaie. Lecrtaee l-ondon cmsw . 77 ..M5sv- .. uoi; .. )! .. 411 ....8 ..i8Jta i N. oiulv i4 nu 7's 'SB1' ,V,5; 4 ; 1US HUH 87l ; lllOl' a. M -lit rlvanla M 0S - ; itwy .v.:. .v.v.v;:...:ftg Ju3 Paclao OS Olli s RANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with cone .pondln, day fasywo jeur. mj """imc .its 4 I'hllalel- RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia 3H94 lew Vork r"!-1' lloslon i.Mv Chicago .... u4 Commercial paper, 3 to 6 month, phia, 3)4 per cent FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW TfOHK, April IB. The foreign ex change market opened steady, with demand atcrllnr olt H rnM, Mkl 0uUotr? Cables ... 4 TO",. 3 3H 4J Sfljj 13 oJ Demaad 4 IU5,, 3 3: 1i tt MOVEMENT OF MONEV NEW YORK, April 10. llanka received from interior 720-000 and .shlppad to interior . 060.000, Including J2 41D0W national bank notes ' m to abliifftoa for redemption, as In fro" iBlerior 8 t0.000 i.ln on Sub. treasuiy operations proper was 7,4?S,000, mik Icg total (sla 311.lM.0W, LOCAL HIJSIXESS SHOWS KHY IjITTLK UIAXtiH Model ntc Impiovcment Seen in Some Lines, Howevei. On tho whole, theic la very little change In business conditions In this city. In sonio lines slight Improvement Is noted, and tho ftittim generally looks hiighter. It O Dun & Co, lu thtlr weekly icvlcw, t-ny: In the local cotton market It Is te ported tlmt conditions i cumin about tho same as for tho last two weeks llu ing Is usualH ln small quantities for Im mndluto use, although some houses report that the.v havo hail a good flit mo In ((ilr. Prices aro linn and steady and I show a rising tendeni v A number of local mills using cotton varus art' onl operating to about 40 lo NI pel cent, of their cop.ultj and tome mills even less. oino hosiery mills, however, who manu facture special iiumbcis, principally for order ti.ule. report that thej aio well supplied with oidcrs, but this Is only occasional Jlanufai Hirers generally ap peal to bo optimistic and mo endeuvoilng to keep down their ovcrhrad chuiges and looking forward to better business con ditions. Conditions in tho local wool market remain much tho same os for the last two weeks Tho mills appear to bo falily well supplied with forplgn wools, and as a result do not appear to bo verj much Interested In tlio domestic clip. Western growers. It Is understood, nro still ask ing high prices, unci buers aro Tioldlng off for lowei llgures There is but little Improvement In tho goods market Car pets aro especially dull, manufacturers stating that tbev nro operating away below their norml output Tho Iron nnd steel mtrket Indicated soma Improvement und pig lion Is re ported to bo moro active, vlth produc tion Increasing Consldeiablo business Is reported In machine tools for export, nod In finished material mills nie stated to bn fairly well supplied with orders for tho near future Railroad biolng con tinues to b small, but some Improvement is noted In locomotive manufacturing. Ships aids continue busy nnd inlfltelhine mis business Is reported somewhat moio active. Prices are reported to be fairly firm and collections said to show soma Improvement. Tho coffee market lemalus quiet, with but llttlo trade in future,),- spots were also rtulet. Tea market Is quiet, with feeling cheerful, as It has been for sev eral months, for the movement of new teas, and owing to the smallness of ware, houso stock pi Ices will keep Ilrm. Thero has been considerable Inquiry In the trade In KormoBas, especially the medium grade, trade buying what it wants and palng tho price. Tho sugar murket Is quiet and unchanged, the usual 3 per cent, discount being quoted for case in seven days. $65,000 FOR EXCHANGE SEAT Up ?31,000 Since War Began Bet ting Price Will Go Still Higher. NEW YORK April Id -A seat on the Stock Fxchangs sold ror (05 000 todav according to report up 430OU from )eterc!ay's alio and $11,000 above the low point when war set In. Bets were made today that the price of memberships would reaih $?.0O0 by June, and It was rumored late In the day that a bid lor 470 000 had been made 'ihe recent advance In aeala has been almost as spectac ular as the sudden development ot buovancy In the stock market, , The broadening of Investment demand and the lorrespondlns Inciease la brokers' prorlts have been directly responsible for the Jump la the price of membership which have risen from yii.OCO lu 1014 ani US. 000 at the b. ilnnlng of the present J jar to fOO.OOu The following tablo give the high and low figures li recent years. 1913 11)14 lW 11112 1011 1010 10. 1D0T 1UO0. 1(03 1604 100(1 1M.2 1SOI High fbOOOO &S.0OO Vt.GOO .... sJ.& Txw 138.000 31 000 37 000 M.OOil K3.000 IfiOOO 51.000 78 000 72 00O S7 0O0 31 OOU as 000 40 54V) 37.(001 GRAIN AND FLOUR Mill. r ilecelpls, 134 01(1 hunli The mark't wis 2c lilehcr nlth n ffllr export ilo muni (Juoimions car lot. In eniott ele cntor No 2 red. enot, 1 r.'ifll 0J No 2 rc1 VAmetn 1 04tfl 11, nound Ints ln cxpotl eVvnior o 2 red rpnt nnd April II im t 11's Vo :' rol Wcfrn 1 0'j1f I 7o'4 So 1 NnrtVrn Duliitli. (I hiHfl 7J ()IIN. -IterelpU, 3000 bush Ilxporl de Ilirrles were tac higher and local oar lots ruled firm, but trade nm quiet (Juotstlons t"ir lots. In export elevator No 2, spoi nnd April, 77fT78c steamer, 73H5iiO,4c,. Nn 1 ,4'i'ii?S'le far lots for lornl Dole, nf to locitlon-N'n 2 Jrlloic. SIHir , eleimrr jellow, 7HHSO., No 1 sellow, "iWJsc Kn I velloi, 7.ii7(lc Minnlo jello. 70it7lc , new nh jier 70 lbs 7SSJ7SK OATS. Hecelpts, r,8,471 bush The mar K" Unn nulit but firm Willi llffllt nfTprinas (vuotAtlons No 2 whit". (I1'i)(l4c. . (andtd while (U'iJ?(l3c No I white MvirltiU lltl! tlrm Wo qtinie at Jllilfll IS Pr bush on 10 qiialltv In export elevator, and el II OVjri 14 for emill lots of nearby grnln In bags 11 (Hit llecelpn, 480 tibln and 840 01(1 lbs In socks Trndn c'llet, but mill limlis iilglier, lu et inili, with vvhint Ve iiuotn lei liKi lbs In wood -Winter, clear, (. (fltiU dV do, slrnlgH, $(i sjf7 id, do, imlent, lij"!' 7 irfi Kansus, sirutght, Jute picks, 17 1011, 1, d" pnient, nile Nicks, 7 IV,i7 11 rj'rliiB. flrt, clrnr, IU.S1S7 30. do , stinlght, 7 line 7 40, c!o , patent, 17.30,(7 SO,, do, tniorllo brands, ss lis .". clt) mllN. choice and fancy toilrnt, S,7SJ city mills, rmular Rradcs ninici clear. ft KKni sv do, straight, (l SiV 7.10 do, patent, 7 1(Vl!7',vi lt 1; 1 I Ol'lt, Offerings light nnd thn murket firm, hut trade quiet V e qunto near In nnd VVestrrn In wool nt S0.3i3ii 7. , ns to qllllllt). PROVISIONS Tl.e mnrket ruled etead), but Ihcr" ichh little Undine- Uuotvtlons nt beefs In eels smok ed and nlr-drled JVQJoc VNestern beef. In 11 ts smoked 25t?-uc , cltv beef, Knucklet and tend'rs smoked nnd nlr-drled. 27328c , Western beer kmiikles nnd tctidets, smnked, Sifi.'sc b.er I111111H H1rl2' polk, fnmll) l.tCOIUJ limn, i, 1' cured loom, I 1!J1J',c . do skinned loore lJi,ff12'tc do . do smoked 1Jij1H,c other hams smnked, city ;uirl. os in briinl and ucomitc, 11i,t4c ham 1 imolii'l Wfetern cured l'',9Hr , do boiled boncleM, JJSi'JTIc plcnlo fhoul ders S I' cured loose lOiflO'tc , do , smoked. IvtftO'ic , I clllej In pickle c cordlni; to nvrraice loose, 12'412,c , brcas rnst Lrnon n. to brant and nveraRe. city 1 arc I Jil',wi7'4c breakfnst bacon. Western cuied. lOU'ifWHc lard. Weslern rellned, Merer 1IKIII4C , do, do, tubs, lliltl'.c lard, puro ilt) kettle rendered, In tierces, linil'.r , lard, puro city, kettle rendered. In tubs. Unlike REFINED SUGARS Tlio market was quiet but nteady. e quote standard Rranulnted. 5 PSc , dun gran ulaled. f Hoc , Powdered, Ho confectioners' A, , sic , soft modes, B.ooiTo.OSc DAIRY PRODUCTS llt'TTr.It The mnrket wns quiet, with mi IniinrtHnt clinnao In prlies. cjuntntlons cptirn. trieh unlid pnektd rreimer). tunc), aid 111 14c. cMrn, IJc . ixlra flrulp 31c ilrctw. 2llf Oc eecjnde, .ilflJ7c , laille-ptckcd, luiiJlc , ns tu qualltv neurb) prints. ranc, .'.- nverope extra I4c llrsli .IdStlJc . sec onds, 27f(2(lc spccliil fancj 'br.iiids of prims Jol blnu nt .Hif4Jc 1 (,IS were In Rood dem ind nnd firm, with moderate receipts Ciuctniloiis In lrce mi". rmrlv extras. 22c per do neirl tlrffts II 111 per etnndnrd cao nearb current lei Ipt fit lr, per case Western ixtln llrsts, il 11 1 ,r i-oe do, llrsts, ?il 1 per chiio, outhein rifli prr ense fnnci sclcctel enn dlf I frcih ikks ccin Jobbed out at 2l4Jc. pi r dm CHI'EHB. Trade wns fair and the mar ket ru'"d Ilrm undir lluht nrferlnKS Quntt tlons New ork, lull cream, full make fan,. t-'tJUT'K ,to , fair to (Mod, 18iltl7o , do., rin, current malcc. J3'i0lu.. do-, part skims, Stlllc POULTRY I.IIR, Demand was fair and the rharket ruled llrin, wllh supplies pretty, well tleancd up tjiiointlons 1 olt nolTVjc : 61d roosters, 1S0 IJiji , inutiR rhlrkens. koft.rneatrd, l7)Rc 1 do do, stnggy, llfiln . turkeys, , lMJi7c , ducks, ISifl.c grese UflKk:. ( guiflras, ns to qiptlltv. per talr MflTOe , pigeons, old, per tnlr 5i'l0c , do joung, per pair, 22flS.V, OUI.SSKI) OrrerlnRs moderate and the market f,rnrrallj steady, but trade quiet Quo InMons I renh killed fowle 12 to bo, dry nicked and lii-paekcd. fancy selected, 10c 1 dn . vcelghlng 4Ma1 lb apiece, , 18 do. an. neigiiing (VI'' '" apiece, ibc 00. ViOl lbs apiece. 18c, do, 3. lbs. apiece, Jt17c. do, unler .1 lbs apiece, 14915c row's inns , nrj-picKea s Western. 4'itS lbs npldce. 171 1 ",i n, . imil7e . 1 o . do . 1 ICjiOc Fowls. Ice-pftcked, choice, dry-packed, :.r do . do Iti5il7c , do , do , 1 lbs and under. ire-packed, . cnoico, itmc OH roosters, dr) picked, nvjo. Hauabs, per i'ox , white, weighing 11 to 12 lb , per do , I4H4 white, weighing 0 to 10 h,. ter ,'or . J.14IKIIIKI. do. do. R lha per do , 2 739 1 do , do , 7 lbs per doi , tiai M 10 . do , IKid'i lbs per dot,, II W3 1 Ji. dark nnd N'n 2 ftoc.rail Froren poultry Nl ai to quality lUltlSc. . chickens dry; picked and dry-packed, In boxes milk-fed, i Jill 11)1. to do2 , lHc , do 370I2 Ibt. ta dot., lie . do, 41li lbs to dot, 18c: do,. 4S lbs. ta dot , 20c , do., UO lbs. and over. Jtc ; corn fed .11 &T4 J lbs to dot inc. do., 4JB47 lbs. to i'oz , 17c, do, 48 lbs to dot, 10c: do., 0 lbs. and over 20a lilckens, dry-picked and dr -packed. In bblie -Western, corn-fed. H lbs. slid nier, iSc, do. do 4 lbs., 17JJ17MCI do, do jy, lbs , 13'te : do . do , 2HB.1 lbs., UU lc , broilers, milk-fed fancy, 18624 lbs. In box. 27c. do . fancy, 23a21 lbs, te dor 24e , corn-fed fancy lSJJM Ibl to dot., 2.V do prime, J5S10 lb to dot , 22o. Tur kjvs, dr -picked and dry-packed Ksncy, 2lO 22c fair to good. 185720c old tome, l5lt2lc.i ducss fancj. In boxes 1718e.: do, ordinary to good. 12rtl6c , geeen choice and fancy, lStl l'i do. No 2, ISffllc FRESH FRUITS llie eupph and demand wero both moderate, I'rlies showel little 1 hnnge quotations :VJits-Sen ol, fcr ''hi York imperial IJ111 Oreenlnc. 2fTl King IS 7SSR CO, 8p, l."'Hll."i lialdwln J2 Visi I 23 lien Davis. Jl ,"tjvi other no,l callnir varieties, ll.nohi 2 H). medium, Slot Mi apples Western, per hn, Jl 2VW2 nriles. Deinwnie nnd Pennmlin tils per hamper HOrtlnii lemons, per box. IJ 2 , ornnftes, Tlorlda. per box. II 73J?3i Brnrefrult Florida. 1 er box 1 2R2 Ml; plne applos, per crate Porto Hlco. I1SJ3 30: Florida, Mn cranberries fine) late vnrletlcs, per bbl , $3 0ci4 10 crnnberrles, Jeriey. per crnte, 27fic , strawbcrrlea, Florida, per quart, 20tf VEGETABLES Choice stock Bold fairly and price -generally ru ed atendj Quotations Vhlte potatoia. per bush -Pennsylvania, B7J00c. ifalne, ni OSc. New York, as to quality, 4530e white polniper, Florida, per I til No. 1, 13 3038; JNo. J 4 Mf sweet potatoes Delaware, per liamiior-I.crKe Jl 2'iffl 7 medium. oOcJTgl; swert potatoes Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. I 2 2.-iff3 2 No J 1 fOfrl 73, sweets. Jersev. per hill -No 1. n7r,iSM7S. No 2, 1232 50: siieetH .tersej per Inskel 73cl.2V ohloi a, iholin pi r IO0-II1 bag, ll.S0ltl.Tn do., ineluni per lon-lb bng llwi.2.: cnbbaae, Dnnlsh per ton. JS.IT, 10 do Florida, per basket, IW3'7 ciiullitower New York, per cMie Jl 7.v,r2 2., eplnnch Norfolk, per bbl., II SOfj 2 kale, Norfolk tier bbl., II; lettuce, Texas ter Imsli -luisket 0()ff7',c , do., Florida, per liisket. Ilri 73 beans. Florida, wax., per lnskei. J. iff I'd, do Florida, green, per liHsket. Wit"! () pons l'lorlda, ner b'isket, s.al rggplnnt Horlda per box. JJ?.1 6(1. , in nml cm Flnrldn per basket., ll.SOlf", biuiiIi Florida pi r InnKet J-'.'jr.HH; pep I ers I'lorl In prr Hurler. SJiai 2. beets 'Flor id 1 per Its) tu-nclKB J.li. timiatoes Florida. lrr cairli-r, $in , "0 celery. Florida. pr crate I12(2 do New York, per bunch. 3 iti.'Oi uepnracus .South Carolina per bunch, .OfrISc . mushrooms, per 4.1b. baakct, COclJ FINANCIAL BRIEFS The Nevada Consolidated Copper Com pnnv h annual irport shows total Income mini to Jl.7b10.lt. against fl.lSI.SV, In 1011 The ItiLomo was equal to SS cents tin the stuck against Jl 71 the previous year Cop per production foi 1111 1 was l'j,2ll,03u pounds at 13 305 cents pci pound com pared with GI,972,S:9 pounds at 11 S71 cents the ptcvloua year. After toda stock of tho Columbus rtall waj and Light Companv will be c clmiucd for stock of the Columbus ltall wav, Towel and Light Companj, nccoid lug to teims of the metger agieement made ln tho latter part of 1513. and the osclinngo virtually will complete the con solidation of several utilities companies operating In and about Columbus, Ohio The cotton expoita today were U.Olo bale), against 9116 last jeai, total for tho season, G,S33,7S bales., .lgulnst 8,010,523 lust si ason. Over K',000 shares of Lako Superior changed hands toda F n. rortmejer una elected treasurer of tho National Lead Company, succeed ing SI. 1). Cole, resigned. The (liuirtcily dividend on Slldwcst Oil was p.iseil owing lo the low price of crudo oil. New York banks lost J20I 000 to the sub- tieasury and since Inst Triday gained ! J7,l9S,O0O At ,1 meeting of tho directors of tho Assets Realization Company. O SI P. Murphv wits elected president to succeed I111 SI Cobc L A. I'ottet, Jr, and u. . MarMiall were named vice presidents to succeed Sir, Murphy and Campbell Car lingtou Tha board of directors of the Philadel phia Electric Company met today and or ganized, and re-elected all present oillcers of tho company. Tho "ioiniKstown Sheet and Tubn Com pany haH tiled a certificate with tho Sec retary of State of Ohio Increasing its capital stock from J J5.000 000 to JJO.CW.OOO Tho stock Incrc.tso was lecently atithoi Ized by the company for extension to the works. Tho syndicate which otTcred JJ,:S0.00O of tho S per cent first mortgugo bonds of I'ennssivanla AVatcr nnd Tower Com piny has disposed of all tho bonds and the Byndlcato has been dissolved Tho Jf.OOO.ooo Commonwealth Kdlson Company llrst mortgage S por cent bonds, duo 19IJ, purchased a few das ago by a sndlcale. have all been sold Tho public offering was ut 100. Tho bonds lire now 100U bid. ln a letter to Trestdent 'Wilson E B. Thomas, president of tho Lehigh Vnlley, sava that the rompanv will expend about $1,000,000 as business conditions Improve In the manner ho thinks they will. Tho annual meeting of the stockhold ers of tho Tonopah Mining Companj, of Nevada, will be hold Slay i. for tho elec. Hon of directors for tho ensuing year, and for tho transaction of such other busi ness as may come before tha meeting Tho management Is asking for proxies. Emery, Treed & Co. were sellers ot I-tke Superior The reported movements of currency this week Indlcato a gain lu cash by banks of a little over $11,000,000. There was withdrawn from the United' States Assay Oitlco in New York (300,000 In gold for shipment to tbe Philadelphia Sllnt for coinage of Cuban money. A special meeting of the stockholders of tho J. O 111 111 Company will be held on Slay 17 for tho purpose of taking ad tlon on a proposition to sell certain por tions of icnl estato belonging to the company. Tho New Cotton Exchange Clearing As sociation wns chmcred In Albany today with a nominal capital of J1M0. Tho board of governors of the New York Consolidated Stock Exchange has adopted a resolution that all scats now on solo In the secretary's ofilco unsold hy Slay tl will bo canceled Thcreafter iiitending buveis will havo to purchase neats of retiring tnembeis. Futu I EOAT. ADVERTISEMENTS jy, NOTICE 18 HEREI1Y OI EN THAT an application will be made to the (lovernor of the State ot Vtnnaylvanla, on Tuesday. May 4.. 181S, by lerdbiand t. Kibe, Tbonuu Holland 1'ul.t und John W, Keller, under the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act. to provide for tbe Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." ap proved April 20, IST4, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended cor. poratton. to be called TUB CHBSTKR AND REOENT REAI, ESTATE COMPANY, the charaoter and objeot ot which la for the purpose 01 purcnasins. nemms. stuns, more atructtna erecting- and uaintali Ihks and tmnrDvexnenta tbereon. hi Duroose to have, cosaesa and en) Ilfbta. benefits and privileges of set of Assembly and Its suDDteinei AUtTHHU J VVJV)il.NHN Bcliciior. res To deal in "futures" is to speculate. Many so-called investments arc based on futures. They are not really investments. The clement of speculation dominates. The conservative investor considers only the past and the present so far as earnings are concerned and tangible assets so far as value is con cerned. Our offerings are based upon past performance, es tablished earnings and tan gible assets. The value and the earnings are ascertained. You can have our booklet upon request. The White Investing Co. Walter A brlxtour. Plilln. Msr. Morris Building Sound Investments X Tho fnctors of safety nnd yield aio the basis for our classification of a sound in vestment. Neither has been lost sight of In nny security we offer. FRAZffiR&GtV BANKERS 132 South 15th Street $100,000 City of Phila. 4s Due July 1, 1939 Particulars upon application A. B. Leach & Co. New IIS SOUTH FOURTH STREET 311 Phone Lombard 3T on, Chicago Uwton Leaden k.1,0 ron asas build aaaaaor this aaaaavt th LsiUd 6IVfortgnge Bonds Maturing in 5 Year Secured by valubale property at Ut Vocono. to be devoted, to laterally Hospital aod convalescent -aiuitnr -turn. This. losiUuHon aulpid ta da41t41usr Twgb.t filaep, yci'otdins to th frelbnrn teftbolSti Full par iiculirs on rtcueaK JUifiis in i&uo aumiots Wrte tt j44ala te Wt Pone) SticnurlUai tjfcluwejf cure litel dvlph-a. , w